Wani Department of Botany Osmosis By Dr. Ajay V. Rajurkar
Class: B.Sc. Part III (Semester V)
Subject : Botany Osmosis In osmosis , It is the movement of solvent particle takes place from a region of its higher concentration to its lower concentration across a semipermeable membrane till equilibrium. It is defined as, the diffusion of water molecules across a differentially permeable membranes from a region where water molecules are more concentrated to one where they are less concentrated.
It is a movement of water molecules across the
differentially permeable membrane that separate two solvents or solutions, the direction of movement is from higher concentration to lower concentration (Water potential). The phenomenon of Osmosis was discovered by Jean-Antoine Nollet (1748). However, it was the doctor René Joachim Henri Dutrochet who first described it in detail and introduced the term “Osmosis” about 80 years later (1826).
If a solution or its pure solvent are separated
by a semipermeable membrane, the solvent molecules diffuse into the solution. This diffusion of solvent molecules into solution is also called Osmotic diffusion. Osmotic Pressure. As a result of the separation of solution from its solvent or the two solutions by the semi-permeable membrane, a pressure is developed in solution due to the presence of dissolved solutes in it. This is called as Osmotic pressure (O.P.). Osmotic pressure is measured in terms of atmospheres. Osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the concentration of dissolved solutes in the solution. More conc. solution has higher osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure of solution is always higher than its pure solvent. Osmotic pressure does not increase by the addition of insoluble solute in the solution. From biological point of view the solutions may be of following three types. ) 1) Isotonic solutions : These are the solutions whose concentration and osmotic pressure is equal to the concentration and osmotic pressure of the cell sap. In these solutions, water molecules move in and out of the cells at equal rates or no osmotic diffusion of water molecules will takes place across the membrane. 2) Hypertonic solution : Solutions whose concentration and osmotic pressure is higher than the concentration and osmotic pressure of cell sap. This is a strong solution (weak solvent) and it attracts solvent from another solution. 3) Hypotonic solutions : Solutions whose concentration and osmotic pressure is less than the concentration and osmotic pressure of cell sap. This is weak solution (strong solvent) and it loses water to other solutions. Types of Osmosis Depending upon the movement of water molecules in or out of a living system, osmosis divided into two types :- (i) Exosmosis (ii) Endosmosis. Exosmosis : When a plant cell is placed in a concentrated solution, the water molecules moves form cell into the outer concentrated solution, through the plasma membrane. It is called exosmosis. It is demostrated by grape Osmometer. Endosmosis : When a water or solvent molecules enters into the cell through plasma membrane from outer medium called endosmosis. It is demonstrated by Potato Osmometer. Cell or tissue will remain as such in isotonic solution. If a living plant cell or tissue is placed in water or hypotonic solution (whose O.P. is lower than that of cell sap) water enters into the cell sap by osmosis. This process is called as Endosmosis. As a result of entry of the water into the cell sap, a pressure is developed which presses the protoplasm against the cell wall and the cell becomes turgid. This pressure is called as Turgor pressure. Consequence of the turgor pressure is the wall pressure which is exerted by the elastic cell wall against the expanding protoplasm. At a given time turgor pressure (T.P.) equals the wall pressure (W.P.). T.P.= W.P. Exosmosis Endosmosis Plant Cells as Osmotic Systems. Living cells in plants form osmotic systems due to the presence of semi-permeable plasma membrane and the cell sap having a certain osmotic pressure. Plasma-membrane actually is not truly semi- permeable as it allows certain solutes to pass through it and hence, it is known as selectively permeable or differentially permeable mem- brane. The tonoplast or the vacuolar membrane also possesses the same nature. The solvent in case of plants is always water. The cell wall is permeable. SIGNIFICANCE OF OSMOSIS IN PLANTS Large quantities of water are absorbed by roots from the soil by osmosis. Cell to cell movement of water and other substances dissolved in it involves this process. Opening and closing of stomata depend upon the turgor pressure of the guard cells. Due to osmosis the turgidity of the cells and hence the shape or form of their organs is maintained. The resistance of plants to drought and frost increases with increase in osmotic pressure of their cells. Turgidity of the cells of the young seedlings allows them to come out of the soil.