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Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Vikrant Institutions Technology and

Management, Indore
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Session: Jan-June 2023


Submitted to Submitted by


Roll No:

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Department’s Vision and Mission -

Vision: To develop technically sound human resources of high quality in Mechanical

Engineering who can contribute to the technological and socioeconomic development of the
nation constructively.

M1. Quality Education: to prepare liable graduates having sound technical
knowledge and problem solving ability, by continuously improving educational
methods in academic programme.

M2. Innovation: prepare graduates to fulfil the desired needs of industry by

inculcating creative thinking and competitive spirit in all activities.

M3. Research: develop collaborative environment with the industries to

promote research.

M4. Entrepreneurship: to develop the spirit of taking calculated risk for

generating self-employment among graduates.

M5. Value: prepare graduates having moral values for the growth of the society.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

PO1.(a) Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering

PO2.(b) Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3.(c)Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems

and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental

PO4.(d) Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5.(e) Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6.(f) The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7.(g) Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional

engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of,
and need for sustainable development.

PO8.(h) Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9.(i) Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10.(j) Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the

engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

PO11.(k) Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12.(l) Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course Learning Objectives (CLO)

The Learning Objectives of Basic Mechanical Engineering are such that the student will
CLO1: Understand different types of engineering material, there composition, properties
and applications.
CLO2: Understand different types of measuring instruments and production processes.
CLO3: Study and understand fluid properties, its types, Bernoulli’s equation and different type
of hydraulic machines.
CLO4: Understand basic concepts of thermodynamics formation of steam and use of
steam table.
CLO5: Understand different type of IC engines and Air standard cycles on which the engines

Course Outcomes (CO)

At the end of the course, student would be able to
CO1: Know the basic concepts to understand different types of engineering material.
CO2:Use different types of measurement tools.
CO3: Get familiar with basics concepts of fluid mechanics.
CO4: Know the thermodynamic system, processes and laws and also the concept of steam
CO5: Get familiar with the internal combustion engine and air standard cycles.
CO6: Expected to possess basic understanding and knowledge about the scope, current and
future trends in mechanical engineering.

Program Specific Outcome

PSO – 1: Ability to Develop and implement new ideas on product design and development with
the help of modern computer aided tools, while ensuring best manufacturing practices.
PSO – 2: Ability to apply engineering knowledge and design & analysis tools to solve problems
in the domains of structural, thermal and fluid mechanics.
PSO - 3: Engage professionally in industries or as an entrepreneur by applying manufacturing
and management practices.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Vikrant Institute of Technology and Management Indore

Student Practical Evaluation Sheet
Date of Date of Signature
S. Obtained Signature
Name of Experiment Experime Submissi of
No. LW(10 PQ (10 of Faculty
nt on Student
marks) marks)
Introduction to
Study of water tube
boilers (Simple
2 vertical boiler and
Babcock &Wilcox
Study of fire tube
3 boilers (Cochran and
Locomotive Boiler).
Study of boiler
4 Mounting &
Study of Steam
Study of four stroke
6 petrol & two stroke
petrol engines.
Study of four stroke
7 diesel & two stroke
diesel engines.
Study of Lathe
9 Study of UTM.
Linear and Angular
Total marks obtained

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Experiment No: 1

TITLE:- Introduction to Boilers.

Apparatus:-Model and charts of different boilers.


Boiler: - A steam boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is produced

with pressure from water by combustion of fuel.

Classification of Boiler:
Boilers are classified on the basis of following-
1. According to contents in the Tube:
a) Fire tube boiler: In fire tube boilers, the flue gases pass through the tube and
water surround them.

B).Water tube boiler: In water tube boiler, water flows in side the tubes and the hot
flue gases flow outside the tubes.

2. According to the pressure of steam:

A). Low pressure boiler: A boiler which generates steam at a pressure of below 100
bars is called low pressure boiler. Example- Cochran boiler, Lancashire boiler etc.

B).High pressure boiler: A boiler which generates steam at


3. According to method of circulation of water:

A).Natural Circulation: In natural circulation boiler, circulation of water due to
gravity or the circulation of water takes place by natural convection current produced
by the application of heat, example-Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Lancashire boiler

B).Forced Circulation: In the forced circulation boiler, circulation of water by a

pump to increase the circulation. Example- Lamont boiler etc.

4. According to the Position of the furnace:

A).Internally fired boilers: In this, the furnace is located inside the boiler shell.
Example- Cochran, Locomotive and Lancashire boilers.

B).Externally fired boilers: In this, the furnace is located outside the boiler shell.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Example-Babcock and Wilcox boiler etc.

5. According to the axis of shell:

A).Vertical boilers: If the axis of the shell of boiler is vertical so the boiler is called as
vertical boiler.

B).Horizontal boilers: If the axis of the shell of boiler is horizontal so the boiler is
called as Horizontal boilers.

C).Inclined boilers: If the axis of the shell of boiler is Inclined so the boiler is called
as Inclined boiler.

Shell: The shell of a boiler is made up of one or more steel plates bent into a cylindrical form and
riveted or welded together. The shell is closed at the ends by means of flat or curved plates called
boiler heads. The purpose of the shell is to store water for heating. A shell along with a boiler head is
called a boiler drum.
Settings: Settings are made of brickwork and forms walls of the furnace and combustion chamber.
In case of Lancashire boiler, it provides support to it and also forms passage for the hot flue gases.
It also confines the heat to the boiler shell.
Grate: It is made up of iron bars placed at a distance upon which solid fuel is burnt. The space
between the bars allows the air to pass through it for supporting combustion of fuel. It also allows
the ashes to fall down.
Furnace: The furnace is the space above the grate and below the boiler shell in which the
combustion of fuel takes place. In the furnace the combustion of volatile matter takes place.
Water Space: The water space is the volume occupied by water in the shell.
Steam Space: The steam space is the remaining volume of the shell not occupied by water and
Heating Surface: It is that surface of the boiler which is exposed to hot flue gases.
Mountings: In accordance with the Indian Boiler Regulation Act, the mountings are the essential
items to be fitted on the boiler for its safe working, like safety valve, water level indicator, fusible
plug, etc.
Accessories: Accessories are the items used along with the boiler for improving its efficiency and
performance. Some of the accessories used along with a boiler are economizer, air pre-heater, super-
heater, etc.
Working Pressure
It is the pressure of the steam generated inside the boiler.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Experiment No: 2

TITLE:-To study the working and construction details of water tube boilers (Simple
Vertical Boiler and Babcock & Wilcox Boiler).

