Signal Transduction - Principles Pathways and Processes
Signal Transduction - Principles Pathways and Processes
Signal Transduction - Principles Pathways and Processes
Signal transduction / edited by Lewis C. Cantley, Harvard Medical School, Tony Hunter, Salk Institute
for Biological Studies, Richard Sever, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Jeremy Thorner, University of
California at Berkeley.
p. cm.
Summary: “This textbook provides a comprehensive view of signal transduction, covering both the
fundamental mechanisms involved and their roles in key biological processes. It first lays out the basic
principles of signal transduction, explaining how different receptors receive information and transmit it
via signaling proteins, ions, and second messengers. It then surveys the major signaling pathways that
operate in cells, before examining in detail how these function in processes such as cell growth and
division, cell movement, metabolism, development, reproduction, the nervous system, and immune
function”–Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-87969-901-7 (hardback)
ISBN 978-1-621822-30-1 (ebook)
1. Cellular signal transduction. 2. Developmental biology. 3. Pathology, Molecular. I. Cantley, Lewis,
editor of compilation. II. Hunter, Tony, 1943- editor of compilation. III. Sever, Richard, editor of
compilation. IV. Thorner, Jeremy W., editor of compilation.
QP517.C45S534 2013
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This book is dedicated to the memory of Tony Pawson (1952–
2013). Tony was a giant in the field of signal transduction, who
established principles of protein–protein interactions that have
profoundly influenced our understanding of signal transduction.
His enduring legacy will be the discovery that the Src homology
2 (SH2) domain of one protein can selectively interact with a
tyrosine residue in a second protein, once it is phosphorylated in
response to an upstream signal. This type of inducible protein–
protein interaction can link intracellular signals generated in
response to various upstream stimuli to downstream signaling
events. This insight was the basis for his enormously influential
idea that eukaryotic signaling systems involve modular and
combinatorial interaction domains that propagate signals
throughout the cell.
Edmond Fischer
3 Second Messengers
Alexandra C. Newton, Martin D. Bootman, and John D. Scott
mTOR Signaling
Mathieu Laplante and David M. Sabatini
Calcium Signaling
Martin D. Bootman
Wnt Signaling
Roel Nusse
Hedgehog Signaling
Philip W. Ingham
Notch Signaling
Raphael Kopan
Immunoreceptor Signaling
Lawrence E. Samelson
17 Vertebrate Reproduction
Sally Kornbluth and Rafael Fissore
22 Outlook
Jeremy Thorner, Tony Hunter, Lewis C. Cantley, and Richard Sever
University of Washington
Cells within multicellular organisms need to communicate with each other to
coordinate their growth, migration, survival, and differentiation. They do so
by direct cell–cell contact and secretion or release of molecules that bind to
and activate receptors on the surface of or inside target cells. Such factors can
stimulate the producer cell itself (autocrine stimulation), cells in the
immediate vicinity (paracrine stimulation), or cells in distant organs
(endocrine stimulation). The signaling induced within target cells is important
during embryonic development, as well as in the adult, where it controls cell
proliferation, differentiation, the response to infection, and numerous
organismal homeostatic mechanisms.
Many cell-surface receptors contain an extracellular ligand-binding
region, a single transmembrane segment, and an intracellular effector region,
which may or may not have an associated enzyme activity. Some receptors
contain multiple subunits that together form the ligand-binding site. Others,
including those encoded by the largest gene family in the human genome,
consist of a polypeptide that spans the cell membrane seven times. Finally,
there are receptors that are located intracellularly and are activated by ligands
that cross the cell membrane, such as steroid hormones. Below, we describe
the major families of ligands and receptors and the signal transduction
mechanisms they activate.
2.1 Receptors with Associated Protein Kinase Activity
Several types of cell-surface receptors contain or are associated with kinase
activities that respond to the binding of a ligand. Perhaps best understood are
receptors with intrinsic protein tyrosine kinase domains. This receptor
tyrosine kinase (RTK) family has more than 50 human members (Lemmon
and Schlessinger 2010). RTKs have important roles in the regulation of
embryonic development, as well as in the regulation of tissue homeostasis in
the adult. Each has an extracellular, ligand-binding region, which consists of
different combinations of various domains, such as Ig-like, fibronectin type
III, and cysteine-rich domains. This is linked to a single transmembrane
segment and an intracellular region that includes a tyrosine kinase domain.
Based on their structural features, RTKs can be divided into 20 subfamilies
(Fig. 1), a well-studied example being the epidermal growth factor (EGF)
receptors (EGFRs).
Figure 1. Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) families. The 20 subfamilies of human RTKs and their
characteristic structural domains are shown. The individual members of each family are listed below.
(From Lemmon and Schlessinger 2010; adapted, with permission.)
2.2 Ligands
Each of these different receptor types responds to a subfamily of structurally
similar ligands. The ligands are normally small monomeric, dimeric, or
trimeric proteins, often derived by proteolytic processing from larger
precursors, some of which are transmembrane proteins. There is not a strict
specificity in ligand–receptor interactions within the families; normally each
ligand binds to more than one receptor, and each receptor binds more than
one ligand. Although it is rare that ligands for completely different types of
receptors bind to kinase-associated receptors, examples do exist.4
Figure 4. Schematic illustration of different modes of dimerization of RTKs. (A) Some dimeric ligands,
such as nerve growth factor (NGF), bind to receptors in a symmetric manner, but the receptors do not
contact each other. (B) Other dimeric ligands, such as stem cell factor (SCF), also bind to RTKs in a
symmetric manner, but the receptor dimer is in addition stabilized by direct receptor–receptor
interactions. (C) In the case of fibroblast growth factor (FGF), a ternary complex involving the ligand,
the receptor, and heparin/heparin sulfate stabilizes the receptor dimer. (D) In the case of members of
the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor family such as ErbB, ligand binding induces a
conformational change in the extracellular domain of the receptor that promotes direct receptor–
receptor interactions. (From Lemmon and Schlessinger 2010; adapted, with permission.)
In addition to homodimerization of receptors, heterodimerization also
often occurs. This is particularly common among cytokine receptors; a
ligand-specific receptor subunit often interacts with one or more common
subunits, such as gp130, βc, or γc, to form a heterodimer, heterotrimer, or
even more complicated multimer (Wang et al. 2009). Similarly, members of
different RTK subfamilies often form heterodimers. For instance, one
member of the EGFR subfamily, ErbB2, cannot bind to ligand itself, but acts
in heterodimers with other members of the family (Yarden and Sliwkowski
2001). In the PDGFR family, different dimeric isoforms of the ligand induce
formation of different dimeric complexes of PDGFα and PDGFβ receptors
(Heldin 1995). Because the downstream signaling pathways that are activated
to a large extent depend on the specific docking of SH2- or PTB-domain-
containing signaling molecules (see below and Ch. 2 [Lee and Yaffe 2014]),
differences in the autophosphorylation patterns of homodimeric versus
heterodimeric receptor complexes will give rise to different combinatorial
Serine/threonine kinase receptors present another variation on this theme.
These receptors are activated by ligand-induced assembly of two type I and
two type II receptors into heterotetrameric receptor complexes, in which
constitutively active type II receptors phosphorylate type I receptors in
serine- and glycine-rich sequences just upstream of the kinase domains. In
the TGFβ type I receptor, this causes a change in conformation that prevents
the inhibitory interaction of the receptor with the immunophilin FK506-
binding protein (FKBP12) and activates its kinase (Kang et al. 2009).
Note that certain receptors are present in dimeric complexes even in the
absence of ligand; examples include the erythropoietin cytokine receptor, and
the insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) receptors, RTKs that
actually occur as disulfide-bonded dimers. Here, ligand binding induces
conformational changes that lead to activation of the receptor-associated
kinase. Importantly, there are indications that reorientation of the intracellular
regions of the receptors relative to each other in the dimer is important for
their activation (Jiang and Hunter 1999).
The heterotrimeric G proteins that relay signals from GPCRs are associated
with the underside of the plasma membrane and are composed of an α subunit
and a βγ dimer. Agonist-activated GPCRs act as GEFs that catalyze the
exchange of GDP bound to the α subunit for GTP, causing release of Gβγ
(Ch. 2 [Lee and Yaffe 2014]). A single ligand-bound GPCR can activate
several G proteins, providing the first layer of signal amplification. The GTP-
bound Gα subunits and Gβγ subunits can then promote the activation of a
variety of downstream effectors, stimulating a network of signaling events
that is highly dependent on the G-protein-coupling specificity of each
receptor (Fig. 6). The human G-protein α subunits are encoded by 16 distinct
genes and can be divided into four subfamilies: Gαs (Gαs and Gαolf), Gαi
(Gαt, Gαgust, Gαi1-3, Gαo, and Gαz), Gαq (Gαq, Gα11, Gα14, and Gα15/16), and
Gα12 (Gα12 and Gα13) (Fig. 6) (Cabrera-Vera et al. 2003). A single GPCR
can couple to either one or more than one family of Gα subunits. Five
different β subunits and 12 γ subunits that form functional βγ dimers have
been described.
Figure 6. Regulation of classical second messenger systems and Ras and Rho GTPases by GPCRs.
Agonist-activated GPCRs promote the dissociation of GDP bound to the α subunit pf heterotrimeric G
proteins and its replacement by GTP. Gα and Gβγ subunits can then activate numerous downstream
effectors. The 16 human G protein α subunits can be divided into the four subfamilies shown, and a
single GPCR can couple to one or more families of Gα subunits. Downstream effectors regulated by
their targets include a variety of second messenger systems, as well as members of the Ras and Rho
families of small GTP-binding proteins, which, in turn, control the activity of multiple MAPKs,
including ERK, JNK, p38, and ERK5. G-protein-dependent activation of these by GPCRs and β-
arrestin-mediated G-protein-independent activation of ERK and JNK can have multiple effects in the
cytosol. MAPKs also translocate to the nucleus, where they regulate gene expression. Activation of the
PI3K–Akt and mTOR pathways plays a central role in the regulation of cell metabolism, migration,
growth, and survival by GPCRs.
GPCRs stimulate pathways that control cell migration, survival, and growth
in part by activating MAPKs, a group of highly related proline-targeted
serine/threonine kinases that link multiple cell-surface receptors to
transcription factors. MAPKs include ERK1/2, JNK1-3, p38α-δ, and ERK5
MAPKs (Gutkind 1998; p. 81 [Morrison 2012]).
The small GTPase Ras, tyrosine kinases, PI3Ks, PKCs, and arrestins can
act downstream from GPCRs to promote the activation of ERK1/2 in a cell-
specific fashion (for review, see Gutkind 2000). The JNK cascade is activated
downstream from the small G proteins Rac, Rho, and Cdc42 (Coso et al.
1995). Indeed, Rac and Cdc42 can mediate signaling of Gβγ dimers and
Gα12, Gα13, Gαq, and Gαi to JNK (Gutkind 2000; Yamauchi et al. 2000).
Many GPCRs coupled to Gi activate Rac and JNK through the direct
interaction of Gβγ subunits with the P-REX1/2 family of Rac-GEFs (Welch
et al. 2002; Rosenfeldt et al. 2004). Similarly, Gαq activates Rho GTPases,
and hence JNK, through direct interaction with p63-RhoGEF and Trio (Lutz
et al. 2007). Gα12 and Gα13 bind to and act on three GEFs—p115-RhoGEF,
PDZ-RhoGEF, and LARG—to promote the activation of Rho downstream
from GPCRs (Hart et al. 1998; Fukuhara et al. 2001). Additional GEFs can
also contribute to this network. How GPCRs activate p38 and ERK5 is much
less clear, but, in general, these MAPKs are activated primarily by Gαq,
Gα12/13, and Gβγ dimers (Gutkind 2000).
Although human cancer-associated viruses express constitutively active
viral GPCRs, emerging data from deep sequencing studies have revealed that
a large fraction of human malignancies harbour mutations in GPCRs and G-
protein α subunits (O’Hayre et al. 2013). This has increased the interest in the
molecular mechanisms by which G proteins and GPCRs control normal and
cancer cell growth. Recent findings suggest that although GPCRs can
stimulate multiple diffusible-second-messenger-generating systems, their
ability to promote normal and aberrant cell proliferation often relies on the
persistent activation of Rho GTPases and MAPK cascades based on the direct
interaction of Gα subunits with RhoGEFs. The MAPKs regulate the activity
of nuclear transcription factors and coactivators, such as Jun, Fos, and YAP
(Yu et al. 2012; Vaqué et al. 2013).
Activation of the PI3K–Akt and mTOR pathways plays a central role in
cell metabolism, migration, growth, and survival (Zoncu et al. 2011). PI3K
generates 3′-phosphorylated inositol phosphates that participate in activation
of the kinase Akt and mTOR, which relay downstream signals (p. 87
[Hemmings and Restuccia 2012] and p. 91 [Laplante and Sabatini 2012]).
PI3Kγ shows restricted tissue distribution and is activated specifically by
GPCRs by the direct interaction of its catalytic (p110γ) and regulatory (p101)
subunits with Gβγ subunits (Lopez-Ilasaca et al. 1997). PI3Kγ is involved in
the chemokine-induced migration of leukocytes and plays significant roles in
innate immunity (Costa et al. 2011). In cells lacking PI3Kγ expression,
GPCRs can use PI3Kβ to stimulate phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-tris-
phosphate (PIP3) synthesis (Ciraolo et al. 2008).
GPCRs are best known for their ability to control the activity of adenylyl
cyclases, phosphodiesterases, phospholipases, ion channels, and ion
transporters. The rapid regulation of these classical diffusible-second-
messenger-generating systems and their direct molecular targets is now
believed to represent a subset of the extensive repertoire of molecular
mechanisms deployed by GPCRs in physiological and pathological contexts.
Our recently gained understanding of GPCR signaling circuitries, including
GEFs, Ras and Rho GTPases, MAPKs, PI3Ks, and their numerous
downstream cytosolic and nuclear targets, provide a more global view of the
general systems by which these receptors exert their numerous physiological
and pathological roles. Indeed, the final biological outcome of GPCR
activation most likely results from the integration of the network of GPCR-
initiated biochemical responses in each cellular context. A new, systems-level
understanding may provide a molecular framework for the development of
novel approaches for therapeutic intervention in some of the most prevalent
human diseases.
The TNF family ligands are also transmembrane proteins but have
extracellular carboxyl termini. Intriguingly, these can be shed following
cleavage by proteases, and some inhibit the effects of the membrane-bound
ligand (Suda et al. 1997). The ligands are characterized by a conserved TNF
homology domain that mediates receptor binding. An exception is nerve
growth factor (NGF), which in addition to binding to an RTK also binds to
p75, a member of the TNFR family. Several ligands of this family bind to
more than one receptor (Fig. 7).
Figure 8. The integrin family of cell adhesion receptors. Integrins are composed of a heterodimer of
two transmembrane α and β subunits. The 18 α subunits and eight β subunits can form at least 24
heterodimeric complexes displaying distinct binding specificity and signaling capacity. (Adapted from
Hynes 2002.)
Figure 9. Integrin-based cell adhesion and signaling. Integrin engagement at cell-matrix adhesions or
interaction with a repertoire of cell-surface ligands results in the rapid assembly of a multifunctional
protein network (Geiger and Yamada 2011) containing many cytoskeletal, adaptor, and signaling
proteins. This contributes to cell adhesion and activates multiple signaling events. The adhesive
properties of integrins are, in turn, regulated by a variety of signaling pathways; this is known as inside-
out signaling.
Nuclear receptors (NRs) comprise a large superfamily of intracellular
transcription factors that can effect gene expression changes in response to a
wide variety of lipophilic ligands (p. 129 [Sever and Glass 2013]). In this
respect, they differ from most other receptors in that they do not reside in the
plasma membrane, which many of their ligands can cross. Typical NR
ligands include steroids, vitamins, dietary lipids, cholesterol metabolites, and
xenobiotics. Ligands for 24 NRs have been identified; the remaining family
members are considered orphan receptors (Mangelsdorf et al. 1995). There
are 48 NRs in humans (49 in mice and 18 in Drosophila). NRs are believed
to be only one of two transcription factor families that are metazoan specific
(King-Jones et al. 2005; Degnan et al. 2009). Because many are endocrine
hormone receptors, this suggests a potentially critical role in the evolution of
animal physiology. Hormonal NRs are typically classified by the type of
ligands to which they bind, whereas orphans have various different
abbreviations, indicating, for example, similarity to known receptors (e.g.,
estrogen-related receptor, ERR). Binding of their cognate ligands, in the most
simplistic scenario, either changes the cellular localization of the NR or its
interaction with repressive and activating cofactors in the nucleus. What
distinguishes NRs from other genres of receptors is the ability to mediate
transcription without intermediate signaling cascades. Instead, they directly
bind to target genes. Nuclear–cytoplasmic cycling of some NRs allows them
to have nongenomic effects and also to be targets of cytoplasmic signaling
cascades (Wehling 1997).
Figure 10. General structure and binding of nuclear receptors. (A) Domain organization of a typical
nuclear receptor. (B) Three modes of signal transduction: as monomers, heterodimers, and homodimers.
(From Sonoda et al. 2008: modified, with permission, © Elsevier.)
5.3.1 Homodimers
Type I and type III receptors bind to DNA as homodimers when bound to
their cognate ligands. Type I receptors include all steroid receptors, and their
response elements typically consist of two hexameric inverted (palindromic)
repeat half-sites, for example, AGAACA (the glucocorticoid response
element, GRE) or AGAACA (the estrogen response element, ERE). These
sequences can mediate either activation or repression in response to hormone.
The DBDs of steroid receptors are highly similar. Thus, the glucocorticoid
receptor (GR), the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), the androgen receptor
(AR), and the progesterone receptor (PR) all bind to overlapping response
elements. Type III receptors are similar to type I receptors except that they
recognize direct repeats instead of inverted repeats.
5.3.2 Heterodimers
RXR forms heterodimers with various nonsteroidal members of the NR
superfamily that do not bind to HREs efficiently by themselves. Depending
on the type of NR, HREs have specific conformations. Unlike the type I
receptors mentioned above, type II receptors form retinoid-acid-related-
receptor (RXR)-containing heterodimers that recognize direct repeats of
AGGTCA or similar sequences separated by specific spacing (Umesono et al.
1991). The RAR- and peroxisome proliferator-activated-receptor-γ (PPARγ)-
containing dimers RAR–RXR and PPARγ-RXR bind to a direct repeat (DR-
1), whereas the vitamin D3 receptor (VDR)-, TR-, and RAR-containing
dimers VDR–RXR, TR–RXR, and RAR–RXR bind to DR-3, DR-4, and DR-
5, respectively (Evans 2005).
5.3.3 Monomers
Type IV NRs bind to just one AGGTCA site as monomers in a ligand-
independent manner. These receptors use an extended DBD. There are
currently three known types of monomer-binding receptors, which are
defined by unique sequences 5′ to the consensus site. REV-ERBs tend to bind
to A(A/T)CTAGGTCA sequences, whereas ERRs bind to TNAAGGTCA
The ability to sense and adapt to changes in levels of diatomic gases (O2, NO,
and CO) is crucial for an organism’s survival. Like steroids, gases are able to
cross the plasma membrane and bind to intracellular targets. Signal
transduction via gases is predominantly mediated by heme-containing
proteins. Binding of the gas to the sensor proteins via the heme moiety can
affect their activity or stability. In the case of oxygen, the source of the gas is
the environment. In contrast, nitric oxide and carbon monoxide can be
generated in neighboring cells and function as bona fide paracrine signals
(through covalent and noncovalent binding).
Signaling mechanisms controlling cell growth, migration, survival, and
differentiation involve a plethora of different types of ligands, including
proteins, peptides, and certain lipids, that bind to receptors at the cell surface,
and steroids and gases that can pass across the plasma membrane and bind to
intracellular receptors. Recent work has provided immense insights into how
receptors are activated after ligand binding, how they initiate signaling inside
the cell, and how signaling is terminated. A striking feature is that regulated
dimerization or oligomerization is involved in the control of many plasma
membrane receptors and intracellular signaling molecules. Moreover, signal
transduction often occurs by the reversible formation of complexes and
specific translocations of signaling molecules, rather than by random
diffusion events. Another striking feature is that many different types of
posttranslational modifications of proteins are involved in the regulation of
the activity, stability, and subcellular localization of signaling molecules.
Furthermore, different signaling inputs converge on a few well-conserved
intracellular pathways, several of which link to transcriptional regulation of
gene programs.
Whereas the initial phase of signal transduction often involves
amplification mechanisms, such as inhibition of phosphatases in conjunction
with activation of tyrosine kinases, subsequent phases contain different
negative-feedback and termination mechanisms, acting at many different
levels. There is also extensive cross talk between different signaling
pathways. An important question that remains to be answered is exactly how
specificity of signaling is achieved. Moreover, most of our knowledge about
receptor signal transduction mechanisms comes from studies of cultured
cells; much more work is needed before we understand signal transduction at
the organismal level.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005900
1 Introduction
2 Posttranslational modifications and the regulation of protein activity
3 Regulation of protein–protein interaction
4 Regulation of protein location
5 Regulation of protein production
6 Protein degradation
7 Concluding remarks: What does the future hold?
Signal transduction processes are, in many respects, protein-driven events.
One common way to describe these circuits involves designating different
proteins, or modular domains within an individual protein, as “readers,”
“writers,” and “erasers.” In this model, catalytic domains that add specific
posttranslational modifications, such as kinases and acetyltransferases, are
called writers because they leave behind a physical mark on the proteins they
act on. Conversely, phosphatases, deacetylases, and other enzymes that
remove these modifications are examples of erasers. In addition to writers
and erasers, there are also domains that bind to specific posttranslationally
modified or unmodified sequences of amino acids. These types of domains
read the sequences produced by writers and erasers and are therefore called
readers. These readers can be involved in protein–protein interactions or
interactions between two parts of the same protein. Other readers can bind
directly to specific phospho- and neutral lipids, or to specific ions, such as
calcium, rather than to amino acid sequences. The targets of these readers,
writers, and erasers are often short amino acid sequences (typically three to
15 amino acids in length) called motifs. Using these modular parts, cells
dynamically encode information in response to environmental, chemical, or
developmental stimuli, to transduce the signal (see Table 1).
Figure 1. Allosteric modulation of protein activity. (A) Cartoon example of protein allostery. In this
example, an allosteric-regulation site exists in a region of the protein that is spatially distinct from the
active site. Modulation of the allosteric site (through posttranslational modification or the binding of a
ligand, cofactor, or protein) causes changes in the active site. Importantly, these changes can be either
activating or inhibiting. (B) Allosteric regulation of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). (Left panels) Two
surface views of the DHFR enzyme, highlighting the active site (bound to folate), cofactor binding site
(bound to NADPH), and residues involved in allosteric communication between the two sites (shown in
blue). (Middle panels) A view of a slice through the protein core. (Right panels) A cartoon
representation of the slice mappings shown in B. (Figure generously supplied by Rama Ranganathan
and Cell Press.)
Figure 2. Mechanism of kinase activation. (A) Conformational changes in protein kinases upon
phosphorylation enhance their catalytic ability. The structure of ERK2, an MAPK, is shown in its
inactive nonphosphorylated state and its active phosphorylated state. The carboxy-terminal lobes of the
kinase in both states (brown and red, respectively) have been superimposed. Note that following
phosphorylation of the activation loop, there is a marked rotation and reorientation of the amino-
terminal lobe (yellow and purple, respectively), bringing key catalytic residues, including those present
in a critical α helix, αC, into position, converting the kinase into an active state that can now
phosphorylate downstream substrates. (B) Close-up of phosphorylation-induced conformational
changes in the activation loop. Two key residues in the activation loop of MAPKs, a threonine and a
tyrosine residue, separated by a singe amino acid (i.e., a TXY motif) can interact with a network of
surrounding arginine residues only when they are in their phosphorylated states. These interactions not
only shift the positions of the threonine and tyrosine residues themselves (curved arrows), but drag the
entire activation loop into a new conformation that communicates with the rest of the protein to move
the entire amino-terminal lobe relative to the carboxy-terminal lobe, as shown in A.
Figure 4. The GTPase cycle. G proteins can be small (Ras-like) or large (heterotrimeric). Depicted here
is the nucleotide cycle for heterotrimeric G proteins, but the reactions are conceptually the same for
small GTPases. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) bind extracellular ligands, and transmit signals to
intracellular G proteins. The ligand-bound receptor functions as a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor
(GEF), causing the Gα subunit to exchange GDP for GTP. GTP-bound Gα no longer interacts with the
Gβγ dimer, and both entities are free to interact with downstream effector proteins. Gα controls the
duration of the signal because it is a GTPase, whose activity can be stimulated by GTPase-activating
proteins (GAPs) such as RGS proteins.
3.2 Motifs
For readers, writers, and erasers to function together to form signaling
networks, they must operate on common short amino acid sequence motifs in
their targets. Most such motifs contain ∼15 amino acid residues and include
particular amino acids that confer specificity to the writers and readers. For
example, CDKs and MAPKs (writers) preferentially phosphorylate S-P and
T-P motifs, whereas Polo-box domains (readers) preferentially recognize
motifs with the consensus S-pS/pT-P (where pS and pT are phosphorylated
serine and threonine). Similarly, many tyrosine kinases (writers)
phosphorylate tyrosine residues that are surrounded by acidic amino acid
residues, whereas SH2 domains (readers) prefer bind to phosphotyrosine-
containing sequences that contain specific patterns of hydrophobic or small
amino acid residues carboxy terminal to the phosphotyrosine. Some domains
can bind multiple sequence motifs or even bind ligands in multiple
orientations, as is the case for SH3 domains and SUMO-SIM domains.
This type of limited overlap between the sequences that the writer
domains generate and those that the reader domains recognize gives rise to
the specificity we observe in signaling networks. That is, only a small
fraction of the targets of any particular writer are then recognized by a
particular reader. As mentioned above, not all motifs require posttranslational
modification (e.g., proline-rich sequences are recognized by SH3 domains,
WW domains, and EVH1 domains, among others), which leads to
competition between a motif and multiple readers, depending on localization
and timing. In contrast, some types of domains appear to recognize specific
combinations of posttranslational modifications. Some bromo domains, for
example, recognize specific phosphoacetyl-methyl motif combinations on
histones (Filippakopoulos et al. 2012), whereas 14–3–3 proteins are able to
recognize both phosphorylated and phosphoacetylated histone sequences
(Macdonald et al. 2005). A similar effect can be achieved by adjacent
protein–protein interaction domains that bind to different posttranslational
modifications. These domains or domain combinations function as readers of
a more complex code, essentially creating “AND gates,” which can be used
to dictate greater specificity and control, or functioning as integrators of
signaling from multiple pathways.
Because most motifs are defined by the primary structure of a protein
rather than a complicated 3D arrangement of noncontiguous elements, it is a
relatively straightforward process to go motif hunting using protein
sequences and bioinformatics search tools (Obenauer et al. 2003; Obenauer
and Yaffe 2004). The small, “portable” nature of these motifs means that they
have frequently moved around within the sequences of evolutionarily related
proteins. Thus, a motif can sometimes be seen in one part of a protein
sequence in a human protein and in another part of the sequence in a yeast
4.1 Compartmentalization
A common theme in signaling is modulating compartmentalization of
signaling proteins within the cell. This can dictate access to substrates or
environmental conditions that promote activation. Subcellular compartments,
particularly organelles and cytoskeletal structures, can be very dynamic. In
these cases, signaling can promote the formation of these compartments. The
spatial segregation that organelles provide represents an important layer of
regulation, allowing similar proteins to execute different functions in
different environments. For example, mitotic kinases like Plk1, Aurora B,
and Never in mitosis kinase 2 (Nek2) achieve substrate specificity through
nonoverlapping subcellular localization, despite sharing partially overlapping
substrate selection motifs (Alexander et al. 2011).
Such compartmentalization can be achieved in different ways. Some
proteins have short sequences (also called signal peptides) that function as
localization signals, allowing transport to a particular organelle. The best
recognized of these are nuclear localization signals (NLSs), which typically
feature one or more short sequences of positively charged lysine or arginine
residues (Hung and Link 2011). Similar signals have been identified for
many other organelles, including mitochondria, lysosomes, and peroxisomes.
For proteins with localization sequences, regulated localization can be
achieved through posttranslational modifications or conformational changes
that mask or unmask a signal peptide. Type I nuclear receptors, for example,
are typically retained in the cytoplasm in an inactive complex with HSP90
(see p. 129 [Sever and Glass 2013]; Ch. 1 [Heldin et al. 2014]). Ligand
binding induces a conformational change, dissociation of HSP90,
homodimerization, and active transport into the nucleus, promoting DNA
binding and gene expression. Phosphorylation of the MAPK ERK on an SPS
motif within the kinase-insert region results in recognition by the nuclear
transport receptor importin β7 (Chuderland et al. 2008). Following nuclear
import, ERK then phosphorylates nuclear substrates, including transcription
factors Fos, Myc, and Elk1 (see p. 81 [Morrison 2012]). For proteins without
localization sequences, protein–protein interactions or association with lipid
membranes can localize them to specific subcellular regions.
Figure 6. Common forms of protein lipidation. The table highlights four lipid moieties that are
commonly used to modify proteins posttranslationally or (in the case of myristoylation)
cotranslationally. These modifications differ in terms of their consensus sequences, position of the
modification, hydrophobicity, and mechanism of regulation.
Every protein has a baseline level of expression resulting from the
equilibrium between its synthesis and breakdown (see Box 1). A control
mechanism widely used in signal transduction is regulation of the rate of
protein degradation. Many methods exist for regulated degradation of
proteins, including lysosomal and ER-mediated degradation (Ciechanover
2012), but the mechanism that seems to be most important in cell signaling is
ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation (Hershko and Ciechanover
1998). Ubiquitin is a small 76-amino-acid protein that can be conjugated
through its carboxyl terminus to lysine residues on target proteins or to other
ubiquitin molecules to form ubiquitin chains that serve as a marker for
various cellular functions. Through diversity in chain length or the orientation
of chain attachment, ubiquitin can regulate protein trafficking and protein–
protein interactions, or function as a signaling scaffold (Muratani and Tansey
2003; Kirkin and Dikic 2007; Walczak et al. 2012).
Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005918
Second Messengers
Second messengers are small molecules and ions that relay signals
received by cell-surface receptors to effector proteins. They include a
wide variety of chemical species and have diverse properties that allow
them to signal within membranes (e.g., hydrophobic molecules such as
lipids and lipid derivatives), within the cytosol (e.g., polar molecules
such as nucleotides and ions), or between the two (e.g., gases and free
radicals). Second messengers are typically present at low concentrations
in resting cells and can be rapidly produced or released when cells are
stimulated. The levels of second messengers are exquisitely controlled
temporally and spatially, and, during signaling, enzymatic reactions or
opening of ion channels ensure that they are highly amplified. These
messengers then diffuse rapidly from the source and bind to target
proteins to alter their properties (activity, localization, stability, etc.) to
propagate signaling.
1 Introduction
2 Cyclic nucleotides
3 Lipid and lipid-derived second messengers
4 Ions as intracellular messengers
5 Concluding remarks
Signals received by receptors at the cell surface or, in some cases, within the
cell are often relayed throughout the cell via generation of small, rapidly
diffusing molecules referred to as second messengers. These second
messengers broadcast the initial signal (the “first message”) that occurs when
a ligand binds to a specific cellular receptor (see Ch. 1 [Heldin et al. 2014]);
ligand binding alters the protein conformation of the receptor such that it
stimulates nearby effector proteins that catalyze the production or, in the case
of ions, release or influx of the second messenger. The second messenger
then diffuses rapidly to protein targets elsewhere within the cell, altering the
activities as a response to the new information received by the receptor.
Three classic second messenger pathways are illustrated in Figure 1: (1)
activation of adenylyl cyclase by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to
generate the cyclic nucleotide second messenger 3′-5′-cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP); (2) stimulation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)
by growth factor receptors to generate the lipid second messenger
phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3); and (3) activation of
phospholipase C by GPCRs to generate the two second messengers
membrane-bound messenger diacylglycerol (DAG) and soluble messenger
inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), which binds to receptors on subcellular
organelles to release calcium into the cytosol. The activation of multiple
effector pathways by a single plasma membrane receptor and the production
of multiple second messengers by each effector can generate a high degree of
amplification in signal transduction, and stimulate diverse, pleiotropic,
responses depending on the cell type.
Figure 1. Second messengers disseminate information received from cell-surface receptors. Indicated
are three examples of a receptor activating an effector to produce a second messenger that modulates
the activity of a target. On the right, binding of agonists to a GPCR (the receptor) can activate adenylyl
cyclase (the effector) to produce cAMP (the second messenger) to activate protein kinase A (PKA; the
target). On the left, binding of growth factors to a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK; the receptor) can
activate PI3K (the effector) to generate PIP3 (the second messenger), which activates Akt (the target).
In the center, binding of ligands to a GPCR (receptor) activates phospholipase C (PLC; the effector) to
clear the phospholipid PIP2, to generate two second messengers, DAG and IP3, which activate protein
kinase C (PKC; the target) and release calcium from intracellular stores, respectively.
Second messengers fall into four major classes: cyclic nucleotides, such
as cAMP and other soluble molecules that signal within the cytosol; lipid
messengers that signal within cell membranes; ions that signal within and
between cellular compartments; and gases and free radicals that can signal
throughout the cell and even to neighboring cells. Second messengers from
each of these classes bind to specific protein targets, altering their activity to
relay downstream signals. In many cases, these targets are enzymes whose
catalytic activity is modified by direct binding of the second messengers. The
activation of multiple target enzymes by a single second messenger molecule
further amplifies the signal.
Second messengers are not only produced in response to extracellular
stimuli, but also in response to stimuli from within the cell. Moreover, their
levels are exquisitely controlled by various homeostatic mechanisms to
ensure precision in cell signaling. Indeed, dysregulation of the second
messenger output in response to a particular agonist can result in cell/organ
dysfunction and disease. For example, chronic exposure to cAMP in the heart
results in an uncontrolled and asynchronous growth of cardiac muscle cells
called pathological hypertrophy. This early stage heart disease presents as a
thickening of the heart muscle (myocardium), a decrease in size of the
chamber of the heart, and changes in contractility. Because such prolonged
exposure to second messengers has deleterious effects, specific enzymes,
channels, and buffering proteins exist to rapidly remove second messengers,
either by metabolizing them or sequestering them away from target
2.1 cAMP and a Major Target, PKA
The “fight or flight” mechanism, more accurately referred to as the adrenal
response, prepares the body for situations of extreme stress. Release of the
hormone epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, from the adrenal gland into
the blood rapidly triggers vital cellular and physiological reactions that
prepare the body for intense physical activity. One of the most important
effects is the breakdown of glycogen into glucose to fuel muscles (Sutherland
Earl Sutherland first showed that epinephrine bound to cell-surface
receptors stimulates membrane-associated adenylyl cyclases to synthesize the
chemical messenger cAMP. Martin Rodbell and Alfred Gillman then
discovered that G-protein subunits are the intermediates that shuttle between
receptors and a family of eight adenylyl cyclase isoforms in the plasma
membrane. Each G protein is a trimer consisting of Gα, Gβ, and Gγ subunits.
The Gα subunits in the G proteins Gs and Gi are distinct and provide the
specificity for activation and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, respectively. Gs
and Gi can thus couple binding of ligands to GPCRs with either activation or
inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, depending on the receptor type. This increases
or reduces production of cAMP, which diffuses from the membrane into the
cell. Edwin Krebs and Edmund Fischer later found that a principal task of
cAMP is to stimulate protein phosphorylation (Fischer and Krebs 1955),
ultimately showing cAMP-dependent protein kinase (also known as protein
kinase A, PKA) is responsible (Krebs 1993; Gilman 1995).
PKA is the major target for cAMP (see Fig. 2) (p. 99 [Sassone-Corsi
2012]). It is a heterotetramer consisting of two regulatory (R) subunits that
maintain two catalytic (C) subunits in an inhibited state. When cAMP levels
are low, the PKA holoenzyme is dormant; however, when cAMP levels are
elevated, two molecules bind in a highly cooperative manner to each R
subunit, causing a conformational change that releases the active C subunits
(Taylor et al. 2012). In humans, four genes encode R subunits (RIα, RIβ,
RIIα, and RIIβ) and two genes encode C subunits (Cα and Cβ), combinations
of which are expressed in most, if not all, tissues. The C subunits of PKA
phosphorylate serine or threonine residues on target substrates, typically
within the sequence RRxS/TΦ, in which Φ is an aliphatic hydrophobic
residue or an aromatic residue (Kemp et al. 1976). Around 300–500 distinct
intracellular proteins can be phosphorylated by PKA in a typical cell. These
include glycogen phosphorylase as part of the fight-or-flight mechanism.
Active phosphorylase catalyzes the production of glucose 1-phosphate, a
metabolic intermediate that is ultimately converted into other modified sugars
that are used in various aspects of cellular catabolism and ATP production
(see Ch. 14 [Hardie 2012]). On its release from the PKA holoenzyme, the C
subunit of PKA can diffuse into the nucleus, where it phosphorylates
transcription factors such as the cAMP-response-element-binding protein.
cAMP can thereby ultimately influence transcriptional activation and
reprogramming of the cell.
Figure 2. (A) cAMP is the archetypical second messenger. Its levels increase rapidly following
receptor-mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase (AC), which catalyzes the conversion of adenosine
monophosphate (AMP) to cAMP. This small second messenger activates PKA at specific cellular
locations as a result of anchoring of PKA to A-kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs). In addition, cAMP
activates EPACs (exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP). (B) AC activity is controlled by the
opposing actions of the Gs and Gi proteins. The cAMP produced by AC activates PKA by binding to
its R subunit. This releases the C subunit. The signal can be terminated by the action of
phosphodiesterase (PDE) enzymes.
A key reason for using ions as messengers is speed of response. Cells use
energy to maintain gradients of ions across their lipid membranes. By
activating channels or transporters, cells can use the potential energy
established by the electrochemical gradient of an ion to rapidly generate a
cellular signal (Clapham 2007). Unlike other intracellular messengers, ionic
signals can be generated with no enzymatic steps. The speed of the response
depends on the rate at which the intracellular concentration of the ion changes
and the proximity of the ions to their cellular targets. For example, action
potentials cause the fast release of neurotransmitters at nerve terminals
because the cytosolic concentration of calcium ions just beneath the plasma
membrane increases from ∼100 nM to >10 µM within milliseconds (Berridge
2006). In situations in which ions have to diffuse further before encountering
their target(s), the response will be slower. As we discuss below, the ability
to generate different spatiotemporal patterns, such as waves and oscillations,
is another important advantage of ionic intracellular messengers.
4.1 Calcium
Calcium is an extremely versatile intracellular messenger that controls a wide
range of cellular functions by regulating the activity of a vast number of
target proteins. The cellular effects of calcium are mediated either by direct
binding to a target protein, or stimulation of calcium sensors that detect
changes in calcium concentration and then activate different downstream
responses (Berridge 2004). The multitude of sensors that mediate effects of
calcium can be characterized by the nature of their calcium-binding site(s).
The most common calcium-binding motifs are EF-hands and C2 domains.
Synaptotagmin and troponin C are examples of proteins with C2 domains and
EF-hands, respectively. Calcium sensors also act by recruiting a range of
intermediary effectors, such as calcium-sensitive enzymes—for example,
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaMKs), calcineurin (also
known as protein phosphatase 2B), myosin light chain kinase, and
phosphorylase kinase (see Ch. 13 [Kuo and Ehrlich 2014]).
4.6 Magnesium
Magnesium can also be considered an intracellular messenger because its
concentration can change dynamically in response to cellular stimulation (Li
et al. 2011). Given that magnesium binds to nucleotides, oligonucleotides,
and hundreds of enzymes, it is reasonable to conclude that it is an
intracellular messenger in its own right. Of its potential binding sites, ATP is
particularly important. Cellular processes typically use ATP complexed with
magnesium as an energy source. Moreover, magnesium has been shown to
cause prolonged inhibition of potassium channels in neurons following
muscarinic acetylcholine receptor activation (an effect that is not mimicked
by calcium), thereby regulating neuronal excitability (Chuang et al. 1997).
In addition, magnesium deserves consideration because it influences the
effects of calcium. Indeed, magnesium and calcium are typically thought to
have antagonistic actions. Magnesium frequently inhibits the transport and
cellular activities of calcium and can prevent pathological consequences of
increases in calcium levels (Romani 2013). Like calcium, there is an
electrochemical gradient of magnesium across the plasma membrane that can
serve as a reservoir for signal generation. The extracellular concentrations of
magnesium and calcium are similar (1.1–1.5 mM), and magnesium can also
act as a “calcimimetic” (e.g., by binding to the calcium-sensing receptor), a
GPCR that has pleiotropic actions. Within cells, the magnesium
concentration (0.3–1.5 mM) is several orders of magnitude higher than that of
calcium. It has been suggested that mitochondria might serve as a store of
magnesium and that magnesium can potentially regulate cellular respiration
(Wolf and Trapani 2012). Moreover, magnesium in the mitochondrial matrix
inhibits permeability transition pore (PTP) activation, an increase in the
leakiness of the inner mitochondrial membrane that allows solutes <1500 Da
to pass, and can precipitate mitochondrial swelling, apoptosis, and cell death.
Calcium promotes PTP, so magnesium acts as a counteracting antagonist.
