NW-43 & NW-74 Draft DPR Gurupur & Netravathi_0

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Project No. : P.010256
Document No.: P.010256-W-10305-005

Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) - Government of India

Noida | India


25 February 2022

Rev. 04
Intec House
37, Institutional Area, Sector 44
Gurgaon 122 002 (Haryana) – INDIA
tel. +91 124 469 85 00 - fax +91 124 469 85 86

Our ref.: P.010256-W-10305-005

TS: Imputation: P.010256



This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
RIVER (30.00KM) NW-74

Revision No. Date Prepared / Revision By Description

00 2020 12 21 B C Jha Submitted for Review and Approval.

03 2021 12 20 B C Jha Submitted for Review and Approval.

04 2022 02 25 B C Jha Submitted for Review and Approval.

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 1/370 RESTRICTED

Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) assigned the Consultancy Services for
“Preparation of Second Stage Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Cluster – 6 of National
Waterways”. The study has been carried out for this assignment and the result has been
compiled in the present study.

The consultant would like to put on record their deep appreciation of cooperation and ready
access to information and advice rendered by IWAI.

The consultant is grateful to Mr. ASHUTOSH GAUTAM, Member (Technical), CDR.

MAHENDRA KUMAR (Hydrographic Chief), S V K REDDY (Chief Engineer) and Mr Rajeev
Singhal (SHS) who provided their valuable guidance from time to time to make this report

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
(B C Jha)
Tractebel Engineering Pvt Ltd

04 22/02/25 Active Venkat G.Reddy G. Reddy B C Jha

03 21/12/20 Active Venkat G.Reddy G. Reddy B C Jha
00 20/12/21 Active Venkat G.Reddy G. Reddy B C Jha

TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING pvt. ltd. - Registered office: A-3 (2nd Floor), Neeti Bagh - New Delhi - 110049 - INDIA
CIN: U74899DL2000PTC104134

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 2/370 RESTRICTED

M/s Tractebel Engineering Pvt., Ltd., (M/s TEPL), Gurgaon has been assigned with the
Consultancy Services for the “Preparation of Second Stage Detailed Project Report (DPR) of
Cluster – 6 of National Waterways” by Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI). Accordingly,
the study on NW 43 – Gurupur River & NW – 74 Netravati River have been carried out for this
assignment / analyzed / compiled based on the findings of the following field studies /

Detailed Hydrographic Survey along with the Topographical Survey was carried out from
04/02/2017 to 05/02/2017 on NW 43 & from 06/02/2017 to 18/02/2017 on NW 74.

Traffic Survey was carried out, as detailed and summarized in Annexure 4.2.

Terminal Land Survey was carried out on Gurupur River (adjacent to the New Mangalore Port)
on 30/04/2017 & on Netravati River (D/s of Thumbe Barrage) on 30/04/2017.

Geotechnical Borehole was carried out Gurupur River (adjacent to the New Mangalore Port)
from 19/06/2017 to 23/06/2017 & on Netravati River (D/s of Thumbe Barrage) from 14/06/2017
to 16/06/2017 and subsequently Laboratory Tests have been carried out on the collected

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval

Proprietary rights of the information contained herein belong to “Inland Waterways Authority of
India (IWAI)”, Ministry of Shipping, Government of India. The information contained in this DPR is
intended to be used for the mentioned purpose/project only, as permitted by IWAI. In case of
misuse of information and any claim arising thereof, cost and consequence will be on the party
misusing the information.

This Report can be updated at a later stage, when required by considering the fresh cargo
analysis, change in requirement of the Government (or) change in policy either of State
Government or Government of India.

B C Jha

Tractebel Engineering Pvt Ltd

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 3/370 RESTRICTED


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................. 2

DISCLAIMER / PROPREITORY RIGHTS ..................................................................................... 3

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... 13

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... 15

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... 18

SALIENT FEATURES .................................................................................................................. 19

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 25

CHAPTER 1. : INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 35

1.1 Project Background and Summary of previous study ......................................... 35

1.2 Brief Scope of Work and Compliance statement .................................................. 37

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
1.2.1 Fairway Development .................................................................................... 37
1.2.2 Traffic Confirmations ..................................................................................... 38
1.2.3 Terminal Development .................................................................................. 38
1.2.4 Vessel Requirement ...................................................................................... 38
1.2.5 Financial Analysis .......................................................................................... 38

1.3 Brief Methodology & Approach .............................................................................. 38

1.4 Project Location / Details of Study Area ................................................................ 39

CHAPTER 2. : WATERWAY / DETAILED HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY ............................ 45

2.1 Hydrographic Survey ............................................................................................... 45

2.1.1 Waterway in General and Hydro-morphological Characteristics ................... 45
2.1.2 Existing Hydrological / Topographical Reference levels ............................... 57
2.1.3 Chart Datum / Sounding Datum .................................................................... 57

2.2 Existing Waterway Structures ................................................................................. 60

2.2.1 Bridges ........................................................................................................... 60
2.2.2 Electric Lines / Communication Lines ........................................................... 61
2.2.3 Pipe Lines / Cables ........................................................................................ 61
2.2.4 Dams / Barrages / Locks / Weirs / Anicuts / Aqueducts ................................ 62

2.1 Bends ......................................................................................................................... 62

2.3 Velocity and Discharge Details ............................................................................... 63

2.4 Waterway description .............................................................................................. 63

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2.4.1 Gurupur River (Ch 0.0km to Ch 10.041km) ................................................... 63
2.4.2 Netravathi River (Ch 0.00km – Ch 10.00km) ................................................ 66
2.4.3 Netravathi River (Ch 10.00km – Ch 23.0km) ................................................ 67
2.4.4 2.5.4 Netravathi River Ch 22.00km (Thumbe Vented Dam) to Ch 30.0km ... 68

2.5 Water and Soil Samples analysis and Results ...................................................... 69

CHAPTER 3. FAIRWAY DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................... 71

3.1 Proposed Class / Type of Waterway ....................................................................... 71

3.2 Details of Shoals (Length, Width and proposed development works) ............... 71

3.3 Proposed Conservancy Activities .......................................................................... 73

3.3.1 Low Cost structures ....................................................................................... 73
3.3.2 Dredging ........................................................................................................ 74
3.3.3 River Training ................................................................................................ 75

3.4 Bank Protection / Embankment Strengthening ..................................................... 78

3.5 Navigation Markings / Navigation Aids .................................................................. 79

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3.6 Modification Requirement in existing Bridges / Cables / Dams / Barrages / Locks
/ Weirs / Anicuts / Aqueducts .................................................................................. 79

3.7 Proposed Dams / Barrages / Locks / Weirs to improve depth ............................. 80

3.8 Land Acquisition ...................................................................................................... 80

3.9 Fairway Costing ........................................................................................................ 80

3.9.1 Capital Cost ................................................................................................... 80
3.9.2 O&M Cost ...................................................................................................... 80

CHAPTER 4. : TRAFFIC STUDY ........................................................................................ 81

4.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 81

4.1 Influence area / Hinterland Analysis ....................................................................... 82

4.1.1 Population of Hinterland ................................................................................ 83
4.1.2 Economic profile of Primary Catchment Area ............................................... 84
4.1.3 Connectivity Infrastructure Analysis .............................................................. 90
4.1.4 Existing Infrastructure of Primary Catchment Area ....................................... 91
4.1.5 Existing Jetties/ Landing Points ..................................................................... 92
4.1.6 Existing & Proposed Industries ...................................................................... 95
4.1.7 Traffic from Major & Non Major Ports .......................................................... 103

4.2 Commodity Composition ....................................................................................... 111

4.2.1 Minerals ....................................................................................................... 111
4.2.2 Food Grains ................................................................................................. 112
4.2.3 Fertilizers & Chemicals ................................................................................ 112

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4.2.4 Fish Catch .................................................................................................... 113
4.2.5 POL/ LPG Products ..................................................................................... 113

4.3 Originating & Terminating commodities .............................................................. 113

4.4 Passenger Traffic ................................................................................................... 113

4.5 Tourism Traffic ....................................................................................................... 117

4.6 Road Survey Analysis ............................................................................................ 120

4.7 Growth Trend .......................................................................................................... 127

4.7.1 Ro-Ro Traffic ............................................................................................... 127
4.7.2 Passenger and Tourist Traffic ..................................................................... 133
4.7.3 FSR & DPR Comparison ............................................................................. 134

4.8 Forecasting & Potential IWT Assumption ............................................................ 134

4.8.1 Cargo Traffic ................................................................................................ 135
4.8.2 Passenger Traffic......................................................................................... 135
4.8.3 Tourist .......................................................................................................... 136

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4.9 Proposed IWT Terminal Location ......................................................................... 137

4.10 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 140

4.10.1 Cargo Traffic ................................................................................................ 140
4.10.2 Passenger and Tourist Traffic ..................................................................... 140

CHAPTER 5. TERMINALS ................................................................................................ 142

5.1 General Review ....................................................................................................... 142

5.2 Identification and Site Location ............................................................................ 142

5.2.1 Gurupur River .............................................................................................. 142
5.2.2 Netravathi River ........................................................................................... 144

5.3 Terminal Layout / Master Planning including phases of development ............ 146
5.3.1 GURUPUR ................................................................................................... 146
5.3.2 NETRAVATI................................................................................................. 147

5.4 Land Details ............................................................................................................ 148

5.5 Geotechnical Investigations .................................................................................. 149

5.5.1 Regional Geology ........................................................................................ 150
5.5.2 Physical Condition and Drainage ................................................................ 154
5.5.3 General Geology and Stratigraphy .............................................................. 158
5.5.4 Sub-surface Investigations .......................................................................... 161
5.5.5 Geotechnical Results and Analysis ............................................................. 163

5.6 Terminal Infrastructure including equipment ...................................................... 169

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5.7 Berthing Structure .................................................................................................. 169

5.8 Terminal Costing .................................................................................................... 170

5.8.1 Capital Cost ................................................................................................. 170
5.8.2 O&M Cost .................................................................................................... 170

CHAPTER 6. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGNS ................................................. 171

6.1 River Training (including Barrages and Locks, if proposed)............................. 171

6.1.1 River Training through Spurs ....................................................................... 171
6.1.2 River Training through Porcupines .............................................................. 176

6.2 Bank Protection ...................................................................................................... 177

6.2.1 Basis of Design ............................................................................................ 177

6.3 Navigation Aids ...................................................................................................... 187

6.4 Cargo Terminals and River Ports ......................................................................... 191

6.5 Construction Schedule .......................................................................................... 199

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
CHAPTER 7. : VESSEL DESIGN ...................................................................................... 200

7.1 General Review ....................................................................................................... 200

7.2 Design Basis ........................................................................................................... 200

7.2.1 Vessel Classification adopted in Indian Inland Waterway ........................... 200

7.3 Type of proposed Vessels ..................................................................................... 201

7.4 Proposed Vessel Size and Specifications ........................................................... 202

7.4.1 Ro-Ro Vessel............................................................................................... 202
7.4.2 Passenger Vessel ........................................................................................ 202

7.5 Turn around Time ................................................................................................... 203

7.6 Number of Vessels Required ................................................................................ 204

7.7 Vessel Specification ............................................................................................... 207

7.7.1 O&M Cost .................................................................................................... 207

CHAPTER 8. NAVIGATION AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ...................................... 209

8.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................... 209

8.1.1 VHF / HF ...................................................................................................... 209
8.1.2 GPS ............................................................................................................. 209
8.1.3 RIS / AIS / Radar / VTMS ............................................................................ 210
8.1.4 Recording and Replay ................................................................................. 213
8.1.5 Vessel / Hydrographic Survey equipment ................................................... 214

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8.2 Existing System ...................................................................................................... 214

8.3 Additional requirement .......................................................................................... 215

8.4 Costing .................................................................................................................... 215

8.4.1 Capital Cost ................................................................................................. 215
8.4.2 O&M Cost .................................................................................................... 216

CHAPTER 9. ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL ASPECTS .................................................. 217

9.1 Objective of Environmental and Social Studies .................................................. 217

9.2 Environmental Setting in the Project Area .......................................................... 217

9.2.1 Physiography ............................................................................................... 217
9.2.2 Geology and Seismicity ............................................................................... 220
9.2.3 Climate ......................................................................................................... 221
9.2.4 Soils ............................................................................................................. 222
9.2.5 Land Use Pattern ......................................................................................... 222
9.2.6 Ambient Air and Noise Quality ..................................................................... 223
9.2.7 Ambient Water Quality ................................................................................. 223

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9.2.8 Susceptibility to Natural Hazards................................................................. 224
9.2.9 Estuary and Coastal Zone ........................................................................... 226
9.2.10 Archaeological and Heritage Locations ....................................................... 226
9.2.11 Flora and Fauna .......................................................................................... 227
9.2.12 National Parks, Forests, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Reserves ...................... 228
9.2.13 Socio-economic Profile ................................................................................ 228

9.3 Potential Environmental and Social Impacts of the Project ............................. 230

9.4 EMP and Mitigation of Environmental Effects ..................................................... 231

9.5 Applicable Legal and Regulatory Framework ..................................................... 232

9.5.1 Need for Environmental Clearance ............................................................. 235
9.5.2 Other Major Clearances / Approvals / Permits Applicable to the Project .... 235

9.6 Cost Implications .................................................................................................... 236

9.6.1 Estimated Cost at Pre-Construction Stage .................................................. 236
9.6.2 Estimated Cost at Construction Stage......................................................... 238
9.6.3 Estimated Cost at Operation Stage ............................................................. 240
9.6.4 Summary of Estimated Environmental & Social Budget ............................. 241

CHAPTER 10. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 242

10.1 Organizational Set up / Establishment ................................................................. 242

10.2 Man Power Requirement........................................................................................ 244

10.3 Training Requirement / Capacity Building ........................................................... 244

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10.4 Infrastructure .......................................................................................................... 245
10.4.1 Immovable ................................................................................................... 245
10.4.2 Movable ...................................................................................................... 245

10.5 Cost Implications .................................................................................................... 245

CHAPTER 11. PROJECT COSTING .................................................................................. 247

11.1 General and Financial assumptions ..................................................................... 247

11.2 Basis of Costing ..................................................................................................... 247

11.3 Development Cost .................................................................................................. 247

11.4 Capital Expenditure ................................................................................................ 247

11.5 Operational and Maintenance Expenditure ......................................................... 251

11.6 Phasing of Expenditure ......................................................................................... 251

CHAPTER 12. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ................................................................ 252

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
12.1 Time Frame ............................................................................................................. 252

12.2 Phasing .................................................................................................................... 252

12.3 Suggested Implementation Mechanism ............................................................... 252

CHAPTER 13. : ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS ................................................ 253

13.1 Input Sheet .............................................................................................................. 254

13.2 Revenue ................................................................................................................... 256

13.3 Costs ........................................................................................................................ 257

13.4 Financial Analysis / FIRR ....................................................................................... 258

13.5 Economic Analysis / EIRR ..................................................................................... 260

13.6 Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................ 261

13.7 Risk Factors & Mitigation ...................................................................................... 262

13.8 Necessity of Govt. Support (VGF / PPP) .............................................................. 264

13.9 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 264

CHAPTER 14. : CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................... 266

CHAPTER 15. TEMPLATES ............................................................................................... 268

15.1 Environmental & Social Screening Template ...................................................... 268

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15.2 Traffic Template ...................................................................................................... 270
15.2.1 Catchment Baseline .................................................................................... 270
15.2.2 Navigation Baseline ..................................................................................... 272
15.2.3 Market Baseline ........................................................................................... 272
15.2.4 Forecasting Years........................................................................................ 273
15.2.5 Forecast of traffic (combining Netravathi and Gurupur river) ...................... 274
15.2.6 Presentation of Forecast ............................................................................. 275
15.2.7 Market Success Factors .............................................................................. 276
15.2.8 Forecasting Methodology ............................................................................ 276

15.3 Project Costing Template ...................................................................................... 277

15.4 Economic Evaluation Template ............................................................................ 278

ANNEXURES ............................................................................................................................. 283

ANNEXURE 1.1 – TOR OF THE AGREEMENT ................................................................. 284


.................................................................................................................................. 302

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
DIRECTOR OF PORTS & IWT, BAITHKOL KARWAR .......................................... 303


THE VICINITY OF NETRAVATHI RIVER ................................................................ 315

ANNEXURE 4.2 – SUMMARY OF INTERVIEWS ............................................................... 316

ANNEXURE 5.1 – PILE CAPACITY CALCULATION ........................................................ 320

ANNEXURE 8.1– RIS / AIS ................................................................................................. 321

ANNEXURE 8.2– AIS BASE STATION SPECIFICATIONS ............................................... 334

ANNEXURE 8.3– AIS EMBEDDED SERVER SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... 337

ANNEXURE 9.1– MoEFCC LETTER_EXEMPTION FROM EC ......................................... 342



(excluding the existing NW-3 & NW-8/9/59) ......................................................... 347

ANNEXURE 11.1 – COSTING/FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS............................................. 348

ANNEXURE 11.2 –COST OF DREDGING.......................................................................... 354

ANNEXURE 11.3 –COST OF BANK PROTECTION WORKS ON RIVER ........................ 355

ANNEXURE 11.4 –COST OF NIGHT NAVIGATION WORKS ........................................... 356

ANNEXURE 11.5 –COST OF LAND FOR Ro-Ro .............................................................. 357

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NETRAVATI ............................................................................................................. 359


ANNEXURE 11.8 –COST OF APPROACH (EXTERNAL) ROADS ................................... 365


ANNEXURE 12.1 –IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FAIRWAY ....................................... 367

ANNEXURE 12.2 –IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE RO-RO............................................ 368

LIST OF DRAWINGS ................................................................................................................. 369

LIST OF VOLUMES ................................................................................................................... 370

VOLUME-I MAIN REPORT ................................................................................................. 370

VOLUME-II DRAWINGS ...................................................................................................... 370

VOLUME-IIIA HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY REPORT ........................................................ 370

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
VOLUME-IIIB HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY CHARTS ........................................................ 370

VOLUME-IV GEO-TECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT ............................................. 370

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TABLE 1-1: List of Rivers/Creeks of under Cluster VI in the States of Karnataka and Kerala (Length-
453.895km) ..................................................................................................................................... 36
TABLE 1-2: Waterways for Stage II study...................................................................................... 39
TABLE 1-3: Description of Gurupur River (NW-43) ....................................................................... 40
TABLE 1-4: Description of Netravathi River (NW-74) .................................................................... 43
TABLE 2-1: Accepted Station coordinates (WGS-84) ................................................................... 57
TABLE 2-2: Transfer of sounding datum........................................................................................ 58
TABLE 2-3: Barrage details ............................................................................................................ 62
TABLE 2-4: River Bend Radius in Gurupur River .......................................................................... 62
TABLE 2-5: River Bend Radius in Netravati River ......................................................................... 62
TABLE 2-6 : Reduced depth from Ch 0.00km to Ch 5.00km ........................................................ 64
TABLE 2-7 : Reduced depth from Ch 5.00km to Ch 10.041km .................................................... 65
TABLE 2-8 : Reduced depth from Ch 0.00km – Ch 10.00km ....................................................... 66
TABLE 2-9 : Reduced depth from Ch 10.00km – Ch 23.00km ..................................................... 67
TABLE 2-10 : Reduced depth from Ch 23.50km – Ch 30.00km ................................................... 69
TABLE 2-10 : Water sample results .............................................................................................. 69
TABLE 2-12 : Soil sample results ................................................................................................. 69
TABLE 2-13 : Water sample results .............................................................................................. 70
TABLE 2-14 : Soil sample results ................................................................................................. 70
TABLE 4-1: Population of talukas in Dakshina Kannada in the catchment Area .......................... 84

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
TABLE 4-2: Sector wise contribution in Dakshina Kannada’s GDP (FY 13) ................................. 84
TABLE 4-3: Sector wise % share of GDP of talukas in the catchment area ................................. 84
TABLE 4-4: Area under cultivation in the Catchment Area (in Ha) (FY 14-15) ............................. 85
TABLE 4-5: Production of Important Horticulture Crops in Dakshina Kannada (FY 14-15) .......... 86
TABLE 4-6: Taluka wise Horticulture Production near Netravathi & Gurupur (FY 14-15)............. 86
TABLE 4-7: Sericulture Production in the Catchment Area (FY 14-15)......................................... 87
TABLE 4-8: Fish Catch & Storage Infrastructure in the Catchment Area ...................................... 88
TABLE 4-9: Fisheries in Dakshina Kannada District...................................................................... 88
TABLE 4-10: Taluka wise Mineral Resources of Dakshina Kannada............................................ 89
TABLE 4-11: Potential from Industries in the catchment area ....................................................... 96
TABLE 4-12: Industries in Baikampady Industrial Estate ............................................................ 101
TABLE 4-13: Commodity wise Imports of NMPT (mn T) ............................................................. 104
TABLE 4-14: Commodity wise Exports of NMPT (mn T) ............................................................. 105
TABLE 4-15: Commodity wise Container Movement from NMPT ............................................... 106
TABLE 4-16: Hazardous Cargo handled at NMPT (in MTPA) ..................................................... 108
TABLE 4-17: Cargo handled in last 5 years at OMPT (in MTPA) ................................................ 109
TABLE 4-18: Identification of Potential Traffic for Netravathi River ............................................. 111
TABLE 4-19: Major Mineral Production in the catchment (FY 10-11) ......................................... 112
TABLE 4-20: Taluka wise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizer (in Tonnes) (FY 14-15) ................ 112
TABLE 4-21: Identification of Potential Traffic for waterway........................................................ 113
TABLE 4-22: Ferry Passengers Traffic at Netravathi River ......................................................... 115
TABLE 4-23: Ferry Passengers Traffic at Gurupur River ............................................................ 116
TABLE 4-24: Ferry Passengers Traffic at Gurupur River ............................................................ 116
TABLE 4-25: Inflow of Tourists during Peak Season (Dec. - March) in Mangalore & Udupi ...... 117
TABLE 4-26 Statistics of Tourists in popular tourist spots (FY 16) .............................................. 118
TABLE 4-27 Traffic count data from Thumbe Bus Stop) ............................................................. 122
TABLE 4-28 Methodology for Ro-Ro Traffic based on number of trucks at Thumbe Bus Stop . 127
TABLE 4-29 Cargo Movement by trucks from NMPT to/from Bantwal on number of trucks at
Thumbe Bus Stop ........................................................................................................................ 128
TABLE 4-30 Assumptions for Calculating Logistics Cost ............................................................ 131

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TABLE 4-31 Analysis of FSR Study ............................................................................................. 134
TABLE 4-32 Future Cargo Traffic (MT) and No of Trucks ........................................................... 135
TABLE 4-33 Passenger Traffic Projections.................................................................................. 136
TABLE 4-34 Tourist Traffic Projections ........................................................................................ 136
TABLE 4-35: Terminal & Commodity Wise Projection ................................................................. 139
TABLE 5-1: Generalized Geological Succession in The Mangalore-Invalli Area, Netravati Estuary,
Dakshin Kannad District, Karnataka (After Dhruva Rao, 1971) ................................................... 153
TABLE 5-2: Summary of Drill hole ............................................................................................... 162
TABLE 5-3: Summary of Drill hole ............................................................................................... 162
TABLE 5-4: Summary of In-Situ Test Results .............................................................................. 163
TABLE 5-5: Salient Features of Ro-Ro Structures ..................................................................... 170
TABLE 6-1: Typical Values for a grading of 10 to 60 Kg (following EN13383) .......................... 184
TABLE 6-2: Technical specs for stone fill for gabions ................................................................. 185
TABLE 6-3: European standards for the wire mesh .................................................................... 187
TABLE 6-4: Seismic Loading ...................................................................................................... 193
TABLE 6-5: Salient Features of Gurupur Ro-Ro......................................................................... 194
TABLE 6-6: Salient Features of Netravati Ro-Ro ....................................................................... 194
TABLE 6-7: Partial Safety Factors for Loads in Limit State Design............................................. 197
TABLE 7-1: Classification of Inland Waterways for Rivers ......................................................... 201
TABLE 7-2: Turn Around Time Calculation for Single Ro-Ro Vessel ......................................... 203
TABLE 7-3: Turn Around Time Calculation for Single Passenger Vessel .................................. 204
TABLE 7-4: Assumptions for Calculating Passenger Vessel Requirement ................................ 205
TABLE 7-5: Number of Ro-Ro Vessel Requirement in Gurupur River ....................................... 205

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
TABLE 7-6: Number of Ro-Ro Vessel Requirement in Netravati River ...................................... 205
TABLE 7-7: Assumptions for Calculating Passenger Vessel Requirement ................................ 206
TABLE 7-8: Number of Passenger Vessel Requirement in Gurupur – Along River ................... 206
TABLE 7-9: Number of Passenger Vessel Requirement in Gurupur – Across River ................. 206
TABLE 7-10: Number of Passenger Vessel Requirement in Netravati River ............................. 206
TABLE 9-1: Major Clearances / Approvals / Permits And Their Applicability To The Project .... 235
TABLE 10-1: FINANCIAL IMPLICATION – CAPITAL AND MAINTENANCE ............................ 246
DEVELOPMENT FOR CAPTIVE TERMINAL OPERATIONS ..................................................... 248
TABLE 11-2: Abstract of Cost for Netravathi Ro-Ro Facility ...................................................... 249
TABLE 11-3: Abstract of Cost for Gurpur Ro-Ro Facility............................................................ 250
TABLE 13-1: Tariff Structure of IWAI ........................................................................................... 254
TABLE 13-2: Input Sheet for NW 43 & 74.................................................................................... 254
TABLE 13-3: Revenue for NW 43 & 74 (INR Lakhs) ................................................................... 256
TABLE 13-4: Project Cost (INR Lakhs) ........................................................................................ 257
TABLE 13-5: Employment schedule and salary expenditure (INR Lakh) .................................... 258
TABLE 13-6: Depreciation (Using SLM Method) (INR Lakh)....................................................... 258
TABLE 13-7: O&M Cost (INR Lakh) ............................................................................................. 259
TABLE 13-8: P&L Statement (INR Lakh) ..................................................................................... 259
TABLE 13-9: FIRR for NW 43 & 74 (INR Lakh) ........................................................................... 259
TABLE 13-10: FIRR for NW 43 & 74 – Whole Project (INR Lakh) .............................................. 260
TABLE 13-11: Project EIRR (INR Crores) ................................................................................... 260
TABLE 13-12: Project EIRR – Whole Project (INR Crores)......................................................... 260
TABLE 13-13 Sensitivity Analysis (+10% Revenue, +10% Project Cost) ................................... 261
TABLE 13-14 Sensitivity Analysis (+10% Revenue, -10% Project Cost) .................................... 261
TABLE 13-15 Sensitivity Analysis (-10% Revenue, +10% Project Cost) .................................... 261
TABLE 13-16 Sensitivity Analysis (-10% Revenue, -10% Project Cost) ..................................... 261
TABLE 13-17: Risk Factors & Mitigation measures ..................................................................... 263
TABLE 13-18: Probable impact of VGF on project returns .......................................................... 264
TABLE 13-19: Critical indicators for the NW 43 & 74 under different Scenarios......................... 264

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 14/370 RESTRICTED

FIGURE 1.1 : Index Map ................................................................................................................ 42
FIGURE 1.2 : Index Map ................................................................................................................ 44
FIGURE 2.1: Catchment Area Map of Gurupur River (Source: Google Earth) ............................. 46
FIGURE 2.2: Catchment Area Map of Netravathi River (Source: Google Earth) .......................... 47
FIGURE 2.3: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 5.00km in December, 2006 (Source: Google Earth)
........................................................................................................................................................ 49
FIGURE 2.4: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 5.00km in November, 2010 (Source: Google Earth)
........................................................................................................................................................ 49
FIGURE 2.5: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 5.00km in January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth)49
FIGURE 2.6: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 5.00km in December, 2016 (Source: Google Earth)
........................................................................................................................................................ 49
FIGURE 2.7: River stretch from Ch 6.00km to 10.041km in December, 2006 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 2.8: River stretch from Ch 6.00km to 10.041km in November, 2010 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 2.9: River stretch from Ch 6.00km to 10.041km in January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth)
........................................................................................................................................................ 50
FIGURE 2.10: River stretch from Ch 6.00km to 10.041km in December, 2016 (Source: Google

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 2.11: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 10.00km in December, 2006 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 51
FIGURE 2.12: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 10.00km in November, 2010 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 51
FIGURE 2.13: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 10.00km in January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth)
........................................................................................................................................................ 52
FIGURE 2.14: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 10.00km in December, 2016 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 52
FIGURE 2.15: River stretch from Ch 11.00km to 20.00km in December, 2006 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 53
FIGURE 2.16: River stretch from Ch 11.00km to 20.00km in November, 2010 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 53
FIGURE 2.17: River stretch from Ch 11.00km to 20.00km in January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth)
........................................................................................................................................................ 54
FIGURE 2.18: River stretch from Ch 11.00km to 20.00km in December, 2016 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 54
FIGURE 2.19: River stretch from Ch 21.00km to 25.00 km in December, 2006 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 55
FIGURE 2.20: River stretch from Ch 21.00km to 25.00 km in November, 2010 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 55
FIGURE 2.21: River stretch from Ch 21.00km to 25.00 km in January, 2013 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 55
FIGURE 2.22: River stretch from Ch 21.00km to 25.00 km in December, 2016 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 55
FIGURE 2.23: River stretch from Ch 26.00km to 30.00 km in December, 2006 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 56
FIGURE 2.24: River stretch from Ch 26.00km to 30.00 km in November, 2010 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 56

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FIGURE 2.25: River stretch from Ch 26.00km to 30.00 km in January, 2013 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 56
FIGURE 2.26: River stretch from Ch 26.00km to 30.00 km in December, 2016 (Source: Google
Earth) .............................................................................................................................................. 56
FIGURE 2.27: Gurupur River from Ch 0.00km to Ch 3.00km........................................................ 63
FIGURE 2.28: Gurupur River from Ch 3.00km to Ch 5.00km........................................................ 64
FIGURE 2.29: Gurupur River from Ch 5.00km to Ch 7.00km........................................................ 65
FIGURE 2.30: Gurupur River from Ch 7.00km to Ch 10.041km ................................................... 65
FIGURE 2.31: Netravathi River from Ch 0.00km to Ch 5.001km .................................................. 66
FIGURE 2.32: Netravathi River from Ch 5.00km to Ch 10.00km .................................................. 66
FIGURE 2.33: Netravathi River from Ch 10.00km to Ch 15.00km ................................................ 67
FIGURE 2.34: Netravathi River from Ch 15.00km to Ch 23.00km ................................................ 67
FIGURE 2.35: Netravathi River from Ch 23.00km to Ch 25.00km ................................................ 68
FIGURE 2.36: Netravathi River from Ch 25.00km to Ch 30.00km ................................................ 68
FIGURE 3.1: Types of dike structures ........................................................................................... 76
FIGURE 4.1: Macro Map of Hinterland of Netravathi&Gurpur ....................................................... 82
FIGURE 4.2: Netravathi River ........................................................................................................ 83
FIGURE 4.3: Open land near Bidarahalli – Kandegala village on the bank of Gurupur river........ 83
FIGURE 4.4: Existing Landing Points at Netravathi River ............................................................. 92
FIGURE 4.5: Existing Landing Points at Gurupur River ................................................................ 93
FIGURE 4.6: Landing point at Gurupur River ................................................................................ 93
FIGURE 4.7: The New Bridge on Netravathi River ........................................................................ 94
FIGURE 4.8: The Old Bridge on Netravathi River ......................................................................... 94

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
FIGURE 4.9: Kuloor Bridge on Gurupur River ............................................................................... 94
FIGURE 4.10: Connectivity around Industries in the hinterland .................................................... 98
FIGURE 4.11: Commodity wise historic Traffic handled at NMPT .............................................. 104
FIGURE 4.12: Commodity wise historic Traffic handled at NMPT .............................................. 106
FIGURE 4.13: Cargo Handling at OMPT ..................................................................................... 110
FIGURE 4.14: Ferry Movement at Netravathi River .................................................................... 114
FIGURE 4.15: Ferry Movement at Gurupur River........................................................................ 115
FIGURE 4.16: Ferry Service at Bengre Terminal (as on Dec 2021) ........................................... 116
FIGURE 4.17: Popular Tourist Spots in the catchment area ....................................................... 118
FIGURE 4.18: Macro Map of Traffic Survey Location (Thumbe Bus Stop) ................................. 120
FIGURE 4.19: Traffic Survey Location (Thumbe Bus Stop) ........................................................ 121
FIGURE 4.20: Manual Traffic Count at Thumbe Bus Stop .......................................................... 121
FIGURE 4.21: Traffic Count of Day 1 (Monday) based on category of vehicles and time .......... 123
FIGURE 4.22: Traffic Count of Day 2 (Tuesday) based on category of vehicles and time ......... 123
FIGURE 4.23: Chart of Manual Traffic Count .............................................................................. 124
FIGURE 4.24: Average of Contribution of different vehicles in total traffic .................................. 125
FIGURE 4.25: Contribution of different types of Trucks in total cargo truck traffic ...................... 125
FIGURE 4.26: Average of Contribution of Cargo Trucks in total truck traffic .............................. 126
FIGURE 4.27: Daily Traffic pattern and peak flows on Monday & Tuesday ................................ 126
FIGURE 4.28: Time & Distance Comparison ............................................................................... 130
FIGURE 4.29: Logistics Cost Comparison ................................................................................... 131
FIGURE 4.30: Proposed Terminal Location- Point A................................................................... 137
FIGURE 4.31: Proposed Terminal Location- Point B................................................................... 138
FIGURE 5.1: Route between the end points of Gurupur waterway ............................................. 143
FIGURE 5.2: Route between the end points of Netravati waterway ............................................ 146
FIGURE 5.3: Site Layout plan of proposed Ro-Ro terminal (A) at Ashok Nagar (Gurupur) ....... 147
FIGURE 5.4: Site Layout plan of proposed Ro-Ro terminal (B) at downstream of Thumbe Barrage
(Netravati River) ........................................................................................................................... 148
FIGURE 5.5: Geological Quadrangle Map of SOI Toposheet No. 48 L showing Project Area ... 151

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FIGURE 5.6: Enlarged view of Geological quadrangle map of SOI Toposheet No. 48 L showing
Project Area .................................................................................................................................. 151
FIGURE 5.7: Geological Map of Netravati Area Showing Project Area (Source: Geological Survey
of India) ......................................................................................................................................... 152
FIGURE 5.8: Geological Quadrangle Map of SOI Toposheet No. 48 L Showing Project Area .. 153
FIGURE 5.9: Enlarged view of Geological quadrangle map of SOI Toposheet No. 48 L showing
Project Area (Source: Geological Survey of India) ..................................................................... 154
FIGURE 5.10: Google Earth Image showing holistic Project Area ............................................. 155
FIGURE 5.11: Enlarged view of Google earth image showing Project area (in Circle) .............. 156
FIGURE 5.12: Image Showing General View of Project Area ..................................................... 156
FIGURE 5.13: Google Earth Image Showing Project Area ........................................................ 157
FIGURE 5.14: Enlarged View of Google Earth Image Showing Project Area ............................. 158
FIGURE 5.15: General view of the selected site ......................................................................... 158
FIGURE 6.1: Different types of Spur ............................................................................................ 172
FIGURE 6.2: Plan view of system of spur-dikes constructed to control and stabilize the erosion of
the outer band............................................................................................................................... 173
FIGURE 6.3: Diagram showing the length and spacing of the individual dikes with respect to the
river width ..................................................................................................................................... 174
FIGURE 6.4: Typical layout and section of spur .......................................................................... 175
FIGURE 6.5: Minimum rock size according to the IS12094 ........................................................ 181
FIGURE 6.6: Minimum required thickness for revetment ............................................................ 183
FIGURE 6.7: Minimum average rock diameter ............................................................................ 185
FIGURE 6.8: Example of a gabion mattress and gabion basket ................................................. 186

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
FIGURE 6.9: Perspective view of 3 dimensional model prepared in STAAD for RO-RO ........... 198
FIGURE 6.10: Perspective view of 3 dimensional model prepared in STAAD for RO-RO ......... 199
FIGURE 7.1: 56Ft. Ro-Ro Ferry Vessel - IWAI ............................................................................ 202
FIGURE 7.2: 120 Pax Passenger Vessel in Gurupur River......................................................... 203
FIGURE 13.1: Logistic cost comparison ...................................................................................... 254

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Abbreviations Acronyms
BFL Bombay Floating Light

CD Chart Datum
Ch Chainage
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone

CWC Central Water Commission

DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DMIC Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor

DPR Detailed Project Report

FSL Full Supply Level
GAIL Gas Authority of India Ltd.
HC Horizontal Clearance
IO Iron Ores
IOCL Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

IWAI Inland Waterways Authority of India

IWT Inland Water Transport

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
KIOCL Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited

KP Km Points
LAD Least Available Depth
MHWS Mean High Water Spring

MMTPA Million Metric Tonne Per Annum

MnT Million Tonnes
MOEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
MOS Ministry of Shipping
MRPL Mangalore Refineries and Petrochemicals Ltd.
MSME Micro Small & Medium Enterprises

MTPA Metric Tonne per Annum

NH National Highway
NMPT New Mangalore Port Trust

NW National Waterway
OMPT Old Mangalore Port Trust
PGCIL Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

PWD Public Works Department

SEB State Electricity Board
SH State Highway

UPCL Udupi Power Corporation Ltd

VC Vertical Clearance
WRD Water Resources Department
WRIS Water Resources Information System of India

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Salient Features: Gurupur (NW 43)

# Particulars Details

1 Location
a Cluster Cluster-6
b State(s) Karnataka
c Co-ordinates & Name of Place Start End
Place Manglore Port Panjimogaru
Latitude 12°50'44.093"N 12°55'38.80" N
Longitude 74°49'44.783"E 74°49'40.25"E

1 Waterway
a National Waterway Number NW-43
b Class IV (up to 10.041km)

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
c Type (Tidal/Non-Tidal) Tidal
Length (Km.) Total Tidal Non-Tidal
10.041km 10.041km --
d Average Tidal Variation, if
e Chart Datum
Description/Basis Gauge 1 Gauge 2
Value (from Zero of Gauge) 0.163m 0.417m

f LAD Status (w.r.t. CD)

Stretch-1 (km) Stretch-2 (km) Total (km)
Stretch (From…...To……) 0.00 – 5.00 5.00-10.041
Length with LAD < 1.2 m 2.7 0.6 3.30
With LAD from 1.2-1.4 m 0.0 0.0 0.00
With LAD from 1.5-1.7 m 0.0 0.15 0.15
With LAD from 1.8-2.0 m 0.0 0.15 0.15
With LAD > 2.0 m 2.3 4.5 6.80
g Target Depth of Proposed
Fairway (m)

h Conservancy Works Required

Type of Work Stretch-1 Stretch-2
(0.00-5.00) (5.00-10.4)
Dredging Required including 3,37,000 93,000
10% (Cum.)
Bandalling Nil Nil
Barrages & Locks Nil Nil

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# Particulars Details
River Training/Bank Protection 100m for 01 location Nil

i) Existing Cross Structures

Name of Structure Type Nos. Range of Range of Vertical
Horizontal Clearance w.r.t.
Clearance FRL/HFL
Dams/Barrages/Weirs/Aqueducts Nil Nil Nil Nil
Bridges Nil Nil Nil Nil
HT/Tele-communication lines Nil Nil Nil Nil
Pipelines, underwater cables, etc. Nil Nil Nil Nil

2 Traffic
a Present IWT Operations At present, Ferry services are operational at the following three
• Sulthan Battery Ferry Line from Sulthan Battery to
• Ferry Line from Old Mangalore South Port to MJM Road
• BMS Ferry Line from Old Mangalore New South Port to

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
b Major industries in the hinterland Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Mangalore Refinery and
(i.e. within 25 km. on either side) Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizer
(MCF), BASF, KIOCL, Ultratech Cement, Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
There are 6 industrial areas and 5 Industrial Estates in Mangalore.
Also, there is Baikampady Industrial Estate & Ullal Industrial Estate
& Yeyyadi Industrial Estate.

c Connectivity of major industries ✓ Major roads – NH 66, NH 75, NH 13, NH 243, SH 88, SH
with Rail/Road network 88C
(Distances/Nearest Railway ✓ Major railway – The Southern Railway Division connects the
Stations etc.) district to the cities of Bengaluru, Chennai and
The Konkan Railway division connects the district to major
port cities of Mumbai and Kochi. Konkan Railway route
passes through Mangalore district, connecting major cities
of India. The Konkan Railway’s Ro- Ro service operates in
the district with a landing station at Surathkal near

d Commodities (Ton) In-bound Out-bound

1 Hazardous Cargo (POL & LPG), NMPT Central Karnataka

Central Karnataka NMPT

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# Particulars Details
e Future Potential (MMT)
Name of Commodity 5 yr. 10 yr. 15 yr. 20 yr. 25 yr.
(Fy-20) (Fy-25) (Fy-30) (Fy-35) (Fy-40)

1 Hazardous Cargo (POL & LPG) 4.00 4.60 14.90 17.10 19.50
& Container (Ton)
(* Assuming 1 truck= 18 tons)

3 Terminals/Jetties
a Terminal/Jetty Ro-Ro
Location (Bank/city/district) 12°54' 13.27"N & 74° 48' 56.97"E near Mangaluru
Type/Services Ro-Ro (Trucks)
Facilities Ambulance is provisioned
Approach Road is available
Land Ownership
Area (ha.) 1.37 ha (GMR owned)
4 Design Vessel
a Type Ro-Rovessels
b No. & Size 3 Ro-Rovessels at initial stages

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
c Loaded Draft 1.8m
d Capacity 15 TEU (15 Trucks)
e Size 56.00 LOA x 13.50 m Breadth x 1.8 m Loaded Draft / 2.0 m –
2.50 m Depth
5 Navigation Aids
a Type Buoy and Light
b Nos. 42
b Communication Facilities Through RIS/AIS

1 Project Cost
a Capital Cost Fairway Ro-Ro Vessel

Cost (MINR) - Only Gurupur 153.48 253.80 -

b O & M Cost (MINR) - - -

2 User Charges
a For IWAI -
b For Operator -
3 Financial Internal Rate of Fairway Ro-Ro Vessel
Return (%)
a For IWAI - -9.1% -
b Operator -

4 Fairway Ro-Ro Vessel

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# Particulars Details
Economic Internal Rate of - -1.8% -
Return (%)
5 Any other Important Feature Financials shown are for inter-wined development
Salient Features: Netrawati (NW -74)

# Particulars Details

1 Location
a Cluster Cluster-6
b State(s) Karnataka
c Co-ordinates & Name of Place Start End
Place Bengre Bantwal
Latitude 12°50'44.6904"N 12°53'53.50"N
Longitude 74°49'33.3734"E 75°02'57.30"E

1 Waterway
a National Waterway Number NW-74
b Class IV (upto Ch 22.90km)

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
c Type (Tidal/Non-Tidal) Tidal
Length (Km.) Total Tidal Non-Tidal
30.00km 22.90km 7.10km
d Average Tidal Variation, if
e Chart Datum
Description/Basis Gauge 1 Gauge 2 Gauge 3

Value (from Zero of Gauge) 0.000 0.248 -0.124

f LAD Status (w.r.t. CD)

Stretch-1 (km) Stretch-2 (km) Stretch-3 (km) Total (km)
Stretch (From…...To……) 0.00 – 10.00 10.00-22.90 22.9-30.00
Length with LAD < 1.2 m 1.80 9.10 0.10 11.0
With LAD from 1.2-1.4 m 0.40 0.00 1.20 1.60
With LAD from 1.5-1.7 m 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.15
With LAD from 1.8-2.0 m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
With LAD > 2.0 m 7.70 3.75 5.80 17.25
g Target Depth of Proposed
2.00m upto Ch 22.90km
Fairway (m)

h Conservancy Works Required

Type of Work Stretch-1 Stretch-2 Stretch-3
(0.00-10.00) (10.00-22.90) (22.90-30.00)
Dredging Required including 98000 7,15,000 134638.02 (u/s of
10% (Cum.) Thumbe barrage,
beyond feasible

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# Particulars Details
Bandalling Nil Nil Nil
Barrages & Locks Nil Nil Nil
River Training/Bank Protection 250m for 2 locations

i) Existing Cross Structures

Name of Structure Type Nos. Range of Range of Vertical
Horizontal Clearance w.r.t.
Clearance FRL/HFL
Dams/Barrages/Weirs/Aqueduct Barrage 1 -- --
s etc.
Bridges Rail/Road 5 32.0-45.0m 5.884-6.725m
HT/Tele-communication lines HT line 3 268-450m 10.0m (One HT line at
8.16kms need
Pipelines, underwater cables, Nil Nil Nil Nil

2 Traffic
a Present IWT Operations (type of At present, Ferry services are operational at the following three
services) locations:

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
• Sajipanadu- Thumbe Ferry line
• Jalakadakatte- Parangipet Ferry line
• Adyar-Pavoor Ferry line
b Major industries in the hinterland Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Mangalore Refinery and
(i.e. within 25 km. on either side) Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizer
(MCF), BASF, KIOCL, Ultratech Cement, Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
There are 6 industrial areas and 5 Industrial Estates in Mangalore.
Also, there is Baikampady Industrial Estate & Ullal Industrial Estate
& Yeyyadi Industrial Estate.
c Connectivity of major industries ✓ Major roads - NH 66, NH 75, NH 13, NH 243, SH 88, SH
with Rail/Road network 88C
(Distances/Nearest Railway ✓ Major railway – The Southern Railway Division connects
Stations etc.) the district to Bengaluru, Chennai and
✓ The Konkan Railway division connects Mangalore district
to Mumbai and Kochi. The Konkan Railway’s Ro- Ro
service operates in the district with a landing station at
Surathkal near Mangalore.

d Commodities In-bound Out-bound

1 Hazardous Cargo (POL & LPG), NMPT Central Karnataka

Container Central Karnataka NMPT
2 Food Grains, Building Material Bantwal, Puttur Lakshadweep island (Via
e Future Potential (MMT)
Name of Commodity (Ton) 5 yr. (Fy- 10 yr. (Fy- 15 yr. (Fy- 20 yr. (Fy- 25 yr.
20) 25) 30) 35) (Fy-40)
1 Trucks/ Hazardous Cargo/ 0.00 0.00 30.0 34.40 39.30

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# Particulars Details
2 Food Grains 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04
3 Building Material 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.06
(* Assuming 1 truck= 20 tons)
3 Terminals/Jetties
a Terminal/Jetty Ro-Ro
Location (Bank/city/district) 12°52'23.06"N & 75° 0'3.71"E near Thumbe
Type/Services Ro-Ro (Trucks)
Facilities Ambulance is provisioned
Approach Road is available
Land Ownership
Area (ha.) Govt. Private
NIL 3.3
4 Design Vessel
a Type Ro-Ro vessels
b No. & Size 3 Ro-Ro vessels at initial stages
c Loaded Draft 1.8m
d Capacity 15 TEU (15 Trucks)
e Size 56.00 LOA x 13.50 m Breadth x 1.8 m Loaded Draft / 2.0 m –
2.50 m Depth

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
5 Navigation Aids
a Type Buoy and Light
b Nos. 102
b Communication Facilities Through RIS/AIS

1 Project Cost
a Capital Cost Fairway Ro-Ro Vessel

Cost (MINR) 325.60 345.75 -

b O & M Cost (MINR) - - -

2 User Charges
a For IWAI -
b For Operator -
3 Financial Internal Rate of Fairway Ro-Ro Vessel
Return (%) - (Combined)
a For IWAI - -9.1% -
b Operator -
4 Economic Internal Rate of Fairway Ro-Ro Vessel
Return (%) - (Combined)
- -1.8% -

5 Any other Important Feature Financials shown are for inter-wined development

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 24/370 RESTRICTED

Gurupur River (NW 43)

Gurupur River is one of the waterways declared as National Waterway in March 2016 as NW 43.
The Gurupur River is joining the “Netravati” River on its right side just before draining off into the
Arabian Sea. The Gurupur River (also known as Phalguni River or Kulur River) originates in the
Western Ghats at an elevation of 1100m above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) and joins the Arabian
Sea at Mangalore in the Karnataka state of India. The Gurupur River passes through Dakshin
Kannad Distt of Karnataka State. The river is having the end stretch of 15kms to 20 kms passes
through Mangalore city and joins the Netravathi River from North to South. The total catchment
area of Gurupur River basin is 824 sqkm. The catchment receives an average annual rainfall of
about 4000mm. Gurupur River has a relatively small catchment area and its tributaries are small
feeder streams and canals. The length of the Gurupur mainstream in the catchment from the origin
to the outfall in the Arabian Sea is about 85km.

Out of the total length of 85 km of river, the stretch of the river from confluence of Netravathi river
at Lat 12°50'45"N, Long 74°49'45"E to Mangalore Port Bridge near Panjimogaru at Lat 12°55'35"N,

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Long 74°49'37"E has been declared as new national waterway and proposed to undertake the two
stage DPR. M/s Tractebel has been assigned with the work of Preparation of a two stage DPR.
Subsequent to the completion of Stage I of the DPR, the stretch of Gurupur River in the
Mangalore city area of 10.041 kms from Lat 12°50'44.093"N, Long 74°49'44.783"E is under
consideration for Stage 2 Detailed Project Report (DPR) so as to assess the required
developments and the IWT Traffic potential along with inter alia activities including the working
out of Cost / Return factors for taking a decision on developments / investments.

The major components in the DPR can be considered as Fairway Development; Traffic
Confirmations; Terminal Development; Vessel Requirement and Financial Analysis. Bathymetric
Survey of the study stretch has been carried out along with the Topographical Survey so as to
arrive at the conservancy requirements including dredging; Channel demarcation and other
Waterway requirements for safe navigation. The next one is Traffic Confirmations. The present
Traffic scenario, possible divertible traffic to IWT is to be estimated. In sequence, Terminal
Development, Vessel Requirement and Financial Analysis have been considered.

River Morphological analysis of the study stretch has been considered by analyzing the river
regime of the past 15 to 20 years with 5 years span and the findings have been recorded. As such
there is no major regime disturbance in the study stretch. Further, this analysis may not have any
impact, since the study stretch is in between the firm banks.

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Detailed Hydrographic Survey has been carried out so as to assess the required developments
in the Fairway along with inter related activities. Based on the Hydrographic Survey data the
entire stretch is in Tidal Zone and having a water depth of 2.0 m (LAD) for a considerable length.
It has been noticed that no Bridges are located and No HT Lines are crossing the study area. No
pipe line is crossing the study area. No Dams / Barrages / Locks / Weirs / Anicuts / Aqueducts
are located. Bend locations are marginal however one location having 100m bank protection
been considered.

Fishing activity has been noticed and also the Ferry Services are on in the study stretch. The
study stretch intertwined with Netravati River will have Cargo mobility, as estimated. Accordingly,
there is an estimated potential of Ro-Ro generation of 82,326 MT (4,574 vehicles) P.A in FY 25
and expected to increase to 3,51,348 MT (19,520 vehicles) P.A in FY 40. Combined with
Gurupur, total mobility on Netravati would be 8,08,125 MT (44,896 vehicles) in FY 25 and
increase to 10,59,470 MT (58,859 vehicles) in FY 40

Gurupur river being in the close proximity of NMPT has the potential providing opportunity to IWT
mobility. Govt. of Karnataka is very keen to develop various national waterways in the state and

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coordination meeting between IWAI & Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India was held to find a way
forward. MOM of meeting held on 07.01.2022 is referred which was circulated vide
IWAI/NNW/GoKN/01/2020-21 dated 31.01.2022 (Annexure 3.1). It has been indicated that the
study for these waterways needs updation in light of relevant data shared by Govt. of Karnataka
and the DPR has been updated based on cargo traffic estimation data provided by office of the
Director of Ports & IWT, Baithkol Karwar dated 12.01.2022. It has been proposed to consider the
development of 1 Ro-Ro Terminal in Gurupur River at Ashoknagar (Ch.8.0kms) located at right
bank and the other end Ro-Ro Terminal is proposed in the river Netravati located at
(Ch.22.50kms) in the downstream of Thumbe barrage so as to facilitate the intertwined Ro-Ro

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In order to meet the above suggested mobility of Ro-Ro Operation Class IV SPV system has
been concluded. Accordingly, the Dredging quantities have been worked out. An estimated 4.3
Lakhs Cu. M of dredging quantity has been taken into consideration for the subject study.

The vessel requirement is being considered as Ro-Ro vessel operation with 21 TEU capacity
Accordingly, the fairway requirement for Class IV has been taken into consideration with 50 m
(Bottom Width) x 2.0 m / 2.2 m (Depth) with Bend Radius of 800. Clearance corridor of 50 m
Horizontal Clearance (HC) and 10 m Vertical Clearance (VC) is the requirement specified at
Cross structures for safe passage of Vessel / Convoy.

In order to provide safe navigable channel, along with the 4.30 Lakhs Cu. M of Dredging, 42 Nos
of Day / Night Navigation markings have been considered. There are no Bridges and cross
structures and hence no need of any modifications. Bend criteria suggests one location for bank
protection. Nominal provisions have been suggested towards Communication system and
Institutional requirements. IWAI Terminal requirement has been considered with 1 Roll-on Roll-
off (Ro-Ro) IWT Terminal which has been proposed for Container / Truck operation.

A tentative Land requirement has been worked out and arrived at with 13643 Sq. M at Ashok

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Nagar Area in Mangalore Town. The Land Survey has been considered and Land Details of the
location have been firmed up. It is in the Ashok Nagar area; Mangalore (Urban); Mysore District
of Karnataka. Geotechnical Investigations have been completed and compiled in a separate Vol.-
IV. As per the Class IV waterway classification, the maximum of 2000 T can be mobilized. The
study stretch has been proposed for Ro-Ro activity to meet the handling of 19,520 Trucks


Description Length(m) Width (m)

1 Ro-Ro Terminal 75 16.5

Preliminary Designs have been worked out for Spurs; Bank Protection with Gabions; Navigational
Aids through Buoys (Polyethylene) and Lights (4 NM); and Ro-Ro Jetty.
The following Vessel standards have been considered.

Ro-Ro Vessel: (15 TEU) – Double Ended Operation

LOA 56.00 m

Breadth 13.50 m

Loaded Draft / Depth: 1.80 m

Propulsion: Twin Engine Azimuth Drive

Propulsion Power: 2 x 250 kW

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Speed (with Load): 8 Knots @ 100% MCR

Vehicle Capacities:

15 TEU (15 Trucks)

One Ro-Ro vessels may be required at the initial stages for Gurupur river however the total
requirement of Ro-Ro vessel shall be three in case of combined or inter-wined development of
Gurupur & Netravati river.
With regard to the environmental aspects, the requirements as per the norms have been suggested
and also a Lump Sum provision has been catered to meet the expenditure on exigency. Regarding
the Institutional requirements, it is proposed to look after the Waterways under Cluster 6 through
Kochi office of IWAI covering Karnataka and Kerala along with appropriate manpower and other
office infra requirements. Capital cost & other O&M cost has been considered accordingly.

The cost estimates for development of Gurupur waterway have been worked out (although
Gurupur river has an intertwined development with Netravati river) and segregated into 2
Modules i.e., Fairway Module which is working out to 15.348 Cr (approx) followed with 1 Ro-Ro
jetty at a capital cost of 25.38 Cr (approx).

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Since the development of Gurupur river & Netravati river is intertwined, so a total of Rs.47.906
Crores is the estimated cost of fairway development from Ashoknagar in Gurupur river to Thumbe
barrage in Netravati river and Rs.59.95 Crores is the estimated cost of two terminals one in each
of the waterway. All the capital assets will be provisioned in 36 months after ascertaining the
required confirmations and approvals from the concerned Departments. The FIRR and EIRR
have been worked out and the details are placed.

Project Modules FIRR EIRR

Fairway (Combined) - -

Ro-Ro Terminal -9.1% -1.8%

Vessel - -

It is recommended to develop the entire study stretch of Gurupur River of about 10.041 kms with
Class IV system of the NW standards to facilitate the Ro-Ro vessel mobility, intertwined with the
development of river Netravati.

Netravati River (NW 74)

Netravathi River is one of the waterways declared as National Waterway in March, 2016 as NW-
74. The Gurupur River is joining the “Netravathi” River on its right side just before draining off into
the Arabian Sea. IWT mobility is intertwined with Gurupur River.

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Netravathi River originates from Bangrabalige valley, Yelaneeru Ghat in Kudremukh in
Chikkamagaluru district of Karnataka. The Netravathi River passes through Chikamangaluru &
Dakshin Kannad Distt of Karnataka State. It flows through the famous pilgrimage
place Dharmasthala and is considered as one of the Holy Rivers of India. The combined stream
passes over a rocky bed to Bantwal and flows for a distance of 35km in plain area and joins Arabian
Sea at Mangalore old port, south of Mangalore city. The catchment receives an average annual
rainfall of about 5363 mm. Netravathi River has a relatively large catchment area and its tributaries
are small feeder streams and canals. The total catchment area of Netravathi River basin is 3657
sq. km. The length of the Netravathi main stream in the catchment from the origin to the outfall in
the Arabian Sea is about 103 km.

The total stretch of river Netravati of about 103 km, the stretch of Netravathi River of 30 kms from
Lat 12°50'44.6904"N, Long 74°49'33.3734"E is under consideration for Stage 2 Detailed Project
Report (DPR) so as to assess the required developments and the IWT Traffic potential along
with inter alia activities including the working out of Cost / Return factors for taking a decision on
developments / investments.

The major components in the DPR can be considered as Fairway Development; Traffic

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Confirmations; Terminal Development; Vessel Requirement and Financial Analysis. Bathymetric
Survey of the study stretch has been carried out along with the Topographical Survey so as to
arrive at the conservancy requirements including dredging; Channel demarcation and other
Waterway requirements for safe navigation. The next one is Traffic Confirmations. The present
Traffic scenario, possible divertible traffic to IWT is to be estimated. In sequence, Terminal
Development, Vessel Requirement and Financial Analysis have been considered.

River Morphological analysis of the study stretch has been considered by analyzing the river
regime of the past 15 to 20 years with 5 years span and the findings have been recorded. As such
there is no major regime disturbance in the study stretch.

Detailed Hydrographic Survey has been carried out so as to assess the required developments
in the Fairway along with inter related activities. Based on the Hydrographic Survey data the
majority of the stretch is in Tidal Zone and having a water depth of 2.0 m (LAD) for a considerable
length. It has been noticed that no bridges are located and no HT Lines are crossing the study
area. Also no pipe line is crossing the study area. No Dams / Barrages / Locks / Weirs / Anicuts
/ Aqueducts are located. Bend locations are marginal and suggested the required protection.

IWT mobility and limited activities are on near the Old Mangalore Port area and Fishing activities
/ Ferry Services are on in the Gurupur area. The study stretch intertwined with Gurupur River will
have considerable Cargo mobility, as estimated. Accordingly, there is an estimated potential of
Ro-Ro generation of 82,326 MT (4,574 vehicles) P.A in FY-25 and expected to increase to
7,08,122 MT (39,340 vehicles) P.A in FY 40. Combined with Gurupur, total mobility on Netravati

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would be 8,08,125 MT (44,896 vehicles) in FY 25 and increase to 10,59,470 MT (58,859 vehicles)
in FY 40.

It has been proposed to consider the development of 1 Ro-Ro Terminal in Gurupur River at
Ashoknagar (Ch.8.0kms) located at right bank and the other end Ro-Ro Terminal is proposed in
the river Netravati located at (Ch.22.50kms) in the downstream of Thumbe barrage so as to
facilitate the intertwined Ro-Ro development.

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In order to meet the above suggested mobility of Ro-Ro Operation Class IV SPV system has
been concluded. The vessel requirement is being considered as Ro-Ro vessel operation with 15
TEU capacity (Double Ended Operation). Accordingly, the fairway requirement for Class IV has
been taken into consideration with 50 m (Bottom Width) x 2.0 m / 2.2 m (Depth) with Bend Radius
of 800. Clearance corridor of 50 m Horizontal Clearance (HC) and 10 m Vertical Clearance (VC)
is the requirement specified at cross structures for safe passage of Vessel / Convoy.

In order to provide a safe navigable channel, dredging of 8.13 Lakhs Cu. M in Ordinary Soils has
been estimated along with the provision of 102 Nos of Day / Night Navigation Markings and Bank
Protection works at 2 locations totalling to 250 m length. No Bridges and cross structures exist
on the waterway and hence no need of any modifications.

There is one HT line at 8.16kms having a vertical clearance (VC) of 10.0m and needs upgradation
as per IWAI guideline and provision has been made in the estimate. Nominal provisions have
been suggested towards Communication System and Institutional Requirements.

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IWAI Terminal requirement has been considered with 1 Roll-on Roll-off (Ro-Ro) IWT Terminal at
downstream of Thumbe barrage (Ch.22.50kms) which has been proposed Container / Truck
operation. A tentative Land requirement has been worked out and arrived at with 14243 Sq. M
at Thumbe. The Land Survey has been considered and Land Details of the location have been
firmed up. It is in the Thumbe village; Bantwal Taluka; Dakshin Kannada District in the state of
Karnataka. Geotechnical Investigations have been completed and the Lab Tests and compilation
are under progress.

As per the Class IV waterway classification, the maximum of 2000 T can be mobilized. The study
stretch has been proposed for Ro-Ro activity to meet the handling of 58,859 vehicles operation
per annum by FY-40.


Description Length(m) Width (m)

1 Ro-Ro Terminal 123 16.8

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Preliminary Designs have been worked out for Spurs; Bank Protection with Gabions; Navigational
Aids through Buoys (Polyethylene) and Lights (4 NM); and Ro-Ro Jetty.
The following Vessel standards have been considered.

Ro-Ro Vessel: (15 TEU) – Double Ended Operation

LOA 56.00 m

Breadth 13.50 m

Loaded Draft / Depth: 1.80 m

Propulsion: Twin Engine Azimuth Drive

Propulsion Power: 2 x 250 kW

Speed (with Load): 8 Knots @ 100% MCR

Vehicle Capacities:

15 TEU (15 Trucks)

Three Ro-Ro vessels may be required at the initial stages. The above calculation concludes that
one number of Ro-Ro vessel wil be sufficient to handle truck traffic proposed in river Gurupur &
three numbers of Ro-Ro vessel will be required to handle total projected traffic in river Netravati.
Since this is an intertwined development, total of three Ro-Ro vessel shall suffice to kickstart the
operation and introducing more Ro-Ro vessel may be decided, once the positive development is
witnessed over the period of time.

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The entire project area falls under the tidal zone. As such the project shall require obtaining
clearance under the CRZ Notification 2011. Consent to establish and consent to operate from
the SPCB shall be required under the Air and Water Acts. No other major clearances/ approvals/
permits relating to social aspects are applicable to the project. No wildlife clearance is envisaged
for the proposed waterway. Some structures of cultural, historical or archaeological importance
have been noticed but are not affected by the development of the project. Archaeological Survey
of India (ASI) or the State Department of Culture is envisaged for the project. With regard to the
Environmental aspects, the requirements as per the norms have been suggested and also a Lump
Sum provision has been catered to meet the expenditure on exigency.

Regarding the Institutional requirements, it is proposed to look after the waterways under Cluster
6 through Kochi office of IWAI covering Karnataka and Kerala along with appropriate Manpower
and other office infra requirements. Capital cost & other O&M cost has been considered

The cost estimates for development of Netravati waterway have been worked out and segregated
into 2 Modules i.e., Fairway Module which is working out to 32.56 Cr (approx) followed with 1

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Ro-Ro jetty at a capital cost of 34.57 Cr (approx). Since the development of Gurupur river &
Netravati river is intertwined, so a total of Rs.47.906 Crores is the estimated cost of fairway
development from Ashoknagar in Gurupur river to Thumbe barrage in Netravati river and
Rs.59.95 Crores is the estimated cost of two terminals having one terminal in each of the
waterway. All the capital assets will be provisioned in 36 months after ascertaining the required
confirmations and approvals from the concerned Departments. The FIRR and EIRR have been
worked out and the details are placed.

Project Modules FIRR EIRR

Fairway (Combined) - -

Ro-Ro Terminal -9.1 % -1.8 %

Vessel - -

It is recommended to develop the entire study stretch of Netravati River of about 22.90 kms with
Class IV system of the NW standards to facilitate the Ro-Ro vessel mobility, intertwined with the
development of Gurupur river.