Apparatus:-Demonstration model and charts of Simple Vertical Boiler and Babcock

& Wilcox Boiler.

A simple vertical boiler is an internally fired, water-tube boiler. Its construction is simple and
does not require heavy foundation. It requires very small floor area. The constructional details of
a Simple Vertical Boiler are as follows:

Cylindrical shell:
The shell is vertical and it attached to the bottom of the furnace. Greater portion of the shell is full
of water which surrounds the furnace also. Remaining portion is steam space. The shell may be of
about 1.25 meters diameter and 2.0 meters height.
One or more cross tubes are either riveted or flanged to the furnace to increase the heating surface
and to improve the water circulation.

Furnace (or fire box):

Combustion of coal takes place in the furnace (fire box).

It is placed at the bottom of fire box and coal is fed on it for burning.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Fire door:
Coal is fed to the grate through the fire door.

Chimney (or stack):

The chimney (stack) passes from the top of the firebox through the top of the shell.

It is provided on the top of the shell to enable a man to enter into it and inspect and repair the
boiler from inside it. It is also, meant for cleaning the interior of the boiler shell and exterior of
the combustion chamber and stack (chimney).

Hand holes:
These are provided in the shell opposite to the ends of each cross tube for cleaning the cross tube.

Ash pit:
It is provide for collecting the ash deposit, which can be removed away at intervals.

The fuel (coal) is fed into the grate through the fire hole and is burnt. The ash pit placed below
the grate collect the ashes of the burning fuel. The combustion gas flows from the furnace, passes
around the cross tubes and escapes to the atmosphere through the chimney. Water goes by natural
circulation due to convection currents, from the lower end of the cross tube and comes out from
the higher end. The working pressure of the simple vertical boiler does not exceed 70 N/cm2.

The following mountings are fitted in the boiler:

1. Pressure gauge: it indicates the pressure of the steam inside the boiler.

2. Water gauge (water level indicator): this indicates the water level in the boiler.

3. Safety valve: it prevents an increase of steam pressure in the boiler above its design

4. Steam stop valve: it regulates the flow of steam supply to requirements.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore


Babcock and Wilcox boiler is a horizontal shell, multi tubular, water tube,
externally fired, natural circulation boiler.

Construction: Figure shows the details of a Babcock and Wilcox water tube boiler. It
consists of a drum mounted at the top and connected by upper header and down
header. A large number of water tubes connect the uptake and down take headers.
The water tubes are inclined at an angle of 5 to 15 degrees to promote water
circulation. The heating surface of the unit is the outer surface of the tubes and half
of the cylindrical surface of the water drum which is exposed to flue gases.

Below the up take header the furnace of the boiler is arranged. The coal is fed to the
chain grate stoker through the fire door. There is a bridge wall deflect or which
deflects the combustion gases upwards. Baffles are arranged across the water tubes
to act as deflectors for the flue gases and to provide them with gas passes.

Here, two baffles are arranged which provide three passes of the flue gases. A
chimney is provided for the exit of the gases. A damper is placed at the inlet of the
chimney to regulate the draught. There are superheating tubes for producing
superheated steam. Connections are provided for other mounting and accessories.

The hot combustion gases produced by burning of fuel on the grater rise upwards
and are deflected by the bridge wall deflector to pass over the front portion of water
tubes and drum. By this way they complete the first pass. With the provision of
baffles they are deflected downwards and complete the second pass. Again, with the
provision of baffles they rise upwards and complete the third pass and finally come
out through the chimney. During their they give heat to water and steam is formed.
The flow path of the combustion gases is shown by the arrows outside the tubes. The
circulation of water in the boiler is due to natural circulation set-up by convective
currents (due to gravity). Feed water is supplied by a feed check valve.
The hot test water and stem rise from the tubes to the up take header and then
through the riser it enters the boiler drum. The steam vapours escape through the
upper half of the drum. The cold water flows from the drum to the rear header and
thus the cycle is completed.

To get superheated steam, the steam accumulated in the steam space is allowed to
enter into the super heater tubes which are placed above the water tubes. The flue
gases passing over the flue tubes produce superheated steam. The steam thus
superheated is finally supplied to the user through a steam stop valve.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Specification of Babcock and Wilcox Boiler:

Diameter of the drum → 1.22 m to 1.83m

Length of the drum → 6.096 to 9.144 m

Size of water tubes → 7.62 to 10.16cm

Size of super heater tube → 3.84 to n5.71cm

Working pressure → 100 bar

Steaming capacity (Maximum) → 40,000Kg/hr

Efficiency → 60 to 80%

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Experiment No: 3

Title:-To study the working and construction details of fire tube boilers (Cochran and
Locomotive Boiler).

Apparatus: - Demonstration model and charts of Cochran and Locomotive Boiler.


Cochran boiler is a vertical, multi-tubular, fire tube, internally fired, natural
circulation boiler.

A Cochran boiler consists of a vertical cylindrical shell having a hemispherical to
pan furnace is also hemispherical in shape. The fire grate is arranged in the furnace
and the ash pit is provided below the grate. A fire door is attached on the fire box.
Adjacent to the fire box, the boiler has a combustion chamber which is lined with
fire bricks. Smoke or fire tubes are provided with combustion chamber. These tubes
are equal in length and arranged in a group with wide space in between them. The
ends of these smoke tubes are fitted in the smoke box. The chimney is provided at
the top of the smoke box for discharge of the gases to the atmosphere. The furnace is
surrounded by water on all sides except at the opening for the fire door and the
combustion chamber. The smoke tubes are also completely surrounded by water.
Different boiler mountings and accessories are located at their proper place as shown
in Figure.
The hot gas produced from the burning of the fuel on the grater is up through the
flue pipe and reaches the combustion chamber. The flue gases from the combustion
pass through the fire tubes and the smoke box and finally are discharged through the
chimney. The flue gases during their travel from fire box to the chimney gives heat to
the surrounding water to generate steam.

