F-L Portable Gas Detection Standard

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Fuels & Lubricants

Portable Gas Detection Standard

Approved: July 2021

Version 1.0

©2021 by Chevron Corporation

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Fuels & Lubricants – Portable Gas Detection Standard

Portable Gas Detection Standard

1.0 Introduction

Portable Gas Detection requirements are designed to help prevent personnel from potential
exposure or injury, property damage or adverse environmental impact from hazardous
atmospheres that may exist in the workplace.

This standard defines the Fuels & Lubricants (F&L) requirements for Portable Gas Detection
instruments and equipment.

Occupational hygiene sampling and exposure monitoring are not included in this standard.

Note on text formatting:

Letters in Parentheses (e.g., (A)) indicate linkage to the requirement in the Corporate Portable
Gas Detection Standard.

2.0 Requirements
1. The conditions under which Portable Gas Detection and personal gas monitors are to be
used are as follows. (A)
2. Gas testing shall be required when there is a potential for any hazardous working
atmosphere, including oxygen deficient or enriched environments, flammable/explosive
conditions, immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) atmospheres, or toxic
atmospheres above permissible exposure limits. (B)
3. Portable gas testing must be performed and evaluated by a Qualified Gas Tester (QGT)
(M) or by a person under training, in the presence of a Qualified Gas Tester.
a. Only a QGT may perform initial, renewal and revalidation gas testing for permit
b. A Competent Gas Monitor (CGM) may perform only continuous gas monitoring
4. Gas testing shall be performed and/or personal gas monitors (wearable) shall be worn
where there is a risk of a potentially hazardous atmosphere including, but not limited to the
following activities: (C)
a. Hot work
b. Confined space entry
c. Isolation of hazardous energy activities as predetermined by the Hazard
d. Excavation and trenching
e. Emergency response (e.g. leaks, spills, etc.)
f. Process and production operations, handling or storage of hazardous materials
or cargo (e.g., manufacturing facilities, drilling and productions facilities,
storage tanks, ships/shipyards, tank cars, hazardous waste sites).
g. Other activities or conditions as defined by the reporting unit/facility.

Note: Personal passive gas monitors must not be used for initial, renewal and revalidation
gas monitoring purposes. They are only designed for personal alarm purposes.

5. Gases must be tested in the following order: (D)

a. Oxygen content (i.e., % O2)
b. Flammable/explosive gases and vapors (i.e., %Lower Explosive Level (LEL))
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c. Toxic gases and vapors (e.g., hydrogen sulfide (H2S), benzene).

6. Acceptable criteria for gas testing results (e.g., %LEL, %oxygen, and permissible exposure
limits of other gases) shall be described and conform to applicable legal requirements, as
well as Chevron standards and/or accepted best practices. Appropriate controls (e.g.,
engineering, administrative or PPE) must be used to control exposures consistent with gas
testing results. (E)
The following atmospheric conditions / limitations apply:
a. Oxygen outside of 19.5% to 23.5%. Work in environments less than 19.5% O2
must only be conducted by specially trained personnel or contractors in
conformance with all COEM requirements.
b. LEL must not exceed 5% (0% for hot work)
c. IDLH & Ceiling limits referenced from applicable regulatory and Chevron
Occupational Exposure Standards (see http://etc.chevron.com/hes-
7. Work shall not commence until gas testing results are within acceptable criteria defined
above. (F)
8. Gas testing shall be permitted and managed in accordance with the applicable F&L Permit
to Work Standard and/or other applicable Managing Safe Work standard requirements
(e.g., Hot Work, Confined Space Entry, and Excavation). (I)
9. Confined Space gas testing requirements:
a. Gas tests for approving entry must be performed by a Qualified Gas Tester.
i. Gas tests for Confined Space Entry must document a Lower Explosive Limit
(%LEL) of < 5% before approval is allowed.
ii. Confined space entry must occur no more than 2 hours after the QGT has
tested the area and cleared it for entry, except if continuous gas monitoring
is in place.
b. Renewal gas testing must be performed by the Qualified Gas Tester (QGT)
within 2 hours after a worker’s entry.
c. Continuous gas testing is also required for confined space entry, in addition to
initial, renewal and revalidation testing. Continuous gas monitoring shall be
conducted by a Competent Gas Monitor (CGM) or QGT.
i. Sites may designate and document circumstances where continuous gas
monitoring may be waived due to risk of damage to the equipment (e.g.,
excessively dusty conditions, water mist) or required monitoring is
ineffective, providing that periodic gas testing frequencies are defined
appropriate for the risk.
d. An extension wand or tubing must be used to sample as far into the space as
possible without making entry. Special consideration must be given to sample
all levels of the space to account for atmospheric stratification.
e. When the entire confined space cannot be sampled using an extension wand
or tubing, the QGT must enter the space wearing a supplied air breathing
apparatus to gas test the space. (N)
i. The QGT must have a confined space entry permit / certificate (issued
specifically for gas testing) in accordance with the F&L Permit to Work and
Confined Space Entry Standard.
f. For spaces requiring continuous ventilation, the ventilation system must be shut
down for a minimum of 15 minutes prior to conducting initial gas testing of
confined spaces.
i. The ventilation system must be returned to service upon completion of the
gas test and must never be stopped while workers are inside the confined

