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DWG Procedure Manual Revision 21 Approved 10032024

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Dynamics Working

Procedure Manual

Revision 21

ROS Approved: October 3, 2024


Foreword.............................................................................................................. 4
1 Activities of the Dynamics Working Group (DWG).....................................5
2 Administrative Procedures...........................................................................5
2.1 Membership............................................................................................. 5
2.2 Duties of Chair and Vice-Chair...............................................................6
2.3 Meetings...................................................................................................6
2.4 Reports to ROS........................................................................................6
2.5 Dynamic Data Sharing Rules..................................................................6
3 Dynamic Data................................................................................................. 7
3.1 General.....................................................................................................7
3.1.1 Software.............................................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Dynamic Models – General...............................................................................................7
3.1.3 Standard Dynamic Models................................................................................................8
3.1.4 User-Written Dynamic Models..........................................................................................8
3.1.5 Dynamic Model Quality Test Guideline............................................................................9
3.1.6 Unit Model Validation.....................................................................................................29
3.1.7 Maintenance of Dynamic Models....................................................................................31
3.1.8 Dynamic Data for Existing Equipment............................................................................31
3.1.9 Dynamic Data for Planned Equipment............................................................................31
3.1.10 Unacceptable Dynamic Models.......................................................................................31
3.2 Dynamic Data for Equipment Owned by Resource Entities (REs)....32
3.2.1 Dynamic Data Requirements for New Equipment..........................................................32
3.2.2 Updates to Existing Dynamic Data..................................................................................34
3.3 Data for Load Resource........................................................................34
3.4 Dynamic Data for Equipment Owned by Transmission Service
Providers (TSPs) or Other Equipment Owners.........................................34
3.4.1 Under Frequency Firm Load Shedding (UFLS) Relay Data...........................................34
3.4.2 Under Voltage Load Shedding (UVLS) Relay Data.......................................................35
3.4.3 Protective Relay Data......................................................................................................36
3.4.4 Load Model Data.............................................................................................................36
3.4.5 Other Types of Dynamic Data.........................................................................................37
3.4.6 Missing or Problematic Dynamics Data..........................................................................37

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

3.4.7 Dynamic Data and Stability Book Storage......................................................................38
3.5 Dynamic Models for Distributed Generation.......................................38
3.5.1 Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR)
3.5.2 Settlement Only Distribution Generator (SODG)...................................................................38
3.5.3 Unregistered Distributed Generation (UDG)..........................................................................39
4 Overview of DWG Activities........................................................................40
4.1 Updating Dynamic Data and Flat Starts..............................................40
4.1.1 Schedule for Dynamic Data Updates and Flat Start Cases..............................................40
4.1.2 Dynamic Data Updates....................................................................................................41
4.1.3 Dynamic Data Screening.................................................................................................41
4.1.4 Flat Start Criteria.............................................................................................................41
4.2 Post Flat Start Activities.......................................................................42
4.2.1 Distribution of Flat Start Results and the Dynamic Data Base.......................................42
4.2.2 Stability Book..................................................................................................................42
4.2.3 DWG Coordination with the Steady State Working Group............................................42
4.2.4 DWG Dynamic Contingency Assumptions List..............................................................43
4.2.5 DWG Dynamic Contingency Database...........................................................................43
4.3 Other DWG Activities............................................................................44
4.3.1 Event Simulation.............................................................................................................44
4.3.2 Procedure Manual Revision Guidelines..........................................................................44
4.4 Recommended DWG Study Methodologies........................................44
4.4.1 Voltage Instability Identification in Stability Studies.....................................................44
4.4.2 Cascading Identification in Stability Studies...................................................................45
4.4.3 Uncontrolled Islanding Identification in Stability Studies..............................................45
4.4.4 Generator Protection Assumptions..................................................................................46

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

This Procedure Manual is intended for use by the stakeholder members of the
Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) for the purpose of creating and
maintaining the dynamics database and dynamics simulation cases which are
used to evaluate the dynamic performance of the ERCOT system.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

1 Activities of the Dynamics Working Group (DWG)
1.1 The DWG builds dynamic data sets and dynamic study cases for the
ERCOT system from data supplied by equipment owners. ERCOT
coordinates the compilation and publication of dynamics data and
dynamics study cases. The dynamics data are published in the form of
dynamics study cases (flat start cases) as described within this document.
1.2 The DWG prepares the annual update of the Stability Book that
documents dynamic data used in the flat start cases.
1.3 The DWG provides a forum for discussing dynamic modeling and system
dynamic performance issues and questions.
1.4 The DWG performs other activities as directed by the Reliability and
Operating Subcommittee (ROS).

2 Administrative Procedures
2.1 Membership
The DWG is a non-voting working group whose members include
representatives from ERCOT, Transmission Service Providers (TSPs),
Texas Reliability Entity (Texas RE), and Public Utility Commission of
Texas (PUCT).
Each NERC Transmission Planner within the ERCOT footprint and each
ERCOT TSP with an assigned area in the Steady State Working Group
(SSWG) and DWG base cases, shall have at least one designated DWG
member. The designated DWG member(s) shall be an employee(s) of an
ERCOT Registered TSP. A Designated Agent that is not a DWG member
may represent a DWG member. Designated Agents are permitted on the
DWG email exploder list at the discretion of the sponsoring DWG member
under the stipulation that a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is in place
with the sponsoring DWG member and proper notification has been
provided to ERCOT. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring DWG
member to inform ERCOT of Designated Agents acting on their behalf. It
is also the responsibility of the sponsoring DWG member to inform
ERCOT of Designated Agents that no longer represent them and to have
them removed from the email exploder list. The DWG will review the
participating Designated Agents annually.
DWG members and any Designated Agents shall be identified in the DWG
roster, and the roster will be updated as needed by the DWG. The DWG
shall notify ROS (in the monthly report) of any TSPs that are required to
have a designated DWG member but do not have a DWG representative
identified on the DWG roster.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

The DWG will nominate a chair and vice-chair to be approved by the ROS

2.2 Duties of Chair and Vice-Chair

The chair will coordinate the activities of the DWG and represent the DWG
at the ROS meetings and other working group meetings as required.
The vice chair will support the chair and fulfill the duties of the chair in the
absence of the chair.
2.3 Meetings
The DWG will meet at least quarterly. DWG meetings are closed
meetings. DWG members and Designated Agents of DWG members may
attend. If a Designated Agent is not on the DWG roster, the sponsoring
DWG member shall inform ERCOT and the DWG chair and vice chair of
the name of the Designated Agent attending one week prior to the
The chair may coordinate additional meetings, including open meetings,
as needed to facilitate the activities of the DWG. Non-DWG members may
participate in DWG meetings including open portion of the meeting for
specific purposes (e.g. a technical presentation or discussion). Any such
participation should be approved by the chair, limited to the specific
purpose, announced in the meeting agenda, and recorded in the meeting
minutes. The vice chair will track attendance and document meeting
minutes for in-person meetings.
Agendas and meeting schedules should be published at least two weeks
prior to the meeting. The minutes of each meeting will be distributed to
DWG members.
2.4 Reports to ROS
Each month, the DWG chair will provide a written report to the ROS if
2.5 Dynamic Data Sharing Rules
Dynamic data and dynamic study cases are considered confidential and
protected information pursuant to Nodal Protocol Section 1.3,
Confidentiality. They shall be provided to the DWG members only.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

3 Dynamic Data

3.1 General
Dynamic data is the network data, mathematical models, and supporting
information required for simulation of dynamic and transient events in the
ERCOT System.