Like calcium, magnesium has a plethora of transport pathways. Of these,
TRPM6 and TRPM7 (members of the TRP family) are relatively well
understood. TRPM6 is restricted to kidney tubules and the intestinal
epithelium, and plays an important role in magnesium (re)adsorption
(defective TRPM6 function leads to hypomagnesemia), whereas TRPM7 is
ubiquitously expressed in mammals. Both TRPM6 and TRPM7 are
“chanzymes”: ion channels that incorporate a kinase domain. Interestingly,
TRPM7 is regulated by PIP2, the source of the calcium-mobilizing messenger
IP3. Moreover, it binds to PLC, the enzyme that hydrolyses PIP2.
Consequently, hormonal stimulation of cells will lead to both a calcium
signal (via IP3 production) and a change in magnesium flux (via loss of PIP2-
mediated regulation of TRPM7) (Langeslag et al. 2007). MagT1 is also
believed to be a key cellular magnesium channel. Like TRPM6 and TRPM7,
it is located on the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. However, whereas
TRPM6 and TRPM7 allow both calcium and magnesium fluxes, it is believed
that MagT1 is a specific pathway for magnesium. Individuals bearing
mutations in the MAGT1 gene show high levels of Epstein–Barr virus
infection and a predisposition to lymphoma (Chaigne-Delalande et al. 2013).
Second messengers disseminate information received by cellular receptors
rapidly, faithfully, and efficaciously. They are small, nonprotein organic
molecules or ions that bind to specific target proteins, altering their activities
in a variety of ways that allow them to respond appropriately to the
information received by receptors.
A key advantage of second messengers over proteins is that, unlike
proteins, second messenger levels are controlled with rapid kinetics. Thus,
whereas it may take tens of minutes for the levels of a protein to increase
significantly, most second messenger levels increase within microseconds
(e.g., ions) to seconds (e.g., DAG), They are often produced from precursors
that are abundant in cells or released from stores that contain high
concentrations of the second messenger; so, their generation is not rate
limiting. Thus, when the appropriate signal is received, second messengers
are rapidly generated, diffuse rapidly, and alter target protein function highly
Second messengers vary significantly in size and chemical character:
from ions to hydrophilic molecules such as cyclic nucleotides to hydrophobic
molecules such as diacylglycerol. Moreover, the continuing discovery of new
second messengers is expanding the repertoire of molecules known to convey
information within the cell. Indeed, only very recently, cyclic guanosine
monophosphate-adenosine monophosphate was shown to be a second
messenger that is synthesized by the enzyme cGAS in response to HIV
infection and binds to and activates a protein called STING, leading to
induction of interferon (Wu et al. 2013). The ability to respond rapidly to
information thus depends on an expanding library of small molecules.
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1 Introduction
2 Emergent properties of signaling networks
3 Information flow and processing
4 Concluding remarks
Coordinated regulation of cellular processes allows cells to maintain
homeostatic balance and make decisions as to whether to divide, differentiate,
or die. In each case, the cell responds to chemical, mechanical, or electrical
signals, including hormones, neurotransmitters, mechanical stretch and shear,
and ion currents. The signaling pathways activate relay information to
effectors that alter subcellular processes, but they also process this
information. Information processing involves computation in which the
network of connected signaling molecules recognizes the amplitude and
duration of the incoming signal and produces an output signal of appropriate
strength and duration. This depends on the organization (topology) of the
signaling network and can change the relationship between inputs and
outputs. For example, the cell can limit responses to maintain homeostatic
balance or trigger a set of changes that takes it to another state (e.g.,
differentiation or division). The inherent computational abilities of signaling
networks thus provide the cell with decision-making capabilities.
In all signaling pathways, information flows through coupled biochemical
reactions and molecular interactions to the cellular machines that control its
output: biochemical (e.g., metabolic enzymes), mechanical (e.g., actin
cytoskeleton contractility), or electrical (e.g., ion channel activity in excitable
cells). Most of these pathways are part of wider networks (Weng et al. 1999).
Studying the flow of information (signal) through these networks (see Box 1)
is like studying traffic patterns, which depend on the population density of
the towns through which the highways pass, the state of local roads, the time
of the day, the weather, and other factors. Similarly, to understand the flow of
signals that regulate cellular machines, we must know how the pathways
involved are connected to form networks, the characteristics of the
connections, and how information is processed as it flows through these
interconnected pathways. Below, we discuss the organization of these
networks and explain how they can be modeled quantitatively.
Small G proteins, such as Ras, Rho, Rap, and Cdc42, are also major loci
of interconnectivity (Bar-Sagi and Hall 2000). Their guanine nucleotide
exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) can be
regulated by numerous mechanisms, including binding of ligands such as
cAMP, calcium, and diacylglycerol (DAG), or posttranslational
modifications such as phosphorylation and acylation. Multiple receptors feed
into these GTPase regulators, and the small G proteins themselves can
modulate the activity of multiple signaling pathways by targeting several
different effectors (Fig. 1C).
Protein kinases and protein phosphatases are additional loci at which
multiple signaling pathways interact. Typically, a single protein kinase or
phosphatase can be activated by multiple receptors and has multiple
substrates. Together, all these components make the signaling pathways
within a cell extensively interconnected.
Most mammalian proteins are present as multiple isoforms. These can
arise from alternative splicing of a single mRNA or use of alternative
initiation codons, or they can be products of different genes altogether.
Typically, these isoforms have different characteristics that alter both
upstream and downstream interactions (connectivity) and/or their
intracellular localization. This further increases connectivity. An early
example is adenylyl cyclases (AC1-AC8), which allow signals from multiple
types of receptors and ion channels to feed into the cAMP pathway (Pieroni
et al. 1993; p. 99 [Sassone-Corsi 2012]). These enzymes can be activated or
inhibited by signals relayed via different types of receptors (Fig. 2), thus
enabling cAMP levels to provide an integrated measure of the information
coming into the cell from various sources. cAMP in turn works through
multiple effectors (e.g., protein kinase A, the EPAC Rap-GEF, and the cyclic-
nucleotide-gated channels) to regulate numerous cellular targets to evoke
physiological responses.
Figure 2. Different adenylyl cyclase (AC) isoforms are activated by multiple different upstream
signals. This allows the second messenger cAMP to provide an integrated measure of information from
several different sources.
1. Network Models
2. Dynamical Models
2.1 Ultrasensitivity
Sometimes a stimulus, such as receptor activation, can produce a switchlike
response in a downstream signaling component. In such a system, at a certain
point called the threshold, a small change in the ligand/receptor can cause a
large change in the activity of a downstream effector. Such responses are
called ultrasensitive. This was first observed with coupled enzymes switching
between activity states (Goldbeter and Koshland 1981). Subsequently, similar
ultrasensitivity has been observed in control of the cell cycle by the ERK
pathway, where small changes in stimulus cause large changes in ERK
activity (Ferrell and Machleder 1998). Ultrasensitivity can be produced by
several mechanisms such as cooperativity, multistep regulation as seen in the
ERK pathway, and by changing the levels of activators to inhibitors of a
signaling component such as a GTPase (Lipshtat et al. 2010).
2.2 Bistability
The ability of positive-feedback loops like the one involving PKC, ERK, and
PLA2 (Fig. 3C) to function as switches is an emergent property called
bistability. ODE-based models (see Box 2) of the ERK-PLA2-PKC pathway
(Bhalla and Iyengar 1999) allow one to plot the activity of ERK as a function
of protein kinase C activity and vice versa (Fig. 4). The two curves intersect
three times. In this system, if the initial stimulus is above the threshold level
(the middle intersection point) needed to increase activity of either protein
kinase C or ERK, the system will move from the lower intersection point
(basal state) to the upper intersection point (active state) for a prolonged
period. The upper and lower intersection points represent the two stable
states. The middle intersection point represents the level above which the
initial stimulus engages the feedback loop and moves the system to the
activated equilibrium state. Otherwise, when the stimulus is withdrawn the
system will revert to its basal equilibrium state. The computational modeling
analysis shows that the connectivity alone is insufficient for the switching
behavior. The concentrations of the signaling components and the reaction
rates are critical in ensuring that a feedback loop with this topology functions
as a bistable switch.
Figure 4. Activity states of components in a positive-feedback loop can be plotted as functions of each
other to study the characteristics of a bistable system that switches from an inactive basal state (state 1)
to an active state (state 2) once a threshold is reached. For example, when the concentration of active
MAPK or PKC is above the threshold levels upon growth factor receptor activation, the system moves
to state 2. The plot is obtained by computational modeling of the positive-feedback loop in Figure 3C,
and recording the steady-L-state levels of active PKC for a given fixed concentration of active MAPK
(black dashed line) upon stimulation, and vice versa (red solid line).
Signaling networks in cells produce outputs that are manifested as decisions
to perform physiological functions in response to biochemical, electrical, or
mechanical stimuli. These outputs are most often controlled by protein
kinases in the cytoplasm and near the plasma membrane. These protein
kinases phosphorylate and regulate metabolic enzymes, channels,
transporters, and components of the cytoskeletal machinery. In the nucleus,
the targets are typically transcription factors and proteins that control
chromosomal organization and dynamics. The outputs, whether they are
production of glucose from glycogen by liver cells in response to
epinephrine, firing of neurons in response to neurotransmitters, or hormone-
driven changes in gene expression of ovarian cells, reflect both the
characteristics (amplitude and duration) of the external signals and
information processing within signaling networks. The ability to balance
these allows the cell to respond to varying stimuli and return to homeostatic
When signaling components are inappropriately activated or inactivated
(e.g., by mutations), however, the information-processing capability of the
networks is also altered. This may lead to sustained changes in gene
expression that push the cell into a different state, for example, an enhanced
rate of proliferation, which is often detrimental and can cause diseases such
as cancer (Ch. 21 [Sever and Brugge 2014]). Similarly, bacterial toxins can
cause disease by altering components within signaling networks (Ch. 20
[Alto and Orth 2012]). Both examples show how critical it is for us to
understand the organization and information-processing capability of
signaling networks.
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MAP Kinase Pathways
Deborah K. Morrison
Laboratory of Cell and Developmental Signaling, National Cancer Institute,
Frederick, Maryland 21702
The MAP kinases can be grouped into three main families. In mammals,
these are ERKs (extracellular-signal-regulated kinases), JNKs (Jun amino-
terminal kinases), and p38/SAPKs (stress-activated protein kinases). ERK
family members possess a TEY motif in the activation segment and can be
subdivided into two groups: the classic ERKs that consist mainly of a kinase
domain (ERK1 and ERK2) and the larger ERKs (such as ERK5) that contain
a much more extended sequence carboxy-terminal to their kinase domain
(Zhang and Dong 2007). The classic ERK1/2 module (Fig. 2) responds
primarily to growth factors and mitogens to induce cell growth and
differentiation (McKay and Morrison 2007; Shaul and Seger 2007).
Important upstream regulators of this module include cell surface receptors,
such as receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), G-protein-coupled receptors
(GPCRs), and integrins, as well as the small GTPases Ras and Rap.
MAPKKs for the classic ERK1/2 module are MEK1 and MEK2, and the
MAPKKKs include members of the Raf family, Mos, and Tpl2.
Figure 2. The ERK MAPK pathway.
JNK family members contain a TPY motif in the activation segment and
include JNK1, JNK2, and JNK3. The JNK module (Fig. 3) is activated by
environmental stresses (ionizing radiation, heat, oxidative stress, and DNA
damage) and inflammatory cytokines, as well as growth factors, and
signaling to the JNK module often involves the Rho family GTPases Cdc42
and Rac (Johnson and Nakamura 2007). The JNK module plays an important
role in apoptosis, inflammation, cytokine production, and metabolism
(Dhanasekaran and Reddy 2008; Huang et al. 2009; Rincon and Davis 2009).
MAPKKs for the JNK module are MKK4 and MKK7, and the MAPKKKs
include MEKK1 and MEKK4, MLK2 and MLK3, ASK1, TAK1, and Tpl2.
For all of the MAPK modules, specific scaffold proteins (Good et al.
2011) have been identified that dock at least two of the core kinases of the
module. These scaffolds contribute to MAPK signaling by increasing the
local concentration of the components, providing spatial temporal regulation
of cascade activation, and/or localizing the module to specific cellular sites or
substrates. Scaffold proteins involved in MAPK cascade signaling include
KSR and MP1 for the ERK module; JIP1, JIP2, JIP3, JIP4, and POSH for the
JNK module; and JIP2, JIP4, and OSM for the p38 module (Dhanasekaran et
al. 2007).
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The PI3K-PKB/Akt Pathway
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Calcium Signaling
Martin D. Bootman
The Babraham Institute Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge CB22 3AT,
United Kingdom
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The Cyclic AMP Pathway
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Wnt Signaling
Roel Nusse
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University Medical Center,
Stanford, California 94305-5428
Members of the Wnt family are secreted ligands that regulate numerous
developmental pathways (Cadigan and Peifer 2009; Van Amerongen and
Nusse 2009; and see Ch. 10 [Perrimon et al. 2013]). Wnt binds to members of
the Frizzled family, activating a canonical signaling pathway that targets
members of the LEF/TCF transcription factor family (Fig. 1). These control
gene expression programs that regulate cell fate and morphogenesis (Van
Amerongen and Nusse 2009). Wnt also activates so-called non-canonical
pathways (Fig. 2), which regulate planar cell polarity by stimulating
cytoskeletal reorganization and can also lead to calcium mobilization
(Veeman et al. 2003).
Figure 1. Canonical Wnt signaling.
Figure 2. Non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways.
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Hedgehog Signaling
Philip W. Ingham
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore 138673
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Notch Signaling
Raphael Kopan
Department of Developmental Biology, and Department of Medicine
(Division of Dermatology), Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
The Notch pathway regulates cell proliferation, cell fate, differentiation, and
cell death in all metazoans. Notch itself is a cell-surface receptor that
transduces short-range signals by interacting with transmembrane ligands
such as Delta (termed Delta-like in humans) and Serrate (termed Jagged in
humans) on neighboring cells (Fig. 1). Some soluble ligands have also been
identified in Caenorhabditis elegans, but these bind to Notch together with
transmembrane adaptors (Komatsu et al. 2008). Ligand binding leads to
cleavage and release of the Notch intracellular domain (NICD), which then
travels to the nucleus to regulate transcriptional complexes containing the
DNA-binding protein CBF1/RBPjk/Su(H)/Lag1 (CSL).
Figure 1. Notch signaling (simplified view).
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Signaling by the TGFβ Superfamily
Jeffrey L. Wrana
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1X5, Canada
Attisano L, Wrana JL. 2002. Signal transduction by the TGF-β superfamily. Science 296: 1646–1647.
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development. Cell 142: 144–157.
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The JAK/STAT Pathway
Douglas A. Harrison
Department of Biology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506
In mammals, there are four members of the JAK family and seven
STATs. Different JAKs and STATs are recruited based on their tissue
specificity and the receptors engaged in the signaling event (Schindler and
Plumlee 2008). In invertebrates, the Drosophila JAK/STAT pathway has
been extensively studied and comprises only one JAK and one STAT
(Arbouzova and Zeidler 2006). Although the canonical JAK/STAT pathway
is simple and direct, pathway components regulate or are regulated by
members of other signaling pathways, including those involving the ERK
MAP kinase, PI 3-kinase (PI3K), and others. Furthermore, non-canonical
JAK and STAT activities influence the global transcriptional state through
modification of chromatin structure (Li 2008; Dawson et al. 2009).
Human JAK mutations cause numerous diseases, including severe
combined immune deficiency, hyperIgE syndrome, certain leukemias,
polycythemia vera, and other myeloproliferative disorders (Jatiani et al.
2010). Because of the causative role in these diseases and their central
significance in immune response, JAKs have become attractive targets for
development of therapeutics for a variety of hematopoietic and immune
system disorders (Pesu et al. 2008; Haan et al. 2010). Owing to the pleiotropy
of the JAK/STAT pathway, agents that selectively perturb specific family
members are being sought.
Figures adapted by kind permission of Cell Signaling Technology (
Arbouzova NI, Zeidler MP. 2006. JAK/STAT signalling in Drosophila: Insights into conserved
regulatory and cellular functions. Development 133: 2605–2616.
Darnell JE Jr, Kerr IM, Stark GR. 1994. Jak-STAT pathways and transcriptional activation in response
to IFNs and other extracellular signaling proteins. Science 264: 1415–1421.
Dawson MA, Bannister AJ, Gottgens B, Foster SD, Bartke T, Green AR, Kouzarides T. 2009. JAK2
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Ghoreschi K, Laurence A, O’Shea JJ. 2009. Janus kinases in immune cell signaling. Immunol Rev 228:
Haan C, Behrmann I, Haan S. 2010. Perspectives for the use of structural information and chemical
genetics to develop inhibitors of Janus kinases. J Cell Mol Med 14: 504–527.
Jatiani SS, Baker SJ, Silverman LR, Reddy EP. 2010. JAK/STAT pathways in cytokine signaling and
myeloproliferative disorders: Approaches for targeted therapies. Genes Cancer 1: 979–993.
Li WX. 2008. Canonical and non-canonical JAK-STAT signaling. Trends Cell Biol 18: 545–551.
Pesu M, Laurence A, Kishore N, Zwillich SH, Chan G, O’Shea JJ. 2008. Therapeutic targeting of Janus
kinases. Immunol Rev 223: 132–142.
Schindler C, Plumlee C. 2008. Inteferons pen the JAK-STAT pathway. Semin Cell Dev Biol 19: 311–
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Toll-Like Receptor Signaling
*Reference is in this book.
Barton GM, Kagan JC. 2009. A cell biological view of Toll-like receptor function: Regulation through
compartmentalization. Nat Rev Immunol 9: 535–542.
Blasius AL, Beutler B. 2010. Intracellular Toll-like receptors. Immunity 32: 305–315.
Casanova JL, Abel L, Quintana-Murci L. 2011. Human TLRs and IL-1Rs in host defense: Natural
insights from evolutionary, epidemiological, and clinical genetics. Annu Rev Immunol 29: 447–491.
Flannery S, Bowie AG. 2010. The interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinases: Critical regulators of
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Green NM, Marshak-Rothstein A. 2011. Toll-like receptor driven B cell activation in the induction of
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mode of regulation. Curr Opin Immunol 22: 20–27.
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* Newton K, Dixit VM. 2012. Signaling in innate immunity and inflammation. Cold Spring Harb
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Ngo VN, Young RM, Schmitz R, Jhavar S, Xiao W, Lim KH, Kohlhammer H, Xu W, Yang Y, Zhao
H, et al. 2011. Oncogenically active MYD88 mutations in human lymphoma. Nature 470: 115–119.
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Immunoreceptor Signaling
Lawrence E. Samelson
Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4256
T cells and B cells are stimulated when antigens bind to T-cell receptors
(TCRs) and B-cell receptors (BCRs) in their respective plasma membranes
(Fig. 1). The antigens presented to T cells are in the form of short peptides
that have been processed in infected cells and are displayed on the surface
bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II
molecules. BCRs, in contrast, recognize free antigens in their native form
present in the extracellular milieu or on cell surfaces.
Figure 1. Early events in T cell and B cell receptor signaling.
Despite superficial differences, the responses in the two cell types are
remarkably similar. For both, signaling begins with engagement of a complex
receptor composed of antigen receptor subunits with immunoglobulin or
immunoglobulin-like domains. Both receptors also contain non-polymorphic
subunits, the TCRζ chain and CD3 subunits (γ, δ, and ε) for the TCR, and the
α and β chains of the BCR (Reth 1995; Wucherpfennig et al. 2010).
Coreceptors are important in both T cells (CD4 for helper T cells; CD8 for
cytotoxic T cells) and B cells (CD19). For both receptors, members of two
protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) families, Src (Lck for T cells and Lyn for B
cells) and Syk (Zap-70 for T cells and Syk for B cells) (Bradshaw 2010; Liu
et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2010), are critical signaling molecules closely
associated with the receptors and coreceptors. Activation of tyrosine kinases
is the first biochemical change that follows receptor engagement.
Following antigen engagement, activated tyrosine kinases phosphorylate
several adapter proteins and signaling enzymes, which then interact. For T
cells, this is exemplified by the phosphorylation of the adapters LAT and
SLP-76 (Fig. 2), the formation of multiprotein complexes nucleated at these
adapters, and the inclusion of such enzymes as phospholipase Cγ1 (PLCγ1)
and VAV in the protein assemblies (Balagopalan et al. 2010; Jordan and
Koretzky 2010). Activation of an additional protein tyrosine kinase, Itk in T
cells and Btk in B cells, occurs in these complexes (Andreotti et al. 2010).
Similarly in B-cells, phosphorylation of BLNK and CD19 leads to
recruitment of adapters and signaling enzymes. In both cell types these events
occur at the plasma membrane, where critical lipid substrates of enzymes
such as PLCγ1 and PI3 kinase (PI3K) are located.
Figure 2. T cell receptor signaling.
Andreotti AH, Schwartzberg PL, Joseph RE, Berg LJ. 2010. T-cell signaling regulated by the Tec
family kinase, Itk. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2: a002287.
Balagopalan L, Coussens NP, Sherman E, Samelson LE, Sommers CL. 2010. The LAT story: A tale of
cooperativity, coordination, and choreography. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2: a005512.
Bradshaw JM. 2010. The Src, Syk, and Tec family kinases: Distinct types of molecular switches. Cell
Signal 22: 1175–1184.
Finlay D, Cantrell D. 2010. The coordination of T-cell function by serine/threonine kinases. Cold
Spring Harb Perspect Biol 3: a002261.
Huang YH, Sauer K. 2010. Lipid signaling in T-cell development and function. Cold Spring Harb
Perspect Biol 2: a002428.
Jordan MS, Koretzky GA. 2010. Coordination of receptor signaling in multiple hematopoietic cell
lineages by the adaptor protein SLP-76. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2: a002501.
Liu W, Sohn HW, Tolar P, Pierce SK. 2010. It’s all about change: The antigen-driven initiation of B-
cell receptor signaling. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2: a002295.
Reth M. 1995. The B-cell antigen receptor complex and co-receptors. Immunol Today 16: 310–313.
Thome M, Charton JE, Pelzer C, Hailfinger S. 2010. Antigen receptor signaling to NF-κB via
CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2: a003044.
Wang H, Kadlecek TA, Au-Yeung BB, Goodfellow HE, Hsu LY, Freedman TS, Weiss A. 2010. ZAP-
70: An essential kinase in T-cell signaling. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2: a002279.
Wucherpfennig KW, Gagnon E, Call MJ, Huseby ES, Call ME. 2010. Structural biology of the T-cell
receptor: Insights into receptor assembly, ligand recognition, and initiation of signaling. Cold
Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2: a005140.
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Signaling by Nuclear Receptors
Studies of the salivary glands of insect larva in the 1960s first indicated
that steroid hormones regulate transcription. Subsequent work showed that
estrogen can selectively activate the genes encoding egg-white and yolk
proteins, leading to the cloning of the estrogen, glucocorticoid, and thyroid
hormone receptors in the 1980s (Hollenberg et al. 1985; Green et al. 1986;
Miesfeld et al. 1986; Sap et al. 1986; Weinberger et al. 1986). We now know
that 48 nuclear receptors are encoded in the human genome (Mangelsdorf et
al. 1995). In many cases, ligands for these have been identified, but several
“orphan receptors” remain (Burris et al. 2012). Whether all of these have
bona fide ligands is unclear, because some nuclear receptors can act in the
absence of a ligand (Table 1).
Table 1. Common nuclear receptors and their ligands
Receptor Abbreviation Ligand
Androgen receptor AR Testosterone
Estrogen receptor ER Estrogen
Estrogen-related receptor ERR ?
Glucocorticoid receptor GR Cortisol
Mineralocorticoid receptor MR Aldosterone
Progesterone receptor PR Progesterone
Retinoic acid receptor RAR Retinoic acid
Retinoid orphan receptor ROR ?
Retinoic acid-related receptor RXR Rexinoids
Liver X receptor LXR Oxysterols
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ PPARγ Fatty acid metabolites
Thyroid hormone receptor TR Thyroid hormone
Vitamin D3 receptor VDR Vitamin D3
Berrabah W, Aumercier P, Lefebvre P, Staels B. 2011. Control of nuclear receptor activities in
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retinoid X receptor, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α in mouse liver reveals
extensive sharing of binding sites. Mol Cell Biol 32: 852–867.
Bulynko YA, O’Malley BW. 2011. Nuclear receptor coactivators: Structural and functional
biochemistry. Biochemistry 50: 313–328.
Burris TP, Busby SA, Griffin PR. 2012. Targeting orphan nuclear receptors for treatment of metabolic
diseases and autoimmunity. Chem Biol 19: 51–59.
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The Hippo Pathway
Hippo (HPO) MST1 and MST2
Salvador (SAV) SAV1
Warts (WTS) LATS1 and LATS2
Yorkie (YKI) YAP and TAZ
Scalloped (SD) TEAD1—TEAD4
Boggiano JC, Vanderzalm PJ, Fehon RG. 2011. Tao-1 phosphorylates Hippo/MST kinases to regulate
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and stem cell self-renewal. Nat Cell Biol 13: 877–883.
Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011288
1 Introduction
2 Transcriptional regulation of G1 cyclins by mitogenic signals
3 Transcriptional regulation of CDK inhibitors
4 Control of G1 cyclins by the ubiquitin–proteasome system
5 Control of G1 CDK inhibitors by the ubiquitin–proteasome system
6 Concluding remarks
Control of cell proliferation generally occurs during the first gap phase (G1)
of the eukaryotic cell division cycle (see Box 1). Multiple signals, ranging
from growth factors to DNA damage to developmental cues, influence the
decision to enter S phase, when DNA is replicated (Fig. 1). Hence, G1 phase
cell cycle control is intrinsically linked with a diverse set of pathways
controlling differentiation, stem and progenitor cell quiescence, senescence,
and responses to a variety of stresses. The decision to enter S phase from G1
represents a point of no return that, in the absence of stress such as DNA
damage, commits cells to complete the cell cycle and divide, and is therefore
tightly controlled. This decision is made at what is called the “restriction
point” in mammalian cells and “START” in yeast, after which cells become
largely refractory to extracellular signals and will complete S phase and
proceed through a second gap phase (G2 phase) and then mitosis. In
multicellular organisms, most differentiated cells exit the active cell cycle
during G1 phase and enter G0 phase, in which they remain metabolically
active for days or even years, performing specialized functions. Postmitotic
nerve and skeletal muscle cells provide good examples. Some G0 cells, such
as quiescent T cells, can be stimulated by mitogenic signals to reenter the cell
Figure 1. G1 cell cycle control by the pRB pathway. Many cellular signaling events are intrinsically
linked to G1 phase of the cell cycle, which is controlled by the RB pathway. Signaling to the RB
pathway, and thus G1 control by different cellular processes, is achieved mainly through the regulation
of cyclins and CDK inhibitors (CKIs). In mammalian cells, mitogenic signals first induce the synthesis
of D-type cyclins, leading to activation of cyclin-D-dependent CDK4 and CDK6, and then induce E-
type cyclins to activate CDK2. Cyclin-D–CDK4/6 and cyclin-E–CDK2 cooperatively phosphorylate
RB-family proteins, derepressing E2F to allow transcription of E2F-target genes, thereby promoting the
G1/S transition. The INK4 proteins specifically inhibit CDK4 and CDK6, whereas the p21 (CIP/KIP)
family of CKIs inhibits multiple CDKs. Although the schematic illustration is based on mammalian
cells, the regulation of both G1 cyclins and CDK inhibitors is evolutionarily conserved.
The classical cell cycle comprises four phases—G1, S, G2, and M—and
is controlled by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and their cyclin
partners. The commitment to divide occurs in G1 phase, which is
controlled by cyclin-D–CDK4/6 and cyclin-E–CDK2 at the so-called
G1/S transition. DNA is then replicated in S phase. This is followed by a
second gap phase, G2, at the end of which cyclin-B–CDK1 controls
entry into M phase (mitosis), when the cell divides. Cells can exit the
cell cycle in G1 phase and enter G0 phase (quiescence). In some cases,
they can reenter the cell cycle and begin dividing again (see main text).
Figure 4. Targeting ubiquitin-dependent degradation of CDK inhibitors. The p21 family of CKIs is
regulated by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. In many cases, this involves phosphorylation of these
CKIs. Phosphorylated CKIs are recognized by F-box proteins such as Cdc4 in budding yeast or SKP2
in human cells, which, through the SKP1 linker protein, recruits the CKI substrate to the SCF E3 ligase
for ubiquitylation.
Precise cell cycle regulation is an essential aspect of normal development and
adult homeostasis. To achieve this, cells in G1 phase integrate inputs from
major cellular signaling pathways to decide whether or not to enter S phase,
which is an irreversible cell cycle step. This integration of signals is
transformed into an appropriate level of CDK activity in large part via
changes in the level of cyclins and CKIs achieved through the regulation of
both transcription and protein stability. One challenge for the future is to
understand how multiple signaling pathways cooperate to precisely regulate
cyclin and CKI activity in various cell types, particularly stem cells, in intact
tissues. Another is to use this information to develop novel therapeutics for
the treatment of cancer, which arises in part because of disruptions to
signaling pathways that affect cell cycle regulation.
We thank Alan Diehl, Andrew Koff, Kun-Liang Guan, Michele Pagano, DJ
Pan, and Xin-Hai Pei for discussions, and Tadashi Nakagawa and Ruiting Lin
for helping with figure preparation.
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5CDKs are a family of kinases that regulate the cell cycle and that require binding to noncatalytic
partner proteins termed cyclins for activity.
6Linked to p16, both structurally in the genome and through regulation by Polycomb group proteins, is
the product of the ARF tumor suppressor gene, which is transcribed from an alternative promoter and
translated in an alternative reading frame from p16. ARF does not share any amino acid sequence
similarity with INK4 proteins and instead acts as a p53 activator by binding to and inhibiting the
activity of MDM2, the principle E3 ubiquitin ligase for and negative regulator of p53. As a result, any
signal, such as oncogenic stimulation, that induces the expression of ARF will stabilize p53 and
activate p21, leading to G1 cell cycle arrest.
Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a008904
1 Introduction
2 CDK1 and entry into mitosis
3 Regulation of the G2/M transition
4 Checkpoint regulation of the G2/M transition
5 The DNA damage and replication checkpoints
6 The DNA damage checkpoint triggered by DSBs
7 The DNA replication checkpoint triggered by stalled replication forks
8 Chk1 and Chk2 target Cdc25
9 The MAPK-dependent stress checkpoint
10 Resolution of G2 checkpoint arrests
11 Regulation of mitosis
12 Dissecting the network
13 Anaphase entry
14 Checkpoint regulation of mitosis
15 Regulation of cytokinesis
16 Concluding remarks
The cell cycle (see Fig. 1) consists of DNA synthesis (S) and mitosis (M)
phases separated by gap phases in the order G1–S–G2–M (Murray and Hunt
1993; Nurse 2000; Morgan 2006). Cell division involves two connected
processes triggered at the end of G2 phase: mitosis itself (segregation of the
chromosomes, which duplicate in S phase) and cytokinesis (division of the
cell, per se). Mitosis can be subdivided into six distinct phases (see Box 1):
(1) prophase, in which the spindle begins to assemble in the cytoplasm and
chromosomes begin to condense in the nucleus; (2) prometaphase, in which
the nuclear envelope breaks down and chromosomes attach to the spindle; (3)
metaphase, in which chromosomes align at the spindle midzone; (4) anaphase
A, in which chromosomes move to the centrosomes, which form the spindle
poles; (5) anaphase B, in which the spindle elongates; and (6) telophase, in
which the nuclear envelope reforms around the new daughter nuclei. Mitosis
in yeasts differs in that the nuclear envelope does not break down; instead the
spindle-pole body, the yeast equivalent of the centrosome, spans the nuclear
envelope, allowing the spindle to access both the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Signals during telophase trigger cytokinesis, which separates the daughter
nuclei into two daughter cells.
Figure 1. The major events of the cell cycle. The major events of the cell cycle are regulated by
successive waves of kinase and ubiquitin ligase activity. G1-cyclin–CDK activity is required to initiate
the cell cycle and activate B-type-cyclin–CDK activity. Low levels of B-type-cyclin–CDK activity are
sufficient to trigger S phase, but tyrosine phosphorylation by Wee1 prevents full activation, preventing
premature mitosis. Full CDK activation triggers mitosis and activates APC, which triggers anaphase
and feeds back to inactivate CDK activity. Inactivation of CDK allows exit from mitosis and the
reestablishment of interphase chromosome and nuclear structure in G1 phase. See Box 1 for description
of the stages of mitosis.
G2 checkpoint arrests are generally reversible. Once the problem is resolved,
the checkpoint is inactivated and the cell can proceed with mitosis. This
inactivation appears to be a passive process in which resolution of the
checkpoint-initiating event (e.g., the repair of the DNA damage) removes the
signal that activates the checkpoint kinases, allowing constitutive
phosphatases to remove the phosphates from their substrates and reset the
system. In situations in which the problem cannot be resolved, cells can adapt
to the checkpoint signal and enter mitosis in the presence of ongoing
checkpoint signaling. Such adaptation generally appears to be a failure of
checkpoint function, as opposed to a regulated attenuation of checkpoint
signaling (Harrison and Haber 2006). As cells continue to grow during a
checkpoint arrest, it is likely that the mitosis-promoting activities that link the
onset of mitosis to attainment of a sufficient cell size eventually overcome
mitosis-inhibiting activity of the checkpoint. Alternatively, in metazoans,
transcriptional circuits involving p53 and p21 can be activated to drive cells
into senescence or apoptosis in response to prolonged G2 arrest (Kastan and
Bartek 2004). A failure to activate these circuits can lead to premature
resumption of cell division in the presence of DNA damage (Bunz et al.
If the G2 checkpoints are not triggered, cells fully activate CDK1 and proceed
through the G2/M transition into mitosis. This decision to commit to cell
division is implemented by signaling pathways that regulate the various
processes of cell division, in particular mitosis and cytokinesis. They also
regulate organelles and other cytoplasmic components in ways that are less
well understood.
The transition from G2 phase to mitosis involves reorganization of the
nucleus, the condensation of the chromosomes, and the formation of the
mitotic spindle (see Box 1 and Fig. 3). These events are triggered by CDK1
and culminate with the mitotic chromosomes aligned on the metaphase plate
(Morgan 2006). How it coordinates these processes is a long-standing
question in the field.
Once chromosomes are properly aligned on the metaphase plate, anaphase is
triggered via the activation of the APC (Fig. 3) (Morgan 2006). The APC is a
large multisubunit E3 ubiquitin ligase that regulates the stability of a range of
mitotic proteins by targeting them for ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. It is
regulated by the binding of one of two substrate-selectivity subunits: Cdc20
at the metaphase/anaphase transition and Cdh1 during telophase and into G1
phase (Pesin and Orr-Weaver 2008). APC–Cdc20 promotes the degradation
of several key substrates that trigger the irreversible transition from
metaphase to anaphase and the subsequent exit from mitosis. One key
substrate is securin, a stoichiometric inhibitor of separase, the protease that
cleaves the cohesin complexes that hold sister chromatids together during
metaphase. Another key substrate is cyclin B, degradation of which
inactivates CDK1. In addition, APC activation leads to the indirect activation
of the Cdc14 phosphatase, which dephosphorylates many CDK1 targets,
further enforcing the inactivation of CDK1 (Clifford et al. 2008). PP1 and
PP2A also play a role (Wurzenberger and Gerlich 2011).
In yeasts, there appears to be an intrinsic delay between the activation of
CDK1 and the activation of APC, which usually gives the cells enough time
to set up the metaphase plate. APC is activated by CDK1 phosphorylation
(Kraft et al. 2003). The lag may give chromosomes adequate time to align. If
not, a checkpoint signal (described below) prevents APC activation until the
problem is resolved. In most metazoans, metaphase is rarely achieved in
time, presumably because the metazoan spindle is larger and more
complicated, and the checkpoint is activated in most cell cycles to delay
anaphase until the chromosomes are properly aligned. In effect, the regulation
of anaphase has gone from being a quality-control checkpoint in yeast to
being a central signaling pathway in metazoans that triggers anaphase upon
the successful completion of metaphase.
The proper coordination of cytokinesis with mitosis is essential to ensure
faithful chromosome segregation and avoid aneuploidy or polyploidy. This
coordination requires the septation initiation network (SIN) in fission yeast
and the mitotic exit network (MEN) in budding yeast (McCollum and Gould
2001; Goyal et al. 2011; Meitinger et al. 2012). Cytokinesis is entrained to
mitosis; thus, the signaling pathways that regulate cytokinesis are not
involved so much in deciding when cytokinesis should occur as in
coordinating cytokinesis with mitosis and providing opportunities for
checkpoint regulation.
The MEN and SIN pathways are GTPase-triggered kinase cascades that
culminate in the activation of the Sid2 kinase in fission yeast and the Dbf2
kinase in budding yeast (Goyal et al. 2011; Meitinger et al. 2012).
Components of the MEN/SIN pathways are organized on the spindle-pole
body, the yeast equivalent of the centrosome, making it a nexus for signaling
pathways that control cell division. Sid2 is necessary and sufficient for
initiating cytokinesis in fission yeast, although its exact targets are not
known. Therefore, it is essential to restrain SIN signaling until after the
successful completion of anaphase. Initiation of SIN signaling by the Spg1
GTPase is inhibited by the GTPase-activating protein Cdc16. Full activation
of SIN signaling is antagonized by CDK1 activity (Guertin et al. 2000),
which prevents cytokinesis until after activation of the APC and ensures that
activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint will also delay cell division. In
budding yeast, Dbf2 regulates cytokinesis by promoting localization of the
chitin synthase Chs2 and the cytokinesis regulator Hof1 to the bud neck; this
activity is antagonized by CDK1 activity (Meitinger et al. 2012).
In return, the MEN/SIN pathways antagonize the activity of CDK1
(Goyal et al. 2011; Meitinger et al. 2012). This reciprocal regulation allows
cytokinesis errors, which prolong SIN signaling, to restrain CDK1 activity in
the subsequent cell cycle, thus arresting cells in G2 phase and preventing the
next mitosis until the previous cytokinesis is successfully completed. An
important component of the MEN/SIN pathways is the Cdc14 (Clp1 in
fission yeast) phosphatase (Clifford et al. 2008). Cdc14 directly
dephosphorylates CDK1 targets, facilitating mitotic exit and resetting the cell
to an interphase state at the beginning of G1 phase.
Many proteins in the MEN/SIN pathways are conserved in metazoans. In
particular, the LATS kinases, relatives of Sid2/Dbf2 that also function in the
Hippo pathway (p. 133 [Harvey and Hariharan 2012]), appear to have roles in
the regulation of cytokinesis (Yang et al. 2004). Although the details have yet
to be established, similar signaling pathways probably coordinate mitosis and
cytokinesis in metazoans.
In addition to coordinating the timing of cytokinesis, signaling during cell
division is required to determine the location of cytokinesis. Although the
details differ between organisms, the location and orientation of the
cytokinesis furrow is generally determined by the mitotic spindle, except in
fission yeast, in which the cleavage plane is determined directly by the
location of the nucleus (Almonacid and Paoletti 2010). How the signal is
transmitted from the spindle or the nucleus to the cortex to establish the site
of cytokinesis has yet to be established. Budding yeast is unusual in this
context because the cleavage plane (the bud neck) is established before
mitosis. Therefore, instead of using the spindle to orient cell division,
budding yeast uses cell division to orient the spindle. Specifically, the MEN
GTPase Tem1 is localized to the spindle-pole body, whereas Tem1’s
inhibitors, Bub2, Bfa1, and Kin4, are localized to the mother cell, and its
activator Lte1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) relative, is
localized to the daughter cell (Bardin et al. 2000). Thus, the MEN is only
activated once the spindle is oriented such that one end of the spindle is
through the bud neck and in the daughter cell. However, this strategy of
triggering cytokinesis as a spatial consequence of spindle elongation may be
general, as a similar mechanism functions in fission yeast (Garcia-Cortes and
McCollum 2009).
The major cell-cycle transitions that constitute cell division—the G2/M
transition, the metaphase/anaphase transition, and cytokinesis—provide
important decision points that are regulated by a number of signaling
pathways. These pathways ensure that the critical events of cell division
occur in the proper order and provide the quality controls that prevent cells
from dividing with damaged DNA or misaligned chromosomes. As such,
they are instrumental in maintaining genomic integrity and, in metazoans,
preventing cancer.
These negative regulatory signaling pathways were the original
inspiration for the checkpoint paradigm of active negative regulation of cell-
cycle events (Hartwell and Weinert 1989). The initial model posited that
checkpoints delayed cell-cycle transitions to allow time for checkpoint-
independent processes to fix whatever problem had triggered the checkpoint.
Since then, these same pathways have been shown to regulate many other
aspects of cell metabolism, such as DNA repair, and the term “checkpoint” is
now used much more broadly than originally intended. Nonetheless, these
signaling pathways serve as prime examples of how cells reorganize their
metabolism and cell cycle to damage and other perturbations.
Although the well-studied signaling pathways that regulate cell division
inhibit transitions in response to signals of damage or other problems, there is
evidence for at least one positive signaling pathway, the one that regulates
cell size. One of the enduring mysteries of cell biology is how cells measure
size and how that information is used to regulate cell-cycle transitions such as
cell division. Notwithstanding the current lack of mechanistic insight, the
way size is measured and the pathways that transduce that signal are poised
to be areas of future progress in the field.