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10. Excavation and trenching gas testing requirements:

a. Gas testing must be performed for all excavations by a Qualified Gas Tester
(QGT) upon detection of:
i. Unexpected odors (e.g., exhaust fumes, H2S odors, etc.).
ii. Unexpected subsurface structures (e.g., pipelines, drums, tanks, etc.).
iii. Unexpected leaks, releases, seeps or discharges of vapors or liquids
(including water).
b. The QGT will determine the frequency for follow-up gas testing based on the
potential hazards identified and will document this on the Permit to Work. (A
Competent Gas Monitor may be designated for follow-up gas testing).
c. Excavations deeper than 4-feet (1.2 meters) are defined as confined spaces
and must conform to the gas testing requirements above.

11. Hot Work gas testing requirements:

a. Initial and revalidation gas testing must be performed by a Qualified Gas Tester
(QGT) after the work site and equipment have been isolated and prepared per
the requirements in the F&L Hot Work Standard.
b. Gas testing, when required, must encompass an area of 50 feet (15 meters)
around the work location where flammable materials have a potential to impact
the hot work such as sumps, drains, liquid boots, flanges, valves, pump seals,
clamps on lines, storage tank headspaces.
c. The following gases must be tested in the following order when conducting
initial gas tests for Hot Work and must conform with the following limits before
approval is allowed:
i. Oxygen (%O2): >19.5% and <23.5%
ii. Lower Explosive Limit (%LEL): < 5%
Note: for F&L, LEL readings for Hot Work shall not exceed 0%.
d. The Site may review and approve hot work above 5% LEL by using the site
Management of Change or Deviation process but hot work is never allowed
above 10% LEL.
e. Hot work authorization must not extend beyond 12 hours without a new gas
test and permit renewal.
f. Hot work activities must begin no more than 1 hour after the QGT has tested
the area and cleared it for hot work to start.
i. In the absence of continuous gas monitoring, in circumstances where work
has not begun or is stopped for a period of more than 1 hour, the hot work
permit/certificate / form and gas testing by a QGT must be revalidated
before work can resume.
g. The QGT will determine the frequency for follow-up gas testing based on the
potential hazards identified and will document this on the hot work permit. (A
Competent Gas Monitor may be assigned for follow-up gas testing.)
h. Continuous gas monitoring for %LEL is required inside of a Restricted
(Hazardous (Classified)) Areas for all hot work.
i. Specific requirements for vehicle entry into restricted areas (C1D1 / C1D2) and
hand-held battery operated devices are outlined in the F&L Hot Work Standard.

12. Atmospheres that are potentially stratified shall be tested according to applicable legal
requirements, as well as Chevron standards and/or accepted best practices. (S)
13. When an area is suspected of being contaminated, gas detection readings must be taken
during the approach to the area (e.g., hazardous material spill/release, etc.). (T)
14. The conditions and frequency with which follow-up testing is required shall be described.
Follow up testing is always required under these conditions: (O)

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a. As determined by the QGT when performing all other types of work in