3.1.1 Software
The current planning model software is PSS/E version 35 and PSCAD
version 4.5 or higher. During years where a PSS/E version change is
being conducted, the previous PSS/E version user defined models shall
also be provided until a full transition is completed. The current operations
model software is Powertech DSATools™ Transient Security Assessment
Tool (TSAT) version 22.

3.1.2 Dynamic Models – General

Dynamic models compatible with the software(s) and version(s) listed in
Section 3.1.1 shall be submitted to both ERCOT and the interconnecting
TSP. In addition to the requirements described in the Planning Guide
Section 6.2, Dynamics Model Development, providers of dynamic models
shall also adhere to the following requirements:
 Each dynamic device requires a model with model parameters
that accurately represent the dynamics of the device over the
entire range of operating conditions.
 Static switchable devices part of Inverter-Based Resource
(IBR1) facilities (such as on-load tap changing transformers
(OLTC) and switchable reactive shunts) should include an
initialization script or logic to correctly initialize for the POI initial
conditions of the power flow case the model is integrated in (for
example, a Python file for PSS/e and initialization logic for
PSCAD), and should include switching control logic if the device
is expected to switch within 45 seconds of a disturbance2.
 PSCAD models shall be submitted to ERCOT for all IBRs,
Wind-powered Generation Resources (WGRs), and inverter-
based transmission elements (IBTEs)3 installed on or after
January 2015; for equipment installed before 2015 PSCAD
models shall be submitted to ERCOT upon request. For
For Inverter-Based Resource definition, refer to Nodal Protocols Section 2. IBRs includes Type 3 and
Type 4 wind resources.
To help evaluate plant automatic voltage regulation capability, modeling of devices which switch during
the voltage regulation timeframe is necessary. The 45 seconds does not correspond to another requirement
but is wide enough to more than cover this timeframe.
IBTE: Dynamic transmission devices with a converter/inverter interface, such as SVCs, STATCOMs, and
HVDC ties.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

purposes of this manual, IBTEs includes STATCOMs, static
VAR compensators (SVCs), and other transmission devices
with power electronic grid interfaces.
 Where multiple models are provided (e.g. PSS/E, TSAT,
PSCAD), the model response shall be consistent across
software platforms to the extent of platform capability.
 Dynamic models shall utilize proper memory management
within the software. Data must only be written to allocated
memory locations so that other models within the system are
not affected.
 All associated per unit dynamic model parameters for a given
generating unit shall be provided using a base MVA (MBASE) in
accordance with appropriate modeling techniques for the
software platform, where the MBASE is typically the generator
MVA rating.
 No model shall restrict the DWG from using any integration
time-step less than or equal to a ¼ cycle in simulations when
using positive sequence simulation tools.
 No model in the DWG’s Unacceptable Model List shall be used.
Refer to Section 3.1.10.

3.1.3 Standard Dynamic Models

The use of standard dynamic models provided by the software is preferred
when they can accurately represent the dynamic performance of the
device being modeled.

3.1.4 User-Written Dynamic Models

A user written model is any model that is not a standard library model
within the software(s) and version(s) listed in Section 3.1.1. When no
compatible standard dynamic model(s) provided within the software can
be used to represent the dynamics of a device, accurate and appropriate
user written models can be used, if accepted by ERCOT and the DWG
after being tested for compatibility with the flat start cases. A model
guideline checksheet is provided by ERCOT for PSS/E, TSAT and
PSCAD models to help determine compatibility 4; this checksheet shall be
completed and submitted along with the model.
PSS/E User-written models for the dynamic equipment and associated
data must be in dynamic linked library (DLL) format and must include a
model manual. The model manual must show control block diagrams,
Refer to the UDM Model Guideline and PSCAD Model Guideline posted under ‘Model Quality’ on the
ERCOT Resource Registration webpage for helpful details about compatibility.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

design logic, descriptions of all model parameters, a list of which
parameters are commonly tuned for site-specific settings, and a
description of procedures for using the model in dynamic simulations.
TSAT User-written models for the dynamic equipment and associated
data must be in TSAT User Defined Model (UDM) format and associated
dynamic linked library (DLL) and template user-defined model (TUDM) if
required. The TSAT UDM or DLL shall be able to directly read and support
the PSS/E format data (.dyr file). TSAT UDM models shall be provided
with two cases: one set up using bus numbers (the same numbers as a
sample PSS/e case) and the other set up using equipment names. The
equipment name case should include a space character in the name to
demonstrate that the model is compatible with space characters (an
ERCOT systems requirement).
All PSCAD models are considered to be user-written models.

3.1.5 Dynamic Model Quality Test Guideline

Submitted dynamic planning and operations models must be
accompanied with results from model quality tests (MQT) performed by
the facility owner as required in paragraph (5)(c) of Planning Guide
Section 6.2. These results shall include the case simulation files as well
as the simulation plots of relevant quantities for each test. When
submitting PSS/E and PSCAD MQT files, include the leading and lagging
power factor cases for the voltage ride-through tests. Guidelines on how
these tests should be performed and the expected model performance are
provided in the following sub-sections. All tests are required for PSS/E,
TSAT, and PSCAD models with the exception of the Phase Angle Jump
Test in Section, which is only required for PSCAD models. A
sample report is posted under ‘Model Quality Guide’ on the ERCOT
Resource Entity webpage5. Plots of PSS/E, TSAT, and PSCAD test results
should be overlaid onto the same plot axis for comparison. However,
TSAT model testing is not required for models utilizing a TSAT standard
library model.


Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

List of Applicable Tests

Applicable Applicable
Test Models Technologies Notes
Flat Start

Small Voltage Disturbance


Small Frequency Disturbance

Low Voltage PSCAD

Ride Through PSS/E
“Legacy” Test TSAT
Low Voltage
Large voltage
Ride Through IBRs* and WGRs and Both LVRT tests should be run for
“Voltage Dip” IBTEs both new and legacy resources.
High Voltage
Ride Through
PSS/E, (Synchronous condensers
TSAT, (and Synchronous machines installed as part of an IBR or
Large voltage disturbance via
PSCAD if (including synchronous WGR would not require this test
a fault test
synchronous condensers) but instead would be included in
condenser) the VRT tests.)
IBRs*, WGRs and
System Strength PSS/E,

Phase Angle Jump PSCAD IBRs*

*For Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) definition, refer to Nodal Protocols Section 2. IBRs includes
Solar, Battery, and Type 3 and Type 4 Wind Generation Resources (WGRs). Simulation Set Up

To examine the dynamic performance of a Generation Facility or dynamic

transmission element, all site-specific dynamic models needed to
represent the facility shall be included in the test. The following model
guidelines apply:
 The facility model is connected to a controllable infinite bus
whose voltage and frequency can be adjusted for testing. No

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

explicit ERCOT transmission system models are required for
this testing. The tests shall be performed with the current
planning model software.
 For generation resources, the generator is dispatched at full real
power output and the Point of Interconnection (POI) bus voltage
is initialized to nominal 1.0 per-unit unless the test requires
otherwise. Facilities that include energy storage systems should
also be tested at full real power withdrawal. The initial reactive
power exchange at the POI should be near zero unless the test
requires otherwise.
 Behind the POI, the generator(s) and step-up transformer(s)
shall be represented along with any additional planned or
installed static and dynamic reactive equipment.
 Station transformer taps and static switched shunts should be
initialized to a nominal position appropriate for the initial POI
voltage and real power dispatch.
 Any switching controls that are expected to provide a response
within 20 seconds (e.g. automatic switched shunts or on-load
transformer tap changers) should be reflected in the dynamic
model for the resource.
 Aggregate Generation Resources, such as wind and solar,
should be represented by a single equivalent aggregate model
per registered Resource (i.e. allowed aggregation) and include a
representation for the collector impedance and pad-mount
transformer. All dynamic control systems should be modeled
(generator, exciter, governor, power system stabilizer, automatic
voltage regulator, power plant controller, voltage and frequency
protection, etc. as applicable).
o PSCAD models are not required to be aggregated to match resource
registration. However, PSS/E and TSAT models must match

