#Modul d3 Bing SKHG 24-25-2

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Arranged By:
Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si.

Lectured by:
Drs. H. Yun Surtiana, M.A.
Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si.

STIKes Karsa Husada Garut

Kampus I: Jl. Subyadinata No. 07 Tlp./ Fax.0262-235946 Garut- Jawa Barat
Kampus II: Jl. Nusa Indah No.24 Tlp. 0262-4704803 Garut Jawa Barat


As we know, the international language in the world is

English. English is the most spoken language in the world.
It is the mother tongue of more than 400 million people
worldwide. Every day millions of people speak English at
work and in social life.

In the field of nursing, English language skills are needed

because most of the medical equipment and medicines
come from abroad. Good English Language communication
skills also very important for nurses as they are service
providers to patients and deal with doctors, medical
support staff and relatives of patients.

In terms of education, English can be very useful for

gaining knowledge about nursing which mostly comes from
international journals whose language is definitely English.

A great deal of nursing activity is embedded

in what is considered to be everyday conversation.

In their conversations, nurses elicit specific information,

normalize unpleasant procedures, manage the flow of the
interaction, and strengthen the therapeutic relationship.
Small talk can be big talk in achieving nursing goals.

~ Lindsay M. Macdonald~
“Expertise in Everyday Nurse–Patient Conversations,
The Importance of Small Talk”

Dalam melakukan percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris ada beberapa hal

yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu intonasi, pelafalan (pronounciation), dan
bahasa atau kata yang di pakai (language or vocabulary).
Intonasi harus sesuai dan pelafalan harus jelas.
Bahasa dan kata yang dipilih pun harus sesuai dengan konteks.

Read the following article!


Being a nurse is more than just getting your degree. Being a nurse requires you to
have very specific skills in order to provide the best possible care to your patients,
including the core attributes of genuine caring, nurturing (mengasuh, memelihara),
ability to teach, being health conscious and a good communicator. Being a good
nurse means you excel at these skills and consider them essential to the work you
do every day. These skills can be developed in advance of a career in nursing, but
you may not know your success performing some of these skills until you’re on the
job. (Medically reviewed by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS )


Step 1. Think critically
Critical thinking is a process by which you review the situation, analyze what’s
going on, and question what you don’t know. It is complex and you have to think
several moves ahead.
Step 2. Communicate effectively.
Communicating effectively means you can listen well when someone else is
speaking to you, and that you can speak clearly and concisely to someone else (e.g.
patient, doctor, other nurses, family members, etc.). As a nurse you’re also likely to
make a lot of notes, therefore you must also be able to communicate effectively in
writing as you may not be there in person to explain what you meant.
Step 3. Be detail-oriented.
Being detail-oriented means you pay attention to both the big stuff and the
small stuff. When dealing with a patient, even the smallest anomaly or symptom
can be a big deal, so you need to always be paying attention. Being detail-oriented
means you ensure all your patients get the exact treatment they need, when they
need it
Step 4. Organize efficiently.
Nurses, especially those working in a hospital, need to deal with multiple
patients at the same time. Each patient has their own personal requirements that
are critical to their well-being. As a nurse you need to be able to organize yourself
to keep track of who each of your patients are, what their treatments are, when
they need their treatments, and the small details about the patient that will help
them feel better.
Step 5. Maintain physical stamina.
Physical stamina isn’t just about being able to do physical activities; it is about
being able to do them over a long period of time, over and over again. Most nurses
will be on their feet for their entire shift, which can last 12 hours or more.
Step 6. React and think quickly.
Being able to think and react quickly comes with experience and confidence.
Reacting quickly doesn’t mean forgoing critical thinking; it means going through
the critical thinking process quickly and carrying out your decision immediately
and knowing when it’s time to get help from someone else ASAP.

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Step 7. Understand and have the ability to be compassionate.

