Philippine Part 1
Philippine Part 1
Philippine Part 1
• Broadly applied to denote indigenous,
pock, tribal, ethnic/traditional architecture
found among the different ethnolinguistic.
• From Latin “Vernaculus” w/c means
• Refers to the grammar, syntax, and diction
in expressing buildings in a locale, while
signifying the diverse range of building
traditions in a region.
Philippine Vernacular Architecture
Primitive Architecture
is a term that has been used to describe the
earliest forms of human-built structures,
often associated with indigenous or pre-
industrial societies.
Philippine Vernacular Architecture
Indigenous Architecture
used by other writers seemed to bracket off
the non-formal architecture introduced and
built by immigrant and colonialist population
in order to privilege those building forms
constructed by the indigenes.
Philippine Vernacular Architecture
Anonymous Architecture
reflects the bias towards buildings
designed by named and canonic architects.
Folk Architecture
is tinged with issues of class differentiation.
Ethnic Architecture
a term that reflects an exoticization of the
residual ethnolinguistic Other by the
dominant cosmopolitan culture.
• the builders, whether artisans or those
planning to live in the buildings, are non-
professional architect or engineer
• There is consonant adaptation using
natural materials to the geographical
• Actual process of construction involves
intuitive thinking, done w/o blue prints
and is open to later modification
• There is balance between Social/economic
functionality & aesthetic features
• Archt. Patterns & style are subject to a
protracted evolution of traditional styles
specific to an ethnic domain.