 Simulations should be run for a minimum of 20 seconds and

show that the facility response has stabilized.
Example test cases for an Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) with a
STATCOM and a synchronous generator test case are shown below.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Controllable POI Equivalent Collector
STATCOM Impedance
Infinite Bus » Zero
Impedance Aggregate
For example,
Plant controller/exciter configured for
voltage regulation

Generator model including

Controllable POI Exciter, Governor, PSS,
Infinite Bus etc

Zero Impedance Line

For example,
PLBVFU1 model Flat Start Test

Perform a no-disturbance test of the prepared simulation case as
described in Section above for a minimum of 20 seconds. Flat
responses of voltage, MW, MVAR, and frequency, as shown in the figure
below, are expected to remain very close to the initial system condition.

-- Voltage
-- Real Power
-- Frequency Deviation

ower Small Voltage Disturbance Test

Apply a 3% step increase, and in a separate simulation, a 3% step
decrease of voltage at the POI. The plant Automatic Voltage Regulator
(AVR) and the associated droop and dead-band settings (if applicable)
should transition the plant to/near maximum leading power factor 6, or in
the latter case, to/near maximum lagging power factor in an attempt to
The 3% voltage step is outside the Tolerance Bands in Section 2.7.3 of ERCOT Nodal Operating Guides
(NOG). Thus, a Resource would be expected to deliver maximum reactive capability per the NOG

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

regulate the original voltage set point. Any oscillations should be well
damped. Real power output should be sustained throughout the small
voltage disturbance tests. The figures below include examples of
acceptable and unacceptable responses.
Acceptable Response: Small Voltage Step Down

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


In response to the POI voltage being stepped from 1 pu to 0.97 pu, the plant’s AVR increased
the reactive output to maximum, near 0.95 power factor lagging at the POI. This response is
considered acceptable.

Acceptable Response: Small Voltage Step Up

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


In response to the POI voltage being stepped from 1 pu to 1.03 pu, the plant’s AVR decreased
the reactive output to minimum, near 0.95 power factor leading at the POI. This response is
considered acceptable.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Unacceptable Response: Small Voltage Step Down

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


Here, the model increased reactive output raising the terminal voltage above 1.1 per unit, at
which point the generator improperly tripped itself offline.

Unacceptable Response: Small Voltage Step Down

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


This model lacks an AVR response and so is considered unacceptable. Large Voltage Disturbance Test: (Low Voltage Ride-Through

(LVRT) for IBRs, WGRs, and IBTEs)
All IBRs, WGRs, and IBTEs should test two profiles, both a “legacy” profile
and a “voltage dip” profile as described below. Testing both profiles helps
provide important model performance information.
 The “legacy” Low Voltage Ride Through curve per Nodal
Operating Guide (NOG)
 The “voltage dip” test includes evaluation of NOG The
test shall be run as a series of separate piece-wise disturbances
with the voltage returning to 1.0 per-unit (pu) voltage after each
disturbance (see below examples). The spacing between each
disturbance may be greater than 10 seconds to allow for
recovery as necessary.
Each voltage disturbance profile starts at 1.0 pu voltage. The “legacy”
curve ends at 0.90 pu voltage. In the case of Resources, tests shall be

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

performed for two initial conditions: with the facility operating at a 0.95
lagging power factor (at the POI) and with the facility operating at 0.95
leading power factor (at the POI)7. The model shall exhibit appropriate
dynamic reactive response, active current injection, AVR response, and
the model shall not exhibit momentary cessation.
Additionally, the maximized LVRT capability as required in NOG
or NOG shall be documented in a format similar to the tables in

When testing the “legacy” profile, the following performance criteria apply:
 For the low voltage transient, the model should inject reactive
current throughout the voltage recovery period. At the POI, both
P and Q are necessarily zero during zero voltage. Q injection at
the POI should be observable immediately or very shortly after
voltage begins ramp up from zero.
 For 0.9 pu sustained POI voltage, the AVR should provide
voltage support that moves the resource towards nearly full
reactive production (significantly lagging).
 Real power recovery should start prior to the POI voltage
recovering to 0.9 pu.
 Real power should recover to full output within 1.0 seconds of
POI voltage recovery to 0.9 pu. A modest real power reduction
(typically 5% of Pmax or less) may be acceptable to
accommodate greater terminal reactive power injection for
sustained POI voltages in the range of 0.90 pu to 0.95 pu
provided real power fully recovers when POI voltage returns to
normal operating range (0.95-1.05 pu). An explanation,
including a reference to any exempt status per ERCOT Nodal
Operating Guide Section 2.9.1, , shall be provided for models
which indicate that the unit trips or fails to meet any of the above
performance criteria.

When testing the “voltage dip” profile, the following criteria applies:
Dynamic reactive devices (e.g. SVCs and STATCOMS) should be tested initialized at rated reactive
power capabilities.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

 Resources not subject to the “preferred” Voltage Ride Through
requirements of NOG are only required to ride through
the first dip of the below voltage dip profiles. This first dip is
within the “legacy” LVRT requirements of NOG
 During the voltage dips:
o The model shall inject active current for POI voltage dips
of 0.5 and higher.
 Injections of significantly reduced active current for
voltage dips 0.5 pu and 0.7 pu should be
accompanied by increased reactive current.
o Reactive current injection at the POI shall be observable
immediately or very shortly after a non-zero voltage dip is
 After the voltage dips:
o Real power should recover to full output within 1.0
seconds of POI voltage recovery to 1.0 pu.
 An explanation, including a reference to any exempt status per
ERCOT Nodal Operating Guide Section 2.9.1, shall be provided
for models which indicate that the unit trips or fails to meet any
of the above performance criteria.

Following are three figures: The first illustrates the "Legacy” LVRT to be applied
at the POI; the second illustrates the “voltage dip” LVRT voltage profile to be
applied at the POI for photovoltaic generation resources (PVGRs) and energy
storage resources (ESRs), and inverter-based transmission equipment, and the
third illustrates the “voltage dip” LVRT voltage profile to be applied at the POI for
wind generation resources (WGRs).

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

The figures below include the examples of acceptable and unacceptable

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Acceptable Response: Voltage Dip, Leading Initial Power Factor

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


Example of acceptable response to the “voltage dip” profile. Real power is observable
when the applied voltage dip is 0.5 pu and higher and fully recovers between
disturbances when the voltage returns to 1.0 pu. Reactive power injection is
observable for the non-zero voltage dips. The transient spikes are numerical and can
be ignored.

Acceptable Response: Legacy LVRT, Leading Initial Power Factor

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage

Simulate a post-disturbance voltage
of 0.9 pu. A final later step to 0.98 is
helpful for model review but not

This model exhibited acceptable voltage recovery, dynamic reactive power response during the
low voltage transient, and AVR reactive response during the settling period. Although the
reactive power temporarily dipped at 7 seconds, this was considered acceptable as the AVR
quickly responded, providing additional reactive power soon after.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Unacceptable Response: Legacy LVRT

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


The reactive power of this model quickly diminished as soon as the POI voltage reached 0.9 pu.
Because the final POI voltage is below the initial 1.0 pu voltage, the AVR should have continued
to increase reactive power towards maximum. This model is lacking correct AVR response and
so is considered unacceptable.

