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Kitchen Operations: Curriculum

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Kitchen Operations



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................................................................................................................................3
RATIONALE ..................................................................................................................................................................5
JOB ROLE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................6
GENERAL INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................7
COURSE STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................................8
CURRICULUM- BASIC TRAINING .............................................................................................................................9
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA........................................................................................................................................... 22
EQUIPMENT LIST ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
EMPLOYABILITY AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS ........................................................................................... 48
PRACTICAL TRAINING ............................................................................................................................................. 53
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA........................................................................................................................................... 70
EQUIPMENT LIST ...................................................................................................................................................... 90
FURTHER LEARNING PATHWAYS .......................................................................................................................... 90
INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ON-JOB TRAINING .......................................................................................................... 94
GUIDELINES FOR INSTRUCTORS AND PAPER SETTERS ..................................................................................... 95

Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council (THSC) sincerely express appreciation for the contribution
of the Industry, Trade Experts and all others who contributed in creating this apprenticeship
curriculum. Special acknowledgement to the following industries/organizations who have
contributed valuable inputs in cretaing the curricula through their expert members:


Special acknowledgement by THSC to the following expert members who have

contributed immensely in this curriculum.

Sl. Name & Organization Expert Group

No. Designation Designation


• Apprenticeship Training Scheme under Apprentice Act 1961

The Apprentices Act, 1961 was enacted with the objective of regulating the programme of training of
apprentices in the industry by utilizing the facilities available therein for imparting on-the-job training.
The Act makes it obligatory for employers in specified industries to engage apprentices in designated
trades to impart Apprenticeship Training on the job in industry to school leavers and person having
National Trade Certificate(ITI pass-outs) issued by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) to
develop skilled manpower for the industry. There are four categories of apprentices namely; trade
apprentice, graduate, technician and technician (vocational) apprentices.

Qualifications and period of apprenticeship training of trade apprentices vary from trade to trade.
The apprenticeship training for trade apprentices consists of basic training followed by practical
training. At the end of the training, the apprentices are required to appear in a trade test conducted
by NCVT and those successful in the trade tests are awarded the National Apprenticeship Certificate.

The period of apprenticeship training for graduate (engineers), technician (diploma holders and
technician (vocational) apprentices is one year. Certificates are awarded on completion of training by
the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development.

• Changes in Industrial Scenario

Recently we have seen huge changes in the Indian industry. The Indian Industry registered an
impressive growth during the last decade and half. The number of industries in India have increased
manifold in the last fifteen years especially in services and manufacturing sectors. It has been realized
that India would become a prosperous and a modern state by raising skill levels, including by engaging
a larger proportion of apprentices, will be critical to success; as will stronger collaboration between
industry and the trainees to ensure the supply of skilled workforce and drive development through
employment. Various initiatives to build up an adequate infrastructure for rapid industrialization and
improve the industrial scenario in India have been taken.
• Reformation

The Apprentices Act, 1961 has been amended and brought into effect from 22nd December, 2014 to
make it more responsive to industry and youth. Key amendments are as given below:

• Prescription of number of apprentices to be engaged at establishment level instead of trade-wise.

• Establishment can also engage apprentices in optional trades which are not designated, with the
discretion of entry level qualification and syllabus.

• Scope has been extended also to non-engineering occupations.

• Establishments have been permitted to outsource basic training in an institute of their choice.

• The burden of compliance on industry has been reduced significantly


(Need for Apprenticeship in Kitchen Operations trade)

1. The greater degree of relevance of the training with latest advancements

of the industry will enhance the employability opportunities.
2. Ability to use latest kitchen equipment and tools and their application
3. Acquire knowledge of Food Production Sections, their functions and
4. Ability to apply various Standard Recipes as per the company
5. Ability to co-ordinate between various sections in the kitchen so as to be
prepared for service as per the company SOP
6. Ability to understand the factors that influence Kitchen processes in
hotels and other facilities.
7. Ability to identify hazards that can come across in the daily operations of
the kitchen and how to prevent them.
8. Exposure to regulations, use of work equipment, control of substances
hazardous to health.
9. Exposure to various Health and Hygiene norms that need to be maintained
in the Kitchen
10. Ability to manage guest expectations and requests.

11. Able to communicate and behave in a professional manner when dealing

with guests.
12. Ability to perform the duties of the kitchen at different point of the day.

13. Ability to communicate and co-ordinate with colleagues within and

outside the department to create great guest experience.

14. Ability to handle emergency procedures in the work place in case


Commi 1 is responsible for the preparation of basic food recipes and assisting Sous Chef or
Chef-de-Partie in food preparation.
The individual at work assists the senior Chefs in preparing and presenting the food; guides
the Commis Chef (2 and 3) on food preparation; and maintains quality standards of the
kitchen activities.
The professional chef can work in a wide range of establishments including high-class
restaurants, hotels, welfare caterings such as hospitals and residential homes, theme parks
and industrial sites; providing catering services to guests and staff. The range of skills and
customer expectations will vary according to the work-place. There is also a direct
relationship between the nature and quality of the service provided and the payment made
by the customer or corporate client.
As well as the skill of cooking, the role of a commis 1 will also demand further skills that relate
to cooking in a commercial setting and therefore working towards a budget or expected profit
margin. These skills include menu compilation, food costing, purchasing, storage, and
utilization of food commodities and their control, work/time management, planning,
communication and managing a kitchen brigade.

Personal Attributes: The job requires the individual to have: attention to details, service
orientation, hygienic habits, and be committed. The individua needs to work for long hours
under physically tiring conditions.


1. Name of the Trade: Kitchen Operations

2. Duration of Apprenticeship Training (Basic Training & Practical Training): 500Hrs +40Hrs=540 Hrs
& 2080 Hrs

3. Duration of Basic Training: Block –I: 500 Hrs + 40 Hrs Employability & Entrepreneurship

Total duration of Basic Training: 540 Hrs (Additionally, 20 Hrs Digital Literacy inputs given in online

4. Duration of Practical Training (On -job Training): Block–II: 2080 HRS, i.e. 52 weeks or 12 months

5. Entry Qualification: Preferably Primary 8th Standard Passed

6. Selection of Apprentices: The apprentices will be selected as per Apprenticeship Act amended time
to time.

7. Rebate for ITI passed trainees: N.A.

Note: Industry may impart training as per above time schedule, however this is not fixed. The industry
may adjust the duration of training considering the fact that all the components under the syllabus
must be covered. However the flexibility should be given keeping in view that no safety aspect is
compromised and duration of industry training to be remain as 1 year.


Training duration details: -

Time 540 Hrs 2080Hrs
(in Hours) 52Weeks (12
Basic Training Block– I -----

Practical Training ---- Block – II

(On - job training)

Components of
Training Months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Basic Training Block –
Practical Training
Block - II


Duration: 500 Hrs + 40 Hrs Employability & Entrepreneurship) = 540 Hrs (Additionally, 20 Hrs Digital
Literacy inputs given in online mode)

Total Duration of basic Training: 540 Hrs


1. Name of the Trade : Commis Chef

2. Hours of Instruction : 500 Hrs + 40 Hrs = 540 Hrs

3. Batch size : 10

4. Power Norms : 6 KW for Workshop

5. Space Norms : As per the QP norm.

6. Examination : The internal assessment will be held on completion of the Block-I.

7. Instructor Qualification : Trainer Prerequisites for Job role: Commis Chef THC/Q0406

Area Details
1 Description To deliver accredited training service, mapping to the curriculum detailed
above, in accordance with the Qualification Pack “THC/Q0406” Ver1.0
2 Personal Aptitude for conducting training, and pre/ post work to ensure competent,
Attributes employable candidates at the end of the training. Strong communication
skills, interpersonal skills, ability to work as part of a team; a passion for
quality and for developing others; well-organised and focused, eager to
learn and keep oneself updated with the latest in the mentioned field.
3 Minimum Certificate/Diploma/Degree in Hotel Management with specialization in
Educational Food Production Certificate/Diploma/Degree in Hotel Management holder
4a Domain Certified for training for Job Role: “Commis Chef”
Certification mapped to QP: “THC/Q0406” with minimum passing score 80%
4b Platform Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trainer”,
Certification mapped to the Qualification Pack: “ MEP/Q0102”. Minimum accepted
score is 80%.
5 Experience At least 5 years’ experience in Food Production including one year as
supervisory capacity in a classified Hotel or Restaurant or Flight Kitchen
or Cruise Liners. Experience as Departmental Trainer/ On the Job Trainer
would be essential.

Basic Training: Commis Chef THC/Q0406


This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Commis Chef”, in the “Tourism and Hospitality”
and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner

Program Name Commis Chef

Qualification Pack Commis Chef

Name & Reference ID. THC/Q0406
Version No. 1.0 Version Update Date 29-04-15

Pre-requisites to Preferable 8th Standard Passed

Training Outcomes After completing this programme, participants will be able to:
• Assist in food production
• Identify various ingredients
• Set up and close kitchen
• Monitor stock movement
• Communicate with customer and colleagues
• Maintain customer- centric service orientation
• Maintain standard of etiquette and hospitable conduct
• Follow gender and age sensitive service practices
• Maintain IPR of organisation and customers
• Maintain health, hygiene and safety at workplace

This course encompasses10 out of 10 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “Commis Chef”, Qualification
Pack issued by “Tourism and Hospitality”.

Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required

Preparation for • Retrieve food items from the storage Different types of
cooking area, fridge or freezer as per the knives
Theory instructions of the cook.
Duration • Wash, peel, chop and/or cut food
(hh:mm) items including fruits, vegetables and Chopping board
1 meats as per the instructions of the
15:00 cook.
Practical • Put food cooking equipment like
pressure cooker etc. containing raw Cooking equipment –
(hh:mm) food items on gas stove for boiling or small
do the basic cooking as per the
35:00 instructions of the senior cook.
• Do the basic preparatory work like Pictures of ingredients
mixing of spices, etc. (fruits / vegetables /
NOS Code • Weigh or measure ingredients. spices / meat etc.)
THC/N0415 • Prepare dough as per senior cook’s used regularly in
instructions. kitchen
• Grind Spices for usages.
• Portion or wrap food items or dishes
using food wrappers for further
processing as per the instructions of
the senior cook.
• Store semi-cooked/ left out cooked
food in containers in the fridge or
freezer as per the instructions of the
• Collect all the required items /
ingredients at cooking area for food

Making sauces
(hh:mm) • Collect all the ingredients required for
making basic sauces.
15:00 • Blanch the required vegetables as per
Practical organizational SOPs.
2 Duration • Prepare the roux (thickening agent) as Sauce pans
(hh:mm) per organizational SOPs
• Add the roux to make different sauces
as per organizational SOPs.

NOS Code

Preparing • Collect the required vegetables for

salads salad preparation as per
organizational SOPs. Pictures of cuts of
Theory vegetables
Duration • Wash and chop them as directed by
(hh:mm) the commies 1 or Chef-de-Partie.
• Present salad as per organizational
3 15:00 SOPs. Salad oil
Practical • Ask senior cook if any change in
Duration presentation is required.
(hh:mm) • Making changes, if any, as directed by Different types of
the Commies 1 or Chef-De-Partie and vinegars
35:00 keep it at a specified place for serving.

NOS Code

4 Preparing cold • Arrange all the required ingredients Cold bain marie
starters for the preparation of cold starters as
per organizational SOPs.
• Prepare cold starters as directed by
(hh:mm) the Commies 1 or Chef-De-Partie’s.
• Decorate and present it as per
15:00 commies 1 or Chef-De-Partie’s

NOS Code

5 Cleaning • Obtain the cleaning specification from Duster

Kitchen before organization’s SOP.
start of day’s • Move and protect raw food items and
operations kitchen equipment, If required. Mop
• Use the cleaning equipment that is
suitable for the specific cleaning
operation and location.
Cleaning agents
Duration • Separate the faculty or damage
(hh:mm) cleaning equipment and inform about
them to the senior cook.
10:00 • Check that food preparation and
Practical cooking tools and kitchen equipment
Duration are clean, of the right type and in
(hh:mm) working order.
• Carry out the cleaning as per
organizational SOP.
• Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions and safe working
Corresponding practices when taking apart, handling
NOS Code
kitchen equipment used for food
• Check that the kitchen equipment in
correct working order after the
• Record and report to senior cook
about faults e.g, missing or damaged
food equipment parts, pest infestation

6 Preparing • Check that all the food preparation Oven
Kitchen for food and cooking tool and kitchen
operations equipment are available in the
kitchen. Cooking hob
• Turn on the appropriate kitchen
Theory equipment at the
Duration correct time and to correct
(hh:mm) setting.
• Arrange all the tools and kitchen
15:00 equipment in the
Practical kitchen as per
Duration organizational SOP.
(hh:mm) • Assist Chef in the preparation of mise-

NOS Code

7 Closing kitchen • Check that cooking equipment is

at the end of turned off, unplugged where
day’s necessary, and cleaned following
operations manufacturer’s and organisation’s
Theory • Clean and dry all other kitchen tools
and equipment and store them as per
organizational SOP
10:00 • Check food storage area is properly
• Follow all the workplace procedure
(hh:mm) related to keeping kitchen hygienic
before closing down the kitchen after
20:00 day’s operations.