The signal transduction pathways that regulate cell division continue to be
the focus of significant experimental effort. That effort looks set to continue
as work continues on the discovery of new regulators of cell division, the
increasingly detailed mechanistic understanding of the major checkpoint
pathways, and the translation of our understanding of these pathways into
diagnostic and therapeutic advances in fields such as fertility, cancer, and
We thank Dan McCollum for valuable insight. N.R. is supported by NIH
R01-GM069957 and an ACS Research Scholar Grant. P.R. is supported by
NIH R01-GM59447, CA77325, and CA117638.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005942
1 Introduction
2 PI3K/AKT signaling controls glucose metabolism and the
incorporation of carbon into macromolecules
3 HIF1 signaling provides additional regulation of glucose metabolism
in response to both oxygen availability and nutrient status
4 Tyrosine kinase signaling and pyruvate kinase: Regulation of a
metabolic switch in proliferating cells
5 Amino acid metabolism is also regulated by cellular signaling
6 Metabolically sensitive protein modifications link growth factor
signaling to cellular responses
7 Perturbations of cellular metabolism in disease
8 Concluding remarks
Unicellular organisms have evolved to grow and divide rapidly when
nutrients are abundant, and they take up nutrients in a cell-autonomous
manner. The macromolecular precursors and free energy derived from
metabolism of these nutrients are used to synthesize the new biomass
required for cell growth and division. When the nutrient supply dwindles,
anabolic metabolism in these organisms decreases. The cells then shift to
catabolic pathways that maximize the efficiency of energy production to
survive periods of nutrient limitation (Vander Heiden et al. 2009).
In multicellular organisms, cells are generally surrounded by sufficient
nutrients to engage in continuous cell growth and proliferation. However,
organismal integrity requires that proliferation not be a cell-autonomous
process dictated by available nutrients. Mammalian cells require receptor-
mediated signal transduction initiated by extracellular growth factors to leave
the quiescent state and enter the cell cycle. The onset of cell growth and
division introduces a metabolic requirement for sufficient carbon, nitrogen,
and free energy to support synthesis of the new proteins, lipids, and nucleic
acids needed by a proliferating cell. Recent studies have shown that this
additional uptake of nutrients is regulated by signal transduction pathways
(Fig. 1). This growth-factor-directed uptake of nutrients is critical to
supporting a rate of macromolecular synthesis sufficient for growth
(DeBerardinis et al. 2008; Vander Heiden et al. 2009).
Figure 1. Growth-factor-initiated signaling reprograms metabolism in proliferating cells. (A) In
multicellular organisms, cells that are not instructed to proliferate by extracellular growth factors are
generally quiescent. In these cells, glucose carbon is predominantly metabolized to carbon dioxide in
the mitochondrial Krebs cycle when oxygen is available. This mitochondrial oxidation maximizes free-
energy generation in the form of ATP. (B) When cells are instructed to proliferate by growth factor
signaling, they increase their nutrient uptake, particularly that of glucose and glutamine. Much of this
increased nutrient uptake is used to fulfill the lipid, protein, and nucleotide synthesis (biomass) required
for cell growth, and the excess carbon is secreted as lactate. Proliferating cells also may adopt strategies
to increase their ATP consumption to maintain glycolytic flux. Metabolic pathways are indicated by
green arrows.
The full range of effects that PKM2 may have on cell growth and
metabolism, however, remains incompletely characterized. Recently, an
alternative glycolytic pathway has been proposed to be present in PKM2-
expressing cells (Vander Heiden et al. 2010). When inactive PKM2 cannot
effectively convert PEP to pyruvate, PEP can donate its high-energy
phosphate to H11 of the upstream glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate
mutase. This pathway may allow the generation of pyruvate from PEP in a
step that is independent of ATP generation. Although further work is needed
to characterize and purify an enzyme that can catalyze this proposed activity,
the pathway may serve as an additional mechanism, besides Akt-mediated
up-regulation of ENTPD5, by which proliferating cells can decrease their
ATP:ADP ratio. The potential importance of PKM2 as a binding partner for a
variety of signaling kinases and transcription factors has also received
attention. For example, PKM2 translocates to the nucleus and potentiates the
transcriptional activity of the Oct4 transcription factor involved in
maintaining pluripotency (Lee et al. 2008). Many additional PKM2-
interacting proteins have been reported, most recently HIF1 and β-catenin,
but the significance of each of these interactions for facilitating cell growth
and proliferation requires further study.
The regulation of PKM2 activity by metabolites is also continuing to be
investigated. For example, ROS have recently been proposed to cause
oxidation, dissociation, and inactivation of the PKM2 tetramer (Anastasiou et
al. 2011). Conversely, the non-essential amino acid serine allosterically
activates PKM2 (Eigenbrodt et al. 1983). Ongoing work is addressing
whether inactivation of PKM2 and the resultant accumulation of glycolytic
intermediates can lead to enhanced flux through the serine synthetic pathway
and thereby promote a feedback loop through serine synthesis that can
modulate the flux of glycolytic intermediates to support cellular biosynthetic
In multicellular organisms, cell growth and proliferation are normally not cell
autonomous. Receptor-mediated signal transduction, initiated by extracellular
growth factors, promotes entry into the cell cycle and reprograms cellular
metabolism to fulfill the biosynthetic needs of cell growth and division (Fig.
6). However, despite having become highly dependent on instruction from
extracellular growth factors, mammalian cells have retained the ability to
sense their internal metabolic reserves and adjust their growth and
biosynthetic activities accordingly. Much of this feedback control occurs at
the level of posttranslational modifications of signal transduction proteins by
key cellular metabolites. Moreover, intracellular metabolites can also regulate
chromatin accessibility to control gene expression.
Figure 6. Growth factor signaling reprograms cellular metabolism to promote biosynthesis but is
sensitive to feedback control by metabolically sensitive protein modifications. Signaling downstream
from PI3K/Akt enhances glucose uptake, glycolysis, and the flux of glucose carbon into cytosolic
acetyl-CoA and lipids. HIF1 signaling further promotes glycolysis while also enhancing the flux of
pyruvate into lactate under conditions of O2 limitation or nutrient excess. The Myc transcription factor,
activated downstream from Ras, enhances glutamine uptake and metabolism as well as nucleotide
biosynthesis. mTORC1 signaling responds to both upstream PI3K/Akt signaling and the levels of
essential amino acids to promote protein synthesis. PKM2 is a pyruvate kinase isoform specific to
proliferating cells that is uniquely sensitive to inhibition by tyrosine kinase signaling downstream from
growth factors. Metabolically sensitive protein modifications, such as receptor glycosylation and
nuclear histone acetylation, provide a way for the cell to exert feedback control on the output of growth
factor signaling.
The evolution of the ability to regulate chromatin accessibility by specific
metabolites may have preceded the ability of growth factor signaling to
reprogram metabolism in multicellular organisms. Nonetheless, many aspects
of how variations in cellular metabolism influence chromatin accessibility
remain to be fully characterized. In addition to intracellular glucose
metabolism directly altering the acetylation state of histones, the methylation
state of histone lysine and DNA cytosine may also be metabolically
responsive. These methylation states were once thought to be irreversible, but
recent work has described demethylating enzymes for both histones and
DNA that are sustained by α-ketoglutarate production downstream from
glutamine metabolism. As discussed above, these α-ketoglutarate-dependent
enzymes can be inhibited by the 2HG produced by IDH1/IDH2 mutations.
Another area of continuing investigation is how minimizing ATP
production and enhancing ATP consumption can facilitate the rapid nutrient
metabolism of proliferating cells (Israelsen and Vander Heiden 2010).
Minimizing cellular ATP accumulation runs counter to the metabolic strategy
of quiescent cells, which completely oxidize the majority of glucose carbon
in the mitochondria to maximize ATP production. But proliferating cells with
activated growth factor signaling pathways usually take up nutrients far in
excess of the level required to maintain ATP levels and avoid AMPK
activation. Moreover, glycolysis in proliferating cells is limited by the rate of
ATP consumption, not ATP production (Scholnick et al. 1973). Increasing
cellular ATP consumption and the ADP:ATP ratio may be critical for
relieving the inhibition of glycolytic enzymes that can occur when ATP
levels are high, inhibition that would otherwise prevent high glycolytic flux
and enhanced macromolecular biosynthesis from glycolytic intermediates.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006783
1 Introduction
2 The migration machinery
3 Migration signaling networks
4 Biased excitable biochemical networks in chemotaxis
5 Concluding remarks
Cell migration plays a pivotal role in a wide variety of phenomena
throughout phylogeny (Trinkaus 1969; Ridley et al. 2003; Lee et al. 2005;
Cai et al. 2010). In the amoeba Dictyostelium, it functions in nutrient seeking,
cell–cell aggregation, and the morphogenesis of multicellular structures. In
metazoans, cells migrate both throughout embryogenesis and in the adult. In
early developmental events, such as gastrulation or dorsal closure, large cell
sheets migrate and fold; at later stages, precursor cells that reside in the
neural crest, somites, brain ventricles, and other stem cell regions leave
epithelial sheets and migrate to their target destinations. In the adult, cell
migrations are critical for immune cell trafficking, wound healing, and stem
cell homing, among other processes. A closely related phenomenon is the
directed growth of specialized cellular extensions (e.g., yeast mating
“shmoos” [Slessareva and Dohlman 2006], pollen tubes [Takeuchi and
Higashiyama 2011], and the dendrites, axons, and spines of neurons [Tada
and Sheng 2006; Geraldo and Gordon-Weeks 2009]).
Most migrating cells and cellular extensions have an internal compass that
enables them to sense and move along gradients of soluble attractants and
repellents, a process referred to as chemotaxis (Devreotes and Janetopoulos
2003). Many chemoattractants act through G-protein-coupled receptors
(GPCRs). Examples include cAMP acting on cAMP receptors in
Dictyostelium and chemokines such as SDF1 acting on chemokine receptors
in metazoans. Growth factors acting on receptor tyrosine kinases and
cytokines such as transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) also function as
chemoattractants. Like migrating cells, the growth of axons can be guided by
a series of extracellular protein attractants and repellents (e.g., nephrins).
Cells can also be guided by gradients of immobilized signaling molecules
(haplotaxis), substrate rigidity (durotaxis), electric fields (galvanotaxis), and
shear force (mechanotaxis). Importantly, many diseases involve defective or
unregulated cell migration or protrusive growth (Ridley et al. 2003). For
example, tumor invasion and metastasis occur as a consequence of the
movement of both individual cells and large collectives (Friedl and Gilmour
2009; Friedl and Alexander 2011), arthritis and asthma result from excessive
migration of inflammatory cells (Montoya et al. 2002; Vicente-Manzanares et
al. 2002), and several cognitive disorders are accompanied by abnormal
neuronal extensions (Newey et al. 2005; van Galen and Ramakers 2005).
Cell migration requires coordination of cytoskeletal dynamics and
reorganization, cell adhesion, and signal transduction, and takes a variety of
forms (see Box 1) (Lauffenburger and Horwitz 1996; Mitchison and Cramer
1996; Ridley et al. 2003). Here, we first examine the machinery that drives
migration—the actin cytoskeleton, cell adhesions, and their regulators. We
then discuss signaling networks that control the migration machinery, starting
with those closest to the cytoskeleton then adding upstream components.
Finally, we address how chemotactic cues regulate motility. There are, of
course, other kinds of motility, such as sperm and cilial motility, but they use
microtubule-based mechanisms and are not addressed here.
2.2 Adhesion
Adhesion to the substrate is common to most migrating cells. Integrin-
mediated adhesions are the best studied (Hynes 2002). The integrins are a
large family of heterodimeric transmembrane receptors that link to actin via a
specialized set of molecules that include talin, vinculin, and α-actinin. The
adhesions in which these components reside are large assemblies containing
>150 different molecules that mediate intracellular signaling in addition to
adhesion to proteins in the extracellular matrix, such as fibronectin and
laminin (Zaidel-Bar et al. 2007; Parsons et al. 2010; Zaidel-Bar and Geiger
2010). The affinity of integrins is regulated by the binding of talin and
kindlin, cytoplasmic proteins that bind directly to the cytoplasmic domain of
the integrin β subunit, and also by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
(PIP2) and other adhesion-associated molecules (Moser et al. 2009; Shattil et
al. 2010).
Adhesions serve both as traction points and as signaling centers during
cell migration (Parsons et al. 2010). As traction points, they transmit forces to
the substrate so that actin polymerization causes protrusion at the cell front.
These traction points are released at the cell rear as it retracts and the cell
moves forward. Although this release is efficient in some cells and substrates,
it is not in others and can be rate limiting for migration (Lauffenburger and
Horwitz 1996). Thus, there is an optimum strength of attachment that allows
sufficient adhesion for traction at the cell front and yet allows for efficient
release at the rear (Palecek et al. 1997). As signaling centers, adhesions in
protrusions regulate actin polymerization and myosin II activity through Rho-
family GTPases (Parsons et al. 2010). Although adhesions can vary
considerably in size, location, and presumably function, they have not yet
been classified clearly and meaningfully based on differences in composition
and function. Adhesions in vivo tend to be small and dynamic in migrating
cells; however, highly elongated adhesions have also been observed
(Harunaga and Yamada 2011; Kubow and Horwitz 2011).
The cytoskeleton in turn regulates adhesions via an incompletely
understood feedback loop involving actin polymerization and myosin-II-
mediated contraction (Fig. 2). Nascent adhesions form in the region of
dendritic actin, and their formation is coupled to actin polymerization
(Alexandrova et al. 2008; Choi et al. 2008). At the interface of dendritic actin
in the lamellipodium and the actin bundles in the adjacent lamellum,
adhesions elongate along actin filament bundles (Small et al. 2002; Choi et
al. 2008; Geiger and Yamada 2011; Oakes et al. 2012). The fraction of
adhesions that grow, as well as the extent of maturation, is determined at least
in part by myosin II activity (Vicente-Manzanares et al. 2009; Oakes et al.
2012). Proteases such as calpain, a calcium-activated protease, mediate
adhesion disassembly by acting on adhesion proteins such as talin, which link
actin and integrins (Franco et al. 2004; Chan et al. 2010; Cortesio et al.
2011). The repeated direct contact between microtubule tips and adhesions
and endocytosis of integrins driven by the GTPase dynamin also contribute to
disassembly (Kaverina et al. 1999; Broussard et al. 2008; Ezratty et al. 2009;
Gerisch et al. 2011).
Figure 2. Adhesions serve as contact points and signaling centers. Integrin-based adhesions are large,
complex assemblies that link the substratum to actin and generate signals that regulate Rho GTPases
and cell migration. The structural linkage to actin is thought to be mediated by talin, vinculin, and
perhaps α-actinin. The signaling is mediated by adhesion-associated complexes. The paxillin/FAK
module and its link to some Rac GEFs and Rho GEFs is shown as an example. The Arp2/3 complex
and myosin II, whose activity is regulated by Rho and Rac, are also shown.
2.3 Polarization
The presence of a distinct front and rear is a key feature of cell migration.
Some cells can polarize spontaneously and migrate in a directionally
persistent manner. The machinery that establishes polarity is incompletely
understood but microtubules, vesicle cycling, and actomyosin filaments
appear to be the drivers. In epithelial cells and astrocytes, polarity is
established through a signaling pathway involving Cdc42, Par3/6, and
atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) that targets microtubules (Etienne-
Manneville and Hall 2002; Etienne-Manneville et al. 2005). This pathway
orients the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) and Golgi apparatus (Ch.
9 [McCaffrey and Macara 2012]). In fibroblasts, activated myosin II creates a
region of actomyosin filament bundles that terminate in adhesions that do not
contain guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and therefore do not
support Rac or Cdc42 signaling and actin polymerization (Vicente-
Manzanares et al. 2008, 2011). This region becomes the rear and sides, and
zones of active Rac generate protrusions that elongate the cell to form the
front; the actomyosin system appears to set up the initial polarity, which is
then refined by the microtubule system (Vicente-Manzanares et al. 2008).
Figure 4. A portion of the Dictyostelium migration signaling network involving PIP3 and TorC2.
Colored blocks delineate modules. The overlapping of blocks indicates that some components belong to
several modules. CARE, cystic AMP receptors.
The LEGI model is a useful conceptual device that allows one to predict
the response to any combination of applied temporal and spatial stimuli, but
further studies are needed to define the underlying biochemical events and to
link the model to cell migration. First, the excitatory process likely
corresponds to G-protein activation. When cells are exposed to
chemoattractant, the G-protein subunits dissociate within a few seconds and
all of the biochemical responses in the network are triggered. During the next
several minutes, the responses gradually subside even though the G protein
does not reassociate. The mechanism that offsets the activity of the G-protein
and causes the responses to subside remains to be determined. Second, LEGI
schemes can account for all of the behavior of immobilized cells but fail to
explain migration or polarity. However, the output of LEGI could enhance
excitability at the front and suppress it at the rear (Xiong et al. 2010). This
would ensure that the system responds to the steepness of a gradient but is
independent of its midpoint concentration. LEGI-BEN schemes are capable
of extraordinary sensitivity, and computer simulations show that this model
can produce realistic temporal and spatial chemotactic responses.
Many of the principles described in this chapter appear to be general and
apply to cellular behaviors analogous to migration. For example, dendritic
spines, small extensions along dendrites of neurons in the central nervous
system, contain a highly organized postsynaptic density that receives
excitatory signals. Like protrusions in migrating cells, dendritic spines are
highly dynamic, they undergo complex morphologic changes, and they
contain a highly organized adhesion associated with the postsynaptic density.
Actin polymerization and actomyosin activity play a major role in spine and
postsynaptic density (PSD) organization (Oertner and Matus 2005; Hodges et
al. 2011). Rho-family GTPases have emerged as major regulators of spine
organization and dynamics and are implicated in human cognitive diseases.
Indeed, mutations in regulators of Rho-family GTPases are implicated in
spine-related diseases including autism, schizophrenia, and nonsyndromic
mental retardation. With respect to the latter, α-Pix (a Rac GEF), PAK3 (a
Rac/Cd42 effector), and oligphrenin 1 (a Rho GAP) are all associated with
nonsyndromic mental retardation in humans—a disease characterized by
spine defects (van Galen and Ramakers 2005). Pix and PAK are localized to
dendritic spines via GIT1 and thought to spatially restrict their formation
(Zhang et al. 2005). Asymmetric localization of PIP3 is observed in many
migrating cells. Oncogenic mutations leading to overproduction of PIP3 are
typically assumed to increase growth rates; but it is likely that many of the
cancer-causing effects can also be attributed to alterations in the cytoskeleton
(Kim et al. 2011). Distortion of cell migration signaling networks plays a
critical role in migration-related diseases such as invasive and metastatic
cancer (Ch. 21 [Sever and Brugge 2014]). The plethora of signaling pathways
that converge on Rho GTPases means there is a very large potential set of
loci for the misregulation of migration. It also suggests that drugs directed
against any particular pathway may not be effective for long given the
selection that occurs in the tumor environment. However, the convergence on
Rho-family GTPases and the limited migration machinery on which it acts
hold promise for therapeutic strategies targeting these GTPases and their
downstream effectors or diagnostic routes to identifying cells with invasive
Another emerging area of research is the study of migration in 3D. Until
recently, most migration studies focused on migration on planar substrates
using integrin-mediated adhesion. Analogous mechanisms are probably used
by cells migrating in 3D, or using other receptors (e.g., in the central nervous
system). However, different pathways might play more prominent roles in
each case. For example, in 3D, cell protrusions, adhesion, and cell
morphology all appear to differ from that generally seen on rigid planar 2D
substrates (Even-Ram and Yamada 2005; Provenzano et al. 2009; Friedl and
Wolf 2010; Sanz-Moreno and Marshall 2010). In 3D, the cells are more
elongated and possess narrower protrusions and smaller adhesions (Harunaga
and Yamada 2011). Moreover, there is evidence that different signaling
pathways are indeed involved. For example, depleting paxillin produces a
mesenchymal phenotype in 3D environments, whereas depleting the paxillin
relative Hic5 produces an amoeboid morphology (Deakin and Turner 2008,
2011). The particular signaling pathway used seems to depend on the cellular
microenvironment, which can differ between normal and tumor cells.
Research into cell migration has clearly made enormous progress. The
basic machines that drive migration have been described, and many of the
pathways that regulate them have been identified. However, we have only
scratched the surface and much remains to be understood. The interactions
and regulation of the complex signaling networks that orchestrate migration
and the mechanism by which extracellular forces affect these networks are
not understood. Furthermore, new modes of migration are being uncovered,
including blebbing-mediated migration and the newly described lobopodia
migration (Petrie et al. 2012). In addition, migration in complex in vivo
environments differs from that seen on rigid planar substrates and its study
presents unexpected challenges. Finally, integrative, quantitative models of
migration that conjoin the plethora of regulatory networks are only now
beginning to be developed.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005959
1 Introduction
2 The polarization machinery
3 Factors that control polarity protein localization
4 Polarity signaling through PAR3–PAR6–APKC
5 Conclusion
The asymmetric distribution of proteins, lipids, and RNAs is necessary for
cell fate determination, differentiation, and a multitude of specialized cell
functions that underlie morphogenesis (St Johnston 2005; Gonczy 2008;
Knoblich 2008; Macara and Mili 2008; Martin-Belmonte and Mostov 2008).
The establishment of cell polarity can be dissected into three primary
processes: (1) breaking symmetry, either through extrinsic cues or
stochastically; (2) establishing spatial organization through signal
transduction; and (3) amplifying and maintaining the polarized state through
feedback loops (Fig. 1). Even single-celled organisms such as budding yeast
are polarized and engage sophisticated signaling mechanisms to initiate and
organize asymmetric cell divisions. Higher organisms use polarity to build
diverse cell types, such as neurons and epithelial cells in animals or stomatal
cells in plants. Polarity spatially segregates important cellular functions from
one another—for instance, in neurons, it separates synaptic inputs (along
dendrites) from signaling outputs (along the axons). Epithelial cell polarity
separates the apical membrane, which is specialized for interactions with the
external environment, from the baso-lateral membrane, which contacts
extracellular matrix or other cell types. In some epithelia a barrier called the
tight junction separates the two membrane regions and prevents the
intercellular diffusion of material across the epithelial sheet. Once
established, cell polarity is often stable for the lifetime of the cell, as in
neurons, but it can also be dynamic, for example, during development, when
neural crest cells lose their epithelial character and become mesenchymal
(this is termed the epithelial mesenchymal transition, EMT).
Figure 1. (A) Extrinsic signals normally are responsible for driving cell polarization, although it can
also occur spontaneously under certain conditions. (B) Cell polarization is established by signal
transduction pathways that spatially segregate different regions of the cell, especially the cell cortex,
and this organization is reinforced and maintained by positive-feedback loops.
Figure 2. (A) Schematic showing domain structures of Par polarity proteins and their interactions. Phox
and Bem1 domain (PB1), forms homodimers and heterodimers; zinc finger domain (Zn); PSD95, Dlg1,
ZO-1 domain (PDZ), binds other PDZ domains and carboxy-terminal peptide motifs; conserved region
domain (CR1), forms homo-oligomers; atypical protein kinase C binding domain (aPKCBD);
ubiquitin-binding-associated domain (UBA); kinase-associated domain (KA). (B) The different
distributions of these polarity proteins in an epithelial cell and a neuroblast stem cell, together with the
localization of other interacting proteins. Note that whereas in neuroblasts all of the polarity proteins
form a complex (the “Par complex”) at the apical cortex, this is not the case in epithelial cells, in which
Par3 is not associated with Par6 and aPKC but is associated instead with the tight junction complex.
The orientation of the mitotic spindle is controlled by the Par proteins and is different in neuroblasts
(vertical) versus epithelial cells (horizontal). This difference reflects the distinct functions of polarity in
the two cell types: segregation of cell fate determinants into only one daughter cell in the neuroblast
versus formation of a polarized sheet of cells by the epithelium.
3.2 Oligomerization
The amino-terminal conserved region 1 (CR1) is necessary for self-
association of Par3 into higher-order complexes (Fig. 2) (Benton and
Johnston 2003a; Mizuno et al. 2003; Feng et al. 2007). It is essential but not
sufficient for membrane attachment. How the oligomerization of Par3
maintains the protein at the plasma membrane is unclear, but oligomerization
might complement weak phosphoinositide binding by increasing avidity (Fig.
Figure 4. Mechanisms for the transport, cortical association, and anchoring of Par3 in mammalian
cells. It is not yet known if all of these mechanisms operate in any one cell type, and additional
processes, such as RNA localization, might play roles in certain circumstances. Junctional adhesion
molecule (JAM) is shown as an example of a transmembrane protein to which Par3 can be anchored,
but others exist, such as the neurotrophin receptor, p75NTR, in mammalian Schwann cells (Chan et al.
2006). PP1α is a phosphatase.
Understanding cell polarization is one of the major goals of cell biology and
will inevitably have a broad impact on research into diseases such as cancer
and neurological degeneration. A complicated web of signaling systems
surrounds and intersects with the polarity machinery, yet we still understand
very little about what the Par proteins do, how they are localized, how their
various interactions are regulated, and which signaling components operate in
which contexts. After all, the organization of a polarized cell is a formidably
complicated process that involves cytoskeletal remodeling, membrane traffic,
RNA localization, and protein complex assembly and disassembly, with
feedback to gene expression and protein turnover. It is conceivable that the
Par proteins participate in all of these processes, either directly or indirectly.
It is worth remembering, however, that although the polarity machinery can
work in a cell-autonomous fashion, the Par genes do not exist in any
unicellular organism, which suggests that a key role for the Par proteins is to
facilitate, mediate, or interpret cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions. The
tissue context might, therefore, be expected to modulate Par protein
functions. It will be interesting to determine whether regulation of these
interactions controls morphogenesis and to what extent differential Par
function contributes to phenotypic variation both between different cell types
in one organism and between species.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a009654
1 Introduction
2 Embryonic patterning: Interplay between transcriptional cascades and
3 Juxtacrine signaling: Notch as an example
4 Patterning by secreted paracrine factors
5 Controlling the signaling range of secreted factors
6 The logic of signaling
7 Integrating signaling pathways
8 Concluding remarks: Developmental versus physiological signaling
Key to multicellularity is the coordinated interaction of the various cells that
make up the body. Indeed, patterning of embryos, establishment of cell type
diversity, and formation of tissues and organs all rely on cell-to-cell
communication during development. Thus, arguably one of the most
important principles of developmental biology involves “one group of cells
changing the behavior of an adjacent set of cells, causing them to change
their shape, mitotic rate, or fate” (Gilbert 2000).
Classically, the ability of one group of cells to affect the fate of another is
called “induction.” The cells that produce the signals are referred to as
“inducing cells,” whereas the receiving cells are termed “responders”
(Spemann and Mangold 1924). The ability of cells to respond to the inducers,
referred to as “competence” (Waddington 1940), usually reflects the presence
of a receptor at the top of a pathway that regulates the expression of specific
transcription factors in the responding cells. The responding cells, in turn, can
become inductive and change the fate of their neighbors by producing new
signals, thus generating sequential inductive events that increase cell-fate
diversity in tissues.
Identification and characterization of the signaling pathways involved in
development has led to the surprising realization that only a few exist
(Gerhart 1999; Gilbert 2000; Barolo and Posakony 2002). These fall into 11
main classes, defined by the ligand or signal transducers involved: Notch,
FGF, EGF, Wnt/Wingless (Wg), Hedgehog (Hh), transforming growth factor
β (TGFβ)/BMPs, cytokine (nonreceptor tyrosine kinase JAK-STAT [signal
transducers and activators of transcription] pathway), Hippo, Jun kinase
(JNK), NF-κB, and retinoic acid receptor (RAR). These pathways involve
either cell-to-cell contact via surface proteins (juxtacrine signaling), or
secreted diffusible growth and differentiation factors (paracrine signaling).
Among the pathways mentioned above, only two of them, Notch and Hippo,
are juxtacrine, whereas the others are paracrine.
With the exception of those that release steroid hormones and retinoic
acid, which cross the membrane and activate gene expression by binding
directly to receptor proteins that act as transcriptional regulators, inducing
cells generally produce secreted or transmembrane ligands, which in some
cases require complex processing in the producing cells or the extracellular
matrix. When these ligands bind to transmembrane receptors on target cells
they activate a cascade of events that ultimately regulate the activity of a
small number of transcription factors and/or cofactors, triggering gene-
expression programs that drive the cellular changes. For example, Notch
signaling (p. 109 [Kopan 2012]) regulates CSL (for CBF1, Suppressor of
Hairless, and Lag1) proteins that possess an integrase domain, receptor
tyrosine kinases (RTKs) regulate ETS (erythroblast transformation-specific)
transcription factors, Wnt ligands (p. 103 [Nusse 2012]) mostly regulate the
high-mobility group (HMG) box-containing TCF (T-cell factor) transcription
factor, Hh proteins (p. 107 [Ingham 2012]) regulate Gli (glioblastoma)
transcription factors that have DNA-binding zinc-finger domains, and BMPs
(p. 113 [Wrana 2013]) regulate Smads (Sma- and Mad-related proteins)
transcription factors. Cytokine pathways (p. 117 [Harrison 2012]) regulate
STATs, and Hippo (p. 133 [Harvey and Hariharan 2012]) regulates TAZ (for
transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif) proteins that contain a
WW domain and a carboxy-terminal PDZ-binding motif (Table 1). In
addition, many pathways activate feedback loops that modulate or terminate
the incoming signal (Perrimon and McMahon 1999; Freeman 2000).
Figure 1. Patterning of the early Drosophila embryo. (A) Anterior–posterior patterning and
segmentation of the embryo is initiated by maternally deposited gene products that regulate the
expression of gap genes. Gap genes in turn control the expression of pair-rule genes, which themselves
regulate segment-polarity genes. The gene hierarchy and activation/repression interactions between
different transcription factors that coordinate patterning of the anterior–posterior axis of the early
Drosophila embryo are shown to the right. (B) Dorsal–ventral patterning is initiated by a Dorsal nuclear
gradient regulated by the Toll/NF-κB pathway. Graded nuclear localization of Dorsal subdivides the
dorso–ventral axis into distinct domains expressing twist (twi) and snail (sna), rhomboid (rho) and
decapendaplegic (dpp), zerknullt (zen) and tolloid (tld), which will form the prospective mesoderm,
neurogenic ectoderm, and dorsal ectoderm, respectively. Dorsal activates the zygotic transcription
program in the dorsoventral axis. (C) Terminal patterning is initiated in the germline by the localized
expression of Torsolike in the space outside the poles of the embryo. Torsolike activates the Torso
ligand (Trunk) locally and this is followed by Torso activation at the poles of the embryo, which will
lead to induction of the terminal patterning genes tailless and huckebein. Torso is an RTK and its action
is propagated through the MAPK pathway.
5.2 Hedgehog
HH transmits information over several cell diameters, but its range is
restricted. The distribution of HH has been studied most intensively in the
wing imaginal disc, where it defines a zone of activation in the boundary
between the posterior and anterior compartments of the disc. All posterior
cells produce HH but do not respond to it, whereas the anterior cells do not
produce it but can respond to it (review by Ingham and McMahon 2001). The
range of HH diffusion from the posterior compartment determines the
signaling range, and the region of the anterior compartment that receives HH
subsequently becomes the domain that produces the BMP family ligand DPP,
which directs long-range patterning of the wing.
HH is unusual as it undergoes dual lipid modification and autoproteolytic
cleavage (Porter et al. 1996; Pepinsky et al. 1998; Chen et al. 2004). The
cholesterol moiety that is added limits HH trafficking within and between
cells and palmitoylation is required for the production of a soluble multimeric
HH protein. Binding of HH to its receptor Patched (PTC) leads to its
endocytosis and degradation. Because PTC functions by inhibiting the next
step in the pathway (the transmembrane protein Smoothened [SMO]), this
leads to pathway activation. Interestingly, ptc itself is a transcriptional target
gene for HH signaling (reviewed in Wilson and Chuang 2010). As in the case
of Branchless, this leads to more effective trapping of HH by the first rows of
cells receiving the signal, and hence to a restriction of the signaling range.
Recently, studies in mammalian cells have shown that mammalian Hh
signaling depends on the primary cilium, a small cellular projection found on
most vertebrate cells (Goetz et al. 2009). In particular, Smo proteins
participate in the transduction of Hh signals, moving into the cilium in
response to Hh ligand. Interestingly, the absence of cilia in Drosophila
suggests that a fundamental difference exists between the organization of the
Hh pathway between invertebrates and mammals.
FGF and Wnt signaling are regulated temporally and spatially. The
ligands are expressed in gradients in the precursor tissue of the segments
where they regulate the progressive maturation/differentiation of the tissue
and define the domain of the clock activities. The Wnt pathway, for example,
is activated in the PSM before segmentation, plays a role upstream of both
the Wnt and Notch oscillations, and is thought to entrain the Notch feedback
loop. As a result, the spatial and highly dynamic temporal regulations of
these signaling activities guarantee the robust segmentation patterning of the
vertebrate axis and are evolutionarily conserved in vertebrates (Dequeant and
Pourquie 2008). In addition, experiments in zebrafish have indicated that the
Notch pathway is required for synchrony of the oscillations at the cellular
level and the coordinated expression of the correct targets within neighboring
cells, because lack of Notch leads to a “salt and pepper” pattern of
oscillations (Fig. 5A) (Dequeant and Pourquie 2008).
Determination of mesodermal progenitors in the Drosophila embryo
(Carmena et al. 1998) exemplifies the complex interplay and integration of
signaling pathways at the promoter level (Fig. 6). Using the regulation of the
even-skipped (eve) promoter, Halfon et al. (2000) have illustrated how the
synergistic integration of transcription factors, regulated by the Wnt/Wg,
DPP/BMP, and EGF/FGF/ERK pathways, generates a specific developmental
transcriptional response at a single defined enhancer. Because some of the
pathways are activated earlier than others and in a broader domain, they
determine the “competence group” of cells (expressing markers like Lethal of
scute, L’sc) and lead to subsequent activation of additional pathways within a
more restricted cell population (Fig. 6A). These later pathways are regarded
as inductive, and it is the final integration of the transcriptional signals from
all pathways, within a single enhancer, that induces the relevant target gene.
In this system, the WG and DPP signals are orthogonal to each other and
define the intersection zone as the competence group, through signal-
responsive transcription factors (MAD and TCF) that induce two tissue-
specific transcription factors (Tinman and Twist). In addition, TCF also
contributes to the expression of essential elements for ERK signaling (i.e.,
Rhomboid, Heartless, and Heartbroken). Once activated, ERK provides the
inductive signal, by activating the transcription factor Pointed and
inactivating the YAN repressor (Fig. 6B). Finally, singling out of
mesodermal Eve progenitors is achieved through the process of lateral
inhibition mediated by Notch/Delta signaling (Carmena et al. 2002).
Figure 6. The WG/DPP/FGF interplay during specification of Drosophila mesodermal progenitors. (A)
A model for patterning of the embryonic Drosophila mesoderm through the combinatorial actions of
WG, DPP, and RAS/ERK signals. This model applies to both somatic muscle and pericardial muscle.
The intersection between WG (red) and DPP (blue) delineates a prepattern (purple) in which Lethal of
scute (L’SC) is initially activated in a precluster (orange). The entire L’SC precluster is competent to
respond to RAS1. However, the spatially restricted activation of Heartless (HTL) and EGFR restricts
L’SC to a subset of precluster cells that correspond to an equivalence group. RAS1 signaling activates
EVE expression in all cells of the L’sc cluster (green) and subsequently a single EVE-expressing
progenitor (red) is determined by lateral inhibition mediated by the Notch/Delta pathway. (B) WG,
DPP, and RAS1 signal integration during specification of mesodermal EVE progenitors. WG and DPP
provide developmental competence by regulating tissue-specific transcription factors (Tinman [TIN]
and Twist [TWI]), signal-responsive transcription factors (MAD, TCF), and proximal components of
the RTK/ERK pathway (FGFR/HTL, Heartbroken [HBR]/DOF and Rhomboid [RHO]). The RAS
pathway leads to activation of the ETS-binding transcription factor Pointed (PNT) and inactivation of
the ETS-binding YAN repressor. The activities of all five transcriptional activators (TIN, TWI, MAD,
TCF, and PNT) are integrated at the MHE (Muscle and Heart Enhancer) of eve, which is located 6 kb
downstream from its transcription start site, and synergistically promote eve expression. In the absence
of inductive RAS signaling, YAN represses eve by binding to ETS sites. In addition, RAS/PNT
signaling in the EVE progenitor promotes Delta and Argos (AOS) expression, which in combination
activate Notch and shut down EGFR signaling in the nonprogenitor cells, to ensure lateral inhibition.
We thank Mary-Lee Dequeant for helpful comments. Work in the Perrimon
laboratory is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and NIH,
and work in the Shilo laboratory by a grant from the Minerva Foundation.
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1 Introduction
2 Receptors: Detection and transduction
3 Structural basis of sensory receptor activation
4 The logic of sensory coding
5 Evolution and variation
6 Concluding remarks
An organism’s perception of the world is filtered through its sensory systems.
The properties of these systems dictate the types of stimuli that can be
detected and constrain the ways in which these stimuli are reconstructed,
integrated, and interpreted. Here we discuss how sensory signals are received
and transduced, focusing on the first steps in the complex process of
perceiving an external stimulus. A recurrent theme is the way in which the
biochemical and biophysical properties of sensory receptor molecules, and
the neurons in which they reside, have been sculpted by evolution to capture
those signals that are most salient for the survival and reproduction of the
organism. As a result, some classes of sensory receptors, such as the night
vision receptor rhodopsin, show great conservation, whereas others, such as
olfactory receptors, show great diversity.
Evolutionary comparisons are fascinating at many levels, not least of
which is their power to highlight the logic of the stimulus–response
relationship. For example, honeybees can see UV light, enabling them to
locate sources of nectar and pollen based on the UV reflectance of flower
petals (Kevan et al. 2001), whereas humans and Old World primates have
excellent sensitivity and chromatic discrimination at longer wavelengths,
permitting the identification of red, orange, and yellow fruit against a
background of green foliage (Mollon 1989). Star-nosed moles use a
specialized mechanoreceptive organ on their snout to locate meals and
navigate through lightless subterranean tunnels (Catania 2005), and pit vipers
have evolved thermoreceptive organs to detect the infrared radiation emitted
by their warm-blooded prey (Campbell et al. 2002). In each of these cases,
evolution has fine-tuned a sensory organ through anatomical and/or
molecular changes to enhance the detection of relevant stimuli.
For simplicity, we focus on eukaryotic sensory systems, in which G-
protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ion channels predominate as sensory
receptors. The one exception is mechanosensation, in which the molecular
basis of membrane stretch detection has been beautifully delineated in
bacteria but remains less clear in eukaryotes. Thus, our discussion of
mechanosensation is focused largely on prokaryotic systems. We also
describe the diverse cast of downstream transduction pathways and the
manner in which receptors and transduction pathways are regulated to
terminate signaling and set receptor sensitivity.
Before discussing individual receptors, it is worth noting that the
physiological attributes of sensory systems are dictated not only by the
molecular properties of receptor molecules and their associated signal
transduction proteins, but also by the architecture of the sensory organs, cells,
and subcellular structures in which they reside. A notable example is the
retina, where visual pigments, together with other components of the
phototransduction pathway, are localized within outer segments of rod and
cone photoreceptor cells at near millimolar concentrations, thereby enhancing
light sensitivity and transduction efficiency (Yau and Hardie 2009). Another
example is seen in the cochlea, where sound pressure waves are transmitted
through the middle ear to induce a localized and frequency-dependent
distortion of the basilar membrane in the cochlea. Progressive changes in
both the mechanical properties of the basilar membrane and the electrical
properties of the auditory hair cells along the length of the cochlea generate a
tonotopic map in which the amplitudes of different frequency components in
a complex sound are reflected in the magnitudes of auditory receptor
activation at different locations within the cochlea (Roberts et al. 1988).
Figure 5. Chromaticity diagrams for humans and honeybees. The triangles represent a plane within a
3D receptor space, with each vertex corresponding to the point at which the plane intersects an axis
representing the degree of excitation of one receptor type. (S) Short-wavelength receptor axis; (M)
medium-wavelength receptor axis; (L) long-wavelength receptor axis. The small black circles within
the triangles represent the chromaticities of a set of fruits that are consumed by primates (upper panels)
or a set of flower petals (lower panels). The line within each chromaticity diagrams represents the locus
of spectrally pure lights, with black circles and the adjacent numbers marking steps of 50 nm. (Adapted
from Osorio and Vorobyev 2008; reprinted, with permission, from Elsevier © 2008.)
The sensory receptors and signaling systems described here represent only a
small sampling of the many that have been investigated. Because of space
limitations, we have not discussed plant sensory systems, and we have only
briefly touched on microbial systems. Even with this limited sampling, the
diversity of sensory systems is striking, and it is evident that each lifestyle
and ecological niche is accompanied by a distinctive set of adaptations in
sensory system structure and function.
Over the past 30 years, the identities and primary structures of most of the
major classes of vertebrate sensory receptor proteins have been defined. The
one exception is the mechanosensory channels in the auditory and vestibular
system, which remain enigmatic. The signaling cascades downstream from
GPCR-type sensory receptors have also been largely defined. In vertebrate
photoreception, the best studied of all GPCR signaling cascades, it is likely
that all of the components involved in signaling and adaptation are now
known. In less experimentally accessible systems, such as the taste and
vomeronasal systems, additional signaling components remain to be
identified, and the interactions between signal activation pathways and
feedback loops are still incompletely understood.