One of a nurse's main jobs is to take direct care of patients. Nurses need to
understand that their patients are human beings that are probably stressed,
scared, depressed, upset, in pain, and confused. This understanding requires the
ability to be compassionate and empathetic. Being able to put yourself in your
patient’s shoes will help you understand what she's going through, and what she
needs from you.
Step 8. Have Emotional Stability
As a nurse you need to be able to control your emotions while you’re on the job,
and not allow those emotions to cloud your judgement or slow your reaction time.
Being emotionally stable doesn’t mean keeping all your emotions bottled-up forever.
It means knowing when the time is right for letting those emotions out and allowing
you that emotional release on a regular basis. Try exercise, time with friends, yoga,
reading, etc.
Step 9. Take responsibility.
Being a responsible nurse means not cutting any corners. Not allowing yourself
to make an error, but if you do, making sure the proper people know about the
error you made and making sure it’s corrected as soon as possible. Being
responsible also means using your best judgement when evaluating a patient'
needs and making good decisions that are in the best interests of your patients.
Step 10. Respect everyone.
As a nurse, you also need to be respectful and not treating patients differently
because of their backgrounds, ethnicity or personality. Being respectful of your
patients also means being truthful with them. When communicating news — good
or bad — you need to understand that the patient has the right to honesty. Be
straight-forward with your patients, but do it respectfully and with compassion.
Step 11. Keep calm under pressure and during a crisis.
Keeping calm means maintaining your level-headedness. It means having
confidence in what you’re doing and the decisions you’re making. Your confidence
will grow not only throughout your education, but the longer you’re on the job. As a
nurse, you can’t panic when something unexpected happens, and you can’t freeze
up because you aren’t sure what to do.
Step 12. Adapt to new and constantly changing situations.
As a nurse no two days will ever be the same. While you may have some
routine, it is likely that the routine will also change every now and again. No two
patients are going to behave the same, even when they’re getting the exact same
treatment. Nurses need to be adaptable and flexible.
Step 13. Improve your knowledge constantly.
Nurses, just like many professions, are constantly learning. Whether they learn
through a formal classroom environment, or simply by observing, doesn’t matter.
What matters is that you are constantly improving your knowledge and skills, and
recognizing specific areas where you might need improvement. It also means
receiving feedback from your peers and supervisors critically, and working with
your supervisor and others to correct any deficiencies you have with your skills.
(taken from source: https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Nurse)

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Words in English can be categorized into 9 main categories called "Parts of Speech"
or "Word Classes". A part of speech is a term used in traditional grammar to
recognize the function of the word in sentence. It's quite important parts of speech
to help you analyze and understand sentences.
Read about each part of speech below!and get started practicing identifying each!
Nouns are a person, place, thing, or idea. They can take on a myriad of roles
in a sentence, from the subject of it all to the object of an action. They are
capitalized when they're the official name of something or someone, called
proper nouns in these cases. Examples: Garut, Ai, Saturday, nurse, hospital.
Pronouns stand in for nouns in a sentence. They are more generic versions of
nouns that refer only to people or ‘it’ for things. Examples: I, you, he, she, it,
ours, them, who, which, anybody, ourselves.
Verbs are action words that tell what happens in a sentence. They can also
show a sentence subject's state of being (is, was). Verbs change form based on
tense (present, past) and count distinction (singular or plural). Examples: sing,
dance, believes, seemed, finish, eat, drink, be, became
Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They specify which one, how much,
what kind, and more. Adjectives allow readers and listeners to use their
senses to imagine something more clearly. Examples: hot, lazy, funny, unique,
bright, beautiful, poor, smooth.
Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. They specify
when, where, how, and why something happened and to what extent or how
often. Examples: softly, lazily, often, only, hopefully, softly, sometimes.
Prepositions show spacial, temporal, and role relations between a noun or
pronoun and the other words in a sentence. They come at the start of a
prepositional phrase, which contains a preposition and its object.
Examples: up, over, against, by, for, into, close to, out of, apart from.
Conjunctions join words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence. There are
coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions. Examples: and, but,
or, so, yet, with.
Articles and determiners function like adjectives by modifying nouns, but they
are different than adjectives, they specify and identify nouns, there are
indefinite and definite articles. Examples: articles: a, an, the;
determiners: these, that, those, enough, much, few, which, what.

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Interjections are expressions that can stand on their own or be contained
within sentences. These words and phrases often carry strong emotions and
convey reactions. Examples: ah, whoops, ouch, yabba dabba do!

