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Training and

A continuous process in an organization
to achieve its organizational goals by
improving the skills and knowledge of
the employees.

It is one of the most essential functions

in an organization and is a significant
player in deciding a company’s success.
Nature of Training
and Development
Goal-Oriented Continous Process
These processes are designed TND are ongoing activities rather
with specific objectives in mind, than one-time events. As the
such as improving job business environment and
performance, closing skill gaps, technologies evolve, so do the
or preparing employees for future skills and knowledge required to
roles. Training and development remain competitive. Continuous
align with both individual and learning helps employees keep
organizational goals. pace with these changes.
Nature of Training
and Development
Adaptive Proactive & Reactive
The nature of training and Organizations use training and
development is adaptive, meaning development proactively to
it evolves to meet the changing prepare for anticipated changes,
needs of the workforce and the such as new product launches or
organization. This includes expansions. They are also used
adapting to new technologies, reactively to address current
emerging industry trends, and challenges, like performance
shifts in organizational strategy. issues or regulatory updates.
Nature of Training
and Development
Employee-Centered Variety of Methods
These processes focus on the Training and development can
individual needs of employees, take many forms, from formal
providing opportunities for classroom instruction to informal
personal and professional mentoring and e-learning. The
growth. They empower choice of method depends on the
employees by enhancing their learning objectives, the content,
skills, confidence, and career and the preferences of the
prospects. learners.
Nature of Training
and Development
Collaborative Feedback-Oriented
Successful training and Continuous evaluation and
development involve collaboration feedback are critical
between employees, managers, components, allowing
HR, and external trainers. This organizations to assess the
ensures that the programs are effectiveness of their training
relevant, effective, and aligned programs and make necessary
with both personal and adjustments to improve
organizational goals. outcomes.
Distinction Between

Training, Development, and


Training is a structured Development is a Education is the

and systematic process broader concept that systematic process of
aimed at enhancing the encompasses the facilitating learning, or
skills, knowledge, and growth and the acquisition of
competencies of progression of an knowledge, skills,
individuals for a individual’s abilities values, and habits.
specific purpose or job. over time.
Distinction Between

Training, Development, and


Training improve Development Education equip

job performances. prepare employees individuals with a
for future career broad base of
challenges. understanding and
Distinction Between

Training, Development, and


Training is narrow, Development is Education is broad,

job-specific broad, personal covers many
and professional subjects and
growth. disciplines.
Distinction Between

Training, Development, and


Training focuses Development Education focuses

on immediate job focuses on long- on comprehensive
performance. term skill and knowledge and
career intellectual growth.
Distinction Between

Training, Development, and


Training is more Development is Education is more

on technical skills. more on technical, on intellectual
soft and skills.
conceptual skills.
Distinction Between

Training, Development, and

Trainee Level

Training is non- Development is Education is

managerial. managerial. foundational.
Distinction Between

Training, Development, and


Training includes Development Education includes

hands-on practice, includes continuous lectures,
workshops, and multifaceted. assignments,
assessments (integrates various exams, discussions
learning experiences
over time)
Distinction Between

Training, Development, and

Time Frame

Training is short- Development is Education long-

term, periodic. long-term, term, spans years
ongoing. (e.g., school,
Importance and
1 Boost Performance and Productivity
When employees are trained and developed, they
feel more confident in their abilities. As a result,
they can be more productive in their roles.

2 Improved Employee Performance

Training and development sets employees up
for success by helping them build essential
Importance and
3 Talent Management and Retention
Organizations that invest in employee training
and development programs find attracting and
retaining top talent easier.

4 Effective Risk Management

Well-trained employees are less likely to make
mistakes that might lead to costly errors or
legal issues.
Importance and
5 Increases Workplace Collaboration
Participating in training and development
activities improves team bonding.

6 Foster a Culture of Learning and

Investing in employee development shows that
the organization values continuous learning.
Importance and

7 Succession Planning and Leadership

Training and development programs identify and
nurture high-potential employees for future
leadership positions.
More effective workers
Better skilled and more flexible

Advantages of
workers are simply more
effective.Training helps employees

to better adjust to change and cope
with change by being multi-skilled.

Training is necessary to keep the
production workforce operating at
its most efficient level. Increased
productivity means producing more
products within the same period of
time or producing the same number
of products in a shorter time.
Better Quality Output
Management training improves the

Advantages of
quality of business decisions . As
employees become more confident

and competent in their roles, the
quality of output is likely to increase

Less mistakes
It is believed that training improves
the quality of business decisions
and at the same time reduces the
risk of errors. Workers with an
increased knowledge and skills can
work independently which reduces
supervision costs.
Easier to recruit staff
Businesses that have a good

Advantages of
reputation for training and
developing their staff, find it easier

to attract good quality workers,
recruit new workers and keep
existing workers.