Specifications of Cochran Boiler:

Diameter of the drum – 0.9 m to 2.75 m
Steam pressure - 6.5bar up to15bar
Heating surface - 120m2
Maximum evaporative capacity - 4000Kg/hr of steam
Height of the shell - 5.79m
No of tubes – 165
Efficiency – 70 to 75 %

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

It is horizontal multi-tubular, fire tube, induced draught, internally fired mobile boiler. It
has very short chimney and is used in railways.

Construction and working

It consists of a horizontal steel cylindrical shell with internal firebox at one end and smoke box at the
other end. The fire box is rectangular in shape and made of steel. It has inclined grate. An ash pit and
inclined brick arch to divert the flue gases. Similarly the inclined brick arch also deflects the flue
gases thereby delay the entrance to the flue tubes until the combustion of coal gets completed in the

The boiler shell contains large number of horizontal tubes through which flue gases pass from one
end to other end. The boiler shell has two sizes of the tubes; usually the bottom one 148 to 160 tubes
of 4.75 cm diameter and upper one 21 to 24 tubes of 13 cm diameter are fitted. The large diameter
tube accommodates super heater tubes which try to superheat the steam.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

The steam is collected from the highest point of the boiler, usually in a dome. The flow of steam
through outlet pipe is regulated by means of a rod connected by a wheel in the driver's cabin.
This steam is then passed through the super heater with the help of header and from where
superheated steam is taken out. This superheated steam is supplied to run the steam engine.
It is not possible to provide high chimney to exhaust the flue gases to the atmosphere as these boilers
are running from one place to the other at a high speed, in which high chimney may cause vibrations.
Hence artificial induced draught is used in these boilers. This is achieved by supplying exhaust steam
from steam engine to the smoke box through blast pipe. Thus move's out speedily through the
chimney and carries the flue gases. This produces vacuum in the smoke box. The air is drawn in the
furnace due to this vacuum, so hot gases flow towards the smoke box. A large door at the front end
of the smoke box is provided which can be opened for cleaning the flue tubes and smoke box.

The following necessary mountings provided to safe and easy
working of the boiler as an essential components
Feed Check valve
It is provided in the front side of driver's cabin for supply of feed water from the reservoir and
checks the reverse flow of water from the shell to reservoir. It is non return flow control type valve.

Water level indicator

The water level indicator is also fitted in front side of the driver's cabin which indicates the
level of water inside the boiler with the help of glass tube. It helps to maintain a particular level of
water inside the boiler; otherwise overheating may take place which in turn may burn out the tubes.

Pressure Gauge
It is fitted on top of the boiler shell in steam space. This indicates the pressure of steam inside
the boiler when boiler is working. It is also fitted in driver's cabin.
Safety Valve
The safety valve is fitted on the top of the crown of the boiler shell and in steam space. The
function of the safety valve is to maintain a required pressure in the boiler shell. If pressure in the
boiler shell increases then extra steam is released to atmosphere through opening of safety valve.
Steam stop valve
The steam stop valve is fitted upper side of the boiler shell in the steam space. The stop
valve is used for regulating the supply of generated steam in the boiler shell. It is used to regulate
the superheated steam available from super heater. The steam is used for running the steam engine
and also for creating artificial draught in the smoke chamber.
Fusible plug
The fusible plug is mounted above the furnace and below the water level in the shell. This
plug under normal condition is immersed in water in the boiler which keeps the temperature of
fusible metal in the fusible plug below its melting point.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

When the water level in the shell falls below the fusible plug level, the fusible metal of the fusible
plug melts by the heat of the flue gases in the furnace. Thus the plug drops out and the high
pressure steam/water rushes to the furnace and puts off the fire in the furnace. Thus boiler is
protected from overheating and is happening.

Blow off cock

Blow off cock is fitted at the bottom most position of the water level in the shell. During -
annual maintenance and also in other special occasions, it is necessary to empty the boiler in order
to clean, inspect and repair internally by blowing off the water and other sediments from boiler.
Special features
The special features of Locomotive boilers are

1. It is very compact boiler

2. Large quantity of steam generation is needed so that more number of small and large diameter
tubes are provided to increase heating surface area
3. The installation cost of boiler is less because of no brickwork, foundation and chimney
1. High quality of steam is readily available with this boiler as super heater is installed

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Experiment No: 4
TITLE:-Study the working and function of mountings and accessories in boilers.

APPARATUS:-Model of mountings and accessories parts in boilers.

Boiler: - A steam boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is produced at pressure
from water by combustion of fuel.

The components which are fitted on the surface of the boiler for complete safety and
control of steam generation process are known as boiler mountings. The following
are the various important mountings of a boiler.

Pressure Gauge- It is usually mounted on the front top of the boiler shell. It is
mounted on each boiler to show the pressure of the steam. Its dial is graduated to
read the pressure in Kilograms per sq. centimeter. Bourdon’s pressure gauge is
commonly used as shown in Fig. The essential elements of this gauge are the
elliptical spring tube which is made of bronze and is solid drawn. One end of this
tube is attached by lines to a toothed quadrant and the other end is connected to a
steam space.

Safety Valves- They are needed to blow off the steam when pressure of
There are four types of safety valves:
1. Dead weight safety valve
2. Lever safety valve
3. Spring loaded safety valve
4. Low water high steam safety valve

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Spring loaded safety valve- A spring loaded safety valve is mainly used for
locomotives and marine boilers. In this type the valve is loaded by means of a
spring, instead of dead weight. A spring loaded safety valve is as shown in the Fig.

It consists of two valves, resting on their seats. Valve seats are mounted on the upper
ends of two hollow valve chests, which are connected by a bridge. The lower end of
these valves chests have common passage which may be connected to the boiler.
There is a lever which has two pivots, one of which is integral with it and the other is
pin jointed to the lever. This pivot rests on the valves and forces them to rest on their
respective seats with the help of a helical spring.

