Nahan Volume-1
Nahan Volume-1
Nahan Volume-1
Finally submitted by
Sh. Sourabh, (IFS)
WPO-Cum-DFO Nahan
We extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed to the
formulation and development of the Working Plan for the Nahan Forest Division. This
comprehensive document stands as a testament to the collective dedication, expertise, and
collaborative spirit of numerous individuals and organizations who have committed themselves
to the sustainable management and conservation of our precious forest resources.
At the outset, we express our deep respect and gratitude to Sh. Rajeev Kumar IFS, Pr. CCF
(HoFF) H.P Shimla whose relentless efforts and insights have been instrumental in shaping this
working plan. Your commitment to understanding the intricate dynamics of the Nahan
ecosystem and your passion for its preservation have left an indelible mark on this document.
Our sincere appreciation extends to Sh. Pradeep Thakur IFS, APCCF (Working Plan) the
collaborative synergy established through your contributions has infused this plan with
credibility and depth, ensuring that it rests on a strong foundation of scientific research and
practical feasibility.
The formulation of the Nahan Forest Division Working Plan would not have been possible
without the support of Sh. V.K Babu IFS, CF Nahan. We acknowledge the dedication of the
ministerial staff, field staff, and support personnel who have tirelessly coordinated the planning
process, organized consultations, and managed the vast amount of data and information that
underpins this document.
Lastly, we acknowledge the foresight and commitment of the higher authorities, policy makers,
and decision makers who recognized the importance of a well-defined working plan for Nahan
Forest Division. Your vision has set the stage for a more holistic and effective approach towards
safeguarding our environment and promoting a harmonious coexistence between nature and
In conclusion, the Nahan Forest Division Working Plan stands as a collaborative triumph, a
testament to the power of collective effort and shared goals. As we move forward with its
implementation, we remain dedicated to upholding the principles of conservation, sustainability,
and community involvement that define this plan. Once again, we express our profound gratitude
to all those who have contributed to this endeavour, and we look ahead with optimism and
determination to the positive impact that this plan will undoubtedly have on the Nahan
ecosystem and its inhabitants.
Sourabh, IFS
DFO-cum-WPO Nahan
IV LIST OF FAUNA xvi - xvii
Summary of facts on which proposals are made
1 The Tract Dealt With 1-8
2 Maintenance/increase in the extent of forest and tree 9-26
3 Maintenance, Conservation and Enhancement of 27-38
4 Maintenance and Enhancement of Forest Health and 39-44
5 Conservation and maintenance of soil and water 45-47
6 Maintenance and enhancement of Forest resource 48-55
7 Optimization of Forest resource utilization 56-68
8 Maintenance & Enhancement of Social, Economic, 69-73
Cultural and Spiritual Benefits
9 Adequacy of Policy, Legal & Industrial Framework 74-78
10 Five Year Plans 79-95
11 Past systems of management 96-121
12 Statistics of growth and yield 122-130
Future Management Discussed & Proposed
1 Basis of Proposal 132-137
2 Sal Working Circle 138-153
3 Chil Conversion Working Circle 154-167
4 Khair Composite Working Circle {Established 168-190
Plantations & Natural Khair (Coppice)Areas}
5 Eucalyptus Management Plan 191-195
6 Bamboo Working Circle 196-201
7 Protection cum Rehabilitation Working Circle 202-209
8 Plantation(overlapping) Working Circle 210-217
9 Water Resource Management & Soil Conservation 218-224
(overlapping) Working Circle
10 NTFP (overlapping) Working Circle 225-229
11 Forest Protection (overlapping) Working Circle 230-242
12 Wildlife Management( overlapping) Working Circle 243-268
13 Biodiversity Conservation & Development 269-271
14 Eco Tourism and Human Resource Management 272-277
(overlapping) Working Circle
15 Joint Forest Management(overlapping) Working Circle 278-286
16 Weed Management 287-290
17 Climate Change 291-293
18 General Financial Forecast & Financial Plan of 294-300
19 Miscellaneous Regulations 301-302
20 Trees Outside Forests (TOF) 303-305
21 Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting 306-308
22 Summary of Prescriptions and Suggestions 309-311
ABEF Average Biomass Expansion Factor
ACF Assistant Conservator of Forests
AGB Above Ground Biomass
ANR Artificial Natural Regeneration
APCCF Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
AR/ANR Artificial Regeneration/Aided Natural Regeneration
ASR Aquifer Storage and Recovery
BL Broad Leaf
CA Compensatory Afforestation
CAMPA Compensatory Afforestation fund Management and Planning Authority
CAI Current Annual Increment
CAT Catchment Area Treatment
CCF Chief Conservator of Forests
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CEC Central Empowered Committee
CF Conservator of Forests
CUG Community User Groups
CGWB Central Ground Water Board
DBH Diameter at Breast Height
DCF Deputy Conservator of Forests
DFO (T) Divisional Forest Officer (Territorial)
DOM Dead Organic Matter
DPF Demarcated Protected Forests
EAFM Ecosystem Approach to Forest Management
ES Ecosystem Services
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FCA Forest Conservation Act
FDA Forest Development Agency
FPCs Forest Protection Committees
FRA Forest Rights Act
FRH Forest Rest House
FRI Forest Research Institute
FSI Forest Survey of India
GHGs Green House Gases
GIM Green India Mission
GIS Geographic Information System
GPS Global Positioning System
HADP Hill Areas Development Programmes
HoFF Head of Forest Force
HPFD Himachal Pradesh Forest Department
HPSFDC Himachal Pradesh State Forest Department Corporation
IEC Information, Education and Communication
IFA Indian Forest Act
ISFR India State Forest Report
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
JFM Joint Forest Management
JFMCs Joint Forest Management Committees
JFPM Joint Forest
LULUCF Land Use and Land Use Change and Forestry
MAI Mean Annual Increment
MAPs Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
MAR Monitoring Assessment and Reporting
MC Municipal Council
MoEF & CC Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NAP National Afforestation Programme
NGOs Non Government Organizations
NGT National Green Tribunal
NMNR Nai Rahen Nai Manjilen
NMPB National Medicinal Plants Board
NTFPs Non Timber Forest Products
NWFP Non wood Forest Produce
NWPC New Working Plan Code
NPV Net Present Value
PA Protected Area
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
PB Periodic Block
PCCF Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
PCRWC Protection-cum-Rehabilitation Working Circle
PESA Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act
PF Protected Forests
PWPR Preliminary Working Plan Report
REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
RF Reserve Forests
RFO Range Forest Officer
RWH Rain Water Harvesting
SFDs State Forest Departments
SHGs Self Help Groups
SMC Soil and Moisture Conservation
TD Timber Distribution
TERI The Energy and Resources Institute
TOF Trees Outside Forests
UF Unclassified Forests
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
VFDCs Village Forest Development Committees
VFDSs Village Forest Development Societies
WC Working Circle
WHS Water Harvesting Structure
WP Working Plan
WPA Wildlife Protection Act
WPO Working Plan Officer
The working plan for Nahan Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh, for the period 2023-24 to 2033-
2034 has been prepared as per National Working Plan Code-2014. The previous Working Plan
was written by Sh. Vineet Kumar (1998-99 to 2012-13 and extended up to 2017-18). The plan
was for a period of 15 years beginning from 1998-99 to 2012-13 which was extended up to
2017-18 and approved by MoEF&CC. It is also noteworthy that the current Working Plan is the
1st being written exclusively for Nahan Forest Division, since previously it was combined with
Paonta Sahib Division, having being carved out only in 1984.
Scientific management of forests in H.P. was taken in 1862 by Brandis with forests of Bushaihar
and paving the way towards this endeavour, forests of Nahan Division crept into scientific
management in 1895 when firest working plan was written by Chantamani Joshi, S.
Bhattacharya and Ram Chandra (1895-1915) came into operation. Since then, working plan
(198-99 to 2012-13) of Nahan prepared by Sh. Vineet Kumar is 6 th working plan of this division.
Since, this working plan was expired and was extended for a period upto 2017-18. It become
utmost important to revise the same to maintain continuity in management of forest resources.
Besides, there has been a paradigm shift in the concept of forest and natural resource
management over the period of time, forests can now no longer be seen just as a source of timber
and other forest produce. Management of forest have now envisaged larger realms including
carbon sequestration, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and sustaining
livelihood of local people and natural resource management.
The current initiative is undertaken to efficiently plan and sustainably manage, improve,
conserve and utilize the state forests & the biodiversity. This technical document being prepared
for 10 years contains details of information about forest type, flora, fauna, soil and water
resources, management practices to be adopted, growth & yield statistics of different forest,
interference and interdependence of biotic and abiotic factors etc. Further, the working plan aims
to steer processes to guide the increase in the percentage of forest area both in qualitative and
quantitative terms. The key driver is also to link the village level development issues (local
livelihoods) with the improvement and protection of ecosystem services of the forest. This needs
to be done by integrating environmental, social and economic issues into a holistic framework
based on the livelihoods of the natural resource dependent community. The data of forest
attributes in new working plan code will help foresters in delineation of drivers of degradation
and to implement correct prescriptions in future for improvement and management of ecosystem
services of Nahan Forest Division.
Measures to control pressures on forest reserves and enhance the green cover and forest
productivity of the division have been emphasized in the working plan.
The total forest area covered by the present plan is 31407.21 ha. The Division comprises of 4
ranges namely Nahan, Kolar, Jamta and Trilokpur Ranges.The area is bounded by Paonta Forest
Division in South and Renukaji Forest Divisions in North, Yamunanagar district of Haryana in
the west.
Revival of scientific forest management in the forests of Nahan Forest Division based on
‘Ecosystem Approach to Forest Management’, eco-restoration of degraded forest areas and to
ensure participation of local communities along with Forest department in controlling and
prevention of any degradation of the forests.
• To ensure sufficient carbon sink storage through eco-restoration and plantation meeting
India’s Sustainable Development Goals.
• To enhance the forest/tree cover through various forestry interventions with the help of
local community especially on all degraded and unproductive lands to assist in derivation
of all kinds of provisioning, regulatory and supporting Ecosystem Services (ES).
The expected outcomes of the current Working Plan include: –
1. Improvement of quality of existing forests and movement towards normality and better
2. Increase in forest cover through various forestry interventions and improved carbon sink
in the Division to add to India’s commitments under Sustainable Development Goals and
3. Promotion of people-led participation and SHGs strengthening viz forest protection and
conservation through increased livelihood opportunities, ecotourism, and plantations.
4. Mitigation of human-wildlife conflicts through informed practices and cooperation of
communities as well as through technical interventions.
2. Biological Diversity
6. Socio-Economic Functions
The forests are providing ecosystem services to mankind. NWPC 2014 focuses on sustainable
management of ecosystem services. The ecosystem services that humans derived from the forests
are provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services. The provisioning services are
water for drinking and irrigation, food, fuel, timber, fodder and NTFPs of economic importance.
The regulatory services are control of diseases and pests, control of soil erosion, control of
natural disasters, supply of perennial water, climate regulation, pollination and air quality
regulation. The supporting services include soil formation, primary production, nutrient cycling,
water cycling, photosynthesis and provision of habitat. The cultural services include cultural
habitat, ecotourism, spiritual tourism and social relations in context of nature-dependence.
Chapters 1 and 2: The extent of forest area, forest cover, forest types, land use patterns, supply
of water sources, types of soils, rocks, topography, altitudinal variation and climate and threats to
the forests. The numbers of forest ranges in Nahan Forest Division are 4. The field data were
collected from the compartments of the forest ranges.
Chapter 3: The assessment and conservation efforts of biological diversity of Nahan Division.
In this chapter various indices of flora in the Nahan forest division has been discussed.
Chapter 4: Methods and techniques of protection of forest health from natural hazards (flood,
soil erosion, drought etc.) and biotic pressure (grazing, lopping, forest fires, illicit felling,
encroachment, invasive species and insects –pests).
Chapter 5: Soil and water conservation of the division. The areas treated under soil and water
conservation in Nahan forest division has been shown in the chapter. The chapter highlighted the
importance of water tables and water harvesting in Nahan Forest Division.
Chapter 6: The wealth of the forest is assessed through growing stock. The management of
growing stock has given rise to the concept of sustained yield which envisages that during a
period the cut from a forest should not exceed its growth. The growing stock of forests of Nahan
Forest Division is assessed in this chapter. Carbon stock of Nahan is estimated as per IPCC
guideline and formula to mitigate climate change.
Chapter 7: Utilization of forest resources of Nahan Division by the people living in close
proximity to forests based on rights. Both timber and non-timber products from the forests have
real value for these communities. They have market values and also socio-cultural values.
Extraction in context of FRA/FCA and salvage removals has also been discussed.
Chapter 8: Participation of local communities in protection and conservation of forests under
JFM. Utilization of forest resources for livelihood opportunities has been briefed.
Chapter 9: Forest policies, acts, rules and guidelines implemented by the State Forest
departments help in making various decisions of forest protection and management. The
implementation of policies, acts and rules for management of Nahan Forests are highlighted in
the chapter. The acts and rules of Central as well HPFD level are addressed in the chapter.
Chapter 10: History of India’s Five-year plans concomitant with Nahan’s Forest working plans
has been traced in the chapter.
Chapter 11: The chapter revealed the past system of management and their implication on the
forests of Nahan Forest Division. This chapter also guides the improvement of works and
constitution of working circles for PART-II of the working plan.
Chapter 12: The chapter highlighted the growth and yield of forest products and important
commercial tree species of Nahan Forest Division.
Part-II of NWPC reflects the proposals of working circles for the management of forests of
Nahan Forest Division. It contained the following elements:
(i) Object of Management: For achievement goal of working plan, the following have also been
A. Interventions to manage, monitor, protect, and enhance the natural habitats and resources
through scientific management of forests of the Nahan Forest Division, and
(ii) Management Strategy: The main objective of the management is to maintain and restore
ecosystem integrity. Sustainability and ecosystem restoration (or eco-restoration) remains the
goal of the management where ecosystem functions have been hampered, forest stocking and
biodiversity have been reduced, soil nutrients have depleted due to erosion or forest fires or
heavy removal of wood and non-wood forest products. The treatment methods are based on
principles of restoration ecology. It would, however, be not possible to restore the degraded
ecosystems to their pristine structure and composition, which may not necessarily a goal. But it
is possible to undertake treatment to bring them close to nature which could be done mimicking
the nature and learning from similar least disturbed areas of similar forest types elsewhere either
in a protected area or outside it.
Acacia nilotica Kikkar, Babul,Indian gum Arabic tree
(Acacia Arabica)
Acacia catechu Khair, Khadira, The cutch tree
Acacia modesta Phulahi
Acer oblongum Parag, Moli, Putli
Adina cordifolia Haldu
Aegle marmelos Bel, Bilva, Indian quince, Holy fruit, Golden apple, stone apple
Albizia lebbeck Siris, Shirish, Munipriva, Kokko, East Indian Walnut
Frywood tree,Woman's tongue tree
Anogeissus latifolia Chhal
Artocarpus lakoocha Dhew
Azadirachta indica Neem, Margosa tree
Bauhinia malabarica Amlosa
Bauhinia racemosa Jhinjhora, Gurial, Sveta Kanchan, Kanchan
Bauhinia retusa Semla, Kandla
Bauhinia variegate Kachnar
Bombax ceiba Semal, Salmali, Rakta-pushpa, Kamta-Kadruma, Silk cotton
Bombax malabaricumceiba Red silk cotton tree
Boswellia serrata Sala or Salai
Butea monosperma Parrot tree, Judas tree, Flame-of-the Forest
(Butea frondosa)
Callistemon viminalis Bottlebrush
Careya arborea Kumbhi
Cassia fistula Amaltas, Gul-lakri, Argwadha, Rajtaru, Savarnaka,
Rajbrikh, Indian laburnum, The purging fistula
Casearia tomentosa Chila
Phoebe lanceolata Tumri or Bhadrol
Bajri Gravel
Balli A round pole having a diameter of 10-30 cm at butt end.
Bhediwala A profession grazier of sheep and goats.
Bigha A measure of area of land. Equals 5/24 of an acre; 1008.3 square
yards.; 0.208 acre
Chak Demarcated private land in the reserve, Protected, Unclassed or
Mushterqa forest
Chhapar Athatched roof or hut.
Charand Grazing land.
Chatti A fuelwood land.
Chauki An outpost generally the residence of forest guards.
Chowkidar Watchman.
Coolie Labourer.
Daat Log.
Darbar The Court of the Ruler.
Dastur-UI-Amal rates Rates of the ssale of various forest produce.
Dat Darat
Devi A Hindu goddess.
Dhar A ridge or spur
Devta A local diety.
Dochi Temporary field residence.
Faisala-e-janglat A forest Settlement report.
Gaddies Professional sheep and goat graziers.
Ghair Mumkin Land under building, roads, paths, streams etc.
Gharat A water mill.
Ghasnies Grass land
Ghat Ford along a river
Gorkha labour Labourers from Nepal
Gujjar A professional, nomadic buffalo grazier.
Hadbast number Serial number allotted to a village at the time of revenue
Harkries Pieces of unfashioned split wood.
Hectare Measure of area. Equals 10,000 square meter; 2.471 acre.
Hooka Smoking
Jagir An estate/grant.
Jama-bandi Recor of land, maintained by the revenue Department.
Karam A linear unit of land meausrment equal to 1.4518 m; 57.157
Kari A Scanting
Katha Extract form khair heartwood.
Kokath General terms for miscellaneous broad leaved species
comparatively low value
Korwa Pole used in the frame work of Chapter
Mahkma-janglat Forest Department.
Makbooja Possession
Mali Gardener.
Manu Current year’s shoot of bamboo.
Missal haquiyat Revenue document containing information regarding customs
rights and concessions.
Mauza A unit of revenue.
Nadi A stream.
Nautor Government waste land granted to an individual for purpose of
cultivation or habitation.
Naquabil Land not fit for cultivation.
Nullah/Khalla Water course.
Ogal Hole or pit dug in the bed of a Nalla to obtain water for below the
Panchyat A body of panches forming a village management committee.
Parao Gujjar grazing/halting
Pattie A section of a village.
Rewana A license to fell trees.
Sehada Trijunction pillar or three mauzas.
Shamlat Village common land.
Shamlat Deh/Taraf Areas which are not owned individually but owned collectively
by the entire village community or by sub-Division of the village
concerned as Pattie or Taraf.
Sokhta Dry fuel
Simla-Mirch Capsicum.
Takhta Plank.
Tappar An open grassy area in the midst of a forest.
Taraf A sub-Division of village.
Tehsil Sub-Division of district.
Thach A grassy blank.
Tibba Hillock
Tora Raised edge of a cultivated field.
Wajab-ul-Araj Revenue settlement record dealing with social customs, rights
concession obligation etc.
Zamindar A landlord or a cultivating land owner
Summary of facts on which proposals are made
The present working plan deals with the forests of Nahan Forest Division. There are four forest
ranges in this division viz., Nahan, Kolar, Trilokpur and Jamta. Previous working plan of Nahan
was outlined by IFS Sh. Vineet Kumar and Sh. Arun Kumar Gupta (1998-99 to 2012-13) which
also included Paonta Sahib Forest Division. However, the present Working Plan covers only
Nahan forest division and is written as per the Working Plan Code-2014.
The divisional headquarter of this division is located at Nahan, situated on the outermost
Shiwalik ridge at an altitude of about 900 mtrs. It is about 135 kms, from Shimla on Shimla-
Nahan-Paonta Sahib road. Table-1.1 demonstrates the administrative setup of Nahan forest
Banethi Banethi
Panjahal Panjahal
Trilokpur Trilokpur Trilokpur
Kotla Churan
Kaulanwala Bhood Bhudra
The tract of this division is generally hilly with several streams in the tract known as khols.
Shiwalik Hills: The forest area of Nahan, Kolar ranges is occupied by Shiwalik hills, which lie
between the altitudes 470 mt. to 1500 mt. In these areas, numerous hillocks and spurs run in
every direction, draining into various khols. The southern and western slopes of these hillocks
are quite steep and unstable and most of the area is severely eroded. These hills support scrub
forests and grasses where bhabbar grass is predominantly present. Several small streams are
found in the tract commonly known as khols. They generally remain dry throughout the year
except during the rainy season.
Dharti Dhar: The prominent hill range starts from Rajgarh Forest Division near Sarahan and
run Eastward via Rama, Kanser, Parduni, Chandpur and end near Rajban.It includes area of
Jamta ,Trilokpur and Nahan range.
The geological formation of the area covered in the present working plan can be mainly classified
into two distinct formations.
a) Sub Himalayan formation
b) Himalayan formation.
a) Sub- Himalayan Formation:
The area under the present plan mainly comes under this formation and comprises Shiwalik Hills
and Dharti Dhar.
i) Shiwalik Hills:
The Shiwalik formation covers a major part of the division and forms the outermost part of the
Himalayas bordering the plains. It is formed of alternating bed of hard clay, sandstone,
conglomerate, and sand. The formation appears in alternating titled bands and can be easily
observed at many places in vertical section of the hills exposed after denudation and sliding
landmasses. Naked vertical-edged hillocks can be easily spotted throughout these tracts. The soil
of this area is poor and shallow with low humus levels and inter bedded with boulders.
This tract covers both Shiwalik and the sub-Himalayan formation. Greenish grey sandstone is
met with as large rocks or small boulders with reddish sandstone at places. Shales, phylitic shales
and slate also occur intermixed with sandstone. Iron pyrite is found in pockets near Sadaura in
the Nahan range.
Southern slopes to the west of Nahan have poor shallow soil. The forest vegetation of this area
falls under the forest type Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests which shows the presence of
scrub forest and bamboo with a low population of Chil towards the east of Nahan town, Southern
slopes bear pure Sal forests on gentle slopes and flatlands and miscellaneous species on slopes.
The northern slopes up to Dhaun support Chil population and area from Dhaun to sirmuri- Tal
bears Chil and Sal associates. The aspect is well covered with forest vegetation and falls under
the forest type Northern Tropical moist deciduous forests/ Himalayan subtropical pine forests.
This forest type has fertile private lands that are employed for cultivation.
b) The Himalayan formation: The precipitous slopes in this tract lack proper soil and rocks are
exposed on steeper slopes. The vegetation of this area is predominantly found as grasses and
scrubs due to shallow and poor soil quality. However, pure Sal forests are found at level areas
owing to deep clay loam to loamy soil.
1.4.1 Altitude: The Altitude varies from 335 m on Kala Amb to 1550 m on the Jamta range.
1.4.2 Climate: The climate of the division is mainly subtropical. The year can be divided into
three well-marked seasons i.e., winter, summer and rainy. The winter season starts around
November, where it is generally not very cool. However, the nights in the months of December
and January are extremely cold. The summer weather is not very extreme. May and June are the
hottest months but the heat is fairly tolerable. Generally, the monsoon begins from the last week
of June and remains till mid-September, brings great relief to the area. Temperature: The division exhibits large variation in temperature because of the high
variation in altitude and physical features of the tract. The Shiwalik tract has hot summer days
and is cooler during the night. A desiccating effect in the area is produced by the hot dust storms.
The southern slopes of Dharti Dhara and Doon have very hot summer days but cool and dewy
nights. In winter, daytime temperatures are quite cold, and at night they drop below zero or below
zero. The Himalayas have mild summer days but cool nights. Average temperature data from
2005 to 2015 are tabulated in Table 1.2.
parameter Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max. Temp.
(in Celsius) 21 24 29 33 36 35 32 31 31 30 27 23
Min. Temp.
(in Celsius) 6 9 13 17 21 23 24 23 21 16 12 7
humidity (%) 73 68 59 47 48 62 85 86 81 71 71 73
Table 1.3: Temperature data of Nahan (2017-2021) Frost: Frost is a common occurrence in the valley but no damage to crops and plants has
been reported yet. However, tender seedlings in nurseries need some care to avoid any kind of
damage due to frost eg. Neem needs special attention during the winter season. Rainfall: This region receives most of the rainfall during the monsoons. The average
rainfall ranges from 900 mm to 1270 mm. The monsoons start from mid-June to mid-August
while, winter rains are received during December, January. The average rainfall data of Nahan
from the year 1999- 2019 is tabulated in table 1.4
Table 1.4 Average rainfall data of Nahan from the year 1999- 2019
1.4.3 Water supply: The Streams flowing in the division are Bata, Lohgarh khol, Roon, Salani,
Jalal. During the summer season, water supply in the area is scarce so many streams either dry up
or flow very little water. The ‘Nalas’ remain dry in this region most of the year. There are many
water sources throughout the division, either permanent or seasonal. They are used for drinking
water by local people and cattle, wildlife and by nurseries for irrigation. A number of tube wells
have been recently dug by the I.P.H authorities in the area.
Earthen dam has been made in the Trilokpur range by the forest division which acts as a
catchment of water in an area and regulates the moisture content, recharges the groundwater level
and also helps to recharge some dried-up streams. It is made by using soil and stones.
Figure 1.1 Administrative Map of Nahan Forest Division
Figure 1. 2 Forest Types of Nahan Forest Division
Figure 1.3 Forest Decadal Forest Cover Degradation of Nahan Forest Division
Figure 1.4 Biodiversity Richness of Nahan Forest Division
All the government forests in Nahan forest Division are “Reserved Forest" of erstwhile
Sirmour state notified by Sirmour Darbar as Reserve Forest under the Indian Forest Act vide
Notification dated Chait 1937 & 17th July 1952 Bikrami. Afterward, these forests were
notified as reserved forest vide HP Govt. Notification No. Ft -29-14 IEB /47/Dated 25-02-
1952. This working plan covers Nahan forest division and its four ranges. The details of these
ranges with their area (in hectares), number of their respective blocks and beats are mentioned
in table 2.1:
The area figure have been taken from V. Kumar’s and A. K. Gupta’s Plan, originally outlined
in Chauhan's and O. P. Sharma's Plan. The forests of Jamta Range were earlier managed as a
part of the Rajgarh Working Plan by O. P. Sharma. It has since then come under Nahan forest
division and included in the previous Working Plan of Nahan.
Table 2.2 Forest area under different working circles
Area Sal W.C Khair Composite W.C. Chil Prot. Cum Bamboo Eucalyptus Total Area
Conversion Rehab. WC Working Mgt. Plan
W.C Circle
Estt. Natural
Plantations Khair
Nahan 2285.56 187.26 842.33 0 5457.06 0 190.26 8962.47
The plantation has been cultivated in this division for many years. These plantations are not
limited to RF and DPF, they are also produced in several Shamlat lands as well. These Shamlat
lands were transferred to the government. Further progress related to their status as Forest land
is not clear. The Revenue department utilized much of these lands for other purposes apart from
forestry. Most of the area is covered by 1:15000 or 4 inches to Mile Scale survey of India map.
The management has excluded the private areas which are notified in different forest ranges of
The status of boundary pillars is not proper as they are damaged and broken at many locations
due to increase of biotic pressure. The information about the division boundaries like location,
bearing, etc. has been prepared for all forests and provided in boundary registers maintained at
Range level. Although some of the old Boundary Pillars were repaired and detail of which is
given under table 2.3:-
5 2019-20 Kolar Lohgath Beat 15
No. 6
6 2019-20 Nahan Mandpa Ist 16
7 2019-20 Nahan Mandpa IInd 11
8 2019-20 Nahan Bankala 13
9 2019-20 Nahan Suketi 10
10 2019-20 Nahan Toderpur IInd 25
Since boundaries are not clearly marked at several places due to the absence of boundary pillars;
these areas are vulnerable to encroachments. As per the data of the Encroachment cases available
in the division from the previous working plan period, Trilokpur and Kolar ranges have
encountered the most numbers of encroachment cases, while Jamta faced the least. The total
cases of encroachment in the Nahan forest division recorded from 1998 to 2020 are 92 that cover
the area of 13.197165 hectares out of which 59 cases had been evicted from the area that covers
9.0376344 hectare land. The following table shows the details of encroachment cases with areas
from 1998-99 to 2019-20.
Table 2.4 Encroachment cases with areas from the year 1998 to 2020
Population pressure and poverty are the main two factors stimulating forestland encroachment.
Forests provide new areas for agriculture and a range of subsistence products. With increasing
population, more families search land for agriculture or look for fuel wood or timber. Larger
number of people also means more labor is available for agricultural activities. Forest
encroachment results in forest degradation and forest degradation results in land degradation, and
this leads to agricultural stagnation and even a lowering of productivity, which in turn promotes
further encroachment and completes the vicious cycle. Open market economy most often fails to
realize the full benefit of the forest and encourage realization of it. Thus it encourage the
conversion of forestland into other economically lucrative land uses.
The forest area has been diverted for non-forestry purpose on a large scale for developmental
works of government. However, over the years, there is a some perceptible change in the forest
density classes due to tremendous increase in biotic and abiotic pressure despite these areas being
consistently reforested. Area diverted in ten years under FCA 1980 since 2013-2014 is 38.2223
ha. But the status of the land remains forest. Similarly Under FRA during last 10 years 45 hectare
area has been diverted.
Table 2.5: Abstract of Land Use Change under FCA w.e.f. 2013-14 to 2022-23.
Sr. Year Name of FCA Proposal Date of Total Total No Volume
No. proposal No. Final area of tress (m3)
approval diverted handed
(in ha.) over
1 2013-14 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 31.07.2020 2.403 0 0
of link road 8013/2014
from Bohlion
to Haripur
via Nalka
Samalka road
upto village
2 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 15.09.2021 0.624 0 0
of link road 8014/2014
Khajurna to
3 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 20.09.2021 3.979 394 126.733
of link road 7738/2014
from village
Surla to
Bakarla km.
0/0 to 5/0
4 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 10.10.2017 4.765 80 61.766
of link road 7449/201
from village
Bheron to
Adi Badri
5 2015-16 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 27.07.2020 1.275 91 25.83
of link road 9676/2015
from Upper
Surla km.
6 2015-16 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 13.08.2020 1.659 0 0
of link road 9738/2015
from Thana
Kasoga to
Dayar road
km. 0/0 to
7 LILO of FP/HP/TRANS/ 21.12.2016 4.094 110 11.897
existing 14566/2015
Line near
Kala Amb
8 Providing FP/HP/WATER 23.05.2016 2.4126 215 34.38
LWSS to /16701/2015
Nahan Town
(From Giri
River at
Dadahu) in
Tehsil Nahan
9 2016-17 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 27.07.2020 2.538 303 110.067
of link road 19486/2016
to village
Pudla from
Banog Surla
road km. 0/0
to 3/705
10 2017-18 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 08.05.2020 2.676 497 122.9114
of link road 25369/2017
from Jabbal
kanoti to
Surla Amta
road km. 0/0
to 3/705
11 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 09.03.2020 2.952 256 50.4207
of link road 25365/2017
Ghat to
Dhandor road
km. 0/0 to
12 2018-19 Construction FP/HP/ROAD/ 04.08.2021 2.304 303 110.067
of link road 25378/2017
from Nahan
to Gadda
upto vill
Kotri km. 0/0
to 3/130
13 C/o 220/132 FP/HP/Sub- 02.01.2020 5.494 208 79.683
kV Station/37534/
,2x160/200 2018
Substation at
(Kala Amb),
Sirmour H.P.
14 2019-20 C/o Hospital 25.01.2021 0.8514 58 33.587
Block of Dr. FP/HP/DISP/43
YSPGMC, 462/2019
Nahan, Distt.
Sirmaur, H.P.
15 2021-22 CONSTRUC FP/HP/ROAD/ 28.10.2021 0.1953 0 0
TION OF 140739/2021
64/630 ON
Grand Total 38.2223 2515 767.067 m3
Table 2.6: Abstract of Land Use Change under FRA w.e.f. 2013-14 to 2022-23.
Sr. Year Name of proposal Date of Total area Total No Volume
No Final diverted tress handed (m3)
approval (in ha.) over
19 Construction of link 3.1. 2019 0.225 2 0.736
road from Sinduria to
Dhar Sanoga.
20 Construction of link 21.2. 2019 0.4455 18 2.788
road from chunjer johri
to Kyarta via Aam ka
21 Construction of katch 23.2. 2019 0.175 6 3.233
link road from Rama
Dhaun to halt of Sh.
Kamal Dutt & Bhagat
22 2019-20 Construction of Skill 30.7. 2019 0.318 7 3.214
Up-Gradation Center
23 Construction of 5.8. 2019 0.112 13 5.900
Community Hall in
24 Construction of link 06.11.2019 0.225 6 3.214
road Gusan Kambal to
Badal Amta.
25 Construction of link 25.11.2019 0.915 29 12.448
road from Sadorghat to
Triboni Temple.
26 Construction of link 26.11.2019 0.4235 5 1.2495
road Jamroti to Nagali.
27 Construction of link 03.02.2020 0.597 9 2.004
road from main road
vill. Pila Khil to
28 Construction of link 03.02.2020 0.994 26 7.8142
road from Bheraghat to
29 2021-22 Construction of 23.4.2021. 0.960 28 21.115
Industrial Training
Institute Kaulanwala
30 2022-23 C/o Link Road from 10.08.2022 0.368 28 3.808
Amb ka Dhal to
Dhandoli, Bajyun &
31 C/o Link Road from 15.07.2022 0.389 24 3.3739
Nauni Johdidhar to
Ganodi Near H/o
Upender Singh
32 C/o Link Road from 13.10.2022 0.343 16 6.2432
Dakyon to Shirgul
33 C/o Link Road from 10.10.2022 0.255 13 3.544
Kundli to Najrani
34 C/o Link Road from 13.10.2022 0.16 5 1.6183
Dagrahan to Amba
35 C/o Link Road from 14.10.2022 0.897 49 6.4463
Katal to Mandlahan
36 C/o of Link Road from 28.02.2023 0.14 20 3.6372
main Road (Sihard
Ghat) to Dagana Gram
37 Construction of Link 27.02.2023 0.1368 03 0.552
Road from Aam ka Dhal
to kanoti
38 Construction of Link 22.03.2023 0.207 15 3.696
Road Chakli to SC Basti
39 Construction of Link 28.02.2023 0.385 15 5.799
Road from Panchayat
Ghar Kayari to Amta
40 Construction of Link 27.02.2022 0.29 14 1.205
Road from Ladu to Gillat
41 Construction of Road 27.02.2023 0.3185 25 4.938
from Shimla main road
to Baga
42 Construction of Link 04.03.2023 0.192 26 2.1168
Road Dagrahan to
43 Construction of Link 28.02.2023 0..788 06 0.978
Road from NH Chabahan
to Shillar
44 Construction of Link 04.03.2023 0.418 05 0.914
Road from Kundli
Najrani to Suin Pudla via
Shamshan Ghat
Total 20.2938 807 236.7388
Ha m3
The main threats to forest crops of Nahan forest division are forest fires, grazing pressure, heavy
lopping, illicit felling, faulty resin tapping, illegal mining, encroachments, exotic weeds
infestation, adverse climatic conditions, etc. Climate change and increasing anthropogenic
disturbances have doubled the effects of these agencies on these forests and are prone to
significant damages caused by these aforementioned factors. Detailed study of these factors by
experts and implementation of proper preventive methods are required by the division to avoid
further damage and ensure the safeguarding of the divisional forests. The factors and their effects
are discussed in details below:
Forest fires are quite common and destructive during the summer season. They are both
accidental as well as deliberate. Most of the accidental fires occur when workers or passers throw
their lighted butt of cigarette/bidi or match stick unintentionally. Whereas, an intentional forest
fire in an area is set up by local inhabitants to get a fresh flush of grass or for collecting honey.
However, in most cases, results are extremely dangerous as they are often difficult to contain in
an area and spreads to the adjoining forests. Most of the fire incidents are ground or creeping
forest fires and sometimes might reach the crown level. This leads to a tremendous loss of forest
vegetation, wildlife and microfauna. In view of this fire destruction caused every year, there is a
need for training of field staff in modern fire prevention techniques and tools. Public awareness
regarding forest fire is also needed to prevent both intentional and unintentional forest fires.
Erosion: The geological formation of the Shiwaliks is loose, unstable and prone to soil erosion.
Due to the loss of vegetation cover, soil erosion has increased to dangerous proportions, resulting
in destruction and loss of topsoil. This has occurred in Shiwalik hillsides leading to denudation
with exposed subsoil. Areas in Trilokpur, Nahan and Kolar Ranges are a testimony to this. Huge
slips of loose hills along nala and river banks are a common occurrence. Heavy landslides and
soil erosion worsen the situation. Streams like Markanda, Bata, Roon and Khols of Kolar create
havoc due to floods during heavy rainfall. The silt and boulders carried by the hill torrents not
only scour the bed and deepen it, but also cut, and widen the banks. The debris often spread in the
adjoining agricultural fields which adversely affects the crops and soil quality. With the loss of
topsoil, nutrient availability for the plants decreases, which further results in degradation.
Suitable soil conservation plans are must in the region. The catchments of Yamuna, Giri and Bata
have already been surveyed to determine the intensity of soil erosion. Using the available data,
areas should be identified and marked to initiate the work to stabilize the eroded areas. Suitable
species as per the local conditions can be planted to check further soil erosions by consultation of
Frost: Severe frost is not common in this tract. However, mild frost does occur every winter.
Young Sal crop is a frost-tender species hence susceptible to damage to a certain extent by frost.
Storms: Mild storms occur in the tract during March, April, September and October. These
storms cause damage by severing the crowns and branches of trees. However, sometimes Chil
and a few other species also get uprooted. Severe storms are rare in these areas.
Drought: May and June are extremely hot months in these regions, except, in higher areas of
Jamta range. However, these conditions do not seriously affect the standing crop, but they
certainly cause damage to the regeneration (especially planted saplings/seedlings). If the drought
period prolongs, it results in further damage. The effect is more pronounced on the ridges and
iii) Grazing
Excessive grazing and movement of domestic cattle adversely affects the forest ecosystem by
exceeding the carrying capacity of forests. This not only unfavorably affects the timely
regeneration of forest vegetation, both natural and artificial, but also leads to soil compactness.