Employee Satisfaction
Employees get the chance to
expand their knowledge base and
gain access to skill through
seminars, conferences, simulations,
and other kinds of engagement that
facilitates in boosting their morale.
Helps company reputation
Having new skill sets and training

Advantages of
may even create new and improved
positions within the company.Apart

from the success it has with the
organization, it also helps the
company stay ahead of its

Reduce employee turnover rates

Low employee turnover means that
your employees tend to stay in your
company for a long period of time
that indicates high satisfaction,
loyalty,and engagement.
High Financial Cost
Training an employee is
expensive.When it is done internally ,
Disadvantages you pay for something without any
tangible results . Also,there are

of Training several companies that have retreats

,training conferences, team building
trips in locations away from the office.

Time consuming
Offering any sort of employee training
will be time consuming not only for
workers but also for managers.
Effective training takes time to plan,
execute and evaluate which often
consumes a large amount of a
manager’s valuable time.
Loss of Output
When workers are away from their
daily tasks and due to attending
Disadvantages training courses , they will not be
producing anything. Hence, the loss of

of Training output while workers are being

trained can become a very serious
issue, especially for manufacturing
businesses with set daily targets.

Employees can take their skills to

a competitor
If you’ve just spent thousands of
money to train a new employee and
they just quit a job to work for a
competitor, then it seems like you just
financed the enemy.
Disadvantages Improper training creates

of Training
improper results
When an employee is not trained
properly the first time around, then
you’ve got to spend money to
properly train that employee for the
second time. This can result in
decreased productivity, higher
turnover rates and leaves a negative
impact on the company.
Disadvantages Need for training the trainers

of Training If a business organization employs

designated people who will operate
training and development services
and run training courses,it will have to
pay their regular salaries, offer
additional perks,and other benefits
and this would increase business
Designing Training Needs Analysis
Develop Training Objectives
Training &
Development Design and Select Training Methods

Implement Training

Evaluate Training

Measure Training Results

Step 1

Training Needs
This is the diagnostic phase of setting training
objectives. The manager must carefully assess the

Resources available for training
General philosophy regarding training and
Techniques for
Identifying Needs
Task Analysis Performance Analysis
An analysis of the job's requirements to Verifies performance deficiency and
determine the training required. determine whether that deficiency
It is done by TASK ANALYSIS RECORD should be rectified through training or
FORM (tabular structure). some other means.
Step 2

Developing Training
Training objective is defined as "A description of
performance you want learners to be able to exhibit
before you consider them competent".

Objectives specify what the trainee should be able to

accomplish after training.

Goals should be objective, verifiable, and specific.

Types of
Training Objectives
Knowledge Skill Attitude
Impart cognitive information Develop behavior changes Create interest in and
and details to trainees. in how jobs and task awareness of the
requirements are performed. importance of training.
Step 3

Design and Select

Training Methods
Different methods serve different purposes, and
choosing the right one can greatly enhance the
effectiveness of your training initiatives. These
methods provide employees with the skills and
knowledge they need to excel in their roles, whether
through hands-on experience or structured learning
Types of
Training Methods
Work-based Programs Instructional-based Programs
Tie the training and development Approach training and
activities directly to the development from a teaching
performance of the task. and learning perspective.
Types of
Work-Based Programs
Work-based Programs Systematic Job Apprenticeship
Tie the training and Rotation and Transfer A combination of on-the-
development activities Systematically rotating or job and classroom
directly to the performance transferring the employee instruction.
of the task. from one job to another.
Types of
Instructional-based Programs

Programmed Instruction Lecture or discussion approach

The material to be learned is prepared in a A trainer presents the material to
manual or training booklet, which the those attending the program in a
individual studies at his or her pace. descriptive fashion
Types of
Instructional-based Programs

Vestibule Training Computer Assisted Instruction

A work-simulation situation in which the job A trainee sits at a personal computer and
is performed under a condition that closely operates software that has been developed
simulates the real work environment specifically to impart certain information to the
Step 4

Implement Training
Implementing effective training is more than just
delivering information—it's about ensuring that
employees fully grasp and can apply what they've
learned on the job. To achieve this, a structured
approach is essential.

Preparation of the Learner

Put the learner at ease - relieve the tension.
Explain why he/she is being taught.
Create interest, encourage questions, find out about the knowledge of the
Explain the why of the job, relate it to some job the worker already knows.
Place the learner as close to a normal working position as possible.
Familiarize the worker with equipment, materials, tools, trade terms.

Presentation of the Operation

Explain quantity and quality requirements.
Go through the job at the normal work pace.
Explain each step between operations, difficult parts or those in which errors
are likely to be made.
Explain the key points several times.
Make the learner explain the steps.