Feed Check Valve- A feed check valve is shown in Fig. The function of the feed
check valve is to allow the supply of water to the boiler at high pressure
continuously and to prevent the back flow the boiler when the pump pressure is less
than boiler pressure or when pump fails. Feed check valve is fitted to the shell
slightly below the normal water level of the boiler.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Fusible Plug- It is fitted to the crown plate of the furnace of the fire. The function of
fusible plug is to extinguish the fire in the fire box, when water level in the boiler
comes down the limit and it prevents from blasting the boiler, melting the tube and
over heating the fire-box crown plate. A fusible plug is shown in fig. It is located in
water space of the boiler. The fusible metal is protected from direct contact of water
by gun metal plug and copper plug. When water level comes down, the fusible metal
melts due to high heat and copper plug drops down and is held by gun metal ribs.
Steam comes in contact with fire and distinguishes it. Thus it prevents boiler from

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Blow Off Cock- The blow off cock as shown in fig., is fitted to the bottom of a
boiler drum and consists of a conical plug fitted to body or casing. The casing is
packed, with as best of packing, in groves round the top and bottom of the plug.
The as best of packing is made tight and plug bear the packing. Blow off cock
has to principle function are:

1. To empty the boiler when ever required.

2. To discharge the mud, scale or sedimentation which are accumulated at the
bottom of the boiler.

Water Level Indicator- It is an important fitting, which indicates the water level
inside the boiler to an observer. It is a safety device, upon which the correct working
of the boiler depends. This fitting may be seen in front of the boiler, and are
generally two in number. The upper end of the valve opens in steam space while the
lower end opens in the water. The valve consists of a strong glass tube.
The end of the tube pass through stuffing boxes formed in the hollow casting. These
casting are flanged and bolted to the boiler. It has three cocks; two of them control
the passage between the boiler and glass tube, while the third one (the drain cock)
remains closed.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Steam Stop Valve- A valve placed directly on a boiler and connected to the steam
pipe which carries steam to the engine or turbine is called stop valve or junction
valve. It is the largest valve on the steam boiler. It is , usually, fitted to the highest
part of the shell by means of a flange as shown in fig.
The principal functions of as top valve are:
1. To control the flow of steam from the boiler to the main steam pipe.
2. To shut off the steam completely when required.
The body of the stop valve is made of cast iron or cast steel. The valve set and the nut
through which the valve spindle works, are made of brass or gun metal.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore


The appliances installed to increase the efficiency of the boiler are known as the
boiler accessories. The commonly used accessories are:
Economiser - Economiser is a one type of heat exchange which exchanges the
some parts of the waste heat of flue gas to the feed water. It is placed between the
exit of the furnace and entry into the chimney. Generally economizer is placed
after the feed pump because in economizer water may transfer into vapour
partially, which creates a priming problem in feed pump water into the boiler
drum. If economizer is used before feed pump it limits the temperature rise of
water. As economizer is shown in fig. It consists of vertical cast iron tubes attached
with scraper. The function of scrapers to remove the root deposited on the tube,

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Steam Injector- An injector is a device which is used to lift and force water into a
boiler i.e. operating at high pressure. It consists of a group of nozzles, so arranged
that steam expanding in these nozzles imparts its kinetic energy to a mass of water.
There are many advantages of using injector such as they occupy minimum space,
have low initial costs and maintenance cost. Though the steam required to operate
the injector is much more than that in the feed pump for an equivalent duty; the
injector has the advantage that practically the whole of the heat of the steam is
returned back to the boiler.

Super Heater- An element of steam generating unit in which the steam is

superheated, is known is super heater. A super heater is used to increase the
temperature of saturated steam at constant pressure. It is usually placed in the path of
hot flue gases and heat of the flue gases is first used to superheat the steam as shown
in figure. The steam enters in the down-steam tube and leaves at the front header.
The overheating of super heater tube is prevented by the use of a balanced damper
which controls the flue gas. Steam consumption of turbine is reduced by about 1%
for each 5.5°C of superheat.

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Feed Pump- The function of the feed pump is to pump the feed water to the
boiler. The pumps may be rotary or reciprocating. The rotary pump is generally
of high speed centrifugal type. They are driven by small steam turbine or by
electric motor and are used when large quantity of water is to be supplied to
boiler. The reciprocating pumps may be single or double acting. The most
commonly used form of independent reciprocating feed pump is that in which the
steam cylinder is directly connected to the rod or to the piston of the water

Air Pre-heater- The function of air pre-heater is to increase the temperature of air
before it enters the furnace. It is installed between the economiser and the chimney.
The air required for the purpose of combustion is drawn through the air pre-heater
and its temperature is raised when passed through ducts. The preheated air gives
higher furnace temperature which results in more heat transfer to the water and

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

reduces the fuel consumption. There are three types of pre-heaters:

1. Tubular type 2. Plate type 3. Regenerative type

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Experiment No: 5

Title:-To study the working and construction details of Double Acting Simple Steam Engine
Apparatus: - Demonstration model and charts of steam engine

The steam engine operates on the principle of first law of thermodynamics i.e. heat and work are
mutually convertible.
In all steam engine, steam is the working substance. The heat energy of steam is converted into
mechanical work by the to and fro (reciprocating) motion of the piston inside the cylinder. They
are also known as external combustion engines as the combustion of the fuel takes place outside
the engine cylinder i.e. in the boiler
The expansion of steam is carried out in a single cylinder and after that steam is exhausted to
atmosphere or condenser. In single acting steam engine, steam is supplied only on one side of the
cylinder where as in double acting steam engine, steam is supplied on both sides of the piston
alternately i.e. one after the other. Engine works on modified Rankine Cycle.
The main parts of the steam engine are-
Frame or cylinder block: It is heavy metal part generally made up of cast Iron. It supports all the
stationary and moving parts and holds them in proper position. Generally it rests on foundations
to avoid vibrations etc.
Cylinder: It is hollow thick vessel made of east iron. The piston moves to and fro inside the
cylinder due to steam pressure. Both ends of the cylinder are closed and made steam tight. If the
steam engines are of small capacities, the cylinder is made as an integral part of the frame or
Piston: It is a cylindrical solid disc, moving to and fro in the cylinder due to steam pressure. Its
main function is to convert heat energy of steam into mechanical work. The grooves are provided
on the periphery of the piston to support piston rings. The purpose of the piston rings is to
prevent the leakage of steam from one side of the piston to other side i. e. to prevent blow by.
Steam chest: It is an integral part of the cylinder. It is used to preserve steam and supplies to the
cylinder with the movement of the D-Slide valve and opening of the ports.
"D'= Slide valve: It is situated inside steam chest and it also moves to and fro in a simple
harmonic motion to supply steam to cylinder and also to exhaust steam from the cylinder to
Inlet and exhaust ports: These are the passages provided in the body of the cylinder to supply
steam to cylinder and also to exhaust steam from cylinder after the work is over.
Piston rod: It is heavy rod usually circular in section connects piston to one side and connecting
rod on other side and guided by crosshead. Its main function is to transfer reciprocating motion
of the piston with support of crosshead to connecting rod.
Crosshead: It is a link between piston rod and connecting rod. Its function is to guide motion of

Basic Mechanical Engineering BT-203

Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

the piston rod and to prevent it from bending.

