g5ww34-36 1
g5ww34-36 1
g5ww34-36 1
Week Week
by Essentials WEEK
4 2
Math Trivia 1 3
Your body contains 8 pints of blood. About There are 300 mailboxes in the post office. They are
400 gallons of blood flow through your kidneys numbered consecutively from 1 to 300. Every fifth
each day. This blood travels about 61,320 mailbox must be opened with a key instead of using
miles in a year. The average person's heart beats a combination. Every sixth box has a window and
103,680 times a day. every eighth box is oversized. Which dormitory
mailboxes meet all three criteria - oversized, with a
window, and have a key lock? Explain how you
determined your answer.
Using Numbers in
Powerful Ways
With a partner and a set of two number
cubes, play a sum game. One person will
need to be ODD sums and the other
person needs to be EVEN sums.
Roll the cubes. Every time an even sum is Fraction Fun
rolled (example 2 and 4, the sum is 6) the
Sam Squirrel gathered half the nuts for
even person receives a point. With each winter in July, one fourth in August, one-eighth in
odd sum the odd person receives a point. September. In October he gathered the last 25 nuts.
The first person to reach 10 points wins the How many did he gather in all?
game. Play several times. Is this a fair
(1.02, 5.02)
game? What if you multiplied the numbers
on the cubes? Would you want to be even
or odd? Explain why.
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
4 For Further Study
About how many pints of blood flow
through your kidneys each week? By your next
birthday, about how many miles will your blood
have traveled? About how many yards would that
ODD EVEN be? About how many times has your heart beat in
the last year?
No Remainder Maze
9 16 25 57 38
70 15 28 54 18 32
21 10 81 22 27
78 16 96 50 20 42
51 14 26 10 21
32 45 72 16 56 33
35 38 27 14 9
Rules: Players(two) start
Players start on at opposite
opposite ends ofends of the gameboard
the gameboard and moveand move
their markertheir markerscolor
(different according
for eachto
player) according to the roll of a die. On the first roll, the player may move to any
the roll of a number cube. On the first roll a player may move to any space in the first row.shaded space in the first
row that is evenly divisible by the number on the die. For all other turns, a player may move if he or she can
Subsequent moves
divide the number on to
thethe next no
die with row are possible
remainder only
into the nextifconnected
the number
circle.rolled will evenly divide the
number moved to. If no move is possible play goes to the next player.
Keeping Skills Sharp
1. 12,864 has how many hundreds?
5. 18,116 - 304.6 = C C = ?
6. 24.6 - B = 18.2 B = ?
7. (1 x 1000) + (1 x 1)
8. Mr. Judd made 8 trips to New York City this year. It is a 1,016 mile
round trip flight. How many miles did he fly?
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
Solve this!
How far could you walk if you walked a million paces? Would it be
around the school a few times? Or could you walk to another town?
to another state? Which ones?
Find the average fifth grader’s pace and you are on your way. Have
each group of students work to find a strategy to answer these
Grade 5
Half can be labeled July, one-quarter for August and half of that quarter (one-
eighth) labeled September. September
Now the remaining section labeled 25 allows the student to work backward to
arrive at the total: 200!
Week Week
by Essentials WEEK
4 2
Math Trivia
1 3
Highest point on land is Mount Everest (29,028’ Here are some more alphanumerics?
above sea level); lowest point is the Dead Sea (water
level is 1,302’ below sea level). Highest navigable Each letter stands for a
lake is Lake Titicaca in Peru elevation (12,506’ different number. There are
Deepest ocean is Pacific (average depth 14,000 feet); four possible solutions.
largest continent is Asia (17,300,000 square miles). Make up a puzzle of your
Smallest continent is Australia (2,966,000 square own. One group of 5th
miles). S AVE graders made up the
+ MORE following. . .
Using Numbers in Can you figure out how to make
+ D U M B
Powerful Ways two wrongs equal a right?
C=? + 2 +
3 - = 1
D=? 4 For Further Study
A box has 2 white marbles and 6 black
marbles. To be sure of getting a black marble, how
many marbles (without looking) will you have to
take out?
( 1.03) ( 1.03)
Acute Angle an angle whose measure is greater than 0o and less than 90o
4 the number of angles in a rectangle
hemisphere half a sphere
60o the measure of any angle of an equilateral triangle
vertex the point that two or more rays, sides or edges have in common
360 the number of degrees in a circle
trapezoid a four-sided polygon with exactly one pair of parallel lines
90o the measure of a right angle
square a four-sided polygon that has four right angles and four sides
that are the same length
Keeping Skills Sharp
1. If it is now 12:17 p.m. What time was it 45 minutes ago?
6. 1278 ÷ 60
7. 89,241 x 10 = n n=?
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
Solve this!
Kameron needs to read a book with 270 pages, If one-sixth of the pages are full of
pictures, how many pages should he read each day if he has to finish in nine days?
(1.03, 5.02)
Grade 5
W6 R
R = 8; W = 4
Week Week
by Essentials WEEK
4 2
Math Trivia 1 3
Interstate highways are numbered with blue signs Using the "Spots Before Your Eyes" sheet, figure
with red tops. North-South highways have odd out the number of dots without counting.
numbers with 1 or 2 digits, usually including a 5. Describe the process you used in your math
The lowest numbers are on the West Coast and journal and compare your answer with others.
increase as they move East. East-west highways
have even numbers with 1- or 2- digits. The
lowest numbers are in the South and increase as
they go North. Interstate highways with 3-digit
numbers are connectors or offshoots of main
Powerful Ways
Jack spent $8.00 on two rolls of films.
One roll cost $1.00 more than the other. Fraction Fun
How much did each roll of film cost? Take half of “this” and add one more, then
triple that and add on four. The result
you’ll get by adding “this” to 23.
What is “this”?
(1.03, 5.02)
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
For Further Study
Name three U. S. highways that run from coast to
coast. Name seven highways that run from border to
(1.03) (1.03)
Some GAMES for the summer.
Design a gameboard that has each player move 12 spaces from the start to the
winning point. Add these directions to your board:
1. Players roll 2 number cubes simultaneously and make a fraction with the
numbers rolled. (Smaller number is numerator.)
2. Determine whose fraction is larger by getting a common denominator or
creating a model.
3. Player with larger fraction moves a space. In case of ties, both players
move 1 space.
4. Winner is the first to reach the end.
•Pieces of the same color cannot jump each other.
Spots Before Your Eyes
Directions: Find the total number of dots without counting.
Patterns will help!
3. Brenda likes lasagna better then pizza. She likes Chinese food
better than lasagna. Of these foods, which is her favorite?
8. May and Lori shared a babysitting job. May sat from 6:30 p.m. to
8:15 p.m. and Lori from 8:15 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Who sat longer
and how much longer?
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
Solve this!
Suppose your baby sister is born at 12
noon and you call two friends. In 10
minutes, they each call 2 friends to tell
the news. In 10 minutes, these friends
call 2 others each. This continues all
afternoon. How many people will know
by 4:00 p.m.?
Grade 5
3rd Quarter 1.02, 1.03 2.01 3.03 4.02, 4.03 5.02, 5.03