Plant Genomic DNA Kit
Plant Genomic DNA Kit
Plant Genomic DNA Kit
For purification of genomic DNA from
plant cells
This product is for scientific research use only. Do not use in
medicine, clinical treatment, food or cosmetics.
Kit Contents
4992201 4992202
50 preps 200 preps
Buffer GP1 40 ml 160 ml
Buffer GP2 40 ml 160 ml
Buffer GD 13 ml 52 ml
Buffer PW 15 ml 50 ml
Buffer TE 15 ml 60 ml
Spin Columns CB3 50 200
Collection Tubes 2 ml 50 200
Handbook 1 1
Plant Genomic DNA Kit could be stored dry at room temperature (15-30°C)
for up to 15 months without showing any reduction in performance and
quality. If any precipitate forms in the buffers, it should be dissolved by
warming the buffers at 37°C for 10 min before use.
Sample Wet Weight DNA Yield
Plant tissues 100 mg 3-30 µg
Note: DNA yields vary with different plant samples.
Important Notes
1. Repeated freezing and thawing should be avoided; otherwise it would
reduce the DNA size and quantity.
2. If a precipitate formed in Buffer GP1 or Buffer GP2, warm buffer to 37°C
until the precipitate has fully dissolved.
Ensure that Ethanol (96-100%) has been added into Buffer GD and Buffer
PW before use.
1. Place 100 mg wet weight plant tissue or 30 mg lyophilized plant tissue
and grind the samples thoroughly in liquid nitrogen.
2. Add 700 µl 65°C pre-heated GP1 (β-Mercaptoethanol (β-ME) should
be added to Buffer GP1 before use. The final concentration of β-ME is
0.1%) to the powdered plant tissue, Vortex for 10-20 sec to mix, make
sure to disperse all clumps and then Incubate for 20 min at 65°C, mix by
inverting the tube for several times.
3. Add 700 µl chloroform, mix by inverting the tube for several times,
centrifuge for 5 min at 12,000 rpm (~13,400 × g).
Note: If the plant sample contains polyphenol or starch, 1:1 of Phenol/
Chloroform could be used before step 3 to extract plant genomic DNA.