All the forests of the division have rules and regulations stipulating freezing the number of
animals that are allowed to graze in a particular area. However, unabated grazing is going on,
unchecked and uncontrolled. This challenge is posed majorly by the community of Gaddi,
Gujjars and local inhabitants, whose cattle population and frequent migration to these areas
increase the grazing pressure in these forests. In effort to control the cattle activity in an area,
grazing permits are issued to Gujjars and Gaddies in their respective "Paraos" however, this
restriction is hardly followed.
Reports of illicit grazing by the inhabitants of the adjoining state of Haryana in the border areas
have also surfaced which needs to be strictly prohibited. The rules and regulations must be
properly implemented by forest officials to check and control the degradation of forests due to
overgrazing. The staff needs to remain vigilant at every step. They should have a dialogue with
the local people and seek their help to report any offense. Chronic offenders should be booked
under the law.
Lopping of miscellaneous trees is allowed with some restrictions. These restrictions are as
iii. Heavy cutting instruments, like axe will not be used.
iv. No tree below 20 cm. d.b.h shall be lopped.
However, these restrictions are not being followed properly. Trees most of the time are badly
lopped for fodder. Sometimes main/leading shoot is also lopped and the (i) restriction mentioned
above is seldom followed. This unregulated and faulty lopping leads to several ill-effects such as
fungus attacks and stunted growth, malformed and unhealthy crop. This practice must be checked
by the field staff. The species which are badly looped are Sal, Sain, Khair, Chhal, etc.
Parasites: Parasitic plants withdraw resources from the vascular system of host and prevent its
growth and development and sometimes gradually cause its death. Banda (Loranthus spp.) is the
most common parasitic plant found in Sal forests.
Insect Pests :
(i) During 1948, Sal heartwood borer (Hoplocerambyx spinicornis) attacked good quality Sal
areas of the division. This beetle is the most notorious insect pest of Sal trees and breeds in the
standing and freshly felled logs. In the recent past, some attacks of Sal borer is observed in the
area. The preventive measures have been taken in time hence; at this stage, the situation is not
(ii) Occasionally swarm of locusts reach these localities and attack the foliage of the trees which
causes considerable damage.
(iii) Ordinarily a sporadic attack of geometrid leaf defoliator (Ascotis selenaris) occurs every
year. This affects the growth of individual trees but there is no repost of large-scale damage.
(iv) Leaf hoppers and scale insects (Monophlebus stebbingii) also attack and retard the growth of
the young shoots of Sal and other species during the months of March and April. During the
attack of the scale insect, the forest floor gets covered with a shining sticky substance exuded by
the insect.
(v) Termites are the greatest threat to the vegetation. They attack the young plants in the
plantations during post-monsoon days in September and also during spring when the moisture
content is favorable for their spread. They also attack the dead bark of the trees and at times
penetrate the live bark and thus retard the growth of the trees. The termites damage the coppiced
stumps also.
Fungi: Developed heartwood of Sal trees are susceptible to attack by the heart rotting fungi and
Polyporus species of fungi. The spores of this fungus enter through the wounds while in the
coppice origin crop, it spreads from the stumps into the poles. The fungal infection causes rot in
the trees locally termed as "Goj". Forests which are frequently overgrazed, lopped or burnt
annually are more susceptible to heart rot disease and show their common occurrence. Both
mature and over-mature trees are invariably affected by this rot. This disease not only reduces the
quality of timber but also the useful volume of a tree. Khair is lopped heavily for fodder,
throughout the tract. Due to heavy lopping, trees become susceptible to attack by heart rot fungi.
It has become difficult to find a healthy Khair tree, as almost all the Khair trees are infected by
this heart rot.
Due to the abrupt topography and diverse climatic and edaphic conditions, different types of
forest are supported by the Nahan forest division.
As per the classification of Champion and Seth, the forest groups found in Nahan fall under the
following types:
Type 3C/C2a-Moist Shivalik Sal: This type of forests has sal as the single gregarious species.
Sal is generally more aggressive than its associates because of its natural gregarious habit, good
coppicing power, resistance to fire, regeneration potential under burning and grazing, adaptability
of Sal to site conditions and its longevity. It even survives where few other species could not
even though it is prone to frost. Sal can come up nicely on clayey and sandy soils avoiding the
two extremes. Sal is the main species in these forests and forms 70 to 90% of the crop. The other
associates in the top storey are sain, chhal. The understorey either missing or is very sparse and
consists mostly of suppressed sal, amaltas, rohini, jaman, sandan, amla, etc. The bushy growth is
generally luxuriant and consists of rohini, gandhela, dhai, Colebrookia (bida),
Flemingia(chhanchra) species. The common climbers are malijhan, gaj, panibel, Dioscorea etc.
The quality of sal crop is generally III. Good sal crop, in pole stage, is seen in patches, however,
the natural regeneration is deficient. Moderately sloping areas with good soil cover away from
habitation having little human interference are having good natural regeneration of sal and sain.
This type of vegetation is found in suitable localities in the following areas:
Kolar Range: Kolar bidhanwala, Darranwala, Garhiwala
Type 5B/C 1 a Dry Siwalik Sal: Sal is again the main specie in this type. The quality of sal is
poor and is mostly IV. The proportion of sal various from 40 to 80 %. The other associates are
sain, chhal, jhingan, chiroli, khair, Bauhinia spp and sala. Chir pine is also found occasionally.
This type is found on the exposed southern slopes of the Siwalik ridge and is exposed to severe
hot winds and dry spells. The slopes are fairly steep. Soil is shallow, sandy with clayey pockets
and devoid of humus. The soil also has boulders and pebble or beds of sand stones. Sal itself is a
middle sized tree in this zone and as such the middle storey is not at all prominent. Undergrowth
consists of karonda, chhanchra, rada, dhai, bida etc. Grasses are bhabar and sarala. Climbers
found are malijhan, gaj, Dioscorea species etc. Climbers do lot of damage to the tree crop and
fastoons the trees, resulting in stuntedness in trees and sometimes leading to death of trees. The
regeneration of main gregarious species like sal is deficient. As a result other species like chhal,
khair, etc. are increasing in proportion. This forest type is found in the following areas:
Type 5 B/C 2 Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forests: This type of forest is found on the
steep Shiwalik ridge and areas close to the plains. This type observes less rainfall as compared to
Sal type and the vegetation cover is also poor. Soil is shallow, with loose boulders or beds of clay
and sandstone. The main tree species found in this type are Sain, Chhal, Khair, Chiroli, Tendu,
Sala, Jhingan, Dhak and occasional trees of Chil and Sal. The small trees found in the
understorey are Amaltas, Chamror, Rohini, Bel, Amla, Chila, Mandher, Chili and Bamboo.
Bushy growth consists of kandai, dhai, basuti, kuri, kura, bida. The common grasses found here
are bhabar and sarala etc. The climbers found in the area are malijhan, gaj, etc. There is heavy
pressure on this forest type due to grazing and lopping. Consequently, the natural regeneration of
various species is poor in this forest type. Anogeissus latifolia comes up nicely in burnt areas and
forms a substantial proportion of the crop. Khair and sain also come up naturally if the region is
protected against grazing, browsing, lopping and fire. Fires (both deliberate as well as natural)
are quite frequent in this region and cause a lot of damage to the vegetation, specially to the
regeneration process. The various degradation stages and edaphic climax types particularly of
Boswellia, Butea, Aegle, Phoenix savannah are also present in small patches. Because they are
very limited they will not be discussed independently. This forest type is found in the following
areas: 5B/E9-Dry Bamboo Brakes: Dendrocalamus strictus is the only species that forms the
main crop in this low and occasionally dense brake. Pure bamboo forests do not occur. Bamboo
occurs as an under storey in dry deciduous forests along with miscellaneous species like chhal,
jhingan, sain, rohini, bel etc. The undergrowth in these forests consists of basuti kandai and
gandhela. The general condition of bamboo forests is very miserable. Healthy and vigorously
growing bamboo are rare. While open and over congested stumpy clumps of bamboo as a result
of high incidence of grazing and lopping are common. This forest type is found in the following
Trilokpur Range: Jheera, Surla, Maidhar, Banswala, Shikardi, Kiari, Tribhauni.
9/CI Himalayan Sub-Tropical Pine Forests: Two categories of Chil Pine forests i.e. Shiwalik Chil
Pine and Himalayan chil pine occur in this tract. In these forests, chil is the main crop with under
storey consisting of other broad-leaved deciduous species such as sain, chhal, jhingan, amaltas,
khair, ban and bras. Sometimes stunted sal is also found in patches. The bushy growth consists of
kandai, kaith, tung, kangoo, gandhela etc. The grasses found here are Crysopogon species,
Cymbopogon spp. and Dicanthium annualatum etc. The climbers are few in number but
ocassionally malijhan, jungli gulab species etc can be seen. Chil regeneration is evident and is
adequate in areas of Jamta Range. This type of vegetation is found in suitable localities in the
following forests :-
Jamta Range: Barman, Jetag, Nawni, Khashoga, Thandoli, Daghera, Panjhal, Sanoga, Talon,
E.Banethi, W.Banethi, Kanoti, Katli, Korar, Dhadu, Amta, Sadov, Saroga.
Nahan Division
5B/C2 16715.63
9/C1a 2591.48
3C/C2a 3569.57
9/C1b 224.14
5B/Cla 7714.05
5B/E9 592.34
TOF refers to all trees growing outside the recorded forest areas irrespective of size of the patch.
Tree cover, on the other hand is comprised of tree patches and isolated trees outside the recorded
forest which are less than one hectare. The two outputs derived from the TOF inventory are
growing stock &Tree Cover. Thus trees included in the tree cover constitute only a part of TOF
and thus former is a subset of the latter. TOF estimation was carried out by FSI in Nahan Forest
Division but report is still pending with them. The following table shows TOF of Himachal
Pradesh from FSI, ISFR(2021) report :->
To increase tree cover outside forest, distribution of plants through nursery , national agro
forestry mission and national bamboo mission must be implemented at large scale. Axing of
these trees are not covered under IFA but it is covered under Himachal Land preservation act.
For certain species there is 10 year felling programme approved at Government level mauza wise.
Rules governing the axing of these trees are appended as Appendix -XII
The forest in the area is mostly tropical and subtropical. Sal is the main economic species. Chil is
localized in the Jamta range of Nahan division and Dharti Dhar areas. This is the only few region
in the state which contains extensive forests of moist deciduous and semi-deciduous forest type.
Pure sal forests are found in a belt on the northern side of the main Shiwalik ridge and on the
southern side of the outer Himalayan range. The controlling factors such as soil, aspect, altitude,
topography, soil mixtures, and biological factors play an important role in the composition of
crops. However, pure sal is gradually being replaced by dry mixed deciduous species and scrub
on hot, dry and poor conditions of localities. In riverine areas, shisham and khair are in
abundance while on the clayey soils, chhal, sain, etc. are the main species. Edaphic factors have
local influence in pockets of the forest division. In Nahan and Trilokpur ranges miscellaneous
species are found with scattered poor quality sal/sain and chil in the Shiwalik zone. Bamboos are
also found scattered in these areas.
H -Sigma(Pi*ln(pi))= 1.436029365
Hmax ln(5)=1.61
Eveness(H/Hmax) 0.892
Interpretation: Typical values are generally between 1 and 3.5 in most ecological studies, and
the index is rarely greater than 4. The Shannon index increases as both the richness and the
evenness of the community increase. The fact that the index incorporates both components of
biodiversity can be seen as both strength and a weakness. It is strength because it provides a
simple, synthetic summary, but it is a weakness because it makes it difficult to compare
communities that differ greatly in richness. The above calculations show that Shannon Weiner
Index is 1.43602 which is low. This shows that Biodiversity is poor in the division. The future
plantations should be done, so that the diversity reaches above 1.5 to 3.5.
The most common plant species in these forests are given below:
Saccharum munja Poaceae Grass
Eucalyptus hybrid Myrtaceae Tree
Ficus benghalensis Moraceae Tree
Ficus religiosa Moraceae Tree
Melia composita Meliaceae Tree
Phoenix sylvestris Arecaceae Palm Tree
Syzygium cumini Myrtaceae Tree
Terminalia arjuna Combretaceae Tree
Ziziphus mauritiana Rhamnaceae Middle Sized Tree
Ziziphus nummularia Rhamnaceae Shrub
Endemic, Rare and Threatened Species: Species recorded were screened for their uniqueness
with references in the literature. No species under Red Data Book was recorded. All the species
recorded were abundant in nature.
Medicinal Plants: Some of the important medicinal plants, encountered are Adhatoda vesica,
Aegle marmelos, Azadirachta indica, Cordia dichotoma, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia
bellirica, Moringa oleifera, Embelica and Acacia catechu.
Economically Important Species: There are many species that are considered important for
food, fuel, fodder, fiber, timber, medicinal value, oil, gums and others. On these parameters
many economically important species present in these forests are: Acacia catechu, Moringa
oleifera, Holoptelia integrifolia, Aegle marmelos, Emblica officinalis, Azadiachta indica and
Terminalia arjuna.
and opens more livelihood avenues. These committees also help during the forest fire season for
prevention, timely reporting and further actions which are relayed and prevent the major loss of
flora and fauna due to forest fires.
There are 2 forest nurseries in Nahan forest division, which would help in conservation of genetic
resources of important species of this division. A nature park in Kandaiwala beat has been
recently opened to support tourism and aware tourists about the local flora and fauna.
The Sub-Himalayan and the Shiwalik hill zone with streams and river tracts are ideal for a wide
range of wild animals, wild birds and fishes. When the human population was low the wildlife
occurred in abundance. With the increase in population growth, various anthropogenic
activities can threaten the natural habitats of wild birds, wild animals and fishes. Loss of
habitats resulted in receding of wildlife population to protected forest areas with minimum
human interference. However, even in such places, wild birds and wild animals are not entirely
safe from poaching.
From a scientific, aesthetic, economic and recreational point of view, the value and importance
of wildlife is enormous and recognized throughout the world. All species of wildlife, including
some vermin, play an important role in balancing the wildlife populations and the overall
functioning of the ecosystem. Ecological and biological studies have proved the value and
importance of natural balance for mankind and for the other life forms on earth.
The beauty of nature and wildlife attracts wildlife enthusiasts, bird watchers, biologists, animal
and bird ecologists from within and outside the country and promotes tourism. Thus,
ecotourism brings significant revenue to the country. In addition to the state revenue, local
people working in the tourism sector like hoteliers, small restaurants and transport services,
also get employment and benefit from tourists.
Corturnix corturnix Common quail IV LC
Gallus gallus murghii Red jungle fowl IV LC
Lophura leucomelana White orested kaljee I LC
Culuba livia Jungle bush quail IV LC
atrogularis Hill partridge IV NT
francolinus Black partridge IV LC
The Himalayan griffon
Gyps himalayensis vulture I NT
Corvus macrohynchos Crow V LC
Varanus griseus The common Indian
daudin lizard I LC
Naja naja The Indian cobra II VU
Bangarus caeruleus Common Indian krait II LC
Vipera ruselli Himalayan pit viper II LC
WPA=Wildlife Protection Act 1972 VU= Vulnerable NT= Near Threatened LC= Least
3.6.1 Animals, Birds & Fish:
The animals and birds found in this area are described briefly as follows:
3.6.2 Animals: The main animal species are briefly described in the following subsections. Chital or spotted deer (Axis axis): Considered to be the most beautiful deer, chital
sometimes comes out to open grassy blanks in the buffer belt. Locally this species of stag is
known as "Jhank"in the area. Its body is bright golden in color and profusely spotted with white
spots from legs to neck at all ages. The bucks bear three tined antlers. They usually breed during
winter months. Chital feeds on grasses and other vegetation and likes grassy open places with
plenty of drinking water. An adult spotted deer may weigh up to 85 kgs and attain a height of 90
cm at the shoulders. Sambar (Cervus unicolor):-Sambar is the largest species of deer that is sometimes found
within the sal forest of this division. Their coat of dark short hair is coarse and brown in color
with a yellowish tint. This deer has a more nocturnal habit and it retreats into heavy forest cover
at dawn. It feeds on coarse vegetation, grass leaves and wild fruits. It attains a height of 140 cm
at the shoulder and may weigh up to 300 kg. It is capable of moving very silently even in dense
forests. Their breeding mainly takes place in the winter months. Kakkar Muntjak or Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak): This deer is commonly
known as the barking deer due to its bark-like sound when heard from a distance. These deer are
mostly found in thickly wooded areas but they come out for grazing in open grassy blanks. It
feeds on grass, leaves and wild fruits. The males have small unbranched antlers which grow up to
5 to 8 cm in length. Their coat is a bright chestnut that darkens in the aged animals. The body
length of the barking deer at the shoulder is 50 to 75 cms and a full-grown adult may weigh up to
29 kg. It is believed that they breed throughout the year. Goral (Nemorhaedus goral): This goat-antelope is found on rugged grassy and rocky
hillsides covered with tree growth, in all the ranges of this division. It has a goat-like build, short
teeth, cylindrical horns that are ringed or ridged, slightly backward curved up are upto 10 -12 cm
long and a short tail. Usually, it is blackish gray in color. In rocky mountainous regions, this
animal can be visible in the morning as well as in the evening. It can attain a height of 60 to 70
cm at the shoulders and weighs around 25 to 30 kgs. Jungli Suar or wild boar (Sus scrofa): Wild Boars are nocturnal wild animals that only
come out at night to forage for food. They are omnivorous animals but primarily feed on plants.
The majority of their diet is made up of wild roots and tubers, field crops and even insects and
snakes. They usually feed during the morning and evening. Wild boars live in grassy, bushy and
also thickly wooded areas. They are black in color and their skin is covered by a sparse growth of
bristles. Indian Porcupine (Hystrix indica): This destructive rodent is found in all areas of this
division. The Indian porcupine is highly adaptable to multiple environments but they usually
favor rocky hillsides, where it lives in burrows dug by itself. The self-constructed burrow has a
long entrance tunnel, and a few bolt holes or emergency exits, sometimes, are 15-18 meters in
The characteristic feature of porcupines is the spines borne on the neck, back and hindquarters
that are used to alarm predators. The porcupine primarily feeds upon field crops, fruits roots and
tubers. They are very much destructive to field crops, and gardens when adequate food is not
available in the forests. Their young ones are usually born in spring. The Indian Hare (Lepus ruficaudams): This rufous tailed hare is found all over the area.
It prefers dense forests and usually lives near cultivation and villages. Early wheat and other
agricultural crops in the field are heavily eaten by these animals. It may be Weighs upto 1.5 to
2.5 kg. The back and face are brown with black hairs scattered throughout and behind his face is
a brown coat mixed with black hair. It is believed that at the beginning of winter one or two
Young ones in numbers are born. Baghera, Panther or Leopard (Panthera pardus): Leopards prefer to live in dense
forest areas or even in open country among rocks. Leopard is a nocturnal animal but can prey
during the day if it is unable to catch anything by night. Leopards are an impressive predator that
mainly feeds on species of herbivores found in its range such as cattle, sheep, goat, pet dogs,
deer, monkeys and even rodents like porcupines. A common tactic that leopards use is to hide or
leap out of trees upon their prey; they are stalkers and the habit of climbing trees adds another
dimension to their hunt.
It is more dangerous to man and his cattle than a tiger. Average total length varies from 215 cms
to about 245 cms, males are usually larger than female, the full grown male may weigh from 50
to 68 kg the females weigh 40 to 50 kgs. Panthers usually breed throughout the year, producing a
litter of two to four cubs in a year. Kala Bhaalu, Richh or Himalayan Black Bear (Selenarctos thibetanus): On the onset
of winters, the black bear descends down to the lower altitude in the transgiri area. This is a
matter of concern as the black bear damages the maize, fruit and other agricultural crops grown
Naturally the animal is diurnal but many bears have largely turned nocturnal in order to avoid any
contact with humans. They are found resting during the day in rock caves or hollow trees quite
oftenly. Their diet consists of wild fruits, honey and bees and honey insects, etc. The Black bears
have long black fur with a v-shaped white patch on the chest which is a typical character of this
animal. This animal frequently raids fruit orchards and cornfields and this leads to a great loss to
farmers. Elephant (Loxodonta and Elephas): The elephant is a large land mammal known for its
distinct appearance, intelligence, and social behavior. Elephants are the largest land animals, with
males, called bulls, reaching heights of up to 13 feet (4 meters) at the shoulder and weighing
around 12,000 pounds (5,400 kilograms). Females, called cows, are slightly smaller. Elephants
have a thick, gray skin that is sparsely covered with coarse hair. Their most prominent features
are their long, curved tusks, which are elongated incisor teeth. Elephants are social animals that
live in complex family groups known as herds. A typical herd consists of related females and
their offspring, led by the oldest and most experienced female, called the matriarch. Male
elephants usually leave the herd when they reach adolescence and form small bachelor groups or
become solitary. Elephants are known for their intelligence, empathy, and strong emotional
bonds. They display a wide range of behaviors, including communication through vocalizations,
body language, and infrasound (low-frequency sounds). Elephants are herbivores and spend a
significant portion of their day feeding on grasses, leaves, bark, fruits, and roots..
3.6.3 Birds Jangli Murga-The Red Jungle fowl (Gallus gallus): It is believed that this bird is the
direct ancestor of the domestic chicken. It is found in pairs or parties usually in the sal forests and
scrub jungles of this division. Jungle Fowls are mostly found in areas with a mix of both open
ground and dense vegetation, and may also travel through forests to other clearings or food
sources in the morning and evening. The areas that are intentionally burned to promote bamboo
growth also tend to attract jungle fowl.
These birds are naturally very shy of humans as compared to the much tamer domesticated
subspecies. The male jungle fowls have a larger body size as compared to their females
Their staple diet includes insects, especially termites and winged ants that emerge at dawn and
dusk. They also rake the ground in order to consume invertebrates, roots, fruits and seeds. The
hen is rusty brown with speckled neck and minimal comb. Their breeding season usually takes
place during the month of March to May. Teeter-The Black partridge (Francolins francolinus): This is a relatively small bird
that usually lives on the ground about half of the size of a village hen. They are generally black in
colour with white spots. The hens are paler and speckled black and white.
It is found on grassy blanks and cultivated land of sugarcane fields. They feed on grains, grass
seeds, white ants and other insects both in the morning and in the evening.
It can run fast and relies upon its legs when it needs to escape. It can live singly or in pairs.
The breeding period of black francolin extends from April up to late July. Bater-The common or Grey Quail (Coturnix coturnix): Common quails are small with
almost no tail partridge like other birds. They have pale reddish brown and black streaked and
buffed feathers in brown colour. They are usually found in open spaces that are covered with
bushes like grassland and cultivation. They are quick to fly short distances when they feel
threatened. Their population increases in the winter season as they migrate to this region from
central and western Asia. They mainly eat grains, grass seeds and insects etc. Their breeding
season is from March to May. The local migratory Rain quail (Coturnix coromandelica) is also
found in this area. Lowwa or Jungle bush quail (Perdicula asiatica): They are small birds no bigger than
rain quails. The male has fulvous brown, mottled black and buff feathers above and white below.
In females the lower parts are pale-pinkish. They live in open deciduous forests and dry scrub
forest. They are found in a convoy of 5 to 20 that rest together and rise suddenly when almost
trodden. Their diet usually consists of grass seeds, tender shoots, and grains. Their breeding
season ranges from August to April. Kabutar or the Blue Rock Pigeon (Columba livia): This bird is grey in colour with a
sheen of metallic green, purple and magenta on its neck and upper breast. These are the most
common birds usually seen in old buildings and rock holes. It is also found in open and rocky
cliffs. They usually feed on cereals, grasses, pulses etc. Their breeding season is not well defined.
35 Ghugi, Dove (Streptopelia spp): This is a common dove that is found in pairs or small
groups in open areas and cultivated fields. It even approaches houses and verandahs if not scared.
Its flight is straight and swift. Its breeding season is not well defined.
Apart from these birds, the national bird of India, Peacock (Pavo cristatus)is also found in this
area. Other birds of common occurrence are house crows and jungle crows (Corvus spp.), tree
pies (Dendrocitta spp .), the jungle babbler (Turdoides spp.), the bulbuls (Chloropsis and
Pycnonotus spp.), magpie-robin (copsychus spp), king crow (Dicrurus spp.) golden oriole
(orialus spp.), common myna (Acridothers spp.), common baya (Ploceus spp.), red rumped
swallow (Hriundo spp.), wood pecker (Dinopium spp.), parakeets (Psittacula spp.), common king
fisher (Althene spp.), vuichurs (Gyps spp.) eagles (Aguila spp.), etc. which are equally important
from aesthetic forest cleanliness and health, farming and bird watching and balance of nature
point of views.
3.6.4 Fish: Freshwater fishes are found in Bata, Markanda, Giri, Ton and Yamuna rivers. The
species found in these waters are Mahasear (Tor spp.), Rohu (Labeo spp.), Lanchii (Fresh water
shark wallago spp.) and in Yamuna river sometimes Goonch (Bagarius spp.) is also found.
(i) Depletion of the food for herbivorous animals due to lopping of fodder trees by graziers and
local people.
(ii) Biological interference by humans and livestock, especially livestock near their habitat.
(iii) Epidemics, the fauna encounters epidemics after coming in contact with infected domestic
animals. These diseases spread by coming in contact or grazing with domestic animals or through
their residue of grazing.
(iv) Natural calamities like droughts, storms, landslides, fires, etc.
(v) Illegal poaching and hunting have always been the biggest threat to wildlife. It affects both
herbivores and carnivores in the forest division. Poaching, trapping and killing of wild animals
by local inhabitants is also a challenge for wildlife.
(vi) Anthropogenic activities like, mining, construction of roads, encroachment cases, etc.
adversely affect the wildlife and often cause habitat fragmentation and loss.
Due to pressure on their natural habitats or to find food often animals enter into human
settlements and villages near the forests. This causes the human-wildlife conflict and some cases
have been surfaced where animals have attacked humans. Forest department of HP gives
compensation to the injured persons as per the HP government guidelines. Details of death/Injury
to human beings due to wildlife attacks are given in Table 3.4.
Table 3.4 Injury of human beings due to wildlife attacks
No. of Animal Human Compensation
Year cases Range Attack by injured/died Paid (Rs)
2017 1 Nahan Monkey Minor injuries Rs. 1288
2018 1 Trilokpur Wild pig Minor injuries Rs .1774
2019 1 Trilokpur Leopard Minor injuries Rs. 15000
Elephant movement has recently been seen in areas adjoining Kolar Range in Nahan forest
division. One lady has been killed by elephant in kolar range in 2023.
3.8 Protection and management of fauna
Wildlife protection can be implemented in a forest division by taking appropriate preventive and
control measures. For the conservation of wildlife and their habitats, important measures which
should be adopted are as follows:
i) To ensure the participation and cooperation of local people and villagers to protect and
conserve wildlife, various programs and awareness campaigns can be organized with the forest
department. T.V, Radio, social media, etc., are other important media to aware people of the
wildlife. Talks and plays can also be organized in schools to create awareness and inculcate love
for wildlife and forests among the students.
ii) Crop protection licenses should be issued only when they are absolutely necessary. These
licensed gun owners if found guilty of shooting animals and birds outside the fields, the license
should be cancelled, gun confiscated and should be punished as per the law.
iii) Local people or villagers can be appointed as Chowkidars on a part-time basis to assist the
forest staff in detecting and apprehending poachers, hunters and illegal forest traders.
iv) Forest fire protection should be assured by laying fire lines, erecting fire towers at strategic
points, and deploying firefighters during the fire season. During fire season, continuous
observation of fire-prone areas should be a priority. The field post should be well connected to
the control center to provide immediate assistance in extinguishing fires in the fire-prone region.
v) Local domestic animals should be vaccinated from time to time in the area to prevent any
transmission of livestock diseases into the wild.
(vi) Individuals who provide information on wildlife crime such as poaching, illegal timber
trading, encroachment, etc., to arrest perpetrators should be adequately awarded. Several
applicable laws and regulations can be used to control, identify and punish the offenders.
(b) Development Measures: As conservation of existing wildlife of forest division is one of the
objectives, the second objective includes proper development and improvement of the wildlife
habitat of the division. Measures that can be taken are as follow:->
i) Development Measures for habitat: As wildlife is a part of the ecosystem, hence there is an
association of wildlife with other components like flora, climate, etc. The flora provides food and
shelter to the fauna, therefore, healthy and balanced habitat help to flourish wildlife in an area.
Thus, there is a need for the improvement of wildlife habitat for the multiplication of wildlife.
The maintenance of bushy and thick forests should be done to support more wildlife.
ii) Development Measures to provide food: Species that are used by wild animals and birds as
a food must be identified. Such species should be planted in various places where wild animals
can feed upon. Special attention should be paid to forage bushes and plants. The majority of the
wildlife depends on broadleaf species for food in the area. Suitable broadleaf species, for
example. Mulberry, Grewia optiva as per the local conditions should be a priority during
plantations. Grass should not be uprooted, vacant spaces should be planted with good palatable
grass. By planting appropriate crops according to climatic conditions, forest food stocks can be
replenished in areas where food shortages are a concern. In addition, salts licks should be
provided in the proper place.
iii) Development Measures for water: There are several rivers, perennial and seasonal streams
in the forest. Additionally, nallahs supply water during the rainy season. It is necessary to
construct a sufficient number of water holes in the area so that the fauna would have sufficient
water availability during periods of drought. Proper catchments and earthen dams should be
constructed to harvest rainwater which could be used by wildlife for drinking.
Also one of the major reasons for lack of natural regeneration is lack of adoption of silvicultural
practices like removal of overstorey or adopting thinning operations.
Natural regeneration is very poor and in some places almost non-existent. At some places, it is
patchy. The condition is worse where there is very high biotic pressure and interference.
It is also suggested that research plots may be made in different ecological settings as where soil,
water, anthropogenic and crop density variations are present to assess the role of these factors on
Table: 4.1 Below is a list of forest fire in Nahan Forest Division from calendar year
2010-11 to 2021-22.
Year No. of incidences Area in hectares Loss (in Rs)
b. Watch towers be posted with fire watchers to keep an eye on the outbreak of smoke in the
forests and report to the ground teams for quick response. A system needs to be developed
for detection, reporting, dispatching and fighting fires within the shortest possible time lag.
c. The right holders and the Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMC) should be
educated and trained to take necessary fire control measures in their areas.
d. Awareness programs, plays and workshops can be organized for the local people,
Panchayats, School children, JFMCs/ VFDCs, NGOs, Tourists, etc. to make them aware
about the damages by the forest fires to the forest resources, wildlife and environment.
Use of social media can also be an effective mode to spread awareness to masses.
e. Removal of Pine needles and debris from the forest floor.
f. Construction of water harvesting structures, earthen dams and water storage tanks, etc. to
increase the moisture regime of the areas.
g. Supply of forest fire fighting equipment in fire-sensitive beats.
Grazing and browsing is a severe threat to the young plantations in the forests as the adjoining
fields are cultivated and cattle have no other place for grazing. The major reason for this grazing
pressure is the shrinking of pasture areas in the village common lands due to changed land-use
pattern. The animals are usually Cows, buffalo, Sheeps and goats.
Due to incessant grazing and spread of lantana, the growth of palatable grasses has decreased and
non-palatable species increased.
Although forest grazing has some advantages, there are some risks involved if it is not properly
managed. Most of these risks have to do with forest regeneration. Livestock grazing can impede
new tree growth if seedlings are trampled or if excessive browsing takes place. Also, seeding the
understory carries the risk of reducing new tree growth because of increased competition for
moisture and soil nutrients. Proper management of livestock can prevent trampling and browsing
of seedlings, and when seeded vegetation is grazed, its competition with tree seedlings is
reduced. Grazing can also help in exposing the bare mineral soil that is necessary for the
regeneration of some tree species.
The graziers in nahan forest division include gujjars, gaddis and local inhabitants.Gujjars and
Gaddis are issued grazing permit and there is restriction in increasing the number of cattle in
grazing permits as per the Grazing Policy of Himachal Pradesh, 1989. However the number of
cattle grazing in the forests exceeds the number permitted by the department.
Total Area in which Lantana have been removed in Nahan Forest Division
The impact of pollution on forests of Nahan forest division has not been studied in detail as it
requires a scientific assessment and base year comparison. However during field tours there are
areas where industrial effluent has been discharged into forest areas.
Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable waste has also been dumped into forest area by MC
Nahan and local residents.To prevent this, forest staff regularly impose fine.
The Shiwalik hills being geologically younger, suffer from various forms of land degradation as
a result of faulty land management practices in the past. The steep slopes and undulating terrain
accelerate soil erosion during the monsoon season giving rise to ever deepening gullies and
formation of torrents (choes) which further degrade productive lands and causes wide spread
damage to infrastructure. Due to this reason, attempts have been made in the past under various
schemes to rehabilitate the degraded hills through aforestation and soil conservation measures.
The measures included construction of brush wood check dams, dry stone masonry check dams,
continuous live hedges, crate wire structures in streams/choes, silt retention dams cement
masonry structures and run-off drainage structures. Alongwith this, landslides and land slips are
being rehabilitated with vegetative and concrete structures. To recharge the ground water and to
improve percolation, renovation of existing ponds is being done in the villages and new pond are
being constructed. Ponds are also maintained in the forest areas for the benefit of wild animals.
Details of SMC works are given in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2.
No. of Dry Stone Check No. of WHS No. of Water No. of Crate wire
Dam pond
83 6 27 9
There are various streams and other water sources in the division that originate from well
established forest usually providing permanent water flow. Some of the permanent streams in the
division are Jwala ki bauri, Bauri (sanoga), Bauri of Nawni village, etc. These seasonal streams
either flow less water or dry up during summers and start flowing in the monsoons. The main
source of their water is the rainwater from monsoon rainfalls.
For conservation, management and sustainable use of wetlands Ramsar Convention on wetlands
was signed in 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar, which came into force in 1975. There are 42
Ramsar Sites in India listed under Ramsar Convention. However, no wetlands are present in the
Nahan forest division.
Major parts of the division are hilly and mountainous with highly dissected and undulating
terrians. Ground water potential in such areas is low due to hydro-geomorphic set up. Spring are
the main ground water structures that provide water supply for domestic and irrigation. Tube
wells are also there in the area of Kala-Amb, Suketi and Bikrambagh area of the Nahan forest
division. CGWB has drilled/constructed 11 exploratory wells in the valley area of the district in
the depth range of 90.00 to 163.00 m bgl. Static water level of the tube wells ranges from 2 m to
43 m bgl and discharge ranges from 200 to 3220 lpm.
Quality of ground water in shallow aquifer is good for domestic and irrigation purpose in the
district. Though contamination of ground water sources has not been reported in the district so
far, however, the fast developing industrial area particularly in Kala-amb and Moginand area is
vulnerable to pollution from industrial effluents. There is thus need to have proper ETPs and
waste disposal system with all the industries and also the town. Proper monitoring is very much
required. Fair to moderate quantity of calcium is present in ground water of District Sirmaur.
Forests provide a wide range of goods and services. Goods include timber, fuelwood, as well as
food products (berries, mushrooms, etc.) and fodder. In addition to important services, forests and
trees play a crucial role in the conservation of ecosystems, maintaining quality of water,
preventing or reducing the severity of floods, avalanches, erosion and drought. Forests provide a
wide range of economic and social benefits, such as employment, forest products and protection
of sites of cultural value (FAO, 2006). The forest like other ecosystems, are affected by climate
change. The impacts due to climate change may be negative in some areas and positive in others.
However, forests also influence climate by affecting the changes in the quantum of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. They absorb CO2 from atmosphere, and store carbon in wood, leaves,
litter, roots and soil by acting as “carbon sinks”. Carbon is released back into the atmosphere
when forests are cleared or burned. Forests by acting as sinks are considered to moderate the
global climate. Overall, the world’s forest ecosystems are estimated to store more carbon than the
entire atmosphere (FAO, 2006).
Therefore, analysis of growing stock is necessary to know the capacity and potential of the forest
to have tree growth and also to calculate harvestable yield in the working plan and assessing their
capacity as carbon sinks. As the objective of forest management is gradually shifting towards
regular flow of income and ecosystem services to local community keeping conservation and
ecological security as the larger objective, the harvestable yield and the increment of the forest
has to be considered to arrive at the crucial decision of sustainable management.
The forest resource assessment methodology prescribed in the National Working Plan Code –
2014 was followed to conduct assessment of the total growing stock of trees and biomass.
Growing stock is mentioned in Table 6.1. Sample plots were laid out and observational
assessment of site quality, tree species, and composition, its health, density and crop age etc.
were recorded.
Increment is the growth of a tree or a crop with age. By the term increment, one may indicate the
physical increase of different parameters that increase with time or age. Thus increment may refer
to increase of wood content, or any of the factors increasing with age, like, volume, diameter,
height, basal area, price etc.
In Forest Management, the term increment refers normally to volume increment of crop.
Factors that influence increment
Increment of individual trees or crop is influenced by
• Species – fast growing species have larger increment than the slow ones in a given period.
• Site Quality – it is natural that superior site quality favours higher increment.
•Silvicultural Treatment – silvicultural treatment including tending operations have
considerable influence on increment.
• Nature of the crop – nature of crop, that is whether even-aged or uneven-aged, influences the
Increment is an important characteristic
Increment is an important characteristic of a forest crop. It is an indicator of the health of the
crop, the site quality, and age or maturity of the crop. It is an index indicating suitability of a
species at a given site or performance of a silviculture system.
A virgin forest, or a forest which has remained undisturbed for a long time, or a forest which has
reached its climax, will not have any net increment. While individual trees may put on increment,
other trees decay and die. In fact, the increment may also become negative for a period if there
are adverse locality factors. Thus increment may be an indicator for maturity of a crop or impact
of locality factors.
Current Annual Increment – Definition and concept-The growth that takes place in a
particular year is called the Current Annual Increment (C.A.I) for that year. Thus CAI indicates
the increase in girth, diameter, basal area, height, volume of individual trees or a crop in a
specific year.
