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Physical Fitness 3.

Coordination - Ability of the body

● Ability of a person to perform parts to work together.
his/her daily task activities and still 4. Power - Ability to combine strength
preserve energy in case of an with speed.
emergency. 5. Reaction Time - Ability to move
● Combination of health fitness and quickly once a signal moving is
body fitness. received.
6. Speed - Ability to move all parts of
Health Fitness body quickly
● Refers to your body’s ability to fight
diseases. Specific Components of Physical
● Ability to execute daily activities Fitness
with optimal performances.
1. Agility
Body Fitness 2. Balance
● Ability to do strenuous physical or 3. Coordination
sports activities without getting 4. Power
easily tired. 5. Reaction time
● It includes the performances of 6. Speed
lungs, heart, and muscle. 7. Organic Vigor - Soundness of the
heart and lungs.
Health Related Fitness Components
Physical Activity and Exercise
1. Body Composition - The
combination of all the tissues ● Activities you are doing at home or
relative proportion of body that in school.
make up the body, such as bones,
muscles, organs, and body fat. 4 Domain
2. Cardiovascular Endurance - The
ability of the heart, lungs, blood 1. Occupational - Activities you do at
vessels, and blood to work the workplace.
efficiently and to supply the body 2. Domestic - Activities you do at
with oxygen. home.
3. Flexibility - Ability to use all joints 3. Transportation - Activities involve
of the body in full force (verge) in travelling.
motion. 4. Leisure - Activities you do in your
4. Muscular Endurance - Ability to past time.
use muscles without getting easily
tired. Exercise
5. Muscular Strength - Ability of
muscles to lift heavy weights. ● Planned, Structured, and
Repetitive body movements.
Skill Related Fitness
Aerobic Activities
1. Agility - Ability to change position
quickly. ● Activities that help the body to
2. Balance - Ability to maintain become more physically fit.
Muscle Strengthening Activity Radial Pulse Site (Wrist) - Radial artery
of the wrist in line with the thumb using the
● Resistance training and lifting tips of the pointer and middle finger.
weights, causes the body’s muscle
to work or hold against an applied Temporal Site (Gilid ng utak) - Left or
force or weight. right temple with light pressure from tips of
the pointer and middle finger.
Bone Strengthening Activity
● Sometimes called weight-bearing Muscular Strength
or weight-loading activity, produces
a force on the bones that promotes 1. Muscular Strength - Strength of
bone growth and strength. the muscles.
2. Bone Strengthening Exercise -
Barriers Physical activities that could
strengthen our bones.
● Lack of time 3. Muscular Endurance - How long
● Fear of injury the muscle can perform.
● Social support 4. Resistance - Physical exercise to
● Lack of skill maintain training the resistance of
● Lack of energy our body. (Hindi madaling
● Expensive cost of equipments mapagod)
● Lack of motivation 5. Circuit Training - 5-10 exercise
● Weather Conditions (alternate everyday) to exercise
your desired body part.
● Eating Habits
● Influence of food choices Flexibility Exercises
● Cultural influences
● Environmental influences 1. Flexibility Exercises - Stretch
● Social influences your muscles and may improve
● Religious influence your range of motion in your joints.
● Economic influences 2. Static Stretching - Should be
● Political influences performed with warm muscles.
(Gaano nagtatagal ang katawan
Engaging in Moderate to Vigorous mo sa pag hhold ng static
Physical Activities Following stretching) Average time: 30s
Personalized Activities 3. Active Static - Stretching (Yoga &
Martial Arts)
Apilical Sites (Puso) - Number of 4. Passive Static - You hold the limb
heartbeat per b using the tips of the pinter to perform the stretch. (Sit and
minute (lower part of the heart) Reach)
5. Dynamic Stretching - Stretching
Carotid Pulse (Gilid ng leeg) - Carotid with movement.
artery beside the larynx by using light
pressure from the tips of the pointer and Intensity of Physical Activity
middle finger.
● Rate of activity being performed or
the magnitude. (How hard is it)
Principles Skill Related Physical Fitness
● Consists of those components of
1. Principle of Specificity - Specific fitness that have a relationship
kinds of physical activities to with enhanced performance in
specific parts of your body. athletic activities
2. Principle of Overload - Greater
than the normal stress or load on Skill Related Fitness
the body. ● Increases one’s ability to perform
3. Principle of Progression - To various activities and only has an
increase. (To have a progress) indirect connection with health.
4. Principle of Adaptation - Ability of
the body to adjust. Fitness
5. Principle of Reversibility - ● Condition in which an individual
Development will happen if it is has sufficient energy to avoid
done in a regular movement. fatigue and enjoy life.
(Babalik lang sa normal ang
katawan kung hindi nagagawa Skill or performance related fitness
nang tuloy tuloy ang mga ● Involves skill that will enhance
aktibidad) one’s performance in athletic or
sports events.

F.I.T.T Principle Sports Related Injury

● Foundation of exercise & Sprain

guidelines ● Tear of ligament fibers around
F = Frequency (How often)
I = Intensity (How hard) Contusion (Pasa)
T = Time (How long) ● Rapture of blood vessels under
T = Type (What kind) the skin.

Warm up Concussion
● Prepares your body for more ● Serious type of brain injury.
strenuous activity ● Is caused by a direct blow to the
Cool down
● To stabilize normal blood Dislocation
● Occurs when the ball of a joint is
Exercise Blood forced out of its socket
● What are the exercises being ● Separation of bone (Forward,
performed backward, or twist)

● Break, crack, or shattering of
● Open = Outer, Close = Inside
● Injuries of muscle tendon
● Muscle tendon = Cord connecting
muscles to rebone
● Are injuries that involve the
stretching, partial tearing, or
complete tearing of a tendon

Kinds of Injuries

● Occurs suddenly
● Can have immediate treatment or
first aid

● Happens after you play a sport
time for a long time

Food Pyramid

1. Fats
2. Proteins/Dairy
3. Vegetables/Fruits
4. Carbohydrates

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