You can see the following table, a summary of THE 9 PART OF SPEECH
VERB action or state (to) be, have, do, like, She is a nurse.
work, can, must I like English
NOUN identifies place, pen, cat, work, He is my brother.
person or thing music, London, My house is in London.
teacher, John
ADJECTIVE describes or modify a good, big, red, well, My cats are big.
noun interesting I like big cats.
DETERMINER limits or "determines" a/an, the, 2, some, I have two cats and some
a noun many rabbits in the backyard.
ADVERB describes a verb, quickly, silently, well, My cat eats quickly.
adjective or adverb badly, very, really When he is very hungry, he
eats really quickly.
PRONOUN replaces or represent I, you, he, she, some Tara is Indian. She is
a noun beautiful.
PREPOSITION Links/ connect a to, at, after, on, but We went to school on
noun to another word Monday.
CONJUNCTION joins clauses or and, but, when I like cats and I like rabbits.
sentences or words I like cats and rabbits. I like
cats but I don't like rabbits.
INTERJECTION short exclamation, Horray!, oh!, ouch!, Ouch! That hurts!
sometimes inserted hi!, well Hi! How are you?
into a sentence Well, I don't know.

Only interjections (Hooray!) have a habit of standing alone; every other part of
speech must be contained within a sentence and some are even required in

To analyze the part of speech, ask yourself: "What is this word doing in this
sentence?". Many words in English can have more than one part of speech or word
class. For example:
• work can be used as a verb (I work in a hospital), or
as a noun (My work is easy);
• book can be used as a noun (It’s an interesting book), or
as a verb (We ought to book a holiday soon);
• fast can be used as an adjective (He loves fast cars), or
an adverb (Don’t drive so fast!)

Learning the names and uses of the basic parts of speech is just one way to
understand how sentences are constructed.

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To form a basic sentence or simple sentence, you only need two elements: a noun
(or pronoun) and a verb. The noun acts as a subject and the verb telling what
action the subject is taking, acts as the predicate. For example:
“Birds fly” - In the short sentence, birds is the noun and fly is the verb.
The sentence makes sense and gets the point.
Study the following sentence:
Subject Predicate (Verb/+ Complement)
English Is the international language in the world.
Subject Auxiliary Non-Verb (Complement)
Millions of people speak English at work and in social life.
Subject (do) Verb Complement
• There are 4 types of auxiliary word (kata bantu): be, do, have, and modals
• Auxiliary be/ to be (am, is, are) used when the predicate is non-verb (bukan
kata kerja) and auxiliary words do, have or modal used when the predicate is
verb (kata kerja)
• Complement can be in a form of Noun, Adjective or Adverb, while Object is
always in the form of Noun
From the table, we can see that basic simple sentence can be built from the simple
structure, that is: Subject+Predicate (Verb/ Non Verb)

EXERCISE 1. Analyze the part of speech of the underline word in each sentence!
1. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall.
a. Preposition b. adjective c. noun
2. What did she ask you to do?
a. Conjunction b. preposition c. pronoun
3. I left my shoes under the kitchen table.
a. Adjective b. preposition c. pronoun
4. If we finish our work quickly we can go to the movies.
a. Adverb b. conjunction c. verb
5. On Saturdays I work from nine to five.
a. Verb b. preposition c. adverb
6. I want to go to a university in the United States.
a. Adjective b. preposition c. noun
7. Well, I don't think I'll be home before 6 pm.
a. Interjection b. preposition c. pronoun
8. Andy knocked on the door but nobody answered.
a. Adverb b. adjective c. conjunction
9. I'm sure I've met your girlfriend before.
a. verb b. preposition c. interjection
10. After lunch let's go out for a coffee.
a. pronoun b. preposition c. verb

Now, try to make another sentence then analize its form & part of speech!

