Protocolo Examen para Estudios Interculturales 2 3 4
Protocolo Examen para Estudios Interculturales 2 3 4
Protocolo Examen para Estudios Interculturales 2 3 4
Option 1. Prepare a mind map of one or two related topics from the program. Present
your ideas orally. You have between 5 and 7 minutes to speak.
Option 2. Prepare a presentation of one or two related topics from the program. Present
your ideas orally. You have between 5 and 7 minutes to speak.
Option 3. Discuss in pairs one of the topics assigned in the program. Include an
intercultural appreciation, again based on the assigned readings.
It is important to:
-include a personal reflection based on the assigned readings. This may include new
connections to current cultural productions related to the topic at hand. You need to
support your ideas thoroughly.
-if possible, include an intercultural appreciation, again based on the assigned readings.
Rúbricas de corrección de presentaciones orales.