A full molecular understanding of sensory receptor function requires the
3D structures of receptors and signaling components in their various active
and inactive conformations, and, in some cases, in complex with each other.
This has been achieved for rhodopsin, transducin, and the bacterial MscL
mechanosensory channel, and it is an area of active investigation for other
classes of sensory receptors and their downstream effectors. Structural
studies can be expected to play a critical role in elucidating the molecular
basis of receptor–ligand specificity in chemosensory systems.
A further challenge in the field of sensory biology comes from the need to
diagnose and treat diseases that affect sensory signaling, including those
associated with chronic pain or the loss of vision or hearing. Understanding
sensory signaling at the molecular and cellular levels will inform these
clinical investigations and will continue to be one of nature’s grand scientific
challenges for biologists, chemists, physicists, and engineers.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005991
Mary B. Kennedy
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California 91125
The function of the brain is to process and store information about the
environment and direct behavior in response to that information. Three major
cell types in the brain—excitatory neurons that use glutamate as their
transmitter, inhibitory neurons that use γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as their
transmitter, and glial cells—work together to respond to the environment
while maintaining the overall connectivity among neurons within an
acceptable homeostatic range. Excitatory neurons, the most numerous in the
brain, each receive thousands of synaptic inputs and, in turn, make thousands
of synaptic connections onto other neurons. A human brain contains, on
average, 86 billion neurons (Herculano-Houzel 2009) that in toto make
trillions of synaptic connections.
A typical cortical excitatory neuron (Fig. 1) comprises a neuronal soma
(cell body), several branched dendrites, and a single axon that can extend for
many millimeters and often branches to make thousands of individual
synaptic connections. The soma is the site of the nucleus and most of the
neuron’s protein synthetic machinery. Most inhibitory synaptic contacts
occur on the somal plasma membrane. In contrast, the highly branched
dendrites receive most of the excitatory synaptic contacts, which are made
onto small membrane protuberances called dendritic spines (Fig. 1). When
the neuronal membrane becomes depolarized to a threshold level, an action
potential is initiated at the base of the axon near the soma; this wave of
depolarization travels unabated to each of the thousands of presynaptic
endings along the axon. Depolarization causes membranous synaptic vesicles
within the presynaptic terminals to fuse with the plasma membrane at the
“active zone” opposite the postsynaptic site and flood the synaptic cleft with
neurotransmitters. Some of the transmitter molecules bind to specific
receptors, which are ligand-gated channels in the postsynaptic membrane.
Sodium and potassium ions flow through the channels of the activated
receptors, decreasing the gradient in their concentration across the membrane
and thus producing a localized depolarization called an excitatory
postsynaptic potential (EPSP). If the synapse fires repeatedly, or if several
different synapses on a neuron fire at the same time, the EPSPs can sum to
produce a depolarization that extends to the soma and initiates an action
Figure 1. Features of excitatory neurons in the brain. The cell body (soma) of a typical excitatory
pyramidal neuron is ∼10 μm in diameter and is located in one of several sheets of tightly packed somas
that define the layers of the neocortex and hippocampus. Apical and basal dendrites extend from the
soma, reaching into adjacent areas that are referred to as neuropil. Postsynaptic structures are located in
tiny membrane protuberances called spines that can be seen along the dendrites. Each soma gives rise
to one axon, which has a smaller diameter than the numerous dendrites. The axon can extend for
millimeters from the soma and branches to form thousands of presynaptic terminals where transmitter
is released onto the postsynaptic sites of other neurons. The axon hillock is located at the base of the
axon. Action potentials are usually initiated at this site; they travel along the axon (arrows) to
presynaptic terminals keeping a uniform amplitude of depolarization. Back-propagating action
potentials travel in the opposite direction through the soma and into the dendrites. The size of their
depolarization decreases as they travel and is regulated by the composition of dendritic ion channels.
(From Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof 1970; modified, with permission, © Wiley.)
In the brain, most synapses between excitatory neurons are located on spines,
tiny compartments that protrude from the neuron’s highly branched dendrites
(Fig. 2). A typical excitatory pyramidal neuron in the hippocampus or cortex
has ∼10,000 such synapses, most spines hosting just a single synapse. Spines
vary in size from ∼0.5–2 µm in length, from ∼0.25–1 µm in width, and from
∼10–100 attoliters in volume. The synaptic contact itself usually occurs at the
tip of the spine. It comprises the presynaptic active zone, the synaptic cleft,
and the postsynaptic receptor cluster and varies in diameter from ∼0.1 to 0.8
µm. Spines also vary in shape from stubby to thin to “mushroom-shaped.” In
general, the larger, mushroom-shaped spines contain stronger synapses.
Functionally, a stronger synapse is defined as one that contributes more
depolarization to the neuronal membrane upon activation than a weaker one;
thus, its activation is more likely to generate an action potential in the
postsynaptic neuron.
Figure 2. Synaptic plasticity. At the cellular level, one of the most essential elements of memory
formation is the adjustment in synaptic strength of excitatory synapses between neurons. AMPA-type
glutamate receptors (yellow) allow passage of sodium and potassium through their channel. Their
principal function is to depolarize the membrane, producing an excitatory postsynaptic potential
(EPSP). NMDA-type glutamate receptors (blue) also depolarize the membrane, but in addition to
sodium and potassium, calcium flows through their channel and can initiate synaptic plasticity. A long-
lasting increase in synaptic strength is referred to as long-term potentiation (LTP). LTP involves the
addition of new synaptic AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) and an increase in the size of the
head of the postsynaptic spine, supported by an increase in the size and branching of the actin
cytoskeleton. Long-term depression (LTD) is a long-lasting decrease in synaptic strength that involves
a decrease in the number of synaptic AMPARs and shrinkage of the spine head. LTP is induced when
repeated firing of an action potential in the presynaptic terminal and the resulting release of glutamate
cause firing of action potentials in the postsynaptic neuron. LTD is induced when repeated firing of an
action potential in the presynaptic terminal does not cause firing of action potentials in the postsynaptic
3.2.1 CaMKII
CaMKII makes up ∼1% of total protein in the forebrain and ∼2% in the
hippocampus (Bennett et al. 1983; Erondu and Kennedy 1985). These high
levels of expression, at least 10 times higher than those of other signaling
enzymes, are a specialization of excitatory neurons, which represent most of
the mass of the forebrain (Sik et al. 1998). CaMKII is present throughout the
cytosol of somas, axons, and dendrites, including spines in which it is present
both in the cytosol and the PSD (Kennedy et al. 1983; Chen et al. 2005; Khan
et al. 2012). Activation of synaptic NMDARs increases association of
CaMKII with spines and the PSD; however, the role and mechanism of this
translocation are still incompletely understood (Khan et al. 2012).
CaMKII is a complex holoenzyme, the structure of which has interesting
consequences for the dynamics of its activation by calcium/CaM (Fig. 3).
Each holoenzyme comprises 12 catalytic subunits held together by their
carboxy-terminal association domains (Bennett et al. 1983; Kolb et al. 1998;
Rosenberg et al. 2005, 2006). Mammalian genomes encode four highly
similar CaMKII subunits: α, β, γ, and δ (Gaertner et al. 2004). They can form
stable homo-oligomers or hetero-oligomers that contain differing numbers of
each isoform; the numbers depend on their relative rates of synthesis. Their
major sequence differences occur in the linker region between the catalytic
and association domains. Only the α and β subunits are highly expressed in
brain; and the α subunit is only expressed in neurons. In forebrain, the α:β
ratio is ∼3:1 (Bennett et al. 1983). Thus, the unusually high levels of CaMKII
in forebrain are primarily a result of the level of expression of the α subunit.
3.2.2 Calcineurin
Calcineurin is a calcium/CaM-activated protein phosphatase found in many
cell types. Injection of inhibitors of calcineurin into postsynaptic neurons in
hippocampal slices first suggested that its activity is required for induction of
LTD (Mulkey et al. 1994). Both brain isoforms of its catalytic subunit
(CNAα and CNAβ) bind calcium-CaM and form a heterodimer with the
regulatory subunit CNB1, which also binds calcium (Kuno et al. 1992). The
requirement of calcineurin for induction of LTD was confirmed in
hippocampal slices from mice with a forebrain-specific deletion of CNB1.
The magnitude of LTD was reduced in these slices and the frequency
threshold for the transition from induction of LTD to induction of LTP was
shifted to a lower value (Zeng et al. 2001). These findings led to the
hypothesis that the relative activation of CaMKII and calcineurin determines
whether LTP or LTD will be induced—a hypothesis that remains to be
proven. An implication of this hypothesis is that the steady-state number of
AMPARs at a synapse and the steady-state size of the actin cytoskeleton are
maintained by a balance of CaMKII and calcineurin activities. More recent
work reveals that the mechanisms controlling the size and strength of the
postsynapse involve the action of several signaling enzymes. For example,
the broader-specificity protein phosphatases PP1 and PP2A also appear to be
necessary for induction of LTP (Mulkey et al. 1993). It is not yet clear how
synaptic activity regulates these two phosphatases. Furthermore, protein
kinases PKA and PKC, which mediate the action of other major second
messenger pathways, can regulate synaptic plasticity when activated by any
of several modulatory neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, biogenic
amines, and neuropeptides (Abeliovich et al. 1993; Blitzer et al. 1995;
Kennedy et al. 2005).
A possible link between PKA, calcineurin, and PP1 involves a cycle
similar to that found in glycogen metabolism in which a small protein
inhibitor of PP1 (inhibitor 1) is activated by phosphorylation by PKA and
inactivated by dephosphorylation by calcineurin (Huang and Glinsmann
1976; Lisman 1989). However, deletion of inhibitor 1 in the mouse has no
effect on LTP in the Schaffer-collateral pathway or in the medial perforant
pathway that arises in the entorhinal cortex, but reduces LTP in synapses
from the lateral perforant path (Allen et al. 2000). Importantly, the mutation
has no effect on performance of spatial learning tasks. Paralogs of inhibitor 1
that regulate PP1 have been identified in the basal ganglia and cerebellum,
but none has been found in the hippocampus or cortex. The divergent effects
of inhibitor 1 deletion on different synaptic pathways in the hippocampus
show that distinct, heterogeneous molecular mechanisms underlie synaptic
plasticity both in different dendritic subregions and in different neuronal
subtypes. Two other PP1 regulatory proteins, spinophilin and neurabin, can
regulate PP1 activity and its association with the actin cytoskeleton. Deletion
of spinophilin eliminates LTD induced by low-frequency stimulation of the
Schaffer-collateral pathway (Feng et al. 2000). This is consistent with a
requirement for PP1 activity but does not shed light on the relationship of
calcium influx to PP1 activity during induction of LTD.
Calcineurin is a more selective phosphatase than PP1 or PP2A, requiring
upstream motifs, such as LxVP, in its substrates (Grigoriu et al. 2013).
Although there is a small amount of overlap in the target sites for CaMKII
and calcineurin, many of their target sites do not overlap. Therefore, the shift
in phosphorylation status of individual proteins in the spine during and after
an influx of calcium is difficult to predict and is still the subject of study.
3.2.3 Modulatory Calcium-Sensitive Enzymes
The calcium/CaM-stimulated adenylyl cyclase isoform AC1 (Wang and
Storm 2003), the calcium/CaM-activated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
PDE1 (Sharma et al. 2006), the calcium/CaM-regulated neuronal nitric oxide
synthase isoform (nNOS) (Salerno et al. 2013), members of a family of
calcium-sensitive guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) called
RasGRF1 and RasGRF2 (Feig 2011), calcium-sensitive PKC isoforms (Lipp
and Reither 2011), and the calcium-dependent protease calpain (Croall and
DeMartino 1991) are all present at low and varying levels in spines and can
modulate the sensitivity of a synapse to induction of synaptic plasticity or the
magnitude and duration of plastic changes. These modulatory mechanisms
are outside our scope here, however.
PSD95 and its three relatives SAP97, SAP102, and PSD93 are centered
∼12–20 nm from the postsynaptic membrane (Valtschanoff and Weinberg
2001; Chen et al. 2008) and link glutamate receptors to the PSD structure and
to proximal signaling enzymes. Each contains three PDZ domains, an SH3
domain, and a carboxy-terminal degenerate guanylate kinase (GuK) domain,
all of which act as protein-docking sites (Kornau et al. 1997; Sheng and Kim
2011). The first two PDZ domains of the PSD95 family can bind to several
synaptic membrane proteins via PDZ-binding motifs in their carboxyl
termini, including the GluN subunits of NMDARs, TARPs, and neuroligin, a
transmembrane adhesion protein. In adult mammals, PSD95 is the most
abundant of the family members and associates preferentially with GluN2A,
whereas SAP102 predominates in synapses during the first few weeks of
development and associates preferentially with GluN2B (Sans et al. 2000).
These two scaffold proteins facilitate the developmental shift from NMDARs
that contain predominantly GluN2B to the adult form that contains a mixture
of GluN2A and GluN2B (Sans et al. 2000; Elias et al. 2006). The transition is
important for synaptic signaling because complexes formed by PSD95 and
SAP102 contain different sets of signaling enzymes.
The PDZ domains can also bind to cytosolic signaling enzymes, including
nNOS and synGAP. The carboxy-terminal SH3 domains of the PSD95 family
have an unusual split structure created by the insertion of the GuK domain
between two α helices (McGee et al. 2001; Tavares et al. 2001). This
structure may help regulate oligomerization at the postsynaptic site. The SH3
domain can also bind directly to an AKAP79/150 scaffold protein that
localizes PKA, PKC, and calcineurin to the PSD (Gold et al. 2011). Finally,
the terminal GuK domain forms a docking site for linker proteins of the
GKAP family (for guanylate kinase-associating protein), providing a critical
bridge between the PSD95 family and the next layer of postsynaptic scaffold
proteins, the SHANK family (Kim et al. 1997; Takeuchi et al. 1997; Naisbitt
et al. 1999).
SHANK proteins act as a “scaffold of scaffolds” within the PSD (Fig. 4)
(see Sheng and Kim 2011). They form an interacting network centered ∼25
nm from the postsynaptic membrane and contain multiple, differentially
spliced protein-interaction domains (Sheng and Kim 2000; Boeckers et al.
2002). GKAP binds to a PDZ domain in SHANK, linking it to the PSD95
scaffold (Fig. 4). A proline-rich domain in SHANK links it to the actin
cytoskeleton via the SH3 domain of cortactin. Cortactin is an F-actin-binding
protein that also enhances binding of actin to the ARP2/3 complex,
facilitating branching of actin filaments.
A second proline-rich domain in SHANK interacts with the Homer family
of scaffold proteins (Fig. 4). Homer proteins form tetramers linked by their
carboxy-terminal coiled-coil domains. Each tetramer contains four identical
amino-terminal EVH domains that bind to proline-rich sites on three classes
of synaptic proteins: SHANK, the cytosolic tails of metabotropic glutamate
receptors (mGluRs), and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3Rs).
Thus, the Homer proteins can form a bridge between mGluRs and internal
calcium stores located in vesicles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum that
contain IP3Rs. Not all spines contain such stores, but when they are present
calcium is released into the cytoplasm when IP3 binds to the IP3Rs (p. 95
[Bootman 2012]). Finally, the EVH domains link all of the Homer complexes
directly to SHANK.
The dense protein network formed by these three families of scaffold
proteins is highly dynamic. For example, PSD95 exchanges between
neighboring spines with a median retention time of ∼30–100 min (Gray et al.
2006). Retention time decreases during sensory deprivation (Gray et al. 2006)
and also after synaptic activity (Steiner et al. 2008). The composition and size
of PSDs thus appear to be regulated in an ongoing way by neural activity.
This dynamic scaffold provides the underlying spatial organization for the
signaling events that regulate the strength of the synapse (Fig. 4).
Genome-wide association (GWAS) studies have identified mutations or
copy-number variants in PSD scaffolds as risk factors for autism spectrum
disorders. In humans and in mice, deletion of SHANK scaffold proteins has
been repeatedly linked to autistic behaviors (Durand et al. 2007; Herbert
2011; Peca et al. 2011). Similarly, deletion of PSD95 in mice results in
behaviors associated with autism, and two human single-nucleotide
polymorphisms in the gene encoding PSD95 are associated with
characteristics of William’s syndrome, a genetic disorder that includes a
highly social personality and cognitive difficulties (Feyder et al. 2010).
Synapses in the brain release a number of different neurotransmitters
including GABA, acetylcholine, the biogenic amines serotonin, dopamine,
and norepinephrine, and a wide variety of peptide neurohormones. However,
as far as we now know, it is only excitatory glutamatergic synapses that
display the Hebbian form of regulation discussed here. The sculpting of
excitatory connections in response to input from the environment is the
principal mechanism of memory formation in the brain. As excitatory
connections are altered by the Hebbian mechanism, new neural networks are
formed, and others are weakened or strengthened. All of the other types of
synapses contribute to regulation of Hebbian plasticity and help to determine
the conditions under which specific memories are formed, as well as how
long the memories will last. We know much less about regulation of the size
of the signal and response in these other synaptic types, which are fewer in
number and are dispersed among the more abundant glutamatergic synapses,
making them less accessible to molecular manipulation or measurement.
Another obstacle to our full understanding of synaptic regulation is the
subtle variation in mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in spines of different
excitatory neuronal types and among neurons in different brain regions.
These differences effectively obscure our vision because most experimental
methods either sample blindly from the mixture of synapses in a preparation
or record average changes from a poorly understood mixture of synaptic
types. As we learn which receptors and enzymes play critical roles in
modulating synaptic plasticity, new anatomical techniques such as array
tomography (Micheva et al. 2010) and superresolution confocal microscopy
(Dani et al. 2010) will help to sort out distinct synaptic types.
A final experimental frontier concerns the delicate timing of synaptic
regulation required for healthy brain function. To paraphrase Marc Kirschner
describing regulation of embryonic development, “In the regulation of the
brain, as in the theater, timing is everything. Imagine if, one night, the actors
in a play were to miss every single cue, delivering each line perfectly, but
always too early or too late. The evening would be a disaster. The same is
true in brain function. Starting at the moment when the environment
stimulates sensory endings, neurons in the brain send signals to each other to
coordinate sensory perception, emotional and motor responses, and the
laying down of memories. Not only do the signals have to be correct, they
also must be perfectly timed. Otherwise, disasters like mental illness can
result” (paraphrased words in italics) (see
A challenge arises from the fact that the biochemical reactions that initiate
and sculpt changes in spine structure underlying activity-dependent synaptic
plasticity occur in a tiny compartment that contains tens to several hundred
copies of the requisite enzymes and effectors. Some of these are immobilized
by scaffold proteins that hold them in close proximity to the most important
downstream targets. Additional complexity arises from the fact that the
initiating calcium signal is always fluctuating, driven by the stuttering
kinetics of the NMDAR channel and active calcium pumps in the spine
membrane. Thus, time-resolved, high-resolution mass spectroscopy and
engineered biochemical real-time sensors, in concert with modeling methods
such as those afforded by the spatially accurate, stochastic modeling program
MCell (e.g., see Kennedy et al. 2005), will be needed to help resolve rapid,
transient molecular events involved in memory formation from those
underlying homeostatic mechanisms.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016824
1 Introduction
2 Skeletal muscle contraction
3 Skeletal muscle fiber types and exercise
4 Malignant hyperthermia in skeletal muscle
5 Cardiac muscle contraction
6 Exercise hypertrophy in cardiac muscle
7 Pathophysiological cardiac hypertrophy
8 Heart failure
9 Smooth muscle types
10 The contractile process in smooth muscle
11 Calcium sensitization
12 Vascular smooth muscle in disease
13 Concluding remarks
Muscle can be subdivided into two general categories: striated muscle, which
includes skeletal and cardiac muscles; and nonstriated muscle, which
includes smooth muscle such as vascular, respiratory, uterine, and
gastrointestinal muscles. In all muscle types, the contractile apparatus
consists of two main proteins: actin and myosin. Striated muscle is so called
because the regular arrangement of alternating actomyosin fibers gives it a
striped appearance. This arrangement allows coordinated contraction of the
whole muscle in response to neuronal stimulation through a voltage- and
calcium-dependent process known as excitation–contraction coupling. The
coupling enables the rapid and coordinated contraction required of skeletal
muscles and the heart. Smooth muscle does not contain regular striations or
undergo the same type of excitation–contraction coupling. Instead, it
typically uses second messenger signaling to open intracellular channels that
release the calcium ions that control the contractile apparatus. These
processes, in contrast to excitation–contraction coupling, are slow and thus
suitable for the slower and more sustained contractions required of smooth
muscle. The actomyosin contractile apparatus is both calcium- and
phosphorylation-dependent, and restoration of basal calcium levels or its
phosphorylation status returns an actively contracting muscle to a
noncontractile state. Muscle-specific signals modulate these processes,
depending on the type of muscle, its function, and the amount of force
In all muscle cells, contraction thus depends on an increase in cytosolic
calcium concentration (Fig. 1). Calcium has an extracellular concentration of
2–4 mM and a resting cytosolic concentration of ∼100 nM. It is also stored
inside cells within the sarcoplasmic (SR, referring to skeletal and cardiac
muscle) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER, referring to smooth muscle) at a
concentration of ∼0.4 mM (p. 95 [Bootman 2012]). In striated muscle, the
increase in calcium levels is due to its release from the SR stores via
ryanodine receptor (RyRs). Neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine bind to
receptors on the muscle surface and elicit a depolarization by causing
sodium/calcium ions to enter through associated channels. This shifts the
resting membrane potential to a more positive value, which in turn activates
voltage-gated channels, resulting in an action potential (the “excitation” part).
The action potential stimulates L-type calcium channels (also known as
dihydropyridine receptors). In skeletal muscle, these are mechanically
coupled to the SR RyRs and open them directly. In cardiac muscle, calcium
influx through the L-type channels opens RyRs via calcium-induced calcium
release (CICR) (p. 95 [Bootman 2012]). The RyR is a large tetrameric six-
transmembrane-span calcium-release channel. Of the three RyR subtypes,
RyR1 is predominantly found in skeletal muscle (see review by Klein et al.
1996), and RyR2 is predominantly found in cardiac muscle (Cheng et al.
Figure 1. Overview of muscle contraction signals in striated (A) and smooth (B) muscle.
Figure 3. Skeletal muscle contraction and changes with exercise. (A) Neurotransmitter (acetylcholine,
ACh) released from nerve endings binds to receptors (AChRs) on the muscle surface. The ensuing
depolarization causes sodium channels to open, which elicits an action potential that propagates along
the cell. The action potential invades T-tubules and causes the L-type calcium channels to open, which
in turn causes ryanodine receptors (RyRs) in the SR to open and release calcium, which stimulates
contraction. Calcium is pumped back into the SR by (SR/ER calcium ATPase SERCA) pumps. The
decreasing cytosolic calcium levels cause calcium to disassociate from troponin C and, consequently,
tropomyosin reverts to a conformation that covers the myosin-binding sites. (B) Signaling in exercised
skeletal muscle. Both calcium and calcium-independent signals stimulate the transcriptional coactivator
PGC1α. This activates a number of transcription factors that regulate genes associated with
mitochondrial biogenesis, glucose, and lipid homeostasis.
The action potential runs along the top of the muscle and invades the T-
tubules (specialized invaginations of the membrane containing numerous ion
channels). The opening of voltage-gated sodium channels activates L-type
voltage-gated calcium channels lining the T-tubule. A conformational change
in these enables release of calcium on the closely apposed SR via activation
of RyR1. Calcium then binds to troponin as described above, initiating the
contraction process. Calcium-bound CaM also activates MLCK, whose
phosphorylation of the MLC changes cross-bridge properties. This modulates
the troponin-dependent contraction, although there is no effect on the ATPase
activity of MLC. MLC phosphorylation instead enhances force development
at submaximal saturating calcium concentrations (see below). The phosphate
group is subsequently removed by protein phosphatase 1 (PP1).
Figure 4. Cardiac muscle contraction and changes with exercise. (A) Cardiac muscle contraction can
occur as a consequence of calcium entry through L-type calcium channels, which activate ryanodine
receptor (RyR) channels in the SR. Alternatively, β-adrenergic receptors on the cell membrane lead to
activation of adenylyl cyclase (AC), which stimulates PKA. This can promote contraction by
phosphorylating RyR and L-type calcium channels or relaxation by phosphorylating the SERCA pump
inhibitor phospholamban. (B) Changes with exercise lead to an activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway,
and a down-regulation of NFAT and calcinurin.
Figure 5. Smooth muscle contraction. Calcium released by L-type calcium channels or IP3Rs
downstream from Gq-coupled cell-surface receptors causes smooth muscle contraction. It binds to
calmodulin (CaM) and the resulting complex stimulates myosin light-chain (MLC) kinase (MLCK).
This phosphorylates MLC to promote contraction. A RhoA/ROCK pathway and a diacylglycerol
(DAG) pathway contribute to calcium sensitization by altering the phosphorylation status of myosin
light-chain phosphatase (MLCP). Relaxation is mediated through the cGMP/PKG pathway downstream
from nitric oxide (NO) and agonists such as atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP).
Calcium sensitization is an essentially calcium-independent process that
enables the amount of constriction in smooth muscle to be tuned by an
alteration in the sensitivity of MLC to calcium (Fig. 5). This process enables
the muscle to sustain a contraction once the initial calcium transient has
dissipated. There are two mechanisms for calcium sensitization: a DAG-PLC-
PKC pathway and a RhoA pathway (Lincoln 2007).
Diacylglycerol (DAG) is produced by PLCβ downstream from certain
GPCRs and activates the conventional and novel protein kinase C (cPKC and
nPKC), but not atypical PKC (aPKC) (Steinberg 2008). PKC has a variety of
downstream targets, such as MLCK and C-kinase potentiated protein
phosphatase 1 inhibitor, molecular mass 17 kDa (CPI-17), both of which
enhance constriction. CPI-17 is a smooth-muscle-specific inhibitor of MLCP
that binds to its catalytic subunit and inhibits phosphatase activity, allowing
contraction to persist.
Several agonists, including angiotensin II, norepinephrine, and endothelin,
activate the small G protein RhoA. RhoA in turn activates Rho kinase
(ROCK), which can mediate calcium sensitization through two main
pathways. First, ROCK stimulates phosphorylation of MYPT1 (Feng et al.
1999). This can be direct, at T695 or T853, with a preference for T853.
Alternatively, it can phosphorylate another kinase, zipper-interacting protein
kinase (ZIPK, also known as DAPK3), which phosphorylates MYPT1
primarily at T695 (Kiss et al. 2002). ZIPK also phosphorylates MLC at
T18/S19. Phosphorylation of MYPT1 interferes with binding of MLCP to
MLC, and thus is believed to decrease phosphatase activity. ROCK can also
phosphorylate CPI-17 (MacDonald et al. 2001).
The preference for the MYPT1 or CPI-17 pathway depends on the type of
smooth muscle. Whereas MYPT1 is ubiquitously expressed in smooth
muscle, CPI-17 is differentially expressed. Moreover, RhoA and associated
proteins are expressed at lower levels in phasic smooth muscle compared
with tonic smooth muscle (Patel and Rattan 2006). Note that PKC can also
phosphorylate CPI-17 to prevent MLCP activity. Within resistance arteries,
an increase in vascular pressure also activates the RhoA pathway; however,
the signaling intermediates linking the change in vascular pressure and the
activation of RhoA remain unknown (Cole and Welsh 2011).
Smooth muscle cells are remarkably plastic, altering their phenotype in
response to conditions such as vascular injury, altered blood flow conditions,
or disease states. The changes in phenotype that can occur include cell
proliferation, apoptosis, and cell migration and are induced by many factors,
including cytokines and growth factors, mechanical forces, neuronal stimuli,
and genetic factors. Here we limit our discussion to hypertension.
In hypertension, there is often a change in the sympathetic nervous system
and the renin–angiotensin system that leads to increased blood pressure.
Angiotensinogen is converted to angiotensin I by renin, which in turn is
converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
Increased circulating angiotensin II acts on the angiotensin receptors (AT1
and AT2), which, when activated, cause increased peripheral resistance. The
consequence for smooth muscle cells is they become hypercontractile.
Treatments include ACE inhibitors (which inhibit the conversion of
angiotensin I to angiotensin II), α1-adrenergic antagonists (which block the
AT1 and AT2 GPCRs), and calcium channel blockers (such as
dihydropyridines, which inhibit the voltage-gated calcium channels). All of
these treatments aim to reduce the contractility of smooth muscle. Interfering
with downstream targets such as RhoA signaling in hypertensive animals has
also been shown to be effective (Uehata et al. 1997; Seko et al. 2003; Moriki
et al. 2004).
The sustained contractile state of vascular smooth muscle is associated
with the activation of calcium-dependent transcription factors. These include
SRF, FOS, NFAT, and CREB. SRF, which is activated by the RhoA
pathway, promotes the expression of genes encoding components of the
contractile apparatus. Calcium-stimulated CaMKII activates and causes the
translocation of CaMKIV to the nucleus, where it can activate CREB, which
promotes transcription of components of the contractile apparatus and other
targets. However, CaMKII can also activate a phosphatase that
dephosphorylates and thus inactivates CREB (Matchkov et al. 2012). NFAT
is activated on dephosphorylation by calcium-activated calcineurin, which
induces genes associated with proliferation and migration.
NO produced by eNOS in endothelial cells protects against the changes
observed in hypertension: the cGMP pathway inhibits DNA synthesis,
mitogenesis, and cell proliferation (Forstermann and Sessa 2012). However,
endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of vascular disease, including
hypertension. In many types of vascular diseases, eNOS is up-regulated but
owing to reduced oxygen availability it is converted to a dysfunctional
enzyme that produces superoxides, which contribute to vascular oxidative
stress (Forstermann and Sessa 2012).
In some disease states, smooth muscle cells adopt a noncontractile
phenotype. Although these cells still have signaling machinery that increases
intracellular calcium levels, they have significantly reduced calcium influx
through voltage-gated calcium channels. Thus, there is a shift to intracellular-
store-operated calcium release, similar to the changes observed in cardiac
hypertrophy. Concomitant with decreases in the levels of SERCA, RyR2,
PMCA1, and the sodium/calcium exchanger, the levels of STIM, ORAI
(proteins associated with refilling of intracellular calcium stores; see p. 95
[Bootman 2012]), SERCA2B, and IP3R increase and there is a change in RyR
receptor subtypes from RyR2 to RyR3 (Lipskaia and Lompre 2004; Berra-
Romani et al. 2008; Baryshnikov et al. 2009; Matchkov et al. 2012). These
changes collectively reflect a less contractile phenotype.
Signal transduction is essential for the function of contractile cells. The
stimulatory signal results in an increase in cytosolic calcium levels, which
activates muscle contraction. We now know the main contributors to the
various types of muscle contraction, and have a better appreciation of the
changes that occur to the contractile apparatus under exercise and
pathophysiological conditions. For example, the identification of PGC1α as a
master regulator of transcription factors up-regulated in both exercised and
pathological striated muscle provides new avenues to modulate muscles in a
therapeutic setting. It is also apparent that many signaling proteins in both
smooth and striated muscles are activated by changes in cytosolic calcium
levels, and these signaling pathways often lead to alterations in gene
expression. Because we now have a better appreciation of the changes that
occur to the contractile apparatus under pathophysiological conditions, this
knowledge can be harnessed to allow us to treat disease strategically.
Research in the Ehrlich Laboratory is supported by National Institutes of
Health funds. I.Y.K. is an American Heart Association postdoctoral fellow.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006023
D. Grahame Hardie
College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 5EH, Scotland,
United Kingdom
Heterotrophic organisms, including mammals, gain energy from the ingestion
and breakdown (catabolism) of reduced carbon compounds, mainly
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. A large proportion of the energy released,
rather than appearing simply as heat, is used to convert ADP and inorganic
phosphate (Pi) into ATP. The high intracellular ratio of ATP to ADP thus
created is analogous to the fully charged state of a rechargeable battery,
representing a store of energy that can be used to drive energy-requiring
processes, including the anabolic pathways required for cell maintenance and
growth. Individual cells must constantly adjust their rates of nutrient uptake
and catabolism to balance their rate of ATP consumption, so that they can
maintain a constant high ratio of ATP to ADP. The main control mechanism
used to achieve this energy homeostasis is AMP-activated protein kinase
(AMPK) (see Box 1) (Hardie 2011).
Figure 4. Acute regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver. Reaction steps unique to
glucose release via gluconeogenesis or glycogenolysis are shown in blue. The steps opposing liver
pyruvate kinase (L-PK) in gluconeogenesis are not shown in detail. During fasting or starvation,
epinephrine and glucagon increase calcium and cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels, activating phosphorylase
kinase and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), which act together to promote glycogen
breakdown. During starvation, PKA also phosphorylates L-PK and 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose
2,6-bisphosphatase (PFK2/F2BPase), inactivating the former, and inhibiting the kinase and activating
the phosphatase activity of the latter. This causes a drop in fructose 2,6-bisphosphate levels, which
triggers a net switch from glycolysis to gluconeogenesis.
In the liver, glycolysis is most active in the fed state and is an anabolic
pathway, because it provides precursors for lipid biosynthesis. The liver is
also the major site of gluconeogenesis, the synthesis of glucose from
noncarbohydrate precursors, which is essentially a reversal of glycolysis
except for three irreversible steps in which different reactions are used (blue
arrows in Fig. 4). Gluconeogenesis becomes particularly important as a
source of glucose during starvation, particularly for the brain, which cannot
use fatty acids. The liver therefore must have mechanisms to trigger a switch
from glycolysis to gluconeogenesis during the transition from the fed to the
starved state. A key mediator of this switch is a metabolite that has a purely
regulatory role, fructose 2-6-bisphosphate, which is synthesized and broken
down to fructose 6-phosphate by distinct domains of a single bienzyme
polypeptide termed 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase
(PFK2/FBPase) (Fig. 4).
A key step in glycolysis is the conversion of fructose 6-phosphate to
fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, catalyzed by 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK1).
PFK1 is allosterically activated by fructose 2, 6-bisphosphate, which also
inhibits the opposing reaction in gluconeogenesis, catalyzed by fructose-1,6-
bisphosphatase. On the transition from the fed to the starved state, glucagon
is released, increasing cyclic AMP levels in the liver and activating PKA.
PKA phosphorylates the liver isoform of PFK2/FBPase, inhibiting its kinase
and activating its phosphatase activity (Rider et al. 2004). The consequent
drop in fructose 2,6-bisphosphate levels both reduces PFK1 activation and
relieves inhibition of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, causing a net switch from
glycolysis to gluconeogenesis. In addition, PKA phosphorylates and
inactivates the liver isoform of pyruvate kinase (L-PK) (Riou et al. 1978),
causing additional inhibition of glycolysis at a later step (Fig. 4).
On returning to the fed state again, blood glucose increases, glucagon
levels decrease, and the effects just described are reversed. Some of the
increased flux of glucose into the liver caused by the high blood glucose
levels also enters the pentose phosphate pathway, generating the intermediate
xylulose 5-phosphate. Xylulose 5-phosphate has been found to activate a
protein phosphatase that dephosphorylates PFK2/FBPase, thus switching it
back to the state that favors fructose 2,6-bisphosphate synthesis (Nishimura et
al. 1994).
In muscle, where gluconeogenesis is absent and glycolysis has a purely
catabolic role, it would not make sense for hormones that increase cyclic
AMP (such as epinephrine) to inhibit glycolysis. Indeed, muscle expresses
different isoforms of pyruvate kinase and PFK2/FBPase, which lack the PKA
Another important tier of regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis occurs
at the level of transcription. Although expression of most genes involved in
these pathways is regulated, research has particularly focused on the genes
encoding the catalytic subunit of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pc), and
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) (Yabaluri and Bashyam
2010). Although often referred to as “gluconeogenic genes,” in fact neither is
involved exclusively with that pathway. Thus, glucose-6-phosphatase
releases into the bloodstream glucose derived from glycogen breakdown as
well as gluconeogenesis (Fig. 4), whereas phosphoenolpyruvate produced by
PEPCK is used as a precursor for biosynthesis of products other than glucose,
including glycerol 3-phosphate used in triglyceride synthesis.
Three important hormonal regulators of transcription of these genes are
glucocorticoids and glucagon (which are released during fasting or starvation
and increase transcription) and insulin (which is released after carbohydrate
feeding and represses transcription). The promoters for these genes contain
hormone response units that bind the critical transcription factors and are
most well defined in the case of the G6Pc promoter (Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Regulation of the G6Pc promoter, showing the approximate location of elements binding the
key transcription factors. Glucocorticoids such as cortisol, in complex with the glucocorticoid receptor
(GR), bind to three sites within the glucocorticoid response unit, enhancing transcription. Cyclic AMP-
dependent protein kinase (PKA) phosphorylates cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB),
recruiting CREB-binding protein (CBP), and activating transcription. Finally, Akt phosphorylates
FoxO at multiple sites, triggering the binding of 14-3-3 proteins and their nuclear exclusion, thus
inhibiting transcription. Not shown are the roles of coactivators other than CBP described in the text,
i.e., PGC-1α and CRTC2.
Figure 6. Regulation of processing of SREBPs. The precursor forms of SREBPs bind to the membrane
protein SCAP through interactions between their carboxy-terminal regulatory domain (RD) and the
WD repeat domain (WDD) of SCAP. The SREBP-SCAP complex is retained in the endoplasmic
reticulum by interaction with Insigs. Reduced binding of sterols to the sterol-binding domain (SBD) of
Insig1 and the sterol sensor domain (SSD) of SCAP causes their dissociation, and the SCAP-SREBP2
complex then translocates to the Golgi, where the site 1 and site 2 proteases (S1P and S2P) cleave
SREBP2, releasing the transcription factor domain (TFD) that translocates to the nucleus. Regulation of
SREB1c is similar, except that there appears to be multiple mechanisms that trigger its release from the
ER, including insulin-induced degradation of Insig2.
Although subcutaneous fat provides thermal insulation, the main metabolic
function of adipocytes is to store fatty acids as triglycerides, neutral lipids
that are very insoluble in water and are deposited in lipid droplets. White
adipocytes, unlike other cells, have a single central triglyceride droplet that
occupies almost the entire volume of the cell. The phospholipid monolayer
that forms its cytoplasmic face is lined with a protein called peripilin1
(Brasaemle 2007). To release fatty acids back into the circulation, the
triglycerides in the lipid droplet must be hydrolyzed back to free fatty acids
(lipolysis). Three lipases are involved, which remove the first, second, and
third fatty acids: (1) adipose tissue triglyceride lipase (ATGL), (2) hormone-
sensitive lipase (HSL), and (3) monacylglycerol lipase. Lipolysis is greatly
enhanced during fasting by glucagon and/or epinephrine, acting via increases
in cyclic AMP; insulin opposes this because Akt phosphorylates and activates
the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase PDE3B, thus lowering cyclic AMP levels
(Berggreen et al. 2009). HSL is directly phosphorylated and activated by
PKA, although the effect on activity is modest (about twofold) compared
with the effects on lipolysis (at least 100-fold). Phosphorylation of HSL also
triggers its translocation from the cytoplasm to the lipid droplet, thus
increasing its accessibility to substrate (Clifford et al. 2000). However, some
hormone-stimulated release of fatty acids still occurs even in adipocytes from
HSL-deficient mice (Haemmerle et al. 2002). This may be because perilipin1,
which seems to regulate access of lipolytic enzymes to the surface of the lipid
droplet, is also phosphorylated by PKA (Clifford et al. 2000). Adipocytes
from perilipin1 knockout mice have a high basal lipolytic rate that is only
marginally stimulated by cyclic-AMP-elevating agents (Tansey et al. 2001).
The crucial effect of PKA may therefore be to phosphorylate perilipin1,
which alters the accessibility of triglycerides within the lipid droplet to both
Activation of AMPK opposes the effects of epinephrine and glucagon on
lipolysis, in part because it phosphorylates HSL at sites close to the PKA
sites, antagonizing the activation and translocation induced by PKA (Daval et
al. 2005). Whether AMPK also antagonizes the effect of phosphorylation of
perilipin1 by PKA remains unclear. It might appear paradoxical that AMPK
inhibits lipolysis, because fatty acids are an excellent fuel for oxidative
catabolism. However, the fatty acids produced by lipolysis are not usually
oxidized within the adipocyte, but are released for use elsewhere. If the fatty
acids generated by lipolysis are not rapidly removed from adipocytes either
by export or by oxidative metabolism, they are recycled into triglycerides, an
energy-intensive process in which two molecules of ATP are consumed per
fatty acid. Thus, inhibition of lipolysis by AMPK may ensure that the rate of
lipolysis does not exceed the rate at which the fatty acids can be removed
from the system.
Brown adipocytes are so called because, unlike white fat cells, they have
abundant mitochondria containing cytochromes that produce their
characteristic color. Increases in cyclic AMP levels induced by epinephrine
trigger lipolysis as in white fat cells, but brown adipocytes differ in that the
fatty acids are not released but are oxidized within their own mitochondria.
Another unique feature of brown adipocytes is that they express uncoupling
protein1 (UCP1), which dissipates the electrochemical gradient produced by
pumping of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane by the
respiratory chain. The energy expended in brown fat cells therefore mainly
appears in the form of heat, rather than ATP. This heat-generating system is
particularly important in neonatal animals (including humans), but also
occurs in adult rodents exposed to cold environments. Once thought to be
absent in adult humans, improved methodology has shown that brown fat
does indeed occur (van Marken Lichtenbelt et al. 2009). These findings have
rekindled interest in the idea that regulation of energy expenditure by brown
fat might be a way of controlling obesity.
