HomeFront Monthly: Love & Respect Vol. 2 Iss. 10
HomeFront Monthly: Love & Respect Vol. 2 Iss. 10
HomeFront Monthly: Love & Respect Vol. 2 Iss. 10
love& respect
this Resource
Editors Note
Remember to HAVE FUN! Strive to make each gathering unique to your own family as you enjoy spending time with God and each other.
Love. We throw that word around a lot, dont we? I love my iPod, I love weekends, I love going to the spa, I love playing golf, I love The Beatles, I love macaroni and cheese.
The word love has become ubiquitousused to describe and encapsulate all of the people, places, and experiences we enjoy. If you look it up in the dictionary, love is defined in a number of ways, from affectionate concern for the well-being of others to a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. In the Bible, love is the ultimate expression of Gods loyalty, purity, sacrifice, and mercy extended toward His people (the piece of His creation made in His image). Likewise, the word respectwhich we often put hand-in-hand with love because it informs how we lovemeans to hold in great esteem or honor. I am struck with how both words are a noun and a verb. Its not just an emotion, but its something we can be a part of. Love and respect are active, they are interchangeable. You act on love and respect, just as you feel them. As a parent, its amazing how in love and loving I am with my children. Especially when things arent necessarily easy. There are tantrums, 3 a.m. feedings, teething, timeouts, fussing, whining, and general troublemaking exploits. Though the verb part of love may be challenging during those moments, I know the noun part of it is still alive and well. After all, We know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love (Romans 5:5 NLT). He fills our hearts, and we are able to give even more than we thought was possible. And because I recognize my kids are Gods children, I must hold them in the greatest esteem and honor. I hope this issue of HomeFront Monthly reminds you how powerful love and respect are to our heavenly Father. And how awesome it is that God not only loves and respects us infinitely, but He also invites us to be an active part of experiencing and offering them to others.
2012 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and childrens ministry leaders. All rights reserved.
How 1 to 2 Use 3
First Corinthians 13:13 says that if we dont have love, then everything else we do is futile. Its worthless. So, without love, it doesnt matter if we have all the knowledge in the world. It doesnt matter if were helping kids understand who God is, and were modeling what that looks like. If we dont do all of it in a way that is loving, then it is simply worthless. Wow! That is a sobering thought. In the environment of LOVE AND RESPECT, were helping to identify the image of God in every person. One of my favorite ways to show love and respect is to actually get down on my knees and look at children in their eyes. If theyre telling me a story or something thats really important to them, getting on their eye level and holding their eye contact can be such a valuable act of love and respect to them. Often we forget that we tower higher than they are, and coming down to their level is a posture of humility that conveys, I respect you and what you have to say. This month, be looking for ways to take the environment of LOVE AND RESPECT beyond your family time with the HomeFront Monthly. Challenge your family to find opportunities to show love and respect in your everyday interactions.
Memorizing Scripture can be an incredible practice to engage in as a family. But words in and of themselves will not necessarily transform us; it is Gods Spirit in these words that transforms. We come to know God more when we are willing to open our hearts and hear His Holy Spirit through the words we memorize. Have fun with these verses and think of creative ways to invite your family to open up to God as they commit these verses to memory.
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:1213
Love one another. You must love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34 (NIrV)
Without love, our faith becomes futile. Children need to experience love and respect in order to receive and give Gods grace. Innate in this environment is the value that children are respected because they embody the image of God. We must speak to them not at them, and we must commit to an environment where love and acceptance are never withheld due VERSES OF THE MONTH to ones behavior.
Everyone talked about Moms parties. Everyone looked forward to piling food onto their plates (especially since all the dishes and hors doeuvres were homemade and nothing was ever catered). She made sure no detail was overlooked, and if each guest left with a smile, then she felt as though she had done her job. As a child, my favorite part of these parties was Moms famous fruit punch. We just called it the yummy punch. It was the combination of every
kids dream: sweet juice, tangy soda, and delicious ice cream. Now, as a mother myself, I serve Moms fruit punch at my own parties, and its always a hit. I now call it, Love Punch because, for me, the punch is more than just a beverage. It represents having a good time with loved ones. Its a symbol of Moms servant heart. It is sweet love in a cup.