Connecting Rod: Connecting rods is usually made of forged steel. The one end is connected to the
piston rod and the other end with the crank. Its main function is to convert reciprocating motion of
the piston and piston rod into rotary motion of the crank
Crankshaft: It is the main part or shaft of the steam engine and connected with crank. It works on
lever principles and produces rotary motion to the crankshaft. The crankshaft is supported on main
bearings, which helps to rotate crankshaft freely.
Eccentric: It is in the form of circular disc and made of cast iron. It is fitted with the crankshaft.
The function of the eccentric is to provide reciprocating motion to the eccentric rod.
Eccentric rod and valve Rod: The eccentric rod is made of forged steel. The one end is fixed with
Eccentric and other end to valve rod. Its function is to convert rotary motion of crankshaft into
reciprocating motion (i.e. to and fro motion) to the valve rod. The valve rod connects the eccentric
rod and D-Slide valve. Its function is to provide simple harmonic motion to the 'D' slide valve.
Flywheel: It is made of cast Iron and heavy casted wheel, mounted on one end of the crank shaft.
Its function is to prevent the fluctuation of engine. It also prevents the jerks to the crankshaft.
Crankshaft runs smoothly with flywheel.
Governor: It is a device to keep the engine speed more or less uniform at all varying load condi-
tions. It is obtained either by controlling the quantity of steam flow or controlling the steam
pressure to the engine.
Stuffing box: It is filled on crank end side of the steam engine and prevents the leakage of steam
from cylinder to atmosphere.

The high pressure steam available from steam boiler is stored in steam chest. The high
pressure steam entered into the cylinder from steam chest by opening of port "a" depending upon
the position of D-Slide valve. Let port "a" is open; the steam from steam chest rushes to the left
side of the piston and forces it to move towards right. During this, the D-slide valve covers the
exhaust port and the other side steam port "b". The pressure of steam on left side is greater than

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Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

right side, the piston moves to the right.

When the piston reaches extreme end i.e. inner dead centre position end of the cylinder or crank
end, the "D" slide valve closes the steam port “a” and exhausts port. The port "B" opens and the
high pressure steam from steam chest rushes to the right side of the piston.
The piston now moves to the left and the exhaust steam of the left side of the piston goes out
through exhaust port, and thus one cycle is completed. Similarly the process or cycle is repeated
on right side also performing to deliver work.
In double acting steam engine, the high steam pressure acts alternatively to both sides of the
piston and produces nearly double work or double power. In all steam engines, the same ports
are used for admitting fresh steam from steam chest and exhausting out steam from the cylinder
to atmosphere/ condenser
Applications- steam engines are used where speed is low and small power is required. They are
used in locomotives, Ships etc.
Theoretical and actual P-V diagrams without condensing type are drawn (with clearance)

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Experiment No: 6
AIM: - To study Two -stroke & Four-stroke Petrol Engines.
APPARTUS USED: - Model of Two-stroke &Four-stroke Petrol Engines.
CYCLE- When series of events are repeated in order, it completes one cycle. Cycle
is generally classified as four stroke cycle and two stroke cycle.
Four stroke cycle- In Four stroke cycle, four operations are required to complete one
cycle. These four operations are suction, compression, power and exhaust.
Two stroke cycles- In a two stroke cycle, the series of events of the working cycle is
completed in two strokes of the piston and one revolution of the crankshaft. The four
operations i.e. suction, compression, power and exhaust are completed during two
strokes of the piston.
ENGINE- A power producing machine is called an engine.
HEATENGINE- An engine which converts heat energy into mechanical energy is
called a heat engine.
Types of heat engine–
a) External Combustion engine- The engine in which the combustion of fuel takes
place outside the cylinder is called an external combustion engine.
b) Internal Combustion engine- The engine in which the combustion of fuel takes
place inside the cylinder is called an internal combustion engine.


In four stroke petrol engine or sparking ignition engine all the events of the cycle i.e.
suction, compression, expansion and exhaust take place in two revolutions of the
crank shaft i.e. 720° of the crank rotation. Thus each stroke is of 180° crank shaft
rotation. Therefore the cycle of operation for an ideal four stroke engine consists of
the following four strokes:
a) Suction Stroke- The piston moves from Top Dead Centre (TDC) to Bottom
Dead Centre (BDC). The inlet valve opens and a fresh charge of fuel and air mixture
enters the cylinder. The exhaust valve remains closed. When the piston reaches
Bottom Dead Centre (BDC), the inlet valve also closed.

b) Compression Stroke-The piston moves from Bottom Dead Centre (BDC)

to Top Dead Centre (TDC) position. Both the valves remain closed. The charge
drawn during suction stroke is compressed in this stroke.
c) Expansion or Power or Working Stroke- Just before the piston complete
sits compression stroke, the charge is ignited by the spark plug and the rapid
explosion takes place. The expansion of hot gases pushes the piston down to BDC
position. Both the valve remains closed and the useful work is obtained from the
d) Exhaust Stroke- The piston moves from BDC to TDC, the exhaust valve

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opens and the inlet valve remains closed. The piston pushes the exhaust gases out
through the exhaust valve to the atmosphere till it reaches the TDC position and the
cycle is completed.


