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Grade 11 Physics Summary

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1. Uniform motion is motion at a constant velocity.
• Vectors and scalars • Motion is a change in position relative to a given frame of
• Distance and displacement reference.
• Position-time graphs • Distance is the length of the actual path travelled. It is a
• Average speed and velocity scalar quantity.
• Instantaneous velocity • Displacement is the length of the straight line between the
• Velocity-time graphs initial and final positions. It is a vector quantity.
• Average speed is distance covered per unit time and
Δ d⃗ average velocity is displacement per unit time.
⃗v av = • The sign of velocity gives the direction of motion.
Δ ⃗t
• A position-time graph for an object moving at a constant
velocity is a straight line with a non-zero slope.
• Motion at a constant velocity is called uniform motion.
• The slope of a straight line position-time graph gives the
velocity. The slope of the tangent at a point on a curved
position-time graph is the instantaneous velocity. The slope
of the line connecting the first and last points is the average
• The area under a velocity-time graph represents the
displacement; the slope represents the acceleration.

2. Acceleration is the rate of change in the velocity of an object.

• Acceleration • Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity, and
• Equations of motion the change may affect the magnitude, direction, or both.
Acceleration is a vector quantity.
⃗v 2−⃗v 1 • The same signs for velocity and acceleration mean the
⃗ object is speeding up. Opposite signs for velocity and
acceleration mean the object is slowing down.
v 2+v 1 Δ d • The position-time graph for an object undergoing uniformly
= accelerated motion is a curve. The corresponding velocity-
2 Δt time graph is a straight line with non-zero slope. The
corresponding acceleration-time graph is a horizontal line.
1 2 • When solving problems in kinematics, choose the equation
Δ d =v 1 Δ t+ a Δ t
2 that contains the one unknown and three unknown
1 2
Δ d =v 2 Δ t− a Δ t

v 22 =v 21+2 a Δ d

Summary: Grade 11 Physics Page 1

3. Gravity is a universal force.
• Fundamental forces • There are four fundamental forces: gravitational,
• Weight/gravitational force electromagnetic, and strong and weak nuclear forces. All
• Newton’s law of universal are action-at-a-distance forces.
gravitation • The weight of an object is the gravitational force acting on it.
• Free fall • Gravitational field strength g is the ratio of gravitational force
• Projectile motion to mass at a specific location. The units of gravitational field
strength are N/kg or m/s2.
G m1 m2 • Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that the
F g =m g or F G= gravitational force of attraction between any two masses is
directly proportional to the product of the masses and
inversely proportional to the square of the separation
Δ d x =v x Δ t distance between the centres of both masses.
• Free fall is the condition in which the only force acting on an
1 object is the gravitational force. An object in free fall is a
Δ d y =v1 y Δ t− g Δ t 2
2 projectile and the path of the projectile is its trajectory.
• An object in free fall will feel weightless because there will
be no contact force such as the normal force acting on it.
4. Forces can change the velocity of an object.
• Force • Force is a push or a pull on an object. Force is a vector
• Net force quantity measured in Newtons (1 N = 1 kg∙m/s2).
• Newton’s laws of motion • Net force is the vector sum of two or more forces acting
• Normal force simultaneously on an object. A free-body diagram helps
• Friction determine the net force acting on an object.
• Factors affecting friction • Newton’s 1st law states that an object will continue being at
rest or moving at constant speed in a straight line unless
⃗ net=m ⃗a
F acted upon by a non-zero net force.
• Newton’s 2nd law states that when a non-zero net force acts
F fr =μ F N on an object, the object accelerates in the direction of the
net force. The magnitude of the acceleration is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net force and inversely
proportional to the mass of the object.
• Newton’s 3rd law states that if object A exerts a force on
object B, then B exerts a force on A that is equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction.
• The normal force is the force two surfaces in contact exert
on each other, perpendicular to the surfaces.
• Friction is a force that opposes either the motion of an object
or the direction the object would be moving in if there were
no friction. Static friction is present when an object is
stationary but experiences an applied force. Kinetic friction is
present when an object is moving.
• The magnitude of the force of kinetic friction acting on an
object is directly proportional to the normal force on the
• The coefficient of friction is a proportionality constant that
relates the magnitude of the force of friction to the
magnitude of the normal force and is determined by the
properties of the surfaces in contact.
Summary: Grade 11 Physics Page 2
5. Energy is transferred and transformed by forces doing work.
• Work • There are many forms of energy. Energy may be
• Kinetic energy transformed from one form to another or transferred from
• Gravitational potential energy one system to another but may not be created or destroyed.
• Conservation of mechanical • The SI unit of energy is the Joule (1 J = 1 kg∙m2/s2), but
energy energy is also commonly measured in calories and kWh.
• Power • Work is the change in energy of a system and is done when
• Efficiency a force acts over a distance in line with the motion. Work is
a scalar.
W =Δ E=F Δ d cos θ • Frictional forces do negative work on a system, reducing its
total mechanical energy.
1 • The mechanical energy of a system is the sum of the kinetic
E k = mv 2 energy and potential energy in the system.
• Hydroelectric plants transform the gravitational potential
E g=m g h energy of falling water into the mechanical energy that turns
turbines attached to generators.
• Power is the rate of energy transfer.
P= • Machines are not 100% efficient, because of energy losses,
Δt usually in the form of heat.
• Nuclear energy is energy stored in the binding of the
E out P out particles of the nucleus and may be released by nuclear
efficiency= =
E in P in decay, fission, or fusion.