Intertwined Development of GUrupur & Netravati Rivers

Both the rivers meet before meeting the Arabian sea as well feasible navigable length of the waterway
in Gurupur river is about 10.0kms & 22.90kms in Netravati river, hence it has been mooted to develop
both the waterway interwining with each other to make it more feasible. Intertwined river system is
as below:

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Snapshot of the project cost and viability indicators for for Gurupur (NW-43) &Netravati river (NW-74)
under different scenarios:

Sl. No Factors Section Unit Financial Outcome

Fairway Cr. 47.9
1 Project Cost Ro-Ro Terminal - Gurupur Cr. 25.38
Ro-Ro Terminal - Netravati Cr. 34.58
Vessel Berthing 1,500
2 Tariff INR Per
Terminal Charges 300
Fairway Usage INR GRT-Km -
‘000 No.
2 Traffic Trucks 58.86
3 Revenue Ro-Ro Terminal Cr. 6.91
Fairway - -
Ro-Ro Terminals - -9.1%
Fairway - -
Ro-Ro Terminals - -1.8%
FIRR - Non-existent
6 Cumulative
EIRR - Non-existent

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The project does have cargo transportation however the volume is less and does not make it a
commercially attractive venture however the intertwined development of the study stretches of
Gurupur & Netravati river for about 10.141kms & 22.90kms with Class IV system of the NW standards
shall kickstart a structured facility which will facilitate cargo movement in the region using the river
waterway. So, there is a possibility of this mobility directly from NMPT / OMPT through IWT vessel
traversing the Netravathi River in to the hinterland, which is the most advantageous scenario. In the
most optimistic scenario, development of river Gurupur (NW-43) & Netravati river may be considered
for Ro-Ro development as well as strengthening tourist and passenger services in the entire
waterway region. The state govt. has to take a very proactive role to play in such kind of development
through support like free land/ incentives/ regulatory framework to mandatorily transfer some type of
cargo to be transported through river waterway. Also, actions by state govt. may be mooted to
promote tourism in this region making this an action-packed waterway.

It is recommended to develop the entire study stretch of Gurupur river (10.0kms) intertwined with
Netravathir river (22.90kms) totalling to 32.90 kms with Class IV system of the NW standards to
facilitate the Ro-Ro vessel mobility.

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1.1 Project Background and Summary of previous

Globally, the renewal of Inland Water Transport (IWT) is under serious consideration
predominantly due to its energy efficient aspect and cheaper mode on comparison.
Further overburdening of the Rail and Road network are also the dominant factors.
Transport planners are now leaning towards the development of IWT system for
transportation of bulk / IWT sensitive cargo.

India has about 14,500km of navigable waterways which comprise Rivers, Canals,
Backwaters, Creeks, etc., out of which about 5200km of the river and 4000km of
canals can be used by mechanized crafts. Yet, IWT mode remains underdeveloped
/ underutilized in India and its share in overall internal cargo transport remains
abysmally low. IWT sector presently has a meager modal share of 0.1% in India
compared to other large countries and geographic areas like the United States, China

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and the European Union.

Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), a statutory authority under the Ministry
of Shipping, came into existence on 27 th October 1986 with the prime responsibility
of development and regulation of inland waterways for shipping and navigation
including the development and maintenance of IWT infrastructure on national
waterways. It does the function of building the necessary infrastructure in these
waterways, surveying the economic feasibility of new projects and also
administration. The head office of the Authority is at Noida (Uttar Pradesh). The
regional offices of IWAI are at Patna (Bihar), Kolkata (West Bengal), Guwahati
(Assam) and Kochi (Kerala) whereas sub-offices are at Allahabad & Varanasi (Uttar
Pradesh), Bhagalpur (Bihar), Farakka & Hemnagar (West Bengal), Dibrugarh
(Assam), Kollam (Kerala), Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh), Chennai (Tamilnadu) and
Bhubaneshwar (Orissa).

There are now one hundred and eleven national waterways (NW) across the country
which includes five existing national waterways besides 106 waterways which have
recently been declared as national waterways through a central legislation i.e.,
through a bill passed in the Parliament in March 2016.

NW 1, the Ganga – Bhagirathi – Hooghly river system between Haldia (Sagar) &
Allahabad was declared in October 1986 for a Length of 1620 km.

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NW 2, the Dhubri – Sadiya stretch of Brahmaputra River was declared in September
1988 for a Length of 891 km.

NW 3, the Kottapuram – Kollam stretch of the West Coast Canal along with the
Udyogmandal Canal and Champakkara Canal was declared in February 1993 for a
Length of 205 km.

NW 4, the Kakinada – Puducherry stretch consisting of canals and the Kaluvelly Tank
along with Bhadrachalam – Rajahmundry stretch of River Godavari and Wazirabad –
Vijayawada stretch of River Krishna was declared in November 2008 for a Length of
1095 km.

NW 5, the Talcher – Dhamra stretch of the Brahmani River, the Geonkhali – Charbatia
stretch of the East Coast Canal, the Charbatia – Dhamra stretch of Matai river and the
Mangalgadi – Paradip stretch of the Mahanadi River Delta was declared in November
2008 for a Length of 623 km.

Regarding the 106 Newly Declared National Waterways, IWAI is carrying out feasibility
studies / Detailed Project Report (DPR) preparation through a number of consultants.

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Two stage preparation of DPR for 53 Waterways have been initiated through 8
Clusters, whereas M/s Tractebel Engineering had been awarded with 2 Clusters i.e.,
Custer-VI (consisting of 11 waterways – 7 waterways in Karnataka & 4 waterways in
Kerala) & Cluster-VII (consisting of 10 waterways – 7 waterways in Maharashtra & 3
waterways in Goa).

The Waterways considered for the study of DPR under Cluster VI are detailed

TABLE 1-1: List of Rivers/Creeks of under Cluster VI in the States of Karnataka and Kerala

Sl. Name of Rivers/ Creeks National Water Length State

No. Way (NW) (km)

1. West Coast Canal NW-3 169.794 Kerala

2. Alappuzha- Changanassery Canal NW-8 29.300 Kerala

3. Alappuzha- Kottayam – Athirampuzha NW-9 51.700 Kerala


4. Kottayam-Vaikom Canal NW-59 18.800 Kerala

5. Gurupur River NW-43 10.041 Karnataka

6. Kabini River NW-51 23.171 Karnataka

7. Kali River NW-52 53.415 Karnataka

8. Netravathi NW-74 30.000 Karnataka

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Sl. Name of Rivers/ Creeks National Water Length State
No. Way (NW) (km)

9. Panchagangavali (Panchagangoli) NW-76 23.000 Karnataka


10. Sharavati River NW-90 28.674 Karnataka

11. Udayavara River NW-105 16.000 Karnataka

Waterways restricted to Stage I study. Total 453.895

Accordingly, the Stage II study for the Netravathi River (NW 74) is under
consideration in the present DPR.

1.2 Brief Scope of Work and Compliance statement

The Scope of the Work for the present study is well defined in the Work allocation
along with the Terms of Reference (ToR). The same is annexed herewith at
Annexure 1.1.

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The ultimate requirement from the study is to get a conclusion on the aspect of
implementation. Whether the study stretch under consideration is amenable for
implementation or not is the final derivative from the study. In order to get this
conclusion, the study is subjected to the Infrastructure Requirement for development,
the cost for the development with the Expenditure schedules and the viability of the
project with the possible revenues and by meeting the social commitment and

The IWT project for development of a waterway stretch can be broadly segregated
into the following aspects viz., Fairway Development; Traffic Confirmations; Terminal
Development; Vessel Requirement; Financial Analysis.

1.2.1 Fairway Development

In order to ascertain the existing condition of any waterway, the Bathymetric Survey
data along the full stretch at the specified intervals and specified width and the
Topographical Survey at important / appropriate locations are required. Based on
these site surveys, Conservancy requirements including dredging; Channel
demarcation requirements can be arrived at.

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1.2.2 Traffic Confirmations
The present Traffic scenarios in the hinterland and along the waterway are to be
ascertained and possible volumes of divertible traffic to IWT including the type of
cargo are to be assessed for planning and development. The possibility of Passenger
and Tourism potential are also to be ascertained.

1.2.3 Terminal Development

Terminal development may have to be initiated with the Site confirmation linking up
with various intricacies including the origin and destination of the Traffic. According
to the type of cargo and quantum of cargo, the Terminal Infrastructure requirements
are to be firmed up. The possibility of moulding the Terminal operation and
maintenance as a separate business unit also can be looked into.

1.2.4 Vessel Requirement

Based on the type of cargo, quantum of cargo, distance to be moved etc., also
keeping in view the travel time, the type of vessel and No. of vessels requirement are

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to be worked out. As per the existing / present industry standards, the vessel
deployment and its operation and maintenance will not form part of the development
except the projection of the requirements for the project, as a whole. Hence this
aspect is only indicative.

1.2.5 Financial Analysis

Any project, without the mention of the Cost and economic viability will end up as
incomplete. Hence, the detailed Cost analysis; Firming up of the cost for all the items
indicated for development; implementation schedule and phasing of the project;
operation and maintenance cost etc., are the key factors to be looked into. Working
out the possible revenues will be the other key factor. Subjecting the above for a
critical Financial and Economic analysis will provide clarity on the implementation of
the project, as a whole.

1.3 Brief Methodology & Approach

The Terms of Reference of the subject study, the scope of work defined for the study
itself are indicative about the Methodology to be adopted for the study. Further, the
Approach and Methodology had already been explained in the Stage I report and at
this juncture, it is prudent to mention the sequential and systematic approach to the

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project. Accordingly, a flow diagram has been placed at Annexure 1.2, which is self
explanatory and by following the activities as specified, the project report will be in
complete shape.

1.4 Project Location / Details of Study Area

Stage 1 study was completed for all the 11 National Waterways under Cluster VI and
the Feasibility Study Reports of individual National Waterways have been presented
to IWAI. Based on the inputs of the FSR, IWAI asked M/s Tractebel to go ahead with
the Stage II study on 9 out of 11 National Waterways i.e., 5 in the state of Karnataka
and 4 in the state of Kerala, as detailed.

TABLE 1-2: Waterways for Stage II study

Sl. NW-No. / Name of the
Defined Limits
No. Waterway

Cluster 6 (Karnataka)

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10.041 kms from starting point Lat 12°50' 44.093" N,
Long 74° 49' 44.783" E.

2 3 . 1 7 1 kms from starting point Lat 11°56'0.9311"

N, Long 76°14'17.5004" E.)

53.415 kms from starting point Lat 14°50'33.5786" N,

Long 74°07'19.7098" E.

NW-74 / NETRAVATHI 30.00 kms from starting point Lat 12°50’44.6904" N,

RIVER Long 74°49'33.3734" E.

NW-90 / SHARAVATI 28.674 kms from starting point Lat 14°17’56.5621" N,

RIVER Long 74°25'36.4534" E.

Cluster 6 (Kerala)

NW-3 / WEST COAST 169.794 kms from starting point Lat 10°11'38.9421"
CANAL N, Long 76°12'04.152" E.

NW-8 / ALAPPUZHA – 29.3 kms from starting point Lat 9°30'03"N,


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51.7 kms from starting point Lat 9°31'1.31"N,

NW – 59 / VECHOOR – 18.8 kms from starting point Lat 9°40'0"N,


The present study is combinedly about the Gurupur River – NW 43 and Netravati
River – NW 74.

The Gurupur River – NW 43 (also known as Phalguni River or Kulur River) for a
distance of 10.041km from the confluence of Netravathi River near Old Mangalore
Port to upstream upto Panjimogaru. The detail description of the Gurupur River has
been compiled in below Table.

TABLE 1-3: Description of Gurupur River (NW-43)

Sl Introductory Consideration Description of the River
1 Name of the river / canal Gurupur River (NW-43)

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2 State/ District through which river The Gurupur River passes through Dakshin
passes Kannad Distt of Karnataka State.

3 Length of the river / canal The length of the Gurupur main stream in the
catchment from the origin to the outfall in the
Arabian Sea is about 85km. Out of the total
length of 85 km of river, 10.041 km length of the
river from confluence of Netravathi river at Lat
12°50'44.093"N, Lon 74°49'44.783"E to
Mangalore Port Bridge near Panjimogaru at Lat
12°55'34.14"N, Lon 74°49'37.20"E has been
declared as new national waterway and
proposed to undertake the two stage DPR.

4 Map The index map of Gurupur River showing

proposed waterway stretch, topographic
features and road networks are shown in
Figure1.1. The study stretch of the Gurupur
River for the Detailed Project Report (DPR) is
presented in Volume-II Dwg No. P. 010256-W-
20301-A02 (Sheet – 1).
Characteristic of River

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Sl Introductory Consideration Description of the River
5 River Course The Gurupur River (also known as Phalguni
River or Kulur River) originates in the Western
Ghats at an elevation of 1100m above Mean Sea
Level (AMSL) and joins the Arabian Sea
at Mangalore in the Karnataka state of India.
Once the river formed the northern boundary of
Mangalore city and Netravathi River as the
southern boundary. The catchment receives an
average annual rainfall of about 4000mm.

6 Tributaries / Network of Rivers / Gurupur River has a relatively small catchment

Basin area and its tributaries are small feeder streams
and canals.

7 Catchment Area The total catchment area of Gurupur River basin

is 824 sqkm.

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Rev. 04


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The the Netravathi River – NW-74 for a distance of 30.00km from the Arabian Sea
mouth at Bengre to upstream upto Bantwal. The detail description of the Netravathi
River has been compiled in below Table.

TABLE 1-4: Description of Netravathi River (NW-74)

Sl No. Introductory Consideration Description of the River

1 Name of the river / canal Netravathi River (NW-74)

2 State/ District through which river passes The Netravathi River passes through Chikamangaluru &
Dakshin Kannad Distt of Karnataka State.

3 Length of the river / canal The length of the Netravathi main stream in the catchment
from the origin to the outfall in the Arabian Sea is about
103.0km. Out of the total length of 103.0 km of river, 30 km
length of the river from Bantwal, Lat 12°53'53.50"N, Long
75°2'57.30"E to confluence with Arabian sea at Bengre
Lat 12°50'44.6904"N, Long 74°49'33.3734"E has been
declared as new national waterway and proposed to
undertake the two stage DPR.

4 Map The index map of Netravathi River showing proposed

waterway stretch, topographic features and road networks

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
are shown in Figure1.1. The study stretch of the Netravathi
River for the Detailed Project Report (DPR) is presented in
Volume-II Drawing No. P. 010256-W-20301-A05.

Characteristic of River

5 River Course Netravathi River originates from Bangrabalige valley,

Yelaneeru Ghat in Kudremukh in Chikkamagaluru district of
Karnataka. It flows through the famous pilgrimage
place Dharmasthala and is considered as one of the Holy
Rivers of India. The combined stream passes over a rocky
bed to Bantwal and flows for a distance of 35km in plain area
and joins Arabian Sea at Mangalore old port, south
of Mangalore city. The catchment receives an average
annual rainfall of about 5363mm.

6 Tributaries / Network of Rivers / Basin Netravathi River has a relatively large catchment area and
its tributaries are small feeder streams and canals.

7 Catchment Area The total catchment area of Netravathi River basin is 3657
sq. km.

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2.1 Hydrographic Survey

Hydrographic survey is the science of measurement of Water depths and description
of features which affect maritime navigation, marine construction, dredging, offshore
oil exploration / offshore oil drilling and related activities. Hydrographic survey is
being carried out for one or more of the following activities like measurement of tides
for sea coast works (e.g. construction of sea defense works, harbors etc.),
determination of bed depth of water bodies, by soundings (for navigation, location of
rocks, sand bars, navigation light).

2.1.1 Waterway in General and Hydro-morphological Characteristics

Waterway in General (Gurupur River)

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
The Gurupur River (also known as Phalguni River or Kulur River) originates in the
Western Ghats at an elevation of 1100m above Mean Sea Level (MSL) and joins the
Arabian Sea at Mangalore in the Karnataka state of India. Gurupur River is one of
the main rivers of Mangalore because Mangalore is situated in the backwaters of the
rivers Gurupur and Netravathi. The New Mangalore Port and Mangalore Chemicals
and Fertilizers are situated on its northern banks. Once the river formed the northern
boundary of Mangalore city and Netravathi River as the southern boundary. The
length of the Gurupur main stream in the catchment from the origin to the outfall in
the Arabian Sea is about 85km. Present study focusses on lower 10.041km end-

The Gurupur River is bounded by Padukodi, Kasba Bengre, Kodikal, Urva,

Gandhinagar, Bunder and Bengre.

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FIGURE 2.1: Catchment Area Map of Gurupur River (Source: Google Earth)

The total catchment area of Gurupur River basin is 824 sqkm. The catchment receives
an average annual rainfall of about 4000mm. A map showing Gurupur catchment basin
is shown in the above figure. The figure indicates that the river flows close to the

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coastal region; thus the lower stretch of river is expected to be tidal affected zone.
Given the size and terrain of the river, lower reaches may have navigation potential.

Waterway in General (Netravati River)

Netravathi River originates at Bangrabalige valley, Yelaneeru Ghat in Kudremukh in
Chikkamagaluru district of Karnataka, India. It flows through the famous pilgrimage
place Dharmasthala and is considered as one of the Holy Rivers of India.
Kumaradhara River (which originates from Kumara-Parvata near Subramanya range
of Western Ghats) joins the river Netravathi at Uppinangadi village. The combined
stream passes over a rocky bed to Buntwal and flows for a distance of 35km in plain
area and joins Arabian Sea at Mangalore old port, south of Mangalore city. Earlier in
the last century it was known as the Bantwal River. This river is the main source of
water to Bantwal and Mangalore.

The Netravathi River is bounded by Bantwal, Panemangalore, Munnuru, Thumbe

and Puddu in the upper stretch, Arkula, Inoli, Adyar and Kannur in the middle stretch
and Pandeswara, Amblamogru, Permannur and Mudipu in the lower stretch. The
present study focusses on 30 km.

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FIGURE 2.2: Catchment Area Map of Netravathi River (Source: Google Earth)

The total catchment area of Netravathi River basin is 3657 sq-km (Ref. HP Hydrology
Project, MoWR & CWC; http://hydrology-project.gov.in/Surface%20Water.html). The
catchment area has been verified from Google Earth and has been found to be in
order. The catchment receives an average annual rainfall of about 5363mm. The total
length of the river from origin to its outfall in the Arabian Sea is 103.0km. A map

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showing Netravathi catchment basin is shown in the above figure. Beltangadi, Neriya
Hole, Haridravathi, Hurlihole, Nandihole, Hilkunj, Mavinahole, Yenne Hole and Nagodi
Hole are the tributaries of Netravathi River. Yettina Hole and Kumardhara are major
tributaries of Netravathi River. The lower stretch of the river is expected to be tidal
affected zone.

Hydro-morphological Characteristics
The combined study of hydrology and morphology gives a clear picture of
hydromorphological characteristics of any water body.

Hydro morphology of the study area

Karnataka experiences lowest temperature during the month of January and then the
temperature gradually increases. The temperature begins to soar rapidly during the
month of March. The southern parts of the state generally experience the highest
temperature during the month of April while in the coastal plains the temperature
reaches its maximum during the month of May. Post monsoon, during the months of
October and November the temperature decreases in the state and comes down
further during the month of December. The average high temperature during summer
is 34 degrees Celsius across the state. The average day temperature is 29 degrees
Celsius in the monsoon season. During winter temperatures range from 32 degrees
Celsius to below 20 degrees Celsius.

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Monsoon season starts from June and lasts till September, as prominent downfalls
in temperature are noted but at this time the percentage of humidity gets a little higher
in atmosphere. The average annual rainfall in Coastal Karnataka is about 3456 mm,
which is much more than the rainfall received in the other parts of the state. North
Interior Karnataka receives the least amount of rainfall in the state and the average
annual rainfall is just 731 mm. This zone experiences semi-arid type of climate. South
Interior Karnataka receives an annual average of 1286 mm rainfall.

Eleven groups of soil orders are found in Karnataka viz. Entisols, Inceptisols,
Mollisols, Spodosols, Alfisols, Ultisols, Oxisols, Aridisols, Vertisols, Andisols and
Histosols. The common types of soil groups found in Karnataka are:

i. Red soils: Red gravelly loam soil, Red loam soil, Red gravelly clay soil, Red clay

ii. Lateritic soils: Lateritic gravelly soil, Lateritic soil

iii. Black soils: Deep black soil, Medium deep black soil, Shallow black soil

iv. Alluvio-Colluvial Soils : Non-saline, saline and sodic

v. Forest soils: Brown forest soil

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vi. Coastal soils: Coastal laterite soil, Coastal alluvial soil.
The soil texture of the river bed has been observed during the reconnaissance
survey. It has it is observed that red loamy soil is found in the most parts of the river
under study stretch with coastal alluvial soil in the initial stretch of the waterway.
Exposed rock is observed on the banks in the upper stretches.

Formation of braiding pattern is popularly attributed to heavy sediment load in a river

having a wide and shallow cross section. Rise in river bed levels, rise in flood levels,
accumulation of silt rendering channels shallow, bank erosion as a result of
development of multiple channels and sudden change in flow direction are some of
the conditions associated with braided rivers. However, from the survey it was seen
that there is no braiding in this river course.

Any part of river falls under rapid zone, i.e. having relatively steep gradient in the
river bed may cause increase in velocity and turbulence. Thus rapid zone
characterization is important as it indicates whether navigation will be safe or not.
The slopes of this river indicate that the study stretch does not fall under rapid zone.

According to the classification of the waterway from class I to class VII, the minimum
width required and minimum depth required has been given as 100 m and 2.75 m for
two way navigation. Though the river was classified as class II for the entire stretch
at the FSR stage, the present analysis has been relooked with the possibilities for
100 m width and 2.75 m depth.

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Gurupur River (Ch 0.00 km - Ch 5.00 km)

The satellite image for the stretch of first 5 km for four time periods have been placed
(December, 2006; November, 2010; January, 2013 and December, 2016).

FIGURE 2.3: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to FIGURE 2.4: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to
5.00km in December, 2006 (Source: Google 5.00km in November, 2010 (Source: Google

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Earth) Earth)

FIGURE 2.5: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to FIGURE 2.6: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to
5.00km in January, 2013 (Source: Google 5.00km in December, 2016 (Source: Google
Earth) Earth)

From the above figures, it is observed that there are three shoals between Ch 1.00 km
to Ch 4.00km. These settlements of soils show negligible movement over the time

In 2013, minor effect of accretion can be seen throughout the stretch. However the
water depth appears to be sufficient in other time periods.

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Gurupur River (Ch 5.00 km - Ch 10.041 km)

The satellite image for the stretch of last 5.41 km for four time periods have been
placed (December, 2006; November, 2010; January, 2013 and December, 2016).

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FIGURE 2.7: River stretch from Ch 6.00km to 10.041km in FIGURE 2.8: River stretch from Ch 6.00km to 10.041km
December, 2006 (Source: Google Earth) in November, 2010 (Source: Google Earth)

FIGURE 2.9: River stretch from Ch 6.00km to 10.041km in FIGURE 2.10: River stretch from Ch 6.00km to
January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth) 10.041km in December, 2016 (Source: Google Earth)

From the above figures, it is observed that a tributary joins the river at the left bank
near Ch 7.00 km. It is also noted that two adjacent road bridges are present near Ch
10.00 km. There are no shoals in this stretch and no other significant variation is

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Netravathi River (Ch 0.00 km - Ch 10.00 km)

The satellite image for the stretch of first 10 km km for four time periods have been
placed (December, 2006; November, 2010; January, 2013 and December, 2016).

FIGURE 2.11: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 10.00km in December, 2006 (Source: Google Earth)

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FIGURE 2.12: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 10.00km in November, 2010 (Source: Google Earth)

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FIGURE 2.13: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 10.00km in January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth)

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FIGURE 2.14: River stretch from Ch 0.00km to 10.00km in December, 2016 (Source: Google Earth)

There are two big shoals and few smaller shoals between Ch 5.00 km and Ch 7.00
km. One big shoal and one small shoal are present between Ch 9.00 and Ch 11.00
km. The settlements of soil do not show any migration in the above mentioned time

From all the figures, it can be seen that there is minor effect of accretion throughout
the stretch in December, 2006. Prominent effect of accretion is observed in January,
2013 mainly upto Ch 7.00 km from the mouth of the river. Sediment deposition can be
clearly seen near the settlements.

In all the figures a rail and road bridge is located near Ch 4.00 km.

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Netravathi River (Ch 11.00 km - Ch 20.00 km)

The satellite image for the stretch of last 10 km for four time periods have been placed
(December, 2006; November, 2010; January, 2013 and December, 2016).

FIGURE 2.15: River stretch from Ch 11.00km to 20.00km in December, 2006 (Source: Google Earth)

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FIGURE 2.16: River stretch from Ch 11.00km to 20.00km in November, 2010 (Source: Google Earth)

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FIGURE 2.17: River stretch from Ch 11.00km to 20.00km in January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth)

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FIGURE 2.18: River stretch from Ch 11.00km to 20.00km in December, 2016 (Source: Google Earth)
This part of the stretch clearly shows that the river experiences heavy sediment
deposition on the sides of the banks. There are two bends from Ch 14.00 km to Ch
20.00 km which significantly suffers siltation, thus narrowing the river width.

There is one shoal present near Ch 12.00 km whose relative position remains same
throughout the above-mentioned time period. The settlement of soil also shows
sediment deposition on one of its sides towards the left bank.

Netravathi River (Ch 21.00 km - Ch 30.00 km)

The satellite image for the stretch of last 10 km for four time periods have been placed
(December, 2006; November, 2010; January, 2013 and December, 2016).

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FIGURE 2.19: River stretch from Ch 21.00km to 25.00 FIGURE 2.20: River stretch from Ch 21.00km to
km in December, 2006 (Source: Google Earth) 25.00 km in November, 2010 (Source: Google

FIGURE 2.21: River stretch from Ch 21.00km to 25.00 FIGURE 2.22: River stretch from Ch 21.00km to This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
km in January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth) 25.00 km in December, 2016 (Source: Google

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FIGURE 2.23: River stretch from Ch 26.00km to 30.00 FIGURE 2.24: River stretch from Ch 26.00km to
km in December, 2006 (Source: Google Earth) 30.00 km in November, 2010 (Source: Google

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FIGURE 2.25: River stretch from Ch 26.00km to 30.00 FIGURE 2.26: River stretch from Ch 26.00km to
km in January, 2013 (Source: Google Earth) 30.00 km in December, 2016 (Source: Google

Comparing all the figures it is observed that the river stretch is covered with sand
deposition upto the Thumbe barrage which is present between Ch 23.00 km and Ch
24.00 km in 2006. But, the depth seems to increase a bit after 2010 and therefore
the effect of accretion can be mainly seen on the banks between January, 2013 and
December, 2016. However, dredging may be required for maintaining sufficient depth
for navigation.

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In December, 2016, stones or small rocky patches are observed to be scattered near
the bend between Ch 21.00 km and Ch 22.00 km as well as between Ch 28.00 km
and Ch 30.00 km. Minor effect of accretion is observed after Ch 26.00 km in
December, 2006. Prominent effect of accretion can be seen in November, 2010 and
December, 2016.

From all the figures, it is noted that a railway bridge is present between Ch 26.00 km
and Ch 27.00 km. Also, two road bridges are present between Ch 27.00 km and Ch
28.00 km.

2.1.2 Existing Hydrological / Topographical Reference levels

The value of Bench mark situated in the verandah of custom office near Old
Mangalore Port office was provided Old Mangalore Port Authority. The GTS BM cut
is on the floor of verandah near the door of custom office. The value of the Bench
mark is 3.444 meters above the Chart Datum and 2.514 m above MSL.

TABLE 2-1: Accepted Station coordinates (WGS-84)

Bench Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Easting Northing BM BM

Mark Height Height

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Chainage (m) (m)
above above
(Km) MSL (m) CD/SD
*NR-1/ 0.65/ 12°50'57.7462" 74°50'02.0829" 481978.36 1420484.46 1.958 2.888
*GR-1 0.93
GR-2 10.26 12°55'33.99" 74°49'34.01" 481137.97 1428970.79 3.516 4.331

NR-2 9.65 12°51'48.7697" 74°54'12.3181" 489521.22 1422047.96 4.001 4.807

NR-3 20.73 12°51'45.261" 74°59'28.4825" 499050.09 1421938.23 2.551 3.076

NR-4 27.91 12°52'57.925" 75°02'23.7693" 504332.73 1424170.65 10.586 6.636

*GR-1 & NR-1 Bench on same location near confluence of Gurupur & Netravathi River

2.1.3 Chart Datum / Sounding Datum

The water depths have been determined as a result of short period observations at
both an established gauge (where the chart datum is known) and new gauge (where
the chart 2 datum has been established) in the area. The four consecutive low waters
and the three intervening high waters have been recorded during spring tide, when
the range of differences between high and low waters was the greatest. The locations
with coordinates of established gauge and new gauge that have been used to reduce
the soundings along the surveyed stretch are tabulated below.

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TABLE 2-2: Transfer of sounding datum

Transfer of Sounding datum

Established Gauge (Old Mangalore Port) New Gauge (NTP-1/GTP-1)

Observation Date: 01.05.2018 to 03.05.2018 Position : 074°50'01.9599" E, 12°50'57.6312" N

Heights above chart datum Heights above the zero of tide pole
High Water Low Water Factor HW LW High Water Low Water Factor HW LW
----- 0.883 1 - 0.883 ----- 0.883 1 - 0.883
1.652 ----- 1 1.652 - 1.652 ----- 1 1.652 -
----- 0.28 3 - 0.84 ----- 0.28 3 - 0.84
1.78 ----- 2 3.56 - 1.78 ----- 2 3.56 -
----- 0.904 3 - 2.712 ----- 0.904 3 - 2.712
1.599 ----- 1 1.599 - 1.599 ----- 1 1.599 -
----- 0.338 1 - 0.338 ----- 0.338 1 - 0.34
Sum 6.811 4.773 Sum 6.811 4.773
Mean 1.70 0.60 Mean 1.70 0.60
Range R 1.11 Range r 1.11
Observed mean tide M' 1.15 Observed mean tide m' 1.15
d 0.000
Value of Chart Datum 0.000 Above zero of tide pole

Transfer of Sounding datum

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Established Gauge (Old Mangalore Port) New Gauge (GTP-2)
Observation Date: 01.05.2018 to 03.05.2018 Position : 74°49'33.81" E, 12°55'32.21" N

Heights above chart datum Heights above the zero of tide pole

High Water Low Water Factor HW LW High Water Low Water Factor HW LW

----- 0.883 1 - 0.883 ----- 1.34 1 - 1.34

1.652 ----- 1 1.652 - 2.164 ----- 1 2.164 -
----- 0.28 3 - 0.84 ----- 0.771 3 - 2.313
1.78 ----- 2 3.56 - 2.297 ----- 2 4.594 -
----- 0.904 3 - 2.712 ----- 1.375 3 - 4.125
1.599 ----- 1 1.599 - 2.138 ----- 1 2.138 -
----- 0.338 1 - 0.338 ----- 0.803 1 - 0.80
Sum 6.811 4.773 Sum 8.896 8.581
Mean 1.70 0.60 Mean 2.22 1.07
Range R 1.11 Range r 1.15
Observed mean tide M' 1.15 Observed mean tide m' 1.65
d 0.452
Value of Chart Datum 0.452 above zero of tide pole

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Transfer of Sounding datum

Established Gauge (Old Mangalore Port) New Gauge (NTP-2)

Observation Date: 01.05.2018 to 03.05.2018 Position : 074°54'12.4117" E, 12°51'45.1901" N

Heights above chart datum Heights above the zero of tide pole

High Water Low Water Factor HW LW High Water Low Water Factor HW LW
----- 0.883 1 - 0.883 ----- 1.657 1 - 1.657
1.652 ----- 1 1.652 - 2.892 ----- 1 2.892 -
----- 0.28 3 - 0.84 ----- 0.704 3 - 2.112
1.78 ----- 2 3.56 - 3.145 ----- 2 6.29 -
----- 0.904 3 - 2.712 ----- 1.71 3 - 5.13
1.599 ----- 1 1.599 - 2.847 ----- 1 2.847 -
----- 0.338 1 - 0.338 ----- 0.817 1 - 0.82

Sum 6.811 4.773 Sum 12.029 9.716

Mean 1.70 0.60 Mean 3.01 1.21

Range R 1.11 Range r 1.79

Observed mean tide M' 1.15 Observed mean tide m' 2.11

d 0.248

Value of Chart Datum 0.248 Above zero of tide pole

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Transfer of Sounding datum

Established Gauge (Old Mangalore Port) New Gauge (NTP-3)

Observation Date: 01.05.2018 to 03.05.2018 Position : 074°59'33.6627"E, 12°51'35.0275" N

Heights above chart datum Heights above the zero of tide pole

High Water Low Water Factor HW LW High Water Low Water Factor HW LW
----- 0.883 1 - 0.883 ----- 0.747 1 - 0.747
1.652 ----- 1 1.652 - 1.606 ----- 1 1.606 -
----- 0.28 3 - 0.84 ----- 0.259 3 - 0.777
1.78 ----- 2 3.56 - 1.758 ----- 2 3.516 -
----- 0.904 3 - 2.712 ----- 0.755 3 - 2.265
1.599 ----- 1 1.599 - 1.553 ----- 1 1.553 -
----- 0.338 1 - 0.338 ----- 0.246 1 - 0.25

Sum 6.811 4.773 Sum 6.675 4.035

Mean 1.70 0.60 Mean 1.67 0.50

Range R 1.11 Range r 1.16

Observed mean tide M' 1.15 Observed mean tide m' 1.09

d -0.124

Value of Chart Datum -0.124 below zero of tide pole

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2.2 Existing Waterway Structures

2.2.1 Bridges
There are no bridges present in the entire survey stretch of Gurupur River. However,
at the end of the stretch (Beyond), 2 Bridges are located, as detailed.

Position (UTM)
Chainage (km)

Position (Lat

No of Piers

Width (m)




Type of

Length (m)

Sl No

06 Road 10.33 RCC Kullor 12°55'34.44"N 481253.38E 200.0 7.0 06 30.0 5.5 Gurupur
Bridges waterways
74°49'37.84"E 1428984.49N

07 Road 10.38 RCC Kullor 12°55'35.87"N 481281.80E 195.00 7.0 06 30.0 4.0 Gurupur
Bridges waterways
74°49'38.78"E 1429028.37N

There are five bridges present in the entire survey stretch of Netravathi River,

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keeping in view of the vertical clearance available at these existing bridges, the
deployment of the vessel to this stretch to be considered in a way that these vessels
are amenable to this waterway, therefore, there are no modification cost considered
for the modification of the existing structures.
Position (Lat

No of Piers






Type of

Width (m)
Length (m)
Sl No


01 Railway 3.478 RCC Ullal 12°50'34.8129"N 484401.419E 675.4 20.0 15 45.0 6.147
Bridge m
074°51'22.4874"E 1419778.534N

02 Bridge 3.861 RCC Guruvana 12°50'31.3475"N 484798.704E 576.9 22.0 18 32.0 5.884
7 m
074°51'35.6700"E 1419671.864N

03 Railway 26.33 RCC Bantwala 12°52'23.8133"N 503796.074E 360.5 10.0 8 45.0 5.984
bridge 5 m
075°02'05.9572"E 1423122.722N

04 Bridge 27.25 RCC Panemang 12°52'36.8722"N 504321.646E 350.6 8.0m 10 35.0 6.725
alore 1
075°02'23.3982"E 1423523.944N

05 Bridge 27.61 RCC Panemang 12°52'48.6909"N 504339.657E 280.6 10.0 08 35.0 6.145
alore 9 m
075°02'23.9977"E 1423886.995N

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2.2.2 Electric Lines / Communication Lines
There are no high-tension lines present in the entire survey stretch of Gurupur River.

There are three high tension lines present in the entire survey stretch of Netravathi
River. The vertical clearance required for power cables or telephone lines is 19 m.
The support base of these HT line will have to be raised by 9.0 m to get the required

(Lat Long)






Sl No

01 HT LINE 8.16 Near 450.00 mtr 10.00 mtr





02 HT LINE 22.97 Near 330.00 mtr 10.00 mtr


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03 HT LINE 23.7 Munnuru 268.00 mtr 10.00 mtr




(Lat Long)






Sl No

01 HT 8.16 Near Bajala area 12°51'07.2285"N 488559.29E 450.00 10.00 mtr

LINE 074°53'40.4190"E 1420772.27N mtr

02 HT 22.97 Near 12°52'20.0321"N 500541.97E 330.00 10.00 mtr

LINE MangloreMasoor mtr
highway- NH-48 075°00'17.9830"E 1423006.32N

03 HT 23.7 Munnuru Area 12°52'20.8097"N 501257.53E 268.00 10.00 mtr

LINE mtr
075°00'41.7259"E 1423030.23N

2.2.3 Pipe Lines / Cables

No Pipe lines, under water cable present in the entire survey stretch of Gurupur River
& Netravathi River.

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2.2.4 Dams / Barrages / Locks / Weirs / Anicuts / Aqueducts
No Dams, weirs, anicut, Locks etc. are present in Gurupur River & Netravathi River
in the entire survey stretch. However, Thumbe Barrage is located at Ch 22.9KM.

TABLE 2-3: Barrage details

Position (Lat Long) Position (UTM)

Structure Name

Dam Deck level

Chainage (km)

Length (m)


Width (m)
Sl No

Right Bank

Right Bank
Left Bank

Left Bank

Netravathi waterways
Thumbe Vented Dam

075°00’ 15.2490"E

075°00’ 17.1743"E
12°52’ 14.3262"N
12°52’ 25.4003"N

1423171.218 N

500459.572 E


22.9 km

2.1 Bends
The Bends observed on Gurupur River are tabulated and provisioned herewith. The

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river bend radius in the entire stretch is sufficient for Class IV vessel.

TABLE 2-4: River Bend Radius in Gurupur River

Sr. No. Chainage (Km) Radius

1 1.16 655.00
2 3.26 855.00
3 5.37 930.00
4 6.26 750.00
5 7.95 1160.00

The Bends observed on Netravathi River are tabulated and provisioned herewith.
The river bend radius in between Ch 27.00km to Ch 29.00km may need

TABLE 2-5: River Bend Radius in Netravati River

Sr. No. Chainage (Km) Radius

1 8.50 800
2 9.60 1350
3 13.00 900
4 15.50 890
5 17.80 600
6. 19.70 1020
7. 21.80 490
8. 23.25 1025
9. 26.00 900
10. 27.50 450

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2.3 Velocity and Discharge Details
The period of survey is February, which is a normal flow condition. As per the
statistics collected, the maximum velocity is 3.5 m/s.

The waterway stretch from Ch 0.00km to 22.9km comes under tidal, so no discharge
has been calculated. From Ch 22.9km to Ch 30.00km the water flow is being
regulated by Thumbe barrage. Hence discharge calculation is not relevant.

Sample Chainage Latitude Easting (m) Observed Velocity Discharge Remarks

No. (km) Longitude Northing (m) Depth (m) (m/sec) (cum/sec)

In non-tidal area it is controlled by

Discharge is total depended on

Thumbe vented Dam Authority

1 0.5 12°50'57.0343"N 481697.303 3.0 2 Gurupur

high water and low water.

074°49'52.7586"E 1420462.774
2 10.22 12°55'31.86"N 481162.85 4.6 2 Gurupur
74°49'34.84"E 1428905.30
3 9.77 12°51'23.9798"N 490206.776 1.1 0.3 Netravathi
074°54'35.0734"E 1421286.21

4 20.23 12°51'41.5645"N 498544.415 2.5 0.3 Netravathi

074°59'11.7046"E 1421824.7
5 29.05 12°53'33.2346"N 504677.974 2.5 0.0 Netravathi
075°02'35.2313"E 1425255.349

2.4 Waterway description

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2.4.1 Gurupur River (Ch 0.0km to Ch 10.041km)
Gurupur River (Ch 0.00km – Ch 5.00km)

FIGURE 2.27: Gurupur River from Ch 0.00km to Ch 3.00km

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FIGURE 2.28: Gurupur River from Ch 3.00km to Ch 5.00km

TABLE 2-6 : Reduced depth from Ch 0.00km to Ch 5.00km

Chainage (km) Reduced depth with respect to Sounding Datum

Reduced Depth (m) Length of Shoals Dredging Qty Cumulative Qty.

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(m) (Cu.M) (Cu.M)
From To Min Max
0 1 2.0 8.5 0 0.00 0.00
1 2 -0.4 4.1 400 35002.27 35002.27
2 3 -0.6 0.9 1000 112814.40 147816.67
3 4 -0.6 2.3 800 117865.88 265682.55
4 5 -0.7 2.7 500 40984.51 306667.06

The maximum and minimum LAD for the above-mentioned stretch is given in the
above table (as per class IV). The starting stretch of the Gurupur River is close to the
Mangalore Port. From Ch 1.00km to Ch 5.00km on the left bank of the river there are
some small Jetties and on the right bank of the river there are 2 Jetties. On left side
there is Mangalore Fishing Dock at Bunder. Big shoals can be seen close to the mouth
of the river. Some local boat yard can be seen close.

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Gurupur River (Ch 5.00km – Ch 10.041km)

FIGURE 2.29: Gurupur River from Ch 5.00km to Ch 7.00km

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FIGURE 2.30: Gurupur River from Ch 7.00km to Ch 10.041km

TABLE 2-7 : Reduced depth from Ch 5.00km to Ch 10.041km

Chainage (km) Reduced w. r. to Sounding Datum

Reduced Depth (m) Length of Dredging Qty Cumulative

Shoals (m) (Cu.M) Qty. (Cu.M)
From To Min Max
5 6 2.1 3.4 0 0 0
6 7 1.5 3.0 50 149.49 149.49
7 8 0.3 2.6 600 45378.68 45528.17
8 9 0.6 2.7 500 39300.43 84828.60
9 10 1.7 3.6 100 286.43 85115.03
10 10.4 1.9 5.0 50 3.58 85118.61
The maximum and minimum LAD for the above-mentioned stretch is given in the above
table (as per class IV). At Ch 5.00km the river turns left to the north. Due to closeness
to the sea, there remains the tidal effect and change in the level of water depth at
different places. Some important village like Gandhinagar, Kollara village, Kasba
Bengre are there. Close to Ch 6.00km to Ch 7.05km an island can be seen. At the end
of the chainage or survey stretch or close to Mangalore Port, Indian Oil Corporation

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Terminal may be seen and on the left side Coastal Area/Residential area is seen.
Mumbai-Kochi Highway bridges with vertical clearance of 7m is present at the end of
survey stretch.

2.4.2 Netravathi River (Ch 0.00km – Ch 10.00km)

FIGURE 2.31: Netravathi River from Ch 0.00km to Ch 5.001km

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FIGURE 2.32: Netravathi River from Ch 5.00km to Ch 10.00km

TABLE 2-8 : Reduced depth from Ch 0.00km – Ch 10.00km

hainage (km) Reduced depth with respect to Sounding Datum

Reduced Depth (m) Length of Shoals Dredging Qty Cumulative Qty

(m) (cum) (cum)
From To Min Max
0 1 2.3 8.0 0 0 0
1 2 2.6 4.3 0 0 0
2 3 2.3 3.9 0 0 0
3 4 2.5 6.4 0 0 0
4 5 2.6 5.0 0 0 0
5 6 1.1 2.6 700 14792.92 14792.92
6 7 1.3 2.5 400 15272.50 30065.42
7 8 1.0 3.2 100 3030.19 33095.61
8 9 1.4 4.1 100 434.78 33530.39
9 10 0.1 3.6 1000 55615.87 89146.26

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The maximum and minimum LAD for the above-mentioned stretch is given in the above
table (as per class IV). Mangroves were observed on the left bank. Railway Bridge crosses
at Ch. 3.43km. Kochi Panvel Highway Bridge crosses at CH 3.82km. At Ch. 4.75km, river
bifurcates into two streams and it makes a shoal in the center of the river Ch. 5.0km and
Ch. 6.0km there are shoals in the middle and left side of the river. HT line crosses at Ch.
7.35km. Island is observed at Ch. 8.7km. Few habitations was observed on the Island.

2.4.3 Netravathi River (Ch 10.00km – Ch 23.0km)

FIGURE 2.33: Netravathi River from Ch 10.00km to Ch 15.00km

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FIGURE 2.34: Netravathi River from Ch 15.00km to Ch 23.00km

TABLE 2-9 : Reduced depth from Ch 10.00km – Ch 23.00km

Chainage (km) Reduced w. r. to Sounding Datum

Reduced Depth (m) Length of Dredging Cumulative
From To Min Max Shoals (m) Qty Qty.

10 11 0.3 4.3 1000 32494.09 32494.09

11 12 1.4 4.3 50 0.18 32494.27
12 13 0.0 5.1 500 23773.43 56267.70
13 14 0.2 2.9 600 34144.96 90412.66
14 15 1.2 7.1 100 426.87 90839.53
15 16 0.3 4.6 500 17615.98 108455.51
16 17 0.5 3.4 900 19836.54 128292.05
17 18 0.6 2.5 1000 45117.35 173409.40
18 19 0.6 2.9 600 31060.64 204470.04
19 20 -0.2 2.3 1000 87131.62 291601.66
20 21 -0.3 2.3 1000 80450.27 372051.93
21 22 -0.3 -0.3 1000 152480.46 524532.39
22 22.9 -0.3 -0.3 900 126033.31 650565.70

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The maximum and minimum LAD for the above-mentioned stretch is given in the above
table (as per class IV). Forest area and agriculture area are observed on the left bank
whereas residential areas on the right bank are observed in this stretch. Ravoor Hare Kala
Ferry Crossing is seen at Ch 10.45km. An Island is seen from Ch 11.40km to Ch 13.90km
stretch in the middle of river. Infant Jesus Chapel is seen on this Island. Mangroves are
observed on both the bank in this stretch. Masjid Arkula is seen near right bank. Stones are
observed in the center of river from Ch 20.00km to Ch 23.00km.

2.4.4 2.5.4 Netravathi River Ch 22.00km (Thumbe Vented Dam) to

Ch 30.0km

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FIGURE 2.35: Netravathi River from Ch 23.00km to Ch 25.00km

FIGURE 2.36: Netravathi River from Ch 25.00km to Ch 30.00km

The maximum and minimum LAD for the above-mentioned stretch is given in the
above table (as per class IV). Bramharakotlu village is on the right bank at Ch 23.50km.
Karnataka Urban Water Supply & Drainage Board Barrage also known as Thumbe
Barrage is observed on the river at Ch 23.50km. Water is supplied to Mangalore town
from this barrage. Exposed rocks in banks are observed in this stretch. Residential
area on the right bank and forest area on the left bank are observed. Railway Bridge
crosses the river at Ch 27.05km. Nandawara Village is on the right bank and Bantwal

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Village is on the right bank. Mangalore Mysore highway bridges cross the river at Ch
28.00km and at Ch 28.36km. HT line crosses the river at Ch. 28.4km. Shoal is
observed in the river from this bridge up to 29.4km. Hindupura village is on the right
bank at Ch 30.00km.

TABLE 2-10 : Reduced depth from Ch 23.50km – Ch 30.00km

Chainage (km) Reduced w. r. to Sounding Datum

Reduced Depth (m) Length of Dredging Cumulative

Shoals (m) Qty Qty.
From To Min Max (cum) (cum)
22.9 23 -0.3 4.2 100 7049.72 7049.72
23 24 3.8 6.6 0 0 7049.72
24 25 4.3 5.2 0 0 7049.72

25 26 2.6 5.2 0 0 7049.72

26 27 3.2 6.3 0 0 7049.72
27 28 2.1 4.6 0 0 7049.72
28 29 1.2 5.1 200 3139.27 10188.99
29 30 -0.3 1.1 1000 124449.03 134638.02

2.5 Water and Soil Samples analysis and Results

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TABLE 2-11 : Water sample results

Sediment pH

Gurupur-1 12°50'57.0343"N 074°49'52.7586"E 1152 7.18

Gurupur-2 12°55'31.8600"N 074°49'34.8400"E 1388 7.22

The river water is slightly basic in nature with average pH being 7.7.

TABLE 2-12 : Soil sample results

Sr. Sample Specific Latitude Longitude Grain size analysis (%) Cu Cc
No. No. Gravity Mechanical Hydrometer
analysis analysis

Gravel sand Silt Clay

1 Gurupur-1 2.65 12°50'57.0 074°49'52

0 99 1 1.372 0.214
343"N .7586"E
2 Gurupur-2 2.62 12°55'31.8 074°49'34 0 98 2 2.656 0.865
600"N .8400"E
From the above table the river bed can be concluded to be sandy sand throughout the
study stretch.

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TABLE 2-13 : Water sample results

Sediment pH
concentration (ppm)

NR-0 12°50'57.0343"N 074°49'52.7586"E 1152 7.18

NR-1 12°51'23.9798"N 074°54'35.0734"E 1070 7.22

NR-2 12°51'41.5645"N 074°59'11.7046"E 972 7.23

NR-3 12°53'33.2346"N 075°02'35.2313"E 955 7.05

The river water is slightly basic in nature with average pH being 7.17.

TABLE 2-14 : Soil sample results

Grain size analysis (%)
Latitude Longitude Mechanical Hydrometer Cu Cc

Sr. No.


analysis analysis
Grav san Silt Clay
el d
1 NR-0 2.65 12°50'57.034 074°49'52.75 1.37 0.21
3"N 86"E 0 99 1
2 4
2 NR-1 2.66 12°51'23.979 074°54'35.07 0 26 61 13 - -

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8"N 34"E

3 NR-2 2.65 12°51'41.564 074°59'11.70 0 21 62 17 - -

5"N 46"E

4 NR-3 2.65 12°53'33.234 075°02'35.23 1 28 56 15 2.69 1.02

6"N 13"E
8 5
From the above table the river bed can be concluded to be sandy with silt throughout
the study stretch

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3.1 Proposed Class / Type of Waterway

The Fairway availability and its utilization along with the developments required etc.,
are to be concluded based on the detailed Hydrographic survey, Traffic mobilization
including the hinterland requirement, future planning of the hinterland amenability and
the stake holder’s view point etc.,

The detailed Hydrographic survey conducted on river Gurupur & Netravathi and survey
charts prepared have been referred. It is to be noted that the Gurupur River after joining
Netravati River, jointly draining into Arabian Sea, facilitating through put traffic mobility
to the hinterland passing through New Mangalore Port & Old Mangalore Port. As per
the data available through office of the Director of Ports & IWT, Baithkol, Karwar, vide
communication dated 12.01.2022, the project development of Gurupur River (NW-43)
& Netravati (NW-74) in the state of Karnataka has been conceived with respect to their
cargo traffic estimation, the combined study stretch of the waterway is amenable for
up to class IV of the waterway from the Fairway point of view so as to consider the

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Ro-Ro operation.

The stretch of 10 kms + 30 kms is traversing through the thickly clustered habitant
zone in the Mangalore town area and presently linked with various riverine activities
including the fishing etc.

Keeping in view the above factors, the most amenable class will be Class IV waterway
to facilitate the Ro-Ro type of vessels, for the mobilization of the container traffic
originating from and destinating to the Port area in the vicinity. The destination and
origin in the reverse direction is in the river “Gurupur” from / to the hinterland of
“Netravati”. Accordingly, the present study can be limited to Class IV waterway.

3.2 Details of Shoals (Length, Width and proposed

development works)
Dredging quantities have been worked out for the suggested Class IV Waterway

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Observed Reduced w. r. t. Sounding Datum
Chainage (km) Observed Length Dredging Reduced depth Length of Dredging
depth (m) of Shoal quantity (m) Shoal quantity
(m) (cu.m.)

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From To Max. Min. Per km Max Min (m) (cu.m.)

0.0 5.00 TIDAL ZONE 8.5 -0.7 2700 306667.06

5.00 10.041 5.0 0.3 1300 85118.61
Total 4000 391785.67

Observed Reduced w. r. t. Sounding Datum

Observed Reduced depth Length Dredging
Chainage (km) quantity
depth (m) Length (m) of Shoal quantity
of Shoal
Per km
From To Max. Min. Max Min (m) (cu.m.)

0.0 10.00 8.00 0.10 2,300 89146.26

10.00 22.90 7.1 -0.30 9,150 650565.70
Total (upto Thumbe Barrage) 11,450 7,39,711.96
22.90 30.00 6.60 -0.30 1300 134638.02
Total 1300 134638.02

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3.3 Proposed Conservancy Activities
Rivers are the natural channels of drainage carrying water along with sediments from
the catchment to the sea. The main river course will be joined with various tributaries
depending on its catchment configuration carrying the water from run-off and also
carrying the sediments enroute. The dynamic equilibrium of such river flow tends to
change the course of the river on the Geometric cross section and on the Gradient.
The braiding channel of the river will create meandering streams leading to multiple
channel flow. This type of distribution of the cross-section discharge into multiple
channels is a major threat for safe navigation in the particular stretch of the river /
waterway. The meandering tendency of a particular stretch / river always leads to the
formation of loops / bends. Hence, the perspective appreciation over the behaviour
of the river / study stretch for navigation is most essential to arrive at a dependable
River Training measures for achieving the safe navigational fairway of the study

The taming of the river / study stretch for provision of a safe fairway for navigation is
ultimately depending on the cost criteria and also the economics. Certain low cost
solutions are already in practice in the national waterways on NW 1 and NW 2

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systems viz., Bandalling; Bottom Panelling; Submerged Vanes etc., Considering the
seasonal aspects in the river like Lean season and Flood season and in order to
meet the quick time lines for providing the safe channel, the dredging of the river is
also under consideration. However, to have a sustainable channel with long term
requirement, the permanent solution of taming the river through the training
measures viz., Spurs; Groins etc.,. Bank protection measures also can be adopted
at certain critical locations as Training measures.

3.3.1 Low Cost structures

Bandalling” is a low cost and ancient technique adopted in NW 1 & NW 2 in order to
improve the navigation conditions. Bandalling is the temporary structure made up of
“Bamboos” and “Bamboo Mats”. The ideology of this structure is to divert the flow of
secondary channel to main channel, where split discharge observed. Bamboos will be
driven in line for 25m to 30m (1 Chute) and arranged with the screen made up of
Bamboo Mats placed / immersed from the surface of water by a third of the depth. This
structure will be placed at 35 degrees to 45 degrees to the secondary channel flow.
No. of Chutes will vary on the width of the secondary channel. These Chutes will be
supported by cross Bamboos to withstand the flow. This can improve the channel
depths from 1.8 m to 3.0 m. The process ultimately silts up the secondary channel and
improves the velocity / discharge in the main channel. The below mentioned Figure will
give an idea about the structure. The Bandalling locations may have to be identified,

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during the receding stage of the Flood and are to be placed while considerable flow is
observed both in main and secondary channels.

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In the study stretch, there is no need of any conservancy activity due to the existing
tidal flow in the area.

3.3.2 Dredging
“Dredging” is the removal of sediments and debris from the bottom of lakes, rivers,
harbors, and other water bodies. It is a routine necessity in waterways around the world
because of the sedimentation process (the natural process of sand and silt washing
downstream and gradually fills channels and harbors). Dredging often is focused on
maintaining or increasing the depth of navigation channels, anchorages, or berthing
areas to ensure the safe passage of boats and ships. Vessels require a certain amount
of water in order to float and not touch bottom. This water depth continues to increase
over time as larger and larger ships are deployed and with the increased volumes of
bulk cargo operation, dredging plays a vital role in the nation's economy.

Dredging is also performed to reduce the exposure of fish, wildlife, and people to
contaminants and to prevent the spread of contaminants to other areas of the water
body. Environmental dredging is often necessary because sediments in and around
cities and industrial areas are frequently contaminated with a variety of pollutants. The
sediment management and disposal of dredged material are also important issues to
be managed and carried out effectively.

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Dredging used to be carried out in the river by various types of Dredgers viz., Bucket
and grab dredgers; Suction and cutter-suction dredgers; Trailing hopper dredgers etc.,.
However, the most acceptable form of the dredger is “Cutter Suction Dredger” (CSD)
being deployed on National Waterways by IWAI.

In the study stretch of Gurupur River, dredging has been identified to maintain the
channel for the mobility of Ro-Ro vessel. The shoal length for Class IV is 4000 m with
an estimated quantity of dredging as 3.91 Lakhs Cu. M. In order to maintain a depth of
2.0 m, estimated additional quantity of 0.39 Lakhs Cu. M is being added, totalling to
approx 4.30 Lakhs Cu. M. in Gurupur River. The dredging quantity in the Gurupur river
corresponds to the feasible length of waterway from mouth of Arabian Sea (ch.
0.00kms) to Kullur bridge (ch. 10.00kms approx.) out of the total study stretch of

In the study stretch of Netravati River, dredging has been identified to maintain the
channel for the mobility of Ro-Ro vessel. The shoal length for Class IV is 9150m (upto
22.90kms) with an estimated quantity of dredging as 7.39 Lakhs Cu. M. In order to
maintain a depth of 2.0 m, estimated additional quantity of 0.739 Lakhs Cu. M is being
added, totalling to 8.13 Lakhs Cu. M. It is estimated that a quantity of 8.13 Lakhs Cu.

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M shall fall in the category of ordinary soil. The dredging quantity in the netravati river
corresponds to the feasible length of waterway from mouth of Arabian Sea (ch.
0.00kms) to Thumbe Barrage (ch. 22.90kms) out of the total study stretch of 30.0kms.

3.3.3 River Training

River Training is nothing but taming of a river section to achieve the objective / purpose
with the encroachment over the natural flow condition. Navigation and Flood Control
are generally the common purposes for taming the river with various training measures.

In general, there are two types of waterway training structures: Re-directive and
Resistive. Re-directive, as the name implies, is the use of the River’s energy and
Managing the energy in a way that benefits the system i.e., enhance the navigation
channel. A resistive structure acts to maintain the system as status quo i.e., reducing
bank erosion.

Re-directive structures are usually a series of dikes placed along the inside of a river
bend where sediment usually deposits. Dikes have been known by a variety of names,
such as groins (or groynes), contracting dikes, transverse dikes, cross dikes, spur
dikes, spur dams, cross dams, wing dams, and spurs. The most common dikes in use
today are shown in the Figure, as under.

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FIGURE 3.1: Types of dike structures

Resistive structures are primarily used to prevent bank erosion and channel migration
to establish or maintain a desired channel alignment. Revetments and Bank Protection
works are examples for such structures.

In the rivers of Karnataka, especially the west flowing rivers, in general have the

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tendency of rapid draining off due to the comparative limitation in traverse length
between the lower mountain range and the Arabian Sea.

Keeping in view the above, the suggested River Training works are Spurs; R. C. C.
Porcupines; Bamboo Porcupines. Further the Bank Protection / Revetments also can
be considered as a part of the River Training at certain amenable locations. The
structures are detailed with the figures and the preliminary designs have been placed
in appropriate chapter (Chapter 6).

The “Gabions with Boulders” type of structure can be considered as Spurs and also as
Bank Protection on these rivers, as detailed in the Figure.

In wider reaches, it is suggested the provision of spurs with “Gabions with Boulders”
as detailed in the Figure, given below. The preliminary Design details have been placed
in Chapter 6

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River Training works may be essential, in general, at the sharp bend locations and at
other locations where there is a need of taming the river with morphological variations
/ disturbances creating hurdle for smooth navigation.

In the present study stretch, there is no need of any River Training requirements.

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3.4 Bank Protection / Embankment Strengthening
In the rivers, wherever bends or curves exist, the concave side of the river will always
be subjected to the erosion. The pace of erosion will depend on the soil condition and
terrain and also the velocity of the flow at the location.

As early as the seventeenth century, the Germans were protecting the banks of rivers
with masses of brush formed into fascines (bundles). This method of bank protection,
called blesswerk, was also used for bank and shore protection in Holland.

As explained earlier, the characteristics of the rivers originating from Western Ghats
are unique. In such a condition, Gabions filled with rocks will be the most advantageous
type of the Bank Protection. Further, the basic raw material, rock, is abundantly
available within a reasonable leads. Gabions are wire mesh baskets filled with crushed
rock. They are filled in situ, with locally available material (rocks) and thus have a low
capital cost. Because they are flexible and porous, they can absorb some wave and
wind energy, thereby reducing the scour problems.

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It has been proposed to consider the Bank Protection in the vulnerable locations. In
the Gurupur River, apparently no bank protection is needed except at one bend having
lower radius and a nominal length of 100.0m has been kept for estimating purpose. In
Netravathi river stretch from Arabian sea to D/s of Thumbe Barrage, 2 Bend locatons
at Ch. 17.8 km and at Ch. 21.8 km may need with protection work & a length of 250.0m
has been kept for estimation purpose.

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Accordingly, Bank Protection requirement of has been suggested at two of the above
identified bend locations for a length of 125 m at each location totalling to about 250 m
of Bank Protection.

3.5 Navigation Markings / Navigation Aids

Keeping in view the River width / Channel width etc., the Navigational Markings can
be considered, either in the Shore or in the River with floating condition. The Shore
markings can be considered with a reasonable Beacon type structure fitted with Light
at the top, whereas, the marking in the river can be considered with the floating Buoys
as per the IALA standards fitted with Light at the top.

In the Terrain of west flowing rivers, it is amenable to keep the light on a 15 m Trestle
Tower with a reasonable illumination of Light for a considerable distance. IWAI is
having 2 NM / 4 NM Light systems on NW 1, NW 2 and NW 3 (already operational)
and hence it is preferred to consider 15 m Trestle Tower fitted with 4 NM light on the
top. The 4 NM illuminations will have a visibility for about 9.0 km and with a rational
approach. However, the present study stretch is mostly in habitant zone for which the

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Beacon type Markings may not be amenable, hence not suggested.

Regarding the Buoy & Light system, considering the clear visibility range as 500 m and
in Zigzag position (i.e., 1 Left Mark then 1 Right Mark and 1 Left Mark), it is estimated
to provide 42 Nos {10000/ 500) x 2 + 2 Bends) in Gurupur river & 102 Nos {24000/
500) x 2 + 6 Bends) in Netravati river of Buoy and Light unit (with chain attachments
etc.). A provision of Tug – cum – Buoy laying vessel has been considered, which will
act as a multi-purpose vessel to assist in the survey operations of the waterway.

The preliminary design of Beacon & Light sytem along with the specification are palced
at Chapter 6, appropriately. The technical specifications of Buoy & Light, as available
in the market as a proprietary item are also detailed in Chapter 6.

3.6 Modification Requirement in existing Bridges /

Cables / Dams / Barrages / Locks / Weirs / Anicuts /
No Bridges are there across river Gurupur in the study stretch. 5 Bridges are present
on river Netravati, of which 3 Bridges at Ch. 26.35km; Ch. 27.285km and Ch. 27.66km
are U/s of Thumbe Barrage and not in the stretch of navigation. 2 Bridges at Ch.
3.52km and Ch. 3.91km are having 45 m and 32 m Horizontal clearance / 6.147 m and
5.88 m vertical clearance respectively. The vertical clearance aspect can be mitigated
by taking the advantage of tide and hence not suggested any modification.

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No power cable on river Gurupur (across the waterway). 3 HT Line on river Netravati
is crossing, out of which one at Ch 8.16km (in the feasible navigation stretch upto
Thumbe barrage at 22.90kms) is existing and one of the HT line need to be upgraded
by raising the vertical clearance of 20.1m corresponding to 220.0kVA from the existing
vertical clearance of 10.0m.

No cross structures viz., Dams / Barrages & Locks / Weirs / Anicuts / Aqueducts are
observed in the present study stretch. Hence, modification doesn’t arise.

3.7 Proposed Dams / Barrages / Locks / Weirs to

improve depth
In order to improve the fairway, including the depth, there is no requirement of Dams /
Barrages & Locks / Weirs in the present study stretch.

3.8 Land Acquisition

No Land Acquisition requirement was observed for Fairway Development in the

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present study stretch. Land Acquisition requirement for Terminal purpose is being
considered, as a part of Terminal development, wherever required.

