365 Journal Promptsfor Beginners

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365 journal
Hello, friend,
Congrats on taking the first step towards your journaling practice!

Although it may seem small, journaling can really impact your life.

Getting things off of your chest and onto paper can help you not only face your
emotions and heal, but also be a way for you to get to know yourself better.


As the English writer William Thackeray once said:

"There are a thousand thoughts lying within a human that she doesn’t know till
she takes up the pen to write."

Now after years of journaling, I can see how true it is! I hope you’ll get to
experience this too.


Tips for journaling

● You may enjoy some prompts more than others and it’s alright.
○ When choosing the prompt, feel free to follow your inner guidance.
○ However, keep in mind that sometimes the resistance may show
there are some treasures hiding behind that topic.

● Don’t be afraid to stray off-topic.

○ The prompts are only for your inspiration.
○ Sometimes, great insights come from unexpected tangents. Let
yourself go with the flow.

Just keep writing

There’s no magic trick to making journaling a habit — just keep coming back to
your journal daily with an intention to write at least 2 sentences (baby steps!).

Usually, the first few lines open up the gate for further flow of thoughts. You
may suddenly realize you’ve just caught a writing wave. Ride it, dive deep and sail
to your deserted islands.
Even if you end up with a few sentences, it’s already huge — don’t forget to sink
into the sweet feeling of connecting with yourself.

The key is to keep turning up to the practice, treat yourself kindly and view it as a

You’ve got this, enjoy the journey!

All my best,



1. What would your heart say if it could speak now?

2. How do you feel physically right now? What does your body need today?

3. When you open up your eyes in the morning, what are your first thoughts?

4. Share a place where you feel most at peace. Describe it in detail: what you
see, hear, smell and how you feel being in that place.

5. What’s going great in your life right now?

6. What is one problem you keep thinking about? How can you resolve it?

7. Where do you feel like saying “no” but keep on saying “yes”?

8. Imagine a world where you could do everything you like without being
judged by the people around you. How would it change the way you live?

9. Describe a relieving moment that you’ve recently experienced.

10. Recall an occasion when someone was kind to you when you weren’t
expecting it.

11. Given enough free time, where would you go and what would you do

12. Look at a mirror at yourself for 60 secs. Fully be with yourself for that time.
Notice the feelings that come and then write about them.

13. How can you use your hurt and pain to change some of your life situations
and/or help someone else?

14. If you could swipe something out of your mind, what would that be? Write
everything out about it and let it stay on the paper.

15. What do you believe/imagine self-love feels like?

16. What advice would you give to someone going through a hard time?

17. When was the last time you felt like a kid again?

18. What work (or activity that others consider as work) do you do that doesn’t
seem like work to you?
19. List the things that you’d like to simplify in your life.

20. In what ways do you compare yourself to others?

21. Write a forgiving message to yourself. Write it for those days when you’re
not feeling OK, and need to remind yourself to be patient and kind to

22. What makes you feel anxious? How can you talk back to these anxious
thoughts in ways that help you feel calmer?

23. What are the things you are currently excited about?

24. Complete this sentence and then keep writing whatever comes up:
“Tomorrow, I’m finally going to ……….”.

25. List the things you could tidy or organize at home to have the feeling of

26. Write a letter to someone who has done you wrong. Share what they did
and how it made you feel. Is there a chance you could forgive them and set
yourself free from the resentment?

27. Do you feel you're a reliable person? Why or why not? Explore both sides.

28. Complete this sentence and then keep writing: “I am important because

29. Name ten things you love about your body.

30. What are the skills you have that come as a surprise to others?

31. Who would you like to have a stronger relationship with and what can you
do to grow that relationship?

32. When you’re overwhelmed, how do you reconnect with the present

33. What is something you wish someone else would tell you? How can you tell
yourself that more often?

34. What are 3 self-defeating thoughts that show up repeatedly in your

self-talk? How could you support yourself when these thoughts arise?
35. Write about something random you’ve seen that made you smile.

36. What would you do today and every day if you loved yourself?

37. Talk about the ways you’re different from your parents. How does it impact
your relationship with them?

38. Write a letter to your body. It’s up to you to decide on the tone — is it a letter
of congratulations, an apology, or a letter of complaint? Either way, be sure
you write it as if you wrote it to a friend. You can start with “My dear body,

39. Write a letter from your highest self who knows that everything is working
out for you. What would she say?

40. What do you need right now? What are the ways (even the smallest)
that you could meet those needs?

41. What makes you feel fulfilled?

42. Where in your life can you stop playing a victim and take the wheel to your

43. What’s weighing on your mind right now?

44. Complete this sentence and then keep writing: “I am courageous because I

45. What negative beliefs do you have about yourself? Challenge them by
finding proof why they are false.

46. Describe your typical morning in detail. Do you have a consistent morning
routine? Is there anything you could do in the mornings to make your day
more enjoyable?