E=mc 2

6. Thermal energy transfer conserves energy and obeys the Laws of Thermodynamics.
• Thermal energy • Thermal energy is the total kinetic and potential energy of
• Specific heat capacity the particles within an object.
• Heat exchange • Heat is the energy transferred from a warmer object to a
• Latent heat of fusion and of cooler object.
vaporization • The energy lost from the warmer object is equal to the
energy gained by the cooler object, which illustrates the law
Q=m c Δ T of conservation of energy.
• Thermal energy can be transferred by conduction,
Qlost =Q gained convection, and/or radiation.
• The temperature of a substance is the average kinetic
Q f =m L f and Qv =m Lv energy of its particles.
• The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of
energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of the
substance by 1 K, or 1°C.
• A change of state, or phase transition, occurs when energy
is transferred to or from a substance at its boiling or melting
point. Latent heat is the energy that is needed for a phase
change. Temperature remains constant during a phase
• Fossil-fuel and nuclear thermal power plants use steam to
drive turbines to generate electricity.

Summary: Grade 11 Physics Page 3

7. Waves transmit energy.
• Longitudinal and transverse • In a transverse wave, particles are displaced perpendicular
waves to the direction of the propagation.
• Amplitude and intensity • In a longitudinal or pressure wave, particles are displaced
• Wavelength parallel to the direction of propagation, resulting in
• Period, frequency rarefactions and compressions.
• Universal wave equation • The positions of maximum displacement from equilibrium
• Wave reflection are crests and troughs. The amplitude is the distance from
• Standing waves equilibrium to a maximum. Waves with a larger amplitude
• Resonance carry more energy.
• The wavelength of a wave is the length for one complete
1 cycle, between one crest and the next. The period of a
T wave is the time for one complete cycle.
• The frequency of a wave is the inverse of the period, the
v=λ f number of oscillations per second, measured in Hertz.
• The speed of a wave depends on the properties of the
• Waves reflect at the interface of two media.
• When two waves interfere, the resulting pattern is the linear
superposition of the two waves. Constructive interference
occurs when the amplitude is increased, destructive when
the amplitude is decreased.
• When a wave interferes with its own reflection, it can create
a standing wave pattern of nodes and antinodes.
• Standing waves can occur when an object is forced to
vibrate at its natural or resonant frequency. The amplitude
will increase if the forcing continues.

8. Sound is a longitudinal mechanical wave.

• Speed of sound • Sound waves travel faster in warm air than in cold air and
• Frequency range of hearing even faster in liquids and solids.
• Sound intensity • The human ear can distinguish frequencies, or pitches,
• Musical harmonics between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. Frequencies below this range
• Beats are infrasound, frequencies above are ultrasound.
• Doppler effect • Sound intensity, which is heard as volume, is a measure of
• Sonic boom power per unit area over which the wave is distributed.
Because of the logarithmic response of the human ear,
m m intensity is often given by the decibel scale.
v=332 0.6 / o C T • Objects can vibrate at multiple resonant frequencies above
s s
the fundamental. These are called harmonics.
v sound f source • Frequencies will sound musical together if the ratio between
f obs = them is a small, whole number ratio. If two frequencies are
v sound ±v source very close to each other, beats will be heard.
• If an source is moving toward a listener, the apparent
frequency will be increased. If the source is moving away,
the apparent frequency will be decreased.
• An object travelling faster than the speed of sound will
create a cone of increased-amplitude compressions that will
be heard as a sonic boom when it meets the ear.
Summary: Grade 11 Physics Page 4
9. The principles of conservation of energy and charge apply to electrical circuits.
• Conventional current and electron • Current is the rate of flow of electric charge and is
flow measured in Amperes. The direction of conventional current
• Current, electrical potential is opposite that of the electron flow.
difference, and resistance • Potential difference, or voltage, is energy carried per unit
• Kirchhoff’s current and voltage charge and is measured in Volts.
laws • An electrical circuit contains an energy source, conductors,
• Series, parallel, and mixed and a load to consume the energy from the source.
circuits • The relationship between current, potential difference, and
• Power and power consumption resistance in a circuit is described by Ohm's law.
• Kirchhoff’s current law states that the current entering a
Q E junction must be equal to the current leaving the junction.
I= V= • Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that in any closed circuit loop,
t Q
the sum of the potential differences through all the
V =IR P=VI components must be zero.
• In a series circuit, the current is constant, the total
Req =R1R 2. . . resistance is the sum of the resistors, and the total voltage
of the battery equals the sum of the voltage drops across
the resistors.
1 1 1
=  .. . • In a parallel circuit, the total current equals the sum of the
Req R1 R 2 currents through each branch, the total resistance
decreases as the number of branches increases, and the
voltage is constant across each branch.

10. Current electricity produces magnetic fields.

• Characteristics and properties of • The law of magnetism states that like magnetic poles repel
magnetic fields each other and unlike poles attract each other.
• Oersted’s principle • A magnetic field is the three-dimensional region around a
• Right-hand rules magnet in which magnetic forces are exerted.
• The motor principle • Oersted’s principle states that when a current moves
• Faraday’s law of induction through a conductor, it creates a magnetic field.
• Generators • The motor principle states that a current-carrying conductor
• Step-up and step-down will experience a magnetic force as long as the conductor is
transformers not parallel to the magnetic field.
• The factors that affect the strength of the magnetic force are
the current, the magnetic field, and the length and
orientation of the conducting wire.
• Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction states that a
changing magnetic field in the region of a closed-loop
conductor will induce an electric current.
• A motor converts electrical energy to mechanical energy
and a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical
• A transformer can step up (increase) or step down
(decrease) voltage.

Summary: Grade 11 Physics Page 5

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