3.9 Fairway Costing

3.9.1 Capital Cost

The combined stretch of Gurupur River and Netravati River is not having any IWT
Traffic, as on date. It has been proposed to develop the stretch with Class IV system
of NW standards to facilitate Ro – Ro vessel mobility. Further, 2 IWT Terminals are
proposed for the mobility. The implementation of development is suggested in one
phase only. Accordingly, the Capital Cost for the fairway has been considered for 4.3
Lakhs Cu. M in Gurupur & 8.13 Lakhs Cu. M of dredging in Netravati (INR 30.49 Cr);
350 m of bank protection (INR 4.71 Cr) and 144 Nos. of Buoys with Light (INR 5.18
Cr). Cost estimates are placed with details in Chapter 11.

3.9.2 O&M Cost

The item wise Operation and Maintenance cost have been considered as per the
circulated parameters, as defined, by IWAI, which have been analyzed and
considered. Some more assumptions have been considered appropriately, wherever

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4.1 General
Netravathi and Gurupur River are two main rivers of Dakshin Kannada (South Canara)
district in Karnataka state. Netravathi River originates from Bangrabalige valley,
Yelaneeru Ghat in Kudremukh in Chikkamagaluru district. Netravathi is navigable from
Bantwal. As it approaches Mangalore, its channel gets wider and several small islands
called Kudru are formed from the sedimentary load of the river. These islands are
extremely fertile and yield good rice and sugarcane crops. At Mangalore, Netravathi
flows towards north to join Gurupur river and merges in Kumaradhara River at
Uppinangadi before flowing into the Arabian Sea.

Netravathi river is considered as one of the Holy rivers of India and it flows through
some famous pilgrimage places like Dharmasthala, Bantwal, Mangalore &
Belthangady of Dakshina Kannada. This river is the main source of water to Bantwal
and Mangalore talukas. The river drains an area of about 1,353 square miles. Bantwal
town is located on the banks of the river; earlier the river was known as Bantwal River.

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Bantwal town often inundated due to the spillover of Netravathi river during monsoon.
The years 1974 and 1928 had witnessed major floods due to the overflow of Netravathi.

According to the 'Gazetteer of Southern India', Netravathi river has an apparent

breadth of approximately 200 yards. The river bed of Netravathi was encumbered by
mainly horneblend rock. The river bed basically contains small garnets and spangles
of mica. Sientes are also found in the river bed of Netravathi at Mangalore.

The navigable length of the river is 23.50 km. Based on the deepest bathymetry single
line survey carried out during the study and as per the classification of “Inland water
ways” as per Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India notification; it can be classified as
“Class II” for the entire study stretch.

Gurupur River originates in the Western Ghats and flows into Arabian Sea through
Mangalore taluka. Gurupur river is also known as Phalguni River or Kulur River. The
name Gurupur is derived from the town Gurupura, located on the bank of the river. The
river originates at an elevation of 1,400-1,600 m. the Western Ghats after a confluence
with 2 tributaries; it drops by 10 m. at the junction.

The navigable length of Gurupur river is 10 km. Based on the deepest bathymetry
single line survey carried out during the study and as per the classification of “Inland
water ways” as per Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India notification; it can be classified
as “Class V” for the entire study stretch.

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As Gurupur River (navigability - 10 km) and Netravathi River (navigability- 78 km)
merges with Arabian Sea at the same confluence area, a continuous navigable length
of 88 km is available for cargo to move through Inland Water Transportation. New
Mangalore Port is in the vicinity of the north bank of the river and Old Mangalore Port
(OMPT) at the south bank of the river.

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FIGURE 4.1: Macro Map of Hinterland of Netravathi&Gurpur

4.1 Influence area / Hinterland Analysis

The Basin of Netravathi and Gurupur River covers Dakshina Kannada district. This
district is situated in the southern coastal part of Karnataka and covers an area of 4,861
sq.km. It is surrounded by the Lakshadweep Sea on its west and Western Ghats on the
east. The district is surrounded by Udupi district on the north, on the Chikmagalur and
Hassan districts on east, Kodagu on the south-east, Kasargod & Cannanore districts of
Kerala on the south-west and Arabian Sea on the west.

Dakshina Kannada district has two regions and five talukas. Coastal region covers
Mangalore and Bantwal talukas and Malnad region covers Puttur, Belthangady and
Sullia talukas. Mangalore is the administrative headquarter and a developing city. The
three talukas of Dakshina Kannada are considered in the study. These talukas, namely
Mangalore, Bantwal and Puttur are located on the catchment area of Netravathi and
Gurupur River. Among these talukas, Mangalore and Puttur are 2 revenue sub
divisions. Apart from Dakshina Kannada district, the consultant has considered
industries of Udupi district for the study. Udupi district is considered because there is a

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Coal based Thermal power plant in Udupi. The potential opportunity from Udupi Power
Corporation Ltd. is discussed in the Industry Section.

FIGURE 4.2: Netravathi River

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FIGURE 4.3: Open land near Bidarahalli – Kandegala village on the bank of Gurupur river

4.1.1 Population of Hinterland

This section would study population of the catchment area of Netravathi and Gurupur
river. In primary catchment area, only those talukas of Dakshina Kannada are
considered for study, which are within 25 km catchment area.

As per census 2011, total population of Dakshina Kannada is about 20,89,649 (Urban-
2,14,490, Rural- 10,93,563), which is 8th highly populated place of the state. In
Mangalore taluka, rural population is 2,10,033 and urban population is 1,95,123. In
Bantwal taluka, rural population is 2,79,482 and urban population is 75,743. In Puttur,
rural population is 2,26,977 and urban population is 7,813.

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TABLE 4-1: Population of talukas in Dakshina Kannada in the catchment Area

Taluka Population 2011

Mangalore 4,05,156
Bantwal 3,55,225
Puttur 2,34,790
Total 9,95,171
Source: Census, 2011
As seen in the above table, Mangalore taluka has higher population in Dakshina
Kannada. Apart from the three talukas mentioned in the above table, there are two
more talukas, Belthangady & Sullia; but they are far from the catchment area of
Netravathi River, so they are not included in the study.

4.1.2 Economic profile of Primary Catchment Area

Dakshina Kannada’s GDP is INR 14,290 Crore in FY 12-13. The district’s share is third
largest in the state economy, i.e. 4.8%. The below table shows sector wise GDP and
percentage of contribution in the district’s economy.

TABLE 4-2: Sector wise contribution in Dakshina Kannada’s GDP (FY 13)

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Sectors GDP Contribution (%)
Primary (Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry) 1,652 11.5
Secondary (Industry-Manufacturing, 3,397 23.77
Mining, Construction)
Tertiary (Services- Restaurants, Banking, 9,240 64.66
Legal services)
Total 14,290 100.00

TABLE 4-3: Sector wise % share of GDP of talukas in the catchment area

Taluka GDP (Per Capita Primary Secondary Tertiary Total

Income in Lakhs)
Mangalore 94,716 1.6 21.2 17.6 40.4
Bantwal 54,572 3.9 2.8 3.5 10.2
Puttur 53,245 1.4 2.0 3.2 6.6
Source: Karnataka State Strategic Statistical Plan (2008-09) PRIMARY SECTOR

Primary sector of Dakshina Kannada district consists of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing,
Animal husbandry & Mining & Quarrying. Fishing is one of the major activities of the
region. Agro processing and fish processing activities also take place on a large scale.

• Agriculture

Agriculture is an important occupation for the people of Dakshina Kannada. The district
has 21.57% of its land under cultivation. Cultivable lands of the district are classified
mainly into rice land and garden lands. Out of total cultivated land, food grains are

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grown in 38% land and horticulture crops, vegetables, oilseeds, sugarcane etc. are
grown in remaining 62% land.

The Net Sown Area (NCA) is 1.31 lakh ha. and forms 27% of the geographical area of
4.77 lakh ha. Small and marginal land holdings account for more than 90% of total land
holdings and 61% of the cultivated land. Paddy is the principal agricultural crop of the
district. It is grown nearly in one third of the GCA (Gross Cropped Area). Black gram &
green gram is also grown majorly in the district. The other major crops are Coconut
(16,296 ha), Arecanut (28,232 ha), Cashew (31,288 ha), Rubber (10,838 ha) etc.

The main occupation of the people who live on the bank of Netravathi and Gurupur
river is agriculture and fishing.

TABLE 4-4: Area under cultivation in the Catchment Area (in Ha) (FY 14-15)

Taluka Cereals & Pulses Horticultur Commercial Plantation Total

Minor e Crops Crops Crops
Mangalore 16,919 1,380 4,782 20 - 23,319
Bantwal 15,595 210 8,248 - - 24,448
Puttur 4,946 256 9,828 - - 15,887

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Total Area of 37,460 1,846 22,858 20 - 63,654
Total Production of 98,883 808 94,803 1,733 2,17,412 4,13,639
Catchment (in
Total Area 52,349 2,971 39,179 20 - 1,27,308
(Dakshina Kannada)
Total Production 1,38,185 1,300 1,25,433 1,733 3,03,826 5,70,477
(Dakshina Kannada)
(in Tonnes)
Source: Dakshina Kannada District at a Glance 2014-2015

• Horticulture

This district is in the tropical region and has a hot and humid climate. This climate is
favorable for cultivation of horticultural crops. Coconut, Areca and Cashew are the
major plantation crops in the district. Cashewnut, arecanut, pepper, cloves and coconut
are the important cash crops of Dakshina Kannada. The spices grown in the district
are pepper, ginger, cardamom, clove, nutmeg and cinnamon. Vanilla is also grown
here. Seasonal fruits such as Mango, Jackfruit, Papaya, Pineapple and Banana are
available in plenty in this district. The district produces most of the sugarcane in the
state as cultivation of this crop is wide spread. Sugarcane is produced in 32 Ha, with
total production 1,535 Tonnes in FY 10-11. The main centres of manufacture of jaggery
from sugarcane are Kuloor, Ullal and Udupi.

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Cocoa cultivation in Puttur taluka is identified by NABARD for further development
during FY16-17. The department of Horticulture is providing supply of quality planting
material and necessary technical training to farmers through various schemes.

TABLE 4-5: Production of Important Horticulture Crops in Dakshina Kannada (FY 14-15)

Taluka Banana Mango Lemon Pineapple Guava Sapota Jackfruit Papaya
Bantwal 13,360 3,948 – 4,102 290 425 12,455 2,941
Mangalore 3,400 3,583 18 10,742 102 195 8,030 776
Puttur 19,544 4,491 48 1,263 203 204 4,210 475
Total 36,304 12,022 66 16,107 595 824 24,695 4,192
Source: Dakshina Kannada District at a Glance 2014-2015

TABLE 4-6: Taluka wise Horticulture Production near Netravathi & Gurupur (FY 14-15)

Taluka Production (T)

Mangalore 26,846
Bantwal 37,520
Puttur 30,437
Total 94,803
Source: Dakshina Kannada District at a Glance 2014-2015

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Due to availability and demand for perishable items like fruits and vegetables in the
district, cold storages can be set up for fruits, vegetables, flowers, pulses, etc. Cold
storages could be established in Mangalore and Puttur talukas. Most of the horticulture
products are consumed locally or distributed in neighboring talukas & districts; hence
it would not provide opportunity for the proposed waterway.

• Sericulture

Mulberry is cultivated in an area of around 11 Hectares in Bantwal, Mangalore & Puttur

talukas near the catchment area. Total 24 villages are involved in sericulture in the
nearby talukas in the catchment area. Since, statistics is not available for the
production of silk, so based on the data of cocoon production, it could be analysed that
silk production is miniscule in this area, which worth around INR 6.9 Lakhs. As
production of cocoon and silk is very less in volume, so it would not provide any
opportunity for the waterway. Also, silk is a high value commodity, so it would not be
transported through waterway.

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TABLE 4-7: Sericulture Production in the Catchment Area (FY 14-15)

Taluka Area under Cocoon Villages Value of Silk

Mulberry Production (in engaged in produced (INR in
(Heets) Tonnes) Mulberry (in No.) lakhs)
Bantwal 5.9 0.37 13 1.37
Mangalore 2.2 0.36 4 1.32
Puttur 2.8 0.05 7 0.2
Total 10.9 0.78 24 2.89
Source: Dakshina Kannada District at Glance 2014-2015

• Forestry

Dakshina Kannada is a forest district. Out of total geographical area of the district,
forest area is spread on 26.93% area, i.e. 128,476 hectares, out of 486,100 hectares
are covered by forests. Forest area is more in Belthangady taluka (49,837 Ha),
followed by Puttur taluka (27,386 Ha). Sullia taluka has 43,282 Ha forest area, which
is second largest in the district; however, Belthangady & Sullia talukas are out of the
catchment area. There is vast scope for development of ecotourism in forest area.

Originally, tropical evergreen forest, also known as Western Ghat Forest is the
prominent forest type of the district. However, gradually the district comprises of

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different types of forest ranging from evergreen, deciduous & shrub. There are many
major and minor items of forest production in the district. Industrial wood particularly
softwood, used in plywood and match industry, constitutes a major production of the
forest. Other wood consists of sleeper, firewood, bamboos, timber of durable species.
The minor forest products are pepper, tamarind, bursera, bamboo, sheekakai
(soapnut), lac, rampathri etc. Cardamom is found over the Ghat forests, but the chief
cultivation of plantation is extensively cultivated throughout the district. Tasty varieties
of cardamom are found in and around Mangalore. The cultivation of betel leaf is
common in Dakshina Kannada.

The chief forest produce of hard timber of economic importance in the district is
rosewood, teak and genteak. Among minor forest produce are cardamom, cinnamon
leaves and bark, canes, bamboo, wood oil, myrobalans, catechu and matti bark.
Natural rubber is also available in good quantity in the district. Rubber is used by
industries to manufacture coir foam, surgical hand gloves, rubberized coir mattress,
latex crepe, cycle tyres, tubes, furniture from rubber wood, footwear, floor mats, rings
etc. The volume of forest produce needs to be high to move through IWT. The forest
production of the catchment area is less; hence it would not provide any opportunity
for the proposed waterway.

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• Fisheries
Dakshina Kannada has a thriving fishery industry with one minor fishing harbour near
Old Mangalore Port. Bunder, the Old Mangalore Port is mostly used for fishing
activities. As per District Profile, Government of Karnataka 2016, Marine fish
production is around 90,000 MT and the inland fish production is around 1,065 MT in
the district. Activities like prawn farming are promoted in different regions with the
utilization of coastal brackish water.

TABLE 4-8: Fish Catch & Storage Infrastructure in the Catchment Area

Taluka Fish Catch Ice Plants Ice Plant Cold Cold Storage
(T) (No.) Capacity (T) Storage Capacity (T)
Mangalore 1,51,098.20 70 7,95,240 11 387
Bantwal 118.6 NA NA NA NA
Puttur 101 NA NA NA NA
Total 1,51,317.80 70 7,95,240 11 387
Source: Dakshina Kannada District at a Glance 2014-2015

TABLE 4-9: Fisheries in Dakshina Kannada District

Year Marine Fish (T)

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2011-12 1,37,435
2012-13 1,38,146
2013-14 1,48,272
2014-15 1,50,525
2015-16 1,51,458
Source: Fisheries Department, Dakshina Kannada District

Among the talukas in the catchment area of Netravathi and Gurupur river, only
Mangalore has coastal fishing because it is the only taluka with a long coast. Rest other
two talukas, Bantwal & Puttur have inland fishing. In Dakshina Kannada, marine fishing
is more popular than inland fishing. It can be due to lack of much freshwater resources
and also due to lack of knowledge on implementing inland fish culture activities. During
rainy season when marine fishing activities are completely banned, there will be great
demand for freshwater fish. During these months, inland fishing could be one prime
source of providing food. There is potential to develop inland fishing in the district.

Fish products like fish oil, fish soluble, fishmeal, Sardine fish oil, refined fish oil, crude
fish oil, marine foods, shrimps, squid, frozen foods etc. are exported. Fish export to
Europe, China and Bangkok are handled by NMPT. Fish are packed in reefer
containers and exported. These exported fish would not provide opportunity for
waterway. Fish catch of the catchment area could not be potential commodity for the
proposed waterway as most of the fish is consumed locally or distributed in nearby

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• Mining & Quarrying

Production of minerals in the coastal district of Dakshina Kannada is comparatively

less than other land locked districts. Though not rich in mineral wealth, the district
contains some useful minerals such as Corundum, Iron Ore, Kyanite, Silica Sand,
Limestone and Clay in considerable quantities. Major minerals available in the district
are Building Granite and Laterite Stone. Other minerals namely Quartz, Dolerite, Lime
Shell, Silica Sand & Bauxite are available in a minor quantity. Production of Minerals
in Dakshina Kannada is discussed in Commodity Section. The table below shows
taluka wise mineral resources of Dakshina Kannada.

TABLE 4-10: Taluka wise Mineral Resources of Dakshina Kannada

Taluka Major Mineral Minor Mineral

Mangalore Limestone, Silica Sand Dyke, Building Stone, Ornamental Stone
Bantval - Ordinary Sand, Building Sand
Puttur Iron Ore, Lateritic Iron Ore Building Stone, Ordinary Sand
Source: Census 2011 SECONDARY SECTOR

Secondary Sector of the economy consists of Manufacturing, Construction, Electricity,

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Gas & Water Supply of Dakshina Kannada. The district boasts of large and mega
industrial units; a large number of micro and small enterprise are also coming up. As
per District profile, Government of Karnataka 2016, Dakshina Kannada district is the
home of total 23 large and medium industries and 21,986 small-scale industries.

In Dakshina Kannada district, industries such as tile, beedi, cashew kernel, coconut
oil, food and beverages and manufacturing activities like rubber/plastic goods, wooden
products etc. had a prominent presence. The tile industry has witnessed decline due
to non-availability of quality clay and firewood in addition to labour shortage and public
preference for concrete structures in the modern era. Beedi rolling industry is one of
the major home industries of the district. It is also a dominant household activity among
rural women.

Historically, Dakshina Kannada district has been a major exporter of commodities like
Tiles, Leaf springs, Spices, Cashew nuts, Handicrafts etc. Recently the district has
started exporting Engineering goods, Readymade Garments, Chemicals, Minerals &
Ores, Food items, Fish Meal & Oil, Flowers, Gherkins, Polished Granite etc. TERTIARY SECTOR

The tertiary sector consists of Tourism, Infrastructure, Hotels, Real estate, Service
sector, Transport, Education, Storage, Communication, Banking & insurance,
Business Services, Public administration & other services etc. Tertiary sector has

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grown steadily over the years in Dakshina Kannada. IT/ITES activities based
companies are also growing rapidly in the district. Large IT companies like Infosys have
set up their offices in the IT Park at Deralekatte.

The district is an education hub and also known for religious tourism and medical
facilities. Mangalore has been shortlisted in the list of Smart Cities by the Government
of India. The service sector comprising of tourism is the major contributor to the
district’s GDP i.e. INR 3,555 CR, which is more than 50% of Uttar Kannada’s GDP.

Tertiary sector consists of mostly service-based industry, so it would provide

opportunity for passenger and tourism traffic through waterway in Netravathi and
Gurupur river. Growing Tourism sector in the district would boost tourist traffic on the
waterway. Tourist Traffic section shows the famous tourist places in the catchment
area, which would provide opportunity for tourist traffic.

4.1.3 Connectivity Infrastructure Analysis

Infrastructure plays a vital role in the economy of any region. It boosts industrial,
tourism and other sectors. Connectivity around Netravathi and Gurupur river is well

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developed and would help in evacuation of cargo and passengers through IWT and
multi modal transportation.

Road Connectivity

• The length of National Highways in the district is 211 Km. The district
encompasses 3 major National Highways. NH 66 (135.5 Km) passes all along
the coast of Dakshina Kannada district (Mangalore) connecting Goa and
Mumbai on one side (north) and Cochin (Kerala) on the other side (south).
• NH 75 (220.8 Km) connects Mangalore to the State capital Bangalore. NH 13
(153.4 Km) connects Mangalore to Solapur in the neighboring state of
• Another State Highway upgraded as National Highway. NH 243 connects
Mangalore and Charmadi in and ends up connecting Kota in Andhra Pradesh
and Villipuram Port in Tamil Nadu.
• There are 8 State highways crossing all over 5 Talukas in the district. The
district has good connectivity with the neighboring district, Udupi. Also, there is
good road connectivity with Mysore, Shivamogga and Kodagu districts. State
Highway 88C connects Kalladka in the district to Kanhagad entering Kerala.
• The state highway SH 88 connects Mangalore with Mysore district.

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Rail Connectivity

• The district has rail length of 227 Km. There are 8 railway stations in the district.
The Southern Railway Division connects the district to the cities of Bengaluru,
Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram and Konkan Railway division connects the
district to major port cities of Mumbai and Kochi.
• Konkan Railway’s Ro-Ro service, where loaded trucks are mounted on rail
wagons, operates in the district with a landing station at Surathkal near
Mangalore. Konkan Railway operates 2-3 times on Konkan rail route with an
average of 50 trucks loaded per rake and upto 3 rakes loaded per day. The
service is cost-effective as well as environment friendly.
• The major city on the catchment of Netravathi and Gurupur river, Mangalore is
well connected by Railways. Konkan Railway connects Mangalore with
northern India, Southern Railway Zone connects it with southern India.
• Konkan Railway route passes through the district (Mangalore) connecting
major cities of India. The 2 Major Railway stations are - Mangalore City Railway
Station (in the heart of Mangalore city) and Kankanady Railway Station (5 Km.
away from the heart of Mangalore city).

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Air Connectivity

• Dakshina Kannada district is well connected by Air. There is an international

airport at Mangalore, known as Mangaluru Airport or Bajpe Airport. It is 18 Km.
from the heart of Mangalore city. There are daily domestic flights to major cities
of India, like Mumbai, Bangalore, Goa, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi etc. and
weekly/bi-weekly International flights to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Doha
Qatar, Kuwait, Dammam and Bahrain.

4.1.4 Existing Infrastructure of Primary Catchment Area

New Mangalore Port (NMPT)

New Mangalore Port is the only major port of Karnataka. NMPT is closer to Gurupur
and Netravathi river. This port is crucial as most of the EXIM trade of Karnataka is
handled at New Mangalore Port. It is a deep-water, all-weather port at Panambur,
Mangalore. It has been functioning as a backbone for the economic development of
this region and caters the needs of the shippers. The port serves hinterland of
Karnataka state and to some extent state of Kerala. NMPT is evaluating feasibility for
deepening of Channel and Lagoon at the port.

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Existing facilities at New Mangalore Port:

✓ Deepest inner harbour on the west coast with 15.4 m. depth at the entrance
✓ Total capacity of all berths- 77.77 MTPA
✓ Two transit sheds of 3,192 sq. m. and 4,560 sq. m., with capacity 7,980 MT &
11,400 MT respectively.

Old Mangalore Port (OMPT)

This port is situated on the confluence of Netravathi and Gurupur rivers and is
approximately 30 Km. south of Padubidri Port and South of NMPT. The port provides
safe anchorage for vessels in the lagoon or backwaters 5 Km. long and 700 m. wide,
separated by a sand pit with an average width of 300 m. It is a seasonal port and
functional only during the fair-weather season from September to May. From May to
September 15, the port stops its function. The Port has good road, rail connectivity.
Konkan Railway Line and NH 66 pass very close to the port.

Existing facilities at Old Mangalore Port:

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✓ Berthing facilities for coastal vessels of 4.50 m. draft/ lighterage/ mechanised
fishing vessels.
✓ The port has covered and open storage and loading and unloading tackle.

4.1.5 Existing Jetties/ Landing Points

At present, Ferry services are operational at the following three locations on Netravathi
River: Sajipanadu-Thumbe, Jalakadakatte-Parangipet and Adyar-Pavoor.

FIGURE 4.4: Existing Landing Points at Netravathi River

At present, Ferry services are operational at the following three locations on Gurupur

• Sulthan Battery Ferry Line from Sulthan Battery to Thannirubhavi

• Bengre Ferry Line from Old Mangalore South Port to MJM Road Bengre

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• BMS Ferry Line from Old Mangalore New South Port to Bengre

BMS Ferry Line Sultan Battery Ferry Line

FIGURE 4.5: Existing Landing Points at Gurupur River

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FIGURE 4.6: Landing point at Gurupur River


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FIGURE 4.7: The New Bridge on Netravathi River

Netravathi Bridge- Netravathi Bridge is built on NH 66 in Mangalore over Netravathi

River. This bridge is also called Ullal Bridge, as it is located at Ullal. There is a new
bridge parallel to the old bridge. The old bridge was 2 lanes wide, while the new bridge
can cater to 4 lanes of traffic and 2 ways for pedestrians. The bridge is 830 m. long
and connects Karnataka and Kerala

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FIGURE 4.8: The Old Bridge on Netravathi River

FIGURE 4.9: Kuloor Bridge on Gurupur River

Kuloor Bridge- Kuloor Bridge is built across Gurupur river on National Highway 66,
Panvel- Kochi- Kanyakumari Highway.

Upcoming Infrastructure

✓ There is also a proposal from Ministry of Road Transport & Highways to provide
an Expressway Corridor, connecting port cities of Mangalore-Karwar-Panaji as
part of Indian National Expressway Network. This expressway will be parallel
to NH 66 and will be located majorly in Coastal Karnataka. Expressway is

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expected to be a 6/8 lane access-controlled 3D Right of Way designed
✓ Shiradi Ghat road patch of NH 75 is being upgraded. With upgradation of the
road connectivity between Bangalore- Hassan-Mangalore, it is expected that a
share in the ICD container traffic would divert to New Mangalore Port from
Bangalore via road. Development of Shiradi ghat and doubling the Mangalore-
Hassan railway track would attract more cargo for the NMPT; but it would also
be a potential threat to the waterway in Netravathi and Gurupur river. The
waterway would face tough competition from roadways.

4.1.6 Existing & Proposed Industries

As per District profile, Government of Karnataka 2016, Dakshina Kannada district is
the home of total 23 large and medium industries with aggregated Investment INR
9,216 Crore and 21,986 small- scale industries (MSME) with aggregated Investment
INR 545 Crore. The enterprises in the district provide employment to nearly 44,000
people. Talukas in Dakshina Kannada district have been divided into two zones for
industrial incentives namely,

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• Zone 3: Bantwal, Mangalore (excluding Corporation limits), Puttur, Sullya &
• Zone 4: Mangalore (Corporation limits)

Mangalore is the industrial hub in the catchment area of Netravathi river. There are 6
industrial areas and 5 Industrial Estates in Mangalore. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
(ONGC), Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), Mangalore
Chemicals & Fertilizer (MCF), BASF are the major players in Mangalore. Large
industrial units like MRPL, MCF, KIOCL, Ultratech Cement, Hindustan Unilever Ltd.,
etc. employ nearly 10,000 persons. At present, industries in hinterland are moving their
cargo either by Roadways or Railways. The proposed multimodal route via Netravathi
and Gurupur River is beneficial to those industries whose road/rail distance is more
than proposed route. Companies might consider shifting their cargo to IWT, provided
cost benefits with additional infrastructure benefits.

Proposed Industries-

✓ MRPL has proposed an Oil refinery project with an investment of INR 8,640
Crore in Dakshina Kannada.
✓ There are two proposed industrial parks at Niddodi and Badag Mijar.

The table below presents a list of industries, located in Mangalore, within the catchment
area of Netravathi and Gurupur river.

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TABLE 4-11: Potential from Industries in the catchment area

Industries Category Potential Reasoning

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MCF uses NMPT for importing Fertilizer and raw materials. Fertilizer
is subsidized by the Government. Railway has monopoly on fertilizer
MCF Chemical Manufacturer ✗ transportation, hence MCF’s cargo is evacuated by trains. This
arrangement restricts any potential for the prooposed waterway from

KIOCL has a captive berth, Berth 18 at NMPT to handle Iron ore.

KIOCL is in process to lay its own lines inside the marshalling yard of
KIOCL Pellet Plant
NMPT and would use rail to unload ore at the port; hence KIOCL
would not provide any opportunity for IWT.

HPCL, Mangalore moves its cargo through pipeline. HPCL has

comissioned a new pipeline. As the river navigability stretch would not
HPCL Petroleum Products
help the company to save time and cost of transportation, hence they
are not willing to use waterway.
Near NMPT MRPL could use waterway for transportation of hazardous cargo.
MRPL Petroleum Products ✓ LPG/ POL products, which are hazardous, could be shifted from
roadways to waterways.

IOCL Mangalore Terminal; Petroleum Products

UltraTech Cements Bulk Packaging Terminal

Hi Build Coatings Paint Manufacturer

Kanachur Seasoning Plywood Industries

These industries are located closer or adjacent to NMPT. Road
Eswari Metal Industries Manufacturing ✗ connectivity is good; hence these industries would not use the
proposed waterway.

Everest Plastic
Plastic Fabrication

Hindustan Unilever Chemical, Detergent

Mukka Sea Food Fish Meal Processing

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BASF India Chemical Industry
Mangala Cashew Manufacturing

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Murugan Industries Manufacturing; Machinery Parts May be

SRR Industries FMCG manufacturer May be

S.K. Hose Pipe Hydraulic Hose Pipe May be These industries could use waterway to distribute products in the
Raihan Wood hinterland to avoid road congestion problem based on commercial
Woodworking Supply May be
Industries viability.
Kanara Wood and
Plywood store May be
Reliant Pavers Manufacturing May be
Vinayak Industries Steel Fabricator May be

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FIGURE 4.10: Connectivity around Industries in the hinterland

Major Industrial Players

• Mangalore Chemical & Fertilizers Limited (MCF)

It is the largest manufacturer of chemical fertilizers in Karnataka and its factory is

strategically located at Panambur, in front of NMPT. It is a subsidiary of Zuari
Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd., which holds 53.03% equity shares.

The company is engaged in the manufacture of urea and complex fertilisers. About
60% of the company’s products are sold in Karnataka. The plant has capacity to
manufacture 217,800 MT of Ammonia and 380,000 MT of Urea annually. MCF
imports fertilizer raw material through NMPT.

During FY15-16, production of 3,79,500 MTs of Urea, 2,05,308 MTs of Complex

fertilizers (DAP/ NP) and 12,172 MTs of Ammonium Bi-Carbonate was achieved.
The data shows increase in production from the previous year. The plant imports
Phosphoric Acid, liquid Ammonia and Naphtha as feedstock through NMPT and
the volumes are 0.2 Million Tonne, 0.06 million ton and 0.175 Million Tonne per

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annum respectively totalling 0.435 Million Tonne. In FY 2017-18, the company has
plan to import substantial quantity of fertilizers to meet the growing demand.

Expansion Plan: MCF has proposed expansion of its existing capacity of various
kinds of fertilisers in Mangalore. The plan is to set up an additional Diammonium
phosphate (DAP) and NPK fertiliser capacity of 1 Million Tonnes per annum,
1,40,400 TPA of Urea, 81,000 TPA of Ammonia and 18,000 TPA of Poly Carboxyl
Ether (PCE).

Potential from MCF- MCF plant is located adjacent to NMPT. MCF uses rail for
cargo evacuation because as per Government policy, fertilizer freight
movement/distribution by railway is subsidized; hence, it is unlikely that MCF
would use the waterway for cargo movement.

• Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd. (KIOCL)

It is located at Panambur, Mangalore. It is one of the major exporters of iron ore

pellets. KIOCL uses NMPT for EXIM trade. KIOCL has one Pellet Plant Unit & one
Blast Furnace Unit in Mangalore.

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The annual production capacity of the Pellet Plant (Iron Ore) is about 3.5 Million
Tonnes. It is a captive user of NMPT. It owns a berth (Berth No. 8), which is known
as Kudremukh Berth and loading arm to handle iron ore pellets. KIOCL uses
NMPT to handle imported cargo of POL coal and iron ore.

In FY10-11, NMPT handled 2.1 Million Tonnes of iron ore pellets cargo belonging
to KIOCL Ltd. NMPT allotted 11 acres of land on lease of 5 years to KIOCL Ltd. to
lay its own lines inside the marshalling yard. This rail will help the company unload
ore at the port.

Potential from KIOCL- KIOCL Ltd. is in process to lay its own lines inside the
marshalling yard of NMPT and it would use rail to unload ore at the port. With this
development, it is evident that KIOCL would not use IWT on Gurupur & Netravathi

• Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemical Ltd. (MRPL)

It is a public sector enterprise under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. It is
located at the north of Mangalore. The capacity of this plant is 15 MMT per annum.
It uses NMPT for handling cargo at oil berths. MRPL, with its parent company Oil
and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), owns and operates ONGC
Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited (OMPL), a petrochemical unit with 1 million
tonne production capacity of Para Xylene. OMPL is situated in the adjacent
Mangalore Special Economic Zone (MSEZ).

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MRPL is in the process of expanding its markets reach to sell 440 TMT of
Polypropylene per year. MRPL is setting up its own infrastructure for storage of

During FY 15-16, the Company’s refinery processed 15.53 MMT of crude

achieving an average utilization rate of 103.5% as against 14.63 MMT during FY
14-15. During FY 15-16, the total production of MRPL was 13,769 thousand MT.

MRPL consumes Crude oil (imported and indigenous), Hydrogen, Paraffin

Raffinate, Reformate, CRMB Modifier, Naphtha Stream, Aromatic Stream as raw

Expansion Plan: MRPL is in process for an allotment of 1050 acres of land for
Phase IV expansion.

Potential from MRPL- Various POL products that are produced at MRPL are
transported to other parts of Karnataka and neighboring states by Road Tankers.
These tankers mostly ply on NH 66, NH 275 and NH 75. As MRPL is not located
on the National Highway, the tankers take other district roads to approach the

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National Highway. The tankers may take detour from the National Highway to other
roads to reach their final destination in far-flung areas in the district. Tankers, which
move from NMPT towards Mani Junction and further to Uppinagady and from
NMPT towards Thalapady State Border, could be shifted to Gurupur/ Netravathi
River through Ro-Ro services.

• India Potash Ltd.

It is the largest manufacturer of fertilizers, which distributes fertilizers in Karnataka.

The company imports and distributes Muriate of Potash (MOP), Sulphate of
Potash (SOP), Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP), Rock Phosphate, Gypsum and
other fertilisers. IPL handles fertiliser shipments of more than 3 MTPA at all the
major and minor ports in the country. It does not have a plant in Mangalore or in
the catchment area of Netravathi/ Gurupur river, but it uses NMPT to import
fertilizer and distributes it in the entire state.

India Potash Ltd. imports finished products from Arab, Jordan and distributes it in
Karnataka. India Potash imports raw material from Germany, China, Canada &
Jordan. It uses NMPT port for import and moves its cargo by road from the port.
The company witnessed decline in import and sale of DAP during FY 12-13 & FY
13-14. However, in FY 15-16, there is growth in sales of DAP, MOP and NPKs.

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Potential from India Potash Ltd.- NMPT is located on the bank of Gurupur river;
hence if India Potash would be willing to use waterway, it could use Gurupur River
and further Netravathi river for cargo movement.

• BASF India Ltd.

It is a German chemical company, located at Katipalla, Mangalore. At present,

BASF uses NMPT for import and from the Port, cargo is transported by road to
BASF plant.

Potential from BASF- BASF’s plant at Mangalore presents no opportunity for the
waterway. BASF plant would not use the waterway because the plant is located
only 7 km away from NMPT. The distance using the waterway would be more;
hence BASF would not provide any opportunity for the proposed waterway.

• Baikampady Industrial Estate, Mangalore

Baikampady Industrial Area is located on North of Panambur, Mangalore.

Baikampady Industrial Area encompasses an area of around 1,407 acres of land
that is spread across Panambur, Kulai and Baikampady villages. There are many

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small-scale industries located at this estate. Baikampady Industrial Estate has
many electrical, engineering, leaf spring, hollow blocks and pharmaceutical
industries, food processing and plastic companies.

TABLE 4-12: Industries in Baikampady Industrial Estate

Sr. No. Industries Category

1 Strides Arco Lab & Speciality Ltd. Chemical bulk drugs

2 Adani Wilmar (formerly Rajshree Packagers) Manufacturer Refined edible oil
3 Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd. Manufacturer Refined edible oil
4 Vishwas Industries Brick Manufacturer
5 Kalbhavi Cashew Industries Dry Fruit Store
6 Jaypee Industries Electrical Equipment Manufacturer
7 Blue Water Foods & Exports Ltd Exporters; Wholesale Suppliers
8 Bharath Fibreglass Industries Fibre glass Supplier
9 Aruna Masalas Food Processing Company
10 Elite Engineering Industries Industrial Equipment supplier
11 Manipal Springs Industrial Manufacturers
12 Magna Springs Manufacture and supply
13 Vinayak Engineering Works Manufacturer
14 Primacy Industries Limited Manufacturer
15 Rodricks Industries Manufacturer
16 Lamina Suspesion Manufacturer
17 Bharat Petroleum Bottling Plant Oil & Natural gas Company

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Sr. No. Industries Category

18 Ruchi Soya Industries Edible oil packaging unit

19 Plastex Industries Plastic Fabrication Company
20 Gurucharan Industries Plastic Fabrication Company
21 Deccan Plast Industries Plastic Wholesaler
22 Delta Industries Roofing Sheet Supplier
23 J K industries Tyre industry

Potential from Baikampady Industrial Estate - Baikampady is adjacent to NMPT

and it has good rail/ road connectivity. Panambur Marshalling Yard Railway Station
is also nearby. Hence, it is unlikely that cargo from Baikampady Industrial Area will
move through Netravathi/Gurupur River.

• Ullal Industrial Estate, Mangalore

Ullal Industrial Estate is located at the southern part of Netravathi river in

Mangalore. There are two Fish meal and processing companies here, Bawa
Fishmeal Oil & Co. and Fahad Fishmeal & Oil Co. As there are not many industries
in this Industrial Estate; hence it would not provide much opportunity to the

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proposed waterway.

• Yeyyadi Industrial Estate, Mangalore

This Industrial Estate is Mangalore's oldest industrial area and home of several
small-scale industries. It includes food processing, baking, fabrication, printing, die
making, coir products, wooden furniture, plastic articles and machinery
manufacturers. There is one machine manufacturing industry here, namely
Spectrum Industries. There does not exist any large industry in Yeyyadi, and the
locality lacks infrastructure and other facilities. Hence, it is very unlikely that this
Industrial Estate would provide any opportunity to the waterway.

• Udupi Power Corporation Ltd (UPCL), Udupi

UPCL, a subsidiary of Adani Power Ltd. is a coal-based thermal power plant at

Padubidri in Udupi District. It has 2 units and the total capacity is 2 X 600 MW
(1200 MW). The commercial production from Unit 1 began in 2010 and Unit 2 in
2012. The plant has proposed to expand its production to an additional 1,600 MW
by 2020. The plant imports about 4 mn TPA coal from Indonesia. UPCL has its
captive jetty at NMPT to handle imported coal. The company has plan to develop
an additional jetty at New Mangalore Port with an investment of about INR 500
Crore. It will further add another 6 mn TPA handling capacity in the next three

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Potential from UPCL - UPCL already uses NMPT to handle imported coal and its
plant is well connected with NH 66 and Konkan Railway. At present, the company
uses Konkan Railway to transport coal from the Port to the thermal plant in Udupi.
The plant is about 27 km from Gurupur river and 40 km away from Netravathi river,
but it is unlikely that the plant would use the waterway.

Industries in Udupi- Other than UPCL, Udupi has two major industrial areas,
Shivally and Nandikur. Shivally is located at Manipal in Udupi. It is spread across
90 acres of land and home to small & medium scale industries, which are most
agro-based. Many industries are also based on fishing and home products in the
coastal area. Nandikur, which is a new Industrial area is developed on 42.33 acres
of land and consists of small & medium scale. The three major types of industries
in Udupi are Cashew Processing, Printing & Binding, Fabrication & General
Engineering. The industries located in Udupi have good road, rail connectivity.
Konkan Railway and NH 66 cross over the district. These industries would not
provide any opportunity for waterway in Gurupur & Netravathi river.

4.1.7 Traffic from Major & Non Major Ports

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This section discusses the opportunities for IWT with respect to Major and Non
major ports located in the region. This section would discuss the strategic location
and infrastructural advantages of the ports in brief.

In the catchment area of Netravathi and Gurupur River, there exists one major port
New Mangalore Port and one non-major port, i.e. Old Mangalore Port. In FY 14-
15, out of 0.65 MMTPA of cargo handled at all 9 Non-Major Ports in Karnataka,
about 0.12 MMTPA (18%) was handled at Old Mangalore Port and 36.56 MMTPA
was handled by NMPT, i.e. 6.29% of all major ports traffic in India during the same

• New Mangalore Port (NMPT)

NMPT is the only major port in Karnataka and is the gateway for the EXIM trade
of state. It has got a very vast hinterland that includes Hassan, Bengaluru, Mysore,
Madikeri, Chikamagalur, Shimoga, Chitradurga, Hospet, Bellary, Haveri, all the
way up to Kannur in Kerala. Lots of cargoes from these regions move to and from
the port.

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The major commodities exported through NMPT are Iron ore Pellets, POL
products, Granite, Stones, Coffee and Containerized cargo. The major imports of
the port are Crude and POL products, LPG, Coal, Limestone, Timber logs, Wood
pulp, Finished fertilizers, Liquid Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid, Other Liquid
Chemicals, Edible oil, Cashew and Containerized cargo. NMPT handled traffic of
36.69 MTA and the most LPG 1.91 million MT of all major ports in India in FY 10-



( Million Tonnes)





FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16

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POL Coal Other Liquids Container
Fertilizer (Dry & Liq) Iron Ore Dry Bulk Cement
Break Bulk Food Grains Iron & Steel

Source: Indian Port Authority

FIGURE 4.11: Commodity wise historic Traffic handled at NMPT

TABLE 4-13: Commodity wise Imports of NMPT (mn T)

Commodities FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16
POL 15.6 16.5 16.8 16.2 18.2
Other Liquids 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8
Iron Ore 1.2 1.5 1.7 1 0.1
Fertilizer 1 0.7 0.7 0.9 1
Coal 4 6.9 8.3 8.1 6.3
Cement 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4
Dry Bulk 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4
Break Bulk 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1
Container 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Total 23.7 27.3 29.3 28.3 28
Source: Indian Port Authority

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TABLE 4-14: Commodity wise Exports of NMPT (mn T)

Commodities FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16
POL 6.6 7.8 7.9 6.8 5.7
Container 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5
Iron Ore 1.9 1.1 1.5 0.5 0.4
Food Grains 0.1 0.2 0.1 0 0
Others 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.9
Total 9.3 9.7 10.1 8.2 7.6
Source: Indian Port Authority

• Ratio of Imports to Exports at NMPT was 3:1 in FY 15-16. Total traffic handled
at the port has reduced to 35.6 MTPA in FY15-16 from 36.5 MTPA in FY 14-15.
The major drop was reported in iron-ore traffic and also in crude oil imports.

• Out of the 36.56 MMTPA of cargo handled at NMPT, Overseas cargo to coastal
cargo percentage is 86:14%, with import to export percentage being 80:20%.

• POL coal and iron ore are the main cargo handled at NMPT, mostly by captive
users like MRPL, UPCL, KIOCL and Mangalore Special Economic Zone (MSEZ).

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Container Cargo- Coffee exports and raw cashew imports dominate container
cargo at the port. In fact, coffee exports and raw cashew imports respectively
accounted for 8,557 TEUs and 7,149 TEUs of the total 62,808 TEUs cargo handled
by NMPT in FY15.

NMPT exports Coffee, Reefer cargo, Brake drums, cashew kernels, leaf springs,
cocoa powder, fish meal & oil, tiles, plywood etc. In FY 11-12, the total export of
these items was around 355 Tonnes. As the volume of export is very less; hence
it provides no opportunity for the waterway.

NMPT has a container Berth B1, handling 60,000- 62,000 containers per annum.
As per the business plan prepared for NMPT, the cargo is likely to increase to 84
MMTPA with container traffic increasing to 2.55 lakh TEU’s in the next 10 years.

• Various hazardous chemicals imported at NMPT are transported by Road

Tankers. These tankers mostly ply on the NH 66, NH 275 and NH 75.

Container cargo at NMPT is dominated by agricultural products. In 2016, raw

cashew accounted for 36% of the total container imports. Similarly, coffee
constituted over 27% to NMPT’s total container exports. Together, these two
commodities contributed nearly 32% to the Port’s total container traffic for the said
year. Year-over-year (y-o-y), both these cargoes have shown a healthy climb, both
growing by 4%- 6%. Besides the prominent cargo of raw cashew and coffee,

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wooden logs, chemicals, salt, reefer cargo, and fishmeal were some of the majorly
traded containerized commodities at NMPT.

These and other break-bulk cargoes account for not more than 8% of the Port’s
total containerized cargo volume. Just like most container terminals in the world,
empty containers feature in NMPT’s container traffic, too. These occupied 44% in
Port’s import traffic, 17% in its export traffic, and over 30% in Port’s overall
container EXIM for FY16. Below figure shows share distribution of top 5
containerized cargoes handled by NMPT in FY16:
Chart Title Chart Title

Others 13%
Chemicals 3% 24% Others
Fish Meal 3%
Reefer Cargo 9%
Others 6% Salt Others

8% Chemicals

Coffee 27% 9% Wooden Logs

Fish Meal Chemicals
Export Import
Reefer Cargo Wooden Logs
50% 50% 17% Empty Container
Coffee Empty
Empty Raw Cashew
Empty Container 44%
36% Raw Cashew

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FIGURE 4.12: Commodity wise historic Traffic handled at NMPT

TABLE 4-15: Commodity wise Container Movement from NMPT

Commodities CY13 CY16*

Major Countries traded with
(TEU) Export Import Export Import
Africa, Mediterranean, South East
11,257 6,587 12,118 8,647 Asia, Red Sea, Middle East,
China, USA
China, North Continent, Middle
Liquid 335 851 1,166 1,936 East, USA, Canada, UK, Japan,
Wood & Africa, North Continent, Far East,
90 1,843 197 1,914
Products China
North Continents, China, Africa,
Machineries 283 769 920 1,364
USA, UK, Middle East
Metal &Metal China, Far East, Africa, South
310 227 343 591
Products East Asia, USA
USA, China, Middle East, South
RMG/Textile 56 125 568 318
East Asia
Construction China, USA, Mediterranean, Far
349 88 164 194
Materials East
18 73 25 159 China, Middle East, UK, USA
Plastic &
41 50 51 65 Far East, Middle East, China

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Commodities CY13 CY16*
Major Countries traded with
(TEU) Export Import Export Import
Far East, South East Asia, China
Frozen Food 3,460 64 2,319 32
Mediterranean, USA
Rubber &
2 12 85 28 USA, China
China, USA, Africa, Japan, Far
Others 518 1,724 1,181 2,560
East etc
Total 16,719 12,413 19,137 17,808
Source: Khambadkones, *As per 2016 (Jan to Oct)

Some of the commodities of container traffic handled at NMPT as mentioned in

above table could be potential commodity to be transported on Ro-Ro.

• Fertilizers- Finished fertilizer is imported by firms like India Potash Ltd, Indian
Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative, Krishak Bharati Cooperative, Zuari Agro
Chemicals Ltd etc. at NMPT for distribution in Karnataka.

• Most of fertilizer cargo traffic at NMPT is of imports from overseas destinations.

Urea, DAP and MOP are the major import commodities. A declining trend in
imports has been observed in both finished and raw fertilizers. The overall import

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volume of fertilizer at NMPT has declined at rate of 8.74% over last 6 years.

• Fertilizer imports have stagnated at around 0.70 million Tonne over last 3
years. As per report by Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, there is estimated to
be 2.5% year-on-year increase in consumption of fertilizers in Karnataka. Taking
same scenario, NMPT can see increase in fertilizer cargo imports in coming years.

Possibility of Diversion from NMPT

NMPT is strategically located on the bank of Gurupur river. As this port is the major
port in the vicinity and handles EXIM trade of most of the large industries in the
catchment area, so NMPT plays a vital role for the proposed waterway.

Though NMPT have good rail and road connectivity, but congestion on connecting
roads lead to increase in transportation time and cost. To get rid of such issues,
Industries might consider IWT, to distribute their cargo in hinterland, which is
congestion free and cost-effective. It would be convenient for these industries to
use rivers to evacuate cargo from NMPT or move cargo to NMPT. Cargo from the
Port could be diverted through Gurupur and then to Netravathi river.

Opportunity from Hazardous Cargo

Dakshina Kannada is one of the highly industrialised districts of Karnataka with 8

Potentially Hazardous Industrial units. Most of these units are concentrated around

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the NMPT area at Panambur in Mangalore. These units import, store, handle and
export various hazardous chemicals, both flammable and toxic.

LPG and various POL products are handled in large quantities throughout the
district, and their storages are mostly concentrated in and around Panambur area.
LPG is imported at NMPT as well as manufactured by MRPL.

The transportation from the port to various storage tanks at Bala is done through
pipelines. From there LPG is mostly transported to various parts of the state by
road tankers. There are chances of Fire / Explosion involving these hazardous

Various POL products that are produced at MRPL are transported to other parts
of Karnataka as well as to neighboring states by road tankers. Similarly, various
other hazardous chemicals, imported at NMPT are also transported by road
tankers. These tankers mostly ply on NH 66, NH 275 and NH 75. As MRPL is not
located on the national highway, the tankers take other district roads to approach
the national highway.

TABLE 4-16: Hazardous Cargo handled at NMPT (in MTPA)

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Road No. Segment From: To Important Towns Details of Hazardous
Junctions & chemical movement
Route Chemical Tankers per
s Day
NH 66, Surathkal-NMPT- Baikampadi, Kulai, LPG/ POL 45/ 60
NH 73, Pumpwell Circle-Mani Hosabettu, Kulur, Products
NH 75 Junction- Uppinangady Kottara KPT
NH 66 Surathkal-NMPT- Ullal, Paramunur, LPG/ POL 03/12
Pumpwell Circle - Kotekar Products
Thalapady (State
Source: Disaster Management Plan, Dakshina Kannada

According to Disaster Management Plan, Dakshina Kannada, the above-

mentioned locations, specially Junction near MCF/NMPT on NH 66, before Kullur
Bridge and Road from MRPL to NH 66 at Surathkal are vulnerable for mishaps
due to handling of hazardous cargoes. Movement of traffic is haphazard at times
near MCF/NMPT and it is common to find many tankers parked in the area
resulting in further traffic congestion in the area. The overhead conveyor of KIOCL
passes over the area.

Parking of tankers in the region should be discouraged. The LPG tanker traffic in
road from MRPL to NH 66 at Surathkal is maximum, as all the tankers from MRPL/
HPCL pass through this road before joining NH – 66. This road also suffers from
traffic congestion. Other observation specific to this stretch of this road is the

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haphazard parking of Tankers just by the side of the road at several locations
especially in front of BASF.

The above-mentioned problems due to hazardous cargoes movement through the

city could be solved by shifting the hazardous cargoes transportation to the
proposed waterway. POL and LPG Products handled at NMPT would provide
opportunity for waterway on Netravathi and Gurupur river. Tankers with POL &
LPG products move from NMPT towards Thalapady State Border on daily basis.
These routes run parallel to Netravathi and Gurupur River; hence there is a
potential to move this hazardous cargo through Ro-Ro service.

• Old Mangalore Port (OMPT)

OMPT is in the vicinity of the South end of Gurupur River. New Mangalore Port is
10 km northwards from OMPT. OMPT is a designated port for handling cargo to
Lakshadweep islands, loading 100,000 MTPA (92%) of cargo to the islands
through sailing vessels. OMPT has been catering the needs of Lakshadweep for
many decades. Essential commodities and construction materials are the major
export cargoes to Lakshadweep Island. Lakshadweep sends copra, scrap items

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and dry fish to Mangalore. The commodities handled at OMPT is presented in the
below table.

TABLE 4-17: Cargo handled in last 5 years at OMPT (in MTPA)

Commodities 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Building Material 50,445 69,557 95,419 93,494 88,703
Cement 16,594 14,302 16,686 13,429 17,495
Granite Boulders 5,691 18,530 25,060 44,189 -
Granite Jelly 16,511 14,312 22,984 - 37,661
Sand 1,010 13,308 18,200 26,645 24,939
Clay Bricks/Tiles 10,639 8,753 10,717 7,462 5,782
Timber - - 260 328 417
Steel/Scrap - 352 1,512 1,441 2,409
Food Grains 9,750 9,153 8,932 13,594 13,684
Rice - 6,365 3,595 4,686 4,210
Sugar - 690 - - -
Salt - - - - 699
Food Grain - - 4,515 7,819 8,439
Copra 1,877 2,075 597 865 208
Coconut shells - - 86 - -
Mass/Dry fish 20 - 139 223 128
SMR Cattle Feed 891 - - - -
POL 122 - 9 - -
Oxygen Cylinder - - 9 - -
Petrol ATF 84 - - - -
LPG Gas 45 - - - -

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Commodities 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Chemicals 5,390 6,978 9,858 10,468 8,759
Soda Ash 5,390 6,978 9,858 10,468 8,759
Others 22,277 49,345 6,046 10,544 7,886
Misc. 22,277 49,345 5,851 10,433 7,698
Vehicle - - 195 111 188
Total 87,991 1,35,033 1,20,264 1,28,100 1,19,032
Source: Old Mangalore Port Trust

✓ Building materials: In FY 15-16, 88,581 MTPA Building material comprising

of Cement, Sand, Granite and Steel are loaded for supply to Lakshadweep
✓ Food Grains: In FY 15-16,13,347 MTPA rice, other Food Grains and Salt
are supplied from OMPT to Lakshadweep Island.
✓ Chemicals: In FY 15-16, 8,759 MTPA Soda Ash has been regularly
unloaded at OMPT.
✓ Other cargo: 7,311 MTPA of other miscellaneous items and vehicles are
also moved to Lakshadweep Island through OMPT in FY 15-16.

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FIGURE 4.13: Cargo Handling at OMPT

Possibility of Diversion from OMPT

Out of the above-mentioned cargo, a portion of building material could be potential

traffic for the waterway, as OMPT is located near Netravathi river. In FY 15-16,
around 88,703 MTPA building material moved through OMPT to Lakshadweep. A
portion of this, i.e. about 15,000- 18,000 MTPA building material (Granite and
Laterite) could move through waterway to OMPT.

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Food grain and Horticulture products that is exported to Lakshadweep are mainly
produced in Mangalore and Buntwal taluka. However, it is unlikely that these
products would be transported to OMPT by using IWT. At present, Cargoes that
are exported to Lakshadweep use roadways to reach OMPT. If Government
makes regulations to shift cargo of roadways to waterway to decongest roads, then
OMPT destined cargo would provide opportunity for the proposed waterway.
Below table shows the traffic generated in the hinterland and the % share that
could be diverted to the waterway.

TABLE 4-18: Identification of Potential Traffic for Netravathi River

Commodities Traffic Potential Reasoning

Food Grains Produced in Most food grains are consumed in the region; a
the portion can be moved to Lakshadweep through
catchment ✓ OMPT. This volume could be transported to
area OMPT using IWT.

Fertilizer Catchment Allotted in the region, could be transported by Ro-

area ✗ Ro; however volume is very less to be moved by

POL/LPG NMPT, Hazardous cargo could be removed from

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MRPL roadways and shifted to waterway.

Building Catchment A portion of Building material that is moved to
Material area OMPT could be diverted to waterway.
Container Catchment Commodities that move on roadways towards
area ✓ NMPT and hinterland could be shifted to the

As shown in the above table, there is potential to move food grains, POL/ LPG &
Building material through waterway on Ro-Ro.

4.2 Commodity Composition

At present, no cargo traffic is moving in Netravathi and Gurupur River, except at
the confluence of both the rivers, where cargo from OMPT moves to Lakshadweep

4.2.1 Minerals
The Table below shows the possibility of minerals diversion on the proposed
waterway with appropriate reasoning.

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TABLE 4-19: Major Mineral Production in the catchment (FY 10-11)

Mineral Mangalore Bantwal Puttur Total (MT) Potential Reasoning

Building 2,85,703 1,65,000 15,900 4,66,603 May be Mostly consumed
Granite locally, a portion
moves to
Lakshadweep by
Laterite 21,315 4,474 9,350 35,139 No Less Volume
Dolerite 107 - - 107 No Less Volume
Lime 624 - - 624 No Less Volume
Total 3,07,749 1,69,474 25,250 5,02,473 - -
Source: Department of Mine & Geology, Mangalore 2010-11

4.2.2 Food Grains

About 2.9 lakh MT of Food grains, Rice, Pulses and Horticulture products are
produced in Mangalore, Buntwal & Puttur taluka and a part of it can be transported
through Gurupur/Netravathi river to OMPT. As per preliminary estimates about 4%
of the total production of the catchment area, i.e. about 16,545 Tonnes of cargo
could be transferred to IWT.

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4.2.3 Fertilizers & Chemicals
About 13,048 Tonnes of Fertilizer is allotted to Mangalore, Buntwal & Puttur taluka
of Dakshina Kannada District, as shown in the below table. Currently this is moving
through Road. A part of it is supplied through MCF, the major Fertilizer
manufacturer in the vicinity near NMPT. Out of it, about 10% (1,300 T) could move
through Ro-Ro on waterway; however, this quantity is very less. Apart from this
allotted fertilizer, MCF would not provide any opportunity to the waterway, as it is
strategically located near NMPT.

There is decline in import of both finished and raw fertilizers in NMPT. The overall
fertilizer imports volumes at NMPT have declined at rate of 8.74% over last 6
years. Government policy for providing no subsidy to naphtha based urea plants
has contributed in decline.

TABLE 4-20: Taluka wise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizer (in Tonnes) (FY 14-15)

Taluka Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash Total

Mangalore 2,405 878 1,554 4,837

Bantwal 2,105 872 1,557 4,534

Puttur 1,398 878 1,401 3,677

Source: Dakshina Kannada District at a Glance 2014-2015

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4.2.4 Fish Catch
About 1.5 lakh tonnes of Marine fish catch are procured in the catchment area. A
part of this fish catch is packed in iceboxes and moved through trucks to various
parts of the district from Old Mangalore Port. As this fish catch is consumed locally
and distributed in nearby regions, so it would not present opportunity for waterway.

4.2.5 POL/ LPG Products

POL and LPG Products handled at NMPT would provide opportunity for proposed
waterway on Netravathi & Gurupur river. About 38,325 Trucks of hazardous cargo
could be moved on the waterway using Ro-Ro. However, this opportunity would
realize only based on commercial viability.

4.3 Originating & Terminating commodities

Below table shows the potential traffic generated in hinterland of Gurupur/
Netravathi River along with source and reasoning.

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TABLE 4-21: Identification of Potential Traffic for waterway

Commodity Traffic Source Potential Reasoning

Allotted in the region, could be transported
Fertilizer Catchment Area ✗ by Ro-Ro; however, the volume is very less
to be moved by Ro-Ro.
Hazardous cargo could be removed from
POL & LPG NMPT, MRPL ✓ roadways and shifted to IWT.

Commodities that move on roadways

Container NMPT ✓ towards NMPT could be diverted to the
waterway to remove congestion on roads.

As shown in the above table, fertilizer volume is very less, hence it could not be
moved on Ro-Ro. There is potential to move only POL/ LPG and containers
through Gurupur waterway on Ro-Ro.

4.4 Passenger Traffic

More than 5 lakh people reside in Mangalore and Bantwal talukas. As per the
Survey undertaken in 2006, about 1,400 passengers daily and more than 5 lakh
passengers annually cross Netravathi River by the existing ferry service. About
7,000-8,000 passengers daily and about 23-27 Lakh passengers annually cross
Gurupur River by the existing ferry service.

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FIGURE 4.14: Ferry Movement at Netravathi River

The population of nearby talukas of Netravathi & Gurupur river is likely to grow in
next 10 years. To handle the increased number of passengers, additional
infrastructure like Ferry Terminals, additional Fleet, dredging & maintenance of
waterway would be required. The below images depict existing ferry routes on both
the rivers.

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FIGURE 4.15: Ferry Movement at Gurupur River

TABLE 4-22: Ferry Passengers Traffic at Netravathi River

Survey Location Passenger Traffic (1 day) Per Year (2005)

Pavoor-Adyar 220 80,300
Arthola- Inoli 310 1,13,150
Bajal-Ambligolur 72 26,280
Paringapete-Inoli 61 22,265
Paringapete-Jalakadakatte 82 29,930
Tumbe-Talerogaru 71 25,915
Jakribettu-Narkombu 49 17,885
Navoora-Narkombu 10 3,650
Ajilamagaru-Kadeshivaaya 9 3,285
Serpadi-Barinarur 60 21,900
Talepadavy-Sajapamannur 60 21,900
Talapadi-Mundakodi 98 35,770
Beleyaru-Pavanachalaka 14 5,110
Sajapanadu-Tumbe 138 50,370
Valalu-Mogarj 158 57,670
TOTAL 1,412 5,15,380

Source: Directorate of Ports and Inland Water Transport, GOK: Development of IWT in Karnataka,
2006/ RITES Ltd.

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TABLE 4-23: Ferry Passengers Traffic at Gurupur River

Survey Location Passenger Traffic (1 day) Per Year (2005)

Mangalore- Bangre (South Wharf) 2,960 10,80,400
Mangalore- Bangre (New South Wharf) 4,350 15,87,750
Sultan battery- Tannir bhavi 265 96,725
Total 7,575 27,64,875
Source: Directorate of Ports and Inland Water Transport, GOK: Development of IWT in Karnataka,
2006/ RITES Ltd.

At present, about 5,000- 10,000 passengers per annum move through OMPT to
Lakshadweep islands. The passenger movement was highest, i.e. 10,704 in FY

The figure below shows the present passenger handling at Bengre Jetty (as on
Dec 2022). Presently there are 6 passenger boats (~200 Pax Capacity) deployed
at 3 different jetties in Bengre (2 at each jetty). These jetties are used by local
people to travel other side of the river (majority of them go to beach area), boat
service is available in every 10 mins. In figure below, 1st picture showing around
70-80 people waiting to board boat.

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FIGURE 4.16: Ferry Service at Bengre Terminal (as on Dec 2021)

More than 4.5 lakh people reside in Mangalore taluka and about 35,000 people
live adjacent to Gurupur river. Village wise population near Gurupur river is
mentioned in the below table.

TABLE 4-24: Ferry Passengers Traffic at Gurupur River

District Village Population

Dakshina Kannada Thiruvelu 6,336
Taluka Mangalore Ullaibettu 3,982
Kandavara 3,278
Mallur 2,664

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District Village Population
Adyapadi 2,257
Addur 5,132
Mogaru 2,708
Tankaulipadi 2,092
Muthur 1,487
Kilenjaru 2,856
Kolavur 2,410
Total - 35,202

4.5 Tourism Traffic

Dakshina Kannada being a coastal region and forest region forms an attractive
place for tourism. Some of the popular heritage destinations are Mangaladevi
Temple, Kadri Manjunath Temple, St. Aloysius Chapel, Jain temple (Thousand
Pillars Temple) at Moodbidri, Sultan Battery, Pilgrim Centre and Beach Resort at
Ullal and Karala Temples. There is significant increase in inflow of tourists
throughout the year to these destinations. Every year a large number of tourists
visit Mangalore.

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The major tourist circuits include Mangalore and Udupi. As per Tourist Statistics
from Department of Tourism, Govt. of Karnataka, In FY 16, around 35,20,000
domestic and 247 foreign tourists visited Kateelu. The number of tourists is around
6,01,651 in Pilikula Nisargadhama, 1,21,387 in Thousand Pillars Temple and
51,95,120 in Dharmastala respectively. However, all these famous tourist places
of Mangalore and nearby talukas would not provide opportunity for waterway
because they are easily accessible by roadways. Waterway would attract only
those tourists who intend to visit the tourist sites near the river.

TABLE 4-25: Inflow of Tourists during Peak Season (Dec. - March) in Mangalore &

Year Tourist Inflow Percentage Growth

2006 49,942 -
2007 57,559 15.25
2008 62,276 8.2
Source: Department of Tourism, Mangalore 2008

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FIGURE 4.17: Popular Tourist Spots in the catchment area

Tourism Department of Karnataka state is planning to develop Backwaters of

Netravathi and Gurupur River for houseboats, motorboats and water sports.
Tourism Department is already planning to develop Cruise Tourism in the district.
Tourists could travel along the backwaters and visit various destinations enroute
to experience the diversity of the Western Ghats with its vibrant forests, waterfalls,
wildlife, exquisite temples, beaches and the rich culture of Karnataka. The regular
movement of cruise ships would open opportunities for the proposed waterway.