47. Write down a list of all your regrets on a separate piece of paper. Choose a
symbolic ritual of how you could let go of these regrets — tear the sheet
and throw it away or burn it, or else. Do whatever feels right at that

48. Write about something that truly surprised you.

49. What is the story you’re telling yourself about your current life?
50. When you think of your typical day, what activities deplete you of energy
and which ones make you feel energized?

51. Describe your dream house and surroundings.

52. What one thing you could do that would make you excited to wake up in
the morning?

53. Complete this sentence and then keep writing: “I owe an apology to

54. What motivates you to keep going when you feel like quitting?

55. List the things that no longer have space in your mind. How could you let
them go?

56. If you could only bring one person with you to Mars in the apocalypse, who
would that be? Write about the ways in which the person is
important/precious to you.

57. What have you discovered about yourself in the past five years?

58. Do you believe faith is powerful? Why and why not?

59. List your three current goals. How do they match up to your goals from five
years ago?

60. What did you love to do as a child? How can you bring more of that into
your current life?

61. What are three good things about today?

62. What are five things that are stressing you out that you have NO control
over? What are the ways you could let these things go or be more relaxed
about them?

63. How much time do you spend sitting each day? What could help you take
care of your body during your day - posture exercises, regular breaks,
stretching, ergonomic furniture, anything else?

64. Do you prioritize self-care? What would you like to do more of in this field?

65. If you continue living your life the way you live it now, will you be happy in
five years?
66. Do you usually wake up well-rested? What are the ways you could have
better sleep?

67. List ten things that inspire you in life.

68. What have you lied about? How do you feel about it?

69. What are some of the strongest emotions you’ve ever felt? Write about
those events and how these emotions affected you.

70. What is the most genuine compliment you’ve ever been given?

71. Write in detail about one good thing that happened today.

72. What is the biggest obstacle/challenge you’re facing right now? What are 3
ways you could defeat it?

73. How can you grow from what is currently happening in your life? What
could you learn from it?

74. What are the things you do better than people around you?

75. Describe 1-3 significant life events that helped shape you into who you are

76. What support do you need that will instantly make your life easier?
How and from whom could you get this support?

77. Write down 5 self-love affirmations that you need to hear. Jot them down
on a sticky note or save them on your phone screen so you can see them

78. What makes you unique? How can you use this uniqueness more in your

79. Who inspires you? What is it about them that you love? How can you be
just as inspiring to yourself?

80. Write a letter to one of your parents – even if you don’t actually give it to
them. Pour your heart out and share everything that's on your mind when
you think about them.

81. If you could time travel, what would you tell your teenage self?
82. What is the worst thing you’ve ever done? Is there anything you’d like to let
go related to that event(s)?

83. Describe one thing that has recently made you laugh out loud.

84. What are the beliefs or principles that you live your life by?

85. Do you ever go on a date with yourself? What would you like to do during

86. What are three hard things you've done in your life that you’re proud of?

87. What are three things you’d like others (the loved ones, your current and
potential friends and partners, colleagues) to know about you?

88. Write out the worst case scenario about something you’re worried about.
How would you cope if that happened?

89. Write about how you’d describe yourself to a stranger. Writing this prompt
can help you realize how you think of yourself.

90. What three mundane things bring you joy?

91. How does your family affect your mental health?

92. What is the biggest challenge that you’re currently trying to overcome?

93. How do you remind yourself that you are enough? How could you do that
more often?

94. When was the last time you did something for someone else? What did
you do and how did that make you feel?

95. If you had five extra hours to work toward a goal this week, what would you

96. What are you doing to avoid being fully present with yourself?

97. When was the last time you cried and why?

98. Does stress make you do anything you’d like to have less in your life of —
overeating, overreacting, being cranky or anything else?

