Location: PHUC 25-Oct-24 Subject: Composite Slab Checked Revision Job No AISC 360-16, AISI S100-16, ACI-318-19 - Method Design ASD 2 LRFD Ω Steel Ω conc. γ D γL φ Steel φ conc. γD γL 1.75 2 1 1 0.85 0.75 1.2 1.6 NOT APPLIED VALID DESIGN Deck parameter Reinforecement slab parameter Decking Concrete Composite fyd E Rib t Width Ad yd Id fc ' Ec γ tc Ac E yc I 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 N/mm kN/mm mm mm mm mm mm cm N/mm kN/mm kN/mm mm mm kN/mm mm cm4 345 205 75 0.95 900 1266.7 37.94 117.78 25 23.5 24 75 110147 25.6 89.89 16959
Slab span L = 2.0 m Load factor Rebar
2 Additional dead load = 0.70 kN/m Dead load γD = 1.2 fy Atop Abot cover 2 2 2 2 2 Live load LL = 5.00 kN/m Live load γL = 1.6 N/mm mm /m mm mm 2 Construction load Lc = 1.50 kN/m 400 301 301 20 2 Self weight of slab SW= 2.74 kN/m Construction Stage Moment kNm Shear kN Deflection mm Stage Status Dead load DL = 2.74 kN/m Mu MR Vu VR ∆u ∆l Live Load LL = 1.50 kN/m Construction 2.85 9.10 5.69 75 3.66 11.1 OK DL + LL = 4.24 kN/m Usage at middle 4.85 44 0.41 8.3 OK γDDL + γLLL = 5.69 kN/m Usage at support 4.9 17.8 12.1 125.1 OK Moment Mu = 2.85 kNm Shear force at support Vu = 5.69 kN Elastic moment of decking Mn = 10.71 kNm Shear resistance Vdeck =0.6Awfyd = 88.49 kN 4 Deflection f = 5ql /(384EI) = 3.66 mm Use Stage Dead load DL = 3.4 kN/m Live Load LL = 5.0 kN/m DL + LL = 8.4 kN/m Note of Construction Stage Design γDDL + γLLL = 12.1 kN/m 1. The decking is designed as the formwork Moment at middle beam Mu = 6.1 kNm 2. The stress in the decking is designed in elastic stage Moment at support Mu = ql /10 = 2 4.9 kNm 3. The live load due to construction does not include in deflection calculation, because this load is temporary load and will allow the deck Shear force at support Vu = 12.1 kN to recover after removal of temporary load Deflection f = 5ql4/(384EI) = 0.4 mm 4. The limit deflection is l/180 but not greater than 19mm for clear span deff = 92.1 mm and l/90 for cantilever span and also not greater than 19mm Moment resistance at middle span Mn = 51.3 kNm Note of Use Stage Design Moment of decking Mdeck = Addeff= 40.2 kNm 1. The deflection limit is l/360 for live load and l/240 for Dead Load + Moment of rebar Mrebar = 11.1 kNm Live Load 2. The internal forces such as bending moment, shear force are Moment of concrete Mconc = 0.0 kNm generated by single span diagram, it may change to continue span Moment resistance at support Mn =Atdeff= 11.1 kNm where possible application. 3. The resistance of bending moment at the support is taken by rebar Moment of rebar Mrebar = Atdeff = 11.1 kNm only. The concrete has not considered in this calculation. Therefore, it Moment of concrete Mconc = 0.0 kNm may consider when necessary Shear resistance Vn = Vc + Vdeck = 4. The resistance of bending moment at the middle span is taken by 166.7 kN decking only. The concrete has not considered in this calculation. Concrete Vc = 0.17Sqrt(f'c)bdeff = 78.3 kN Therefore, it may consider when necessary