Performance Tryout Follow-up

Correct the mistakes and if necessary, Designate to whom the learner
repeat a few complicated steps. should go for help.
Make the trainer run the job at normal Gradually decrease supervision.
pace. Correct faulty work patterns that
Have the learner do the job gradually begin to creep in.
building up skill and speed. Compliment good work, encourage
As soon as learner demonstrate ability the worker to meet
to do the job, let the work begin. quality/quantity standards.
Step 5

Evaluate Training
The last stage in the training strategy is the
evaluation and monitoring of training. It is the most
important and often the most neglected or least
adequately carried out part of the training process.
It is both simplistic and complicated.

Simplistic because Complicated because

monitoring is a process there are other
whereby information is 'stakeholders' in the
gleaned from trainee and process besides the
then the course and the trainees, i.e. designers
program are amended in of the courses, the
the light of these trainers and the
comments. sponsors.
Methods of
Questionnaires (Feedback Tests or examinations
forms) or 'happiness sheets' are common on formal courses which
are common way of eliciting trainee provide a certificate, e.g. diploma in word
response programs. processing skills although end-of-course
tests can be provided after short courses to
check the progress of trainees.
Methods of
Projects Structured exercises and
initially seen as learning methods but case studies
they can also be provide valuable are opportunities to apply learned skills and
information to instructors. techniques under the observation of tutors
and evaluators
Methods of
Tutor Reports Participation and discussion
It is important to have the opinions of During training needs people who are adept
those who deliver the training. This gives at intercepting responses as this can be
a valuable assessment from a different highly subjective.
Methods of
Observation of courses and training by those devising
training strategies in the training department is very
useful and information from these observations can be
compared with trainee responses.
Step 6

Measure Training
There are three basic categories of performance
information and its measurement:
Trait-based assessment systems assesses or identifies the
abilities or a subjective character trait of employee such as-
attitude, initiative or creativity.
Behavior-based systems measures the extent to which an
employee engages in specific, relatively well defined
behaviors while at the job, which leads to success.
Results-based systems measures the bottom line associated
with an employees work and his/her accomplishments.
Forces Influencing
Working and Learning
Globalization of business
Globalization of business is the change in a business
in a company associated with a single country to
one that operates in a multiple country.

Economic Cycles
Economic changes mainly occur when there is a
downturn in the economy. Training and
development is needed to understand the critical
goal supporting the business strategy.
Forces Influencing
Working and Learning
Demographic changes and
Diversity of workforce
Diversity, in all its forms, has never been higher up
the agenda. People professionals are having to
adapt to changing global workforce demographics
– all the while tackling issues of racism, inequality,
discrimination, sexism and harassment in the
Forces Influencing
Working and Learning
New Technology
Technology allows you to understand how effective
your training and development is by tracking
employee knowledge before and after the process.
By using learning management systems and
artificial intelligence, organizations can analyze
employee performance data, identify knowledge
gaps, and recommend targeted training modules.
Forces Influencing
Working and Learning
Increased value placed on
Intangible assets and
human capital
As intangible assets grow to represent an
increasing share of corporate value, managing
human capital - a key intangible asset - becomes
more important for industry groups to focus on
Forces Influencing
Working and Learning
Focus on link to business
A business strategy is intended to help you reach
your business objectives. The vision element of
this provides a clear direction for the business.

Talent Management
Refers to attracting, retaining, developing and
motivating highly skilled employees and managers.
eg: sales manager given training on product flow,
delivery and technical process.
Forces Influencing
Working and Learning
Customer service and
quality emphasis
Customer service is one of the keys to any
successful business. This means that companies
that do not have it should make it a priority and
find ways of improving customer service.
Forces Influencing
Working and Learning
High performance work
High-performance work systems can be defined as a
system which creates an environment in a business
that allows an employee greater involvement and
responsibility. Employees are seen as valued
partners of the business which makes it possible to
create and maintain competitive advantage because
of the commitment of the employees to help the
business succeed.
Assess Training Needs
Identify what skills or knowledge

Roles of Training
the business lacks and also
determine the existing state of skills

in the organization and the skills
needed in order to achieve its goals.

Conduct Training Sessions

Training sessions present
opportunities for managers to boost
morale and keep workers focused
on their shared goals. They also
teach new skills and enhance
employees’ professional knowledge.
Roles of Training
Training Employees in Job-
Specific Skills

Training employees in job-specific
skills involves focusing on the
particular skills and knowledge
necessary for employees to perform
their roles effectively. This type of
training is essential for ensuring
that employees can meet their job
requirements, adapt to new tools or
processes, and contribute to
organizational success.
Roles of Training Introducing Employees on
Corporate Policies, Procedures
Professionals and Workplace Rules
A corporate policy establishes
expectations and provides guidance
for employees. It explains how
specific workplace situations will be
handled and offers direction on
what’s deemed appropriate and
inappropriate behavior.
Roles of Training Onboarding New Hires and

Training professionals should
ensure that those applicants that
are subject for onboarding are
effectively integrated into the
organization and equipped with the
knowledge and skills needed for
their roles.
the ability to convey information
Competencies of clearly and effectively, both verbally
and in writing, to ensure
Training understanding and engagement.

