Test Yourslef 3
Test Yourslef 3
Test Yourslef 3
ELS 173
12. Before the Aswan High Dam ............. 18. It is hoped that the new scheme which
agriculture In Egypt ............ on the annual .......... into operation next month ..............
flooding of the Nile. prisoners occupy themselves usefully.
13. No details ............ to the press until all the 19. As the letter ............ only yesterday, I
winners ............ of the results personally. doubt that it ............ by tomorrow evening.
14. Though the book ............. yet, many people 20. In France, as in other European
.......... it from the publisher already. countries, wine production and marketing
processes.............strictly............. by the
A) wasn't published/will have ordered government to assure consistent high
B) won't be published/ordered quality.
C) isn't publishing/are ordering
D) hasn't been published/have ordered A) are/regulated
E) won't have published/order B) have/regulated
C) have been/regulating
15. I'm glad that our Iron ............ itself off If it D) were/regulating
.......... too hot, because I very often leave E) will have/regulated
it plugged In.
21. African elephants .............from their
A) will be switched/is getting Indian cousins by the size of their ears.
B) switched/would get
C) switches/gets A) have distinguished
D) is switching/will get B) will distinguish
E) has switched/got C) used to distinguish
D) should have distinguished
16. I hope that by the time our rivals .............. E) can be distinguished
out about this deal, we .............. all the
contracts. 22. The police suspect that the burglars
........... in while the guards .............. shift.
A) found/had been signed
B) will find/are signing A) break/have changed
C) find/will have signed B) had broken/would change
D) have found/will be signed C) are breaking/will change
E) are finding/have signed D) broke/were changing
E) would break/had been changing
17. Recently, a number of new rules ..............
23. By the time the ruins of Angkor Wat
In our company to encourage the
........... there was nothing left of the great
employees to arrive punctually.
civilization that............ them.
A) are implementing
A) discovered/would have produced
B) have been implemented
B) were discovered/had produced
C) will be implemented
C) have been discovered/was producing
D) were being implemented
D) were discovering/produces
E) have implemented
E) had been discovered/has produced
174 □ ELS
24. It was not until the 20th century that
engineers ........... the principles of flight A) will see/have been evacuating
that birds ............ for millions of years. B) see/are being evacuated
C) had seen/will have evacuated
A) had understood/were using D) have seen/are evacuated
B) understood/have been using E) saw/were being evacuated
C) have understood/had been using
D) would understand/are using 31. A large portion of man-made fibre ............
E) could understand/will be using from cellulose, which .............from cotton,
a natural fibre.
25. The way he ............ so promptly shows he
..........that the police were on the way to A) has been produced/obtains
his hideout. B) was produced/has obtained
C) is produced/is obtained
A) escaped/had been warned
D) will have produced/was obtained
B) was escaping/would be warned
E) was producing/obtained
C) has escaped/has warned
D) had escaped/was warning
32. Preschool education ............. from day-care
E) would escape/is being warned
centres in that the latter are primarily
26. Isn't it amazing that journeys that .............. places where parents .............their
many months ............ in only a few hours children during working hours.
A) differs/leave
A) have taken/will be completing B) differed/will leave
B) were taking/have completed C) had differed/were left
C) took/could have completed D) will differ/are left
D) used to take/can be completed E) has differed/were leaving
E) had taken/are completing
33. Admittedly, we ........... much progress at
27. By the time the mistake ............... several the moment, but by the middle of next
hundred copies of the brochure ............. week, most of the major points .............
out. with.
28. My wallet ............ at the station while I 34. One theory suggests that the civilization
.......... for the train. of ancient Crete ............ by an earthquake
and volcanic eruption.
A) must have been stolen/was waiting
B) should have stolen/had been waiting A) could have destroyed
C) will be stolen/have been waiting B) may have been destroyed
D) might be stealing/am waiting C) could be destroying
E) had to steal/would be waiting D) is supposed to destroy
E) must have destroyed
29. The new manager ............ down very strict
rules as soon as he .............. over the 35. Stringent laws to stop the waste and
position. destruction of natural resources .............
A) had laid /would take by the majority in order for them to be
B) has laid/is taking effectively enforced.
C) will lay/took
A) should be supporting
D) laid/had taken
B) have to support
E) is laying/will take
C) must be supported
30. When we ............ the number of people on D) will have supported
the road with all their possessions, It was E) have been supporting
clear that the villages in the path of the
flood .............
ELS □ 175
36. It appears that. In the future, vast sums 42. Since all the seats on the train................ we
of money ........... in order to solve the .......... all the way here.
problem of air pollution.