Love Punch
(SERVES 1015)
gallon carton fruit punch 1 liter lemon-lime soda 1 quart container ice cream/sherbet (vanilla, coconut, or coconut-pineapple suggested)
1. Pour half of the carton (1 quart) of
fruit punch into bundt cake pan (as a mold). Freeze overnight. frozen punch mold (let it thaw for 1520 minutes first), soda, and 1012 scoops of ice cream or sherbet (or as many as your heart desires).
Conversation What I Like about You Dinnertime is one of my favorite parts of the day. Starters Everyone is winding down, the table is set, hot food
is ready to be scooped onto plates, and my favorite people are sitting around me. After weve said our prayers and thanked God for the meal in front of us, its become something of a tradition to give our individual family reports.
For me, its the best part of dinnertime, especially when my four year old shares about his day at school. Its a way for my husband and me to imagine our sons worldeven if its just for a few minutes. As parents, I find the basic questions we wonder about (What did my kids do all day? Did they enjoy school? Who did they sit next to at lunch? What was the best/worst thing that happened to them today?) can be answered during a family dinner together. Thats why its so important to engage kids during these precious moments. This month, as you reflect on love and respect, take some time at the dinner table to let your loved ones know how much you love and respect them.
Share with the person sitting to your left what you love about him. Tell the person sitting on your right what you respect about her and why.
Its a great reminder that God has placed treasured people in your life. And you might be pleasantly surprised by the responses!
by Kit Rae
Hug Freeze Tag
God loves each and every one of us very much. He gives us His love, and we can also give it away to others.
A simple way we can show love to our friends and family members is by giving hugs. To begin, designate a safe place to play tag, either inside your home or in an open space outside. Choose one person in your family to be it. Her role will be to tag the other members of your family. Once she tags somebody, that person is now frozen. Once a person is frozen, he must remain that way until another unfrozen member of the family finds him and gives him a hug. The game ends once the it person has frozen the entire family, or you feel it is time to select another it person.
God Is Love
Our understanding of God and love are undeniably intertwined. We read in 1 John 4:16, God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. God loves us.
He loved us when we were unlovable. Because God loved us first, we are able to love others (1 John 4:19). The degree to which we are able to love others depends on how well we understand and embrace Gods love for us. God expects us to love others (1 John 4:2021). Because God shows His love to us, we are able to show His love to others. All love comes from God first. So, love is to be part of our DNA. When love rules our hearts, respect becomes a more natural expression in our relationships with others. We begin to see others through the eyes of Godthrough the eyes of love.
HEAR IT Read the paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13 NLT (in the next column) three times.
In the first reading, substitute God for the word love. This will give you a picture of who God is. The second time, substitute to me at the end of each Love is statement. Meditate on how God loves you individually. The third time through, ask God to show you who in your life you need to love and respect more fully and in what way. He may whisper, I love your motherin-law. Be patient. Or, He may ask you to, Let go of a wrong done to you by your spouse that you are holding on to. Listen, and let Him lead you. Finally, read this passage with your children, and share with them what you are learning about love, and call them to live in love and respect towards others.
When I was a little girl, my dad would take me down to the Newport Beach Pier, in California, on random weeknights so we could watch the men fishing. My dad may not even remember these times, but as an adult, I look back and am greatly impacted by the time I spent alone with him on our dates. When we would get to the end of the pier, we would always pray together. As a child, it seemed silly, and all I wanted to do was watch the ocean, but looking back, it was one of the most precious times I had with my dad.
This month, to show your children that you love and respect them, go on a date with each of them. Take them to get ice cream, go to a cafe, or to the park wherever you will be able to share quality time. Have an honest conversation with your kids, and ask them how they are doing. Tell me about school. Share with me about your friends. What is something that really inspires you lately? What is something that is bringing you sadness? For younger children, it will be exciting for them to just have special time with you. For older kids, it will be a great chance to connect and maybe even walk through rough times with them. Make sure you
show your respect for them and your time together by turning off the cell phone, so that they have your undivided attention. Sometimes it takes slowing down, escaping the hustle and bustle of our busy days, and just being alone with your children to really see what God is doing in their lives. End your time together with prayer, lifting up each of their lives and their issues to God. Praying for and spending time with them will speak volumes about how much both you and God love and respect them.