Professionals Teaching and Mentoring

the ability to educate and guide
individuals to enhance their skills,
knowledge, and performance.

persons capacity to demonstrate a
high standard of behavior and
ethics in the performance of duties.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
the commitment to creating an
Competencies of inclusive environment where all
individuals are valued and have
Training equal opportunities to succeed.

Professionals Leadership Management

the ability to guide, influence, and
manage individuals or teams to
achieve desired outcomes.

Career Development
the process of helping individuals
plan and achieve their career goals
through guidance and support.
Training Coordinator
Positions of Organizes and schedules training
sessions, manages training
Training logistics, and maintains training
records. Acts as a point of contact
Professionals for training-related inquiries.

Training Specialist
Designs and delivers training
programs, assesses training needs,
and develops training materials.
May focus on specific areas like
technical skills or compliance.
Training Manager

Positions of Oversees the training department

or team, manages the development

Training and implementation of training

programs, and ensures alignment

Professionals with organizational goals.

Learning & Development Manager

Focuses on the broader learning
and development strategy,
including employee growth and
career development, as well as
integrating learning initiatives with
business objectives.
Corporate Trainer

Positions of Delivers training sessions to

employees on various topics,

Training including soft skills, compliance,

and job-specific skills. Often works

Professionals directly with departments to tailor

training to specific needs.

Learning Consultant
Works as an external or internal
consultant to assess training needs,
design tailored training solutions,
and evaluate training effectiveness.
Provides expert advice on learning
Organizational Development
Positions of Focuses on improving
organizational effectiveness and

employee engagement through
training and development
initiatives. Works on change
Professionals management
and culture

HR Training and Development

Manages the training and
development aspects within the HR
function, including onboarding,
compliance training, and employee
development programs.
Who provides the
Internal Trainers
HR Professionals: Often responsible for onboarding and
training on company policies, soft skills, and compliance-
related topics.
Department Managers/Supervisors: Typically handle job-
specific training, ensuring that employees understand
their roles and responsibilities within their departments.
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): Internal experts who
provide specialized knowledge and skills training relevant
to the organization's operations.
Who provides the
External Trainers
Consultants: Hired for their expertise in specific areas,
such as leadership development, technical skills, or
industry-specific regulations.
Training Firms: Organizations that offer structured training
programs and workshops, often with pre-developed
curricula tailored to different industries and roles.
Online Training Providers: Companies offering digital
learning platforms, e-learning courses, and webinars,
allowing employees to learn at their own pace.
Who is in charge HR Department

of the training? Often responsible for the overall

coordination and administration
of training programs, ensuring
they align with the organization’s
goals and compliance
Handles the logistics of training
sessions, such as scheduling,
tracking attendance, and
assessing training effectiveness.
Who is in charge Learning and Development

of the training? (L&D) Team:

A specialized group within the HR
department focused solely on
designing and implementing
training and development
Responsible for conducting
needs assessments, developing
curricula, and ensuring
continuous improvement of
training initiatives.
Who is in charge
of the training? Line Managers
Play a key role in identifying the
training needs of their team
members and facilitating on-the-
job training.
Act as coaches and mentors,
providing ongoing support and
guidance to ensure that
employees apply what they’ve
learned in their daily work.
Who is in charge
of the training? Chief Learning Officer (CLO)

A senior executive responsible

for the organization’s learning
and development strategy.
Ensures that training aligns with
the company’s long-term
objectives and that resources are
allocated effectively to support
learning initiatives.
The Evolution of Training Roles
The Strategic Training and Development

STRATEGIC Organizational Characteristics that

Influence Training

Training Needs in Different Strategies
Models of Organizing the Training
Marketing the Training Function
Outsourcing Training

next slide
Training Specific responsibilities and functions that
individuals play in the design, development,

Roles delivery, and evaluation of training programs

within an organization.

Can be a part of any position in a company

There are many training roles professionals

can apply to develop training seminars,
provide development feedback or review
training materials.

next slide 5

next slide 6
It is the acquisition of knowledge
by individual employees or group
of employees who are willing to
apply that knowledge in their jobs
in making decisions and
accomplishing tasks for the

next slide 7
What individuals/teams
of employees know or
know how to do (human
and social knowledge)
as well as company
KNOWLEDGE rules, processes, tools,
and routines (structured

Can be tacit or explicit.

next slide 8
Knowledge that can Personal knowledge
be formalized, based on individual
codified, and experience.
Exists inside the
Can be formally heads of your
documented and employees.
next slide 9
The Key Capabilities Needed to
Implement Learning Strategies
Alignment of learning goals to the
business goals.
Measurement of the overall business
impact of the learning function.
Movement of learning outside the
company to include customers,
vendors, and suppliers.
A focus on developing competencies
for the most critical jobs.