TABLE 4-26 Statistics of Tourists in popular tourist spots (FY 16)

Name of Tourist Place Taluka Total number of Tourists

Kadri Temple Mangalore 10,00,000
Mangaladevi Temple Mangalore 8,00,000
St Aloysius Chapel Mangalore 2,00,000
Ullal Darga Mangalore 3,00,000
Milagros Church Mangalore 3,00,000
Some famous tourist attractions in the catchment of Netravathi and Gurupur river
are described below. Most of these places are located in Mangalore. Located on
the backwaters formed by joining of Gurupur and Netravathi river, the calm and
scenic beauty of Mangalore makes it a brilliant tourist attraction. The main tourist
attractions are Mangala Devi Temple, Kadri Manjunatha Temple, Kudroli

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Gokarnath Temple, Pilikula Nisagardhama, Someshwar (Somnath) Temple and
Ullal Darga. About 8,000 tourists visited Somnath Temple and Ullal Dargah of
Syed Mohammed Shereeful Madani in 2005.

• Someshwar Temple (Somnath Temple) – Located in Ullal, this temple is near

Someshwar beach, making it a picturesque temple. It is about 13 km away from
Mangalore. Nearest major railways station is Mangalore Railway Station. Local
trains stop at Ullal Railway Station, which is just 1 km from the temple. The best
time to visit this temple is morning or evening time.

• Ullal Darga- The Dargah of Syed Mohammed Shereeful Madani, who is said to
have come to Ullal from Madina, 400 years ago is also famous. An Urus is held
once in five years here. About 8,000 tourists visited Somnath Temple and the
Dargah of Syed Mohammed Shereeful Madani in 2005.

• Mangla Devi Temple – Built in 10th century, this temple is situated about 3 Km
from Mangalore city. The city got its name from the deity the Goddess Mangla.

• Kadri Manjunatha Temple – Based on Kadri hills this temple forms a major
tourist attraction. Dating back to 1068 A.D. the temple has one of the oldest

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idols of Lord Manjunathaswamy. Pilgrims from distant location visit this temple.
Idols of deities, ponds and green gardens are the major attarction of this
temple. The Lokeshwara bronze statue of the Kadri Manjunatha Temple is
tipped to the best bronze statue in India.

• Sultan Battery – Sultan battery is a watchtower of great historic importance built

during Tippu Sultan’s rule in Mysore State. This watchtower was built to keep
an eye on the possible invaders via Gurupur River and the Arabian Sea. This
place attracts nature lovers to get a great view of the sea and the river. The
ferry ride to this place itself is a pleasant experience for tourists.

• St. Aloysius Chapel– This Church is situated 1 Km away from Mangalore city
centre. The walls of the church are adorned with the paintings of Antony
Moshaini, an artist of Italy. The Church was built in year 1899-1900.

There are tourist attractions in Bantwal, like Sri Karinjeshwara Temple, Narahari
Parvata, Nandavara, Shri Tirumala Venkatramana Swamy and Sri
Mahalingeshwara Temple. Bantwal is located near the tail of the navigable length
of Netravati River. It is likely that tourists would use waterway to reach tourist
places in Bantwalby enjoying the scenic beauty of surrounding while sailing

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The main tourist attractions in Puttur are Bendre Theertha, Beeramale Hill and
Aithal Snake Park. Above mentioned tourist places could create traffic potential for
Netravati waterway.

4.6 Road Survey Analysis

As part of the Detailed Project Report, the consultant has collected primary traffic
movement data from the study area. Vehicular traffic was enumerated in the Traffic
Volume Survey to forecast the traffic volume till 2040.

The survey was conducted covering two weekdays during the month of March
2017. Primary data collection was conducted at strategic location, i.e. Thumbe Bus
Stop at Mangalore- Bangalore Highway. The location of the road survey is shown
in below images.

Survey location was determined on the basis of following criteria:

• Thumbe Bus Stop is strategically located between Bantwal and Mangalore.

Cargo movement to/from Bantwal to NMPT is crucial to understand the

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potential for the proposed waterway.

• Thumbe Bus Stop is located near the proposed terminal for the waterway in
Netravathi/ Gurupur River.

• Safety and security of the surveyors, equipment and moving traffic.

FIGURE 4.18: Macro Map of Traffic Survey Location (Thumbe Bus Stop)

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FIGURE 4.19: Traffic Survey Location (Thumbe Bus Stop)

Cameras were installed at Thumbe Bus Stop and data recorded for continuous
two week days. Average 24-hour total traffic flow per direction for each day is taken
during the survey.

Manual Counts conducted at one location; i.e. Thumbe Bus Stop for 24 hours on
2 typical weekdays (Monday & Tuesday). These counts recorded the number of
Government and private vehicles in each category as follows:

• Car/Jeep/Van

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• Taxi
• Auto Rickshaw (3 w)
• Two wheeler
• Tata Magic/ Shared Auto
• Motorised vehicles- Bus (Minibus/Govt. bus/Private bus), School bus
• Goods vehicles- Mini Lcv, Lcv, 2 Axle, 3 Axle, Multi Axle trucks
• Agriculture Tractors- Tractor, Trolly
• Non-motorised vehicle- Hand/animal cart
• Cycle- Cycle, Rickshaw
The below image shows manual traffic count done by Road survey team and
vehicles passing on the highway near Thumbe Bus Stop.

FIGURE 4.20: Manual Traffic Count at Thumbe Bus Stop

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Table below shows Manual Counts of Goods trucks (2 Axle, 3 Axle and multi- Axle)
at the Survey Location. Only these vehicles are considered for the study because
Goods trucks are relevant for Ro-Ro projection, not other passenger vehicles.

TABLE 4-27 Traffic count data from Thumbe Bus Stop)

Day 1
Bantwal to Mangalore
Time (Interval of 4 hours) 2 Axle Truck 3 Axle Truck Multi Axle Truck Total

08.00- 12.00 287 163 167 617

12.00-16.00 223 223 164 610
16.00-20.00 189 159 155 503
20.00-00.00 142 98 135 375
00.00-04.00 19 29 48 96
04.00-08.00 75 66 87 228

Mangalore to Bantwal
Time (Interval of 4 hours) 2 Axle Truck 3 Axle Truck Multi Axle Truck Total
08.00- 12.00 120 75 68 263
12.00-16.00 124 120 76 320

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16.00-20.00 112 99 92 303
20.00-00.00 72 65 76 213
00.00-04.00 9 11 20 40
04.00-08.00 41 31 38 110
Day 2
Bantwal to Mangalore
Time (Interval of 4 hours) 2 Axle Truck 3 Axle Truck Multi Axle Truck Total
08.00- 12.00 213 97 173 483
12.00-16.00 227 125 166 518
16.00-20.00 285 169 181 635
20.00-00.00 169 131 136 436
00.00-04.00 50 65 85 200
04.00-08.00 90 70 91 251
Mangalore to Bantwal
Time (Interval of 4 hours) 2 Axle Truck 3 Axle Truck Multi Axle Truck Total
08.00- 12.00 71 47 55 173
12.00-16.00 123 57 88 268
16.00-20.00 177 76 91 344
20.00-00.00 102 92 104 298
00.00-04.00 27 33 40 100
04.00-08.00 49 28 42 119

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The table above shows traffic of trucks at four hours’ interval. Traffic of every 4
hours is added to reach at the number of 4 hours’ interval. It can be derived from
Table 4-23 that total number of Trucks passed through Mangalore Bangalore
Highway during the survey is 4,952 on typical weekdays. In Day 1, number of
vehicle movement is higher in the morning and afternoon than Day 2. However, in
Day 2, number of vehicles was recorded slightly higher during evening hours.

Day 1

(Number of Vehicles)

















2 Wheelers Auto Cars Bus LCV Trucks Agro/Others

FIGURE 4.21: Traffic Count of Day 1 (Monday) based on category of vehicles and time

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Day 2

(Number of Vehicles)


















2 Wheelers Auto Cars Bus LCV Trucks Agro/Others

FIGURE 4.22: Traffic Count of Day 2 (Tuesday) based on category of vehicles and time

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Chart of Manual Traffic Count

2 Wheelers
35% Auto

9% Cars
6% Trucks

FIGURE 4.23: Chart of Manual Traffic Count

The above graphs depict total number of vehicles moving on Mangalore-

Bangalore Highway during 2 days of traffic survey. The graphs clearly show that
two wheelers movement dominate, followed by cars, jeeps and vans. It is also
clear from the graph that traffic movement was higher in Daytime than night time.

The above Figure shows a summary of the average vehicle classification

distribution across the traffic survey site at Thumbe Bus Stop. 2 Wheelers account

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for the vast majority of traffic (35%), car, jeep, van and taxi are 31% of the flow.
Auto rickshaws, Tata Magic shared auto makes 6% of the traffic. 2 Axle 3 Axle and
multi-axle Vehicles are just 11% of the total traffic. Buses, consist of mini bus,
government bus, private bus and school bus are 9% of the traffic flow.

It is evident that cargo is transported by trucks. The traffic survey shows

dominance of 2 Axle, 3 Axle and multi- Axle trucks in the route. As other small and
large vehicles, like auto rickshaw, cars, buses are irrelevant for the Detailed
Project report; hence the consultant has not considered them for calculation of
average traffic. Daily and annual traffic is based on the number of 2 Axle, 3 Axle
and multi-Axle trucks.

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FIGURE 4.24: Average of Contribution of different vehicles in total traffic

The above graph shows average of vehicle traffic at the survey location. Number
of 2 Wheelers and Passenger vehicles are more than Goods vehicles. Passenger
vehicles include cars, jeep, vans, taxi, auto rickshaws, mini bus, Govt. bus, private

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bus and school bus. Goods vehicles include mini Lcv, Lcv, 2 Axle, 3 Axle and multi
Axle trucks.

2 Axle
3 Axle

Multi Axle

FIGURE 4.25: Contribution of different types of Trucks in total cargo truck traffic

The traffic survey undertaken to assess truck movement between Bantwal to

Mangalore indicates dominance of 2 Axle trucks, followed by Multi Axle trucks. The
percentage shown in the above pie chart indicates percentage of different types of
trucks in total goods truck category. The movement of these goods trucks is
throughout the day.

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(Number of Vehicles)



0 08 - 09
09 - 10
10 - 11
11 - 12
12 -13
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
19 - 20
20 - 21

2 Axle 3 Axle Multi Axle

FIGURE 4.26: Average of Contribution of Cargo Trucks in total truck traffic

The above Figure shows average traffic of various good trucks in hourly basis.
Traffic was at peak during 3 pm-4 pm.

Daily traffic pattern and peak flows at each lane during the survey are presented

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in the below graph.


(Total Number of Vehicle)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Monday Tuesday

FIGURE 4.27: Daily Traffic pattern and peak flows on Monday & Tuesday

In the above daily traffic flow pattern graph, it is evident that Monday has two peak
flow mounts during morning and afternoon, whereas Tuesday has two peak flow
mounts during evening. In the above graph, 24 hours are shown for indicating time.
Here, 1 in Horizontal line (hours) denotes 8- 9 am.

Conclusion of Road Survey

Based on the analysis of Road Survey done on Thumbe Bus Stop, the following
conclusion is drawn.

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• Consultants undertook road survey for movement of vehicles. Road survey
included volume count of all types of vehicles moving from Bantwal to New
Mangalore Port and vice versa. Percentage distributions of types of vehicles
are derived from the survey data, collected between 06 March 2017 and 07
March 2017 to get classified vehicle counts.

• Traffic of truck is higher from Bantwal to Mangalore. Survey done in 2 days

reflects that around 4,952 number of 2,3 and multi Axle trucks moved from
Bantwal to Mangalore.

• Number of trucks from Mangalore to Bantwal was 2,551, which is about half
the numbers of traffic from Bantwal to Mangalore.

• Movement of goods is mostly for export, import through NMPT and

consumption in the hinterland. Hence, these movements would be undertaken
to understand potential to divert cargo traffic to the waterway. This Road survey
is crucial for future projection of Ro-Ro traffic on Netravathi and Gurupur river.

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4.7 Growth Trend

4.7.1 Ro-Ro Traffic

The below table shows number of cargo trucks, observed during Road Survey at
Thumbe Bus Stop near Brahmarakotlu. These numbers of trucks are analysed to
reach at present daily and annual traffic, including hazardous and non-hazardous

TABLE 4-28 Methodology for Ro-Ro Traffic based on number of trucks at Thumbe
Bus Stop

(Unit- in Number)

2 Axle 3 Axle Multi Axle

Truck Truck Truck
Cargo (Net Average both ways) 493 349 397
LPG 0 0 45
POL Products 20 20 20
Total Average Hazardous Cargo 20 20 65
Total Average Non Hazardous Cargo 473 329 332

Market Share - Non Hazardous Cargo- 20%

Market Share - Hazardous Cargo- 100%
Assumed Traffic (Daily) 115 86 132
Total daily traffic (2, 3, Multi-Axle Trucks) 333
Annual Traffic 1,21,545

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As shown in the above table, it is evident that Total Average hazardous cargo is
less. Total Average of hazardous cargo is excluded from Net average cargo
(both ways) to reach at the number of total average of Non hazardous cargo.
The consultant has considered 100% market share of hazardous cargo as
potential market for the waterway, assuming that Government would make
policies to remove hazardous cargo from roadways for safety. Hence, all the
hazardous cargo would be shifted to the proposed waterway.

The consultant has considered 20% of Non-hazardous cargo to shift to the

waterway, assuming that industries would be resistant to switch the mode of
transportation and other factors. After taking the market share of both types of
commodities, daily traffic is assumed. Based on daily traffic, annual traffic is
calculated, which is 1,21,545 trucks, including 2, 3 and multi-Axle trucks.

✓ Hazardous Cargo- Hazardous cargo, like POL and LPG products move
from/to NMPT and Bantwal. At present, these hazardous cargoes are moved
in tankers by roadways. The routes on which these tankers are moved, run
parallel to Netravathi and Gurupur River, there is a definite case of moving this
hazardous cargo through Gurupur/ Netravathi river through Ro-Ro services.

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This potential to move about 38,325 Trucks of POL and LPG products annually
through the proposed waterway can be evaluated further

The below table shows cargo movement by trucks from NMPT towards Bantwal
and vice versa. The data is a result of Road Survey done in this route for two
days at Thumbe Bus Stop, refer Section 4.7 Road Survey Analysis. Based on
the below data, traffic for Ro-Ro is calculated and future projection is done.

TABLE 4-29 Cargo Movement by trucks from NMPT to/from Bantwal on number of
trucks at Thumbe Bus Stop

2 Axle Truck 3 Axle Multi Axle

Truck Truck
Bantwal to NMPT
Day 1 3 9 10
Day 2 3 11 12
Average 3 10 11
NMPT to Bantwal
Day 1 6 10 7
Day 2 14 7 14
Average 10 9 11
Net Average both ways traffic
Net Average 7 10 11

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✓ Food Grains- About 4% of total food grains produced, about 16,545 Tonnes
of food grains can be transferred to IWT through Ro-Ro.

✓ Fertilizers- Out of 13,048 Tonnes of Fertilizer is allotted to Mangalore,

Buntwal & Puttur taluka, about 10% (1,300 T) can move through Gurupur/
Netravathi River through Ro-Ro facilities.

✓ Minerals- The mineral reserves on the catchment area produce very less
minerals. Other reserves do not extract ores, as their volume is very less.
Hence, there exists no potential from minerals for the proposed waterway.

✓ Industries- Industries in the catchment area are mostly located near NMPT
and have good road/rail connectivity; hence at present, there is no potential
for Ro-Ro traffic from industries. If in future, Government makes regulations
to shift road cargo to waterway to decongest roadways, then the regional
industries would provide opportunity for the waterway.

✓ Cargo from OMPT- A portion, about 15,000- 18,000 Tonnes of building

material, Granite and Laterite could be moved through Netravathi river to

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Gurupur and Netravati rivers have wide range of commodities for transportation of
waterways. The diversified number of commodity requires different types of vessels
for transportation on waterways. The volume of commodtities traded is small. This
would lead to under utilization of vessels deployed for transportation of cargo on
For example, a river bulk carrier could carry building materials and Food grains after
clearning the cargo hold. This translates into an annual volume of 30,000 tonnes. A
vessels of 1,500 DWT would be able to make only 20 trips during whole year. The
vessel vessels would remain idle for rest of the time.

Selection and deployment of Ro-Ro vessels would bring uniformity in cargo

transportation over rivers of Mangalore (Gurupur and Netravati). Same vessel could
be used to carry Food grains, Building materials or any other cargo. This would
increase utilization of vessels, reduce vessels related capital and operational cost.
The Ro-Ro vessels would also bring down handling cost at river terminals. Hence,
Ro-Ro vessel is the most suitable type of vessels for carrying diversified cargo.
However, the above-mentioned diversion would only take place through regulatory
interferences to reduce congestion of Mangalore city roads. The multimodal routes
incur additional cost on end to end transportation due to multiple cost and time

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involved while changing modes of transporation. Cost of proposed multimodal route
is further evaluated in the following section.

Logistics Cost Analysis

The section below discusses the logistics cost comparison between existing mode
(Road) and proposed IWT for ro-ro movement. This will help to understand the
commercial viability of ro-ro movement on River Netravati and Gurupur.

The ideal condition that could drive the business in IWT’s favour will rest primarily on the
integrated logistics costs involved. The current transportation logistics adopted by the
industries is indicative of their preference for moving their cargo to/from NMPT. Proposing
traffic shift to a different mode requires a strong and a practical driving factor. Lower
integrated logistics cost, as compared to road logistics cost, can act as the most ideal
distinguishing criterion in this regard. The following illustrates time and distance
difference between the current roadway movement and potential ro–ro operation using
the River Netravati and Gurupur:


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Time: 10 hrs. 10 Mins

River Netravati (NW-43)

Distance: 409 Km
Time: 45 Mins
Distance: 10 Km

River Netravati (NW-74)

OMPT Thumbe
Distance: 23.5 Km
Roadway ( ) Time: 1 hr. 40 Mins
• Distance: 436 km
Load / Unload + Misc. Time – 1 hr. 30 Mins
• Time: 10 hrs. 50 Mins

Multimodal Proposed Route ( )

• Distance: 442.5 km
Note: All calculations are without custom clearance
• Time: 14 hrs.

FIGURE 4.28: Time & Distance Comparison

It is clear from the graphical representation above that time required to cover the
distance to reach NMPT is more in case of multimodal route. Therefore, time and
cost involved in multimodal transportation is also more compared to roadway.
Proposed IWT route also involves multiple handling of trucks. This adds to the total
logistic cost involved in transportation. The table below shows the assumptions

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considered while calculating logistics cost differences between roadways and
proposed IWT.

TABLE 4-30 Assumptions for Calculating Logistics Cost

Assumptions Unit Case I Case II

Route - Central Karnataka - NMPT
Road Distance km 436
Road Distance (Central Karnataka - Thumbe) km 409
River Distance (Thumbe - NMPT) km 33.5
Ro-Ro Vessel Capacity Trucks 15 (15 TEU)
Berth Hire charge Vessel/ Day 1,500
Terminal Charges per Truck 300
Fairway Usage Cost GRT/Km -
Engine Power kw 2 x 250 2 x 150
Engine fuel requirement l/hr 87 31
Ro-Ro Vessel Speed Knots 8 8
Fuel Price INR 94 94
Charter Rates (INR/Trip) INR/trip 90,000 90,000

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The chart below shows logistics comparison in two different cases under Ro-Ro
cost dynamics. In Case I, IWAI designed and built Ro-Ro vessels has been
considered. IWAI built 10 vessels of this specification at Cochin Shipyard for
deployment in National waterwasys of India. These vessels have a cumulative
engine power of 250 kw and they can carry 15 TEU. For a further elaborate
comparision and sensitivity analysis based on reducing engine capacity has been
made as part of Case II. In Case II, same vessels operating cost has been
calculated and compared with a reduced engine power of 150 kw.

FIGURE 4.29: Logistics Cost Comparison

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Two synopses have been considered to arrive at logistic cost for a possible Ro-Ro
service on the proposed IWT route. In case of Ro-Ro logistics cost analysis, Ro-
Ro Tariff assumes costs related to the multi-modal logistics. This includes nominal
fairway charges, charges associated with vessel chartering and the associated
fuel cost, and port-related charges (berth hire and port dues). Traffic diversion from
road to waterway encompass cost saving in relation to truck transportation cost.
Primarily, this saving is on fuel cost and toll charges. While calculating Ro-Ro cost
dynamics, these haven’t been considered, as these costs would never factor in
Ro-Ro transportation logistics. In case of truck cost dynamics, there are other
parameters that influence the total roadway logistics cost. These include Repair &
Maintenance cost, driver/crew wages, truck finance cost, profit & other costs.
Including these for truck logistics analysis will necessitate inclusion of the same
cost factor in case of Ro-Ro cost dynamics.

However, these costs will be abolished, as their impact on both the logistics cost
dynamics would result in a similar growth in cost leading to a similar logistics cost

It is assumed that IWAI would develop the entire infrastructure (Terminal &

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Navigation), and hand it over to the operator without looking to recover the
development cost. It is also assumed that IWAI would not take Terminal charges,
Fairway usage charges, etc. in order to promote any Ro-Ro service on the
proposed waterway.

Costs involved in both the Ro-Ro cases are on the higher side when compared to
roadways. The difference between the two discussed transportation modes is in
the range of INR 6,000 to INR 7,000 per truck. In case of just Ro-Ro cost
comparison, Case II is marginally cheaper than Case I i.e INR 790/truck.

• Ro-Ro terminal with subsidy

It is visible from the logistics cost comparison that both the cases of waterway
movement are costlier than current mode of transportation using roadways by a
significant margin. As per Case I (higher engine power 250 kw), the logistics cost
difference for roadway and waterway is INR 6,993/truck. Cost of transporting per
truck on the waterway with considered engine configuration would be more than
twice as expensive as roadway. In Case II (Lower engine power 150 kw), leads to
reduced cost difference (INR 6,203/truck).

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In case of development of inland waterway on Netravathi and Gurupur river, IWAI
needs to provide the cost difference per truck as subsidy to transporters. It is
necessary to provide subsidy as well as incentives due to increase time and
distance of transportation through waterway and to shift existing traffic to
waterway. IWAI should carry costs associated with maintenance of the Terminal
(repairs and maintenance) and the navigation infrastructure (dredging, night
navigation, buoys, etc.). Only in case of subsidy and incentives, projected traffic
(Table 4-30) could be attained on the proposed waterway on Netravathi and
Gurupur River.

• Ro-Ro terminal without subsidy

Industry could be directed to shift to waterway by local authorities on account of

safety and congestion reduction on the roads of Mangalore city. The trucks carry
high value hazardous cargo on the roads. The cost differential of Rs 6,000 to Rs
8,000 per truck would create minimal impact on their operational profits. The
transportation industry would not volunteerly shift to watereways incurring higher
costs. Hence, implementation of regulatory guideline by local authorities is
mandatory for shift.

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The industry would need either regulatory guidelines or subsidy equivalent to the
cost differential between road and waterway.

4.7.2 Passenger and Tourist Traffic

✓ At present, about 7,500 passengers cross Gurupur River every day. About
23- 27 lakh passengers use the Ferry services to cross Gurupur River
✓ The entire passenger traffic moves across the river stretches for crossing
✓ About 35,000 people live adjacent to Gurupur River.
✓ Passenger traffic is an existing opportunity for the waterway.
✓ Tourist traffic in Netravathi river in 2005 was 8,000. Keeping tourist traffic
8,000 of 2005 as base year, it could be estimated that tourist traffic of 2016
would be 13,683.
✓ Karnataka Tourism Policy 2015-20 have identified 319 tourism destinations
in Karnataka. Mangalore falls in the list of 41 focus tourism destinations
which are prioritized for development. This development is going to
increase the tourist footfalls in the region. IWT development on River
Netravati and Gurupur would attract tourists in the region and boost local
economy. Tourists would use proposed IWT service for touring around and
grab an opportunity to have a closer look at beauty of nature by sightseeing.

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4.7.3 FSR & DPR Comparison
The below table shows comparison of FSR and DPR study. Commodities that are
considered for DPR are presented along with reasoning. Commodities, which were
considered for FSR, but were not considered in DPR are also mentioned with

TABLE 4-31 Analysis of FSR Study

Commodity Company Considered DPR Reasoning

(Source) in DPR (Potential)
Mineral Extracted Mostly consumed locally,
(Building from ✓ ✓ a portion moves to
Material) catchment Lakshadweep by OMPT,
area/ OMPT which can be diverted to
Food Grains Produced in Available in less quantity
catchment ✓ ✓
Fish Catch Mangalore & Available in less quantity,
catchment ✓ ✗ consumed locally &
area distributed in neighboring
Fertilizer & MCF, India Available in less quantity
✓ ✗

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Chemicals Potash,
Allotted in
Hazardous NMPT, MRPL For removing hazardous
cargo (POL ✓ ✓ cargo from city roads,
& LPG) they could be diverted to
waterway, using Ro-Ro,
Containers NMPT Containers could be
✓ ✓ diverted to waterway to
decongest NH 73 & NH
Industries MCF, KIOCL, NMPT is near; there is
BASF, ✓ ✗ good road/rail
Industrial connectivity. Industries
Estate would not opt for
Passengers Population of Ferry service is available.
catchment ✓ ✓
Tourism Tourist sites Tourism likely to grow in
near the river ✓ ✓ future.

4.8 Forecasting & Potential IWT Assumption

The below mentioned factors are considered for forecasting traffic for the
proposed waterway.

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4.8.1 Cargo Traffic
Consultant had undertaken road survey to quantify port-based cargo moving on
the roads of Mangalore city. Mostly high value, hazardous cargo could be
diverted to river.

• POL/ LPG movement could be shifted to IWT on Ro-Ro vessels Hazardous

cargo needs to be removed from roadways. Government policies for
removal of hazardous cargo from roadways would promote the use of
• Containers could also be moved using Ro-Ro on Netravathi and Gurupur
river to remove congestion on roads.
• Food grains and Building material are potential cargo, which would reach
OMPT. These cargos would be destined to Lakshadweep Island.

The state Government of Karnataka prepared a DPR for transportation of cargo

on the rivers of Netravati and Gurupur. The projected traffic by state government
has been confirmed by the Ministry of Shipping and IWAI for development of
river transportation on Gurupur and Netravati.

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The consultant has considered the projected traffic based on the development
plans of Govt. of Karnataka and Road Survey. Following table shows projection
for future traffic in the waterway based on data provided by state Govt. of

TABLE 4-32 Future Cargo Traffic (MT) and No of Trucks

Annual Daily
Year Gurupur Netravati Total
Trucks Trucks
2019 70,000 - 70,000 3,889 13
2020 71,918 - 71,918 3,995 14
2025 82,326 - 82,326 4,574 16
2030 268,128 540,397 808,524 44,918 148
2035 306,930 618,601 925,531 51,418 170
2040 351,348 708,122 1,059,470 58,859 194
Source: Directorate of Ports and Inland Water Transport, Govt. of Karnataka

4.8.2 Passenger Traffic

There exists 3 ferry lines on River Gurupur for across the river movement. Around
7,000 to 8,000 of passengers are handle by these ferry lines on daily basis, i.e.,
makes up to 27 lakhs annually. Ullal and Mangalore are the busiest node in the
region. More than 5.5 lakhs people resides in the villages nearby. Based on the
traffic handled at existing ferry lines, it is assumed that atleast 20% of the local

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population from nearby villages would annually using proposed IWT route i.e River
Gurupur. Population figure is taken as per the census 2011. Assumed passenger
traffic for River Gurupur is further projected at the growth rate of 1.5% year on year.
The table below shows the passenger traffic projections that River Gurupur would
handle till FY40.

TABLE 4-33 Passenger Traffic Projections

Year Annually Traffic Daily Traffic

2011 2,876,952 9,590
2020 3,277,894 10,927
2025 3,524,310 11,748
2030 3,789,249 12,631
2035 4,074,105 13,581
2040 4,380,375 14,602
One terminal is proposed near Ashok Nagar on River Gurupur for handling above
projected local tourist and passenger traffic. This service will be operational for the
people travelling between Mangalore and Bengre / Ullal. Existing jetties near
Bengre could be used to embark/disembark on the other end of the River Gurupur.

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Few jetties already exist near Bengre and Ullal, developing additional jetty is not

4.8.3 Tourist
As discussed in above section, catchment area of River Gurupur and Netravati
falls under list of 41 destination that are on priority list of tourism development. As
per the coastal study conducted by state government, in FY15 Mangalore and
Udupi experienced 35.5 lakhs of tourist footfalls. It is estimated that 1.5% of these
tourists would use IWT service for sight-seeing. Estimated tourist traffic is further
projected based on the year-on-year growth rate of 8.5%. The table below shows
the tourist traffic projections for the proposed waterways.

TABLE 4-34 Tourist Traffic Projections

Year Annually Traffic Daily Traffic

2016 53,000 177
2020 73,000 244
2025 110,000 367
2030 166,000 554
2035 250,000 834
2040 377,000 1,257

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Terminal proposed to handle above projected tourist traffic is near Thumbe Village
on River Netravati. Ferry service for tourists would be operated between both the
proposed terminals i.e Near Ashok Nagar on River Gurupur and near Thumbe
Village on River Netravati. Development of River Netravati would be undertaken
in Phase II, based on the success rate of River Gurupur.

4.9 Proposed IWT Terminal Location

As per detailed analysis, it has been proposed to develop 2 IWT terminals on the
proposed waterway; one at Gurupur river and the other at Netravati river. At
present, there exist ferry services operational at the navigable stretch of Netravati
and Gurupur river. Point A and Point B Location are identified to develop IWT
terminal. Both the rivers are proposed to develop in phased manner. The
development is proposed FY:23-24 onwards to handle local Ro-Ro and
passengers/tourists’ traffic.

Point A (Near Ashok Nagar) - This terminal on Gurupur river is proposed near
Ashok Nagar. The location of this proposed IWAI Terminal is near the Ch. 8 km,

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located in the back side of the NMPT with approx. Lat 12°54‘13.27"N and Long
74°48‘56.97"E on the right bank.

NMPT guesthouse and Kasba Bengre are near to this proposed terminal. A small
road passes through this proposed terminal. This landing point is close to NMPT.
Proposed terminal would be used to reach Old Mangalore and Bengre. OMPT and
Existing jetties near Bengre could be used to embark/disembark on the other side
of the Gurupur river.

FIGURE 4.30: Proposed Terminal Location- Point A

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Point B (Thumbe Village)- This proposed IWAI terminal on Netravati river would
be located at Thumbe village. It is near the Ch. 22.50 km located in the
downstream of Thumbe Barrage with approx. Lat 12°52’23.06"N and Long
75°00’03.71"E on the right bank. NH 73 passes through this proposed terminal.
The terminal would be used for Ro-Ro to reach NMPT and Passenger/ tourist
movement to enjoy sightseeing through sailing on River Netravati.

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FIGURE 4.31: Proposed Terminal Location- Point B

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TABLE 4-35: Terminal & Commodity Wise Projection

Origin Final Destinati

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N Name of Type of Termin Co-ordinates Desti -on Unit Fy- Fy- Fy- Fy- Fy-
Origin s Fy-40
o Cargo Cargo al on (Origin) natio Terminal p.a. 19 20 25 30 35
NW n on NW
Proposed Terminal Opportunity for IWAI
'000 MT 70.0 71.9 82.3 268.1 306.9 351.3
Local Ashok 12°54'13.27"N
1 Ro-Ro Mangalore OMPT - - '000
Cargo Nagar 74°48'56.97"E 3.9 4.0 4.6 14.9 17.1 19.5
12°54'13. '000 MT 0.0 0.0 0.0 540.4 618.6 708.1
Central 12°52'23.06"N Ashok 27"N
2 Container Ro-Ro Thumbe NMPT
Karnataka 75° 0'03.71"E Nagar 74°48'56. '000 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 34.4 39.3
97"E Trucks
'000 MT 70.0 71.9 82.3 808.5 925.5 1,059.5
Total Cargo Traffic '000
3.9 4.0 4.6 44.9 51.4 58.9
Passen Ashok 12°54'13.27"N Bengr No. in
3 Residents Mangalore - - 32.8 35.2 37.9 40.7 43.8
gers Nagar 74°48'56.97"E e Lakhs
12°52'23.06"N Mang Ashok 27"N No. in
4 Tourists Tourists Thumbe Thumbe 1.7 2.5 3.8
75° 0'03.71"E alore Nagar 74°48'56. Lakhs
No. in
Total Passenger Traffic 0.0 32.8 35.2 39.6 43.2 47.6

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4.10 Conclusion
Two locations have been identified for development of Ro-Ro terminal on River
Gurupur and Netravati i.e Ashok Nagar on River Gurupur and Thumbe on River
Netravati. Both the terminals would be constructed as an intertwined development of
tese two waterways.

4.10.1 Cargo Traffic

The State Government should encourage industries to use IWT for cargo movement,
to remove congestion on existing modes. A shift from road and railway to IWT could
lead to emission savings. Implementation of Ro-Ro could happen through regulatory
migration & subsidy, incentives provided by the Government. Government should
implement policy & directive to industries to stop using road/ rail for transporting
hazardous cargo and shift them to waterway. Waterway is an environmentally safe
and clean mode of transportation. Trucks and trailers carrying LPG and other

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petroleum products from MRPL to Bangalore have been frequent cause of accidents
on NH 48, Mangalore-Bangalore National Highway. This necessitates an urgent need
to divert vehicles like trucks, lorries, oil tankers bound for Bangalore to IWT.

4.10.2 Passenger and Tourist Traffic

River Gurupur is proposed to cater to the Mangalore – Bengre traffic. Few jetties
already exist on River Gurupur near Bengre / Ullal. These jetties could use to embark
/ disembark on the other mouth of the river. Proposed terminal on River Netravati
would be used for tourist movement. Tourists can board the ferry from Thumbe and
take a tour till Mangalore to enjoy the scenic beauty and nearby tourist spots. Ferry
service for Passenger and local tourists would get started in Phase I (FY23) on River
Gurupur, while tourist ferry service on River Netravati is proposed to develop in Phase
II (FY30). Mangalore and Udupi are identified as one of the 41 focused tourist
destination for development on priority basis. This development will enhance the
tourism sector of the region and attract more tourist footfalls. Developing IWT for
tourism purpose will further help to augment the tourism of the taluka and boost the
local economy.

Abbreviation Full Form

km Kilometer
km2 Square Kilometer
NCA Net Sown Area

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GCA Gross Cropped Area
Ha Hectare
FY Financial Year
IWT Inland Water Transport
Sq. km. Square Kilometre
Sq. Ft. Square Feet
MW Mega Watt
Mn TPA Million Tonne Per Annum
T Tonne
MT Metric Tonne
MMT Million Metric Tonne
NH National Highway
Pvt. Ltd. Private Limited
Ltd. Limited
INR Indian Rupee
CR Crore
Misc. Miscellaneous

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GDP Gross domestic product
MSME Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
SEZ Special Economic Zone
MSEZ Mangalore Special Economic Zone
PCE Poly carboxyl Ether
DAP Diammonium Phosphate
Ro-Ro Roll-on Roll-off

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5.1 General Review

Terminals act as a connecting center for shift of cargo and passengers from one mode
to other mode. Inland Waterway Terminal (IWT) is a hub centre with a facility of
connecting transport mode from / to the vessels on the water body to land provisioned
with all the related infrastructure facilities like structure for berthing of vessels; facilities
for loading / unloading of cargo; embarkation / disembarkation of passengers; storing /
resting of cargo / passengers; connectivity to other modes of transport etc.

5.2 Identification and Site Location

Planning of the Inland Water Terminal location predominantly depends on the Traffic
Origination and Traffic Destination criteria, which gives impetus to movement of traffic
in inland waterways. Subsequent to the above, the site location in the vicinity can be

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considered duly taking into consideration of various influencing parameters, as below.
In most of the cases the site location may not fulfil the idealistic scenario. However, the
possibility of zeroing to a most suitable site may be possible based on certain basic
parameters, as detailed.

Backup Land availability / Stability of Bank / Water Depth availability in Lean season /
Velocity & Discharge both in Lean season and Flood season / Approach Road /
Possibility of Rail connectivity / Nearness to City or Town / Availability of essential
services / Impact of Social, Ecological & Environmental aspects etc.

In the morphological rivers, due to seasonal precipitation there are fluctuations in river
flow and the rapid changes in water flow causes shift in the location of the deep channel
and also results in erosion of banks and siltation. Accordingly, the basic requirement of
an inland terminal is to ensure a permanent access to the navigational channel
throughout the year. Keeping in view the above all, the terminal site locations have
been considered on Gurupur River & Netravathi River.

5.2.1 Gurupur River

Gurupur River passes through the Kannad district of Karnataka.The Gurupur River
(also known as Phalguni River or Kulur River) originates in the Western Ghats at an
elevation of 1100m above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) and joins the Arabian Sea at

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Mangalore in the Karnataka state. The Gurupur river forms the northern boundary of
Mangalore city.

The river in the study stretch is well connected with both Rail & Road network within
5.0km of distance from the nearest industrial area.

At present, it is being utilised by ferry service from Mangalore Port to Begna Village.
Four Ferry Services are operational, BMS Ferry, Bengre Ferry, Sulthan Ferry & Fatima
Ferry. This stretch is being utilized extensively by Fishing Trawlers berthing on the
banks on both the sides.

Important industries within 50 km of Gurupur River are

1. New Managalore Port (NMPT) on the North Bank

2. Old Mangalore Port (OMPT) at the South Bank
3. Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd
4. Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited (KIOCL)
5. Baigampady Industrial Area
6. Bharti Ship Yard

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7. Old fishing dock

Taking into the consideration the origin, destination and fairway, the most probable
location for terminal have been considered at approx Lat 12°54' 13.27"N and Long
74°48' 56.97"E. The development shall be considered of the study stretches of Gurupur
river for about 10.141 Kms with Class IV system of the NW standards.

FIGURE 5.1: Route between the end points of Gurupur waterway

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The traffic volumes, as identified at Gurupur are liquid cargo & Ro-Ro. A tentative land
requirement has been worked out before undertaking the Land Survey etc., duly
considering the following requirements for the proposed Ro-Ro operation.

Gurupur River - Terminal Land Area Requirement

Sl Area
Facility Nos. Size
No. (in Sq-m)
1 Open Mobility Area 1 60 m x 40 m 2400
2 Covered Storage Godown (Nominal) 1 40m x 20m 800
3 Vehicles Parking 1 15m x 10m 150
4 40' Container Stack Yard 1 40m x 20m 800
5 Parking for Handling equipments 15m x 10m 150
6 Main Parking Area 1 30m x 30m 900
7 Public Utility 1 6m x 4m 24
8 Weigh bridge 1 8m x 3m 24
9 Utility Room (Near Weigh Bridge) 1 3m X3m 9
10 Area under internal & external Roads 1 600m x 7.5m 4500
11 Administration building 1 12 m x 15 m 180
12 Staff Parking Area-4 wheelers 1 13.5m x 6m 81

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13 Staff Parking Area-2 wheelers 1 8m x 2m 16
14 Security shed for watch and ward 2 4m x 4m 32
15 Electrical facility 1 5m x 5m 25
16 Fuel Bunkers 1 10m x 5m 50
17 Water Supply Room 1 3m x 4m 12
18 Fire and Safety Room 1 3m x 4m 12
19 DGPS receiver & transmitter shed 1 8m x 4m 32
20 DG shed 1 5m x 5m 25
21 Canteen with Store 1 12m x 8m 96
22 Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) 1 15m x 15m 225
23 Overhead Tank 1 10m dia 100
24 Green Area 1 1000
25 Future Requirement 1 2000
Total Area 13643

5.2.2 Netravathi River

The Netravathi River passes through Chikamangaluru & Dakshin Kannad Distt of
Karnataka State. The River originates from Bangrabalige valley, Yelaneeru Ghat
in Kudremukh in Chikkamagaluru district of Karnataka. It flows through the famous
pilgrimage place Dharmasthala and is considered as one of the Holy Rivers of
India. The combined stream passes over a rocky bed to Buntwal and flows for a
distance of 35km in plain area and joins Arabian Sea at Mangalore old port, south
of Mangalore city.The river is under tidal effect of the Arabian Sea (backwater effect)

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up to Brahmarakotlu about 23.5 km from sea. There are one barrages and five dams
existing across the declared stretch of Netravathi River (NW-74) waterway.

Netravati River - Terminal Land Area Requirement

Sl Area
Facility Nos. Size
No. (in Sq-m)
Open Mobility Area 1 75 m x 40 m 3000
Covered Storage Godown (Nominal) 1 40m x 20m 800
Vehicles Parking 1 15m x 10m 150
40' Container Stack Yard 1 40m x 20m 800
5 Parking for Handling equipments 15m x 10m 150
6 Main Parking Area 1 30m x 30m 900
7 Public Utility 1 6m x 4m 24
8 Weigh bridge 1 8m x 3m 24
9 Utility Room (Near Weigh Bridge) 1 3m X3m 9
10 Area under internal & external Roads 1 600m x 7.5m 4500
11 Administration building 1 12 m x 15 m 180
12 Staff Parking Area-4 wheelers 1 13.5m x 6m 81
13 Staff Parking Area-2 wheelers 1 8m x 2m 16

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14 Security shed for watch and ward 2 4m x 4m 32
15 Electrical facility 1 5m x 5m 25
16 Fuel Bunkers 1 10m x 5m 50
17 Water Supply Room 1 3m x 4m 12
18 Fire and Safety Room 1 3m x 4m 12
19 DGPS receiver & transmitter shed 1 8m x 4m 32
20 DG shed 1 5m x 5m 25
21 Canteen with Store 1 12m x 8m 96
22 Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) 1 15m x 15m 225
23 Overhead Tank 1 10m dia 100
24 Green Area 1 1000
25 Future Requirement 1 2000
Total Area 14243
At present, it is being utilised by Ferry Services at 3 routes, namely, Sajipanadu-
Thumbe, Jalakadakatte-Parangipet and Adyar-Pavoor through various routes. Cargo
movement is only at the mouth of the river i.e. at Old Mangalore Port (OMPT).
Passenger transport is significant in this waterway and about 1.36 lakh passengers are
using ferry services per year.

Important industries within 50 km are BASF India Limited, Bharat Petroleum LPG
Bottling Plant, Total LPG India, Strides Arco Lab & Speciality Ltd., Mangalore
Chemicals & Fertilizers and Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. Taking into the
consideration the origin and destination and fairway, the most probable location has
been considered at approx Lat 12°52'23.06"N and Long 75°00'3.71"E. The

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development shall be considered of the study stretches of Netravati river for about
22.90kms upto thumbe barrage with Class IV system of the NW standards.

FIGURE 5.2: Route between the end points of Netravati waterway

However, keeping in view the Traffic identified at Netravathi, 1 Roll-on Roll-off (Ro-Ro)
Berthing facility and IWT Terminal has been planned. Thus, these expected traffic

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arrivals are to be taken into consideration for IWAI Terminal development on Netravathi
River. A tentative Land requirement has been worked out before undertaking the Land
Survey etc., duly considering the following requirements for the proposed Ro-Ro

5.3 Terminal Layout / Master Planning including

phases of development

The Ro-Ro terminal on Gurupur River (NW-43) is located at Ashok Nagar, Kasba
Bengre on at Ch.7.51kms & downstream of Thumbe barrage proposed at Ch.
22.50kms on the right bank to cater the Ro-Ro traffic which will also serve to cross the
river. The riverine and landside infrastructure proposed for the Ro-Ro terminal are
robust structures and provide safe birthing of the vessels.

The Gurupur Terminal layout of the identified site based on the site land survey data
available has been prepared. Refer Volume-II Drawing No. P.010256-W-20351-X02. With
regard to the land, there is no need of consideration of any phased development, since
the ground development shall be taken up at initial phase itself. Accordingly, a layout
plan demarcating the infrastructure requirement is developed Refer Volume-II Drawing
No. P.010256-W-20311-A02 for details.

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FIGURE 5.3: Site Layout plan of proposed Ro-Ro terminal (A) at Ashok Nagar

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The Netravati Terminal layout of the identified site based on the site land survey data
available has been prepared. Refer Volume-II Drawing No. P.010257-W-20351-X05. With
regard to the Land, there is no need of consideration of any phased development, since
the ground development shall be taken up at initial phase itself.

Accordingly, a Netravati terminal layout plan demarcating the infrastructure

requirement is developed in the downstream of Thumbe barrage Refer Volume-II
Drawing No. P.010257-W-20311-A05 for details.

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FIGURE 5.4: Site Layout plan of proposed Ro-Ro terminal (B) at downstream of
Thumbe Barrage (Netravati River)

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5.4 Land Details
The Land area identified on both the rivers are placed herewith

Terminal Land Details on Gurupur River

Coordinates (UTM)
1426491.94 480020
Coordinates (DMS)
N/E 12°54' 13.27"N 74° 48' 56.97"E
Village Ashok Nagar
Taluka Mangalore (Urban)
District Dakshin Kannada
State Karnataka
Nearest Town Mangaluru
Distance of town (km) 1
Land use GMR owned land
Ownership GMR owned land
Water Distance on edge
Nearest Road on NMPT internal road
Road Distance (m) 100
Nearest Railhead NMPT Rail Terminal
Railhead Distance 5km

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Coordinates (UTM)
1426491.94 480020
Coordinates (DMS)
N/E 12°54' 13.27"N 74° 48' 56.97"E
Nearby major
NMPT port
Terrain Flat land/ Fenced land
Blackish Yellow Medium Dense Silty Sand followed with
Soil/Subsurface strata
Reddish Yellow Dense Silty Sand
Surveyed Area
40542 Sq.m

Terminal Land Details on Netravati River

Coordinates (UTM) N/E 1423099 500111.81

Coordinates (DMS) N/E 12°52'23.06"N 75° 0'3.71"E.
Village Thumbe
Taluka Bantwal
District Dakshin Kannada

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State Karnataka
Nearest Town Thumbe
Distance of town (km) 2
Land use Barren land/open land
Ownership Private
Water Distance on edge
Nearest Road Mangalore-Mysore Highway
Road Distance (m) on edge
Nearest Railhead Bantwal Rly stn
Railhead Distance 5km
Nearby major Structure Thumbe Barrage
Terrain river bank land with mild slopes
sandy silty mixed clay with cobbles, pebbles
Soil/Subsurface strata
Surveyed Area (Approx) 29264 (m2)

5.5 Geotechnical Investigations

Geotechnical investigation has been carried out at the proposed terminal location to
find out the subsoil stratification in the project area and to collect data for deciding type

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of foundation and the design foundation. The scope of geotechnical investigation work
consists of one bore hole at terminal estimated up to a depth of 25.6m below EGL.

5.5.1 Regional Geology

Karnataka forming a part of the Indian Shield is constituted of rock formations ranging
in age from 3300 m.y. to 5 m.y. Barring a narrow coastal strip of about 5000 sq.km of
Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and another 31,250 sq.km of Deccan basalts, the
remaining area is dominated by Archaean-Proterozoic rocks. Mysore Plateau,
geologically constituted of Dharwar Craton comprises of greenstone-granite belts,
gneisses and granulites. Greenstone belts essentially consist of meta-volcano
sedimentary sequences, surrounded and dissected by Peninsular Gneiss. At the
southern end of the craton these give way to granulite suite of rocks. The craton
preserves a billion-year orogenic history from 3400 m.a. to 2400 m.a. Epicratonic or
intracratonic sedimentary basins called Purana Basins occupy the northern segment
of the craton whose northern part in turn is concealed by Deccan basalts. Thus

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younging of lithosequence from south to north is evident.
The majority of the rock sequences of Karnataka are lateritised due to their exposure
to suitable climatic conditions for a prolonged period. These laterites occur as extensive
cappings in the Western Ghats and in coastal plains. Their thickness ranges from a
few cm to as much as 60 m. Based on their elevation level, two types are identified,
one at +600 m elevation confined to Western Ghats and the other fringing the coastal
lines along the west. The later type is gravelly to sandy in texture and appears to be
transported, whereas those confined to Ghats are homogenous and less sandy. In the
hinter land of southern Karnataka also vast tracts of laterite are reported in the north
and northeastern part of Bangalore district and in parts of Kolar district. In the Deccan
Plateau region, thick carpet of laterite capping the Deccan basalts and sandstones of
Badami sequence are a common feature. Lateritisation is considered to have taken
place during Pliocene-Pliestocene period since the Warkhali Beds of Miocene too were

Geologically, the project area is covered under the survey of India toposheet no 48L13
and is covered under the geological quadrangle map 48L (Kasargod-Mangalore
quadrangle Karnataka-Kerala) prepared by Geological Survey of India. Figure 5.1
shows the project area on the geological quadrangle map while Figure 5.2 shows the
enlarged view of the same. According to this map prepared by Geological survey of
India, the selected area/site is covered with alluvial, coastal sands of Holocene age.

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Project Area

FIGURE 5.5: Geological Quadrangle Map of SOI Toposheet No. 48 L showing Project Area

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Project Area

FIGURE 5.6: Enlarged view of Geological quadrangle map of SOI Toposheet No. 48 L
showing Project Area
(Source: Geological Survey of India)

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The area forms the westernmost parts of the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) of South
Indian Shield. The Netravati area occurs just north of the granite-granulite transition
area of southern granulite terrain of India. Rocks belonging to the Peninsular Gneissic
Complex (PGC) occupy major parts of both the areas. Rocks of the Dharwar
Supergroup, Sargur Complex, younger intrusives and Quaternary formations form the
minor component. Ananthanarayana (1990) correlated the lithounits in the Kalinadi
area with major lithounits of Dharwar Supergroup of Precambrian Archaean age
exposed in the adjoining areas. The lithounits included those of PGC, Dharwar
Supergroup, younger acid, basic and ultrabasic intrusives, and supracrustals.

The intrusive granite occurring as granitic plugs and domes, represents the later
phases of igneous activity in the area. Rocks of Sargur Complex mainly contains
amphibolite whereas PGC includes granite to granodiorite migmatitic gneiss.
Supracrustal rocks belonging to Barcem Formation are represented by metabasalt,
schistose metabasalt, banded magnetite quartzite, and acid volcanics. Some parts of
the area are occupied by laterite which is very thick (upto 20 m approximately) at few

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places. The huge lateritization is due to tropical climate and heavy rainfall in the area.

Geology of the Netravati area

In the Netravati area, rock formations ranging in age from Archaean to Recent are
present and depicted in Figure 5.3. Generalized straigraphic succession of the rocks
in Netravati area is given in Table 5.1.


FIGURE 5.7: Geological Map of Netravati Area Showing Project Area (Source:
Geological Survey of India)

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TABLE 5-1: Generalized Geological Succession in The Mangalore-Invalli Area, Netravati Estuary,
Dakshin Kannad District, Karnataka (After Dhruva Rao, 1971)

Netravati river basin consists of various rock formations, which include Archaean
gneisses, charnockites, felsic and mafic dykes, metavolcanics, metasediments,
laterite, alluvium and sand deposits of marine and fluvial origin. Most of the area is
underlain by the granite to granodiorite gneiss belonging to the PGC of the Archaean
age and capped by laterite of Holocene age. Few small linear bodies of dolerite occur
in the area. The laterite is hard, cavernous and well-indurated with vermicular vugs and
cavities. Its thickness varies from 3 m to 20 m.

Geologically, the project area is covered under the survey of India toposheet no 48L13
and is covered under the geological quadrangle map 48L (Kasargod-Mangalore

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quadrangle Karnataka-Kerala) prepared by Geological Survey of India. Figure 5.4
shows the project area on the geological quadrangle map while Figure 5.5 shows the
enlarged view of the same. According to this map prepared by Geological survey of
India, the selected area/site is occupied by hornblende biotite Gneiss of Peninsular
gneissic complex of Archean age.

Project Area

FIGURE 5.8: Geological Quadrangle Map of SOI Toposheet No. 48 L Showing Project Area

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Project Area

FIGURE 5.9: Enlarged view of Geological quadrangle map of SOI Toposheet No. 48 L
showing Project Area (Source: Geological Survey of India)

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5.5.2 Physical Condition and Drainage
Geomorphologically, Dakshina Kannada District can be divided broadly into three well-
defined physiographic units viz. i) Coastal plain ii) Upland pediplain area iii) Eastern
hilly area forming part of the Western Ghats. The Coastal plain is a narrow, thickly
populated and intensely cultivated area adjoining the coast. There is considerable
extent of barren land along the coast partly because it is sandy, rocky, and marshy.
The area near sea is covered with coconut gardens. The Upland pediplain area
interspersed with low hills between the Western Ghats and the coast, which is
moderately cultivated with a considerable extent of fallow land, which can be put to
agricultural use. The Eastern hilly area in the eastern part of the district is hilly with
thick forest cover, which forms part of the Western Ghats. The hills of the area range
in elevation from 1200 to 1500m a.m.s.l. and are capped with laterite, which form
plateau usually of oval or elongated configuration. The hill ranges are dissected by
numerous streams and rivulets. The prominent peaks in the area are Balihalli (1240m),
Amadikul betta (1298m) Attiberi Gudda (1522m), Banganabagile Gudda (1513m) etc.
The project area lies in the zone of coastal plains.

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The soil in the area and district is mostly lateritic type, found distributed in the Pediplain
area characterised by high iron and aluminium content. Lateritic soil is mostly red in
colour and yellow loamy, pale to bright red colours is also seen. Lateritic soil is suitable
for Paddy, Sugarcane, Arecanut and Plantation crops, viz. crops like Cardamom &
plantains. Loamy red soils are distributed in the lower reaches of valleys. Red lateritic
soil is the most dominant soil type in the area. The texture of the soil varies from fine
to coarse. The soil in valleys and intermediate slopes is rich in loam whereas in upper
slopes it is much coarse in nature. The soil responds well to irrigation and other soil -
management practices. Silty and loamy soils are of transported origin and are found
mostly along river banks and in valley plains. They have good infiltration capacity and
are well-suited for agriculture due to their fertility.


Gurupur forms the primary drainage in the area which flows from North east to
southwest and joins the Arabian sea near mangalore city. The project area/selected
site forms a part of Gurupur river basin which constitutes the major drainage of the
area. The location of the selected site on Google earth is shown as Figure 5.6 while

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the enlarged view of the same is shown as Figure 5.7 and the figures showing the
actual condition of the site is shown as Figure 5.8.

Gurupur River

Arabian Sea
Project Area

FIGURE 5.10: Google Earth Image showing holistic Project Area

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Arabian Sea

Project Area

FIGURE 5.11: Enlarged view of Google earth image showing Project area (in Circle)

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FIGURE 5.12: Image Showing General View of Project Area

In Netravati, general geomorphological features include various marine, fluvial,
fluviomarine, and denudational geomorphic units and associated Quaternary
formations. In higher reaches, the terrain comprises a series of flat-topped hills rising
from 100m to 200m above MSL, bordered on the west by sandy coastal plain. The
coastal tract (0-100m altitude) in the west is a highly dissected landmass. The marine
landforms mainly encountered in the area are present-day beaches, tidal flats,

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mangrove swamps, beach ridges and palaeo-beach ridges. The area in the immediate
vicinity of the river is low-lying and marshy with development of mangroves. The fluvial
landforms are river terraces, bars, channels, etc. The units included mainly long sandy
beaches formed by accumulation of sediments deposited by waves and currents in the
shore zone. Beaches are narrow and straight in the Netravati. Alluvial plains contain
unconsolidated sediments mainly consisting of sand and silt. But the flood plain deposit
found associated with alluvial plains contains sand, silt and clay. The residual hills in
the area are formed by denudational process and are represented by mounds and
hillocks of granitoids. Laterite covers these granitoids at many places. In the Netravati
the highest point (207) is near Kurnad village in the southern part of the Netravati area.


The Netravati and Gurpur rivers in the north, drain the area from E to W. Both the areas
are occupied by many nalas forming 1st or 2nd order drainage pattern of dendritic
type.The project area/selected site forms a part of Netravati river basin which
constitutes the major drainage of the area. The location of the selected site on Google
earth is shown as Figure 5.9 while the enlarged view of the same is shown as Figure

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5.10 and the figures showing the actual condition of the site is shown as Figure 5.11.

Project Area P
Netravati River a

Arabian Sea FIGURE 5.13: Google Earth Image Showing Project Area

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Project Area

Mangalore-Mysore Highway

Netravati River

Thumbe Barrage

FIGURE 5.14: Enlarged View of Google Earth Image Showing Project Area

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FIGURE 5.15: General view of the selected site

5.5.3 General Geology and Stratigraphy

The Project area/selected site is located in Mangalore taluk, Dakshina Kannada district
of Karnataka and forms a part of Quaternary Formations. Quaternary formations occur
as a narrow long strip all along the West Coast from Mangalore to Karwar, covering an
area of about 5000 sq.km. Sand blankets, loamy soil, transported lateritic red soil are
some of the major constituents of the Quaternary units. They are of Pleistocene to
Holocene in age. Deposits of silica sand of moulding sand type occur along the coastal
belt from Mangalore to Udipi, Uliyargoli, Udiyavara, Tekkatte, Bailur and Murudeshwar.

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Generalised regional lithostratigraphy worked out for Karnataka, is presented below,
followed by a brief description of major groups. The project area comes under the
Quaternary deposits of Western block of the classification as given below. The drill hole
completed within the project area reveals the stratification as below:

Strata I: Blackish Yellow Medium Dense Silty Sand

Strata II: Reddish Yellow Dense Silty Sand

The Project area/selected site is located in Mangalore taluk, Dakshina Kannada district
of Karnataka and forms a part of hornblende biotite Gneiss of Peninsular gneissic
complex of Archean age. Generalised regional lithostratigraphy worked out for
Karnataka, is presented below, followed by a brief description of major groups.

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Rev. 04
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This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
The drill hole completed within the project area reveals the stratification as below:

Strata I: Reddish / Yellowish Medium Dense to Dense Silty Sand

Strata II: Yellowish Grey Fractured Granite

5.5.4 Sub-surface Investigations

The selected site has been investigated by one drill hole (BG-1) which has been drilled
for depth of 25.60 m. The detail of the drill hole is tabulated below table:

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TABLE 5-2: Summary of Drill hole

Total Drilled

Depth (m)



of Strata
Hole No.

Sl. No



From To (m) % %

1. BG-1 Right bank 25.60 0 12.0 12.0 Blackish 11 - 27

(NGL – of Gurupur Yellow
5.3 m) river (120 Medium
54’ 13.27’’ Dense Silty
N, 74 48’ 0
56.97’’ E) 12.0 25.6 13.6 Reddish 33 - 46
Dense Silty
The description of the drill hole is as given below.

BG-1: Drill hole BG-1 has been drilled over the terminal location area on the Right bank
of Gurupur river on GMR Owned Land near OMPT, Magalore Port, Karnataka. The drill
hole has been drilled vertically down to the depth of 25.6m from EL.5.3m to EL. -20.3m.

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The drill hole has encountered 12.0 m thick Blackish Yellow Medium Dense Silty Sand
underlain by 13.6 m thick Reddish Yellow Dense Silty Sand upto the bore hole
termination level.

The drill hole log and photographs of execution of drill hole and core box are appended
in Volume IV- Geotechnical Investigation Report.

The selected site has been investigated by one drill hole (BN-1) which has been drilled
for depth of 11.30 m. The detail of the drill hole is tabulated below table:

TABLE 5-3: Summary of Drill hole

Total Drilled

Depth (m)



of Strata
Hole No.

Sl. No




From To % %
(m) (m)

1. BN-1 11.30 0 7.3 7.3 Reddish / 19-34

(NGL – Yellowish
-1.6 m) Medium
Dense to
Dense Silty

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Total Drilled

Depth (m)



of Strata
Hole No.

Sl. No



From To % %
(m) (m)

Right bank 7.3 11.3 4.0 Yellowish 10-70 0-70

of Grey
Netravati Fractured
river (120 Granite
52’ 23.06’’
N, 750 00’
3.71’’ E)

The description of the drill hole is as given below.

BN-1: Drill hole BN-1 has been drilled over the terminal location area on the Right bank
of Netravati river Near Thumbe, Dakshin Kannada, Karnataka. The drill hole has been
drilled vertically down to the depth of 11.30m from EL -1.6m to EL. -12.9m. The drill
hole has encountered 7.3m thick Reddish / Yellowish Medium Dense to Dense Silty

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Sand, 4.0 m thick Yellowish Grey Fractured Granite.

The drill hole log and photographs of execution of drill hole and core box are appended
in Volume IV- Geotechnical Investigation Report.

5.5.5 Geotechnical Results and Analysis

In-situ Test Results
Seventeen Standard penetration test (SPT) has been carried out in accordance of IS
2131 in the drill hole to ascertain the consistency of the different soil strata. The depth
wise N-values from the SPT for soil strata are as tabulated in below table:

TABLE 5-4: Summary of In-Situ Test Results

Sl. Strata Description Depth SPT ‘N’ Value

From To Observed Corrected

1 Blackish Yellow Medium 1.5 2.1 11 16

Dense Silty Sand
3.0 3.6 13 16

4.5 5.1 15 17

6.0 6.6 18 18

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Sl. Strata Description Depth SPT ‘N’ Value
From To Observed Corrected

7.5 8.1 19 18

9.0 9.6 25 20

10.5 11.1 27 21

2 Reddish Yellow Dense 12.0 12.6 33 23

Silty Sand

13.5 14.1 34 23

15.0 15.6 38 24

16.5 17.1 40 24

18 18.6 39 23

19.5 20.1 42 24

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21 21.6 43 23

22.5 23.1 45 24

24 24.6 44 23

25 25.6 46 23

Laboratory Test Results

Testing on soil samples from SPT & Undisturbed Samples (UDS)
9 SPT soil samples has been collected from the drill hole from different depths and has
been tested in laboratory to know the engineering properties of sub-surface strata like
Mechanical analysis, Consistency Limits (atterberg limits), Shear strength parameters,
consolidation test, Natural Moisture content, Density, soil classification, specific gravity
etc. The details of the soil sample collected and summary of results of the various tests
are tabulated in below table:

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Summary of Laboratory Test Results on Soil Samples of the site on Gurupur River

Strata Description

Natural Moisture

Specific Gravity
Shear Strength

Sample Type

Content, w
Bore Hole


IS Soil
Consistency Limits

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Plasticity Index, Ip

Initial Void Ratio

Shrinkage, SL

Plastic Limit
Liquid Limit







From To Kg/cm3 % % % % % % % % % CC e0 G

Blackish 3.0 3.60 SPT 1.815 1.578 15.00 0 79 21 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.03 27 --- --- 2.63
6.0 6.60 SPT 1.734 1.517 14.30 0 66 34 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.04 30 --- --- 2.63
Dense Silty 9.0 9.60 SPT 1.775 1.560 13.80 0 79 21 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.00 30 --- --- 2.61
Reddish 12.0 12.60 SPT 1.810 1.588 14.00 0 89 11 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.00 31 --- --- 2.64
Yellow Dense
Silty Sand 15.0 15.60 SPT 1.824 1.583 15.21 0 85 15 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.00 31 --- --- 2.65

16.5 17.10 SPT 0 81 19 --- Non - plastic SM --- --- 2.60

19.5 20.10 SPT 1.853 1.654 12.00 0 77 23 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.03 32 --- --- 2.65

22.5 23.10 SPT 0 81 19 --- Non - plastic SM --- --- 2.65

25.0 25.60 SPT 1.875 1.678 11.74 0 71 29 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.00 34 --- --- 2.63

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In-situ Test Results
Four Standard penetration test (SPT) has been carried out in accordance of IS 2131
in the drill hole to ascertain the consistency of the different soil strata. The depth wise
N-values from the SPT for soil strata are as tabulated in below table:

Table 5-5: Summary of In-Situ Test Results

Sl. Depth SPT ‘N’ Value

No. Strata Description
From To Observed

1.5 2.1

Reddish / Yellowish 22
3.0 3.6
1 Medium Dense to Dense
Silty Sand 34
4.5 5.1

6.0 6.6

Laboratory Test Results

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Testing on soil samples from SPT & Undisturbed Samples (UDS)

SPT soil samples has been collected from the drill hole from different depths and has
been tested in laboratory to know the engineering properties of sub-surface strata like
Mechanical analysis, Consistency Limits (atterberg limits), Shear strength parameters,
consolidation test, Natural Moisture content, Density, soil classification, specific gravity
etc. The details of the soil sample collected and summary of results of the various tests
are tabulated in below table:.