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 Cardiologist : Dokter ahli penyakit jantung
 Pediatrician : Dokter ahli penyakit anak
 Ophthalmologist : Dokter ahli penyakit mata
 Internist : Dokter ahli penyakit dalam
 Neurologist : Dokter ahli penyakit syaraf
 Dermatologist : Dokter ahli penyakit kulit
 Venerologist : Dokter ahli penyakit kelamin
 Obstetrician : Dokter ahli kebidanan
 Gynecologist : Dokter ahli kandungan
 Surgeon : Dokter ahli bedah
 Psychiatrist : Dokter ahli ilmu jiwa/ Psikiater
 Psychologist : Ahli ilmu jiwa
 Pathologist : Ahli ilmu penyakit
 Anesthesiologist : Ahli ilmu anestesi/ bius
 Radiologist : Ahli radiologi/ ilmu sinar
 Nutritionist : Ahli gizi
 Orthopedic Surgeon : Ahli bedah tulang
 General Practitioner : Dokter umum;
 Physician : Dokter/ tabib
 Dentist : Dokter gigi
 Midwife : Bidan
 Pharmacist : Apoteker
 Nurse : Perawat Pelaksana; Chief Nurse : Kepala ruangan
 Nurse in Charge : Perawat Jaga; Head/Leader Nurse : Kepala perawat
 Lab technician : Petugas laboratorium
 ECG technician : Petugas pengoperasian mesin ECG
 Allergist : specializes in determining food and environmental allergies
 Chiropractor : back specialist;
 Podiatrist : foot specialist
 Naturopath : specializes in natural cures and remedies
 Oncologist : tumour specialist, including cancer
 Massage Therapist : specializes in muscle relaxation
 Fertility Specialist : helps people who have difficulty getting pregnant

Study the conversation below!

Carol : Hi Tom, how are you doing?
Tom : Hello Carol, good to see you again. I’m fine and you?
Carol : Pretty good, thanks. By the way, what do you do now?
Tom : I am a nurse at Ar-Rayyan Hospital patient and what about you?
Tom : Well, I work for Dr. Frank’s Clinic as a lab technician
Carol : Oh Really? It’s a good job; Tom : Yes, It is, thanks.

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EXERCISE 1 Fill the blanks with the appropriate name of profession!

1. _______ is a heart specialist.
2. _______ is a doctor who specializes in medical care for children.
3. _______ is doctor who studies and treats diseases of the nerves.
4. _______ is a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations
5. _______ is an internal diseases specialist or a doctor who specializes in
identifying and treating diseases which do not need surgery (= cutting
into the body)
6. _______ is a doctor who treats diseases of the reproductive system. In the
other word this is a doctor who specializes in treating sexually
transmitted diseases.
7. _______ is a doctor who is also trained in psychiatry / the part of medicine
which studies mental illness / a doctor who treats mental illnesses.
8. _______ is a pathology specialist or an expert in the study of diseases,
especially someone who examines a dead person's body and cuts it
open to discover how they died.
9. _______ is a radiology specialist or a person who specializes in radiology/ the
scientific study of the medical use of radiation, especially X-rays.
10. _______ is a doctor who studies and treats skin diseases.
11. _______ is a doctor who treats eye diseases.
12. _______ is a doctor who gives anesthetic to the patient in hospital.
13. _______ is a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations to
bones which have not grown correctly or which have been damaged.
14. ______ is a person whose job is treating people's teeth.
15. ______ is a medical technician who works at laboratory.
16. ______ is a medical technician who operates a machine that records the
electrical activity of the heart as it beats.
17. ______ is a nurse who leads nurse team in doing their jobs.
18. ______ is a doctor skilled in the treatment of women's diseases, especially
those of the reproductive (= connected with having babies) organs.
19. ______ is a medical doctor, especially one who has general skill and is not a
20. ______ is a doctor with special training in how to care for pregnant women
and help in the birth of babies.
21. ______ is (the title given to) a person whose job is to care for people who are
ill or injured, especially in a hospital.
22. ______ is a person, usually a woman, who is trained to help women when
they are giving birth.
23. ______ is a person who is trained to prepare medicines and who works in a
hospital, dispensary, drugstore, pharmacy.
24. ______ is a general doctor
25. ______ is someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and
behavior, and how different situations have an effect on them.
26. ______ is an expert on the subject of nutrition
27. ______ is a leader who manages and controls nursing service.