Annual Increment of individual tree or crop of a species is not constant. It is rather a function of
age of the tree (crop). In other words, CAI depends on the age. So while mentioning the value of
CAI, it is necessary to mention the age of the tree (crop) to which the CAI corresponds.
if Vn-1 = volume of wood produced in (n-1) years, i.e. volume at the age of (n-1) years;
Vn = volume of wood produced in n years, i.e. volume at the age of n years,
CAI at the age of n years = Vn - Vn-1
It would be apparent from above that to obtain accurate values of CAI, it is necessary to know the
values of Vn-1, Vn , Vn+1, Vn+2 etc. it is, however, not feasible to measure and record the
volume (or other parameter) of tree (crop) every year. Measurement of a tree parameter is
normally done at periodic intervals of 5 or 10 years, and increment over such period is
determined, which is called periodic increment. When the periodic increment is divided by the
years of the period, one obtains periodic annual increment, which is taken as CAI for the
Mean Annual Increment – Definition and Concept- The volume of a tree is built up by the
annual increments that the tree puts on in successive years. The CAIs vary from year to year. The
mean or average of all CAIs is the Mean Annual Increment (M.A.I) which denotes average
annual rate of growth upto any given age. M.A.I is thus defined as the total increment upto a
given age divided by that age.
In the context of volume increment,
If, Vn = volume of wood produced in n years, i.e. volume at the age of n years,
M.A.I = Vn
It may be noted that MAI for a tree or crop varies with age.
Variation of CAI and MAI with age
Both for individual tree and crop, CAI is small in the early stages of growth (seedlings and
saplings. However, soon it increases rapidly to a maximum value, after which CAI declines
and finally ceases with the mortality of tree (crop).
The sum of CAIs of volume put on during a period gives the total volume which when divided by
the period (age) gives the MAI. Being a mathematically computed figure the MAI coincides with
the actual values of CAI only on two occasions in the life of the crop – onceat the end of the first
year, and later when it culminates, that is, reaches its maximum value.
Please see Fig. 6.1 which illustrates the variation of CAI and MAI of Sal crop in three
different site qualities. These are typical CAI and MAI curves whose following features may be
Fig. 6.1 MAI and CAI curves for different site qualities of Sal
While the crop is young the CAI increases rapidly till it reaches the maximum value at the middle
• On account of rise in the value of CAI, MAI also rises but not so steeply as the CAI, as in the
calculation of MAI the effect of increasing CAI gets distributed over all the previous years.
• Even after CAI begins to decline, the MAI still continues to rise for a period, as at this stage the
declining CAI still remains greater than the average or mean increment.
• The MAI reaches the maximum value where the two curves intersect. In other words, at the age
corresponding to the point of intersection, the CAI and MAI equal each other.
• Beyond the point of intersection, both CAI and MAI continue to decline. At this stage, CAI
declines faster than the MAI, and CAI is less than the mean.
desired tree species. These activities focus on improving the quality, growth, and yield of trees in
plantation forests. Here are some common practices:
1. Selection of Suitable Species: Choosing appropriate tree species that are well-adapted to the
site conditions, including soil type, climate, and water availability, is crucial. Species selection
ensures that the plantation is established with trees that have a higher likelihood of thriving and
producing desired outcomes.
2. High-Quality Seedlings: Planting high-quality seedlings is essential for ensuring a successful
plantation. These seedlings should be healthy, disease-free, and genetically improved to have
desirable traits such as fast growth, good form, and high wood quality.
3. Proper Site Preparation: Adequate site preparation involves clearing the land, removing weeds
and competing vegetation, and preparing the soil for planting. This helps reduce competition for
resources and provides optimal conditions for seedling establishment and growth.
4. Planting Techniques: Employing appropriate planting techniques, such as proper spacing and
planting density, ensures that trees have enough space to grow and develop without excessive
competition. Correct planting depth, watering, and protection from pests and diseases are also
critical for successful establishment.
5. Weed Management: Regular weed control is necessary to reduce competition for resources and
prevent damage to the planted trees.
6. Thinning and Pruning: Thinning involves selectively removing some trees from the plantation
to reduce competition and allow the remaining trees to grow more vigorously. Pruning is the
removal of lower branches to improve the quality and value of the timber produced.
7. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regular monitoring of the plantation's health, growth, and
overall performance helps identify any issues early on and enables timely corrective measures.
Maintenance activities like watering, mulching, and protection from fire and browsing animals
are crucial during the early stages of plantation establishment.
8. Research and Innovation: Continuous research and innovation play a significant role in
enhancing forest productivity. This includes exploring new techniques, technologies, and
improved tree varieties that can increase the productivity and resilience of plantation forests.
To enhance the productivity of forests, it is imperative to stock the blank areas by planting with
improved planting material with good genetic inputs. Further well drained soils can be planted
with Khair and Bamboo. However, the success of the plantation will depend on the eradication of
lantana, which is quite prevalent in our forests. There is a considerable scope to enhance the
productivity of these forests with silvicultural measures and providing protection.
The fifth pool is soil organic matter which contain substantial amount of organic carbon.
Figure 6.1 Process of Carbon Stock & Biomass
Table: 6.3 Biomass of Nahan Forest Division
S.N Spp Volume Density Woody Bio ABEF AGB R/S BGB Total Living
(M3) (Kg/ Masses (kg) ratio biomass, (kg)
M3) (kg)
1 Khair 46970.1016 800 37576081.28 3.4 127758676.4 0.24 30662082.32 158420758.7
2 Chil 270647.6027 600 162388561.6 1.3 211105130.1 50665231.23 261770361.3
3 Sal 663515.7020 750 497636776.5 3.4 1691965040 406071609.6 2098036650
4 Sain 282247.7330 750 211685799.8 3.4 719731719.2 172735612.6 892467331.7
5 Misc 295924.0110 900 266331609.9 3.4 905527473.7 217326593.7 1122854067
Total 1559305.1503 3800 1175618829 3656088039 877461129.4 4533549169
m3 Kg/m3 Kg Kg Kg Kg
ABEF (Average Biomass Expansion factor): as per IPCC ‘Good Guidance’ manual,
for tropical climatic zone Pines: 1.3 & BL: 3.4
The following table gives an idea of the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered in the forests of
Nahan Forest Division.
Table: 6.4 Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Data for Nahan Division
Species Total living Carbon content Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide
biomass (kg) (0.5/ 50%) Sequestered (tonne)
A B= A/2 C= B*3.6663 C/1000
Khair 158420758.7 79210379.35 290409013.8 290409.0138
Chil 261770361.3 130885180.7 479864337.8 479864.3378
Sal 2098036650 1049018325 3846015885 3846015.885
Sain 892467331.7 446233665.9 1636026489 1636026.489
Misc 1122854067 561427033.5 2058359933 2058359.933
Total 4533549169 Kg 2266774584 Kg 8310675659 Kg 8310675.659 tonne
The most desirable timber in the division are sal, sain, shisham, toon and chhal. All species of
these timber are extracted in the form of logs except chil which is generally hand sawn into
sleepers and round ballies. Timber of sal, sain, shisham, toon and chil is used for construction
purposes. Shisham, mango toon are also used in Furniture industry. The demand for khair wood
in the katha industry is very high. Logs of sal are debarked before dispatch. Sain logs are
exported with bark to avoid any splitting and cracking. Extraction of timber from government
forests is being done by H.P state forest corporation Ltd in the Form of Salvage Marking.,FCA
and FRA cases & TD granted to right holders. During year 1986, green felling in Himachal
Pradesh was banned by the State government. Further in the year 1996, Hon’ble Supreme Court
of India passed alandmark Judgement in W.P.(Civil) No. 171/96 titled as ‘T.N Godavarman V/S
Union of India’ in which a blanket ban on green felling was imposed in the State. Thus, the
forests were never worked according to the prescriptions of the approved working plans.
Table 7.1 Removal of timber under Salvage marking & TD
Year Spp Removal under Removal Total Vol. (m3)
Salvage Marking 3
under TD (m )
2014-15 CHIL 7727.617 0 7727.617
Khair 360.58 0 360.58
Kokat 629.394 0 629.394
Shisham 0.467 79.309 79.776
Safeda 35.768 6,06 35.768
Sain 673.102 108.89 781.992
Mango 6.52 0 6.52
Sal 976.272 967.468 1943.74
Total 10407.72 m3 1161.727 m3 11569.447 m3
2015-16 CHIL 2726.748 0 2726.748
Khair 271.946 0 271.946
Kokat 239.994 0 239.994
Shisham 1.411 0 1.411
Safeda 8.764 0 8.764
Sain 283.084 0 283.084
Mango 0 0 0
Sal 361.837 0 361.837
Total 3893.784 m3 0 m3 3893.784 m3
2016-17 CHIL 1982.8 2.708 1985.508
Khair 387.27 0 387.27
Kokat 399.27 0 399.27
Shisham 74.193 0.977 75.17
Safeda 83.432 0 83.432
Sain 296.97 1.770 298.74
Mango 0 0 0
Sal 837.7 59.576 897.276
Total 4061.635 m3 65.031 m3 4126.666 m3
2017-18 CHIL 1962.9037 0 1962.9037
Khair 309.384 0 309.384
Kokat 264.757 0 264.757
Shisham 84.597 14.819 99.416
Safeda 13.02 0.600 13.62
Sain 254.848 3.030 257.878
Mango 4.559 0 4.559
Sal 775.164 210.603 985.767
Toon 0.467 0 0.467
Total 3669.6997 m3 229.52 m3 3899.2197 m3
2018-19 CHIL 3710.2955 0 3710.2955
Khair 357.58 0 357.58
Kokat 632.512 0 632.512
Shisham 55.47 0 55.47
Safeda 32.560 0 32.56
Sain 380.642 0 380.642
Mango 0 0 0
Sal 1274.055 43.21 1317.265
Total 6443.1145 m3 43.21 m3 6486.3245 m3
2019-20 CHIL 3459.8287 0 3459.8287
Khair 381.654 0 381.654
Kokat 378.407 0 378.407
Shisham 45.058 3.398 48.456
Safeda 69.008 0.600 69.608
Sain 389.528 6.570 396.098
Mango 0 0 0
Sal 872.358 114.37 986.728
Total 5595.8417 m3 126.453 m3 5722.2947 m3
2020-21 CHIL 3700.7552 2.7088 3703.464
Khair 113.285 0 113.285
Kokat 353.924 0 353.924
Shisham 37.232 0 37.232
Safeda 18.496 0.600 19.096
Sain 134.547 4.80 139.347
Mango 20.926 0 20.926
Sal 519.814 92.90 612.714
Simbal 1.515 0 1.515
Total 4900.4992 m3 81.0088 m3 4981.508 m3
2021-22 CHIL 2114.0389 0 2114.0389
Khair 217.082 0 217.082
Kokat 178.661 0 178.661
Shisham 31.832 0.977 32.809
Safeda 9.776 0.600 10.376
Sain 240.449 18.774 259.223
Mango 0 0 0
Sal 644.585 55.218 699.803
Total 3436.4239 m3 75.569 m3 3511.9929 m3
Table 7.2 Abstract of Land Use Change under FCA w.e.f. 2013-14 to 2022-23.
Sr. Year Name of FCA Proposal Date of Total area Total No Volume
No. proposal No. Final diverted (in of tress (m3)
approval ha.) handed
1 2013-14 Construction FP/HP/ROA 31.07.2020 2.403 0 0
of link road D/ 8013/2014
from Bohlion
to Haripur via
Samalka road
upto village
2 Construction FP/HP/ROA 15.09.2021 0.624 0 0
of link road D/ 8014/2014
Khajurna to
3 Construction FP/HP/ROA 20.09.2021 3.979 394 126.733
of link road D/ 7738/2014
from village
Surla to
Bakarla km.
0/0 to 5/0
4 Construction FP/HP/ROA 10.10.2017 4.765 80 61.766
of link road D/ 7449/201
from village
Bheron to Adi
5 2015-16 Construction FP/HP/ROA 27.07.2020 1.275 91 25.83
of link road D/ 9676/2015
from Upper
Surla km.
6 2015-16 Construction FP/HP/ROA 13.08.2020 1.659 0 0
of link road D/ 9738/2015
from Thana
Kasoga to
Trimali Dayar
road km. 0/0
to 15/200
7 LILO of FP/HP/TRA 21.12.2016 4.094 110 11.897
existing NS/
400kV 14566/2015
Line near
Kala Amb
8 Providing FP/HP/WAT 23.05.2016 2.4126 215 34.38
LWSS to ER/16701/20
Nahan Town 15
(From Giri
River at
Dadahu) in
Tehsil Nahan
9 2016-17 Construction FP/HP/ROA 27.07.2020 2.538 303 110.067
of link road to D/
village Pudla 19486/2016
from Banog
Surla road
km. 0/0 to
10 2017-18 Construction FP/HP/ROA 08.05.2020 2.676 497 122.9114
of link road D/
from Jabbal 25369/2017
kanoti to
Surla Amta
road km. 0/0
to 3/705
11 Construction FP/HP/ROA 09.03.2020 2.952 256 50.4207
of link road D/
from Jhainthal 25365/2017
Ghat to
Dhandor road
km. 0/0 to
12 2018-19 Construction FP/HP/ROA 04.08.2021 2.304 303 110.067
of link road D/
from Nahan to 25378/2017
Gadda upto
vill Kotri km.
0/0 to 3/130
13 C/o 220/132 FP/HP/Sub- 02.01.2020 5.494 208 79.683
kV Station/3753
,2x160/200 4/ 2018
Substation at
Andheri (Kala
Amb), Distt.
Sirmour H.P.
14 2019-20 C/o Hospital 25.01.2021 0.8514 58 33.587
Block of Dr. FP/HP/DISP/
YSPGMC, 43462/2019
Nahan, Distt.
Sirmaur, H.P.
15 2021-22 CONSTRUC FP/HP/ROA 28.10.2021 0.1953 0 0
180.00 140739/2021
64/630 ON
Grand Total 38.2223 Ha 2515 767.067 m3
Table 7.3 Abstract of Land Use Change under FRA w.e.f. 2013-14 to 2022-23.
Sr. Year Name of proposal Date of Total area Total Nos Volume
No Final diverted (in tress handed (m3)
approval ha.) over
1 2016-17 Construction of link 19.12.2016 0.231 13 2.200
road Salni to Tedi
2 Construction of link 27.01.2017 0.504 29 5.804
road from Rain Pirgari
to Serbadon
3 Construction of link 27.01.2017 0.655 48 13.220
road from Tedi Baroti
to Trilokpur.
4 Construction of link 17.3. 2017 0.26 14 8.858
road Sher Resla
(Gopita) to Ser Badon
5 Construction of link 17.03.2017 0.435 25 5.038
road from Runja
6 2017-18 Construction of link 22.04.2017 0.804 29 13.976
Road from Dhaun to
Sanoga- Bagrath upto
Mandhari Ghat.
7 Construction of link 26.04.2017 0.56 40 13.853
Road from Badion to
8 Construction of link 26.04.2017 0.45 25 14.355
road from Ashram
Tapad to Teeb via
9 Construction of link 24.11.2017 0.564 15 8.424
road from Birla to
10 2018-19 Construction of 02.07.2018 0.521 39 4.638
Katcah link road from
Rama Dhaun road to
Village Bhagoor.
11 Construction of GPS. 04.08.2018 0.159 9 2.585
12 Construction of 06.08.2018 0.752 8 3.0367
Katcha link road
Lawasa Dosarka to
Bhong upto Tuind
13 Construction of 21.08.2018 0.23 16 1.2054
Katcha link road
Shimla Road to village
Sarahan johri to
village Sarhan.
14 Construction of link 12.09.2018 0.193 12 2.303
road from village Pipal
wala to H/O Sh Lalit
Kumar, Deepak
Kumar etc.G.P. Surla.
15 Construction of link 20.09.2018 0.877 19 7.7508
road from salani to
16 Construction of link 06.10.2018 0.9765 13 3.1395
road from Kangar
Ghoond to Dagjar G.P.
17 Construction of link 28.12.18 0.875 27 8.566
road Bahrog to Bhorli
18 Construction of link 03.01.2019 0.570 13 5.201
road from Kranwali to
Thappal Dhanot.
19 Construction of link 03.01.2019 0.225 2 0.736
road from Sinduria to
Dhar Sanoga.
20 Construction of link 21.02.2019 0.4455 18 2.788
road from chunjer
johri to Kyarta via
Aam ka Dhal.
21 Construction of katch 23.02.2019 0.175 6 3.233
link road from Rama
Dhaun to halt of Sh.
Kamal Dutt & Bhagat
22 2019-20 Construction of Skill 30.07.2019 0.318 7 3.214
Up-Gradation Center
23 Construction of 05.08 2019 0.112 13 5.900
Community Hall in
24 Construction of link 06.11.2019 0.225 6 3.214
road Gusan Kambal to
Badal Amta.
25 Construction of link 25.11.2019 0.915 29 12.448
road from Sadorghat
to Triboni Temple.
26 Construction of link 26.11.2019 0.4235 5 1.2495
road Jamroti to Nagali.
27 Construction of link 03.02.2020 0.597 9 2.004
road from main road
vill. Pila Khil to
28 Construction of link 03.02.2020 0.994 26 7.8142
road from Bheraghat
to Gaonth.
29 2021-22 Construction of 23.04.2021 0.960 28 21.115
Industrial Training
Institute Kaulanwala
30 2022-23 C/o Link Road from 10.08.2022 0.368 28 3.808
Amb ka Dhal to
Dhandoli, Bajyun &
31 C/o Link Road from 15.07.2022 0.389 24 3.3739
Nauni Johdidhar to
Ganodi Near H/o
Upender Singh
32 C/o Link Road from 13.10.2022 0.343 16 6.2432
Dakyon to Shirgul
33 C/o Link Road from 10.10.2022 0.255 13 3.544
Kundli to Najrani
34 C/o Link Road from 13.10.2022 0.16 5 1.6183
Dagrahan to Amba
35 C/o Link Road from 14.10.2022 0.897 49 6.4463
Katal to Mandlahan
36 C/o of Link Road 28.02.2023 0.14 20 3.6372
from main Road
(Sihard Ghat) to
Dagana Gram
37 Construction of Link 27.02.2023 0.1368 03 0.552
Road from Aam ka
Dhal to kanoti
38 Construction of Link 22.03.2023 0.207 15 3.696
Road Chakli to SC
Basti Thudkyarkhdi
39 Construction of Link 28.02.2023 0.385 15 5.799
Road from Panchayat
Ghar Kayari to Amta
40 Construction of Link 27.02.2022 0.29 14 1.205
Road from Ladu to
41 Construction of Road 27.02.2023 0.3185 25 4.938
from Shimla main road
to Baga
42 Construction of Link 04.03.2023 0.192 26 2.1168
Road Dagrahan to
43 Construction of Link 28.02.2023 0..788 06 0.978
Road from NH
Chabahan to Shillar
44 Construction of Link 04.03.2023 0.418 05 0.914
Road from Kundli
Najrani to Suin Pudla
via Shamshan Ghat
Total 20.2938 Ha 807 236.738 m3
4. Resins and Gums: Certain trees in the Nahan Forest Division produce resins and gums with
commercial value. For example, Chir (Pinus roxburghii) produces resin that is used in the
production of varnishes, paints, and incense.
5. Bamboo and Cane: The forest division has a considerable bamboo and cane population.
Bamboo is used for various purposes such as construction, furniture-making, handicrafts, and
paper production. Cane is utilized for making baskets, furniture, and other handicrafts.
6. Fodder and Grazing Resources: The forest division provides grazing resources for livestock.
Livestock owners rely on the forest area for fodder, including grasses, leaves, and other
It is also important to note that sustainable harvesting practices should be followed when
collecting NTFPs to ensure the conservation of these resources and the maintenance of ecological
balance in the forest ecosystem.Their extraction being minimal in the division ,no record of
NTFP harvest is maintained in the division.
types of grasses, leaves, and other plant material that serve as feed for domesticated animals.
However no such data is maintained in division.
Road network being extensive, timber and non-timber products are traded far and wide. The rates
of timber have increased manifold in the past decade due to increased demand and inadequate
availability of timber
2. Number of Saw mills and depots registered under Himachal Pradesh (Sale of Timber
Act, 1968)
Sr. No Name of Range Total No. Of Saw Mills
1 Nahan 11
2 Kolar 6
3 Jamta 0
4 Trilokpur 3
Total 20
3. Number of Imported Sale Depots Registered Under H.P (Sale of Timber Act, 1968)
1 Nahan 3
2 Kolar 0
3 Jamta 1
4 Trilokpur 0
Total 4
4. Number of Furniture Shops Registered
1 Nahan 19
2 Kolar 4
3 Jamta 1
4 Trilokpur 1
Total 25
18 Haripurkhol
19 Shambhalka
20 Logarh
21 Bheron
22 Jamta Banethi
23 Sen-Ki-Ser
24 NAuni
25 Chakli Shiyar
26 2010-11 NMPB Trilokpur Kandaiwala
27 Nahan JMFC Jamanwala
28 Kolar JMFC Matter Bheron
31 JMFC Bheron
32 JMFC Shambhalka
33 JMFC Lohgarh
34 Nahan Rama-II
35 Satiwala
36 Uttamwala
37 2011-12 Nahan JMFC Bikrambag
41 JMFC Bheron
sources of income in the vicinity of forests are of vital importance. These self-help groups
motivate the poor people for generating additional income through activities like poultry, rope
making, basket making, toy making, etc. to decrease the pressure on the forests. Whenever labor
is needed it is preferred from the nearby villages. The Panchayats are motivated to keep the
people well aware to conserve the forests.
JFM guidelines cover and regulate the constitution of FPCs and management committees, their
duties and responsibilities towards forest protection and conservation, preparation of micro plans
for the development of the respective areas, and benefits sharing with the people. The
involvement of VAs has also been specified for carrying out afforestation and ancillary works
that are not intended to be carried out by FPCs. The FPCs are entitled to usufruct and non-timber
forest produce (NTFP), rights in the assigned areas provided these FPCs discharge their duties
and responsibilities as per the regulations contained in JFM guidelines. In the case of NTFP,
FPCs are entitled to collection/ removal of grasses, fruits, palm leaves, etc. and lease of
commercial NTFP.
The guidelines confer half of the income generated/ obtained by FPCs through sale/ revenue of
forest produce will be ploughed back by FPCs into the JFM areas by investing this amount in
conservation, protection, and regeneration of forests. The balance is to be utilized for other
development and welfare activities for the common benefit of the FPC members or in the form of
direct distribution of appropriate share among its members.
In addition to the above, JFM provides for carrying out entry point activities/ development
activities in the JFM areas to establish close and constructive support with the village
committees. These development activities include improvement of school/panchayat buildings,
repairs of traditional water resources like baulis, village ponds, etc. provision of training to
women, landless, and SCs to help them earn their livelihood through income generation activities
like basket weaving, rope making, beekeeping, etc.However none of the JFMC is active as of
now in the Nahan forest division ,efforts will be made in current plan to revive them.
It is also to be highlighted that the departmental rates for daily wager as per state policy are also
maintained in a seniority list which is taken into account during regularization of services of a
daily wage employee, making the labour scenario in forest department very conducive to work in.
Eco-tourism is helpful in bringing proximity between citizens and nature. There is huge potential
of eco-tourism in this tract for which people may be encouraged to explore so that they also
contribute towards conservation of forests. Therefore facilities for eco-tourism which blend with
the environment can be constructed. Walking trails, camping sites & Gazebos with requisite
facilities for eco-tourists can be developed in suitable areas.
There is a need to establish research plots in forest to develop germplasm bank of different
species, to suggest better productivity of these forests in different sites with different soil and
weather conditions and also to afforest the badly affected areas. Positive efforts have been made
on this front in planting species on experimental basis.
Research Institutions like the Forest Research Institute Dehradun, the Y.S. Parmar University of
Horticulture and Forestry may be invited for conducting research and development activities in
forest domain.
5 Clerk/Jr.Asstt 06 04 -2
6 Kanungo 01 0 -1
7 Naib Tehsildar 01 0 -1
8 Forest Ranger 05 04 -1
9 Deputy Ranger 22 17 -5
10 Forest Guard 91 79 -12
11 Junior Engineer 01 00 -1
12 Patwari 00 00 0
13 Peon/Khalasi 10 08+1 daily wage -1
14 Dak Runner 02 00 -2
15 Driver 01 00 -1
16 Chowkidar 15 10+2 daily wage -3
17 Mali 05 05 0
18 Forest Worker 75 31 -44
19 Sweeper 00 01 +1
20 Mali-cum-plantation 00 02 +2
21 Mali-cum-nursery 00 02 +2
22 Chowkidar-cum-cook 00 01 +1
23 MPW 02 02 0
Total 243 172 71
Fire watchers on seasonal basis are engaged by Nahan forest division for protection of forests
from fire incidents as per rates notified by the state Govt. time to time.
The economy of India since independence till the year 2014 has been based on planning through
its five-year plans, which were developed, executed and monitored by the Planning Commission
of India. Planning in India derives its objectives and social premises from the Directive Principles
of State Policy enshrined in the Constitution of India, Article 38 and Article 39 (a), (b) and (c) are
cited in the resolution of 15th March, 1950 by which the Planning Commission was setup. These
are: -
“The State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting, as
effectively as it may a social order in which justice, social, economic and political, shall inform
all the institutions of natural life” (Article 38 of Constitution)
The State shall in particular, direct its policy towards securing: -
a) That the citizens, man and women, equally, have the rights to an adequate means of
b) That the ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so
distributed as best to sub-serve the common good.
c) That the operation of economic system does not result in the concentration, if wealth, and
means of production to the common detriment.
The national planning process was started in 1951 in India with the formulation of First
Five Year Plan. The first three five year plans laid thrust on the promotion of agriculture and
industrialization, environment-related issues pertaining to the improvement of human
environment such as sanitation, public health, nutrition, water supply and housing got due
priority in national programmes under the three five-year plans. However, environment
protection did not receive significant recognition under the development planning.
The brief description of the Working Plans implemented in the Division during the respective
Five-Year Plans of Indian economic planning is given as under: -
10.2 First Five Year Plan (1951-56): - The First Five Year Plan showed maximum concern
about rehabilitation of forest areas, which had been over exploited to meet the Second World
War needs. Little efforts were made to help stabilize soil in highly eroded areas through
Afforestation. In response to the Forest Policy of 1952, the Central Board of Forestry, constituted
in 1950 to provide guidance to the Central Government in the formulation of policy and
programmes in the field of forestry. The wastage in conversion and felling of trees was
minimized. Besides, manmade forests of economic species were raised.
After the merger of states in 1949, the forests were densely stocked and exploited
commercially. By enlarging the scope of 1894 forest policy, the new National Forest Policy
which was formulated in 1952 i.e. during First Five Year Plan, the forests of this division were
also managed as per the prescription of the Working Plan. In this Division, Sewal’s Working
Plan (1933-34 to 1952-53, and Sharma &Tikku’s Working Plan 1953-54 to 1962-1963) fall in
the first five-year plan. Under Sewal’s Working Plan the main objects of management were to
● Preserve, improve and extend the existing Sal, Chil and miscellaneous forests.
● Satisfy the demands of local population in respect to forest produce.
● Ensure sustained annual yield to and attain the normal forest and establish normal re-
● Maintain and improve the forest cover along the slopes adjoining the Giri and on the bare
outer hills of the Shiwaliks which are particularly liable to erosion.
Keeping in view the large-scale import of food grains and inflationary pressures on the economy,
the First Five Year Plan (1951-56) accorded the highest priority to agricultural including
irrigation etc. rather than forestry operation. However, the country adopted a national festival of
tree planting ‘Van Mahotsava’, in 1950 which was started with the objective of creating mass
awareness about the value of forests in human well-being. At the same time, the drawback of the
Forest Policy of 1894 necessitated a fresh look at the forest policy. The earlier forest policy was
revised in 1952 and a new National Forest Policy was formulated. The main objectives of the
policy were: -
a) Cover one-third of total geographical area with forests, 60% in hilly regions and 20% in
the plains.
b) Functional classification of forests viz, “Protection Forests, National Forests and Village
c) Guarding National interests on top priority basis.
d) Curbing indiscriminate extension of agriculture.
It is interesting to note that Forest Policy of 1952 retained the concept of ‘reserved
forests’ which was enunciated under the earlier Forest Policy of 1894 and placed them under the
exclusive control of State Government. Although, the policy accepted the category of “Village
Forests” to serve the needs of people in surrounding villages, but it did not grant them the right to
manage these forests.
Grazing policies remained unimplemented and increasing cattle population continued to affect
forestry’s conservation principles. By and large, forests were accorded low priority in the States
on account of other needs of more immediate concern. The indiscriminate use of forest land for
non-forestry purposes increased considerably.
10.5 Fourth Five Year Plan (1969-70 to 1973-74): -
The main objectives of the Fourth Plan in forestry sector were: -
(i) To increase the productivity of the forests,
(ii) To link up forest development with various forest-based industries
(iii) To develop forests as a support rural economy. The increase per hectare production per
annum of forests in India was estimated at about 0.53 cubic meters as against the world
average of 2 cubic meters. Emphasis was laid on measures to meet the immediate and
long-term agricultural and industrial requirements, since the demand for various forest
products, timber, domestic fuel and raw materials for industries has rapidly increased.
To increase forest production, the Fourth Plan envisaged further efforts at creating large scale
plantations of valuable quick-growing species and species of economic and industrial importance.
A concerted effort at regenerating areas, where forest produce was removed for industrial uses
was taken. The basic principle of Government policy was that the minor forests, pastures and
grazing grounds must be managed mainly in the interest of the population of the tract and
particularly to serve their requirements of fuel and fodder requirements.
The year 1972 marks a watershed in the history of environment management in India. It
was the year in which a conference on Human Environment was held in Stockholm under the
aegis of the United Nation. Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, then Prime Minister, addressed the
conference wherein she attracted the attention of the world community towards our peculiar
environmental problems. Pointing out the causes of environmental degradation, she asserted that
‘poverty and need’ are the biggest polluters. She added that “the environmental problems of
developing countries are not the side effects of excessive industrialization, but reflect the
inadequacy of development. The rich countries may look upon development as a cause of
environmental destruction, but to us it is one of the primary means of improving the environment
for living or providing food, water, sanitation and shelter, of making the desert green and the
mountain habitable”.
In 1972, a comprehensive national law, the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 was
enacted intended solely to protect wild life. A Centrally sponsored scheme “Project Tiger” was
launched in 1973 to ensure maintenance of a viable population of tigers in India for scientific,
economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecological values and to preserve for all times, areas of such
biological importance as the national heritage for the benefit, education and enjoyment of the
people. During this period also only one Working Plan of Arya’s Working Plan (April 1968-
March 1978) was implemented. The General objects of management were
● to preserve and improve the vegetational cover all over especially on the Shiwaliks,
● to replace the inferior miscellaneous patches with suitable and more economic plantation
preferably of fast growing pulp wood species,
● to meet the legitimate and bonafide requirements of the local population, of timber, fuel
wood, grazing, fodder and other forest produce and fuel requirement.
● To attain, as far as practicable, normal forest and normal regeneration in due course of
Consistent with the above objectives to obtain maximum annual yield in perpetuity (ofvarious
forests products including timber fuel-wood, bhabbar grass and bamboo etc.)Arya constituted
four Working Circles in respect of Nahan Forest Division namely, Sal conversion Working
Circle, Selection Working Circle, Protection Working Circle and Plantation (Over lapping).
The need to conserve natural resources and the environment particularly to prevent
damage to fragile and irreplaceable eco-systems, the Hill Areas Development Programme
(HADP) during the 5th Plan was introduced. The programmes implemented during the 5th Plan
period were mainly beneficiary oriented. While emphasizes shafted to eco-development in the 6th
Plan, the general tenor of HADP remained substantially the same as that of the normal State Plan
following the same sectoral approach. In the 7th Plan laid particular emphasis on the development
of ecology and environment as summed up in three phrases, namely, eco-restoration, eco-
preservation, and eco-development. It aimed at evolving plans and programmes to take care of
socio-economic growth, development of infrastructure and promotion of ecology of the areas
covered by the HADP. During the 8th Plan attention was focused on productive sectors of the hill
economics especially in modernizing agriculture practices and small-scale industries at
household, cottage and village levels. For this involvement of people was considered of
paramount importance. The aim was to meet actual basic needs of the people through improved
management of the land and water resources.
The major environmental problems being faced by Hills were deforestation and soil
erosion, which was leading to the drying up of water resources, flash flood, cloud bursts and
decline in the yield of food and cash crops, fodder, fuel and other minor forest produce. Besides
water retention capacity and productivity of land had been adversely affected. Similarly, poverty
in the hills, intensive human & livestock pressures along with encroachment on forest land and
indiscriminate felling of trees for commercial purposes in hill areas had already led to loss of soil
and rapid depletion and destruction of forest cover. Development activities like construction of
buildings, roads, hydro power projects, large and medium industries and mining etc. had
aggravated environmental problems. Consequently, perennial sources of water such as springs
and small streams have dried up in many hill areas.
The strategy for Himachal Pradesh stated that the degraded forest lands, the village
common lands and waste lands will be rehabilitated through various state plans/centrally
sponsored and externally aided projects schemes so that a forest cover of 50% by 2000 AD as per
policy of the State Govt. is arrived at”. The National Forest Policy, 1988 has also recommended
that at least 2/3rd of the total geographical area of Himachal Pradesh should be under forests.
On an average, an area of 172.5% Sq. Km. was planted every year. Recent trends show a
continuous decline in the area planted each year, because of paucity of funds and a ban on
silviculture and Working Plan operation in the State under an order of the Supreme Court in T.N.
Godavarman case dated 12-12-1996, except for the right holders. However dry and fallen trees
i.e. salvage marking can be removed through the H.P. State Forest Department Corporation Ltd.
The Govt. of H.P. Constituted the Forest Corporation in 1974, the only agency
responsible for the harvesting and exploitation of forests, including resin extraction. Earlier,
private contractors carried out all activities related to forests.
The most valued forest product in 2001-02 was timber, followed by medicinal plants and
herbs and resin. The total forest produce was worth Rs. 231.30 Crore. Until 1970, timber removal
from the forests was more than the annual prescribed yield, which was unsustainable. Since 1985,
the annual removal from the forest has always remained below the prescribed yield due to ban
imposed by the Govt. on silvicultural operation and also under an order of the Supreme Court
dated 12-12-1996. During this plan period Vineet Kumar’s Working Plan (1998-1999 to 2012-
13) was applicable, however no silvicultural operation as prescribed in the Working Plan had
been carried out due to ban on green felling and blank/open areas were also not taken up
planting/regeneration in planned way. Plantations as prescribed had been carried out under
various departmental schemes. Ban on green felling kept the green cover intact but the
regeneration in the forests suffered.
Forest plays an important role in environmental and economic sustainability. They
provide numerous goods and services, and maintain life support systems essential for life on
earth. Some of these life support systems of major economic and environmental importance are:
(i) Supply of timber, fuel wood, fodder and a wide range of non-wood products.
(ii) Natural habitat for bio-diversity, and repository of genetic wealth.
(iii) Provision of recreation and opportunity for ecotourism.
(iv) Playing an integral part of the watershed to regulate the water regime, conserve soil, and
control floods.
(v) Carbon sequestration and carbon sink.
Despite significant resource flows and national concern, the potential of forests to reduce
poverty, realize economic growth, and their contribution to the local and global environment has
not been fully realized. A combination of market and institutional failures has led to forests
falling to contribute as significantly to rural incomes and poverty alleviation and economic
growth as would be possible under good economic and technical management.
The following strategies were proposed in order to address the concerns of forests sector
and to achieve the objectives of sustainable forests management:
i) The role of forests to maintain the hydrological balance is complementary. Successful
models of watershed development have helped conserve soil and moisture, improve
ground water recharge and the water regime and mitigated the adverse impacts of
drought. The watershed approach should be universally adopted for the maintenance and
development of forests.
ii) Due to the increase in human and cattle population, the existing forest resource is under
intensive pressure to meet the demands for various forest produce, i.e food, fodder, fuel,
fertilizer, timber, bamboo, medicinal plant, etc. About 41% of the forest area is degraded
due to over exploitation of forest produce. However, no strategy to conserve the forest
eco-system would be successful unless the basic needs of the society are met. The future
management strategy must, therefore, take into account this compelling need of the
community to meet their requirements.
iii) The forest areas near population centre’s/villages have degraded faster due to over-
exploitation and the forest resources has become impoverished. It has adversely affected
the livelihood security and employment opportunity of people dependent on forests.
Therefore, a special programme needs to be drawn up for development of such villages
and to provide alternative sources of income.
10.11.1 Forest Plantations: -The following initiatives were proposed for improving the
productivity of forest plantation:-
i) The plantation strategy should be based on creating new forest resources that help reduce
pressure on natural forests and preferably reverse the negative impact of deforestation
while meeting the increasing demand. India can benefit from the experience of other
countries, which have developed policies and incentives to promote private sector
participation in accelerating the pace of Afforestation.
ii) At present, the performance of forest plantations in terms of survival, growth and yield is
poor. The mean annual increment (MAI) of forest plantations varies from about
2m3/ha/year for valuable timber species to about 5-8 m3/ha/year for eucalyptus and other
fast-growing species. This is far below the MAI of over 10m3 and about 50m3/ha/year for
good quality plantations in different countries.
iii) The productivity and success of plantations can be improved by appropriate site selection,
site species matching, planting of elite clones, proper maintenance and protection,
timely tending, thinning, irrigation, applicationof manures andpesticides, etc.
iv) Reduction in harvesting and post harvesting losses should be achieved by
10.11.2 Green India Programme: Out of the 328.27 m ha total geographical area of the
country; around 300 m ha is the available productive land. The actual forest cover is 63.73 m ha
of which only 37.73 m ha has good forests. About 20 m ha is covered under tree plantations
(agro-forestry, farm forestry, social forestry and other plantations). Thus, in order to bring one-
third area under forest/tree cover, (100-37.73-20 = 42.27) 43 m ha of area should be covered
under the greening programme over 10 years. The detail programme should be as follows:
* 15 m hac. of degraded forest land to be covered under JFM.
* 10 m hac. of irrigated area to be brought under commercial agro-forestry.