Energy balance in multicellular organisms involves a complex interplay
between energy-utilizing tissues such as muscle, energy-storing tissues such
as adipose tissue, and organs involved in metabolic coordination such as the
liver. These tissues signal to each other via hormones and cytokines that are
either secreted by specialized endocrine cells (e.g., the hypothalamus, islets
of Langerhans, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands) or by the tissues
themselves (e.g., adipokines, released by adipocytes). These hormones either
act at receptors that switch on protein kinase signaling cascades triggered by
second messengers such as PIP3 (insulin), calcium (epinephrine acting at α1
receptors) or cyclic AMP (glucagon), or bind to nuclear receptors that are
transcription factors (cortisol and T3). These signaling cascades interact with
other signaling pathways involved in regulating energy balance at the cell-
autonomous level (e.g., AMPK). The net effect is modulation of carbohydrate
and lipid metabolism, both by direct phosphorylation of metabolic enzymes
and by effects of gene expression or protein turnover. One important
remaining challenge is to understand how cells monitor their levels of energy
reserves such as triglyceride, a process likely to be important in
understanding disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006031
1 Introduction
2 DAMPs and PAMPs trigger the innate immune response
3 Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
4 RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs)
5 Nod-like receptors (NLRs)
6 The proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
7 Selectins and integrins
8 G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
9 Fc receptors
10 Inflammation as a risk factor for cancer
11 Concluding remarks
The role of the inflammatory response is to combat infection and tissue
injury. Innate immune cells residing in tissues, such as macrophages,
fibroblasts, mast cells, and dendritic cells, as well as circulating leukocytes,
including monocytes and neutrophils, recognize pathogen invasion or cell
damage with intracellular or surface-expressed pattern recognition receptors
(PRRs). These receptors detect, either directly or indirectly, pathogen-
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), such as microbial nucleic acids,
lipoproteins, and carbohydrates, or damage-associated molecular patterns
(DAMPs) released from injured cells. Activated PRRs then oligomerize and
assemble large multisubunit complexes that initiate signaling cascades that
trigger the release of factors that promote recruitment of leukocytes to the
Vascular alterations play an important role in the inflammatory response
(Fig. 1). Histamine, prostaglandins, and nitric oxide act on vascular smooth
muscle to cause vasodilation, which increases blood flow and brings in
circulating leukocytes, whereas inflammatory mediators including histamine
and leukotrienes act on endothelial cells to increase vascular permeability and
allow plasma proteins and leukocytes to exit the circulation. Cytokines such
as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin 1 (IL1) promote leukocyte
extravasation by increasing the levels of leukocyte adhesion molecules on
endothelial cells. Activated innate immune cells at the site of infection or
injury, including dendritic cells, macrophages, and neutrophils, remove
foreign particles and host debris by phagocytosis, plus they also secrete
cytokines that shape the slower, lymphocyte-mediated adaptive immune
Figure 1. Cells and mediators of the inflammatory response. Molecules derived from plasma proteins
and cells in response to tissue damage or pathogens mediate inflammation by stimulating vascular
changes, plus leukocyte migration and activation. Granulocytes include neutrophils, basophils, and
12b Unknown
13b Unknown
The MAPKs JNK and p38α, like TAK1, are activated downstream from
TLR2 and TLR4 in a cIAP-dependent manner. The TAK1-containing
signaling complex translocates into the cytosol and recruits the kinase MKK4
to phosphorylate and activate JNK (Tseng et al. 2010). It probably also
recruits MKK3 and MKK6 to activate p38α because both kinases associate
with TRAF6 in response to LPS (Wan et al. 2009). p38α is required for
activation of the transcription factors CREB and c/EBPβ, and it contributes to
the induction of several genes, including those encoding chemokines (Cxcl1,
Cxcl2), cytokines (IL10, IL12b, IL1a, and IL1b), and regulators of
extracellular matrix remodeling (Mmp13) and cell adhesion (Vcam1) (Kang
et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2008). JNK regulates the activity of the AP1
transcription factor and stimulates expression of proinflammatory mediators
such as TNF (Das et al. 2009).
Activation of the IKK complex is required for NF-κB-dependent
transcription as well as transcriptional responses downstream from the
MAPK ERK. IKKβ substrates include p105, the precursor of the p50 NF-κB1
transcription factor, as well as the IκB proteins that sequester NF-κB
transcription factors in the cytosol. Phosphorylation by IKKβ targets these
substrates for K48-linked polyubiquitylation by the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCFβ-
TrCP and subsequent proteasomal degradation (Kanarek et al. 2010).
Degradation of p105, which exists in a complex with the kinase Tpl2,
activates a Tpl2–MEK1–ERK kinase cascade that leads to the induction of
genes such as Ptgs2 by the CREB/ATF family of transcription factors
(Banerjee and Gerondakis 2007). The cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) enzyme
encoded by Ptgs2 is involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are
important mediators of pain, inflammation, and fever. IκB degradation allows
dimeric NF-κB transcription factors composed largely of RelA (p65) and NF-
κB1 (p50) subunits to accumulate in the nucleus and drive expression of a
large number of proinflammatory genes (Table 3 lists a subset of these
Figure 3. Signaling by RIG-I. (A) RIG-I binding to dsRNA that has a 5′ triphosphate and polyubiquitin,
the latter generated by the ubiquitin ligase TRIM25 and E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes Ubc5 and
Ubc13, promotes RIG-I binding to mitochondrial MAVS. Subsequently, a larger complex containing
the adaptor proteins CARD9 and BCL10 is assembled for MAPK and NF-κB activation. TRAF3, the
kinases TBK1 and IKKε, and ER-resident protein STING are required for activation of transcription
factors IRF3 and IRF7. (B) Functional outputs of some of the genes up-regulated by MAVS signaling.
IKKβ activation by TNF triggers not only NF-κB transcription but also
the Tpl2–MEK1–ERK kinase cascade activated by TLRs (see above). In
fibroblasts, but not macrophages or B cells, Tpl2 activation by TNF has been
linked to activation of the MKK4–JNK pathway as well. In addition,
activation of the kinase MSK1 by ERK may enhance NF-κB transcriptional
activity through phosphorylation of RelA (Banerjee and Gerondakis 2007).
Genetic studies indicate that TNF-induced JNK activation is mediated largely
by upstream kinases TAK1 and MKK7, whereas p38 activation requires
TAK1 and MKK3/MKK6 (Brancho et al. 2003; Sato et al. 2005; Shim et al.
Repeated exposure to a polyvalent foreign substance can elicit an
inflammatory response called a hypersensitivity reaction if the host makes
antibodies against the substance. Immune complexes containing the antigen
and IgG or IgM antibodies activate complement proteases, culminating in the
generation of C3a and C5a, which signal leukocyte recruitment and activation
(see above); the opsonin C3b, which coats and promotes phagocytosis of
bacteria; and the membrane attack complex for bacterial cell lysis (C5b-9). In
addition, complexes containing IgG or IgE antibodies engage Fc receptors on
leukocytes. Members of the Fc receptor family are type I transmembrane
proteins (with the exception of human GPI-anchored FcγRIIIB) that produce
activating (human FcγRI, FcγRIIA, FcγRIIC, FcγRIIIA, FcγRIIIB, and
FcεRI) or inhibitory (human FcγRIIB) signals. Mast cells expressing the
high-affinity receptor for IgE, FcεRI, play a central role in allergic reactions.
FcεRI engagement causes intracellular granules to fuse with the plasma
membrane such that preformed inflammatory mediators including histamine,
serotonin, and proteases are released into the extracellular environment.
Activated mast cells also secrete proinflammatory prostaglandins,
leukotrienes, and cytokines, but these are synthesized de novo.
9.1 FcεRI
FcεRI is an αβγ2 heterotetramer. Its α-chain contains extracellular Ig-like
domains for binding the heavy-chain constant region of IgE, whereas the β-
chain and a γ-chain homodimer transduce signals via cytoplasmic ITAMs
(Fig. 7) (Ch. 16 [Cantrell 2014]). IgE-induced clustering of FcεRI promotes
activation of Src family kinases Lyn and Fyn. Lyn substrates include both
positive and negative regulators of mast cell activation, which fine-tune the
magnitude and duration of the response. Lyn stimulates activation by
phosphorylating the FcRγ ITAM, which recruits the SH2 domains in Syk.
Subsequent Syk-dependent phosphorylation of the transmembrane adaptors
LAT1 and LAT2 recruits additional SH2-containing signaling components,
such as PLCγ and the adaptors Grb2 and Gads. SH3 domains in Grb2 and
Gads bind proline-rich regions in additional proteins such as the adaptors
SLP76 and Gab2. SLP76 interacts with the Rho/Rac GEF VAV1, which
contributes to PLCγ and JNK activation. Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of
Gab2 recruits the SH2-containing p85 regulatory subunit of PI3Kδ. PIP3
produced by PI3Kδ retains proteins containing plextrin homology (PH)
domains at the plasma membrane, such as PLCγ, Gab2, Akt, and Btk. The
kinase Btk phosphorylates and enhances the activity of PLCγ (Alvarez-Errico
et al. 2009).
Figure 7. Signaling by FcεRI. (A) Binding of the Fc region of antigen-bound IgE to FcεRI activates the
Src family kinases Lyn and Fyn. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the FcRγ ITAM recruits the tyrosine
kinase Syk, which is required for phosphorylation of LAT transmembrane adaptor proteins.
Phosphorylated LAT1 binds PLCγ and the adaptors Gads and Grb2. Gads recruits the adaptor SLP76,
which regulates activation of PLCγ and the GEF Vav1. Grb2 binds Gab2, which is phosphorylated by
Fyn and binds the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3Kδ. PIP3 generated by PI3Kδ retains signaling
components such as Gab2, PLCγ, and Btk at the plasma membrane. IP3 generated by PLCγ depletes
ER calcium stores, which causes a STIM1-dependent influx of calcium that promotes mast cell
degranulation. Elevated intracellular calcium also activates the phosphatase calcineurin, stimulates
NFAT-dependent gene expression, and triggers the translocation of cPLA2 and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO)
to the nuclear envelope, cytoplasmic lipid bodies, or ER. cPLA2 releases arachidonic acid from
membrane phospholipids. COX enzymes and downstream synthases metabolize arachidonic acid into
prostaglandins and thromboxane, whereas leukotriene (LT) synthesis from arachidonic acid involves
five-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP), 5-LO, and downstream LTC4 synthase or LTA4
hydrolase. DAG generated by PLCγ activates PKC, which is important for IKK activation via MALT1,
BCl10, and TRAF6, as well as subsequent NF-κB-dependent gene transcription. IKKβ has also been
implicated in mast cell degranulation independent of NF-κB activation. (B) Functional outputs of some
of the genes up-regulated by FcεRI signaling.
Many of the major players in inflammatory signaling have been identified,
but the importance and complexity of posttranslational modifications such as
ubiquitylation in these pathways continue to be unraveled. Binding of TLRs,
TNF and IL1 receptors, GPCRs, integrins, selectins, and Fc receptors to their
ligands triggers the formation of multisubunit signaling complexes, but it
remains to be seen how diverse inflammatory stimuli can activate
intracellular PRRs such as NLRP3 and NLRC4. An attractive hypothesis is
that posttranslational modifications to NLR family members are key to their
activation. Once activated, both surface and intracellular PRRs stimulate
transcription of inflammatory genes; TLRs, RLRs, and some NLRs (e.g.,
NOD1 and NOD2) engage common downstream signaling pathways to
stimulate transcription factors such as NF-κB, AP1, CREB, and c/EBPβ,
whereas caspase-1-activating PRRs (e.g., AIM2, NLRP3, and NLRC4)
stimulate similar pathways indirectly via the secretion of IL1β and IL18.
Going forward, it will be important to understand how innate immune cells
exposed to multiple inflammatory mediators and stimuli in vivo integrate
signals from diverse receptors, because this will offer insight into what
critical components might be targeted for therapeutic benefit in inflammatory
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1DCs are very heterogeneous. pDCs acquire DC morphology and secrete large amounts of IFN during
virus infections. They can be distinguished from other DC subsets by their cell surface markers. The
myeloid DCs referenced were derived in vitro from bone marrow cells with granulocyte/macrophage
colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF).
2Autophagy is the process by which cytoplasmic components, including organelles and invading
bacteria, are sequestered inside double-membrane vesicles and then delivered to the lysosome for
3Chemokinesis refers to random cell migration, whereas chemotaxis is directed cell migration along a
chemical gradient.
Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006049
Doreen Cantrell
College of Life Sciences, Wellcome Trust Biocentre, University of Dundee,
Dundee DD1 5EH, Scotland, United Kingdom
The fate of T and B lymphocytes, the key cells that direct the adaptive
immune response, is regulated by a diverse network of signal
transduction pathways. The T- and B-cell antigen receptors are coupled
to intracellular tyrosine kinases and adaptor molecules to control the
metabolism of inositol phospholipids and calcium release. The
production of inositol polyphosphates and lipid second messengers
directs the activity of downstream guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins
and protein and lipid kinases/phosphatases that control lymphocyte
transcriptional and metabolic programs. Lymphocyte activation is
modulated by costimulatory molecules and cytokines that elicit
intracellular signaling that is integrated with the antigen-receptor-
controlled pathways.
1 Introduction
2 Antigen-receptor structure and function
3 Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs
4 Adaptor molecules for antigen receptors
5 Calcium and diacylglycerol signaling
6 Downstream from calcium signaling in lymphocytes
7 Diacylglycerol signaling in lymphocytes
8 PKC and lymphocytes
9 Ras signaling and lymphocytes
10 Costimulatory molecules, cytokines, and lymphocyte activation
11 Cytokine signaling in lymphocytes
12 PI3K-mediated signaling in lymphocytes
13 Inhibitory signals and lymphocyte activation
14 Concluding remarks
The adaptive immune response is directed by B and T lymphocytes. These
cells express specific receptors that recognize pathogen-derived antigens: the
B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) and the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR),
respectively. B lymphocytes have two principal roles: to produce and secrete
specific antibodies/immunoglobulins, and to function as antigen-presenting
cells (APCs). T cells have multiple roles in adaptive immune responses. In
this context, peripheral T cells can be subdivided on the basis of whether they
express CD8 or CD4, receptors that recognize class I and class II major
histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, respectively. CD8+ T cells
differentiate to cytolytic effectors that directly kill virus- or bacteria-infected
cells. CD4+ T cells are referred to as “helper” T cells because they produce
regulatory cytokines and chemokines that mediate autocrine or paracrine
control of T-cell differentiation and/or regulate the differentiation of B cells
and/or direct the activity of macrophages and neutrophils (O’Shea and Paul
2010). At least five major subpopulations of mature CD4+ cells exist with
distinct functions that are tailored to deal with different pathogens. Th1 cells,
characterized by interferon (IFN)γ production; Th2 cells, characterized by
interleukin 4 (IL4) and IL13 production; Th17 cells, which produce the
proinflammatory cytokines IL17 and IL22; regulatory T (Treg) cells that
function to restrain autoimmunity and strong inflammatory responses; and
follicular helper T (Tfh) cells, a class of effector CD4+ T cells that regulate
the development of antigen-specific B-cell immunity.
The paradigm of the adaptive immune response is that a primary response
to an antigen causes clonal expansion of antigen-reactive T or B cells and
produces a large number of effector lymphocytes that cause clearance of the
pathogen. Once the pathogen is cleared there is a contraction phase of the
immune response characterized by loss of effector lymphocytes and the
emergence of long-lived memory cells capable of mounting rapid secondary
responses to reinfection with the original pathogen.
The proliferation and differentiation of mature lymphocytes in adaptive
immune responses are directed by antigen receptors, costimulatory
molecules, adhesion molecules, cytokines, and chemokines. These extrinsic
stimuli are coupled to a diverse network of signal transduction pathways that
control the transcriptional and metabolic programs that determine lymphocyte
function. At the core of lymphocyte signal transduction is the regulated
metabolism of inositol phospholipids and the resultant production of inositol
polyphosphates and lipids such as polyunsaturated diacylglycerols (DAGs).
These second messengers direct the activity of protein and lipid kinases and
guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins that control lymphocyte proliferation,
differentiation, and effector function. Below, I outline both the unique and
the conserved aspects of signaling in lymphocytes, focusing on signaling
pathways controlled by antigen receptors and how these responses are
subsequently shaped and modulated by cytokines and chemokines.
The antigen-receptor subunits that mediate signal transduction are the
invariant chains CD3γ, δ, ε, ζ in T cells, Igα and Igβ in B lymphocytes, and
the FcRγ chain in mast cells (see below). These signaling subunits have no
intrinsic signaling capacity, but all contain a YxxL/I-X6–8-YxxL/I motif
referred to as an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)
(Abram and Lowell 2007; Love and Hayes 2010). The CD3γ, δ, and ε
subunits each contain a single ITAM, and there are three ITAMs in the CD3ζ
chain. The minimal TCR complex thus has 10 ITAMs. These couple the TCR
to intracellular tyrosine kinases (see below). ITAM motifs are a defining
feature of antigen-receptor complexes. Igα and Igβ, the signaling subunits of
the BCR, both have a single ITAM.
ITAM motifs are not restricted to the TCR and BCR. For example, mast
cells comprise an important group of lymphocytes whose fate is determined
by antigen-specific immunoglobulin. These cells respond to antigen because
they express a high-affinity receptor for IgE. This receptor, termed FcεR1,
binds to the immunoglobulin IgE with high affinity. When FcεR1-IgE
complexes are cross-linked by polyvalent antigen they can trigger mast cell
degranulation and the release of cytokines and allergic mediators. The FcεR1
is assembled from three subunits: the α subunit that binds to the Fc region of
IgE, a β subunit that provides important accessory signaling, and the FcRγ
chain, which is a signaling subunit that contains a single ITAM (Beaven and
Metzger 1993; Abram and Lowell 2007; p. 125 [Samelson 2011]).
TCR/BCR/FcεR1 signaling is initiated by the tyrosine phosphorylation of
ITAMs by Src-family tyrosine kinases such as Lck and Fyn in T cells, Lyn in
B cells, and Fyn in mast cells (Salmond et al. 2009). When both tyrosine
residues are phosphorylated, the ITAM forms a high-affinity binding site for
Syk-family tyrosine kinases; generally in T cells this is Zap-70 (Wang et al.
2010), whereas in B cells and mast cells Syk is recruited (Chu et al. 1998).
Zap-70 and Syk contain tandem SH2 domains that bind with high affinity to
the doubly phosphorylated ITAM (Chu et al. 1998). The activation of Zap-70
or Syk is initiated by binding to phosphorylated ITAMs. This is proposed to
release Syk/Zap-70 from an autoinhibited conformation and expose
regulatory tyrosine residues for phosphorylation by Src-family kinases (Au-
Yeung et al. 2009). The phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in the activation
loop in the Zap-70/Syk catalytic domain, as well as two residues in the
adjacent linker region, then further stimulates their catalytic activity.
Antigen-receptor control of Syk-family tyrosine kinases is fundamental for
lymphocyte activation and underpins the ability of antigen receptors to
transduce signals from pathogen-derived antigens to the interior of
lymphocytes (Mocsai et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2010).
How the Src-family kinases such as Lck are regulated is central to
antigen-receptor signal transduction (Salmond et al. 2009). The activity of
Lck is regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of a carboxy-
terminal tyrosine (Y505) by the ubiquitously expressed kinase carboxy-
terminal Src kinase (CSK), as well as autophosphorylation of the activation
loop tyrosine residue, Y394. Phosphorylated Y505 forms an intramolecular
binding site for the Lck SH2 domain, thereby locking the kinase into an
autoinhibited state. The key to initiating the activation of Lck and its relatives
is to dephosphorylate the carboxy-terminal tyrosine and relieve autoinhibition
of the kinase. This is mediated by transmembrane-receptor-like tyrosine
phosphatases, such as CD45 and CD148 (Hermiston et al. 2009; Zikherman
et al. 2010). Hence in T cells, the Lck activation threshold is set by the
balanced activity of the kinase-phosphatase pair CSK, which phosphorylates
Y505, and CD45, which dephosphorylates this residue (Zikherman et al.
It is frequently assumed that triggering antigen receptors stimulates Src
kinase family activity, and antigen receptors are often depicted as molecular
switches that are either on or off. In reality, antigen receptors are always
signaling and it is the intensity of the signal that changes. The assembly of
antigen receptors at the plasma membrane is thus proposed to mediate low-
level signaling and the engagement with high-affinity ligands (antigen or
antigen–MHC) increases the intensity. Indeed Src-family kinases such as Lck
are constitutively active before antigen-receptor engagement and cause low-
level ITAM phosphorylation (Nika et al. 2010). The levels of ITAM
phosphorylation are limited by tyrosine phosphatases, and the increases in
ITAM phosphorylation that follow antigen-receptor engagement probably
result from spatial constraints on the ITAM-phosphatase interaction (van der
Merwe and Dushek 2011).
How are these spatial constraints regulated to explain how ligand
occupancy triggers TCR signaling? Surprisingly, we do not know, although
there is no shortage of theories. Current models range from the ligand-
induced conformational change to the idea that the TCR is a mechanosensor
that converts the mechanical energy generated by antigen binding into a
biochemical signal (Kim et al. 2009). One other idea well supported by
experimental data is that binding of the TCR to peptide-MHC complexes on
the surface ofAPCs causes spatial segregation of TCR complexes (which
have small ectodomains) away from receptor tyrosine phosphatases such as
CD45 and CD148 (which have very large ectodomains). This might locally
perturb the kinase–phosphatase balance sufficiently to favor ITAM
phosphorylation and Zap-70 recruitment (van der Merwe and Davis 2003;
van der Merwe and Dushek 2011). Note that the MHC-binding coreceptors
CD4 and CD8 are also thought to play a role in perturbing the kinase-
phosphatase balance in localized areas of the T-cell membrane. CD4 and
CD8 can thus promote TCR signaling by stabilizing interactions between the
TCR and peptide-MHC ligands. However, the cytoplasmic domains of CD4
and CD8 constitutively bind Lck and hence facilitate the recruitment of this
kinase to ligand-engaged TCR complexes (Artyomov et al. 2010).
What about the BCR and FcεR1? In quiescent B cells, the BCR may exist
in an oligomeric autoinhibited state, and ligand occupancy could drive the
dissociation of these oligomers into monomers that interact more effectively
with downstream tyrosine kinases (Yang and Reth 2010a,b). For the FcεR1,
the opposite is probably the case. This receptor binds IgE but is only
effectively triggered when antigen oligomerizes the receptor (Beaven and
Metzger 1993).
Lymphocyte responses both prior and subsequent to antigen-receptor
engagement are modulated by multiple costimulatory and coinhibitory
receptors. Signaling via Toll-like receptors (TLRs) is also a major factor
influencing the fate of lymphocytes during an immune response. Because T
and B lymphocytes respond to antigens presented to them by APCs,
lymphocyte activation can be regulated by the adhesion molecules and
costimulatory molecules expressed by the APC. Note also that many of the
cytokines that control lymphocyte fate are produced in response to TLR-
mediated activation of dendritic cells and macrophages (Ch. 15 [Newton and
Dixit 2012]). Hence, the nature of the pathogen challenge to the innate
immune system, and the resultant cytokine milieu modulate the adaptive
immune response.
For T cells, key coreceptor molecules include the MHC receptors CD4
and CD8, and proteins such as CD28 (a positive coregulator) and CTLA4 and
PD-1 (negative coregulators) (Artyomov et al. 2010; Francisco et al. 2010;
Bour-Jordan et al. 2011; Walker and Sansom 2011). In B cells, molecules
such as CD19 and the CD21 receptor for complement component C3d are
essential (Carter and Fearon 1992; Depoil et al. 2008; Elgueta et al. 2009;
Mackay et al. 2010) as are the TNF receptor family members CD40 and
receptor for B-cell-activating factor (BAFFR) (Watts 2005; Elgueta et al.
2009; Karin and Gallagher 2009).
A full review of lymphocyte regulation by costimulatory factors is beyond
our scope here but there are some general themes. Costimulatory molecules
frequently work as adaptors to recruit signaling molecules to the plasma
membrane and hence amplify antigen-receptor-mediated signaling. For
example, CD4 and CD8 in T cells recruit Lck to the plasma membrane.
Similarly, CD28 in T cells and CD19 in B cells both have cytoplasmic
domains that can be tyrosine phosphorylated and thus can act as docking sites
for SH2-domain-containing adaptors and enzymes. The CD19 cytoplasmic
tail contains nine tyrosine residues with the potential to be phosphorylated
and interact with signaling molecules including lipid kinases, Vav-family
GEFs, and adaptor proteins such as Grb2. Other important examples of
molecules that recruit key adaptor molecules to the plasma membrane are the
lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) family of receptors and associated
intracellular adaptors of the SLAM-associated protein (SAP) family (Veillette
The engagement of CD40 by its ligand (CD40L) leads to signals via
adaptor proteins known as TNFR-associated factors (TRAFs), which activate
signaling pathways, including MAPKs and NF-κB (p. 121 [Lim and Staudt
The plethora of costimulatory molecules that can contribute to
lymphocyte activation can be confusing, particularly because all seem to
activate similar signal transduction pathways. The key message is that these
receptors function at different times and in different contexts. For example,
CD28 binds to the B7 family members CD80 and CD86, which are mainly
expressed on APCs responding to TLR signaling. The ligand for CD40 is
produced transiently by antigen-activated T cells and plays a key role in
promoting specific T cell “help” to B cells by ensuring integration of signals
between CD40-expressing B cells and antigen-primed T cells. In contrast,
BAFF is mainly produced by neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages and
hence allows cross talk between B cells and these cells of the innate immune
Cytokines that signal via the Janus tyrosine kinases (JAKs) (p. 117 [Harrison
2012]), such as the γc family of cytokines, IFNs, and cytokines such as IL12
and IL23, are particularly important to the adaptive immune system
(Rochman et al. 2009). For example, CD4-expressing αβ T cells differentiate
during immune responses to produce distinct effector subpopulations
(O’Shea and Paul 2010) and the specification of these CD4+ T-cell subsets is
controlled by cytokines that direct the combinatorial action of multiple
chromatin regulators and key lineage-specifying transcription factors. For
example, IL12 drives Th1 T-cell differentiation and IL6, IL21, and IL23
drive Th17 cell differentiation. Moreover, cytokines have pleotropic roles.
IL2 is important for the differentiation of antigen-primed CD8+ T cells to
effector cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) but is also required for optimal Th1 T-cell
differentiation and for the development of Treg cells.
One striking feature of lymphocyte biology is that the ability of cells to
respond to cytokines (i.e., to express particular cytokine receptors) can be
shaped by antigen-receptor triggering. Cytokine production by cells of the
immune system is, in turn, controlled by triggering of antigen receptors in T
and B cells or by receptors of the innate immune system. A prototypical
example is IL2, which is only produced by antigen-receptor-activated T cells
and B cells or pathogen-triggered dendritic cells. Moreover, expression of the
IL2 receptor (IL2R) is tightly controlled by immune activation. The ILR2
receptor complex consists of a γc, a β subunit (CD122), and an α subunit
(CD25). The expression of CD25 is rate limiting as it determines the ability
of the receptor to bind IL2 with high affinity. Importantly, CD25 is not
expressed on naïve CD4 and CD8 T cells but only on activated T cells. In
addition, the expression of CD25 is transient and its sustained expression
requires constant immune stimulation. IL2 responsiveness is thus tightly
linked to antigen-receptor triggering to ensure the tight control of T cells by
IL2. IL12 receptors are similar: these are only expressed on activated T cells.
Furthermore, IL12 receptor expression needs to be sustained by IL2 and there
is tight control of IL12 secretion by pathogen-activated dendritic cells and
macrophages. Such dynamic regulation of cytokine and cytokine-receptor
expression during immune activation ensures the immune specificity of
cytokine action (i.e., only lymphocytes that have been primed by antigen-
receptor triggering can respond to IL12). Note the production of cytokines is
also limited to either pathogen-activated innate immune cells or antigen-
activated lymphocytes (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Signaling by interleukin (IL) receptors. Many cytokines signal via receptors linked to Janus
tyrosine kinases (JAKs), which regulate the SH2-domain-containing transcription factors STATs. The
different ILs produced by different cell types activate receptors coupled to different combinations of
JAKs and STATs.
PI3K signaling is important for lymphocyte activation and integrates multiple
receptor inputs. For example, in naïve T cells, low basal levels of PIP3 are
maintained by IL7 signaling; these increase strikingly in response to
triggering of the antigen-receptor complex and are then sustained by stimuli
from costimulatory molecules such as CD28. Cytokines such as IL2 and IL15
can then further sustain intracellular concentrations of PIP3. Similarly, in B
cells, cytokines such as BAFF and low-level signaling by non-antigen-
engaged BCRs maintain a low level of PIP3 (Srinivasan et al. 2009). The
levels of PIP3 increase following BCR activation, and costimulatory
molecules such as CD19 and cytokines such as IL4 can also sustain levels of
this lipid.
Antigen receptor and cytokines control PIP3 metabolism in lymphocytes
via class I PI3Ks, which typically exist in a complex comprising a p110
catalytic subunit and an 85-kDa SH2-domain-containing regulatory/adaptor
subunit. Four p110 isoforms exist (α, β, γ, and δ) and two p85 subunits (α and
β) exist. These different isoforms function in distinct pathways in
lymphocytes, and expression of p110δ is restricted to hematopoietic cells.
p110δ produces the PIP3 that is generated in response to many antigen
receptors and cytokines, whereas p110γ, which heterodimerizes with the
p101 regulatory subunit rather than a p85-type subunit, is involved in
chemokine receptor signaling (Okkenhaug and Fruman 2010).
The production of PIP3 requires recruitment of PI3K to the plasma
membrane. There are two possible mechanisms: binding of the SH2 domain
of p85 to phosphorylated tyrosine residues in receptor cytoplasmic domains
or membrane-localized adaptors; and direct recruitment of p110 by Ras. In
the case of the BCR, CD19 recruits PI3K to the plasma membrane via
binding of p85 to its tyrosine-phosphorylated cytoplasmic domain. Tyrosine-
phosphorylated cytokine receptors similarly recruit PI3K by binding p85.
Surprisingly, how TCR and CD28 signaling induces PIP3 accumulation is not
known, but direct recruitment to tyrosine-phosphorylated CD28 does not
occur, and it is more likely that adaptors such as LAT or SLP76 are
PIP3 binds to pleckstrin homology (PH) domains in other signaling
proteins to control their activity and subcellular localization. In lymphocytes,
these include Tec-family tyrosine kinases such as Itk and Btk, GEFs for Rho
family GTPases, and the kinases PDK1 and Akt (also known as PKB) (p. 87
[Hemmings and Restuccia 2012]). Akt is activated by PDK1-mediated
phosphorylation of T308 within its catalytic domain. This is PIP3 dependent
probably because the binding of PIP3 to the Akt PH domain causes a
conformational change that allows PDK1 to phosphorylate T308. PDK1 also
has a PIP3-binding PH domain, but this promotes translocation of the enzyme
to the plasma membrane (where it can colocalize with Akt) rather than
enzyme activation (Finlay and Cantrell 2011).
Once activated, Akt phosphorylates a number of critical signaling
molecules. For example, it phosphorylates and inactivates the Rheb GAP
TSC2, causing accumulation of Rheb-GTP complexes, which play a role in
activating the mTORC1 complex (mammalian target of rapamycin complex
1) (p. 91 [Laplante and Sabatini 2012]). Akt also phosphorylates the
transcription factors Foxo1/3 and Fox4A. These Foxo family transcription
factors are nuclear and active in quiescent cells but, when phosphorylated,
they exit the nucleus and form a complex with 14-3-3 proteins in the cytosol,
which terminates their transcriptional activity.
Akt is fundamentally important in many cells because it controls nutrient
uptake and cellular metabolism. In particular, activated lymphocytes up-
regulate glucose, amino acid and iron uptake, and switch their metabolism to
glycolysis (see Ch. 7 [Ward and Thompson 2012]). This increases cellular
energy production and nutrient uptake to support the increased biosynthetic
demands of rapid cell proliferation. Note, however, that it is difficult to
ascribe a universal function for Akt that holds for all lymphocyte
subpopulations. For example, Akt is important for metabolism and cell
survival in peripheral B lymphocytes (Srinivasan et al. 2009) and in T
lymphocyte progenitors in the thymus, but is not essential for metabolism or
for the survival of peripheral or effector cytotoxic T cells (Finlay and Cantrell
2011). Moreover, the Akt/Foxo pathway has a critical role controlling
expression of the recombinase genes responsible for antigen-receptor
diversity in B cells (Kuo and Schlissel 2009) but there is no evidence for such
a role in T cells. The molecular basis for these differences is not understood
but probably reflects redundancies with other kinases that have similar
substrate specificities (e.g., SGK1).
Akt/Foxo signaling is also uniquely linked to the regulation of the
expression of key cytokine and chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules
in lymphocytes (Hedrick 2009; Lorenz 2009; Macintyre et al. 2011). Hence,
when Akt is inactive in quiescent lymphocytes, nonphosphorylated Foxo1,
Foxo3, Foxo3A, and Foxo4 are found in the nucleus, where they drive
transcription of genes encoding the receptor for IL7, an essential homeostatic
cytokine for lymphocytes. Moreover, Foxo transcription factors also drive
expression of the transcription factor KLF2; this directly regulates
transcription of adhesion molecules and chemokine receptors that together
control lymphocyte entry and egress from secondary lymphoid tissues and
lymphocyte positioning in lymphoid tissue. The activation of Akt thus causes
lymphocytes to change their trafficking program around the body. Akt
activation also changes the cytokine-receptor profile of T cells and hence the
ability of cytokines to determine T-cell fate.
In many cells, a key role for Akt is to control the activity of the
mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) (p. 91 [Laplante and
Sabatini 2012]). Rapamycin is a powerful immunosuppressant that is used in
the clinic to prevent rejection of organ transplants. mTORC1 coordinates
inputs from nutrients and antigen and cytokine receptors to control T-cell
differentiation (Powell and Delgoffe 2010). The molecular mechanisms used
by mTORC1 to control T-cell differentiation are not fully understood; neither
are the signaling processes that activate mTORC1. There is, however,
evidence that mTORC1 controls expression of genes encoding effector
cytokines and cytolytic molecules. Moreover, mTORC1 directs the tissue-
homing properties of T cells by regulating the expression of chemokine and
adhesion receptors (Sinclair et al. 2008).
In lymphocytes, signal inputs generated by specific pathogens regulate the
activity of evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways. Antigen receptors
direct the immune response but lymphocyte signaling is also controlled by
cytokines and chemokines that are not antigen specific. These antigen-
specific and -nonspecific elements of lymphocyte signal transduction are
tightly coupled because antigen-receptor signaling controls the repertoire of
cytokine and chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules expressed by
lymphocytes. Antigen receptors also direct lymphocyte trafficking between
the blood, peripheral tissues, and secondary lymphoid organs and hence
control the cytokine milieu available to these cells. This coordination of
antigen receptor and cytokine signaling ensures the immune specificity of
lymphocyte activation and is fundamental for adaptive immune responses.
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Vertebrate Reproduction
1 Introduction
2 Oocyte maturation
3 Sperm maturation
4 Fertilization
5 From egg to zygote
6 Concluding remarks
Mammalian reproduction depends on the proper development and maturation
of both the female egg and the male sperm. These gametes fuse through a
complex series of events, known as fertilization, that ensure the highest
quality of offspring. Both gamete development and fertilization depend on
numerous connected signaling pathways, a flaw in any of which can lead to
infertility or birth defects.
The egg and sperm are haploid germ cells that, upon fertilization,
reconstitute a diploid cell—the embryo. Production of haploid gametes from
diploid precursors requires a modified cell cycle known as meiosis. Before
meiosis, the full complement of parental chromosomes is first duplicated in S
phase, to produce so-called sister chromatids (i.e., four copies of each
chromosome per cell) and paternal and maternal chromosomes pair up. The
homologous chromosomes from each chromosome pair are then separated in
the first meiotic M phase (meiosis I, also known as MI). Subsequently,
without further replication, the cells reenter M phase (meiosis II, also known
as MII) to divide the sister chromatids equally into four haploid daughter
cells. For male gametes, four mature sperm are generated, whereas in the
female, a single final gamete (the egg) is produced together with three polar
bodies. Movement through these stages of meiosis is carefully controlled by
kinases, phosphatases, ubiquitin-dependent degradation of key regulators,
and calcium flux.
Before acquiring the capacity to fertilize eggs, a sperm must reside in the
female reproductive tract and undergo physiological changes that render it
fertilization competent (Bedford 1970). The acquisition of fertilization
competence and the biochemical, membrane, and enzymatic changes that
underlie it are collectively known as capacitation (Austin 1951; Chang 1951).
As with gamete development and maturation, capacitation and fertilization
depend on careful regulation through signaling pathways. These include
pathways involving gonadotropins, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs),
kinases, and calcium signaling (Salicioni et al. 2007).
Oocyte maturation has been most extensively studied in the frog Xenopus
laevis, because its very large oocytes allow both physical manipulation of the
cell (microinjection of proteins, RNAs, and antisense oligonucleotides) and
observation of the progression through meiosis with the naked eye. Although
some notable differences have been observed, genetic studies in mammals
(primarily mouse) have revealed similar overall regulation of meiotic
progression (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Regulation of oocyte maturation. Immature oocytes are held in G2 arrest through the activity
of PKA, which is stimulated by GPR3-dependent production of cAMP. Progesterone signaling leads to
a loss of PKA activity, leading to disinhibition of the CDK1 activator Cdc25 and stimulation of the
CDK1 inhibitor Wee1. Additionally, progesterone stimulates translation of both Mos and cyclin B
proteins (the former also stimulating translation of the latter) through induction of Eg2, which
phosphorylates and activates CPEB to unmask the messages and promote their polyadenylation. In
parallel, progesterone stimulates translation of RINGO, which can activate CDK1 independently of
cyclin and make it phosphorylate and inhibit the CDK1 inhibitor Myt1. All of these events result in
activation of MPF, which drives the oocyte into MI. Maturation continues via the Mos-MEK-ERK
pathway as shown. Blockade of APC (anaphase-promoting complex) activity by CSF and Emi2 holds
the mature oocyte at a second arrest until the time of fertilization.
Oocytes and sperm both begin life as primordial germ cells (PGCs) that
migrate to the nascent gonads (ovaries in females, testes in males) in early
embryonic development. Under the influence of a variety of cytokines and
growth factors, PGCs that will become oocytes continue dividing mitotically
within cell clusters. In oogenesis, the premeiotic S phase is followed by a
prolonged arrest in prophase I of meiosis until sexual maturity. During this
phase, the oocyte is maintained in a G2-phase-arrested state through G-
protein-coupled signaling (see below). When mitosis ceases, these oocytes
each become surrounded by somatic granulosa and theca cells, which form
the primordial follicles that serve as repositories of dormant oocytes for later
ovulation. Oocytes nestled within the follicles grow and stockpile nutrients
until they become competent to undergo maturation; upon receipt of
appropriate hormonal signals, one follicle from the larger pool will mature
fully during each menstrual cycle in the mammal. Stimulated by pituitary
hormones (gonadotropins) and as a consequence of maturation-inducing
steroid hormones (e.g., progesterone) synthesized by the ovarian follicle
cells, the oocyte exits prophase arrest, and progresses through MI,
transitioning promptly to MII without any intervening DNA replication. At
MII, the oocyte arrests again awaiting fertilization.
The end product of oocyte maturation is a haploid egg capable of being
fertilized. A strong MII arrest helps to prevent parthenogenesis, which is the
aberrant entry of the haploid egg into the mitotic cell cycle in the absence of
fertilization. In an effort to define the factors responsible for MII arrest,
Masui and colleagues injected extract prepared from a mature M-phase-
arrested frog egg into blastomeres formed after the first embryonic cell
division (Masui and Markert 1971); injected cells remained arrested in M
phase, whereas the uninjected cells continued to divide. These experiments
helped to identify both maturation promoting factor (MPF), which drives
entry into both MI and MII during oocyte development, and the cytostatic
factor (CSF), which maintains MII arrest. We now know that MPF is
equivalent to the complex of cyclin B and cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (cyclin-
B–CDK1) that drives entry into mitosis in the somatic cell cycle (Dunphy et
al. 1988; Labbe et al. 1989; Ch. 6 [Rhind and Russell 2012]). CSF was shown
to be the kinase Mos, the cellular counterpart of the viral oncoprotein v-Mos,
which is expressed primarily in germ cells (Propst et al. 1987; Sagata et al.
1989). Proper maturation from MI entry through MII arrest depends on
tightly controlled temporal regulation of both cyclin-B–CDK1 and Mos
2.1 Meiosis I
During MI, oocytes are maintained in the G2-arrested state by high levels of
cytosolic cAMP. Constitutive signaling by the GPCR GPR3 probably
stimulates adenylyl cyclase to keep cAMP levels high. Indeed,
overexpression of GPR3 in frog oocytes makes them resistant to the
maturation effects of progesterone, and in mice lacking GPR3, oocytes
mature in the absence of additional stimuli (Freudzon et al. 2005; Hinckley et
al. 2005; Mehlmann 2005; Deng et al. 2008). Although sphingosine 1-
phosphate and sphingosylphosphorylcholine have been proposed as GPR3
ligands, unliganded GPR3 appears to be able to stimulate adenylyl cyclase
and thus the role of GPR3 in maintenance of G2 arrest is not entirely clear
(Eggerickx et al. 1995; Uhlenbrock et al. 2002; Hinckley et al. 2005).