Child of God
As a child, my parents always told me, You are Gods daughter. He loves you! You were created in His image to reflect who He is to others. And because you are special to Him, you are so special to us.
For the longest time, I thought these were beautiful, kind words that loving parents were supposed to say to their kids. But it wasnt until some 20 years later that I really understood what they meant.
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous how well I know it. Psalm 139:1314 NLT
After having my own children, these beautiful verses in Psalm 139 have a profound meaning to me. God knew who I was, even before I was an idea in my parents minds. Just as He imagined my children, before I even met my husband. Im amazed with how infinite Gods love is. Infinite, because there is no beginning or end. His children are always in His mind. He saw (them) before (they) were born (v. 16). Because they impressed upon me how important I was to God, my parents gave me an early understanding of self-worth and self-respect. I specifically remember a conversation I had with my father when I was nine years old. I was sick that day and stayed home to rest. In an effort to cheer me up, Dad took me to the Des Moines Botanical Center, which was a 20-minute drive downtown. Though it was cold outside (it was the beginning of a chilly Iowa fall), I remember the greenhouse was warm even a bit muggy. We held hands as we walked past all kinds of exotic plants and flowers. Jennifer, did you know you are Gods child? he asked me. Did you know you were created with the same love and care as all of these flowers? He paused a moment to think. No, you were created with more care than even these flowers, he declared. Wow, I thought to myself, God made me even more special than all these pretty flowers? Thats so neat!
You know when you have something treasured in your care? Like a piece of expensive jewelry, a family heirloom, or a vintage baseball card. You know its worth a lot. Perhaps so much you wouldnt even part with it. Not for all the money in the world. Well, we are even more precious than that to God. Thats the life lesson I took away that afternoon in the middle of the botanical garden. Because my father took the time to encourage me with this truth is perhaps why I stayed out of trouble during my formative years. Drugs, alcohol, and sex before marriage never really interested me as a teen. And it wasnt because I was afraid of punishment from my parents. And not because the Bible told me so. Its because I knew my worth in Gods loving eyes. I will always remember the verses my mom shared with me, and have held them near my heart to this day:
Dont you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6: 1920 NLT
As a parent, I hope my own children will grow up knowing and believing they are cherished in Gods eyes. Valued. Prized. Beloved, beyond measureso that this love will impact those around them.
by Debbie Guinn
Love Plate
One way of showing love and respect is to actually catch and affirm other family members when they are doing something right.
Using the, Love is , statements from the Gods Word section of this issue of HomeFront Monthly, create a plate for your family using a make a plate kit. These kits can be purchased at a craft store, or in the craft section of most major department stores, as well as online. You can even make this into a family outing, and find a pottery painting studio in your area. After choosing your plate, let each family member personalize his plate Then, use the plate to surprise and affirm family members at different times of the month when you catch them showing Gods love. For instance, you may notice your children showing love by not demanding their way when dealing with a sibling. Maybe your child did not lose faith when another person let her down. Then one night, when you sit down for dinner, bring out her love plate for her to eat from. Be sure to share with the entire family how you discovered her showing Gods love that day. Also, encourage your children to watch for ways you as parents are showing Gods love, and encourage them to surprise you with your love plate.
by Debbie Guinn
Living Sacrifices
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to Godthis is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:12).
In light of this Scripture, share with your family that you are going to list some ways God has shown you how much He loves you. And in response, how you can worship God, offering your life to Him by showing love to others. Take a large piece of paper or a poster board and draw a line down the center. On one side write,
God Shows Love. On the other side write, I Can Worship God.
Make a list of the ways God shows His love for us on the, God Shows Love, side. For instance: God forgives me when I sin, God listens to me when I talk to Him, etc.
Then on the, I Can Worship God, side, begin to make a list of how you can worship God by showing others love. For instance: I can worship God by forgiving others when they have done something wrong to me, I can worship God by listening to others when they talk to me, etc.
When you have finished making your lists, pray together, and ask God to fill you with His love so that it will spill over onto everyone around you. Place the lists in a prominent place in your home to serve as a reminder that showing love to others is an amazing way to worship God.
But traditions need not be only for big occasions. You can create them with your family to celebrate just about anything.
This month, consider starting a new tradition called, I Just Called to Say I Love You.