99. What do you love about your personality the most?

100. Recall the last random moment when someone or something made you
smile. What was in that moment that touched you?

101. What are the things that you’re really good at?

102. What parts of your daily life cause stress, frustration, or sadness? What can
you do to change those experiences?

103. Complete this sentence and then keep writing: “I need to accept that

104. Are you happy with your eating habits or would you like to change
something about them?

105. What is a self-care routine you've always been curious about trying?

106. Write a paragraph about what made you feel joy today/recently.

107. Think of the people from your closest circle (relatives, friends, colleagues).
Who stands out as supportive? Whose presence feels toxic?

108. Think of the last time you solved a problem. How did you do that? What did
you learn about yourself?

109. Would you like to live forever? Would that possibility change the way you
live now?

110. What does being kind mean to you?

111. What situations are taking place in your community, country or the world
that leave you hurting or confused?

112. Where do you look for validation?

113. Have you ever “lost your mind” over anyone? How do you feel about them

114. What's one thing you could incorporate in your days that would help you
feel happier?

115. What do you value in a romantic relationship most?

116. How can you expand your comfort zone?

117. Create your bucket list. What can you do this week to move the needle
towards those things?

118. What are three things that you currently accept about yourself that you
had previously been rejecting?

119. What made you more resilient in life? What can you do today to prepare
yourself for future letdowns?

120. When you think about your mom, what thoughts come to your mind?

121. Imagine your perfect day. What does it look like?

122. What would you like to have accomplished by the end of your life?

123. Identify one area where you’d like to improve. Then, list three things (big or
small) you can do to create that change.

124. What do people like about you? Are these the same things you like about

125. Write about three childhood memories that stuck with you most.

126. What is the first thing that you notice when you meet someone?

127. How do you treat people that you love? How can you treat yourself the

128. Describe a challenge you overcame. How did this make you stronger?

129. Are you upset with God/Universe about something that has or hasn’t taken
place in your life? Why?

130. When do you feel that you truly take care of yourself? How could you do
those things more often?

131. Explore an opinion or two that you held in the past but have since
questioned or changed. What led you to the change?

132. What insecurities do you have that you got from listening to other people’s
133. What are three things that you appreciate in your neighborhood?

134. How would you like to be remembered? Are you living that way right now?

135. What are your priorities in life?

136. How do you want your day to go today?

137. What are your short-term and long-term goals?

138. What do you feel is a waste of time in your life?

139. Write down your three favorite smells. Describe, in detail, how each one
makes you feel and the memories they bring up for you.

140. What has your anxiety taught you about yourself?

141. What do you want to change about yourself?

142. What is one piece of advice you received that turned out to be very helpful?

143. Where are you blocking your own love from yourself?

144. Write a letter to a person who has negatively impacted you. Write down
whatever comes to your mind.

145. Do you ever deceive yourself? If yes, when and how?

146. List the values that have an impact on your decision making.

147. What would you NOT change about your body?

148. What do you keep ruminating about that happened a long time ago?

149. Write a letter to your future self. Pick ten, twenty or fifty years from now and
share anything that comes to mind. You can describe your current life,
what you're working towards at the moment, share your hopes and wishes,
or anything else.

150. What are some random acts of kindness that you could do this week?
151. What kind of person should you be to attract more of the people you’d like
to be surrounded with?

152. What is the greatest life lesson you’ve learned so far?

153. Have you ever felt isolated? Write about it.

154. Describe a situation in which you helped someone else. How do you think it
made them feel? How did it make you feel?

155. How do you cope with stress?

156. Are you willing to uncover the sources of your pain? Why or why not?

157. What does it mean to experience well-being for you?

158. Is there someone you never properly thanked? How could you express your
gratitude to them?

159. How can you protect your energy today?

160. What is your most treasured possession and why?

161. What are ten things you’re grateful for in life? Write them down, and come
back to read them when you feel down.

162. What big dreams do you want to manifest? Describe each of them and the
feeling you have when thinking about them.

163. Who or what (or both), helps motivate you the most? Why is that so?

164. Describe an outfit that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.

165. Describe an event that changed you for the better.

166. How can you support yourself today?

167. What aspects of your personality do you find difficult to accept?

168. What are three things that you’re looking forward to this week?

169. What negative thought patterns do you wish to transform?

170. What is something others love about you?

171. List the activities you could have when you’re having a bad day. Come back
to this list whenever you feel down.

172. List three personal beliefs that you’re willing to reconsider or further

173. What frustrations are you currently holding onto and why?

174. How healthy are you and how could you be healthier? List three things that
you can do to improve your mental health.