Progesterone stimulation seems to antagonize the GPR3 signal, triggering a
decrease in cAMP levels that is at least partly mediated by stimulation of
phosphodiesterases that degrade cAMP (primarily PDE3 in the oocytes)
(Tsafriri et al. 1996). This leads to a diminution of protein kinase A (PKA)
activity. If PDE3 is artificially inhibited or cAMP synthesis is artificially
stimulated, progesterone-induced maturation can be blocked. Conversely,
injection of oocytes with the PKA inhibitor PKI can promote resumption of
meiosis even without progesterone stimulation (Stanford et al. 2003).
As in the mitotic cell cycle, cyclin-B–CDK1 activity is controlled by
phosphorylation of CDK1 on Y15 by Wee1-family kinases, which is opposed
by the Cdc25 phosphatase (Watanabe et al. 1995; Berry and Gould 1996).
The Wee1 relative Myt1 contributes to suppressing CDK1 phosphorylation,
and the Cdc25c isoform mediates its subsequent dephosphorylation. In mice,
this process is mediated by oocyte-specific isoforms: WEE1B and CDC25B.
Loss of WEE1B irreversibly arrests oocytes in prophase (Han et al. 2005). In
the G2-arrested oocyte, PKA directly phosphorylates Cdc25 on S287
(Xenopus numbering), promoting the binding of the small acidic protein 14-
3-3 (Duckworth et al. 2002). 14-3-3 interferes with the ability of Cdc25 to
interact with and dephosphorylate cyclin-B–CDK1 and prevents its
translocation into the nucleus, where it would promote rapid cyclin-B–CDK1
activation (Kumagai and Dunphy 1999; Lopez-Girona et al. 1999; Yang et al.
1999). Thus, the drop in PKA activity required for maturation promotes
Cdc25 activation. PKA also phosphorylates and activates Wee1/Myt1
(Stanford and Ruderman 2005); so the drop in PKA also promotes CDK1
activation by alleviating its suppression by these kinases.
The formation and activity of MPF is also regulated by translation of
cyclin B, whose mRNA is translationally dormant before the induction of
oocyte maturation owing to its very short poly-A tail. At the time of oocyte
maturation, cis-acting sequences within the 3′ UTR of the cyclin B mRNA
promote cytoplasmic polyadenylation, elongating the tail more than 100
nucleotides. These cytoplasmic polyadenylation elements (CPEs) within the
3′ UTR of the mRNA are bound by CPE-binding protein (CPEB) (Hake and
Richter, 1994). Through a process that is not entirely clear, the drop in PKA
activity that heralds the onset of oocyte maturation also induces activation of
a kinase, Eg2, which phosphorylates CPEB, activating it to both unmask the
mRNA and recruit a poly(A) polymerase to elongate the poly(A) tail
(Andresson and Ruderman 1998; Frank-Vaillant et al. 2000; Hodgman et al.
Note that in every species there is at least some preformed cyclin-B–
CDK1 complex (known as pre-MPF) whose activity is suppressed by
phosphorylation of CDK1 at T14 and Y15. Indeed, the initial discovery of
MPF relied on the ability of the injected MPF to mobilize the pre-MPF pool
through autoamplification (Masui and Markert 1971; Drury and Schorderet-
Slatkine 1975; Wasserman and Masui 1975). Phosphorylation by cyclin-B–
CDK1 suppresses Wee1/Myt1 and activates Cdc25, which promotes more
conversion of pre-MPF to MPF. In species in which most of the CDK1 is
bound to cyclin B in pre-MPF complexes, new cyclin B translation is not
absolutely required for induction of oocyte maturation; however, in those
species that have low amounts of pre-MPF and high levels of free CDK1,
cyclin B synthesis is an obligate step in maturation (Jagiello 1969; Fulka et
al. 1986; Moor and Crosby 1986; Hunter and Moor 1987; Gautier and Maller
1991; Mattioli et al. 1991).
In mammals, the signal emanating from a loss of PKA activity may be
conveyed directly to CDK1 via Wee1B, as this appears to be a direct PKA
target. For Myt1, there is evidence for indirect pathways of inhibition. First,
soon after progesterone treatment, a non-cyclin alternative activator of CDK1
known as RINGO is translated (Ferby et al. 1999). This protein can bind to
and activate CDK1, causing it to phosphorylate and suppress Myt1 (Ruiz et
al. 2008). This, in turn, leads to activation of cyclin-B–CDK1 complexes. A
second pathway is an oocyte-specific MAP kinase (MAPK) cascade
involving the MAPKKK Mos, the MAPKK MEK, and the MAPK ERK. In
frogs, the terminal effector in this pathway is RSK, which can phosphorylate
and inhibit Myt1 (Palmer et al. 1998). RSK can also phosphorylate Cdc25,
contributing to its activation. Accordingly, injection of activated RSK into
Xenopus oocytes can induce meiotic maturation and RSK inhibition interferes
with progesterone-induced maturation. In mice, alternative pathways must
operate (e.g., the direct inhibition of WEE1B by PKA, as described above),
because mice lacking all known isoforms of RSK do not show defects in
oocyte maturation (Dumont et al. 2005).
In some species, including Xenopus, activation of the Mos-ERK pathway
precedes completion of MI and breakdown of the nuclear envelope (known as
germinal vesicle breakdown [GVBD] in oocytes). In others, it occurs after
GVBD (because cyclin-B–CDK1 can actually activate ERK). Whether the
Mos-MEK-ERK-RSK pathway is involved at MI depends on the organism,
and Mos accumulation is controlled by multiple mechanisms (reviewed in
Fan and Sun 2004). The 3′ end of the Mos mRNA in the immature oocyte has
a short poly(A) tail whose elongation (necessary for efficient translation) is
masked through binding of CPEB. In addition to the Eg2-induced
phosphorylation of CPEB, which unmasks and enhances the translation of
Mos (Mendez et al. 2000), the stability of Mos protein is greatly enhanced by
phosphorylation at S3 as both dephosphorylation of this residue and the
presence of a proline at residue 2 are required for recognition by the
ubiquitin-proteasome degradation system (Nishizawa et al. 1993). This site is
phosphorylated in a positive-feedback loop by ERK, which stabilizes Mos.
Where Mos accumulates only after GVBD, it is phosphorylated at the same
site by cyclin-B–CDK1. Together, increased translation and stabilization
promote Mos accumulation during maturation. Note that, in Xenopus,
redundant pathways allow MI progression even when Mos is ablated; yet, the
kinetics are delayed, indicating that Mos normally enhances meiotic
progression in this species. Indeed, when either cyclin B synthesis or Mos
synthesis is impaired, progesterone-induced GVBD can proceed, but ablation
of both abolishes this.
Figure 2. Regulation of Emi2 and the APC during the MI–MII transition. Phosphorylation controls
Emi2 stability during oocyte maturation. At MI, CDK1 phosphorylates four amino-terminal sites
(S213, T239, T252, and T267) on Emi2; this triggers Emi2 degradation, required for MI exit. At MI
anaphase, cyclin B is degraded, leading to a drop in CDK1 activity. Emi2 is stabilized by
dephosphorylation triggered by Mos signaling. Emi accumulates, resulting in APC inhibition, critical
for S phase block and MII entry. CDK1 activity is low in MII relative to MI. Emi2 is stable in MII, as
required for CSF arrest. At fertilization, Emi2 is quickly degraded through a CaMKII-mediated
pathway, allowing activation of the APC and exit from MII. At the onset of MI anaphase, APC-
mediated cyclin B degradation results in decreased CDK1 activity. With the Mos-PP2A pathway
predominant, dephosphorylated and stabilized Emi2 protein prevents complete ubiquitylation of cyclin
B by the APC. This is essential for the inhibition of S phase between MI and MII. (From Tang et al.
2008; adapted, with permission.)
Spermatogenesis occurs over the course of several weeks and encompasses
three successive phases (Sharpe 1994): proliferation, meiosis, and
differentiation. During proliferation, spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs)
differentiate into spermatogonia. These undergo several mitotic divisions,
giving rise to spermatocytes. After two meiotic divisions, spermatocytes form
haploid spermatids. The final transformation of spermatids into mature sperm
entails a major physical and structural reorganization of the cell that is known
as spermiogenesis (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Regulation of sperm maturation. (A) Spermatogenesis is a continuous process that starts after
puberty. This is possible because a subset of spermatogonium, spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), are
capable of self-renewal. Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and the receptor complex
composed of Ret protooncoprotein and the GDNF family receptor α1 (GFRα1) are key signaling events
for self-renewal. (From Hofmann 2008; adapted, with permission.) (B) Spermatocytes undergo a series
of maturation steps before differentiating into sperm. These are tightly regulated by interaction with
Sertoli cells and testis factors such as GDNF, ERM, KitL, and retinoic acid (RA). (C) Sperm must
additionally undergo capacitation before they are capable of fertilization. This includes both fast and
slow events. The fast events stimulate flagellar activity through a calcium flux that is controlled by the
adenylyl cyclase SACY and mediated by the CatSper and sodium/bicarbonate (NBC) channels. Slow
events increase motility and introduce changes that prepare sperm for fertilization. These include
increases in both intracellular calcium levels and tyrosine phosphorylation of PKA substrates. cAMP
levels are also controlled by endogenous phosphodiesterase (PDE). Unknown cholesterol acceptors
present in uterine/oviduct fluids mediate cholesterol efflux during capacitation. (From Visconti 2009;
adapted, with permission.)
4.1 The Acrosome Reaction in Sperm
Before fusing with the egg’s plasma membrane, sperm must undergo the
acrosome reaction (Yanagimachi and Mahi 1976). The acrosome is a Golgi-
derived organelle that lies above the tip of the sperm head. Its contents are
released following fusion between the outer acrosomal membrane and the
plasma membrane (Kim et al. 2011), and this reaction is critical for
interaction with the ZP of the egg. Only capacitated sperm are capable of
undergoing the acrosome reaction. Progesterone produced by the cumulus
cells surrounding the oocyte has been proposed as the possible inducer of this
reaction (Osman et al. 1989; Jin et al. 2011). Upon breaching the egg’s
plasma membrane, the sperm induces the initiation of embryonic
development by evoking an increase in the intracellular concentration of free
calcium, a signaling mechanism that regulates numerous cellular processes
(Fig. 4) (Berridge et al. 2000b; p. 95 [Bootman 2012]).
Figure 4. Fertilization events. Both egg and sperm must undergo complex changes before fertilization
can occur. Upon interaction with the zona pelucida, sperm undergo a calcium-flux-driven
reorganization of SNARE fusion proteins, called the acrosome reaction. Fusion with the egg membrane
releases factors from the sperm into the cytoplasm. These factors stimulate calcium release from the
egg ER and subsequent activation of CaMKII and calcineurin (CN). The consequences of CaMKII
activation include phosphorylation of Emi2, which promotes its Plx1 and SCFβ-TrCP-dependent
degradation and consequent reactivation of the APC. CN activation promotes dephosphorylation of
Cdc20 and also the Cdc27 subunit of the APC. At the same time, dephosphorylation of M phase
phosphoproteins is promoted by inactivation of the Greatwall kinase (Gwl), thereby alleviating
inhibition of PP2A, allowing it to dephosphorylate M phase CDK1 substrates.
In gametes of both sexes, development, maturation, and fertilization require
the careful coordination of complex processes. From hormone-initiated and
kinase/phosphatase-controlled maturation, to calcium-induced capacitation
and fertilization, regulatory mechanisms ensure that reproduction occurs only
under conditions in which they are best poised for success. For males, the
signals that regulate spermatogenesis are at first contained within the testis,
but following spermiation and ejaculation, proper sperm function depends on
factors outside of the male reproductive tract: for external fertilizers, factors
in the outside environment; and for internal fertilizers, the milieu of the
female reproductive tract. Taking into account these potentially harsh
environments, male reproduction relies on the production of large quantities
of sperm, with progenitor cells retaining mitotic capacity into adulthood. For
female internal fertilizers, the production of eggs is more contained, restricted
to the follicle until ovulation and to the female ducts until fertilization and
beyond, relying on the production of few gametes; in contrast, externally
fertilizing females, like their male counterparts, produce large numbers of
gametes. Even for these organisms, though, oocytes and eggs are self-
contained developmental units capable of sustaining the early stages of
development whose progenitors have generally entered meiosis and have lost
the capacity to regenerate.
In every species, regardless of the site of fertilization, cascades of protein
modifications regulate cell-cycle transitions to guarantee that oocytes can be
fertilized only at an appropriate time. Hormonal regulation and calcium
signaling promote capacitation of sperm only in the correct environment for
fertilization. Furthermore, multiple overlapping pathways provide the checks
and balances that are necessary to prevent defective reproduction.
Although great progress has been made over the last 50 years in detailing
the molecular events underlying most aspects of vertebrate fertilization, there
are still aspects of gamete development and fertilization whose precise
regulation by cell signaling events remain to be determined. Elucidation of
these events is likely to have important implications for the continued
development of reproductive technologies and for maximizing the health of
gametes, and thus of progeny.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006064
1 Introduction
2 The unfolded protein response
3 Stress signaling by MAP kinases
4 Conclusions
An important aspect of cellular physiology is the maintenance of
homeostasis. Evolutionarily conserved biochemical mechanisms play a key
role in this process. Thus, exposure to extra- or intracellular stress disrupts
cellular homeostasis and causes the engagement of signaling pathways that
serve to rebalance biochemical processes within the cell. One example is the
AMP-activated protein kinase signaling pathway, which responds to
increased AMP and ADP concentrations within the cell by dampening
anabolic pathways and promoting catabolic pathways that replenish the ATP
supply (Ch. 14 [Hardie 2012]). A second example is the cellular response to
DNA damage that engages the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) stress-
signaling pathway to induce growth arrest mediated by the p53 tumor
suppressor protein and promote DNA repair before reentry into the cell cycle
(Ch. 6 [Rhind and Russell 2012]). A third example is the regulation of
receptor ligand sensitivity to control the amplitude of signal transduction.
This type of stress response maintains, for example, the dynamic range of
vision following exposure to high- and low-intensity light sources (see Ch. 11
[Julius and Nathans 2012]). Similarly, signaling by the metabolic hormones
leptin and insulin is dynamically regulated by stress-signaling pathways to
control feeding behavior and biosynthetic processes (Ch. 14 [Hardie 2012]).
Such pathways are critical for normal cellular homeostasis and adaptive
changes in cell physiology that benefit the organism.
In addition to their contributions to normal physiology, stress-activated
signaling pathways play roles in establishing dysfunctional states associated
with stress exposure and the development of disease. Here, we focus on two
different mammalian stress-activated-signaling pathways to illustrate these
concepts: the unfolded protein response (UPR) and stress-activated MAP
kinase (MAPK) pathways. The UPR is engaged within the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) during biosynthetic stress and leads to a coordinated
inhibition of general protein translation and specific up-regulation of ER
functional capacity. The pathways involved therefore serve to maintain
cellular homeostasis. Stress-activated MAPK pathways, in contrast, are
regulated by a diverse array of intra- and extracellular stresses, including
environmental physical/chemical changes and exposure to inflammatory
cytokines. These stress pathways cause phosphorylation of nuclear and
cytoplasmic substrates, leading to a network response and adaptation to the
new cellular environment.
The UPR and MAPK pathways can function separately or cooperatively.
For example, increased saturated fatty acid levels, caused by a high-fat diet,
induce both the UPR and stress-activated MAPK pathways. Together, these
pathways cause adaptation to the new diet by regulating insulin signaling,
blood glucose concentration, and obesity (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Stress-signaling pathways activated in response to metabolic stress. Feeding mice a high-fat
diet causes metabolic stress that leads to the UPR and activation of stress-activated MAP kinases.
These signaling pathways result in an adaptive response associated with obesity and altered insulin
Early studies of adaptive ER responses showed that the levels of two ER-
localized chaperones, 78- and 94-kDa glucose-regulated proteins (GRP78 and
GRP94), are increased on glucose starvation (Shiu et al. 1977) and protein N-
glycosylation inhibitors and calcium ionophores enhance their expression
(Welch et al. 1983; Resendez et al. 1985; Kim et al 1987). Sambrook and
colleagues subsequently observed increased levels of ER chaperones on
overexpression of mutant influenza virus hemagglutinin and were the first to
propose that malfolded proteins in the lumen of the ER are detected and
invoke a response (Kozutsumi et al. 1988). Subsequently, genetic screens in
yeast identified IRE1 as an ER-localized receptor-like kinase and
ribonuclease required for the ER-to-nucleus signaling that activates
chaperone expression under ER stress conditions (Nikawa and Yamashita
1992; Cox et al. 1993; Mori et al. 1993). Hac1 was shown to be the leucine-
zipper transcription factor that functions downstream from IRE1 to induce
transcription by binding to a defined DNA sequence, the UPR element
(UPRE) (Cox and Walter 1996; Nikawa et al. 1996) in promoters turned on
by the UPR in yeast. The equivalent of Hac1 in multicellular organisms is
XBP1 (Shen et al. 2001; Calfon et al. 2002).
An additional cis-acting element (ER stress element, ERSE) was later
identified in promoter regions of mammalian ER chaperones and led to the
description of another ER-resident leucine-zipper transcription factor, ATF6
(Yoshida et al. 1998). Together, ATF6 and XBP1 stimulate the expression of
a broad array of genes involved in protein folding, secretion, and degradation
to clear misfolded proteins from the ER (Walter and Ron 2011). Finally, the
third molecule activated during the UPR was identified as PERK, one of the
four known eIF2α kinases (Baird and Wek 2012; Donnelly et al. 2013). It is
involved in translational attenuation, temporarily halting arrival of new
proteins in the ER (Harding et al. 1999). These three branches are now
considered as mediators of the canonical UPR (Fig. 2).
In the canonical model, the intraluminal domains of these initiators (i.e.,
the amino termini of IRE1 and PERK, and the carboxyl terminus of ATF6)
are bound by the chaperone Grp78 (also called BiP) in the absence of stress
and rendered inactive (Bertolotti et al. 2000; Shen et al. 2002). Accumulation
of improperly folded proteins in the ER lumen results in the recruitment of
BiP away from these UPR sensors. Stripping off BiP allows for
oligomerization and activation of PERK and IRE1, and translocation of
ATF6 to the Golgi cisternae, which lead to a cascade of downstream
signaling events (Shamu and Walter 1996; Bertolotti et al. 2000). Recent
studies support the view that more complex luminal events underlie mounting
of the UPR. For example, IRE1 can form higher-order oligomers on
activation in vitro (Li et al. 2010) and directly interact with unfolded proteins
(Gardner and Walter 2011). Dynamic regulation of IRE1 by BiP may thus
adjust the magnitude of activation as opposed to providing an “on-or-off”
switch (Pincus et al. 2010). Hence, it is likely that stress responses emanating
from the ER are more complex than the canonical UPR model.
Activation of the ATF6 branch of the UPR requires translocation of ATF6
to the Golgi body and processing by the serine protease site-1 protease and
the metalloprotease site-2 protease to release an active transcription factor
(Chen et al. 2002). This branch also responds to signals other than BiP
sequestration—for example, the redox status of the ER. Active ATF6 moves
to the nucleus to stimulate the expression of genes containing the ERSE1,
ERSE2, UPRE, and cAMP-response elements (p. 99 [Sassone-Corsi 2012])
in their promoters (Yoshida et al. 1998). Genes required for ER-associated
degradation and the gene encoding the ER degradation-enhancing α-
mannosidase-like protein (EDEM) contain UPREs and, when induced,
facilitate clearance and degradation of misfolded proteins from the ER lumen
(Yoshida et al. 1998; Friedlander et al. 2000; Kokame et al. 2001).
The oldest branch of the UPR is mediated by IRE1, which is conserved
from yeast to humans (Patil and Walter 2001; Calfon et al. 2002). IRE1 has
two known isoforms, α and β, the latter being restricted primarily to the
intestine (Wang et al. 1998). IRE1 harbors two distinct catalytic activities: a
serine/threonine kinase for which the only known substrate is IRE1 itself, and
an endoribonuclease activity (Sidrauski and Walter 1997). The
endoribonuclease activity is activated on dimerization and
autophosphorylation and cleaves a 26-nucleotide intron from the XBP1
messenger RNA (mRNA), generating an mRNA whose translation produces
functional XBP1 (so-called XBP1s) (Shamu and Walter 1996; Sidrauski and
Walter 1997). XBP1s, alone or in conjunction with ATF6α, launches a
transcriptional program that induces many ER chaperones (including BiP),
proteins involved in ER biogenesis, and secretion (for example, EDEM,
ERdj4, protein disulfide isomerase [PDI], and other ER proteins) (Yoshida et
al. 2001, 2003; Lee et al. 2003). The endonuclease activity of IRE1 can also
degrade other mRNAs, preventing their translation and thereby providing an
additional way to reduce the translational burden and thus relieve ER stress
(Hollien and Weissman 2006). This mechanism has been termed regulated
IRE1-dependent degradation.
GTP-bound eIF2 is essential for loading of the initiator Met-tRNA
(tRNA) onto an mRNA-charged 40S ribosomal subunit for translation
initiation (Hinnebusch and Lorsch 2012). Phosphorylation of its GTP-binding
subunit, eIF2α, at S51 by PERK is another important aspect of the UPR. This
converts eIF2α into a competitive inhibitor of eIF2B (the GTP exchange
factor for eIF2α). This sequesters eIF2B and reduces the rate of regeneration
of the eIF2-GTP-tRNAiMet ternary complex, which, in turn, results in lower
rates of global protein synthesis, thereby reducing the ER workload (Shi et al.
1998; Harding et al. 1999). At least three other kinases can phosphorylate
eIF2α at S51: double-stranded RNA-dependent kinase (PKR), general control
nonderepressible 2, and heme-regulated inhibitor kinase (Baird and Wek
2012; Donnelly et al. 2013). The PERK branch of the UPR is also linked to
transcriptional regulation through several distinct mechanisms, which
increase the level of and/or activate the transcription factors ATF2, ATF4,
C/EBP (Harding et al. 2000; Ma et al. 2002; Ron and Walter 2007), NRF2
(Cullinan et al. 2003), and NF-κB (Jiang et al. 2003; Deng et al. 2004).
Generation of the protein products of the induced transcripts is achieved in
the context of general translational attenuation through features in the
mRNAs that permit their preferential translation. For example, the 5′-end of
the ATF4 transcript has two upstream open reading frames (uORFs) that
prevent translation under normal circumstances (Somers et al. 2013).
However, under stressed conditions, ribosome capacitation is delayed, the
uORFs are skipped, and functional ribosome complexes are assembled at the
bona fide start codon (Harding et al. 2000). The synthesis of functional ATF4
consequently activates the expression of genes involved in apoptosis, ER
redox control, glucose metabolism, and the relief of eIF2α inhibition
(Harding et al. 2000; Ma et al. 2002; Jiang et al. 2004).
Figure 4. Stress-activated MAPK-signaling pathways. The p38 MAP kinases are primarily activated by
the MAPKK isoforms MKK3 and MKK6, but a minor contribution of MKK4 can be detected. All p38
MAPK isoforms are activated by MKK3 and MKK6, although p38δ is activated by MKK3
significantly more potently than MKK6. The JNK group of MAPKs is activated by the MAPKK
isoforms MKK4 and MKK7.
The JNKs are encoded by three genes (JNK1, JNK2, and JNK3), which
are alternatively spliced to yield 10 different isoforms (Gupta et al. 1996).
JNK1 and JNK2 are ubiquitously expressed, but JNK3 is expressed primarily
in the brain (Davis 2000). Gene disruption studies in mice show that these
JNK isoforms can mediate different biological responses (Davis 2000). The
p38 MAPKs are encoded by four genes that can be divided into two
subgroups (p38α/β and p38γ/δ). These p38 isoforms show nonredundant
functions and different sensitivities to small molecule inhibitors (Cuenda and
Rousseau 2007; Cuadrado and Nebreda 2010).
The minimal consensus sequence for target protein phosphorylation by
MAPKs is -S/T-P-. However, the presence of this consensus motif is not
sufficient for phosphorylation by a MAPK, which frequently requires a
docking interaction between the MAPK and another region of the substrate
(Enslen and Davis 2001; Tanoue and Nishida 2003; Akella et al. 2008). Two
types of MAPK docking motifs have been identified in substrates: (1) the
FXFP motif, and (2) the D domain, comprising a hydrophobic motif (LXL)
plus a basic region (Bardwell and Thorner 1996; Jacobs et al. 1999; Enslen
and Davis 2001). Structural analysis of proteins docked to p38 MAPK
(Chang et al. 2002) and JNK3 (Heo et al. 2004) show extensive interactions
between the docked proteins and regions of the MAPK outside the active site.
The sites of D domain and FXFP interaction on MAPKs are different (Akella
et al. 2008). In addition to these conserved interactions, the carboxy-terminal
sequence of p38γ MAPK can dock directly to proteins that have PDZ
domains (e.g., α1 syntrophin, PSD95 [also known as SAP90], and DLG [also
known as SAP97]) to direct their phosphorylation (Hasegawa et al. 1999;
Hou et al. 2010).
Bioinformatic analyses and protein interaction screens (e.g., two-hybrid
assays) have identified many MAPK substrates. More recently, chemical
genetic methods and mass spectroscopy have enabled a more comprehensive
analysis of MAPK substrates in specific tissues (Allen et al. 2007; Carlson et
al. 2011). These include membrane, cytosolic, and nuclear proteins that
participate in many biological processes, and especially many transcription
factors, such as ATF2 (activated by JNK1/2/3 and p38α/β MAPK), Jun
(activated by JNK1/2/3), MEF2C (activated by p38α/β MAPK and ERK5),
and Elk1 (activated by JNK1/2/3, p38α/β MAPK, and ERK1/2) (Whitmarsh
and Davis 2000). Other MAPK targets include protein kinases
phosphorylated and activated by MAPKs, including eEF2K (activated by
p38γ/δ MAPK), MK2/3 (activated by p38α/β MAPK), MK5 (activated by
ERK3/4), MNK1/2 and MSK1/2 (activated by ERK1/2 and p38α/β MAPK),
and RSK1/2/3 (activated by ERK1/2) (Cargnello and Roux 2011). Protein
phosphatases are also MAPK targets, including nuclear DUSP1 (protected
against proteasomal degradation by ERK phosphorylation) and cytoplasmic
DUSP6 (proteasomal degradation is promoted by ERK phosphorylation)
(Caunt and Keyse 2013). A complete understanding of MAPK function will
require a systems-level approach to define the network of interactions that
mediate MAPK signaling (Ch. 4 [Azeloglu and Iyengar 2014]). Nevertheless,
we already have a good understanding of the roles of these kinases in stress
signaling from biochemical and genetic experiments in multiple organisms.
Stress-signaling pathways are evolutionarily conserved and play an important
role in the maintenance of homeostasis and adaptation to new cellular
microenvironments (Fig. 5). Key areas for future research include structural
studies of stress-response signaling proteins and integrated analysis of the
signaling network’s response to stress.
Figure 5. Integrated response to metabolic stress. A high-fat diet causes metabolic stress associated
with increased amounts of saturated free fatty acids, which engage the UPR and stress-activated
MAPKs. The UPR includes three different signaling pathways that are initiated by IRE1, PERK, and
ATF6. The stress-activated MAPK response is initiated by the MLK group of MAPKKKs and leads to
the activation of the JNK and p38 MAPKs. Cross talk between the UPR and stress-activated MAPK
signaling leads to an integrated adaptive response.
Studies in the Hotamisligil laboratory are currently supported by grants from
the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation, the American Diabetes Association, Servier and UCB
Pharmaceuticals, and the Simmons Fund. Special thanks to Scott
Widenmaier, Ling Yang, and Takahisa Nakamura for critical discussions,
thoughtful comments, and help in preparing the manuscript, Ana Paula
Arruda and Suneng Fu for help in illustrations, and Megan Washack and
Claudia Garcia Wagner for editorial assistance. Studies in the Davis
laboratory are currently supported by grants from the NIH, the American
Diabetes Association, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Kathy
Gemme provided expert editorial assistance. We thank the students and
fellows who contributed to the studies in our groups over the years and to our
collaborators. We regret the inadvertent omission of references to important
work by our colleagues because of space limitations.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006072
1 Introduction
2 Type I cell death: Apoptosis
3 Type II cell death and autophagy
4 Type III cell death: Necrosis
5 Beyond type III—Other forms of cell death
6 Conclusion
Although cell death can happen as a result of overwhelming damage, most
cell deaths in animals occur in an active manner, as a consequence of specific
signaling events. In general, there are three types of cell death, defined in
large part by the appearance of the dying cell: apoptosis (also known as type I
cell death), autophagic cell death (type II), and necrosis (type III) (Galluzzi et
al. 2007).
Apoptosis is characterized by cell shrinkage, membrane blebbing, and
condensation of the chromatin (pyknosis) (Kerr et al. 1972). It can be further
defined as cell death accompanied by the activation of caspase proteases
(Galluzzi et al. 2012). Two major signaling pathways trigger apoptotic cell
death: the mitochondrial (the intrinsic) pathway and the death receptor (the
extrinsic) pathway. The latter involves a classical ligand–cell-surface-
receptor interaction. For example, cytotoxic lymphocytes can kill infected or
transformed cells by expressing ligands for death receptors (DRs), a subset of
the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor (TNFR) family. These ligands
induce apoptotic cell death of the targeted cells provided they express such
DRs. DR-induced cell death in general is critical for immune system function
and homeostasis. In contrast, the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway is usually
initiated in a cell-autonomous manner. Most cellular stresses, such as DNA
damage (induced by genotoxic agents or defects in DNA repair) or
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress (induced by the accumulation of unfolded
proteins), actively engage apoptosis when cells are damaged beyond repair.
Conversely, the lack of a signal, such as those activated by growth factors
(e.g., cytokines and neurotrophic factors), can lead to cell death. This
mechanism is critical for the development of the nervous system in
vertebrates and it is estimated that half of the neurons generated die during
this process (Buss et al. 2006). This cell death is due, in part, to the failure of
some neuronal precursors to properly migrate or innervate their targets and
the consequent lack of neurotrophic factor stimulation. Similarly, during an
immune response, cytokine deprivation (together with the DR pathway) is
responsible for the acute contraction of the lymphocyte population after
clearance of the pathogen. Another example of “loss-of-signal”-induced cell
death is the particular form of apoptosis called anoikis, which occurs when
epithelial or endothelial cells detach from the extracellular matrix (ECM). In
this scenario, unligated ECM receptors of the integrin family cease to induce
prosurvival signaling pathways, eventually leading to apoptosis. This
mechanism prevents cells shedding from their original location from
colonizing elsewhere (a characteristic of metastatic cancer cells). Finally,
apoptosis can be induced by oncogenes (e.g., Myc) as a safeguard mechanism
against cancer development. This process is controlled in part by a p53-
dependent apoptotic pathway, which is activated in response to aberrant
mitogenic signals resulting from oncogene overexpression or mutation. As a
consequence, evasion of apoptotic cell death is often a requisite to sustain
oncogene transformation (see Ch. 21 [Sever and Brugge 2014]).
Autophagic cell death is characterized by the appearance of large
intracellular vesicles and engagement of the autophagy machinery. Note that
although autophagy (i.e., the membrane engulfment and catabolic
degradation of parts of the cytoplasm) is a well-defined process, its function
as an active cell death mechanism remains highly controversial. Autophagy is
mainly a survival process engaged in response to a metabolic crisis (e.g., low
ATP levels and nutrient and amino acid deprivation) or to remove damaged
organelles (e.g., mitochondria with low membrane potential) and protein
aggregates. As a stress response, autophagy accompanies rather than
promotes cell death in most scenarios and merely represents a failed survival
attempt (Shen et al. 2012). Nevertheless, there are specific examples in which
the autophagy machinery is absolutely required for cell death. During
Drosophila metamorphosis, obsolete larval tissues such as the midgut and
salivary glands regress through massive autophagic cell death, a process
triggered by the steroid hormone ecdysone. In this particular case, a
deficiency in genes of the autophagic signaling pathway alters the cell death
program (Berry and Baehrecke 2007; Denton et al. 2009). Autophagic cell
death has also been reported in response to deregulated H-Ras activity and
could therefore represent a safeguard mechanism against oncogenic
transformation (Elgendy et al. 2011).
Necrosis is characterized by cell swelling and plasma membrane rupture,
and a loss of organellar structure without chromatin condensation. Although
necrosis can occur as a consequence of irreparable cell damage, at least one
pathway of active necrosis exists. This form of cell death, sometimes called
necroptosis, is engaged by several signaling pathways that all converge on
the activation of receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIP3). RIP3 is
activated upon recruitment to macromolecular complexes downstream from
various cell-surface receptors: DRs, Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and the T-
cell receptor (TCR). Additionally, DNA damage can directly induce the
formation of a RIP3-activation platform, independently of cell-surface
receptor ligation. Finally, RIP3-dependent necrosis is also triggered by the
cytosolic DNA sensor, DNA-dependent activator of interferon (DAI)
regulatory factors, following virus infection and the presence, in the cytosol,
of double-stranded viral DNA.
Here we are concerned with signaling leading to cell death in vertebrates,
and focus on processes that are at least partially understood at the molecular
level. We do not discuss the physiology and pathology of cell death in detail
or processes involved in the clearance of dying cells. Readers will find a
more complete overview of these topics and other aspects of cell death
elsewhere (Green 2011b).
Figure 1. The caspase protein family. Initiator caspases (caspase-2, caspase-8, and caspase-9) are the
apical caspases of the apoptotic-signaling cascade. Initiator caspases are produced as inactive zymogens
composed of a prodomain (containing a CARD or a death effector domain [DED]) and a large and
small subunit. They are recruited through their prodomains into large activation platforms and activated
by dimerization. In contrast, executioner caspases (caspase-3, caspase-6, and caspase-7) are activated
by cleavage of the zymogen between the large and small subunits and are therefore dependent on
initiator caspases for their activation. Catalytically active caspases are composed of a heterotetramer of
two small and two large subunits.
Figure 3. Regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane integrity by the Bcl2 protein family. (A)
Members of the Bcl2 protein family are characterized by the presence of one or more Bcl2 homology
(BH) region. The antiapoptotic Bcl2 proteins (e.g., Bcl2, Bcl-xL, and Mcl1) and the proapoptotic
effectors (e.g., Bax and Bak) share four BH regions and a similar globular structure. BH3-only proteins
(e.g., Bid, Bim, Bad, and Noxa) are characterized by a single BH region (BH3). (B) The proapoptotic
effectors reside in cells in inactive forms tethered to the outer mitochondrial membrane (Bak) or soluble
in the cytosol (Bax). Upon activation, Bax and Bak oligomerize and further insert into the membrane,
causing mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) and thus apoptosis. (C) Bax/Bak
activation is triggered following the transient binding of a subset of direct activator BH3-only proteins
(e.g., Bid and Bim). Antiapoptotic Bcl2 proteins inhibit MOMP by sequestering the direct activator
proteins and/or the effectors. Another group of BH3-only proteins, called sensitizers or derepressors
(e.g., Bad and Noxa) promote MOMP by antagonizing antiapoptotic Bcl2 proteins, thereby releasing
both direct activator BH3-only proteins and Bax/Bak.
Bax and Bak are directly responsible for the loss of mitochondrial outer
membrane integrity (Fig. 3B). Upon activation, they form large oligomers
that insert into the mitochondrial outer membrane, disrupting it (Eskes et al.
2000; Korsmeyer et al. 2000; Dewson et al. 2008, 2009). The precise nature
of the disruption remains unclear, but it allows the near simultaneous release
of all intermembrane space proteins (Goldstein et al. 2000; Munoz-Pinedo et
al. 2006).
Bax and Bak act redundantly in MOMP and at least one of them is
required to permeabilize mitochondria. In living cells these proteins are
generally inactive, but become activated in response to upstream events. At
least two of the BH3-only proteins (Bim and active Bid) activate Bax and
Bak through transient interaction (Fig. 3C), although other conditions (such
as heat, changes in pH, and changes in the lipid milieu) may activate the
effectors independently of BH3-only proteins (Wei et al. 2000; Kuwana et al.
2002, 2005; Letai et al. 2002).
MOMP is antagonized by the antiapoptotic Bcl2 proteins, which bind to
and inhibit both Bax/Bak and the BH3-only proteins by interacting with their
BH3 domains (Llambi et al. 2011) (Fig. 3C). Antiapoptotic Bcl2 proteins are
also regulated at both the transcriptional and posttranslational levels. In
particular, Mcl1 degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system participates
in apoptosis induction following several cellular stresses. Upon DNA
damage, the BH3-domain-containing protein Mcl1 ubiquitin ligase E3
(MULE) directly binds to Mcl1 and catalyzes its ubiquitylation and
degradation (Warr et al. 2005). During antitubulin chemotherapeutic-induced
mitotic arrest, Mcl1 is phosphorylated by stress-activated and mitotic kinases
such as the MAP kinase (MAPK) Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK), casein
kinase II (CKII), and p38 MAPK. These phosphorylation events unveil a
degron on Mcl1 that recruits the SCF-Fbw7 ubiquitin ligase complex, thus
targeting Mcl1 for ubiquitylation and degradation (Wertz et al. 2011).
Similarly, Mcl1 is degraded following growth factor withdrawal (e.g., IL3)
and the subsequent loss of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt signaling.
This process relieves glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) from Akt
inhibition. GSK3 then phosphorylates Mcl1, allowing its ubiquitylation by
the E3 ligase β-transductin-repeat-containing protein (β-TrCP) and its
subsequent degradation (Maurer et al. 2006; Ding et al. 2007). Conversely,
cancer cells can increase Mcl1 stability and overall resistance to cellular
stress by expressing USP9X, a deubiquitylase that removes polyubiquitin
chains from Mcl1 (Schwickart et al. 2010).
Proteins of the Bcl2 family integrate pro- and antiapoptotic signals in
healthy and stressed cells and therefore constitute one of the main signaling
nodes in the life or death decision. Within this family, BH3-only proteins
constitute the main upstream sensors of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway.
A wide variety of signaling pathways converge on the BH3-only family of
proteins and regulate their expression level and activity both transcriptionally
and posttranscriptionally (see Table 1). For example, Bid is activated upon
cleavage by caspase-8 following DR ligation (Li et al. 1998, Luo et al. 1998).
In doing so, Bid coordinates the cross-regulation between the extrinsic and
intrinsic apoptotic pathways. Additionally, proteolytic activation of Bid can
be achieved by granzyme B during the cytotoxic lymphocyte killing process
(Heibein et al. 2000; Sutton et al. 2000). The apoptotic response to genotoxic
stress is performed, in part, by Puma and Noxa (Jeffers et al. 2003; Villunger
et al. 2003). Both are direct transcriptional targets of the tumor suppressor
p53 (Oda et al. 2000; Nakano and Vousden 2001; Yu et al. 2003), although
other stimuli regulate their expression levels (see Table 1). Similarly, Bim is
transcriptionally up-regulated by the forkhead transcription factor FOXO3A
upon cytokine deprivation (Dijkers et al. 2000; Gilley et al. 2003; Urbich et
al. 2005). Bim is also a major apoptotic factor of the ER stress pathway
engaged in response to accumulation of unfolded proteins (Puthalakath et al.
2007). Finally, Bad activity is negatively regulated through phosphorylation
by several kinases, such as Akt (Datta et al. 1997; del Peso et al. 1997),
which induces its sequestration by 14-3-3 proteins. Upon growth factor
deprivation and loss of Akt signaling, Bad is released and antagonizes
antiapoptotic Bcl2 proteins (Zha et al. 1996; Datta et al. 1997).
Active or programmed cell death is essential to maintain homeostasis in
multicellular organisms as well as for the selective elimination of potentially
harmful or infected cells. Accordingly, deregulation of the signaling
pathways that trigger cell death can lead to the development of catastrophic
diseases such as cancer and autoimmunity (too little cell death) as well as
degenerative diseases (too much cell death). Therefore, the existence of
tightly controlled and efficient means to induce cell death can be interpreted
as the logical consequence of the evolution of multicellular organisms.
However, the necessity for so many different death-signaling pathways might
appear counterintuitive. Taken together, cell death induction could be viewed
as a simple signaling process with multiple inputs/stimuli and one outcome:
the death of the cell. However, the way by which a cell dies has important
consequences for neighboring cells and sometimes the entire organism. For
example, apoptotic and necrotic cells display divergent inflammatory
properties and trigger different immune responses. Additionally, particular
death programs include the release of proliferative signals that trigger
compensatory proliferation in surrounding tissues. These signals might differ
from one type of cell death to the next. Finally, death-signaling pathways are
clearly interconnected. For example, autophagic cell death is often
potentiated by caspase activation, whereas RIP-dependent necrosis is
antagonized by a caspase-dependent activity. Cross talk between these
pathways potentially provides numerous backup mechanisms for cell death
programs and could explain why inhibition of a single program often has
minor consequences for the organism. A better understanding of the impact
of each type of cell death on surrounding tissues and of the interplay between
these cell death programs might help to answer some of these questions.