Unacceptable Response: Legacy LVRT

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


This model absorbed reactive power during the low voltage transient, which could be
detrimental for grid voltage recovery. This model does not exhibit dynamic reactive power
control, thus the response is considered unacceptable. Large Voltage Disturbance Test (High Voltage Ride-Through

for IBRs, WGRs, and IBTEs)
First, apply the “preferred” HVRT curve to the POI per NOG 2.9.1. If the
facility cannot meet the “preferred” ride through requirements, then
additionally test the “legacy” HVRT curve and report both results. The
“preferred” curve has more stringent requirements, so it is not necessary
to test the “legacy” curve for devices passing the “preferred” curve, and
such testing would generally not provide additional revelations regarding
model behavior.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Additionally, the maximized HVRT capability as required in NOG or NOG shall be documented in a format similar to
the tables of NOG and NOG

The HVRT profiles start at 1.0 pu voltage and end at 1.1 pu. The tests
should be performed for two initial conditions: with the facility operating at
0.95 lagging power factor (at the POI) and with the facility operating at
0.95 leading power factor (at the POI). The model shall exhibit appropriate
dynamic reactive response, active current injection, AVR response, and
the model shall not exhibit momentary cessation.
The following criteria apply to both the “preferred” and “legacy” HVRT
 During the high voltage transient, the model should provide a
fast dynamic response to absorb reactive power. The resource
should be absorbing a significant amount of reactive power at
the POI during the high voltage transient, and ideally within 0.5
seconds of the transient inception.
 For 1.1 pu sustained POI voltage, the AVR should move the
resource towards nearly full reactive absorbing (significantly
 Real power should be sustained during high voltage condition.
A modest real power reduction (typically 5% of Pmax or less)
may be acceptable to accommodate greater reactive power
absorbed for sustained POI voltages in the range of 1.05 pu to
1.10 pu provided real power fully recovers when POI voltage
returns to normal operating range (0.95-1.05 pu).
 An explanation, including a reference to any exempt status per
ERCOT Nodal Operating Guide Section 2.9.1, shall be provided
for models which indicate that the unit trips or fails to meet any
of the above performance criteria.
The following two figures illustrate the “preferred” and the “legacy” HVRT
voltage profiles applied at the POI.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Simulate a post-disturbance voltage of 1.1 pu.
A final later step to 1.02 is helpful for model
review but not required.

Simulate a post-disturbance voltage

of 1.1 pu. A final later step to 1.02 is
helpful for model review but not

The figures below include examples of acceptable and unacceptable


Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Acceptable Legacy HVRT Response, Lagging Initial Power Factor

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


Acceptable Preferred HVRT Response, Lagging Initial Power Factor

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


Illustration of an acceptable HVRT response. Real power is maintained and there is a good Reactive
power response for voltage support: There is a large amount of reactive absorption during the high
voltage transient, followed by the AVR responding to the sustained 1.1 pu POI voltage.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Unacceptable HVRT Response

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


Illustration of an unacceptable HVRT response. There is very little dynamic reactive response during the
high voltage transient. This would not be helpful in arresting a high voltage grid condition. The facility
should quickly transition deeply into reactive absorption, ideally within 0.5 seconds of the high voltage
inception. Large Voltage Disturbance Test (for synchronous machines-

based facilities including synchronous generators and synchronous
Apply a three-phase fault at the POI for 4 cycles (i.e. apply a step change
to zero voltage at the POI for 4 cycles and then a step change back to
nominal voltage). The facility should inject reactive current during the
fault. Following the fault the facility should return to a stable operating
point with full real power output. Any oscillations should be well damped. Small Frequency Disturbance Test (all facilities)
Apply a 0.3 Hz step increase, and in a separate simulation, a 0.3 Hz step
decrease of system frequency from nominal frequency (60Hz). The
governor or frequency controller should lower or raise the real power
dispatch according to the droop and deadband characteristic. A frequency
response is required for all Generation Resources and Energy Storage
Resources (ESRs) assuming there is sufficient headroom to respond to
frequency changes. The real power should initially be dispatched at 80%
of maximum for this test. Tests for ESRs should also be run for a condition
at 80% of maximum charging capability. Since Intermittent Renewable
Resources (IRRs) typically operate in a power availability state (no
headroom) state even when operating below nameplate capability, two
frequency drop simulations shall be performed for IRRs: One where the
resource is modeled in a curtailed (with headroom) state at 80% dispatch,
and another simulation where the resource is modeled in a power
availability state (no headroom) at 80% dispatch. A description of how to
set up the IRR model for each case (headroom vs. no headroom) should

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

be included. Non-exempt IRR resource models operating with headroom
should provide a real power increase in response to a frequency drop. An
explanation, including a reference to any exempt status per ERCOT Nodal
Protocol 8.5.1 shall be provided for models that fail to exhibit sufficient
frequency response. In general, the submitted IRR model should reflect a
power availability state (no headroom state) as that would be the normal
operating assumption even when dispatched at less than Pmax.
The figures below include the examples of acceptable and unacceptable

Acceptable Frequency Drop Response

(IRR in a Curtailed State)

-- Real Power
-- Frequency


This IRR model correctly responds to the low frequency condition by boosting output. The model had
headroom because it was initialized in a curtailed (power withheld) state.

Acceptable Frequency Rise Response

-- Real Power
-- Frequency


This IRR model correctly responds to the high frequency condition by reducing output.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Unacceptable Frequency Drop Response
(IRR in a Power Availability State)

-- Real Power
-- Frequency


This IRR was modeled in a power availability state, meaning that the power dispatch was limited as a
result of wind or solar availability. Despite not having any headroom to increase power output, the
model did so anyway and so is considered unacceptable. System Strength Test (for Inverter-Based Resources, and

Inverter-Based Transmission Elements)
This test considers the model performance under varying short circuit
ratios (SCR). The SCR of the electric grid can vary over time due to line
contingencies, nearby generator status, etc., so it is important for a model
to behave well under a range of SCR conditions.
The model shall be tested under at least four different short circuit ratios
listed in the table below. If there are concerns about model accuracy
under certain lower short circuit ratios, a written explanation of the reason
should be provided.

Test SCR
1 5
2 3
3 1.5
4 1.2

Method for Testing SCR:

A test case is set up where the plant model POI is connected to a
controllable infinite bus by a branch whose impedance can be
programmatically changed during the simulation. Initially, the branch
impedance is set to Xpu where Xpu represents the per-unit reactance
necessary to achieve the desired short circuit ratio. After applying a 4

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

cycle bolted three phase fault to the POI, the branch impedance is
changed to reflect a post-disturbance system with higher impedance. A
series of short circuit ratios can be tested in the same simulation by
progressively increasing the value of Xpu, so long as sufficient run time is
provided between changes for the model to reach steady state.

