Acknowledging Empty Nest Syndrome Easternand Weste

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38/ Mind and Society ISSN 2277-6907

Vol. 10, No. III & IV, Sep. & Dec., 2021, Page No. 38 to 42

Acknowledging Empty Nest Syndrome: Eastern

and Western Perspective
Received: 14 November 2021 * Mandeep Randhawa
Accepted: 06 December 2021 **Jaismeen Kaur
Dorothy Canfield coined “Empty Nest” terminology in her book (Mothers and Children, 1914). Empty
Nest is the phase that begins along with the contraction stage of the family life cycle in which children
move out of their parental home to relocate either to a different city or country for educational and
professional purposes. There are two sides to Empty Nest: some parents grow as individuals and as a
couple after the contraction phase, while others struggle to adjust during this time. Therefore, when
parents struggle to adjust to the contraction phase, they experience Empty Nest Syndrome. There is a
stew of studies explaining the psychological and physical symptoms that predict the manifestation of
Empty Nest Syndrome among parents. All the studies are from various parts of the world, with different
perspectives and approaches to parenting and the Empty Nest Phase. Despite differences, the world has
followed the same family pattern for generations. Hence, the objective of the present piece of paper is
to analyse the extensive review of literature about different perspectives on Empty Nest Syndrome for a
better understanding of the Empty Nest phase in the eastern and western world.
Keywords: Empty Nest, Empty Nest Syndrome, Parents, Eastern and Western Perspectives.

The family cycle is composed of different stages, was first studied in the 1960s and 1970s. The existence
each of which begins and ends with transitions and a of Empty Nest Syndrome has been proven by a plethora
wide spectrum of emotions. Changes in the family life of evidence measured by life satisfaction, marital
cycle are inevitable; the desire to maintain the same satisfaction, and overall happiness has been
status while simultaneously hoping for change are unsatisfactory (Axelson, 1960; Campbell, 1975;
stress-inducing factors known as transitional or Lowenthal & Chiriboga, 1972; and Rollins & Feldman,
maturational crises, according to Scherz (1971). This 1970). The activity theory of ageing, which proposes
paper focuses on the “Empty Nest” phase, which begins that a person’s social self emerges through interaction
and ends with the departure of the family’s first and with others, theoretically supports the Empty Nest
last child, respectively (Barber, 1989). Glick (1977), Syndrome. The loss of intimate and regularly enacted
considered this phase as one of the most “dramatic roles reduces reaffirmation of the self-concept and
change” in the family life cycle. Barber (1979, 1980, affects role identities, resulting in demoralisation,
1981) encountered the possible reasons for the isolation, and a decrease in subjective wellbeing.
children’s departure in his interview study, and the However, researchers have been polarized on whether
majority of the parents mentioned “marker” events such the post-parental phase has a beneficial or detrimental
as higher education, marriage, and starting a new job. impact on parents. Several studies support the idea,
Besides which, according to Barber (1980), empty nest parents with limited social relations and/or involvement
is associated with gradual changes encompassing outside the home, and also those who became parents
independence rather than a specific event. at a young age, professes a higher severity of Empty
Launching of child is accompanied by a period of Nest Syndrome. (Bouchard, 2014; Grover & Dang,
emotional distress, identity conflict, depression, guilt, 2013; Harkins, 1978; Mitchell & Lovegreen, 2009).The
anxiety, stress and loneliness known as “Empty Nest empty nest, on the other hand, has been shown in studies
Syndrome (Mitchell & Lovegreen 2009, Bouchard to be a positive development experience for parents,
2014, Grover & Dang 2013).Empty Nest Syndrome with reconnection with spouses, enhanced self- care,

*Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India

**Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Certified Choice Theory and Reality Therapy (CTRTC), William Glasser Institute, USA
Acknowledging Empty Nest Syndrome: Eastern... /39

