Passives TEST4

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1- The leader of the ‘Help the Children’ 8- Many recent works .......... that all children
program hopes that every child in the area go through the same stages of language
......... by a doctor before the end development regardless of the language they
of the month. ........... .

A) will be seeing B) is going to see A) are stressing/are learnt

C) had been seen D) has been seen B) have stressed/are learning
E) will have been seen C) will be stressed/have learnt
D) stressed/will be learnt
2- Temperature ...... by a thermometer, a E) were stressed/learn
glass tube in which the height of a column
of mercury or alcohol ........ with variations 9- Mary's aunt ....... in hospital for some more
in temperature. tests.

A) is measured/changes A) was supposed to keep B) is keeping

B) measures/has been changed C) was keeping D) must have kept
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C) measured/had changed E) has been kept

D) is measuring/has changed
E) has measured/is changed 10- If you .......... by the children while you
.......... I can send them outside to play.
3- Before steel and concrete ......... as building
materials, the carpenter ...... the major role A) are troubling/have worked
in constructing all building frameworks. B) trouble/have been working
C) will be troubled/worked .
A) had introduced/was playing D) arc troubled/are working
B) were introduced/played E) were troubled/had worked
C) have been introduced/would play
D) were introducing/had played 11- I .......... excited at the thought that in less
E) would introduce/has played than a week we ......... in the mountains.

4- During World War H, the town of Coventry A) am getting/will be skiing

in England .......... almost completely B) have got/have been skiing
.......... . C) had got/win have skied
D) will get/had been skiing
A) was/destroying B) has been/destroyed E) will have got/ski
C) had/destroyed D) was/destroyed
E) would/have destroyed 12- Mr Grunfeld .......... for his humour already,
but on this occasion the whole class ..........
5- Disease ......... ......... by creatures invisible hysterically.
to the naked eye that enter the body.
A) knew/had been laughing
A) is said/to be caused B) is known/was laughing
B) is saying/to cause C) has known/laughed
C) has said/to be causing D) knows/were laughed
D) was said/to have caused E) was known/laugh
E) said/to have been caused
13- She says that she ........... her mind
6- Rosa Bonheur .......... as a great artist in her whatever others ......... her.
own lifetime, when she .......... a medal in
the name of King Louis Philippe. A) isn't changed/have told
B) wasn't changed/were telling
A) acknowledged/had awarded C) won't change/tell
B) has been acknowledged/awarded D) didn't change/were told
C) was acknowledged/was awarded E) hasn't changed/are told
D) has acknowledged/was awarding
E) was acknowledging/would be awarded 14- Originally, only the Chinese .........
acupuncture, but since the 1970s Western
7- The Olympic games .......... on television by interest in this form of medical treatment
millions of people worldwide. .........

A) have watched B) will be watching A) were using/will have grown

C) are watched D) will have watched B) have used/was growing
E) have been watching C) used/has been growing
D) were used/is growing
E) had been using/grew 1

15- In medieval times mattresses were filled 22-The French brochure about the new
.......... natural materials like feathers, straw machine .......... so that we can produce a
and horsehair. leaflet in Turkish.

A) of B) to C) from D) with E)by A) used to be translated

B) might have translated
16- Until he ........ his name for the movie C) has to be translated
business, John Wayne .......... Marion Michael D) must have translated
Morrison. E) will have translated

A) was changing/called 23- Because she is worried ......... walking home

B) was changed/had been called in the dark, she doesn't like working late.
C) has been changed/would call
D) had changed/has been called A) of B)about
E) changed/was called C) from D) with
E) for
17- New homes ......... in a safer area fox the
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people whose village ........ away by the 24- I hope that the new calf .......... while I'm at
flood waters. home because I want to see it straight away.

A) are building/has been swept A) was born B) will bear

B) have been built/was sweeping C) bears D) bore
C) will have built/has swept E) will be born
D) were building/had been sweeping
E) were built/had been swept 25- The first official automobile race ...... in
France in 1894.
18- The water tank on the iron ......... before the iron
.......... away. A) was held B) held
C) had held D) has been held
A) has been emptied/puts E) would have held
B) must empty/has been put
C) had to empty/put 26- She thinks that she ........ against at her present
D) should be emptied/is put workplace just because she is a woman.
E) could have emptied/had been put
A) discriminates B) discriminated
19- Mr Swindle .......... at the moment because of C) is being discriminated D) will have discriminated
the accusation of fraud. E) had discriminated