175. What can you thank yourself for?

176. Do you believe in eternal romantic love? Why?

177. Reflect on people who drifted away from your life. How do you feel about
them? Do you ever miss them?

178. What are some things from the past that you keep thinking they should
have happened differently? How could you accept that you can’t change
the past and let it go?

179. Imagine a crystal ball that can give you the answer to one question about
your future. What would you ask? What would you hope to see?

180. Who is someone you find challenging to be around? What is one thing
about them you appreciate?

181. Do you think you’ve failed yourself in one way or another? Could you see
your lessons in this experience?

182. Who believes in you and supports you wholeheartedly? Write about your
relationships with them.

183. Write about an experience when you stood up for someone else.

184. Think about what causes increased levels of anxiety, and write them all
down. How could you better deal with those triggers?

185. Imagine a biography book written about you. What would the title and the
tagline be? Which chapters would be the most fun or touching to read?

186. Write about a change that would make your life better.
187. What is the value that you get from journaling?

188. Describe your favorite teacher/mentor. How have they shaped your life in
positive ways?

189. How do you find connection with and relate to others? Are there ways you
could do it in ways that better serve you and them?

190. Describe five things you do or could do to relax.

191. How do you handle disagreements and conflicts? What is your arguing
style? How do you handle losing an argument?

192. What are your strengths in relationships?

193. What did your first love teach you?

194. How do you show compassion to others? How can you extend that same
compassion to yourself?

195. Write a love letter to some object or place that brings you joy.

196. If you weren’t afraid, what are three things you would do? Are there any
ways you can think of to overcome the fear?

197. What is the thing that has recently been dragging you down?

198. How would you describe your soulmate?

199. Describe a scene in a movie that you can’t forget. Why did it stick with you?
How do you draw strength from your loved ones?

200. What was something positive you’ve experienced recently? Reflect on that,

201. List three things/habits/routines that help you stay present in your daily life.

202. What emotions do you find hardest to accept (shame, guilt, anger,
disappointment, etc.)? How do you handle them?

203. How is your daily routine serving your long-term goals or hindering you
from achieving them?

204. What do you most want to accomplish in life?

205. How do you spend your Sundays? Are they the way you want them to be?

206. What experience made you feel sad in the past? What meaning can you
make from this experience?

207. What do you love most about yourself right now?

208. What is your favorite topic to talk about?

209. What is one thing that if you did it every day you’d feel satisfied and

210. What are your go-to coping strategies to help you get through moments of
emotional or physical pain?

211. Complete the sentence and keep writing whatever comes up: “I am at my
best when I …………..“.

212. Reflect on the favorite part of your typical day. It might help you realize how
special even the most mundane moments are.

213. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

214. What are your weaknesses?

215. What difference do you want to make in the world?

216. What are some things that you like about yourself that others seem to
criticize you about?

217. What makes you laugh? How could you have more of it in your life?

218. List three or more things you’d like to tell your friend, family member,
and/or partner that you’ve never told.

219. Do you believe in yourself? What are the fields you feel confident in and the
ones in which you doubt yourself?

220. What boundaries could you set in your relationships to safeguard your own

221. What do you need to know how to do, or learn more about? How is not
knowing/learning holding you back?
222. Are there any future plans you are excited about? What extra plans would
you like to create?

223. How can you better support and appreciate your loved ones?

224. What difficult thoughts or emotions come up most frequently for you?

225. Write down three things that make you angry. What unmet needs of yours
does your anger reveal?

226. Finish this sentence and keep on writing down the thoughts that come up
related to this topic: “My life would be incomplete without …………..”.

227. What’s one thing you regret most? What would you do differently if given a
second chance?

228. What healthy habits could you add to your daily routine?

229. How can you mend the harm that you’ve caused others to experience?

230. What is your wildest fantasy?

231. What’s one commitment can you make to yourself to show love to yourself
every day?

232. Recognize the ways that you’ve grown over the last year, and give yourself
credit for being better and wiser than you were.

233. What does love mean to you? How do you know you’re being loved?

234. Describe the last time you took a break from work. What are you hoping to
do next time you take a day off?

235. Write about something that is frustrating to you.

236. What do you look forward to most in the future?

237. Write about something that scares you the most.

238. Write about your cans, shoulds and wills. Let yourself flow with whatever

239. Write about something you grew out of that meant a lot to you at the time.
240. What are your distractions from your most important activities?

241. What do you need to forgive your younger self for not knowing?

242. Talk about a book that had a positive impact on your life. How did it change

243. List some examples of when you have been vulnerable in the past. What
impact did it have to your relationships and your well-being?