A) will be occupied/should have stood
A) is going to spend B) occupied/will have to stand
B) has been spending C) were occupied/had to stand
C) have been spent D) have occupied/were to stand
D) could have spent E) had occupied/must have stood
E) will have to be spent
43. The Injured woman ........... quite loudly
37. Many of the relics of early Mesopotamia, while she ............to the ambulance.
one of the areas where civilizations first
........................ from their sites over the A) screamed/had been carried
years, and are now on display In B) had screamed/had been carrying
European museums. C) has screamed/would be carried
D) would scream/has been carrying
A) used to develop/were removed E) was screaming/was being carried
B) had developed/have removed
C) have developed /would have removed 44. Nowadays, the use of recycled paper
D) developed/have been removed ...........which ............. conserve the world's
E) were developing/had removed diminishing forest resources.
176 □ ELS
48. Scientists ............ many ways of predicting 54. The medicine ............ In use for many
exactly when earthquakes will happen, years when It............ to have a number of
but they ............ to actually predict them deleterious side-effects.
on only a few occasions.
A) will be/has declared
A) are trying/had managed B) has been/will be declared
B) have tried/have managed C) was/had declared
C) had tried/are managing D) is going to be/declares
D) were trying/would manage E) had been/was declared
E) tried/will have managed
55. He ............ there on the highway, but
49. Social drinking, If it ........................... to Instead he ............ to follow the scenic
alcoholism. country road.
A) isn't controlled/can lead A) had driven/would decide
B) doesn't control/must lead B) must have driven/had decided
C) didn't control/might lead C) should have driven/decides
D) hasn't controlled/has led D) could have driven/decided
E) wasn't controlled/had led E) was driving/has decided
50. Temperature ............ by a thermometer, a
56. I'm afraid some of the goods ............ while
glass tube In which the height of a
they ............ onto the lorry.
column of mercury or alcohol ............. with
variations in temperature. A) will have damaged/are loading
B) have damaged//have been loaded
A) is measuring/has changed
C) were damaged/were being loaded
B) measures/has been changed
D) would be damaged/are being loaded
C) measured/had changed
E) had damaged/were loaded
D) is measured/changes
E) has measured/is changed
57. I wonder whether the hotel ............. us
51. Under UK equal opportunity laws, an with towels or not.
employee ............ against on the grounds
A) will provide
of race, religion or gender.
B) was provided
A) didn't use to discriminate C) had provided
B) should not discriminate D) is provided
C) won't have discriminated E) is being provided
D) hasn't been discriminating
E) cannot be discriminated 58. Sugar-free chewing gums ..............In the
1950s, and by the 1980s several brands
52. A great deal of research ............. out in the .......... on the market.
field of genetic engineering In recent
years. A) were introducing/were appearing
B) have been introduced/would be appearing
A) is being carried C) had been introduced/will appear
B) has been carried D) would have introduced/appeared
C) will be carrying E) were introduced/had appeared
D) will be carried
E) would have carried 59. It's true that happiness ............ with
money, but it's also undeniable that some
53. Vandalism ............ as the wanton money ........... life easier.
destruction of other people's property.
A) mustn't be bought/made
A) can be defined B) can't be bought/makes
B) should define C) shouldn't buy/has made
C) had better define D) doesn't buy/is making
D) is defining E) hasn't been bought/is made
E) has been defining
ELS □ 177
60. A dirty or stained woollen rug ............. with 64. He will never be satisfied with himself
mild soapy water. This ............ the dirt A) whenever his parents praise him for
without damaging the rug. something he's achieved
B) as he has finally got the highest mark
A) might be washing/may remove in class
B) will have to be washed/is removed C) although all the others were ready to
C) will be washed/has removed leave for the trip
D) should be washed/removes D) until he has learnt to speak English
E) has been washing/removed like a native speaker
61-75. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun E) when he found out that he didn't get
Ģekilde tamamlayan Ġfadeyi bulunuz. the job
61. Just as the townspeople were celebrating
their narrow escape from the typhoon, 65 ............. as some of them had been held up
A) having caused massive destruction In rush hour traffic.
less than fifty miles to the north
B) they know the people who live in a A) The team failed to get together at the
neighbouring town are not so lucky arranged time
C) they were hit by a gigantic tidal wave B) There is an urgent need for new roads
that completely destroyed the place in the area
D) the storm had actually caused a C) Both delegates from the trade
significant amount of property association missed the start of the
damage conference
D) Motorists often display violent
E) they have a point though, as it could
tempers not seen when they are away
have caused great damage
from the wheel
62 ............. , he was fired from his job at the E) The lorry was unable to make its
grocery store. delivery on time