NOS Code

8 Receiving • Receive all the provisions, supplies

supplies and and daily consumable sent by Storage temperature
material suppliers as per company’s SOP. chart
• Check all the incoming stock against
Theory the invoices and bills.
(hh:mm) • Sort provisions, supplies and daily
consumables for proper storing. Weighing scale


NOS Code

9 Distributing and • Distribute supplies and daily

storing supplies consumables to different work
and materials stations.
• Re-fill kitchen condiment bottle and
Theory • Store non distributed provisions,
Duration supplies and daily consumables in
(hh:mm) cupboards, refrigerators etc. As per
company’s work instructions.
05:00 • Ensure that supplies and daily Types of bins, storage
consumables are stored in the containers, racks
Duration appropriate conditions.

NOS Code

10 Keeping track of • Keep track of the quantities of

supplies and supplies used on day-to-day basis
material • Keep track of the fuel consumptions
utilization and report to Commies 1/ Chef-de-
Partie to decide about re-ordering.
Theory • Inform Commies 1/ Chef-de-Partie
about re-ordering of materials.
Stock register

NOS Code

11 Achieving work • Carry out daily and weekly procedures
quality and to check movements of stocks.
standards • Understand menu planning and ways
to control stocks.
• Ensure stock is controlled and rotated.
(hh:mm) • Ensure effective usage of materials
and zero wastage.

NOS Code

12 Interacting with • Receive job order and instructions

superiors and from reporting superior
colleagues • Escalate unresolved problems or
complaints to relevant superior
Theory • Understand work output
requirements, targets, performance
indicators and incentives
05:00 • Deliver quality work and report
anticipated delays with reason
Duration • Communicate maintenance and repair
(hh:mm) schedule to superior
• Receive feedback on work standards
10:00 • Document the completed work
• Show trust, support and respect to all
colleagues and assist them with
Corresponding information and knowledge
NOS Code • Try to achieve smooth overflow
THC/N9901 • Identify the potential and existing
conflicts with colleagues and resolve
• Seek assistance from colleagues when
• Pass on essential information to
colleagues in a timely manner
• Behave responsibly and use polite
language with colleagues
• Interact with colleagues from
different functions to understand
their nature of work

• To understand teamwork, multi
tasking, co-operation, co-ordination
and collaboration
• Lookout for any errors and help
colleagues to rectify them

13 Communicating • Identify customer needs by asking

with customers questions
• Have good knowledge on product and
services and brief the customer clearly
Theory on them in a polite and professional
Duration manner
(hh:mm) • Build friendly but impersonal
relationship with the customers
• Use appropriate language and tone
Practical and listen actively
Duration • Show sensitivity to gender/ cultural
(hh:mm) and social differences
• Understand customer expectations
and provide appropriate
• Understand customer dissatisfaction
NOS Code
and address their complaints
THC/N9901 • Maintain proper body language and
dress code
• Communicate clearly and effectively
with the guest
• Inform the customers on any issues
and developments involving them
• Respond back to the customer
• Upselling/promoting suitable products
and services
• Seek feedback from customers
• Explain terms and conditions clearly

14 Service quality • Understand target customers, their

requirements profiles and needs
• Build good rapport with the customer
• Understand the market trends and
Theory customer expectations by discussing
Duration the same with frequent customers
(hh:mm) • Seek feedback and rating from
• Use customer oriented behaviour to
Practical gain loyalty and satisfaction
Duration • Be friendly but not familiar with guest


NOS Code

15 Achieving • Ensure fair and honest treatments to

customer customers
satisfaction • Enhance company’s brand value
through • Read customer expectations and
customer- ensure they are met
centric service • Readily accept and implement new
ideas to improve customer
Theory satisfaction
Duration • Communicate customer feedback to
superior Customer feedback
05:00 • Offer promotions to improve product forms
• Consult with senior on unscheduled
(hh:mm) customer requests


NOS Code

16 Etiquettes • Greet, welcome and address the

customer appropriately
• Maintain pitch and tone of voice while
(hh:mm) speaking to customers
• Maintain high standards of practice
05:00 and transparency in pricing
Practical • Answer the telephone
Duration • Communicate appropriately with the
(hh:mm) customer Telephone
• Dress professionally
05:00 • Maintain personal integrity and
ethical behaviour
• Maintain personal grooming and
Corresponding positive body language
NOS Code
• Demonstrate responsible and
disciplined behaviour
• Escalate grievances to appropriate

17 Achieving • Use appropriate titles and terms of

customer respect
satisfaction by • Handle customer grievances
being professionally
professional • Offer friendly, courteous and
hospitable service to the customers
• Provide assistance with sincere
(hh:mm) attitude
• Achieve 100% customer satisfaction
05:00 • Understand customer loyalty and
brand value

NOS Code

18 Services and • Ensure that the customer feels safe

facilities specific • Understand procedures to be
to age / gender followed during terrorist attacks
/ special needs • Know the facilities and services
specific to gender and age
Theory • Co-ordinate with team to meet these
• Educate customers about
05:00 entertainment programs for children,
basic safeguard procedures for senior
(hh:mm) • Arrange for transport and equipment
as required by senior citizens
05:00 • Understand availability of medical

NOS Code

19 How to behave • Understand women rights and

with women at company’s polices regarding them
workplace? • Know special facilities available for
women colleagues and customers
• Inform about methods to ensure
Theory safety and security of women
Duration • Provide comfortable and safe
(hh:mm) environment for female customers
• Maintain compliant behaviour
05:00 etiquette while dealing with women
Practical • Treat women equally and avoid
Duration discrimination
(hh:mm) • Ensure safety and security of female
colleagues and customers at all levels

NOS Code

20 IPR and • Make sure new initiatives of Hotel are

Copyright not leaked out
• Report IPR violations
• Read copyright clause
Theory • Protect infringement upon customer’s
Duration interests
(hh:mm) • Know which aspect of customer
information can be used
• Report any infringement

NOS Code

21 Cleanliness • Keep the workplace clean

• Identify waste and ensure its disposal
Duration • Ensure waste bins are cleared
(hh:mm) everyday
• Point out requirements for pest
02:00 control
Practical • Ensure work place has fresh air supply
Duration and sufficient lighting
(hh:mm) • Ensure maintenance check of air
conditioners and other mechanical
03:00 equipment in the department
• Know safe and clean handling of linen,
laundry and work area
Corresponding • Ensure adequate supply of cleaning
NOS Code

22 Hygiene • Hand wash procedure

• Understand personal hygiene
Duration • Understand dental hygiene
(hh:mm) • Understand cross contamination and
how to prevent it
• Report on personal health issues
02:00 • Ensure procedures such as covering
the mouth and turning away from
Duration people while coughing and sneezing
(hh:mm) • Maintain availability of clean drinking
03:00 • Get appropriate vaccinations regularly
• Undergo preventive health check up
and treat all illnesses promptly
NOS Code

23 Work Hazards • Understand various hazards in work

areas and how to eliminate or
minimize them
Theory • Analyze the causes of accident at
Duration workplace and suggest measures to
(hh:mm) prevent them
• Take preventive measures and
suggest methods to improve existing Safety sign boards
Practical safety procedures

NOS Code

24 Safety • Know correct emergency procedures

standards and • Know the locations of fire
procedures extinguishers, fire emergency etc
• Stack items in an organized way to
avoid accidents
Theory • Handle materials, tools, chemicals etc
Duration safely
(hh:mm) • Ensure safe techniques while moving
Fire extinguishers
furnitures and fixtures
• Understand guidelines to use
Practical electrical equipment
Duration • Ensure floors are not slippery First aid equipment
(hh:mm) • Practice ergonomic lifting, bending or
06:00 moving equipment
• Understand first aid
• Know the use of personal protective
equipment and safety gear
NOS Code • Knowledge of safety signs
THC/N9907 • Document first aid treatments and
safety procedures

• Report to supervisor if any hazard is
identified adhere to safety standards

Total Duration Unique Equipment Required:

Lpg Cylinders (Gas Bank)
Theory Duration Work Station:
175:00 Two Gas Burners & Griddle Plate
Tandoor (Gas / Coal)
Practical Duration Oven (Gas / Electrical)
235:00 Deep Fat Fryer
Ss Kitchen Work Tables
Ss Sink With Attached Taps
Ss Kitchen Rack
Dry Storage Cabinet
Cease Fire/Fire Extinguisher
Dough Kneader
Mixer / Grinder
Exhaust & Fresh Air Fans
Fly Killer
Steel Stock Pot (4 Ltr Approx)
Steel Stock Pot (7 Ltr Approx)
Steel Stock Pot (25 Ltr Approx)
Steel Sauce Pan (2 Ltr Approx)
Steel Saute Pan
Steel Omellete Pan
Iron Wok (Indian And Chinese)
Chef Knife
Chef Knife(Thick Blade)
Veg. Knife
Turning Knife

Pallet Knife
Sharpning Steel
Piping Bags(With 5 Nozzles)
Muffins Mould (Aluminium)
Tartlet Mould
Pie Mould (Detachable Base)
Bread Moulds(800gms)
Chopping Board (White)
Steel Skimmer
Steel Turner
Steel Laddle
Steel Rice Collander
Steel Strainer
Caramel Custard Mould
Baking Tray
S S Storage Tray
Rotary Cake Stand
Plastic Crates

Grand Total Course Duration: 500 Hours, 0 Minutes

(This syllabus/ curriculum has been approved by SSC: Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council)


Job Role : Commis Chef
Qualification Pack : THC/Q0406
Sector Skill Council : Tourism and Hospitality

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will
also lay down proportion of marks for each PC.
2. Each NOS will assessed both for theoretical knowledge and practical which is being proportionately
demonstrated in the table below.
3. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the
4. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum aggregate of 70%.
Performance Criteria Total Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC1. retrieve food items from the

storage area, fridge or freezers per the 2.0 0.5 1.5
instructions of the cook

PC2. wash, peel, chop and/or cut

food items including fruits, vegetables
2.0 0.5 1.5
and meats as per the instructions of
the cook

PC3. put food cooking equipment

like pressure cooker etc. containing
raw food items on gas stove for boiling 2.0 0.5 1.5
THC/N0415 or do the basic cooking as per the
instructions of the senior cook
Assist in 50
food PC4. do the basic preparatory
2.0 0.5 1.5
preparation work like mixing of spices etc,

PC5. weigh or measure

1.5 0.5 1.0

PC6. prepare dough as per senior

2.0 0.5 1.5
cook’s instructions

PC7. grind spices for usages 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC8. portion or wrap food items

or dishes using food wrappers for
3.0 1.0 2.0
further processing as per the
instructions of the senior cook

Performance Criteria Total Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC9. store semi-cooked / left out

cooked food in containers in the fridge
3.0 0.5 2.5
or freezer as per the instructions of the

PC10. collect all the required items

/ ingredients at cooking area for food 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC11. collect all the ingredients

2.0 0.5 1.5
required for making basic sauces

PC12. blanch the required

2.0 0.5 1.5
vegetables as per organizational SOPs

PC13. prepare the roux (thickening

agent) as per organizational SOPs
a. weigh out fat and flour on a
portioning scale
2.5 1.0 1.5
b. melt the fat in a heavy bottom skillet
or sauté pan over medium heat.
c. add flour to the fat
d. continuously stir till it gets thickened

PC14. add the roux to make

different sauces as per organizational 2.5 1.0 1.5

PC15. collect the required

vegetables for salad preparation as per 2.5 1.0 1.5
organizational SOPs

PC16. wash and chop them as

directed by the Commies 1 / Chef-de- 2.5 1.0 1.5

PC17. present salads as per

2.5 1.0 1.5
organizational SOPs

PC18 ask senior cook if any

2.5 1.0 1.5
change in presentation is required

PC19. making changes, if any, as

directed by the Commies 1 / Chef-de-
2.5 1.0 1.5
Partie and keep it at a specified place
for serving

Performance Criteria Total Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC20. arrange all the required

ingredients for the preparation of cold 2.5 1.0 1.5
starters as per organizational SOPs

PC21. prepare cold starters as

directed by the Commies 1 / Chef-de- 2.5 1.0 1.5

PC22. decorate and present it as

per Commies 1 / Chef-de-Partie’s 2.5 1.0 1.5

POINTS 50 16.5 33.5


Performance Criteria Total Out of Theory Skills Practical


PC1. obtain the cleaning specification

2.0 0.5 1.5
from organization’s SOP

PC2. move and protect raw food items

2.0 0.5 1.5
and kitchen equipment, if required

PC3. use the cleaning equipment that

is suitable for the specific cleaning 2.5 1.0 1.5
operation and location

PC4. separate the faulty or damaged

THC/N0416 cleaning equipment and inform about 2.5 1.0 1.5
Set up and them to the senior cook 50
close PC5. check that food preparation and
kitchen cooking tools and kitchen equipment
3.0 1.0 2.0
are clean, of the right type and in
working order

PC6. carry out the cleaning as per

2.0 0.5 1.5
organizational SOP

PC7. follow the manufacturer’s

instructions and safe working practices
3.5 1.0 2.5
when taking apart, handling kitchen
equipment used for food production

Performance Criteria Total Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC8. check that the kitchen equipment

in correct working order after the 4.0 1.0 3.0

PC9. record and report to senior

cook about faults e.g. missing or
4.0 1.0 3.0
damaged food equipment parts, pest
infestation etc.