* 18 m hac. of rain-fed area to be brought under subsistence agro-forestry.
Significant efforts are required for greening India to address the food security and
environmental challenges. The country is facing the problem of surplus food production on one
hand and unemployment, poverty and food deficiency on the other. The implementation of
Greening Programme through “food for work” scheme will ensure meeting the basic needs of
people, environmental protection, food accessibility and productive employment generation to
10 crore people (mainly tribals, dalits, backwards, other backward classes, landless and women).
Participatory arrangements have existed in Indian Forestry for several years, in the form
of forest labour co-operatives, resin tappers, NWFP Collector’s Co-operatives societies and
other associations. The JFM programme has led to several positive out comes in many states in
India. The major ones are (i) change in the attitude & relationship of local communities and
forest officials towards each other and the forests, (ii) improvement in the condition of forests
(iii) reduction in encroachments but in this division results are not encouraging as compare to
low lying areas of Himachal Pradesh. Similarly, tree plantation has been expressed over the low
productivity of plantation due to several factors such as steep slope, FRA, and Nautor claims,
inadequacies in the site selections and site species matching, poor plantation stock, lack of
proper maintenance and protection, fire hazard, financial and capacity constraints etc. During
this period the Vineet Kumar’s Working Plan (1998-2012) was in vogue and continued to
existence to this division.
10.12 Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12): - India entered the Eleventh Plan
period with an impressive record of economic growth. After a lacklustre performance in the
Ninth Plan period (1997–98 to 2001–02), when gross domestic product (GDP) grew at only
5.5% per annum, the economy accelerated in the Tenth Plan period (2002–03 to 2006–07) to
record an average growth of 7.7%, the highest in any Plan period so far. Besides, there was
acceleration even within the Tenth Plan period and the growth rate in the last four years of the
Plan has averaged 8.7%, making India one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
National Forest Policy, 1988 acknowledged the importance and primacy of local
communities and provided for a sustainable management approach with maintenance of
environmental stability as the prime objective. Commitment to conservation of nature was
highlighted by the targets of maintaining one-third of land under the forest/tree cover.
Plan investment in forestry and wildlife sector so far, including State and Central plan,
was about 1% of the total plan outlay. The National Forestry Commission (2006) had
recommended an investment of 2.5% of the plan outlay in the forestry and wildlife sector. Our
total plan outlay of the State and central plan in forestry and wildlife sector was 1% only.
The Integrated Forest Protection Scheme was redesigned to aid the states for building
capacity and basic infrastructure for modern forest management. Improving Management
Planning and Survey (land records) set-up was the first priority for Central assistance. The
following components were provided for modernization of the State forest management:
i) Modernization of the management planning (Working Plan) units with equipment,
infrastructure, and manpower. This may include forest inventories, training and satellite
imagery processing, and GIS facilities. This included professional services such as
ecologists and sociologists for relevant inputs.
ii) Forest Land Information System for land records, with modern and empowered survey,
and land record maintaining mechanisms for documenting the legally recognized
individual rights, concessions, ownerships including those under the Scheduled Tribes
and other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006.
iii) Forest boundary demarcation by providing assistance for the state-of-the-art
infrastructure, training/outsourcing survey work, fixing permanent boundary pillars,
updating the forest block indices and compartment histories.
iv) Installation of forest fire surveillance and warning systems, along with fire management
planning in participatory mode.
v) Assistance for general infrastructure for accommodation in remote areas,
communication, improvement of road network, etc. was a part of this programme. During this
period the Vineet Kumar’s Working Plan (1998-2012) was in vogue and continued to
existence to this division.Timber removals from the area allocated to different Working Circle
were essentially on account of salvage removal, timber distribution to local right holder and
removals under Forest Conservation Act, 1980. No silviculture removals were carried out during
the approved plan period due to moratorium on green fellings in the State. The incidental timber
removal from the forest were far below from the prescribed annual yield under various Working
Circle, except in the case Chil Working Circle and Eucalyptus Working Circle where removal
are in excess of the prescribed yield due to salvage removals.
dynamics of environmental management. Important issues that required focused attention during
the Twelfth Plan are:-
i) Securing ecology of watershed and catchment.
ii) Cumulative Environmental Impact Assessment (CEIAs) for vulnerable regions.
iii) Carrying capacity studies in selected river basins.
iv) Maintaining acceptable water quality and quantity through pollution control of water
v) Restoration of wet lands & lakes etc., and
vi) Management of waste water discharge from Industrial and Commercial establishment
into major water bodies.
For more than a century (1895-2002) the forests have experienced periods of extreme
events. Until 1895 there was no definite record of forest management, in fact, 1890, regarding the
type of vegetation and forest management in the tract dealt with is available. Like other parts of
the country, the forests of Sirmur District had richness, vastness and were a coveted place for
wildlife hunting. Mr. John Northem in his book, "Guide to Masuri," (1884) says "Nearly the
whole of the dominions of the Raja of Sirmur is one vast forest, the open valleys, a dense jungle
of high grass, and the consequence is, that instead of thousands and thousands of happy and
contented villagers, the land is given to the beasts of the field and the birds of the air. It is useless
to dwell on the short-sightedness of a policy so manifestly opposed to every principle of political
economy. Timber might pay a contractor; it never paid a nation. If the population is the wealth of
a country, it is useless to ask it to feed on timber. The earnings of a prolific population pay the
most to the State in a hundred ways". With this description, it is clear that the tract was once
occupied by dense forests inhabited by wild animals like Elephant, Tiger, Panther, Sambar,
Chital, Barking deer, etc.
With the passage of time, it seems that the policy of the Government changed and
clearance of woods to bring more and more land under agriculture continued unabated. Land
revenue being the main source of revenue to the State, agriculturists like bahaties and sainies
were invited from Hoshiarpur areas of Punjab to clear the forest of Dun valley during the regime
of Raja Shamsher Prakash. At one stage in the late nineteenth century, it was felt that there has
been extreme destruction of forests leading to high floods in the Markanda river. Shri Bal Gobind
in 1901 has mentioned in the biography of Raja Shamsher Singh Parkash, Once upon a time
when the Markanda flood washed away many villages, roads and bridges, the railway company
wrote to the Raja, holding him responsible for this loss of life and property, as being the result of
his carelessly ordering the cutting of the forests on the banks and the source of the River
Markanda, which is not more than seven miles from Nahan". On reading the letter, Raja
Shamsher Parkash, took vigorous measures for the preservation of the forests.
After the Gorkha war of 1804-1815, forests were leased to traders at a fixed annual income not
exceeding Rs. 20,000/-. There was no restriction regarding the number of trees to be felled.
Traders removed best quality sal, sain, haldu, khair and shisham trees ruthlessly, which led to the
deterioration of the quality of forests.
First step to manage the forests on some scientific principles was taken by the
Enlightened Maharaja Sir Shamsher Parkash (1856-1898) who introduced in 1890 the rawana
system to control the felling and extraction of trees. He also took steps to demarcate and declare
the forests as Reserved Forests under Chapter II of the Indian Forest Act. During this very period,
Forest Settlement and Revenue Settlement were also carried out. The Forest Settlement was
termed as Faisla-e-janglat. No rights were admitted to the local people but numerous concessions
were allowed. Practically nothing was done in the direction of regenerating the forests. Despite
the fact that the main emphasis was on controlling the fellings, selected good quality trees of
important species which were in great demand, continued to be felled on large scale leading to
depletion of the stock and quality of the forests.It was only in 1895 that the first regular working
plan for the tract was prepared.
The overall period of management of the Nahan Forest Division can be covered into the
following WP:
11.2.2 Period from 1916-1932: There was no regular working plan during this period. Forest
officials/officers selected the annual coupes. During this period generally retired Forest Officers
from British India were employed. These officers selected the best and easily approachable areas
to provide higher revenue to the State exchequer. This resulted in depletion of good quality
healthy trees of valuable species like sal, sain, shisham, khair and chil. Gregarious flowering of
bamboo occurred in 1915. These bamboo areas were effectively and timely closed resulting in
good regeneration and helped in the bamboo rehabilitation in these areas.
11.2.3 Sewal's Working Plan (1933-34 to 1952-53): Sewal's Working Plan provided
management for the entire tract of Nahan Forest Division. Sewal's Working Plan was in fact the
first working plan of the area prescribing scientific management of the forests. Under this
working plan following general objects of management were aimed at:
i) To preserve, improve and extend the existing Sal, Chir Bamboo and miscellaneous forests
wherever the soil and other factors are suitable for the species.
ii) To satisfy the legitimate demands of the local population for forest produce and grazing in
accordance with the Faisla-e-Janglat.
iii) To ensure a sustained annual yield and to attain the normal forest and establish normal
iv) To maintain and improve forest cover on the Bairuni dhar, along the slopes adjoining the Giri
and on the bare outer hills of the Siwaliks which are particularly liable to erosion.
Sewal anticipated difficulties like encroachments, poor quality and extreme limit of the habitat of
sal lack of demand for ballies, fuel, grazing by local people and grazing and lopping by migratory
gujjars for achieving the objects of management. To achieve the objects of management
following Working circles were constituted
The Sal Conversion Working circle 16032 Ha
The Bamboo Working Circle 13456 Ha
The Miscellaneous Working Circle 41156 Ha
The Chil Working Circle 8519 Ha
Unallotted areas 17139 Ha
Total 99302 Ha
A ) The Sal Conversion Working Circle : All pure sal forests fit for conversion to uniform
under shelterwood fellings were allotted to this working circle. Some pure sal forests which
offered difficulty in regeneration and conversion to uniform were excluded. The total area
allotted was 16032 ha. The silviculture system adopted was Conversion to Uniform under
Shelterwood with natural regeneration rotation and conversion period of 100 years, with
regeneration period of 25 years was adopted. Four periodic blocks (PB's) were formed P.B.I was
allotted and the remaining area was grouped as P.B. unallotted.
Result of Working: There was an epidemic attack of sal borer (Hoplocerambyx spinicornis)
causing serious destruction of sal trees and thus upsetting all the prescribed fellings. The area
allotted to PB1 had established regeneration and the trees DBH 30 cms were retained as advanced
growth. All the dead dry, dying, and unsound trees were to be marked for felling. After felling all
the areas were closed for grazing for 10 years. The PB unalloted were allotted into 20 felling
coups. In these areas thinning with marking rules was prescribed.
B ) The Bamboo (Overlapping) Working Circle: Bamboo was to be worked on 4 years felling
cycle. Simple marking rules prohibiting the Uprooting of rhizome, cutting of one year old
clumps, cutting of clumps not above 15 cm. to 30 cm. ht were prescribed. Artificial regeneration
by one year old nursery seedlings of bamboo was also prescribed. Overwood of miscellaneous
species was to be topped thinned to help regeneration and protection of bamboo. It was envisaged
that the demand of bamboo for paper pulp shall increase in near future and thus making the
bamboo forests a paying proposition Possibilities of further extension of bamboo were to be
explored Exclusion of gujar grazing was suggested Control over the grazing of state elephants
was suggested.
Result of Working: The rules of working prescribed were not followed Bamboo forest being
inaccessible were not worked Digging of rhizomes by contractors and local people continued.
Lopping of bamboos by local people and gujars and damage by wild animals continued unabated.
All this led to malformation and congestion of clumps. The proportion of bamboo from these
miscellaneous forests went on decreasing at a rapid pace. Due to mismanagement, bamboo
disappeared from many areas. No artificial regeneration was done. However, areas where
gregarious flowering occurred during 1921-22, were closed to grazing for 10 years and were
successfully restocked. As a whole, the condition of the bamboo forest deteriorated.
C) The Miscellaneous Working Circle: (41,156 ha.). More than 50% of the total area covered
under Sewal's Working plan was allotted to this working circle. Pure or mixed sal forests
considered unsuitable for working under a Uniform system and areas under miscellaneous
species without extensive blanks were allotted to this working circle.
Selection-cum-improvement fellings were prescribed with a view to meet local demands
and improve the existing crop. It was envisaged that due to lack of demand, sale of marked trees
may not be feasible 50 annual coupes were formed. Marking rules prescribed for marking of sal
and sain trees over 37.5 cm and 45 cm dbh. respectively for improving the existing crop. No tree
was to be marked for felling unless As removal benefited the existing crop. Climber cutting was
prescribed. Gujjars grazing was to be excluded except in the areas near Nahan town, where it was
to be accommodated for the supply of milk to town. No closure to grazing was prescribed due to
heavy burden of grazing by local people and gujjars.
Result of Working: The marking rules and sequence of felling was not followed. Heavy felling
was carried out in certain accessible areas. Overgrazing continued The proportion of valuable
species was reduced due to selective fellings. No cultural operations were carried out During this
period the condition of these forests deteriorated leading to the depletion of bigger sizes trees of
valuable species.
D) The Chil Working Circle (8,519 ha.): Few forests of Paonta Range viz Samon, Kanon,
Kando-Bharog and chil forests of Jamta Range (Nahan Division), were covered and alloted to
this working circle.
E) Unallotted Areas (17,139 ha.): These areas comprised mostly precipitous, blank, hillsides,
nalah beds, grassy blanks, scrub forests and isolated patches of sal chil or kokat forests. Most of
the areas were heavily grazed.
Special Works of Improvement Under-taken:
(a) Sowing and Planting: No sowing and planting on any large scale was done. Deodar was
successfully planted in Nigali and natural regeneration of deodar protected in Sanog (Sewa)
forests. Propagation of bhabar was undertaken in Siwaliks. Planting under Tongia system was
undertaken in Dondli-tapper and Khojar forests of Bhagani Range. Area has been permanently
occupied by the Tongia cultivators. (b) Fire Protection: Fire lines were planned and control
burning was carried out 5 metres wide, Block line separating good quality sal forests of Majra
and Paonta Ranges from miscellaneous and poor quality sal was cleared.
(c) Demarcation: All the forests reserved under chapter II of Indian Forest Act were demarcated.
Boundary separating Ambala district was demarcated by constructing large lime mortar masonry
(d) Building: New Forest Guard-huts were constructed at Gurdwara, Matter, Pilhori, Bohal and
(e) Roads: No new roads were constructed.
(f) Forest Settlement: Forest settlement was also carried out simultaneously with the revision of
working plan. A detailed record of right (Faisla-e-junglat) for each forest was Prepared.
Results: The objects of management set forth were not even partially achieved. The prescriptions
of working led to the preservation and improvement of sal forests allotted to Sal Conversion
Working Circle. In case of other forests, there were unregulated fellings leading to deterioration
of the growing stock. No regeneration operations were carried in any forests and thus no
extension of the forest area took place.
A) The Sal Conversion Working Circle (13,357 ha.): All good sal forests suitable for
conversion to uniform crop were allotted to this working circle. In Sewal's plan the area allotted
to this Working circle was 16032 ha. Malgi, Garibnath Garhi, Banswali, Pipalwali, Bherewali,
Jamotwa, Paniwali, Kiarda, Katapather, Surajpur, Mahadev-ka-khala, Kothewali, Ambwali and
Katasan forests allotted to sal conversion Working Circle in the previous plan, were not allotted
to this working circle. Kandhela and Uttamwala-baraban forests were added to this working
Silvicultural system, rotation, regeneration period adopted were the same as in the last plan
definite areas were allotted to P.B. I, II and V. P.B. III and I were grouped together and termed as
P.B. inter. The area allotted to each P.B. was
P.B. I 1 2,362 ha.
P.B. II 2,837 ha
P.B. Intermediate 5,839 ha.
P.B. V 2,319 ha.
The entire growing stock in this working circle was enumerated in 10 cm classes down to
20 cm. sal and sain were enumerated separately and other species were grouped together as
kokat The yield from P.B. I. was prescribed by volume and annual yield prescribed was 3002
cum. No definite annual coupes were formed, but the sequence of felling was suggested. Definite
marking rules for P.B.L. were prescribed and those were the same as in the previous plan. C/D
grade thinning was also prescribed in advance growth which was not prescribed in the previous
plan. Subsidiary silvicultural operation after fellings in P.B.I. areas was also prescribed.
P.B ll: Definite areas with middle-aged to mature crops capable of putting on appreciable
increment with deficient or no advance growth were allotted to P.B.11. The object of treatment of
these areas was to enable middle-aged crop to put on maximum increment and toinduce natural
regeneration. It was to be ensured that small openings are done in the canopy to induce
regeneration but the mature stock was not to be depleted till the areas are transferred to P.B.I. As
per yield calculations, 40% of the selection trees (50 cm. dbh) were to be felled in the felling
period. Openings were to be created in the canopy (Pepper Pot) by felling the selection trees and
D grade thinnings. The felling cycle of 10 years was fixed. Subsidiary silvicultural operations
were also prescribed.
P.B. Intermediate: The middle-aged crops not allotted to other P.B. were allotted to this P.B.
Controlled fellings with thinnings were prescribed. As per yield calculations, 33% of selection
trees were to be felled in the felling period of 10 years. Definite fellings coupes were laid down
and C/D thinnings were prescribed. Subsidiary silvicultural operations were also prescribed
which included felling of marked trees and climber cutting.
P.B.V: Those areas which were having established regeneration were allotted to this
P.B.Removal of overwood and cleaning and thinnings in young crop were prescribed. The yield
was prescribed damaged regeneration and climber cutting was prescribed in subsidiary
silvicultural operations.
Results: The working plan was finalized only two years before the expiry of the working plan
period and as such, it is not expected that the prescription of the working plan was followed even
before the plan was finalized. As per the details of fellings given in the succeeding working plan
by Arya, no over fellings were done in P.B.I. The pace of regeneration was poor as the areas
could not be effectively closed. Although the regeneration period was suggested as 35 years but
closures of P.B.1. felled areas were suggested for only 10 years. Even this could not be enforced
Subsidiary silvicultural operations were ignored.
B)The Selection Working Circle (23282 ha): Sal areas not considered suitable for conversion to
uniform crop due to poor quality and steep slopes and chil forests were allotted to this Working
circle. The area of chil forests allotted was 1174 ha. Mature groups of sal were to be opened for
obtaining regeneration. Such areas were to be closed to grazing. Cutting back of malformed and
suppressed advance growth was prescribed. Cleaning in chil regeneration was prescribed.
Results: Neither the sequence of fellings prescribed was followed nor the entire area prescribed
for felling was felled. Felled areas were not closed to grazing. Marking rules were not followed
properly. The result was the depletion of mature trees and lack of regeneration. On siderable
damage was done to the crop by indiscriminate lopping. Due to continued grazing, new
regeneration was not allowed to come up. There are gujjar paraos in these forests and these
gujjars did considerable damage to trees in the paraos and adjoining areas.
C) The Protection Working Circle (26,986 ha.): Forests having mixed miscellaneous kokat
species with poor quality sal and open blanks, steep and precipitous terrain were allotted to this
working circle. Some bamboo forests were also included in this working circle.No commercial
fellings were prescribed. Afforestation and soil conservation measures were prescribed to be
carried out. Bhabber planting was also to be done. The area to be tackled annually was prescribed
as 101 ha. This was very small keeping in view the total area of 36,986 ha. of the Working circle.
Results: Against the prescribed area of 1010 ha, during the working plan period, 1711 ha. area
was closed and soil conservation measures were carried out. Forests closedwere Mandpa,
Haripur, Lohgarh, Shishamwala, Thaska, Saketi, Trilokpur, Gumti Sambhalwa, Paniwali,
Rampur Gainda, Andheri, Gurdwara, Sangholi and Toderpur. Parts of these forests were closed
due to which vegetation was improved. Bhabber grass planting was successful. Natural
regeneration of other species, especially khair came up. Fencing of the closed area was done by
thorny bushes. The closure was not very effective but still, there was an improvement in the
vegetation. Since the extent of the area treated was very small (not even 0.5% of the total area)
results of working were not very prominently visible. There were forest fires which further
reduced this is Most of the areas treated were along the Haryana border and subjected to heavy
illicit grazing.
D) Plantation Working Circle: (2,981 ha): Existing plantations of ban and deodar riverain areas
and grasslands with scanty trees growth were allotted to this working circle. 40 ha area was
prescribed to be planted annually. Deodar, walnut, simbal, khair, shisham, ailanthus, chil, kikkar
willows, tur and mulburry were to be raised in sites suited to these species. Thinnings in the
existing deodar plantation in Nagali were prescribed.
Results: Plantations were carried in a total area of 162 ha. Nothing was carried out in the deodar
plantation. With the closure, natural regeneration also came in. Plantations carried out we
encouraging although the closures were not very effective. Plantations were attempted in Giri,
Rampur Bed Yamuna and Jamotwa, Rajpur, Naurangabad and Gorakhpur. Plantations of Giri,
Rampur Beli and Yamuna which form the beds of Giri and Yamuna were damaged by floods
grazing and lopping.
E) The Bamboo (Over Lapping) Working Circle (7,386 ha.): Bamboo-bearing forests Nahan
Range which could be profitably exploited for bamboo extraction were allotted to this working
circle These areas were overlapping in Selection and Protection Working Circle. Four-year
felling cycle was prescribed and one-fourth of the total area was to be felled annually. Definite
annual coupes were prescribed. Detailed cutting rules and prescriptions were prescribed.
Artificial regeneration of bamboo was also suggested.
Results: These forests could not be worked as prescribed. Gregarious flowering of bamboos took
place in 1958. No steps could be taken for the planting of bamboo. Only about 100 ha. of the area
closed in Maidhar forest. This area was regenerated adequately. Congested clumps of bamboo
were not felled by the purchasers. A lot of damage was done by grazing and indiscriminate
lopping. Large number of basket makers are living in the vicinity of bamboo forests. These
people took part in the random felling of new bamboo shoots which lead to the degradation of
bamboo crop. The overall result has been that bamboo areas were covered by poor-quality
bamboo. It became difficult to sell these bamboo forests at any price.
(g) Bamboo park: Bamboo parks were established at Ramuwala Dhudia and Simbalbara.
Bamboo did well only in Dhudla and some remnants are visible. Bamboos have failed in
Ramuwala and Simbalbara.
11.2.5 Period From 1963 to 1968: Sharma and Tiku Plan expired in 1963 and Arya's plan was
operative from 1968. During this felling period program was framed by the Conservator of
Forests, Nahan and approved by the Chief Conservator of Forests, Himachal Pradesh. Allotment
remained the same as in Sharma and Tiku's Working plan. The prescriptions were also the same.
The result of working was also the same as described in the preceding paragraphs, while
discussing the result of past management under Sharma and Tiku Plan. The only additional
feature was the fellings for eucalyptus plantations.
A) Eucalyptus Plantations: During III Five Year Plan lot of emphasis was laid on industrial
plantations. Under this crash programme, a total area of 2165 Sal belt and in the
miscellaneous forests (leaving some standards) was felled during 1963-68 to 1967-68 and was
planted with Eucalyptus, (mostly Mysore hybrid). The species was later identified as Eucalyptus
tereticornis. The break up of this area falling in each working circle is as under:
Sal Conversion Working Circle 353
Results: Eucalyptus planted in localities with deep soil and good moisture regime grew very well
but it failed in sloping land with poor soil. Further planting of eucalyptus was stopped keeping in
view its poor growth.
11.2.6 Arya's Working Plan (April, 1968 to March 1978): Shri SR Arya revised the Working
Plan for Nahan Forest Division and his working plan was for a period of 10 years from April
1968 to March 1978.
The General objectives of management were:
i) To preserve and improve vegetation cover all over, especially on the Siwaliks and soil erosion
and conserve the moisture.
ii) To cover the blank hillsides with tree cover and replace the inferior miscellaneous patches
with suitable and more economic plantations preferably of fast-growing and pulpwood species.
iii) To prevent erosion by afforestation and other soil conservation measures.
iv) To meet the legitimate and bonafide requirements of the local population, of timber fuelwood,
grazing, fodder and other forest produce and fuel requirement of Nahan and Paonta Sahib.
v) To attain, as far as practicable, normal forest and normal regeneration in due course of time.
vi) Consistent with the above, to obtain maximum annual yield in perpetuity, of various forests
products timber fuelwood, bhabber grass and bamboo, etc.
With these objects of management in view, he constituted the following Working circles:
A) Sal Conversion Working Circle (10866 ha.)
B) The Selection Working Circle (21780 ha.)
C) The Protection Working Circle (28104 ha.)
D) The Plantation (overlapping) WC (4109 ha.)
E) The Bamboo (overlapping) WC (2000 ha.)
The result of management of the forests allotted to different working circles is discussed herein
A) The Sal Conversion Working Circle (10,866 ha.): All forests containing almost pure sal and
situated on gentle slopes were allotted to this Working Circle. The system of management
adopted was Modified Uniform System for converting the existing irregular crop into a more or
less uniform crop. A rotation period of 125 years was adopted. The area was divided into 5 P.B's.
The entire growing stock of this working circle was enumerated into different dia classes down to
10 cm d.b.h. for sal, sain and other species grouped as kokat.
Results: The overall result was improper marking without following the marking rules,
subsidiary silvicultural operations were not carried out leading to lack of regeneration.No area of
nahan forest division was felled.
B) Selection Working Circle(21,780 ha.): All Sal forests which were not considered suitable for
conversion into uniform and mixed forests with a good proportion of sal were allotted to this
working circle. Areas with Chil as the main crop were also allotted to this working circle. The
objects of management were (i) to improve and increase the growing stock (ii) To nurse the
young crop (iii) To meet the requirements of locale people for timber, fuel, fodder, etc. (iv) To
obtain progressively increasing yield. The total area allotted to this Working circle was 21,780
ha. Enumeration of the entire growing stock in 10 cm. diameter classes upto 10 cm was
done. The forests were prescribed to be worked under the Selection system with thinnings in
groups of young crop. Exploitable diameter for sal, sain, shisham was fixed at 40 cm, and that for
chil as 60 cm coupes for felling were prescribed. The entire area was to be gone over in 10 years.
Some suggestions to dbh, for khair 30 cm., and for all other species as 40 cm. dbh. 10-year
felling cycle was fixed. Annual restriction in grazing and enforcement of lopping rules were
incorporated in the plan, but they could not be followed in letter and spirit. Resin tapping in the
chil forest continued.
Result: There was no prescription for regeneration in this working circle. Natural regeneration
was deficient due to excessive biotic pressure. Fellings led to depletion of growing stock. In
general the forests were badly neglected. The Standard of resin tapping was poor and very deep
channels were made leading to uprooting and death of trees.
C) Protection Working Circle (28,104 ha).: All mixed miscellaneous type of forests were
alloted to this working circle. The objects of management were (i) To improve the vegetation
cover (ii) To carry out sowings and planting (iii) To check soil erosion and conserve moisture (iv)
To conserve and improve bhabber grass (V) To raise chil and deodar in blank areas of Kamraoo-
Bharli dhar. The total area ported to this working circle was 28104 ha. No enumerations were
done. No fellings were prescribed and treatment of soil conservation and plantation was
Results: Small patches were treated and planted. Due to continuous grazing and lopping by loc. I
people, gujjars and illicit grazing by migratory graziers, the conditions of these forests
deteriorated. Planting activities was negligible. About 42% of the area was not even touched.
D) Plantation Working Circle (4,109 ha.): Forests allotted to this working circle overlapped
with the conversion, Selection and Protection Working Circles.
Nilgali plantation: Deodar planting in Nigali forests was taken up in early thirties and it was
continuing Deodar plantations were doing very well. Thinning was prescribed but not carried out.
This plantation, however, now fall in Renuka, forest Division.
New Plantations: About 3514 area was taken under plantations in different forests from 1968-69
to 1977-78. The annual target of 50 ha planting was fixed.
Results: Eucalyptus plantations were not attended to. The success of planting in other areas
planted was very good. Flood in giri and Yamuna damaged the plantation in R.F's, Giri, Yamuna,
kaunchbeli and Rampurbeli.
E) The Bamboo Working Circle (2000ha): Miscellaneous scrub forest with predominantly
bamboo bearing patches located in Nahan range was allotted to this working circle. The total area
of bamboo predominant patches was assessed as approx. 2000 ha. This was confined to Jabal,
Maidhar Shikardi, and Tribhuni forests. The objects of management were to carry out operations
to improve the stocking and rehabilitate the flowered areas to meet the genuine needs of the
people and cottage industry. Method of treatment, felling cycle, and marking rules were
prescribed. The annual yield was also assessed as about 235 tones.
Results: After 1974-75, no felling of bamboo was done due to pressure for fodder etc. was an
overall depletion in the growing stock and clumps became congested. The quality of bamboos
deteriorated to such an extent that commercial fellings were not possible. Efforts made during
1981-82 to sell bamboo coupes did not succeed and no offer was received. In general both the
extent and quality of bamboo areas deteriorated.
11.2.8 B.S. Chauhan's Plan (1982-92): This plan was for a period of ten years beginning from
1982 83. However the approved working plan was available only in 1992, ie, after the expiry of
the plan period. Late approval of working plan created a lot of confusion in the working of
forests. The copy of the draft working plan available in the forest divisions prescribed following
Working circles in the Plan:
A) Sal Conversion Working CircleCircle
B) Coppice Working Circle
C) Protection cum afforestation Working Circle
D) Chir Working Circle
E) Eucalyptus (O.L.) Working Circle
F) Bamboo (O.L.) Working Circle
The forests were to be worked in accordance with the prescriptions of the draft plan. However,
the approved plan actually has the following Working circles:
A) Sal Conversion Working Circle
B) Protection-cum-afforestation Working Circle
C) Chir Working Circle
D) Eucalyptus (O.L.) Working Circle
E) Bamboo (O.L.) Working Circle
Thus, the forests coming under "Coppice Working Circle", as shown in the draft plan, were
finally allotted to "Protection-cum-afforestation Working circle" in the approved plan. Although
some of these forests were actually worked as coppice lots in accordance with the prescriptions of
draft plan. However, the results of these workings were highly discouraging. Not even a single
forest worked under coppice has regenerated fully. The Misc. Broad leaved/ khair areas of the
present Trilokpur Nahan and Kolar ranges which were felled are in a very bad shape. The main
reason for this sorry state is the total neglect of subsidiary operations. No felled area was fenced
properly. This resulted in heavy grazing in these areas due to which no regeneration could come
up. At present these areas give a very eroded look. The control forms for the years 1982-92 were
also approved in accordance with provisions/guidelines contained in the draft plan. This,
however, requires modifications that are actually carried out in this current plan.
A) Sal Conversion Working Circle (18298.89 ha): All pure sal forests of comparatively good
quality, growing in flatlands and gentle slopes were allotted to this working circle. Some of the
sal forests allotted to Selection Working Circle in Arya's plan, were also allotted to this working
circle. The main criteria of allotment were that the forests contained mostly pure sal crop and the
conditions being such that natural regeneration of sal could be obtained. The main object of
constituting this Working circle was to convert the existing irregular crop into more or less
uniform crop. . The silvicultural system adopted was a "Uniform system with fixed periodic
blocks". No enumerations were carried out in this plan.
Result of Sal Conversion Working Circle:.The overall result was improper working, ignoring
of subsidiary Silvicultural operations: restrictions on green felling after 1986-87, variance in the
prescriptions of draft plan over-prescription of yield. The overall yield of this Working circle was
prescribed as 41000 cum, which was gross overestimation and it was not achieved. All this led to
lack of regeneration. Some damage was caused due to migratory as well as local graziers.
B) Protection cum Afforestation Working Circle (40,925.17 ha.): All areas excluding the areas
allotted to Sal Conversion Working Circle, Chil Working Circle and pockets of Eucalyptus
plantation, were allotted to this working circle. This included poor quality sal forests which were
allotted to Selection Working Circle in Arya's Plan. All miscellaneous scrub forests were also
included in this Working Circle. The total area of this working circle was 40,925. 17 ha, out of
this about 27,612 ha. had moderately stocked miscellanenous broad-leaved forests or moderately
stocked poor quality sal forests. This area was initially allotted to Coppice Working Circle in the
draft working plan, and a definite yield by area (552 ha per annum) was prescribed. A few forests
like R-86 East Bheron C2 and R-103 Rama C2 were infact been worked as coppice lots as
prescribed in the sequence of fellings for Coppice Working Circle in the draft plan. However,
later on in the approved plan, the entire area was put into Protection cum Afforestation Working
Circle This was a serious lapse and mistake which resulted due to late approval and receipt of the
approved Chauhan's plan. The main objectives of management of this working circle were (i) To
improve vegetative cover (ii) To maintain existing forests for aesthetic reasons (iii) To carry out
planting of timber, fuel, fodder and other species (iv) To protect and introduce bhabbar grass (v)
To conserve soil and water by carrying out suitable conservation measures.
Results: There was a lot of variation in the prescriptions of the draft plan and approved plan.
There was confusion in working as well. Although R.F. Maidhar C-5 was felled during 1982-83
and R.F. Dhandla C-11 & Danda Amboya C-5 during 1984-85 under coppice system but they
should not have been felled because coppice system was done away with in the approved plan.
Although these areas were felled as coppice lots but no attention was given on subsidiary
silvicultural operations for regenerating the felled areas. As the result, the areas could not be
regenerated effectively. There was heavy biotic interference in these areas which badly affected
the regeneration. Other prescriptions too were not followed strictly. The plantation program was
not followed properly. The forest was continuously subjected to heavy biotic pressures. The new
plantations were not very successful. Soil erosion went on unabated. As a result, the forest
continued to degrade and growing stock got depleted. No regeneration came up in the felled areas
listed above. This was mainly due to ineffective and untimely closure and heavy grazing,
browsing and lopping.
C) Chil Working Circle : (1027.04 ha): Chauhan's Plan included the chil areas of Nahan and
Paonta Sahib Forests Divisions in this working circle. Chil was however confined to Kanser
Block of Girinagar Range. The forests contained good quality chil with poor stocking. The main
object of constituting this working circle was to improve the stocking of existing forests. Since
the area under chil was limited, no regular working on the principles for chil management was
prescribed. Salvage marking and markings of trees to meet the requirement of local right holders
was prescribed. Biannual plantation program in blanks was suggested. Resin tapping in
accordance with the Punjab Forest Leaflet no. 13 was to be carried out.
Results: Since no specific working prescriptions were given, nothing specific work was carried
out. Planting programme was not followed. However, certain areas were taken up for planting
without any significant achievement. T.D. was also given from these forests. This together with
heavy salvage removals resulted in depletion of overall growing stock. Resin tapping was carried
out in gross violation of the instructions on the subject and deep channels were dug.
Consequently, several trees got uprooted or died. In nutshell, the basic objective of improving the
stocking could not be achieved at all.
D) Eucalyptus (Over Lapping) Working Circle (727.62 ha): This Working circle overlapped
the areas of Sal Conversion Working Circle and Protection cum Afforestation Working Circle.
Eucalyptus was planted from 1964-65 to 1977-78. The main objectives of management include
(i) Felling of stagnating eucalyptus plantations, regenerating the area with coppice crop
supplemented with planting of fodder species. (ii) To fell eucalyptus to meet the local
requirement of fuelwood and small timber. No enumerations were carried out in this working
circle. Specific marking rules were framed. Specific subsidiary silvicultural operations such as
bush cutting, fencing, singling of coppice shoots in the 2nd year, planting of suitable species, etc.
were suggested. Miscellaneous regulations were prescribed. It was provided that management of
these areas should be reviewed after the first rotation of 10 years. (The entire area was to be
felled in a period of 10 years)
Results: No area was felled after 1987-88. Even before that areas were not felled strictly in
accordance with the prescriptions. However, all the areas felled have regenerated well with
coppice crop which has almost reached pole stage. It is sad to point out that no subsidiary
silvicultural operations were carried out as per the provisions. Coppice shoots were not singled
out. The regeneration has not put up the desired growth. The crop has become quite congested.
There is a thick bushy growth of rohini, lantana, gurbheli, etc. besides the regeneration, which
has hampered the growth of the crop. Thus, despite the fact that felled areas have regenerated, the
objectives of management were not achieved fully.
E) Bamboo (O.L.) Working Circle [ 1132 ha ]: This Working circle included the Bamboo
bearing areas, which overlapped Protection cum Afforestation Working Circle. They mainly fall
in Nahan and Trilokpur Ranges. Bamboo forests included in this working circle were mostly
found in areas mixed with other broad-leaved species such as sain, chhal, amaltas, amia, jhingan
etc. These areas have been subjected to continuous lopping, illicit and unscientific cutting of
bamboos, reckless hacking, etc. This has resulted in congested clumps and poor quality crop of
bamboo. Main objects of management of this working circle include, Rehabilitate the bamboo
forests which were congested and heavily lopped (i) To improve the stocking of inferior species
of bamboos by better species (i) To preserve and propagate bamboos in suitable areas to meet the
genuine demand of local people. The entire area of the working circle was to be worked on 5
years rotation. The yield was prescribed in terms of area. However, no effort was made to have
an equal annual yield. Felling rules were prescribed. Specific Subsidiary Silvicultural Operations
were also provided. Several miscellaneous regulations were suggested. However, all of these
prescriptions were badly ignored. Bamboo was never felled strictly in accordance with the
prescribed plan. Fellings rules were overlooked. Subsidiary Silvicultural operations never
followed. This resulted in an overall degradation of bamboo crop.
Results: As already discussed, felling program was not followed strictly. Fellings rules were not
followed. Subsidiary silvicultural operations were overlooked. Miscellaneous regulations were
badly ignored. This resulted in an overall degradation of the bamboo crop. It became congested.
The areas were subjected to excessive grazing and unscientific cutting. The quality of bamboos
became extremely poor. The objectives of management received a severe jolt on account of bad
working and lack of silvicultural operations.
11.2.9 Vineet’s Working Plan ( 1998-99 to 2012-13): The general objective of management
was to improve the forest cover of Nahan Forest division. The following Working Circles were
prescribed in this WP:
Forest area under different working circles: The statement showing the area of working circle
and their range-wise distribution is given in the table 11.1 below.
