Reading Strategies, Skills & Story Elements: Dice Detective

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Dice Detective

Reading Strategies, Skills

& Story Elements

Teacher’s United Planet

How to Use
Dice Detective
Reading Strategies, Skills
and Story Elements

Doing anything with dice makes the activity instantly more fun
and engaging! This activity teaches and reinforces important
reading strategies, skills and story elements.

After reading a text, the student rolls a die and practices the
strategy, skill or story element. For example, if a student is
practicing Reading Skills and rolls a 2, that student would tell the
Author’s Purpose. This activity can be used verbally or as a
written assignment.

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Dice Detective Reading Strategies
Roll the dice and answer the clues!
If you roll a …
Monitor and Clarify
Be a detective and monitor your reading to know if things are not
making sense.
Use Fix-up Strategies:
*Reread the text * Look at photos, labels and charts.
*Stop and ask questions. * Ask for help.

Make Connections
Making connections to what you know helps you understand what
you are reading.
* Connect to yourself
* Connect to the world
* Connect to other texts

* Make pictures in your mind of what you are reading.
* Visualize the describing and action words to help you see
what is happening in your reading.

Ask questions
Asking questions helps you think about what you’re reading.
* Preview the text and ask questions.
* As you read, revise you questions or ask new ones.
* After you read, think about questions you may still have.

Infer and Predict

* Infer means to use clues to figure out something that is not
directly told in the text.
* Predict means you make a guess about what will happen next
based on what you have already read in the text.

Summarizing the text helps you understand and remember the
most important information.
* Look for the main ideas and supporting details.

© Teacher’s United Planet

Dice Detective Reading Strategies
Roll the dice and answer the clues!
If you roll a …
Monitor and _____________________________
Make Connections _____________________________
Visualize _____________________________
Ask questions _____________________________
Infer and Predict _____________________________
Summarize _____________________________
© Teacher’s United Planet
Dice Detective Reading Skills
Roll the dice and answer the clues!
If you roll a …
Main Idea and Details
Be a detective and tell the Main Idea and Details.

* The Main Idea tells what the text is mostly about.

* Details are information that supports the main idea.

Author’s Purpose
Tell why the author wrote the text.
* To Entertain – amuses or interests you
* To Inform – gives information
* To Persuade – convinces you to think or do something

* Tell the order in which the events occurred.
* Sequence words include first, second, third, next,
then, before, finally, after, last, finally.

Cause and Effect

State the Cause and Effect.

* The Cause is why something happened.

* The Effect is what happened.

Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast ideas or things in the text.

* To Compare tells how things are similar or alike.

* To Contrast tells how things are different.

Point of View
* First Person - A character in the story tells the story.
Clue words include I, me or my.
* Third Person - A narrator outside the story tells the story.
Clue words include he, she or they.
© Teacher’s United Planet
Dice Detective Reading Skills
Roll the dice and answer the clues!
If you roll a …
Main Idea and ____________________________
Author’s Purpose ____________________________
Sequence ____________________________
Cause and Effect ____________________________
Compare and ____________________________
Point of View ____________________________
© Teacher’ United Planet
Dice Detective Story Elements
Roll the dice and answer the clues!
If you roll a …
Be a detective and tell who the characters are in the story.

*Characters are the people, animals, or creatures

in a story.

*The setting tells when and where the story takes place.

*The plot tells what happened and gives the story a
beginning, middle and end.

* The conflict is the problem a character faces in the story.

* The resolution of a story is how the problem is solved.

* The theme is the moral, message or lesson of the story.

© Teacher’s United Planet

Dice Detective Story Elements
Roll the dice and answer the clues!
If you roll a …
Characters ____________________________
Setting ____________________________
Plot ____________________________
Conflict ____________________________
Resolution ____________________________
Theme ____________________________
© Teacher’s United Planet
Created by: Teacher’s United Planet
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This material is intended for personal/classroom use and is not for

resale or redistribution.

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