PC10. check that all the food

preparation and cooking tools and
3.5 1.0 2.5
kitchen equipment are available in the

PC11. turn on the appropriate kitchen

equipment at the correct time and to 3.5 1.0 2.5
the correct setting

PC12. arrange all the tools and kitchen

equipment in the kitchen as per 3.5 1.0 2.5
organizational SOP

PC13. assist chef in the preparation of

3.5 1.0 2.5

PC14. check that cooking equipment is

turned off, unplugged where necessary,
3.5 1.0 2.5
and cleaned following manufacturers'
and organization’s instructions

PC15. clean and dry all other kitchen

tools and equipment and store them as 2.5 1.0 1.5
per organizational SOP

PC16. check food storage area is

2.0 0.5 1.5
properly secured

PC17. follow all the workplace

procedures related to keeping kitchen
2.5 1.0 1.5
hygienic before closing down the
kitchen after day’s operations

POINTS 50 15 35


Performance Criteria Total Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC1. receive all the provisions,

supplies and daily consumables sent by 3.5 1 2.5
supplier(s) as per company’s SOP

PC2. check all the incoming stock

4 1 3
against the invoice and bills

PC3. sort provisions, supplies and

3 1 2
daily consumables for proper storing

PC4. distribute supplies and daily

3.5 1 2.5
consumables to different work stations

PC5. re-fill kitchen condiment

3 1 2
bottles and shakers

PC6. store non distributed

provisions, supplies and daily
consumables in cupboards, 3.5 1 2.5
refrigerators etc. as per company’s
work instructions
Monitor PC7. ensure that supplies and daily
consumables are stored in the 50 3 1 2
movement appropriate conditions
PC8. keep track of the quantities
3.5 1 2.5
of supplies used on day

PC9. keep track of the fuel

consumptions and report to Commies 1 3.5 1 2.5
/ Chef

PC10. inform Commies 1 / Chef 3.5 1 2.5

PC11. carry out daily and weekly

procedures to check movements of 4 1 3

PC12. understand menu planning

4 1 3
and ways to control stocks

PC13. ensure stock is controlled and

4 1 3

PC14. ensure effective usage of

4 1 3
materials and zero wastage

Performance Criteria Total Out of Theory Skills Practical

POINTS 50 14 36


Mark Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
s of y Practical

PC1. receive job order and instructions

1.0 0.5 0.5
from reporting superior

PC2. understand the work output

requirements, targets, performance 0.5 0.5 0.0
indicators and incentives

PC3. deliver quality work on time and

0.5 0.5 0.0
report any anticipated reasons for delays

PC4. escalate unresolved problems or

1.0 0.5 0.5
complaints to the relevant senior

PC5. communicate maintenance and

0.5 0.5 0.0
repair schedule proactively to the superior
Communica PC6. receive feedback on work standards 1.0 0.5 0.5
te with
PC7. document the completed work 50
customer 1.0 0.5 0.5
schedule and handover to the superior
colleagues PC8. exhibit trust, support and respect to
1.5 0.5 1.0
all the colleagues in the workplace

PC9. aim to achieve smooth workflow 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC10. help and assist colleagues with

1.0 0.5 0.5
information and knowledge

PC11. seek assistance from the colleagues

1.0 0.5 0.5
when required

PC12. identify the potential and existing

1.5 0.5 1.0
conflicts with the colleagues and resolve

PC13. pass on essential information to

1.5 0.5 1.0
other colleagues on timely basis

Mark Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
s of y Practical

PC14. maintain the etiquette, use polite

language, demonstrate responsible and 1.5 0.5 1.0
disciplined behaviours to the colleagues

PC15. interact with colleagues from

different functions clearly and effectively on
all aspects to carry out the work among the 1.5 0.5 1.0
team and understand the nature of their

PC16. put team over individual goals and

multi task or share work where necessary 1.5 0.5 1.0
supporting the colleagues

PC17. highlight any errors of colleagues,

1.5 0.5 1.0
help to rectify and ensure quality output

PC18. work with cooperation, coordination,

communication and collaboration, with
1.0 0.5 0.5
shared goals and supporting each other’s

PC19. ask more questions to the customers

1.0 0.5 0.5
and identify their needs

PC20. possess strong knowledge on the

0.5 0.5 0.0
product, services and market

PC21. brief the customers clearly 0.5 0.5 0.0

PC22. communicate with the customers in a

1.5 0.5 1.0
polite, professional and friendly manner

PC23. build effective but impersonal

1.5 0.5 1.0
relationship with the customers

PC24. ensure the appropriate language and

1.5 0.5 1.0
tone are used to the customers

PC25. listen actively in a two way

1.5 0.5 1.0

PC26. be sensitive to the gender, cultural

and social differences such as modes of 1.5 0.5 1.0
greeting, formality, etc.

Mark Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
s of y Practical

PC27. understand the customer

expectations correctly and provide the 1.5 0.5 1.0
appropriate products and services

PC28. understand the customer

dissatisfaction and address to their 2.0 0.5 1.5
complaints effectively

PC29. maintain a positive, sensible and

1.5 0.5 1.0
cooperative manner all time

PC30. ensure to maintain a proper body

language, dress code, gestures and 2.0 0.5 1.5
etiquettes towards the customers

PC31. avoid interrupting the customers

1.0 0.5 0.5
while they talk

PC32. ensure to avoid negative questions

1.0 0.5 0.5
and statements to the customers

PC33. inform the customers on any issues

or problems before hand and also on the 2.0 0.5 1.5
developments involving them

PC34. ensure to respond back to the

customer immediately for their voice 2.0 0.5 1.5
messages, e-mails, etc.

PC35. develop good rapport with the

customers and promote suitable products 2.0 0.5 1.5
and services

PC36. seek feedback from the customers on

2.0 0.5 1.5
their understanding to what was discussed

PC37. explain the terms and conditions

3.0 0.5 2.5

POINTS 50 18.5 31.5


Mark Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
s of y Practical

PC1. keep in mind the profiles of expected

2.5 0.5 2.0

PC2. understand the target customers and

1.5 0.5 1.0
their needs as defined by the company

PC3. organize regular customer events and

2.5 0.5 2.0
feedback session frequently

PC4. build a good rapport with the customers

2.5 0.5 2.0
including the ones who complain

PC5. have frequent discussions with regular

customers on general likes and dislikes in the
2.5 0.5 2.0
market, latest trends, customer expectations,

PC6. receive regular feedbacks from the

THC/N990 clients on current service, complaints, and 2.5 0.5 2.0
2Maintain improvements to be made, etc.
PC7. compulsively seek customer rating of
service to help develop a set of regularly 50 2.5 0.5 2.0
improved procedures
n PC8. ingrain customer oriented behaviour in
2.5 0.5 2.0
service at all level

PC9. aim to gain their long lasting loyalty and

2.5 0.5 2.0

PC10. engage with customers without

2.0 0.0 2.0
intruding on privacy

PC11. ensure clarity, honesty and

2.5 0.5 2.0
transparency with the customers

PC12. treat the customers fairly and with

2.5 0.5 2.0
due respect

PC13. focus on executing company’s

marketing strategies and product 2.5 0.5 2.0

PC14. focus on enhancing brand value of

2.5 0.5 2.0
company through customer satisfaction

Mark Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
s of y Practical

PC15. ensure that customer expectations are

2.5 0.5 2.0

PC16. learn to read customers’ needs and

2.5 0.5 2.0

PC17. willingly accept and Implement new

and innovative products and services that 2.5 0.5 2.0
help improve customer satisfaction

PC18. communicate feedback of customer to

2.5 0.5 2.0
senior, especially, the negative feedback

PC19. maintain close contact with the

2.0 0.5 1.5
customers and focus groups

PC20. offer promotions to improve product

satisfaction level to the customers 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC21. weigh the cost of fulfilling

unscheduled customer requests, consult with
2.5 0.5 2.0
senior and advise the customer on

POINTS 50 10 40


Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC1. greet the customers with a handshake

or appropriate gesture based on the type of 0.5 0.0 0.5
customer on their arrival
of PC2. welcome the customers with a smile 0.5 0.0 0.5
etiquette 50
and PC3. ensure to maintain eye contact 0.5 0.0 0.5
PC4. address the customers in a respectable
conduct 1.0 0.5 0.5

PC5. do not eat or chew while talking 0.5 0.0 0.5

Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC6. use their names as many times as

0.5 0.0 0.5
possible during the conversation

PC7. ensure not to be too loud while talking 0.5 0.0 0.5

PC8. maintain fair and high standards of

2.5 1.0 1.5

PC9. ensure to offer transparent prices 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC10. maintain proper books of accounts

2.0 0.5 1.5
for payment due and received

PC11. answer the telephone quickly and

2.0 0.5 1.5
respond back to mails faster

PC12. ensure not to argue with the

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC13. listen attentively and answer back

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC14. maintain personal integrity and

2.5 1.0 1.5
ethical behaviour

PC15. dress professionally 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC16. deliver positive attitude to work 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC17. maintain well groomed personality 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC18. achieve punctuality and body

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC19. maintain the social and telephonic

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC20. provide small gifts as token of

appreciation and thanks giving to the 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC21. use appropriate tone, pitch and

language to convey politeness, 2.0 0.5 1.5
assertiveness, care and professionalism

PC22. demonstrate responsible and

2.0 0.5 1.5
disciplined behaviours at the workplace

Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC23. escalate grievances and problems to

appropriate authority as per procedure to 2.0 0.5 1.5
resolve them and avoid conflict

PC24. use appropriate titles and terms of

2.0 0.5 1.5
respect to the customers

PC25. use polite language 1.0 0.5 0.5

PC26. maintain professionalism and

procedures to handle customer grievances 1.5 0.5 1.0
and complaints

PC27. offer friendly, courteous and

hospitable service and assistance to the 1.0 0.5 0.5
customer upholding levels and responsibility

PC28. provide assistance to the customers

maintaining positive sincere attitude and 1.0 0.5 0.5

PC29. provide special attention to the

1.5 0.5 1.0
customer at all time

PC30. achieve 100% customer satisfaction

1.5 0.5 1.0
on a scale of standard

PC31. gain customer loyalty 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC32. enhance brand value of company 2.0 0.5 1.5

POINTS 50 14 36


Mar Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
ks of y Practical

THC/N990 PC1. educate the tourists, employers and the

4 Follow colleagues at workplace on women rights and 1.5 1.5 0.0
gender the respect that is to be given to them 50
and age PC2. inform about company’s policies to 1.5 1.5 0.0
sensitive prevent women from sexual harassments,

Mar Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
ks of y Practical

service both physical and verbal, and objectifications

practices by other customers and staff

PC3. list all the facilities available with

respect to transportation facilities, night trips
1.0 1.0 0.0
and safeguards, reporting abuse, maternity
related and other grievance

PC4. inform about methods adopted to

ensure safety and personal and baggage
2.0 0.5 1.5
security of women, e.g., CCTV cameras,
security guards, women’s helpline

PC5. provide the necessary comfort to the

female traveller customers such as secure and
2.0 0.5 1.5
safe environment, chain locks/latches, smoke
detector, comfortable accommodation, etc.

PC6. Maintain compliant etiquette while

dealing with women customers such as asking
permission before entering room and for 2.0 0.5 1.5
cleaning, avoiding touch contact, using
abusive language or gesture, etc.

PC7. ensure that the customer feels safe at

all times without being over threatened by
2.0 0.5 1.5
the security procedures and related

PC8. ensure that in the event of terrorist

attacks customers are calmly handled, led to
2.0 0.5 1.5
safer places and instructed properly in order
to achieve zero casualties

PC9. ensure the quality of facilities and

services offered cater to the needs of every
2.0 0.5 1.5
individual, be it man, woman, child,
particularly the very young and the aged

PC10. be aware of the customer unique

needs and wants of each category of
3.0 0.5 2.5
customer, e.g., for an infant, for a young
woman, for an old person, others

Mar Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
ks of y Practical

PC11. coordinate with team to meet these

unique needs, also keeping in mind their 3.0 0.5 2.5
diverse cultural backgrounds

PC12. provide entertainment programs and

2.0 0.5 1.5
events suited for the children tourists

PC13. educate parents and attendants of

senior citizens on basic safeguards and 2.0 0.5 1.5
procedures for them in case of emergencies

PC14. arrange for transport and equipment

2.0 0.5 1.5
as required by senior citizens

PC15. ensure availability of medical facilities

2.0 0.5 1.5
and doctor

PC16. treat women equally across both the

horizontal as well as vertical segregation of 2.0 0.5 1.5
roles in the workplace

PC17. ensure a fair and equal pay to the

women as men, more of formal training,
2.0 0.5 1.5
advancement opportunities, better benefits,

PC18. involve women in the decision making

2.0 0.5 1.5
processes and management professions

PC19. avoid specific discrimination and give

2.0 0.5 1.5
women their due respect

PC20. motivate the women in the work place

2.0 0.5 1.5
towards utilizing their skills

PC21. educate the tourists, employers and

the colleagues at workplace on women rights 2.0 0.5 1.5
and the respect that is to be given to them

PC22. establish policies to protect the

women from sexual harassments, both
2.0 0.5 1.5
physical and verbal, and objectifications by
customers and colleagues

PC23. frame women friendly work practices 2.0 0.5 1.5

such as flexible working hours, maternity

Mar Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria
ks of y Practical

leave, transportation facilities, night shift

concessions, women grievance cell.

PC24. ensure the safety and security of

women in the workplace, particularly when
2.0 0.5 1.5
their nature of job is to deal with night shifts,
attend guest rooms, back end work, etc.