Table 11.2 Statement showing the area of working circle
Sal WC Coppice Chil Prot. Bamboo Eucalyptus Khair Total
WC WC cum (OL) WC WC Area
Reh. WC
Nahan 2265.56 2733.61 0 154.6 120 254.94 433.76 8962.47
Kolar 738.98 6575.48 0 505.97 0 88.21 93.85 8002.49
Trilokpur 0 3337.67 0 3465.35 859.48 14.46 334.44 8011.40
Jamta 0 373.2 2926.45 2968.76 0 66.20 96.24 6430.85
A) Sal Working Circle: It generally covered all the Sal forest of the area .The main criteria for
allotment to this was the presumption that Sal regeneration can be obtained there. The poor Sal
forest which were allotted in Chauhan’s WP under Protection cum Afforestation WC were also
included in Sal WC. The density & quality of Sal crop Forest varied from site to site. This was
due to biotic pressure on each forest. Natural regeneration was also very poor due to poor
viability of Seed. The Sal forest was bifurcated into two aategories:
1) Type A: It included Sal Forest having predominant mature Sal trees. Coppice Regeneration
was deficient. Such forest has been specially mentioned as Type A.
2) Type B: It included the area where regeneration is mainly from coppice. It was supplemented
by artificial planting. All the areas not categorized in type A were presumed as TYPE B.The total
area of WC in Nahan Division allotted was 3004.54 Ha. Only one Series was formed. Stock maps
were prepared on 1:15000 scale and were filed in CH files. Complete enumeration has been
carried out in PB 1 & PB 1V areas. Growing stock in others PB’s has been assessed randomly by
sample technique. The class-wise, forest-wise, species-wise, details are given in CH files.
Table 11.3 Showing Range-wise area under Sal WC
Name of Sal WC Total Area (Ha)
Nahan 32.64 1150.12 1082.8 0 2265.56
Kolar 0 245.26 448.44 45.28 738.98
Trilokpur 0 0 0 0 0
Jamta 0 0 0 0 0
Shelterwood system with fixed periodic block has been adopted for this WC. Preference was
given to regeneration with coppice origin in TYPE B forest. Emphasis was given to regeneration
of seed origin and artificial sowing /planting of Sal and associates in Type A category areas. The
main species was Sal. The local species were also desirable due to various reasons. Sain,
Mulberry, Jamun were planted as per site quality. The proportion of Sal and other species was
about 60 % & 40%. The common associate species like Sandan, Arjun, Behra, Neem, Jamun, etc
were also given space. Keeping in view the rate of growth, the exploitable diameter was fixed as
40 cms. In Sal forest of quality class III Dia class of an average 40cms is attained in 118 years.
Thus, rotation is kept 120 years with regeneration period of 30 years. The working circle was
divided into 4 periodic blocks. P B1 areas having mature & over mature over wood having some
regeneration with low crown density. PB II areas included supporting nearly mature over wood
without regeneration or scanty regeneration. The PB III included all other areas which were not
included in any of the PB’s discussed above. The detail of allotment of forest in PB’s was also
tabulated. The felling cycle was 30 years as the regeneration period was 30 years.
The yield was regulated by volume, PB-wise, Species-wise, Class-wise as per the Von Montel
Annual Yield: PB 1 areas = 25000 cum
P B 1V areas = 3000 cum
Total Yield = 28000cum
Other regulations like Closure, lopping, and Grazing, Fire Protection, Right Holders
requirements, Prevention against Sal Borer attack, Special treatment for various Small Blanks,
Regeneration assessment Survey, Regeneration Programme, and study of Regeneration growth
and technique were also described in detail.
Results: Due to the ban on green felling, the forests were never worked in accordance with the
prescription of the plan. Planting programs were also not adhered to. There was heavy biotic
pressure on the forests of the division. Soil erosion went on unabated.
The total area allotted to this WC is 13019.96 Hac. Only one Felling series was constituted. All
the forests allotted to this WC has been mapped. A complete enumeration of only Khair trees had
been done in 5cms dia classes down to 10 cms dia. The density was 0.1 to 0.5. Coppice with a
reserve system supplemented by artificial planting was prescribed. The local species were
preferred with emphasis on fuel & fodder. A dia of class 20 cms and 20 to 30 cms DBH of
rotation 30 years for coppice & 60 years for standard had been adopted. Two thinning were done
during rotation at intervals of 10 years, Felling cycle was of 10 years. Yield was prescribed by
areas. The total yield was 500 ha. Calculation of yield was not done by volume.A deviation of (+)
30 % in a year, and (+) 20 % cumulative at the end of each five-year block was permissible. The
sequence of the felling program was prescribed in the WP & it can be changed with the approval
of CCF WP keeping in view the yield & Deviation. In these areas closure against grazing may be
done in the Year of felling before 28th Feb So as to take full advantage of Coppice shoot.
Result: Prescriptions of working plan were not followed which resulted in poor crop.
C) CHIL WORKING CIRCLE: This WC covers Chil forests of Jamta range. An area of
2926.45 ha was included in the current WP. Only one Felling series was constituted. The stock
Map has been prepared on a 1: 15000 scales.
Table 11.5 Showing Range-wise area under Chil WC
Name of Sal WC Total Area (Ha)
Nahan 0 0 0 0 0
Kolar 0 0 0 0 0
Trilokpur 0 0 0 0 0
Jamta 846.20 1184.05 791.20 105.0 2926.45
The complete enumeration was done in PBI and PB IV areas. Random sampling was adopted for
enumeration in other PBs. Density varied from 0.3 to 0.6. Site quality was generally II / III. The
forests were managed under the Indian Irregular Shelterwood system. Keeping in view the MAI
and CAI & out turn of standard size timber the exploitable dia was kept 55 cms. Rotation of 100
years was prescribed. The regeneration period was 25 years. Four Periodic blocks that have been
constituted should also discuss the same. The allotment of areas to PB’s be checked. The crop
was open, thus felling cycle was kept as 25 years. The yield has been prescribed from PB I areas
& of chil spp only. There were two types of fellings:
1. Seeding felling
2. Final felling.
Annual yields were also prescribed based on the yield regulation under the Indian irregular
shelterwood system. However, following a ban on the green felling in the hills, these Chil forests
could not be worked in accordance with prescriptions laid down in the working plans. Thus only
salvage extraction of the dead and dry trees was allowed and such extraction was mainly done
through the HPSFDC Ltd. As no final felling could be carried out due to the ban, the canopy
could not be opened that would have favored the forest to be fully stocked with well-established
regeneration. Hence, generally, there is a lack of natural regeneration in these forests. However,
in some chil forests, one can come across small patches of natural regeneration of chil. 2000 m3/
year was fixed for PB I areas for both types of felling. The yield was controlled by volume. An
annual deviation of 10 % was allowed.
SEEDING FELLING: About 20-24 healthy vigorous growing trees with clear tall bole and
good crown are retained as seed bearer per ha. The distance was kept between 20 to 22 meters
and on warm aspect 19 to 20 meter & the number to retain are 24 to 28 trees as seed bearer. The
mother trees were prescribed to be kept at uniform space. The isolated poles were to be removed.
But due to ban on green felling during WP period no such activities be carried out.
FINAL FELLING: It applied to fully regenerated areas having height above 5 Meters and
regeneration has been control burnt at least thrice. All the seed bearers were to be removed except
the ones standing over unregenerated small gaps exceeding 20ha. But due to ban on green felling
during WP period no such activities be carried out. The WPO should discuss & keep this in mind
while finalising the same. The sequence of felling program is prescribed in the WP.
a. Fire protection: This can be correlated to a number of fire incidences and hence can show that
these steps were useful / not useful in controlling fire in the chil forests and hence shall form the
basis of prescriptions in the new WP with reference to fire management.
b. Controlled Burning: Fires during the dry summarise May / June. Measures to check the
menace of forest fires in chil were prescribed in different working plans. These measures
included clearing of fire lines, controlled burning and removal of inflammable chil pine needles
from the forest floor besides ensuring public awareness and participation in recent times. Fire
lines have been cleared and are being maintained in these chil forests. Control burning is carried
out periodically in the chil forests.
c. Resin Tapping: Prior to 1984, resin tapping was done by the conventional French cup and lip
method. This was found to have a damaging effect on the trees and the injury caused led to
mortality of the tree and also affected the quantity and quality of extractable timber. Besides,
resin could be extracted for a comparatively short period in the lifetime of the tree. This method
was gradually replaced by the improved Rill method of resin extraction devised by FRI which
induced sustainability in resin extraction and also ensured that the tree is not subject to
destructive means for resin extraction. From 1997 onwards, the tappable diameter for chil trees
which would be under tapping for the first time was fixed at 35 cm DBH.
Results: Following a ban on felling of green trees in the hills these chil forests could not be
worked in accordance with the prescriptions. Only salvage extraction of the dead and dry trees
was allowed and such extraction was mainly done through HPSFCL. As no final felling could be
carried out due to ban, the canopy could not open up to favour natural regeneration. Hence, there
is generally a lack of regeneration in these forests.
The total area is 10094.68 ha under this WC. The stock map has been prepared on 1: 15000 scale
map in respective CH files. No enumeration has been carried out in this WC. Crop density varied
greatly in these areas from its eroded to well-stocked forest. Natural regeneration was almost
absent. No commercial fellings were prescribed. Although no scientific felling was prescribed
salvage removal of dry, dead, fallen trees was prescribed to be carried out. No yield, exploitable
dia, regeneration/rotation was prescribed. The forests were mainly divided into 3 categories:
a) Badly eroded areas: To protect them effectively denudation be prevented, no removal was
allowed & for soil conservation measures, small vegetative measures, the introduction of good
quality grass species; the selection of areas by ACF/ RO was prescribed.
b) Grassy Blank: They were proposed to be planted with local species.
c) Wooded areas: The forests were merely for protection purposes. Gap planting was proposed
with small vegetative measures. Other regulations were effective closer, grazing, Lopping and
Planting. Fire protection and Right holder Requirements.
Results: Due to heavy biotic pressure and the absence of effective closure the condition of the
forests further deteriorated. No specific planting program was followed.
Forests under this WC are of very low quality and neglected state. This working circle is an
overlapping working circle and the units are not separated into independent compartments/sub-
compartments. Density is low to very low and no enumerations have been done.
Results: There has been no rgular cutting and no cleaning of the clumps. Heavy ngrazing and
non-closure in the rainy season still remain the problem. This has caused congestion and poor
plantation raised during the third five-year plan under crash programme of raising large scale
plantations of industrial pulpwood. The detail of areas where these were carried out fell in Sal
Conversion WC, Selection WC, Protection WC and Plantation WC. The Sal belts with blank
patches were selected for this purpose. The working of eucalyptus was first prescribed by
Chauhan WP (1982-83 to 1991-92). In the Vineet’s WP, the areas generally overlap with the
forest falling under Sal Working circle & Coppice WC. The successful plantations have resulted
in small compact patches. Only compact patches were taken in this WC. Scattered Sal, Sain,
Khair, Shisham, and other natural species. were found along with Eucalyptus in these areas. The
eucalyptus patches were existing in blocks and compartments which have been allotted to their
respective WC. This was overlapping WC. So it was not separated into an independent
compartment. The total area is 423.81 ha. Coppice with Standard System was to be adopted. The
eucalyptus is regenerated by coppice. In case of failure, other indigenous species were proposed
to be planted. No dia was fixed. However, dia of 20 cm DBH were found suitable for pulpwood.
The coppice attained 20 cms DBH in 15 years. So 15 years was fixed for coppice & 30 years for
Standard.15 years felling cycle was fixed. Yield was controlled by area. The eucalyptus was to be
felled within the next 15 years. The detail of forest due for felling was tabulated in the WP which
can be changed with the approval of CCF WP.
OTHER REGULATION: Extension of eucalyptus crop over an area having alternative crop
was proposed to be avoided. If the coppice crop does not respond favourably the area was to be
planted with other fast-growing indigenous species.
Results: Following a ban on felling of green trees in the hills these forests could not be worked in
accordance with the prescriptions.
and katha quantity has been prescribed as per Nurpur Forest Division Working Plan by Sh.
Nanak Chand. The detailed list of areas allotted to this WC is clearly tabulated in the current WP.
Results: After 1996-1997 no green felling of Khair trees has been carried out from Govt. forest.
Presently a large number of mature and over mature trees are standing in the forests.These are not
only getting affected by the rot and hollowness of the heartwood but are also a severe protection
problem for staff in border areas.
(i) Yield and stand table for sal, Indian Forest records (N.S) Silviculture vol. 4-A No.4,
1643 by Griffith and Bakshi Sant Ram.
(ii) Stand tables for Sal even aged forest and coppice, Indian Forest records, Silviculture
series, Volume X part XVI 1935.
(iii) General volume table for Sal, Indian Forest records, Silviculture series, Vol. X part
VI, 124 by S.H. Howard.
(iv) Volume and out turn tables for Sal, Indian Forest Record, Silviculture Series Vol XII
part I, 1925 by S.H. Howard.
12.2.1 Generally, the forests of this area support Sal of quality III. In some portions (dry and
exposed ridges), the quality recedes to III/IV or even IV. However in good areas, the quality class
goes up to II. In general, the standard Volume factors for quality class III are applicable and
would be applied for preparation of control forms. The total Volume figures of the tree, including
small wood have been adopted. Volume table is produced ahead:
Table 12.1 Showing standing volume of Sal (As applicable)
12.2.2 Calculation of the total standing volume, taking into account the quality class of the
individual forest will give a better idea of the yield expected and for this reason, the total volume
factors for the various quality classes found in the region are reproduced as follow:
123 Outturn tables for different quality classes for Sal are given as under:
Over 60-70 15.54 2.54 1.58 1.23 .62 .48 0.05
Over 70-80 16.15 3.45 2.17 1.69 .63 .49 0.14
Over 80-90 16.15 4.41 2.83 2.17 .64 .49 0.21
Shorea Robusta (Sal)
Diameter Stem Stem Stem sawn Stem Stem Stem Add for
Class Length of commercial timber Sawn sawing sawing branches
Commerc timber in absolutely timber factor factor column
ial bole round sound sound normal absolutel normal 4&5
trees straight boles good y sound good
coupe straight coupe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(Cm (meters) Cum Cum Cum Cum
Over 20-30 3.96 0.14 0.05 0.04 .40 .30 -
Over 30-40 7.01 0.36 0.16 0.16 .47 .46 -
Over 40-50 9.14 0.70 0.39 0.33 .55 .48 -
Over 50-60 10.05 1.16 0.67 0.55 .59 .48 0.01
Over 60-70 10.66 1.69 0.04 0.80 .62 .48 0.05
Over 70-80 10.66 2.26 1.42 1.10 .63 .49 0.14
Over 80-90 19.20 5.15 3.29 2.53 .64 .49 0.21
Majority of the Sain trees are found scattered along with Sal, forming a very small composition
of the crop (roughly about 10%). For convenience, therefore, for the preparation of control forms,
the volume figures for Sal of quality class III Shall be applicable
(i) The yield and Stand Tables for Chil by S.K. Seth, S.N. Dabral and M.L. Lala, Indian
Forest record Vol. II No. 8.
(ii) Growth and yield statistics of common Indian Timber Species (Himalayan region)
(iii) Growth and yield statistics of common Indian Timber species (Plain region) vol. II.
Since the forests of the area are generally un-evenaged, under stocked and not subjected to
regular thinning in the past, Local volume Tables were prepared by felling 219 trees by Sh. O.P.
Sharma for Rajgarh working plan. This volume table will be adopted for the purpose of
calculations in the present plan. It is reproduced below:
10. 100 25.4 54.4
11. 110 26.2 58.7
12. 120 26.8 62.3
13. 130 27.1 65.0
12.5.1 Volume Table:- In Chauhan’s plan the volume factors as given in Arya’s plan
were followed. Arya followed the factors given in the Indian Forest Records. In these volume
factors volume of Vth Class was not given. Moreover, these were in 10 cm. dia class. But
keeping in view increasing prices of Khair wood and the low exploitable diameter, it is felt that
the volume factors should be based on 5 cm. dia classes down upto 10 cm dia. These are derived
from the volume factors given in Chauhan’s plan graphically and are tabulated below for use in
the current plan.
Table: 12.10 Volume Factors of Khair
Due to fact that the trees of size IIA-2 are generally hollow so the volume factors
have been given only upto IIB class and for higher classes too, the volume factors of IIB
will be followed.
12.5.2 Yield:- The Yield of dry katha as given in Rajgarh Working Plan by O.P. Sharma
(from 1976-77 to 1990-91) is reproduced below for information.
Table: 12.11
Diameter class in cm. Yield in units of 8 Remarks.
20-30 1.00
30-40 3.00
40-50 7.00
50-60 11.00 *
60-70 15.00 *
60-70 15.00 *
● These figures are of academic interest only because sound/healthy trees 45cm. & over
d.b.h are usually found to be hollow and rotten.
12.6 Eucalyptus: Volume tables for Eucalyptus have been prepared by F.R.I. These
are being used by adjoining forest divisions of Haryana forest department. These volume tables
will be adopted in the present plan. These are re-produced below:-
Table: 12.12
Dia Class D.B.H. (O.B) (Cm) Standing Volume (Cum)
Below V 0-10 NIL
V 10-20 0.114
IV 20-30 0.312
III 30-40 0.500
IIA 40-50 0.600
Eucalyptus trees having D.B.H over 50 Cms are not available in the area. In case
of any exception, the volume shall be taken same as for diameter class IIA.
12.7.1 Volume Table:- The volume factors as given in Chauhan’s plan will be
continued. These are reproduced below:-
Table: 12.13
Dia Class(cm) Shisham (m3) Kokat (m3)
10-20 (V) 0.064 0.064
20-30 (IV) 0.176 0.184
30-40 (III) 0.467 0.418
40-50(IIA) 0.977 0.885
50-60(IIB) 1.523 1.515
60-70(IA) 2.265 2.294
70 & over (IB) 2.265 3.193
12.7.2 Growth:- No local data was collected to show the growth rate of miscellaneous broad
leved species. However, the data collected elsewhere may give some idea about growth of broad
leaved species. As per the Growth an Yield Statistics of Common Indian Timber Species
published by the FRI Dehradun, the growth rate of some of the species as under:
Table: 12.14
Age in Crop Dia (Cm.)
Chhal Shisham (Av quality) Simbal Sal(SQIII) Sal (SQIV) Sain
10 8.832 5.08 - 5.84 4.22 8.64
20 13.208 9.65 13.72 10.16 7.62 14.22
30 17.272 22.35 21.34 13.37 10.82 20.32
40 20.828 31.24 28.70 17.53 13.57 27.43
50 23.875 38.12 35.56 21.08 17.02 29.48
60 26.416 46.23 39.12 24.38 17.27 33.27
70 28.702 - 41.92 27.69 22.61 36.83
80 30.480 - 43.69 30.73 23.18 40.13
Future Mangement Discussed & Proposed
Forest has always since their inception served the humanity which in turn has interacted with
exploitative attitude over the time. This renewable resource has played a pivotal and significance
role in the fabric of National economy in general and social economic condition of rural
population in particular. The give and take relationship with the forest has however at no point of
time struck a balance. In fact human interests have always outweighed the necessary obligation
towards the forests.
With the changing socio economic scenario at the national level, the forests have witnessed an
exposure to an over expanding range of their utility. In concurrence with this, efforts have always
been there to replenish this resource. Such package of efforts have been embedded in the
National Forest Policy of 1952 which during 1988 stand further tailored to the changing needs
and reaction of public with a principle aim of ensuring environmental stability and maintenance
of ecological balance which are vital for sustenance of all life forms human, animal and plants.
This division being mostly in the foot hills of Shiwalik zone has a very fragile geological
formation which in the absence of any vegetation erodes easily. Thus soil conservation measures
supplemented by Afforestation form an important tool to restore the green cover and prevent any
soil erosion. While the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 has largely halted the process of alienation
of land form the control of Forest Department, but this has not put halt to the condition of
vegetation cover of forests.
2. To maintain environmental stability by conserving national heritage of bio-
logically diverse floral and faunal resources.
3. To check soil erosion and denudation in the catchment area of river lets draining into
the reservoirs.
4. To enhance the Forest cover and productivity of the Forest through the
through silviculture techniques.
5. To Endeavour for attaining normalcy of the forests by supplementing natural
process with artificial techniques.
6. To generate motivational campaign in the public for conserving and increasing the
Forest Wealth through Joint Forest Management.
7. To take effective Measures for safeguarding against encroachments in Forest
land and reduce illegal deforestation.
8. To take effective Measures for Eco restoration of forest land infested with invasive
Keeping in view the treatment essential for different species as per their silvicultural
characteristics the overall physiographic condition and objects of management following working
circles have been constituted:
Name of Working Circles
Water Resource Management & Soil Conservation (Overlapping)
Working Circle
1. Sal working circle (3024.54 ha). All Sal forests have good quality sal and situated on
comparatively gentle slopes or on flat lands have been allotted to this working circle. The
silviculture system adopted here is irregular shelterwood system.
2. Chil Conversion working circle (2926.45 ha). This working circle will comprise all Chil
forest areas of Nahan Forest Division. This includes Chil areas of previous working plan. The
silvicultural system here would be selection. Main focus here would be to replace Chil with
native broad leave species, especially oak in the suitable region.
3. Khair Composite working circle (Established Plantations = 344.57 ha & Natural Khair
(Coppice) Areas = 9479.64 ha). Khair existed naturally in the division since long. Most of it was
in dry mixed deciduous forests in mixture with other species. A small proportion, however,
existed in new formation in river beds in the serial stage. This working Circle includes the
monoculture plantations of Khair raised in previous working plan. Sub compartment of these
plantations will be carved out from the original compartment in the current working plan. The
silviculture system adopted here would be coppice with standards and main aim of this working
circle would be sustainable harvest of Khair trees. Second objective of this working circle would
be conversion of existing monoculture Khair plantations to mixed plantations (50 % Khair and
50% Indigenous).
4. Eucalyptus Management Plan (326.31 ha): This Plan includes the areas where eucalyptus
plantation has been carried out in the past and has become well established. The main aim here is
to replace Eucalyptus with native broad leave species.
5. Bamboo working circle (542.34 ha): All predominantly bamboo bearing areas of Trilokpur
Ranges have been allotted to this working circle. The main thrust would be to improve the
existing crop and propagate and induce bamboo in suitable areas.
6. Protection-cum-Rehabilitation working circle (14763.36 ha).: This Working Circle covers
poor quality miscellaneous scrub forests situated on steep eroding formation with poor and scanty
vegetative cover. Open areas and also closed areas where plantations have not established so far
are also included in this working circle. Soil conservation measure and Afforestation work is
prescribed for such areas.
7. Plantation Working Circle: This working circle includes all those moist, dry deciduous
forests consisting mainly of degraded areas and is overlapping with other Working Circles. These
are areas, situated either in foothills, riverine tracts or in plains, where the soil depletion is
considerable. Soil condition is good but these areas have lost their capacity to sustain good
vegetation capable of regenerating itself because of excessive anthropogenic activities. All the
blanks close to encroachments, fallow lands, and degraded forests are included in this working
circle. It extends to the whole of the division.
8. Joint Forest Management Working Circle: This will be another overlapping working circle
giving role to community participation in management of forest areas through village level joint
forest management committees. Sharing benefits with community in a sustainable manner shall
be the objective of this Working Circle.The framework for JFM in HP is provided by the
Government of HP Order of 12 May 1993, which followed the June 1990 Government of India
(JFM) Circular enabling the spread of JFM. The concept of Joint or Participatory Forest
Management is an intervention to evolve organized and collective thinking on the issues of forest
management keeping in view the fact that the forest resources are limited and the claim over
these are varied, no single solution can satisfy the needs of all.
9. Water Resource Management & Soil Conservation (Overlapping) Working Circle: This
will be overlapping Working Circle comprising areas of forests which need to be protected
against water management. Water resource management is the process of planning, developing,
and managing water resources, in terms of both water quantity and quality, across all water uses.
Water management is important since it helps determine future Irrigation expectations. The areas
needs to be protected against soil erosion and needs water conservation. The overarching theme
would be that based on identifying the recharge zones and spring-sheds, forest management
would be linked with watershed management. The object is to basically enhance the hydrological
regime building on the success models implemented in the past.
10. NTFP (Overlapping) Working Circle: This working Circle includes the management of all
Non Forest Produce with sustainable utilization and equitable distribution.
11. Forest Protection (Overlapping) Working Circle: This Working Circle includes all forests
which overlaps with other Working Circles and is constituted to address the forest protection
problems like Fire, Illicit felling, Encroachment, Illegal mining etc. The forest areas which are
vulnerable to fire, status of damage reports, progress in prosecution/ compounding and illicit
removal of forest produce, mining etc. along with their future strategies are also discussed in
detail under this Working Circle.
12. Wildlife Management (Overlapping) Working Circle: This will be an overlapping
working circle comprising all forest areas. The objective will be to identify important areas for
wildlife and conservation, to reduce the man-animal conflict and address associated problems
including the recent increase in elephant movement in the Division. This Working Circle is
constituted for emphasizing the necessity of conservation of wildlife and collection of
information for better management of wild life. The whole tract has a variety of wild animals and
birds since Nahan Forest Division lies in the vicinity of several contiguous wildlife protected
areas including Colonel Sher Jung National Park, Renukaji Wildlife Sanctuary and Kalesar
National Park of Haryana. Therefore, this working circle overlaps all other working circles and
becomes crucial in the area of extensive wildlife management and conservation.
13. Eco Tourism and Human Resource Management (Overlapping) Working Circle: The
Working Circle will look into the multiple aspects of ecotourism prospects and natural resource
conservation in the Division with the eventuality of developing an ecotourism circuit. The
existing and future proposed hotspots along-with mode of operation, sustainability and associated
issues like livelihood generation shall be discussed.
14. Biodiversity Conservation & Development: Biodiversity conservation and development in
Nahan Forest Division are intertwined endeavors that reflect a delicate balance between
safeguarding the region's rich ecological heritage and fostering sustainable socio-economic
growth. Nahan Forest Division is renowned for its remarkable biodiversity, hosting diverse
ecosystems. To conserve this wealth, the division emphasizes wildlife protection, afforestation,
and habitat restoration. Initiatives to safeguard endangered species like leopards and various deer
species are paramount, as is the protection of key habitats and corridors.
This working plan will be in place for 10 years w.e.f. 2023-24 to 2032-33. A mid-term review
shall be undertaken for mid-course correction by the consultative committee under the
chairmanship of the PCCF (HoFF) with representation from the Regional officer (MoEF&CC).
This working circle covers practically all the Sal forests of the area, both on level land and on
gentle slopes. The main criteria for allotting any particular Sal forest to this working circle is the
presumption that sal regeneration (whether of coppice or seed origin) can be obtained there. Field
observations indicate that the main regeneration in Sal forests is of Coppice origin. The natural
regeneration of seed origin is relatively much less vigorous and profuse as compared to the
regeneration of coppice origin. Planting of sal has been tried in the past, but without any
significant achievement for want of proper techniques, The natural associates of sal found in the
forests include Sain, Jamun, Chiroli, Tendu, Rohini, Chhal, Haldu etc. However in some of the
Sal forests, extensive planting of khair has been done in the past. This, however, defies
silvicultural principles and practices. The density and quality of Sal crop varies from area to area.
There are forests where number of stems per ha. is considerably low. This is due to enormous
pressure of right holders. Natural regeneration is almost absent in such areas. Special efforts will
be required to restock such areas. Also, due to a long period of non-working of forests,
abnormality has set in with preponderance of mature trees affecting regeneration. This working
circle is constituted to manage the irregular Sal forests as well as the abnormality in age-class
gradation so as to maintain the sustainability of forests.
Following are the objectives of management:->
i) To convert the irregular crop into more or less uniform crop
ii) To protect and regenerate the existing Sal Crop, giving preference to natural regeneration
of seed origin wherever possible and also tapping the potential of coppice regeneration.
iii) To progress towards attaining normal forest having normal series of age classes.
iv) To obtain sustained yield of timber in consonance with the above objects.
v) To meet the genuine and bonafide needs of local people for fuel wood and
Area Statement: The total area of the working circle is 3024.54 Ha Range wise and P.B. wise
breakup is as follows:
Table 2.1: Range wise and P.B. wise breakup of area( Ha) of the working circle
Name of Range P.B.I P.B Floating Total Area (Ha)
Stock maps have been prepared on appropriate scale as per area of compartment and attached in
respective Compartment history files.
2.4.2 Enumerations: Layout of sample plot was adopted in accordance with National Working
Plan code 2014 and the data is used to calculate the total estimated growing stock. The results are
compiled and Consolidated in various tables as shown ahead.
Table 2.2:
Sr. No. Periodic Blocks No. of Plots Total area counted
( Ha)
1 PB-I 10 1.0
2 PB Floating 15 1.5
Total 25 2.5
It is also pertinent to mention here that 100% enumerations were decided by the Monitoring
Committee during the Experimental Silviculture Felling Program which were carried out in
284.71 ha of Sal Working Circle (PBI & PB IV) in adjoining Paonta Division in 2018-20 under
IA 3840 of 2014 in WP(Civil) No. 202/1995 with directions from the Hon’ble Supreme Court. A
good idea of floristic composition was obtained, even though the exercise was exhausting.
Therefore, for the actual execution of felling in forests, this may be adopted considering the forest
areas are accessible and the Division size is also small. For the Working Plan prescriptions
however, the sample data has been analyzed.
2.4.3 Mean of Quality: Generally the forests of this region support Sal of quality III. In some
portions (dry and exposed ridges), quality recedes to III/IV or even IV. However, in good areas
the quality class goes upto II. In general, the standing volume factor for quality class III is
applicable as shown in table 2.3.
2.4.4 Density: The crown density is variable and varies from 0.3 to 0.9, the average being 0.7 as
per ocular estimation.
Table 2.3: Table showing standing volume of Sal (As applicable)
Diameter class DBH in cm Total Standing Volume(m3 )
V 10-20 0.127
IV 21-30 0.368
III 31-40 0.835
IIA 41-50 1.770
IIB 51-60 3.030
IA 61-70 4.587
IB 71-80 6.385
5419 903 4516 2709 0 2709 0 0 0 16257
Total 8128 30707 44254 24385 16257 9935 2709 0 0 136376
No. of trees
Analysis of PB-I : The total area of Periodic Block I consists of 903.15 ha as per current plan.
The ND curve of PBI revealed that there are maximum Sal trees in higher diameter classes (II A
to IB classes). Number of trees in IIA show a clear abnormality in distribution of age-classes. The
N-D curve of this PB reveales that due to non-opening of canopy since more than 30-40 years
due to ban on green felling, the regeneration potential of the Sal has been reduced and there is
maximum number of preponderance of mature trees. Removal will be less than increment, hence
the forest will be sustained in future. The trees in lower diameter classes will then grow in and
will take place of trees in higher diameter classes if higher diameter trees are to be removed.
The felling in PB I was not done since imposition of ban on green felling since30-40 years, but
Hon’ble Supreme Court vide its order in February,2018 ordered HPFD that Experimental
Silvicultural felling in Sal forest can be taken up to observe the impact of silvicultural felling on
Sal crop with the recommendation of Central Empowerment Committee (CEC). An area of
184.71 ha under PB-I was worked under with 100% enumeration of trees in adjoining Paonta
Sal is the predominant species with proportion of 81% by volume. There is an inter-specific
competition of miscellaneous species of Rohini, Chamror, Kala tendu etc. (table 2.2 b) and weeds
like Ardisia solanacea, Lantana camara, Ageratum conyzoides etc.
Analysis of PB Floating: It is clear from figure 2.2 below that there is preponderance of
immature crops of Sal mostly in classes V, IV and III as compare to PB-I. The area of the PB
floating is 2121.39 ha.
Miscellaneous spp. 5 5 7 5 3 0 0 0 0 37
Total 10 30 45 34 12 5 2 0 0 207
Table 2.5 c. Growing Stock (cu m) of PB Floating in terms of Volume of trees (2121.39 Ha)
Tree Classes
Above Comparison indicates an increase in the number per ha. and volume per ha. in higher
diameter classes where as a decrease in lower classes .This indicate lack of regeneration. The
increase in higher diameter classes is due to increment as well as ban on green felling.
India Irregular Shelter wood system with floating Periodic blocks has been adopted for this
working circle. The regeneration will be in areas felled for seeding felling as well as in blanks in
PB Floating areas. Preference will be given to regeneration of coppice origin, without ignoring
the seed regeneration. The PB I areas should be taken up for intensive regeneration operations
invariably from the year of felling itself in order to take advantage of the coppice shoots. It is also
advisable to give control burning in un-felled PB I areas in the year of good seed years to induce
regeneration in advance.
From Sal forests of quality III, diameter class of an average diameter of 40 cm is attained in 120
years. Thus the rotation has been kept as 120 years with a regeneration period of 30 years. An
established regeneration will be considered as saplings which are reasonably straight, apparently
sound and vigorously growing and more than 3m in height.
2.6.1 Harvestable dia:
Keeping in view the rate of growth and market favored size as well as CEC guidelines; the
exploitable diameter is fixed as 40 cm dbh.
The results from above table indicate that Sal constitutes the major crop of the working circle. Its
proportion being 84.63% by number and 89.40% by volume. Rest are other B.L. figures i.e
15.37% by number and 10.60% by volume .Other B.L. include Kokat (general term for
comparatively less valuable miscellaneous species ) and sal associate like sain.
Allotment of areas:
Table 2.8. The areas allotted to this WC are as under :
Name of Name of Forest Compt./Sub Area (in ha) allotted to
Range Compt No. Sal W.C (Compt./ Sub
List of PB-I Areas
Kolar R-73 Bidhawala 2 16.00
3 26.72
Total Area of P.B I W.C RFs 903.15
R- 74 Krondewali 2 15.09
Nahan R-100 Teeb 2 48.16
3 41.60
4 52.80
R-108 Ganeshwala 2 54.12
R-109 Kotri 1 37.08
2 37.72
Total Area of P.B Floating W.C RFs 2121.39
= 1118202.138
= 9318.351 m3
The total workable area of PB-I in current working Plan is 525 ha. The annual coupe area in P.B.-
I is Estimated as 525 / 10 =52.5 ha. For the purpose of advance growth, it is estimated occularly
that 80% trees of Vth & IVth class will have to be retained. Thus the yield from seedling felling
areas of PBI can be derived as.
Annual Yield :-
(Total Gowing Stock in Sal P.BI.
seeding felling areas down to 10
cm.d.b.h ) – (Volume of
seed bearers to be retained at the
average rate of 60 trees (78.15 cum.)
per ha over an. area of 525 ha. +
80% of Vth & IV class crop )_
Working Plan period
= 106121.40-46288.83
= 59832.57
= 5983.257 m3
= 5980 m3
2.7.2 Prescribed Yield :
Data for C.A.I above 40-50 cm, d.b.h class is not available in yield tables. The rate of increment
in trees above so 40-50 cm is also low; as such the increment (C.A.I) of trees above so 40-50 cm
d.b.h. has been ignored. Thus, we note the C.A.I. comes out to be 6673.014 m3 for Sal.
It is, therefore, clear that harvest prescribed of 5980 m3 is less than annual increment i.e.
6673.014 m3 annually.
The Von Mantel yield (9318 cum) is rejected on the basis that it exceeds the CAI value of
Sal. Therefore, final annual prescribed yield for Sal Working circle as a conservative
measure is 5980 m3.
2.7.3 Method of Executive Felling:
Felling in PB I: Following general guidelines are laid down for marking and felling in PB I
including recommendations of CEC:
i) Over mature trees standing over established regeneration or over advance growth if any,
be removed.
ii) All trees over 40 cm d.b.h. should be marked unless their retention is required for soil
conservation reasons for providing cover against frost.
iii) All dry (completely dry) and fallen trees should be marked for felling.
iv) Very conservative marking should be done on steep slopes and along nalas.
v) Where suitable Sal seed bearers are not available, Sain seed bearers may be retained. In cases
where Sain too is not available, other suitable associated species be retained.
vi) All the retained trees over 10 cmd.b.h. should be enumerated and listed.
vii) Miscellaneous species like Rohini, Jamun etc. should only be marked where they are
obstructing the openings. This is prescribed keeping in view the fact that such species are
gradually disappearing from Sal forests and their mixture is essential for biodiversity
considerations and as prevention against the Sal borer (Hoplocerambyx spinicornis, Newman)
viii) All unhealthy malformed saplings should be cut back.
ix) Climber cutting should be done along with marking.
x) 80% of compact groups of poles (Vth and IVth) upto 30 cm d.b.h. shall be retained as
advance growth.
xi) In Borer affected PB I areas, felling of over mature (IIB and above) borer infested trees
can be carried out.
Treatment of Floating PB: The forests allotted to floating Periodic block is generally supporting
middle aged crop with medium proportion of mature trees. Salvage removals can be carried out
as per instructions. Felling for right holders may be done from these forests. The extent of
thinning should be site-specific according to stand table, if required. Removal from thinning will
be counted towards yield.
8 2030-31 Nahan R-104 Kalabhood 4a 40.24
Total 40.24
G.Total 903.15 Ha
1) Although the above felling program can, however, be changed with the approval of
CCF Working Plan keeping in view the yield, deviation provisions and to incorporate
recommendation of CEC in IA 3840.
The felling program supposes the satisfactory regeneration of the already
felled areas. In case, however, the regeneration is not keeping pace then felling program
have to be deferred till the felled areas are brought to satisfactory regeneration stage. For it
regular review of the regeneration status is a must. In fact the felling program suggested
above should not be taken for granted rather its approvals may be sought from the
competent authority every year.
5) In the 3rd year after main felling, coppice shoots should be singled out. Two to three
healthy, vigorous shoots should be retained on each stool.
6) Areas which are moist and lack regeneration, should be control burnt in the winter.
7) Bush cutting of Lantana can be done for three years. It has to be cleared before
regeneration felling.For Ardisia (Gudbeli), this has to be done vigorously each year till Sal
seedlings establish otherwise it will be affecting regeneration as discussed above.