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 Operating Theatre (OR) : Ruang operasi
 Emergency Room : Unit gawat darurat
 ICU : Unit perawatan intensif
 CVCU : Unit perawatan penyakit jantung
 Medical Ward : Ruang perawatan umum
 Surgical Ward : Ruang perawatan bedah
 Delivery Room : Kamar bersalin
 Maternity Ward : Ruang perawatan ibu melahirkan
 Pediatric Ward : Ruang perawatan bayi/ anak
 Geriatric Ward : Ruang perawatan lansia
 Psychiatric Ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit mental
 E.N.T. Ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit THT
 Neurological Ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit syaraf
 Dermatological Ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit kulit
 Orthopedic Ward : Ruang perawatan rehabilitasi tulang
 Body Death Room : Kamar Jenazah
 Laboratory : Laboratorium
 Dispensary/Pharmacy : Apotek
 Nurse Station : Ruang jaga perawat
 Doctor’s Lounge : Ruang istirahat dokter
 Nurses’ Lounge : Ruang istirahat perawat
 Dentistry Clinic : Klinik gigi
 Out Patient Department : Klinik rawat jalan
 Information Center : Pusat Informasi
 Physiotherapy Department : Bagian terapi fisik
 Admission Department : Bagian pendaftaran
 Radiology Department : Bagian radiologi
 Nutrient Department : Dapur Gizi
 Laundry Department (CSSD) : Bagian Pencucian linen
(Central Sterile Supply Dept)

How many work places you can find for each job in hospital!
1. A Nurse  Operating Theatre
2. A Midwife  Out Patient Dept.
3. A Physician  Medical Ward
4. A Radiologist  Nursing Dept.
5. A Dentist  Laboratory Dept.
6. A Psychiatrist  Maternity Ward
7. A Laboratory Technician  Radiology Dept.
8. A Surgeon  Mental Illness Hospital
9. A Pathologist

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Historical Roots of the Nursing Profession in Islam
Rufaidah bint Sa'ad is recognized as the first professional
nurse in Islamic history. She lived at the time of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) in the 1st century AH/8th century CE. She
was born in Yathrib before the migration of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). She was among the first people in Madina to
accept Islam and was one of the Ansar women who welcomed the
Prophet on arrival in Madina.
Rufaidah's father was a physician. She learned medical care by working as
his assistant. Her history illustrates all the attributes expected of a good nurse. She
was kind and empathetic. She was a capable leader and organizer able to mobilize
and get others to produce good work. She had clinical skills that she shared with
the other nurses whom she trained and worked with. She did not confine her
nursing to the clinical situation. She went out to the community and tried to solve
the social problems that lead to disease. She was both a public health nurse and a
social worker.
When the Islamic state was well established in Madina, Rufaidah devoted
herself to nursing the Muslim sick. In peace time she set up a tent outside the
Prophet's mosque in Madina where she nursed the sick. During war she led groups
of volunteer nurses who went to the battlefield and treated the casualties. She had
trained a group of women companions as nurses. When the Prophet's army was
getting ready to go to the battle, Rufaidah and the group of volunteer nurses went
to the Prophet to ask him for permission "Oh messenger of Allah, we want to go out
with you to the battle and treat the injured and help Muslims as much as we can".
The Prophet gave them permission to go. The nurse volunteers did such a good job
that the Prophet assigned a share of the booty to Rufaidah. Her share was
equivalent to that of soldiers who had actually fought. This was in recognition of
her medical and nursing work.
Rufaidah's contribution was not confined only to nursing the injured. She
was involved in social work in the community. She came to the assistance of every
Muslim in need: the poor, the orphans, or the handicapped. She looked after the
orphans, nursed them, and taught them. Rufaidah had a kind and empathetic
personality that soothed the patients in addition to the medical care that she
provided. (Taken from the Paper of Prof. Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule)

EXERCISE 1. Answer questions based on the reading text above!

1. Who is Rufaidah bint Sa'ad?
2. Where did she learn about medical care?
3. What personalities did Rufaidah have that illustrates the attributes of a good
4. What did Rufaidah do when she went out to the community?
5. What did Rufaidah and her group of volunteers do during the battle?