PC25. ensure safety and security of women

2.0 0.5 1.5
at all levels

POINTS 50 15 35


Performance Criteria Marks Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC1. prevent leak of new plans and

designs to competitors by reporting 7.5 3.5 4.0
on time

PC2. be aware of any of company’s

7.0 7.0 0
product, service or design patents

PC3. report IPR violations observed in

the market, to supervisor or company 7.5 3.5 4.0
THC/N9905 head
Maintain PC4. read copyright clause of the
IPR of material published on the internet and 50 7.0 3.0 4.0
organisation any other printed material
customers PC5. protect infringement upon
7.0 3.5 3.5
customer’s business or design plans

PC6. consult supervisor or senior

management when in doubt about
7.0 3.5 3.5
using information available from

PC7. report any infringement

7.0 3.5 3.5
observed by anyone in the company

Performance Criteria Marks Out of Theory Skills Practical

POINTS 50 27.5 22.5


Performance Criteria Marks Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC1. keep the workplace regularly

clean and cleared-off of food waste or 1.5 0.5 1.0
other litter

PC2. ensure that waste is disposed-off

as per prescribed standards or in trash 1.5 0.5 1.0
cans earmarked for waste disposal

PC3. ensure that the trash cans or

waste collection points are cleared 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC4. arrange for regular pest control

1.5 0.5 1.0
activities at the workplace

PC5. to maintain records for

1.5 0.5 1.0
THC/N9906 cleanliness and maintenance schedule
Maintain PC6. ensure the workplace is well 50 1.5 0.5 1.0
health and ventilated with fresh air supply
PC7. check the air conditioner and
other mechanical systems on a regular 1.5 0.5 1.0
basis and maintain them well

PC8. ensure the workplace is

1.5 0.5 1.0
provided with sufficient lighting

PC9. ensure clean work environment

where food is stored, prepared, 1.5 0.5 1.0
displayed and served

PC10. ensure safe and clean handling

and disposal of linen and laundry,
storage area, accommodation, public 1.5 0.5 1.0
areas, storage areas, garbage areas,

Performance Criteria Marks Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC11. identify and report poor

organizational practices with respect to 1.5 0.5 1.0
hygiene, food handling, cleaning

PC12. ensure adequate supply of

cleaning consumables such as
1.5 0.5 1.0
equipment, materials, chemicals,

PC13. ensure to clean the store areas

with appropriate materials and 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC14. identify the different types of

wastes, e.g., liquid, solid, food, non-
1.5 0.5 1.0
food, and the ways of handling them
for disposal

PC15. wash hands on a regular basis 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC16. ensure to wash hands using

1.5 0.5 1.0
suggested material such as soap

PC17. wash the cups 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC18. ensure to maintain personal

1.5 0.5 1.0
hygiene of daily bath

PC19. ensure to maintain dental

hygiene in terms of brushing teeth 1.5 0.5 1.0
every day

PC20. ensure no cross contaminations

1.5 0.5 1.0
of items such as linen

PC21. report on personal health issues

related to injury, food, air and 1.5 0.5 1.0
infectious diseases

PC22. ensure not to go for work if

unwell, to avoid the risk of being 1.5 0.5 1.0
spread to other people

PC23. use a tissue, cover the mouth

and turn away from people while 2.0 0.5 1.5
sneezing or coughing

Performance Criteria Marks Out of Theory Skills Practical

PC24. wash hands on using these

tissues after coughing and sneezing and 2.0 0.5 1.5
after using the wastes

PC25. ensure to use single use tissue

2.0 0.5 1.5
and dispose these tissues immediately

PC26. coordinate for the provision of

2.0 0.5 1.5
adequate clean drinking water

PC27. ensure to get appropriate

2.0 0.5 1.5
vaccines regularly

PC28. avoid serving adulterated or

2.0 0.5 1.5
contaminated food

PC29. undergo preventive health

2.0 0.5 1.5
check-ups at regular intervals

PC30. take prompt treatment from

1.5 0.5 1.0
the doctor in case of illness

PC31. have a general sense of hygiene

and appreciation for cleanliness for the
1.0 0.5 0.5
benefit of self and the customers or
local community

POINTS 50 15.5 34.5


Mar Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria
ks of ry Practical

PC1. assess the various work hazards 1.0 1.0 0.0

PC2. take necessary steps to eliminate or

THC/N990 1.5 0.5 1.0
minimize them
PC3. suggest methods to improve the existing 50
safety at 1.5 0.5 1.0
workplace safety procedures at the workplace

PC4. analyse the causes of accidents at the

1.5 0.5 1.0

Mar Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria
ks of ry Practical

PC5. suggest measures to prevent such

1.5 0.5 1.0
accidents from taking place

PC6. take preventive measures to avoid risk

of burns and other injury due to contact with
1.5 0.5 1.0
hot surfaces such as stoves, gas, fire, hot
liquids, hot foods, hot oil, etc.

PC7. be aware of the locations of fire

1.5 0.5 1.0
extinguishers, emergency exits, etc.

PC8. practice correct emergency procedures 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC9. check and review the storage areas

1.5 0.5 1.0

PC10. stack items in an organized way and

use safe lifting techniques to reduce risk of
1.5 0.0 1.5
injuries from handling procedures at the
storage areas

PC11. ensure to be safe while using handling

materials, tools, acids, chemicals, detergents, 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC12. store these chemicals and acids in a

well-ventilated and locked areas with warning 1.5 0.5 1.0
signs not to touch

PC13. ensure safe techniques while moving

1.5 0.5 1.0
furniture and fixtures

PC14. ensure to reduce risk of injury from

use of mixers, slicers, grinders, heaters, 1.5 0.5 1.0
fridge, ironer and other electrical tools

PC15. read the manufacturers manual

1.5 0.5 1.0
carefully before use of any equipment

PC16. unplug the electrical equipment

before performing housekeeping, cleaning 2.0 0.5 1.5
and maintenance to avoid injuries

PC17. keep the floors free from water and

2.0 0.5 1.5
grease to avoid slippery surface

Mar Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria
ks of ry Practical

PC18. ensure to use non slip liquids and

1.5 0.5 1.0
waxes to polish and treat floors

PC19. use rubber mats to the places where

2.0 0.5 1.5
floors are constantly wet

PC20. ensure safety from injuries of cuts to

loss of fingers, while handling sharp tools 2.0 0.5 1.5
such as knives, needles, etc.

PC21. use flat surfaces, secure holding and

2.0 0.5 1.5
protective wear while using such sharp tools

PC22. use health and safety practices for

storing, cleaning, and maintaining tools, 2.0 0.5 1.5
equipment, and supplies

PC23. practice personal safety when lifting,

2.0 0.5 1.5
bending, or moving equipment and supplies

PC24. ensure the workers have access to

1.0 0.0 1.0
first aid kit when needed

PC25. ensure all equipment and tools are

stored and maintained properly and safe to 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC26. ensure to use personal protective

equipment and safe wear like gloves, mask,
headwear, footwear, glasses, goggles, etc. for 1.5 0.5 1.0
specific tasks and work conditions where

PC27. Ensure to display safety signs at places

1.0 0.0 1.0
where necessary for people to be cautious

PC28. take all electrical precautions like

insulated clothing, adequate equipment
1.5 0.5 1.0
insulation, dry work area, switch off the
power supply when not required, etc.

PC29. ensure availability of general health

and safety equipment such as fire
extinguishers, first aid equipment, safety 1.5 0.5 1.0
equipment, clothing, safety installations like
fire exits, exhaust fans, etc. are available

Mar Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria
ks of ry Practical

PC30. document all the first aid treatments,

inspections, etc. conducted to keep track of 1.5 0.5 1.0
the safety measures undertaken

PC31. comply with the established safety

1.0 0.5 0.5
procedures of the workplace

PC32. report to the supervisor on any

0.5 0.0 0.5
problems and hazards identified

PC33. ensure zero accident at workplace 0.5 0.0 0.5

PC34. adhere to safety standards and ensure

1.0 0.5 0.5
no material damage

POINTS 50 15 35


GRAND TOTAL 500 161 339


Commis Chef THC/Q0406

QPC Name of the QP NS Equipment Minimum Unit Type Is this a Dimension/Specificati

ode QF Name number mandator on/Description of the
Le of y Equipment/ ANY
vel Equipmen Equipmen OTHER REMARK
t required t to be
(per available
batch of at the
20 Training
trainees) Center
THC/ Commis Chef 4 LPG 6 units Yes Min 6 gas Cylinder or
Q04 Cylinders LPG/CNG Line
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Work Station 10 units Yes Industrial grade : Two
Q04 Gas Burners & Griddle
06 Plate
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Tandoor 1 units Yes Clay or Stainless Steel
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Oven 2 units Yes Gas / Electrical
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Deep Fat 2 units Yes Electrical
Q04 Fryer
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Kitchen 5 units Yes Stainless Steel =
Q04 Work Tables 220cms X80 cms
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Sink With 5 units Yes with running water
Q04 Attached
06 Taps
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Refrigerators 3 units Yes 330 lts or more
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Kitchen Rack 2 units Yes Stainless Steel
Q04 250cmsX120 cms
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Dry Storage 1 units Yes Wooden or Stainless
Q04 Cabinet Steel
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Cease Fire / 3 units Yes ABC type 5kgs
Q04 Fire
06 Extinguisher
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Dough 2 units Yes
Q04 Kneader

THC/ Commis Chef 4 Mixer / 2 units Yes
Q04 Grinder
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Exhaust & 4 units Yes
Q04 Fresh Air
06 Fans
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Fly Killer 2 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel Stock 2 units Yes
Q04 Pot (4 Ltr)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel Stock 2 units Yes
Q04 Pot ( 7 Ltr)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel Stock 1 units Yes
Q04 Pot ( 25 Ltr)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel Sauce 3 units Yes
Q04 Pan ( 2Ltr)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel Saute 3 units Yes
Q04 Pan
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel 2 units Yes Non Stick
Q04 Omelete Pan
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Iron Work 2 units Yes Indian Wok
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Chef Knife 30 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Chef Knife ( 30 units Yes
Q04 Thick Blade )
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Veg. Knife 30 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Turning 6 units Yes
Q04 Knife
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Pallet Knife 5 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Sharpening 2 units Yes
Q04 Steel
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Piping Bags ( 2 units Yes
Q04 With 5
06 Nozzels)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Slicer 2 units Yes

THC/ Commis Chef 4 Whisk 3 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Muffins 2 units Yes
Q04 Mould (
06 Aluminium)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Tartlet 2 units Yes
Q04 Mould
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Pie Mould ( 1 units Yes
Q04 Detachable
06 Base)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Bread 5 units Yes
Q04 Moulds ( 800
06 Gms)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Chopping 6 units Yes 6 each of different
Q04 Board- Hard colour-Red, Green,
06 Plastic Blue and White
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel 4 units Yes
Q04 Skimmer
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel Turner 4 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel Ladle 4 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel Rice 2 units Yes
Q04 Colander
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Steel 2 units Yes
Q04 Strainer
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Caramel 2 units Yes
Q04 Custard
06 Mould
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Baking Tray 4 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Ss Storage 4 units Yes
Q04 Tray
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Rotary Cake 2 units Yes
Q04 Stand
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Plastic 2 units Yes
Q04 Crates
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Tandoor 6 units Yes
Q04 Seekhs
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Parat ( 1 units Yes
Q04 Large)

THC/ Commis Chef 4 Rolling Pin ( 5 units Yes Wooden or Plastic
Q04 Indian)
THC/ Commis Chef 4 Pizza Cutter 2 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 SS KATORIS 36 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 WEIGHING 2 units Yes UPTO 2KG
THC/ Commis Chef 4 TAVA WITH 5 units Yes
THC/ Commis Chef 4 MASALA 5 units Yes
06 SS



Program Name Employability and Entrepreneurship Skills

Qualification Pack
Name & Reference ID. ALL

Version No. 1.0 Version Update Date

Pre-requisites to
Training Outcomes After completing this programme, participants will be able to:

• Identify personal strengths and value systems: safe

work habits, achievement motivation, time management,
anger management, stress management.
• Recall important tenets of digital literacy: fundamentals
of computer terminology, parts of a computer and a
keyboard, main applications of MS Office.
• Discuss the essentials of matters pertaining to
money: saving money, bank accounts, types of costs,
investment options, insurance products, taxes.
• Prepare for employment and self-employment:
preparing for an interview, effective resume writing, basic
workplace terminology.
• Illustrate the basics of entrepreneurship and identify
new business opportunities: effective leadership, effective
speaking, effective listening, problem solving, business
opportunities, types of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial
process and ecosystem, resilient entrepreneurs

Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
1 • Recognize the importance of general Laptop, white
Introduction discipline in the class room (dos and board, marker,
don’ts) projector
Theory Duration • List expectations from the program
(hh:mm) • Outline the objectives of the program
Practical Duration

2 • Identify common health issues and tips Workbook

to prevent them exercises on
Personal Strengths • Discuss critical safety habits to be health standards,
and Value Systems followed by employees Laptop, activity on
• Understand motivation with the help of strengths and
Theory Duration Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs weaknesses, white
(hh:mm) • List the characteristics of board, marker,
04:00 entrepreneurs with achievement projector
Practical Duration • Discuss how to maintain a positive
(hh:mm) attitude
04:00 • Discuss the role of attitude in self-
• List your strengths and weaknesses
• Describe the importance of honesty in
• List the characteristics of highly
creative and innovative people
• Discuss the benefits of time
• List the traits of effective time
• Apply effective time management
• Apply tips for anger management and
stress management
3 • Identify the basic parts of a computer
and keyboard
• Recall basic computer terminology
Digital Literacy: A • Identify the functions of basic computer Laptop, white
keys board, marker,
• Discuss the main applications of MS projector, CPU,
Office Monitor, keyboard,
Theory Duration • Discuss the benefits of Microsoft mouse, MS Office
(hh:mm) Outlook software, E-Wallet
01:00 • Identify the different types of e- soft wares such as
Practical Duration commerce PayTM, SBI buddy
(hh:mm) etc.
• Explain the benefits of e-commerce for
03:00 retailers and customers
• Discuss how the Digital India campaign
will help boost e-commerce in India

Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
• Describe how you will sell a product or
service on an e-commerce platform
• Elaborate on the need for digital
• Identify the modes of digital
• Explain the uses of digital transactions

4 • Recognize the importance and benefits

Money Matters of saving money Laptop, white
• Discuss the main types of bank board, marker,
Theory Duration accounts projector,
(hh:mm) • Illustrate the process of opening a bank Passport, Driving
06:00 account License, Voter ID
• Differentiate between fixed and card, PAN card,
Practical Duration variable costs Aadhaar card,
(hh:mm) • Describe the main types of investment sample KYC
02:00 options document, bank
• Identify the different types of insurance opening form (can
products and types of taxes be downloaded
• Discuss the uses of online banking from the Internet)
• Describe the main types of electronic
funds transfers
5 • Follow the steps to prepare for an
Preparing for interview Laptop, white
Employment and Self- • Create an effective Resume board, marker,
Employment • Identify the most frequently asked projector, sample
interview questions CVs, Mock
Theory Duration • Discuss how to answer the most interviews, role
(hh:mm) frequently asked interview questions plays, role play
02:00 • Identify basic workplace terminology briefs, FAQs, quiz
on basic
Practical Duration workplace
(hh:mm) technologies.

