BCHET-147 - Merged (1) 22222
BCHET-147 - Merged (1) 22222
BCHET-147 - Merged (1) 22222
P. T. O.
5. What is antagonism in reference to metals in (b) Write the products (i. e. A, B and C) of the
biological system ? Explain with the help of an following reactions : 3
P. T. O.
[5] BCHET–147
P. T. O.
[2] BCHET-147
4. The carbonyl complex with a linear OC–M–CO
group is undergoing the following changes :
SPECTROSCOPY (i) One CO replaced by triethyl amine
(ii) All questions carry equal marks. Then how does its CO stretching frequency
change ? Give reasons. 5
5. Give an account of the toxicity of mercury. 5
1. (a) What is the IUPAC name for potassium
ferricyanide ? 1 6. Why the channels for sodium ion transport are
(b) How is sodium nitroprusside useful as a permeable to hydrogen ions, but potassium ion
lab reagent ? Give suitable reactions. 4 channels are not ? 5
P. T. O.
[3] BCHET-147 [4] BCHET-147
7. (a) Give any three differences between (b) What are effects of polycyclic aromatic
hemoglobin and myoglobin. 3 hydrocarbons on human health ? 2
(b) Briefly explain the Bohr effect in the 10. Explain why the attack of electrophile in
context of oxygenation of hemoglobin. 2 pyrrole usually takes place at C-2 position and
8. (a) Write the chemical equation for the 11. (a) Explain the terms hypsochromic shift and
this reaction ? 2½
12. Explain the solvent effects on electronic
(b) Write the Keto-enol equilibrium for ethyl spectra. 5
3-oxobutanoate. Which form is more
13. Diagrammatically explain the normal modes of
stable ? 2½
vibrations of a triatomic angular molecule, AB2.
9. (a) Complete the following reactions : 3 Calculate the number of vibrational degrees of
355K freedom for NH3 molecule. 5
(i) + H2SO4
Na, C H OH
and why ? 2
2 5
2 butanone or 3-butene-2-one
P. T. O.
[5] BCHET-147
P. T. O.
[2] BCHET-147
Part—A (Marks : 25) 6. (a) Give the utility of magnesium ions in the
1. (a) With suitable equation, give the reaction process of photosynthesis. 3
as well as change in colour when dilute
(b) What is Chlorophyll ? How does it help in
alkali is added to potassium dichromate. 3
photosynthesis ? 2
P. T. O.
7. Explain the Perutz mechanism in the context of 11. Give the schematic diagram of the order of
oxygenation of hemoglobin. 5 molecular orbital energies and the possible
electronic transitions (for small organic
Part—B (Marks : 25)
molecules). Arrange these transitions in the
8. How will you synthesize 6-hepten-2-one
increasing order of their energies. 5
starting from ethyl 3-oxobutanoate ? Write the
12. (a) Arrange λ max value for π − π* transition in
sequence of the reactions involved and the
increasing order of the 1, 3-butadiene, 1,
required reagents. 5 5-hexadiene and 1, 3, 5-hexatriene. Justify
your answer. 3
9. (a) Explain Huckel’s rule using naphthalene
(b) Of the two compounds mesitylene (1, 3,
and anthracene as examples. 3
5-trimethylbenzene) and benzene, which
(b) What are the different types of polynuclear would have higher λ max value ? Justify your
(b) Draw and explain the orbital structure of alkanes and alkenes appear in the same
region of IR spectrum ? Explain giving
pyridine. 2
suitable reason. 2
P. T. O.
[2] BCHET-149
P. T. O.
[2] BCHET-149
Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50 4. (a) Write the steps involved in an enzyme
catalysed reaction. Also write the general
Note : Answer any five questions from the following. reaction for each step. 5
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[3] BCHET-149
P. T. O.