Test 8 M1

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Reading and Writing (Test 8)



The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills. Each
question includes one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each passage
and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on the passage(s).

All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices. Each question has a
single best answer.

1 2

The golden-crowned kinglet is a small songbird found In 1877, the Koishikawa Botanical Garden became the
throughout North America. It has a few commonalities _____ of botanical research and studies in Japan. Prior to
with like-songbirds; however, the golden-crowned its establishment, the study of plants and herbs in Japan
kinglet's ________ characteristics, such as its yellow crown, had been relegated to smaller, shogunate-controlled
white wing bars, and black stripes over the eyes, set it gardens. By consolidating these smaller, less academic
apart from other birds. In addition, its high-pitched, one- efforts into a singular institution, botanical science in
note call and fearlessness around humans make it a Japan continues to thrive to this day.
favorite of birdwatchers.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and and precise word or phrase?
precise word or phrase?
A) culmination = end
A) standard B) origination
B) distinguishing C) deregulation >< regulate
C) diminishing D) epicenter
D) atypical
= delegate = assign = distribute = relegate

3 4

The following text is adapted from “Castle Marvel,” Stories The agriculture industry's push toward
And Ballads For Young Folks, by Ellen Tracy Alden. environmentally-friendly pest control has seen
breakthroughs and setbacks, particularly among
“I wish books had never been invented, or schools either, farmers with orchards and field crops. For example, the
for that matter. I’ve been digging away at one of technique known as "trap cropping," which involves
Aesop’s fables for the last two hours, and I can’t make growing plants that naturally attract pests away from
any sense out of it at all. It’s a lot of stuff about some the production crops, has produced uneven results.
doves and hawks that got to fighting; but whether the While the practice has been successful for smaller
doves eat up the hawks or not, how’s a fellow going to find farms, it has proven too expensive for most larger
out?” farms to implement.

Which choice best describes the function of the Which choice best describes the function of the
underlined portion in the text as a whole? underlined portion in the text as a whole?
A) It presents the speaker as lazy and unmotivated. A) It supports the main idea with an example of
B) It explains why the speaker is having trouble reading environmentally friendly pest control methods
Aesop’s fables. producing both successes and failures.
C) It provides an example of the speaker’s frustration B) It explains why environmentally friendly pest
with books and school. control techniques are not viable for large-scale
D) It supports the speaker’s disinterest in academia. farms.
C) It reinforces the earlier claim that cost increases
impede the transition to environmentally friendly
pest control methods.
D) It cites trap cropping as an example of why smaller
farms are more efficient than larger farms.

5 6

Text 1 The following text is adapted from Oscar Wilde’s novel

The beginning of radio is often regarded as the archetype The Picture of Dorian Gray.
of modern-day social media. Started by a consortium of
innovators who sought to share news, information, and I turned halfway around and saw Dorian Gray for the
stories, the radio brought people together through first time. When our eyes met, I felt that I was growing
listening and shared experiences and connected people pale. A curious sensation of terror came over me. I
across vast distances. Those who remember the time knew that I had come face to face with someone whose
when radio was the source of human connectivity mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it
remember those shared experiences, many of which were to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole
often shared between families and friends, listening to a soul, my very art itself. I have always been my own
human voice share breaking news or vivid tellings of master, at least until I met Dorian Gray. Then—but I
stories. don't know how to explain it to you. Something seemed
to tell me that I was on the verge of a terrible crisis in
Text 2 my life. I had a strange feeling that fate had in store for
Social media, at its core, is based in user-centric, me exquisite joys and exquisite sorrows.
communal activity that both facilitates and enhances
human connectivity. Social platforms enable users to share According to the text, what is true about Dorian Gray?
news, information, and stories across the globe, and allow A) His physically imposing demeanor causes the
individuals and communities to connect, generate content,
narrator to fear for their safety.
respond, and participate. Critics would say that social B) His presence evokes a deep sense of unease in the
media has sabotaged true human connectivity, but I narrator.
believe that without social media our planet would have C) His grotesque appearance leaves the narrator
remained closed off, halting human connectivity at our
feeling a sense of revulsion.
borders. D) His preoccupation with details of the narrator's life
feels insincere.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most
likely respond to the opinion of Text 1?
A) They would agree that radio was the ideal social
kh mention
platform to connect people across long distances.
B) They would claim that radio and modern social
media are equal in stimulating social connectivity
and shared human experiences.
C) They would endorse a scale back in modern social
media in hopes that society can one day recapture
the magic of in-person social connectivity.
D) They would argue that social media had to progress
beyond the confines of radio in order to reach
maximum social connectivity globally instead of
just locally.