potentially flammable/explosive conditions, immediately dangerous to life or
health (IDLH) atmospheres, toxic atmospheres above permissible exposure
limits, or other hazardous atmospheres.
b. Whenever the work site is unattended for more than 1 hour without continuous
gas monitoring.
c. Prior to beginning work after a shift change occurs.
d. Anytime there are changes in work conditions (e.g., emergencies, significant
ambient temperature changes, work disruptions, etc.).
e. At any other time specified by the reporting unit/facility.
15. Conditions for which continuous gas testing is required shall be described. Continuous
gas testing is always required under the following conditions: (P)
a. Hot work performed inside a hazardous (classified) / restricted area.
b. At any time required by the work permit / form and/or Hazard Analysis.
c. Whenever hazardous atmospheric conditions may occur.
d. Confined space entry
16. If gas testing results exceed the acceptable limits the following actions must be executed
in the order listed below: (G)
a. Stop work immediately.
b. Evacuate workers from the hazardous area.
c. Review work conditions and the source of hazardous condition.
d. Implement mitigation solutions.
e. Retest the atmospheric conditions.
f. Revalidate work permits/ form per F&L Permit to Work Standard before
returning to work.
17. Portable Gas Testing instruments and equipment (including sensors and detectors) shall
meet applicable legal requirements, manufacturer’s recommendations, Chevron
standards and accepted best practices including but not limited to the following: (H
a. Approved for use in potentially hazardous atmospheres (e.g., intrinsically safe)
by a recognized testing organization (exception: no intrinsically safe instrument
and equipment exists).
b. Appropriateness for the monitored environment (e.g., sensitivity, specificity,
temperature, moisture, inert environments and susceptibility of sensor to
poisoning or inhibition by other gases present).
c. Capability of measuring oxygen content, combustible/flammable limits and
toxic gases and vapors accurately to the lowest concentration at which the
material becomes hazardous.
d. Having both audible and visual functioning alarms.
e. Having established alarm set points.
f. Having personnel placement criteria for personal gas monitors.
i. If used, Personal passive gas monitors must not be used for initial, renewal
and revalidation gas monitoring purpose as they are only designed for
personal alarm purposes.
ii. If used, Personal gas monitor should be placed/clipped around chest area
over the personal protective clothing should it be used.

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18. The following requirements for gas detection instruments and equipment shall be
described in accordance with manufacturer instructions including but not limited to: (J)
a. Maintenance and inspection (e.g., leak tests, connections, batteries).
i. The instrument shall be inspected for physical defects, to ensure that is has
no visible cracks, the seals are still intact, and the filters (including the filter
on the probe / wand) are clean and not discolored.
ii. The battery life shall be checked – instruments with battery charge levels
of less than 50% shall not be used, as the instrument could power off while
the testing is in progress.
iii. The sample line and probe / wand shall be tested for leaks.
b. Storage conditions (e.g., temperate environments, dust-free, away from
chemical vapors).
i. Instruments should always be stored in a cool, non-hazardous environment
and in its original case.
c. Field verification of instrument accuracy (e.g., function/bump test, full
i. Self-Check (Bump Test) must be conducted at a minimum daily or before
ii. Bump tests must be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer’s
iii. Calibration is required at a minimum monthly (not to exceed 30 days) unless
alternatives are recommended by the manufacturer.
iv. Additional intervals based on environmental conditions (e.g., exposure to
environmental conditions such as sensor poisons).
d. Manufacturer calibration. The instrument is to be sent to the manufacturer /
supplier for servicing and calibration, or during any of the following conditions :

i. When an instrument does not pass a field full calibration.

When an instrument does not pass a full calibration test, it must be
recalibrated by the manufacturer, unless manufacturer-approved
techniques allow for simple repairs that will resolve the problem (e.g.,
replacement of sensors outlined in manufacturer guidelines).
ii. More frequently, as recommended by the manufacturer (e.g., exposure to
environmental conditions such as sensor poisons).
e. Compatible or manufacturer approved accessories and supplies (e.g., tubes,
filters and probes).
f. Records shall be maintained of the Bump Test, Monthly Full Field Calibration
and the Annual Service and available at the site where the instrument is being
19. Gas detection equipment shall be calibrated with certified calibration gases of known
concentrations. (K)
a. The Calibration Gases must be used within the expiry date reflected on the
b. The list of gases in the cylinder must match the sensors on the instrument.

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20. Gas testing equipment, supplies and media (e.g., colorimetric tubes, calibration gases)
shall not be altered, used if damaged, or used after expiration of the designated service
life. (L)
21. Personnel involved in work activities that require gas testing (e.g., Authorized Entrants,
their authorized representatives or other affected personnel) shall be allowed to observe
initial and all subsequent gas tests. (R)
a. Asset Optimization contractors are required to provide their own 4 gas
detectors, which will be used by their trained staff (QGT and/or CGM) to monitor
their work environment. The contractor will be responsible to ensure that the
user of the instrument is properly trained by the supplier and that all required
records (Training Certificate, Bump Test, and Monthly Full Field Calibration &
Annual Service Records) for the instrument is available at the jobsite.
22. Personnel assigned responsibilities in gas detection roles and workers using personal
gas monitors must be trained and competent. (U) (V)
23. Training requirements and competency assessments for personnel authorized in gas
detection and personal gas monitors shall be documented. (W)
a. Refresher training shall be conducted at least every 3 years and may be
conducted more frequently to maintain or enhance QGT competency.
24. The Gas Detection Standard shall define the policy for record retention (e.g., calibration
results) that meets applicable legal, corporate, and operating company requirements (or
at least six months, whichever is more). (X)

