TYKTW Day Alternate Reflection
TYKTW Day Alternate Reflection
TYKTW Day Alternate Reflection
Complete the following activity using the links provided. Write a reflective piece using your results as
a guide for personal reflection. Remember that I am looking for personal detail and thoughts rather
than “canned” or general/vague comments. Review the rubric at the end of the questions to better
understand how you will be assessed. Write in complete sentences.
b) Which study habits do you find have helped you the most this semester.
3) What do you want to be “when you grow up”? What are the steps you need to take to
ensure you realize this career/job goal?
c) Discuss the skills you possess now which you think will help you be a good employee or
get the position you want?
4) What skills do you need to work on to become more employable or get the position you
want? How will you go about developing these skills?
5 4 3 2 1
My reflection was very My reflection was detailed My reflection was My reflection contained My reflection contained
detailed and contained and contained personal somewhat detailed and little detail or specific little to no personal details.
specific personal details details concerning my contained some personal personal details. I wrote I wrote some general
concerning my skills and skills and future goals. I details concerning my mostly general comments comments and ideas. I
future goals. I gave my gave my reader a good skills and future goals. I and ideas. I touched a bit touched little upon my
reader a clear and precise idea of my experiences as gave my reader an idea of upon my skills and future skills and future goals. I
idea of my ideas as well as well as my thoughts and my experiences as well as goals but not enough to gave my reader few details
my thoughts and feelings feelings concerning the made general comments give my reader a clear idea which makes them unclear
concerning the topics. topics. concerning my thoughts of my thoughts and of my thoughts and
and feelings concerning feelings of the day feelings concerning the
the topics.. concerning the topics. topics. My reflection was
quite short and general.