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Bridge Engineering

Lecture 3

Dr. Muhammad Kashif

Ph.D. in Structural Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology
Lahore, Pakistan
9/29/2024 Prepared by Dr. M.Kashif 1
Loads on Bridges
• Gravity loads
• Gravity loads are those caused by the weight of an object on and the self-weight
of the bridge. Such loads are both permanent and transient and applied in a
downward direction (toward the center of the earth).
• Permanent loads
• Permanent loads are those that remain on the bridge for an extended period of
time, perhaps for the entire service life. Such loads include:
• ❑ Dead load of structural components and nonstructural attachments (DC)
• ❑ Dead load of wearing surfaces and utilities (DW)
• ❑ Dead load of earth fill (EV)
• ❑ Earth pressure load (EH)
• ❑ Earth surcharge load (ES)
• ❑ Locked-in erection stresses (EL)
• ❑ Downdrag (DD)

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Unit Densities

Where variabilities are greater,

higher load factors are used for
maximum load effects and lower
factors are used for minimum
load effects.

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Transient load
• The load effects of the car traffic compared to the effect of truck traffic
are negligible.
• The AASHTO design loads attempt to model the truck traffic that is highly
variable, dynamic, and may occur independent of, or in unison with, other
truck loads.
• The principal load effect is the gravity load of the truck, but other effects
are significant and must be considered. Such effects include impact
(dynamic effects), braking forces, centrifugal forces, and the effects of
other trucks simultaneously present.

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• The number of lanes a bridge may accommodate must be established and
is an important design criterion. Two terms are used in the lane design of
a bridge:
• ❑ Traffic lane
• ❑ Design lane
• The traffic lane is the number of lanes of traffic that the traffic engineer
plans to route across the bridge. A lane width is associated with a traffic
lane and is typically 12 ft (3600 mm).
• The design lane is the lane designation used by the bridge engineer for
live-load placement. The design lane width and location may or may not be
the same as the traffic lane. AASHTO uses a 10-ft (3000-mm) design lane,
and the vehicle is to be positioned within that lane for extreme effect.
• The number of design lanes is defined by taking the integer part of the
ratio of the clear roadway width divided by 12 ft (3600 mm) [A3.].
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• The clear width is the distance between the curbs and/or barriers.
• In cases where the traffic lanes are less than 12 ft (3600 mm) wide, the
number of design lanes shall be equal to the number of traffic lanes, and
the width of the design lane is taken as the width of traffic lanes.
• For roadway widths from 20 to 24 ft (6000 to 7200 mm), two design lanes
should be used, and the design lane width should be one-half the roadway

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HL-93 AASHTO Vehicular Live Loading

• HL-93 is a type of theoretical vehicular loading proposed by AASHTO in

1993. It is used as the design loading for highway structures in USA and
other countries where AASHTO code is followed.This model consists of
three distinctly different live loads:
• ❑ Design truck
• ❑ Design tandem
• ❑ Design lane

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HL-93 Design Truck (HS20)
• The design truck (the first of three separate liveload configurations) is a model
load that resembles the typical semitrailer truck [A3.6.1.2]. The front axle is 8
kips (35 kN), the drive axle of 32 kips (145 kN) is located 14 ft (4300 mm)
behind, and the rear trailer axle is also 32 kips (145 kN) and is positioned at a
variable distance ranging between 14 and 30 ft (4300 and 9000 mm). The
variable range means that the spacing used should cause critical load effect.

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HL-93 Design Truck (HS20)
• The long spacing typically only controls where the front and rear portions
of the truck may be positioned in adjacent structurally continuous spans
such as for continuous short-span bridges.
• For Truck and Tandem, the design contact area of tyre is assumed to be a
single rectangle of with 20” (510mm) and length 10” (250mm). The tyre
pressure is assumed to be uniform over the contact area.

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HL-93 Design Tandem

• HL-93 Design Tandem consist of twin axles spaced 4’ (1.2m) apart, weight
of each axle is 25kip (110 kN). The distance between the tyres in an axle is
6’ (1.8m).

• To obtain maximum negative moments, a pair of tandems should be

considered, spaced at 8.0m to 12.0m along with design lane load to
produce worse hogging effect. Code doesn’t specify maximum number of
tandems that can be considered in a lane, nor it does explicitly specify
minimum tandem to tandem distance.
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HL-93 Design Tandem

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Design Lane Load
• It consists of a uniformly distributed load of 0.064 kips/ft (9.3 N/mm) and is
assumed to occupy a region 10 ft (3000 mm) transversely. This load is the
same as a uniform pressure of 64 lb/ft2 (3.1 kPa) applied in a 10-ft (3000-
mm) design lane.

