Excel From Zero
Excel From Zero
Excel From Zero
Course Venue
• Company venue, 10th of Ramadan City25 فى مقر الشركة بالعاشر من رمضان محاوره
• Interactive Online Zoom Sessions متاح اون لاين محاضلرات تفاعلية ببرنامج زووم
Course Objectives
• Build a solid understanding on the Basics of Microsoft Excel
• Learn the most common Excel functions used in the Office
• Harness the full power of Microsoft Excel by automating your day to day tasks
• Maintain large sets of Excel data in a list or table
• Create dynamic reports by mastering one of the most popular tools, PivotTables
• Wow your boss by unlocking dynamic formulas with IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX,
MATCH functions and many more
• Connect & Load your data from different extension sources
• Transform data using power query
• Modeling data
• Visualize your data using Power Bi
Course Content
1. Data Quality 2. Excel interface
3. Types of References 4. Handle Fill
5. Formatting 6. Filter – find – replace – Conditional Formats
7. Shortcuts 8. Basic Formulas
9. Most Common used Functions 10. Counts
11. Logical test & Functions 12. Define Names & drop List
13. Look up Formulas 14. Goal Seek
15. Sum Ifs – Counts Ifs
Target Audience
• All employees and Managers/Directors (All Disciplines)
متاح لكل العاملين و حديثى التخرج و المديرين و الإداريين و كل من ليس له خبره او معرف ببرنامج
Course Language
• Arabic but most terminology is in English. بالعربى و لكن بعض مصطلحات البرنامج
• Training can be presented in English only based on request. يمكن الشرح بالانجليزى كاملة
بناًءا على طلب المتدربيين
Course Methodology
Training methods and techniques are almost infinite in their variety. They can be used on
their own or in creative combination. However, they should be chosen carefully to fit the
activity, the nature of participants, the cultural milieu and the facilities available for using
We use different methodologies in training to ensure good communication of information
to all trainees - but not limited to the following:
Hands-On Simulations
Few things are better remembered and understood which can be touched and used in
training classroom.
Course Prerequisites
• Laptops should provide with each participants يجب الحضور باللاب توب الشخصى
Course Duration
• 7 Days (21-hours) ايام7 ساعه مقسمة على21
First Session 3 hours N/D
Second Session 3 hours N/D
Third Session 3 hours N/D
Fourth Session 3 hours N/D
Fifth Session 3 hours N/D
Sixth session 3 hours N/D
Seven session 3 hours N/D
Course Fees
• 1200 EGP for the whole round (7 Sessions) Face to face at Company Venue (Nb25 -
10th of Ramadan city) Maxim 15 Participants
) متدربيين15 جنية مصرى حضور شخصى ( اقصى عدد1200 : سعر الكورس
• 1000 EGP for the whole round ( 7 Sessions) with maximum number of participants 20
On-line using Zoom and all lectures will be recorded and uploaded
) متدرب20 جنية مصرى حضور شخصى ( اقصى عدد1000: سعر الكورس
• The fees are including soft color copy handouts, Notepad, pens and gifts for the highest
engagement participant.
• 50% will be paid to register
• 50% after session number 3