next slide 10
The Key Capabilities Needed to
Implement Learning Strategies
Integration of learning with other
human resource functions such as
knowledge management, performance
support, and talent management.
Training delivery approaches that
include classroom as well as e-
Design and delivery of leadership
development courses.

next slide 11
Strategic Training and
Development Process
Strategic training and development is
the process of designing specific
employee training programs that
directly align with business needs.
Training with a strategic focus develops
the capabilities and tools that
employees need to successfully carry
out their jobs.

next slide 13
The Strategic Training and Development Process

Strategic Training Training and

Metrics that Show
Business Strategy and Development Development
Value of Training
Initiatives Activities

Mission Diversify the Used Web-Based Learning

Values Learning Portfolio Training Performance
Goals Improve Customer Make Development Improvement
Service Planning Mandatory Reduced Customer
Accelerate the Develop Websites Complaints
Pace of Employee for Knowledge Reduced Turnover
Learning Sharing Employee
Capture and Share Increased Amount Satisfaction
Knowledge of Customer Service

next slide 14

next slide
Organizational characteristics play
a significant role in shaping the
effectiveness and success of
training programs. These
characteristics influence the design,
delivery, and impact of training
initiatives, ultimately impacting
employee development and
organizational performance.
next slide next slide 16
1. Organizational Strategy
and Goals
2. Organizational Culture
3. Top Management Support
4. Integration of Business
Key Organizational Units
Characteristics 5. Global Presence
Influencing Training 6. General Business
7. Unionization
8. Staff Involvement in

next slide 17
The organizational strategy and
goals are paramount in
determining the focus and direction
1. ORGANIZATIONAL of training. A company's strategic
STRATEGY AND direction, whether it's focused on
GOALS innovation, market expansion, or
cost reduction, will dictate the types
of skills and knowledge that
employees need to develop.

next slide 18
Organizational culture refers to
the shared values, beliefs, and
norms that guide employee
behavior. A culture that values
learning, development, and
continuous improvement will
be more receptive to training

next slide 19
Strong top management
support is crucial for the
success of any training
3. TOP
program. Top managers must
be committed to training,
allocate resources, and
actively promote a learning
culture within the organization.

next slide 20
In organizations with integrated
business units, training programs
must consider the needs of different
departments and functions. Training
4. INTEGRATION OF initiatives should aim to foster
BUSINESS UNITS collaboration and knowledge
sharing across units, enabling
employees to understand how their
roles contribute to the overall
organizational goals.

next slide 21
Organizations with a global
presence face unique challenges
in training. They must consider
5. GLOBAL PRESENCE cultural differences, language
barriers, and the need to develop
employees for international
assignments. Training programs
may need to be tailored to
specific regions or translated into
multiple languages.

next slide
next slide 3422
General business conditions can
significantly impact training. During
periods of economic downturn,
companies may prioritize cost-cutting
6. GENERAL BUSINESS measures, potentially affecting
CONDITIONS training budgets. Conversely, during
periods of growth and expansion,
organizations may invest more
heavily in training to develop the skills
needed to support growth.

next slide 23
The extent of unionization within an
organization can influence training. In
unionized environments, training
programs may need to be negotiated
7. UNIONIZATION with labor representatives to ensure
that they meet the needs of both
employees and management. Joint
union-management programs can
help employees prepare for new jobs
and improve their skills.

next slide 24
Employee involvement in training is
crucial for its success. Employees
should be actively involved in the
design, delivery, and evaluation of
training programs. This ensures
IN TRAINING that training is relevant to their
needs and that they feel a sense of
ownership over the process.

next slide 25
What is a Training
A training strategy is a carefully planned approach to developing and
enhancing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees in an
organization. It’s a great way to plan and outline the goals, methods,
and resources needed to deliver effective workplace training

The primary purpose of a training strategy is to align the

organization’s training initiatives with its overall objectives and
priorities. It involves identifying the specific needs and skill gaps
among employees, designing appropriate training programs, and
implementing them in a structured and coordinated manner.

next slide 27
Concentration Strategy
Training Internal Growth Strategy
Needs in External Growth Strategy

