Break of Dawn

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Dawn break Quest

Room 1
You enter the ruin, as you enter there is a wide dim room in front of you that’s about 35ft in width. There is
debris everywhere and what looks like 3 decayed bodies on the floor. There are few light beams coming
through from cracks and wear in the rock walls. There is a large podium in the centre of the room with an
object sticking out the centre. As you approach the podium you can see that the object sticking out the
centre is a sword hilt that is buried in the centre. Someone who removes from the podium hears the deity
of sun talk to them and telling them to clear her shrine of undead and a necromancer in its depths. As the
sword is drawn from the stone light breaks through a piece of wall and shines on a orb in the wall on the
wall opposite. You hear a mechanical sound from the door. This is when you see the bodies in the floor
awaken. 1 ghast and 2 ghouls Roll initiative

After you defeat the undead, there can be 8gp, 50sp and one potion of healing found. Dawn breaker is now
attuned to who pulled it out and cannot be used by anyone else.

Room 2
The next room is a square room with 8 pillars in it, debris the same as the first but a second level is at the
back with stairs up at the centre. There is a matching podium in the centre of this room too. As soon as you
take one step into the room a large shadowy figure appears from behind the pillar and two archers step
out from the upper level. Roll initiative. 2 zombie archers and 1 Ogre Zombie (if take out within two round
add 2/3 more ghouls

Once the shadows and the archers have been dealt with then the players can inspect the podium in the
centre. The players need to place the dawn breaker into the podium and light will emit from the gem
above the entry door reflect off the dawn breaker and hit another gem in the middle of the back wall and
you can hear a mechanical sound at the back of the room

Puzzle room
Then a puzzle room: The room is circular with an orb bearing pedestal in the centre, completely
impossible to move or crack no matter how hard people swing at it. On the pedestal are the words, 'Speak
me and I rise.'

Engraved in the floor are markings and symbols making out a celestial map of the stars and the
multiverse, all sprawling around the pedestal as a central point. Knowledge (planes) checks can correctly
identify the charts and provide help for struggling parties.
Around the edges of the room are glass orbs no larger than fists, easy to move but impossible to remove
from the room. They are multi-coloured and foggy, unlike the one in the centre.

1st stage: Someone has to say the word sun. It could be 'son' or it's-on' or someone just saying sun, but
someone has to speak it to trigger the next phase.

2nd stage: After speaking 'sun' the orb in the centre flares into a bright, blinding light that is nearly
impossible to look straight at. Touching it burns the hand and there is a blasting heat emanating from it.
The markings on the floor light up to reveal different coloured and sized circles. The solution is to place
the orbs previously mentioned into the corresponding circles, basically waving it off the moment someone
realizes what the solution is.
Phase 3: Watch as the orbs lift up and begin to swirl around the central orb, imitating the cosmos and
multiverse travelling through the astral plane.
Outside path
Then the door opens, you feel a cold gust of wind creep in that disturbs all the old in the room. The door
leads to outside. As you step outside you realise there is a very narrow path that goes along the cliff edge
about 30ft forward to another snow-covered door. Players must roll a D6 twice and make the correct DC
save to get across.

1 – An icicle drops from the wall above make a Dex save DC12, take 1d6 piercing damage
2 – You walk on a patch of ice and slip make a Dex save DC14, slip to the lower level and take 1d6 fall
3 – Nothing happens
4 – you look down and get scared of the impending doom below, make a Con save DC 14, or have to roll a
third time to get across
5 – Nothing happens
6 – you make it all the way along without any issues

Once all the players make it across then the dawn breaker lights up and emits a beam of light that shines
onto the door ahead and melts the ice on the door.

Boss Room
You enter a large open room with high cave ceilings and a large statue of a woman that is engraved into
the back wall. You think this could be the shrine to the sun Deity that beckoned you. The room has a dank
smell. As you look around there are countless body parts, corpses and skeletons around the floor. There is
a large table in the back centre of the room in front of the statue with a large corpse on it. There is a
cloaked figure in front of the table.
As you take one step into the room the door slams closed behind you and a circle of strange coloured
candles light around the room. You hear the cloaked figure mumbling to himself which then turns into a
hideous laughter that echoes through the cave. He turns to face you all, as he looks you all up and down,
he says ‘yes, you’ll all make great additions to my army’ and raises his arms and chants, a number of bodies
raise from the ground and face you, roll initiative
Have 3 or 4 enemies out at once and one full round after one die bring another one back to life. After 1 or
2 round bring the zombie ogre alive that was on the table. All zombies die if the necromancer dies.
Once the players have cleared the enemies. The dawn breaker will get hot to the touch and float up into
the centre of the room. A bright white light will emit from the sword and temporary blind the players.
When the players open their eyes, the room is completely different than before. The floor is clear and
glistening. The air feels fresh and warm, the statue that was covered in dirt, grim and blood, now looks like
it was freshly carved. The dawn breaker seems imbedded into the chest of the sun deity statue. The eyes of
the statue light up. She speaks to the party thanking them for clearing her shrine from the evil that was
corrupting her shrine. Now that that dawn breaker has been returned, she feels her strength returned and
can now help her subjects with their crops. As a reward a secret door appears next to the statue that she
says to help yourselves to the treasures inside.
 A total of 615 gp worth of coins, art objects, and/or gems, as follows:
 215 gp in coinage:
o 50 gp
o 1,400 sp
o 2,500 cp
 50 gp gemstones (×8; worth 400 gp total):
o Chalcedony (opaque white)
o Chrysoprase (translucent green)
o Jasper (opaque blue, black, or brown)
o Carnelian (opaque orange to red-brown)
 Magic Items (Table F) (×2)
o +1 Weapon (short sword or bow)
o Cloak of Protection

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