7 8

The following text is from “In Which Eeyore Has A Worldwide, Lego® enthusiasts have joined forces in
Birthday And Gets Two Presents,” Winnie-the-Pooh, by A. taking it upon themselves to fix, seal, and heal exteriors
A. Milne. of buildings—public and private—by filling in facade
cracks, crevices, and holes of structures with tiny
"You seem so sad, Eeyore." building blocks. Known as “Dispatchwork,” what was
"Sad? Why should I be sad? It's my birthday. The happiest started as a movement by street artist Jan Vormann has
day of the year." become a global inspiration for fellow artists and
"Your birthday?" said Pooh in great surprise. participants, all sharing in their love of Lego®, repairs,
"Of course it is. Can't you see? Look at all the presents I and street art made to bring a smile and joy around the
have had." He waved a foot from side to side. "Look at the globe.
birthday cake. Candles and pink sugar."
Pooh looked—first to the right and then to the left. Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?
"Presents?" said Pooh. "Birthday cake?" said Pooh.
"Where?" A) To showcase an artistic movement launched by
"Can't you see them?" "No," said Pooh. artists using their skills and creativity to enhance
"Neither can I," said Eeyore. "Joke," he explained. "Ha ha!" the appearance of neglected structures.
B) To express concern that Dispatchwork’s Lego®
Based on the text, what is true about Eeyore’s birthday? repairs may not be structurally sound.
C) To encourage people to look for other creative uses
A) Eeyore’s birthday is a festive occasion. for Lego® products.
B) Pooh has surprised Eeyore on his birthday. D) To demonstrate that Lego® blocks are superior to
C) Eeyore’s birthday has been forgotten. traditional materials, such as brick and mortar.
D) Eeyore enjoys celebrating his birthday.

9 10

Since the American government had never paid up on its Marcella once suffered from monthly migraine
promises of the 1855 treaty, many Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) headaches until she read about a 2012 American
bands were disgruntled and reluctant to hear more empty Academy of Neurology study in which participants
promises. After a few days of deliberation without added a daily high-dose riboflavin supplement (400
agreement, Thunder Eyes declared the Nez Perce Nation mg) to their existing treatment regimens. Participants
dissolved. They would be separate people; the "treaty" reported multiple benefits, including less frequent and
group and the "non-treaty" group. When pro-treaty less severe migraines. Upon reading this study,
leaders signed the 1863 treaty on June 9, 1863, the US ___________
government assumed they had reached an agreement
with all Nez Perce regarding the relinquishment of their Which choice most logically completes the text?
ancestral lands. Chief Joseph, Chief White Bird, and other
A) Marcella began taking 400mg of riboflavin daily
"non-treaty" headmen, meanwhile, thought they would
but has not reduced the frequency or severity of
not be held to any agreement that they did not actually
her migraines.
agree to. Historian Lester McLettigan argues that this
B) Marcella experienced relief by adopting a monthly
1863 treaty planted seeds of conflict that would
regimen of 400 mg of riboflavin, 300 g of
eventually grow to the 1877 Nez Perce War.
magnesium, and MIG-99 (100 mg).
C) Marcella successfully reduced the frequency and
Which finding from McLettigan’s research, if true, would
most directly support this claim? severity of her migraines by adding 400 mg of
riboflavin to her daily regimen.
A) The “non-treaty” Nez Perce eventually relented from D) Marcella remained on the same treatment plan she
their hard-line stance and moved to US government had followed before learning of the 2012 study.
B) Following his surrender in 1877, Chief Joseph and his
surviving tribe members were sent to a reservation
in Kansas, far from their native homeland.
C) As the Nez Perce grew increasingly frustrated with
encroachments by American miners and
homesteaders throughout the late 1800s, violent
attacks on American settlers became more common.
D) Even though the “non-treaty” Nez Perce would
eventually be forced from their lands in 1877, they
never abandoned their belief that they were forced
out under unjust pretenses.