In two stroke cycle petrol engine, there are two strokes of the piston and one
revolution of the crankshaft to complete one cycle. In two stroke engines ports are
used instead of valve i.e. suction port, transfer port and exhaust port. These ports are
covered and uncovered by the up and down movement of the piston. The top of the
piston is deflected to avoid mixing of fresh charge with exhaust gases. The exhaust
gases are expelled out from the engine cylinder by the fresh charge of fuel entering
the cylinder. The mixture of air and petrol is ignited by a spark produced at the spark
plug. The two stroke of the engine are-

First Stroke- Assuming the piston to beat the BDC position. The inlet port is
converted by the piston whereas the transfer port and exhaust port are uncovered.
The piston moves from BDC to TDC. The air petrol mixture enters the cylinder. On
the upward movement of the piston, first of all the transfer port is converted and then
immediately, the exhaust port is covered. Simultaneously the suction port also gets
uncovered, the upward movement of the piston helps to compress the air fuel

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mixture at the top and creates partial vacuum at the bottom in the crank case which
gets filled with air fuel mixture by the atmospheric pressure. At the end of the stroke,
the piston reaches the TDC position completing the compression stroke as shown in
Fig. (a) and (b).

Second Stroke- Just before the completion of the compression stroke, the
compressed charge is ignited in the combustion chamber, by means of an electric

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spark produced by the spark plug. Combustion of air fuel mixture pushes the piston
in the downward direction, on the power stroke producing useful work. The
movement of the power action is over, the exhaust port is uncovered. The exhaust
gases escape to the atmosphere. Further movement of the piston covers the inlet port
and the fresh charge is compressed in the crankcase. Simultaneously the transfer port
is also uncovered. The compressed mixture of air fuel enters the combustion
chamber. The deflected shape of the piston avoids inter-mixing of the fresh charge
and exhaust gases i.e. the fresh charge rises to the top of the cylinder and pushes out
most of the exhaust gases. Thus the three actions, power, exhaust and induction are
completed from TDC to BDC position completing one cycle i.e. two stroke of the
piston and one revolution of the crankshaft as shown in Fig. (c) and (d).

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AIM: - To study Two stroke &Four stroke Diesel Engines.

APPARATUS USED: - Model of Two-stroke &Four-stroke Diesel Engines.

CYCLE- When series of events are repeated in order, it completes one cycle. Cycle
is generally classified as Four stroke cycle and Two stroke cycle.
a) Four stroke cycle- In Four stroke cycle, four operations are required to
complete one cycle. These four operations are suction, compression, power and

b) Two stroke cycle- In a two stroke cycle, the series of events of the working
cycle is completed in two strokes of the piston and one revolution of the crankshaft.
The four operations i.e. suction, compression, power and exhaust are completed
during two strokes of the piston.
ENGINE- A power producing machine is called an engine.

HEAT ENGINE- An engine which converts heat energy into mechanical energy is
called a heat engine.

Types of heat engine–

a) External Combustion engine- The engine in which the combustion of fuel
takes place outside the cylinder is called an external combustion engine.
b) Internal Combustion engine – The engine in which the combustion of fuel
takes place inside the cylinder is called an internal combustion engine.


Four-stroke cycle Diesel engine or Compression ignition engine or constant pressure

cycle engine is meant for heavy duty applications, like heavy motor vehicles,
stationary power plants, ships and big industrial units, train locomotive , tractor and
bus application. In this the air compressed in the engine cylinder and fuel is injects
through injector.

Working of the four stroke Diesel engine-

a) Suction Stroke-The inlet valve opens during this stroke and only air is sucked
into the engine cylinder. The exhaust valve remains closed. When the piston reaches
Bottom Dead Centre (BDC), the suction stroke is completed as shown in Fig. (1) and
inlet valve also closes.

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Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

b) Compression Stroke- The piston moves from Bottom Dead Centre (BDC) to
Top Dead Centre (TDC) position. Both the valves remain closed. The air drawn
during suction stroke is compressed.

c) Expansion or Power or Working Stroke- Just before the piston completes

its compression stroke, the diesel injected gets ignited and the rapid explosion
takes place. The expansion of hot gases pushes the piston down to BDC position.
Both the valve remains closed and the useful work is obtained from the engine.

d) Exhaust Stroke- The piston moves from BDC to TDC, the exhaust valve
opens and the inlet valve remains closed. The piston pushes the exhaust gases out
through the exhaust valve to the atmosphere till it reaches the TDC position and the
cycle is completed.

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The working principle of a two stroke diesel engine is discussed below:

1st stroke: To start with let us assume the piston to be at its B.D.C. position (Fig.a).
The arrangement of the ports is such that the piston performs the two jobs

As the piston starts rising from its B.D.C. position, if closes the transfer port and the
exhaust port. The air which is already there in the cylinder is compressed (Fig.b).

At the same time with the upward movement of the piston, vacuum is created in the
crank case. As soon as the inlet port is uncovered, the fresh air is sucked in the
crankcase. The charging is continued until the crank case and the space in the
cylinder beneath the piston is filled (Fig. c) with the air. At the end of the stroke, the
piston reaches he T.D.C. Position.

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2nd stroke: Slightly before the completion of the compression stroke, a very fine
sprays of diesel injected into the compressed air. The fuel ignites spontaneously.

Pressure is exerted on the crown of the piston due to the combustion of the air and
the piston is pushed in the down ward direction producing some useful power (Fig.
c). The downward movement of the piston will first close the inlet port and then it
will compress the air already sucked in the crank case.

Just the end of power stroke, the piston uncovers the exhaust port and the transfer
port simultaneously. The expanded gases start escaping through the exhaust port and
at the same time transfer port (Fig. d) and thus the cycle is repeated again.

The fresh air coming into the cylinder also helps in exhausting the burnt gases out of
the cylinder through the exhaust port (Fig. d). This is known as scavenging.

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Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Experiment No:8
AIM: - Study of Lathe Machine
The lathe is a machine, which holds a work piece, performs various
operations such as turning, parting, facing, drilling, finishing etc. to get a work piece
in required shape and size. The lathe machine uses various cutting tools for different
Working principal:
The work piece is held in the jaw and it is rotated along its axis, the tool resting on
tool post is moved along the job to perform the required operation.
Types of lathe:
There are many types of lathe in use. These are mainly classified as:
1. Engine lathe or centre lathe: it is most commonly used lathe machine. It is
capable of performing a wide variety of operations.
2. Bench lathe: it is small lathe, can be mounted on the bench.
3. Tool room lathe: it is very similar to engine lathe, but it is built with greater
precision and has a large range of speed and feed.
4. Turret or Capstan lathe: it is production machine, used to perform many
operations simultaneously.
5. Speed lathe: it performs light machining operation that required
comparatively high speed.
6. Automatic lathe: it is high speed heavy duty lathe, used for mass production.
It has complete automatic controls.
7. Special purpose lathe: these are used for special operation, which can not be
possible on Ordinary lathe, gap lathe, duplicating lathe and some special
purpose lathes.