Plant Model Including

Transformers and any
Collector System

Fault Line impedance
initially Xpu;
increased after
clearing fault

Infinite Bus

Calculation of Xpu, the Per-Unit Line Impedance:

The short circuit ratio is defined as the measured short circuit MVA
(MVAfault) contribution from the system divided into the total generator MW
capacity. The measured short circuit MVA is defined as the short circuit
current contribution from the system multiplied by the nominal system
voltage. Refer to the formula below, assuming a system base MVA of

MVA Fault
MW Capacity

X pu
MW Capacity

X pu=
MW Capacity∗SCR

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

MW Capacity= Total MW capacity of generator(s) under study
SCR = Desired short circuit ratio to test
Xpu = Per unit line reactance, on a 100 MVA system base

 A wind farm consisting of one-hundred 2.0 MW wind turbines is to be
tested under short circuit ratios of 5, 3, 1.5, and 1.2. Thus, for the
MW Capacity= 200 MW

 Using the equation above, the line impedance (Xpu) is calculated for
each of the test short circuit ratios.
o When testing SCR = 5, the line reactance is Xpu = 0.1
o When testing SCR = 3, the line reactance is Xpu = 0.17
o When testing SCR = 1.5, the line reactance is Xpu = 0.33
o When testing SCR = 1.2, the line reactance is Xpu = 0.42

For each increase in line reactance, the plant reactive power controller
should adjust to restore voltage schedule and compensate for the
increase in reactive losses. After applying the fault disturbance, the X pu is
modified to a value corresponding to the next lower SCR level to be
tested. Models shall provide acceptable responses for an SCR of 3 and
higher. If the responses are not acceptable for an SCR of 1.5, then a
technical reason for the limitation should be provided, and a model
enhancement should be considered.
The figures below include examples of acceptable and unacceptable

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Acceptable SCR Response

SCR=3 SCR=1.5 SCR=1.2

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


Model SCR is tested repeatedly starting with SCR = 5 down to SCR = 1.2. This model is stable in all

Acceptable SCR Response

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


SCR=5 Model Trips

Model SCR is tested repeatedly starting with SCR = 5 down to SCR = 1.2. This model goes unstable and
trips at SCR 1.5. A technical reason for the poor behavior should be provided.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Unacceptable SCR Response

-- Real Power
-- Reactive Power
-- Voltage


Model Trips

Model SCR is tested repeatedly starting with SCR = 5 down to SCR = 1.2. This model trips at SCR = 3,
which would be considered unacceptable. Phase Angle Jump Test (for Inverter-Based Resources)

This test considers the model performance under a sudden increase or
decrease in voltage phase angle as can sometimes occur on the electrical
grid under disturbances. The test consists of exposing the model to an
instantaneous voltage phase angle increase, and separately, an
instantaneous voltage phase angle decrease, to determine the maximum
phase angle jump the model can withstand and still remain online and
recover to normal operation. For example, the test can be conducted
starting with a 180 degree jump, and if the model cannot ride through,
decreasing by 30 degrees each time until the model is able to ride
through. This test is only required for PSCAD models of inverter-based

3.1.6 Unit Model Validation

PSCAD models must be accompanied with results from the unit model
validation tests performed by the Interconnecting Entity or Resource Entity
as required in paragraph (5)(d) of Planning Guide Section 6.2. These
validations shall demonstrate the accuracy of the PSCAD models against
actual inverter testing and should be performed for all inverter-based
device types within the facility. The testing is inverter specific but need not
be site-specific. The report should include a description of the test set up
as well as the simulation plots of relevant quantities for each test.
Guidelines on how these tests should be performed and the expected
model performance are provided in the following sub-sections. PSCAD Model Setup

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Because the purpose of validation is to test the PSCAD inverter
model, it is not necessary to model any balance-of-plant equipment,
transformers, collector system, power plant controllers, etc.,
however any auxiliary inverter-based equipment should also be
tested (for example, STATCOMs). In simulation software, the PSCAD
model(s) should be connected to a controllable voltage source
whose voltage and frequency can be adjusted for testing. The
inverter should be dispatched at full real power unless the test
requires otherwise. Energy storage devices should be tested under
both charging and discharging modes. Simulations should be run
for a minimum of 10 seconds. Inverter Hardware Testbench Setup

The testbench should utilize actual inverter hardware programmed

with typical default settings. Thus the test should be representative
for all inverter devices under the same hardware and control
implementation. Testing

The tests are designed to measure the inverter and model

response to small and large magnitude disturbances of frequency
and voltage as well as the subsynchronous response to gauge
model accuracy. Many of the tests closely parallel those used in
the Model Quality Guideline Section 3.1.5. Alternative testing
methods may be permissible if the objective is fulfilled. The
following tests should be performed on both the PSCAD model and
the actual inverter hardware:

o Step change in voltage, as specified in Section

o Voltage Ride Through, as specified in Section and
o System Strength Test similar to Section
o Voltage Angle Step Test as in Section
o Subsynchronous Test: Perform a frequency scan sweep to
measure the subsynchronous impedance as seen looking
into the inverter over the range 5 to 55 Hz in 1 Hz
increments. This test is generally conducted by adding a
small voltage perturbation of variable frequency
superimposed on the fundamental (60 Hz) voltage, and
measuring the complex impedance as seen looking into the
inverter. The results should be provided both as a plot and
as a table and should display Resistance and Reactance
plotted over 5 to 55 Hz. Values should be in per-unit on the

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

inverter MVA base. This test should be conducted under the
following conditions: Strong system (short circuit ratio = 10),
unity power factor, Weak System Lagging (short circuit ratio
= 1.5, 0.95 lagging power factor), and Weak System Leading
(short circuit ratio = 1.5, 0.95 leading power factor).

3.1.7 Maintenance of Dynamic Models

Maintenance of the models is the responsibility of the device owner.
Models shall be maintained in accordance with Section 3.2. Any user-
written dynamic models shall also be maintained to fulfill the requirements
as described in the Planning Guide Section 6.2 and Section 3.1.4 in this

3.1.8 Dynamic Data for Existing Equipment

“As-built” data is required for all completed facilities in accordance with
Section 3.2. To help ensure that dynamic model data is kept up to date
with site-specific settings, paragraph (5)(b) of Planning Guide Section 6.2
introduces a “plant verification” requirement. The plant verification reports
should confirm that the model correctly reflects site-specific settings by
presenting evidence such as delivery and testing reports, screenshots or
pictures of actual hardware settings, attestations from the equipment
manufacturer, etc.

3.1.9 Dynamic Data for Planned Equipment

The development of future year case data may require an entity to submit
the best available information for the planned equipment prior to
development of a detailed design. In such cases, estimated or typical
manufacturer’s dynamic data, based on units of similar design and
characteristics, may be submitted. However, the Resource Entity shall
update the model information upon completion of the detailed design and
again upon commissioning the equipment. Dynamic data for planned
equipment shall be submitted in accordance with Planning Guide Section
6.2 and Section 3.2 in this manual.

3.1.10 Unacceptable Dynamic Models

The DWG adopted a list of unacceptable dynamic models developed by
the NERC System Analysis and Modeling Subcommittee (SAMS) with
exception of those models for which DWG has a technical justification not
to adopt.
 Unacceptable models that already exist in the ERCOT dynamic
dataset shall be phased out through dynamic model updates

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

including updates received via the NERC MOD-026-1 and
MOD-027-1 processes.
 If a generation interconnection or dynamic model update has
begun prior to a model being identified as unacceptable by
NERC, the model may be allowed.
 The list of acceptable/unacceptable dynamic models are
published on the NERC website.8

3.2 Dynamic Data for Equipment Owned by Resource Entities (REs)

3.2.1 Dynamic Data Requirements for New Equipment

Note: This section addresses the requirements stated in R1 of NERC
Standard MOD-032-1 (effective July 1, 2015).
REs are responsible for providing models with model parameters resulting
in a tuned model that represents the dynamic performance of the device.
Final responsibility for the submission and the accuracy of the dynamic
data lies on the RE. ERCOT and the DWG will provide voluntary
assistance if requested by REs to complete parameter tuning and prepare
model records. The DWG member representing the TSP to which the RE
is connected is responsible for working with ERCOT to incorporate the
dynamic data received from the RE into the DWG Flat Start cases (.dyr
file) during annual updates.
The RE shall fulfill its interconnection data requirement by including
acceptable dynamic data and models for their facilities. The RE may have
additional model and data reporting obligations to ensure compliance with
NERC reliability standards and/or other requirements.