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Summary of Laboratory Test Results on Soil Samples of the site on Netravati River

Strata Description

Natural Moisture

Specific Gravity
Shear Strength

Sample Type

Content, w
Bore Hole


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IS Soil
Consistency Limits

Compression Index
Plasticity Index, Ip

Initial Void Ratio

Shrinkage, SL
Plastic Limit
Liquid Limit








From To Kg/cm3 % % % % % % % % % CC e0 G

1.50 2.10 SPT 1.78 1.56 14.50 0 73 27 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.053 31 2.64
Reddish /
Yellowish 3.00 3.60 SPT 1.89 1.67 13.57 0 81 19 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.1 30 2.61
BN-1 4.50 5.10 SPT 1.88 1.67 12.57 0 69 31 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.02 30 2.63
Dense to
Dense Silty 2.63
Sand 6.00 6.60 SPT 1.92 1.68 14.00 0 76 24 --- Non - plastic SM UU 0.05 33

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Testing on Rock Core Samples

Four core samples of bed rock recovered from the drilling has been tested in laboratory to know the engineering parameters of the bed rock like crushing
load, Point load index, UCS, Water absorption, porosity, Dry density & rock type. The details of the rock sample collected and results of the various tests

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are tabulated in below table:.

Table 5-6: Summary of Laboratory Test Results on Rock Samples

Point Uniaxial
Bore Strata Crushing Modulus of Poisson’s Water
Depth load Compressive Porosity Dry Density
Hole Description Load Elasticity Ratio Absorption
Index Strength

Kg Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2 % % gm/cm3

From To

9.3 10.3 13550 636.66 2.371 E+05 0.21 0.79 1.96

9.3 10.3 730 24.76

Yellowish Grey
BN-1 2.58
10.3 11.3 15000 670.83 2.943 E+05 0.23 0.53 1.08
Fractured Granite

10.3 11.3 430 14.86

Pile Capacity Calculations

The pile capacity is calculated for 1.2m dia and 1.4m dia piles for Gurupur and Netravati terminals is given in Annexure-5.1.

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5.6 Terminal Infrastructure including equipment
The land area identified on Gurupur River is measuring to about 35202 Sq. m and proposed to
be taken through Land acquisition. The land requirement with the requirement of facilities for
the terminal has been worked out to 13,643 Sq. m, which can be accommodated within the Land
proposed to be taken on Acquisition.

The land area identified on Netravati River is measuring to about 33065 Sq. m and proposed to
be taken through Land acquisition. The land requirement with the requirement of facilities for
the terminal has been worked out to 14,243 Sq. m, which can be accommodated within the Land
proposed to be taken on Acquisition.

Considering the Class IV waterway classification, Ro-Ro facility shall be planned for each of the
above identified terminal locations.

Note: The suggested Terminal details are only to the extent of Preliminary Engineering / Design.
At this juncture, it is pertinent to mention that the Appropriate provisions and infrastructure are
to be catered for “Disposal of Operational waste including the waste oil from vessels berthing at
the terminal locations” and the related aspects are to be addressed to / attended to in

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accordance with the Gazette Notification vide No. 480 dt. 13/07/2016 of Ministry of Shipping
{GSR No. 687 (E)} at the stage of Detailed Engineering / Design. In the similar way, the collection
and disposal of Pollutants generated, on board vessel, also to be addressed during the Detailed
Engineering / Design.

5.7 Berthing Structure

The berthing structures shall be designed such that they provide safe berthing of barges/vessels
without damaging the barges/vessels as well as the structure. The requirements of the berth
differ depending on the nature of traffic being handled at the berth. The size of the structure
shall depend on the largest vessel likely to use the berth. The berth shall be designed for all
possible loads that are likely to act on the structure as per BS 6349 & IS 4651. The total number
of berths required for the proposed terminal shall be fixed based on the nature of cargo (if any),
traffic, and water level variation. The Ro-Ro berth has been designed for 40ft container loading
as per IRC classification.

Deck Level
As per IS 4651 _IV, the deck level of the Ro-Ro structure shall be fixed based on the variations
in water levels during the monsoon and non monsoon season. Keeping this in view, the deck
of Ro-Ro is maintained in a slope of 1:12, maintaining the deck level at the shore side at 1m

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above the FRL of Thumbe Barrage. On the river side, the deck level is fixed maintaining under
keel clearance of 0.5m below the vessel. The position of vessel approaching the berth shall vary
corresponding to the water depth available at site. The fixed ramp shall be submerged in water
corresponding to the variations in water level available at site.

Deck Dimensions

The dimensions of the berthing structure are decided on the basis of the dimensions of the
largest vessel that are likely to use the terminal facilities as well as the function of the terminal.

TABLE 5-5: Salient Features of Ro-Ro Structures

Description Length(m) Width (m)

Gurupur Ro-Ro 75 16.50

Netravati Ro-Ro 123 16.80

The structural arrangement of the berth including the preliminary design has been explained in
the chapter 6. (Refer Volume-II Drawing)

Note: The above Ro-Ro structure has been considered based on the preliminary designs, as

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advised. Before taking up the work in the site, Detailed Engineering / Design are to be

5.8 Terminal Costing

5.8.1 Capital Cost

The Capital Cost for the fairway has been considered in Chapter 11 along with the proposed
development for Ro-Ro terminal facilities at the defined locations. The Capital Cost of terminal
works out to be about 25.38 Crores at Gurupur & about 34.57 Crores at Netravati.

5.8.2 O&M Cost

The item wise Operation and Maintenance cost have been considered as per the circulated
parameters, as defined by IWAI, which have been analyzed and considered. Some more
assumptions have been considered appropriately, wherever required.

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6.1 River Training (including Barrages and Locks, if

River training covers those engineering works which are constructed on a river, so as to guide
and confine the flow to the river channel. The river training works may serve the objectives as

• To prevent the river from changing its course and to avoid outflanking of structures like, weirs,
aqueducts, etc.
• To protect the river banks by diverting the river away from the attacked banks.
• To ensure effective disposal of sediment load.
• To provide minimum water depth required for navigation.

Barrages are the structures to be constructed to channelize the flow condition duly building up
the water depths and controlling the flow according to the requirements in the downstream. For
safe navigation with controlled discharges in the waterways, this ideology is applicable.
However, the problem of difference in the depth due to the pondage etc., shall be considered

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by constructing a lock structure for safe passage of the vessels in this zone. This type of
“Barrages & Locks” combination is a comparatively costly proposal and such proposals may not
be found viable in normal conditions. If such construction has other concurrent advantages, may
be economical. Further in the inevitable situation of crossing the deep depth variation, such
crossings may be recommended.

6.1.1 River Training through Spurs

Spurs or Groynes are constructed transverse to the river flow extending from the bank into the
river. This form of river training works performs one or more functions which includes training
the river along the desired course to reduce the concentration of flow at the point of attack by
deflecting high velocity flow away from the vulnerable bank. Effectively designed spur-dikes
encourage sediment deposition between the spurs and consequently the re-establishment of an
eroded bank line. Spurs structures restrict the width of a river channel in low flows, thereby
improving its navigability. Different types of spurs are shown in the Figure.

Impermeable spurs do not permit appreciable flow through them whereas permeable ones
permit restricted flow through them. Impermeable spurs are constructed of a core of sand or
sand and gravel or soil as available in the river bed and protected on the sides and top by a
strong armor of stone pitching or concrete blocks. Spur-dikes can be constructed from gabions

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mattresses which may be economical form of construction when the required stone sizes are
available from the river bed.

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FIGURE 6.1: Different types of Spur

General Design Considerations

Layout of Spurs
Spurs are much more effective when constructed in series as they create a pool of nearly still
water between them which resists the current and gradually accumulates silt forming a
permanent bank line in course of time. In general, in the T-shaped spurs, greater length of the
cross spurs projects upstream and a smaller portion downstream of the main spurs. Typical plan
view of system of spur-dikes is shown in below Figure.

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FIGURE 6.2: Plan view of system of spur-dikes constructed to control and stabilize the erosion of
the outer band

Each spurs protects only a certain length. The stability of eddies is govern by the non-
dimensional spur ratio, esp., which is ratio of the head loss in the river between two spurs, U2 SSP

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/ (C2 h) (m), to the velocity head U2 / (2g) (m) of the river.

U = depth-averaged velocity (m/s)
SSP = spacing between spur-dikes (m)
C = Chezy coefficient of the river (m0.5/s)
h = cross-sectional average water depth of the river (m)

eSP = (2g SSP) / (C2 h),

eSP should never exceed 1.

For the navigational requirement

S SP / B = 0.5 to 2
Where B= width of the constricted river (m) as shown in Figure below.

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FIGURE 6.3: Diagram showing the length and spacing of the individual dikes with respect to the river width

In general, the prime factor for spur spacing between adjacent spurs is their lengths.
Generally, spur spacing adopted = 2 to 2.5 time the length of spur at convex banks and Spur
spacing = Length of spur at concave banks

The ratio of spacing of spur to its length (SSP / LSP) varies from 1 to 6.

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Length of spurs depends upon the position of the original bank line and the designed normal
line of the trained river channel. In erodible rivers, too long spurs may get damaged and cause
failure. Hence, it is suggested / recommended to construct shorter ones in the beginning and
extend them gradually, after due site observations.

Top width of spur

The top width of spur is kept as 3 to 6 m at formation level.
Free board
The top level of spur is kept with a free board of 1 to 1.5 m above the highest flood level for 1 in
500 years flood or anticipated highest flood level, whichever is more.
Side slope
Slope of upstream shank and nose is generally kept not steeper than 2:1. Downstream slope is
kept which varies from 1.5:1 to 2:1.
Size of stone of pitching
Stones are placed over filters so that fines do not escape through the interstices of the pitching.
For average velocity up to 2 m/s, burnt clay brick on edge are used as pitching material. For
average velocity of 3.5m/s, pitching of stone weighing from 40 to 70 km (0.3 to 0.4 m in diameter)
and for higher velocities, cement concrete blocks of depth equal to the thickness of pitching can
be used.

Thickness of pitching

Thickness of pitching is determined from the formula,

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T = 0.06 Q 1/3,
Where, Q = design discharge in Cumecs.
Thickness of stone need not be provided the same through-out the entire length of spur. It can
be progressively reduced from the nose.

Provision of filters

In general, Filters are provided below the pitching at nose and on the upstream face for a length
of 30m to 45m from the nose. The thickness of the same may be 20 cm to 30cm. The thickness
for the next 30m to 45 m on the upstream face may be reduced to about 15cm and beyond that,
it can be omitted. However, may also refer the codal provisions, if available. A typical layout of
a spur is shown in Figure.

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FIGURE 6.4: Typical layout and section of spur

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Impermeable spurs

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Series of spurs

6.1.2 River Training through Porcupines

River Training through RCC Percupines are coming up nowadays and the same is under
consideration on NW 1 for various activities including the Flood mitigation and taming of the
river. Accordingly, the same also is under consideration for the study dtrech, wherein the Design
and Photos are placed herewith.

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6.2 Bank Protection

6.2.1 Basis of Design

The following specifies design principles, criteria and requirements to be taken into account for
the design of the Bank Protection / Revetments.

All the banks are within a floodplain and made up by sand, silt and clay. This soil type may
present different failure modes, such as scour, loss of fines, erosion, piping, etc. A special
attention is to be paid to overall and local geotechnical failures. It is suggested to consider the

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required investigations at site and Detailed Engineering Designs etc., based on the soil
parameters at the site.

There are many materials available in the market to be used for revetments, i.e., box gabions,
block stone, cabled concrete blocks, dense stone asphalt, gabion mattresses, grouted stone,
hand-pitched stone, in-situ poured concrete, loose concrete blocks, precast concrete slabs,
open stone asphalt, soil reinforcement systems, etc… The selection of the type of material is
based on a trade-off between hydraulic/geotechnical performances, construction related
aspects (availability and supply, equipment and labor, access and infrastructure, etc…) and

Gabion revetments at the site shall be considered in the present study stretch. As the gabions
do not need special equipment nor high-skilled labour for execution, their maintenance is not
cumbersome and further they are more durable and economical than geotubes or geobags.

A. Design Principles
Applicable Codes, Standards and Guidelines
The following national design guidelines shall be used while carrying out the design of the
revetment and the embankment:
• IS1893 (Part1): 2002. Criteria for earthquakes resistant design of structures

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
• IS7894: 1975. Code of practice for stability analysis of earth dams
• IS8408:1992. Planning and design of groins in alluvial rivers
• IS10751:1994. Planning and design of guide banks for alluvial rivers
• IS12094:2000. Guidelines for planning and design of river embankments
• IS14262:1995. Planning and design of revetment guidelines
• IS11532:1995. Construction and maintenance of river embankments.
• Escarameia M. (1998). River and Channel revetments: a design manual. Thomas Telford
Publications, London.
• Bezuijen A. and Vastenburg E.W. (2013). Geosystems: Design Rules and Applications. CRC
• PIANC (2015). Guidelines for Protecting Berthing Structures from Scour Caused by Ships.
Report no. 180.
• PIANC (2014). Harbour approach channels design guidelines. Report no. 121.
• CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF (2007). The Rock Manual. The use of rock in hydraulic engineering
(2nd edition). C683, CIRIA, London.
• Pilarczyk, K.W. (2000). Geosynthetics and Geosystems in Hydraulic and Coastal
Engineering. Taylor & Francis Group, London & New York.
• Lafleur, J. (1999). Selection of geotextiles to filter broadly graded cohesionless soils.
Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 17(5), p. 299-312.

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• BAW (1993). Code of practice - Use of geotextile filters on waterways. BAW, Karlsruhe.
• Craig, R.F. (1987). Soil mechanics. Chapman and hall, 4th edition.
• Maccaferri (2014). Stone fill for gabions.
• PIANC (1987) Guidelines for the design and construction of flexible revetments incorporating
geotextiles for inland waterways.
• Gary E.F and J. Craig. (2000). Gabions for Streambank Erosion Control.
• EN 1997 Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical Design.
• BAW (2010). Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways
• Blaauw H.G. & van de Kaa E.J. (1978). Erosion of bottom and sloping banks caused by the
screw race of manoeuvring ships. Publication no. 202, July 1978. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory.
• Dash S.K., Dutta S., Sreedeep S. and Rao G.V. (2013). Design of a Bank Protection System
on River Brahmaputra at Jamuguri. The Masterbuilder, October 2013.

B. Design Vessel
Vessel features are important in the design because moving vessels induce waves and currents
in the river, which are a hydraulic load on the bank and river bed. These parameters will influence
the design of the free board, the hydraulic stability of the structure and the size of the scour

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protection respectively for the revetments and the embankments.

C. Design requirements for Revetments

Gabions are wire mesh baskets filled with crushed rock. They are filled in situ, with locally
available material and thus have a low capital cost. Because they are flexible and porous, they
can absorb some wave and wind energy, thereby reducing the scour problems.

Gabions should be placed as sloping revetments with a preferable slope of 1:2.

Subdivided into equal sized cells, standard gabion baskets are of thickness 1, 1.5 and 3 feet
and are available in lengths of 6, 9 and 12 feet.

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D. Filter

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A geotextile filter is required to prevent the underline sand being washed out through the

E. Toe protection
To prevent the sliding and failure of the revetment on the slope, a toe protection is required.

F. Anchoring
Proper anchoring is required for keeping the revetment in place. For this purpose the revetment
will be extended both upstream and downstream.
Anchorage is required at the top of the submerged bank. It needs to be extended and anchored
in the upper bank with a top key.

G. Hydraulic and Geotechnical Design

1) Revetment
a. Stone size
The minimum size of the stones should not be less than the ones specified in Figure. The figure
is based on following assumptions:
• δ = friction angle between the geotextile bag surface and the subsoil, 20 degrees is
recommended to be a conservative value;
• α = slope angle of the structure, because the slope angle is unknown, an assumption of
1V:2H is made;

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• The specific gravity of the stones is 2.65.

FIGURE 6.5: Minimum rock size according to the IS12094

From the above figure, it can be inferred that for average velocities higher than 3-4 m/s the rock
size becomes very high. Under such circumstances small stones in crates or gabions are
generally used. Therefore the use of gabions is proposed as alternative for the revetment.

b. Gabion size

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The formulation of Pilarczyk allows accounting for additional phenomena compared to the
national codes (IS12094). This formulation is referred to standard guidelines such as PIANC.
Therefore it is proposed to use that formula to perform a sensitivity analysis and to include more
local effects (like the turbulence expected in the bends, difference between continuous layer
and edges/transitions and influence of the propeller jet). It should be kept in mind that near the
terminal the river current and the propeller can act together, for that case the formulation can be
expressed as:

0.035 −1 (𝑘ℎ1 𝑘𝑡,𝑟 𝑉ℎ2 +𝑘ℎ2 𝑘𝑡,𝑝
𝑉𝑟2 )
∆𝐷 = 𝜙𝑠𝑐 𝑘𝑠
𝜓𝑐𝑟 2𝑔
Where :
• D = characteristic dimension/ thickness [m];
• Δ = relative density of the system (=1.17). According to the IS12094 the porosity for gabions
can be computed as follows:
s − w
 t = (1 − e) 
e = 0.245 + 0.21
• D50= mean diameter of the stones (= 0.30)
• Sb = Specific gravity of the stones, 2.65
• 𝑉ℎ = Maximum velocity of the propeller jet at the bottom [m/s];
• 𝑉𝑟 = Maximum velocity of the currents at the bottom [m/s]

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•  = stability parameter, depending on the application (1, for gabions placed in edges or transitions

and 0.75 for continuous top layer)

• ᴪ = Shields parameter (0.07, gabions)
• 𝑘𝑡,𝑟
= turbulence factor of the river current (1.5 higher turbulence at river bends)
• 𝑘𝑡,𝑝
= turbulence factor of the propeller yet (3-4, load to the water jet)
• Ks = factor related to the slope angle

 sin  

Ks = 1−  
 sin  
• δ = friction angle between the gabion surface and the subsoil, 20 degrees is recommended
to be a conservative value (for rip-rap is equal to 40 degrees)
• α = slope angle of the structure, because the slope angle is unknown, an assumption of
1V:2H is made
• Kh1 = factor related to the depth (1 for a very rough current). This factor translates the depth-
averaged flow velocity into the flow velocity just above the bottom protection. The roughness of
the gabion depends on the stone size and the height of the gabion, among other things.
Therefore, a value of 1 is chosen as a very conservative value to account for uncertainties in
the vertical velocity field distribution and the roughness of the gabion.

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• Kh2 = factor related to the depth. For propeller jet PIANC (2016) recommends to use 1

In Figure, the minimum rock size for the gabions is shown. Assumptions have been taken for
the calculation of the velocity and turbulence factors applied for the river currents.

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FIGURE 6.6: Minimum required thickness for revetment

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The values given by Pilarczyk are chosen for the design since they allow for certain optimization.
It should be noticed that, when changing slopes, the thickness of the gabion mattresses should
be increased to account for the effects of the turbulence present on the transitions. The scour
protection is considered as an edge of the revetment because high turbulence is also expected.

It is expected that the waves / currents calculated in section will not have any impact in the
design. For revetments the required thickness to withstand wave / current loads can be worked
out with next conservative formula (Klein & Pylarczyk, 1998):

Hs 9cos (α)
= 2/3
∆D 𝜀𝑜𝑝
• D = characteristic dimension/ thickness [m];
• Δ = relative density of the gabion
• α = slope angle of the structure, because the slope angle is unknown, an assumption of
1V:2H is made
• εop= Breaking parameter
tan (α)
𝜀𝑜𝑝 =


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c. Rock specifications
It is proposed to use a light grading which is appropriate for amour layers produced in bulk,
usually by crusher opening. The size of the stone should be such that its length, width and
thickness should be more or less the same. Round stones or very flat stones having small
thickness should be avoided.

Standard grading should be used whenever possible. Determination of the gradation of the
granular material is important for a number of reasons: 1) the packing and the volumetric layer
porosity depend on the overall slope of the grading curve, 2) phenomena such as filtering and
piping are governed by the gradation.

In Table 6.1 Some assumption for the rock grading are shown according to EN13383. Different
rock layers are required to fill a determined gabion. In this sense the same table provides
guidance on the amount of layers needed to fill a gabion.

TABLE 6-1: Typical Values for a grading of 10 to 60 Kg 1(following EN13383)

Grading ELL NLL NUL EUL Dn50 D50 Kt nlayer Ltmin

10-60 2 10 60 120 0.25 0.30 0.96 1 0.24

10-60 2 10 60 120 0.25 0.30 0.96 2 0.48

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10-60 2 10 60 120 0.25 0.30 0.96 3 0.73

10-60 2 10 60 120 0.25 0.30 0.96 4 0.97

10-60 2 10 60 120 0.25 0.30 0.96 5 1.21

10-60 2 10 60 120 0.25 0.30 0.96 6 1.45

The major consideration in the design of gabion structures is the expected velocity at the gabion
face. The gabion must be designed to withstand the force of the water in the stream. However
the median stone size for gabion mattresses has to be in such a way that movement of the filler
stone in the mattresses is prevented. This eliminates deformation that can occur when stone
sizes are not large enough to withstand the forces of the water. The result of mattress
deformation is stress on the basket wire and increases the resistance to flow and the likelihood
of basket failure. A recommended value of a d50 in function of the water depth depends on
manufacturer experiences; however some formulas are available in the literature (Gary E.F, J.
Craig, 2000):

G=Grading Denomination, ELL= the mass below which no more than 5 per cent passing by mass is permited, NLL= the mass below
which no more than 10 per cent passing by mass is permited, NUL= the mass below which no more than 70 per cent passing
by mass is permited, EUL= the mass below which no more than 97 per cent passing by mass is permited, Dn50=Maximum
Foreseen medium nominal diameter, D50= mean stone diameter (D50=Dn50/0.84), Kt= Layer thickness coefficient, Lt= layer

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Where :
• Cs = Stability coefficient (= 0.1), Cv = Velocity coefficient (= 1.25), Sf = safety factor (= 1.1)
• dm = average rock diameter in gabions
• d = local flow depth at V
• V = depth average velocity (= 4 m/s)
• γs = unit weight of stone (2650 kg/m3)
• γw = unit weight of the water (1000 kg/m3)
• K1 = side slope factor (= 0.98 for a slope of 1:3)

Figure below shows that for a medium stone diameter of 0.3 m and for the design velocity of 2.5
m / sec, the grading 10-60 kg is suitable.

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FIGURE 6.7: Minimum average rock diameter

The table below shows the properties from a well-known supplier (Maccaferri, 2014) for a
durable stone fill for gabions:

TABLE 6-2: Technical specs for stone fill for gabions

European standard
Property Suggested requirements
Los Angeles, LA (EN 1097-
LA < 45 or LA > 45 and FR <
Mechanical strength 2:1998) Fragmentability, FR (EN
Micro-Deval (EN 1097-1:1996)
MDE < 45 or MDE >45 and
Resistance to attrition Fragmentability FR (EN 1097-
FR < 7

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European standard
Property Suggested requirements
Category for FTA (as assessed
Resistance to freeze and
EN 13383-1:2002 by loss of mass during
testing): Loss of mass < 0.5%
Density of rock EN 13383-2:2002 Apparent density > 2.2 t/m3
Amour stone grading EN 13383-1:2002 CP90/180 or equivalent
Calcareous, siliceous,
Type of rock Petrography
metamorphic or igneous rock

d. Gabion specifications

The gabion basket is a double twisted wire mesh of variable sizes, uniformly partitioned in cells.
A typical gabion has dimensions of 2 m length x 1 m width x 1 m height and comprises of a
mesh type 80 mm x 100 mm. At the terminals, a mesh of 80 mm x 100 mm and a height of 1.4 m
is proposed. A gabion mattress consists of gabions with relatively small height dimensions
compared to length and width and would usually be of a smaller mesh type. A typical gabion
mattress would have dimensions of 6 m length x 2 m width x 0.6 m in height and comprise mesh
type 60 mm x 80 mm. At the terminals, a mesh of 60 mm x 80 mm and a height of 1-1.4 m is

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FIGURE 6.8: Example of a gabion mattress and gabion basket

According to IS14262:1995 gabions should be laid with the longer dimension along the slope of
the bank. The size of the mesh of the crate should be smaller than the smallest stone in the
crate. The mesh should be double knotted. Wire of minimum diameter of 4 mm should be used
for crates. Crate units may be tied to each other by 5 mm wire.

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A summary of the relevant European standards for gabions are given in table below, some
suggestions are cited following the recommendations of the Rock Manual (CIRIA et al., 2007).
Notice IS rules are more strict than EN for wire minimum diameter and those should be

TABLE 6-3: European standards for the wire mesh

Wire Properties European testing Content

Steel wire composition EN 10218-2:1997 Steel composition, strength

Mesh 60 mm x 80 mm wire: d = 2.2 or 2.4 mm

Selvedge wire= 2.7 mm
Steel mesh composition EN 10223-3:1998
Mesh 80 mm x 100 mm wire: d = 2.7 mm
Selvedge wire = 3.40 mm
Thickness of the coating conforms to class A,
mass of coating mc, depends on wire
Corrosion protection EN 10244-1:2001
(galvanising) EN 1024402:2001
d = 2.2or 2.4 mm, mc = 23- g/m2
d = 2.7 mm, mc = 245 g/m2
EN 10245-1:2001 Requirements for organic coating, PVC or PE,
Corrosion protection
EN 10245-2:2001 thickness, composition, strength, durability,
(polymer coating)

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EN 10245-3:2001 flexibility
60 mm x 80 mm: Tensile = 35 kN/m
Tensile strength EN 10223-3
80 mm x 100 mm: Tensile = 51 kN/m

Elongation EN 10233-3 Elongation shall not be less than 10%

6.3 Navigation Aids

The Navigation system is of Two Types i.e., one is shore based and the other is water body
based. The provision of Light is common in both the cases showing the Day / Night Marking
system. The left / right marking during the day / night can be controlled through colour coding
system. These aspects are being elaborated with guidelines by IALA at international level and
is being followed in India also.

In the Shore based system, for the west flowing Nayional Waterways of Cluster 7 and Cluster
6, it has been preferred to have a Beacon / Light system, wherein the Buoy / Light system has
been preferred.

The standard preliminary Design with drawing / along with specifications are placed hereunder.

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Rev. 04

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Specifications of BUOY & LIGHT:

Buoys, each complete with Day mark, Top Mark and Radar Reflector. Main features are as given

Body Diameter: 1800 mm / Wall Thickness : 12 mm thick body / Body Material : Rotationally
moulded in low density UV-Stabilized virgin polyethylene / Foam : Body filled with Closed Cell
Polyurethane Foam / Weight without Mooring : 645kg (approx) / Focal Height : 29 15 mm / Draft
: 635 mm / Free Board : 765 mm / Reserve buoyancy : 1893 kgs / Displacement : 26.0 kg./cm
of immersion / Mooring Eyes : 1 No. of Steel / Lifting Eyes : 2Nos / Body Colour : As per IALA
system, UV- stabilised colour pigments mixed thoroughly with polyethylene powder before
moulding operation / Daymark : P E Module (as per IALA system) / Radar Reflector : RR - 25
as specified (25M2).
1 Set - Mooring gear – Each set comprised of the following:

1 No. - 3M x 26 mm dia open link chain with enlarged end links.

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1 No. - 15M x 26 mm dia open link pendant chain with enlarged end links.
4 Nos. - 26 mm nom. dia forelock end shackles.
1 No. - 26 mm nom. dia swivel piece with end links.
1 No. - 250 kg. M.S. stockless Anchor.

Note: The chains shall be made as per 1S4692, shackles and swivel as per IS 4484 and
stockless steel Anchor. The chain shackles and swivel shall carry proof load test certificate
witnessed by the IRS. All the above shall be given one coat of coaltar paint.

Solar Operated LED lighting 1 No. MLB-200-4 Self contained LED beacon fitted with PLC-12
programmable LED controller. Specification of Each Light is as detailed below:

Luminous range: 4 n. miles. (T 0.74) / Light Colour: as per IALA System. (Red) / Light Source :
High intensity Light Emitting diodes (LEDs) with UEP to 60,000 hrs of burning life / Optical
system : 200 mm dia clear polycarbonate UV stabilized diffuser lens / Lantern Body : High
impact polystyrene / Cable entry : M l6 Cable glands fitted / Fixing : 4 fixings for Ml 0 bolts at
200 mm PCD / Lantern weight : 3.0 kg (approx).

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1 No. - PLC 12 programmable microprocessor based LED controller (fitted in the base of the
Lantern). Main description is given as below:

Input Voltage: 12 V to 18 V d. c / Output Voltage: Switch-mode stabilized to suit LED operating

current / LED load (max): upto 12 Amp. at 12 V d.c / Light Character: Any of the 256 IALA
character can be selected / Solar charge regulator: Provided in the PLC-12 circuit / Light control
: Automatic ON/ OFF by Photo diode / Protection : Against reverse polarity and excessive input
voltage / Temperature range : -20°C to + 60°C.

SOLAR SUPPLY SYSTEM FOR MLB-200-4 LED Light: 1 Set — Solar supply system as detailed

4 Nos. - 12V 5 watt solar panel / 1 No. – 12 V 42 AH sealed, maintenance free battery /
Autonomy period = 21 days Light Assembly: Lantern, Solar panel and battery are mounted on
the GRP box, all assembled and wired as one self contained unit, ready for fitting on top of
buoy structure.

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6.4 Cargo Terminals and River Ports
Design Criteria
All structures shall be designed using limit state design approach. 3-D structural analysis of the
structure shall be carried out under all specified loads and load combinations as per Indian
Standards as explained in this report using STAAD Pro software. The design shall be done
manually using the results of the analysis obtained from STAAD.
Design Life
All permanent structures shall be designed for a design life of 50 years.
Material Properties
Density of reinforced concrete 25.0 kN/m3
Density of Steel 78.5 kN/m3
Density of plain concrete 24.0 kN/m3
Density of Backfill soil 18.0 kN/m3 (May vary based on soil fill proposed during detail design)
Structural Steel
Minimum yield stress: 250 N/mm²
However, higher grade of steel (310/355 Mpa) shall be used based on the availability during the
detailed design stage and subject to owner’s approval.

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Reinforcing Steel (Corrosion Resistant)
The grade of steel to be used as reinforcement in the structural concrete members shall comply
with IS 1786 and will have minimum strength and elongation as mentioned below.
Yield Strength 500 Mpa
Elongation 14.5%
However, use of higher grade steel in the detail design is subject to availability of higher grade
steel meeting the ductility requirements (as per revised latest code).
Cover to Reinforcement
The clear cover to main reinforcement shall be as follows:
Piles 100 mm
Deck Slab 75 mm
Longitudinal beams: 75 mm
Columns: 75 mm
Cross Beams 75 mm
Concrete Grades
Grade of RCC members M40 for Piles
M40 for Beams and Slab
M40 for all precast elements
Grade of reinforcement Fe500 confirming to IS 1786

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Overall Deflection Criteria
The criteria for deflection shall be so limited that it shall not produce difficulties in serviceability
conditions nor shall it cause damage to the structures and its components.
Deflection limits
Pile deflection at the deck level is normally considered as H/350 under extreme condition, where
H is the distance from the point of fixity of piles to the top elevation of deck.
Crack Control
The crack width criteria shall comply with the provisions of IS: 4651(Part 4).
However, the assessed surface width of cracks (for service load combinations only) at points
nearest to the main reinforcement will be restricted to 0.004 times the cover to the main
Corrosion Protection Painting
All steel surfaces in the splash zone and atmospheric zone shall be painted in accordance with
the painting specifications. Areas and joints that are inaccessible for maintenance and thereby
susceptible to corrosion shall be suitably sealed by methods such as boxing with plates.
All appurtenances such as walkway bridges shall be painted as per technical specifications of
corrosion resistance suitable for the environment.

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Classification of Loads

A. General Loading
The Self weight of the structure shall be calculated using the following
Density of reinforced concrete 25.0 kN/m3
Density of Steel 78.5 kN/m3
Density of plain concrete 24.0 kN/m3
Density of Backfill soil 18.0 kN/m³ (May vary based on soil fill proposed
during detail design)
In addition, superimposed dead load and live load shall be considered

The various loads acting on the berthing structure are classified as:

1. Loads from the River Side:

The loads from the river side include the horizontal forces caused by the river currents and the
forces caused by berthing and vessel’s pull from bollard. The forces caused by the berthing of
the vessels are determined from the velocity and angle of approach of the vessels.
2. Loads from Deck
The important loads from the deck are the vertical loads caused by self weight of the deck and
the superimposed loads from handling equipments. Also horizontal loads due to wind and
seismic forces are considered.
3. Loads from Shore

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Seismic loading
Earthquake loads shall be adopted as applicable for the site as per IS 1893 – 2002. The river
fall under Zone II, as per the seismic map of India shown in IS 1893-2002. Design horizontal
seismic coefficient shall be evaluated as per procedure detailed in IS 1893-2002.
The horizontal seismic coefficients are as follows:
TABLE 6-4: Seismic Loading

Seismic zone II
Design horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah Z I (Sa/g)/ (2R)
Zone Factor Z 0.10
Importance factor, I 1.5
Response Reduction Factor, R 3 (for ordinary RC moment resisting
Average response acceleration Depending on time period of structure
coefficient Sa/g

Time period of specified structures shall be evaluated by STAAD analysis considering Dead
Load + 50% Live load.

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Scour depth is considered in calculating the total length of the pile.
The scour depth has been estimated as below:

Design discharge adopted Q = 31007 m3/s

Particle size, D50= 4.75 mm
Silt factor, f= 1.76 * Sqrt (D50) = 3.84
Lacey’s regime scour depth = 0.473 * (Q/f) (1/3) = 10.07 m
Scour depth from HFL= 2*10.07= 20.15 m
HFL= 11.18 m (amsl)
Scour Level from Lacey Regime depth formula= 11.18 -20.15 = -8.97 m
The pile is taken upto RL -14.0m
Existing bed level close the location = -1.0 m
The pile termination level is kept at -14.0m which will provide a 5.0m developmental length having
socketing arrangement with surrounding rock. This is for Netravati & similarly the termination level
of pile in Gurupur river is -22.0m. Therefore, the average length of pile in Gurupur shall be 20.0m
& for Netravati river 28.0m
Loads & Load Combinations
All the structural members shall be designed to sustain safely the effect of the combination of
various loads/forces and stresses that can possibly co-exist. The load combinations shall
comply with the requirements of Indian reference standards both for limit state of collapse &

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Structural Design of Berthing Structure
Structural Arrangement
The Ro-Ro berthing structure shall consist of a concrete deck supported on piles. i.e the sub
structure shall comprise of piles at 7.5 m c/c in transverse direction, whereas the super structure
shall comprise of the pile caps and concrete deck & precast planks supported on longitudinal
beams and cross beams. The pile caps span in the transverse direction with the longitudinal
beams resting on the pile caps.

The structure shall be designed for its self weight and also for forces arising due to wind /
seismic loads, current forces, vehicular loads etc as explained below.
For Ro-Ro berthing structure, an overall width of approx 16.5 m is provided in Gurupur and
approx. 16.8 m is provided in Netravati.
The deck of Ro-Ro shall be submerged in water with varying water levels, depending on the
season. Expansion loops shall be provided along the stretch at almost every 35-40 m.
Towards the Gurupur terminal facility i.e the shore end the deck has been considered above
MHWS of 1.68 m and towards Netravati terminal facility i.e the shore end the deck has been
considered above the FRL =7 m of Thumbe Barrage.
A staged construction approach is assumed in the design viz:
o Piles,

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o Precast pile caps and placement of cross head beams,
o Placement of precast longitudinal beams with precast planks for slab
o Placement of concrete for cast-in-situ ties between beams and deck slab.

The Ro-Ro berthing structures considered in design has salient features as below:

TABLE 6-5: Salient Features of Gurupur Ro-Ro

Description Total Length(m) Total Width (m)

Ro-Ro 75 16.50

TABLE 6-6: Salient Features of Netravati Ro-Ro

Description Total Length(m) Total Width (m)

Ro-Ro 123 16.80

Design Loads on Berthing Structures

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a) Dead Load
The dead load comprises of the weight of all components of the structure as well as the weight
of all permanent connections.
For Ro-Ro berthing structures, the member load has been defined directly by STAAD Pro using
the self weight command. The weight of concrete slab & precast panels has been applied in
STAAD Pro software using floor load command.
b) Live Load
In general, the vertical live loads comprise of loads from vehicular traffic of all kinds including
trucks and trailers. The vertical live loads as defined in IS 4651 (III) shall be considered in the
analysis and design of the berthing structure.

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For Ro-Ro berthing structure, vehicular loading as per IRC 6 Class 70R as defined below shall
be considered
1. A Tracked vehicle of 70-ton load or
2. Wheel load of 100 ton or
3. Bogie axle load of 40 tons, whichever is critical.
Moving loads has been applied in STAAD Pro software for all the three load cases defined
above to obtain the maximum value of bending moment and shear force.
c) Seismic Forces
The river is in zone III as per IS 1893:2002(part I). Dynamic analysis has been done to calculate
the time period of the structure. The spectral acceleration is calculated based on the time period
of the structure obtained for its mode as per IS 1893:2002 for rocky soil types.
The maximum mass participation is observed for mode 1 in X direction and for mode 2 in Z
The time period obtained is of the order of 3 secs in X direction and 3 secs in Z direction
Hence based on the acceleration value the horizontal seismic coefficient is worked out as
Ah = (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g).
Z = zone factor =0.10
I= importance factor =1.5
R = reduction factor =3
Sa/g= spectral acceleration based on time period

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50 % Live load is considered for the dynamic analysis of the structure.
Thus Ah = 0.03 (in X direction) and Ah = 0.03 (in Z direction)

d) Wind Forces
Wind loads on the structure shall be applied according to IS: 875 (Part 3) -1987
Wind Pressure Pz = 0.6 Vz2
Pz = Design Wind Pressure in N/m2 at height Z
Vz = Design wind speed at any height in m/s
Vb = Basic wind speed at any height in m/s
K1 = Probability factor (risk coeff)
K2= Terrain height and structure size factor
K3 = Topographic factor
Pz is calculated as 0.96 KN/m2 taking Vb as 33 m/s
The wind force is applied on piers and deck slab in both X and Z direction in STAAD Pro

e) Mooring Load
The Mooring loads are the lateral loads caused by the mooring lines when the vessel is pulled

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into or along the deck or hold it against the forces of wind or current. The maximum mooring
forces are due to wind force, on exposed area, on the board side of the vessel.
IS 4651_III, gives Bollard Pulls of vessel as below

For 2000 Tonnes displacement Line pull = 100 KN (total)

f) Current Forces
As per IS 4651 III, pressure due to current is applied to the area of vessel below the water line
when fully loaded.

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i. Gurupur Terminal
Current force F = w v2/2g per m2
Where v = velocity =2.5 m/s
W= 10 kN/m2
F = 3.185 kN/m2

ii. Netravati Terminal

Current force F = w v2/2g per m2
Where v = velocity =3.1 m/s
W= 10 kN/m2
F = 4.89 kN/m2
Load Combinations
The load combinations as per IS 4651(IV): General Design Considerations are considered in
design of structure. Suitable partial safety factors as per IS: 4651 - 1989 applied to the loads
for limit state design are considered.
All operational load combinations will be checked to satisfy the serviceability criteria.
TABLE 6-7: Partial Safety Factors for Loads in Limit State Design

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Structural Analysis and Design of Berthing Structures

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Based on the structural arrangement and loadings described above, a 3-D model was
developed in Staad Pro software for Ro-Ro Berthing structures. The structure is modelled with
its deck (long & cross beams) along with piles at every 7.5 m in transverse direction.
Linear elastic analysis has been carried out using the Staad model for estimating the actual
forces in structural length of the pile for all loads considered. The design is carried out the most
critical load combination. The pile foundation design is presented in Annexure 5.1.
RCC members are designed manually considering limit state design approach as per latest
available Indian standards.
A one-third increase in permissible stresses shall be allowed in seismic case as per clause of IS 1893 part-1 2002.
Gurupur Ro-Ro

Long. beam
Cross beam

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7.5 m C/c piles
12 m c/c piles


FIGURE 6.9: Perspective view of 3 dimensional model prepared in STAAD for RO-RO


Member Description Length Member Sizes(m) Material


Width Depth Thick

Cross Beams 7.5 1.8 1.5 Concrete
Longitudinal Beams 12 1.0 1.25 Concrete
CastIn situ Slab 0.15 Concrete
Pile Diameter, OD 1.2 Concrete

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A. Netravati RO-RO

FIGURE 6.10: Perspective view of 3 dimensional model prepared in STAAD for RO-RO

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Length Member Sizes(m)
Member Description Material
Width Depth Thick

Cross Beams 7.5 2 1.5 Concrete

Longitudinal Beams 12 1.0 1.25 Concrete
CastIn situ Slab 0.15 Concrete
Pile Diameter, OD 1.4 Concrete

6.5 Construction Schedule

Construction schedules of different structures will be discussed and elaborated as a part of the
implementation schedule in the appropriate chapter.

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7.1 General Review

River Netravati and Gurupur (NW 74 & 43) are proposed for development of Ro-Ro, passenger
and tourist ferry service. Trucks and trailers moving between MRPL to Bangalore have been
frequent cause of accidents on NH 48. This necessitates an urgent need to divert vehicles like
trucks, lorries, oil tankers bound for Bangalore from roadways to IWT. Ullal – Mangalore is the
busiest route in the region. Passengers moving on this route often faces heavy congestion. Some
share of this traffic could be diverted on River Gurupur.

Development of two terminals is proposed, each at River Gurupur and Netravati. Terminal
proposed on river Gurupur is near Ashok Nagar (backside of NMPT). Another terminal is proposed
on Rrver Netravati at Thumbe Village. This is an intertwined development. River Gurupur would
handle Ro-Ro and passenger traffic between Ashok Nagar and Bengre/Ullal, while river Netravati
holds potential for trucks movement to/from central Karnataka and tourists to enjoy boat ride
between Thumbe and Ashok Nagar.

The predominant factors in vessel designing are Fairway and Traffic i.e., the Fairway availability

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and Traffic Type and Volumes to be transported. The Fairway details have been discussed in
Chapter 03 and the IWT Traffic scenario has been discussed in Chapter 04. The present status
on the vessels plying in the study stretch have been collected and placed in chapter 4.

7.2 Design Basis

Vessel design is usually influenced by the factors like traffic type and density, channel type and
characteristics, flow current, operational and navigational factors, etc. The selection of vessels for
River Gurupur & Netravati (NW-43 & NW-74) have been made using traffic type and volume.
Higher traffic / volumes and lower transport cost induce need for larger vessels or deployment of
smaller vessels in several numbers.

7.2.1 Vessel Classification adopted in Indian Inland Waterway

Ministry of Shipping and Inland Waterways Authority of India has classified the Inland waterways
into seven categories for rivers and canals for safe plying of self-propelled vessels (Ref: IWAI,
Gazette Notification 2006). The classification criteria of waterways are mentioned in Table 7.1
for Rivers.

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TABLE 7-1: Classification of Inland Waterways for Rivers

Class of Minimum Bottom Bend Vertical Horizontal
Waterways Depth Width Radius Clearance Clearance (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m)
I 1.2 30 300 4 30
II 1.4 40 500 5 40
III 1.7 50 700 7 50
IV 2.0 50 800 10 50
V 2.0 80 800 10 80
VI 2.75 80 900 10 80
VII 2.75 100 900 10 100

Vertical clearance for power cables or telephone lines or cables for any transmission purpose
for all the classes of waterways mentioned shall be as follows:

▪ Low voltage transmission lines including telephone lines - 16.5 metres

▪ High voltage transmission lines, not exceeding 110 kilo volt - 19.0 metres
▪ High voltage transmission line, exceeding 110 kilovolt - 19.0 metres + 01
centimetres extra for each additional kilovolt

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7.3 Type of proposed Vessels
The most suitable river vessel is to be considered based on the following aspects viz., Fairway
availability; Availability of Day / Night navigation system; Obstructions enroute like Locks;
Navigational clearances free cross structures; Haulage distance; Type and Nature of Cargo;
Terminal facilities etc. The study stretches of River Gurupur (NW-43) & Netravati (NW-74) have
been considered as Class IV. Class IV waterways can operate passenger carrying vessels. It has
been proposed to have 01 Terminal in River Gurupur (NW-43) at Ashok Nagar & 01 terminal in
Netravati (NW-74) at Thumbe village.

Vessel requirement for a waterway can be segregated mainly into two parts i.e., Waterway
maintenance vessels and Cargo/Passenger vessels. There are many vessels required for
maintenance of waterway viz., Dredgers; Tugs; Survey vessels; Navigational Equipment
maintenance vessels; Patrol Boats; Pilot Boats; Inspection Vessels etc. River Gurupur (NW-43)
& Netravati river (NW-74) due to its small stretch and limited commercial opportunity cannot have
exclusive vessels for maintenance of waterway. Vessels required for maintenance of waterways
has been discussed in the “Institutional Requirement”.

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7.4 Proposed Vessel Size and Specifications
Targeted depth of River Gurupur (NW-43) & Netravati (NW-74) is considered as 2.0 m. IWAI
designed and built Ro-Ro vessels has been considered to accommodate proposed truck traffic in
River Gurupur and Netravati. Any passenger vessel with less than targeted depth is suitable for
navigating in the defined stretch. Specification of considered Ro-Ro and passenger vessels are
mentioned below.

7.4.1 Ro-Ro Vessel

• 56ft. Ro-Ro Ferry Vessel
✓ Size (L x B x D) – 56m x 13.5m x 1.8m
✓ Capacity – 15 Trucks
✓ Engine – 2 Engines of 250 kW

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FIGURE 7.1: 56Ft. Ro-Ro Ferry Vessel - IWAI

7.4.2 Passenger Vessel

Presently 6 vessels are plying on Gururpur river for across and along the river movement. These
vessels are single screw with 120 pax capacity and 450 bhp engine power. One of these vessels
are shown in the figure below. Similar vessels are recommended to handle proposed passenger
traffic in Gurupur and Netravti river.

✓ Capacity – 120 Pax

✓ Engine – 335 kW Single Screw

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FIGURE 7.2: 120 Pax Passenger Vessel in Gurupur River

7.5 Turn around Time

Turn Around Time (TAT) for the Inland Navigation is the most critical analysis, involving many
practical issues, linked with the Fairway constraints; Terminal Operational Constraints; Availability
of Day / Night Navigation system; Vessel speed etc. The navigable stretch of both the waterways
are as mentioned below

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• River Gurupur (NW-43): 8km (Ashok Nagar – Bengre/Ullal)
• River Netravati (NW-74): 22.5 km (Thumbe Village – Bengre/Ullal)
The table below shows the calculation and assumptions considered to arrive at Turn Around time
for single vessel on both the stretches.

TABLE 7-2: Turn Around Time Calculation for Single Ro-Ro Vessel

Sl No. Parameters Unit (Gurupur) (Netravati + Gurupur)

1 River Stretch Km. 8 30.5

2 Traffic Type Proposed Type Ro-Ro Ro-Ro

3 Terminal Proposed No. 1 1

4 Load / Unload (both side) Mins 60 60

5 Misc. Waiting Mins 30 30

6 Total Handling Time Mins 90 90

7 Sailing Speed Knots 8 8

8 Sailing Time Mins 32 125

9 Total Turn-around Time Mins 122 (2 Hrs) 225 (3 Hrs 45 Mins)

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Based on the above assumptions, one side trip would take at least 2 Hrs in Gurupur and around
3.5 hours for Ashok Nagar – Thumbe route. Vessel speed and operational time consumed at
terminal and in transit are the primary influencing factor of turnaround time.

TABLE 7-3: Turn Around Time Calculation for Single Passenger Vessel

Sl (Ashok Nagar – Bengre, (Bengre – Across (Thumbe –

Parameters Unit River)
No. Along River) Ashok Nagar)

1 River Stretch Km. 8 ~1 30.5

2 Traffic Type Proposed Type Passenger & Tourist Passenger Tourists

3 Type Ferry Terminal - Ferry Terminal

Terminal Proposed
4 No. 1 - 1

5 Load / Unload (both side) Mins 20 10 30

6 Misc. Waiting Mins - - 15

7 Total Handling Time Mins 20 10 45

8 Sailing Speed Knots 10 8 10

99 (1 Hr 39
9 Sailing Time Mins 25 5
144 (2 Hrs 24
10 Total Turn-around Time Mins 45 15

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Based on the above assumptions, one side trip would take at least 45 mins in Gurupur for along
river and 15 mins for river crossing, and around 2 hours 24 mins for Ashok Nagar – Thumbe route.
Vessel speed and operational time consumed at terminal and in transit are the primary influencing
factor of turnaround time.

7.6 Number of Vessels Required

This section discusses the number of vessels required to handle projected traffic on the of River
Netravati and Gurupur (NW 74 & 43). Below listed are the relevant factors are considered to arrive
at the requirement of number of vessels;

▪ Nature and Type of Traffic

▪ Fairway Length (distance between proposed terminals)
▪ Physical Hindrances
▪ Vessel Capacity
▪ Permissible Speed
▪ Operational (Days & Hours), etc.
The table below shows the assumptions considered to arrive at Ro-Ro vessel calls and number
of vessels required to cater to the projected truck traffic till FY-40.

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TABLE 7-4: Assumptions for Calculating Passenger Vessel Requirement

Sr. No. Parameters Unit Gurupur River Netravati River

1 Operational Days Days 300 300

2 Daily Operational Hours. 12 12
3 Carrying Capacity Trucks 15 15
4 Vessel Speed Knots 8 8
5 Loading and Unloading Time Mins 60 60
6 Miscellaneous Time Mins 30 30
7 Chainage Km. 8 22.5

Based on the above assumptions, number vessels required on the of River Netravati and
Gurupur (NW 74 & 43) is represented in the table below.

TABLE 7-5: Number of Ro-Ro Vessel Requirement in Gurupur River

Sl No. Unit FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40

Traffic (Trucks) No. 4,574 14,896 17,052 19,519
Annual Vessel Calls No. 305 994 1,137 1,302

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Daily Vessel Calls No. 2 4 4 5
Vessels Requirement No. 1 1 1 1
Additional Vessel
- 0 0 0 0

TABLE 7-6: Number of Ro-Ro Vessel Requirement in Netravati River

Sl No. Unit FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40

Traffic (Trucks) No. - 30,022 34,367 39,340
Annual Vessel Calls No. - 2,002 2,292 2,623
Daily Vessel Calls No. - 7 8 9
Vessels Requirement No. - 3 3 3
Additional Vessel
- - 0 0 0

The above calculation concludes that one number of Ro-Ro vessel wil be suffient to handle truck
traffic proposed in River Gurupur & three numbers of Ro-Ro vessel will be required to handle total
projected traffic. Since this is an intertwined development, total of three Ro-Ro vessel shall suffice
to kickstart the operation and introducing more Ro-Ro vessel, once the positive development is
witnessed over the period of time. The table below shows the assumptions considered to arrive

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at passenger vessel calls and number of vessels required to accommodate the projected
passenger and tourist traffic till FY-40.

TABLE 7-7: Assumptions for Calculating Passenger Vessel Requirement

Gurupur Gurupur
Sr. No. Parameters Unit (Along (Across Netravati
River) River)
1 Operational Days Days 300 300 300
2 Daily Operational Hours. 12 12 12
3 Carrying Capacity No. 120 120 120
4 Vessel Speed Knots 10 8 10
Loading and Unloading
5 Mins 30 10 30
6 Miscellaneous Time Mins - - 15
7 Chainage Km. 8 1 22.5

TABLE 7-8: Number of Passenger Vessel Requirement in Gurupur – Along River

Sl No. Unit FY24 FY30 FY35 FY40
Traffic (Boat Ride) No. 1,042,076 1,136,775 1,222,232 1,314,113
Annual Vessel Calls No. 8,684 9,474 10,186 10,951

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Daily Vessel Calls No. 29 32 34 37
Vessels Requirement No. 2 3 3 3
Additional Vessel
- - 1 - -

TABLE 7-9: Number of Passenger Vessel Requirement in Gurupur – Across River

Sl No. Unit FY24 FY30 FY35 FY40
Traffic (Boat Ride) No. 2,431,511 2,652,474 2,851,874 3,066,263
Annual Vessel Calls No. 20,263 22,104 23,766 25,553
Daily Vessel Calls No. 68 74 80 86
Vessels Requirement No. 2 2 2 2
Additional Vessel
- - - - -

TABLE 7-10: Number of Passenger Vessel Requirement in Netravati River

Sl No. Unit FY31 FY34 FY37 FY40

Traffic (Boat Ride) No. 180,167 230,342 294,646 377,000
Annual Vessel Calls No. 1,502 1,920 2,456 3,142
Daily Vessel Calls No. 6 7 9 11
Vessels Requirement No. 1 1 1 1
Additional Vessel
- 0 0 0 0

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The above calculation concludes that initially 2 Nos. of vessels and additional 1 No. in FY29
onwards will be required to cater to the proposed traffic (majorly includes local passengers) for
along the river movement and 2 Nos. of similar vessels for along the river movement in Phase I.

7.7 Vessel Specification

The deployement of ferry for tourism would be by 3rd party tour operators. IWAI would not make
any investment in acquiring vessel or operating it. Hence, Capital Cost of the vessel is not part of
financial analysis or project cost calculation. It has been noted that the Capital Vessel Building
Subsidy is under consideration by IWAI / Administrative Ministry of Shipping, which is being
recommended herewith to give boost to this sector. The indicative ferry acquisition cost, as
ascertained from the Market, is being furnished herewith. The recommended specification of Ro-
Ro and Passenger vessels that can be deployed in River Gurupur (NW-43) & Netravati (NW-74)
for tourism and passenger movement is as follows.

• Ro-Ro Vessel: (15 TEU) – Double Ended Operation

• LOA 56.00 m
• Breadth 13.50 m
• Loaded Draft / Depth: 1.80 m

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• Propulsion: Twin Engine Azimuth Drive
• Propulsion Power: 2 x 250 kW
• Speed (with Load): 8 Knots @ 100% MCR

Vehicle Capacities:
• 40 ft Trailor Trucks: 3 Nos.
• 20 ft Trailor Trucks: 3 Nos.
• 20 ft Trucks: 6 Nos.

7.7.1 O&M Cost

The Operation & Maintenance cost (O & M Cost) for the Vessels being considered in the IWT
project, in general, consists of running cost of the vessels; Crew Cost; Repair Cost; Depreciation
Cost; Insurance factor and Interest Factor. The vessel mobility is under consideration of 3 Ro-Ro
Vessel, for which working the O&M cost is only indicative & will not have any bearing at this point
of time. The cost factors are as below.

1 Ro-Ro Vessel (For 1 Year)

• 1 Ro-Ro vessel Running cost for 330 days operation with 3 ½ Hrs mobility in a cycle and having
3 cyclic maximum operations in a day, cost per annum will be as detailed.
• 990 cycles x 3 .75 Hrs x {0.1 Liter per hour x 2 Engines x 250 kW} x INR 85 per Liter = INR 157.78
Lakhs Per Annum.
• 8 Nos. Crew on 1 Ro-Ro vessel @ INR 0.50 Lakhs per month.

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• Crew cost for 12 months will be 12 x 8 x 0.5 = INR 48 Lakhs Per Annum per Unit.
• Repair Cost is @ 2 % P. A of CAPEX i.e., 0.02 {1 x 1000} = INR 20.00 Lakhs Per Annum.
• Depreciation is proposed by considering the life of vessels as 20 Yrs.
• Interest factor is proposed as per the industry norms.
• Insurance factor is proposed as per the industry norms.

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8.1 General Requirements

A fool proof communication system in the River Navigation is a most important requirement in
order to maintain the safety of the entire system. Safety is one of the important parameters that
has to be considered for the development of the inland navigation along with the protection of
the environment and efficiency. In order to have undisturbed and uninterrupted development
and maintenance of Inland Navigation System, safe communication is most important.
Safety implies that navigation risks on the waterway stretch need to be at an acceptable level.
In particular, the risks of:
• Ship-to-ship collisions;
• Ship-bridge collisions;
• Groundings;
need to be minimised, rather to be nullified. Accordingly, to accomplish, an adequate visual
marking of the fairway has to be done. Even if more advanced and potentially more accurate
systems are deployed, visual fairway markings are used to verify proper navigation and are also

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a necessary backup in case of system failures.

8.1.1 VHF / HF
Communication is essential for navigation in Inland Waterways. Due to the VHF the captains of
the vessel can communicate with each other. The VHF communication can be recorded if the
system will be equipped with VHF-transceiver. The recordings of the VHF can be used to
investigate incidents or near-incidents to prevent future incidents.GPS
The DGPS system provides the RIS-system with a correction value. This correction value
increases the accuracy of the AIS transponders onboard of the vessels. The AIS base station
transmits the correction signal through the designated AIS message or DGPS correction..

8.1.2 GPS
The DGPS system provides the RIS-system with a correction value. This correction value
increases the accuracy of the AIS transponders onboard of the vessels. The AIS base station
transmits the correction signal through the designated AIS message or DGPS correction.

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8.1.3 RIS / AIS / Radar / VTMS
RIS is a concept for harmonised information services which supports traffic and transport
management in inland navigation, including interfaces to other transport modes. The general
technical solution is depicted in Figure below

Fig 8.1 Main components of the RIS system are given below in flowchart:

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The system consists of several central servers (or processors). For availability reasons these
servers should be duplicated. Duplication in two different locations requires a good Quality of
service of the connection, on and a fair amount of bandwidth between these locations.

CROP (Central RIS Operating Processor)

The Central RIS Operating Processor (CROP) is the main unit of the RIS-system. It receives all
the received ship reports from the AIS base stations. The CROP filters all duplicated AIS Ship
reports and provides the operator with a real time over-view of the Traffic.

CMSP (Central Monitoring and Storage Processor)

The Central Monitoring and Storage Processor (CMSP) provide 2 basic functions for the RIS-
system. These functions are the storage of all received data and the monitoring of the availability
of the servers and the subsystems.
The data that will be stored by the CMSP will all be stored at the moment the data is received.
The CMSP will fingerprint all received data. A notice will be given during replay in case the data
is corrupt or has been changed. The data that will be stored by the CMSP are:
• Received AIS Data;
• Hydro and Meteo Data;
• VHF communications;
• Operator Actions;

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• System Status (availability)
• WS (Web Server)
• The web server is used to provide a traffic image to third party users. These third-party
users are the one that benefit from the data as provided by the RIS-system but who don’t
have direct access to the RIS-servers. In this case the third parties are limited to a few
responsible persons as mentioned below:
• Harbour master at Port;
• Logistic supply chain manager at Port;
• Harbour master at another Terminal;
• Logistic supply chain manager at another Terminal;
• Vessel operators (or owner).
• The benefits by using the web server are:
• Real time overview of the vessel position;
• Overview of the expected time of arrival (ETA) of each vessel;
• Delays in logistic deliveries (Coal) are known in due time;
• Optimisation in logistic deliveries.
• The functions of the web server are:
• Provide traffic image to the WS-users;
• WS user profile selection
• TS (Time Server)

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• The time server is used to align all servers in the server centre to exactly the same time.
This is important with respect to the registration, display and replay of data.
• Subsystems
• The subsystems and their anticipated function as used in the RIS-system are described
as under.
• AIS (Automatic Identification System)
• There are two types of AIS i.e., Shore stations and the ships transponder.
• Base Stations
• The AIS base stations are the main sensor in the RIS-system. The AIS base station should
comply with all regulations with respect to AIS.
• The function of the AIS base stations will be:
• Receipt of the ship reports
• Transmission of virtual buoys
• Transmission of Hydro and meteo information
• Transmission of DGPS correction message
• Transmission of AIS messages to skippers or certain areas
• Transponder
• The function of the AIS transponder on board of the vessel will be:

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• Transmission of own position;
• Transmission of own configuration (in case of barges)
• Receipt of other ships positions equipped with an AIS transponder
• Receipt of hydro and meteo information
• Receipt of safety related messages
• On board of the vessels the AIS transponder should be integrated with the radar and with
the display. VTMS i.e., Vessel Track Monitoring System is also to be integrated as a part
of projection of visual features to identify the location with its real time pictures. This will
be a cumbersome proposal.
• Hydro Meteo
• Knowing the accurate level of the water in the river is essential to be able to increase the
efficiency of the logistic chain. The required data can be forwarded to the:
• RIS-operators
• Skippers;
• Logistic simply chain managers (a decreased depth might negatively influence the coal
• ENC’s
The RIS-system should be equipped with an ENC chart. This ENC chart can be displayed on
the operator positions at the traffic centre and on the electronic chart display system onboard
of the vessels.

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Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) is already in the process of development of Digitized
Charts of all the National Waterways, which are the ENCs and these ENC charts are already
being updated on a regular base. The updated ENC charts are adaptable to the virtual aids to

8.1.4 Recording and Replay

The system will be equipped with a recording and replay function. The recorded data will be
fingerprinted, so one can check whether the data is correct or has been changed afterwards.
The recordings can be stored on the CMSP-server. It is advised to have the data stored online
for at least 30 days. After these 30 days the data can be stored on a medium like tape or on
The Recording and Replay function should also be equipped with a function to make a movie
of the traffic image on DVD or other kind of storage device.
The recording and replay system can be used for:
• Registration of acquired data;
• Incident Evaluation;
• Near incident Evaluation;
• Check on procedures;

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• Operational analysis (statistical).
Additional requirement
• The following infrastructure is required to operate the RIS-system:
• Fixed energy supply
• Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)
• Diesel generator
• Mast for antennas
• Shelter for equipment
• Foundation for shelter and Mast
• Lightning protection
• Fence to protect shelter and mast
• Wide Area Network (WAN) connection at each site
• Other infrastructure that might be required could be:
• Microwave link
• Air-conditioning
• Fire detection equipment
• Fire Fighting
• Burglar detection

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The RIS-system will have multiple users. These users will either have a different task.
Depending on the task of the user the authorization on what the user can do or what data the
user is allowed to see can change.
Depending on the specific needs of the IWAI, or its clients, these users can be expanded and/or
The following users/ roles are:
• User management
• Traffic Operator
• Emergency response
• Incident evaluation
• Maintenance

8.1.5 Vessel / Hydrographic Survey equipment

The RIS-system also requires that certain systems are available and working on the used
vessels. The system should be connected and integrated with each other. The required systems

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AIS transponder


• Radar

• Hydro and meteo sensors

• Echo sounder

• Electronic chart display capable of displaying virtual buoys.

8.2 Existing System

IWAI is already having the communication system on NW 1 / NW 2 along with Day / Night
Navigation system which have been developed considering the AIS and DGPS stations. Further,
the adaptable Digitized charts are already being used linked with Survey Equipments viz., Echo-
sounders and GPS with a provision for updating the charts. Provision also is under consideration
to link up with the Day / Night Navigation Buoys.

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8.3 Additional requirement
The communication system technology is rapidly changing with Technology change. Accordingly,
within a short gap of time, the existing system is leading to an obsolete scenario. Hence,
development of a sustainable system is very difficult. However, an attempt has been made and
a workable rather reliable system has been worked out and placed as Annexure 8.1. Further, the
specification of AIS Base Station Transponder is enclosed at Annexure 8.2 and AIS Embedded
Server specifications are enclosed at Annexure 8.3. As observed, this system is not cost effective
and left the details in this report, as an Academic data for consideration at later date, if found

Further to the above, an attempt has been made to ascertain the details on the alternative real
time ship tracking system viz., Vessels Traffic Management System (VTMS). It was observed
that the same is costlier than the RIS system and has not been discussed. Subsequent to the
discussions with the stakeholders, it was noticed that the Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India has
already initiated the working about feasibility and implementation of “National Coastal Grid of
VTMS”, in which a considerable distance of the rivers joining the sea also is under consideration.
This proposal is from the strategic safety point of view and is expected to take some more time.
It is suggested to have a dialogue at later date by IWAI for a full proof communication / navigation

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system in the National Waterways joining the sea in both West / East coast.