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1Two other processes, microautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy, also exist, but are not
further discussed here.
Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006080
1 Introduction
2 Corruption of MAPK signaling
3 Manipulation of G-protein signaling
4 Highjacking lipid signaling
5 Other actin regulators targeted by pathogens
6 Targeting ubiquitin-mediated signal transduction
7 Conclusion
Viruses and bacteria both produce proteins that hijack cellular signaling
machinery to ensure their survival despite the constant negative pressure of
their hosts’ innate and adaptive immune systems. Studies of these have not
only revealed methods by which microbial pathogens cause infectious
disease, but also provided critical insights into mechanisms of cellular
regulation, particularly in the case of viral oncoproteins (see Box 1). They
also yielded valuable tools for dissecting mechanisms involved in regulating
Bacteria produce different types of virulence factors. Note that these are
not always proteins—they may also be peptides or small molecules—but here
we confine our discussion to proteins. The first type, called a toxin, is
secreted by the pathogen at high concentration and delivered into the host
cytoplasm by a variety of mechanisms, including endocytosis or via protein
pores formed by the bacterial toxin itself (Fig. 1) (Henkel et al. 2010).
Cholera toxin from Vibrio cholerae, for example, is an enzyme that enters the
cell by endocytosis and ADP-ribosylates the αs subunit of the heterotrimeric
Gs protein. This modification prevents αs from hydrolyzing GTP, locking it
into an active state that constitutively stimulates its downstream effector,
adenylyl cyclase (see p. 99 [Sassone-Corsi 2012]). In the intestinal
epithelium, the elevated levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) generated cause an
efflux of chloride ions and water, resulting in severe diarrhea and
dehydration. Pertussis toxin produced by Bordetella pertussis, which causes
whooping cough, by contrast, ADP ribosylates the αi subunit of the
heterotrimeric Gi protein so that it remains in the GDP-bound state and
cannot be activated by upstream signals. The modified GDP-bound αi is no
longer able to bind to adenylyl cyclase and inhibit production of cAMP.
Pertussis toxin causes major trauma in airways during infection because
signaling pathways are constitutively activated and results in abnormally high
levels of insulin and histamine sensitivity. These toxins have proven very
useful for the elucidation of molecular signaling by G-protein-coupled
receptors (GPCRs) and their downstream signaling partners.
Figure 1. Bacterial secretion systems. Bacteria use several different mechanisms to secrete molecules
into the extracellular space and to translocate molecules into a host cell. Toxins, including peptides and
proteins, are typically secreted through a type I or II secretion system. Effectors are translocated
through a type III or IV secretion system, whereas DNA is only transferred through the type IV
secretion system.
Figure 3. Catalytic triads: same chemistry, different substrates. Yersinia YopJ is proposed to use a
ping-pong mechanism whereby its catalytic cysteine attacks acetyl-CoA to form a covalent acetyl-
enzyme intermediate, followed by a subsequent attack by its second substrate, a hydroxyl on MAPKK,
to transfer the acetyl group to MAPKK. A cysteine protease uses the same mechanism with a peptide to
form a covalent acetyl-enzyme intermediate. The second substrate in this reaction is water and leads to
cleavage of a peptide bond.
During an infection, signals for host survival and apoptosis are induced.
In the presence of YopJ, the default pathway will always be death because
YopJ blocks the NF-κB survival pathway. By inhibiting signaling pathways
that alert the immune system and induce survival signals, YopJ attenuates the
immune response to Yersinia during infection. In contrast, VopA/P, a YopJ
relative from the seafood-borne pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus that
causes food poisoning, inhibits MAPK signaling pathways but not the NF-κB
pathway (Fig. 2) (Trosky et al. 2004). Additionally, VopA/P acetylates not
only the activation loop of MAPKKs but also a conserved lysine residue in
the catalytic loop of MAPKKs that is required for coordination of the γ-
phosphate of ATP (Trosky et al. 2007). This inhibits the binding of ATP but
not ADP, resulting in an inactive kinase. During infection by V.
parahaemolyticus, VopA/P efficiently blocks proliferative pathways while
allowing activation of survival pathways. Our understanding of this
infectious process is in its infancy; thus the activities of the other secreted
effectors will need to be uncovered to shed light on the importance of
VopA/P inhibition. Note that this type of serine/threonine acetylation has not
yet been observed as an endogenous protein modification in eukaryotes.
Figure 4. Multilevel regulation of small G proteins by bacterial effectors. Small G proteins cycle on
and off membranes, exchange guanine nucleotides (GDP to GTP) for activation, hydrolyze GTP for
inactivation, and stimulate downstream signaling pathways. Bacterial pathogens have evolved toxins
and effector proteins to usurp nearly every aspect of small G-protein function, using molecular mimicry
as well as novel stimulatory and inhibitory mechanisms.
Virulence factors produced by pathogens have evolved to efficiently
manipulate host signaling pathways (Table 1). Mechanisms range from
constitutive activation of a pathway, to irreversible inactivation of a critical
signaling molecule, to subversion of a whole signaling system to favor the
invading pathogen. A major challenge in the future is to determine the
enzymatic activities and host substrates for the bacterial and viral virulence
factors that show no obvious homology to eukaryotic proteins. Another, even
more complex challenge is to understand how these factors work together to
orchestrate a successful infection. Temporal and spatial considerations are
extremely important for regulating a host cell during infection. Likewise,
within the pathogen, determining the regulatory mechanisms that control the
activation patterns and spatial dynamics of virulence factors will help reveal
how microbial pathogens coopt signal transduction systems during infection.
Finally, the use of model organisms to complement studies in mammalian
cells will provide valuable insights into the physiological roles of bacterial
effector proteins. Such information is essential to gain a system-level view of
the infectious disease process and to ultimately design therapeutics that target
host–pathogen interactions. Inevitably, by discovering the mechanisms of
pathogenic effectors, we have gained a greater understanding into critical
steps in eukaryotic signaling. Although a great deal has been learned, given
the number and diversity of the yet-to-be-studied bacterial and viral
pathogens, much more is left to be discovered.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006114
1 Introduction
2 Mutations as the cause of cancer
3 Dysregulation of cellular processes by oncogenic signaling
4 Cell proliferation
5 Cell survival
6 Cell metabolism
7 Cell polarity and migration
8 Cell fate and differentiation
9 Genomic instability
10 The tumor microenvironment
11 Concluding remarks
The development of cancer involves successive genetic and epigenetic
alterations that allow cells to escape homeostatic controls that ordinarily
suppress inappropriate proliferation and inhibit the survival of aberrantly
proliferating cells outside their normal niches. Most cancers arise in epithelial
cells, manifesting as carcinomas in organs such as the lung, skin, breast, liver,
and pancreas. Sarcomas, in contrast, arise from mesenchymal tissues,
occurring in fibroblasts, myocytes, adipocytes, and osteoblasts. Nonepithelial
tumors can also develop in cells of the nervous system (e.g., gliomas,
neuroblastomas, and medulloblastomas) and hematopoietic tissues (leukemia
and lymphoma).
In solid tumors, these alterations typically promote progression from a
relatively benign group of proliferating cells (hyperplasias) to a mass of cells
with abnormal morphology, cytological appearance, and cellular
organization. After a tumor expands, the tumor core loses access to oxygen
and nutrients, often leading to the growth of new blood vessels
(angiogenesis), which restores access to nutrients and oxygen. Subsequently,
tumor cells can develop the ability to invade the tissue beyond their normal
boundaries, enter the circulation, and seed new tumors at other locations
(metastasis), the defining feature of malignancy (Fig. 1). This linear sequence
of events is clearly an oversimplification of complex cancer-associated events
that proceed in distinct ways in individual tumors and between tumor sites;
however, it provides a useful framework in which to highlight the critical role
of dysregulated signaling in processes associated with the initiation and
progression of cancer.
Excessive cell proliferation is a feature of most cancers. Limited availability
of growth factors or nutrients, contact inhibition, and other feedback
mechanisms ensure that the pathways that regulate proliferation (see Fig. 3)
are normally tightly controlled. As outlined above, however, mutations in
proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressors or inappropriate synthesis of
ligands/receptors can hyperactivate these pathways, leading to activation of
the cell cycle machinery. Note that signaling targets that represent critical
components of cell cycle control mechanism can also undergo genetic
alterations in cancer; for example, the genes encoding cyclin D, cyclin E, and
CDK4 are amplified in certain cancers and the G1 restriction point inhibitor
pRB and p16 can be deleted or mutated as well.
Figure 3. Regulation of cell proliferation by the Ras-ERK and PI3K-Akt pathways.
ERK phosphorylates Bim and the NF-κB inhibitor IκBα (Ghoda et al.
1997), which targets them for degradation. In addition, RSK phosphorylates
the caspase-9 scaffolding protein APAF, which impedes the ability of
cytochrome c to nucleate apoptosome formation and activate the downstream
caspases that drive apoptosis (Kim et al. 2012).
Cell growth needs to be coordinated with metabolic processes involved in the
synthesis of macromolecules. Thus, growth factor pathways that regulate
both normal and tumor cells impinge on metabolic pathways to program cells
to meet the increased need for synthesis of macromolecules to produce new
daughter cells (Ch. 7 [Ward and Thompson 2012b]). Activation of oncogenes
and loss of tumor suppressors can directly regulate components of metabolic
pathways even in the absence of growth factors and, thereby, produce similar
metabolic alterations (Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Regulation of metabolism by Ras-ERK and PI3K-Akt signaling. 1DH*, mutated 1DH.
Genomic instability is a common characteristic of cancer cells. Aneuploidy
and large-scale DNA rearrangements are frequently observed, and many
cancers display elevated mutation rates. Ordinarily, a variety of cellular
enzymes repair DNA damage, and checkpoint signaling ensures that DNA
replication and cytokinesis are arrested in dividing cells until potentially
damaging errors are corrected. Alternatively, checkpoint signaling can induce
senescence or apoptosis so that affected cells do not pass on these errors.
Whether genomic instability is a cause or a consequence of cancer is still
debated, but it clearly reflects a failure of checkpoint signaling and/or DNA
repair mechanisms.
DNA damage signals are relayed by the kinases ATM, ATR, Chk1, and
Chk2, which stimulate p53, stall the cell cycle, and activate the DNA repair
machinery (p. 109 [Kopan 2012]; Ch. 6 [Rhind and Russell 2012]).
Downstream of p53, the CKI p21 is induced, and this can halt DNA
polymerase if DNA replication has already begun. If the damage cannot be
repaired and checkpoint signaling persists, p21 and p53 will induce cells to
senesce or undergo apoptosis (see above). Clearly, mutation or epigenetic
silencing of these tumor suppressors or upstream kinases can inactivate
checkpoint signaling, allowing DNA damage to persist and potentially fuel
cancer progression. Indeed, ATM and Chk2 mutations are seen in familial
leukemias and colon/breast cancers, respectively, and proteins involved in
DNA repair itself are also often mutated, for example, MMR enzymes and
The mitotic checkpoint (also known as the spindle assembly checkpoint)
ensures that when a cell divides each daughter receives a full complement of
chromosomes. A complex containing the proteins Bub1, Bub3, and Mad1-3
monitors attachment of chromosomes to the mitotic spindle, relaying
checkpoint signals that block chromosome segregation and subsequent
cytokinesis. Once paired, sister chromatids are all attached to microtubules
emanating from opposite poles, the signal is switched off, and cells can move
from metaphase into anaphase and, ultimately, cytokinesis can proceed (Ch. 6
[Rhind and Russell 2012]). Inactivation of this checkpoint pathway has the
potential to lead to aneuploidy, and mutations in Mad1/2 and Bub1 have been
observed in cancer (Schvartzman et al. 2010).
Akt has been implicated in multiple aspects of DNA damage responses
and genome instability (Xu et al. 2012a). It can inhibit homologous
recombinational repair through direct phosphorylation of the checkpoint
proteins Chk1 and TopBP1 or indirectly through recruitment of resection
factors such as RPA, BRCA1, and Rad51 to sites of double-stranded breaks
(DSBs) in DNA. Akt is also activated by DSBs in a DNA-dependent protein-
kinase- or ATM/ATR-dependent manner and, in some contexts, can
contribute to radioresistance by stimulating DNA repair by nonhomologous
end joining. In addition, Akt also inhibits association of BRCA1 with DNA
damage foci. As discussed above, dysregulation of the PI3K-Akt pathway
suppresses apoptosis through many effectors, thus promoting survival of cells
with DNA damage. Because Ras-ERK signaling also inhibits apoptosis, it too
could promote survival of damaged cells. Hyperactivation of Ras-ERK
signaling has been shown to lead to genomic instability, although the
molecular mechanism is unclear (Saavedra et al. 1999). Akt therefore
modifies both the response to and repair of genotoxic damage in complex
ways that are likely to have important consequences for the therapy of tumors
showing deregulation of the PI3K-Akt pathway.
The tumor suppressor PTEN can also regulate chromosome stability,
independently of its 3′-phosphatase activity. PTEN regulates the expression
of the DNA repair protein RAD51, and loss of PTEN causes extensive
centromere breakage and chromosomal translocations (Toda et al. 1993; Liu
et al. 2008; p. 109 [Kopan 2012]).
Myc overexpression can induce genomic instability. In mammalian cells
and Drosophila, overexpression of Myc increases the frequency of
chromosomal rearrangements (Prochownik and Li 2007; Greer et al. 2013).
Multiple mechanisms have been associated with such genomic
rearrangements, including ROS-induced DSBs, suppression of checkpoints
that prevent replication of damaged DNA, and telomere clustering.
So far, we have primarily considered how signaling within cancer cells
themselves is dysregulated in cancer. However, cancer progression (at least in
solid tumors) also depends on the ECM, blood vessels, immune cells, and
noncancerous cells such as fibroblasts in the tumor microenvironment, all of
which communicate with cancer cells by subverted signaling mechanisms
(Fig. 6). Many of the changes in the tumor microenvironment during cancer
progression mimic changes that occur during wound healing and/or
developmental processes. As tumors evolve, the complexity of their
“ecosystem” increases; reciprocal paracrine and juxtacrine interactions
between populations of neoplastic cells as well as tumor cells and
nonneoplastic cells within the microenvironment control cellular signaling
pathways in both positive and negative fashions. Dissecting the roles of
individual signaling pathways in these ecosystems is complex because it is
difficult to distinguish cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous activities.
Figure 6. Cancer signaling networks. The figure illustrates the wide variety of intra- and intercellular
signals affected in cancer, focusing on Ras-ERK and PI3K-Akt signaling. It is by no means
comprehensive; many more pathways are involved and there are other stromal cells involved in
paracrine signaling. Oncoproteins are indicated with yellow highlighting; tumor suppressors are
indicated with dashed outlines. Arrows do not necessarily indicate direct interactions in this figure.
10.2 Angiogenesis
Like all tissues, tumors require a blood supply. They acquire this by inducing
proliferation and assembly of endothelial cells to form new blood vessels
(angiogenesis), co-opting pathways that usually function in wound healing.
Central to angiogenesis are signals such as VEGF, PDGF, FGFs, interleukin
(IL) 8, and angiopoietin. The PI3K-Akt pathway regulates the induction of
angiogenesis as well as vessel integrity (Karar and Maity 2011). Synthesis
and secretion of VEGF by cancer cells is induced by HIF1. As mentioned
above, HIF1 levels are increased by PI3K-Akt signaling, and hyperactivation
of this pathway thus plays an important role in angiogenesis. HIF1 activity
can be controlled by the von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) protein, a subunit of an
E3 ligase that promotes its ubiquitin-dependent degradation under normoxic
conditions when it is proline hydroxylated by proline hydroxylases (see Ch. 7
[Ward and Thompson 2012b]), or through translational control. VHL
functions as a tumor suppressor and inactivating VHL mutations occur in a
variety of cancers. The PI3K-Akt pathway also modulates the production of
other angiogenic factors, such as nitric oxide and angiopoietins. Constitutive
endothelial activation of Akt1 has been shown to induce the formation of
structurally abnormal blood vessels.
Following its secretion, VEGF is sequestered in the ECM and cannot
exert its effects on endothelial cells until it is released by MMPs such as
MMP9. These are produced by monocytes and macrophages in the tumor
microenvironment (see below), which underscores the importance of immune
cells in angiogenesis and existence of the wider signaling network that
involves cancer cells, immune cells, and endothelial cells.
Another factor that must be overcome for angiogenesis to occur is
inhibitory signals such as thrombospondin 1 (Tsp1). Tsp1 released by various
cells normally keeps angiogenesis in check by inducing synthesis of FasL,
which causes endothelial cells to undergo apoptosis (see Ch. 19 [Green and
Llambi 2014]). Tsp1 is induced by p53, but repressed by Ras, Src, and Myc.
It thus represents another control point in angiogenesis that could be activated
by dysregulation of the Ras-ERK pathway. Moreover, the gene that encodes
Tsp1 is hypermethylated in some cancers.
10.3 Inflammation
Inflammatory cells such as macrophages and neutrophils constitute the first
defense against pathogens, but are also involved in tissue remodeling and
repair. They are recruited by chemokines secreted by tumor and stromal cells
to almost all tumors and secrete various molecules that promote cancer cell
proliferation, survival, and migration. In many respects, the contribution of
inflammatory cells to tumor progression, like that of angiogenesis,
recapitulates their role in wound healing, which also involves these
Signaling via the transcription factor NF-κB (see Ch. 15 [Newton and
Dixit 2012]) is important in both cancer cells and tumor-associated
inflammatory cells because it can promote cell survival and proliferation and
stimulates production of cytokines such as TNF. Oncogenic mutations
affecting NF-κB or upstream regulators such as MALT1 and Bcl10 occur in
some lymphoid malignancies; however, in most cancers, NF-κB activity is
simply increased by cytokine signaling. For example, in colon cancer, TNF
produced by macrophages increases NF-κB activity in intestinal epithelial
cells, which promotes cell survival; meanwhile, other cytokines such as IL6
and IL11 increase phospho-STAT3 levels (see p. 117 [Harrison 2012]),
which promote cell proliferation. A similar phenomenon occurs in
hepatocytes in hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common form of liver
cancer, and prostate cancer (Karin 2009). NF-κB activation also leads to
production of more TNF and synthesis of prostaglandin E2, which further
fuels cell proliferation and loss of cell polarity.
In addition to cytokines, inflammatory cells secrete growth factors such as
EGF and FGF. These are obviously important regulators of Ras-ERK and
PI3K-Akt signaling in cancer cells and will, therefore, dysregulate control of
cell proliferation, cell death, metabolism, and cell migration, as discussed
above. They also lead to production of colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1), a
key reciprocal signal that stimulates macrophages, causing them to produce
more EGF. Immune cells also produce VEGF and MMPs, which promotes
angiogenesis, ECM remodeling, and release of other bioactive molecules (see
above). Importantly, all these factors participate in paracrine loops involving
immune and cancer cells that sustain chronic inflammation and promote
tumor growth and progression.
Cancer cells show a number of defining characteristics. Underlying these is a
dysregulation of cellular signal transduction induced by the genetic and
epigenetic changes that drive cancer. This affects not only the cancer cells
themselves, but the wider signaling network that encompasses other cells, the
ECM, blood vessels, and the immune system. Indeed, metastatic cancer can
be considered a systemic disease that affects signaling throughout the
affected individual, and systemic effects are ultimately what kill patients in
Pharmacologic and antibody-based inhibitors that target signaling proteins
mutated in tumors or proteins downstream from these have had significant
impact as cancer treatments. For example, inhibitors of the nonreceptor
tyrosine kinase Abl and RTK ErbB2 dramatically reduce patient mortality in
chronic myelogenous leukemia and breast cancer. Other inhibitors, such as
those that target B-Raf, EGFR, and the kinase ALK induce remarkable
reductions of tumor volume and extend survival in patients with melanoma
and nonsmall-cell lung carcinomas; however, the rate of recurrence is high
because of the development of drug resistance (Gainor and Shaw 2013;
Giroux 2013; Holohan et al. 2013; Lito et al. 2013).
The complexity of the cancer signaling network (see Fig. 6) presents a
huge challenge for efforts to develop such anticancer drugs because of the
redundancy of pathways that control cell proliferation and survival, cross talk
between pathways, and feedback inhibition mechanisms that cause pathway
reactivation. The fact that pathways such as Ras-ERK and Akt-PI3K
signaling control so many characteristics of cancer cells, and that components
of these pathways, or upstream receptors, are so commonly mutated in a
variety of cancers gives reason to be optimistic that approaches based on
targeting them will be successful. The efficacy of therapies that target these
pathways is, however, limited by multiple factors. For example, rewiring of
signaling pathways is associated with adaptive responses to inhibition of
driver mutations, and this is commonly because of either loss of feedback
inhibition or induction of stress pathways (Pratilas and Solit, 2010; Rodrik-
Outmezguine et al. 2011; Lito et al. 2013). Moreover, factors from the tumor
microenvironment may stimulate alternative pathways that maintain cell
viability despite inhibition of the targeted pathways (Castells et al. 2012;
Muranen et al. 2012). Alternatively, there can be selection for rare tumor
cells that contain drug-resistant variants of the targeted protein or mutations
in other pathways that circumvent the dependency on the targeted pathway,
and epigenetic or stochastic changes in the state of tumor cells can also
activate intrinsic resistance pathways (Holohan et al. 2013; Holzel et al.
Further complicating matters is the degree of intratumoral genetic
heterogeneity. Recent evidence emerging from sequencing of single cells and
multiple regions of tumors from individual patients has revealed this is far
greater than previously imagined (Navin et al. 2011; Ruiz et al. 2011; Ding et
al. 2012; Gerlinger et al. 2012; Xu et al. 2012b; Bashashati et al. 2013) In one
study of kidney tumors, only ∼45% of mutations were detected in all tumor
regions. This heterogeneity also contributes significantly to intratumoral
variation in sensitivity to drugs targeting mutated signaling proteins mutated
in cancer, and means that single biopsies may not be sufficient to customize
patient treatment.
Overcoming these challenges will require a deeper understanding of the
nature of resistance mechanisms and how different cellular signaling
programs mediate resistant states in heterogeneous populations of tumor
cells. Combination therapies that target these should increase the efficacy of
targeted therapies. This is a significant challenge, but one that we feel is not
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006098
We have come a long way in the 55 years since Edmond Fischer and the
late Edwin Krebs discovered that the activity of glycogen phosphorylase
is regulated by reversible protein phosphorylation. As the contents of
this book attest, many of the other fundamental molecular mechanisms
that operate in biological signaling have since been characterized and the
vast web of interconnected pathways that make up the cellular signaling
network has been mapped in considerable detail. Nonetheless, it is
important to consider how fast this field is still moving and the issues at
the current boundaries of our understanding. One must also appreciate
what experimental strategies have allowed us to attain our present level
of knowledge. Therefore, we summarize here some key issues (both
conceptual and methodological), raise unresolved questions, discuss
potential pitfalls, and highlight areas in which our understanding is still
rudimentary. We hope these wide-ranging ruminations will be useful to
investigators who carry studies of signal transduction forward during the
rest of the 21st century.
1 Signaling in the atomic age
2 Seeing is believing
3 Signaling in the postgenomic era
4 Modularity in signaling
5 Posttranslational modifications and signaling
6 Integration of cell metabolism and signaling
7 Signal diversity
8 Prospectus
One revelation derived from the explosion of sequence and structural
information is the extent to which signaling proteins appear to have arisen
during evolution by the shuffling and assembly of readily identifiable
modules. These stably folded domains, joined by flexible linkers, frequently
serve as recognition elements that mediate specific protein–protein
interactions that link them together in specific complexes. Understanding the
dynamics of the assembly of such complexes, how they direct signal
propagation, enhance signaling efficiency, and insulate pathways against
inadvertent stimulation continues to be an area of ongoing research.
Another important consequence of the modular nature of the proteins
involved in cellular regulation is that such an architecture allows the
constituent domains to evolve discrete and separable functions, which we are
just beginning to uncover and appreciate. For example, the p110β isoform of
the catalytic subunit of Class 1A phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) can
generate phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) at the plasma
membrane via its carboxy-terminal kinase domain in response to growth-
factor-initiated signaling by receptor-tyrosine kinases or GPCR activation
(Vadas et al. 2011; Dbouk et al. 2012; see also p. 87 [Hemmings and
Restuccia 2012]). However, on growth factor withdrawal, p110β dissociates
from receptors, interacts via its so-called helical domain with the small
GTPase Rab5 and helps stabilize the GTP bound state of Rab5 (Dou et al.
2013). This interaction stimulates autophagy because increasing the amount
of Rab5-GTP that decorates internal membranes results in recruitment of the
class III PI3K hVps34, which generates the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate
necessary for assembly of preautophagosomes (Parzych and Klionsky 2013).
The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase MEK1 provides
another example. It was thought to be simply a dedicated component of the
Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK signaling cascade (English and Cobb 2002; Roskoski
2012; see also p. 81 [Morrison 2012]); however, we now know that once
feedback phosphorylated on its amino-terminal extension by the kinase ERK,
MEK1 forms a ternary complex with a multidomain adaptor protein called
MAGI-1, which is necessary for membrane recruitment of the PIP3-specific
phosphatase PTEN; MEK1 thereby promotes down-regulation of the PIP3-
dependent protein kinase Akt (Zmajkovicova et al. 2013). A related issue is
that inherently disordered regions in some proteins adopt alternative
structures when associated with different interaction partners, leading to
different outcomes. The p53 transcription factor provides a particularly
dramatic example of this (Dunker et al. 2008; Joerger and Fersht 2008;
Freed-Pastor and Prives 2012).
The phenomenon whereby a protein has multiple distinct functions has
been dubbed “moonlighting” (Jeffery 2009). The potential for this evolving is
greatest in multidomain proteins, but not restricted to them. For example, one
of the splice variants of the muscle form of the glycolytic enzyme pyruvate
kinase, PKM2 (Hitosugi et al. 2009), appears to have other roles. On the one
hand, PKM2, when proline-hydroxylated by prolyl hydroxylase 3, seems to
associate with the transcription factor HIF1α and act as a coactivator that
promotes expression of HIF1α-dependent genes (Luo et al. 2011). On the
other hand, once tyrosine phosphorylated in response to growth factors,
PKM2 may undergo a switch in both oligomerization state (from a tetramer
to a dimer) and catalytic function (from its glycolytic role to a protein
kinase), and affect transcription by phosphorylating both histones (e.g., T11
on histone H3, which promotes acetylation at K9, a modification that
stimulates transcription) (Yang et al. 2012) and transcription factors (e.g.,
Y705 in STAT3, which promotes its dimerization and transactivator
function) (Gao et al. 2012).
Such instances of moonlighting in signaling proteins may help explain
how the intricacies of human biology are achieved with only 21,000 or so
protein-coding genes (just four times as many as a yeast cell). Thus,
investigators need to be alert to the possibility that moonlighting could
contribute in unanticipated ways to the biological complexity observed in a
signaling process, above and beyond alternative pre-mRNA splicing,
differential protein processing, and other mechanisms for generating protein
diversity that we already understand.
During evolution, mechanisms have arisen that allow diverse cell types to
sense and respond to various stimuli. In vision, light photons are absorbed by
the rhodopsins (chromophore-containing GPCRs) and converted into
intracellular chemical and then electrochemical changes in the rod and cone
cells in the retinas of our eyes. Hearing depends on conversion of sound
waves into intracellular signals via the opening and closing of stretch-
activated ion channels that are mechanically coupled to ciliary bundles in
specialized hair cells in our ears. In a similar way, touch depends on
conversion of mechanical pressure or thermal differences into conformational
changes in ion channels that open to elevate the level of intracellular calcium
ions in specialized nerve fibers in our skin. Of course, other stimuli to which
our senses respond are chemical in nature. Taste depends on conversion of
the binding of various soluble compounds into intracellular changes in the
gustatory-receptor-containing cells in the papillae on our tongues. Smell
depends on conversion of the binding of various volatile compounds into
intracellular signals in the olfactory-receptor-containing cells on the roof of
our nasal cavity. Skin irritation caused by the common nettle in our gardens
has a similar source; its trichomes inject chemicals normally made in animal
cells, such as the neurotransmitter serotonin and the immune mediator
histamine, thus aggravating our nerves and provoking inflammation.
Indeed, the variety of chemical signals generated by cells and to which
they are able to respond is rather staggering. Many of the classical endocrine
and pituitary hormones were discovered and chemically identified in the
1800s and early 1900s. For example, Frederick Banting announced the
isolation of insulin in 1921 and Fred Sanger determined its structure in 1953
(Nobel Prizes being awarded for both accomplishments). However, new
types of hormones that impact cell and organismal physiology and
development are still being discovered at a surprising rate, which requires
that their cognate receptors and downstream mediators be identified. For
example, adipose-derived leptin and its receptor (Isse et al. 1995; Tartaglia et
al. 1995), neuropeptides orexin-A/hypocretin-1 and andorexin-B/hypocretin-
2 and their receptors (de Lecea et al. 1998; Sakurai et al. 1998), and stomach-
derived ghrelin and its receptor (Howard et al. 1996; Kojima et al. 1999),
which have such critical roles in controlling the interrelated processes of
energy metabolism and obesity, wakefulness and appetite, and hunger and
growth, were not characterized until the late 1990s. Indeed, there are still
many GPCRs and nuclear receptors that are “orphans,” in the sense that their
physiological ligands have not yet been determined (Civelli 2012; Pearen and
Muscat 2012).
The constellation of known signaling molecules continues to expand in
new and unanticipated directions. For example, it has recently been
appreciated that different bacterial species, some of which are intracellular
pathogens, synthesize unusual cyclic dinucleotides that control their own
transcription, including cyclic-di-AMP, cyclic-di-GMP, and the mixed cyclic-
GMP-AMP, in all cases linked 3′-5′ (Kalia et al. 2013). The presence of such
compounds in mammalian cells is sensed by their binding to an endoplasmic
reticulum (ER)-localized protein called STING (Woodward et al. 2010).
Once activated, STING stimulates a protein kinase (TANK-binding kinase 1),
which, in turn, phosphorylates and activates a transcription factor, IRF3, that
regulates interferon production (Chin et al. 2013). However, STING is
activated much more potently and elicits a more efficacious interferon
response when foreign DNA enters cells. The difference is due to the fact that
cytosolic DNA binds to the regulatory domain of a mammalian enzyme,
cGAMP synthase (cGAS), thereby stimulating production of cyclic-GMP-
AMP in which the linkage is cyclic-[G(2′-5′)pA(3′-5′)p] (Kranzusch et al.
2013; Shaw and Liu 2014). This endogenously generated signal potently
activates diverse hSTING variants, whereas not all of them respond well to
bacterial cyclic-[G(3′-5′)pA(3′-5′)p] (Diner et al. 2013). Thus, mammalian
cells have evolved a mechanism to generate a novel signal that permits the
innate immune system to distinguish infiltration by a naked DNA from entry
of a bacterial invader. Such interkingdom signaling, mediating interplay
between viruses, bacteria, and mammalian cells (Lim et al. 2009; Marks et al.
2013; Pluznick et al. 2013), is clearly prevalent, has important consequences
for human health, and warrants continued exploration (see also Ch. 20 [Alto
and Orth 2012]).
How a signal is deployed or displayed can also have information content
that needs to be considered. Extracellular signaling ligands not only are
released from cells via the classical secretory pathway in an autocrine,
juxtacrine, or endocrine manner, but can also pass “through” cells via the
process of paracytophagy and the generation of so-called argosomes (Greco
et al. 2001). Such mechanisms are also used for the entry and cell-to-cell
passage of many prokaryotic intracellular pathogens (Portnoy 2012). Some
mammalian cell types can even engulf an entire other cell by a
macroendocytic process dubbed entosis (Overholtzer et al. 2007; Florey and
Overholtzer 2012). We now appreciate that cells can also generate
“exosomes” (small ∼100-nm-diameter vesicles) as a means for quantal export
of ligands and other classes of informational molecules, including miRNAs,
because, once released into extracellular fluids, they can be taken up by other
cells (Bang and Thum 2012; Briscoe and Thérond 2013; Choi et al. 2013).
Cells know their place, at least in part, by making contacts with adjacent
cells and components of the extracellular matrix. However, many cells types
erect a single specialized projection, the primary cilium (Garcia-Gonzalo and
Reiter 2012; Nozawa et al. 2013), which constrains to this one location
certain classes of signaling receptors (such as the receptors for the Hedgehog
family of ligands) (Wong and Reiter 2008; Ch. 10 [Perrimon et al. 2012]),
presumably to confer the capacity to respond only to a highly polarized or
localized signal source. In contrast, other cells extend ultrafine processes and
specialized filopodial extensions (also referred to as cytonemes) that can
mediate cell-to-cell contacts and long-range transport of signal molecules
over a distance of many cell lengths (Roy et al. 2011; Sanders et al. 2013).
Similarly, juxtaposed cells in many epithelial layers are connected by gap
junctions that act as portholes through which certain intracellular signals,
such as an increase in cytosolic calcium ion concentration, can be spread
from cell to cell (Goodenough and Paul 2009). Clearly, we still have much to
learn about the interplay between signaling molecules and all levels of
cellular organization.
For the foreseeable future, signal transduction research remains a field
confronted with a still vast frontier. As the contents of this book and issues
raised here make clear, unraveling signal transduction processes is a
multidisciplinary enterprise. Ultimately, understanding signaling will require
an appreciation for, understanding of, and the means to usefully grasp the
seamless interconnectedness among all the bits of information gleaned by
what were formerly considered disparate branches of the biological,
chemical, and physical sciences. Fortunately, as we highlight in this book,
there are recurrent themes, general mechanisms, common strategies, and
ubiquitous reactions in cell signaling that allow the complexity to be parsed
out productively. Indeed, we can already discern general design principles
that are allowing us to reengineer cellular responses to stimuli different from
those evolved in nature (Pryciak 2009; Burrill et al. 2011; Blount et al. 2012;
Lim et al. 2013).
Nonetheless, many unexpected discoveries that provide novel insights and
fresh paradigms will continue to be made, and these will open up new
avenues for understanding cell signaling. Some recent examples highlight
this point. Remarkably, proteins of the previously uncharacterized Fam20C
family turn out to be secreted atypical protein kinases that phosphorylate
casein and other extracellular substrates that have important physiological
roles in bone mineralization (Tagliabracci et al. 2013; Xiao et al. 2013b).
This discovery raises interesting questions about how these enzymes acquire
ATP in the lumen of the Golgi and whether such enzymes are made and have
important roles in the nervous system, in which ATP is stored in synaptic
vesicles (Zimmermann 2008) and released extracellularly to stimulate
purinergic receptors (Khakh and North 2012). Likewise, it has been
appreciated for decades that blood platelets also store ATP and other
compounds in storage vesicles that are released extracellularly when platelets
are activated at a site of injury (Da Prada et al. 1971; Higashii et al. 1985).
Does this released ATP also act, in part, through Fam20C-like extracellular
protein kinases? Another example is that very high serum levels of high-
molecular-weight hyaluronan dramatically protect the naked mole rat against
cancer (Tian et al. 2013). Hyaluronan is an extracellular proteoglycan and can
bind to various cell surface receptors. How does it suppress malignant growth
and/or enhance immune surveillance of precancerous tissue? And, do the
same mechanisms operate in humans?
It is also clear that we have just began to scratch the surface of how
microRNAs (Martinez and Gregory 2010; Mendell and Olson 2012) and
other RNAs encoded in our genomes (Hancks and Kazazian 2012; Batista
and Chang 2013) coordinately influence the levels of gene products involved
in signaling and are themselves controlled by signaling processes. Likewise,
an area of traditional biochemistry that clearly intersects with signaling in
many ways is the function of various classes of proteases; yet, we understand
the roles of many of these enzymes only very superficially and know even
less about their physiologically relevant enzyme–substrate relationships. For
example, in 2012, a new, circulating, exercise-induced regulatory hormone,
dubbed irisin, was described that converts white fat into more thermogenic
beige fat (Boström et al. 2012). However, irisin is identical to the ectodomain
of a small (212-residue) cell surface protein, fibronectin type III domain-
containing protein 5 (FNDC5), which is anchored in the plasma membrane
by a single carboxy-terminal hydrophobic transmembrane segment. In fact,
protease-mediated shedding of the extracellular domains of transmembrane
signaling proteins as separate entities with distinct functions is a common
phenomenon (Horiuchi 2013). Exercise stimulates FNDC5 expression in
skeletal muscle and the cleavage and release of its uniquely structured amino-
terminal fibronectin-III-like ectodomain as irisin (Erickson 2013;
Schumacher et al. 2013); however, the protease responsible for this shedding,
and whether it too is under any sort of regulation, is unknown.
Thus, if we take the long view, studies of signal transduction are still in
exponential phase with many important discoveries to come. Moreover, we
anticipate continued development of evermore sophisticated experimental
tools—from improvements in automated deep sequencing to characterize the
global transcriptome (Malone and Oliver 2011), to new mass spectrometry
instrumentation to catalog the cellular metabolome (Rubakhin et al. 2013), to
further refinement of mathematical, statistical, and computational theories
and methods to assist with display, interpretation, and modeling of the
complex networks of relationships involved in intra- and intercellular
signaling (Janes and Lauffenburger 2013; see also Ch. 4 [Azeloglu and
Iyengar 2014]). Continued advances of this sort will allow us to address
questions at an ever greater level of detail and resolution, providing answers
at the molecular level to long-standing mechanistic questions about the
myriad processes that comprise cell signaling.