3.0 Roles and responsibilities

Table 1: Roles, Responsibilities & Competencies

Minimum Performance-Based
Role Responsibilities
Skills Required
Work Crew Members • Understands the planned work and • F&L MSW Process and
(i.e. Field personnel) emergency notification procedures relevant Standard elements
• Follow all required procedures pertaining to their work
• Adheres to all permits and hazard • F&L Isolation of Hazardous
analysis conditions Energy Std.
• Understands responsibilities to place
personal locks onto isolated systems
or equivalent Process.
• Understands when to stop work
Portable Gas • CGM may perform only continuous • F&L Portable Gas Detection
Detection gas monitoring. Std.
• Knowledgeable about acceptable • F&L Permit to Work/Hazard
Competent Gas atmospheric working conditions and Analysis Std.
Monitor (CGM) gas testing order • F&L Confined Space Entry
• Verifies and validates field calibration Std. (Entry Watch)
checks of gas testing equipment • F&L Hot Work Std. (Fire
• Understands when to stop work Watch)
• Specific training in the use of
relevant portable gas
detection equipment

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Minimum Performance-Based
Role Responsibilities
Skills Required
• Demonstrated competency in
the use of portable gas
detection equipment in the
• Training to recognize potential
hazards for work requiring gas
Portable Gas • QGT may perform initial gas testing • F&L Portable Gas Detection
Detection for permit clearance. Std.
• Knowledgeable about acceptable • F&L Permit to Work/Hazard
Qualified Gas Tester atmospheric working conditions and Analysis Std.
(QGT) gas testing order • F&L Confined Space Entry
• Knowledgeable about gas testing Std.
techniques (e.g. vessel testing, • F&L Hot Work Std.
stratified atmospheric testing, etc.)
• F&L Knowledge and
• Conducts and documents gas tests Operational Level Managing
• Allows work crew (authorized Safe Work Practice Training
entrants, hot work crews, etc.) to • Specific training in the use of
witness gas testing if requested. relevant portable gas
• Determine the frequency of follow-up detection equipment
gas testing for tasks. • Demonstrated competency in
• Verifies and validates field calibration the use of portable gas
checks of gas testing equipment detection equipment in the
• Calibration and response testing of field.
portable gas testing equipment. • Training to recognize potential
• Understands the hazards inherent in hazards for work requiring gas
hot work and confined space entry testing.
and the gases that may be present
for relevant tasks where gas testing
is required.
• Understands when to stop work

4.0 Training Requirements

4.1. Initial Training

Personnel must meet the competency requirements and be trained on the requirements
of this standard, prior to starting work. Refer to the F&L Training Requirements Tool.

4.2 Refresher Training

Refresher training session shall be provided as follows:
• As required by local regulations or site policy.
• Whenever a person demonstrates insufficient knowledge of the F&L Gas
Detection Standard.
• When a serious incident related to gas detection occurred and the root cause
identified the need to be retrained.

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• Trained on the requirements of this standard, at least every three years

5.0 Records
5.1 Records requirements
• Records of Bump Test, Monthly Full Field Calibration and Annual
Service/Calibration by supplier/manufacturer shall be maintained in
accordance with F&L Managing Safe Work Process.

5.2 Retention requirements

Records shall be retained for the periods as specified below:
• Records of Bump test, monthly Full Field Calibration and the Annual
Service/Calibration shall be retained by the facility or the contractor for at least
1 year after the job has been completed.
• Training Records shall be maintained for 3 years or until re-training occurs.

6.0 Document Control Information

6.1 Documents Reference List
Title Attachment
Sample of Bump Test Record Sheet Daily Bump Test Sheet
Sample of Monthly Field Calibration Sheet Monthly Field Calibration Sheet
Sample of Additional Gas Testing Record Sheet Additional Gas Testing Record Sheet

7.0 Document Control

Description Corporate DS&C F&L Specific

Approval Date July 2021

Next Process July 2026
Document Review
Control Number Version 1.0

7.1 Document Change History

Changes to this document are listed in the table below by change date.

Date (DD/MMM/YR) Version Number Description of Change

15 July 2021 1.0 Adoption of new F&L standard

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