Different Disinvestment Strategy


next slide 28
A concentration strategy focuses on enhancing the
market share, decreasing costs and creating and
developing a market niche for products and service.
Those organizations that are pursuing concentration
strategy need to consistently improve their product
quality, enhance productivity and customize their
offering depending on the need of the consumer. The
major issues related to enhance the skill currency and
need for development of the existing work force. The
training implications in this strategy are team
building, cross training, specialized programs,
interpersonal skills training etc. next slide next slide 29
The internal growth strategy focuses on identifying new
markets and product development, innovation and joint
ventures. This strategy can be achieved by marketing
existing products in the new markets and by also making
an addition in the distribution channels. The identification
of new markets may lead to the demand of new jobs and
tasks innovation and thus the need to train the workforce
in the same record. It would require training of the
workforce in terms of high quality communication of
product value, cultural training. It requires development of
cultural training that will value creative thinking and
analysis and enhance technical competence in jobs and
focus on manager training in feedback and
communication. next slide next slide 30
An external growth strategy focuses on acquiring vendors
and suppliers or buying businesses that shall facilitate the
organizations to expand in the newer markets It involves
taking over firms that are working at the same level in
product market chain and acquire business that can
supply or buy products or take over firms that do not have
nothing in common with the organization. The various
issues that face training are redundancy, restructuring etc.
It also requires determination of capabilities of employees
in the organization that have been taken over, team
building amongst the merged firms and development of
shared culture amongst the work force of the merged
next slide next slide 31
A disinvestment strategy focuses on liquidation
and divestiture of businesses. The major focus in
the disinvestment strategy is on retrenchment,
turnaround, divestiture and liquidation. The major
issues the organization faces is to reduce costs,
assets, generate revenue, redefine goals or sell of
the complete assets. The major issue in this kind of
strategy is to enhance efficiency. The major
training implications in this case are motivation,
goal setting, time management and stress,
leadership training, interpersonal communication,
job search skills for the workforce. next slide next slide 32
Faculty Model

/ Model
MODELS Matrix Model

next slide 34

It is headed by a director with a team of experts

who have expert knowledge in a specific
specialized area.
The specialists are involved in the development
and upgradation of training programs.

next slide 35

are responsible for the training needs of one division or function of the
The trainers may or may not be specialists and in some cases they may
be generalists whose job responsibilities involve variety of human
resource functions such as training, performance management etc.
Trainers are expected to be aware of the business needs and update
courses and content to reflect them, this will lead to meaningful
development of course material for the trainees.

next slide 36

trainers report to the manager in the training

department and a manager in the specific
functional area.
The trainer has the dual responsibility of being a
trainer as well as the functional expert.

next slide 37

next slide
The Training
The training function encompasses
the processes and strategies
employed to enhance employee
knowledge, skills, and abilities. It
involves identifying training needs,
designing and delivering training
programs, and evaluating the
effectiveness of training initiatives.

next slide 39
To effectively market the training function, it's important to identify the target audiences who will benefit from the training
programs. This includes both internal and external stakeholders, each with their own specific needs and interests.


Developing skills, advancing their careers, increasing their

knowledge, improving their performance

Developing leadership skills, improving team performance,

MANAGERS motivating their team members, enhancing their knowledge of
training programs

Ensuring that employees who interact with them have the

necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent service

Collaborating on training programs, sharing best practices,

building relationships

next slide 40
A well-defined marketing strategy is crucial for effectively promoting
the training function and ensuring that it resonates with the target




next slide 41
Once you have developed a marketing strategy, it's time to put it into
action by implementing specific tactics to reach your target
audience and engage them with the training function.




next slide 42
- involve target audience in developing the training
- demonstrate how a training and development program solve business
- showcase example of how training has been used to solve business needs
- listen and act on feedbacks received (from clients, managers, and
- advertise
- speak in understandable terms; don't use jargons

next slide 43
To ensure that your marketing efforts are effective, it's essential to
track key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyze the results. This
will help you measure the impact of your marketing campaigns,
identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate the return on
investment in marketing the training function.




next slide 44
Outsourcing Outsourcing training is a relatively
broad term that can mean utilizing
Outsourcing is when a external resources to train your
workforce on a wide variety of business
company contracts a third
practices and tasks.
party to perform specific
business activities and tasks to
Involves hiring an outside party to
augment its existing workflow manage your talent development
and workforce. initiatives to strengthen and grow your
workforce alongside your business

next slide 46
Do your research

Create Realistic Expectations

Optimize Communication

Manage Poor Performance

Anticipate Legal Issues

next slide 47
HR outsourcing occurs when such
an organization decides to hire an
external company or contractor to
take on the responsibility of certain
HR functions and perform them on
behalf of said organization.

next slide next slide 48

A recruiting services provider will proactively manage any or all
aspects of your hiring process including actively sourcing candidates,
posting job openings, tracking applicants, vetting, interviewing, and

Payroll Services
Outsourcing payroll allows internal HR staff to delegate these payroll tasks
to a more efficient and focused external support team that can manage all
the moving parts of payroll, including time-tracking, payroll cycles, benefits
management and deductions, tax filing, reporting, and more.
next slide 49
Outplacement Services
Outsourcing organization’s outplacement services to the right
external firm can help offer outplacement support that’s
tailored to specific situation and takes advantage of numerous
benefits such as legal protection, improved morale, and
enhanced corporate image at at a more cost-effective price.

