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Perception of Freshmen Students On Statistical Subject in Psychology Study Program

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 274

1st International Conference on Creativity, Innovation, Technology in Education (IC-CITE 2018)

Perception of Freshmen Students on Statistical

Subject in Psychology Study Program
Positive and Negative Perceptions of Statistics

Zerlinda Rezkika Lestari Putri, Meydiisa Utami Tanau

Psychology Study Program
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Banjarbaru, Indonesia

Abstract— This study aims to unravel the perception of and mathematics have formulas in using arithmetic principles.
freshmen students on what are the aspects of perception and the According to Adi, attitude is the process of recognition or the
factors that affect perceptions of freshmen students about the process of using the five senses. Impressions received by
statistical subject. In fact, many freshmen students have a slight individuals are very dependent on all experiences that have
knowledge of the statistical subject, and that affects the been gained through the process of thinking and learning, and it
perception of these freshmen students about the statistical is influenced by factors that originate within the individual [1].
subject. There are two types of perception, positive and negative Student perceptions in statistics are a process for students to
perceptions. This study used a qualitative method with a recognize statistical subjects. Some students recognize with a
descriptive approach. The setting was in Psychology Study positive attitude and considered it easy, but there are also those
Program of Lambung Mangkurat University. There were four
who recognize with a negative attitude and considered it
participants in this study. Data collecting techniques were done
by interview and observation. This study used coding for data
difficult. A student who likes statistical subject tends to be
analysis. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that at the active and eager to learn, while a student who does not like
beginning of the lecture process, there were participants who had statistical subject will not certainly be eager to learn. Based on
positive perceptions and there were participants who had the preliminary study conducted by the researchers on October
negative perceptions of statistical subjects. However, in the end, 6, 2017, to freshmen psychology students. They stated that
all participants have positive perceptions of the statistical subject. statistic is a difficult subject. At first, they thought that
This result is due to several factors that influence the perception statistical subject would not be difficult, but they heard issues
of freshmen students about statistical subjects from their seniors saying that statistic is a difficult subject. This
opinion changed their initial perception regarding the statistical
Keywords— Perception, statistics, new students subject, plus the large number of students taking the statistical
class, which made them even have more negative thinking with
I. INTRODUCTION the statistical subject. This concern is taken into account by the
researchers to conduct a study in finding how freshmen
The number of Indonesian students reaches 4.8 million. students perceptions about the statistical subject in the
When calculated against a population of 19-24 years, the gross Psychology Study Program.
enrollment rate is only 18.4%. If calculated based on 19-30
year income, the gross enrollment rate is only 23%. This In the study of Setiadi asserted that learning styles could
number is still below the developed countries. According to increase achievement motivation where the results of the
Alim Bachri in 2017 the number of 2017 new student quota, research obtained were more positive perception towards the
Lambung Mangkurat University consists of 5,800 students who teacher's teaching style then the higher the student’s
will be selected from three selection pathways. Starting from achievement motivation on mathematics subjects [2].
the selection of SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Independent pathway According to the research of Hermawati, the learning process
"There was an increase from the previous year which only in learning must be supported by functions, one of which is a
accommodated 4,800students. Increasing by 1,000, because the sympathetic and attractive, flexible, wise and simple attitude in
ratio per study program and the number of students and acting. The lecturer must be sympathetic and attractive in
Lambung Mangkurat University are ready to accommodate explaining the subject matter to be developed by students
many students, including in terms of facilities and support," where this will surely lead to positive perceptions. These things
said Alim Bachri. Statistical subject is one of the subjects are that make people think positively in the statistical subject,
taught in universities. This subject is a compulsory subject for teaching styles and personal ability[3]. Through this study, the
each study program. The purpose of teaching this subject is for researchers want to know the first student's perception of the
students to understand statistical concepts and procedures and subject of statistics, so that it can be followed up by knowing
to be able to apply them to analyze the problems to be studied. student motivation and student learning outcomes. This study
Such an important subject, but generally students are less can provide some suggestions to the lecturers about the
interested to learn it. The perception that using statistics teaching style of lecturers and the personal abilities of the
requires mathematical skills to be one of the reasons. Statistics lecturers to maintain positive perceptions of the students.

Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 337
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 274