8) The miscellaneous tree growth will be removed when considered necessary to enhance
growth of regeneration.
i) Fire Protection : Effective fire protection measures are required in these areas. Fire
watchers should be engaged in the fire season.
ii) Right holders requirements: The right holder’s requirement can be continued in all areas
except where the exercise of rights is to be suspended due to silvicultural reasons like
regeneration. T.D. can be granted in PB floating areas.
iii) Prevention against Sal borer (Hoplocerambyx spinicornis, Newman) attack: In recent
years the borer attack in Sal trees is observed. The incidence however is below normal. Still the
preventive measure should attract due attention. Regular removal of the borer attacked trees
subjected to silvicultural principles should be followed.
iv) Special Treatment for various small blanks: The possibilities of raising plantations of
species like Bamboo, Sain, Tun in various suitable places without causing hardship to local
people for grazing be examined and suitable action be taken.
v) Soil erosion treatment: In some areas, various nallas are susceptible to further
expansion. They can be tackled by adequate soil and moisture conservation measures in
regeneration areas.
2.10 Regeneration Program:
Regeneration program be prepared by territorial DFO and got approved from the
competent authority. These should invariably form a part of the regular Annual Plan of
Operations. Necessary funds be also demanded regularly. It be also ensured that the felling have
to keep pace with regeneration. Previously felled PB I areas are not showing desired results in
many cases. The partially regenerated / un regenerated portions be selected and regenerated in
phased manner, if necessary. The regeneration program should include such areas also, if
necessary. Regeneration assessment survey must be done in felled areas till 12 years to ensure
timely regeneration of the areas.
Jamta RF 2926.45
G. Total 2926.45 Ha
Conversion series has been constituted as shown in table 3.7.
3.5.1 Stock Map:
Stock maps have been prepared on appropriate scale as per area of compartment and attached in
respective Compartment history files
3.5.2 Density of the Crop:
Density is variable and has been assessed occularly that varies from 0.2 to 0.5 with the average
being 0.4.
3.5.3 Site Quality:
The site quality of each compartment and sub compartment has been assessed and noted in
compartment history file. It is generally II/III
The technique of Survey and Assessment of Forest Resource using Grid and Quadrants method (Sample
Plots) has been adopted and complete counting of all tree species class wise has been done in sample
Classes of Trees
Species V IV III II-A II-B I-A I-B I-C I-D Total
Chil 57 67 26 13 4 5 2 0 0 173
Misc. spp. 106 34 8 2 1 1 0 0 0 150
163 101 34 15 5 6 2 0 0 323
Table 3.3: Total number of Chil trees in different classes (2926.45 Ha)
Classes of Trees
Table 3.4: Growing stock (m3) in terms of volume of Chil in different classes (2926.45 Ha)
R-128 Jaitak 3 63.30
R-128 Jaitak 5 57.20
R-128 Jaitak 6 22.10
R-128 Jaitak 7 24.70
R-128 Jaitak 8 24.70
R-128 Jaitak 9 27.30
R-128 Jaitak 10 22.10
8 Jamta R-136 E/Banethi 2 26.00
R-136 E/Banethi 3 26.00
R-136 E/Banethi 4 31.70
R-136 E/Banethi 5 29.60
R-136 E/Banethi 6 33.40
R-136 E/Banethi 7 29.75
R-136 E/ Banethi 8 29.60
R-136 E/Banethi 9 28.90
R-136 E/Banethi 10 20.80
R-136 E/Banethi 11 13.00
R-136 E/Banethi 12 31.20
R-136 E/Banethi 15 31.20
R-136 E/ Banethi 16 15.60
R-136 E/Banethi 17 17.50
R-136 E/ Banethi 18 27.30
R-136 E/Banethi 19 48.80
R-136 E/Banethi 22 27.30
R-136 E/ Banethi 23 18.20
R-136 E/ Banethi 25 43.10
R-136 E/Banethi 27 20.80
R-136 E/Banethi 28 26.00
R-136 E/Banethi 29 52.00
R-136 E/ Banethi 30 26.00
R-136 E/ Banethi 31 26.00
R-137 W/Banethi 8 27.10
R-144 Saroga 4 26.00
R-144 Saroga 6 27.30
R-144 Saroga 7 14.30
R-144 Saroga 8 13.00
R-144 Saroga 9 19.50
R-144 Saroga 10 26.30
Grand Total of Chil
2926.45 Ha
Conversion Working Circle
Table 3.7: Conversion Series for Chil Conversion Working Circle
Sr. no. Year No. and Name of Forest Comptt. No. Total Area
( Ha.) prescribed for
R-142 Amta 1 31.10
R-144 Saroga 6 27.30
Total 293.30 Ha
6 2028-29 R-127 Burman 14 32.50
R-138 Kanoti 8 26.00
R-128 Jaitak 9 27.30
R-133 Panjahal 5 39.00
R-136 E/Banethi 5 29.60
R-136 E/Banethi 6 33.40
R-136 E/Banethi 15 31.20
R-141 Dhadu 9 28.60
R-144 Saroga 2 52.00
Total 299.60 Ha
7 2029-30 R-127 Burman 8 32.50
R-127 Burman 9 20.50
R-129 Nauni 9 52.00
R-133 Panjahal 2 33.80
R-136 E/Banethi 12 31.20
R-136 E/Banethi 25 43.1
R-141 Dhadu 1 41.60
R-142 Amta 3 48.10
Total 302.80 Ha
8 2030-31 R-127 Burman 12 40.30
R-128 Jaitak 1 57.95
R-136 E/Banethi 4 31.70
R-136 E/Banethi 10 20.80
R-136 E/Banethi 29 52.00
R-139 Katli 2 5.50
R-141 Dhadu 8 31.20
R-141 Dhadu 12 33.80
R-144 Saroga 10 26.30
Total 299.55 Ha
9 2031-32 R-129 Nauni 10 46.80
R-128 Jaitak 3 63.30
R-132 Dhagera 6 36.40
R-133 Panjahal 6 28.60
R-137 W/Banethi 7 31.20
R-141 Dhadu 10 23.40
R-144 Saroga 4 26.00
R-144 Saroga 8 13.00
Total 268.70 Ha
10 2032-33 R-138 Kanoti 1 5.20
R-128 Jaitak 8 24.70
R-128 Jaitak 10 22.10
R-136 E/Banethi 16 15.60
R-136 E/Banethi 19 48.80
R-136 E/Banethi 27 20.80
R-137 W/Banethi 1 38.50
R-137 W/Banethi 4 29.80
R-141 Dhadu 2 45.50
R-141 Dhadu 5 36.40
R-141 Dhadu 11 23.40
Total 310.80 Ha
G.Total 2926.45 Ha
The above felling programme can, however, be changed with the approval of CCF Working
Plan keeping in view the yield and deviation provisions (as per NWPC 2014) and to incorporate
recommendation of CEC in IA 3840.
1). First of all, area taken up for conversion shall be clearly demarcated by giving bands on
the trees along the periphery.
2). Removal of Lantana and other weeds in the area taken up for conversion.
3). The markings in chil trees are to be done on selection principles. Here the trees of 55cm
and above dbh standing over young crop are to be removed.
4). A white band at breast height on all the trees which are not to be felled is to be put.
5). No felling will be done in precipitous and eroding slopes.
6). Subsidiary felling of damaged, malformed trees and ill developed crop.
7) Disposal of felling of debris - controlled burning or distribution of fuel wood to right
8). Gap planting in the conversion area with tall fast growing multipurpose broad leave
species. Bamboo should be preferred in depression & nallah area. Species are
depicted in Table 3.8, which can be used for plantation.
9). Control burning and fire control: annual cleaning of fire lines and road sides.
10). Development of market for chil pine needles for burning of furnaces and making charcoal
11). Proper SMC works should be done to maintain the moisture in the area.
Table 3.8
Multipurpose Broad leave Species
Sr. No. Scientific Name Local Name English Name Uses
1 Acacia catechu Khair Khair Fodder, Fuel, MFP
2 Aegle marmelos Bel Aegle Fruit, Timber
3 Albizzia lebbek Kala Siris Siris Fodder, Fuel,
4 Azadirachta indica Neem Neem Timber, MFP
5 Bauhinia variegata Kachnar Kachnar Fodder, Fuel,
6 Bombax ceiba Semal Cottonwood tree Timber, MFP
7 Toona ciliate Toon Toon Fodder, Fuel,
8 Dalbergia sissoo Shisham Shisham Fodder, Fuel,
9 Emblica officinalis Amla Amla MFP
10 Grewia optiva/ Bihul/Dhaman - Fodder, Fuel,
G. oppositifolia
11 Mangifera indica Mango Mango Fruit, Timber
12 Melia azadirachta Drek Drek Timber
13 Morus alba Shehtoot Mulberry Fodder, Fuel,
14 Pongamia pinnata Pongamia Pongamia Fodder, Fuel,
15 Quercus leucotrichophora Ban Ban Oak Fodder, Fuel,
16 Sapindus mukorossi Ritha Ritha Fodder, Fuel,
17 Syzygium cuminii Jamun Jamun Fodder, Fuel,
18 Terminalia bellerica Behra Behra Fodder, Fuel,
19 Terminalia arjuna Arjuna Arjuna Fodder, Fuel,
20 Terminalia chebula Harar Harar Fodder, Fuel,
21 Artocarpus lakoocha Dheoun Dheoun Fodder, Fuel,
22 Dendrocalamus spps Bans Bamboo Timber, MFP
23 Terminalia tomentosa Sain Sain/ Alsan Timber, MFP
24 Butea monosperma Dhak Dhak Fuel, Timber
continued for 20 years only. Rotational rest has to be given to the trees after 20 years. It is
suggested that a fresh inspection/survey should be carried out of all forests, at least by ACF of the
division, and only then it should be decided as to a particular forest has to be tapped or not.
The minimum tap-able dia for resin tapping for new trees is 35cm. The tapping is to be done by
Rill method or by Bore hole method only. The enumeration has to be carried out every 5 years as
per prevailing instructions.
Generally trees for resin taping are taken after joint inspection of HPSFDC and HPFD but from
past few years 2020 onwards there is a disagreement between HPSFDC & H.P Forest
Department regarding the allotment of areas for resin extraction. As per the field staff of Nahan
Forest Division there is no space in the trees for resin taping which are under continuous process
of resin extraction from past 30 to 35 years. Continuous tapping of these trees without rotational
rest may permanently harm the trees. This conflict between HPFD & HPSFDC needs to be
In case drying up of trees due to resin tapping is observed in some forests it should be
immediately closed for tapping.
prominent is Lantana which has invaded the openings and forms a complete cover there. Others
are Murraya (Gandhela or Mmirchu), Carissa (Kandlai or Katrarh) and Adhatoda (Basooti or
(i) To change the characteristic of pure khair plantations to native indigenous biodiverse species
(50% khair and 50 % other).
(ii) To augment supply of khair wood for katha manufacture and Fuelwood .
(iii) To maintain ecological balance by planting a mixture of native species along with Khair.
15 Trilokpur R-117 Maidhar C-3b 19.6
16 Trilokpur R-117 Maidhar C-4b 13.76
17 Trilokpur R-118 Trilokpur C-2b 8
45-50 IIA-2 1.047 0.660
50 &above IIB & above 1.283 0.883
The coppice regeneration shall have to be supplemented by artificial plantation of native species.
This will have to be done immediately in the year next to the year of felling. The natural
regeneration by seed, if comes shall has to be well protected.
The rotation period is fixed as 30 years during which the crop is expected to attain dbh of 25 cm.
4.11.1 Enumerations: The technique of Survey and Assessment of Forest Resource using Grid and
Quadrants method (Sample Plots) has been adopted and complete counting of all tree species class wise
has been done in sample plots. The detail of sample plots are as under:-
Table 4.4
Growing Stock Estimation Results
Table 4.4. a:
Total Number of Khair trees per Ha.
Spp V-1 V-2 IV-1 IV-2 III-1 III-2 IIA 1 IIA 2 IIB Total
Khair 33.529 40.588 33.529 25.294 5.294 1.765 0.588 0 0.588 141.176
GT 33.529 40.588 33.529 25.294 5.294 1.765 0.588 0 0.588 141.176
Table 4.4 b:
Total number of Khair trees in 344.57 ha.
Spp V-1 V-2 IV-1 IV-2 III-1 III-2 IIA 1 IIA 2 IIB Total
Khair 11553 13985 11553 8716 1824 608 203 0 203 48645
GT 11553 13985 11553 8716 1824 608 203 0 203 48645
Table 4.4 c:
Total Volume of Khair in 344.57 ha.
Spp V-1 V-2 IV-1 IV-2 III-1 III-2 IIA 1 IIA 2 IIB Total (m3)
Khair 958.918 1608.331 1721.431 1900.000 625.699 322.274 155.665 0 260.049 7552.366 m3
GT (m3) 958.918 1608.331 1721.431 1900.000 625.699 322.274 155.665 0 260.049 7552.366 m3
Growing Stock of Trees to be retained from slopes & along nallas(10% of total remaining): V2 326.368
Or Say 293 m3
Table 4.6 Plantation Felling Series Of Khair Estt. Plantations
Sr. Year of Range No. & Name of Forest Compt./Sub Total Area (in
No. felling Comptt. No. Ha) prescribed
for felling
1 2023-24 Nahan R-104 Kala Bhood C-2b 7.36
Nahan R-101 Katasan C-4a 13.50
Total 20.86
2 2024-25 Kolar R-83 Matter C-5b 1.58
Kolar R-86 East Bheron C-1b 2.89
Trilokpur R-117 Maidhar C-3b 19.60
Total 24.07
3 2025-26 Nahan R-97 Mandpa C-2b 92.65
Total 92.65
4 2026-27 Kolar R-80 Dhakaranwala C-4b 79.38
Total 79.38
5 2027-28 Nahan R- 97 Mandpa C-6b 18.38
Total 18.38
6 2028-29 Nahan R-111 Ambwala C-4b 15.37
Total 15.37
7 2029-30 Nahan R-101 Katasan C-3b 10.00
Nahan R-104 Kala Bhood C-4b 10.00
Total 20.00
8 2030-31 Kolar R-78 Haripur C-9b 10.00
Trilokpur R-117 Maidhar C-4b 13.76
Total 23.76
9 2031-32 Nahan R-104 Kala Bhood C-3b 10.00
Nahan R-101 Katasan C-5b 10.00
Total 20.00
10 2032-33 Trilokpur R-118 Trilokpur C-2b 8.00
Jamta R-131 Thandoli C-1 22.10
Total 30.10
G.Total 344.57 Ha
(i) rotation age of Khair be kept at 30 years with minimum diameter of 25 cms at breast
(ii) regeneration of Khair is undertaken through coppice with standards as well as artificial
planting. 50 trees per ha or 25% of the total number of trees enumerated whichever is less
is retained as mother trees.
(iii) rotation age of Khair be kept at 30 years with minimum dia of 25 cms at breast height in
respect of natural forests. However, in respect of pure plantations of Khair same rotation
age of 30 years be followed without a limit on the girth of trees and such plantations are
regenerated through coppice for at least another two rotations and supplemented with
artificial regeneration.
(iv) as far as possible the felling operations in the adjoining forest compartment of the already
felled area/compartment in Khair Working Circle are to be taken up only after 5 years of
regeneration felling in the given compartment and after ensuring that the regeneration is
established in the already cleared forest area. This will ensure that the large tracts of the
forest in a given locality are not closed for grazing at a given time and also large gaps are
not created within the forests.
(v) the removal of Lantana weed to be an integral component of regeneration felling and the
removal of Lantana has to be completed before the felling operations commence, so that
the regeneration of the felled area is taken up forthwith.
(vi) no felling of broad leaved species be permitted in the compartments to be taken up for
regeneration felling of the above approved working plans.
(vii) The eradication operations of Lantana shall continue during 2nd and 3rd years of
operations so as to ensure total elimination of the weed.
(viii) the mother trees/seed bearers trees are to be identified in advance i.e. at least one or two
years prior to the proposed felling in the compartment and labelled as mother trees or
standards and these trees are not permitted to lopped by locals thereafter.
(ix) the demarcation and survey of boundaries and fencing of the area are to be scrupulously
carried out as prescribed in the Reports of the Monitoring Committee and as prescribed in
the schedule.
(x) planting component in Assisted Natural Regeneration shall include at least 50% seedlings
of native broadleaved and multipurpose use species and the rest shall be of Khair.
(xi) all the un-authorized occupation of forest land within the forest area are to be evicted
before undertaking planting of the compartments selected,
(xii) the felling operations in the adjoining forest area/compartment of the already felled
area/compartment be taken up only after five years of regeneration felling in the given
compartment and after ensuring that the regeneration is established in the already cleared
forest area,
(xiii) adequate soil and moisture conservation measures are to be undertaken in regeneration
(xiv) no green felling are to be carried out in steep slopes and along streams and nallas as per
the standard prescription in the Working Plan code and in the forest areas falling under
Protection cum Rehabilitation Working Circle;
(xv) the forest department should ensure that videogrohy of each beat where felling is to be
done, is done separately at reqular intervals to clédrly indicate the condition and state of
the forest before felling, during felling and after felling;
(xvi) in addition to the conditions laid down in the Working Plan and those laid down by the
CEC, the CCFs/CFs/DCFs/DFOs shall ensure that adequate funds are sought
immediately and re-afforestation is done either simultaneously or if it is not possible,
immediately after felling is completed.
(xvii) It should be ensured that these forest areas are kept free from grazing and are protected.
The coppice regeneration shall have to be supplemented by artificial regeneration. This will have
to be done immediately in the year next to the year of felling. The natural regeneration by seed, if
appears, shall have to be well protected. Regeneration of the felled forests will be undertaken
during the rainy season (planting season) using tall seedlings, more or less of same species,
naturally occurring in the district. The regeneration of the area is achieved through coppice
growth, artificial planting and natural regeneration to ensure development of broadleaved mixed
forest. While taking up plantation it is ensured that at least 50% of the seedlings are used other
than the Khair species. The number of plants to be planted per hectare will be decided on the
basis of site requirement and ranged from 200 to 800 plants per ha. The principal species Khair in
these forests should constitute the major proportion in case of enrichment planting. Artificial
regeneration operations which meant planting of tall nursery grown plants will be done on
priority in the felled areas which have to be fenced. In respect of pure Khair plantations the first
two rotations regeneration is achieved through coppice supplemented by planting seedlings in
The regeneration areas should be protected from forest fires. All the fuels/debris in the peripheral
felled areas will be controlled burnt before fire season. All the necessary arrangement will also be
made for control of forest fires. All regeneration areas are to be inspected at CCF and DFO level.
These areas cover primarily miscellaneous deciduous forests, having adequate vegetative cover
of broad leaved species like Khair, Sain, Semul, Sandan, Dhak, Chhal, Amaltas, Tendu, and
Jhingan.etc. Sporadic poor quality Sal areas generally of dry Shivalik type which are not fit to be
managed under the Sal Working Circle and having a substantial proportion of miscellaneous
species have also been included in this Working circle. In general, the crop consists of poor
quality Sal, Sain, Khair, Chhal, Amaltas, Jhingan, Tendu & Papri as the main species with other
kokath species. In most of the areas, there is a dense undergrowth of Karonda, Lantana,
Gandhella, Karu, Woodfordia etc. In depressions and along the nalas, Jaman, Mango and
Bamboos are also found. Climbers like Maljhan and Gaug are commonly seen.
(i) To exploit the natural available khair trees and augment supply of khairwood for katha
(ii) To replenish the felled area with biodiverse species including khair.
Table 4.7: Range wise breakup of Khair WC (Natural Khair {Coppice} Areas) in Ha
Table 4.8: The different areas allotted to Khair working Cirle (Natural Khair {Coppice} Areas)
are as follows:
Name of Range Name of Forest Comptt. No./Sub Area (in ha)
Compt No.
10a 5.74
11 91.72
12 59.72
14 81.48
15 52.8
16 78.6
17 70.4
19 48
20 25.12
R-80 Dhakranwala 1 54.4
2 81.92
3 79.04
4a 8.62
2 93.76
3 58.4
4 79.04
5 80.48
2 64.7
2a 217.82
3a 155.36
4 121
5 114.24
2 38.72
3 77.92
4 100.32
R-88 Jamretwa 1 59.11
2 45.27
4 55.08
5 78.56
6 98.09
Total 5659.69
2a 11.72
4a 62.95
6a 36.98
4a 9.06
5a 15.12
Total 842.33
Trilokpur R-115 Jheera 5 81.92
5 76.82
6 188.64
3 181.12
4 144.8
5 107.84
5 65.12
6 73.92
Jamta R-135 Tallon 2 27.3
3a 55
4a 22.4
5a 32
10 67.6
11a 24.6
Total 228.90
G.Total 9479.64 Ha
Table 4.9 b. Total number of Trees in Khair WC (Natural Area) (9479.64 Ha)
The total area of is 9479.64 ha. The average annual area to be felled comes to 947 ha. The total
yield by volume is shown in table below:-
Table 4.11: Calculation of yield
Growing Stock of Trees to be retained from slopes & along nallas(10% of total remaining): V2 1118.902
Or Say 1007 m3
Nahan R-100 Teeb 6 45.28
Nahan R-104 Kala Bhood 10a 61.10
Trilokpur R-122 Kiyari 5 94.40
Trilokpur R-122 Kiyari 7 118.80
Trilokpur R-124 Bhogpur Kotla 7 107.36
Total 914.17
2031-32 Kolar R-77 Lohgarh 7 25.12
Kolar R-77 Lohgarh 12 43.68
Kolar R-77 Lohgarh 17 44.00
Kolar R-77 Lohgarh 20 20.00
Kolar R-78 Haripur 6 100.20
Kolar R-78 Haripur 14 81.48
Kolar R-84 Brahamanwali 3a 137.41
Kolar R-86 E/Bheron 4 121.00
Kolar R-88 Jamretwa 1 59.11
Nahan R-101 Katasan 4a 9.06
Trilokpur R-118 Trilokpur 3 181.12
Trilokpur R-121 Shikardhi 5 65.12
Total 887.30
Eucalyptus is a species of exotic origin. During third five year plan lot of emphasis was laid on
Industrial plantation. During this plan area of 2165 ha (including Paonta forest division) in Sal
and miscellaneous forests was felled and planted with Eucalyptus (mostly Mysore hybrid). The
specie was later identified as Eucalyptus tereticornis. Eucalyptus was introduced on experimental
basis as it finds use as pulp, fuel wood , small timber and extensive use in various industries such
as paper and pulp. Eucalyptus has deleterious effect on regeneration of native species and also
bad for ecology and biodiversity. Moreover growth of Eucalyptus is also poor. Hence current
working plan will focus on eco restoration of eucalyptus planted areas (Previously referred
to as Eucalyptus Overlapping WC in Vineet kumar’s plan) with the native species to
increase the biodiversity.
Eucalyptus was first introduced in the forest of Nahan divison during 1963-1968.In this period no
working plan was operative. Eucalyptus was also planted in the late 70’s.
During the tenure of B.S chauhan’s working plan period (1982-1992), Eucalyptus Overlapping
Working Circle was formed consisting of 772 ha. This working circle overlapped the areas of Sal
conversion and protection cum Afforestation Working Circle. The main objectives of
management include (i) Felling of stagnating eucalyptus plantations, regenerating the area with
coppice crop supplemented with planting of fodder species. (ii) To fell eucalyptus to meet the
local requirement of fuel wood and small timber. No enumerations were carried out in this
working circle. Specific marking rules were framed. Specific subsidiary silvicultural operations
such as bush cutting, fencing, singling of coppice shoots in the 2nd year, planting of suitable
species, etc. were suggested. Miscellaneous regulations were prescribed.
Results: No area was felled after 1987-88. Even before that areas were not felled strictly in
accordance with the prescriptions. Coppice shoots were not singled out. The regeneration has not
put up the desired growth. The crop has become quite congested. There is a thick bushy growth
of rohini, lantana, gurbheli, etc. which has hampered the growth of the crop. Thus, despite the
fact that felled areas have regenerated, the objectives of management were not achieved fully.
Only 205.53 ha area(including paonta forest division) was felled during the tenure of working
plan. It includes the areas :->
During Vineet kumar plan (1997-2012) Eucalyptus working Circle area was same as Chauhan’s
Plan. Exploitable Eucalyptus was a result of plantation raised during the third five-year plan
under crash program of raising large scale plantations of industrial pulpwood.The working of
eucalyptus was first prescribed by Chauhan WP (1982-83 to 1991-92). In the Vineet kumar WP,
the areas generally overlap with the forest falling under Sal Working circle, Coppice WC and
Protection WC. The successful plantations have resulted in small compact patches. Only compact
patches were taken in this WC. Scattered Sal, Sain, Khair, Shisham, and other natural species
were found along with Eucalyptus in these areas. The total area is 423.81 ha(Nahan Forest
Divison). Coppice with Standard Silvicultural System was to be adopted. The eucalyptus is
regenerated by coppice. In case of failure, other indigenous species were proposed to be planted.
15 years felling cycle was fixed. Yield was controlled by area. Exploitable dia was fixed as 20
Results: Following a ban on felling of green trees in the hills these forests could not be worked in
accordance with the prescriptions of Vineet kumar’s Plan.
The main objective of this plan is to replace Eucalyptus with native indigenous species.The total
area in the current management plan is 326.31 ha.
5. In order to prevent re-emergence of young Eucalyptus saplings, weeding will be carried out
twice a year. Pre monsoon weeding will be carried out in June and Post monsoon weeding will be
carried out in October.
Table 5.2: Statement of Areas Alloted to Eucalyptus Management Plan
Total 69.85
2 Nahan R-97 Mandapa 1b 46.66
Total 190.26
3 Jamta R-135 Talon 3b 15.20
4b 40.00
5b 7.00
11b 4.00
Total 66.20
Year of Name of Name of Forest Compt./Sub Total Area
Management Range Comptt. No (in Ha)
for felling
2023-24 Kolar R-78 Haripur 10b 34.9
Total 34.9
2024-25 Nahan R-104 Kala Bhood 8b 3.7
R-104 Kala Bhood 10b 4.5
R-99 Bikram Bag 1b 19.2
Total 27.4
2025-26 Nahan R-110 Periwala 1b 23.35
Nahan R-104 Kala Bhood 3c 5.4
Total 28.75
2026-27 Kolar R-77 Lohgarh 32b 8.56
Kolar R-84 Brahmanwali 3b 6.33
Nahan R-100 Teeb 8b 13.36
Total 28.25
2027-28 Nahan R-97 Mandapa 1b 46.66
Total 46.66
2028-29 Kolar R-86 E/Behron 1c 5.6
R-86 E/Behron 2b 6.78
R-86 E/Behron 3b 7.68
Total 20.06
2029-30 Nahan R-97 Mandapa 2c 36.43
Total 36.43
2030-31 Nahan R-97 Mandapa 4b 37.66
Total 37.66
2031-32 Jamta R-135 Tallon 5b 7
Jamta R-135 Tallon 3b 15.2
Total 22.2
2032-33 Jamta R-135 Tallon 11b 4
R-135 Tallon 4b 40
Total 44
G.Total 326.31 Ha
Bamboos are found in areas of Trilokpur Range. All these areas, which either predominantly bear
bamboos or have bamboo crop mixed with other broad leaved species and where bamboos can be
introduced successfully, are allotted to this Working circle. The bamboo forests of Trilokpur
ranges are in a very dilapidated and neglected state and the clumps have become very congested.
This is due to continuous lopping, illicit exploitation, unscientific or practically no working of
bamboos. Bamboos in this area flowered gregariously during late twenties, fifties and early
sixties. Majority of the clumps have died, dried and got uprooted since then. No serious attempt
has been made after that to induce good quality bamboos. Now bamboos Occur as an under
storey in miscellaneous forests with species like Sain, Chhal, Amaltas, Bahera,Harar etc. Pure
patches of bamboos exist only in some of the compartments of R.F. Maidhar and RF. Tribhuni.
Even these areas have been subjected to heavy grazing and lopping. With the result, bamboo crop
has become congested and poor in quality. Bamboo cutting was done in total disregard to the
felling rules in the past.
Bamboo is also an important raw material for paper making and other cottage industries. People
earn money by making baskets, cot frames, showroom items etc. It is also used for construction
of sheds & shelters. Apart from these, bamboo is also used as fodder. Keeping in view the
importance of bamboo and the fact that if not exploited, it will die or get dried, bamboo
exploitation becomes a must. Therefore in view of above, following special objectives of
management are prescribed.
(i) To carry out operations necessary for rehabilitation of bamboo forests in
order to improve the stocking and quality of bamboos.
(ii) To propagate and extend bamboo crop in suitable areas.
(iii) Consistent with the above, to obtain progressive annual yield of bamboos
for industrial and other uses.
Total area of Bamboo overlapping working circle is 542.34 Ha. The range wise break up is as
Table 6.1: The range wise area (Ha) break up of Bamboo working circle
Division Range Area in Ha
Nahan Kolar 0
Nahan 0
Trilokpur 542.34
Jamta 0
Total 542.34 Ha
G.Total 542.34 Ha
very scattered (except in few cases) and also bear poor quality crop which is not likely to yield
much revenue in the coming few years. More stress, therefore, has to be given to special objects
of management.
The silvicultural system will be selection -cum- improvement felling. The regeneration will
mainly be natural but as the forests have become very open hence stocking shall have to be
increased by artificial planting. Dendrocalamus strictus will be the bamboo suitable for the areas.
Broad leave species like (Sain, Amla, and Amaltas) can also be planted in gaps to maintain the
A 3-year cycle for bamboo working is prescribed.
The yield will be controlled by area as prescribed in the sequence of felling. The output will
depend upon the stocking in a particular area. In case of gregarious flowering, the felling be done
after seed fall and the entire area flowered gregariously is to be felled irrespective of its
prescribed year of felling.
The entire area under bamboo is to be worked on 3 years felling cycle. The following sequence of
felling is as laid down:
Table 6.3: Felling Sequence Of Bamboo Working Circle
Year of Sr no Name of Name of Forest Compt./Sub Total Area (in
felling Range Comptt. No Ha) prescribed
for felling
2023-24 1 Trilokpur R-117 Maidhar 1b 99.04
R-117 Maidhar 3c 71.00
R-121 Shikardhi 4b 25.00
Total 195.04
2024-25 2 Trilokpur R-117 Maidhar 2 116.96
R-117 Maidhar 4c 50.00
Total 166.96
2025-26 3 Trilokpur R-123 Tribhauni 3 180.34
Total 180.34
G.Total 542.34 Ha
Note: This sequence shall be repeated for the remaining working plan period. The above felling
program can, however, be changed with the approval of CCF Working Plan.
5. The total dry clumps will be clear felled. A clump which is two third or more dry will be
considered total dry.
6. Clumps which have flowered will be cut (clear felled) only after seed fall.
7. The culms flowering during the current season will not be cut, these will be cut after the
seed fall. The rest of the clump will be worked as per usual rules.
8. Cleaning, comprising of the removal of dead and dry clump should invariably be
9. Digging of rhizomes should be prohibited.
10. Climbers infesting the clumps should be cut.
The working circle generally covers poor quality Misc. B.L forests situated on moderate or steep
eroding formations, poor/refractory soil generally inferior for supporting good forest growth.
Some good quality Sal forests on the foothill of Nahan town have also been allotted to this
working circle from the point of view of protection and aesthetics. A couple of good forest on
steep slopes, felling of which will lead to soil erosion (E.g. Compartment No. 5 of RF Rama)
have also been put in this working circle.
The forest sub-types vary from Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forests (along the Western and
South western sides of Trilokpur and Nahan Ranges) to lower Himalayan chir pine Forests..
These areas have quite variable vegetation. On the gentle slopes, chir pine occurs scattered singly
or in groups with deciduous species. In moist and shady areas Sal is present. In rest of the areas
Misc. B.L forest is present.
The following areas are allotted to this working circle.
Total 1440.12
2 Nahan R-89 Toderpur 1 92.30
2 145.88
3 171.03
4 153.43
R-90 Sangholi 1 128.28
2 156.48
3 156.96
4 146.88
R-91 Thaska 1 145.88
2 120.48
R-92 Shishamwala 2 155.95
R-93 Khari 1 35.97
2 35.21
R-94 Satkumbha 1 45.03
2 84.77
R-95 Bhabbar Wala 1 34.21
2 41.50
3 127.02
R-96 Suketi 1 17.10
2 2.51
R-97 Mandapa 3 129.28
R-97 Mandapa 5 83.04
R-98 Khair Wala 1 93.06
2 117.46
R-99 BikramBag 2 44.70
R-100 Teeb 1 45.12
5 47.68
R-101 Katasan 6 28.08
7 25.12
R-103 Rama 1 82.72
2 54.56
3 158.40
4 110.00
5 111.68
6 107.68
7 125.76
8 92.96
R-105 N/ Bankala 4 40.64
5 37.60
R-106 Dhaun 5 125.26
R-107 Kotba 2 75.52
3 90.40
R-108 Ganashwala 3 79.52
R-109 Kotri 3 22.72
4 45.56
R-110 Periwala 2 90.04
R-111 Ambwala 1 88.22
2 65.28
3 161.60
R-112 Kangni wala 1 100.00
2 81.48
3 103.04
4 53.28
R-113 Jabbal 1 160.96
2 114.40
3 58.36
4 35.40
R-114 Banswala 1 157.44
2 69.77
3 146.40
Total 5457.06
3 Trilokpur R- 115 Jheera 1 145.70
2 82.20
3 104.30
4 106.66
6 114.72
R-116 Surla 1 37.34
R-117 Maidhar 7 100.64
8 82.56
2 81.74
7 208.75
R-124 Bhogpur Kotla 1 197.72
2 184.60
3 108.16
4 138.40
5 108.44
R-125 Andheri Gurudwara 1 112.12
2 104.75
3 64.28
R-126 Gumti Sambhalwa 1 202.88
2 334.40
3 215.78
4 222.56
5 121.92
6 237.02
7 263.36
TOTAL 4678.98
4 Jamta R-127 Burman 1 14.30
2 17.00
6 20.10
7 31.50
10 31.20
15 28.60
17 14.30
R-128 Jaitag 4 18.20
R-129 Nauni 1 9.10
2 19.50
3 27.70
5 19.00
6 26.00
R-130 Kashoga 1 53.30
2 65.00
3 31.20
4 39.00
6 39.00
7 29.90
8 57.20
9 14.30
R-131 Thandoli 2 40.30
3 35.10
R-132 Dhagera 4 14.30
7 22.10
8 28.60
9 29.50
10 14.30
11 5.20
R-133 Panjahal 1 36.40
R-134 Sanoga 1 80.60
2 81.90
3 9.10
4 70.20
5 55.90
6 66.30
7 48.10
8 67.60
9 52.00
10 30.00
R-143 Sadaur 1 65.30
2 31.10
3 27.00
4 64.00
5 22.10
6 62.40
R-144 Saroga 5 14.30
Total 3187.20
G.Total 14763.36 Ha
7.5.1 Stock Maps : Stock maps have been prepared on appropriate scale as per area of
compartment and attached in respective Compartment history files.
7.5.2 Enumerations : No enumerations have been carried out in this working circle.
7.5.3 Density:- The crop density varies greatly in these areas from eroded blanks to fairly well
stocked Forests. The forests falling in Trilokpur & Nahan Range area are generally eroded and
open. This is mainly due to heavy biotic interference.
7.5.4 Weeds: Some of the forests have a thick cover of lantana and other bushes like
woodfordia, Colebrookea and Mallotus spp.
Table 8.1 Year wise Detail of Area Planted in Nahan Forest Division
4) Poor nursery stock: Nursery stock without optimum height and collar diameter was
planted in field , which affected the overall success of plantation.
viii. Full protection from biotic-interference. Cattle proof fencing with 3/5-strand barbed
wire and RCC Pillars for Protection of Plantation and maintenance for minimum of 3-7
years depending on tall/normalplants. The choice of the species to be planted shall depend
upon the area suitability of the species.
Plantations will be carried out under Enrichment or Afforestation norms as per site canopy
density with native and indigeous species specific to the sites of planting. The plants will be
raised in nurseries for this purpose. The choice of species will be based on:
Ecological conditions
Canopy density
Some plantations in the recent past have established themselves well with due regard for
protection, site selection, choice of species and other pertinent factors including proactiveness
of field officers in site-studies and monitoring and forest guards regular interventions in
maintenance. Some of these include the plantation as shown in (fig 8.1) in 12 ha area in RF
Karondewali C-1,Kolar Beat and Kolar Range.
Figure 8.1 12 ha area plantation, 2017-18, Sunkar Khad River bed near RF Karondewali C-1,
Kolar Beat, Kolar Range
Importance of Nursery: Healthy nursery plantable stock with the optimum height and collar
diameter is also a crucial criterion for ensuring survival of these plants in the forests. The
Division currently has 2 nurseries in Salani, and Sehat with a capacity of 3.5 lakh plants in
single year.
In addition to ensuring the basic infrastructure including vermicompost adequacy, it is also
necessary for proper maintenance, shifting and grading of the plants being raised as per Nursery
protocols. Monitoring by officers (CF, DFO, ACF, RO) as per Monitoring protocols must be
ensured to keep track of growth and give technical inputs required, if any,at proper time.
Species diversification is another aspect that has to be laid stress upon, especially to avoid
monoculture planting and in order to create true mixed forests that are in line with biodiversity
considerations. The rare and endangered species, slowly reducing from the native forests
Sandan (Ougenia dalbergioides), Tatpatanga (Oroxylum indicum), Mahua (Madhuca indica),
and Artocarpus lacuchua (Dehu) must be raised in nurseries. The plants of medicinal and
ethano-botanical values that serve the purpose of public distribution well and give Forest
Department a positive interface with communities must also be raised.
Figure 8.2 Salani Nursery, Nahan Range
Figure 8.4 Sehat Nursery, Jamta Range
(d) Biodiversity Conservation Value/RET: Species having importance for wildlife, and
species declining in numbers such as Sandan (Ougenia dalbergioides), Tatpatanga (Oroxylum
indicum), Mahua (Madhuca indica), Amla (Emblica officinalis) and Artocarpus lacuchua
( Dehu) etc. should be considered.
Forest of Nahan Division have been degrading for the past many aeas and have been heavily
infested with lantana and other weeds.These degraded and some blank areas in forest can be
utilized for plantation. Rough estimate of area available for plantation under various scheme is
shown in table 8.3. More areas can be availbe in future due to natural disasters like fire, etc.
