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[2] BCHET–147

What is the nature of the compounds in terms

No. of Printed Pages : 10 BCHET–147 of oxidizing reducing behaviour when the
metals are in higher or in lower oxidation
states ? 5
2. Which type of elements form σ-bonded
(BSCG) organometallics ? Do transition metals form

Term-End Examination such compounds ? Give suitable examples. Also

give an example of such a compound present in
December, 2023
nature and mention the σ -bond in it. 5
3. Give the formal charge and the number of
BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY, POLYNUCLEAR electrons donated by these ligands in
HYDROCARBONS AND UV-VIS, IR organometallic compounds : 5

SPECTROSCOPY   CO,CH3 , 5  C5H5  ,CN  ,NO
Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50
4. What conclusions about the strength of the M-C
bond can be drawn from the following data of
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions from Part A metal carbonyl stretching frequencies ? 5
and any five questions from Part B on
separate answer sheets. Metal Carbonyl M C

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.  Mn  CO 

416 cm–1
 6

Part—A (Marks : 25) Cr  CO6 441 cm–1

1. Identify the ligands which form complex with  V  CO  

460 cm–1
 6
Cr, Mn, Co and Cu, in low oxidation states.

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[3] BCHET–147 [4] BCHET–147

5. What is antagonism in reference to metals in (b) Write the products (i. e. A, B and C) of the
biological system ? Explain with the help of an following reactions : 3

example involving copper. What happens as a

result of copper deficiency ? 5

6. Give the general principle of the Na+-K+ pump.

Why is it considered to be a case of active
10. (a) Explain the formation of 2-aminopyridine
transport ? 5
when pyridine reacts with NaNH2. Write
7. Give any five biological processes in which the the mechanism of this reaction. 3
trace element iron is involved in the living (b) How is pyridine obtained commercially ?
system. 5 Give the reaction involved. 2
Part—B (Marks : 25)
11. Define the following terms : 5
8. Discuss the mechanism of synthesis of ethyl 3- (a) Wavelength
oxobutanoate using Claisen ester condensation.
(b) Wave number
(c) Frequency of a wave
9. (a) Write the IUPAC names of the following
compounds : 2 12. The absorption bands of the two chromophores
are given below :

acetylene : 152 nm (s), 182 nm (m), 220 nm (w)

benzene : 184 nm (s), 204 nm (m), 254 nm (w)

What sort of transitions can be predicted for

these ? 5

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[5] BCHET–147

13. In the 2500-2000 cm–1 region of the IR

spectrum, why a greater intensity of band for
– C  N is observed than for – C  C – group ?
14. (i) Can you identify symmetrical alkynes with
the help of IR spectroscopy ? Justify your
answer. 2

(ii) With the help of IR spectra, can you

differentiate between cyclohexane and
hexanol ? Justify your answer. 3

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[2] BCHET-147

2. Explain the classification of non-classically

No. of Printed Pages : 10 BCHET-147
bonded organometallic compounds with
suitable examples. 5


3. Draw the structure of Fe(CO)5. Explain how
would you arrive at its shape on the basis of
Term-End Examination
June, 2023 valence bond approach. 5

4. The carbonyl complex with a linear OC–M–CO
group is undergoing the following changes :
SPECTROSCOPY (i) One CO replaced by triethyl amine

Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50 (ii) The neutral complex changes to a

positively charged complex.
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions from Part A (iii) The neutral complex is converted to a
and any five questions from Part B on
negatively charged complex.
separate answer sheets.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks. Then how does its CO stretching frequency
change ? Give reasons. 5
5. Give an account of the toxicity of mercury. 5
1. (a) What is the IUPAC name for potassium
ferricyanide ? 1 6. Why the channels for sodium ion transport are
(b) How is sodium nitroprusside useful as a permeable to hydrogen ions, but potassium ion
lab reagent ? Give suitable reactions. 4 channels are not ? 5

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[3] BCHET-147 [4] BCHET-147

7. (a) Give any three differences between (b) What are effects of polycyclic aromatic
hemoglobin and myoglobin. 3 hydrocarbons on human health ? 2

(b) Briefly explain the Bohr effect in the 10. Explain why the attack of electrophile in
context of oxygenation of hemoglobin. 2 pyrrole usually takes place at C-2 position and

Part—B not C-3 position. 5

8. (a) Write the chemical equation for the 11. (a) Explain the terms hypsochromic shift and

reaction of cyclohexanone with ethyl hypochromic shift. 2

3-oxobutanoate in presence of NaOC2H5 in (b) Giving suitable examples, explain the

ethanol as solvent. What is the name of terms chromophore and auxochrome. 3

this reaction ? 2½
12. Explain the solvent effects on electronic
(b) Write the Keto-enol equilibrium for ethyl spectra. 5
3-oxobutanoate. Which form is more
13. Diagrammatically explain the normal modes of
stable ? 2½
vibrations of a triatomic angular molecule, AB2.
9. (a) Complete the following reactions : 3 Calculate the number of vibrational degrees of
355K freedom for NH3 molecule. 5
(i) + H2SO4 

VO 14. (a) Which of the following will have lower

(ii) 
2 5

 value for C = O absorption in IR spectrum

Na, C H OH
and why ? 2
(iii) 
2 5

2 butanone or 3-butene-2-one

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[5] BCHET-147

(b) Arrange the following in the increasing

order of their carbonyl stretching
absorption frequencies in IR spectrum and
give reason in support of your answer :
Cyclopentanone, Cyclopropanone,
Cyclohexanone. 3

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[2] BCHET-147

(b) Write any two uses of potassium

No. of Printed Pages : 8 BCHET-147
permanganate and give its IUPAC name. 2

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (GENERAL) 2. How are sigma bonded organometallics