6 • Discuss the concept and significance
Entrepreneurship of entrepreneurship and the
characteristics of an entrepreneur
Theory Duration • List the qualities of an effective leader Laptop, white
(hh:mm) and the benefits of effective leadership board, marker,
04:30 • List the traits of an effective team projector, SWOT
• Apply techniques of effective listening activity: pen and
Practical Duration • Apply techniques of effective speaking paper individual
(hh:mm) • Solve problems by identifying important exercise, charts,
09:00 problem solving traits coloured pens,
• Discuss how to identify new business Group Activity:
opportunities within your business poster making on
• Describe the different types of entrepreurship
entrepreneurs ecosystem.
Activity: SMART
• State the characteristics of
Goal writing
• Recall entrepreneur success stories

Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
• Follow the entrepreneurial process and
explain the entrepreneurship
• Recognize the purpose of the Make in
India campaign
• Identify key schemes to promote
• Define the relationship between
entrepreneurship and risk appetite and
entrepreneurship and resilience
• Discuss the characteristics of a
resilient entrepreneur
• Identify techniques of dealing
effectively with failure

Total Duration
Unique Equipment Required:
Theory Duration Laptop, white board, marker, projector

Practical Duration

Grand Total Course Duration: 40 Hours, 0 Minutes

DURATION: 2080 Hrs

1) Name of the Trade : Kitchen Operations

2) Duration of On-Job Training : 2080 Hrs
3) Batch size : 10 (Recommended)
4) Examination :
a. The internal assessment will be held on completion of the block
b. THSC exam will be conducted at the end of Apprenticeship Training
5) Instructor Qualification : Trainer Prerequisites for Job role “Commi 1” mapped to Qualification
Pack: “THC/Q0405, Version 1.0 ”
Area Details
1 Description To deliver accredited training service, mapping to the curriculum detailed above,
in accordance with the Qualification Pack “THC/Q0405” Ver1.0
2 Personal Aptitude for conducting training, and pre/ post work to ensure competent,
Attributes employable candidates at the end of the training. Strong communication skills,
interpersonal skills, ability to work as part of a team; a passion for quality and for
developing others; well-organised and focused, eager to learn and keep oneself
updated with the latest in the mentioned field.
3 Minimum Preferable 8th Standard passed
Educational Craft Course in Hotel Management
4a Domain Certified for training for Job Role: “Commi 1”
Certification mapped to QP: “THC/Q0405”with minimum passing score 80%
4b Platform Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trainer”, mapped to
Certification the Qualification Pack: “ MEP/Q0102”. Minimum accepted score is 80%.
5 Experience At least 5 years’ experience in Food Production including one year as supervisory
capacity in a classified Hotel or Restaurant or Flight Kitchen or Cruise Liners.
Experience as Departmental Trainer/ On the Job Trainer would be essential.

Program Name Commi 1

Qualification Pack Name & Commi 1

Reference ID. ID THC/Q0405

Version No. 1.0 Version Update Date 5-10-19

Preferable 8th Standard passed

Pre-requisites to Training Craft Course in Hotel Management

Training Outcomes After completing this programme, participants will be able to:
• Prepare for food and kitchen activities
• Perform food operations as per standards
• Communicate with customer and colleagues
• Maintain customer- centric service orientation
• Maintain standard of etiquette and hospitable conduct
• Follow gender and age sensitive service practices
• Assist the commi and senior chefs
• Maintain health and hygiene at workplace
• Maintain safety at workplace
• Learn a foreign / local language

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment


Week Induction and 1. Understand Vision, Mission/Values of the Audi-Visual

1 Orientation of the Organisation
company White Board
2. Undergo Induction
Theory Duration
3. Enlist Do’s and Don’ts of the organisation
4. Understand and follow Organisation Structure
5. Undergo Intra departmental Induction

Practical Duration

Week Kitchen Induction 6. Undergo Food Production departmental

2 and and orientation induction in various kitchen and sections
3 Theory Duration
(hh:mm) 7. Understand and follow Kitchen SOP and
Terms and standard Phrases
8. Understand and enlist roles and Responsibility
Practical Duration of Commi 1

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment


Week Hygiene and 9. Keep the workplace clean

4, 5 Cleanliness
10. Identify waste and ensure its disposal
Theory Duration
(hh:mm) 11. Ensure waste bins are cleared everyday

10:00 12. Point out requirements for pest control

13. Ensure work place has fresh air supply and
sufficient lighting
Practical Duration
(hh:mm) 14. Ensure maintenance check of air conditioners
and other mechanical equipment in the
70:00 department
15. Know safe and clean handling of linen,
Corresponding laundry and work area
NOS Code
16. Ensure adequate supply of cleaning
17. Hand wash procedure
18. Understand personal hygiene
19. Understand dental hygiene
20. Understand HACCP guidelines and processes
21. Understand cross contamination and how to
prevent it
22. Report on personal health issues
23. Ensure procedures such as covering the mouth
and turning away from people while coughing
and sneezing
24. Get appropriate vaccinations regularly
25. Undergo preventive health check up and treat
all illnesses promptly
26. Legislation and good practice relating to the
purchase, storage,
27. preparation, cooking, and service of food
28. Legislation and good practice for safe working
practices in a kitchen and for using
commercial catering equipment
29. The causes of deterioration of food
30. Quality indicators for fresh and preserved
S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

32. Work hygienically and account for sanitary

regulations for food storage, preparation,
cooking and service (HACCP)
33. Store all commodities safely and hygienically
34. Ensure all work areas are cleaned based on
highest standards
35. The business internal HACCP concept is
applied to the last detail
36. Work safely and uphold accident prevention
37. Use all tools and equipment safely and within
manufacturer’s instructions
38. Promote health, safety, and environment and
food hygiene within the working environment

Week Safety standards 39. Understand various hazards in work areas and
6 and procedures how to eliminate or minimize them
and work hazards
40. Analyse the causes of accident at workplace
Theory Duration and suggest measures to prevent them
41. Take preventive measures and suggest
04:00 methods to improve existing safety procedures
Practical Duration 42. Know correct emergency procedures
43. Know the locations of fire extinguishers, fire
36:00 emergency etc
44. Stack items in an organized way to avoid
Corresponding accidents
NOS Code
THC/N9907 45. Handle materials, tools, chemicals etc safely
46. Ensure safe techniques while moving
furnitures and fixtures
47. Understand guidelines to use electrical
48. Ensure floors are not slippery
49. Practice ergonomic lifting, bending or moving
50. Understand first aid
51. Know the use of personal protective
equipment and safety gear
52. Knowledge of safety signs
53. Document first aid treatments and safety
54. Report to supervisor if any hazard is identified
adhere to safety standards

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

Week Ingredients and 55. Market prices for ingredients and the
7,8 Menu Knowledge correlation between price and quality

Theory Duration 56. The nature and types of ingredients used in

(hh:mm) cookery

10:00 57. Product seasonal availability and value

Practical Duration 58. The correlation between product quality,
(hh:mm menu sophistication, and gastronomic level
(hh:mm) 59. The nutritional properties of ingredients
70:00 60. The physical nutritional impact of cooking
NOS Code 61. Import regulations and restrictions that apply
THC/N3005 to some ingredients
62. Types and styles of menu
63. Balance in menu compilation
64. Issues surrounding sustainability and ethics
when sourcing ingredients
65. The impact of culture, religion, allergies,
intolerances, and tradition on diet and cooking
66. Compose menus for a variety of situations and
67. Produce accurate in menu preparation and
account for obligatory declarations such as
dietary and allergy information
68. Compile menus for a variety of occasions and

Week 69. Identify the Par stocks of the ingredients as

Indenting and per the outlet menu
9, 10, Receiving Duties
11 70. Work on the Inventory Management system
Theory Duration
71. Receive the perishables as per the indents and
conduct sample quality checks on the items
10:00 received
Practical Duration 72. Advise on procurement of ingredients and
(hh:mm equipment
(hh:mm) 73. Select appropriate product quality standards
for menu, budget, and situation
74. Recognize and comply with ingredient

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

75. Apply nutritional principles in order to

comply with guests’ expectations and
76. Identify the quality state of ingredients and
recognize the signs of quality and freshness,
e.g. appearance, aroma, structure, etc.
77. Appraise and reject sub-standard goods
78. Select appropriate products for speciality

Week 79. Estimate the requirements of variety of

12, resources for kitchen operations with the
13, 14 Arranging for food assistance of kitchen helpers
80. Estimate the quantity of various resources
Theory Duration required for smooth kitchen operations
81. Provide the specifications for kitchen
10:00 provisions, supplies and daily perishable
Practical Duration consumables from suppliers
82. Receive the delivery of kitchen provisions,
110:00 supplies and daily perishable consumables
from suppliers
83. Check that received food items, supplies and
Corresponding materials are undamaged and then tally them
NOS Code
with the order placed
84. Instruct kitchen helper to unload the supplies
and sort them for proper storage

Week 85. The structure of a carcass and a poultry or

15, Pre Prep game bird and the uses for all cuts of meat,
16, Kitchen/Section poultry, or game
17, 18
86. Methods of butchering and preparing meat for
Theory Duration
87. The range of meats, game, and poultry and
their best uses
Practical Duration
(hh:mm) 88. Cuts of meat, poultry, and game commonly
used in cookery
89. The range of fish and shellfish available and
their suitable uses
Corresponding 90. Cuts of fish used in cookery
NOS Code
THC/N3005 91. Methods of preparing fish and shellfish for

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

92. The range of fruits, salad ingredients, and

vegetables used in cookery and their methods
of preparation for cookery or use
93. Accepted vegetable cuts and their uses
94. The methods of making stocks and their uses
95. The equipment and tools used in butchery,
fishmongery, and the preparation of
96. The safe use and care of tools, especially
97. Calculate, measure and weigh correct amounts
of products
98. Apply excellent knife skills and common
cutting techniques
99. Debone meat, poultry, and game cuts and
prepare for further processing
100. Trim and tie meats, poultry, and game
101. Prepare, portion, and fillet kitchen meat cuts
102. Prepare whole fish for further processing,
scale, remove entrails, fillet
103. Prepare accepted portions of fish for further
processing and cooking
104. Prepare stocks, sauces, marinades,
accompaniments, and dressings
105. Conclude and assemble the mise en place for
the menu in its entirety
106. Independently take care of mise en place for
functions and banqueting
107. Utilize unused mise en place for other
108. Make preparations for the production of
pastry, bakery products, and desserts
109. Produce a variety of pasta

Week Cooking
19, vegetarian and 110. Prepare hot and cold sandwiches
20, non-vegetarian 111. Produce basic hot sauces
food items 112. Produce cold starters and salads
21, 22
At Pantry Station 113. Produce various soups
Theory Duration

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

Practical Duration

NOS Code
Week Cooking 114. Perform asper the SOP at Indian Pre Prep
23, vegetarian and
non-vegetarian 115. Perform asper the SOP at Gravy Station
25, 26 food items 116. Perform asper the SOP at Rice/Biryani and
In Indian Kitchen
Theory Duration Indian Breads
(hh:mm) 117. Perform asper the SOP at Tandoor
10:00 118. Perform asper the SOP at Barbeque
Practical Duration
119. Perform asper the SOP at Hot Range
120. Perform asper the SOP at Indian Pantry
121. Perform asper the SOP for Ala-carte and or
Buffet Orders
NOS Code 122. Prepare Garnishes and extensions to basic
THC/N3006 dishes
123. Plating and Portion sizes for service
124. Prepare Indian Sweets
125. Select the appropriate cooking equipment for
the cooking method
126. Apply the correct cooking method for each
ingredient and each dish
127. Apply a full range of cookery methods
128. Account for the cooking times
129. Combine and apply various cooking methods
130. Account for shrinkage during cooking
131. Produce harmony of products, preparation
methods and plating techniques
132. Align preparation methods with a gastronomic