Exit Interviews
Outsourcing exit interviews to a company specializing in this
topic can help ease the workload for internal HR staff and make
sure the offboarding process goes as smoothly as possible for
outgoing employees.

next slide next slide 50

HR Compliance and Regulations

HR outsourcing companies offer their clients

access to risk management and compliance
experts. These individuals help their clients meet
all their HR compliance requirements, and plan for
future changes that might have to be made as
laws and regulations change.

next slide 51
Increased Efficiency
Increased Cost Savings
Increased Employee Morale
Access to Expertise

next slide 52
Less Ownership
Lack of Customization/Quick Changes
The Final Say

next slide 53
Bicol University

Training Need

It is a shortage of skills or abilities, which could be

reduced or eliminated by means of
training and development
Bicol University

Needs Assessment

It is a systematic process for determining and

addressing needs, or "gaps" between current
conditions and desired conditions or "wants". The
discrepancy between the current condition and
wanted condition must be measured to appropriately
identify the need.
Bicol University

It is often used for improvement in

01 individuals, education/training,
organizations, or communities.

Why is Needs
Assessment It can refine and improve a product
02 such as a training or service a client
Necessary? receives.

It can be an effective tool to clarify

03 problems and identify appropriate
interventions or solutions.
Bicol University

01 Managers

Who should
participate in
02 Trainers
03 Employees
Bicol University


They provide a broader company perspective, focusing

on the role of training in relation to other human
resource practices. They help identify if training is
related to the company's business strategy and
determine what type of training is required.
Bicol University


They are more concerned with how to apply training

solutions to specific jobs and departments. They help
identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for
specific tasks.
Bicol University


They are the ultimate beneficiaries of training and can

provide valuable insights into their current challenges
and needs.
Bicol University

Methods Used in Needs


- a common method of needs assessment
- can be used to gather information from a large
number of people quickly and efficiently
- can be administered online, through email, or in
Bicol University

Methods Used in Needs


Focus Groups
- aqualitative method of needs assessment that involve
gathering a small group of people to discuss a specific
- can provide in-depth information about the attitudes,
beliefs, and experiences of the population being served
Bicol University

Methods Used in Needs


- a one-on-one method of needs assessment that can
be used to gather detailed information about the
perspectives and experiences of individuals
- can be conducted in person, over the phone, or via
video conferencing
Bicol University

Methods Used in Needs


- involves observing the behavior of individuals or
groups in their natural environment

Document Reviews
- involves analyzing existing data and documents
related to the problem and the population being
Bicol University

Methods Used in Needs


Needs Assessment by Experts

- can be conducted by experts in a specific field, such
as education or healthcare
- experts can use their knowledge and experience to
identify the needs of the population being served and
to develop appropriate solutions to the problem
Bicol University

What is the needs

assessment process?

- the needs assessment process is a systematic

approach used to identify and analyze the needs or
gaps between the current conditions and the desired
outcomes in various contexts such as businesses,
education, healthcare, or social services.
- it helps in making informed decisions about resource
allocation, program development, and strategic
Bicol University

The Needs Assessment


1. Define the Purpose and Scope

- identity the specific goals of the needs assessment.
What do you hope to achieve?
- determine the target population or area to be
- establish the boundaries, including resources
available, time frame, and constraints.
Bicol University

The Needs Assessment


2. Gather Data
- Quantitative Data: Collect data through surveys,
demographic data, or performance metrics.
- Qualitative Data: Use interviews, focus groups, or case
studies to get in-depth perspectives.
- Use existing data sources or generate new data
through primary research.
Bicol University

The Needs Assessment


3. Analyze Data
- identify patterns, gaps, or discrepancies between the
current state and the desired state.
- prioritize needs based on factors like urgency, impact,
and feasibility of addressing them.
- compare the findings with industry benchmarks or
best practices.
Bicol University

The Needs Assessment


4. Determine Priorities
- rank needs based on their importance and the
potential benefit of addressing them.
- consider available resources and constraints when
setting priorities.
Bicol University

The Needs Assessment


5. Develop Action Plans

- formulate strategies to address the prioritized needs.
- allocate resources (budget, personnel, time) to
implement these strategies.
- establish measurable goals and objectives to monitor
Bicol University

The Needs Assessment


6. Implement Solutions
- begin execution of the action plan based on the
identified needs.
- assign roles and responsibilities to ensure
Bicol University

The Needs Assessment


7. Evaluate and Adjust

- monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of
the actions taken.
- gather feedback from stakeholders to refine or modify
the approach as needed.
Bicol University

Guidelines that define the specific skills,
knowledge, and behaviors/attributes required for
effective job performance.
Collection of data, usually including the skills,
abilities and requirements needed for an employee
to successfully perform any given work position.
The skill sets an employee or potential hire has are
considered competencies, and those also get added
into the competency model.
Bicol University
Bicol University
Bicol University

Process to Develop a Competency Model

Bicol University

Competency models are useful for training and

development in several ways:
They identify behaviors needed for effective job performance.
They provide a tool for determining what skills are necessary to
meet today’s needs as well as the company’s future skill needs.
They help to determine what skills are needed at different
career points.
They provide a framework for ongoing coaching and feedback
to develop employees for current and future roles.
They create a “road map” for identifying and developing
employees who may be candidates for managerial positions
(succession planning).
Bicol University

Scope of Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment is often skipped for several reasons based
on assumptions, such as:

• Training is always the issue or is mandated.