A recent study measured the amounts of additives in three leading multivitamin brands. While nearly everyone recognizes
the benefits of taking over-the-counter multivitamins, some nutritionists, including Dr. Sarah Fraugh, have voiced concerns
regarding ingredients many consumers would be shocked to find hiding in their multivitamins. Common additives include
filler compounds, artificial colors, and even sugar, none of which provide any nutritional or therapeutic value. As a result, Dr.
Fraugh urges consumers to remain skeptical when leading brands claim to have higher purity standards. For example,

Which choice most effectively uses data from the table to illustrate the claim?

A) Brand A contains more sugar, yellow dye #5, and filler compounds than the other two leading brands combined.
B) Brand B contains only 10% of the amount of added sugars found in each of the other two leading brands.
C) Compared to the other brands, Brand C does not contain the highest amount of any additive listed.
D) All three leading brands combined contain less than 7 grams of sugar.


A group of 1,000 job fair attendees was polled to find out what they were looking for in their job search. Each surveyed
attendee made a choice between five characteristics to choose from as the single most important quality.

Which claim most accurately represents the data from the poll?

A) Fewer than 20 people considered high income the most important trait.
B) Job security was the most important trait sought by all job fair attendees.
C) Of those surveyed, over 500 people cited something other than job security as the most important quality.
D) Independent work was found to be more important to those surveyed than high income.


A field study was conducted to determine the effects of music on the development of amphibians using tadpoles from the
Ceratophryidae family. A group of tadpoles was randomly divided into 4 groups of 50 tadpoles. Each of the 4 groups was
played music from a different genre 12 hours a day for 4 weeks. All 200 tadpoles were weighed once a week. The mean
(average) mass of each group, in grams, was then plotted on the given graph. A researcher hypothesized that classical music
would have a more positive correlation with tadpole growth than other genres of music.

Which choice best describes data from the table that support the researcher’s hypothesis?

A) Tadpoles in the jazz group grew at a faster rate than the tadpoles in each of the other groups.
B) Tadpoles in the classical group grew at a faster rate from week 3 to week 4 than they did in the weeks before and after.
C) Tadpoles in the disco group had the lowest average mass of all the groups.
D) On average, tadpoles in the classical group grew more and at a faster rate than those in the rock and disco groups.



In 2004, a documentary about video game speedrunning—a niche hobby where players race to complete a game as quickly
as possible—was released to critical acclaim. This brought significant attention to the speedrunning world records for the
popular video games included in the given table. As a result of this increased interest, _______.

Which choice most effectively uses data from the table to complete the statement?

A) more new world records were set after the film’s release than in the previous two years before the film’s release.
B) the number of people participating in competitive speedrunning declined.
C) the amount of time players spent speedrunning declined.
D) some speedrunning world records remained unchanged year to year.

