Amyrul JTEC
Amyrul JTEC
Amyrul JTEC
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Abstract— This paper presents a compilation of important high frequency electric fields. Nevertheless, the subsurface
review in the development of microwave resonant sensor detection of samples will affect the properties of materials
technology used in previous years. The major research work for when exposed to extremely high electric field distribution [1].
each year is reviewed. Most of the resonators are designed for Other than that, the moisture content of the materials and its
material characterization in specific application areas such as
effect on the dielectric properties of materials also can be
food quality control, medical, bio-sensing and subsurface
detection. In the last few years, several resonant sensors based determined by using near-field sensors, which are highly
on the planar and non-planar structure are compared and sensitive. However, high lossy materials decrease the quality
examined in order to propose a new topology of microwave factor of the resonator drastically and at the same time reduce
sensors designed. The weaknesses of conventional sensors such as the measurement accuracy of microwave sensor [2]. On the
bulky size, high cost manufacturing and consume high volumes other hand, microwave techniques for drying food products
of detectable sample have been reviewed. Most significantly, this have also been very popular since the percentage moisture
new proposed structure must gain high quality factor to gain content of materials can be classified, although the
improvement in an accuracy of the sensing capability and can permittivity of the samples will change as well as the water
overcome previous design weaknesses. This device will
content of samples varies accordingly [3]. Those problems
discriminate the composition and properties of samples based on
scattering parameters in certain operating frequency. The have been studied extensively in order to gain some
proposed system outlined in this paper, featuring new innovation knowledge for future research works.
in resonator structure as well as providing advanced capability Basically, the material characterization structure designs use
design of future research works. The contribution of this study is mostly resonant methods, in which these methods can be
useful for various types of applications where the characterizing classified into resonator methods and resonant perturbation
of materials is very important, while improving its performance methods. Resonant methods offer the potential of
especially in terms of accuracy and sensitivity. The previous characterizing the properties of a material at a single
studies will be reviewed and critically compared in order to gain frequency or a discrete set of frequencies with high accuracy
a better understanding in microwave resonant sensors and new
in comparison to broadband methods. Conventionally,
ideas for further research improvement in application, which
require characterizing of materials. waveguide, dielectric and coaxial cavity resonators have been
used for characterizing materials but in different topologies.
Index Terms— Accuracy, Characterization, Capability, Most of the methods and techniques applied are based on the
Methods, Microwave, Resonators, Resonant, Sensitivity, Split- applications used by the industry. A wide category concerning
ring, Sensor, Techniques. the dielectric properties of materials can be characterized into
the resonator as transmission, reflection or absorption
I. INTRODUCTION elements. Wideband permittivity measurements are mostly
made of transmission sensors or reflection sensors, such as
Accurate measurement of material characterization has gained coaxial probes. However, this type of measurement is
significant importance over the last decade. The ability to frequently overly complicated for industrial applications [4].
analyze composition and properties of a material which In this case, planar resonant sensors are taking place as the
undergoes physical and chemical changes has led to many current complex permittivity measurements.
applications in the industry such as food quality control, bio- Sensors require a scalar measurement that allocates less cost
sensing and subsurface detection. In the food industry, the and more robust instrumentation to be employed; resonant
research interest in dielectric properties of food materials has sensors can be fully described in terms of scalar measurements
been growing, in which there has been an intensive research so that they provide themselves to industrial applications,
for predicting heating rates when the materials are subjected to whenever wideband characterization is not required. A typical
application of resonant sensors has been presented in the tough because it was a multilayer structure and can be easily
previous work [5]. In RF and microwave circuit design, the produced by less expensive printed circuit technology. The
dielectric permittivity of the substrate plays an important role relative error of the system was very small, which was less
and requires precise evaluation over a broad range of than 3% based on the test results in several samples [4]. Table
frequencies. Knowledge of these properties plays a crucial role 1 shows the comparison of the previous research works in
in the accurate design of a variety of circuit technologies. The solid materials characterization due to different types of
following sections aim to provide a general discussion of some methods and techniques.
well-established dielectric measurement techniques, primarily
applicable to moderate and high loss liquid samples and even Table 1
Comparison of previous research works in solid materials characterization
for solid and gas samples [6].
Moreover, by introducing an accurate equivalent circuit
model for the planar sensor, the experimental calibration No Title/Author/Year Remarks
procedure is avoided. The low cost and simplicity of The resonator was designed at
A Planar Resonant Sensor
manufacturing allows the use of the resonator in a disposable for the Complex
frequency 656.58 MHz. Solid
manner [7] and an effort has been made to present a recent samples were used. The
advantages are reducing costs,
technique on several phases of materials such as solid, liquid 1[1] Characterization of
improving robustness and have
and mixture. To satisfy the current demands of many Materials.
excellent accuracy. Low cost
Elisa Fratticcioli, 2002
applications especially the biological and chemical industries, manufacturing since it uses planar
a mixture technique can be implemented by using planar structure and easy to fabricate.
resonant sensors developed by various researchers. In this The resonator was designed at
paper, an effort has been made to describe and show the A Simple and Low-Cost
frequency 500-800 MHz. Solid
Measurement System for
interesting advances in microwave resonator sensor the Complex Permittivity
samples were used. The
developments. The structure to produce highly sensitive 2[3] advantages are less fabrication
Characterization of
cost, robustness improvement and
sensors is shown with some comparisons based on Materials.
can be disposable. Suitable for
frequencies, methods, techniques, and technologies used. It is Elisa Fratticcioli, 2004
measurement in compact areas.
expected that the information from this paper will help
researchers to have a broader perspective of resonator The resonator sensor was designed
at frequency 883 MHz. Solid
structure, and hopefully it can be considered as an alternative Microwave permittivity samples were used such as Teflon,
to produce a better technique design. measurements through R4003, FR4, RF35 and glass. The
cross-shaped ring sensors. advantages are high accuracy and
II. TYPE OF MATERIAL SAMPLES Biffi Gentili, 2002 extremely compact. Since the size
is compact, the fabrication cost is
less expensive.