At this stage, it is recommended to proceed ahead with the available Mobile Networking system
and later on an amenable system can be adopted, subsequent to the considerable progress on
“National Coastal Grid of VTMS”.

8.4 Costing
Based on the market survey and quotations, the cost implications are placed herewith,

8.4.1 Capital Cost

Sl Estimated Rate
Item Description Unit (in Lakh
No. Quantity (in Rs.)
A RIS Centre
1 Land Cost 1 1,50,000 1.50
2 Equipments 1 10,20,700 10.21
3 Tower & installation 1 7,50,000 7.50
4 Other Incidentals 1 8,50,000 8.50
Total RIS Centre 27.71
B AIS Base Station (One Number)
1 Land Cost 1 10,00,000 10.00

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Sl Estimated Rate
Item Description Unit (in Lakh
No. Quantity (in Rs.)
2 Equipments 1 10,20,700 10.21
3 Tower & installation 1 7,50,000 7.50
4 Other Incidentals 1 8,50,000 8.50
Total AIS Base Station 36.21
C Vessels
As in Fairway Development
D Buoys
As in Fairway Development
Total Cost 63.91
Cost with GST & the Cost to be divided equally in Gurupur & Netravati

8.4.2 O&M Cost

A. Repair & Maintenance of Equipments @ 10 % on 63.91 Lakhs 6.39

B. Contingencies @ 3 % on 63.91 Lakhs 0.19

C. 2 Lease Lines @ 2.5 Lakhs per annum for 2 WWs 5.00

D. Other Incidentals 2.00

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Total Say 13.58 Lakhs Per Annum

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9.1 Objective of Environmental and Social Studies

The objective of the environmental and social studies is to assess the environmental and social
impacts due to the proposed development works and suggest a suitable environmental
management plan (EMP) to mitigate adverse impacts, if any, including its cost. In addition,
Consultant has to identify the authorities who will give the clearance for EIA / EMP.

9.2 Environmental Setting in the Project Area

The proposed national waterway no. 43 is located on Gurupur river in the Dakshina Kannada
district of Karnataka State. It is a 10.04 km stretch of the Gurupur river beginning from the
confluence of Netravathi river with the Arabian Sea at Lat 12°54'44.04"N, Lon 74°49'44.51"E to
the Mangalore Port Bridge at Lat 12°55'34.81"N, Lon 74°49'37.34"E.

The proposed national waterway no. 74 is located on Netravathi river in the Dakshina Kannada
district of Karnataka State. The total length of the Netravathi mainstream in the catchment from

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the origin to the outfall in the Arabian Sea is about 103 km. The Netravathi River passes through
Chikamangaluru & Dakshin Kannad Districts of Karnataka State. It flows through the famous
pilgrimage place Dharmasthala and is considered as one of the Holy Rivers of India.

Out of the total length of 103 km, about 78 km of the stretch of the river from Netravathi Dam,
Dharmasthala, to its confluence with the Arabian Sea at Bengre has been declared as new
national waterway (NW-74). Based on the findings during Stage I of the DPR Study for NW-74,
only a 30.0 km stretch out of the originally identified 78 km length of the Netravathi river has been
considered for the present study i.e. for Stage II of the DPR study. The 30 km stretch under
consideration begins from the confluence of Netravathi with the Arabian Sea at Bengre at Lat
12°50'44.6904"N, Lon 74°49'33.3734"E and ends near Bantwal at Lat 12°53'53.50"N, Lon

The environmental setting in the project area is described in the sections that follow.

9.2.1 Physiography
Karnataka is situated on the western edge of the Deccan Peninsular region of India. It is located
approximately between 11.5° North and 18.5° North latitudes and 74° East and 78.5°
East longitudes. Karnataka comprises the Deccan Plateau, the Western Ghats Mountain Range
and the Coastal Plains.

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Physiographically, Karnataka is part of two well-defined regions of India: the Deccan Plateau and
the Coastal plains and Islands.

The state can be divided into four physiographic landforms – the Northern Karnataka Plateau, the
Central Karnataka Plateau, the Southern Karnataka Plateau and the Coastal Karnataka Region.

1. Northern Karnataka Plateau

The Northern Karnataka Plateau covers the districts of Belgaum, Bidar, Bijapur and Gulbarga.
The area is mainly composed of the Deccan Trap. It represents an extensive deforested plateau
landscape. The Northern Karnataka Plateau has an elevation of 300 metres to 600 metres from
the sea level. The plateau slopes towards the east. The landscape is mainly covered with
rich black cotton soils.

The vast expanse of treeless plateau is interspersed with river plains, watersheds, residual hills
and ridges. The river plains are represented by those of River Bhima, River Ghataprabha, River
Krishna and River Malaprabha.

2. Central Karnataka Plateau

The Central Karnataka Plateau is located between the Northern Karnataka Plateau and the

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Southern Karnataka Plateau. It consists of districts like Bellary, Chikmagalur, Chitradurga,
Dharwad, Raichur and Shimoga. The elevation of the Central Karnataka Plateau varies between
450 metres and 700 metres. The general slope of this plateau is towards the east.

This region is the location of the Tungabhadra River basin.

3. Southern Karnataka Plateau

The Southern Karnataka Plateau includes the districts of Bangalore Urban, Bangalore Rural,
Hassan, Kodagu, Kolar, Mandya, Mysore and Tumkur. This plateau region is covered by a high
degree of slope. It is encircled by the Western Ghats on the west and the south. The Southern
Karnataka Plateau has a general elevation of 600 metres to 900 metres. But the Biligirirangan
hills of Mysore district and the Brahmagiri range of Kodagu district have residual heights ranging
between 1,500 metres to 1,750 metres.

The Cauvery River basin forms a significant part of this plateau.

4. Karnataka Coastal Region

The Karnataka coastal belt starts from the Western Ghats in the west and extends till the edge of
the Karnataka Plateau in the east. The Karnataka Coastal Region includes the districts of Udupi,
Uttara Kannada and Dakshina Kannada.

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The terrain of this region consists of rivers, creeks, waterfalls, ranges of hills and peaks. The
Karnataka Coastal Region can be divided into two main geographical divisions, known as the
Western Ghats and the plains. The coastal belt has an average width of 50 km to 80 km. It covers
a distance of around 267 km from north to south.

Dakshina Kannada district is one of the three districts of the State located in the coastal region. It
is located in the western belt covering a geographical area of 4861 sq.km. The district is bounded
on the north by Udupi district, on the east by Chikmagalur and Hassan districts and on the south-
east by Kodagu, on the south-west by Kasargod and Cannanore districts of Kerala State and on
the west by the Arabian Sea. The district has a coastal line of about 40-45 km. The district is
separated from the rest of the south Indian peninsula by the the Western Ghats.

Dakshina Kannada District can be divided broadly into three well-defined physiographic units viz.
i) Coastal plain ii) Upland pediplain area and iii) Eastern hilly area forming part of the Western

The Coastal plain is a narrow, thickly populated and intensely cultivated area adjoining the coast.
There is considerable extent of barren land along the coast partly because it is sandy, rocky, and
marshy. The area near sea is covered with coconut gardens.

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The Upland pediplain area is interspersed with low hills between the Western Ghats and the coast,
which is moderately cultivated with a considerable extent of fallow land.

The Eastern hilly area in the eastern part of the district is hilly with thick forest cover, which forms
part of the Western Ghats. The hills of the area range in elevation from 1200 to 1500m a.m.s.l.
and are capped with laterite, which form plateau usually of oval or elongated configuration. The
hill ranges are dissected by numerous streams and rivulets. The prominent peaks in the area are
Balihalli (1240m), Amadikul betta (1298m) Attiberi Gudda (1522m), Banganabagile Gudda
(1513m) etc.

Karnataka has seven river systems and their tributaries flowing through the state. The river
systems of Karnataka are:

• Cauvery
• Godavari
• Krishna
• North Pennar
• South Pennar
• Palar
• The West Flowing Rivers

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Netravati, Gurpur and Kumaradhara are among the principal rivers of the Dakshina Kannada
District. River Netravati is navigable from Bantval. Netravati rises in the Ghat to the east of
Kudremukh and flow down the Bangadi valley past Belthangdi, after which it is joined by the
Kumaradhara river near Uppinangady. As it approaches Mangalore, it has a wider channel and
the river is studded with several small islands called “kudru” which are exceedingly fertile and are
known to yield very good rice and sugarcane crops. At Mangalore, the Netravati flows towards
north to join the Gurupur river and form a large estuary through which both discharge their
combined waters to the sea.

The Gurupur River, where the waterway under consideration is located, originates in the Western
Ghats at an elevation of 1100m above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) and joins the Arabian Sea at
Mangalore in the Karnataka state of India. The length of the Gurupur river from its origin to its
outfall in the Arabian Sea is about 85km. Gurupur River is also known as Phalguni River or Kulur

The total catchment area of Gurupur River is 824 sq km. The catchment receives an average
annual rainfall of about 4000mm.

(Source: 1. http://gazetteer.kar.nic.in/gazetteer/specialPublications.html# 2. District Census

Handbook: Dakshina Kannada, Census of India 2011)

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9.2.2 Geology and Seismicity
The geology of Karnataka is largely confined to the two oldest eras; the Archean and the
Proterozic. The rest of the great periods from Cambrian to recent are hardly represented but for
minor sediments of recent age exposed along the coastal margin to the West. A substantial part
of North Karnataka is covered by Deccan trap, representing phenomenal outburst of volcanic
activity at the dawn of the Cenozoic era.

The state is exposed oldest rocks in Gorur area, Hassan district, Karnataka date back to about
3300 million years. The Precambrian craton of Karnataka is made up of western and eastern
segments. The Precambrians of Karnataka have been divided into older Sargur supracrustals
(about 3000 to 3300 million year old) and younger Dharwar supracrustals (about 3000 to 2600
million year old. The Dharwar supracrustals Supergroup has been further divided into older
Bababudan Group (ca.3000 to 2700 million years) and younger Chitradurga Group (ca.2700 to
2500 million years). The schist belts of the Eastern craton, like Kolar, Hutti, Sandur etc., appear
to be approximately equivalent to the Chitradurga Group.

The Karnataka craton has been extensively intruded by granites and granitoids of the ca. age2600
to 2500 million years. The eastern Karnataka abounds in these granites and granitoids. The
northern part of Karnataka is made up of Kaladgi and Badami and Bhima Group of sediments,

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approximately of Proterozoic age. Further north the terrain is covered by extensive volcanic flows
known as Deccan traps of Cretaceous -Tertiary age.

Geologically, with the exception of the coastal strip, the Dakshina Kannada district contains rock
formation belonging to the earliest period of the earth’s history namely the Archean Epoch. The
coastal region contains recent and sub-recent deposits and the lateritic formations. The older
metamorphic rocks constitute mainly the Dharwars and these are represented by the banded
ferruginous quartzites and by the talc and hornblende schists.

The Karnataka state is categorized as moderate to low seismic risk zone. The state of Karnataka
has reported more than 500 earthquake tremors in the last three decades with most of them
having low magnitude.

As per the seismic zoning map of India, the project area falls under seismic zone III (moderate
damage risk zone).

(Source: Disaster Risk Profile: Karnataka, National Disaster Risk Reduction Portal, National
Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India)

9.2.3 Climate

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The climate of Karnataka ranges from arid to semi-arid to humid tropical. Two annual monsoons
bring rainfall to Karnataka: the North-East monsoon and the South-West monsoon. The mean
annual rainfall in the State is around 1355 millimetres. The coastal region of Karnataka receives
the maximum rainfall while parts of North Karnataka are among the major rainfall deficit areas of
the state.

Karnataka experiences four seasons in a year. Summer starts from March and extends till
May. Monsoon begins in June and lasts until September. During this season the state
receives rainfall due to the southwest monsoon winds. Post-monsoon season extends from
October to December. This season is quiet pleasant as humidity reduces significantly. Winter
stays in Karnataka during the months of January and February. The state experiences low
temperature and reduced humidity.

The climate of the Dakshina Kannada district is marked by high humidity and high temperature in
the hot season. The period from March to May constitutes the summer season and this is followed
by the rainy season, i.e., the south-west monsoon season lasting from June to September. The
months of October and November constitute the post Monsoon season followed by the winter
season. There are considerable climatic variations between the areas nearer to the Western
Ghats and those that are nearer to the Arabian Sea. Being a coastal district, seasonal variations
in temperature tend to be quite little. May is usually the hottest month of the year. While the

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maximum temperature remains around 32.6°C, the minimum stays around 26.1°C. During the
period from December to February, the day temperature remains very high.

(Source: https://www.karnataka.com/profile/physiography/ )

9.2.4 Soils
According to soil survey data, the soils of Karnataka can be divided under nine groups. These
groups are:

• Red Sandy Soils

• Red Loamy Soils
• Shallow Black Soils
• Medium Black Soils
• Deep Black Soils
• Mixed Red and Black Soils
• Laterite Soils
• Laterite Gravelly Soils
• Coastal Alluvium

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The Dakshina Kannada district is characterized by sandy soil along the coastal belt and lateritic
soil in other parts with high iron and aluminum contents. Laterite soil usually occurs in heavy
rainfall zone with an annual precipitation of over 100 inches or 3000 mm. This type of soil is
suitable for paddy, sugarcane, areca nut and plantation crops like cardamom and plantain. The
soil reaction tends to be on the acidic side in the heavy rainfall region of the district and have
high percentage of nitrogen and very low content of phosphorus and potash. Soil erosion is
noticed all over the district due to the peculiarity of the terrain.

(Source: https://www.karnataka.com/profile/physiography/ )

9.2.5 Land Use Pattern

Land use is the surface utilization of all developed and vacant lands on a specific space at a
given time. Lands are used for forest, pastures, transportation, settlement, industrial and
commercial purposes. Whereas, uncultivable waste land, barren and fallow land are unused

Mixed land use is found on both side of the waterway stretch comprising presence of agricultural
land, settlements, industries, ports, fishing docks etc.

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9.2.6 Ambient Air and Noise Quality
The overall ambient air quality in the project area is found to be of acceptable standards. The
impact on the existing ambient air and noise quality is largely limited to the emissions due to
vehicular movement. The project area has a few settlements and some industries with emission
norms regulated by the SPCB.

Primary data on ambient air quality monitoring in the project area may be collected at a later
stage as required.

9.2.7 Ambient Water Quality

There are some industries are established on the banks of Gurupur river comprising the NW-
43 stretch. However, discharge of effluents by these industries is regulated by the State
Pollution Control Board and the Gurupur river water quality in the proposed stretch does not
appear to be impacted adversely in any significant manner by industrial effluents.

Water quality samples have been collected and tested for two sample locations along the NW-
43 stretch as part of the hydrographic survey carried out for preparation of the present DPR.
The pH value of the two samples is found to be over 7, which indicates that water in the project

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area is alkaline in nature.

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has established a network of monitoring locations on
aquatic resources across the country. The present network operated under Global Environmental
Monitoring System (GEMS) and Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic Resources System
(MINARS) covers 445 rivers in 29 States and 6 Union territories having 1275 locations.

Based on an analysis of the water quality data for the years 2009-2012, CPCB published a report
in February 2015 titled ‘River Stretches for Restoration of Water Quality’ (Monitoring of Indian
National Aquatic Resources Series: MINARS/37 /2014-15).

In the said report, the rivers have been prioritized based on the concentration of BOD in five
classes from Priority I to V. The criteria of each priority are elaborated indicating the concentration
range of BOD in mg/l. The degree of violation is with respect to water quality criteria for drinking
water source with conventional treatment with respect to BOD. The polluted locations in a
continuous sequence are defined as polluted river stretches.

Criteria for Priority I

Monitoring locations exceeding BOD concentration 30 mg/l.

Criteria for Priority II

Monitoring locations having BOD between 20-30 mg/l.

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Criteria for Priority III

Monitoring locations having BOD between 10-20 mg/l.

Criteria for Priority IV

Monitoring locations having BOD between 6-10 mg/l.

Criteria for Priority V

Monitoring locations having BOD between 3-6 mg/l.

According to this report, water quality of rivers in Karnataka is measured at 61 locations on 25

rivers and among them 38 locations are non-complying to the Water Quality Criteria with
respect to BOD.. These 38 locations are on 15 rivers. The names of 15 polluted rivers are;
Arkavathi, Bhadra, Bhima, Cauvery, Ghatprabha, Kabini, Kagina, Kali, Krishna, Lakshmantirtha,
Malprabha, Manjira, Shimsha, Tungabhadra and Tunga. These rivers are classified in priority
class IV and V based on the level of BOD. Thus, no polluted stretches are reported for Gurupur
and Netravati rivers.

Additional primary data on water quality in the project area may be collected at a later stage as
part of the EIA study to be carried out separately by IWAI.

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9.2.8 Susceptibility to Natural Hazards
Karnataka state is vulnerable to various natural hazards. The coastal districts namely Dakshina
Kannada, Udupi, Uttara Kannada with a coastal line of 322 kms and coastal population of 43.64
Lakhs are under the direct threat of cyclones and severe cyclones originating in Arabian Sea
and indirect attack of cyclones originating along the Eastern coastline.

Nearly all districts of Karnataka experience moderate to severe floods. Floods are associated
with cloud bursts, cyclones or depressions in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.

Hilly regions of Western Ghats spread in the districts of Kodagu, Chikmagalur, Hassan,

Shimoga, D. Kannada and U. Kannada record a very high rainfall of 2000mm to 4000mm.
Landslides are common in these districts.

Karnataka stands Second only to Rajasthan in terms of Drought Affected areas. The state is
highly vulnerable to drought as compared to its neighbouring states. About 152.1 Lakhs ha
(80%) out of 190.238 Lakh ha is affected by drought in Karnataka.

According to Disaster Management Plan (2019-20) prepared by the Government of Karnataka for
Dakshina Kannada District, following are the possible natural disasters in Uttara Kannada.

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Cyclones / Storm

The district falls within the cyclone area of storms originating in the Arabian Sea and those that
enter across the Indian Peninsula from the Bay of Bengal. 2019 District experienced 4 major
cyclones in Arabian Sea (Vaayu, Hika, Kyarr, Maha) due to cyclonic affect Heavy rain fall
recorded. However, historically it is seen that cyclones are not as severe as and as frequent as in
the Bay of Bengal along the eastern coast of India. Historically, the worst cyclone to hit the district
was during the year 1979. No major damage was reported during that period.


There are two major rivers fowing in the district namely Netravathi and Gurpur Rivers. Netravathi
River flows through Belthangady, Puttur and Bantwal taluk's before joining the Arabian Sea at
Ullal in Mangalore Taluk. Similarly, the Gurpur River flows through Belthangady and Bantwal
taluk's before joining the Arabian Sea at Thannirbhavi in Mangalore Taluk. In addition to these,
there are other smaller rivers like Mulki River, Pavanje River etc., fowing through the district.

The highest amount of Rainfall expressed (400mm) in Mangaluru Taluk on May 29, 2018 which
caused Urban Flooding. Historically there have been incidences of foods in the low-lying areas
along the major rivers especially Netravathi and Gurpur.

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Drought is a natural hazard that differs from other hazards since it has a slow onset, evolves over
months or even years, affects a large spatial extent, and cause little structural damage. Like other
hazards, the impacts of drought span economic, environmental and social sectors and can be
reduced through mitigation and preparedness.

Mangaluru and Bantwal have been declared by state government as drought affected Talukas in
Dakshina Kannada district in 2016-17.


The entire Dakshina Kannada falls under the Zone 3 of the earthquake classification as per Indian
Standards, which is relatively safe. Historically there has been no incident of earthquake during
last one hundred years.

Forest Fire

Dakshina Kannada has dense forests along its eastern border in Belthangady and Sullia Taluk's.
Historically there has been no incidence of forest fires in the district. However, chances of a forest
fire or a bush fire in the district cannot be totally ruled out.

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9.2.9 Estuary and Coastal Zone
The entire National Waterway 43 project area falls under the tidal zone. The stretch of NW-74
from Ch 0.00 km to Ch 23.5 km falls under the tidal zone.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, under the provisions of the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, had issued a notification in February, 1991, declaring an
area of 500 m. from the high tide line along the sea coast, bays and estuaries and up to 100 m
from the rivers and creeks as a Coastal Regulation Zone. The developments within this zone
are required to be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the notification and the Coastal
Zone Management Plan which the State Govt. is required to prepare for the area.

The CRZ Notification 1991 was later amended and a new Notification was issued in 2011
namely CRZ Notification, 2011. The notification imposes certain restrictions on the setting up
and expansion of industries, operations or processes and the like in the CRZ.

As per the CRZ categorization provided in the CRZ Notification, 2011, the NW-43 project area
falls in CRZ – I. Accordingly, the proposed project will require clearance under the CRZ
Notification 2011.

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9.2.10 Archaeological and Heritage Locations
Masjid Arkula exists on the right bank of the river between Ch 10.00 km to Ch 23 km of NW 74.
The island present in the middle of the river from 11.40 km to Ch 13.90 km houses a religious
structure named as Infant Jesus Chapel. However, the project will not interfere with these
structures in any manner.

No other structures of archaeological, cultural or historical importance will be impacted due to the
two proposed project.

Prohibited and Regulated Areas are defined in the Ancient Monuments and Archeological Sites
and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010, and the definition of the two terms is as

Prohibited Area: Every area, beginning at the limit of the protected area or the protected
monument, as the case may be, and extending to a distance of one hundred metres in all
directions shall be the prohibited area in respect of such protected area or protected monument.

Regulated Area: Every area, beginning at the limit of prohibited area in respect of every ancient
monument and archaeological sites and remains, declared as of national importance and
extending to a distance of two hundred metres in all directions shall be regulated area in respect
of every ancient monument and archeological site and remains.

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As per the information available on the website of Archaeological Survey of India, there are 133
centrally protected monuments under the jurisdiction of Bengaluru Circle of Archaeological Survey
of India. None of these monuments are located in Dakshina Kannada District.

9.2.11 Flora and Fauna

Karnataka State has a geographical area of 1,91,791 Sq. Km and the reconstituted expert
committee-1 formed by Government of Karnataka vide GO NO FEE 270 FGK 2002 has identified
41,590.46 Sq.km is total area of forest in Karnataka. The total forest area includes reserved
forests, Protected Forests, Unclassified forests, Village forests and Private forests. This further
inclues, Betta, Bane, Jamamalai, forest poramboke, Kan, Kumki, Paisari, Amritmahal Kaval,
Assessed waste land, Kharab lands, Inam lands, thickly wooded areas, plantations and other
lands as well. (Source: Annual Report, 2019-20, Karnataka Forest Department)

Nearly 22.6% of the State’s total geographical area comprises forest area. Notified forests
comprise 17.3% of the State’s geographical area and include reserved, protected, village and
private forests.

Based on Champion and Seth’s system of classification (1968) the following major types of forests
are recognized in Karnataka:

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• Southern tropical wet evergreen forests;
• Southern tropical semi evergreen forests;
• South Indian tropical moist deciduous forests;
• Southern tropical dry deciduous forests;
• Southern tropical thorn forests;
• Subtropical broad leaved hill forests;
• Littoral and swamp forest.

The biodiversity of Karnataka is estimated to have more than 1.2 lakh known species including
4,500 flowering plants, 800 fishes, 600 birds, 160 reptiles, 120 mammals and 1,493 medicinal

The Western Ghats support a diverse fauna. Among the vertebrates, birds represent the largest
number of known species (508 species), followed by fishes (218), reptiles (157), mammals (137),
and amphibians (126).

largest number of known species (508 species), followed by fishes (218), reptiles (157),
mammals (137), and amphibians (126).

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9.2.12 National Parks, Forests, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Reserves
The Karnataka state has five national parks and 27 wildlife sanctuaries covering 6,794 km 2 of
forest areas.

Dakshina Kannada district has large tracks of tropical evergreen forest called Western ghat
forest which is one of the biodiversity hot spots in the world. This district has forest area of
128,476 Hectares. Forest area is more in Belthangady taluk (49,837 Ha) followed by Sullia taluk
(43,282 Ha) and Puttur taluk (27,386 Ha).

The forests in the Dakshina Kannada district are both evergreen and deciduous. Many of the
trees, notably the poonspar (Carlophyllum elatum) and Kiral bhogi attains an immense size
especially on the slopes of the Ghats. Teak is abundant in the Puttur taluk though it is found in
varying degrees all over the State. At present, practically all types of forests contribute to the
flora of the district such as evergreen in the Ghat belt, semi-evergreen in the foothills and
deciduous in the outer ridges. In the dry deciduous areas bamboo is of common the chief
cultivation of plantation is extensively cultivated throughout the district and very tasty varieties
are found in and around Mangalore.

The cultivation of betel leaf is common in the district. The chief forest produce of hard timber of

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economic importance in the district are rosewood, teak and genteak. Among the items of minor
forest produce are cardamom, cinnamon leaves and bark, canes, bamboo, wood oil,
myrobalans, catechu and matti bark.

The large extent of forest land in the district affords a safe home to wild animals. The bison is
found along the line of the ghat from north to south. Next to the bison, sambar is found in large
number in the grassy areas on the slopes of the ghats. In the more open jungle, herds of the
spotted deer can be seen. The little mouse deer is also found but is not very common. Monkeys,
wild dogs and wild bears, rabbits, foxes and squirrels are found all over the district. The
mongoose is very familiar to sight and there are no games preserves or sanctuaries in the
district. A large variety of snakes are found such as cobra, king cobra, rat snakes, vipers, crates
etc. Chitas are also found in the forests.

The project is not located close to any protected area such as a national park or a wildlife

9.2.13 Socio-economic Profile

As per the 2011 census, the total population of the state amounts to 6,11,30,704. Out of which
the males constitute to about 3, 10, 57,742 and females to about 3,00,72,962. The literacy of the
state is 55.98%. Population density is 319 per km sq. The sex ratio is 968 females to 1000 males

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Description 2011
Population 61,130,704
Population Growth 15.67%
Population Density 319 persons / sq km
Male 31,057,742
Female 30,072,962
Sex Ratio 968
Percentage of Total 5.05%
Literacy 75.60%
Male Literacy 82.85%
Female Literacy 68.03%

Dakshina Kannada is a maritime district located in the south-western part of Karnataka adjoining
the Arabian Sea. Mangalore town is the district headquarters. Administratively, Dakshina
Kannada District has two revenue sub divisions viz., Mangalore and Puttur and five Taluks viz.,
Mangalore, Bantwal, Puttur, Belthangady and Sullia/Sulya.
Agriculture is an important livelihood for the people of Dakshina Kannada besides fishing. The
total geographical area of the district is 4,86,100 hectares and 1,28,476 hectares consist of
forest area. Cultivable lands of the district are classified mainly into rice land and garden lands.

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Rice lands are further categorised with reference to availability of water and fertility of the soil.
The first-class land called Bailu comprises low lying fields with an abundant supply of water.
The best type of Bailu is called Kolake-gadde which yields three crops of rice in a year. While
the ordinary type of Bailu-gadde yields two crops of rice and one crop of grain and the
Bettagadde remains inundated during the first few months of the monsoon yields only one rice
crop. The garden land suitable for raising arecanut and coconut plantation are called Bagayat
Paddy is the principal agricultural crop of the district. There are three well defined agricultural
seasons, called the Yenelu or Karthi from June-July to September-October, Suggi from October-
November to January-February and Kalke from January-February to April- May. The crop under
yenelu are raised under rain fed conditions and during the other two seasons the crop require
certain amount of irrigation. The other crops raised during the season are arecanut, cashewnut,
black gram and green grams. Sugarcane is confined to the coastal taluks. Cashewnut, arecanut,
pepper, cloves and coconut are the important cash crops in the district.
Fisheries constitute the major economic and characteristic feature of the district. The district is
known for marine fishing and the export of fish and fish products. With a considerably large
coastal line, the district has a rich continental shelf which abounds in pelagic fisheries in addition
to a rich prawn fishery. The estuaries of the rivers are noted for the richness of their fish fauna.
In view of the abundance of Mackerels, this part of the west coast is popularly known as the

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Mackerel Coast. However, with preponderance of marine fisheries, the inland fisheries hold a
secondary place.
Dakshina Kannada district is renowned for the production of tiles, beedis and cashew besides
chemical and fertilizers. The most important industry of the district is the Mangalore Refineries
and Petrochemicals Limited, popularly known as MRPL. The district is famous for manufacturing
of tiles, which have over the decades, come to be known as “Mangalore tiles.”
Socio-economic features of the project area are further detailed out in Chapter 4 of the DPR.

9.3 Potential Environmental and Social Impacts of the

The proposed project involves the following major construction activities:

i. Construction of terminal buildings

ii. Construction of access roads
iii. Bank protection works
iv. Dredging of the river in the proposed waterway stretch

These activities will involve mobilization of manpower and equipment at site, movement of
vehicles, use of water existing resources and use of DG sets for construction power. The

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proposed construction period is of three years.
Taking into consideration the scale of construction and operation relating to the project, limited
significant adverse impacts are anticipated on account of the project. Most of the impacts will
be limited to the construction phase and can be suitably mitigated by following good industry
Limited land use change will occur due to the construction of terminals for the operation of the
proposed waterway.
Impacts on air and noise, arising out of vehicular movement and fugitive dust emission, will be
largely limited to the construction period.
Potential impacts on water quality of the river can be suitably mitigated by constructing the
labour camps away from the river banks and by not allowing any debris to be thrown into the
river during the construction and operation phases.
The project involves moderate dredging for creation of a navigable channel. All the dredged
material is proposed to be disposed of within the flood banks of the river and alternatively
disposal can be considered in the low-lying areas and in the sea as per the site conditions. As
such there is no significant adverse impact on the land environment is anticipated due to the
disposal of dredged material. The nature of impacts on aquatic ecology due to dredging
envisaged for the project shall have to be confirmed as part of the EIA study.

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The positive impacts on the project will include improved waterway facilities and other allied
infrastructure facilities the local population. It will also generate some employment and small
business opportunities for the local population.

9.4 EMP and Mitigation of Environmental Effects

As already stated most of the potential impacts will be limited to the construction period. The
management measures required to mitigate the potential impacts of the project on the ambient
air quality during construction period include suppression of fugitive dust by water sprinkling,
transportation of construction debris in covered vehicles, maintaining the specified stack height
of DG sets under use and ensuring that the vehicles and equipment used during the construction
period are in well maintained condition. To ensure that the ambient air quality remains within
the prescribed standards by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), periodic monitoring of
ambient air quality should be undertaken through an accredited laboratory. Suitable corrective
measures should be implemented if the ambient air quality is found to exceed the prescribed
The measures to ensure that there is no adverse impact on the water quality on account of the
project during the construction period would include setting up of labour camps at a safe

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distance from the river banks. In addition, no construction debris should be allowed to flow or
be thrown into the river. The batching pants and concrete mixing plants should be located away
from the river banks and these should be set up and operated strictly in accordance with the
conditions stipulated by the SPCB.
To mitigate land, air and water contamination by the construction workers, adequate fuel, water
and sanitation facilities should be provided to the construction workers. Hunting or poaching of
wildlife should be strictly prohibited by any of the construction workers or employees. Also, it
should be ensured that no unauthorized tree / forest cutting is undertaken by anyone engaged
on the project.
Minimum required land should be acquired for the project. The private land owners, if any,
whose land is to be acquired for the project, should be compensated adequately in accordance
with law.
The project should take care that the traditional fishing rights of the local population are not
impacted adversely in any manner. Adequate consultation with the local population should be
undertaken as required.
The project authorities should ensure that the Contractors engaged on the project have an
approved environment management plan in place and that this management plan forms a part
of the Contract document so as to ensure its effective implementation by the Contractors.

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9.5 Applicable Legal and Regulatory Framework
The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) acts as the nodal agency for
environmental management, prevention & control of pollution and for the enforcement of
following important acts & rules:

➢ Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

➢ Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977
➢ Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
➢ Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
➢ Notifications issued under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
➢ Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000

Key legal and regulatory provisions as applicable to the project are described below.
Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate
The project will require obtaining the Consent to Establish from the SPCB under the Air and
Water Acts prior to commencement of construction. Prior to commencement of operation, it
shall require obtaining the Consent to Operate from the SPCB under the same Acts.
CRZ Clearance

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The entire project area falls under the tidal zone. Based on the categorization provided in CRZ
Notification, 2011, the NW-43 project shall fall under CRZ – I. Accordingly, the project shall
require obtaining clearance under the CRZ Notification 2011.

The initial 22.90 km length of the NW-74 9from Ch 0.00 km to Ch 23.5 km) stretch falls under the
tidal zone. Based on the categorization provided in CRZ Notification, 2011, this 22.90 km stretch
of NW-74 project shall fall under CRZ – I.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, under the provision of Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986, had issued a notification in February, 1991, declaring an area of 500 m.
from the high tide line along the sea coast, bays and estuaries and up to 100 m from the rivers
and creeks as a Coastal Regulation Zone. The developments within this zone are required to
be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the notification and the Coastal Zone
Management Plan which the State Govt. is required to prepare for the area.
The CRZ Notification 1991 was later amended and a new Notification was issued in 2011
namely CRZ Notification 2011.
The CRZ Notification, 2011 declares the following areas as CRZ:

i. the land area from High Tide Line (HTL) to 500 mts on the landward side along the sea
ii. the land area between HTL to 100 mts or width of the creek whichever is less on the
landward side along the tidal influenced water bodies that are connected to the sea and

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the distance up to which development along such tidal influenced water bodies is to be
regulated shall be governed by the distance up to which the tidal effects are experienced
which shall be determined based on salinity concentration of 5 parts per thousand (ppt)
measured during the driest period of the year and distance up to which tidal effects are
experienced shall be clearly identified and demarcated accordingly in the Coastal Zone
Management Plans (hereinafter referred to as the CZMPs).
Explanation - For the purposes of this sub-paragraph the expression tidal influenced
water bodies means the water bodies influenced by tidal effects from sea, in the bays,
estuaries, rivers, creeks, backwaters, lagoons, ponds connected to the sea or creeks
and the like.
iii. the land area falling between the hazard line and 500mts from HTL on the landward side,
in case of seafront and between the hazard line and 100mts line in case of tidal
influenced water body the word ‘hazard line’ denotes the line demarcated by Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF) through the Survey of India (SoI) taking into account
tides, waves, sea level rise and shoreline changes.
iv. the land area between HTL and Low Tide Line (LTL) which will be termed as the intertidal
v. the water and the bed area between the LTL to the territorial water limit (12 Nm) in case

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of sea and the water and the bed area between LTL at the bank to the LTL on the
opposite side of the bank, of tidal influenced water bodies.

The coastal zone is categorized for the purposes of regulation in the following categories:

(i) CRZ-I,–

A. The areas that are ecologically sensitive and the geomorphological features which
play a role in the maintaining the integrity of the coast,-
(a) Mangroves, in case mangrove area is more than 1000 sq mts, a buffer of 50 meters
along the mangroves shall be provided;
(b) Corals and coral reefs and associated biodiversity;
(c) Sand Dunes;
(d) Mudflats which are biologically active;
(e) National parks, marine parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats and other
protected areas under the provisions of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972), the
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980) or Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29
of 1986); including Biosphere Reserves;
(f) Salt Marshes;
(g) Turtle nesting grounds;
(h) Horse shoe crabs habitats;
(i) Sea grass beds;

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(j) Nesting grounds of birds;
(k) Areas or structures of archaeological importance and heritage sites.

B. The area between Low Tide Line and High Tide Line;

(ii) CRZ-II,-
The areas that have been developed up to or close to the shoreline.

Explanation.- For the purposes of the expression “developed area” is referred to as that
area within the existing municipal limits or in other existing legally designated urban
areas which are substantially built-up and has been provided with drainage and
approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such as water supply and sewerage

(iii) CRZ-III,-

Areas that are relatively undisturbed and those do not belong to either CRZ-I or II which
include coastal zone in the rural areas (developed and undeveloped) and also areas
within municipal limits or in other legally designated urban areas, which are not
substantially built up.

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(iv.) CRZ-IV,-

A. the water area from the Low Tide Line to twelve nautical miles on the seaward side;
B. shall include the water area of the tidal influenced water body from the mouth of the
water body at the sea upto the influence of tide which is measured as five parts per
thousand during the driest season of the year.
(v) Areas requiring special consideration for the purpose of protecting the critical coastal
environment and difficulties faced by local communities,-
A. (i) CRZ area falling within municipal limits of Greater Mumbai;
(ii) the CRZ areas of Kerala including the backwaters and backwater islands;
(iii) CRZ areas of Goa.
B. Critically Vulnerable Coastal Areas (CVCA) such as Sunderbans region of West
Bengal and other ecologically sensitive areas identified as under Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 and managed with the involvement of coastal communities
including fisherfolk.
The development or construction activities in different categories of CRZ are regulated
by the concerned Coastal Zone Management Authority (CZMA) in accordance with the
norms as defined under the CRZ Notification 2011.

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Forest Clearance
The project does not involve any forest land diversion. Therefore, no Forest Clearance
is required from the MoEF & CC for the project.

9.5.1 Need for Environmental Clearance

Inland waterways are not listed as an activity that requires prior environmental clearance under
the EIA Notification 2006. The Notification, as amended in 2009, includes ‘Dredging’ as an
activity for which prior environmental clearance is required.

However, as per the MoEFCC letter dated 21 December 2017, National Waterway projects are
exempt from the requirement of prior Environmental Clearance on account of maintenance
dredging for creation of navigational channel. The project, therefore, does not need to obtain
Environmental Clearance from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(MoEFCC), Government of India. The MoEFCC letter to this effect is enclosed as Annexure 9.1
of the DPR.

The project shall, however, have to comply with the conditions stipulated in the said letter.

9.5.2 Other Major Clearances / Approvals / Permits Applicable to the Project

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Other clearances required for the project shall include those that need to be obtained by the
Contractors such as the Certificate of Registration from the Labour Department under various
applicable labour laws, permission from SPCB for setting up of batching plants, license for
storing petroleum / diesel etc.

The project area is not located close to any Protected Areas. Therefore, the project shall not
require Wildlife Clearance from the MoEF, Government of India.

Since no structures of cultural, historical or archaeological are anticipated to be impacted due

to the project, no clearance from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or the State
Department of Culture is envisaged for the project.

A summary of major clearances / approvals / permits and their applicability to the project is
provided in Table 9-1 below.

TABLE 9-1: Major Clearances / Approvals / Permits And Their Applicability To The Project

S. No. Clearance / Applicability to Applicable Legislation Remarks

the Project

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1. Environmental No EIA Notification 2006 Exempted by MoEFCC
Clearance vide its letter dated 21
December 2017.

2. Forest Clearance No Forest Conservation Act, The development of the

1980 two waterways does not
involve any diversion of
forest land.

3. Wildlife No Wildlife Protection Act, The project is not located

Clearance 1972 close to any protected

4. CRZ Clearance Yes CRZ Notification 2011 The entire NW 43 project

falls in CRZ I.

9.6 Cost Implications

As per the scope of services for further environmental and social impact assessment (EIA & SIA)
studies and requirement of obtaining all mandatory statutory clearances for the project

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approximately 1 to 1.5 year is adequate period for consultancy services (1 year for non-CRZ and
1.5 year for CRZ waterways) related to EIA & SIA studies. In this regard, the project authority may
engage to QCI/NABET accredited EIA consultant for Category – A projects, who shall conduct
rapid EIA & SIA studies and shall prepare a stand-alone EMMP (EMP & EMoP) for inclusion in
the contractor bid documents. The generation of environmental baseline data at pre-construction
stage along with environmental monitoring during construction and operation stages shall be
carried out by the NABL/MoEF&CC approved laboratory to assess the project performance during
entire project cycle.
The estimated cost for conducting EIA-EMP & SIA studies along with obtaining all mandatory
statutory clearances at pre-construction stage and timely and effective implementation of EMMP
(EMP & EMoP) during construction and operation stages have been described in the following

9.6.1 Estimated Cost at Pre-Construction Stage

The statutory fee shall be paid by the project authority for obtaining all mandatory statutory
clearances. The estimated environmental and social budget for EIA-EMP & SIA studies have been
summarized below:

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Table 9-2: Summarized Estimated Cost For Consultancy Services
Sl. Particulars of Estimated
Amount (in Rs. Lakh) Remark (if any)
No. Budget

Salary of 12
Lump-sum cost on intermittent
1. Experts on intermittent based 40
input (as per QCI/NABET

Cost of one Time Baseline

To be done for one season
2. Data Generation at Pre- 3.20
(Table – 9-3).
Construction Stage

Public Consultation Meeting

3. 4 Lump-sum cost

Lump-sum cost without break-

4. Reports / Document Printing 1

Travelling Cost for Site Visits

5. 5 Lump-sum cost
(Bus, Taxi, Boat etc.)

6. Lodging & Boarding Cost 5 Lump-sum cost

Cost for collection of

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metrological data
7. and other 5 Lump-sum cost
information like
Maps etc.

Grand Total (Rs) 63.20

In words: Rs. Sixty Three Lakhs Twenty Thousand only

Note: No. of Key Experts: 12 as per QCI/NABET Scheme on intermittent basis. Which may increase or decrease
by the project proponent as per actual scope of work.

(i) Above consultancy Fee is without Service Tax.

(ii) The breakup of Sl. No. 2 is given in Tables 9-3.

Table 9-3: Estimated Sub-Cost for One Time Baseline Data Generation At Pre-Construction StagE
Sl. Environmental Parameters Monitoring Unit No. of Unit Amount
No. Attributes Frequency Tentative Rate (Rs)
Locations (Rs)
1. Ambient Air PM 2.5, PM10, CO, 24 Hourly Per Sample 4 20,000 80,000
Quality SO2, NO2 etc. sampling with various
(Day & Night parameters
time) to be
done at each

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2. Water Quality Physical Properties: Surface and Per Sample 4 15,000 60,000
monitoring pH, Temp., DO, ground water with various
Conductivity, to be parameters
Chemical Properties: monitored
TSS, Alkalinity, separately
Hardness, BOD, COD,
NO3, PO4, Cl, SO4, Na,
K, Ca, Mg, Silica, Oil &
grease, Phenolic
compounds, Residual
Sodium Carbonate.
Properties: Total
3. Noise Quality Day & Time monitoring 24 Hourly Per Sample 4 10,000 40,000
monitoring to be done at each sampling with various
location (Day & Night parameters
time) to be
4. Soil Bulk Density, Colour, Composite Per Sample 4 10,000 40,000
Texture, Soil Type, pH, sample shall with various
Electrical Conductivity, be prepared parameters
N, P, K etc. based on at
least 3
from each

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
5. Aquatic Ecology Trophic Status, Primary One-time
- 4 25,000 100,000
Productivity, Species study at this
diversity & densities of stage.
Zooplankton, Benthic
Organism (Benthos,
Macro-benthos), Fish
and Macrophytes,
Shanon Weiner
Diversity Index.
Sub-Total (Baseline Environmental Data Generation Cost) 320,000
In Words: Rs. Three Lakh Twenty Thousand only

Note: 1 monitoring station @ 10 Km/station = tentatively 4 locations shall be monitored.

9.6.2 Estimated Cost at Construction Stage

The civil work contractor during construction stage shall depute a well experience environmental
& safety Officer (ESO), who shall conduct Environmental Monitoring at Construction Stage as per
stipulated conditions in the contractor documents. He shall also prepare environmental monitoring
report that to be submitted timely to the project proponent and statutory authorities as per project

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Table 9-4: Estimated Cost For Environment Management During Construction

Sl. No. Particulars of Estimated Budget Remark (if any)
(Rs. Lakhs)
Environmental Monitoring Cost at
Shall be carried on yearly basis for entire
1. Construction Stage once in a year for three 9.60
construction period (Table 9-5)
Greenbelt Development nearby terminal
2. 6 Lump-sum cost
Premises by Contractor
3. Solid Waste Management 6 Lump-sum cost
4. Sanitary facilities at labour camps 6 Lump-sum cost
5. Disaster Management Plan 5 Lump-sum cost
6. Any other/miscellaneous 2 Lump-sum cost
Total (Lakhs) 34.60
In Words: Rs. Thirty Four Lakh Sixty Thousand only

Table 9-5: Environmental Monitoring Cost For Construction Stage

No. of
Tentative Unit
Sl. Env. Monitoring Amount
Parameters Unit Locations Rate
No. Attributes Frequency (Rs)

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
(for 3 (Rs)
24 Hourly
sampling (Day Per sample
Ambient PM 2.5, PM10, CO,
1. & Night time) with various 4X3 = 12 20,000 240,000
Air Quality SO2, NO2 etc.
to be done at parameters
each location.
Physical Properties:
pH, Temp., DO,
Chemical Properties:
TSS, Alkalinity,
Surface and
Hardness, BOD, COD,
Water ground water Per sample
NO3, PO4, Cl, SO4,
2. Quality to be with various 4X3 = 12 15,000 180,000
Na, K, Ca, Mg, Silica,
monitoring monitored parameters
Oil & grease, Phenolic
compounds, Residual
Sodium Carbonate.
Properties: Total
Noise Day & Time monitoring 24 Hourly
Per sample
3. Quality to be done at each sampling (Day 4X3 = 12 10,000 120,000
location with
monitoring location & Night time)

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No. of
Tentative Unit
Sl. Env. Monitoring Amount
Parameters Unit Locations Rate
No. Attributes Frequency (Rs)
(for 3 (Rs)
to be done various
sample shall
Bulk Density, Colour, be prepared
Per sample
Texture, Soil Type, pH, based on at
4. Soil with various 4X3 = 12 10,000 120,000
Electrical Conductivity, least 3
N, P, K etc. replicates
from each
Trophic Status,
Primary Productivity,
Species diversity &
densities of
Phytoplankton, One-time
5. Zooplankton, Benthic study at this 4X3 = 12 25,000 300,000

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Organism (Benthos, stage.
Macro-benthos), Fish
and Macrophytes,
Shanon Weiner
Diversity Index.

Total (Rs) 960,000

In Words: Rs. Nine Lakh Sixty Thousand only

9.6.3 Estimated Cost at Operation Stage

Like pre-construction stage, the environmental monitoring and supervision to be done by the
project proponent.

Table 9-6: Estimated Environment Management Cost During Operation

Sl. No. Particulars of Estimated Budget (Rs. Remark (if any)
Shall be carried for one season as
Environmental Monitoring Cost at
1. 3.20 per Table 9-14 given above for pre-
Operational Stage once in a year.
construction stage.

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Maintenance & Supervision of
2. Greenbelt Developed during 2 Lump-sum cost
construction stage
3. Solid Waste Management 2 Lump-sum cost
4. Sanitary facilities nearby terminals 2 Lump-sum cost
Disaster Management Plan
5. 2 Lump-sum cost
(if applicable)
6. Any other/miscellaneous 2 Lump-sum cost
Total (Lakhs) 13.20 Per Year
In Words: Rs. Thirteen Lakh Twenty Thousand only

9.6.4 Summary of Estimated Environmental & Social Budget

This covers the consultancy fee at pre-construction stage along with implementation of EMMP
(EMP & EMoP) during construction and operational stages of the project. The statutory fee along
with the cost of private and government land acquisition shall be borne by the project proponent.
This has been summarized in Table 9-7 given below:

Table 9-7: Summary Of Estimated Environmental & Social Costs For Various Stages

Sl. No. Project Stages Cost (Rs. Lakh) Remark

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1. Pre-Construction Stage 63.20
2. Construction Stage 34.60 Lump-sum
3. Operational Stage 13.20
Total Estimated Budget
(Except Statutory Fee & Land Acquisition & R&R Costs)
In Words: Rs. One Crore Eleven Lakh only

Provision has already been catered in the proposed estimates appropriately.

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10.1 Organizational Set up / Establishment

The Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) has been carved out duly taking over the
responsibilities etc., of the erstwhile Inland Water Transport (IWT) directorate under Ministry of
Surface Transport / Ministry of Shipping with a vision of more thrust on the IWT sector along with
more Autonomy, by an Act of Parliament (IWAI Act 82 of 1985). Accordingly, IWAI is vested with
the functions / duties and responsibilities connected to the safe navigation in the National
Waterways and in the interconnected waterways, where IWT is considered for development. The
Para 14 of IWAI ACT 82 of 1985 is provisioned with the Functions and Powers of authority, as
detailed, which is self explanatory.

Functions and Powers of the authority:

14. (1) The Authority may-

(a) carry out surveys and investigations for the development, maintenance and better utilization
of the national waterways and the appurtenant land for shipping and navigation and prepare

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schemes in this behalf; (b) provide or permit setting up of infrastructural facilities for national

(c) carry out conservancy measures and training works and do all other acts necessary for the
safety and convenience of shipping and navigation and improvement of the national waterways;

(d) control activities such as throwing rubbish, dumping or removal of material, in or from the bed
of the national waterways and appurtenant land, in so far as they may affect safe and efficient,
shipping and navigation, maintenance of navigable channels, river training and conservancy

(e) remove or alter any obstruction or impediment in the national waterways and the appurtenant
land which may impede the safe navigation or endanger safety of infrastructural facilities or
conservancy measures where such obstruction or impediment has been lawfully made or has
become lawful by reason of long continuance of such obstruction or impediment or otherwise,
after making compensation to person suffering damage by such removal or alteration;

(f) provide for the regulation of navigation and traffic (including the rule of the road) on national
waterways; (g) regulate the construction or alteration of structures on across or under the national

(h) disseminate navigational meteorological information about national waterways;

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(i) ensure co-ordination of inland water transport on national waterways with other modes of
transport; and (j) establish and maintain pilotage on national waterways;

(k) enter into joint ventures concerning inland shipping by way of equity participation.

14. (2) The Authority may also-

(a) advise the Central Government on matters relating to inland water transport;

(b) study the transport requirement with a view to co-coordinating inland water transport with
other modes of transport;

(c) carry out hydrographic surveys and publish river charts;

(d) assist, on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon, any State Government
in formulation and implementation of scheme for inland water transport development;

(e) develop consultancy services and provide such services, on such terms and conditions as
may be mutually agreed upon, in India and abroad in relation to planning and development of
waterways for shipping and navigation or any facility thereat;

(f) conduct research in matters relating to inland water transport including development of craft

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design mechanization of country crafts, technique of towage, landing and terminal facilities, port
installations and survey techniques;

(g) lay down standards for classification of inland waterways;

(h) Arrange programme of technical training for inland water transport personnel within and
outside the country; and

(i) Perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.

14. (3) Any dispute arising out of or concerning the compensation referred to in clause(e) of
subsection (1) shall be determined according to the law relating to like disputes in the case of
land required for public purposes.

14. (4) Every scheme, prepared by the Authority to carry out functions under sub-sections (1) and
(2), involving capital expenditure exceeding the amount as may be prescribed, shall be submitted
to the Central Government for approval.

14. (5) The Central Government may either approve the scheme submitted to it under sub-section
(4) without modification or with such modifications as it may consider necessary or reject the
scheme with directions to the Authority to prepare a fresh scheme according to such directions.

In order to consider a planned and systematic implementation with the assigned functions of the
authority, a strong Institutional mechanism is required.

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If we keenly observe the Institutional systems of similar administrations / establishment globally
and the parallel administrations / establishments nationally, the key factor emerging out of the
same is only the Policy and procedure of implementation of the assigned responsibilities. It is yet
a debatable aspect i.e., whether to have a full pledged organization so as to undertake the works
through contractual agencies or to have a mechanism of Outsourcing the work along with
supervision to different contractual agencies (Outsourcing the work to an agency and the Project
Management to other agency).

10.2 Man Power Requirement

It is suggested that the Outsourcing the work to a contractual agency is the best alternative for
the subject study and accordingly, the Manpower requirement is under consideration

As ascertained, IWAI is having an Institution Mechanism consisting of a Board along with

Functional Manpower having the inverted conical organization pattern. The major functional
aspects have already been segregated as Project; Planning; Survey; Marine; Traffic; Finance
and Administration. Hence, dislocation of the existing system is not suggested. The present
requirement within the study stretch should be unique, which should be amenable to the existing

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system in the office of Policy making with Control.

Accordingly, the Controlling office (at NOIDA) has been depicted in the pictorial form and will
have 1 Chief Engineer to look after the Central part of the country (Hyderabad) to deal with the
Waterways / National Waterways in the states of Maharashtra; Goa; Karnataka; Orissa;
Telangana; Andhra Pradesh; Tamilnadu & Kerala (including NW 3). Refer the Annexure 10.1.

The present study stretches of Cluster 6 having 6 National Waterways will be looked after by a
Directorate (suggested / recommended) with an office within the Geographical zone, preferably
accessible to all the Waterways / National Waterways. The Organizational requirement has been
depicted in Annexure 10.2. A skeleton staff requirement of 3 Nos. also has been projected as a
support requirement in the Chief Engineer’s office.

10.3 Training Requirement / Capacity Building

IWAI is having various disciplines within the organization viz., Civil Engineering; Mech. Marine
Engineering; Hydrographic Survey; Traffic; Administration / Establishment; Finance etc.,

It is suggested and recommended to have an intra discipline and inter discipline training for all
the employees of the IWAI at entry level i.e., at Technical Assistant / Assistant Director; Junior
Hydrographic Surveyor / Assistant Hydrographic Surveyor; Junior Accounts Officer / Accounts
Officer; Section Officer / Assistant Secretary etc., The National Inland Navigation Institute (NINI)

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of IWAI at Patna premises can be used for such training. It is preferred to have such Trainings
as onsite training, while the works are under progress.

10.4 Infrastructure
The Infrastructure for the Institution will not have much implication, except the Land for the Office
premises, if at all to have the own building of IWAI. However, the infrastructure for functional
aspects may be essential within the accessibility of the site controlling office viz., the office of the

The functional requirement can be identified as Survey Vessels; Survey Instruments in order to
carry out the mandatory periodical Survey works on the National Waterways. Likewise, to
maintain the Night Navigation system, there should be a survey – cum – Buoy maintenance
vessel available within the bounds of the office. Accordingly, 1 units of Survey Instruments with
Software; 1 No. of Survey– cum – Buoy maintenance vessel; are suggested / recommended to
look after the requirements of the National Waterways in Gurupur & Netravati rivers within its

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10.4.1 Immovable
The immovable asset, Land is not suggested at this point of time. In the long run, even if identified
the need of having own office, this will be considered at one of the terminal locations, amenable
with ease approach. Hence there is no suggestion / recommendation of land / immovable asset
under Institution.

10.4.2 Movable
As discussed above, the asset requirement for attending the functions and responsibilities
catered will be considered for procurement. The details have been tabulated directly as a financial
Implication with segregation of Capital Cost Implication and Monthly Cost Implication, including
the Manpower monthly implication in the forth coming Paras. Keeping in view the Organization
requirement, as derived, the implication has been worked out duly taking into consideration of
the 7Th Pay Commission Pay system, so as to have an implementable approach.

10.5 Cost Implications

The cost implication for the apportioned project has been worked out and placed herewith.

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+ The Cost implications for segregated functions like Fairway Development Cost; Terminal
Development Cost; Vessel maintenance Cost; Navigation and Communication system
implementation cost etc., have been taken into consideration at the appropriate heads in above
table and being provisioned for undertaking the requisite functions under the Institution

+ The above expenditure may have to be considered for 2 National Waterways (Gurupur &
Netravati interwined) and accordingly the apportioned cost for River Gurupur & Netravathi i.e.,
Capital cost will be INR 84.40 Lakhs and maintenance cost per month will be INR 6.94 Lakhs.

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11.1 General and Financial assumptions

Project Costing is an important aspect, which is to be worked out rationally to assess the apt
requirement of the project with a reasonable costing structure so as to ascertain the end result of
returns and also will play a vital role in decision making on the implementation of various project
components. It is also essential to define certain financial requirements, in terms of assumptions
for the project, which are to be rational i.e., not to be irrational.

In this context, certain parameters, as defined, by IWAI have been analyzed and considered in
the cost working and Return working. The circulated data has been placed at Annexure 11.1.
However, the same may not suffice the requirements in working out the cost / returns and hence
some more assumptions have been considered appropriately, wherever required.

11.2 Basis of Costing

In general, the costing used to be worked out based on the quantity requirements along with rate

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per unit quantity. The quantities for the subject project have been arrived at based on the actual
item wise requirements. The estimated costs have been worked out based on the relevant
Schedule of Rates (SoR) of the DSR-2021/concerned region / state of Karnataka. Rates for the
non available items have been proposed based on the Market Rates or based on the realistic
budgetary quotations, to the extent possible.

11.3 Development Cost

The Netravathi River is having some IWT mobility near the Old Mangalore Port area, as on date
and according to the estimation and forecast, there is a opportunity for Ro-Ro operation, with its
hinterland spread to eastern Karnataka with its originating Traffic through River “Gurupur”.

In view of the above, the costing has been considered intertwined with the development of River
“Netravati” i.e. Fairway development in Gurupur and Netravathi and development of Ro-Ro facility
in these two proposed IWAI terminal locations, i.e., one in Gurupur and other in Netravathi.

11.4 Capital Expenditure

As explained above, the Fairway related development cost has been worked out and placed

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Sl Amount
Item Description Waterways
No. (in Lakh
(Gurupur- (Netravati-
NW43) - In NW74) - In
Lakhs Lakhs

A Fairway
1 Dredging
(i) General Soil 3049.39 1055.86 1993.52
(ii) Hard Soil 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Low Cost River Structures
(i) Bandaling 0.00 0.00 0.00
(ii) Bottom Paneling 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 River Training Works 0.00 0.00 0.00
(i) Spurs 0.00 0.00 0.00
(ii) Bank Protection Works for
471.94 134.84 337.10
river (Need Based)

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(iii) Porcupine
4 Navigational Aids
(i) Channel Marking Buoy,
Mooring Gear & Lighting 518.09 151.11 366.98
(ii) Shore Marking with Latiice
27.00 9.00 18.00
Bridge & Lighting Equipments
5 Land Acquisition 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-total (A) 4066.42 1350.81 2715.60
B Modification of Structures
(i) Bridges 0.00 0.00 0.00
(ii) Cables 0.00 0.00 0.00
(iii) Dams 0.00 0.00 0.00
(iv) Barrages 0.00 0.00 0.00
(v) HT Line Shifting 61.45 0.00 61.45
Sub-total (B) 61.45 0.00 61.45
C Communication System
(i) RIS Centre 27.71 13.85 13.85
(ii) AIS Base Station 36.21 18.10 18.10
(iii) Vessels 40.00 0.00 40.00

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Sl Amount
Item Description Waterways
No. (in Lakh
(Gurupur- (Netravati-
NW43) - In NW74) - In
Lakhs Lakhs

Sub-total (C) 103.91 31.96 71.96

D Institutional Requirement
Office Development Cost 84.40 0.00 84.40
Sub-total (C)
Sub-total (A)+(B)+(C )+(D) 4316.18 1382.77 2933.41
Enviornmental Management
E Plan Cost@5% of Prime cost 215.81 69.14 146.67
as per Ch 9 of the DPR.
Project Management &
F consultancy Charges @3% of 129.49 41.48 88.00
Prime cost
Contingencies and Unforseen
G Items of Works @3% of Prime 129.49 41.48 88.00

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Project total Hard Cost 4790.96 1534.87 3256.09
Breakup of Fairway
NW-43 NW-74
Dredging 3049.39 1055.86 1993.52
Bank Protection Works for
471.94 134.84 337.10
Navigational Aids 545.09 160.11 384.98
Modification of Structures 61.45 0.00 61.45
Communication System 103.91 31.96 71.96
Institutional Requirement 84.40 0.00 84.40
EIA/EMP/PMC/Contingencies 474.78 152.10 322.68
Total 4790.96 1534.874 3256.090

The Ro-Ro facility requirement has been worked out and placed herewith.

TABLE 11-2: Abstract of Cost for Netravathi Ro-Ro Facility

Sl Amount
Item Description
No. (in Lakh Rs.)
A Terminals (Downstream of Thumbe Barrage)


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Sl Amount
Item Description
No. (in Lakh Rs.)
(i) Land 515.38

(ii) Riverine Components 1219.52

(iii) Infrastructure Components including internal roads 840.35

(iv) Approach Road (External) Cost 11.00

(v) Bank Protection Works for terminal 455.94

Sub-total (A) 3042.18

B Vessels

(i) Vessel Size 0.00

(ii) Vessel Capacity 0.00

Sub-total (B) 0.00

C Equipments for Both Terminals

(i) Ambulance - 1 no. 18

(ii) Dumper Trucks 16 T Capacity - 1 no. 0

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(iii) Cranes with 50 T Capacity - 1 no. 0
(iv) Fork lift trucks 20 T Capacity - 1 no. 54.69
Sub-total (C) 72.69

Sub-total (A)+(B)+(C) 3114.87

D Enviornmental Management Plan 155.74

Cost@5% of Prime cost
E Project Management & consultancy Charges @3% of 93.45
Prime cost
F Contingencies and Unforseen Items of Works@3% of 93.45
Prime cost
Project total Hard Cost 3457.51

TABLE 11-3: Abstract of Cost for Gurpur Ro-Ro Facility

Sl Amount
Item Description
No. (in Lakh Rs.)
A Terminal (Near Ashok Nagar)

(i) Land 264.45
(ii) Riverine Components 681.05

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Sl Amount
Item Description
No. (in Lakh Rs.)
(iii) Infrastructure Components including internal roads 804.37

(iv) Approach Road (External) Cost 12.50

(v) Bank Protection Works for terminal 451.43
Sub-total (A) 2213.81
B Vessels
(i) Vessel Size 0.00
(ii) Vessel Capacity 0.00
Sub-total (B) 0.00
C Equipments for Both Terminals
(i) Ambulance - 1 no. 18
(ii) Dumper Trucks 16 T Capacity - 1 no. 0
(iii) Cranes with 50 T Capacity - 1 no. 0
(iv) Fork lift trucks 20 T Capacity - 1 no. 54.69
Sub-total (C) 72.69

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Sub-total (A)+(B)+(C) 2286.50
D Enviornmental Management Plan 114.32
Cost@5% of Prime cost
E Project Management & consultancy Charges @ 3% of 68.59
Prime cost
F Contingencies and Unforseen Items of Works @ 3% of 68.59
Prime cost
Project total Hard Cost 2538.01

11.5 Operational and Maintenance Expenditure

The operation & Maintenance expenditure has been considered as at Annexure 11.1 and as per
the industrial standards.

11.6 Phasing of Expenditure

It is proposed to develop all the Infrastructure requirements of Fairway and Terminal in 36 months
time span so as to provide the support sytem for Inland Navigation to facilitate the proposed Ro-
Ro operation.

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12.1 Time Frame

The development of river Netravathi is intertwined with the development of river Gurupur. The
Time Frame for the development of waterway considered with the target completion in 36 Months.

In order to facilitate the estimated Ro-Ro traffic, both the modules will be completed as parallel
activity. In the module of Fairway development, the activities of Dredging; River Training works;
Day / Night Navigation facilities; Communication System; Institutional Requirements along with
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) have been proposed. With the development of fairway,
the revenue collection can be considered for the traffic with possible expandable traffic. The
Implementation Schedule in Pictorial form is placed at Annexure 12.1.

Further to the above, to meet the cargo growth, it is proposed to develop 1 Ro-Ro Jetty Terminal
in Gurupur river near Ashoknagar & other in Netravati river in the downstream of Netravati river
to facilitate the mobility of the identified IWT divertible Traffic, which is proposed to be developed
in phased manner. The Implementation Schedule in pictorial form is placed at Annexure 12.2.

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12.2 Phasing
The fairway development is in 36 months. Ro-Ro Terminal development also has been proposed
in 36 months, as a parallel activity. The vessel requirement will be taken care by Entrepreneurs.

12.3 Suggested Implementation Mechanism

The implementation will be considered through the Project Management Consultancy, as
provisioned. However, it is suggested that the overall supervision will be under the control of the
IWAI supervision mechanism.

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The table below depicts the development & operational period of Gurupur – Netravati River.