The following two subsections describe data requirements for two distinct
categories of generation facilities: Synchronous Generation Facilities:

a. The model data shall include, at minimum, a generator model, a
governor model, an exciter model, and if applicable, a power
system stabilizer model and an excitation limiter model.
b. Explicit frequency protection relay models shall be provided for all
generators where relays are set to trip the generating unit within the
“no trip zone” of NERC Standard PRC-024 Attachment 1.


Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

c. Explicit voltage protection relay models shall be provided for all
generators where relays are set to trip the generating unit within the
“no trip zone” of NERC Standard PRC-024 Attachment 2.
d. A governor model is not required for the steam turbine(s) of
combined cycle plants. IBRs, and WGRs:

The RE shall provide the following data as applicable to the generator
a. Model, data and description of voltage control method.
b. Model, data and description of how they will meet ERCOT reactive
c. A one-line diagram of the proposed facility.
d. Data for all transformers. The data should include:
 MVA rating.
 High and low-side rated voltage.
 Number of taps, and step size.
 Impedance, including base values if different from rated values
listed above.
e. Dynamic modeling data including:
 Wind generator or solar inverter manufacturer and type.
 Rated voltage.
 Rated MVA.
 Reactive capability, leading and lagging.
 Rated MW output.
 Net MW output.
 Transient or subtransient reactance, including base values, if
 Transient or subtransient time constant, if applicable.
 Total inertia constant, H, of generator, including the shaft and
gearbox, if applicable.
 Number of machines by manufacturer types.
f. Reactive resource data such as capacitor banks, STATCOMS, etc.
Provide the number of devices, location of the devices, step size,
speed of switching, location where voltage is monitored and

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

controlled, control strategy, and voltage limits. For dynamic reactive
devices, provide the appropriate model and data.
g. Line data from the POI to each generator shall include:
 Line type (overhead or underground)
 Line length
 Line resistance in ohms/1000 ft
 Line reactance in ohms/1000 ft
 Line susceptance in mhos/1000 ft
h. Wind turbine models shall account for rotor mass, aerodynamic
energy conversion, and pitch control.
i. Explicit frequency protection relay models shall be provided for all
facilities where relays are set to trip the resource within the “no trip
zone” of NERC Standard PRC-024 Attachment 1.
j. Explicit voltage protection relay models shall be provided for all
facilities where relays are set to trip the resource within the “no trip
zone” of NERC Standard PRC-024 Attachment 2.

3.2.2 Updates to Existing Dynamic Data

The RE shall submit dynamic model updates to ERCOT and the TSP to
which they are connected within 30 days of any facility change and/or test
result that necessitates a model update to accurately reflect dynamic
performance. The data requirements specified in section 3.2.1 for new
equipment also apply to all submitted model updates. Obsolete data
should be deleted or commented out as appropriate in the dynamic data.
3.3 Data for Load Resource
ERCOT will prepare the dynamic model using a standard model for Load
Resource that is qualified to provide Responsive Reserve (RRS) through
under frequency relay models. Data for the Load Resource model shall
be documented in the Stability Book.

3.4 Dynamic Data for Equipment Owned by Transmission Service

Providers (TSPs) or Other Equipment Owners

3.4.1 Under Frequency Firm Load Shedding (UFLS) Relay Data

UFLS data shall be prepared annually in accordance with ERCOT and
NERC standards. TSPs are responsible for preparing the UFLS relay
model records for their respective loads. The TSP shall submit the UFLS

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

relay data to ERCOT in the form of a data file using an appropriate model
compatible with the software listed in Section 3.1.1. The models should
contain the necessary information to properly represent the UFLS relay
actions in a dynamic study, including:
a. Location (bus number and/or load ID) of load to be interrupted.
b. Fraction of load to be interrupted.
c. Corresponding frequency set points.
d. Overall scheme clearing times (including all time delays, breaker
clearing times, etc.)
Also, the TSP should indicate any other schemes that are part of or impact
the UFLS programs such as related generation protection, islanding
schemes, automatic load restoration schemes, automatic capacitor/reactor
switching, and Remedial Action Scheme (RAS).
All UFLS data will be documented in the annual Stability Book.

3.4.2 Under Voltage Load Shedding (UVLS) Relay Data

An ERCOT TSP which has UVLS relays in its service area designed to
mitigate under voltage conditions potentially impacting the system reliability
is to establish and maintain a UVLS Program consistent with NERC
The TSP owning an UVLS Program will submit the corresponding relay
model to ERCOT during the annual Stability Book update. The DWG
member shall submit the UVLS relay data in the form of a data file using an
appropriate model compatible with the software listed in Section 3.1.1.
It is the responsibility of the TSP to ensure the UVLS program model
submitted has been tested through an assessment as per NERC
Also, the TSP shall indicate any other schemes that are part of or impact
the UVLS programs such as related generation protection, islanding
schemes, automatic load restoration schemes, automatic capacitor/reactor
switching, and RASs.
The model shall contain the necessary information to properly represent
the under voltage relay actions in a dynamic study, including:
a. Location (bus number and/or load ID) of load to be interrupted.
b. Fraction of load to be interrupted.
c. Corresponding voltage set points.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

d. Overall scheme clearing times (including all time delays, breaker
clearing times, etc.).
All UVLS data from the responsible entities will be documented in the
annual Stability Book.

3.4.3 Protective Relay Data

The operation of protection, control, and RAS systems can affect the
dynamic performance of the ERCOT system during and following
contingencies. Planning, documenting, maintaining, or other activities
associated with these systems is outside the scope of the DWG. However,
because they can affect dynamic performance, the DWG should, on an as
needed basis, identify and document protection, control, and RAS
systems for inclusion to its dynamic data sets. Identification of these
protection systems will normally require the assistance of individuals or
groups outside the DWG. The specific information to be considered for
inclusion will depend on the type, purpose, and scope of study.
Protection, control, and RAS systems included in the DWG dynamic data
should be in the form of a dynamic model and shall be compatible with the
software listed in Section 3.1.1. Protection, control, and RAS systems
adequately modeled for dynamic purposes by other working groups only
need to be referenced in the DWG study reports.
The DWG member, as part of the annual dynamic data update, shall
review and update as necessary protection, control, and RAS systems
already in the DWG database. This review should include evaluating the
existing data for applicability and accuracy.
Protective relay data included in a DWG flat start case shall be
documented in the Stability Book.
3.4.4 Load Model Data
Note: This section addresses the requirements stated in R1 of NERC
Standard MOD 032-1 and R2.4.1 of NERC Standard TPL-001-4 and TPL-
001-5.1 (effective July 1, 2023).
Another key component of any dynamic study is the load model and its
representation as a function of changing frequency or voltage. The load
model can have a significant effect on results of dynamic analysis. For
this reason, it is important to use an appropriate load model during the
The DWG shall review and update static load models for each area,
composed of a mix of constant impedance (Z), constant current (I), and
constant power (P) representations, known as ZIP models. PSS/E CONL
activity is used to incorporate the ZIP models into a PSS/E study.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

Additional detailed data for dynamic load modeling (large motor MW, small
motor MW, etc.) is provided in the Annual Load Data Request (ALDR).
ALDR information can be used with generic motor model parameters for
screening purposes.
The DWG recommends the use of the CMLD composite load model to
represent various typical dynamic load elements, and in particular,
modeling of air conditioning load as needed for studies. Due to the
complexity of flat start case development, these dynamic load models are
not included in the DWG flat start cases. The dynamic load models may
be requested directly from the relevant TSP.
Within 30 days of a written request from ERCOT, a TSP shall provide
dynamic load models compatible with the software listed in Section 3.1.1
with documentation explaining the process to derive such models.
The DWG shall review the standard load-frequency dependency model
(LDFRAL) and update the model if necessary. The model shall be
documented in the Stability Book.