• It is too costly, takes too long, or is too complex.
• Managers will not cooperate.

Without a proper needs assessment, training will not be well

targeted. A Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) would be the
most appropriate solution.
Bicol University

Rapid Needs Assessment

Rapid Needs Assessment refers to a needs assessment
conducted quickly and accurately, without sacrificing the
quality of the process or outcomes.

The key to conducting a Rapid Needs Assessment is

choosing the needs assessment methods that will provide
the results you can have the greatest confidence in while
using the fewest resources (time, money, SMEs).
Bicol University

Several Ways to Conduct a Rapid

Needs Assessment

Pressure - First, the scope of needs assessment

depends on the size of the potential pressure point.
Data - Second, consider using already available data
Understanding - Be prepared by understanding
the business issues, Technological development, or
any issues facing the organizations.
Bicol University


Learning theories are frameworks that explain how

people absorb, process, and retain knowledge during
learning. These theories provide insights into how
individuals gain new skills or behaviors and help guide
the way we structure and deliver training programs.
Bicol University


Social Learning Theory
Adult Learning Theory (Andragogy)
Experiential Learning Theory
Bicol University


Behaviorism - focuses on how people learn
through rewards and punishments. It’s about
changing behavior by giving positive or negative
Cognitivism - is about how we think, learn, and
remember information. It’s focused on how the
brain processes information and helps us
understand things better.
Bicol University


Constructivism - says that people learn by doing.
They build their own understanding through
experiences, rather than just being told what to do.
Social Learning Theory - says that people learn by
watching others. Learning happens through
observing, imitating, and interacting with others.
Bicol University


Adult Learning Theory - explains how adults learn
differently from children. They prefer to take charge
of their own learning, want to focus on practical,
real-world problems, and bring their own
experiences into the learning process
Experiential Learning - is learning through doing
and reflecting on those experiences. The idea is that
people learn best when they are actively involved in
the learning process.
Bicol University


Connectivism - focuses on learning through
networks and technology. It’s about how people
gather and share knowledge in today’s digital age,
often through online communities and resources.
Bicol University

What is Learning?
Learning is a process that involves acquiring
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors through
experience, practice, or study.
We learn differently depending on our personalities,
backgrounds, and even the environment we’re in.
Bicol University


1. Motivation to Learn
2. Acquisition of Knowledge
3. Retention and Recall
4. Generalization
5. Feedback and Reinforcement
Bicol University

Phases of the Learning


1. Motivation to Learn – This is the starting point. Here,

individuals need a reason or motivation to learn
something new. Whether it’s the desire for personal
growth or the need to meet a job requirement,
motivation drives learning.
Bicol University

Phases of the Learning Process

2. Acquisition of Knowledge – This is the meat of the
learning process. Here, individuals engage in the actual
learning, whether it's through reading materials,
attending lectures, or hands-on training.

3. Retention and Recall – This phase focuses on storing

and retrieving the learned information. It’s one thing to
learn something; it’s another to remember it when you
need it.
Bicol University

Phases of the Learning Process

4. Generalization – This is when the learner can apply
what they’ve learned in different contexts. Employees
need to generalize what they learn to various work

5. Feedback and Reinforcement – Feedback is critical

to solidifying what has been learned. Reinforcement
goes hand in hand with feedback and is vital for
solidifying learning.
Bicol University

Instruction Emphasis for

Learning Outcomes

Training and development programs aim to enhance

the skills, knowledge, and performance of individuals
within an organization. A key element in ensuring the
success of such programs is the alignment between
instructional methods and the intended learning
Bicol University

Learning Outcomes
Cognitive outcomes

Psychomotor outcomes

Affective outcomes
Bicol University

Instruction Emphasis
Lecture-based instruction

Interactive discussions

Hands-on simulations
Bicol University

01 Active Learning Techniques

Strategies for
Instruction 02 Blended Learning

To ensure that instruction supports

learning outcomes, the following 03 Feedback Mechanisms
strategies are often employed:
Bicol University

01 Formative Assessments
Emphasis and 02 Summative Assessments
Learning Outcomes
The effectiveness of instructional
emphasis is evaluated through 03 Feedback Surveys
various assessments, such as:
Bicol University

Five Necessary Steps to Designing

an Effective Program

1. Assess Training Needs

2. Set Organizational training Objectives
3. Create Training Action Plan
4. Implement training Initiatives
5. Evaluate & Revise Training

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