(BSCG) formed ? Give suitable examples of each of

these compounds. Why do these compounds
Term-End Examination
when formed with transition metals become
December, 2022
unstable ? 5
BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY, POLYNUCLEAR 3. What are the general methods of preparation of
HYDROCARBONS AND UV-VIS, IR simple carbonyls ? Give any one reaction for

Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50 4. Explain synergic bonding in metal carbonyls

with suitable diagrams. 5
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions from Part A
and any five questions from Part B on 5. (a) What are essential trace elements ? When

separate answer sheets. are they called ultra-trace elements ? Give

(ii) All questions carry equal marks. two examples of each. 4

(b) Why is arsenic toxic ? 1

Part—A (Marks : 25) 6. (a) Give the utility of magnesium ions in the
1. (a) With suitable equation, give the reaction process of photosynthesis. 3
as well as change in colour when dilute
(b) What is Chlorophyll ? How does it help in
alkali is added to potassium dichromate. 3
photosynthesis ? 2
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[3] BCHET-147 [4] BCHET-147

7. Explain the Perutz mechanism in the context of 11. Give the schematic diagram of the order of
oxygenation of hemoglobin. 5 molecular orbital energies and the possible
electronic transitions (for small organic
Part—B (Marks : 25)
molecules). Arrange these transitions in the
8. How will you synthesize 6-hepten-2-one
increasing order of their energies. 5
starting from ethyl 3-oxobutanoate ? Write the
12. (a) Arrange λ max value for π − π* transition in
sequence of the reactions involved and the
increasing order of the 1, 3-butadiene, 1,
required reagents. 5 5-hexadiene and 1, 3, 5-hexatriene. Justify
your answer. 3
9. (a) Explain Huckel’s rule using naphthalene
(b) Of the two compounds mesitylene (1, 3,
and anthracene as examples. 3
5-trimethylbenzene) and benzene, which

(b) What are the different types of polynuclear would have higher λ max value ? Justify your

aromatic hydrocarbons ? Give one example answer. 2

of each. 2 13. Calculate the vibrational degrees of freedom of

CO2 , H2O and NH3 molecules. 5
10. (a) Discuss the mechanism of sulphonation of
14. (a) Write the ranges of IR absorption bands for
pyrrole giving the resonance structures of
various vibrations exhibited by alkenes. 3
the carbocation formed. 3 (b) Do the C-H stretching vibrations in

(b) Draw and explain the orbital structure of alkanes and alkenes appear in the same
region of IR spectrum ? Explain giving
pyridine. 2
suitable reason. 2

P. T. O.
[2] BCHET-149

(b) Electron transport chain

No. of Printed Pages : 5 BCHET-149 (c) Ketone bodies

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (GENERAL) 4. (a) Describe the method for fractionation of

(BSCG) sub-cellular organelles. 5

Term-End Examination (b) Explain the role of Golgi bodies in protein
June, 2023 processing with the help of a diagram. 5
BCHET-149 : MOLECULES OF LIFE 5. (a) Describe in brief the role of ATP in
biochemical energy transformation. 5
Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50
(b) Write the process of conversion of glucose
Note : Answer any five questions from the
into triose phosphates during glycolysis. 5
6. (a) Write the Kiliani-Fischer synthesis for
chain elongation of aldoses. 5
1. (a) What is Urea Cycle ? Write the various
steps involved in urea cycle. 5 (b) Giving suitable examples, describe storage
polysaccharides. 5
(b) Briefly describe the elongation of
polypetide chain during protein 7. (a) Describe the Hershey and Chase
biosynthesis. 5 experiment that proved DNA as the
genetic material. 5
2. (a) How does the fluid mosaic model explain
the membrane permeability ? Elaborate. 5 (b) Describe the structure and functions of
(b) How does an enzyme contribute to the t-RNA. 5
lowering of energy of activation of a bio- 8. (a) Write the classification of amino acids
chemical reaction ? Explain. 5 based on the nature of R group. 5
3. Write short notes on any two of the (b) Enumerate the biological functions of
following : 5+5 lipids. 5
(a) Gluco-neogenesis

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[2] BCHET-149

3. (a) Differentiate between any two of the pairs

No. of Printed Pages : 7 BCHET-149
given below : 5


(BSCG) (ii) Nucleosides and Nucleotides

Term-End Examination (iii) rRNA and mRNA

December, 2022 (b) List the different ways of drug action on

BCHET-149 : MOLECULES OF LIFE human body and describe any one. 5

Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50 4. (a) Write the steps involved in an enzyme
catalysed reaction. Also write the general
Note : Answer any five questions from the following. reaction for each step. 5

(b) Why is TCA cycle called the amphibolic

1. (a) Why are mitochondria called the pathway ? Explain giving examples. 5
powerhouses of cells ? Explain the role of
5. (a) What is Metabolism ? Describe the
mitochondrial matrix in living cells. 5
convergent and divergent nature of
(b) Explain the formation of anomers in metabolism. Illustrate your answer. 5
carbohydrates taking a monosaccharide as
(b) What is rancidity of oils ? How is it
an example. 5
assessed ? Differentiate between rancidity
2. (a) Explain the formation of a peptide bond and saponification number. 5
and also explain its stereochemistry. 5
6. (a) Name the disaccharide which is non-
(b) What are lipoproteins ? Draw a generalised reducing in nature. Write the reason of this
structure of a lipoprotein. 5 behaviour of the disaccharide. 5

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[3] BCHET-149

(b) What is gluconeogenesis ? Explain the

energetics involved in this process. 5

7. (a) Describe the inter-relationship among the

three main metabolic pathways involving
lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. 5

(b) Write short notes on any two of the

following : 5

(i) Electron transport chain

(ii) Substrate level phosphorylation

(iii) Fractionation of subcellular organelles

P. T. O.

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