A. Characterization of Solid
Several studies have been conducted on solid samples for The resonator sensor was designed
materials characterization in order to introduce novel resonant at frequency 2.4 GHz. Solid
samples were used such as grain,
sensor design with the improvements in accuracy and sand and concrete. The advantages
sensitivity of the device [1, 3, 4 and 8]. For example, [1] Planar Resonator Sensor for are a highly sensitive detector of
produced microwave planar resonant sensor based on the 4[8] Moisture Measurements. moisture contents in solid. Other
adoption of a scalar two- port measurement method. There are Jerzy Skulski, 1998 than that, time measurement will
be very short and able to measure
similarities between both papers in term of frequency. The practically on-line. The fabrication
operating frequency is 500-800 MHz on 2004 and the first cost is cheaper since the resonator
paper produced on 2002 used 656.58 MHz as the operating is planar based.
frequency. The improvements in Q-factor, accuracy and
robustness have been made. The method used is suitable for
the detection of moisture content in wet powdered materials B. Characterization of Liquid
[1]. The characterization of materials does not only focus on the
[4] designed a Cross-Shaped microstrip ring sensor with full solid phase, but also all of the phases such as liquids, gases
planar microstrip technology. A scalar network analyzer was and mixtures. Several studies on liquid materials
used to compute the resonant frequency and the matching characterization have been conducted and have been discussed
amplitude of the transmission parameter for the fundamental in succeeding paragraphs [2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 28]. For
mode. The complex permittivity was estimated by inverting example, [2] designed a split-ring resonator by combining the
the measured parameters using an algorithm based on dielectric resonator coupling for accuracy enhancement. This
Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This design was modified resonator was designed in simulation software before coming
based on their research work in 2001 “full-wave modelling of up with fabrication process. The sensor was simulated using
microwave planar reflection sensors of material moisture the 3D full-wave solver Ansys High-Frequency Structure
testing”. The design structure has three layers of substrate Simulator (HFSS). The complex permittivity of water and
with different dimension specifications. The upper and second saline solutions was modeled using a first order Debye model.
layers used RO4003 substrate and the bottom layer used FR4 The advantage of this filter over the resonant sensor presented
materials. Each layer has its own function, which are input, by [1] was that its sensitivity was much better due to high Q-
hidden and output port of the sensors. The sensor was very factor. However, this design had limitations in bandwidth
gas-liquid separated resonator [23]. Table 3 shows that the quality control, bio-sensing and chemical products. The
summary of previous studies in the mixture phase (solid, advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques have
liquid, gas) characterization of resonant sensors. been highlighted and thorough comparisons among various
techniques have been presented. The focus of the discussion
Table 3 has been on the performance of each technique to seek the best
Comparison of previous research works in mixture materials characterization
sensitivity and accuracy for better measurement. This analysis
presented in paper has been drawn from specific design sensor
No Title/Author/Year Remarks
details and measurement results of each of the sensors. This
The resonator sensor was has led to the tremendous development in both theoretical
designed at frequency 0.8-1.3 sensor design techniques and in the industry technology used.
Material Characterization GHz. Mixture samples were
Using Complementary Split- used such as air, Teflon, RO
As a result, the resonant cavity method is known as the precise
Ring Resonators. 3003 and FR4. The advantages technique in the resonator sensor design for materials
are high measurement characterizing. However, the complexity of the manufacturing
Muhammed Said Boybay, sensitivity, less expensive process leads to the high cost of fabrication, even though the
2012 fabrication cost, easy process of
fabrication and very low loss
sensitivity could be higher. Thus, the planar resonator sensor
detection structure. is proposed in this study. This technology can be used to
enhance the weaknesses of conventional resonator design due
The resonator sensor was
designed at frequency 5 GHz. to the planar structure. Further, it can be easily integrated with
Mixture samples were used other components or devices. It is less expensive and
such as saline, ethanol, salt, consumes minimum volume of detectable samples. The design
Substrate-Integrated Half- sugar and water aqueous structures also are simple and easy to fabricate, although they
Mode Resonant Near-Field solution. The advantages are
2[13] Sensor for Liquid compact in size and act as can achieve higher Q-factor with certain techniques. The
Characterization. resonant near-field sensor and device can be expanded based on its achievement. Although
Nora Haase , 2013 have very low cost fabrication the research in this area is not at its infancy stage, the research
process. It is easy access to the is still ongoing. Hopefully, the challenges faced by the
tip from the top of sensor and
also have the simplicity of researchers can be overcome and improved in order to gain
structure. advancement and improvement in this technology.
The resonator sensor was
designed at frequency 4.8-8.7
A Circular Patch Resonator GHz. Mixture samples were
for the Measurement of used such as nematic liquid- Sincerely to express the appreciation to Universiti Teknikal
3[22] Microwave Permittivity of crystal mixture. The advantage Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and Ministry of Higher Education
Nematic Liquid Crystal. of the design is simple resonator
Diminic E. Schaub, 2011 construction, but have quite
(MOHE) for funding this work under the research grant
expensive materials for the RAGS/1/2014/TK03/FTK/ B00078.
fabrication process.
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