Development in Phases
Sub-sector 2023 2024 2025 2030 2035 2040
2 Ro-Ro Terminals Construction
(each in Gurupur &
Netravati) Operational
Source: Tractebel; Consultant
Gurupur and Netravathi have been declared as separate National Waterways. However, their
projected traffic is intertwined. Cargo originating along Netravathi River will be destined for the
terminal on Gurupur River, alongside NMPT. The same is true for vice-versa cargo movement.
Owing to these reasons, separate financial models for these rivers are not representative for
depicting the appropriate viability of the entire project. Even though the separate fairway
development has been envisaged, a cumulative financial analysis is needed to derive project
viability and the incidental returns. For these reasons, investment in fairway development for both

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the rivers have been combined with 2 different terminals. This has been carried out under the fair
assumption that the entire estimated traffic movement will be along a single stretch of river, albeit
categorized as separate waterways.

Based on these reasons, Gurupur-Netravathi River development has been approached with twin
potential prospects for cargo handling along the whole stretch. Citing optimistic conditions, the
first objective is to develop the fairway to facilitate the movement of Ro-Ro cargo currently carried
out via NH-66, NH-75, and other district roads. These roads run in parallel to the earmarked
stretch. Development of two terminals, each on Netravathi and Gurupur rivers, is the second
objective to handle the estimated Ro-Ro cargo traffic. Passenger traffic is also proposed for these
rivers for along and across the river movement. Fairway and Ro-Ro terminals, once developed,
could also start accommodating ferry vessel for passenger and tourist movement. However, the
Ro-Ro traffic is the focused and core objective of this development, therefore financial analysis is
done only based on the Ro-Ro traffic and revenue generating out of it.

Proposed IWT route involves multiple cargo handling, this adds to the total logistic cost involved
in transportation. Total time and cost involved in this multimodal transportation is more as
compared to roadway. An elaboration on the impact on overall logistics cost difference is depicted
in the logistics cost comparison chart between the two modes in the following

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FIGURE 13.1: Logistic cost comparison

As per Case I (higher engine power 335 kW), the logistics cost difference for roadway and
waterway is INR 5234 per truck. In Case II (Lower engine power 150 kW), this cost difference
reduces to INR 6,444/truck. This logistic assessment clearly indicates the unviability of operating
a Ro-Ro Terminal on the River. Costs involved in both the Ro-Ro cases are on the higher side
when compared to roadways. In case of just Ro-Ro cost comparison, Case II is marginally
cheaper than Case I.

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IWAI prescribed terminal tariff (May 2021) has been assumed for the Logistics Cost calculations
in above figure. Terminal handling charges at origin and destination of proposed route have been
considered as per the rates provided by IWAI. The table below shows the scale rates of IWAI.

TABLE 13-1: Tariff Structure of IWAI

Sr. No Contents As per IWAI

1 Vessel Berthing Charges INR 1,500 per Vessel/Day

2 Terminal Charges (Ro-Ro) INR 300 per Vehicle

Source: IWAI and Scale rate of MbPT

13.1 Input Sheet

The following table lists all the assumptions and input values used in the financial modeling of
Gurupur – Netravati River. This includes financial analysis for the navigation infrastructure
(fairways), and terminal operations (Ro-Ro):

TABLE 13-2: Input Sheet for NW 43 & 74

Description Unit Fairway Ro-Ro
Loan Tenure Years 10 10
Moratorium Period (Years Construction) Years 3 3
Rate of Interest Annual 11% 11%

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Description Unit Fairway Ro-Ro
Corporate Tax Annual 25% 25%
Cargo Revenue Escalation Annual 6% 6%
Other Revenue Escalation Annual 6%
Administrative Cost of Revenue 3% 2%
Manpower Cost Escalation Annual 5% 5%
Cargo / Dredging Costs Escalation Annual 5%
Other Costs Escalation Annual 6%
Fairway Chainage km 33.5
Chainage (mouth of the river to Ro-Ro Terminal) –
Km 8 / 23.5
Gurupur / Netravati
Tariff for Revenue Calculation
Various Revenue Sources Unit Fairway Ro-Ro
Revenue prospects from Ancillary Activity
Truck Parking Charges Per Day -
Leasing Space Coffee Shops Per Day 500

Lease space for Rest/Retiring Rs/Day/Truc 30


Operation & Maintenance

Description Unit Fairway Ro-Ro
Civil Infrastructure 1%
Dredging Cost 10%
Machinery Infrastructure 5%

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Insurance Cost Capex 2% 2%

Assumptions for EIRR

Parameters Unit Value Reference
Economic loss due to Road Accidents of GDP 3%
GDP of India@ Current Prices Rs Lakhs Crores 125.41
Value of economic loss due to road accidents Rs Lakhs Crores 3.7623
Total Road network in India Lakh KM 0.4865 Tractebel
times safer than
Safety Index (IWT as base)
times safer than
Accidental Loss
Road Rs Lakhs/KM 7.73
IWT Rs Lakhs/KM 0.15
Fuel Cost (1 liter of fuel moves)
Road t-km 24.00
IWT t-km 105.00
Total Distance KM 33 x 2
Fuel price Rs/Litre 67.00
Vehicular Operating Cost (VOC)
Road Rs/t-km 2.57
IWT Rs/t-km 1.06
Direct Employment Creation
Road Per Million t-km 20
IWT Per Million t-km 0.5
Rs Lakhs per
Employment cost 2.5

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Description Unit Fairway Ro-Ro
Emission Reduction
Road INR/Trip 650
IWT INR/Trip 105.5
Shadow Factor
CAPEX/O&M Cost- To convert financial cost to
economic cost Tractebel
O&M Cost escalation p.a. 5%
Source: Consultant, Market standards
All the necessary assumptions for financial modeling are either market driven or provided by IWAI.
Terminal tariff have been taken from IWAI. In EIRR, round-trip distance is considered in each of
the sub-sector’s economic viability evaluation.

13.2 Revenue
Revenue for the cumulative stretch of Gurupur - Netravati River will be generated from the core
operations, which include operation at the Ro-Ro terminal. Secondary revenues sources, labeled
“Ancillary Revenue”, will be generated from sources like land leasing for commercial operations
(tea-stall, coffee shops, inn, etc.), and leased resting area for truck operators. The revenue break-
up and total revenue for IWAI on Gurupur – Netravati River are presented in the table below:

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TABLE 13-3: Revenue for NW 43 & 74 (INR Lakhs)

Description FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40

Ro-Ro Terminal - - 26.2 295.9 452.2 691.4

Fairway - - - - - -

Total - - 26.2 295.9 452.2 691.4

Source: Consultant
IWAI has waived of fairway tariffs in their circular May, 2021. They would not be charging any
tariff for use of waterways by vessels. It is believed that IWAI will maintain desire navigable depth
in waterway to meet their mandate of making National Waterways navigable.

Since, IWAI would be creating and maintaining navigable fairway without any charges from users,
the financials of fairway development is not desired. The revenue on account of fairway with “0”
(Zero) tariff would be “0” (Zero). There would be no profit and loss statement. There would be no
return on investment as IWAI will be investing in creation and maintenance of fairway without any

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13.3 Costs
This section presents the total project cost. IWAI would be developing fairway and maintaining
navigable depth without charging its users. Hence, financial for fairway cannot developed.

The capital cost of development is estimated and presented in this section to ascertain quantum
of investment required by IWAI to make rivers navigable. The following table shows these cost-
heads for all the three core business operations:

TABLE 13-4: Project Cost (INR Lakhs)

Description Total FY23 FY24 FY25

3,521. 1,408. 1,056. 1,056.
3 5 4 4
Navigational Aids 545.1 0.0 327.1 218.0
Structure Modification 61.5 61.5 0.0 0.0
Communication System 103.9 0.0 62.3 41.6
Institutional Requirement 84.4 33.8 25.3 25.3
Environmental Management Plan Cost@5% of Prime cost 215.8 86.3 64.7 64.7
Project Management & consultancy Charges @ 3% of Prime
129.5 51.8 38.8 38.8

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Contingencies and Unforeseen Items of Works@ 3% of Prime
129.5 51.8 38.8 38.8
4,791. 1,693. 1,613. 1,483.
Total Project Cost
0 7 6 8
Ro-Ro Terminal - Gurupur
Terminal 885.5 664.1 664.1
Cargo Handling Equipment 72.7 29.1 21.8 21.8
Environmental Management Plan Cost@5% of Prime cost 114.3 45.7 34.3 34.3
Project Management & consultancy Charges @ 3% of Prime
68.6 27.4 20.6 20.6
Contingencies and Unforeseen Items of Works@ 3% of Prime
68.6 27.4 20.6 20.6
2,538. 1,015.
Total Project Cost 761.4 761.4
0 2
Ro-Ro Terminal - Netravati
3,042. 1,216.
Terminal 912.7 912.7
2 9
Cargo Handling Equipment 72.7 29.1 21.8 21.8
Environmental Management Plan Cost@5% of Prime cost 155.7 62.3 46.7 46.7
Project Management & consultancy Charges @ 3% of Prime
93.4 37.4 28.0 28.0
Contingencies and Unforeseen Items of Works@ 3% of Prime
93.4 37.4 28.0 28.0
3,457. 1,383. 1,037. 1,037.
Total Project Cost
5 0 3 3

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The onus of vessel acquisitions is left with the private operator and not IWAI. Hence, these costs have
not been factored in to develop financial model for the Ro-Ro Terminals on both the rivers together.

13.4 Financial Analysis / FIRR

The financial indicators dictating FIRR for individual ventures, viz. fairways development and
terminal construction have been presented tables below. These indicators help measure the
financial return on investment, which will enable IWAI in taking an informed decision in regard to
implementing the project.

However, before presenting FIRR for the project, some major components such as Salary,
Depreciation, and P&L statement are provided in the following four tables, respectively:

TABLE 13-5: Employment schedule and salary expenditure (INR Lakh)

CTC p.a. /
Parameter No. person (INR FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
JHS 1 12.3 - - 13.5 17.2 22.0 28.1
JAC 1 12.3 - - 13.5 17.2 22.0 28.1
Supervisor 2 9.1 - - 20.1 25.6 32.7 41.8

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Attendent 2 5.6 - - 12.3 15.7 20.1 25.6
Total Salary (INR Lakh) 6 39.2 - - 59.4 75.8 96.8 123.5
Source: Consultant
Manpower cost has been considered in Total Project Cost under “Institutional Requirement”.
However, this investment component toward manpower will accommodate expenses only for the
initial years, covering construction period. Manpower expenses in case of the Ro-Ro terminals
isn’t necessarily directed towards IWAI. It will be borne by whosoever operates the terminal. IWAI
can either own and operate the infrastructure or lease it to a private third party on a suitable PPP

TABLE 13-6: Depreciation (Using SLM Method) (INR Lakh)

Depreciation & Amortization FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40

Ro-Ro Terminals
Gross Block 2,398.2 4,196.9 5,995.5 5,995.5 5,995.5 5,995.5
Depreciation & Amortization - 320.9 458.4 339.6 339.6 39.4
Cumulative Depreciation &
- 320.9 779.3 2,869.5 4,567.6 5,965.5
Net Block 2,398.2 3,876.0 5,216.2 3,126.0 1,427.9 30.1
Source: Consultant

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Depreciation has been calculated using the Straight-Line Method (SLM). Under this method, cost
of asset is evenly distributed across its useful life. Gross Block in each case is sum of total hard
cost and pre-operative expenses, which includes environmental management plan @ 5% of the

TABLE 13-7: O&M Cost (INR Lakh)

Parameter FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Ro-Ro Terminals
Direct Operating Cost 0.0 0.0 2.2 29.0 44.5 68.2
Maintenance & Other Cost 24.8 45.9 129.4 173.9 228.4 300.7
Total O&M 24.8 45.9 131.6 202.9 272.9 368.8

TABLE 13-8: P&L Statement (INR Lakh)

Parameter FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Ro-Ro Terminals
Revenue 0.0 0.0 26.2 295.9 452.2 691.4
O&M Cost 24.8 45.9 131.6 202.9 272.9 368.8
PBDIT -24.8 -45.9 -105.4 93.0 179.3 322.6
Depreciation 0.0 320.9 458.4 339.6 339.6 39.4
Interest 171.5 300.1 428.7 154.4 0.0 0.0

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PBT -196.3 -666.9 -992.5 -401.0 -160.3 283.2
Tax 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 70.8
PAT -196.3 -666.9 -992.5 -401.0 -160.3 212.4
Source: Consultant
Ro-Ro Terminals does not generate any positive returns till FY40. The following table is the overall
assessment of the viability of the individual projects under the development of the Gurupur-
Netravati River:

TABLE 13-9: FIRR for NW 43 & 74 (INR Lakh)

Parameter FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Ro-Ro Terminals
Project Cashflow (Pre-
- 2,423.0 - 1,844.6 - 1,904.0 93.0 179.3 322.6
Project IRR (Pre-tax) -8.8%
Project Cashflow (Post-
- 2,423.0 - 1,844.6 - 1,904.0 93.0 179.3 251.8
Project IRR (Post-tax) -9.1%
Source: Consultant
Revenue prospect for all the sectors generates no rate of returns. It’s because of very low traffic
and high cost of project. All the sectors are likely to be loss-making. Based on the EIRR for the
Ro-Ro sub-sector, viability Gap Funding (VGF) can be sought. In contrast to the above project
component-wise FIRR, the following table provides FIRR for the project as a whole:

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TABLE 13-10: FIRR for NW 43 & 74 – Whole Project (INR Lakh)
Parameter FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Whole Project
Project Cashflow
- 4,372.8 - 3,316.3 - 3,452.2 - 93.7 - 67.1 - 3.7
Project IRR (Pre-tax) Non-existent
Project Cashflow
- 4,372.8 - 3,316.3 - 3,452.2 - 93.7 - 67.1 - 3.7
Project IRR (Post-
tax) Non-existent
Source: Consultant

Fairway and two Ro-Ro terminals all-together generate no returns till FY40. Cumulative Financial
IRR depicts that development of both the rivers for projected traffic is not self sustainable.

13.5 Economic Analysis / EIRR

Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) includes all the financial benefits of a project as well as
the non-financial benefits of that project.

Non-financial benefits would include reduction in CO2 emission, decreased health care

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interventions, reduced traffic, and other quantified benefits that a project can have on a region
considered for a project. The EIRR looks at any investment decision from the perspective of
improving the welfare of the society in general. The table below shows the estimated EIRR for
each of these sub-sectors is presented in the table below:

TABLE 13-11: Project EIRR (INR Crores)

Parameters FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Ro-Ro Terminals
Economic Cash Outflow -2.2 -7.1 -9.0 4.6 7.7 12.1
Net Cash Flow to Project -26.2 -25.1 -27.0 4.6 7.7 12.1
Project EIRR -1.8%
Source: Consultant
Similar to calculating FIRR of the whole project, the following table shows the EIRR of the whole

TABLE 13-12: Project EIRR – Whole Project (INR Crores)

Parameters FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Whole Project
Economic Cash Outflow -4.2 -13.2 -18.7 -3.0 0.2 5.8
Net Cash Flow to
-87.2 -89.5 -43.0 31.8 45.7 66.5
Project EIRR Non-existent
Source: Consultant

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13.6 Sensitivity Analysis
Variations in tariff rates and project cost (+/- 10%) have been applied to measure the overall
impact these could have on the project’s earnings and profitability. Sensitivity Analysis for each
of the sub-sectors is shown in the table below:

TABLE 13-13 Sensitivity Analysis (+10% Revenue, +10% Project Cost)

Revenue Source FY23 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Ro-Ro Terminals
Revenue 0.0 28.3 322.9 493.6 754.8
PAT -215.9 -1,086.1 -433.1 -165.9 243.8
Project IRR (Pre tax) -8.4%
Project IRR (Post tax) -8.8%
Source: Consultant
TABLE 13-14 Sensitivity Analysis (+10% Revenue, -10% Project Cost)
Revenue Source FY23 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Ro-Ro Terminals
Revenue 0.0 28.3 322.9 493.6 754.8
PAT -176.6 -894.8 -315.9 -73.5 274.2
Project IRR (Pre tax) -6.2%

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Project IRR (Post tax) -6.6%
Source: Consultant
TABLE 13-15 Sensitivity Analysis (-10% Revenue, +10% Project Cost)
Revenue Source FY23 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Ro-Ro Terminals
Revenue 0.0 24.1 268.9 410.9 628.0
PAT -215.9 -1,090.1 -486.1 -247.0 150.6
Project IRR (Pre tax) -11.7%
Project IRR (Post tax) -12.1%
Source: Consultant
TABLE 13-16 Sensitivity Analysis (-10% Revenue, -10% Project Cost)
Revenue Source FY23 FY25 FY30 FY35 FY40
Ro-Ro Terminals
Revenue 0.0 24.1 268.9 410.9 628.0
PAT -176.6 -898.8 -368.9 -154.6 181.0
Project IRR (Pre tax) -9.3%
Project IRR (Post tax) -9.6%
Source: Consultant
Under no scenario terminal generates positive FIRR and this primarily because of traffic is too low
to show any positive return. This means that even in imaginable optimistic conditions of higher
revenue and lower cost, it is very unlikely that project would generate positive returns in the
projected period up to FY40.

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13.7 Risk Factors & Mitigation
The major risk associated with the Project is the unwillingness of industries to shift from existing
mode of transportation i.e. roadways to proposed waterway due to the seasonal behavior of river
& most importantly the cost factor. This happens when industries find end-to-end logistics cost of
fairway & Ro-Ro Terminal higher than the existing mode of transportation i.e. roadways. In this
situation, industries may reject using this mode & continue using roadways. Other risks typically
impressing upon such a project are technical, environmental, and financial in nature. A broad
assessment of such risks for the Gurupur-Netravathi River waterway development project is
depicted in:

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TABLE 13-17: Risk Factors & Mitigation measures
Risk Description Likelihood* Impact** Risk Rank# Mitigation / Management
• Incorporate industries’ expectations
Cost/Time Factor & Multiple in terms of infrastructure and
handling reduces logistics facilities
Unwillingness of
advantage of waterway cargo 3 3 9
industries • Tariff low enough to appeal
movement, against the competing

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existing road and rail movement. prospective industries, and to
retain profitable operation for IWAI
• Target other traffic opportunities
that utilize the stretch between
Cargo volume, albeit low, Brahmarakotlu and Adarsh Nagar
Low or Uncertain assigned from Puttur to OMPT is terminals.
3 3 9
Future traffic speculative in nature. Assumed
growth rate is also very optimistic. • Appealing logistics and subsidies
in per-ton cargo handling to attract
more share and more industries.
The cause could either be due to
delay in acquiring necessary
permissions and clearances,
meeting environmental regulations
and guidelines, delay in • Project Insurance
Project delay procurement of necessary 2 3 6 • Increased lending to bridge gap
equipment, local resistance, due to cost overruns
natural disaster, etc. or, the delay
could be the result of any
combination of above
*, ** - Severity increases with the scale; # - Likelihood x Impact

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13.8 Necessity of Govt. Support (VGF / PPP)
Difficulty in securing funds aside, some projects are not even considered to be
financially viable, although they might be economically justified and indispensable. To
take care of such projects and to carry them towards their successful completion, the
government has designed Viability Gap Funding (VGF). Viability Gap Funding is the
grant provided by the government towards financing projects that are termed financially
unviable but are economically justified & capable of holding trigger to associated
developments. The scheme and the projects are monitored by the Ministry of Finance
and amount is allocated through annual budget. The usual grant given by the
government is 20% of the total capital cost of the project, which can be supplemented
by the state government through an additional 20% grant.

Ro-Ro Terminals and fairway both the projects are commercially unviable while all there
comes economically viable. The table below shows the outcome of return under 20%
and 40% grant.

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TABLE 13-18: Probable impact of VGF on project returns

Ro-Ro Terminals Cumulative

Reduction in Project Cost
-20% -40% -20% -40%
Project IRR Non-
-6.3% -3.4% -17.2%
(Pre Tax) existent
Project IRR Non-
-6.7% -4.0% -17.5%
(Post Tax) existent
Source: Consultant
Even at considering 40% funding support from government, the project does not
generate any positive return. This is basically due to the high investment cost and lower
returns due to less traffic, forgoing the fairway use charge.

13.9 Conclusion

The following table gives a snapshot of the project cost and viability indicators for all
the sub-sector developments for NW 43 & 74 under different scenarios:

TABLE 13-19: Critical indicators for the NW 43 & 74 under different Scenarios

No Factors Section Unit Financial Outcome

Fairway Cr. 47.90
1 Ro-Ro Terminal - Gurupur Cr. 25.38
Ro-Ro Terminal - Netravati Cr. 34.58

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No Factors Section Unit Financial Outcome

Vessel Berthing INR Vessel/Day 1,500

2 Tariff Terminal Charges INR Per Vehicle 300

Fairway Usage INR GRT-Km -

2 Traffic Trucks ‘000 No. (FY40) 58.86
3 Revenue Ro-Ro Terminal Cr. 6.91
Fairway - -
Ro-Ro Terminals - -9.1%
Fairway - -
Ro-Ro Terminals - -1.8%
FIRR - Non-existent
6 Cumulative
EIRR - Non-existent
Source: Consultant
The project does have cargo transportation however the volume is less and does not
make it a commercially attractive venture in the beginning years however the
intertwined development of the study stretches of Gurupur & Netravati river for about
10.141kms & 22.90kms with Class IV system of the NW standards shall kickstart a

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structured facility which will facilitate cargo movement in the region using the river
waterway. So, there is a possibility of mobility directly from NMPT / OMPT through IWT
vessel traversing the Netravathi River in to the hinterland, which is the most
advantageous scenario. In the most optimistic scenario, development of river Gurupur
(NW-43) & Netravati river may be considered for Ro-Ro development as well as
strengthening tourist and passenger services in the entire waterway region. The state
govt. has to take a very proactive role to play in such kind of development through
support like free land/ incentives/ regulatory framework to mandatorily transfer some
type of cargo to be transported through river waterway. Also, actions by state govt. may
be mooted to promote tourism in this region making this an action-packed waterway.

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The study of Second Stage Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Development of
Netravathi River (NW 74) in the stretch of 30 Kms from Lat 12°50'44.6904" N, Long
74°49'33.3734" E has been carried out as per the Terms of Reference (ToR)

A summary of the recommendations and conclusions as a result of the study is placed


➢ At the outset, it is to place that the development of “Netravathi River” is intertwined

with “Gurupur River” due to the mobility of Traffic with origination / destination from one
waterway is having its destination / origination to other waterway.
➢ Based on the Detailed Hydrographic Survey carried out / Site data collected and
subsequent to the Morphological analysis etc., the required developments in the
fairway along with interrelated activities have been identified.
➢ In order to provide a safe navigable fairway along the waterway dredging
corresponding to achieve 2.0 m waterway depth for class IV (4.31 Lakhs Cu. M in

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Gurupur river & 8.13 Cu.M in Netravati river); Day / Night Navigation (42 Nos of Buoy
/ Light in Gurupur river & 102 in Netravati river)); Bank Protection (1 Nos location for
100.0m in Gurupur & 250.0m in Netravati river) totaling to 350.0m); Communication
System (RIS / AIS / Locating the Vessels / Buoys); Institutional Requirements etc.,
have been considered. No need of Modification of structures, since there is no structure
obstructing the IWT mobility. One HT line is to to upgraded in Netravati waterway from
10.0m to 20.2m.
➢ Keeping in view the proximity of New Mangalore Port (NMPT) / Old Mangalore Port
(OMPT) in the river stretch, the possibility of Ro-Ro mobility could be established with
estimated potential of Ro-Ro generation of 82,326 MT (4,574 vehicles) P.A in FY 25
and expected to increase to 3,51,348 MT (19,520 vehicles) P.A in FY 40. Combined
with Gurupur, total mobility on Netravati would be 8,08,125 MT (44,896 vehicles) in FY
25 and increase to 10,59,470 MT (58,859 vehicles) in FY 40. So, there is a possibility
of this mobility directly from NMPT / OMPT through IWT vessel traversing the
Netravathi River into the hinterland, which is the most advantageous scenario.
➢ Roll-On Roll-Off (Ro-Ro) IWT Terminal has been proposed taking into the
consideration of the origin and destination and fairway. The most probable location
identified is just D/s of the Thumbe barrage, on the right side of the river, Lat
12°52'23.06"N and Long 75° 0'3.71"E. This location is having good accessibility to the
road and the tentative land requirement in Netravati river has been arrived at with

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14,243 Sq. M in the Thumbe Village; Bantwal Taluka; Dakshin Kannada District of
Karnataka state. Similarly land requirement in Gurupur river has been 13,643.0 Sq. M.
➢ Terminal Infrastructure has been considered to suit to the Ro-Ro operation with the
length of the Berthing structure as 75.0m in Gurupur river & 123.0m in Netravati river
and width as 16.50m to 16.80m.
➢ In order to facilitate the Ro-Ro operation, following Vessel type and size have been
considered i.e., the type as Ro-Ro Vessel with 15 TEU capacity LOA 56.00m; Breadth
13.50 m; Loaded Draft / Depth 1.8 m / 2.2 m; Propulsion with Marine Diesel Engines
of 2 x 250 kW and with Average Speed (with Load) of 8 knots at 100% MCR. The
indicative cost is about INR 1000 Lakhs.
➢ The cost estimates have been worked out and segregated into Fairway Module with
capital cost of 47.91 Cr. followed with Ro-Ro jetty Module at a capital cost of 25.38 Cr.
In Gurupur river & 34.57 Cr. In Netravati river. All the capital assets will be provisioned
in 24 months.
➢ The Revenue factor, however, is to be considered along with the development of
fairway in Gurupur & Netravati river and also one Ro-Ro Terminal each in these

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➢ The FIRR and EIRR & other financial parameters have been worked out and the
details are placed below.

No Factors Section Unit
Fairway Cr. 47.90
1 Ro-Ro Terminal - Gurupur Cr. 25.38
Ro-Ro Terminal - Netravati Cr. 34.58
Vessel Berthing INR Vessel/Day 1,500

2 Tariff Terminal Charges INR Per Vehicle 300

Fairway Usage INR GRT-Km -

2 Traffic Trucks ‘000 No. (FY40) 58.86
3 Revenue Ro-Ro Terminal Cr. 6.91
Fairway - -
Ro-Ro Terminals - -9.1%
Fairway - -
Ro-Ro Terminals - -1.8%
FIRR - Non-existent
6 Cumulative
EIRR - Non-existent

➢ It is recommended to develop the entire study stretch of Gurupur river of about 10

kms with Class IV system of the NW standards to facilitate the Ro-Ro vessel mobility,
intertwined with the development of river Netravathi having feasible navigable length of
22.50kms upto downstream of Thumbe barrge at 22.90kms.

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15.1 Environmental & Social Screening Template

Screening Yes No Details / Remarks

1. Is the project located in whole or part in / near any of the following Environmentally Sensitive
Area? If yes, please provide the name and distance from the project site

a) National Park ✓

b) Wildlife/ Bird ✓

c) Tiger or ✓
Elephant Reserve

d) Biosphere ✓

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e) Reserved / ✓
Protected Forest

f) Wetland ✓

g) Important Bird ✓

h) Mangroves ✓

i) Estuary with ✓

j) Areas used by ✓
important or
sensitive species of
fauna for breeding,
nesting, foraging,
resting, over
wintering, migration

k) World Heritage ✓

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Screening Yes No Details / Remarks
l) Archeological ✓
monuments/ sites
(under ASI‟s
Central / State list)

2. Is the project ✓
located in whole or
part in / near any
Critically Polluted
Areas identified by

3. Is, there any ✓

installations near
the project site?

4. Whether there is ✓ CRZ Notification 2011

any Government Water Act, 1974
Order/ Policy
Air Act, 1981
relevant / relating
to the site?

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5. Is the project ✓ Only for construction of terminal
involved clearance buildings
of existing land,
vegetation and

6. Is the project ✓
involved dredging?

7. Is the project ✓
area susceptible to
natural hazard
erosion, flooding,
cyclone or extreme
or adverse climatic

8. Is the project ✓ The entire stretch of NW-43 falls under

located in whole or CRZ – I and 23.5 km of NW-74 falls
part within the under CRZ – I.
Coastal Regulation

9. Is the project ✓
involved any
demolition of
existing structure?

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Screening Yes No Details / Remarks

10. Is the project ✓ For terminal construction

activity require
acquisition of
private land?

11. Is the proposed
project activity
result in loss of
direct livelihood /

12. Is the proposed ✓

project activity
affect schedule
tribe/ caste

S. N. Result of Screening Exercise (Yes / No)

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
1. Environment Impact Assessment is Required Yes
2 CRZ Clearance is Required Yes
3. Environmental Clearance is Required Yes (for dredging)

4. Forest Clearance is required To be confirmed

5. Wildlife Clearance is required No
6. NOC from SPCB is required Yes

7. Social Impact Assessment is Required Only as part of EIA study

8. Abbreviated RAP is required No
9. Full RAP is required No

10. Any other clearance is required Clearance requirements with respect to

Masjid Arkula and Infant Jesus Chapel
need to be confirmed.

15.2 Traffic Template

15.2.1 Catchment Baseline

• Local Economic Geography - Netravathi river origin – Bangrabalige Valley,
Yelaneeru Ghat in Kudremukh in Chikkamagaluru district. It is navigable from
• Catchment Area - Mangalore, Bantwal & Puttur talukas in Dakshina Kannada

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• Population – As per census 2011, total population of Dakshina Kannada is about
• Total population residing in Mangalore taluka is 4,05,156, Bantwal taluka is
3,55,225 and Puttur taluka is 2,34,790.
• Economic Activites- Paddy, Coconut, Areca and Cashew production come under
Agriculture activities. Marine & Inland Fishing is done in the catchment area. In
Mining, major minerals are Building Granite and Laterite Stone; other minerals like
Quartz, Dolerite, Lime Shell, Silica Sand & Bauxite are produced in a minor quantity.
The district has 23 large and medium industries and 21,986 small- scale industries.
Tourism is also growing in the district.
• Major Industries - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Mangalore Refinery
and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizer (MCF),
BASF, KIOCL, Ultratech Cement, Hindustan Unilever Ltd. There are 6 industrial
areas and 5 Industrial Estates in Mangalore. Also, there is Baikampady Industrial
Estate & Ullal Industrial Estate & Yeyyadi Industrial Estate.
• Connectivity
✓ Major roads – NH 66, NH 75, NH 13, NH 243, SH 88, SH 88C

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✓ Major railway – The Southern Railway Division connects the district to the
cities of Bengaluru, Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram and the Konkan
Railway division connects the district to major port cities of Mumbai and
Kochi. Konkan Railway route passes through Mangalore district, connecting
major cities of India. The Konkan Railway’s Ro-Ro service operates in the
district with a landing station at Surathkal near Mangalore.
• Specific Developments
✓ There is a proposal for an Expressway Corridor, connecting port cities of
Mangalore-Karwar-Panaji as part of Indian National Expressway Network.
This expressway will be parallel to NH 66 and will be located majorly in
Coastal Karnataka.
✓ Shiradi Ghat road patch of NH 75 is being upgraded.
• Catchment Area Map

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15.2.2 Navigation Baseline
• Existing Waterway Usage
✓ There exists a major port, i.e. NMPT and a non- major port, OMPT in the
catchment of Netravathi river. NMPT handles EXIM trade of the region. The
major commodities exported through NMPT are Iron Ore Pellets, POL
products, Granite, Stones, Coffee and Containerized cargo. The major
imports of the port are Crude and POL products, LPG, Coal, Limestone,
Timber logs, Wood pulp, Finished fertilizers, Liquid Ammonia, Phosphoric
Acid, Other Liquid Chemicals, Edible oil, Cashew and Containerized cargo.
IN FY 16, the port imported 28 mn T cargo and exported 7.6 mnT cargo.
✓ Ferry services are operational at the following three locations: Sajipanadu-
Thumbe, Jalakadakatte- Parangipet and Adyar-Pavoor.

15.2.3 Market Baseline

• Potential Market

✓ Ro-Ro – POL & LPG, Containers, Food Grains, Building Material.

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Commodity Source Reasoning
Mineral (Building Material) Extracted from catchment area/ OMPT A portion of Building
material that go to
OMPT could be shifted
to waterways.
Food Grains Produced in catchment area Most food grains are
consumed in the
region; 4% of food
grains can be moved to
Lakshadweep through
OMPT. This volume
could be transported to
OMPT through
Hazardous cargo (POL & LPG) NMPT, MRPL For removing
hazardous cargoes
from roads of the city,
they could be diverted
to waterway using Ro-
Containers NMPT Containers could be
diverted to waterway to
remove congestion on
NH 73 & NH 66.
Fertilizer Allotted in the catchment area The volume is very less

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to be moved by Ro-Ro.

15.2.4 Forecasting Years

• IWT Share

✓ To remove hazardous cargo from roads, it could be shifted to the waterway

by Ro-Ro. Assuming that Government would make policies to remove
hazardous cargo from roadways for safety, IWT share in this case is 100%.
✓ Based on road survey, it is assumed that 20% share of Containers could be
shifted to the waterway.
✓ Food grains prodcued in the catchment area is mostly consumed locally.
Hence, there is a potential to shift about 4% of total food grains to IWT
through Ro-Ro.
✓ Building material are moved from OMPT to Lakshadweep. About 19-20% of
Builidng Material could be shifted to IWT to be transported to OMPT.
✓ Out of total allotted Fertilizer in Mangalore, Buntwal & Puttur Talukas, about
10% can be shifted to IWT through Ro-Ro facilities. However, the volume is
too less to be shifted to IWT.

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Sr. Name of Type of Origin Origin Final Destination Co- Unit FY FY FY FY FY FY Termina
No Cargo Cargo Terminal Destination Terminal on ordinates p.a 16 20 25 30 35 40 l Land
on NW NW Area in

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Sq. Mtr
Existing Terminals on River (No terminal present on the river)

Proposed Terminal on River (Opportunity for IWAI)

1 Food Bulk NMPT N.A. Central B1 12°52'23.08" ('000 0 1 1 1 1 2
Grain Port Karnataka (Brahmarakot N 75° Truck
2 POL/ Liquid lu) 0'6.79"E s) 0 121 147 179 218 265
3 Building Bulk/Bre 0 1 1 2 2 3
Material ak bulk

15.2.5 Forecast of traffic (combining Netravathi and Gurupur river)

Name of the waterway: NW 74 Netravathi River-78 km & NW 43 Gurupur River-10 km
Sr. Name Type of Origin Origin Co-ordinates Final Destinat Co-ordinates Uni Fy- Fy- Fy- Fy- Fy- Fy-
No of Cargo Terminal (Origin) Destinati ion (Destination) t 16 20 25 30 35 40
Cargo on NW on Termina p.a
l on NW
Existing Terminals on River

Proposed Terminal Opportunity for IWAI

1 Food Grain Ro- Bantwal B1 12°52'23.08"N Lakshad N.A. N.A. ('00 0 1 1 1 1 2
2 Building Ro , Puttur (Brahmara 75° 0'6.79"E weep N.A. N.A. 0 0 1 1 2 2 3
Material kotlu) Island Tru
(via cks)

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3 POL/LPG/C NMPT Ashok 12°54' 13.27"N Central B1 12°52'23.08"N 0 61 74 90 109 133
ontainer Nagar 74° 48' 56.97"E Karnatak (Brahma 75° 0'6.79"E
a rakotlu)

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Central B1 12°52'23.08"N NMPT Ashok 12°54' 13.27"N 0 61 74 90 109 133
Karnata (Brahmara 75° 0'6.79"E Nagar 74° 48' 56.97"E
ka kotlu)
Total 0 123 149 182 221 270

* For Food Grains and Building Material, cargo could be evaculated at OMPT facility, to be transported to Lakshadweep Island.

* 50% share of Liquid, Bulk, break bulk is considered for each of the ways, between NMPT and Brahmarakotlu.

15.2.6 Presentation of Forecast

Sr. Name of Type of Origin Final Unit p.a FY 16 FY 20 FY 25 FY 30 FY 35 FY 40
No Cargo Cargo Destination
Existing Terminal on River (No terminal present on the river)

Proposed Terminal on River (Opportunity for IWAI)

1 POL/ Ro-Ro NMPT Central (Tonnes - 0 1,91,664 2,32,848 2,83,536 3,45,312 4,19,760
LPG/Container Port Karnataka Km)
2 Food Grains 0 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584 3,168
3 Building 0 1,584 1,584 3,168 3,168 4,752
Total 0 1,94,832 2,36,016 2,88,288 3,50,064 4,27,680

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15.2.7 Market Success Factors
The river Netravati is intertwined with the river Gurupur regarding the IWT mobility is
concerned. The close proximity of New Mangalore Port (NMPT) and Old Mangalore
Port (OMPT) along with the industrial belt is the major success factor.

In order to grab the IWT mobility, the suggested Ro-Ro system is another
advantageous factor for the combined development of Netravati & Gurupur.

Netravati end point / Bantwal, having its connectivity to eastern Karnataka also
establish the market growth.

15.2.8 Forecasting Methodology

• Hazardous cargoes, like POL and LPG products move from/to NMPT and
Bantwal. At present, these hazardous cargoes are moved in tankers by roadways.
The routes on which these tankers are moved, run in parallel to Netravathi and
Gurupur River; there is a definite case of moving this hazardous cargo, like POL/LPG

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through Gurupur/Netravathi River on Ro-Ro vessels. Ro-Ro terminal facilities could
be developed near Brahmarakotlu. There is potential to move about 38,325 Trucks
POL and LPG products through waterways annually. Hazardous cargo needs to be
moved away from roadways. Government policies to remove hazardous cargo from
roadways would promote the use of waterway.
• About 4% of total food grains produced in the catchment area, i.e. about 16,545
Tonnes of food grains can be transferred to IWT through Ro-Ro.
• Out of 13,048 Tonnes of Fertilizer is allotted to Mangalore, Buntwal & Puttur
Talukas, about 10% (1,300 T) can move through Gurupur/ Netravathi River through
Ro-Ro facilities. However, the volume of fertilizer is very less to be moved by Ro-Ro.
• A portion about 15,000- 18,000 Tonnes of building material, Granite and Laterite
could be moved through Netravathi river to OMPT. These bulding materials move
from OMPT to Lakshadweep.
• Average carrying capacity of trucks is 18-20 tons.

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15.3 Project Costing Template
Cost type Cost categories Components to be itemized
Capital costs Waterway
Infrastructure Land, compensation and resettlement: No
Capital dredging:12.44lakhs cu.m Ordinary soil–
River training/bank protection: 350m for 2 locations
Locks: No
Barrages: No
Channel marker: No
Night navigation: 5.45cr
Other: Communication system – 1.04 cr

Terminal Infrastructure Ro-Ro facility

Fixed infrastructure: berths,
moorings, hard-standing etc. (itemized)

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Loading/uploading and other Considered
equipment (itemized)
Buildings: Considered in infrastructure
Other: --
Operation and Waterways
maintenance (O Maintenance dredging
& M) costs Considered as per
Markings and nav.-aids standard
Bank maintenance

Considered as per
Terminal operations
Terminal maintenance
Vessel: (NB vessel Crew
operating Fuel
costs/tons-km fall
sharply with larger
Registration & insurance Considered
capacity vessel, as per
when there is Fees and charges
sufficient traffic to Vessel capital amortization
utilize them) (or leasing cost equivalent)
Total costs
(Cost/tons-km for use in evaluation)

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Cost type Cost categories Components to be itemized
Recurrent costs Periodic major capital costs that may occur over life of
assets: Considered as per standard

Price levels All costs to be expressed in 2022 price levels. Costs

derived from other years to be indexed to 2022 price
levels: Considered accordingly
Value engineering Not all investments will be necessary in all projects.
Value engineering should be applied to project scoping
and specification to avoid “gold-plating‟ of costs and
undermining viability of project: --
Cost verification Costs that are estimated on a „bottom-up‟ basis should
be verified or tested for reasonableness against actual
costs for such activities evidenced in the market place:
Considered as per standard

15.4 Economic Evaluation Template

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Item Requirements
Objective To assess economic internal rates of return
(EIRR) on a consistent basis between different
river projects.
Economic evaluation approach Economic evaluation of each river upgrading
project may include:
Capital Cost:
(a) Navigation infrastructure – INR 47.91 crore
(b) Gurupur Terminal Cost - INR 25.38 crore
(c) Netravati Terminal Cost -INR 34.58 crore

O & M costs:
(a) Ro-Ro Terminal cost – INR 3.69 crore
Savings in transport resource costs between
IWT and rail and/or road transport

Saving on Fuel
(a) Ro-Ro Terminal cost – INR 4.6 crore
Saving on Vehicle Operating Cost
(a) Ro-Ro Terminal cost – INR 0.7 crore

Savings in road/rail accident costs

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(a) Ro-Ro Terminal Costs - INR 3.8 crore
Saving in carbon emissions
(a) Ro-Ro Terminal Costs - INR 3.8 crore

Standard values To ensure consistency between evaluations of

different waterways the following has been used:
Vehicle operating Cost
Road: INR 2.57/tons-km
IWT: INR.1.06/tons-km
Road accident Loss: INR 7.73 Lakhs/km
Carbon shadow price: 20 dollars/tons
Other benefits Other significant economic benefits such as
direct employment creation has also been
considered in the evaluation. Employment cost
has been taken as INR 2.5 Lakhs per annum.
Cash flows in real terms Economic cost has been considered as 85% of
actual values without any escalation.
Resource cost adjustments Market prices has been taken on 2017 price

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level as equivalent to resource costs for the
purposes of the economic evaluation.
Evaluation period Initial construction period has been adopted as 3
years for Navigation infrastructure and Ro-Ro
terminals. Fairway will be developed in single
phase. Construction for fairway and terminals
will be from FY23 to FY25. A total 15 years for
operation period have been taken (FY25 –
EIRR The EIRR for all the individual projects under
development of the Netravati-Gurupur River is
positive. However, these projects are not
commercially viable, because FIRR for all the
sub-segment projects are either negative or non-
Immediate prospects for fairway utilization exist,
and cargo volume is expected to grow in the
coming future as per the growth of secondary
sector. This bodes well for fairway, and
significant revenue could be generated, provided
market driven tariff rates are applied (as against
IWAI rates used in the financial model). It is also
essential to develop the fairway at Netravati-
Gurupur along with night navigation.

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At present, industries located in catchment area
are using roadways to reach NMPT for EXIM
trade. Development of Netravati-Gurupur as an
alternate mode for transportation of raw
materials and finished products for industries is
likely to generate employment. The waterway
would decongest the roads by traffic diversion
and likely to save fuel used in road
transportation along with reduction in
environment pollution. The reduction of vehicular
operating cost due to use of Netravati-Gurupur
is also likely to generate overall benefits to the
project. Economic IRR of Ro-Ro Terminals is
negative at -1.8%.
Checking and Replicability Systematic checks of spreadsheets and logic
trail have been done keeping in mind the input
data, assumptions and calculations.

Financial Evaluation Template

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Consultants shall adhere to the following standard approaches in estimating financial internal rate
of return (FIRR) and payback period.
Item Requirements
Objective To assess financial internal rates of return and
financial payback periods of Netravati - Gurupur
Financial evaluation approach Financial evaluation of each river upgrading
project should estimate and present actual cash
flows (cost and revenues) at market prices
within the inland waterway sector.

Returns for Terminal Operations are:

Total Revenue: INR 6.91 cr. in FY40
O&M Cost: INR 3.69 in FY40
Tax: INR 0.71 in FY40 (@ 30% on EBITDA)
EBIDA: INR 3.23 cr. In FY40
Project Capital Cost (with escalation): INR
59.96 cr.
Net Cash Flow: INR 2.52 cr. In FY40

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Disaggregation Cash flow streams and FIRRs have been
attached as annexures in Financial Evaluation
chapter-13 for Navigation Structure and
terminals separately. It is not considered as a
whole. Payback is also considered separately
for all 2 facilities.
Returns for Terminal Operations are:
Total Revenue: INR 6.91 cr. in FY40
O&M Cost: INR 3.69 in FY40
Tax: INR 0.71 in FY40 (@ 30% on EBITDA)
EBIDA: INR 3.23 cr. In FY40
Project Capital Cost (with escalation): INR
59.96 cr.
Net Cash Flow: INR 2.52 cr. In FY40
Evaluation period Construction period has been adopted as 3
years for all the sub-segment projects. For
fairway, a total 20 years for operation period has
been taken into account for the entire operation

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(FY23-FY40). For both the terminals, the
operation period is from FY25 to FY40.
FIRR and payback period Estimate both FIRR (sector and sub-sectors)
and overall sector payback period, the latter
being the year in which the cumulative sector
each flows becomes positive:
Described in financial evaluation
Ramp-up period Unless good reasons otherwise, assume 4
years ramp-up period from first operational
year to long-term trend‟ levels of traffic:
5 years ramp up period considered
Commentary on FIRR Explain overall sector FIRR results and
distribution between sub-sectors. Identify main
drivers of the results and sensitivity to

The project for development of Netravati-

Gurupur River exhibit negative rate of return on
investment (FIRR) for terminals.

Factors influencing healthy financial returns of

the project are:

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Potential revenue likely to be generated across
the board is not high enough, mainly because of
low traffic potential and high construction cost.
Indicatively, total logistics cost for Ro-Ro is
higher as compared to existing mode of
transportation. This will keep the industries from
diverting to waterways.
The tariff rates supplied by IWAI are too low,
which further impacts revenue potential, and
eventually, viability of the project within the
projected period up till FY40. Therefore, rates
considered for calculating IRR in this project is
taken higher than actual IWAI rates.
Risks to financial out-turn Identify main risks to the estimated project out-
turn or viability and their underlying causes e.g.
market risks (traffic, tariffs, and competition),
hydrology risks, engineering risks, operational
risks etc.:
Industries are very much concerned about the

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time & cost factor. There are high chances of
rejecting the utilization of waterways if overall
logistics cost including tariff charged for usage
of terminal & fairway is higher than existing
mode of transportation for them.
Checking and Replicability Systematic checks of spreadsheets and logic
trail have been done keeping in mind the input
data, assumptions and calculations.

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Rev. 04
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Rev. 04

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval


Government of India intends to explore the potential of additional waterways across the
country for year round commercial navigation, for this it is planned to conduct a Feasibility Study
and recommending thereafter the possibility of Composite and Integrated development of
proposed waterways to achieve navigation and to develop water transport facilities across India.
After carrying out the feasibility study if there is scope for navigation and potential to develop
waterway transport facility, a Detailed Project Report needs to be prepared for those waterways
which would include detailed hydrographic surveys and investigation, traffic survey, proposed
location for terminals and cost assessment etc.
The study would consist of 2 stages:
1. Stage-1
2. Stage-2

1.1 STAGE-1
Stage-I is only for feasibility of the waterway for navigation, which may have the potential for
year round navigation or at least for a few months in a year.
Stage-1 would consist of the following activities:
1A. Reconnaissance Survey
1B. Collection and review of available data
1C. Feasibility Report

1.1.1 Reconnaissance Survey

The detailed field reconnaissance survey may be taken up immediately after the analysis of
available data. The primary tasks to be accomplished during the reconnaissance surveys include:

i- Single line longitudinal survey (Bathymetric survey or Topographic survey) in the

deepest depths or lowest height lands, with the help of DGPS using Automatic
Hydrographic Survey System. Bathymetric surveys in the proposed waterways are to
be carried out in the deepest route. Deepest route can be accessed by taking two or
three longitudinal line soundings at equal interval. Topographic survey, if required, is
to be taken up at lowest ground levels, which can be decided on visual assessment.
ii- Details (horizontal and vertical clearances above High Flood Level of bridges,
aqueducts, electric lines, telephone lines, pipe lines, cables en-route are to be collected
and indicated on the chart and also included in the report along with their co-ordinates
and location. Details about Barrages, Dams, Locks enroute are also to be collected.
horizontal and vertical clearance is to be given as approximate on visual assessment.
Photographs are required to be submitted in the report.

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iii- Topographical features of the proposed Inland Waterways.
iv- Typical physical features along the alignment i.e. land use pattern:
v- Preliminary identification of stretches having year round flow and critical depth for
navigational purpose.
vi- Preliminary Traffic identification on the proposed Inland Waterways.
vii- Inventory of major aspects including proposed Inland Waterway width, Terrain,
Bridges and structures across the proposed Inland Waterways (Type, size and
location), urban areas (location extent). Geologically sensitive areas environmental
features. Hydrological features
viii- Critical areas requiring detailed investigations and
ix- Requirements for carrying out supplementary investigations
x- Soil (textural classifications) (only visual inspection at every 10km) and drainage
xi- Type and extent of existing utility services along the alignment.
xii- Identification of various agencies of the govt. from whom the concerned project
clearances for implementation are to be sought.

The data derived from the reconnaissance surveys may be utilized for planning and
programming the detailed surveys and investigations. All field studies including the traffic
surveys should be taken up on the basis of information derived from the reconnaissance surveys.
For the critical locations, River cross sections survey needs to be carried out.

1.1.2 Collection and Review of Available Data

A review has to be done based on the existing data available with the State Agencies and Central
Water Commission for the proposed Inland Waterways for determining the nature, extent,
adequacy, validity of the available data and identifying the data gaps. Consultant has to collect
available data for the proposed Inland Waterways from the State Agencies and Central Water
Commission. An introductory letter will be issued by IWAI for collecting information from State
/ Central Government.

An inception report has to be prepared which would consist of the findings based on the
analysis of the existing data and reconnaissance surveys.

1.1.3 Feasibility Report

The Consultant has to prepare Feasibility Report for the proposed waterways based on the
available data and reconnaissance survey. It must include the following prospects:

1. Introductory considerations:
The Consultant shall provide an introduction, describing the scope of the assignment, its
methodology in fulfilling the assignment and the expected outcome of the assignment.

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2. Analysis of present state of affairs:
The Consultant shall provide a quantitative and qualitative description of the current
utilization of proposed inland waterways. In addition, the Consultant shall describe the
status of goods transport, including utilization of road and transport, as well as river

3. Market Analysis:
The consultant shall analyze the market and potential usage of proposed Inland
Waterways. This analysis shall examine both the existing market and the potential future
market. Contractor has to collect the details of available Industries along the waterway,
type of production in these industries, ferry services, type of crop along the waterway,
previous history of movement of cargo in the waterway etc. Above is to be collected after
discussion with local village people while conducting reconnaissance survey etc. and also
after interaction with State Govt. Officials, Irrigation / Water Resources departments.

4. Reconnaissance Survey:
Analysis of the data collected in the reconnaissance survey should reflect the possibility
of year round flow in the proposed Inland Waterways to achieve the commercial
navigation. It should also consist the map of proposed Inland Waterways indicating
existing cross structures viz. bridges, dams etc. Navigability of the waterway (for the
periods) is to correlate with CWC/Irrigation water level data.

The Consultant has to submit the Feasibility Report for proposed Inland Waterways. Consultant
also has to emphasize that which stretches of proposed inland waterways has potential of possible
navigation. Only for those stretches of proposed inland waterways, which have potential of
possible navigation, Stage 2 has to be carried out.

After obtaining approval from IWAI for identified stretches, Consultant may proceed for Stage -
2. Based on the feasibility report, IWAI will accord the approval for Stage-II, and stretch for DPR
will be based on feasibility study.

1.2 STAGE-2

For Stage-2, Consultant has to carry out detailed hydrographic survey, topographic survey, traffic
survey and selection of terminal locations.

Stage-2 would consist of the following activities:

1A. Hydrographic Survey & hydro-morphological survey
1B. Traffic Survey & Techno economic feasibility
1C. Preparation of Detailed Project Report


Based on the recommendation after reconnaissance survey of proposed Inland Waterways,

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Hydrographic survey may be carried out as per the International Standards including the
following for finding the potential of proposed Inland Waterways for inland navigation:-
(i) The detailed hydrographic survey is to be carried out in WGS‟84 datum.
(ii) The horizontal control is to be made using DGPS with minimum 24 hours
observations at some platform/base.

The vertical control is to be established with respect to the chart datum / sounding datum from
the following methods:-
i. Chart datum/ sounding datum already established by Port Authorities (Chart Datum),
Central Water Commission (Average of last six years minimum Water Level) / State
Irrigation Department (Full Supply Level (FSL)) and at their gauge stations along the
river/canal. Secrecy undertaking forms etc. will be provided by IWAI for collection of
CWC data. Introductory letter will be issued to the successful Consultant for collection
of other required information from State Departments.
ii. Standard method shall be adopted for transfer of datum in rivers/canals. For tidal
reaches standard transfer of datum as per Admiralty Manual shall be adopted.
iii. By erection of tide gauges – at every 10km interval and also at upstream and
downstream of Locks, Sluice gates, Barrages, Dams etc.

Other Terms of Reference for the survey work shall be as given below: - BENCH MARK PILLARS

a. Construct Bench Mark Pillars of dimension 0.3m x 0.3m x 1.5m (0.6m above GL) RCC
pillar with 6mm thick 50mm dia GI pipe inserted (as per construction drawing of Survey
Pillar in the tender document), at every 10km interval. Detailed description of the bench
mark along with its position and value to be given in the report for future recovery. WATER LEVEL GAUGES

i. Water level gauges are to be erected at every 10 km interval along the canal/river
and also at upstream and downstream of Locks, Sluice gates, Barrages, Dams etc.
simultaneously. Readings are to be taken at 1 hr interval for 12 hours (6 AM to 6
PM) or for the entire period of survey. The gauges are to be connected to a nearest
Bench Mark by leveling and its datum value shall be established w.r.to MSL &
CD. Water level gauges are to be installed temporarily during the survey period.
ii. At least 2 gauges (one U/s and one D/s at 10 Km apart) shall be read
simultaneously and soundings to be carried out within the gauge stations.
Soundings are to be reduced for datum of a gauge for 5km length of the canal/river

Name of the River / Canal Description of Inland Waterway

DHANSIRI / CHATHE 110 km length of the river from Bridge near Morongi T.E. village Lat 26°24'40.65"N, Lon
93°53'46.75"E to Numaligarh Lat 26°42'1.20"N, Lon 93°35'15.42"E
LOHIT RIVER 100 km length of the river from Parasuram Kund Lat 27°52'40.06"N, Lon 96°21'39.70"E
to Saikhowa Ghat, Sadiya Lat 27°47'49.14"N, Lon 95°38'13.84"E

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SUBANSIRI RIVER 111 km length of the river from Gerukamukh Lat 27°27'3.14"N, Lon 94°15'16.12"E to
Brahmaputra confluence at Lat 26°52'24.93"N, Lon 93°54'31.26"E
42 km length of the river from Longmatra at Lat 25°46'11.98"N, Lon 94°44'35.04"E to
TIZU and ZUNGKI RIVERS Avanghku at Myanmar border Lat 25°35'2.94"N, Lon 94°53'6.12"E and in Zungki river
from bridge at Lat 25°48'26.10"N, Lon 94°46'35.96"E to confluence of Zungki and Tizu
rivers at Lat 25°46'58.03"N, Lon 94°45'20.51"E

BIDYA RIVER 55 km length of the river from Lot No. 124 at Lat 21°54'42.88"N, Lon 88°41'8.48"E to
near Uttar Danga at Lat 22°11'47.93"N, Lon 88°51'54.93"E
(CHHOTO KALERGACHI) 15 km length of the river from near Rajani ferry ghat Lat 22°19'57.49"N, Lon
RIVER 88°54'21.40"E to near Nazat at Lat 22°26'5.40"N, Lon 88°50'11.69"E

130 km length of the canal from Durgapur Barrage Lat 23°28'47.36"N, Lon
3 87°18'19.04"E to Confluence point of DVC canal with Hooghly river near Tribeni Lat 23°
0'30.95"N, Lon 88°24'54.72"E
GOMAR RIVER 7 km length of the river from near Ramkrishnapur Lat 22°11'53.35"N, Lon 88°44'41.97"E
to near Gosaba Kheya ghat at Lat 22°10'5.44"N, Lon 88°47'37.17"E
HARIBHANGA RIVER 16 km length of the river from Bangladesh Border Lat 21°53'18.81"N, Lon 89° 1'23.61"E
to confluence with Jhila river at Lat 21°58'17.66"N, Lon 88°55'8.38"E
37 km length of the river from near Parandar Lat 22°12'22.05"N, Lon 88°40'42.77"E to
near Sandeshkhai Ferry Ghat at Lat 22°21'12.26"N, Lon 88°52'47.99"E

8 km length of the river from Bangladesh Border at Hingalganj Lat 22°28'8.48"N, Lon
7 88°59'46.19"E to Bangladesh Border near Khosbash at Lat 22°24'41.40"N, Lon
KATAKHALI RIVER 23 km length of the river from Bangladesh Border near Barunhat Lat 22°30'31.44"N, Lon
88°58'24.53"E to Lebukhali ferry at Lat 22°21'45.36"N, Lon 88°57'30.27"E
MATLA RIVER 98 km length of the river from Bay of Bengal at Lat 21°33'4.13"N, Lon 88°38'25.65"E to
Canning ferry ghat at Lat 22°18'38.87"N, Lon 88°40'42.65"E
27 km length of the river from Bay of Bengal near Bisalakshmipur Lat 21°37'51.94"N,
10 RIVER Lon 88°10'0.24"E to near Kakdwip at Lat 21°52'17.39"N, Lon 88° 9'7.52"E

RAIMANGAL RIVER 52 km length of the river from Hemnagar at Lat 22°11'40.58"N, Lon 88°58'1.08"E to
Rajnagar at Lat 22°33'56.95"N, Lon 88°56'16.64"E
14 km length of the river from near Ramapur Lat 22°17'52.04"N, Lon 88°56'34.78"E to
Bangladesh Border near Khosbash at Lat 22°24'41.40"N, Lon 88°58'20.68"E

SAPTAMUKHI RIVER 37 km length of the river from Bay of Bengal at Henry Island Lat 21°34'57.35"N, Lon
88°19'8.47"E to near Chintamanipur at Lat 21°51'14.01"N, Lon 88°18'40.50"E
THAKURRAN RIVER 64 km length of the river from Bay of Bengal at Lat 21°33'31.95"N, Lon 88°27'45.40"E to
Madhabpur at Lat 22° 2'52.19"N, Lon 88°33'27.96"E

49 kms length of the river from Dattapur village at Lat 20°51'44.61"N, Long
1 BAITARNI RIVER: 86°33'30.45"E to confluence with Dhamra river near Laxmiprasad Dia at Lat
20°45'13.32"N, Long 86°49'15.36"E

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102 kms length of the river from Birupa Barrage at Choudwar at Lat 20°30'49.00"N,
Long 85°55'20.17"E to confluence of Birupa & Brahmani rivers near Upperkai Pada
village at Lat 20°37'36.25"N, Long 86°24'19.13"E including alternative route of 25 kms
BIRUPA / BADI GENGUTI / from Samaspur village at Lat 20°35'40.59"N, Long 86° 6'31.50"E to near Kharagpur
2 BRAHMANI RIVER village at Lat 20°38'27.77"N, Long 86°17'31.81"E
and additional 54 kms length of Brahmani river from confluence of Birupa & Brahmani
rivers near Upperkai Pada village at Lat 20°37'36.25"N, Long 86°24'19.13"E to
Brahmani river at Katana Lat 20°39'26.28"N, Long 86°44'52.86"E
56 kms length of the river from Barrage (approx 300m from Patalipura village) at Lat
3 BUDHA BALANGA: 21°38'12.96"N, Long 86°50'53.17"E to confluence of Budha Balanga river with Bay of
Bengal at Chandipur Fishing Port Lat 21°28'12.14"N, Long 87° 4'11.60"E
425 kms length of the river from Sambalpur Barrage at Lat 21°27'34.33"N, Long
83°57'49.80"E to Paradip at Lat 20°19'38.12"N, Long 86°40'16.96"E

29 kms length of the river from Penna Barrage, Pothireddypalem at Lat 14°28'8.38"N,
1 PENNAR RIVER: Long 79°59'9.31"E to confluence with Bay of Bengal near Kudithipalem at Lat
14°35'36.75"N, Long 80°11'30.61"E

364 kms length of the river from Uratchikottai Barrage at Lat 11°29'3.09"N, Long
2 77°42'13.68"E to confluence with Bay of Bengal at Pazhaiyar Lat 11°21'37.97"N, Long

141 kms length of the river from rail bridge at Virudampattu, Vellore Lat 12°56'14.07"N,
3 PALAR RIVER: Long 79° 7'29.70"E to confluence with Bay of Bengal at Sadurangapattinam Lat
12°27'52.16"N, Long 80° 9'13.47"E
20 kms length of the river from Bridge near Veeranarayana Mangalam village at Lat
4 PAZHYAR RIVER: 8°13'48.97"N, Long 77°26'27.34"E to confluence with Arabian Sea at Manakudi at Lat
8° 5'15.01"N, Long 77°29'7.61"E
PONNIYAR RIVER 125 km length of the river from Sathanur Dam at Lat 12°11'0.06"N, Lon 78°51'1.25"E to
Cuddalore at confluence of Bay of Bengal at Lat 11°46'21.76"N, Lon 79°47'41.70"E
64 kms length of the river from Sulochana Mudalir bridge, Tirunelveli at Lat
6 TAMARAPARANI RIVER: 8°43'43.17"N, Long 77°42'53.94"E to confluence with Bay of Bengal near Punnaikayal
at Lat 8°38'24.90"N, Long 78° 7'37.85"E

160 kms length of the canal as extension of NW-3 towards north of Kottapuram - from
West Coast Canal
1 Kottapuram at Lat 10°11'38.32"N, Long 76°12'4.39"E to Kozhikode at Lat
11°13'38.83"N, Long 75°46'43.90"E
28 km from Boat jetty, Alappuzha at Lat 9°30'2.85"N, Lon 76°20'37.05"E to
2 CHANGANASSERY CANAL Changanassery Jetty at Lat 9°26'41.61"N, Lon 76°31'41.76"E
38 km from Boat jetty, Alappuzha at Lat 9°30'2.85"N, Lon 76°20'37.05"E to
Athirampuzha market Lat 9°40'04"N, Lon 76°31'54"E
28 km from Kottayam, near Kodimatha at Lat 9°34'38.67"N, Lon 76°31'7.67"E to
4 CANAL Vechoor joining National Waterway no. 3 at Lat 9°40'0.19"N, Lon 76°24'10.65"E

10 km length of the river from confluence of Netravathi river at Lat 12°50'44.04"N, Lon
5 74°49'44.51"E to confluence of Mangalore Port Bridge at Lat 12°55'34.81"N, Lon

Page 64 of 127
KABINI RIVER 23 km length of the river from Kabini Dam Lat 11°58'24.52"N, Lon 76°21'9.69"E to
Beeramballi at Lat 11°56'9.55"N, Lon 76°14'17.58"E
54 km length of the river from Kodasalli Dam Lat 14°55'8.24"N, Lon 74°32'6.90"E to
7 confluence of Kali river with Arabian Sea near Sadashivgad bridge at Lat 14°50'30.95"N,
Lon 74° 7'21.32"E
78 km length of the river from Netravathi Dam, Dharmsthala Lat 12°57'55.23"N, Lon
8 75°22'10.19"E to confluence with Arabian sea at Bengre Lat 12°50'42.73"N, Lon
23 km length of the river from Gangoli Port at Lat 13°38'1.30"N, Lon 74°40'8.43"E to
9 (PANCHAGANGOLI) RIVER Bridge at Badakere at Lat 13°44'50.01"N, Lon 74°39'15.13"E

SHARAVATI RIVER 29 km length of the river from Honnavar Port Sea Mouth at Lat 14°17'56.23"N, Lon
74°25'27.04"E to link at highway at Gersoppa Lat 14°14'14.73"N, Lon 74°39'6.15"E
UDAYAVARA RIVER 16 km length of the river from Arabian Sea Mouth at Malpe Lat 13°20'57.24"N, Lon
74°41'28.22"E to Bridge near Manipura Lat 13°17'32.70"N, Lon 74°46'25.56"E

