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Grade 2 Weekly Lesson Plan 3 Term 1

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Grade Level: 2 Subject: Science Lesson Topic: Properties of Matter

Lesson Objectives Understand that matter has observable properties such :Learning Outcomes
)Specify skills/information that will be learned ( .as color, texture, hardness, and flexibility Identify and describe basic properties of
Identify and classify objects based on their physical matter, such as color, texture, hardness, and
.properties .flexibility
Explore how the properties of matter can be observed Classify objects as solids, liquids, or gases
.and measured .based on their observable properties
:Lead In Start with a Question: "What makes things different Observe and record the properties of
from each other?" Encourage students to think about different materials through hands-on
.how objects look, feel, or act differently .activities
Introduce Properties of Matter: Explain that everything
around us is made of matter, and matter has different
properties that we can observe, like color, texture,
.hardness, and flexibility
Show Examples: Use a few objects (e.g., a rock, a piece of
.cloth, a cup of water) to briefly discuss their properties
Activity 1  Discussion: Begin with a brief discussion about what :Differentiated Activities
Describe the independent activity to reinforce this ( properties of objects are (e.g., "What do we notice about :For Advanced Learners
)lesson different things?"). Explain that today we will look at Challenge them to think about how
.different properties like color, shape, and texture properties of matter are used in everyday
 Examples: Show a few objects and describe their life (e.g., why we use metal for tools and
.properties (e.g., "This ball is red and round") .not rubber)
Activity 2 Exploration Stations: Set up different stations with Encourage them to conduct a mini-
Describe the independent activity to reinforce this ( .objects that have distinct properties experiment at home, like freezing water
)lesson .and observing the change in properties
Station 1: Color and Shape - Provide colorful blocks
or toys of different shapes. Let students sort them by
.color or shape

Station 2: Size - Provide objects of different sizes

(small, medium, large). Have students sort or
.compare them

Station 3: Texture - Provide objects with different

textures (smooth rock, fuzzy ball, rough paper).
.Students can touch and describe what they feel

Instructions: Divide students into small groups and have

them rotate through the stations. At each station, they
use sorting trays or baskets to categorize objects based
.on the property being studied

Activity 3  Sorting and Classifying: Bring the class together and :Intervention Activities
Describe the independent activity to reinforce this ( use a large poster or chart paper. As a group, sort objects :For Struggling Learners
)lesson into categories based on their properties (color, shape, Provide additional visuals and tactile
.size, texture) objects to help them understand different
 Discussion: Talk about why certain objects were .properties
.grouped together and what properties they share Pair them with a peer or a teaching
Verification/ Feedback A class activity and worksheet will be given to the assistant for extra support during the
)Steps to check the students understanding ( students to test how much they have learned from the .activities
Summary Recap the Key Concepts: Review the properties of matter Interactive Website
discussed (color, texture, hardness, flexibility) and how HMH Into Science
.these properties help us identify and classify matter
Group Discussion: Ask students to share what they found
.most interesting during the activity stations
Connect to the Real World: Discuss how understanding
the properties of matter helps in everyday life, like
.choosing materials for building or making clothes
Conclude: Emphasize that all objects around us are made
of matter, and by observing their properties, we can learn
.more about them

Prepared By: ___________________________ HOD Signature: ____________________________ Supervisor Signature: __________________________

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