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

133. Follow recipes, adapting them as necessary,

and calculate ingredients based on covers
134. Combine ingredients to achieve the required
135. Prepare and cook complex dishes combining
ingredients to produce interesting and
innovative dishes
136. Prepare regional, national, and international
dishes using recipes
137. Prepare and cook dishes for a range of meals
including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, high
tea, and dinner
138. Apply modern technology and methodology
in food production

Week Cooking 139. Perform asper the SOP at Pre Prep and sauces
27, vegetarian and station
28, non-vegetarian
29, food items 140. Perform asper the SOP at Hot range for
30, In South East Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Malaysian,
Asian Kitchen Japanese
31, 32 Theory Duration
(hh:mm) 141. Prepare Garnishes and extensions to basic
142. Plating and Portion sizes for service
Practical Duration
(hh:mm) 143. Prepare South East Asian Deserts
220:00 144. Apply the correct cooking method for each
ingredient and each dish
145. Apply a full range of cookery methods
NOS Code 146. Account for the cooking times
147. Combine and apply various cooking methods
148. Account for shrinkage during cooking
149. Produce harmony of products, preparation
methods and plating techniques
150. Align preparation methods with a gastronomic
151. Follow recipes, adapting them as necessary,
and calculate ingredients based on covers

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

152. Combine ingredients to achieve the required

153. Prepare and cook complex dishes combining
ingredients to produce interesting and
innovative dishes
154. Prepare regional, national, and international
dishes using recipes
155. Prepare and cook dishes for a range of meals
including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, high
tea, and dinner
156. Apply modern technology and methodology
in food production

Week Cooking 157. Perform asper the SOP at Pre Prep Station
33, vegetarian and
non-vegetarian 158. Perform asper the SOP at Anti Pasta and
food items Sauces
35, 36
In Italian Kitchen
Theory Duration 159. Perform asper the SOP at Pasta Station
(hh:mm) 160. Perform asper the SOP at Pizza Preparation
10:00 161. Prepare Garnishes and extensions to basic
Practical Duration dishes
162. Plating and Portion sizes for service
163. Prepare Italian Deserts
164. Apply the correct cooking method for each
Corresponding ingredient and each dish
NOS Code
THC/N3006 165. Apply a full range of cookery methods
166. Account for the cooking times
167. Combine and apply various cooking methods
168. Account for shrinkage during cooking
169. Produce harmony of products, preparation
methods and plating techniques
170. Align preparation methods with a gastronomic
171. Follow recipes, adapting them as necessary,
and calculate ingredients based on covers
172. Combine ingredients to achieve the required

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

173. Prepare and cook complex dishes combining

ingredients to produce interesting and
innovative dishes
174. Prepare regional, national, and international
dishes using recipes
175. Prepare and cook dishes for a range of meals
including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, high
tea, and dinner
176. Apply modern technology and methodology
in food production

Week Cooking 177. Perform asper the SOP at Pre Prep station
37, vegetarian and
38, non-vegetarian 178. Perform asper the SOP at Sauces and Grills
39, 40 food items
179. Perform asper the SOP at Hot range for
In Mediterranean
Kitchen Mediterranean Cuisine
Theory Duration
180. Prepare Garnishes and extensions to basic
181. Plating and Portion sizes for service
Practical Duration
(hh:mm) 182. Prepare Mediterranean Deserts

150:00 183. Apply the correct cooking method for each

ingredient and each dish
184. Apply a full range of cookery methods
NOS Code 185. Account for the cooking times
186. Combine and apply various cooking methods
187. Account for shrinkage during cooking
188. Produce harmony of products, preparation
methods and plating techniques
189. Align preparation methods with a gastronomic
190. Follow recipes, adapting them as necessary,
and calculate ingredients based on covers
191. Combine ingredients to achieve the required
192. Prepare and cook complex dishes combining
ingredients to produce interesting and
innovative dishes

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

193. Prepare regional, national, and international

dishes using recipes
194. Prepare and cook dishes for a range of meals
including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, high
tea, and dinner
195. Apply modern technology and methodology
in food production

Week Cooking 196. Produce Various Varieties of Breads

41, vegetarian and
non-vegetarian 197. Produce Various kinds of Tarts and
42, 43
food items Soufflés
In Bakery and
Confectionary 198. Produce Chocolate Desserts
Theory Duration
199. Produce Cookies and Teat time bakes
Practical Duration

NOS Code

Week Customizing
44, food items as 200. Know The importance of the presentation
45, 46 per consumer’s of food as part of the meal experience
201. Know The range of servicing dishes,
plates and other presentation equipment
Theory Duration available
(hh:mm) 202. Know Trends in food presentation
203. Know Styles of food service and their
20:00 impact on the presentation of dishes
204. Know Accepted garnishes and
Practical Duration accompaniments for traditional dishes
(hh:mm) 205. Know The importance of portion control in
100:00 a commercial restaurant of catering
206. Understand standard requests of the
Corresponding 207. Know Nutrition/ allergies and new trends
NOS Code
in cooking
208. Suggesting the customer to rightly choose
THC/N9902 to enhance taste
THC/N9904 209. Have good knowledge on product and
services and brief the customer clearly on
them in a polite and professional manner

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

210. Identify customer needs by asking questions

211. Build friendly but impersonal relationship
with the customers
212. Use appropriate language and tone and
listen actively
213. Show sensitivity to gender/ cultural and
social differences
214. Understand customer expectations and
provide appropriate product/services
215. Understand customer dissatisfaction and
address their complaints
216. Maintain proper body language and dress
217. Communicate clearly and effectively with
the guest
218. Inform the customers on any issues and
developments involving them
219. Respond back to the customer
220. Upselling/promoting suitable products and
221. Seek feedback from customers
222. Explain terms and conditions clearly
223. Understand target customers, their
profiles and needs
224. Build good rapport with the customer
225. Understand the market trends and
customer expectations by discussing the
same with frequent customers
226. Seek feedback and rating from customer
227. Use customer oriented behaviour to gain
loyalty and satisfaction
228. Be friendly but not familiar with guest
229. Greet, welcome and address the
customer appropriately
230. Maintain pitch and tone of voice while
speaking to customers
231. Maintain high standards of practice and
transparency in pricing
232. Answer the telephone
233. Communicate appropriately with the
234. Dress professionally
235. Maintain personal integrity and ethical
236. Maintain personal grooming and positive
body language

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

237. Demonstrate responsible and disciplined

238. Escalate grievances to appropriate

Week 239. Food cost and other expenses

47, 48 240. Follow the Quality parameters of Food
Expediting and handling and kitchen equipment
ensuring quality 241. Check that cooking equipment is turned
control off, unplugged where necessary, and
Theory Duration cleaned following manufacturer’s and
(hh:mm) organisation’s instructions.
242. Clean and dry all other kitchen tools and
20:00 equipment and store them as per
Practical Duration organizational SOP
(hh:mm) 243. Check food storage area is properly
60:00 244. Follow all the workplace procedure
related to keeping kitchen hygienic before
closing down the kitchen after day’s
Corresponding operations.
NOS Code 245. Turn on the appropriate kitchen equipment
THC/N3006 at the correct time and to correct setting.
246. Arrange all the tools and kitchen equipment
in the kitchen as per organizational SOP
Week Interacting with 247. Receive job order and instructions from
49 superiors and reporting superior
colleagues 248. Escalate unresolved problems or
complaints to relevant superior
Theory Duration 249. Understand work output requirements,
(hh:mm) targets, performance indicators and
250. Deliver quality work and report anticipated
Practical Duration delays with reason
(hh:mm) 251. Communicate maintenance and repair
schedule to superior
35:00 252. Receive feedback on work standards
253. Document the completed work
254. Show trust, support and respect to all
Corresponding colleagues and assist them with
NOS Code information and knowledge
THC/N9901 255. Try to achieve smooth overflow
256. Identify the potential and existing conflicts
with colleagues and resolve them
257. Seek assistance from colleagues when
258. Pass on essential information to
colleagues in a timely manner
259. Behave responsibly and use polite
language with colleagues

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

260. Interact with colleagues from different

functions to understand their nature of
261. To understand teamwork, multi tasking,
co-operation, co-ordination and
262. Lookout for any errors and help
colleagues to rectify them

Week Achieving
50 customer
through customer- 263. Ensure fair and honest treatments to
centric service customers
264. Enhance company’s brand value
Theory Duration 265. Read customer expectations and ensure they
(hh:mm) are met
266. Readily accept and implement new ideas to
improve customer satisfaction
Practical Duration 267. Communicate customer feedback to superior
(hh:mm) 268. Offer promotions to improve product
35:00 269. Consult with senior on unscheduled customer

NOS Code
Week Services and 270. Make sure new initiatives of Hotel are not
51 facilities specific to leaked out specially key/signature menus
age / gender / and dishes
special needs 271. Report IPR violations
272. Read copyright clause
Theory Duration 273. Protect infringement upon customer’s
(hh:mm) interests
274. Know which aspect of customer
information can be used
Practical Duration 275. Report any infringement

NOS Code

Week Report Creation 276. Create a report on the Key Learnings and
52 and Log book complete the logbook by getting the relevant
completion supervisors to sign the same

Theory Duration


S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment


Practical Duration

Total Duration Unique Equipment Required:

2080 Hrs LPG Cylinders (Gas Bank)
Theory Duration Work station:
Two Gas Burners & Griddle Plate
220:00 Tandoor (Gas / Coal)
Oven (Gas / Electrical)
Deep Fat Fryer
SS Kitchen work tables
SS Sink with attached Taps
Duration Refrigerators
1860:00 SS Kitchen Rack
Dry Storage Cabinet
Cease Fire/Fire Extinguisher
Dough Kneader
Mixer / Grinder
Exhaust & Fresh air fans
Fly killer
Steel stock pot (4 ltrapprox)
Steel stock pot (7 ltrapprox)
Steel stock pot (25 ltrapprox)
Steel sauce pan (2 ltrapprox)
Steel saute pan
Steel omellete pan
Iron wok (indian and chinese)
Chef knife
Chef knife(thick blade)
Veg. Knife
Turning knife

Pallet knife
Sharpning steel
Piping bags(with 5 nozzles)
Muffins mould (aluminium)
Tartlet mould
Pie mould (detachable base)
Bread moulds(800gms)
Chopping board (white)
Steel skimmer
Steel turner
Steel laddle
Steel rice collander

S.No. Topic / Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment

Steel strainer
Caramel custard mould
Baking tray
S s storage tray
Rotary cake stand
Plastic crates
Tandoor seekhs
Rolling pin (indian)
Rolling pin (bakery)
Fancy cutter
Pie dish
Wooden spoon
Saute spoon
Pizza cutter
Bread knife
Different types of knives
Chopping board
Small kitchen equipment like colander, soup strainer
Wet / dry grinder
Stock register
Cleaning agents
Invoice format
Weighing machine
Storage containers
Microwave / otg
Cooking hob

Job Role : Commi 1
Qualification Pack : THC/Q0405
Sector Skill Council : Tourism and Hospitality

5. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will
also lay down proportion of marks for each PC.
6. Each NOS will assessed both for theoretical knowledge and practical which is being
proportionately demonstrated in the table below.
7. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the
8. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum aggregate of 70%.