Principal parts of the lathe

The various parts of centre lathe machine are shown in fig.

1. Bed: the bed is the basic structure of lathe, on which all other parts are
mounted. It is heavy rigid casting made in one piece. The top of the bed is
planed to form guide ways for the movement of carriage and tail stock.
2. Head stock: the head stock is permanently fastened at the left end of the
machine and houses the driving mechanism equipped with a step cone pulleys
or a geared head drive. With this provision the different speed can be
obtained. The head stock supports the work piece either with centre fitted into
the spindle or by a chuck.
3. Tail stock: the tail stock is counterpart of the head stock and it is mounted at
right end. It may slide along the end to hold different length of work piece

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between centers to lock it properly. It is also used for holding and feeding the
tools such as drill, reamers, taps etc.
4. Carriage: the carriage controls and supports the cutting tools. The carriage
move on the end. It has following parts; (a) saddle (b) Cross slide (c)
Compound rest (d) Tool post (e) Apron.
5. Feed Mechanism: Movement of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece is
called feed. It may e given in three ways – longitudinal feed, cross feed and
angular feed. To transmit motion from head stock to the carriage, the
following mechanism are used; (a) End of bed gearing (b) Feed gear box (c)
Feed rod and lead screw (d) Apron mechanism.
Tread Cutting Mechanism: tread cutting is done by transmitting the motion of lead
screw to the cutting tool. A split nut or half nut is used to engage or disengage the
carriage with lead screw.

1. Taper turning: it makes the work piece taper at required angle.

2. Facing: it does the surface finish to the ends of the work piece to make them flat.
3. Parting: it cuts the work piece in two or more parts.
4. Threading: it makes the required type of thread on the work piece.
5. Knurling: it is the process of embossing a diamond shape pattern on the
surface of the work piece.
6. Filing: lathe removes burrs, sharp corners and feed marks from the
work piece.
7. Polishing: After filling the work piece, the polishing is done by lathe to

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improve the surface quality.

8. Grooving: Lathe makes the square, round and bevel grooves of reduced
diameter on the work piece.
9. Spinning: Lathe forms a thin sheet of metal by revolving the job at the
high speed.
10. Spring Winding: Lathe makes the coiled spring by pressing the wire
around a mandrel revolving with chuck.
11. Forming: Lathe turns the work piece to from a convex or any irregular
12. Reaming: Lathe finishes and sizes the drilled hole.
13. Boring: it is the operation of enlarging a hole produced by drilling.
14. Shoulder turning
14. Chamfering
15. Polishing
16. Tapping
17. Parting off

Lathe Accessories
Face plate and angle plate
Driving plate and Dogs or carriers
(g)Tool posts

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Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Experiment No: 9

AIM: - Study of UTM.

OBJECT: - To Study the various component parts of the Universal Testing Machine
(U.T.M.) & test procedures of various practical’s to be performed.
APPARATUS: - Universal Testing Machine with all attachment i.e. shears test attachment,
bending attachment, tension grips, compression test attachment etc.

THEORY : - The Universal Testing Machine consists of two units.

1) Loading unit, 2) Control panel.

It consists of main hydraulic cylinder with robust base inside. The piston which moves up and

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down. The chain driven by electric motor which is fitted on left hand side. The screw column
maintained in the base can be rotated using above arrangement of chain. Each column passes
through the main nut which is fitted in the lower cross head.
The lower table connected to main piston through a ball & the ball seat is joined to ensure
axial loading. There is a connection between lower table and upper head assembly that moves
up and down with main piston. The measurement of this assembly is carried out by number
of bearings which slides over the columns.
The test specimen each fixed in the job is known as ‘Jack Job’. To fix up the specimen
tightly, the movement of jack job is achieved helically by handle.

It consists of oil tank having a hydraulic oil level sight glass for checking the oil level. The
pump is displacement type piston pump having free plungers those ensure for continuation of
high pressure. The pump is fixed to the tank from bottom. The suction & delivery valve are
fitted to the pump near tank Electric motor driven the pump is mounted on four studs which is
fitted on the right side of the tank. There is an arrangement for loosing or tightening of the
valve. The four valves on control panel control the oil stroke in the hydraulic system. The
loading system works as described below.
The return valve is close, oil delivered by the pump through the flow control
valves to the cylinder & the piston goes up. Pressure starts developing & either the specimen
breaks or the load having maximum value is controlled with the base dynameters consisting
in a cylinder in which the piston reciprocates. The switches have upper and lower push at the
control panel for the downward & upward movement of the movable head. The on & off
switch is provided on the control panel & the pilot lamp shows the transmission of main

Initial Adjustment: - before testing adjust the pendulum with respect to capacity of
the test i.e. 8 Tones; 10 Tones; 20 Tones; 40 Tones etc.
For ex: - A specimen of 6 tones capacity gives more accurate result of 10 Tones
capacity range instead of 20 Tones capacity range. These ranges of capacity are adjusted
on the dial with the help of range selector knob. The control weights of the pendulum
are adjusted correctly. The ink should be inserted in pen holder of recording paper
around the drum & the testing process is started depending upon the types of test as
mentioned below.

Select the proper job and complete upper and lower check adjustment. Apply some
Greece to the tapered surface of specimen or groove. Then operate the upper cross head grip
operation handle & grip the upper end of test specimen fully in to the groove. Keep the lower
left valve in fully close position. Open the right valve & close it after lower table is slightly

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Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

lifted. Adjust the lower points to zero with the help of adjusting knob. This is necessary to
remove the dead weight of the lower table. Then lock the jobs in this position by operating
job working handle. Then open the left control valve. The printer on dial gauge at which the
specimen breaks slightly return back & corresponding load is known as breaking load &
maximum load is known as the ultimate load.