3.4.5 Other Types of Dynamic Data

Note: This section addresses requirements stated in R1 of NERC
Standard MOD 032-1 (effective July 1, 2015).
All elements with dynamic response capabilities (such as SVC,
STATCOM, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES), DC tie,
fast switchable shunts, and Variable-Frequency Transformer) that are in
service and/or modeled in the SSWG base cases shall be represented
with an appropriate dynamic model compatible with the software listed in
Section 3.1.1.
The DWG member of the TSP owning the equipment shall submit the
model to ERCOT during the annual dynamic database update or as
needed for studies. If the equipment owner is not a TSP (e.g. DC tie
owners), appropriate models shall be submitted to ERCOT and the TSP to
which the equipment is connected within 30 days of any facility change
and/or test result that necessitates a model update to accurately reflect
dynamic performance.

3.4.6 Missing or Problematic Dynamics Data

The DWG is responsible for reviewing the dynamic data on an annual
basis and reporting to the ROS any missing data or unresolved issues
relating to data submission requirements. DWG will report select data
problems to the respective ERCOT working group per Section 4.2.3.
If the DWG and/or ERCOT identifies inappropriate or incomplete dynamic
data, the appropriate DWG member and/or ERCOT shall request that the
equipment owner resolves the discrepancies by following processes

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

established by existing NERC Standards or ERCOT requirements. The
final responsibility for the submission and the accuracy of the data lies
with the equipment owner. All of the data and the revisions requested by
ERCOT shall be resolved by the entity owning the equipment within 30
days. Until valid data becomes available, ERCOT or the DWG member to
whose system the equipment is connected shall recommend an interim
solution to the missing or problematic data.

3.4.7 Dynamic Data and Stability Book Storage

ERCOT shall make available to the DWG members in electronic format
the dynamic data described in this document. ERCOT shall maintain a
repository of dynamic data approved by the DWG and will maintain the
submitted revisions.
3.5 Dynamic Models for Distributed Generation

3.5.1 Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution

Energy Storage Resource (DESR)9
RE provided models will be used to represent inverter-based DGRs and
DESRs. If the RE is not required to provide a model and/or an adequate
model is not available to DWG, the DER_A model will be used.
Parameterization will be based on DWG approved parameters in the
ERCOT DWG DG Parameterization Guideline for the DER_A model and
will represent capabilities consistent with the DGR/DESR requirements in
the ERCOT Nodal Operating Guide.
RE provided models will be used to represent synchronous DGRs. If the
RE is not required to provide a model and/or an adequate model is not
available to DWG, a generic model with DWG approved parameters in the
ERCOT DWG DG Parameterization Guideline will be used with
capabilities consistent with the DGR requirements in the ERCOT Nodal
Operating Guide.

3.5.2 Settlement Only Distribution Generator (SODG)

RE provided models will be used to represent inverter-based SODGs with
nameplate capacity of 5 MW or greater. If the RE is not required to provide
a model and/or an adequate model is not available to DWG, the DER_A
model with DWG approved parameters in the ERCOT DWG DG
Parameterization Guideline will be used.
RE provided models will be used to represent synchronous SODGs with
nameplate capacity of 5 MW or greater. If the RE is not required to provide
a model and/or an adequate model is not available to DWG, a generic

For ERCOT resource definitions and acronyms, reference “Resource” in Section 2 of the Current
Protocols: http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/nprotocols/current

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

model with DWG approved parameters in the ERCOT DWG DG
Parameterization Guideline will be used.
SODGs less than 5 MW will be represented as negative load (with GNET)
in DWG base cases.

3.5.3 Unregistered Distributed Generation (UDG)

UDG dynamics will not be explicitly represented in DWG base cases.
DWG will not modify UDG representation from the SSWG 10 case - UDG
will be embedded or reflected in the load according to current TSP

For information on SSWG case assumptions, please reference the SSWG Procedure Manual:

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

4 Overview of DWG Activities

4.1 Updating Dynamic Data and Flat Starts

4.1.1 Schedule for Dynamic Data Updates and Flat Start Cases
Note: This section addresses requirements stated in R2 of NERC
Standards TPL-001-4 and TPL-001-5.1 (effective July 1, 2023).

Each June, the DWG shall prepare a detailed schedule for developing flat
start cases and providing associated dynamic contingencies. The DWG
shall begin the flat start case development process as soon as practicable
after SSWG base cases are posted – normally in May. The DWG shall
prepare flat start cases for near term on-peak, near term off-peak and
long-term on-peak conditions to facilitate planning assessments required
by NERC Standard TPL-001-4 and TPL-001-5.1 (effective July 1, 2023). It
is intended that the three dynamic data sets be developed concurrently to
be utilized in planning assessments for the next year (YR+1). The
following diagram presents a schedule as a reference for DWG flat start
case development:

YR (YR=Current Year) YR + 1
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Build Process
- Cases Posted

Prepare DWG Dynamic Flat Start Case Development

DWG Flat Near Term On-Peak Case
Start Near Term Off-Peak Case
Schedule Long Term On-Peak Case

Final DWG
Data Sets
Files and
Dynamic Load
Stability Book Finalized
and Posted

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

The DWG flat start case development process adds detailed dynamic
models to network elements represented in an SSWG base case that
reflect behavior during and following system disturbances. The DWG
shall normally prepare dynamic flat start cases based on the following
SSWG steady state cases:
 Near-Term On-Peak Case: (Y+3) SUM1
 Near-Term Off-Peak Case: (Y+4) HRML
 Long-Term On-Peak Case: (Y+7) SUM1
For example, the following flat start cases would be developed during the
period from July 2023 through January 2024: 2026 SUM1, 2027 HRML,
and 2030 SUM1. These cases could then be used for planning
assessments performed in 2024. The DWG may choose to develop
dynamic flat start data sets for alternative cases that meet the same
objectives with respect to facilitating the completion of NERC TPL
planning assessments.
After January 1st, 2015, ERCOT shall serve as the flat start coordinator for
all DWG flat start cases.

4.1.2 Dynamic Data Updates

Each DWG member shall review the dynamic data from the prior year for
its portion of the ERCOT System and provide necessary updates
according to the schedule established in section 4.1.1. The changes in the
data must be identified and submitted with the updated data.
Data for mothballed units shall be retained. Obsolete data should be
deleted or commented.
Other revisions of data that should be submitted to the flat start
coordinator include updates to the load model, Zsource corrections,
generation netting, or any other modifications to the network necessary for
dynamic studies.

4.1.3 Dynamic Data Screening

The DWG members should review the dynamic data for equipment
connected to their system for completeness and applicability. The data
should be appropriate for the model, and the model should be appropriate
for the equipment. Before submitting data for inclusion in updated
dynamic base cases, each DWG member should perform dynamic data

4.1.4 Flat Start Criteria

DWG Flat Start cases shall:

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

 Initialize with no errors;
 Demonstrate that simulation output channels for frequency,
voltage and power do not deviate from an acceptable range for
a Twenty-second run with no disturbance.
 The product of a successful flat start will be a planning model
software simulation-ready base case (the unconverted base
case) with its associated dynamic data files including user
models (.dyr, .obj, .lib, and .dll files), stability data change
documentation, python (.py) files and response files (.idv) files.
The product of a successful flat start also includes the steps
taken to build the flat start case such as network model changes
(i.e. changing the schedule of the North DC, tuning voltages,

4.2 Post Flat Start Activities

4.2.1 Distribution of Flat Start Results and the Dynamic Data Base
Upon completion of each flat start, all dynamic data and final data files
shall be posted on the ERCOT MIS so that it is accessible to all DWG
members and to ERCOT. This posting shall be within the schedule
established by the DWG for the given flat start.