The idea of this tradition is to remind those close to you (and perhaps even those people in your life you love, but might not see or talk to often) that you are thinking about them. What makes this tradition extra special is the fact that you have to call that person. Yes, call on the phone. That means no email, no text messages, and no Facebook messages or instant chat. Instead, its a phone call with a real, live human voice at the other end. Have each family member pick a different person to call each month. Encourage your kids to pick a day of the monthsomething theyll rememberlike the 1st or 15th, or every second Saturday. Have them call their phone buddies to let them know how important they are. For younger children, just have them say, I love you. If a buddy doesnt answer, leave a voicemail message. At the end of the year, this new tradition will mean 12 different people got love phone calls or voicemail (and multiply that by the number of people in your family). Now, how cool is that?
A tradition is the handing down of statements, beliefs, stories or customs from generation to generation. What traditions are in place for your family? What would you like to pass down to the next generation? It is always fun to create new traditions with each generation.
by Laura Weber
The two just cant be separated. It is His love pouring into us that enables us to love others. Once we are truly aware of just how much we are loved and how much grace God has given us, we cant help but give that outpouring of love and grace to others.
read Psalm 100 together with your family. After you have read the Psalm, invite everyone to share a few specific examples of ways they have experienced the love of God in their own lives. Spend a few minutes praying and thanking God for His incredible love. Now explain that not only does God give us His unconditional love, but He also wants us to give this love to others. Pass out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to each family member. Read 1 John
3: 1618, and begin to pray and ask God to speak to each of you about the people in your lives who need to experience Gods love. Instruct everyone
to remain silent and to simply ask God to bring to mind the specific people He wants you to show love to. Continue in silence, and encourage family members to simply write down names as they come to mind. After a few minutes of silence, pray out loud again, and thank God for speaking to each of you. Now invite everyone to share the names that God brought to mind.*
Close your prayer time by brainstorming a few ways each of you can show love to these people.
Encourage each person to pray throughout the month for the people on their lists. You may also want to gather together at the end of the month and share stories of how you were able to love others. *If your children are too young to write, simply invite family members to share out loud as God brings names to mind. Have one family member write these names on one big list as everyone shares.
by Roger Tirabassi
the husband is instructed to love whether his wife respects him or not, and the wife is instructed to respect her husband whether or not she feels loved. In essence, we are taught to commit to loving
and respecting regardless of the other person. I know that this principle alone will not take care of all conflicts in marriage, but it is one important principle we should be reminded of. I remember a time when my wife Becky frustrated me because she was late to a very important event. I felt disrespected and began to pull away emotionally.
1. Write down something you can do for your partner to show love even when you dont receive respect.
2. Write down some way you will show respect to your partner even when you dont feel loved.
by Sharron Jackson
Perfect Love
I am human. My love is not perfect. I like the idea of unconditional love, yet, so often, I choose a different kind of love, a counterfeit love, that I have worked hard my whole life to attain. A pat on the back. A compliment. High marks from a teacher, a boss, or a parent.
For 30 years, this love defined me. It was there in the high times, but went missing in the broken times. It left me drained, and anemic, and desperate for more. I dished it out when my kids behaved well, and I took it back during tantrums and back talk. Without even using words, I had the ability to say, I love you because youre smart. I love you because you follow all the rules. I love you because youre funny, or nice, or pretty. This was not love. And it was not of God. Heres the amazing thing: God is love, and His love is perfect (1 John 4:8,18). He invites each of us to remain in His love, so that it becomes the only kind of love we know (John 15:9). He wants us to replace our counterfeit love with one that says, I love you forever because you are mine. Speak these words over your children this month. Let them be a reminder and a declaration of Gods true, perfect love. And may this be the love that defines you!
Bless your child by saying, Dear (insert your childs name), you are dearly loved by God and me! God gives us His love so that we can love others! His Word says:
Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesnt want what it doesnt have. Love doesnt strut, Doesnt have a swelled head, Doesnt force itself on others, Isnt always me first, Doesnt fly off the handle, Doesnt keep score of the sins of others, Doesnt revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best,
Never looks back, But keeps going to the end. Love never dies.
(1 Corinthians 13:48 THE MESSAGE)
HomeFront Weekly: Dont forget to grab your HomeFront Weekly: A resource to get parents and kids talking about Gods Word together.