15 16

The Australian government now expects to add The following text is from “The Black Cat,” The Works
koalas to the endangered species list due to the of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 2, by Edgar Allan Poe.
destruction of the animals' habitat exacerbated by
the dual threats of urbanization and agriculture. Pluto—_______ the cat’s name—was my favorite pet
Fearing for the Australian ___________ groups have and playmate. I alone fed him, and he attended me
formed to partner with existing wildlife protection wherever I went about the house. It was even with
organizations run by the Australian government. difficulty that I could prevent him from following me
Despite these redoubled efforts, the fate of through the streets.
Australia's unofficial mascot remains uncertain.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
the conventions of Standard English? A) they were
A) icon, conservation B) they was
B) icon conservation C) this was
C) icon; conservation D) this were
D) icon: conservation

17 18

Over evolutionary time, some sea snails have evolved into It had been 5 months and 27 days since I last had a hot,
what are commonly known as sea slugs. These marine home-cooked meal. After hugging my mother and my
gastropods have either had their shells reduced or have brother, I put off the much-needed shower in favor of
lost them _______ evolution has allowed them to no longer roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, and my mother’s
need their shells for protection; instead, some are covered homemade gravy. While I recounted my adventures in
in thick, noxious slime or use stinging cells to deter prey. the wilds of Alaska, I ______ to two more plates full of my
family’s cooking, filling up on good food and the love of
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to family.
the conventions of Standard English?
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to
A) entirely, in any case,
the conventions of Standard English?
B) entirely. In any case,
A) helps myself
C) entirely in any case,
B) help myself
D) entirely—in any case,
C) help myself
D) helped myself

19 20

The following text is taken from a 17th-century fairytale At just half the density of liquid water, lithium is the
by Franz Jain Klosterman. Upon finally repelling the lightest and least dense of the pure element metals.
months-long siege, the townspeople departed the That means ________ would float when placed in water.
walled city and began tending to their long-neglected However, lithium is poorly suited for use in flotation
crops. Not long after that, the Prince was riding through devices due to the rapid chemical reaction that occurs
the forest when he came upon an odd little ________ fruit when it comes in contact with water. That reaction
tree that, according to legend, only blossomed once produces lithium hydroxide and the highly flammable
every seventy years and produced only a single, hydrogen gas.
smallish, foul-smelling fig.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
the conventions of Standard English?
A) they
A) tree. A B) this
B) tree, a C) it
C) tree; a D) one
D) tree a

21 22

The following text is adapted from Autobiography of a The 1956 mayoral race in Grand Vista was fraught
Lesser Louis by King Louis XIX. with corruption. Each of the three candidates faced
charges of dishonest electioneering practices and voter
Upon learning of the magician's arrival, my father, King at tampering. The town was so incensed by the behavior
the time, summoned the showman to perform. That night, that the election was canceled, and the position of
the magician mystified attendees with the illusion we now mayor was vacated for a full year. _______ the town
know as Vault of ________ he secured a position as the opted to forgo formal leadership instead of selecting
resident performer at Royal Opera Hall. from their available choices.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the Which choice completes the text with the most logical
conventions of Standard English? transition?
A) Versailles, with that, A) To demonstrate,
B) Versailles, with which B) However,
C) Versailles; with which C) In other words,
D) Versailles—and which D) Notwithstanding,

23 24

At 214 feet below sea level, Furnace Creek boasts the Today, Regina would demand the immediate
lowest altitude of any golf course in the world. Its 18 holes implementation of the changes she had requested last
are a sight to behold—surrounded by idyllic mountain quarter. Unless her account manager would guarantee
vistas and peppered with beautiful tamarisk and palm the delivery date, she would take her business
trees. ________ the course is nearly unplayable in the elsewhere. As a high-value client for over a decade,
summer months due to the temperatures that can exceed Regina had come to expect exceptional service. ________
130 degrees Fahrenheit. for the past two months, she had watched as seasoned
professionals around the CEO had resigned or been
Which choice completes the text with the most logical fired. She felt certain this chaos would affect her
transition? business if she didn't issue an ultimatum.
A) Nevertheless,
Which choice completes the text with the most logical
B) Consequently,
C) Likewise,
A) In effect,
D) Specifically,
B) Ultimately,
C) Besides,
D) However,