and increased flexibility to engage in desired activities children when they were still at home (Barber, 1980)
(Bouchard, 2014; Grover & Dang, 2013). Spence and the feeling of guilt is more painful which makes it difficult
Lonner (1971) revealed in their study that, despite the for the fathers to cope with this phase. Fathers who
fact that all of the participants were in the transition to found the empty nest transition stressful were more
empty nest phase because their youngest child was likely to have fewer children, a higher caring and loving
about to graduate, all of them were approaching the perception, and were mostly lonely due to strained
same event, but each parent responded in a distinctive marriages and feelings of neglect, as well as a lack of
way. Some of the most significant differences in empathy and understanding from their wives (Barber,
parental responses to the empty nest have been 1980).
associated to gender. Women are more expressive and better at
Gender Differences: Empty Nest Syndrome articulating their emotions than men, according to
Loneliness, depression, worry, stress, and Lowenthal and Chiriboga (1972), making it difficult for
dissatisfaction have all been identified in the literature fathers to express their emotional distress.
as common reactions of women to the empty nest One possible conclusion from these evidences is
phase. However, little is known about how men respond that Empty Nest Syndrome is not only associated to
to this change. The lack of research suggests that men mothers; the transition to the empty nest can also have
may be unaffected by the departure of their children, an impact on the subjective well-being of fathers.
or that it does not affect their mental health in the same Furthermore, many studies have proposed that cultural
way that it does for their wives. factors and processes play a vital role in the meanings
One of the many reasons why the term “Empty and experiences of significant life decisions and events
Nest” has come to refer solely to women is that in (Goldscheider & Goldscheider, 1993, 1999). This paper
society, mothers’ only identity is as Primary Care will examine the cultural differences in Empty Nest
Givers, whose primary role is to care for their children, Syndrome from an Eastern and Western perspective.
making the post-parental transition difficult and stressful Cultural Differences: Eastern and Western
for them. Perspective
In his study, Philips (1957) found that the loss of a Due to urbanisation, there is an increase in rate of
mother’s intimate and frequently played role, i.e., as a immigration leading to increased diversity in culture.
primary giver, causes women to be more dissatisfied Every culture follows a different set of norms, value,
than men. William (1977) added that women who obligations and expectations which highly shape the
experiences the loss their maternal role, have been an perceptions towards family system and relationships.
overprotective mother, have been overly involved (e.g., Goldscheider & Goldscheider, 1993, 1999).
mothers, and have subordinated their needs to their Mitchell and Lovegreen (2009) concluded that cultural
children’s needs to feel satisfied are more prone to background, socioeconomic status, and relational
Empty Nest Syndrome. Bart (1971), Curlee (196), and processes all affect the probability of reporting Empty
Lurie (1974), found the empirical evidence that empty Nest Syndrome.
nest transition is indeed the most painful and dreadful Western parents place a high value on raising
period for women. On the contrary, According to independent children. In the West, for example, it is
Axelson (1960), Campbell (1975), Lowenthal and usual for young children to sleep in a different bedroom,
Chiriboga (1972) empirical evidence supporting Empty with teen moving out of the parents’ home once they
Nest Syndrome is inconsistent and that empty nest phase reach the age of 18. South Asian parents, on the other
is equally satisfying for women than previous stages. hand, are more protective of their children. It is common
Back (1971) proposed that being free of family in Indian families for children to live with their parents
responsibilities may make it easier for mothers to until they marry, and even after that, in family units.
acknowledge themselves; whereas for men departure Individualism and independence are regarded as
of the children make them more dependent on the work admirable qualities in most Western societies. Parents
role in which they have difficulty presenting their real in collectivist Eastern societies, on the other hand,
image. In addition, there is some evidence that the expect obedience and cooperation from their children.
transition is difficult for some them. Due to the men’s According to research, parents in more collectivistic
role of primary economic provider, they fail to take the cultures (e.g., Asian countries) have completely distinct
advantage of the time to build relationship with their emotional reactions, aspirations, or social schedules
40/ Acknowledging Empty Nest Syndrome: Eastern...
when it comes to their children’s “proper” nest-leaving countries’ overall economic environment, such as the
behaviour (e.g., Pyke & Bengtson, 1996). In familistic accelerated process of urbanization and the imbalance
cultures, leaving home under the “right” circumstances of economic development. Rural population has
(e.g., marriage vs. seeking independence) is more established their careers in cities becoming urban
socially acceptable than in more individualistic cultures. dwellers leaving their parents behind in rural homes.
In highly traditional ethnic eastern families, where some In India too change in socio economic scenario of
children (typically the eldest son) are expected to remain the country has led to emergence & popularity of
at home, intergenerational living may be a socially nuclear family system both in, rural and urban areas.
preferred living arrangement (for both cultural and Migration of younger generation in search of better