Moreover regeneration compartments of territorial working circle can be taken up for plantation,
if green felling occur in those areas, according to prescriptions.
The working circle is overlapping in nature and will include all working circles
Water resource management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing
the optimum use of water resources. It is an aspect of water-cycle management. The field of
water resources management will have to continue to adapt to the current and future issues facing
the allocation of water. With the growing uncertainties of global climate change and the long-
term impacts of past management actions, this decision-making will be even more difficult. It is
likely that ongoing climate change will lead to the situations that have not been encountered. As a
result, alternative management strategies, including participatory approaches and adaptive
capacity are increasingly being used to strengthen water decision-making.
Ideally, water resource management planning has regard to all the competing demands for
water and seeks to allocate water on an equitable basis to satisfy all uses and demands. As with
other resource management, this is rarely possible in practice so decision-makers must priorities
issues of sustainability, equity and factor optimization to achieve acceptable outcomes. One of
the biggest concerns for water-based resources in the future is the sustainability of the current and
future water resource allocation.
Sustainable Development Goal no. 6 has a target related to water resources management: "Target
6.5: By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through
transboundary cooperation as appropriate."
Like water, soil is an extremely valuable natural resource that is indispensable for supporting
plant and animal life, including forests. In the absence of vegetal cover, soil gets lost through the
process of erosion. In the forest estate under study, water erosion is the dominant form of erosion.
Water erosion takes place through the formation of rills and gullies. The situation has been
exacerbated by uncontrolled grazing, lopping, forest fires and defective extraction paths that
make soil more vulnerable towards erosion. When the land is left barren, the flow of water results
not only in the loss of soil cover, but also reduces water percolation, resulting in the depletion of
water table and drying of water sources such as wells, ponds and springs. This working circle
therefore also aims to prioritize critical areas that require immediate and effective preventive and
remedial measures for water conservation and the control of soil erosion. It tries to stabilize the
erosion infected areas by the use of vegetative cover and / or mechanical measures. On the
preventive front, it also tries to minimize troublesome anthropogenic activities in and around
forested areas. Concomitantly, it endeavors to evolve an acceptable strategic methodology for
diverse soil and water conservation works to be executed throughout the forest estate. All the
areas of forest which are prone to soil erosion would also be part of this Working Circle. The
main emphasis is to reduce top soil erosion and minimize soil loss during floods. The effective
soil conservation measures along with the catchment and watershed management are the pre-
conditions for a sustainable forest management. The forests are also sources of water (surface,
sub-surface and ground water). Over exploitation of the ground water resources results in a
decline in ground water levels; there is an urgent need to augment the ground water resources
through suitable management interventions. It is desirable to have forest management practices
with the principles of watershed-based development approach especially in the source areas of
water. Such areas should have restrictions on tree felling but there should be operations to
improve the water regimes and natural regeneration. Special provisions shall be made in the
working plan to sustain water resources and to address the livelihood issues of the people living
in and around the natural inland water sources. Further, areas susceptible to soil erosion such as
steep slopes and areas in the vicinity of perennial streams shall be focused for soil and water
conservation using mechanical or vegetative control measures.
1. To survey and identify the available source of water in the jurisdiction of working plan area’
6. To prioritize critical areas that requires immediate and effective preventive and remedial
measures for water conservation and the control of soil erosion.
7. To stabilize the erosion infected areas by the use of vegetative cover and / or mechanical
8. To periodically monitor the river flow pattern with reference to annual rainfall/duration to
show the status of improvement due to various control measures proposed.
Watershed approach to protect soil and water would be undertaken in the Division. The
stream/river sand will be protected as it acts as cushion for the meandering waterways.
Catchment area treatment will be carried out based on the need to protect the fertile soil of the
forest. The concept of springshed sanctuaries will be promoted. Hydrological regime will be
maintained and flow of environmental goods and services is to be ensured by maintaining the
runoff. The regenerative capacity of the endemic species will be enhanced by maintaining the
optimum soil moisture. Activities would be undertaken with involvement of fringe village
A total ecosystem conservation concept will be adopted for conservation of the wildlife habitat
and conservation of biodiversity in these forests. An effective naturalization plan needs to be
devised based on principles for maintaining natural diversity. To enrich the low diversity areas,
efforts should be made to restore native (indigenous) complementing natural species. Monocrop
should be avoided. Natural regeneration should be encouraged and wherever necessary, aided
natural regeneration should be taken up. Introduction of exotic species in the area will be
restricted and plantation of both, slow and fast-growing native species of herbs, shrubs, and trees
shall be promoted. Involvement of local communities especially youth, women from the forest
and fringe villages will be sensitized in forest protection.
The field survey was conducted and different springshed information was compiled as depicted
Efforts will be made in current working plan to identify new springs and Springshed management
system will be followed for their rejuvenation.
Amrit Sarovar (Pond) were constructed in collaboration with MGNREGA to celebrate 75 years
of Independence in Nahan Forest Division. Elaborate consultative meetings apprising ground-
water and forest degradation issues/ workshops on technical aspects were held among all
stakeholders and sites were identified for Amrit Sarovar. Following are some of the pictures of
Amrit Sarovar:-
Earthen Dam built in Trilokpur Range in 2020-21 financial year is an excellent model of
conserving water thus reducing erosion and enhancing moisture in the area. It has a capacity of
50 lakh litre. It was built under NPV Scheme. Range Forest officer of Trilokpur Range has also
received an award for building this structure. Following are some of the pictures of Earthen
1. The recharge zone of water resource area be protected from biotic interferences
2. The forest cover around spring shed area should be increased by planting suitable tree,
herb, shrubs and grasses species.
3. The rights and concessions of local right holders in recharge zone areas should be
exercised in exigencies and in minimum quantities.
4. The measures like contour bunding, Contour trenching, percolation trenches etc. should
be included in annual plan operations.
5. The engineering structures like water harvesting structures, farm ponds, percolation tanks
/wells be included in annual plan of operations
6. The funding be ensured from various schemes like State plan, centrally sponsored
schemes, CAMPA, CSR etc.
Summarily, for soil and water conservation works, the following model should be followed :-
Non-Timber forest products are useful foods, substances, materials and/or commodities obtained
from forests other than timber. Non-Timber forest products (NTFPs) include fruits, nuts, fungi,
fibers, medicinal and ornamental plants, mosses, dyes, resins, gums, fuel-wood, charcoal, leaves
as fodder, poles for local construction, honey, syrup, fish, and game, as well as other animal
With the thrust of forest management shifting from being tree centered to people centered forests
are now being viewed as a source of not only commercial timber but of valuable timber forest
product as well. There is a need to emphasize on the study exploitation and marketing of valuable
medicinal plant found in this division.
The pressure on the forest is mostly from the inhabitants for the supply of small timber, fodder
and fuel wood. Babhar grass is basically used for paper and pulp industries. Munj Fiber etc. are
also used for paper pulp and rope. Leaves of Bauhinia-vahili are used to make leaf plates and
Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) are resources collected from wild for direct
consumption/income generation on a small scale. The market is highly unregulated with much
raw materials extracted and exported out of HP State unreported and unrecorded. Market demand
outstrips supply as Ayurveda / natural and organically produced herbs for health and medicinal
purposes are rapidly growing.
NTFP management should mean an overall responsibility of conserving & developing the
resource with sustainable utilization and equitable distribution. The following chart would
indicate different dimensions of NTFP management:
Figure 10.1
Management needs to consider both the conservation of forest functions on the long term as the
quality of local livelihood.
• Develop sustainable harvesting methods
‘Sustainable forest management is the process of managing permanent forest land to achieve one
or more clearly specified objectives of management with regards to the production of a
continuous flow of desired forest products and services without undue reduction of its inherent
values and future productivity and without undue undesirable effects on the physical and social
NTFP (Non Timber Forest Product) are defined as all tangible forest products other than
industrial wood which can be collected from forests for subsistence as well as for trade.
In order to develop sustainable harvesting methods a number of key-ecological questions has to
be answered (e.g. phenology, ecology, reproduction biology) in order to determine best
harvesting practices, species and best suiting areas. The determination of a sustainable harvesting
level depends on information on volume and reproduction. The lack of NTFP resource
assessment methodologies in the tropics hampers the determination of such sustainable
harvesting levels. Some of these methods incorporate existing local knowledge with inventory
methods from wildlife management, horticulture and other disciplines. On the other hand the
existing scientific inventory methods are not easily adjustable to local circumstances and are not
easily understood and interpreted by local management. Therefore research should relinquish the
need for inventory methods, which include traditional knowledge as well as some extent of
scientifically rigour.
10.4 Market and marketable products.
Markets: Yamunanagar and Dehradun are the chief markets for sale of timber and non timber
products. Dehradun is about 90 kms form Nahan and Yamunanagar is about 65 kms. Both are
connected by pucca roads. All the timber and fuelwood is transported by roads. The main outlets
for the export of Product are Yamuna vide (Paonta), Kala-Amb (Nahan), Haripur (Kolar), Behral
(Majra) and Dak Pather (Bhagani).
Marketable Produce.
The chief marketable produce are as follows:->
Bamboo: - Bamboos Flowered gregariously during late fifties and early sixties and most of it is
dead now. Only few forest of Trilokpur and Nahan ranges bear commercially exploitable
bamboos. Bamboo clumps are generally badly hacked, lopped and unhealthy. They have been
exploited ruthlesslyin the past. This has resulted in a poor growth of bamboo. They are used for
cot frames, Mosquito nets, basket making etc.
Bhabar Grass: Bhabar is one the most important Non Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) in this area
and is used in the paper industry as well as for rope making by local people. Most of the Villagers
are dependent on the forests for their livelihood and are involved in ‘Baan Making’ or Rope
making from Bhabar grass which is brought by the local community from the forests.
Katha Extraction:- Khair trees are in great demand for the manufacturing of Katha. Katha is
manufactured from khair wood by distillation process. Sapwood is removed from the khair logs
and the heartwood is exported to the place of manufacturer of Katha.
Resin:- Chil pine grows extensively in Jamta Range. The resin extraction work in the forests is
being done by the H.P. State Forest Corporation since 1977-78. Resin lots are auctioned by
Forest Corporation during January for resin extraction and carriage upto road side depot. The
extraction work begins from 15th March and ends by 15th November. Final collection is carried
out till 30th November.Work is generally carried out for 20 years on 35 cm dia tree, after that rest
is essential to the tree.It is used in cosmetics, paint and pharmaceutical industries.
In the rural setup, NTFP form an integral part of the daily lives of the villagers, varying form
personal hygiene, cosmetics, nutrition, and use for livestock medicine and even at times are a
source of additional income to rural households. The important Non Timber Forest Produce
found in Nahan Forest Division are given in Table 10.1 below:-
Current challenges in NTFP sector are:-
• Low priority at the policy & planning level, and hence low investments for developing this
• Being unorganized in most part(except for few like Bidi leaves and bamboo) there is a lack of
clarity on the actual collection, trade, pricing and other related aspects like the number of primary
• Inadequate value addition & storage.
• Dwindling resource base.
• Poor interest of entrepreneurs in commercial farming of NTFPs (this is chiefly due to the
insecure market)
• Unsustainable harvesting practices.
• Bio-Piracy of NTFP by commercial Giants.
The current working plan will continuously aim to work on the challenges in the NTFP sector
during its tenure. The working circle is overlapping in nature and will include all working circles.
The Nahan Forest Division is a unique and diverse ecosystem, encompassing vast stretches of
forested land, rich biodiversity, and critical natural resources. As a custodian of this precious
natural heritage, it is essential to implement effective measures for forest protection and fire
prevention. This chapter focuses on the strategies and initiatives undertaken in the Nahan Forest
Division to ensure the conservation and safeguarding of its forests and combat the threat of forest
Forest Protection is defined as that branch of forestry that deals with measures aimed at
prevention and control of damage to forests caused by man, animals, insects, fungi, injurious
plants and adverse climatic factors. Despite the wide range of benefits -direct and indirect-
provided by the forests to the human society, forests worldwide are under severe threat. Although
there is growing awareness about the services that forest ecosystems provide and hence more and
more people now realize the crucial linkage of forests to existence of man on this planet.This
forest working circle overlap all other working circle.
Table 11.3: Last five year Illicit felling cases detected in Nahan forest division:-
2016-17 19
2017-18 7
2018-19 4
2019-20 3
2020-21 7
2021-22 12
2022-23 -
In addition, it is pertinent to mention here that challan/chargesheet are not filed within time
bound manner by the police department in which FIR loded by the forest department under IFA
and cases become weak due to delaying the investigation process.
16 W/Bheron
17 Kolar
18 Jattanwali
19 Mattar
20 Maintjapal
21 Gurudwra
22 Trilokpur
23 Trilokpur Kotla
24 Churan
25 Kundla
26 Gumti
and enhance the effectiveness of surveillance. Strong penalties and legal action are imposed on
those involved in forest offenses to serve as a deterrent.
The Nahan Forest Division's commitment to forest protection is evident through its
comprehensive strategies and initiatives. Through sustainable forest management, law
enforcement, community engagement, research, and partnerships, the division strives to ensure
the conservation and sustainable use of its forests. By adopting a holistic approach and involving
all stakeholders, the Nahan Forest Division sets a positive example for forest protection and
inspires the preservation of natural resources for future generations.
11.7.2 Fires caused by humans – Throughout the world humans have been the most significant
causes of fires. About 95% of fires in this country are caused by man. Fires caused by humans
may be due to carelessness or could be a deliberate action. Accidental fires due to carelessness may be caused by any of the following
Incidents: –
• Leaving fire burning after cooking in forest camp
• Throwing burning match stick or bidi or cigarette
• Throwing torch wood by the travelers at night
• Burning of fields or grass lands adjoining to forests
• Accidental spread of fires while burning fire lines Deliberate or intentional fires are caused normally in the following cases–
• Burning the undergrowth to collect minor forest produce;
• Inducing new shoots of grass by burning the dry grass;
• Scaring away wild animals from the villages in the forest fringe;
• Destroying or charring the stumps of illicitly-felled trees.
11.7.3 Types of forest fires: According to the level at which they occur, forest fires are of the
following types-
• Ground fire – it burns the ground cover only, i.e. the carpet of herbs and low shrubs which
cover the soil.
• Surface fire – It burns not only the ground cover but also the undergrowth.This is the most
common type; it consumes litter, killing aboveground parts of herbs and shrubs, and typically
scorching the trees. Surface fire is very sensitive to wind speed. It tends to kill young trees of all
species (often, however, just the aboveground portion) and most of the trees of less resistant
species of all sizes
• Crown fire – It spreads through the crowns of trees and consumes all or part of upper branches
and foliages. This usually occurs in coniferous forests.
Forest fires cause the following damage to forests:
• Damage to plants – The ground flora of shrubs and herbs and the undergrowth are most
vulnerable to surface fire, which is most common. Trees, in the upper storey, however, depending
on species and age, suffer in varying proportion due to forest fire. The species which have thick
corky bark are less prone to damage than those with thin bark. The broad-leaved species are less
affected by forest fire than the conifers.
• Damage to regeneration – Forest fire causes enormous damage to regeneration of plants and
young plantations. Even a ground or surface fire of moderate intensity can totally destroy the
•Damage to soil – Fire bares the forest soil to eroding agents like sun, wind and rain. Soil erosion
thus gets enhanced. Forest fire also depletes organic matter and nitrogen reserve. Fire also makes
the soil more compact and impervious.
•Damage to productive potential – Fire reduces the productive potential or capacity of forests.
Repeated fires may change the type of forests, for example, an evergreen forest may turn into a
deciduous forest of poorer quality. Owing to natural adaptive character of the plants, valuable
species may be replaced by inferior fire-hardy species. Fires also adversely affect the crop density
and yield. Thus on repeated occurrence of fires, forest yield suffers both in terms of quality and
• Damage to conservation potential – Even as ground and surface fire burns down the ground
flora and undergrowth, there is considerable increase in the runoff. As a result, the capacity of
forest to conserve soil and ground water is reduced. The streams passing through forested
watershed witness sudden spurt in channel flow, if the watershed is burnt. Studies have revealed
that stream flow from a watershed with protected ground vegetation is more uniform and steady
than from a watershed whose soil and protective cover has been damaged.
•Damage to wild animals – Forest fire destroys the eggs and young ones of wild animals.
Sometimes the bigger animals also become victims of fire. Fire thus inflicts an enormous damage
to wild animals and the biological diversity of forest.
during the dry season and they restrict fires from spreading across them. Control burning is
done patch by patch beginning from the patch which has most of the grass dry. Control burning
is done to protect plantations, natural regeneration areas, timber depots and other valuable forest
cresources. A belt of sufficient width round such areas is subjected to control burning so that
fire, caused accidentally or otherwise, cannot cross this belt and damage the plantations, depots
etc. inside. It is advisable to take up controlled burning after the dusk because the flame in the
dark is easily visible and it is much easier to control the extent of burning within the envisaged
boundary. In bright sunlight flame of fire is often not visible and there is risk that fire may
spread beyond the limits without getting detected.
Fire line – Fire line is defined as a cleared permanent fire break (a barrier from which all or
most of the inflammable materials have been removed) intended to prevent fires from crossing
from one area to another. In other words, It is a permanently clear-felled strip in a forest which
is burnt every year before the commencement of hot weather to destroy all inflammable
materials so that it may prevent the spread of an accidental fire. Fire lines are carefully aligned
so as to divide the forest into small blocks. Thus fire, even if originated at a block accidentally,
remains localized within the block and does not spread to other blocks easily. Even when fire is
intense enough to spread across fire line, it permits time to start fire fighting operations and
contain the damage. Fire lines 3 to 5 meters wide are optimum. Fire lines should be maintained
motor able so as to permit easy and quick movement of fire-fighting squads. New fire line in RF
Dhadu C-12 can be made for restoration of degraded forest patch (25 hectare) taken up under
Mukhya Mantri Van Vistar Yojana.
Table 11.5: The fire lines in Nahan Forest Division:
Sr. Name of Fire Line GPS Location
No. Starting Point Ending Point
1 Dhadog - Jaithal Dhadhog Dhgera
N 30.613055º E 77.291388° N 30.620877º E 77.29444°
8 Katorar to Patnala Khala N 30.90277 º E 77.385 º N 30.891666 º E 77.356111 º
2 Toder Pur-2
3 Sangholi 1
4 Sangholi 2
5 Thaska
6 Khari
7 Suketi
8 Mandapa-1
9 Mandapa-2
10 Bikram Bag
11 Kotri
12 Banswala
13 Kangniwala
14 Periwala
15 Teeb
16 Jabal
17 Ambwala
18 Nauni
19 Burman
20 Bohal
21 Patandi
22 Panjahal
23 Daghera
24 Jaitak
25 Banethi
26 Gaunth
27 Katli
28 Saroga
29 Amta
30 Lohgarh Beat No-1
31 Lohgarh Beat No-2
32 Lohgarh Beat No-3
33 Lohgarh Beat No-4
34 Lohgarh Beat No-5
35 Lohgarh Beat No-6
36 Haripur
37 Rampur Ganda
38 Sambhalka
39 W/Bheron
40 Jamretwa
41 Kolar
42 Jattanwali
43 Mattar
44 Burma Papri
45 Kotla
46 Kundla
47 Trilokpur Churan
48 Mainthapal
49 Gurudwara
50 Kandaiwala
enforcement of forest laws, are essential to maintaining the integrity and sustainability of the
Nahan Forest Division.
The forests in the area comprise Northern Tropical Moist deciduous forests, Northern Tropical
Dry deciduous forests and Himalayan Sub-Tropical types with predominance of trees such as Sal,
Rohini, Khair, Simul, Siris, Amaltas, and Kangu etc. A number of fruit and fodder trees for
wildlife importance occur in the areas of which the following are important:
Bel (Aegle marmelos)
Amaltas (Cassia fistula)
Mango (Mangifera indica)
Guava (Psidium guajava)
Jamun (Syzigium cumini)
Dhak (Butea monosperma)
Gular (Ficus glomerata)
Pipal (Ficus religiosa)
Kangu (Flacourtia indica)
The following palatable grasses are found: Bhabhar (Eulaliopsis binata), Khabbal (Cynodon
dactylon), Panni (Dicanthium annulatum), Dholu (Chrysopogon montanus), Sariala
(Heteropogon contortus), Sarkanda (Saccharum munja) etc.
Therefore, there is a variety of tree and grass forage found in these forests. However, there is
persistent scarcity of water in dry and winter month as no perennial source of water exist in area.
A variety of birds are also found in the area of which are peacock, koel, pied-crested cuckoo, red
jungle fowl, blue rock pigeon, doves, lapwings, babblers, hoopoe, bulbuls, jungle mynas, grey tit,
golden backed wood pecker, king crow, shama, common grey hornbill and grey partridges are
important occurring in numbers. The main bird species which are not seen in other parts of the
state but found in this tract include Himalayan slaty headed parakeet, Blue headed Rock thrush,
yellow backed sunbird and paradise flycatcher. The list of birds found in the tract are given
Local name English name Scientific name
Bater Common or Grey Coturnix coturnix
Bulbul Crested bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus
Cheer Cheer Pheasant Catreus wallichii
Cuckoo Large hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx sparverioides
Ghugi Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis
Gidh Himalayan Griffin Gyps himalayensis
Goraiya House sparrow Passer domesticus indicus
Harial Yellow-footed green Treron phoenicopterus
Jangli Murga Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus
Kabutar Blue Rock Pigeon Columba livia
Kala Teetar Black Francolin Francolinus francolinus
Kaleej Kalij pheasant Lophura leucomelanos
Kath phora Woodpecker Pincodes auriceps
Kaua Crow Corvus splendens & culminates
Lowwa Jungle Bush Quail Perdicula asiatica
Peora Hill Partridge Arborophila torqueola
Tota Parakeet Psittaula columboides
Dhamman Indian Rat Ptyos mucosa
Dhodiya Checkered Keelback Xenochrophis piscator
Domuha Red Sand Boa Eryx johnii
Gobilda Chameleon Chameleon calcaratus
Harantal Common Vine Ahaetulla nasuta
Hurhur Snake Striped Keelback Xenochrophis vittatus
King Cobra King Cobra Ophiophagus hannah
Kharpa Indian Cobra Naja naja
Krait Common Indian Krait Bungarus caeruleus
Kukri Snake Common Kukri Oligodon arnensis
Retila snake Common Sand Boa Eryx conicus
Russel Kukri Russel’s Kukri Oligodon taeniolatus
Teliya/Andha snake Brahminy Worm Indotyphlops braminus
Grizzled Skipper Spialia galba
Himalayan Five-Ring Ypthima sacra
Indian jezebel Delias eucharis
Indian Tortoiseshell Aglais caschmirensis
Lemon Emingrant Catopsilia Pomona
Lime Swallowtail Papilio demoleus
Orange Oakleaf Kallima inachus
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui
Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus
Psyche Leptosia nina
Red Pierrot Talicada nyseus
Sorrel Sapphire Heliophorus sena
Yellow Pansy Junonia hierta
Zebra Blue Leptotes plinius
TABLE 12.2: Compensation details since 2023-24 in Nahan Forest Division
The ex-gratia rates as notified by HP Forest Department are annexed in Appendix –XIV.
Analysis :->
i) Leopard (Panthera pardus):- Leopard is the most widely distributed large cat in
India, but due to expansions of human influence and ever increasing pressure on natural
resources has greatly intensified the issue of human leopard conflict in a wide variety of
situations. Human-leopard conflict is a complex issue influenced by political and social
attitudes, the biology of the species, and management action. Effective management of
conflict will have to strike a balance between minimizing serious conflict (attacks on people)
and the long-term conservation of the leopard species. Although, the leopard is commoner and
more resilient than other large cat species that occur in India, it is poached in the largest
numbers to meet the demand of the illegal wildlife trade. The leopard is very adaptable, and
can live close to human habitations. The presence of a species like the leopard in a human
dominated landscape will invariably lead to some predation on domestic animals in form of
livestock killing. Table 12.2 summarizes the attack of leopard on livestock.
ii) Monkey (Rhesus macaque) :- Monkey is widely distributed animal in the tract dealt
with. However, the population has increased more in human habitations than forests. The
main cause of increased population near human habitation is increasing availability of garbage
with food discards. The population has increased manifold in the lower part of the division
and there are a lot of complaints of crop depredation by them. All along the National
highways, State Highways and even in the link roads and paths, the monkeys can be seen in
herds and pose a threat to tourists, passersby and local inhabitants. The monkey also destroys
the young seedlings of plants as they suck the roots of the seedlings and in this process they
uproot the seedlings. They have left the interiors of the forests and are seen near human
habitation. However,the efforts of Forest Department are in progress to reduce number by
way of sterilizing male ones. Monkey Population is also slowly declining in Nahan Forest
Division. The details of sterilization carried out in Nahan Forest Division are tabulated below:
. TABLE 12.3: Monkey Sterilization details in Nahan Forest Division
M F Total
(Male) (Female)
2017-18 410 120 80 200
2018-19 512 158 162 320
2019-20 693 176 206 382
2020-21 417 137 145 282
2021-22 296 119 93 212
2022-23 202 65 90 155
(Out of the total monkeys captured, only those monkeys were not sterilized that include
young in age and already sterilized before.)
iii) Elephant (Elephas maximus):-> In the recent past, the issue of elephant
movement from Uttrakhand has emerged as a new challenging issue. Although the issue
pertains more to the adjoining paonta division but there are incidences of human-elephant
conflict in adjoining kolar range of Nahan forest division. This happens mainly due to
interstate movement of elephants from Uttrakhand and UP border to Himachal Pradesh and
subsequent movement in human habituated areas. It has been observed that movement of
elephants across border from Uttakhand to Himachal Pradesh is directed towards reaching
Simbalbara Natonal Park through forest areas, but due to habitat fragementation, after
crossing Uttrakhand border and coming to Himachal Pradesh, elephants do not have any
continuous forest area for the above movement. This leads to their movement in human
habitations. One lady in Kolar was killed by elephant attack in 2023. Elephants also destroy
the crops of framers.
Database Development and Maintenance: - The basic step towards understanding and
developing mitigation strategies for reducing human conflicts in this Division and
elsewhere, in the State would be the development and maintenance of a database. The
patterns of human-animal conflicts in a large landscape both in spatial and temporal scales
will be extremely important to understand underlying causes and preventing conflicts. It
is extremely important for the Forest Department of Himachal Pradesh to develop and
maintain a database on conflicts for its different regions using GIS.
Creation of Conflict Management Team:- A fully equipped, well trained and motivated
‘Conflict Management Team’/ Rapid Response Teams comprising of wildlife staff,
veterinarians, staff of related line departments or institutions, and wildlife NGOs has to be
formed at the Division/Circle Level to respond to conflict situations, including animal
rescue, treatment (if required), translocation and monitoring. Efficient and effective
response to complaints is more feasible when rapid communication is possible from and to
the conflict site and between the personnel of the Conflict Management Team and when
duties are shared amongst the members of Team.
Awareness Creation:- Knowledge on Black Bear/ Leopard behavior is essential for the
villagers who live near bear/leopard habitats and suffer crop losses and are also vulnerable
to bear attacks. Awareness creation through elected bodies at the village or block levels,
religious or educational establishments, and other government or non-governmental
agencies needs to be explored. Simple precautionary measures such as avoiding moving
singly during dawns and dusks in crop fields or orchards or forests during summer and
autumn could greatly reduce bear attacks on humans. Another crucial factor that can
reduce bear attacks is providing a safe passage or escape route for a stranded bear,
particularly in the villages. These ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ should be widely circulated through
posters in local language. T.V and print media should also used for awareness creation for
villagers in conflict area.
Reducing Livestock Depredation by Black Bear/Leopard:-As most of the livestock
killings have taken place at the night shelters in the villages, it would be necessary to
strengthen the doors, windows and other vulnerable portions of these night shelters to
reduce loss by predation to black bear and common leopard. Supervised livestock grazing
by at least 3-4 villagers will reduce livestock depredation by black bear and leopard.
Villagers who were affected by livestock depredation by black bear and leopards should
be advised to use iron doors and proper lighting at their cattle sheds or night shelters as
both have been found to be very effective in reducing livestock loss.
Guarding of Crop from Damage:- A Village level cooperative effort for guarding of crop
fields and orchards on rotational basis could be tried. Using guard dogs while patrolling
and keeping them in villages would be of added advantage. Proper lighting in the corners
or boundaries of crop fields particularly the vulnerable points lying close to forest fringes
may be another option that may help to reduce crop depredation as observed in a few
Translocation and Marking of Problematic Animals:- The problem animals that are
captured and translocated from the conflict areas should be marked by radio collar,
florescent collar or, by ear tags prior to their release back into the wild so that the
movement and the ranging patterns of these animals could be studied. This will be very
helpful in better understanding of problematic animals and ultimately help in mitigating
the problem.
Aversive Conditioning of Problematic Animals:- Aversive conditioning of problematic
animals (habituated to people or raiding crops) is very much essential so that the
problematic animal learns to associate ‘undesirable activities’ such as entering a village,
crop field or orchard with ‘negative events’. Such problematic animal could be subjected
to one or more of the following treatments prior to release back into the wild. The
treatments include: being hit or rubber bullets, loud noise by bursting of crackers, and
barking and/or chased by specially trained guard dogs.
Strengthening of Local and Traditional Deterrent Methods:- The traditional methods of
burning red chillies mixed in cow dung can also be experimented in villages which were
located in the periphery of forested areas in harvest seasons.Burning of crackers can also
be done.
Compensation for Damages Caused by Wild Animals:- The loss of cattle and human
beings due to attack by wild animals are compensated by the forest department to victims
vide notification No. FTS-(F)-6-7/82 Shimla-2, LOOSE dated 9-4-1996 and Fts. (F) 6-
7/82-II dated 28th August, 2001 But still there is no provision for compensation to the loss
of cultivated field crops due to damage by wild animals in the State of Himachal Pradesh
which need attention of the State Government in this regard. Therefore, necessary step
may be taken up with Govt. in this regard.
Table 12.5 List of water pond/holes in Nahan Forest Division
Range Block Beat RF Location
N 30.501310
1 Nahan Bikram bag Mandpa 1st RF Mandpa C-1
E 077.297040
Mandpa N 30.5037220
2 Nahan Bikram bag RF Mandpa C-4
2nd E 077.2666020
N 30028'20"
3 Nahan Bikram bag Khari Khari C-1
E 077012'58"
Ramma N 30032'49"
4 Nahan Shambhuwala RF Ramma C-4
2nd E 077023'31"
Ramma N 30.542860
5 Nahan Shambhuwala RF Ramma C-3
2nd E 077.383230
N 30.52349°
6 Nahan Shambhuwala Uttamwala Kalabhood C-5
E 077.38035°
N 30032'40"
7 Nahan Shambhuwala Ramma 1st RF Ramma C-8
E 077022'28"
N 30032'39"
8 Nahan Shambhuwala Dhaun RF Dhaun C-7
E 077019'47"
N 30032'43"
9 Nahan Shambhuwala Dhaun RF Dhaun C-7
E 077019'43"
10 Nahan Nahan Ambwala Ambwala C-4
E 77.2553830
11 Nahan Nahan Kangniwala Kangniwala C-3
E 77.2593410
N 30032'26"
12 Nahan Nahan Kotri Kotri C-1
E 077017'56"
N 30050'21"
13 Kolar Kolar Kolar Krondewali C-3 E
N 30050'21"
E 77041'8194"
N 30.486152°
15 Kolar Bheron Matter RF Matter C-5
E 077.354145°
RF Dardwala C- N 30.495047°
16 Kolar Kolar Jatanwali
2 E 077.433644°
RF Jamretwa C- N 30.506542
17 Kolar Bheron Jamretwa
6 E 077.304902
Kaulanwala N 30.6429680
18 Trilokpur Kayari RF Kayari C-2
Bhood E 077.1979160
Kaulanwala N 30.6119560
19 Trilokpur Kayari RF Kayari C-7
Bhood E 077.2045930
Kaulanwala N 30.6159130
20 Trilokpur Kayari RF Kayari C-7
Bhood E 077.2086940
N 30.6177110
E 077.2061010
Kaulanwala R F Kayari C-
21 Trilokpur Kayari
Bhood 7
Kaulanwala N
22 Trilokpur Kayari RF Kayari C-7
Bhood 30.6180870
E 077.205480
Kaulanwala N 30.6159130
25 Trilokpur Surla RF Sikardi C-3
Bhood E 077.2086940
26 Trilokpur Surla RF Sikardi C-3 N 30.6130810
E 077.2111910
27 Trilokpur Surla RF Sikardi C-4 N 30.6133830
E 077.2226970
28 Trilokpur Surla RF Surla C-2 N 30.6043240
E 077.2303680
Kaulanwala RF Tribhoni
30 Trilokpur Kotri N 30.6193850
Bhood C-3
E 077.183580
R F Bhogpur
31 Trilokpur Kotla Kotla N 30.5400410
Kotla C-1
E 077.1639090
R F Maidhar N 30.5866170
32 Trilokpur Trilokpur Kandaiwala
C-4 E 077.2238370
R F Maidhar N 30.5904790
33 Trilokpur Trilokpur Kandaiwala
C-5 E 077.2301830
R F Maidhar N 30.5845730
34 Trilokpur Trilokpur Kandaiwala
C-4 E 077.2392290
35 Jamta Banethi
RF Saroga C- N 30°41'47"
Saroga 7 E 77°11'94"
36 Jamta Banethi
RF Saroga C- N 30°40'59"
Saroga 2 E 77°10'40"
37 Jamta Banethi
RF Dhadu C- N30.653262°
Amta 11 E 77.235151°
RF Dhadu C-
38 Jamta Banethi
N 30.66699°
Amta E 77.20722°
39 Jamta Banethi E/Banethi C-
N 30°37'39"
Banethi E 77°18'03"
40 Jamta Banethi E/Banethi C-
N 30°37'30"
Banethi E 77°17'38"
41 Jamta Banethi
N 30°38'57"
Kathara RF Amta C-6 E 77°12'42"
42 Jamta Banethi
RF Amta C- N 30°39'25"
Kathara 10 E 77°11'38"
43 Jamta Banethi
N 30°36'59"
Katli RF Katli C-5 E 77°14'20"
44 Jamta Banethi
E/Banethi C- N 30°38'47.0"
Gounth 19 E 77°17'58.6"
45 Jamta Banethi
E/Banethi C- N 30°38'33.5"
Gounth 30 E 77°16'28.6"
46 Jamta Panjahal
N 30°36'37"
Jaitak RF Jaitak C-6 E 77°21'33"
RF Dhagera N 30.5648°
C-1 E 77.3769°
RF Nauni C- N 30°36'41"
7 E 77°18'45"
RF Kanoti C-
51 Jamta Jamta Bohal
N 30°37'26"
E 77°18'45"
RF Burman
52 Jamta Jamta Burman
N 30°37'50"
E 77°20'35"
Habitat especially for the endangered species and the species in the schedule-I of the
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 requires to be protected by all means. The areas where
schedule-I animals are found, needs to be specially protected and entry of domestic animals
should be stopped so that wild animals get the required forage and shelter. Regular
monitoring of their habitat should be done.
There should be no felling amounting to alteration of crop composition near the water holes
and on the paths frequented by the wild animals. Planting of species such as Amla, Bahera,
Jamun, Ber, Mallah, Bel, Kinu, Bauhinia and Dhak should be carried out in pockets.
Solid waste (kitchen waste management): In most of the Municipal corporation areas and other
areas specifically having large number of human habitations, the door-to-door garbage collection
and kitchen waste management has probably forced sizable macaque populations to migrate to
the forests. More efforts are required in this direction so that the kitchen waste and the waste
generated by various eateries are well managed.
Fire Protection: Fire is potentially a deadly enemy of both forests and wildlife. Rapid
running forest fires particularly crown fires are very destructive to wildlife. If it occurs in the
nesting season of birds, breeding stock may be destroyed. The wild animals are usually
trapped in the thick lantana bushes in case of fire. The rodents and reptiles are usually the
bigger causalities as they are holed up. Therefore, strict fire protection measures as
prescribed in the Forest Protection Working Circle should be followed. The fire watch
towers should be used for detection of fire outbreaks.
Rescue Equipment adequacy: The Rapid Response Teams at Division and Circle levels
should be well-equipped with all the rescue items including ropes, trap cages, transfer cages
for large/small mammals, snake-handling hooks, torches, GPS sets, tranquilizing guns etc.
as notified by Chief Wildlife Warden of Himachal Pradesh from time to time.
Veterinary Care:- Veterinary care in areas rich in wildlife may be ensured by:-
Training:- For carrying out multidimensional activities, ranging from routine protection to
social services, a new breed of staff with entirely different perceptions has to be made
available. The available talent can be sharpened only through training. On the job training
will be given to staff for capacity building. Trainings in weaponry, unarmed combat,
participatory exercises, first aid, veterinary care, intelligence gathering, investigation, public
relations, wildlife sciences etc. will be provided in various reputed institutions. A part from
that staff should be well versed in investigation, adducing evidence and material, dealing
with wildlife offences/offenders, compoundable and non-compoundable cases under the
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Staff should be imparted training in matters like trapping of
wild animals, rescue operation, snake handling, post-mortem of animals, collection of
samples of vital organs for histo-pathological, viral and bacterial examination, their
preservation and dispatch, sign and symptoms of common wild life diseases, external
indicators of health, etc.
Research and Monitoring:- Sudden outbreak of diseases, suitability of a given area for a
particular species, carrying capacity of the forests, crop raids and methods to check the
excessive breeding of a particular species are some of the problems that need research
inputs. These problems can be addressed by appointing qualified persons for research and
monitoring or by entrusting the same to specialized research organizations like ZSI, WII and
local universities. It is essential to monitor the growth and development of wildlife in a
given area to assess the impact of management practices, so as to make the needed
corrections to suit the objective.
Awareness Program and Peoples’ Participation: - Educating the local population about
the importance of wildlife in the ecosystem and creating awareness about their conservation
will go a long way in protecting our forests as well as reducing man-animal conflicts. Such
awareness can be brought through nature camps, birding trails etc. for different target groups
such as panchayats, students, fringe dwellers etc coupled with seminars, workshops and
guest lectures.