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The AASHTO HL-93 design loads. (a)
Design truck plus design lane, (b) design
tandem plus design lane, and (c) dual
design truck plus design lane.

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Placement of HL93 Load
• The load effects of the design truck and the design tandem must each be
superimposed with the load effects of the design lane load. These loads are not
designed to model any one vehicle or combination of vehicles, but rather the
spectra of loads and their associated load effects.
• Design vehicle and lane loads should be applied in such a way that extreme force
effect is obtained for design.

HL93 Truck Position for Maximum Saggin Moment in Span 1

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Placement of HL93 Load

• Three design loads should be considered: the design truck, design

tandem, and design lane. These loads are superimposed three ways to
yield the live-load effects, which are combined with the other load effects
per Tables 3.1 and 3.2.

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• The AASHTO [A3.6.1.6] pedestrian load is 0.075 ksf (3.6 × 10−3 MPa),
which is applied to sidewalks that are integral with a roadway bridge. If the
load is applied to a bridge restricted to pedestrian and/or bicycle traffic,
then a 0.085 ksf (4.1 × 10−3 MPa) live load is used. These loads are
comparable to the building corridor load of 0.100 ksf (4.8 × 10−3 MPa) of
the International Building Code (IBC, 2003).
• The railing for pedestrian and/or bicycle must be designed for a load of
0.050 kip/ft (0.73 N/mm), both transversely and vertically on each
longitudinal element in the railing system [A13.8.2 and A13.9.3]. In
addition, as shown in Figure 4.8, railing must be designed to sustain a
single concentrated load of 0.200 kips (890 N) applied to the top rail at any
location and in any direction.

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Pedestrian rail loads.

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• The gravity loads for the design of the deck system are outlined in
AASHTO [A3.]. The deck must be designed for the load effect due to
the design truck or the design tandem, whichever creates the most
extreme effect.
• The two design vehicles should not be considered together in the same
load case. For example, a design truck in a lane adjacent to a design
tandem is not considered (consider all trucks of one kind).
• The design lane load is not considered in the design of the deck system,
except in slab bridges where the load is carried principally in the
longitudinal direction.
• The vehicular gravity loads for decks may be found in AASHTO [A3.6.1.3].

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• The deck overhang, located outside the facia girder and commonly
referred to as the cantilever, is designed for the load effect of a uniform
line load of 1 kip/ft (14.6 N/mm) located 1 ft (300 mm) from the face of the
curb or railing as shown in Figure 4.9.

Gravity load on cantilever.

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• The traffic barrier system and the deck overhang must sustain the infrequent
event of a collision of a truck. The barrier is commonly referred to by many terms,
such as parapet, railing, and barrier.
• The AASHTO uses the terms railing or railing system, and hereafter this term is
used in the same manner. The deck overhang and railing design is confirmed by
crash testing as outlined in AASHTO [A13.7.2].
• Here the rail/cantilever deck system is subjected to crash testing by literally
moving vehicles of specified momentum (weight, velocity, and angle of attack)
into the system. The momentum characteristics are specified as a function of test
levels that attempt to model various traffic conditions.
• The design loads crash worthiness is only used in the analysis and design of the
deck and barrier systems. The design forces for the rail and deck design are
illustrated in Table 4.5 for six test levels (TL). The levels are described as follows

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• TL-1 is used for work zones with low posted speeds and very low volume, low speed
local streets.
• TL-2 is used for work zones and most local and collector roads with favorable site
conditions as well as where a small number of heavy vehicles is expected and posted
speeds are reduced.
• TL-3 is used for a wide range of high-speed arterial highways with very low mixtures of
heavy vehicles and with favorable site conditions.
• TL-4 is used for the majority of applications on high-speed highways freeways,
expressways, and interstate highways with a mixture of trucks and heavy vehicles.
• TL-5 is used for the same applications as TL-4 and where large trucks make up a
significant portion of the average daily traffic or when unfavorable site conditions
justify a higher level of rail resistance.
• TL-6 is used for applications where tanker-type trucks or similar high center of gravity
vehicles are anticipated, particularly along with unfavorable site conditions.

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• Trucks will be present in adjacent lanes on roadways with multiple design
lanes, but it is unlikely that three adjacent lanes will be loaded
simultaneously with the heavy loads.
• To account for this effect, AASHTO [A3.] provides an adjustment
factor for the multiple presence.

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