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Cite this chapter as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022913
ABI1, 186
AC. See Adenylyl cyclase
ACC. See Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
ACE. See Angiotensin-converting enzyme
Acetylation, protein regulation mechanisms, 34–35
Acetylcholine receptor, nicotinic, 267
Acetyl-CoA, 170–171, 176–177, 393–394, 434–435
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), 287
ACL. See ATP-citrate lyase
Acrosome reaction, 336
ActA, 399
ACTH. See Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
cell migration and polymerization, 184–186
pathogen modifiers
elongation factors, 400
nucleation factors, 399–400
Activators of G-protein-mediated signaling (AGSs), 14
ADAM1b, 336
ADAM2, 336
ADAM3, 336
ADAM10, 111
ADAM17 (TACE), 111
Adenylyl cyclase (AC), 99–101, 335
Adiponectin, energy homeostasis role, 281
Adipose tissue triglyceride lipase (ATGL), 289
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), energy homeostasis role, 278
AF2, 130–131
AGS proteins, 14
AGSs. See Activators of G-protein-mediated signaling
AKAPs. See A-kinase anchoring proteins
A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs), 43, 53–54, 101, 254, 335
cancer signaling, 408–416, 418–421
glucose metabolism signaling
G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, 13
lymphocyte signaling, 321–323
lymphocyte signaling, 322
mTORC1 target, 175
phosphoinositide, 3-kinase pathway overview, 87–89
PI3K/Akt, 168, 170–171
PIP3 signaling, 57–59
subcellular localization, 42
ALDH1A1, 335
α-Catenin, 20, 136
AMBRA1, 378
Amino acids, metabolism signaling cascades, 173, 175
2-Amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl) propanoic acid receptor
(AMPAR), learning and memory role, 249–251, 253, 256
AMPAR. See, 2-Amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl) propanoic
acid receptor
energy homeostasis role, 278–279, 283–284, 287, 289
mTORC1 regulation, 176
Amyloid-β, 295
Anaphase. See Mitosis
Angiogenesis, cancer, 420
Angiomotin, 135
Angiotensin receptor, 273
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), 273
AP1, 318
APAF1, 368, 376–377
APC, 411
cancer, 412
activation, function, and regulation, 367–368, 376
caspase-1/-5/-11 activation in inflammasome pathway, 374
caspase-2 activation in PIDDosome pathway, 374–375
caspase-8 activation in death receptor pathway, 371, 373–374
caspase-9 activation in mitochondrial pathway, 368–371
kinases, 375
overview, 366–367
TNFR1 induction, 303
Approximated, 134
Arp2/3, 186, 255, 305, 399–400
Arpp19, 155
ASC, 300, 374
ASK1, 351
ATF1, 101
ATF2, 349
ATF4, 349
ATF6, unfolded protein response, 347–349
ATG proteins. See Autophagy
ATM, 417
DNA damage checkpoint, 158–159
recruitment, 35
ATP-citrate lyase (ACL), 414
ATR, DNA damage checkpoint, 158–159
Aurora B, 41
cell death role, 379
signaling overview, 366, 377–379
Bacteria. See Infection
Bad, 372, 378
BAFF, 319–320, 322
Bak, 369
Bax, 369
B-cell receptor (BCR)
adaptor molecules, 316
ITAM, 315–316
calcium, 316–317
diacylglycerol, 316–318
ERK1/2, 319
inhibitory signals, 323
nuclear factor of activated T cells, 317–318
overview, 125–127, 317
protein kinase C, 318–319
Ras, 319
structure and function, 314–315
Bcl2, 356, 367, 369–371, 378–379, 412
BCL6, 334
Bcl10, 307, 319
BCR. See B-cell receptor
BCR-ABL, 407
Beclin, 1, 378–379
BEN. See Biased excitable network
β-Arrestin, G-protein-coupled receptor complex, 14, 107
β-Catenin, 20, 104, 417
β-TrCP, 370
Biased excitable network (BEN), 193
Bid, 370, 372
BIK, 372
Bim, 356, 370, 372, 412
BK channel, 62
BLNK, 316
Bmf, 356, 373
BMP. See Bone morphogenetic protein
Bnip3, 373, 378
BOC, 107
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)
embryonic patterning, 223, 225
signaling overview, 113–114
BRCA, 418
Brinker, 226
Cadherins, signaling, 20
Calcineurin, learning and memory role, 253–254
binding motifs, 61
buffering, 61–62
channels and regulation of levels, 61
history of study, 95–96
lymphocyte signaling, 316–317
signaling overview, 59–61, 95–97
smooth muscle sensitization, 273
spatiotemporal organization of signaling, 62
termination of signal, 62
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), learning and
memory role, 251–253, 258
Calcium-induced calcium release (CICR), 62, 269
Calcium release-activated channel (CRAC), 305, 316–317
Calmodulin (CaM), calcium signaling, 97
Calsequestrin (CSQ), 268–269, 271
CaM. See Calmodulin
CAMKII, caspase activation role, 375
CaMKII. See Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II
cAMP. See Cyclic AMP
CAMs. See Cell adhesion molecules
cell polarity signaling, 210
angiogenesis, 420
apoptosis, 412
cell fate and differentiation, 417
cell migration, 415–417
cell polarity, 415–417
cell proliferation, 409–412
extracellular matrix, 418
genomic instability, 417–418
inflammation, 420–421
metabolism, 412–415
microenvironment, 418
fibroblasts, 421
gene mutations
overview, 407
signaling pathways, 407–408, 419
inflammation, 307
progression, 406–407
prospects for study, 421–422
CAR. See Constitutive active/androstane receptor
Carbohydrate. See Glucose, metabolism signaling
Carbon monoxide (CO), signal transduction, 25
Carboxy-terminal Src kinase (CSK), 315
Cardiac muscle. See Muscle contraction
Carma1, 319
Carnitine:palmitoyl transferase (CPT), 284
Casein kinase II (CK2), 370
Caspases. See Apoptosis; Necrosis
Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), 271
Caveolae, signaling, 43
Cbl, 8
Cdc2, 146, 153
Cdc4, 145
Cdc13, 146
Cdc20, 148, 160–161
Cdc25, 155, 157–159, 330
Cdc34, 146
Cdc42, 82, 354, 368, 98
cell migration role, 186, 188
cell polarity role, 200–201, 207
CDKs. See Cyclin-dependent kinases
CDO, 107
Cdr2, 157
C/EBPα, 131
C/EBPβ, 297
CED3, 376
CED4, 376
CED9, 376
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). See also specific molecules
cadherin-dependent adhesions, 20
signaling, 19–21
Cell cycle
cancer, 409–412
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors
overview, 143–144
transcriptional regulation by inhibitors, 144–145
G1 regulation
cyclin D, 141–142
cyclin E, 142–143
cyclin-dependent kinases, 141, 143
retinoblastoma protein, 140–141
ubiquitinylation, 145–147, 147–148
G2/M transition. See Mitosis
meiosis. See Meiosis
overview, 140–141
Cell fate. See Cancer; Embryonic patterning, Drosophila
Cell migration
actin polymerization, 184–186
adhesions, 186–188
cancer, 415–417
chemotaxis signaling
adaptation and excitation–global inhibition models, 193
excitability of networks, 192–193
myosin contraction, 186
overview, 184
polarization, 188
prospects for study, 193–195
focal adhesion kinase, 188–189
genetic analysis, 191–192
paxillin, 188–189
phosphoinositide, 3-kinase, 189–191
Rho GTPases, 188
Cell polarity. See also Par proteins
cancer, 415–417
cell migration, 188
intercellular junctions, 203
Par proteins, 202–203
symmetry breaking and positive-feedback loops, 200–202
Par protein localization
active exclusion, 205–207
membrane phospholipid attachment, 204
membrane protein anchoring, 204–205
messenger RNA localization, 205
oligomerization, 204
cancer, 210
Hippo pathway, 209–210
overview, 200
Par3–Par6–protein kinase C signaling, 207–209
Wnt signaling cross talk, 209
hydrolysis, 59
signaling overview, 56
stress response, 59
cGMP. See Cyclic GMP
CHBP, 400
Chemotaxis. See Cell migration
Chk1, 158–159, 417
Chk2, 158–159, 417
Cholecystokinin, receptor, 273
Cholera toxin, 390
Hedgehog coupling, 107
liver metabolism, 287–289
CHOP, 350, 352
CICR. See Calcium-induced calcium release
Cif, 400
CIN85, 316
CK1, 317
CKII. See Casein kinase II
CKS1, 147
Cks1, 434
Clb5, 146, 434
Cln2, 434
CO. See Carbon monoxide
Colony-stimulating factor, 1 (CSF1), 420
Complement, C5A receptor in innate immunity, 304–305
Computational models, signaling networks
dynamical models, 71–72
graph theory for signaling network models, 69, 72–74
network models, 70–71
Constitutive active/androstane receptor (CAR), 23–24
Cortisol, energy homeostasis role, 278–279
Cos, 107
COX2, 297
CPI-17, 273
CPT. See Carnitine:palmitoyl transferase
CPVT. See Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
CRAC. See Calcium release-activated channel
Crb2, 159
CRE. See Cyclic AMP response element
CREB, 274, 297, 334
CRIB domain, 398
Crk, 8
CRL4, 148
Crumbs, 135, 204, 416
CSF. See Cytostatic factor
CSF1. See Colony-stimulating factor, 1
CSK. See Carboxy-terminal Src kinase
CSL complex, 110–111
CSQ. See Calsequestrin
CTLA4, 319, 323
Ctp1, 158
Cyclic AMP (cAMP)
G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, 13, 53
muscle relaxation, 265
phosphodiesterases, 55
protein kinase A as target, 53–54
signaling overview, 99–101
targets, 55
Cyclic AMP response element (CRE), 287
Cyclic GMP (cGMP)
muscle relaxation, 265
phosphodiesterases, 55
protein kinase G as target, 55
targets, 55
Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), 55
Cyclin B, mitosis entry role, 154–156
Cyclin D
G1 regulation, 141–142
ubiquitinylation, 145–147
Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
activating kinase, 154
activation in mitosis entry, 152–157
caspase activation, 375–377
oocyte maturation role, 331
G1 entry regulation, 141
overview, 143–144
transcriptional regulation
INK4, 144–145
p21, 144
posttranscriptional regulation, 143
Cyclin E, G1 regulation, 142–143
Cyclophilin D (CypD), 380
Cyclosporin A, 318
CYLD, 380
CypD. See Cyclophilin D
Cytochrome c, 376
Cytokine receptor family, overview, 4, 6
Cytokinesis, mitosis coordination, 161–162
Cytostatic factor (CSF), 328
Dachsous, 134
DAI, 380
Dcn1, 434
DCP1, 376
Death receptors. See specific receptors
Deltex, 110
Development. See Embryonic patterning, Drosophila
Diabetes type, 2, overnutrition, 289–290
Diacylglycerol (DAG)
lymphocyte signaling, 316–318
muscle calcium sensitization, 273
protein kinase C as target, 55, 57
signaling overview, 57
DIAP1, 376
DISC, 374
Discs large, 135
DKK, 104
Dlg, 204
DLG1, 57
DNA damage checkpoint, 157–159
DNA-PK, DNA damage checkpoint, 158
DNA replication checkpoint, 159
DNMT1, 407
DOCK180, 19
Dock2, 305
Dorsal, 217
Double-strand break (DSB), 157–158
Double-stranded RNA-dependent kinase (PKR), 349, 351
DrrA, 398
DSB. See Double-strand break
DUSP, 355
E2F, 141, 143
E4orf6, 401
E-cadherin, 20
Ect1, 207
EGF. See Epidermal growth factor
eIF2, 349
Electron microscopy, signaling studies, 430
Elk1, 40
Embryonic patterning, Drosophila
induction of cell fate, 216
bone morphogenetic protein, 223, 225
epidermal growth factor, 222–224, 229
fibroblast growth factor, 222–223, 229
Hedgehog, 222, 225
integration of pathways, 227–230
linear signaling, 226
long-range ligand distribution, 225–226
negative-feedback switches, 226
Notch, 220–222
overview, 216–218
threshold generation, 226–227
Wnt, 225
transcriptional cascade interactions with signaling, 217, 219
Emi2, 331, 338
EMT. See Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Endoplasmic reticulum. See Unfolded protein response
Endoplasmic reticulum stress element (ERSE), 347
Endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), 9, 111
Energy homeostasis. See also Fatty acid metabolism; Glucose, metabolism
AMPK role, 278–279, 283–284, 287, 289
brown adipose tissue fatty acid oxidation, 289
diabetes type, 2 and insulin resistance, 289–290
hormonal control
adipose tissue, 281
adrenal gland, 278
hypothalamic-pituitary axis, 278
pancreas, 280
thyroid gland, 279–280
carbohydrate metabolism acute regulation, 284–286
gluconeogenesis long-term regulation, 286–287
lipid metabolism, 287–289
exercise adaptation, 284
fatty acid oxidation, 284
glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis, 282–284
glycogen breakdown, 281–282
prospects for study, 290–291
ENTPD5, 168
EphB6, 8
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
embryonic patterning, 222–224, 229
cancer, 9
dimerization, 7
phosphorylation, 433
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), cancer, 416–417
EPSP. See Excitatory postsynaptic potential
ERK. See Extracellular signal-regulated kinase
ERO1, 349
ERR. See Estrogen-related receptor
ERSE. See Endoplasmic reticulum stress element
ESCRT. See Endosomal sorting complex required for transport
E-selectin, innate immunity role, 303–304
EspG, 398
Estrogen-related receptor (ERR), 21, 23
Ets, 334
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), 248
ExoS, 396
Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)
cancer signaling, 408–410, 412, 415–416, 418, 421
development role, 223, 226–227, 230
learning and memory role, 258
lymphocyte signaling, 319
lymphocyte signaling by ERK1/2, 319
overview, 81–82
stress signaling
activation cascade, 354–355
inactivation, 355
overview, 353–354
physiological roles
cell death, 356
inflammation, 356–357
metabolism, 357
scaffold protein function, 355–356
substrates, 41
FADD, 16, 300, 302–303, 373–374
FAK. See Focal adhesion kinase
Far1, 146
Farnesoid X receptor (FXR), 23
Fas, 15
Fat, 134
Fatty acid metabolism
brown fat oxidation, 289
muscle oxidation, 284
FBW7, 146
Fbxo proteins, 146
Fc receptors
FcεR1 and immunoglobulin E binding, 316
innate immunity
FcεRI, 305–307
FcγR, 307
Fertilization. See Reproduction
FGF. See Fibroblast growth factor
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
cancer dysregulation, 417
embryonic patterning, 222–223, 229
dimerization, 7
stabilization, 40
FIDOP domain, 397
FIP200, 379
FK506, 318
FKBP12, 430
FLIP, 303, 373–375, 380, 412
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), signaling studies, 429
FNDC5, 437
Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), 18, 20, 188–189, 418
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 334–335
Formyl peptide receptor (FPR), innate immunity, 304–305
4E-BP1, 44
Fos, 41, 274
cancer signaling, 414–415
FOXO1, 87
FOXO3A, 371
lymphocyte signaling, 322
FPR. See Formyl peptide receptor
FRET. See Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
Frizzled, 10, 103, 209
FSH. See Follicle-stimulating hormone
FUNDC1, 379
Fus3, 146
FXR. See Farnesoid X receptor
Fyb, 392
Fyn, 20
G protein
GTPase cycle, 37
heterotrimeric G proteins, 38–39
receptor specificity, 11–12
small G proteins, 37–38
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
activation, 11
classes and structure, 10–11
G-protein specificity, 11–12
guanine nucleotide exchange factors, 37, 39
innate immunity, 304–305
kinase networks, 13–14
ligand-induced conformational change, 12–13
lipid messengers, 57
overview, 10
pathogen signaling corruption in host
bacteria protein mimics
G proteins, 398
GTPase-activating proteins, 396
guanine-nucleotide exchange factors, 395–395
G-protein modifiers, 397–398
overview, 395
Yersinia, 396–397
protein–protein interactions, 14
second messengers, 13
sensory receptors. See Sensory receptors
signal integration, 15
signal termination, 14–15
G1. See Cell cycle
G2/M transition. See Mitosis
GADD34, 350
GADD45, 355
GATA4, 269
Gcn5, 176, 284
GDNF. See Glial-derived neurotrophic factor
Genomic instability, cancer, 417–418
Germ-cell nuclear receptor, 24
Germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), 330
GFP. See Green fluorescent protein
GFRA1, 334
GH. See Growth hormone
Gli1, 107–108
Gli2, 107
Gli3, 107
Glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), 8, 333–334
Glucocorticoid response element (GRE), 286
carbohydrate metabolism acute regulation, 284–286
gluconeogenesis long-term regulation, 286–287
metabolism signaling
cancer, 412–415
endoplasmic reticulum signals, 351–353
hypoxia-inducible factor, 1, 171–173
PI3K/Akt, 168, 170–171
pyruvate kinase metabolic switch, 173–174
muscle uptake and glycogen synthesis, 282–284
transporters, 168, 282, 284
Glycogen, muscle
breakdown, 281–282
glucose uptake and synthesis, 282–284
Glycosylation, protein regulation mechanisms, 36–37
GPCRs. See G-protein-coupled receptors
GPR3, 329
Graph theory, signaling network models, 69, 72–74
Grb2, 18, 320
GRE. See Glucocorticoid response element
Green fluorescent protein (GFP), signaling studies, 428
Growth hormone (GH), receptor dimerization, 7
GRP78, 347, 351
GRP94, 347
GSK3, 104, 145–146, 284, 317, 370, 411, 433
Guanylyl cyclase, 24–25
Gustation. See Sensory receptors
GVBD. See Germinal vesicle breakdown
H2AX, 158–159
HAT. See Histone acetyltransferase
HCN. See Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel
HDAC. See Histone deacetylase
Hearing. See Sensory receptors
Heart failure. See Muscle contraction
Hedgehog (Hh)
embryonic patterning, 222–223, 225
signaling overview, 107–108
Heme oxygenase (HO), 25
Hemese, embryonic patterning, 219–220
HES1, 227
Hexokinase, 168
Hh. See Hedgehog
HIF1. See Hypoxia-inducible factor, 1
cell polarity signaling, 209–210
signaling overview, 131–136
Histone acetyltransferase (HAT), 35
Histone deacetylase (HDAC), 35, 130, 268
HMG-CoA reductase, 287–288
HMGB1, 294
HNF4, 131
Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), 289
HRK, 373
HSL. See Hormone-sensitive lipase
HuR, 356
2-Hydroxyglutarate aciduria, 176–177
Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (HCN), 55
Hypoxia-inducible factor, 1 (HIF1)
glucose metabolism signaling, 171–171
oxygen signaling, 24
ICAM. See Intercellular cell adhesion molecule
ICP0, 400–401
IDH. See Isocitrate dehydrogenase
IKK, 45, 123, 297–299, 303, 307, 351, 393
induced genes, 298
Toll-like receptor activation, 295–297
IL-2 receptor, 320–321
metabolism regulation, 176
receptor, 176
IL-4 receptor, 321
IL-7 receptor, 322
IL-12 receptor, 320
ILK. See Integrin-linked kinase
Immunoreceptor tyrosine activation motif (ITAM), 303, 315–317
Immunoreceptor tyrosine inhibition motif (ITIM), 323
actin modifiers
elongation factors, 400
nucleation factors, 399–400
bacteria virulence factors, 390–392
G-protein-coupled receptor signaling corruption
overview, 395
bacteria protein mimics
G proteins, 398
GTPase-activating proteins, 396
guanine-nucleotide exchange factors, 395–395
G-protein modifiers, 397–398
Yersinia, 396–397
lipid signaling highjacking, 398–399
mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling corruption
anthrax, 393
overview, 392
Shigella, 394
Yersinia, 393–394
oncoproteins of viruses, 390
ubiquitylation disruption, 400–401
cancer, 307, 420–421
caspase-1/-5/-11 activation in inflammasome pathway of apoptosis, 374
mitogen-activated protein kinase stress signaling, 356–357
unfolded protein response, 350–351
Information flow, signaling networks
computational models. See Computational models, signaling networks
contextual nature of information, 75
emergent properties of networks
bistability, 74
oscillations, 75
redundancy, 75
ultrasensitivity, 74
graph theory models, 69, 72–74
networks of pathways, 66, 68–69
noise filtering, 76
overview, 66–67
versatility of responses, 75–76
INK4, transcriptional regulation, 144–145
Innate immunity. See also specific receptors
E-selectin, 303–304
Fc receptors
FcεRI, 305–307
FcγR, 307
G-protein-coupled receptors, 304–305
inflammation and cancer, 307
integrin receptors, 303–304
Nod-like receptors, 300
pattern recognition receptor ligands, 294–295
RIG-I-like receptors, 298–300
TNFR1 signaling
cell death induction, 303
MAPK, 301–303
nuclear factor-κB, 301–303
Toll-like receptor
interferon induction, 297–298
ligands, 295
TAK1 and IKK activation, 295–296
TLR4 signaling, 296
TRIF in signaling, 298
Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), 57
Inositol tetraphosphate (IP4), 57
Inositol-requiring enzyme, 1 (IRE1), unfolded protein response, 347–348,
Inositol trisphosphate (IP3)
G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, 13, 57, 96
receptors, 60, 273, 337
energy homeostasis role, 280
resistance and overnutrition, 289–290
response unit, 287
Insulin receptor substrate (IRS), 87
Integrin receptors
innate immunity, 303–304
ligands, 18
mechanosensing signaling, 17–19
Integrin-linked kinase (ILK), 18–19, 189
Intercellular cell adhesion molecule (ICAM), 17, 303
IP3. See Inositol trisphosphate
IP4. See Inositol tetraphosphate
IP6. See Inositol hexaphosphate
IpgD, 398–399
IRAK1, 123, 295, 298
IRE1. See Inositol-requiring enzyme, 1
IRF1, 298
IRF7, 297–298, 401
IRS. See Insulin receptor substrate
IRS1, 351
Ishihara test, 243
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), 176, 178–179, 407, 415, 436
ITAM. See Immunoreceptor tyrosine activation motif
ITIM. See Immunoreceptor tyrosine inhibition motif
IZUMO, 336
JAK/STAT signaling
cytokine signaling in lymphocytes, 320–321
overview, 117–119
JAM. See Junctional adhesion molecule
Janus kinase. See JAK/STAT signaling
JIP1, 356
JIP2, 356
JIP3, 356
JIP4, 356
JNK. See Jun N-terminal kinase
Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)
overview, 82–83
stress signaling
activation cascade, 354–355
inactivation, 355
overview, 353–354
physiological roles
cell death, 356
inflammation, 356–357
metabolism, 357
scaffold protein function, 355–356
Junctional adhesion molecule (JAM), 204–205
KIP1, 147
Kit, 9, 334
KitL. See Stem cell factor
KSR1, 356
Ku70, 158
Ku80, 158
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), 414
LAMP1, 378
LAMP2, 378
LAT, 126, 316
LATS kinases, 162
LC3, 379
Lck, 315
LDH. See Lactate dehydrogenase
Learning and memory
GTPases in synaptic plasticity, 257–259
Hebbian behavior of synapses, 248–249
postsynaptic density scaffold proteins, 254–256
prospects for study, 259
spine synapse signaling in brain
2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl) propanoic acid
receptor, 249–251, 253, 256
calcium-regulated signaling in postsynaptic density
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, 251–253, 258
calcineurin, 253–254
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, 249–251
overview, 249–251
LEF/TCF, 114
LEGI model, 193
Leptin, 281
Lethal factor, anthrax, 393
Leukotrienes, signaling overview, 59
Leydig cell, 332
Lgl, 204–205, 210
LGP2, 298–299
LH. See Luteinizing hormone
LIM kinase, 186
Linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC), 295, 303
Lipid raft, signaling, 43
Lipids. See Fatty acid metabolism; specific lipids
Liver X receptor (LXR), 23, 130–131
LKB1, 415
LMP1, 407
Long-term depression (LTD), 249, 251–253
Long-term potentiation (LTP), 249
Lowfat, 134
LRP4, 8
LRP6, 228
LTD. See Long-term depression
LTP. See Long-term potentiation
LUBAC. See Linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 334
LXR. See Liver X receptor
MAD, 134, 227
signaling overview, 59–60, 62–63
transport, 63
MALT1, 307, 319, 420
MAM. See Mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane
MAML, 111
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
complexes. See mTORC1; mTORC2
G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, 13
history of study, 92–93
MAPK. See Mitogen-activated protein kinase
Maturation promoting factor (MPF), 328, 330
MCC. See Mitotic checkpoint complex
Mcl1, 356, 369–370, 379, 412
Mdc1, 158
mDia1, 186, 305
mDia2, 186
MDM2, 43–44, 411
Mechanosensation. See Sensory receptors
MEF2, 219, 268
meiosis I, 328–331
meiosis II arrest, 331–332
spermatocyte meiosis and release, 335
Memory. See Learning and memory
MEN. See Mitotic exit networks
Messenger RNA (mRNA), stability, 44
Met1, 434
Methylation, protein regulation mechanisms, 35–36
MGA5, 298–300
MHCK. See Myosin heavy-chain kinase
MicroRNA, signaling, 44
Microtubule-organizing center (MTOC), 188, 318
Migration. See Cell migration
Mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane (MAM), 346–347
Mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP), 368–371, 376
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). See also specific kinases
activation, 35
cascade, 81
classification, 81–83
computational models, 72–73
cyclin D transcription control, 141
development role, 217
embryonic patterning, 217
G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, 13
interacting kinases, 410–411
learning and memory role, 258
motifs, 40
pathogen signaling corruption in host
anthrax, 393
overview, 392
Shigella, 394
Yersinia, 393–394
scaffolds, 43, 85
stress signaling
activation cascade, 354–355
inactivation, 355
overview, 353–354
physiological roles
cell death, 356
inflammation, 356–357
metabolism, 357
scaffold protein function, 355–356
subcellular localization, 41
synaptic plasticity role, 258
TNFR1 signaling, 301–303
unfolded protein response, 346
anaphase entry, 160
CDK1 activation, 152–157, 160
cytokinesis coordination, 161–162
DNA damage checkpoint, 157–159
DNA replication checkpoint, 159
G2/M transition regulation, 157
network dissection, 160
spindle assembly checkpoint, 160–161
table of proteins in control, 154
transitions, 152–153
Mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), 161
Mitotic exit network (MEN), 161–162
MLCK. See Myosin light-chain kinase
MLCP. See Myosin light-chain phosphatase
MLKL, 303, 380
Modularity, signaling studies, 431–432
MOMP. See Mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization
Mos, 330–331
M-phase promoting factor (MPF), 153
MPF. See Maturation promoting factor; M-phase promoting factor
Mrc1, 150
MRN complex, 158
mRNA. See Messenger RNA
MscC, 238
MscL, 238–239, 245
MscS, 238–239
MSK1, 303, 394
MSK2, 394
MTOC. See Microtubule-organizing center
mTOR. See Mammalian target of rapamycin
mTORC1, 88, 174–175
activation and regulation, 88, 92–93, 176
metabolic signaling, 178
translational control, 44
unfolded protein response studies, 350
mTORC2, 92–93, 175
Muscle contraction
cardiac muscle
contraction, 269
heart failure, 271
exercise-induced, 269–270
pathophysiological, 270–271
energy homeostasis
exercise adaptation, 284
fatty acid oxidation, 284
glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis, 282–284
glycogen breakdown, 281–282
signaling overview, 264–266
skeletal muscle
contraction, 266–268
fiber types and exercise response, 268–269
malignant hyperthermia, 269
smooth muscle
calcium sensitization, 273
contraction, 272–273
types, 271
vascular disease, 273–274
Myc, 41, 173, 408, 411, 415, 418
MyD88, 123, 295–298, 300
Myopic, 134
cell migration and contraction, 186
myosin II, 186
Myosin heavy-chain kinase (MHCK), 191
Myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK), 186, 265, 268, 273, 304
Myosin light-chain phosphatase (MLCP), 265, 273
MYPT1, 273
Myristoylation, membrane proteins, 42
Myt1, 330
NBR1, 379
Nbs1, 158
NCAM. See Neural cell adhesion molecule
Nck, 8, 189
NCS1, 271
caspase control, 380
excitotoxicity, 381
Nox1 induction, 380–381
overview, 366
types, 379–380
Nedd4, 110, 113
Nedd8, 45
Nek2, 41
NEMO, 45, 123
Nerve growth factor (NGF), receptor dimerization, 7
Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), signaling, 20–21
Neuromuscular junction (NMJ), 267
NF-κB. See Nuclear factor-κB
NF1, 411
NF2, 134
NFAT. See Nuclear factor of activated T cells
NGF. See Nerve growth factor
Nitric oxide (NO)
muscle relaxation, 265
signal transduction, 24–25, 37
Nitrosylation, protein regulation mechanisms, 37
NIX, 373, 379
NLR. See Nod-like receptor
NLRC4, 300, 303
NLRP1, 300, 303
NLRP3, 300, 303, 351
NMDAR. See N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor
N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), learning and memory role, 249–
NMJ. See Neuromuscular junction
NO. See Nitric oxide
Nod-like receptor (NLR), signaling, 300
NOD1, 300
NOD2, 300
Noise filtering, signaling networks, 76
development role, 220–221
embryonic patterning, 220–222
intracellular domain, 111–112, 220
proteolysis and activation, 9–10
signaling overview, 109–111
Nox1, necrosis induction, 380–381
Noxa, 372
NPAS2, 25
NR4A receptors, 24
NR5A receptors, 24
NRF1, 284
NRF2, 284
NSK1, 303
Nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT), 127, 268, 274, 307, 317–318, 416
Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)
induced genes, 298
lymphocyte signaling, 127
TLR signaling, 297
TNFR1 signaling, 301–303
Nuclear receptors. See also specific receptors
activation, 21
classification, 21–22
orphan receptors, 24
overview, 21, 129–132
promoter binding
heterodimers, 22
homodimers, 22
monomers, 22–23
structure, 21–22, 130
types, 23–24, 130
Numb, cell polarity role, 207–207
Oct4, 173
Odd paired, embryonic patterning, 219
Olfaction. See Sensory receptors
Omi, 369
Oocyte. See also Reproduction
activation on fertilization, 336–338
meiosis I, 328–331
meiosis II arrest, 331–332
overview, 328
OSM, 356
OspF, 394
Oxidative stress, unfolded protein response, 349
Oxygen, signal transduction, 24
p16, 144–145, 411
p18, 144–145
p21, 144, 143–144, 146–148, 411, 417
p27, 144, 411
p38 stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK)
cell cycle checkpoint, 159
overview, 84–85
stress signaling
activation cascade, 354–355
inactivation, 355
overview, 353–354
physiological roles
cell death, 356
inflammation, 356–357
metabolism, 357
scaffold protein function, 355–356
p53, 43–44, 417, 420
p57, 144, 147
PAK, 113, 189, 258, 398
PAK2, 368
PAK3, 193
Palmitoyl acyltransferase (PAT), 42
Palmitoylation, membrane proteins, 42–43
Pals1, 204
PAR1. See Protease-activated receptor, 1
Par proteins
cell polarity role, 202–203
active exclusion, 205–207
membrane phospholipid attachment, 204
membrane protein anchoring, 204–205
messenger RNA localization, 205
oligomerization, 204
Par1, 205
Par2, 202
Par3, 202–203, 205–208
Par3–Par6–protein kinase C signaling, 207–209
Par5, 205
Par6, 202–208
Parvin, 189
PAT. See Palmitoyl acyltransferase
Patched, 107–108
Pathogens. See Infection
Patj, 204, 210
PAX2, 229
Paxillin, cell migration role, 188–189
PCNA, 411
PD-1, 319
PDEs. See Phosphodiesterases
PDGF. See Platelet-derived growth factor
PDK. See Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase
PEA15, 355
Peli1, 298
PEPCK. See Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
PERK, 347–348, 350, 352
Perlipin1, 289
Permeability transition pore (PTP), 63
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR), 23, 132
PFK. See Phosphofructokinase
PGC1α, 268, 270, 274, 284
PHAPI, 371
PHD. See Prolyl hydroxylase
Phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2)
bacteria hydrolysis, 398–399
signaling overview, 55–57, 63
Phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate (PIP3)
Akt signaling, 57–59, 87
lymphocyte signaling, 322–323
Phosphodiesterases (PDEs), 99
oocyte PDE3, 329
overview, 55
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), 286–287
Phosphofructokinase (PFK), 168, 285–286
Phosphoinositide, 3-kinase (PI3K)
activation, 52, 58, 87
Akt pathway overview, 87–89
cancer signaling, 408–416, 418–421
cell migration role, 189–191
G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, 13–14
glucose metabolism signaling, 168, 170–171
lymphocyte signaling, 126–127
lymphocyte signaling, 321–323
mTORC1 target, 175
recruitment, 42
subcellular localization, 42
Phospholamban, 269
Phospholipase A2 (PLA2), isoforms, 432–433
Phospholipase C (PLC)
activation, 52
FcR signaling, 307
feedback control, 9
fertilization role, 337–338
LAT recruitment, 316
lymphocyte signaling, 126
messenger generation, 56–57
muscle calcium sensitization, 273
Phosphorylation, protein regulation mechanisms, 33–34
PI3K. See Phosphoinositide, 3-kinase
PIDD, 374–375
PIF, 429
Pins, cell polarity role, 205–206
PIP2. See Phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate
PIP3. See Phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate
PIXα, 305
PKA. See Protein kinase A
PKBR1, 191–192
PKC. See Protein kinase C
PKD. See Protein kinase D
PKG. See Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase
PKG. See Protein kinase G
PKI. See Protein kinase inhibitor
PKR. See Double-stranded RNA-dependent kinase
PLA2. See Phospholipase A2
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
chemokine activity, 193
receptor, 9
PLC. See Phospholipase C
Plk1. See Polo-like kinase, 1
Plx1, 338
Plzf, 334
PML-RAR fusion, 417
Polarity. See Cell polarity
Polo-like kinase, 1 (Plk1), 40–41, 338
Pom1, 157
Pop1, 146
Postsynaptic density (PSD)
calcium-regulated signaling
calcineurin, 253–254
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, 251–253, 258
scaffold proteins, 254–256
PP1. See Protein phosphatase, 1
PP2A. See Protein phosphatase, 2A
PPAR. See Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
PRAS40, 88
Pregnane X receptor (PXR), 23–24
Prex1, 305
Prolyl hydroxylase (PHD), 171–173
Prostaglandins, signaling overview, 59
Protease-activated receptor, 1 (PAR1), 10
Protein kinase A (PKA)
cyclic AMP target, 53–54, 101
isozymes, 57
myristoylation, 43
regulation, 101
substrates, 101
Protein kinase B. See Akt
Protein kinase C (PKC)
atypical PKC, 135, 188, 202–203, 205–208
diacylglycerol target, 55, 57
feedback control, 9
lipid messengers, 57
lymphocyte signaling, 318–319
muscle calcium sensitization, 273
Par protein localization, 205–207
polarity signaling, 207–209
receptor feedback, 9
Protein kinase D (PKD), 318
Protein kinase G (PKG), cyclic GMP target, 55
Protein kinase inhibitor (PKI), 101
Protein levels, equation, 45
Protein phosphatase, 1 (PP1)
learning and memory role, 254
PKA as substrate, 101
Protein phosphatase, 2A (PP2A)
CDK1 as substrate, 155
learning and memory role, 254
oocyte maturation role, 331
PKA as substrate, 101
PSD. See Postsynaptic density
PSD93, 254
PSD95, 254–256
P-selectin, 303
PSGL1, 303
PTB domain, protein–protein interactions, 39–40
PTEN, 59, 89, 176, 189–191, 407–408, 418
PTP. See Permeability transition pore
Puma, 372
PXR. See Pregnane X receptor
Pyk2, 18
Pyrin domain, 368
Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK), 284, 414
Pyruvate kinase, 173–174, 415, 431
Q30, 400
RA. See Retinoic acid
Rab, 104, 387, 431, 82, 141, 188–189, 396–398
cell migration role, 188–189
G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, 13
Rac1, 354, 368
RACK1, 350
Rad17, 159
Raf1, synaptic plasticity role, 258
Rag, 175
RAIDD, 374–375
RAMPs. See Receptor activity-modifying proteins
learning and memory role, 259
synaptic plasticity role, 258–259
Rap1, 318
RAR. See Retinoic acid receptor
cancer signaling, 408–410, 412, 415–416, 418, 421
innate immunity, 305
learning and memory role, 259
lymphocyte signaling, 319
prenylation, 42–43
synaptic plasticity role, 257–259
RasC, 192
Rb. See Retinoblastoma protein
Receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs), 14
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)
cell adhesion molecule interactions, 21
coreceptors, 8
dimerization, 5–7
downstream signaling, 8
endocytosis, 9
feedback and amplification, 9
mutations and disease, 9
overview, 4–5
proteolysis, 10
Regulators of G-protein-coupled receptor signaling (RGS), 15
Replication protein A (RPA), 158
Reproduction. See also Meiosis; Oocyte; Sperm
acrosome reaction, 336
gamete fusion and egg activation, 336–338
prospects for study, 339
zygote formation, 338
Ret, 333–334
Retinoblastoma protein (Rb)
cancer, 408
cell cycle control, 140–141
Retinoic acid (RA), sperm maturation role, 335
Retinoic acid receptor (RAR), 22, 317
Retinoid X receptor (RXR), 21–22, 130
REV-ERB, 24–25
RGS. See Regulators of G-protein-coupled receptor signaling
Rheb, 175, 322
RHIM, 298, 303, 380
Rho, G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, 13
Rho1, 207
RhoA, 396
cell migration role, 188
cytoskeleton regulation, 188
Par6 regulation, 208
Rhodopsin, 239–240
RhoG, 305
RIG-I-like receptor (RLR), signaling, 298–300
RIP1, 298, 300, 303, 355, 373–374, 380
RIP2, 300
RIP3, 303, 366, 373, 379–380
RIPK, 380
RLR. See RIG-I-like receptor
ROCK, 186
Ror, 106
RPA. See Replication protein A
RSK, 330–331, 411
Rsr1, 200
RTKs. See Receptor tyrosine kinases
Rub1, 434
Rum1, 147
RXR. See Retinoid X receptor
Ryanodine receptor (RyR), 264–265, 267–269, 271, 274
Ryk, 8, 105
RyR. See Ryanodine receptor
S6 kinase, 88
S144, 205
SAP102, 254
SAP97, 254
SAPK. See p38 stress-activated protein kinase
SARA. See Smad anchor for receptor activation
SCF. See Stem cell factor
Scribble, 135, 204, 210, 416
SDF1, 37
Second messengers. See also specific molecules
cyclic nucleotides, 53–55
ions, 59–83
lipids, 55–59
overview, 52–53
Secretion systems, bacteria, 391–39
Sensory receptors
evolution, 242–244
G-protein-coupled receptors, 234–235, 238–239, 241
olfaction, 242
photoreceptors, 239, 241, 243
prospects for study, 244–245
receptor activation, 238–240
signaling overview, 234–238
thermosensation, 242
Septation initiation network (SIN), 161–162
SERCA, 62, 268–270, 274
Serine/threonine kinase receptors
activation, 7
downstream signaling, 8
mutations and disease, 9
overview, 4, 6
Serpent, embryonic patterning, 219
Sevenless, 230
SF. See Sperm cytosolic factor
SH2 domain
motifs, 40–41
protein–protein interactions, 39–40
SH3 domain
motifs, 41
protein–protein interactions, 39–40
SHANK, 254–256
Shc, 8
SHIP, 323, 338
Ship1, 190
SHP1, 323
Sic1, 146, 434
SIK1, 287
Sildenafil, 55
SIN. See Septation initiation network
SIRT1, 284, 287, 375
Skeletal muscle. See Muscle contraction
Ski, 113
SKP2, 146–147
SLP76, 128, 316
SMAC. See Supramolecular activation cluster
Smac, 369
Smad, transforming growth factor-β signaling, 113–114
Smad anchor for receptor activation (SARA), 113
Smo, 107
Smooth muscle. See Muscle contraction
SNAREs, 62, 336
SNoN, 113
SOCE. See Store-operated calcium entry
Sodium/potassium ATPase, 59
SopE, 395–396
Sperm cytosolic factor (SF), 338
Sperm. See also Reproduction
capacitation and calcium channels, 335–336
overview, 332–334
stem cell proliferation and maintenance, 334–335
spermatocyte meiosis and release, 335
Sphingomyelin, signaling, 56
Sphingosine, hydrolysis, 59
Spindle assembly checkpoint, 160–161
SPIRE, 399
SptP, 396
Src, 19, 189, 315, 411
SREBP. See Sterol response element-binding protein
SRF, 274
STATs. See JAK/STAT signaling
Stem cell factor (SCF), 145, 147, 333
Sterol response element-binding protein (SREBP), 288, 414
STIM1, 307, 316
STIM2, 316
STING, 436
Store-operated calcium entry (SOCE), 337
Stress-activated protein kinase. See p38 stress-activated protein kinase
SuFu, 107
SUMO, 45, 131
Supramolecular activation cluster (SMAC), 318
Swe1, 157
Syk, 4, 315–316
SynGAP, 258
TAB2, 355
TAB3, 355
TAK1, 45, 295–297, 300, 303, 355
Talin, 18, 187
TAO1, 135
Target of rapamycin. See Mammalian target of rapamycin
Taste. See Sensory receptors
TAZ, 115, 230
TBC1D1, 283
TBC1D4, 282
TBK1, 123, 298, 300
T cell
classification, 314
costimulatory molecules, 319–320
cytokine signaling, 320–321
PI3K/Akt signaling, 321–323
receptor. See T-cell receptor
T-cell receptor (TCR)
adaptor molecules, 316
ITAM, 315–316
calcium, 316–317
diacylglycerol, 316–318
ERK1/2, 319
inhibitory signals, 323
nuclear factor of activated T cells, 317–318
overview, 125–127, 317
protein kinase C, 318–319
Ras, 319
structure and function, 314–315
TCF, 227, 319
TCF/LEF, 103–104
TCR. See T-cell receptor
Tel1, 158
Tem1, 162
TET1, 407
TGF-β. See Transforming growth factor-β
Thrombospondin (Tsp1), 420
Thyroid hormone
energy homeostasis role, 279–280
receptor, 22
TIGAR, 415
TIMP3, 420
Tinman, 219
Tip60, 35
TLR. See Toll-like receptor
TNFRs. See Tumor necrosis factor receptors
Toll-like receptor (TLR)
interferon induction, 297–298
ligands, 295
signaling overview, 121–123
TAK1 and IKK activation, 295–296
TLR4 signaling, 296
TRIF in signaling, 298
TopBP1, 159
TorC2, 191–192
Torso, development role, 217
Tp12, 297
TRADD, 16, 298, 300, 302, 371, 373–374
TRAF, 15
TRAF2, 59, 350–351, 355, 374
TRAF3, 123, 297–298
TRAF6, 45, 114, 295, 297, 307
TRAIL, 373, 412
Transcriptional regulation, protein levels, 43–44
Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)
receptor types, 8
signaling overview, 114–115
Translational regulation, protein levels, 44
TRB3, 350
TRIF, Toll-like receptor signaling, 298
Troponin C, 62
TRPA1, 242
TRPC6, 272
TRPM6, 63
TRPM7, 63
TRPM8, 239, 242
TRPV1, sensory role, 237, 239, 242, 244
TSC1, 93, 350
TSC2, 88, 93, 350, 411, 413, 416
Tsp1. See Thrombospondin
TTP, 356
Tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs)
activation, 15
caspase-8 activation in death receptor pathway, 371, 373–374
ligand diversity, 15
pathology, 17
signaling, 15–17
structure, 15–16
TNFR1 signaling
cell death induction, 303
MAPK, 301–303
nuclear factor-κB, 301–303
TXNIP, 351
UbcH proteins, 295, 301
G1 regulation
CIP/KIP degradation, 147–148
cyclin degradation, 145–147
pathogen disruption, 400–401
protein degradation, 44–47
UCP. See Uncoupling protein
ULK1, 378–379
Uncoupling protein (UCP), 289
Unfolded protein response (UPR)
canonical signaling, 346–349
noncanonical aspects, 349
physiological roles
cell survival and death responses, 350
inflammation, 350–351
metabolic responses, 351–353
overview, 349–350
UPR. See Unfolded protein response
VAMP8, 378
Vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM), 17, 303
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
cancer angiogenesis, 420
hypoxia signaling, 24
VCAM. See Vascular cell adhesion molecule
VEGF. See Vascular endothelial growth factor
VHL, 171–172, 420
Vinculin, 18
VirG, 399
Virus. See Infection
Vision. See Sensory receptors
VOCC. See Voltage-operated calcium channel
Voltage-operated calcium channel (VOCC), 59, 62, 337
VopA/P, 394
VopS, 397
VPA0450, 399
Vps15, 378
Vps34, 378
WASP, 398
WAVE, 186, 40
Wee1, 155, 157, 329–330
WH2 domain, 399–400
WIP1, 355
canonical signaling, 104
cell polarity signaling cross talk, 209
embryonic patterning, 225
noncanonical signaling, 104–105
signaling overview, 103–105
WTS, 134
XBP1, 347, 349–351, 353
XIAP, 369, 375, 412
YAP, 115, 230
YK1. See Yorkie
YopE, 396
YopH, 392
YopJ, 393–394
YopT, 396
Yorkie (YKI), 134, 143, 298, 230
YpkA, 396
Zap70, 4
ZO1, 20
ZO2, 20