A) is being questioned 27- He used to get so absorbed ........... his paintings

B) was questioning that some days he would even forget to eat.
C) has been questioning
D) is questioning A) of B)about C) for D) in E) from
E) had been questioned
28-Employees who don't have a good attendance
record ........... on the management training
20- Social drinking, if it ........... .......... to scheme.
A) haven't accepted B) didn't accept
A) doesn't control/must lead C) couldn't have accepted D) don't accept
B) isn't controlled/can lead E) won't be accepted
C) didn't control/might lead
D) hasn't controlled/has led
E) wasn't controlled/had led 29- When you ........ a product in a foreign
country, you ........ customs and cultural
differences into consideration.
21- I would like these reports .......... as soon as
the photocopier is available. A) have marketed/might have taken
B) market/have been taken
A) to photocopy B) photocopy C) are marketing/ought to take
C) being photocopied D) to be photocopied D) are marketed/have to take
E) having photocopied E) were marketed/had to be taken 2

30- With the growing interest in tennis, today the 38- Don't talk about her award because she .........
sport ......... either competitively or informally embarrassed every time the subject ........ .
by about forty million people worldwide.
A) is getting/has mentioned
A) is played B) got/was mentioning
B) has been playing C) gets/is mentioned
C) is playing D) has got/will be mentioned
D) has been played E) has been getting/mentioned
E) was played
39-The police inspected the building and it appears
31-Drugs ......... into the country mostly by sea that the bolts on the gate were cut .......... bolt
and only a small percentage of them ever .......... cutters.
A) from B) with C) by D) on E) against
A) had smuggled/got
B) will be smuggling/have got 40- If a piece of granite is crushed ........ powder,
C) were smuggled/will be getting one can easily pick out tiny fragments of the
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D) are smuggled/get separate substances, or minerals, that it is

E) have been smuggling/are getting composed ...... .

32- Scotland's national winter sport, curling is A) by/from B) on/by

similar to bowling, but it is played ........ ice. C) to/with D) of/for
A) by B)with C) for D) in E) on
41- The whole evening was spoilt ......... one stupid
33- We all knew who she ......... but no one ........ argument.
the actor's name.
A) by B) on C) in D) from E) for
A) will mean/should be remembered
B) meant/could remember 42- She knew that, thanks to the influential
C) is meant/must have remembered acquaintance of hers, she would be hired
D) was meaning/could be remembered ........ the position even if the interview didn't
E) means/can remember go well.

34- A ten percent pay rise has been offered ........ A) with B) for C) about D) by E) from
the corporation, but the employees aren't very
pleased ......... this amount. 43- The organization ‘Friends of the Earth’ are
........ to the production of any form of nuclear
A) of/from B)in/about power.
C)by/with D) at/of
E) from/at A) obsessed B) blessed
C) annoyed D) involved
35- You ........ all deliveries before you ........ any E) opposed
44- Mother Teresa ........ her life to helping people,
A) are checked/have signed particularly ill people and the poor.
B) have checked/will sign
C) could check/are signed A) devoted B) blessed
D) must check/sign C) involved D) excited
E) may be checked/signed E) associated

36- Certain species of fish ......... their life among

the corals, for they ........ them as a refuge from 45- Sarah's friends are concerned that she is
predators. getting too ........ in charity work and ignoring
her studies.
A) are spent/are using
B) spend/use A) dedicated B) involved C) estimated
C) will be spent/have used D) convinced E) related
D) are spending/are used
E) have spent/were used
46- I'm sure that she .......... with you. After all you
37- 'Coca Cola' .......... in almost every country in tried every shop in town to get her what she
the world. wanted.

A) is drunk B) has drunk A) hasn't annoyed B) won't have annoyed

C) is drinking D) drank C) doesn't annoy D) didn't annoy
E) was drinking E) won't be annoyed 3

47- Tomorrow is the start of a public holiday, so I 49- The United Arab Emirates ......... by Qatar and
guess all the buses and trains .......... with people the Persian Gulf on the north, Saudi Arabia on
trying to benefit from the day-off. the west and south, and Oman on the east and
A) have been crowded
B) will be crowded A) is bordered B) has bordered
C) were crowded C) bordered D) borders
D) will have crowded E) is being bordered
E) are crowded
50-On the first day at her new company, she
.......... to all of the staff, except for the
48- The day that Princess Diana got married ........ salesman, whom she still hasn't met.
Prince Charles was a public holiday and flags
were hung from houses and offices all over the A) is introduced
country. B) will have introduced
C) had introduced
A) with B)by C) to D) for E) from D) was introduced
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E) will be introduced 4


1.E 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.E 10.D
11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.E 17.E 18.D 19.A 20.B
21. D 22.C 23.B 24. E 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.E 29 .C 30.A
31.D 32.E 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.B 37.A 38 .C 39.B 40.E
41.A 42.B 43.E 44. A 45.B 46.E 47.B 48.C 49. A 50.D
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