244. Write a message for yourself on bad days. The message can look however
you ⁠— point out the good things in your life, and talk about whatever you
think will mean the most to you when you’re in a dark place.

245. List five things you dislike about yourself. How can you turn them into an
opposite belief? Example: “I hate being so sensitive” to “I love how my
sensitivity serves me to empathize with others and better relate to them?

246. What are three things that have happened to you which were difficult, but
you are now grateful for the experience?

247. What has your anxiety taught you about yourself?

248. List twelve or more things (big or small) that make you happy. Why do they
make you feel this way?

249. When was the last time you sat quietly and simply observed your thoughts
and feelings?

250. If you could be anywhere in the world at this very moment, where would
you want to be and why?

251. Complete the sentence and keep on writing down the thoughts that come
to mind: “When I am alone, I feel …………..”.

252. What thoughts keep you up at night?

253. Is there someone or something that you miss at the moment? Write about

254. How do you show yourself kindness and compassion each day?

255. Describe someone who makes you feel relaxed and at peace.
256. What’s your biggest insecurity? What would life look like if you let it go?

257. Write down a goal you want to start working towards this month. How will
it feel once you’ve achieved that goal? Describe the feeling in detail.

258. What is your favorite thing about your family? Why?

259. Who do you trust most? Why?

260. What makes you you?

261. What is keeping you from your dreams?

262. Write down all the compliments you can think of to two closest people in
your life.

263. What is your relationship to money? How much do you worry about it?

264. How do you usually respond to a crisis in your life? Is there a way you’d like
to improve?

265. What are three things working well in your relationship with your closest
person? What are three things that could be better?

266. What things or experiences light you up? How could you have more of
them in your life?

267. What things are you avoiding dealing with?

268. Do you realistically give yourself enough time to achieve your goals? Think
about the cases when you did or you didn’t.

269. What three changes can you make to live according to your personal

270. What self-care strategies have you used in the past? Rate them from 1-10, 10
being the most effective and helpful, 1 being the least.

271. What do you really want in life?

272. What advice would you give to someone feeling lost in life?

273. What is your favorite memory of your adult life? Something that you’ve
experienced and you loved it, and want to experience it again.
274. What can you tell yourself when you feel unworthy?

275. Pick one positive word you'd like to focus on today and describe what it
makes you feel or what you associate it with.

276. Do you have any talents that you’re not using at the moment? Would you
like to explore the possibility of using them?

277. What is the thing you learned the hard way in life?

278. Do your goals truly reflect your desires? Do they possibly reflect what
someone else (a parent, partner, friend, etc.) wants for you? Reflect and
write about that.

279. Write about your strengths. Take a moment to empower yourself and
reflect on the areas or activities that you excel in.

280. If you could tell your story to only one person and you had only ten minutes,
who would it be and what would you share?

281. Complete the sentence and keep on writing: “I feel truly inspired and living
a full-hearted life when …………..”.

282. What are three things that can instantly bring you down? How could you
deal with them better?

283. How do you usually build rapport with another person?

284. Do you expect bad things to happen all the time? Why or why not?

285. How do you stand up for yourself?

286. What three questions would you want to ask an older version of yourself?

287. Examine two mistakes that you’ve recently made. Reflect on them from a
place of compassion, with no judgment.

288. What are your energy levels today? Why is that so?

289. Complete the sentence and keep on writing: “My brain feels the most clear
when …………..”.

290. What parts of life surprised you most? What turned out the way you
expected it would?
291. What do you want to change most about yourself? How can you first
accept that part of yourself and try to fall in love with it?

292. Do you have any trauma that you think you’ll never heal from? Also,
investigate why it might be “helpful” for you to have the belief that you are
doomed to suffer from the trauma for life (avoiding some life decisions,
thinking you’ll lose love from others if you change, etc.).

293. Pick one thing that’s standing in the way of your dreams. What could you
achieve if that one thing was removed from your life?

294. Write about the most glorious moment in your life so far.

295. What secrets are you keeping? Are these secrets affecting your life or
mental health? Why or why not?

296. Complete this sentence and keep on writing: “I got where I am today
because I am …………...”.

297. Where in your life do you have feelings of unworthiness for your own love?

298. Where are you letting yourself play small?

299. What's one thing that you've been wanting to do but have been delaying
for months/years? How could you make it happen?

300. What makes you lose track of time?

301. Do you live more in the past or in the future? What would be your ideal
balance in regards to these habits?

302. Do you ever think that you’re less than someone else? When do you tend to
do this? Notice your patterns and reflect on them.

