Practical Research 2 Reviewer

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A. Quantitative Method Research Types: while the other one listens to classical and
suiting music. Right after the session, their
*Comparative behavior is being observed. What research
design is used?
You want to measure the level of confidence of
HUMSS students and discover if it has a
Sample situations: relationship to their oral performance in class.
Which research design is the most appropriate to
You want to test if online learning is effective to COMPARATIVE
Grade 7 students of Sta. Ana National High
School in improving their reading skills. You You want to compare the level of environmental
have chosen 2 groups. One group consists of awareness of Senior High School students from
students who have the capacity to do online a school in the rural area with the Senior High
learning and the other group consists of those School students from a school in the urban area.
who will have to do face-to-face reading Which research design will you use if you would
instruction. Which research design is most want to look for relationships of the variables?
appropriate for this scenario considering that
B. Sampling Techniques
you cannot do random assignment because not
all students can have online learning? *Simple
You want to explore the preferred college *Stratified
courses of Senior High School students of
Davao City National High School. Which *Cluster
research design should you use if you would
merely describe the percentage rate of students Sample Situations:
and their preferred college course? STRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLING
TRUE-EXPERIMENTAL Mrs. Del Rosario wanted to find out if there is a
You want to test if the kind of music they listen significant difference on the student’s
affects the mood of Senior High School performance in mathematics ad a foreign
students. You have chosen two groups language course. To do this,he decided to obtain
randomly. Random assignment is also a list of all the students in each of the eight
conducted. One group gets to listen to hard rock sections of their school’s batch. He then
music randomly selected two sections, and collected
the math senior high and foreign language
grades of each student in these two sections.
SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING  Focus Group Discussion-gathering people
from similar. backgrounds or experiences
Mr. Alicaya is deciding which of his 50 students together to discuss a specific topic of.
to call for recitation for tomorrow’s class. He interest
decides to put all his student’s name in a bag,
shakes it well, and then draws five names at Research Flow
1. A self-constructed instrument shall be
SYSTEMATIC RANDOM SAMPLING used in gathering the data.
2. The researchers will secure a permission
The researcher chooses an entry at random from
from the Barangay Captain of San
the phonebook, and select every 50th number
Juan to conduct a survey questionnaire
on the “COVID-19 Awareness and
CLUSTER SAMPLING Health Practices of Secondary Student
in Davao City” situated in their area.
The researcher divides the city into city blocks, 3. Informed assent shall be obtained for the
then choose a simple random sample of 10 city respondents that are underage,
blocks, and interview everyone who lives there. the objectives of the study shall be
explained to the parents; and Informed
C. Data Collection Procedures
consent shall also be given to the
 Test – respondents perform behavior respondents that reach legal age.
designed to measure their ability or degree 4. The researchers will personally conduct
of skill. the survey questionnaire and the
• Questionnaires – a paper containing series of responses shall be recorded for tallying,
questions formulated for an analyzing, and interpreting.
individual and independent answering
C. Referencing/Citation
by several respondents.
• Interviews – it is a set of questions, only that, APA CITATION FORMAT
this time, you do it orally. You talk
to respondents in person or in *In-text citation (Author, Year); Example
telephone. (Busalla, 2023)
• Archives or Secondary data – used existing
*Online News/Magazine Article
data for a different purpose.
• Experiment – a scientific method of collecting Rogers, O. (2021, July 9). Why naming race is
data whereby you give the subjects necessary to undo racism. Psychology
a sort of treatment or condition. Today.
 Survey- the collection of information from a
sample of individuals through their responses og/who-am-i-who-are-we/202107/why-
to questions naming-race-is-necessary-undo-racism
 Participant Observation-research
methodology where the researcher is *Book
immersed in the day-to-day activities
Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017).
of the participants
Evidence-based practice for nurses:
Appraisal and application of research
(4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, *T-test for dependent samples
Is there a significant difference on the growth of
*Book Chapter the plant before and after applied by an organic
McCormack, B., McCance, T., & Maben, J.
(2013). Outcome evaluation in the *ANOVA
development of person-centred practice.
In B. McCormack, K. Manley, & A. Your independent variable is social media use,
Titchen (Eds.), Practice development in and you assign groups to low, medium, and high
nursing and healthcare (pp. 190-211). levels of social media use to find out if there is a
John Wiley & Sons. difference in hours of sleep per night.

*Web Page *Pearson Product Moment Correlation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Is there a significant relationship between
(n.d.). Preventing HPV-associated reading habits and English language
cancers. proficiency? E. Interpreting T-VALUE, P-VALUE, and F-
nfo/prevention.htm/ VALUE
*Dissertation/Thesis *If the P-VALUE is lower than the critical value
Valentin, E. R. (2019, Summer). Narcissism (0.05) then the null hypothesis should be
predicted by Snapchat selfie sharing, rejected (meaning the variables have significant
filter usage, and editing [Master's thesis, relationship)
California State University Dominguez *If the T-VALUE is higher than the critical
Hills]. CSU ScholarWorks. value, then the null hypothesis should be rejected (meaning the variables have significant
n/theses/3197xm925?locale=en difference)
D. Statistical Tools *If the F-VALUE is higher than the critical
*T-test for dependent samples value, the null hypothesis should be rejected
(meaning the variables have significant
*Pearson Product Moment Correlation difference)

*T-test for Independent Samples F. Yamane Formula (used to determine sample

size from a population)
*One-Way Analysis of Variance

Sample Research Study under each Statistical


*T-test for Independent Samples

Is there a significant difference on the awareness
level towards COVID 19 between male and
n= corrected sample size, N = population size,
and e = Margin of error (MoE), e = 0.05 based
on the research condition.

Let’s assume that the population is 10,000. At

5% MoE., the sample size would be:

In a finite population, when the original sample

collected is more than 5% of the population size,
the corrected sample size is determined by using
the Yamane’s formula.

In the example above, 5% of 10,000 is 500 and

hence the corrected size is 385 although for
research purposes, even 385 is a big number (for
handling and collection point of view) and the
researcher has to make a decision to collect even
smaller number in order of ease of handling,
costing but he has to ensure that the sample is

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