II. METHOD is not on. Nevertheless, so far, the participant claimed to be still
able to attend statistic class to date.
A. Instrument
The interview on participant 3 was conducted on Saturday
This study eployed a qualitative method with a descriptive 14 October 2017 at 4:05 p.m. The third participant with the
approach. Data collecting techniques in this study were initials H is a 21-year-old female. H has a fairly negative initial
interview and observation. This study used coding for data perception in the statistical subject because she hates counting.
analysis. The first step was to do open coding, which is to Moreover, the participant majored in social studies on high
provide codes on all interview data that has been transformed school, and the subject that the participant did not like the most
into verbatim. Furthermore, doing axial coding to sorting was mathematics. It has further strengthened the negative
through information on open coding that is considered related perception of the participant on the statistical subject. Coupled
to research and then provides new categories of information with the doctrines of her previous friends who said that
that has been sorted. The last step taken in the process of data statistical subject is very difficult. After a couple of attendances
analysis was selective coding, which is sorting out the to statistical class, her perception gradually changed to become
categories that have been made before in accordance with the more positive. It is because the participant's knowledge
objectives of the researchers related to the perceptions of new increases after several times attending statistical class.
students in the statistical subject. Willingness of the participant to study the statistical subject
encourages her to be active in asking questions with friends
B. Participant about things she did not know when studying statistics. Other
The participants of this study were four new students of the driving factors are the lecturers who according to the
Lambung Mangkurat University on Psychology Study participant are comfortable in teaching because the lecturer
Program. The interview was conducted at the participants' repeats the subject matter until students understand the lesson
residence in Banjarbaru. The first participant was S, an 18- for that day. The teaching method performed by the lecturer
year-old male. The second participant was F, an 18-year-old also fits the participant class atmosphere. The participant
female. The third participant was H, a female, 21 years old. admitted that after several times attending the statistical
And the fourth participant named S was a 19-year-old male. subject, the statistical subject is not too difficult anymore. In
addition, the participant's perception that was very negative
towards the statistical subject has now begun to change in a
positive direction.
The interview on participant 1 was held on Friday, October
13, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. The first subject named S. S is an 18- The interview on participant 4 was conducted on Saturday,
year-old male. S is a new student in the Psychology Study October 14, 2017, at 8.15 p.m. The fourth participant with the
Program at Lambung Mangkurat University in Banjarbaru. S initials P is a 19-year-old male. Based on the conducted
has extensive knowledge of the usefulness of statistics, which interview, before attending the statistical class, the participant
he acquired after several times taking the statistical subject. S' did not know much about this subject. He only knew that the
perception on the statistical subject is fairly positive. S said his statistical subject would be useful to compile the final
feeling when he attended the statistical subject was same like assignment. Even so, the participant's perception of the
studying any other subject. It is because, on the high school, he statistical subject was fairly positive, even though he had heard
majored in science, and the subject that the participant liked rumors about this subject. It is due to the curiosity of the
was Mathematics. So, the participant does not have a negative participant to the statistical subject. However, there are other
perception on the statistical subject. Another reason why the factors that disrupt the concentration of the participant when
participant like the statistical subject is because the lecturer studying statistics such as friends around the participant, where
who teaches this subject is the mother of a participant friend. the participant is sitting, the room temperature is quite hot
The participant claimed that it had a subjective influence on his because the air conditioner isn't on, and feeling bored and
perception of the statistical subject. Finally, the participant said hungry. But the participant tried to maintain his focus by
the importance of the statistical subject in research and data rebuking his noisy friend and paying attention to the lecturer's
collection, which makes the subject feels the statistical subject explanation. One of the factors that makes the participant still
is essential. has a positive perception in the statistical subject is because of
the lecturer. In addition, the participant is also not affected by
The interview on participant 2 was held on Friday 13 rumors regarding the statistical subject, because the participant
October 2017 at 5.45 p.m. The second participant with the feels that he must see what going on first. Besides that, the
initials F is an 18-year-old female. At first, the participant participant can understand the explanation from the lecturer.
claimed that she does not like the statistical subject because the The participant can also understand the tasks given by the
participant does not really good at calculating. Moreover, the statistics lecturer. Therefore, the initial perception of the
participant heard rumors about the statistical subject taught by participant before and after attending the statistical subject
a "killer" lecturer. But, the participant's perception changed remains the same, positive.
after a couple of attendances to the statistical class. The thing
that changed her perception of the statistical subject was the In this case, the four participants have different perceptions
lecturer teaching the current statistical subject. The participant before attending the statistical class. Participant S and
said that the lecturer is good at teaching. However, there is participant P had positive perceptions before attending
something that inhibits the participant's focus in class. It is the statistical class, and participant F and participant H had
temperature factor because the air conditioner in the classroom negative perceptions before attending statistical class. At the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 274

end, all participants have a positive perception after attending it made the participant's perception remained positive before
the statistical class. Perception is the interpretation of an object, attending the statistical subject and after attending the statistical
event or information that is based on the life experience of subject the participant's feelings remained the same so that it
someone who does the interpretation. What someone feels can did not change the perception of participant P.
be substantially different from objective reality [4]. According
to Irwanto, after individuals interact with the perceived objects, IV. CONCLUSION
the perception results can be divided into two, positive
perceptions and negative perceptions [5]. There are two factors Based on the cases that occur from all participants, it can be
that influence perception, functional factors and structural concluded that their negative and positive perceptions are
factors [6]. Functional factors are factors that come from needs, caused by the functional factors and structural factors.
past experiences and other things that include what we call Moreover, there are also several aspects that affect the
personal factors. In this case, the functional factor of perception of the participants on the statistical subject,
participant S was his past experience in high school which including aspects of cognition and affection. This study also
majored in science and liked mathematics so that S had a shows that negative perceptions of students can be positive
positive perception in the statistical subject. Whereas in because of the interesting teaching style of statistical subject
participants F and H have unpleasant experiences related to lecturers and the personalities that the lecturers had. Therefore,
calculations, so they have negative perceptions before it is important for statistical lecturers to improve the teaching
attending statistical subject. But in subject P, he had a positive style of their lecturing and improve their personal abilities in
perception before attending statistical subject even though order to produce positive perceptions of students about
functional factors for the past experience of the participant did statistics.
not like mathematics.
There are two perception aspects according to McDowell &
Newell, cognition aspects and affective aspects [7]. Aspects of I would like to thank each participant for their help in doing
cognition are aspects that involve ways of thinking, this research, carried out in the Psychology Study Program,
recognizing, and interpreting a stimulus received by the five University of Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarbaru.
senses, experience or that has been seen in everyday life.
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