25 26

On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip IV of France While researching a topic, a student has taken the following
commanded agents of the crown to attack members of the notes:
Knights Templar at dawn. Many knights were captured
• The ruins of Civita Giuliana were not discovered until 1750.
and arrested. The captive knights were tortured until they
gave false confessions and, ______ burned at the stake.
• The ruins had been covered in ash since 79 AD. In 2021,
archaeologists discovered an ancient Roman processional
Which choice completes the text with the most logical chariot from a villa at Civita Giuliana, located just outside the
transition? walls of ancient Pompeii.
A) reluctantly,
• In 2021, archaeologists discovered an ancient Roman
B) obviously, processional chariot from a villa at Civita Giuliana, located
C) subsequently, just outside the walls of ancient Pompeii.

D) in summary, • The ceremonial carriage is the first of its kind to be

discovered in this area.

• The ceremonial carriage is a unique find because other

vehicles found have been for functional, everyday use.

The student wants to present the discovery of the

processional chariot from the Civita Giuliana Excavation.
Which choice most effectively uses relevant information
from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) Covered in volcanic ash since 79 AD, the ruins of Civita
Giuliana were not discovered until 1750. In 2021,
archaeologists made historically significant finds at a
villa located just outside the walls of ancient Pompeii.
B) In 2021, archaeologists discovered an ancient-Roman
processional chariot from a villa at Civita Giuliana,
located just outside the walls of ancient Pompeii.
Covered in volcanic ash since 79 AD, the ruins of Civita
Giuliana were not discovered until 1750.
C) Archaeological finds like chariots and other ceremonial
objects help expand our understanding of life as it were
in the ancient world. Covered in volcanic ash since 79
AD, the ruins of Civita Giuliana were not discovered until
D) In 2021, an ancient Roman processional chariot was
unearthed during an archaeological dig at a villa just
outside the walls of ancient Pompeii. The ceremonial
carriage is unique because not only is it the first of its
kind to be discovered in this area, but it is the first
vehicle to be discovered that was not used for functional,
everyday use.

27 The student wants to emphasize the historical impact of
While researching a topic, a student has taken the Maya Angelou’s as both a poet and cultural voice. Which
following notes: choice most effectively uses relevant information from the
notes to accomplish this goal?
• Maya Angelou is known as “the black woman’s poet A) Maya Angelou was a famed poet and autobiographer
laureate.” whose writing explored themes of music, love, loss,
racism and discrimination, and struggle. Her writing
• Maya Angelou is the famed autobiographer behind the style was unique in that she wrote using fiction-
highly acclaimed I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and writing techniques such as dialogue,
The Heart of a Woman. characterization, setting, and plot.
B) Named “the black woman’s poet laureate,” Maya
• Her autobiographies were written using techniques
Angelou was also a famed autobiographer. She is the
more often reserved for fiction writing, such as dialogue,
famed autobiographer behind the highly acclaimed I
characterization, setting, and plot.
Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and The Heart of a
• Angelou’s poems are referred to as anthems for African
C) Maya Angelou, known as “the black woman’s poet
laureate,” composed poems that were often thought
of as anthems for African Americans. Her recitation
• Maya Angelou began writing poetry at a young age.
of “On the Pulse of Morning,” at the 1993
Angelou recited “On the Pulse of Morning” at President
presidential inauguration made history as the first
Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1993, making her the first
woman to recite a poem, earning her a Grammy
African American and the first woman to recite a poem at
Award for the recording.
a presidential inauguration, the recording of which
D) At a young age, Maya Angelou began writing poetry.
earned her a Grammy award.
Several volumes of her poetry have been published.
• Maya Angelou’s poetry explores themes of music, love, Most notably, her poem, “On the Pulse of Morning,”
was recited at President Bill Clinton’s inauguration
loss, racism and discrimination, and struggle.
in 1993.

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this module only.
Do not turn to any other module in the test.


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