33 kms length of the river from Bridge at State highway # 124 (1Km from Maneri village)
1 Lat 15°42'47.31"N, Long 73°57'23.38"E to Confluence of Chapora river with Arabian
Sea at Morjim Lat 15°36'33.27"N, Long 73°44'0.93"E
27 kms length of the river (including Moide river) from bridge on NH17 at Mapusa Lat
2 15°35'20.79"N, Long 73°49'17.20"E to confluence point of Mapuca & Mandovi rivers at
Porvorim Lat 15°30'20.01"N, Long 73°50'42.09"E
14 kms length of the river from Orlim Deusa Bridge at Lat 15°13'11.41"N, Long
3 73°57'29.77"E to confluence with Arabian Sea at Mobor Lat 15° 8'31.93"N, Long
45 kms length of the river from Arabian Sea, Dharamtaar creek near village Revas at Lat
4 18°50'15.14"N, Long 72°56'31.22"E to a Bridge near Nagothane ST Stand at Lat
18°32'19.82"N, Long 73° 8'0.29"E
45 km length of the river from Arabian Sea at Dabhol Lat 17°34'51.33"N, Lon 73°
9'17.83"E to bridge at Pedhe Lat 17°32'39.45"N, Lon 73°30'35.56"E
145 km length of the waterway from Arabian Sea at Navi Mumbai Lat 18°55'49.78"N,
KALYAN-THANE-MUMBAI Lon 72°53'21.67"E via Ulhas river to bridge on State Highway No.76 near Malegaon T.
Waredi Lat 19° 2'38.20"N, Lon 73°19'53.79"E
6 Bridge on Kalyan-Badlapur road near Kalyan railway yard at Kalyan Lat 19°14'6.39"N,
CREEK AND ULHAS RIVER Lon 73° 8'49.13"E to Kalyan Lat 19°15'35.03"N, Lon 73° 9'27.77"E
Vasai Creek from Lat 19°18'53.50"N to Lon 72°47'30.18"E to Kasheli at Lat
19°13'22.84"N, Lon 73° 0'21.44"E
RAJPURI CREEK 31 km length of the river from Arabian Sea at Rajpuri Lat 18°18'3.15"N, Lon
72°56'42.94"E to Mhasala at Lat 18° 8'15.37"N, Lon 73° 6'45.35"E
REVADANDA CREEK / 31 km length of the river from Arabian Sea at Revadanda Lat 18°32'19.85"N, Lon
8 KUNDALIKA RIVER 72°55'32.80"E to bridge on Roha-Astami Road near Roha Nagar Lat 18°26'31.50"N,
Lon 73° 7'10.74"E
44 kms length of the river from Bridge near Sape at Lat 18° 5'54.11"N, Long
9 CREEK) 73°20'8.81"E to Arabian Sea at Harihareswar Lat 17°58'47.10"N, Long 73° 2'15.01"E
52 kms length of the river from Sangmeshwar at Lat 17°11'15.83"N, Long 73°33'2.57"E
10 CREEK to confluence with Arabian Sea at Jaigad Lat 17°19'11.92"N, Long 73°12'39.30"E

Page 65 of 127
248 kms length of the river from Kadana Dam at Lat 23°18'22.35"N, Long 73°49'37.45"E
1 MAHI RIVER: to confluence with Gulf of Khambhat near Kavi railway station at Lat 22°10'34.71"N,
Long 72°30'36.31"E
227 km length of the river from Pandhariya at Lat 21°57'10.37"N, Lon 74° 8'27.46"E to
2 confluence of Narmada with Arabian Sea at Gulf of Khambhat Lat 21°38'26.81"N, Lon
212 kms length of the river from Barrage near Sadoliya at Lat 23°26'49.66"N, Long
3 SABARMATI RIVER: 72°48'34.85"E to confluence with Gulf of Khambhat near Khambhat at Lat 22°
9'17.99"N, Long 72°27'27.81"E
436 kms length of the river from Hatnur Dam near Mangalwadi at Lat 21° 4'21.99"N,
4 TAPI RIVER: Long 75°56'44.88"E to confluence with Gulf of Khambhat (Arabian Sea) at Lat 21°
2'15.51"N, Long 72°39'29.63"E

Length Spacing
# River/Canal State width
(km) (m)
1 Dhansiri / Chathe Assam 110 150 150
2 Lohit Assam & Arunachal Pradesh 100 200 1000
3 Subansiri Assam 111 200 1000
4 Tizu and Zungki Nagaland 42 50 100

1 BIDYA RIVER West Bengal 55 200 1500
2 West Bengal 15 200 500
3 DVC CANAL West Bengal 130 100 100
4 GOMAR RIVER West Bengal 7 200 400
5 HARIBHANGA RIVER West Bengal 16 200 2000
6 HOGLA (HOGAL)-PATHANKHALI RIVER West Bengal 37 200 300
7 KALINDI (KALANDI) RIVER West Bengal 8 200 500
8 KATAKHALI RIVER West Bengal 23 200 200
9 MATLA RIVER West Bengal 98 200 2000
10 MURI GANGA (BARATALA) RIVER West Bengal 27 200 3000
11 RAIMANGAL RIVER West Bengal 52 200 800
12 SAHIBKHALI (SAHEBKHALI) RIVER West Bengal 14 200 300
13 SAPTAMUKHI RIVER West Bengal 37 200 700
14 THAKURRAN RIVER West Bengal 64 200 1000

1 Baitarni Odisha 49 100 100
2 Birupa / Badi Genguti / Brahmani Odisha 156 100 200
3 Budha Balanga Odisha 56 100 100
4 Mahanadi Odisha 425 200 500

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1 Pennar Andhra Pradesh 29 100 400
2 Kaveri / Kollidam Tamil Nadu 364 200 400
3 Palar Tamil Nadu 141 200 500
4 Pazhyar Tamil Nadu 20 50 100
5 PONNIYAR Tamil Nadu 125 200 300
6 Tamaraparani Tamil Nadu 64 150 300

1 West Coast Canal Kerala 160 50 100
3 Kerala 38 50 100
4 KOTTAYAM-VAIKOM CANAL Kerala 28 50 100
5 GURUPUR RIVER Karnataka 10 100 400
6 KABINI RIVER Karnataka 23 200 500
7 Kali Karnataka 54 150 450
8 Netravathi Karnataka 78 100 300
10 SHARAVATI RIVER Karnataka 29 150 400
11 UDAYAVARA RIVER Karnataka 16 100 250

1 CHAPORA RIVER Goa 33 100 250
2 MAPUSA / MOIDE RIVER Goa 27 50 100
3 SAL RIVER Goa 14 50 100
4 AMBA RIVER Maharashtra 45 150 300
5 DABHOL CREEK/VASHISHTI RIVER Maharashtra 45 150 400
6 Maharashtra 145 150 350
7 RAJPURI CREEK Maharashtra 31 150 1000
8 REVADANDA CREEK / KUNDALIKA RIVER Maharashtra 31 150 400
9 SAVITRI RIVER (BANKOT CREEK) Maharashtra 46 150 400
10 SHASTRI RIVER / JAIGAD CREEK Maharashtra 52 150 300

1 MAHI RIVER Gujarat 248 200 400
2 NARMADA RIVER Maharashtra & Gujarat 227 200 500
3 SABARMATI RIVER Gujarat 212 200 150
4 TAPI RIVER Maharashtra & Gujarat 436 200 350
Note:- Bathymetric and Topographical survey of specified Waterways is to be conducted
for average width specified in above table. Average width of the Waterways is the
average of narrow and wider portions of the river. For reservoir / ponding areas, only
bathymetric survey of maximum 500m width in the deepest channel is to be carried out.
Minimum 100m wide corridor is to be surveyed (only for rivers / canals having less than

Page 67 of 127
60m water width). 100m wide corridor includes width of proposed Waterways.
Bathymetric and topographic survey is to be carried out for 50m width on both side from
the centre line of the channel.
a. Bathymetric and Topographical survey of proposed Inland Waterways is to be
conducted for width specified in above table. Minimum 100m wide corridor is to be
surveyed to assess the extent of land acquisition required for 100m wide corridor
(100m wide corridor includes width of proposed Inland Waterways).
b. Cross-section sounding lines / leveling are to be run from bank to bank at spacing
specified in above table, to identify the navigable channel.
c. Continuous soundings are to be taken by running the sounding boat at constant speed
on the cross-section so as to get smooth contours. Intermediate line is to be run at
bends, if the line spacing is more than the specified above.
d. For cross-sectional bathymetric survey more than 60m in proposed Inland Waterways,
spot levels at line spacing x 20m length grid, on both banks should be taken. If Island
or sandchur exist in the middle of the waterway, spot levels on the same spacing
should also be taken and indicated in the charts along the same cross-section line.
e. If bathymetry cross-section is limited up to 60 mts width in waterway, then Consultant
has to cover 100m corridor including spot levels in line spacing x 20m length grid on
both banks.
f. If bathymetry cross-sectional is limited up to 20 mts width in waterway, then
Consultant has to run three (03) nos. longitudinal lines. One in centre and one each at
equal interval (near the edges of water).
g. If bathymetry cross-sectional is limited up to 10 mts width in waterway, then
Consultant has to run one (01) no. longitudinal line at centre only.
h. If Island or sandchur exist in the middle of the river, spot levels on the same spacing
should also be taken and indicated in the charts along the same cross-section line.
i. Surveys in non-approachable areas are to be informed by the Consultant and joint
inspection (Consultant's representative & Engineer-In-Charge or his representative)
will be held to confirm the non-approachable areas.
j. The survey area may consist of canal sections, rivers, sea openings of different
dimensions. Hence, Consultant has to inspect the area to be surveyed and satisfy
themselves with respect to site conditions before submission of bid. However,
variation in quantity will be considered only for length of the river/canal (longitudinal
k. The soundings are to be reduced to the chart datum/ sounding datum established at

a. The current velocity and discharge at every 10 km interval shall be observed once in a
day during the survey period. Current velocity and discharge at every 10 km interval
are to be measured only once at different depths while carrying out survey in that
b. Current meter measurement should be taken at 1m below water surface or 0.5d (if
depth is less than 1m), where d is measured depth of water & values indicated in the
report along with position.
c. Measurements at different depths may be taken by single equipment over three
different time spans.
d. Measurement of current velocity at different depth is to be measured for at least 15

Page 68 of 127
minutes or as per listed calibration period of the equipment, under use for this project.
e. Current velocity and discharge can also be measured with the help of ADCP during
survey, at every 10km interval. Discharge can be measured either by ADCP or
standard formulas. WATER AND BOTTOM SAMPLES

a. Water and bottom samples are to be collected from the deepest route at every 10 km
interval and are to be tested and the results/characteristics of the soil and the water are to
be incorporated in the report. Soil sample can be collected by a grab and water sample at
0.5d (d-measured depth of water) by any approved systems. The following tests are to be
carried out for Bottom samples:-
i) Grain size distribution
ii) Specific gravity,
iii) PH value
iv) Cu, Cc
v) Clay silt%
and Sediment concentration for Water Samples. COLLECTION OF TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES

a. Photographs of the prominent features are to be taken and included in the report along
with its position.
b. Permanent structures located within this corridor are also required to be indicated on
the report & charts.
c. All prominent shore features (locks, bridges, aqueducts, survey pillars if available etc)
and other conspicuous objects are to be fixed and indicated on the chart and included
in the report.
d. Identify cross structures which are obstructing navigation.
e. Details (horizontal and vertical clearances above High Flood Level in non-tidal area
and High Tide Level in tidal area) of bridges, aqueducts, electric lines, telephone
lines, pipe lines, cables en-route are to be collected and indicated on the chart and also
included in the report along with their co-ordinates and location.
f. Details of water intake/ structures are to be collected and shown on the charts and
include in the report.
g. Availability of berthing place, existing jetty, ferry ghats, approach roads etc. are to be
indicated on the charts and include in the report.
h. During the survey, conditions of the banks are also required to be collected. It is to be
noted that banks are pitched (protected) or not protected. Estimate the length of bank
protection, where banks erosion is taking place.
i. Positions and levels of corners of permanent structures within the corridor are to be
physically surveyed and marked on survey charts.
j. Approachable roads / rails / places outside the corridor may be incorporated from
Toposheets/Google Map/Google Earth. SURVEY CHART PREPARATION

a. The survey chart is to be prepared on a scale of 1:1,000 for Waterways width less than
100m. On a scale of 1:2,000 for Waterways width between 100m to 300m. On a scale

Page 69 of 127
of 1:5,000 for Waterways width between 300m to 500m and On a scale of 1:10,000
for Waterways width more than 500m.
b. Contours of 0m, 1m, 2m, 3 m, 5m and 10 m are to be indicated on the charts with
respect to Chart Datum / Sounding Datum.
c. Reduced spot levels w.r.to MSL to be indicted on the charts. Spot level values are to
be given w.r.t. Mean Sea Level (MSL) & Soundings w.r.t. Chart Datum / Sounding
Datum. A separate file (xyz) (soft copy only) is also to be created for spot levels w.r.t.
Chart Datum / Sounding Datum for dredging calculation purpose.
d. On completion of the cross-sections, dredge channel is to be identified/ established by
linking deepest soundings on the cross-sections. Dredging quantity is to be estimated
for developing a navigational channel of
i. dimension of 32m x 1.8m, with side slope of 1:5, w.r.t. chart datum/sounding
datum (if channel width is less than or equal to 100m).
ii. dimension of 45m x 2.0m, with side slope of 1:5, w.r.t. chart datum/sounding
datum (if channel width is more than 100m).
e. Dredging quantity is to be indicated in the report for per km length of the waterway.
f. Minimum & maximum reduced depth and length of shoal for per km length of the
waterway is also to be indicated in the report.
g. Current meter measurement values shall be indicated in the report along with position.
h. The results/characteristics of the soil and the water are to be incorporated in the report.
i. Shallow patches /shoal and submerged sand-chur having less than 1.0 m depth, rocky
outcrops, rapids and other navigational impediments are to be indicated on the charts.
j. A brief write up on condition of the locks, Sluice gates, Barrages, Dams etc. (if
available) are also to be included in the report. Brief write up based on visual
observation, photographs and information from State Irrigation Deptt. and local
k. The chart shall also be suitably updated with prominent land features from the Topo-
sheets/site. Available Survey of India (SOI) Topographic sheet will be shared with
successful Consultant on receipt of Undertaking. Satellite imageries are not available
with IWAI for the designated area. Route map and survey plan will be provided by
IWAI to the successful Consultant.
l. All raw data and processed data of Automatic Hydrographic Survey System are
required to be submitted. Standard procedure is to be adopted for data processing. All
RAW, EDIT, SORT and field data are required to be submitted by the Contractor.
m. All surveyed field data including leveling data (csv file) are required to be submitted.
n. All position data of ground features, waterway structures are to be submitted in both
hard copies and soft copies.


This is a detailed study to make a forecast of the traffic prospects to facilitate the
projection of the most promising route for waterway transport and to assess the
quantum of traffic of vessels/cargo on that route. This survey is to be under-taken in
conjunction with Reconnaissance and Hydrographic surveys so that the Techno
Economic feasibility and costs of the alternative proposals can be taken into account
while formulating the recommendations.

Modality of conducting traffic survey shall be based on industrial surveys and a traffic
projection for a horizon period (say 5, 10, 15 and 20 years) has to be forecasted based

Page 70 of 127
on standard methods. Divertible traffic to IWT is also to be assessed.


The scope of works is as follows:

a. Assessment of the morphological, hydrological, hydrographical conditions, and
operation and maintenance requirements of the proposed waterways to identify
works in sufficient details that are required in respect of:
 River conservancy including river training, bank protection, dredging etc.
needed for shipping and navigation.
 Navigational aids and communication facilities.
 Improvements with reference to horizontal and vertical clearances required
on the existing or proposed cross structures such as bridges, power cables,
locks etc.

b. Geo-tech investigation will be carried out by the consultant as per standard

guidelines of Geological Survey of India, Government of India.

c. To conduct necessary investigations for the preliminary design, to ensure a

coordinated development to cover waterways engineering works and structures,
waterway crossing, navigational structures, riverine ports and terminals, land and
rail access.

d. Prepare preliminary engineering designs, drawings and estimates for the optimum
structure of river training and bank protection measures and navigational aids to
develop and maintain a navigable channel for the waterway system in an EPC mode.

e. For preliminary engineering designs, the data about soil characteristics shall be
collected from the local sources based on the structures constructed nearby. In case
of critical structures, consultant can suggest that detailed soil investigation including
borehole tests etc.

f. River training/bank protection works particularly for those stretches where either the
channel is narrow and needs to be widened by dredging or where it is anticipated
that the bank can erode due to continuous movement of barges.

g. Identify the location and carry out preliminary designs of cargo terminals and river
ports to handle the anticipated cargo as duly updated.

h. Prepare a realistic construction schedule for the whole project indicating the priority
of different components of the project. The phasing of expenditure is also to be
worked. Also suggest phased programs of construction including riverine terminals
and ports which shall be fully integrated with the existing and planned irrigation and
hydropower facilities.

i. Prepare cost estimate for various possible alternatives for the entire proposed
infrastructure, handling, and other allied facilities. While comparing the different
alternatives, the cost and economy factors shall also be evaluated. The most suitable
alternative recommended shall have detailed costing for all the components of the
project. The Consultant is to propose the River conservancy including river training,

Page 71 of 127
bank protection, dredging etc. needed for shipping and navigation. Alternate
possible methods for water augmentation are also to be suggested in detail. FIRR,
EIRR, NPV and SWOT analysis are also to be carried out by the Consultant.

j. Assess the environmental impacts due to these development works and suggest
suitable environmental management plan (EMP) to mitigate the adverse impacts, if
any, including its cost. Flood Plain specialist will be responsible to assess the
Environmental Impact and preparation of EMP. Consultant has to identify the
Authorities who will give the clearances for EIA/EMP. Consultant will not be
required to take clearances from these identified Authorities.

k. Suggest horizontal and vertical clearances to be provided on cross structure such as

bridges, power cables, locks etc. for commercial viable navigation in present as well
as in future. For this, IWAI guidelines Section-IV, may also be referred to.


Consultant may associate with sub Consultant(s) to enhance their expertise. The applicant shall
submit a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Sub Consultant regarding the role and
responsibilities of the Associate Company along with the proposal.


(a) The time of completion of various sub-stages of the assignment will be as given below:

Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster

-2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
Activity Time in weeks**
Mobilization of the Team and
a) submission of Inception Report (2 6 9 10 11 8 8 15

Submission of Draft Feasibility Report

b) 9 12 13 14 11 11 18
(3 copies)
c) Comments from IWAI 11 14 15 16 13 13 20
Presentation and Submission of Final
d) 13 16 17 18 15 15 22
Pre-feasibility Report (3 copies)
Acceptance of Stage-I report and go
a) 15 18 19 20 17 17 24
ahead for Stage-II by IWAI
Submission of Hydrographic Survey
b) 23 30 29 31 24 26 38
Charts and report (3 copies)

Submission of Draft Detailed Project

c) 31 38 37 39 32 34 46
Report (3 copies)
Receipt of comments of IWAI on Draft
d) 33 40 39 41 34 36 48
Submission of Final Detailed Project
e) Report (10 copies) after incorporating 39 46 45 47 40 42 54
final comments of IWAI.
**reckoned from the date of signing of Contract or 15 days from the date of issuance of work
order, whichever is earlier.

Page 72 of 127
NOTE: - The consultants are required to submit the following outputs in Stage-II for all the
clusters in the enclosed standard templates:-
vi) Traffic Template: at Annex-IV
vii) Project Costing Template: at Annex-V
viii) Financial Evaluation Template: at Annex-VI
ix) Economic Evaluation Template: at Annex-VII
x) Environmental & Social Screening Template: at Annex-VIII

3.0 Minimum Qualification of Key Professionals

Sl. Key Qualification Criteria

No Professionals
1. Waterway Educational Qualification:
Expert • Should be Graduate in Civil Engineering. Higher professional
(Team Leader) qualification in Port and Harbor Engineering/Structural
Engineering/Geo-technical Engineering will be preferred.
Professional Qualification:
• Minimum 15 years‟ experience in planning, design, construction,
preparing Feasibility Report/Detailed Project Report for various
waterway/port/river front development/river training works,
terminals, trade facilitations and other infrastructures in different
natural and operational conditions with at least 5 years in a reputed
firm of consultants.
2. Port planning Educational Qualification:
& • Should be Graduate in Civil Engineering. Postgraduate training/
Infrastructure studies in Port & Harbor Engineering will be preferred.
Specialist Professional Qualification:
• Minimum 10 years‟ experience in Port planning, Port infrastructure
Planning and development of physical facilities for port operations.
Should be well conversant with different types of port structures
and other physical facilities required for the provision of various
port services efficiently. Should preferably have experience/
exposure of constructing several modern ports.
3. Remote Educational Qualification:
Sensing/GIS • Should be Graduate in Engineering/Geology. Higher professional
Expert qualification in Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics will be preferred.
Professional Qualification:
• Minimum 10 years‟ experience in waterway/port/river mapping and
a demonstrated proficiency in using the GIS software. Working
knowledge of spatial data formats and related metadata issues.
Working knowledge of web mapping applications, such as Google
4. Floodplain Educational Qualification:
Specialist • Should be Graduate in Civil/Environmental Engineering. Higher
professional qualification in Floodplain Management/
Hydrology/Water Resource Engineering will be preferred.
Professional Qualification:
• Minimum 10 years‟ experience in Floodplain Management. Working

Page 73 of 127
Sl. Key Qualification Criteria
No Professionals
knowledge of water and/or wastewater modeling is desirable.
5. Hydrographic Educational Qualification:
Expert • Should be ITI in Survey/Diploma in Civil Engineering. Higher
qualification in relevant field will be preferred.
Professional Qualification:
• Minimum 8 years‟ experience in conducting hydrographic surveys,
investigations and measurements, bathymetric surveys/Topographic
Survey in a variety of geographical locations and natural.
6. Soil Engineer/ Educational Qualification:
Foundation • Should be Graduate in Civil/Environmental Engineering. Higher
Engineer qualification in Marine Structure/Geotechnical Engineering will be
Professional Qualification:
• Minimum 10 years‟ experience in related field. He should have
experience of the soil investigation, reclamation work, soil
improvement and will be associated in foundation design. He will
also be responsible for preparation of cost estimates/BOQ.
7. Traffic Educational Qualification:
Surveyor • Should be Graduate in Engineering. Higher qualification in relevant
field will be preferred.
Professional Qualification:
• Minimum 10 years‟ experience in related field. He should have
experience of traffic survey of waterways/river/canal or similar
8. Transport Educational Qualification:
Economist • Should be Graduate in transport planning management, transport
economics, transport/road/rail/Civil engineering/MBA or equivalent
qualifications. Higher qualification in relevant field will be
Professional Qualification:
• Minimum 10 years‟ experience in related field. He should have
experience of estimating transport investments and implementing
transport programs.

NOTE 1:- If the Key Personnel proposed in the CV does not fulfill the minimum academic
qualification, the overall score of his CV will be evaluated as zero. All such Key Personnel
(whose CV scores less than 75% or who does not fulfill the minimum qualification) will have to
be replaced by the firm. H-1 firm will be intimated for replacement of such personnel and work
will be awarded after receipt of CV‟s fulfilling the tender criteria.
Note 2:- IWAI may call each key personnel of the preferred Consultant at the time of award
of work, at the cost of Consultant.
Note 3: - In case during interaction with the key personnel, it is found that the key personnel
proposed is un-suitable for the assignment position, his replacement by equivalent or better shall
be provided by the consultant. The key personnel with such un-suitable CV shall not be
considered in any future bids for that position for two years. No deduction for such replacement,
who are not found suitable during interaction shall be made.

Page 74 of 127
Note 4:- Since two clusters only will be awarded to one bidder, the same CVs cannot be
proposed for at least two clusters. The same CV‟s can be proposed if the bidder is bidding for
more than two Clusters.
Note 5:- Role and responsibilities of the Key Professional shall be as per the requirement of
the project and Terms of Reference of the tender document and the same has to be access by
prospective bidder.

Page 75 of 127

Hydrographic Traffic Survey Site Data FSR Data


Analysis Secondary Data

Engineering Terminal
Design Identification



Fairway Traffic Terminal

Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions


Vessels Day/Night Institutional Environmental

Requirement & Navigation & Requirement & aspects
Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions analysis &

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Economical and financial

analysis including

Templates Salient

DPR with

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Industry/Port Contact Person Designation

NMPT Y.R. Belagal/ J.S. Manjunatha Traffic Manager/ Asst. Traffic
OMPT Gouse Ali Port Conservator
Aspinwall & Co. Ltd. Shekhar Pujari General Manager
MCF K. Prabhakar Rao Director, Works
KIOCL Govind Raju Bhatt Joint General Manager
HPCL Rajeev Hagargi/ Rakesh Chief Installation Manager/ Joint
Agrawal Director (MO)
BASF Fredrick Lobo Manager- P&A, Transportation

Gurupur River
• The ferry owners at Bengre Ferry Line provided the information about the ferry
facilities at Gurupur river. There is a Motorboat facility for passenegers to cross
the river.

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• Ferry charge is INR 5 per passenger.
• Ferry operator at Bengre Ferry Line provided the information that approx. 1,000-
person travel by ferries everyday.

New Mangalore Port

Name: Mr. Y. R. Belagal/ J.S. Manjunatha
Designation: Taffic Manager/ Asst. Traffic Manager
• Mr. Belagal provided information that the proposed waterway may not interest
nearby industries because it is commercially not viable.
• Mr. Belagal gave the information that there is sudden gradient in Netravathi river,
which would make it difficult for cargo movement. Ghat near Mangalore has an
elevation of 850 m, which makes it difficult for vehicles to move; however,
industries would not be interested to use waterways.
• Cargoes from NMPT generally moves towards northern side.
• HPCL uses pipeline for transporting liquid cargo from Mangalore to Bangalore.
Their cargo moves majorly in two routes- Mangalore to Hassan and Mysore to
• Coal is transported towards North Karnataka. Automobiles, Food and Machinery
also are transported to the same destination.
• There exist 2 cement plants for local distribution, Ambuja Cement and Ultratech

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• Container traffic mostly originates from Hassan, Mysore, Chikamangalur,
Shimogga and Davanagere. Coffee traffic comes from Hassan and Mysore.
Cashewnut traffic originates from Africa and processed in Karnataka.
Old Mangalore Port
Name: Mr. Gouse Ali
Designation: Port Conservator of Old Mangalore Port
• Mr. Gouse Ali, Port Conservator of Old Mangalore Port, provided information that
cargo & passengers move from OMPT to Lakshadweep.
• Mr. Ali shared the cargo traffic data of OMPT.
Aspinall & Co. Ltd. (Logistics)
Name: Mr. Shekhar Pujari
Designation: General Manager
• Mr. Pujari who is also president of the Association of New Mangalore Port
Stevedores, gave information about container handling at NMPT. According to

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him, container cargo mainly comes from Hassan by road and destined for
• In 2015, total container (fully loaded) handling at NMPT was 54,936 TEU, out of
which 33,000 TEU containers were exported.
• In Fy 16, total Import container volume was 38,098 and export volume was 37,611
TEU (Total- 75,709 TEU). However, the actual container volume in the same
financial year was 30,983 TEU import and 21,953 TEU export (Total- 52,936
TEU). The actual volume varies from Fy 16 total import- export container volume
because the actual volume excludes empty containers.
• According to him, in Fy 15, coffee production in Mangalore region was 340,000
tonnes, out of which 100,000 tonnes is consumed locally. 240,000 tonnes coffee
is exported from NMPT.
• Mr. Pujari also shared information about an upcoming PTA (Purified Terephthalic
Acid) plant of JBF Petrochemicals Ltd. in Mangalore SEZ. This plant is under
construction and would have a 1.25 MMT p.a capacity, which will be amongst the
largest plants in India. Once this plant is operational, it would export 300,000 to
350,000 tonnes of Propylene. 70% of this cargo would be in container form and
30% would be in break bulk form. JBF’s plant would provide opportunity for NMPT,
however it is unlikely that this plant would provide any opportunity for the propsed
• Gypsum import at NMPT is used by ACC and Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd.

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Name: K. Prabhakar Rao
Designation: Director, Works
• MCF uses NMPT for EXIM trade. It is the largest importer of Fertilizer and raw
materials through NMPT. About 60% of the company’s products are sold in
different parts of the state of Karnataka.
• The plant has capacity to manufacture 2,17,800 MT of ammonia and 380,000 MT
of urea annually.
• MCF plant imports phosphoric acid, liquid ammonia and naphtha as feedstock
through NMPT. From NMPT, the imported fertilizer is moved to MCF plant. The
finished products imported by MCF is directly bagged in the plant and distributed
in the hinterland using railways.
• Fertilizer is subsidized by the Government and Ministry gives money to railway for
fertilizer transportation. Railway has monopoly on fertilizer transportation and
hence MCF’s cargo is evacuated by trains. This arrangement restricts any

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potential for the prooposed waterway from MCF or other fertilizer plants.
Name: Govind Raju Bhatt
Designation: Joint General Manager
• The pellet plant of KIOCL’s capacity is 3.5 mn tonnes per anuum. In Fy 16, the
production was 1.3 mn tonnes.
• KIOCL has a captive berth, Berth 18 at NMPT to handle Iron ore. The capacity of
the berth is 7.5 MTPA for importing iron ore and exporting pellets. KIOCL produces
and exports concentrates and pellets. KIOCL handles Cargo in its own captive
• KIOCL Ltd. is in process to lay its own lines inside the marshalling yard of NMPT
and it would use rail to unload ore at the port; hence KIOCL would not provide any
opportunity for the waterway in Netravathi river.
• KIOCL pellets have been used in blast furnaces of steel mills in different countries,
like Australia, China, Japan, Taiwan, and Turkey.
• KIOCL procures limestone from North Karnataka where there is abundance of
limestone mines. In Fy 16, the volume of procured limestone was 30,000 tonnes.
The plant’s maximum requirement of limestone is 100,000 tonnes.
• KIOCL imports limestone in small quantity at NMPT. Kudremukh could get
maximum 100,000 tons/annually. At present, KIOCL’s limestone import is handled
in general berth.

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• KIOCL’s blast furnace would start in Fy 18. The plant capacity of this plant would
be 0.2 mn tonnes per anuum. KIOCL’s blast furnace unit sources high quality Iron
ore lumps and with high quality coke.
• Pig iron of this plant would be transported to North Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
The rate of pig iron transporttaion to Belgaum is INR 900-1000/tonne.
• Panamax vessels are used for import. These vessels come to NMPT. Iron is
procured from Chattishgarh via Vizag. Transportation cost is USD 9-10 per tonne.
Transportation cost for Capesize vessel is USD 3-4 per tonne.
Name: Rajeev Hagargi/ Rakesh Agrawal
Designation: Chief Installation Manager/ Joint Director (MO)
• At present HPCL, Mangalore moves its cargo through pipeline. HPCL has
comissioned a new pipeline, as a result HPCL would not provide any opportunity
to the proposed waterway.
• LPG/ POL products are mostly distributed in Bangalore, Mysore, Palghat, Andhra

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Pradesh, Hyderabad, Coimbatore and other southern districts through pipeline.
Around 90% cargo is moved through pipeline. As the river navigability stretch
would not help company to save time and cost of transportation; hence they are
not interested at present.
Name: Mr. Fredrick Lobo
Designation: Manager- P&A, Transportation
• Mr. Fredrick Lobo, Manager- P&A, Transportation, provided information that
BASF is located near NMPT and it would not provide opportunity for the proposed
• BASF produces chemicals, which is hazardous cargo. BASF handles these
chemicals with great safety as these hazardous cargoes are flammable. BASF is
not willing to take risk to transport their cargo with other commodities.
• According to Mr. Lobo, previously Mangalore plant was the base plant, from where
chemicals used to be distrbuted in different parts of the country. However, at
present BASF has other plants in different states, including Andhra Pradesh and
Gujarat. These plants are used for distribution in their particular region. Mangalore
plant only distrbutes in Karnataka state.

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Rev. 04

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Rev. 04

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•RIS Objective
• Proposed AIS Base Station
• RIS Key Technologies
(a) Vessel Tracking & Tracking
(b) Onshore Facilities
• AIS Base Station Set up
• AIS Station Tower Design
• AIS Station VHF Range
• AIS Onboard Device
• Onboard ECDIS Interface
• RIS Centre
• Communication Segments
• Bill of Material
Waterways in Maharashtra & in Goa under one Cluster and
Waterways in Karnataka and in Kerala under other Cluster




The key technologies of RIS are

 VTT (Vessels Tracking and Tracing)
 ECDIS (Electronic Charts)
 NtS (Notice To Skippers)
 ERI (Electronic Reporting International)
 HULL Database
 LMS (Lock Management System)

Some technologies needs to be adapted to the local laws and

operating procedures.

System to get a Strategic and Tactical Traffic Image

using AIS technology with INLAND extension
Onboard AIS devices transmit the
identity of the vessel, its position and
other data at regular intervals. By
receiving these transmissions, AIS
shore stations or ships fitted with AIS
can automatically recognize, identify
and track vessels equipped with AIS
on a suitable screen, such as an
inland ECDIS display. AIS systems
are meant to boost the safety of
navigation by use from vessel-to-
vessel alongside onshore Vessel
Traffic Services (VTS) to trace and
track vessels and to assist in calamity





The type of tower depends upon the

environment & also capable to carry
Radar. Some of the examples are
shown in the pictures



Base Station Vessel

antenna Antenna
Height (mtr.) Height

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 11.3 14.9 16.3 17.5 18.4 19.3 20 20.7 21.4 22 22.6

20 16 19.5 21 22.1 23.1 23.9 24.7 25.4 26.1 26.7 27.3

30 19.6 23.1 24.6 25.7 26.7 27.5 28.3 29 29.7 30.3 30.8

40 22.6 26.1 27.6 28.8 29.7 30.6 31.3 32 32.7 33.3 33.9

50 25.2 28.8 30.3 31.4 32.4 33.2 34 34.7 35.3 36 36.5

Range (km)

60 27.7 31.2 32.7 33.8 34.8 35.6 36.4 37.1 37.8 38.4 38.9

70 29.9 33.4 34.9 36.1 37 37.9 38.6 39.3 40 40.6 41.2

80 31.9 35.5 37 38.1 39.1 39.9 40.7 41.4 42 42.6 43.2

90 33.9 37.4 38.9 40.1 41 41.9 42.6 43.3 44 44.6 45.2

100 35.7 39.3 40.8 41.9 42.8 43.7 44.4 45.1 45.8 46.4 47


Interface to insert ship data


Interface to for voyage planning


Interface in navigation mode


Interface for docking


Tactical Traffic Image + RADAR

• Voice
• WiFi for Charts Update and WEB Interface


 VHF/WiFi Coverage Study of the Inland Area

 Identification of Location for WiFi Access Point
 Identification of Location of VHF voice base stations
 Detailed definition of Main VTT Functionalities
 Notice To Skipper for River Levels
 Instrumentation with Inland AIS class A of each ship
 Creation of Inland ECDIS-S57 Chart
 DGPG integration in AIS Base Stations for 10cm precision in
ships location (RTCM via AIS Msg. 17)
 Integration with Local Level and Meteo Monitoring Systems ?
 Lock/Bridge/Terminal Management ?

Onboard Vessel composed of

 AIS Transponder+ VHF

Onshore Area composed of

 AIS Base Stations + Controller + radio base VHF (voice)

1 RIS Centre Composed of

 Workstations with Data management software
Rev. 04

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Rev. 04

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Rev. 04

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1 & NW-2) (KOLKATTA)






P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 346/370 RESTRICTED

KARNATAKA AND KERALA (excluding the existing NW-3 &





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(4 No.)

Note: The present organizational system at IWAI Kochi will look after the existing NW-3 and NW-8/9/59
with due modifications at the time of implementations of proposed Cluster-6 activities.

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Rev. 04

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Broad Assumptions
Based on Financial Analysis as per DPR of NW5

Broadly identified assumptions in order to facilitate financial analysis of Category II
shortlisted waterways development

Inland Waterways Authority of India

Capital Expenditure:
Elements to be covered (based on planned infrastructure requirement for respective rivers)
Suitable assumptions with relevant justification shall be made for any missing items.


Land Acquisition Cost initially to be considered for acquisition
of land for land side development of floating
Dredging Normal Condition
Standard dredging rate of Rs. 200/cum to be
considered. Suitable adjustments shall be
made (with proper justification) for change in
quality of dredge material/any special
requirement for disposal of dredge material
Barrages with Navigational Locks Based on requirement standard charges as
Raising Banks per Planned Infrastructure of respective
Protection Measures rivers.
Environmental Monitoring
Navigational Aids
Cross Drainage Works
Facilities to Local People
Terminals Initially while calculating CAPEX terminal
cost shall include cost for development of
required numbers of floating jetty along
respective waterways, cost of equipment,
manpower required for terminal operation
Total Capital Expenditure Sum of all parameters mentioned
DC, PMC, IE Services, Loan Fees 10% of Total CAPEX
Overall Contingency 3% of Total CAPEX
Escalation 1.5% of Total CAPEX
Total Hard Capex
Interest During Construction
Total Project Cost

Operations & Maintenance Expenditure:

(Pick up the cost items relevant to your study and planned infrastructure components)
Suitable assumptions with relevant justification shall be made for any missing items.
Annual Escalation shall be assumed @ 5.0%.

1 These assumptions are to facilitate consultants in giving a sense of direction in which they shall move to make the reporting of final
outcome consistent. Any missing information shall be assumed suitably (with valid justification) by the consultants in order to provide
desired end result.
Cost Items % of CAPEX
Dredging 5%
Cross Drainage 2%
Locks 2%
Bridges 1%
Terminals 2%
Navigation Aids 2%
Protection Measures 2%
Raising Banks 2%
Facility to Local People for Ferry Services 2%
Environmental Monitoring 2%
Cost of Barrages with Navigation Locks 2%
Total Waterway O&M Costs

Revenue Estimation:
For estimating the revenue, the tariff structure proposed by IWAI (Levy & Collection of fees and
charges) Regulations, 2011 shall be used as a reference.
Existing Tariff Structure & Charges by IWAI (Shall be verified from the latest published Tariffs)
Suitable assumptions with relevant justification shall be made for any missing items.
Tariff Heads Charge unit Charges (INR)
(A)Usage Charges
Movement of Vessels GRT/km 0.02
(B)Vessel related charges
Berthing charges Vessel 1000.00
Towage Vessel/hour 600.00
Pilotage Day 750.00
(C)Cargo related charges
(i) Terminal Charges
Dry Cargo Ton (or part thereof) 1.00
Liquid Cargo Ton (or part thereof) 1.00
Containerised Cargo TEU 50.00
(ii) Transit shed charges
First 3 days MT per day
First 7 days MT per day
7-21 days MT per day 5.00
22-35 days MT per day 10.00
After 35 days MT per day 40.00
(iii) Open storage charges
Hard Stand
First 3 days MT per day
First 7 days MT per day 0.00
7-21 days MT per day 2.00
22-35 days MT per day 4.00
After 35 days MT per day 16.00
On Open Area
First 3 days MT per day
Tariff Heads Charge unit Charges (INR)
First 7 days MT per day 0.00
7-21 days MT per day 1.00
22-35 days MT per day 2.00
After 35 days MT per day 8.00
(D) Composite Charges
Movement of Over Dimensional Cargo Per MT per km 1.50
Customs clearance convenience charges Per MT 40.00
(E) Miscellaneous charges
Crane, fork lift, bunkering of fuel, water Of total revenue
supply, etc.
Crane (including Pontoon crane)
5 MT capacity Crane Per shift of 8 hrs 800.00
20 MT capacity Crane Per shift of 8 hrs 2000.00
>20 MT capacity Crane Per shift of 8 hrs 2500.00
Container Crane Per hr 1100.00
Fork Lift (3MT capacity) Per shift of 8 hrs 600.00
Electricity supply to Vessels As per
Bunkering of fuel/ Petroleum Oil Lubricants As per Market
Water Supply Per km 300.00
Sewage Disposal Per km 100.00
Weighing scale Per MT 5.00
In order to estimate the effective charge that the end users are expected to face, it is assumed that
the margin charged by barge operators is Rs. 1.20 per MT per km.

The financing parameters considered for the study are as follows:
Suitable assumptions with relevant justification shall be made for any missing items.
Item Unit Value
Leverage Ratio % Debt 70%
Moratorium Quarters 2
Door-to-door Tenor Years 15
Interest Rate % 8%
Debt Drawal Start Quarter No. 1
Debt Repayment Start Quarter No. 22
Debt Repayment End Quarter No. 60
Discount Rate (For NPV calculations) % 16%
Suitable assumptions with relevant justification shall be made for any missing items.
Tax Rate Assumptions
Type of Tax Rate
Corporate Income Tax Rate 34.61%
Minimum Alternate Tax Rate 21.34%

Final IRR Reporting:

The consultant shall report the Project FIRR & EIRR considering different scenarios. Broadly the
sensitivity shall include (but not limited to) following parameters as variable:

 Traffic (15-20% ± of projected divertible cargo, as at this stage the divertible cargo
 Development Cost (15-20% ± of planned cost)
 Leverage Ratio (70:30 in base case, 1o-15% ± in optimistic & pessimistic scenarios)

Cost of Dredging (Gurupur River NW-43)

Sl Estimated Rate (in
Item Description Unit
No. Quantity (in Rs.) Lakh
1 Dredging in General Soil Cum 430964 245 1055.86

2 Dredging in Hard Soil Cum 0 963 0.00

Total Cost of Dredging 1055.86

Cost of Dredging (Netravati River NW-74)

1 Dredging in General Soil Cum 813683 245 1993.52

2 Dredging in Hard Soil Cum 0 963 0.00

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Total Cost of Dredging 1993.52

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Sl Estimated Rate Amount

Item Description Unit Remarks
No. Quantity (in Rs.) (in Lakh Rs.)
1 Providing & making Gabion structure with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MORTH Clause
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm
with tolerance of ± 2%) Zinc coated, Mesh wire diameter
3.0 mm, mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at DSR 2021,
every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of Cum 17400 3727.1 648.52 Cl.no.16.94 Vo.
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying II
with lacing wire of diameter 2.2mm, supplied @ 3% by
weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete

2 Providing and laying geotextile 200 gsm as per technical WRD- SoR-
specifications Sqm 11380 225 25.61 Karnataka- Item
3 Providing and fixing in position of perforated PVC pipe WRD- SoR-
/filter of dia 100 mm including materials and labour etc. m 22 341 0.08 Karnataka- Item
complete @ 100 m c/c

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Cost of Bank Protection Works for 500 m 674.20
Cost of Bank Protection Works for 1 m

Cost of Bank Protection Works for 100 m for 2 locations (Gurupur) 134.84

Sl Estimated Rate Amount

Item Description Unit Remarks
No. Quantity (in Rs.) (in Lakh Rs.)
1 Providing & making Gabion structure with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MORTH Clause
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm
with tolerance of ± 2%) Zinc coated, Mesh wire diameter
DSR 2021,
3.0 mm, mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at
Cum 17400 3727.1 648.52 Cl.no.16.94 Vo.
every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying
with lacing wire of diameter 2.2mm, supplied @ 3% by
weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete

2 Providing and laying geotextile 200 gsm as per technical WRD- SoR-
specifications Sqm 11380 225 25.61 Karnataka- Item
3 Providing and fixing in position of perforated PVC pipe WRD- SoR-
/filter of dia 100 mm including materials and labour etc. m 22 341 0.08 Karnataka- Item
complete @ 100 m c/c No.3.69
Cost of Bank Protection Works for 500 m 674.20
Cost of Bank Protection Works for 1 m

Cost of Bank Protection Works for 125 m for 2 locations i.e.250.0m


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Sl Estimated Rate Amount

Item Description Unit
No. Quantity (in Rs.) (in Lakh Rs.)
A RIS Centre
1 Land Cost 1 1,50,000 1.50
2 Equipments 1 10,20,700 10.21
3 Tower & installation 1 7,50,000 7.50
4 Other Incidentals 1 8,50,000 8.50
Total RIS Centre 27.71
B AIS Base Station (One Number)
1 Land Cost 1 10,00,000 10.00
2 Equipments 1 10,20,700 10.21
3 Tower & installation 1 7,50,000 7.50
4 Other Incidentals 1 8,50,000 8.50
Total AIS Base Station 36.21
Cost with GST & the Cost to be divided equally in Gurupur & Netravati

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Cost of Navigation Aid Works (Buoy & Lights) (Gurupur - NW-43

Sl Estimated Rate Amount

Item Description Unit
No. Quantity (in Rs.) (in Lakh Rs.)
1 Providing and laying 1.8 m dia. Polythene
Buoy, Mooring Gear & fixing Lighting No. 42 3,59,788 151.11
Cost of of Night Navigation Works including GST 151.11
The waterway shall cater to movement of Ro-Ro Vessel for Cargo , provision
for Polythene buoys and accessories has been provisioned in the cost sheet.
Cost of Night Navigation Works (Buoy & Lights) (Netravati - NW-74)

Sl Estimated Rate Amount

Item Description Unit
No. Quantity (in Rs.) (in Lakh Rs.)
1 Providing and laying 1.8 m dia. Polythene
Buoy, Mooring Gear & fixing Lighting No. 102 3,59,788 366.98
Cost of of Night Navigation Works including GST 366.98

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Estimated Rate
Sl No. Item Description Unit (in Lakh
Quantity (in Rs.)
A Terminal (T)
1 Land Area Cost
(i) Land inside the terminal area 2 13643.00 1180.55 161.06
(ii) Land required for Road Extension or construction m2 2812.50 1180.55 33.20
of external approach road
2 Brick masonry wall in CM 1: 4 proportion . by
volume for walls using burnt bricks from approved
source including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, scaffolding, ramps, cleaning, batching and
mixing mortar, packing mortar into joints, finishing,
curing etc., complete with lead upto 50 m and lift m3 375.94 7255.82 27.28
upto 1.5 m. & additional lift beyond 1.5 m add

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Boundary wall 250 mm thk brick masonary
surrounding the entire terminal on 3 sides except
Ro-Ro terminal side. as per 5.22 of SOR,

3 Providing 12 mm thick cement mortar plastering in

CM 1:3 proportion . by volume including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding, cleaning
joints, smooth finishing, curing etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts. & Providing and
applying two coats of water proof cement paint of m2 1503.75 388.22 5.84
as per item 5.29.1 of SOR approved quality and
colour including cost of all materials, labour,
scraping and cleaning surface, scaffolding, curing
etc., complete with all leads and lifts. as per item
5.27 of SOR, Karnataka -2018
4 Carraiage of Material for item 2 & 3 @ 5% of the
% --- 5.00 1.66
total cost of these items
5 Land Cutting/Excavation for 2.0 m depth
Excavation for foundation in soft rock with-out
blasting including 2.2. boulders upto 0.6 m
diameter ( 0.113 cum ) for dam, spillway, intake
structure, surface power house and other
appurtenant works and placing the excavated m3 27286.00 129.80 35.42
material neatly in specified dump area or disposing
off the same as directed including cost of all
materials, machinert, labour etc., complete with
lead upto 1 km and all lifts. SOR Karnataka Item
no.2.2 page 34 SOR 2018-19

Total Cost of Land & its Development 264.45

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 357/370 RESTRICTED


Estimate d Rate
Sl No. Ite m De scription Unit (in Lakh
Quantity (in Rs.)
A Te rminal (T)
1 Land Area Cost
(i) Land inside the terminal area m2 33065.00 1180.55 390.35
(ii) Land required for Road Extension or 2 375.00 1180.55 4.43
construction of external approach road
(iii) Area under Mangrooves clearance m2 0.00 1180.55 0.00
2 Brick masonry wall in CM 1 : 4 proportion .
by volume for walls using burnt bricks from
approved source including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding,
ramps, cleaning, batching and mixing
mortar, packing mortar into joints, finishing,
curing etc., complete with lead upto 50 m m3 375.94 7255.82 27.28
and lift upto 1.5 m. & additional lift beyond
1.5 m add Boundary wall 250 mm thk brick
masonary surrounding the entire terminal

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
on 3 sides except Ro-Ro terminal side. as
per 5.22 of SOR, Karnataka

3 Providing 12 mm thick cement mortar

plastering in CM 1:3 proportion . by volume
including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, scaffolding, cleaning joints, smooth
finishing, curing etc., complete with initial
lead upto 50 m and all lifts. & Providing and
applying two coats of water proof cement m2 1503.75 388.22 5.84
paint of as per item 5.29.1 of SOR approved
quality and colour including cost of all
materials, labour, scraping and cleaning
surface, scaffolding, curing etc., complete
with all leads and lifts. as per item 5.27 of
SOR, Karnataka -2018
4 Carraiage of Material for item 2 & 3 @ 5%
% --- 5.00 1.66
of the total cost of these items
5 Land Cutting/Excavation for 2.0 m depth
Excavation for foundation in soft rock with-
out blasting including 2.2. boulders upto 0.6
m diameter ( 0.113 cum ) for dam, spillway,
intake structure, surface power house and
other appurtenant works and placing the
excavated material neatly in specified dump m3 66130.00 129.80 85.84
area or disposing off the same as directed
including cost of all materials, machinert,
labour etc., complete with lead upto 1 km
and all lifts. SOR Karnataka Item no.2.2
page 34 SOR 2018-19

Total Cost of Land & its De v e lopme nt 515.38

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 358/370 RESTRICTED


Rate Amount Remarks/
Sl Estimated References
Item Description Unit (in Rs.) (in Lakh
No. Quantity
1.0 RCC Concrete Works (M40 grade concrete)
CONCRETE - Reinforced Cement Concrete of
specified Grade M40 in different structural
members above pile cut-off level.

1.1 Providing and laying Vertical M40 Grade

Concrete Piles of 1.4 m diameter
Vertical Piles
Grid A No 7
Grid B No 7
Grid C No 7
Total Piles
cu.m 499
1.2 Pile Caps (1800x1800x600) cu.m 42.87

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
1.3 Longitudinal Beams (1000x1250)
Grid A cu.m 94.50
Grid A1 cu.m 94.50
Grid B cu.m 94.50
Grid B1 cu.m 94.50
Grid C cu.m 94.50
1.4 Cross Beams (1800x1500)
grid 1 to 7 cu.m 327.44
1.5 Deck Slab
Cu.m 415.80
DSR 2018,
Cl.no. 5.33.1
& 5.34.3.
Total Concrete Cu.m 1757.37 9683.67 170.18 Rate
updated with
Wpi till Dec-
2.0 Steel Reinforcement
REINFORCEMENT - High yield strength
deformed bars Reinforcement Grade Fe500 in
reinforcing cage including ring bars as detailed
on the drawings
2.1 Vertical Piles 1.2m dia
MT 74.81
2.2 Pile Caps (1800x1800x600)
MT 5.14
2.3 Longitudinal Beams (1000x1250)
Grid A MT 17.01
Grid A1 MT 17.01
Grid B MT 17.01
Grid B1 MT 17.01
Grid C MT 17.01
2.4 Cross Beams (1800x1500)
grid 1 to 8 MT 58.94

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 359/370 RESTRICTED

Rate Amount Remarks/
Sl Estimated References
Item Description Unit (in Rs.) (in Lakh
No. Quantity
2.5 Deck Slab MT 49.90
DSR 2018,
Total Reinforcement MT 274 103456.50 283.31
updated with
Wpi till Dec-
Structural Steel works
3.1 Structural Steel hand rail with steel grade DSR 2018,
Fy=240 Mpa Cl.no.10.2 -
MT 120 120065.0 144.08
updated with
Wpi till Dec-
4.0 Bollards
Supply and fix in position cast steel bollards of As per
working loads capacity of 40 ton, twin horn Market rate.
type of approved make, including galvanized 7%
holding down bolts, nuts, washers (80microns MT 4 98309.70 3.93 escalation
zinc coating) and painting as per specification per annum
and drawings complete.

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Supply and fix in position fender system in the
rear side of jetty structure from an approved
manufacturer meeting the berthing energy
absorption and reaction forces requirements
given in technical specification and drawings for
LS 35.00
the following type of fenders. The rate include
design, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of fenders and necessary
fixtures such as chains, U bolts, fasteners etc.,
4 Carraige of construction Material for item 2 & 3 /
Shuttering Materials/ Staging for shuttering,
% --- --- 44.55
other miscellaneous @ 7% of the total cost of
these items
Total cost of Riverrine Structures at RORO 681.05

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 360/370 RESTRICTED


Rate Amount Remarks/

Sl Estimated References
Item Description Unit (in Rs.) (in Lakh
No. Quantity
1.0 RCC Concrete Works (M40 grade concrete)
CONCRETE - Reinforced Cement Concrete of
specified Grade M40 in different structural
members above pile cut-off level.

1.1 Providing and laying Vertical M40 Grade

Concrete Piles of 1.4 m diameter
Vertical Piles
Grid A
No 11
Grid B
No 11
Grid C
No 11
Total Piles
cu.m 1,494
1.2 Pile Caps (2000x1800x600)
cu.m 74.84
1.3 Longitudinal Beams (1000x1250)
Grid A
cu.m 157.50

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Grid A1
cu.m 157.50
Grid B
cu.m 157.50
Grid B1
cu.m 157.50
Grid C
cu.m 157.50
1.4 Cross Beams (2000x1500)
grid 1 to 11
cu.m 523.91

1.5 Deck Slab

Cu.m 740.88
DSR 2018,
Cl.no. 5.33.1
& 5.34.3.
Total Concrete Cu.m 3620.64 9683.67 350.61 Rate
updated with
Wpi till Dec-
2.0 Steel Reinforcement
REINFORCEMENT - High yield strength
deformed bars Reinforcement Grade Fe500 in
reinforcing cage including ring bars as detailed
on the drawings

2.1 Vertical Piles 1.2m dia

MT 235.23
2.2 Pile Caps (1800x1800x600)
MT 9.43
2.3 Longitudinal Beams (1000x1250)
Grid A
MT 29.77
Grid A1
MT 29.77
Grid B
MT 29.77
Grid B1
MT 29.77
Grid C
MT 29.77

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 361/370 RESTRICTED

Rate Amount Remarks/
Sl Estimated References
Item Description Unit (in Rs.) (in Lakh
No. Quantity
2.4 Cross Beams (1800x1500)
grid 1 to 8
MT 99.02
2.5 Deck Slab
MT 93.35
DSR 2018,
Total Reinforcement MT 586 103456.5 606.12 updated with
Wpi till Dec-
Structural Steel works
3.1 Structural Steel hand rail with steel grade DSR 2018,
Fy=240 Mpa Cl.no.10.2 -
MT 120 120065.0 144.08
updated with
Wpi till Dec-
4.0 Bollards
Supply and fix in position cast steel bollards of As per
working loads capacity of 40 ton, twin horn type Market rate.

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
of approved make, including galvanized holding 7%
down bolts, nuts, washers (80microns zinc MT 4 98309.70 3.93 escalation
coating) and painting as per specification and per annum
drawings complete.
Supply and fix in position fender system in the
rear side of jetty structure from an approved
manufacturer meeting the berthing energy
absorption and reaction forces requirements
given in technical specification and drawings for
the following type of fenders. The rate include LS 35.00
design, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of fenders and necessary fixtures
such as chains, U bolts, fasteners etc., complete.

4 Carraige of construction Material for item 2 & 3 /

Shuttering Materials/ Staging for shuttering, other
miscellaneous @ 7% of the total cost of these % --- 7.00 79.78

Total cost of Riverrine Structures at RORO Terminal 1,219.52

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 362/370 RESTRICTED


Cost of Other Structures at Gurupur Ro-Ro Terminal

Area Rate Amount
S.No. Facility Nos. Size
(in Sq-m) (in Rs.) (in Lakh Rs.)
1 Open Mobility Area 1 60 m x 40 m 2400 7,002 168.04

2 Covered Storage Godown (Nominal) 1 40m x 20m 800 21,006 168.04

3 Vehicles Parking 1 15m x 10m 150 1,573 2.36

4 40' Container Stack Yard 1 40m x 20m 800 10,503 84.02

5 Parking for Handling equipments 15m x 10m 150 1,573 2.36
6 Main Parking Area 1 30m x 30m 900 1,191 10.72
7 Public Utility 1 6m x 4m 24 34,741 8.34
8 Weigh bridge 1 8m x 3m 24 2,95,000 70.80
9 Utility Room (Near Weigh Bridge) 1 3m X3m 9 34,741 3.13
10 Area under internal & external Roads 1 600m x 7.5m 4500 2,360 106.20

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
11 Administration building 1 12 m x 15 m 180 44,675 80.42
12 Staff Parking Area-4 wheelers 1 13.5m x 6m 81 1,573 1.27
13 Staff Parking Area-2 wheelers 1 8m x 2m 16 1,707 0.27

14 Security shed for watch and ward 2 4m x 4m 32 4,754 1.52

15 Electrical facility 1 5m x 5m 25 16,623 4.16

16 Fuel Bunkers 1 10m x 5m 50 6,556 3.28
17 Water Supply Room 1 3m x 4m 12 16,721 2.01
18 Fire and Safety Room 1 3m x 4m 12 21,638 2.60

19 DGPS receiver & transmitter shed 1 8m x 4m 32 7,839 2.51

20 DG shed 1 5m x 5m 25 7,839 8.00

21 Canteen with Store 1 12m x 8m 96 16,083 15.44
22 Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) 1 15m x 15m 225 14,676 33.02
23 Overhead Tank 1 10m dia 100 2,269 2.27
24 Green Area 1 1000 944 9.44
25 Future Requirement 1 2000 708 14.16
Total Area 13643
Total cost of Other Components 804.37

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 363/370 RESTRICTED

Cost of Other Structures at Netravati RORO Terminal
Area Rate
S.No. Facility Nos. Size (in Lakh
(in Sq-m) (in Rs.)
1 Open Mobility Area 1 75 m x 40 m 3000 7,002 210.06
Covered Storage Godown
2 1 40m x 20m 800 21,006 168.04
3 Vehicles Parking 1 15m x 10m 150 1,573 2.36

4 40' Container Stack Yard 1 40m x 20m 800 10,503 84.02

Parking for Handling
5 15m x 10m 150 1,573 2.36
6 Main Parking Area 1 30m x 30m 900 1,191 10.72

7 Public Utility 1 6m x 4m 24 34,741 8.34

8 Weigh bridge 1 8m x 3m 24 2,95,000 70.80

Utility Room (Near Weigh
9 1 3m X3m 9 34,741 3.13
Area under internal & external
10 1 600m x 7.5m 4500 2,360 106.20

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
11 Administration building 1 12 m x 15 m 180 44,675 80.42

12 Staff Parking Area-4 wheelers 1 13.5m x 6m 81 1,573 1.27

13 Staff Parking Area-2 wheelers 1 8m x 2m 16 1,707 0.27

Security shed for watch and
14 2 4m x 4m 32 4,754 1.52
15 Electrical facility 1 5m x 5m 25 16,623 4.16

16 Fuel Bunkers 1 10m x 5m 50 6,556 3.28

17 Water Supply Room 1 3m x 4m 12 16,721 2.01

18 Fire and Safety Room 1 3m x 4m 12 21,638 2.60

DGPS receiver & transmitter
19 1 8m x 4m 32 7,839 2.51
20 DG shed 1 5m x 5m 25 7,839 1.96

21 Canteen with Store 1 12m x 8m 96 16,083 15.44

22 Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) 1 15m x 15m 225 14,676 33.02

23 Overhead Tank 1 10m dia 100 2,269 2.27

24 Green Area 1 1000 944 9.44

25 Future Requirement 1 2000 708 14.16

Total Area 14243

Total cost of Other Components 840.35

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 364/370 RESTRICTED



Estimated Rate
S.No. Item Description Unit (in Lakh
Quantity (in Rs.)
A Terminal (T)
1 External Roads

(i) Pacca Road (7.5m wide road) m 60.00 15000 9.00

2 Pipe Culvert on External Road LS 3.50

Sub-total 1 12.50
Total Cost of Approach Roads 12.50

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval

Estimated Rate
S.No. Item Description Unit (in Lakh
Quantity (in Rs.)
A Terminal (T)
1 External Roads

(i) Pacca Road (7.5m wide road) m 50.00 15000 7.50

2 Pipe Culvert on External Road LS 3.50

Sub-total 1 11.00
Total Cost of Approach Roads 11.00

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 365/370 RESTRICTED



Sl Estimated Rate Amount

Item Description Unit Remarks/ reference
No. Quantity (in Rs.) (in Lakh Rs.)
A Terminal (T)
1 Providing and laying gabion for erosion DSR 2021,
control, river training works and protection Cum 10414.14 3727.10 388.15
Cl.no.16.94 Vo. II
works as per technical specifications
2 Providing and laying geotextile 200 gsm as WRD- SoR- Karnataka-
per technical specifications Sqm 6763.04 225.00 15.22
Item No.58
3 Providing and fixing in position of perforated
PVC pipe /filter of dia 100 mm including WRD- SoR- Karnataka-
m 22 341 0.08
materials and labour etc. complete @ 100 m Item No.3.69
4 Boundary wall 250 mm thk brick masonary
WRD- SoR- Karnataka-
(1:4) Cum 370 7160.24 26.49
Item No.5.22
5 Carriage of Material @ 5% of the cost 21.50

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Sub-total 1 451.43
Cost of Bank Protection Works 451.43


Sl Estimated Rate Amount Remarks/

Item Description Unit
No. Quantity (in Rs.) (in Lakh Rs.) reference
A Terminal (T)
1 Providing and laying gabion for erosion
control, river training works and protection
works as per technical specifications DSR 2021,
Cum 10414.14 3727.10 388.15
Cl.no.16.94 Vo. II

2 Providing and laying geotextile 200 gsm as WRD- SoR-

per technical specifications Sqm 6763.04 225.00 15.22 Karnataka- Item
3 Providing and fixing in position of perforated
PVC pipe /filter of dia 100 mm including
m 22 341 0.08 Karnataka- Item
materials and labour etc. complete @ 100 m
4 Boundary wall 250 mm thk brick masonary WRD- SoR-
(1:4) Cum 430 7160.24 30.79 Karnataka- Item
5 Carriage of Material @ 5% of the cost 21.71
Sub-total 1 455.94
Cost of Bank Protection Works 455.94

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 366/370 RESTRICTED

Fairway Development - Gurupur River (NW - 43) & Netravati Rive (NW-74)
Sl.No. Items (36 Months Commencing from 2023)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
A Fairway
1.a) Dredging
Ordinary Soils / Hard Soils (Approval & Tendering)
Ordinary Soils (4.31 Lakhs Cu. M)
1.b) Dredging
Hard Soils
2. Low Cost Riverine Structures (NIL)
3. River Training Works/ Bank Protection (350 m)
4. Night Navigation
Buoy / Lights (Approval & Tendering)
Buoy / Lights (144 Nos)
B Modification of Structures (01 HT Line)

C Communication System (NIL)

D Institutional Requirement
Office / Manpower (Establishment & Recruittment)

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Office / Manpower (Deployment)
Vessels (Approvals & Tendering)
Vessels (Procurement & Deployment of Survey Vessel

E Environmental Management Plan

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 367/370 RESTRICTED


Ro-Ro Terminal Development -02 Nos. - Gurupur River (NW - 43) & Netravati Rive (NW-74)
Sl Items (36 Months Commencing from 2023)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

A Ro-Ro Terminal - 2 Nos. *

Land Acuisition
Riverine Components (Jetty Structure)
Infrastructure Components
Infrastructure Components internal roads (Execution)
Approach Road Construction
Bank Protection Works for terminal (Approvals & Tendering)
Bank Protection Works for terminal (Execution)

Cargo Handling Equipments

Ambulance - 1 no.

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Fork lift trucks 20 T Capacity - 3 nos.

Environmental Management Plan


P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 368/370 RESTRICTED



1. P.010256-W-20301-A02
(01 SHEET)


2. P.010256-W-20351-X02




4. P.010256-W-20341-E05


5. P.010256-W-20303-X02

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6. P.010256-W-20301-A05


7. P.010256-W-20351-X05




9. P.010256-W-20341-E05


10. P.010256-W-20303-X05

P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 369/370 RESTRICTED







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P.010256-W-10305-005 Rev. 04 370/370 RESTRICTED

Tractebel is a global engineering company delivering game-changing solutions for a carbon-neutral future. Insights
gathered during our more than 150 years of experience in energy, urban, nuclear and water projects combined with
local expertise allow us to tackle complex future-oriented projects. By connecting strategy, design, engineering and
project management, our community of 5,000 imaginative experts helps companies and public authorities create
positive impact towards a sustainable world, where people, planet and profit collectively thrive. With offices in
Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, the company registered a turnover of 581 million Euros in
2020. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, a global reference in low-carbon energy and services.


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