HOPE (Reviewer)
HOPE (Reviewer)
HOPE (Reviewer)
Warm up Concussion
● Prepares your body for more ● Serious type of brain injury.
strenuous activity ● Is caused by a direct blow to the
Cool down
● To stabilize normal blood Dislocation
● Occurs when the ball of a joint is
Exercise Blood forced out of its socket
● What are the exercises being ● Separation of bone (Forward,
performed backward, or twist)
● Break, crack, or shattering of
● Open = Outer, Close = Inside
● Injuries of muscle tendon
● Muscle tendon = Cord connecting
muscles to rebone
● Are injuries that involve the
stretching, partial tearing, or
complete tearing of a tendon
Kinds of Injuries
● Occurs suddenly
● Can have immediate treatment or
first aid
● Happens after you play a sport
time for a long time
Food Pyramid
1. Fats
2. Proteins/Dairy
3. Vegetables/Fruits
4. Carbohydrates