4.2.2 Stability Book

The Stability Book is an annual document used to record dynamic data
changes and/or corrections required during the flat start processes. The
flat start coordinator shall prepare the annual stability book.
Recommendations to revise load flow data are also included in the book.
DWG Members are required to communicate these recommendations to
other respective working groups, including Steady State Working Group,
Operations Working Group, and Network Data Support Working Group, to
eliminate recurring problems.
The following information is included in Stability Book:
 Deviation tables or plots of the flat start results are included to
verify the successful completion of the flat start process.
 Dynamic data. This data is in the DOCU ALL PSS/E activity
 Under frequency and under voltage load shedding relay data
submitted by each of the appropriate DWG members.
 Additional information identified for inclusion by Section 3.4

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

4.2.3 DWG Coordination with the Steady State Working Group
To support coordination with the Steady State Working Group, Operations
Working Group, and Network Data Support Working Group a list of
changes made to the following steady-state power flow data shall be
reported to the ERCOT Steady State Working Group representative:
 Unit MVA Base: this is also known as MBASE and is used as
the base quantity for many dynamic model parameters
associated with generating units.
 Zsource: reactive machine impedance that is required to match
the subtransient reactance specified in the dynamic generator
model for proper initialization of dynamic simulations.
ERCOT shall compile the list of data changes following finalization of the
flat start DWG shall coordinate with SSWG to assure that conflicting data
is corrected during future SSWG case building activities.

4.2.4 DWG Dynamic Contingency Assumptions List

The DWG shall construct a dynamic contingency assumptions list detailing
contingency assumptions for each TSP for the purpose of screening
studies conducted by ERCOT and the DWG members. ERCOT and the
DWG members shall annually review and update the dynamic contingency
assumption list. Upon completion of the annual review, ERCOT shall
collect the contingency assumptions and submit the finalized dynamic
contingency assumptions list to the DWG.

The assumptions shall include:

 Breaker trip time for normal clearing,
 Breaker trip time for delayed clearing due to stuck breaker
 Breaker trip time for delayed clearing due to relay failure
 Relay characteristic assumptions to assess generic apparent
impedance swings that can trip any transmission system elements
 Other assumptions deemed necessary by DWG as specified during
the annual review

4.2.5 DWG Dynamic Contingency Database

The DWG shall prepare a Dynamic Contingency Database according to a
standard spreadsheet format. The spreadsheet format will be reviewed
annually. In addition to the spreadsheet, DWG members can also provide
their contingencies in python format if the spreadsheet is inadequate to
accurately represent the contingencies (ex. contingencies based on
detailed expansion of the station into node breaker). The dynamic

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

contingency database and any additional contingencies provided in python
will be posted on the ERCOT Market Information System (MIS) so that it is
accessible to all DWG members and to ERCOT.

4.3 Other DWG Activities

4.3.1 Event Simulation

ERCOT will compare dynamic system model performance to that of actual
system response data in accordance with NERC MOD-033. For a
selected event, the affected TSP will provide actual measured system
behavior data (or a written response that it does not have the requested
data) to ERCOT within 30 calendar days of a written request.

4.3.2 Procedure Manual Revision Guidelines

The DWG is responsible for maintaining and updating this Procedure
Manual. Revisions, additions and/or deletions to this Procedure Manual
may be undertaken at such times that the DWG feels it is necessary due
to changes in dynamic simulation software or to meet new and/or revised
requirements of NERC, ERCOT, or any other organization having
oversight or regulatory authority.
At least annually, the DWG chair shall request a thorough review of the
current Procedure Manual for any needed revisions. The notification will
request that proposed revisions be submitted to the DWG chair (or the
chair’s designate) for consolidation and distribution to all DWG members
for comment and/or additional revision.
The DWG chair may seek approval of any revision, addition, or deletion to
the Procedure Manual in the regular DWG meetings, or called special
meeting as deemed necessary or requested by DWG membership.
All proposed Procedure Manual revisions shall be submitted to ROS for
approval. After ROS approval, the Procedure Manual will be publicly
posted on the DWG webpage: https://www.ercot.com/committees/ros/dwg.

4.4 Recommended DWG Study Methodologies

Note: This section addresses, in part, requirements R4, R5 and R6 of
NERC Standard TPL-001-4 and TPL-001-5.1 (effective July 1, 2023).
Voltage stability margin, transient voltage criteria, and damping criteria are
described in the ERCOT Planning Guide Section 4.

4.4.1 Voltage Instability Identification in Stability Studies

Voltage Instability is indicated by severely low bus voltage or bus voltage
Voltage Instability could cause:

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

 Motor stalling leading to significant amount of customer initiated
motor tripping.
 Loss of generator(s) due to low voltage
 Voltage collapse of an area

4.4.2 Cascading Identification in Stability Studies

Cascading Definition - Cascading is defined as the uncontrolled loss of
any system facilities or load, whether because of thermal overload,
voltage collapse, or loss of synchronism, except those occurring as a
result of fault isolation. Cascading is indicated by one or more of the
following conditions:
 Uncontrolled sequential loss of generators
 Uncontrolled sequential loss of load
 Uncontrolled sequential loss of branches.
Cascading could cause conditions like:
 Voltage collapse of an area
 Expanding number of buses with voltage instability
 System islanding, frequency instability due to power-load
NERC Definition: The uncontrolled successive loss of system elements
triggered by an incident at any location. Cascading results in widespread
electric service interruption that cannot be restrained from sequentially
spreading beyond an area predetermined by studies.

4.4.3 Uncontrolled Islanding Identification in Stability Studies

Uncontrolled islanding is the separation and loss of synchronism between
a portion of the interconnection and the remaining interconnected system.
Islanding originates with uncontrolled loss of branches, ending with the
formation of sub-network islands.
Generators disconnected from the System by fault clearing action or by a
RAS are not considered out of synchronism. Similarly, islands formed
from being disconnected from the System by fault clearing action or by a
RAS are not considered an uncontrolled island.
Sub-network islands have the following characteristics:
 The sub-network islands have both generation and load to support
the continuation of the island.
 The sub-networks formed are not connected to each other.
Uncontrolled islanding in a screening study could cause:

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual

 Out-of-step generators
 Off-nominal frequency disturbances
 Eventual collapse of an island due to frequency or voltage
instabilities caused by the generation-load unbalance in the sub-
network island.

4.4.4 Generator Protection Assumptions

Note: This section addresses, in part, requirements R3.3.1.1 and R4.3.1.2
of NERC Standard TPL-001-4 and TPL-001-5.1 (effective July 1, 2023).

If dynamic models are not provided for Generator protection schemes,

generic generator protection may be assumed for screening purposes
1. For synchronous generators, a rotor angle swing greater than 180
degrees may be considered an unstable generator.
2. Generators may be assumed to be compliant with the minimum
requirements of Section 2.9 Voltage Ride-Through Requirements
for Generation Resources of the ERCOT Nodal Operating Guide.
3. Generators may be assumed to be compliant with the minimum
requirements of Section 2.6 Requirements for Under/Over-
Frequency Relaying of the ERCOT Nodal Operating Guide.

Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual


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