economic reasons). However, research on how societal opportunities has created a situation where older
expectations of home leaving facilitate these persons are compelled to live in their houses without
experiences is limited to date, with the exception of their young family members. They feel isolated and
some limited research on age norms and the purported alone in absence of their own adult children and
“empty nest” syndrome (e.g., Mitchell & Lovegreen, grandchildren.
2009). Nest-leaving is constantly believed to impact As majority of older persons had spent their active
parental identities (including self-concepts), roles, and life in joint family, they find it very difficult to live alone
responsibilities in Western cultures, and is generally or with their spouses alone. However, a trend of living
reflective of a parent’s achievement in bringing up in isolation, particularly in old age is emerging especially
independent children (Mitchell & Lovegreen, 2009). in metros. In general, elderly population has grown at
For parents, having an “empty nest” can mean more large due to advancement of health care system and
flexibility, recreation, and less daily emotional challenge education. They face numerous physical, psychological
and pressure. In contrast, in eastern cultures, children and social role changes that challenge their sense of
leaving home (especially in non-normative situations) self and capacity to live happily. A study in Wuhan
may indicate a break - down of family ties and parents’ (China) showed that, due to the change in society there
inability to inculcate traditional cultural values, which is a rise in the numbers of empty nesters. The
can lead to anxiety and stress for these parents researchers (Zhe & Jun, 2016) exhibited the rise in
(Goldscheider & Goldscheider, 1999). In Western depression among empty nesters followed by several
society, the empty nest transition is widely regarded studies indicating the association between empty nester
as a normal thing. Parents generally expect their mothers and depression (Zhai et. al., 2015; Zang et.
children to leave home, become independent, and al., 2020).There are number of studies available in
successfully negotiate the new roles and status Eastern and Western culture but there is dearth of
demands that come with this stage of life on a set of literature in Indian Context because majority of the
social timetables and expectations about when and how parents are in denial due to the lack of knowledge about
the pathways to adulthood should unfold. Violations of Empty Nest Syndrome.
these expectations can have negative social, emotional, An Indian study on Empty Nest mothers reveals
and psychological consequences for family members that mothers high on Empty Nest Syndrome came out
(Mitchell, 2007). high on loneliness, depression and low on resilience
As a result of a stronger emphasis and tradition on (Sinha et. al., 2017). The studies on Empty Nest
multigenerational cohesiveness and co-residence, it is syndrome can be traced back to the 1960s, indicating
expected that parents from more family oriented that western countries began experiencing Empty Nest
cultures (e.g., eastern) may face greater emotional syndrome in the 1990s.Guthrie (2020) indicated the
distress with nest-leaving than parents from western increase in the number of women living alone, and a
cultures. reduction in number of households in which parents
Discussion are living with children.On the average, couples today
The impact of cultural diversity on Empty Nest experience the launching of their last child during middle
Syndrome was analysed in this paper. Normative age and can expect to remain in the empty-nest period
events linked to home leaving and the empty nest phases for at least thirteen years and often much longer (Glick
of adult development embedded within families have 1997).The empty nest experience can be an arousal
strong cultural dimensions. Empty Nest families in roller-coaster, repeatedly hurtling you from the depths
eastern countries are on rise.It is related to eastern of depression to the pinnacles of unfettered joy. This
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trek might take 3 months, it might take 3 years, it’s empty nest syndrome, particularly, in India, where the
different for every parent (Schaffer and Wasserman family structure has shifted from joint to nuclear. This
1991).Because of permissive par enting and is an issue that is being overlooked, and parents are
individualistic society in Western countries, children are bearing the brunt. As a result, finding therapeutic ways
prepared to make their own choices, make their own to help parents cope with the emptiness phase is critical.
life decisions, and independent at a young age. Conclusion
Although, parenting in eastern and western cultures is The Empty Nest Syndrome has become a
diametrically opposite, parents in both cultures are worldwide phenomenon. This is a phase that every
affected by Empty Nest Syndrome. Even though there family with children goes through. However, it can be
are numerous studies explaining the factors that lead difficult for parents to cope with such a difficult
to Empty Nest Syndrome and the effects it has on situation, particularly in India, where people are still
parents’ mental health, only a few are intervention- unable to adjust to this empty phase due to deeply
based (Kaur & Kaur, 2021).The study by Mehrabi et. ingrained family values and a lack of knowledge. As a
al. (2021) reported that using intervention can be one result, it’s critical to hold workshops to raise awareness
of the efficient ways to manage Empty Nest about family structure and coping mechanisms, as well
Syndrome. as to train counsellors to deal with parents who are
The majority of the time, parents finds it difficult to experiencing emptiness so that they can enjoy their
get out of this phase due to a lack of knowledge about lives because they have earned it.

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