Performance Criteria Total Out of Theor Skills

Marks y Practic
(500) al

PC1. report to work punctually and fill in 5.0 1.5 3.5

attendance / register form
PC2. wear the uniform given by restaurant / 4.5 1.5 3.0
recommended clothing in the kitchen
PC3. interact with superior and make note of 4.5 1.5 3.0
day’s requirements
PC4. listen to instruction of chef de parte / 4.0 1.0 3.0
sous chef / executive chef and follow
THC/N041 them
2 PC5. assist chef de parte on food preparation 4.5 1.5 3.0
Prepare and presentation
for food PC6. listen and follow instruction from chefs 5.0 1.5 3.5
and on operating kitchen efficiently and
kitchen profitably
activities PC7. adapt to different kitchen (as per type of 50 4.5 1.0 3.5
food) requirement during job rotation
and assist in food preparation
PC8. respond positively to feedback from 4.5 1.5 3.0
guests / supervisor
PC9. follow compliance requirement on 4.5 1.5 3.0
quality, health, hygiene, food safety,
personal safety, fire prevention, etc

Performance Criteria Total Out of Theor Skills
Marks y Practic
(500) al

PC10. maintain cleanliness in the workplace 4.0 1.0 3.0

PC11. use clean and sterilized kitchen ware as 5.0 1.5 3.5
POINTS 50 15.0 35.0


Performance Criteria Total Out of Theor Skills

Marks y Practic
(500) al

PC1. operate the kitchen equipment and 2.0 1.0 1.0

appliances used for cooking and food
PC2. maintain the kitchen equipment and 2.0 1.0 1.0
ensure all time smooth operation
PC3. use commis apron, gloves, cap as per 2.0 1.0 1.0
standards while preparing food
PC4. report any faulty equipment / appliance 2.0 1.0 1.0
and ask for repair or replacement
PC5. produce quality, fresh and tasty food as 3.5 1.0 2.5
per the standards
PC6. follow recipe as per standards and use 3.5 1.0 2.5
Perform recommended ingredients at appropriate
food quantity
preparatio PC7. prepare food as per required quantity 3.5 1.0 2.5
n as per
without exceeding cost
PC8. independently cook basic dish in the 3.5 1.0 2.5
PC9. able to cook the appropriate dish within 3.5 1.0 2.5
the allocated turn-around time
PC10. work according to menu specification 3.5 1.0 2.5

PC11. customise the food as per customer 4.0 1.5 2.5

preference (spicy, sweet, etc)
PC12. attractively present the completed dish 2.5 1.0 1.5

PC13. make note of different ingredients in the 50 2.0 1.0 1.0

allotted workplace (multi cuisine,
continental, chinese, pastry, etc)

Performance Criteria Total Out of Theor Skills
Marks y Practic
(500) al

PC14. arrange all materials in requirement 2.5 1.5 1.0

quantity for a dish to be prepared by chef
de partie
PC15. learn specialty dish recipe from chefs 2.0 1.0 1.0

PC16. measure dish ingredients and portion 2.0 1.0 1.0

size accurately
PC17. ensure that portion control are adhered 2.0 1.0 1.0
to hotel standard
PC18. minimize / avoid wastage of food 2.0 1.0 1.0
materials while preparing food
PC19. ensure food material are appropriately 2.0 1.0 1.0
stored in right place and as per
POINTS 50 20.0 30.0


Performance Criteria Total Out of Theor Skills

Marks y Practic
(500) al

PC1. communicate and coordinate with other 2.0 0.5 1.5

commis while food preparation
PC2. coordinate with commis (2&3) on any 2.5 0.5 2.0
required assistance in food preparation
PC3. train the commis (2&3) on food 2.5 1 1.5
preparation, presentation and other hotel
PC4. explain the commis on food safety, 3.0 1.0 2.0
standards, guidelines, hygiene to be
followed in the workplace
PC5. provide feedback of commis performance 3.0 1.0 2.0
to chef de partie
PC6. identify the quality of food material used 2.5 0.5 2.0
(visual, smell, taste, label, etc)
PC7. follow all food safety and guidelines as per 3.0 1.0 2.0
organization requirement
PC8. follow sanitation guidelines in the 3.0 1.0 2.0
workplace( kitchen)

Performance Criteria Total Out of Theor Skills
Marks y Practic
(500) al

THC/N04 PC9. maintain personal hygiene 3.0 1.0 2.0

14 Assist
PC10. follow the stock rotation and usage as per 50 2.5 1.0 1.5
commi standard (first in first out, as per usage
and date, etc)
senior PC11. identify the quality of food material used 3.0 1.0 2.0
chefs (visual, smell, taste, label, etc)
PC12. follow all food safety and guidelines as per 3.0 1.0 2.0
organization requirement
PC13. follow sanitation guidelines in the 3.0 1.0 2.0
workplace( kitchen)
PC14. maintain personal hygiene 2.5 0.5 2.0

PC15. follow the stock rotation and usage as per 3.0 1.0 2.0
standard (first in first out, as per usage
date, etc)
PC16. achieve customer satisfaction on the 2.5 0.5 2.0
taste, freshness and presentation of the
food served
PC17. ensure no customer complaints on the 3.0 1.0 2.0
food quality
PC18. ensure effective usage of materials and 3.0 1.0 2.0
zero wastage
POINTS 50 15.5 34.5


Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC1. receive job order and instructions

1.0 0.5 0.5
THC/N9901 from reporting superior
PC2. understand the work output
te with
requirements, targets, performance 50 0.5 0.5 0.0
indicators and incentives
colleagues PC3. deliver quality work on time and
0.5 0.5 0.0
report any anticipated reasons for delays

Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC4. escalate unresolved problems or

1.0 0.5 0.5
complaints to the relevant senior

PC5. communicate maintenance and

0.5 0.5 0.0
repair schedule proactively to the superior

PC6. receive feedback on work

1.0 0.5 0.5

PC7. document the completed work

1.0 0.5 0.5
schedule and handover to the superior

PC8. exhibit trust, support and respect

1.5 0.5 1.0
to all the colleagues in the workplace

PC9. aim to achieve smooth workflow 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC10. help and assist colleagues with

1.0 0.5 0.5
information and knowledge

PC11. seek assistance from the colleagues

1.0 0.5 0.5
when required

PC12. identify the potential and existing

1.5 0.5 1.0
conflicts with the colleagues and resolve

PC13. pass on essential information to

1.5 0.5 1.0
other colleagues on timely basis

PC14. maintain the etiquette, use polite

language, demonstrate responsible and 1.5 0.5 1.0
disciplined behaviours to the colleagues

PC15. interact with colleagues from

different functions clearly and effectively
on all aspects to carry out the work among 1.5 0.5 1.0
the team and understand the nature of
their work

PC16. put team over individual goals and

multi task or share work where necessary 1.5 0.5 1.0
supporting the colleagues

PC17. highlight any errors of colleagues,

1.5 0.5 1.0
help to rectify and ensure quality output

Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC18. work with cooperation,

coordination, communication and
1.0 0.5 0.5
collaboration, with shared goals and
supporting each other’s performance

PC19. ask more questions to the

1.0 0.5 0.5
customers and identify their needs

PC20. possess strong knowledge on the

0.5 0.5 0.0
product, services and market

PC21. brief the customers clearly 0.5 0.5 0.0

PC22. communicate with the customers in

1.5 0.5 1.0
a polite, professional and friendly manner

PC23. build effective but impersonal

1.5 0.5 1.0
relationship with the customers

PC24. ensure the appropriate language

1.5 0.5 1.0
and tone are used to the customers

PC25. listen actively in a two way

1.5 0.5 1.0

PC26. be sensitive to the gender, cultural

and social differences such as modes of 1.5 0.5 1.0
greeting, formality, etc.

PC27. understand the customer

expectations correctly and provide the 1.5 0.5 1.0
appropriate products and services

PC28. understand the customer

dissatisfaction and address to their 2.0 0.5 1.5
complaints effectively

PC29. maintain a positive, sensible and

1.5 0.5 1.0
cooperative manner all time

PC30. ensure to maintain a proper body

language, dress code, gestures and 2.0 0.5 1.5
etiquettes towards the customers

PC31. avoid interrupting the customers

1.0 0.5 0.5
while they talk

Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC32. ensure to avoid negative questions

1.0 0.5 0.5
and statements to the customers

PC33. inform the customers on any issues

or problems before hand and also on the 2.0 0.5 1.5
developments involving them

PC34. ensure to respond back to the

customer immediately for their voice 2.0 0.5 1.5
messages, e-mails, etc.

PC35. develop good rapport with the

customers and promote suitable products 2.0 0.5 1.5
and services

PC36. seek feedback from the customers

on their understanding to what was 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC37. explain the terms and conditions

3.0 0.5 2.5

POINTS 50 18.5 31.5


Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC1. keep in mind the profiles of expected

2.5 0.5 2.0
2Maintain PC2. understand the target customers and
1.5 0.5 1.0
customer- their needs as defined by the company
PC3. organize regular customer events and 50
service 2.5 0.5 2.0
feedback session frequently
n PC4. build a good rapport with the
2.5 0.5 2.0
customers including the ones who complain

PC5. have frequent discussions with regular 2.5 0.5 2.0

customers on general likes and dislikes in the

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

market, latest trends, customer

expectations, etc.

PC6. receive regular feedbacks from the

clients on current service, complaints, and 2.5 0.5 2.0
improvements to be made, etc.

PC7. compulsively seek customer rating of

service to help develop a set of regularly 2.5 0.5 2.0
improved procedures

PC8. ingrain customer oriented behaviour in

2.5 0.5 2.0
service at all level

PC9. aim to gain their long lasting loyalty

2.5 0.5 2.0
and satisfaction

PC10. engage with customers without

2.0 0.0 2.0
intruding on privacy

PC11. ensure clarity, honesty and

2.5 0.5 2.0
transparency with the customers

PC12. treat the customers fairly and with

2.5 0.5 2.0
due respect

PC13. focus on executing company’s

marketing strategies and product 2.5 0.5 2.0

PC14. focus on enhancing brand value of

2.5 0.5 2.0
company through customer satisfaction

PC15. ensure that customer expectations

2.5 0.5 2.0
are met

PC16. learn to read customers’ needs and

2.5 0.5 2.0

PC17. willingly accept and Implement new

and innovative products and services that 2.5 0.5 2.0
help improve customer satisfaction

PC18. communicate feedback of customer

2.5 0.5 2.0
to senior, especially, the negative feedback

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC19. maintain close contact with the

2.0 0.5 1.5
customers and focus groups

PC20. offer promotions to improve product

satisfaction level to the customers 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC21. weigh the cost of fulfilling

unscheduled customer requests, consult
2.5 0.5 2.0
with senior and advise the customer on

POINTS 50 10 40


Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC1. greet the customers with a handshake

or appropriate gesture based on the type of 0.5 0.0 0.5
customer on their arrival

PC2. welcome the customers with a smile 0.5 0.0 0.5

PC3. ensure to maintain eye contact 0.5 0.0 0.5

3Maintain PC4. address the customers in a respectable
1.0 0.5 0.5
standard manner
PC5. do not eat or chew while talking 0.5 0.0 0.5
etiquette 50
and PC6. use their names as many times as
0.5 0.0 0.5
hospitable possible during the conversation
PC7. ensure not to be too loud while talking 0.5 0.0 0.5

PC8. maintain fair and high standards of

2.5 1.0 1.5

PC9. ensure to offer transparent prices 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC10. maintain proper books of accounts

2.0 0.5 1.5
for payment due and received

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC11. answer the telephone quickly and

2.0 0.5 1.5
respond back to mails faster

PC12. ensure not to argue with the

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC13. listen attentively and answer back

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC14. maintain personal integrity and

2.5 1.0 1.5
ethical behaviour

PC15. dress professionally 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC16. deliver positive attitude to work 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC17. maintain well groomed personality 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC18. achieve punctuality and body

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC19. maintain the social and telephonic

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC20. provide small gifts as token of

appreciation and thanks giving to the 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC21. use appropriate tone, pitch and

language to convey politeness, 2.0 0.5 1.5
assertiveness, care and professionalism

PC22. demonstrate responsible and

2.0 0.5 1.5
disciplined behaviours at the workplace

PC23. escalate grievances and problems to

appropriate authority as per procedure to 2.0 0.5 1.5
resolve them and avoid conflict

PC24. use appropriate titles and terms of

2.0 0.5 1.5
respect to the customers

PC25. use polite language 1.0 0.5 0.5

PC26. maintain professionalism and

procedures to handle customer grievances 1.5 0.5 1.0
and complaints

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC27. offer friendly, courteous and

hospitable service and assistance to the 1.0 0.5 0.5
customer upholding levels and responsibility

PC28. provide assistance to the customers

maintaining positive sincere attitude and 1.0 0.5 0.5

PC29. provide special attention to the

1.5 0.5 1.0
customer at all time

PC30. achieve 100% customer satisfaction

1.5 0.5 1.0
on a scale of standard

PC31. gain customer loyalty 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC32. enhance brand value of company 2.0 0.5 1.5

POINTS 50 14 36


Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC1. educate the tourists, employers and the

colleagues at workplace on women rights 1.5 1.5 0.0
and the respect that is to be given to them

PC2. inform about company’s policies to

THC/N990 prevent women from sexual harassments,
1.5 1.5 0.0
4 Follow both physical and verbal, and objectifications
gender by other customers and staff
and age PC3. list all the facilities available with 50
sensitive respect to transportation facilities, night trips
service 1.0 1.0 0.0
and safeguards, reporting abuse, maternity
practices related and other grievance

PC4. inform about methods adopted to

ensure safety and personal and baggage
2.0 0.5 1.5
security of women, e.g., CCTV cameras,
security guards, women’s helpline

Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC5. provide the necessary comfort to the

female traveller customers such as secure
and safe environment, chain locks/latches, 2.0 0.5 1.5
smoke detector, comfortable
accommodation, etc.

PC6. Maintain compliant etiquette while

dealing with women customers such as
asking permission before entering room and 2.0 0.5 1.5
for cleaning, avoiding touch contact, using
abusive language or gesture, etc.

PC7. ensure that the customer feels safe at

all times without being over threatened by
2.0 0.5 1.5
the security procedures and related

PC8. ensure that in the event of terrorist

attacks customers are calmly handled, led to
2.0 0.5 1.5
safer places and instructed properly in order
to achieve zero casualties

PC9. ensure the quality of facilities and

services offered cater to the needs of every
2.0 0.5 1.5
individual, be it man, woman, child,
particularly the very young and the aged

PC10. be aware of the customer unique

needs and wants of each category of
3.0 0.5 2.5
customer, e.g., for an infant, for a young
woman, for an old person, others

PC11. coordinate with team to meet these

unique needs, also keeping in mind their 3.0 0.5 2.5
diverse cultural backgrounds

PC12. provide entertainment programs and

2.0 0.5 1.5
events suited for the children tourists

PC13. educate parents and attendants of

senior citizens on basic safeguards and 2.0 0.5 1.5
procedures for them in case of emergencies

Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

PC14. arrange for transport and equipment

2.0 0.5 1.5
as required by senior citizens

PC15. ensure availability of medical facilities

2.0 0.5 1.5
and doctor

PC16. treat women equally across both the

horizontal as well as vertical segregation of 2.0 0.5 1.5
roles in the workplace

PC17. ensure a fair and equal pay to the

women as men, more of formal training,
2.0 0.5 1.5
advancement opportunities, better benefits,

PC18. involve women in the decision making

2.0 0.5 1.5
processes and management professions

PC19. avoid specific discrimination and give

2.0 0.5 1.5
women their due respect

PC20. motivate the women in the work

2.0 0.5 1.5
place towards utilizing their skills

PC21. educate the tourists, employers and

the colleagues at workplace on women rights 2.0 0.5 1.5
and the respect that is to be given to them

PC22. establish policies to protect the

women from sexual harassments, both
2.0 0.5 1.5
physical and verbal, and objectifications by
customers and colleagues

PC23. frame women friendly work practices

such as flexible working hours, maternity
2.0 0.5 1.5
leave, transportation facilities, night shift
concessions, women grievance cell.