Fix upper and lower pressure plates to the upper stationary head & lower table
respectively. Place the specimen on the lower plate in order to grip. Then adjust zero by
lifting the lower table. Then perform the test in the same manner as described in tension test.

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Vikrant Group of Institutions, Indore

Experiment No: 10
AIM: Linear and Angular measurement using, Micrometer, Slip Gauges, Dial Gauge and Sine-

APPARATUS USED: Micrometer, Slip Gauges, Dial Gauge and Sine-bar

INTRODUCTION: In Metrology, Linear measurement applies to the measurement of lengths,

diameters, heights and thickness including external and internal measurements.

Linear measurement instruments can be classified into Direct and indirect measuring

1. Direct measuring instruments.

 Graduated Measuring instruments

 Non Graduated measuring instruments

2. Indirect measuring instruments.

Angle is a measurement that we can measure between the two line which meets at one point.

The Micrometer is known for screw gauge because a calibrated screw is used for precise
measurements. The accuracy of the micrometre screw gauge is 0.01. This is very high accuracy
compared to the vernier calliper accuracy 0.02.

WORKING: The working principle of the Micrometer is based on screw and nut.(Rotational
moment to linear moment) As we know as the screw rotates one revolution on the screw, then
the screw moves linearly by one pitch distance.

Divide the circumference of the screw into a number of fine parts. let’s say 100 parts on the
circumference. and the pitch of the screw is 1mm then

The minimum length can be measured the screw gauge = Screw pitch/ Number of parts the

= 1mm/100 = 0.01

We can minimise the pitch distance of the screw to minimise the length that can be measured
with that screw gauge.

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Construction of Micrometer Screw Gauge

Main parts of Screw gauge

U-shaped Steel Frame

U shaped or C shaped frame will hold all the other parts together. The gap between the two
frames in the U or C shaped frame determines the maximum diameter of the work piece that can
be measured with that screw gauge.

Anvil and spindle

Anvils are at the measuring faces. They were attached to the spindle face and fixed face on the
frame. The spindle will have the threads acts as a screw and it should be run freely and smoothly
through the length of its travel and there should be no backlash between the screw and nut.

Lock Nut

The lock nut is to lock the spindle without altering the distance between the measuring faces
when the Micrometer is at its correct reading.

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Sleeve or Barrel

This is having a 0.5 mm division length along the length of the sleeve. This is the main scale for
the Micrometer screw gauge.


This is the main part of the screw gauge. Which is having 50 divisions on its circumference. It
will be moved over the barrel.


The ratchet will be provided at the end of the thimble to assure the accurate measurement by
preventing the too much pressure being applied on the micrometer. This slips the thimble over
the barrel when the spindle reaches the surface of the work piece.

Reading the Micrometer

1. Select the suitable micrometre size depending on the size of the work piece. ( Usually, the
measuring ranges are from 0 to 25 mm, 25 to 50mm, 125 to 150 mm, up to 575 to 600
mm are available.)
2. Check the zero error
3. Place the Object in between the two measuring faces and rotate the thimble to make the
spindle touches the work piece. Rotate until when ratchet starts slipping over the thimble.
4. Now take the reading on the main scale(scale on the sleeve) let’s say it is 11.00mm
5. Take the thimble reading which by where the thimble coincides with the reference line on
the sleeve or main scale. for example, it coincides with the main scale at the 34th division.

Dial Indicators

The Dial indicator is a mechanical mean, having gears and pinions or levers for magnification
system. They can responses to linear measurements even when they are too small.

 The Dial Indicators can be used as comparators.

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 Basically, comparators are the precession measuring instruments used to compare the
work piece measurements with the standard measurements.
 When this Dial Indicator is used in any measuring equipment for comparison purpose
then these equipment are called Dial Gauges.
 A Dial Indicator must be mounted on any other base/Equipment, otherwise, it will be
 The accuracy of the dial indicator is up to 0.001 mm are available

Construction of Dial Indicators

There is a classification of dial indicators based on their dial shape. They are sector shape Dial
Indicator and Circular shape Dial Indicator.

But sector type is a quite limited range, so this sector type Dial Indicator is used for extremely
accurate measurements.

The circular type of Dial Indicators can be classified into two types based on their Mechanisms

1. Gear and Pinion type Dial Indicator

2. Lever Type Dial Indicator

The Main Parts of Dial Indicator

 Dial with the main scale

 Indicator(Needle)
 The plunger (spindle)
 Mini dial (to represent the number of revolutions of the indicator.)
 Locking screw
 Magnification Mechanism(Lever/Gear and Pinion)

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The Principle of this gear and pinion is that the movement of the Plunger(spindle) will be
multiplied thru the series of gears and pinions and indicated on the main scale on the dial by the

See the picture of the mechanism of the gear and pinion type of Dial Indicator.

The plunger will be the one which is moving linearly with respect to the change in on the work
piece while taking measurements.

So the plunger will consist of a rack and it meshes with a pinion (P1) on the gear (G1)

This Gear (G1) will mesh with the series pinions and gears to multiply the movement to increase
the accuracy of measurement.

The final Pinion (P3) is connected to the Indicator(Needle) this indicator will show the deflection
on the main scale.

This is how the gear and pinion type dial indicator works.

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Also known for Gauge Blocks, Johansson Gauges.
These have come with a set of a box. The individual block is precision ground and lapped
specific thickness. These blocks are stacked together to make up the desired length. See the
below Example

A sine bar is used in conjunction with slip gauge blocks for precise angular measurement. A
sine bar is used either to measure an angle very accurately or face locate any work to a given
angle. Sine bars are made from a high chromium corrosion resistant steel, and is hardened,
precision ground, and stabilized.

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Figure 1. The Sine Bar

Two cylinders of equal diameter are placed at the ends of the bar. The axes of these two
cylinders are mutually parallel to each other, and are also parallel to, and at equal distance from,
the upper surface of the sine bar. Accuracy up to 0.01mm/m of length of the sine bar can be

A sine bar is generally used with slip gauge blocks. The sine bar forms the hypotenuse of a right
triangle, while the slip gauge blocks form the opposite side. The height of the slip gauge block is
found by multiplying the sine of the desired angle by the length of the sine bar:

H = L * sin(θ).

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Figure: Forming an Angle with a Sine Bar and Gauge Blocks

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