Protocolo Examen para Estudios Interculturales 2 3 4

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Protocolo examen para Estudios Interculturales 2, 3, 4

Option 1. Prepare a mind map of one or two related topics from the program. Present
your ideas orally. You have between 5 and 7 minutes to speak.
Option 2. Prepare a presentation of one or two related topics from the program. Present
your ideas orally. You have between 5 and 7 minutes to speak.
Option 3. Discuss in pairs one of the topics assigned in the program. Include an
intercultural appreciation, again based on the assigned readings.
It is important to:
-include a personal reflection based on the assigned readings. This may include new
connections to current cultural productions related to the topic at hand. You need to
support your ideas thoroughly.
-if possible, include an intercultural appreciation, again based on the assigned readings.
Rúbricas de corrección de presentaciones orales.

Grades Below Standard. 4-5 6-7 8-9 10

Failing grade
Items to be
1-Content and Issue/problem to Issue/problem Issue/problem Issue/problem Issue/problem
support for be to to to to
opinions. considered be be be be
Literary critically is considered considered considered considered
Criticism stated but description critically is critically critically is critically is
leaves stated but stated, stated clearly stated clearly
some terms description described and and described and described
undefined, leaves clarified so that comprehensivel comprehensivel
ambiguities some terms understanding y y
unexplored, undefined, is , delivering , delivering
boundaries ambiguities not all relevant all relevant
undetermined, unexplored, seriously information information
and/or boundaries impeded by necessary for necessary for
backgrounds undetermined, omissions. full full
unknown. and/or Allen (2014, understanding. understanding
Allen (2014, backgrounds p.37) Allen (2014, and even
p.37) unknown. p.37) providing new
Allen (2014, The student The student creative
The student p.37) shows presents insights
does not answer understanding critiques in a based on well
literature of professional funded
questions or has The student the literary manner evidence.
clearly not read sometimes works and although Allen (2014,
the material. quotes critics shows sometimes p.37)
The students but sometimes knowledge of confuses The student
shows confusion fails to do so. literary approaches. shows
for basic analysis. knowledge of
concepts like literary analysis
character and offers
development, creative
author and readings based
narrator, on evidence
dramatic triangle from the
, motives analyzed text.
Grammar and The student can The student […] [the […] [the […] [the
Vocabulary narrate and demonstrates student] student] student]
describe in all the ability to demonstrate[s] may may
major time narrate and the ability to demonstrate a demonstrate a
frames using describe in the narrate and well-developed well-developed
connected major time describe in the ability to ability to
discourse of frames of past, major time compensate for compensate for
paragraph length, but present, and frames of past, an imperfect an imperfect
not future in present, and grasp of some grasp of some
all the time. […] paragraph future by forms or for forms or for
[T] heir speech length providing a full limitations in limitations in
exhibits one or discourse account, with vocabulary by vocabulary by
more features of with some good control of the confident the confident
breakdown, control of aspect. use of use of
such as the aspect. In Narration and communicative communicative
failure to carry these description strategies, such strategies, such
out fully the narrations and tend as as
narration or descriptions, to be combined paraphrasing, paraphrasing,
description in […] and interwoven circumlocution, circumlocution,
the appropriate [the student] to relate and illustration. and illustration.
major time combine[s] and relevant They use They use
frame, an link[s] and supporting precise precise
inability to sentences facts in vocabulary and vocabulary and
maintain into connected connected, intonation to intonation to
paragraph length discourse of paragraph express express
discourse, or a paragraph length meaning and meaning and
reduction in length, discourse. often show often show
breadth and although […] [The great great
appropriateness these student] can fluency and fluency and
of vocabulary. narrations handle ease of speech. ease of
(ACTFL 2012, p. and successfully However, when speech.
7) descriptions and called on to However, when
The student tend to be with relative perform the called on to
does not use handled ease the complex tasks perform the
appropriate key separately linguistic associated with complex tasks
vocabulary and / rather than challenges the Superior associated with
or register. interwoven. presented by a level over a the Superior
They can complication or variety of level over a
dominant handle unexpected topics, variety of
language may appropriately turn their language topics,
be evident in the the of events that will at times their language
use of false essential occurs within break down or will at times
cognates, literal linguistic the prove break down or
translations, or challenges context of a inadequate, or prove
the oral presented by a routine they may avoid inadequate, or
paragraph complication or situation the task they may avoid
structure of that an unexpected or altogether, for the task
language. At turn of events. communicative example, by altogether, for
times Responses task with which resorting to example, by
their discourse produced by they simplification resorting to
may be minimal Advanced Low are otherwise through the use simplification
for the level, speakers are familiar. of description through the use
marked by an typically not Communicative or of description
irregular low, longer than a strategies such narration in or
and containing single as place of narration in
noticeable paragraph. The circumlocution argument or place of
selfcorrection. More speaker’s or rephrasing hypothesis. argument or
generally, the are often (ACTFL 2012, hypothesis.
performance [...] employed for p. 5) (ACTFL 2012,
tends to be this purpose. p.
uneven. The speech of 5)
[...] speech is Advanced Mid […] [the student
typically marked speakers may also]
by a certain performing employ a
grammatical Advanced-level variety
roughness (e.g., tasks is marked of interactive
inconsistent by substantial and discourse
control of verb low. Their strategies, such
endings), vocabulary is as turn-taking
but the overall fairly extensive and separating
performance of although main ideas
the Advanced level primarily from
tasks is generic supporting
sustained, albeit in nature, information
minimally. The except through the use
vocabulary of in the case of a of syntactic,
Advanced Low particular area lexical, and
speakers often lacks of phonetic
specificity. specialization devices.
Nevertheless, or interest. (ACTFL 2012,
[…] [the student] Their p. 4)
is able to use discourse may
communicative still reflect the
strategies such oral paragraph
as structure of
rephrasing and their
circumlocution. own language
(ACTFL 2012, p. 6) rather than that
of the target
(ACTFL 2012,
p. 6)
Delivery and The student The speaker The speaker is “The speaker is The speaker is
organization always need occasionally generally generally professional,
clarification and appears relaxed relaxed relaxed, and
does not always anxious and and comfortable
understand the or comfortable. comfortable” and
instructions uncomfortable, Listeners are although she interacts
even when and generally may not be effectively with
prompting if offered. may recognized and able listeners.
“The speaker occasionally understood. to make eye Allen (2014,
appears anxious read notes, Allen (2014, contact at p.6)
and rather p.6) times.
uncomfortable than speak. “Listeners are
and reads notes, Listeners are generally
rather than often recognized and
speaks. ignored or understood.”
Listeners misunderstood. Allen (2014,
are ignored.” Allen (2014, p.6)
Allen (2014, p.6) p.6)

There is no Organization is There is some Organization of Organization of

evidence of clumsy and full degree of ideas and ideas and
organization of of self organization of speech makes speech shows
speech and corrections and speech it fluency at the
content. It is interruptions. although easy for same time.
nearly at times the listeners to Listeners make
impossible for listener has to follow the no effort to
listeners to make an extra thread follow ideas
follow ideas effort to follow. of the content developed.
discussed. discussed.

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