Mitigating Man Animal Conflicts: - Some of the recommendations to mitigate the conflict
at the man-animal interface are: -
ii) To explore LPG connection on subsidies rates for forest dependent population so that
dependence on forest pressure for fuelwood could be reduced.
iv) Proper lightning of cow sheds near forest fringe areas.
Census of Animals: - The Monkey census has been carried out in Himachal Pradesh. Proper
documentation of the population trends i.e. pre-sterilization and post-sterilization of monkeys are
needed for management. This will help in studying the impact of sterilization and making
decision for further improvements in future. Census detail of monkey are shown in table 12.6 &
Table 12.7: Change in the population of rhesus macaque between 2015 and 2019
Division Average Group 2015 2019 Intrinsic rate(r)
i) Improving existing population control: Himachal Pradesh Forest Department has established
9 sterilization centres where laser assisted tubectomy and vasectomy is performed on captured
macaques. Since year 2006, total of 1,55,257 macaques have been sterilized. Monitory incentives
are given to locals for capturing and re-releasing of the macaques. As macaques are captured
from far away locations and brought to sterilization centres, reach of each centre is limited, and
also further the random re-release of them probably has affected their social organisation and
unexpected over crop raiding pattern. To avoid this, the proper release of them at their original
locations has to be ensured. However, the massive sterilisations drive has been effective in
regulating population growth of macaques through prevention of subsequent births of progenies.
ii). Monkey-Human Interface:- The monkeys have become a problematic for the last 20
years in Himachal. Whether, it is the townships or the rural areas now monkey menace is
quite common as they move out of the forests in search of food and convenience. Not many
efforts were made to address this problem in the past as this problem was never considered a
public or administrative problem. The efforts made for last 10 years at Forest Department
level are inadequate unless the larger issues including garbage dumping are resolved by all
Census exercise was also initiated in 2022 with zoological survey of India for black-bears
and leopard . With the help of this data once the report is published, further clarity into their
numbers, movement and habitat with remedial measures will be clear. Such census need to
be made a regular feature to better management of Wildlife and reduce human animal
“Biodiversity is the variation among living organisms from different sources including terrestrial,
marine and desert ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are a part.”
Biodiversity describes the richness and variety of life on earth. It is the most complex and
important feature of our planet. Without biodiversity, life would not sustain. The term
biodiversity was coined in 1985. It is important in natural as well as artificial ecosystems. It deals
with nature’s variety, the biosphere. It refers to variabilities among plants, animals and
microorganism species. Biodiversity includes the number of different organisms and their relative
frequencies in an ecosystem. It also reflects the organization of organisms at different levels.
Biodiversity holds ecological and economic significance. It provides us with nourishment,
housing, fuel, clothing and several other resources. It also extracts monetary benefits through
tourism. Therefore, it is very important to have a good knowledge of biodiversity for a
sustainable livelihood.
Importance of Biodiversity: Biodiversity and its maintenance are very important for sustaining
life on earth. A few of the reasons explaining the importance of biodiversity are:
Ecological Stability: Every species has a specific role in an ecosystem. They capture and store
energy and also produce and decompose organic matter. The ecosystem supports the services
without which humans cannot survive. A diverse ecosystem is more productive and can
withstand environmental stress.
Economic Importance: Biodiversity is a reservoir of resources for the manufacture of food,
cosmetic products and pharmaceuticals. Crops livestock, fishery, and forests are a rich source of
food. Wood, fibres, perfumes, lubricants, rubber, resins, poison and cork are all derived from
different plant species. Biodiversity provides people with basic ecosystem goods and services. it
provides goods such as food, fibre and medicine, and services such as air and water purification,
climate regulation, erosion control and nutrient cycling. Biodiversity also plays an important role
in economic sectors that drive development, including agriculture, forestry, fisheries and tourism.
More than three billion people rely on marine and coastal biodiversity, and 1.6 billion people rely
on forests and non-timber forest products (e.g. the fruits from trees) for their livelihoods. Many
people depend directly on the availability of usable land, water, plants and animals to support
their families. In fact, ecosystems are the base of all economies.
Ethical Importance: All the species have a right to exist. Humans should not cause their
voluntary extinction. Biodiversity preserves different cultures and spiritual heritage. Therefore, it
is very important to conserve biodiversity.
Biodiversity use and conservation education.
Legel remedies
Communities involvement in Biodiversity Conservation
Traditional agro-ecosystems and biodiversity conservation
13.2.1. Biodiversity use and conservation education:
People should be aware about the direct and indirect benefits from the forest and their
change in attitude is needed.
Initiation of educational programs that comprises teaching of conservation topics can help
in biodiversity conservation.
13.2.2 Legal remedies:
The Biological Diversity Act,2002 is an act for preservation of biological diversity in India,and
provides mechanism for equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of traditional
biological resources and knowledge.As per the act BMCs are created for “promoting
conservation, sustainable use and documentation of biological diversity by local bodies across the
country.The main function of BMC is to prepare People’s Biodiversity Register in consultation
with local people. This Register entail a complete documentation of biodiversity in the area
plants, wildlife, medicinal sources, etc.Efforts will be made in current working plan to make
BMC in every local body.
13.2.3. Afforestation:
Multipurpose tree including legumes are marvellous, multipurpose resources that can
protect and stabilize the soil, save water, symbiotically fix atmospheric nitrogen, produce
valuable wood and fodder, and certain proteins and lipids for diet.
In the most degraded areas where trees are difficult to grow, attention should be given to
the shrubs which are highly palatable to cattle.
13.2.4. Communities involvement in Biodiversity Conservation:
Promotion of the community-based resource management systems of indigenous people
will help in accomplishing the conservation of indigenous knowledge for biodiversity
Promotion of JFMCs and community user group near forest fringe areas can help in forest
protection and hence conserving the biodiversity.
The working circle is looking into identification of various ecotourism destinations holding future
potential for sustainable ecotourism development as well as creating livelihood generation
opportunities for different stake holders in forest and natural resources management and
conservation. The training, capacity building of identified stake holders in effective management
of ecotourism assets is also to be ensured.
1. To identify eco-tourism sites and methods to develop them into self-sustaining entities
and to develop regional ecotourism circuits
2. To identify training needs of different stakeholders in the functioning and ensure
3. To create public awareness (Information, education and communication) and nature
education through the ecotourism assets and areas using tools of marketing, branding and
destination-specific campaigns
4. To promote low-impact nature tourism which ensures ecological integrity of the
ecotourism sites and its environment;
5. To promote biodiversity, traditional ecological knowledge and heritage values of
Himachal Pradesh
stakeholders in development of ecotourism as well as equitable sharing of benefits with local
Creation of foundations/societies in protected areas and sharing of revenue with local
communities has also been underscored in the guidelines. Besides, the guidelines provide for
identification of ecotourism sites, zonation and making an ecotourism plan which shall be part of
approved management plan/working plan for forest/protected area and tourism master plan in
case of eco-sensitive zone. It also provides for monitoring mechanism at district level, state level
and national level.
Himachal Pradesh Forest Department formulated the Eco-tourism Policy during 2001 which was
subsequently revised in 2005. A re-revised Draft Ecotourism Policy was also proposed in the
year 2017. The central theme of the 2005 policy is to ‘decongest and disperse over flowing city
tourist destinations and bring the tourists closer to nature and ensure adequate economic return to
the State and livelihood opportunities to the local communities.
To fulfill this objective H.P. Ecotourism Society has been constituted with its Headquarters at
Aranya Bhawan Talland Shimla (H.P.). It is a registered Society under the Societies Registration
The Society’s apex decision making body is the Governing body headed by Hon’ble Chief
Minister, Himachal Pradesh and Principal Secretary (Forests) as its Member Secretary. The
affairs of the Society are administered by an Executive Committee headed by Principal Secretary
(Forests) and CCF Eco-tourism as its Member Secretary.
Nahan town occupies a strategic location bordering with Haryana and is richly bestowed with Sal
forests, riverine tracts of Markanda and Shiwalik hills in the landscape. Simbalwara National
Park, Renukaji wetland and sanctuary, Asan Bird Conservation Reserve are famous attractions of
natural wealth in the vicinity. Serving as the gateway to Himachal Pradesh, Nahan holds a lot of
potential for sustainably tapping ecotourism in the area. Eco-spiritual tourism can also be tapped
with various spiritual centres located in and around the town.
Camping sites, nature parks, nature trails, cycling track are all various facets of ecotourism that
can be tapped in the Division. In 2020-2021, the Division’s first Eco-Park was opened in
Kangniwala area of Nahan Range with nature trails, landscaping, nature-awareness boards spread
across. The park has been gaining traction among youngsters of the town. The park has become
the cynosure of activities in Nahan town and is now frequently thronged by locals. To make the
park self-sustaining, revenue generation models will be taken through cafeteria serving local
cuisine. Entry ticket of Rs10 per head is being charged. Currently more than 500 tourists visit the
park per month. The Complete list of assets/activities for Development of ‘Nature Park at
Kangniwala’ are annexed in Appendix- XV of Volume II
Another project for Ecotourism is taking shape under the scheme ‘Nayi Rahein, Nayi Manzil’ as
‘Mantra Mata Trek’ in Bheron block of Kolar Range. The Components to be developed are 3
gazebos, viewpoint, signages, solar lights, benches, Gate, Path, Toilets, Urinals, Tank, etc. The
trek is used to reach Mantra Mata temple located on top of hills. Devotees from Himachal and
Haryana come in huge number during the festival season. The Complete list of assets/activities
for Development & Beautification of ‘Mantra Mata Trek’ are annexed in Appendix- XV of
Volume II
The following eco-tourism sites have also been identified in Nahan Forest Division and hold
potential to be sustainable managed in the future while people seek nature-getaways from the
mundane pace of city-lives.
1. Induction Course for Forest Guard of HP (6 Months)
2. Short term, refresher and orientation courses of forest guards and Ministerial staff.
Conclusion:->During the tenure of this working plan , it must be ensured that all the field staff
are trained according to rules & regulations of H.P Forest Department.
Joint forest management is concept of developing relationships between fringe forest groups and
forest department on the basis of mutual trust and jointly defined roles and responsibilities for
forest protection and development.
Accordingly, JFM tries to harness the strengths and energy of local rural communities for
protecting and managing forests through JFM Committees/ Eco Development Committees, and
helps to meet their needs for subsistence and livelihood as well as generates local environmental
services. JFM has the potential to meet local subsistence needs, of fuel wood, fodder, other non-
timber forest produce, small timber, etc., to provide livelihood through sale of produce, while at
the same time, preventing degradation of the forests that provide local, national and global
environmental benefits.
The state government issued the first JFM Notification in 12.05.1993 for the constitution of
Village Forest Development Committees (VFDCs). In 2001, Himachal Pradesh Participatory
Forest Management Rules were issued for registration of Village Forest Development Societies
(VFDSs) under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. From 2002-03 onwards, JFMCs were
constituted and federated into FDAs (Forest Development Agencies) at the Forest Division level.
The JFMCs are registered with HPFD as per the provisions of the NAP (National afforestation
programme) guidelines, whereas FDAs are registered as Societies. The SFDA was established in
2010 in accordance with the central guidelines. Their duties and responsibilities include forest
protection and conservation, preparation and consultation on plans for the development of the
respective areas and benefits (forest resources, NTFPs, grazing rights, etc.) sharing with the
Forest is an area having woody as well as non-woody vegetation, dominated largely by trees. But
to meet the needs of the increasing population, deforestation is on rise. Many forest lands are
being cleared for developmental works such as construction of roads, bridges, dams, etc. resulting
into loss of forest cover. Where a large population depends on forest for their daily requirements,
importance of forest is being increasingly recognized, and more so particularly in the context of
ongoing changes in global climate.
The success of afforestation depends on identifying suitable multipurpose trees for the specific
location, using quality planting stock and after care or management of the plantations on
participatory mode. In order to reduce the deforestation and forest depletion, a new paradigm has
recently emerged, called “Joint Forest Management” (JFM).
The government of Himachal Pradesh has issued a notification No. Fts-II (B)15-10/87 dated 23rd
August 2001, called the Himachal Pradesh Participatory Forest Management Regulation, 2001.
These rules shall be applicable to such government forest and lands, including common land,
where participatory management envisaged. This is the activity which involves participation of
people in managing forest Village committees to take part in safe guarding the forest. Forest
department collaborate with the village people and share ownership and benefits arising from
forest. Thus JFM is a forestry practice or a management which sustains forest and produce social,
environmental and economic benefits.
Various JFMC formed in previous decades in Nahan Forest Division have been discuseed in
part 1 of this working plan.But most of them are inactive.
committees can be the future agencies of forest development, conservation and expansion. The
potential activities to be executed through JFMCs can be:
JFMCs can decide for several income generation activities for alternative livelihood particularly
low-income group of community. They can make Self Help Groups (SHGs) and the front line
staff of the forest department can assist them to form the groups.
In order to reduce dependence of these people on forest resources by ensuring them alternate
livelihood, SHG groups are formed so that they can earn money to meet their daily requirements
by pursuing some economic activity. SHGs also help them to inculcate habit of savings for bad
days from own savings rather than incurring loan from money lender and being in a perennial
debt trap. Self Help Groups (SHGs): The guidelines in “A Handbook on Forming Self Help
Group, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development” may be followed for formation
and regulation of SHGs.
As mentioned previously, in order to expand the JFMC concept further in Nahan Forest Division,
It is of prime importance to engage stakeholders and mobilize communities through proper
communication and dialogue for new formation of active JFMCs. The following strategies can be
implemented for new formation of active JFMCs :-
The information will be gathered from village-level PRA studies; workshops held with range
officers and forest guards, in conjunction with village visits and meetings to determine local
people’s perception of problems and possible intervention.
5. To identify different users’ constraints to participation, for example women’s labor time,
poorer people’s lack of access to decision making.
6. To identify and assess effectiveness of existing village level institutions, cooperative action
between villages as a means to build more effective village or user group organizations.
PRA Technique
(a) The PRA technique to be used in joint forest planning and management
will include review of data and existing information
(b) Direct observation
(c) Semi-structured interviews
(d) Group interviews (casual, focused, village).
(e) Use of key information’s, local experts.
(f) Use of local researchers
(g) Ranking: wealth ranking, pair-wise ranking, direct matrix ranking
(h) Livelihood analysis
(i) Seasonal diagramming (firewood, fodder, NTFPs, labour etc.)
(j) Transects (systematically walking through an area with a group of local
(k) Participatory mapping, modeling; people’s mapping and modeling.
(l) Linkage chart (showing links between village organizations, between
villages, and forest resources).
(m) Case studies and stories.
(n) Ethno-histories.
(o) Brainstorming (especially joint sessions with villagers)
3. Role of Front-Line Staff
Forest Guards will coordinate all inputs to the village and will act as the interface between
villager and the department. They will be conduit for the flow of information both up and
down the system. They will establish links with other village-level organizations and
government extension agents where appropriate. The departments most likely to be
involved are Animal Husbandry, Agriculture and Rural Development.
ii) To maintain contact with joint forest management groups
iii) To provide technical advice as required;
iv) To arbitrate between groups if conflict arises and requested;
v) To collect information through PRAs;
vi) To provide feedback to the department;
vii) To facilitate the full participation of women and poorer people;
viii) To liaise between villagers and the department.
Although these activities are all additional to the current work of forest guard; the
experience elsewhere indicates that as the JFPM process strengthens the more onerous
protection workload of the guard will reduce.
Field level training will be carried out through participatory workshops which encourage
an experience based learning approach. At outset these workshops may be facilitated by
some JFPM Training specialist. Each person participating in the workshop should share his
experience and knowledge with other participants including the facilitators. A series of
workshops should be organized at different levels, such as:
Circle-level workshops
Divisional-level workshops
Range-level workshops
5. Villagers Reorientation
Reorientation is not essential for the staff only, villagers will also need to be reoriented in
their approach to the management of local natural resources, and in their perception of the
role of the staff. The joint forest planning and management system forms a major part of
this reorientation. Workshops should be organized for local leaders (local politicians,
ehaviors leaders, teachers, other key persons); and VFDCs. This will provide a forum where
VFDCs can share experiences, learn from each other, and develop combined strategies and
approaches to JFPM.
be discussed with the General House. It will be finally approved by the concerned DFO.
The information’s gathered during the PRA exercise will be helpful in preparation of the
micro plan. Locally drawn maps of the area may be useful to ensure that everyone
understands what areas are to be managed.The micro plan should include:
i) Detail which households and villages have access and right to the
forest lands and forest products;
ii) Include detail on protection and decision-making mechanisms;
iii) Detail forest management prescription;
iv) Detail soil conservation measures if considered necessary by the
v) Detail grassland management measures if considered necessary by
the VFDC
vi) Demarcate the responsibilities of the department and the villagers
(forest users);
vii) Detail unambiguous rights to the usufruct and harvesting of
common plantation, grassland and forest area;
viii) Detail clear rules and mechanisms for the distribution of benefits:
intermediate and the final harvest, among users.
7. Duties and Responsibilities of JFM Committees
To make the JFMCs active and functional, each member of JFMC should shoulder certain
duties and responsibilities. Following can be the duties & responsibilities of JFM
committees ;-
To persuade the villagers to give available areas for plantation.
To assist the Forest Department in planning, protection, afforestation.
To help the F.D. in judicious use, of all existing rights, eco-development of the area as per
approved management plan.
Just and fair distribution of the usufructs derived.
Ensure its management as per prescribed norms.
Settlement of all disputes between villagers
8. Power to JFMCs
The committee should make its own bye-law with the concurrence DFO. The concerned DFO
should carry out necessary procedure for granting powers of a forest officer as mentioned in
HPPFM regulations, 2001.
11. Monitoring and evaluation
The monitoring of the progress and performance of the activities taken under this working
circle under different schemes should be done at the Divisional level. Evaluation of the
schemes should be planned periodically through ‘Social auditing’
Weed management is the practice of preventing, controlling, or eradicating unwanted plants,
commonly known as weeds, in various environments such as agricultural fields, gardens, lawns,
parks, and natural areas. Weeds are plants that grow aggressively and compete with desired
plants for resources such as water, nutrients, and sunlight. They can cause significant damage to
crops, reduce agricultural productivity, and impact the overall health and aesthetics of landscapes.
Effective weed management involves employing a range of strategies and techniques to minimize
weed infestation and control their spread. These strategies can include cultural, mechanical,
biological, and chemical methods, often used in combination, depending on the specific
circumstances and goals of weed control. Cultural methods of weed management involve
implementing practices that promote the growth and vigor of desired plants, making it difficult
for weeds to establish and compete. Examples of cultural techniques include proper crop rotation,
maintaining healthy soil fertility, utilizing cover crops, and employing suitable planting densities.
Mechanical methods involve physically removing or reducing weed populations. This can be
achieved through techniques such as hand-pulling, hoeing, mowing, tilling, or using various types
of weed control equipment. Mechanical methods are commonly used in smaller-scale settings,
like gardens or lawns. Biological methods involve using living organisms to control weeds. This
can be achieved by introducing or encouraging natural enemies of weeds, such as insects,
pathogens, or grazing animals that selectively target and suppress weed populations. Biological
control methods are often implemented in natural areas or large-scale agricultural settings.
Chemical methods, known as herbicides, involve the use of specific chemicals that are designed
to kill or inhibit the growth of weeds. Herbicides can be selective, targeting specific types of
weeds while leaving desired plants unharmed or non-selective, affecting all plants they come into
contact with. Herbicides are widely used in agriculture, landscaping, and other areas where weed
control is essential. Only mechanical methods will be used for weed removal in Nahan Forest
outcompete native vegetation and reduce biodiversity. Lantana (Lantana camara) is a pan-
tropical weed. It occurs in diverse habitats and grows to 1.2-2.4 meters (or even more). It has a
strong root system and it gives out a new flush of shoots even after repeated cuttings. Lantana is
native to the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Central and South America. In India, it was first
introduced in the early eighteenth century as an ornamental plant. Since then it has invaded
almost all the tropical areas across the country including Himachal Pradesh. It encroaches 13.2
million hectares besides forests and fallow lands. Its management costs per hectare are very high.
Lantana camara is the main invasive weed species that have infested the Nahan Forest Division.
Being an alien species, it has invaded areas so thickly that it has affected the species diversity,
productivity of land and thereby changing the ecology of the area. Lantana camara has also
deleterious effects on the health of animals, particularly cows, when browsed accidentally. The
studies showed that in the infested areas, it neither favors palatable nor non-palatable species
under its cover. Because of its fast growth, it overtakes the economically important species and
negates the effort of afforestation as well. So far, to eradicate Lantana and utilize it for
economical conversion to trade in products or biomass energy has failed. Policy for Managing
Lantana (Lantana camara) in Himachal Pradesh, was notified vide Government notification No.
FFE-B-F(5)-6/2009 Dated 20.04.2018.
Table 16.1: Below is detail regarding Lantana eradication in Nahan Forest Division from 2010-11.
Total Area infested with Lanatana in Nahan Forest Division.
Name of Range 25% 50% 75% 100% Total Area Balance
Trilokpur 430.84 2131.52 4979.06 469.39 8010.81
Jamta 1274.9 820.8 1319.4 1420.8 4835.9
Kolar 1128.45 815.85 237.49 50 2231.79
Nahan 1439 3035 1709 125 6308
Total 4273.19 6803.17 8244.95 2065.19 21386.5
Total Area in which Lantana have been removed in Nahan Forest Division
Trilokpur 10 0 291.82 20 321.82 7688.99
Jamta 140 30 0 280.7 450.7 4385.2
Kolar 80 225 102.96 40 447.96 1783.83
Nahan 55 190 230 0 475 5833
Total 285 445 624.78 340.7 1695.48 19691.02
Ardisia solanacea (Gudbeli): It spreads in Sal forests and has a very strong and complex root
system which can affect regeneration of Sal. It requires continuous removal till establishment of
regeneration of Sal. The bushy growth and climbers should be cut and removed continuous
removal till establishment of regeneration annually. The man-days involved in removal of this
particular weed is higher since expertise is required to protect the regeneration of Sal growing in
close proximity to Gudbheli. It is seen that despite yearly removal, the weeds have been growing
back though their density and height is substantially lesser as compared to untreated areas.
Clearing of weeds for five to seven years post-felling is recommended to be continued. It is
stressed here that the budget for bush cutting be provided in time so that the same is done well
before the monsoon season. Field Studies may also be conducted with FRI/UHF Nauni
University for finding a scientific solution to the removal as well.
Eupatorium is an invasive weed that poses a threat to native plant species in many regions,
including this division mainly in areas of Dharti Dahr, near highway. Effective management of
Eupatorium is important to prevent its spread and minimize its negative impact on local
ecosystems. Here are some potential approaches to Eupatorium management.
Early detection and rapid response: Establishing a system for early detection of Eupatorium
infestations is crucial. Regular monitoring should be conducted to identify new infestations and
respond quickly to prevent its spread.
Mechanical control: Hand-pulling or cutting Eupatorium plants can be effective for small
infestations. However, this method may not be practical for large-scale management due to the
extensive nature of the weed.
Public awareness and education: Creating awareness among the local community, farmers, and
landowners about the threats posed by Eupatorium and the importance of its management can
help prevent its spread. Training programs, workshops, and educational campaigns can be
organized to promote responsible management practices.
Habitat restoration: Restoring disturbed habitats can help prevent Eupatorium invasion by
establishing native plant communities that are more resistant to the weed. This can be done
through reforestation, erosion control measures, and promoting the growth of native species.
It is important to note that the specific management strategies and approaches may vary
depending on the local context, severity of infestations, and available resources. Consulting with
local agricultural or environmental authorities, research institutions, and experts in invasive
species management can provide more detailed and tailored guidance for Eupatorium
Climate change refers to long-term shifts and alterations in Earth's climate patterns due to human
activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. The primary
driver of current climate change is the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas,
which release carbon dioxide (CO2) and other GHGs into the atmosphere. Deforestation,
industrial processes, and agricultural practices also contribute to GHG emissions.
Widespread improvements in the quality of life of many of the world’s populations have gone
hand-in-hand with increased demands on natural resources. The planet is struggling to keep up,
with increases in the average global temperature and the frequency of extreme weather events
transforming ecosystems around the world and threatening entire species of plants and animals.
Forests are drying up, there is less rainfall and more fires, and the glaciers of both the North and
South Poles are shrinking.
The increase in GHGs, particularly CO2, traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to the
greenhouse effect and global warming. This causes a range of significant impacts, including
rising global temperatures, melting ice caps and glaciers, sea-level rise, altered precipitation
patterns, more frequent and intense extreme weather events (such as hurricanes, droughts, and
heatwaves), and shifts in ecosystems and biodiversity.
Climate change poses various risks to human societies and natural systems. It threatens food and
water security, exacerbates poverty and inequality, and affects human health and well-being. It
also impacts ecosystems, leading to the loss of biodiversity and disruptions in ecological
Addressing climate change requires a multifaceted approach involving mitigation and adaptation
strategies. Mitigation involves reducing GHG emissions by transitioning to renewable energy
sources, increasing energy efficiency, promoting sustainable land use practices, and
implementing policies to limit emissions. Adaptation involves building resilience to climate
change impacts by enhancing infrastructure, implementing early warning systems, and
developing strategies to protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems.
The international community has recognized the urgency of climate action and has come together
under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to negotiate
global agreements, such as the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement aims to limit global
temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to
limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. It also emphasizes the need for financial
and technological support to assist developing countries in their climate change efforts.
Climate change is a complex and pressing issue that requires collective action at various levels,
from individual actions to global cooperation. Governments, businesses, communities, and
individuals all have a role to play in reducing emissions, promoting sustainability, and adapting
to the changing climate to ensure a more sustainable and resilient future.
Forestry plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change as well as adapting to its impacts.
These Strategies will be implemented in current working plan of Nahan Forest Division.
The costs and prices are influenced by market forces and depend on supply and demand. It further
depends on the principles of management and pattern of exploitation adopted from time to time.
Therefore, it is not possible to estimate with reasonable accuracy the expenditure and revenue during
the period of this working plan. The estimates given below are based on the current prices of various
items of forest produce and the cost involved in carrying out the prescriptions of the plan at current
The details of past revenue and expenditure have been given in the following table 19.1.
Table 18.1: Past revenue & expenditure from 2016-17 to 2022-23 in Nahan Forest
Year Revenue (Rs.) Expenditure Deficit (Rs.)
2016-17 4122957 83962373
2017-18 2601403 90101724
2018-19 2517372 95739266
2019-20 2517372 113238095
2020-21 2552749 127206276
2021-22 2974763 115758560
2022-23 3092516 131995268
Gr. Total
20379132 758001562 737622430
****The revenue amounting to Rs. 2,33,74,472/- has been recovered and deposited in
account of HOD, HP Forest Dept. from HPSFDC on account of royalty of timber of
salvage trees during last 07 years.
Table 18.2: Projected Revenue details for 2023-24 (excluding Working circles
Sr. Sources of revenue Revenue
No. projected for
2023-24 (Rs.)
1 101-02- Timber and other Forest Produce removedfrom forest 4800000
by consumers and purchasers
2 101-04-Other Forest Produce removed from Forests by Govt 0
3 101-07-Receipt from Grazing and Grass. 7000
*The approximate amount of timber royalty from Salvage trees is estimated at Rs. 4800000/-.
This will be generated as revenue under revenue head ‘101-02- Timber and other Forest Produce
removedfrom forest by consumers and purchasers
Table 18.3: Estimated expenditure
projected for 2023-
Item Qty Rate(inRs) 24
JFMC/ Ecotourism
Raising Plantations/Regeneration 5 Hac 43900 219500
Maint. of plantation 13 hac Ls 36160
lantana Eradication
JFMC Training 0 0 0
Promotion of ecotourism 1 7000000 7000000
Plantation and regeneration
Plantations and regeneration
Maint. of plantation 535 Ls 2125300
Cost for maintenance of Nurseries 2 Ls 2070832
Forest Protection Working Circle
Cost for implementing the protection
Road and Bridges
Establishment of anti-wildlife
depredation unit & patrolling vehicle 1 300000
Elephant proof trenches
Safe Elephant corridors 4 Nos.
Sterlization of Monkeys 200 700 140000
160 Nos. wildlife awarness camps
Construction of Camps, Watch Tower
Construction & Maint. of Road 5 200000 1000000
Eco Tourism Activities 1 7000000 7000000
Scientific Studies, Monitring
Table 18.4: Salary Expenditure:
Rank Scale Average Pay DA 34% C.A No. Total
DFO 67700-208700 74000 23698 200 1 99360
ACF 56100-165000 56100 19074 200 1 75374
Supdt Gr-II 48200-152400 51400 17476 200 1 69076
FRO 38500-122700 67800 23052 200 5 91852
Sr. Astt. 43000-136000 48900 16626 200 3 66126
Jr. Astt. 28900-91600 36400 12376 200 6 49976
Dy. Ranger 38100-120400 48200 16388 200 22 68988
Fgd 21300-67700 37400 12716 200 91 68316
Peon 18400-58500 26000 8840 200 10 36840
FW 18400-58500 31400 10676 200 75 57076
Chowkidar 18400-58500 26000 8840 200 15 37840
Mali 18400-58500 26000 8840 200 5 35840
Dak 18000-56900 19700 6698 200 2 26798
Multi-cum- 18000-56900 19700 6698 200 2 26798
Sweeper 18000-56900 42200 14348 200 0 56548
Driver 21300-67700 21300 7242 200 0 28542
Kanungo 43000-136000 43000 14620 200 1 57820
No. of Amount
Average Rate of Daily day in No. of Posts Required
Official Pay Allowance year (Sanctioned Annual Rs.
DFO 69700 200 180 1 36000
ACF 56100 200 120 1 24000
Supdt Gr-II 51400 160 60 1 9600
FRO 67800 160 100 5 16000
Sr. Astt. 48900 160 60 3 9600
Jr. Astt. 36400 140 60 6 8400
Dy. Ranger 48200 160 100 22 16000
Fgd 37400 140 30 91 4200
Peon 26000 130 80 10 10400
FW 31400 130 20 75 2600
Chowkidar 26000 130 20 15 2600
Mali 26000 130 10 5 1300
Dak Runner 19700 130 100 2 13000
Multi-cum-W 19700 130 80 2 10400
Sweeper 42200 130 10 0 1300
Driver 21300 130 300 0 39000
Kanungo 43000 160 200 1 32000
Total 240 236400
Normally the forestry activities are funded through various schemes under District, State &
Central sector. In the state, the district & state sector schemes include:
1. Ministry of Forest & Campa (NPV, CA) Miscellaneous (Plantation, Soil Conservation work,
Environment, Schemes Wild life conservation, Raising of nursery, Lantana
Government of India Eradication, infrastructure work in Forest area,
development of degraded forest area, Biodiversity
2 Ministry of Forest & CSS Scheme a) Forest Fire Control and Management Scheme.
Government of India b) Human conflict with elephant project.
7. HP Pollution Control National Clean Air Vertical Garden at Kala-Amb forest check post.
Board Programme
Table 18.9: Table showing the priority of works
Priority Nature of works to be carried out
I Silviculture operations
II Forest Protection i.e. protection from forest fire, encroachment, illicit felling, etc.
III Wildlife conflict management and under Project Elephant
IV Plantation and regeneration
V Soil & Water Conservation works
VI Construction and Maintenance of buildings & other infrastructure (Nursery etc.) in
the Division
VII Strengthening the knowledge of field staff by imparting training & exposure visits
VIII Community based schemes, Samudayik Van Samvardhan Yojana etc.
Road:-The construction of large number of roads has already been under taken by P.W.D.
department in the tract dealt within under FCA and FRA.
Number of bridle and inspection paths covering all important forests has been constructed in the
past. The existing roads and paths are detailed in Appendix-X (A). These should be kept well
maintained. The inspection path should be constructed as far as possible along contours in such a
way that whole of the forest is covered.
Buildings have been constructed in the past. The existing buildings are detailed in Appendix- X.
Trees outside of forests refer to individual or groups of trees found in non-forest areas such as
urban environments, agricultural lands, parks, gardens, or along roadsides. These trees play a
significant role in improving the aesthetic appeal of the surroundings, providing shade, and
offering various environmental benefits. Here are some common examples of trees found outside
• Street Trees: Trees planted along streets and sidewalks in urban areas to enhance the
beauty of the cityscape, reduce noise pollution, absorb carbon dioxide, and provide shade.
• Park Trees: Trees planted in public parks and recreational areas to create green spaces,
offer shade for park visitors, and promote biodiversity.
• Orchard Trees: Trees cultivated in agricultural settings, such as apple orchards, citrus
groves, or vineyards, for the production of fruits.
• Garden Trees: Trees planted in private or public gardens for landscaping purposes,
adding beauty to the surroundings, and providing a habitat for birds and insects.
• Shelterbelt Trees: Rows or groups of trees planted to serve as windbreaks and protect
farmland or residential areas from strong winds.
• Avenue Trees: Trees planted along roadsides or avenues, often forming a canopy over
the road, providing shade, and improving air quality.
• Trees in Residential Areas: Trees found in residential neighborhood, contributing to the
overall ambiance, providing shade, and attracting wildlife.
rainfall. Additionally, TOF species aid in maintaining water quality by acting as natural filters,
reducing sedimentation and pollutants from entering water bodies.
20.6.3 Legal and Policy Frameworks: The forest department collaborates with local authorities
to enforce legal protection for TOF species. Policies are formulated to regulate the use of TOF
resources, preventing illegal felling and ensuring that only permitted activities are carried out.
20.6.4 Agroforestry and Reforestation: Promoting agroforestry practices encourages the
integration of trees into agricultural landscapes. This not only enhances soil fertility but also
provides an alternative income source for farmers. Additionally, reforestation initiatives are
undertaken to restore degraded TOF areas and improve biodiversity.
Trees outside forest areas are a valuable asset that contributes to the well-being of both nature
and communities. Through community engagement, sustainable practices, and policy support,
TOF resources can be conserved and harnessed for the benefit of present and future generations.
The Control forms provide for performance parameters /targets /annotations /norms for all
prescriptions /suggestions for every working circle to be monitored, assessed and reported on
annual basis during the period of the working plan. Control forms should be prepared to include
each of these prescriptions. The following control forms will be used for monitoring all the
important operations prescribed and suggested in this working plan:
For controlling and maintaining the record of all trees marked for felling and trees
statements. Deviation beyond 20% of target is considered to constitute a major deviation.
Following is the format of Deviation Statement.
Statement showing deviations from working plan prescriptions
The DFO territorial will forward through the Head, territorial circle, typed copies of this form in
triplicate yearly with his copy of control forms. No explanatory remarks are required on this
form, but these should be given in the forwarding letter. All minor deviations, which do not
permanently alter the basis of management, may be approved and sanctioned by the Head,
Working Plan Organization on behalf of the PCCF (HoFF) provided he agrees with the necessity
of these deviations. One copy of the statement will be returned to the DFO territorial through the
Head, territorial circle after the deviations have been sanctioned by the Head, Working Plan
Organisation and the other copy will be sent to WPO for record. All major deviations without
altering the basis of management, the prior sanction of the PCCF (HoFF) should have been
obtained in advance; the sanction number and date should be quoted in the last column.
For all major deviations with respect to prescriptions where sanction of the MoEF is mandatory,
an explanatory note along with request for regularization has to be sent by PCCF (HoFF) to
RAPCCF (MoEF). In case where there is difference of opinion between the PCCF (HoFF) and
RAPCCF (MoEF), the former will refer the matter to DGF&SS (MoEF), whose decision shall be
final. The PCCF (HoFF) will countersign the deviation statement for reporting to the MoEF.
The important prescriptions and suggestions of the working plan are as under:-
Table 22.1: The important prescriptions and suggestions of the working plan
Sr. Heading Prescription/suggestion Para Page
Sal Working Circle
1. Felling Series Only one Felling series has been 2.7.4 151
2. Silvicultural System Shelter wood System or Indian 2.5 143
irregular Shelter wood System with
floating PBs has been adopted.
3. Rotation period 120 years 2.6 144
4. Harvestable Dia. As CEC Guidelines the exploitable dia 2.6.1 144
is fixed at 40 cm DBH
5. Division into Periodic Block PB1 and PB floating 2.6.2 144
6. Prescribed Yield 5980 m3 2.7.2 150
Chil Conversion Working Circle
1. Area Statement 2926.45 ha 3.3 154
2. Conversion Series Only one Conversion series has been 3.4 155
3. Silvicultural System Selection cum gap planting with 3.7 156
exploitable dia 55 cm
4. Calculation Of Yield 8066 m3 3.9 160
5. Process for Chil Conversion Guidelines 3.11 165
3. Silvicultural System Coppice with standards system 4.6 & 171
4. Regeneration Natural regeneration supplemented by 4.7 171
plantation of native spp.
5. Choice Of Species Khair (50%) and other BL mixed 4.8 & 171 &
native & medicinal species (50%). 4.22 182
6. Harvestable Dia 25 cm 4.9 & 171 &
4.23 182
7. Rotation 30 years for coppice and 40 years for 4.10 & 171 &
standards 4.24 183
8. Felling Series Two Felling Series has been -
constituted :
(i). Plantation Felling Series 4.11 171
(ii). Coppice felling Series 4.19 182
Bamboo Working Circle
1. Special Objectives Of Rehabilitation of Bamboo forest, 6.2 196
Management Propagate & extend Bamboo crop and
to obtain progressive yield for
industrial uses
2. Area Statement 542.34 ha 6.3 196
3. Silvicultural System & Selection -cum- improvement felling 6.5 198
silvicultural system
Choice Of Species
4. Felling Cycle 3 years 6.6 198
5. Felling Rules Guidelines 6.9 199
6. Subsidiary Silvicultural Guidelines 6.10 200
7. Important Regulations Artificial regeneration, Grazing and 6.11 200
lopping, Fire protection,
Provision in case of gregarious
flowering/ fire damage, Lantana
cutting, Requirement of right holders,