PC24. ensure the safety and security of

women in the workplace, particularly when
2.0 0.5 1.5
their nature of job is to deal with night shifts,
attend guest rooms, back end work, etc.

PC25. ensure safety and security of women

2.0 0.5 1.5
at all levels

Out Theor Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of y Practical

POINTS 50 15 35


Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC1. prevent leak of new plans and designs to

7.5 3.5 4.0
competitors by reporting on time

PC2. be aware of any of company’s product,

7.0 7.0 0
service or design patents

PC3. report IPR violations observed in the

THC/N990 7.5 3.5 4.0
market, to supervisor or company head
PC4. read copyright clause of the material
Maintain published on the internet and any other 7.0 3.0 4.0
IPR of printed material
organisati 50
on and PC5. protect infringement upon customer’s
7.0 3.5 3.5
customers business or design plans

PC6. consult supervisor or senior

management when in doubt about using 7.0 3.5 3.5
information available from customer

PC7. report any infringement observed by

7.0 3.5 3.5
anyone in the company

POINTS 50 27.5 22.5


Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC1. keep the workplace regularly clean and

1.5 0.5 1.0
cleared-off of food waste or other litter

PC2. ensure that waste is disposed-off as

per prescribed standards or in trash cans 1.5 0.5 1.0
earmarked for waste disposal

PC3. ensure that the trash cans or waste

1.5 0.5 1.0
collection points are cleared everyday

PC4. arrange for regular pest control

1.5 0.5 1.0
activities at the workplace

PC5. to maintain records for cleanliness and

1.5 0.5 1.0
maintenance schedule

PC6. ensure the workplace is well

1.5 0.5 1.0
ventilated with fresh air supply

PC7. check the air conditioner and other

mechanical systems on a regular basis and 1.5 0.5 1.0
maintain them well
health PC8. ensure the workplace is provided with
1.5 0.5 1.0
and sufficient lighting
PC9. ensure clean work environment where
food is stored, prepared, displayed and 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC10. ensure safe and clean handling and

disposal of linen and laundry, storage area,
1.5 0.5 1.0
accommodation, public areas, storage areas,
garbage areas, etc.

PC11. identify and report poor

organizational practices with respect to 1.5 0.5 1.0
hygiene, food handling, cleaning

PC12. ensure adequate supply of cleaning

consumables such as equipment, materials, 1.5 0.5 1.0
chemicals, liquids

PC13. ensure to clean the store areas with

1.5 0.5 1.0
appropriate materials and procedures

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC14. identify the different types of wastes,

e.g., liquid, solid, food, non-food, and the 1.5 0.5 1.0
ways of handling them for disposal

PC15. wash hands on a regular basis 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC16. ensure to wash hands using

1.5 0.5 1.0
suggested material such as soap

PC17. wash the cups 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC18. ensure to maintain personal hygiene

1.5 0.5 1.0
of daily bath

PC19. ensure to maintain dental hygiene in

1.5 0.5 1.0
terms of brushing teeth every day

PC20. ensure no cross contaminations of

1.5 0.5 1.0
items such as linen

PC21. report on personal health issues

related to injury, food, air and infectious 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC22. ensure not to go for work if unwell, to

1.5 0.5 1.0
avoid the risk of being spread to other people

PC23. use a tissue, cover the mouth and

turn away from people while sneezing or 2.0 0.5 1.5

PC24. wash hands on using these tissues

after coughing and sneezing and after using 2.0 0.5 1.5
the wastes

PC25. ensure to use single use tissue and

2.0 0.5 1.5
dispose these tissues immediately

PC26. coordinate for the provision of

2.0 0.5 1.5
adequate clean drinking water

PC27. ensure to get appropriate vaccines

2.0 0.5 1.5

PC28. avoid serving adulterated or

2.0 0.5 1.5
contaminated food

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC29. undergo preventive health check-ups

2.0 0.5 1.5
at regular intervals

PC30. take prompt treatment from the

1.5 0.5 1.0
doctor in case of illness

PC31. have a general sense of hygiene and

appreciation for cleanliness for the benefit of 1.0 0.5 0.5
self and the customers or local community

POINTS 50 15.5 34.5


Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC1. assess the various work hazards 1.0 1.0 0.0

PC2. take necessary steps to eliminate or

1.5 0.5 1.0
minimize them

PC3. suggest methods to improve the

1.5 0.5 1.0
existing safety procedures at the workplace

PC4. analyse the causes of accidents at the

1.5 0.5 1.0

THC/N990 PC5. suggest measures to prevent such

1.5 0.5 1.0
7Maintain accidents from taking place
safety at
workplace PC6. take preventive measures to avoid risk
of burns and other injury due to contact with
1.5 0.5 1.0
hot surfaces such as stoves, gas, fire, hot
liquids, hot foods, hot oil, etc.

PC7. be aware of the locations of fire

1.5 0.5 1.0
extinguishers, emergency exits, etc.

PC8. practice correct emergency procedures 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC9. check and review the storage areas

1.5 0.5 1.0

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC10. stack items in an organized way and

use safe lifting techniques to reduce risk of
1.5 0.0 1.5
injuries from handling procedures at the
storage areas

PC11. ensure to be safe while using handling

materials, tools, acids, chemicals, detergents, 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC12. store these chemicals and acids in a

well-ventilated and locked areas with 1.5 0.5 1.0
warning signs not to touch

PC13. ensure safe techniques while moving

1.5 0.5 1.0
furniture and fixtures

PC14. ensure to reduce risk of injury from

use of mixers, slicers, grinders, heaters, 1.5 0.5 1.0
fridge, ironer and other electrical tools

PC15. read the manufacturers manual

1.5 0.5 1.0
carefully before use of any equipment

PC16. unplug the electrical equipment

before performing housekeeping, cleaning 2.0 0.5 1.5
and maintenance to avoid injuries

PC17. keep the floors free from water and

2.0 0.5 1.5
grease to avoid slippery surface

PC18. ensure to use non slip liquids and

1.5 0.5 1.0
waxes to polish and treat floors

PC19. use rubber mats to the places where

2.0 0.5 1.5
floors are constantly wet

PC20. ensure safety from injuries of cuts to

loss of fingers, while handling sharp tools 2.0 0.5 1.5
such as knives, needles, etc.

PC21. use flat surfaces, secure holding and

2.0 0.5 1.5
protective wear while using such sharp tools

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC22. use health and safety practices for

storing, cleaning, and maintaining tools, 2.0 0.5 1.5
equipment, and supplies

PC23. practice personal safety when lifting,

2.0 0.5 1.5
bending, or moving equipment and supplies

PC24. ensure the workers have access to

1.0 0.0 1.0
first aid kit when needed

PC25. ensure all equipment and tools are

stored and maintained properly and safe to 1.5 0.5 1.0

PC26. ensure to use personal protective

equipment and safe wear like gloves, mask,
headwear, footwear, glasses, goggles, etc. for 1.5 0.5 1.0
specific tasks and work conditions where

PC27. Ensure to display safety signs at

places where necessary for people to be 1.0 0.0 1.0

PC28. take all electrical precautions like

insulated clothing, adequate equipment
1.5 0.5 1.0
insulation, dry work area, switch off the
power supply when not required, etc.

PC29. ensure availability of general health

and safety equipment such as fire
extinguishers, first aid equipment, safety 1.5 0.5 1.0
equipment, clothing, safety installations like
fire exits, exhaust fans, etc. are available

PC30. document all the first aid treatments,

inspections, etc. conducted to keep track of 1.5 0.5 1.0
the safety measures undertaken

PC31. comply with the established safety

1.0 0.5 0.5
procedures of the workplace

PC32. report to the supervisor on any

0.5 0.0 0.5
problems and hazards identified

Out Theo Skills
Performance Criteria Marks
of ry Practical

PC33. ensure zero accident at workplace 0.5 0.0 0.5

PC34. adhere to safety standards and

1.0 0.5 0.5
ensure no material damage

POINTS 50 15 35


GRAND TOTAL 500 166 334


Commi 1 THC/Q0405

QPCod Name of NSQ Equipment Minim Unit Is this a Dimension/Specification/Descript

e the QP F Name um Typ mandator ion of the Equipment/ ANY
Leve numb e y OTHER REMARK
l er of Equipme
Equip nt to be
ment available
requir at the
ed Training
(per Center
batch (Yes/No)
of 10
THC/Q Commi 1 5 LPG Cylinders 4 unit Yes Min 6 gas Cylinder or LPG/CNG
0405 s Line
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Work Station 5 unit Yes Industrial grade : Two Gas
0405 s Burners & Griddle Plate
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Tandoor 1 unit Yes Clay or Stainless Steel
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Oven 2 unit Yes Gas / Electrical
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Deep Fat 2 unit Yes Electrical
0405 Fryer s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Kitchen Work 5 unit Yes Stainless Steel = 220cms X80
0405 Tables s cms
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Sink With 3 unit Yes with running water
0405 Attached s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Refrigerators 3 unit Yes 330 lts or more
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Kitchen Rack 2 unit Yes Stainless Steel 250cmsX120 cms
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Dry Storage 1 unit Yes Wooden or Stainless Steel
0405 Cabinet s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Cease Fire / 3 unit Yes ABC type 5kgs
0405 Fire s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Dough 2 unit Yes
0405 Kneader s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Mixer / 2 unit Yes
0405 Grinder s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Exhaust & 4 unit Yes
0405 Fresh Air s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Fly Killer 2 unit Yes
0405 s

THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Stock 2 unit Yes
0405 Pot (4 Ltr) s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Stock 2 unit Yes
0405 Pot ( 7 Ltr) s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Stock 1 unit Yes
0405 Pot ( 25 Ltr) s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Sauce 3 unit Yes
0405 Pan ( 2Ltr) s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Saute 3 unit Yes
0405 Pan s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel 2 unit Yes Non Stick
0405 Omelete Pan s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Iron Work 2 unit Yes Indian Wok
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Chef Knife 30 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Chef Knife ( 30 unit Yes
0405 Thick Blade ) s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Veg. Knife 10 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Turning Knife 2 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Pallet Knife 2 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Sharpening 2 unit Yes
0405 Steel s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Piping Bags ( 2 unit Yes
0405 With 5 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Slicer 2 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Whisk 3 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Muffins 2 unit Yes
0405 Mould ( s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Tartlet 2 unit Yes
0405 Mould s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Pie Mould ( 1 unit Yes
0405 Detachable s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Bread 3 unit Yes
0405 Moulds ( 800 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Chopping 2 unit Yes 6 each of different colour-Red,
0405 Board- Hard s Green, Blue and White
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel 4 unit Yes
0405 Skimmer s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Turner 4 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Ladle 4 unit Yes
0405 s

THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Rice 2 unit Yes
0405 Colander s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Steel Strainer 2 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Caramel 2 unit Yes
0405 Custard s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Baking Tray 4 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Storage Tray 4 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Rotary Cake 2 unit Yes
0405 Stand s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Plastic Crates 2 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Tandoor 6 unit Yes
0405 Seekhs s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Parat ( Large) 1 unit Yes
0405 s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Rolling Pin ( 3 unit Yes Wooden or Plastic
0405 Indian) s
THC/Q Commi 1 5 Pizza Cutter 2 unit Yes
0405 s


After completion of the apprenticeship training the candidates have wide career
choices available with them in the hotels, facilities management and cruise lines. There is
an opportunity for the candidate to grow horizontally as:

Pastry Chef THC/Q2708:

Pastry Chef, also known as Patisserie, Dessert Maker/Chef, creates different types of products
like cakes, pastries, cookies, cupcakes, pies, confectionaries, desserts, bread and other baked

The candidate can Vertically Grow to the level of an Chef De Partie over a period of time
and with further upgradation of skills


A candidate after completing apprenticeship can be gainfully employed in

• Hotels
• Standalone Restaurants
• Cruise Liners
• Canteens in various Facilities etc.


TRADE: Commi 1

For a Batch of 10 APPRENTICES

Actual training will depend on the existing facilities available in the establishments. However, the
industry should ensure that the broad skills defined against On-Job Training part (i.e. 9 months) are
imparted. In case of any short fall the concern industry may impart the training in cluster mode/ any
other industry/ at any set up.


Due care to be taken for proper & inclusive delivery among the batch. Some of the
following some method of delivery may be adopted:
2. Maximum utilization of latest form of training viz., audio visual aids, integration of IT,
etc. may be adopted.
3. The total hours to be devoted against each topic may be decided with due diligence to
safety & with prioritizing transfer of required skills.

Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council
801, 8th Floor, Tower A
Unitech Signature Tower, South City 1, Gurgaon
Email: info@thsc.in

Website: www.thsc.in


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