303. How do you tell if someone can be your friend?

304. What person had the most positive impact on you? Would you like to let
them know about it?

305. Describe one change you can make that will reduce your daily stress.

306. Write a love letter to yourself describing how proud you are of yourself and
how much you love the person you are.
307. Do you feel your life is in balance? Is there something you should be doing
more (or less) of?

308. What are you passionate about right now?

309. What do you love about your mind?

310. What is one unloving habit that you need to quit? What could you do

311. How often are you physically active, and how does it make you feel?

312. How do you know you’ve succeeded at something?

313. How can you incorporate more of your passions into your daily life?

314. What kind of person do you want to be in life?

315. What are the risks in your life? Given what you need, how will you tackle

316. Complete the sentences and keep on writing: “The last time I was truly kind
to someone was when …………... It made me feel …………..”.

317. Write a letter to someone you’ve lost in life. What do you have left to tell

318. What risks do you want to take? What’s holding you back?

319. How does your job/studies affect your mental health?

320. If you could only achieve one more goal for the rest of your life, what would
you pick and why?

321. What kind of person is your dad? How do you feel when you think about

322. Who can you give more love to? Explore the ways you could do this.

323. How often do you visit your doctor? Are there any checkups you’ve been
neglecting? Do you have any aches and pains you’ve been trying to ignore?

324. Who do you trust with your most painful and upsetting feelings? How can
you connect with them when feeling low?
325. How has social media been making you feel — good or bad about yourself?

326. How do you tend to feel about the unknown in your life?

327. What are five things your past self from a year ago would love about your
current self?

328. What three important things have you learned from previous relationships?

329. How do you respond when someone is being negative?

330. What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?

331. List some things that bring meaning to your life.

332. If you are to tattoo a quote, what would that be?

333. Reflect on a time when you felt stuck in life. How did you solve it?

334. What is an assumption people tend to make about you?

335. What makes you feel calm and relaxed in your daily life? Why?

336. What do you judge yourself for? How can you let go of that judgment?

337. When was the last time you added something fun to your to-do list? What
could that be?

338. If you had one year left to live, how would you spend it?

339. What is something you could be kinder to yourself about?

340. What do you need the most right now? How could you get it?

341. In what ways does your health impact your life? How can your health issues
teach you something new?

342. List ten things that you appreciate about your current life.

343. What’s one tiny habit you would like to add to your life?

344. Complete this sentence and then keep writing: “My life won’t be complete
without …………..”.
345. What do you struggle to love most about yourself? What can you do to
begin to love that part of yourself?

346. What boundaries do you need to set for yourself?

347. Complete the sentence and then keep writing: “I am my most authentic
self when I …………..”.

348. What positive habits would you like to build in the next two years?

349. Describe a hardship you have had. How does it make you feel reflecting
back on it? What do you feel you learned?

350. If you are ever ill, how do you feel about it? How do you treat yourself? Do
you do it with love and compassion?

351. What is something you have in common with someone you have
difficulties with?

352. Write about an important person in your life who you are grateful for. What
do you admire about this person, why have they had such an impact on
your life, and what would you like to tell them?

353. What’s one dream you have that you’ve never shared with anyone?

354. Complete this sentence and then keep writing: “I spend too much time on

355. What activities do you think would make you feel better? Make a plan to
carry out those activities.

356. Describe a life-changing moment you’ve ever experienced.

357. What does your healthiest self look like?

358. When was the last time you tried something new? How did you feel then?

359. List five public figures you admire and elaborate on what you see in them.
What qualities do you share with them?

360. List the qualities of the person you want to spend your life with.

361. What do you feel you should educate yourself more on?
362. When you used to feel scared, how did your parents address your

363. What are the things you could do to be more mindful?

364. What’s one risk you’ve recently taken that made you proud of yourself?

365. What do you believe you deserve?

BONUS questions:
● What would your life look like if you stopped dimming your light and
started taking up more space?

● Imagine that you write a letter to someone who is walking on the beach
alone on a stormy day and finds your message in a bottle. What would you
like to tell them?

● How could you find confirmation of your worthiness inside of you instead of

● How do you reward yourself after you’ve made an effort to work on

⚈ You did a great job, dear. ♡ Take that in. Don’t forget to be kind to
yourself. ⚈

Looking for more journal prompts?

Let’s meet at www.etsy.com/nostalgicwalls

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