Genesys Callback Operation 8.5 Self Study
Genesys Callback Operation 8.5 Self Study
Genesys Callback Operation 8.5 Self Study
Genesys Callback Operation 8.5 is designed to introduce Genesys Callback, as well as give students the skills needed
to ensure proper daily operations of Genesys Callback after a successful deployment. Students are presented with key
concepts, reallife examples, and handson activities as a meaningful way to learn the solution. 1 2 3 4
Target Audience:
Primary Audience:This course is intended for anyone in an operations role involved in the daily use and management of Genesys Callback.
Also, as a prerequisite for anyone that requires specific training about the installation, configuration, and technical aspects of Genesys
Callback (Covered in the Administration class).Secondary Audience:Technical internal audiences (PS, CC, SE, etc.) that require this
Software Version:
This course uses Genesys version 8.5.x.
Course Prerequisites:
Courses Required:
Framework, Routing, and Reporting Foundation 8.5 (FRR85FND) and Framework, Routing, and Reporting Operation (FRR85OPT).
Framework, Routing and Reporting Administration 8.5 (FRR85ADM) is required only if you plan on taking Genesys Callback
Administration 8.5.
Skills Required:
Familiarity with Genesys Framework and basic Call Center telephony concepts. 1/2
3/24/2017 Search Results
Course Objectives:
After completing this course, a student will be able to: 2/2