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The lady with the lamp
Florence Nightingale was a pioneer in the field of nursing.
She found the profession of nursing and reformed sanitary
practices in hospitals. She developed the "polar-area diagram" to
dramatize the needless deaths caused by unsanitary conditions
and the need for reform. With her analysis, Florence Nightingale
revolutionized the idea that social phenomena could be objectively
measured and subjected to mathematical analysis. She was an innovator in the
collection, tabulation, interpretation, and graphical display of descriptive statistics.
These great achievements are more amazing when you consider that most Victorian
women could not attend university or pursue a professional career.
Florence Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820 and
was named after her birthplace. She was the daughter of The year 2020 marks
a wealthy landowner, William Nightingale, a well-educated the bicentennial of
man who believed that all people should receive an Nightingale's birth
education. At the age of 25 Florence had already made up and approximately the
her mind to follow a career in nursing. Her parents were 150th anniversary of
totally opposed to this, but Florence’s devotion and
her prediction in 1870
determination managed to convince them and she had got
that "It will take 150
her father’s permission to train as a nurse.
In 1854, Britain, France and Turkey were at war years for the world to
with Russia. The public were shocked by reports of the see the kind of
disgraceful conditions that the sick and wounded British nursing I envision."
soldiers because to endure. Florence decided to help, and
immediately went to Turkey, in charge of a group of 38 nurses, to work in military
hospitals, where conditions were appalling. The soldiers were filthy, there were lots
of rats and fleas, and supplies were limited.
Initially, she received very little help from military officers and doctors.
However, her assistance was greatly needed and they soon changed their minds
Florence quickly managed to organise the hospital, improve sanitation and
eventually increase the survival rate of her patients. Every soldier she cared for
respected and admired her.In 1856, Florence returned to England as a national
heroine. She was known as “the lady with the lamp”, a name the soldiers gave her
because of the way she watched over them in hospital at night.

Now, share your opinions about the lessons you can take from both stories above,
especially about being a good nurse in nowadays!

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Study the conversation below!

Dave : Its nice hospital, isn’t it?
Jane : Yeah… Really
Dave : By the way, my name is David Brian.
Jane : Glad to see you Mr. Brian, I am Jane Johnson.
Dave : Just call me Dave. By the way, where are you from, Jane?
Jane : I am from Canada and you?
Dave : I am from Sydney, Australia and what are you, Jane?
Jane : I am a student nurse
Dave : Great, I’m a staff nurse here
Jane : Well Dave, I have to go, nice to meet you
Dave : Nice to meet you too, Jane. See you later
Jane : Okay… see you, bye..

 Use a title with a full name or with a family name:
“Hello Mr. David Brian” or “Hello Mr. Brian” NOT “Hello Mr. Dave Brian” or
“Hello Mr. Dave”
 Use a full name, first name or short name without a title
“I am David Brian” or “I am Dave” NOT “I am Brian”

Greeting Leaving
 Hello…/ Hi…  Now, I need to visit other patients, see you
 Good Morning (until 1 mid.days)  I hope you get better soon, see you later
Afternoon (until dark)  Goodbye, Have a nice nap (when the
Evening (after dark) patient’s going to have afternoon rest)
 How do you do?  Good night/ Sleep tight, Ma’am (when the
 How are you (today)? patient is going to sleep in the night
Very well, thanks  Pleased to meet you/ Nice to see you
Introducing oneself and initial nursing intervention
 I am…. (your name)/ My name is … (your name)
 Let me introduce myself
 I am Nurse …, I will take care of you today
 Hello, my name is Ns. … I’m in charge of you today
 If you need (anything/ help/ something/ assistance) please just press the call
button, a nurse will help you
Introducing other person (friends, co-workers)
 This is… (name)
 May I introduce you to… (name)
 Let me introduce you to + (name, my friend/sister/my colleague, etc.)

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Addressing Someone Reponse:

 How can I address you?  Please, address me with my first name/ Miss/…
 Is it “Miss or Mrs…”?  Call me…/ You can call me …
 May I address you with…?  You may address me…
 How should I call you?  Why don’t you call me …

Study the conversation below!

Nurse Dina : Good morning, Sir?
Patient : Good morning, nurse.
Nurse Dina : I want to introduce you to Nurse David, he is a nurse in charge
today because my shift nurse will be over this morning.
Nurse David : How are you feeling today, Sir?
Patient : Not very well I think
Nurse David : Don’t worry, Sir. I will take care of you today. Your name is
written here “Mr. Kevin Adrian Smith”, how can I address you?
Patient : You can just call me Kevin
Nurse David : All right Kevin, we’ll do our best for your better health condition. If
you need something, please just press the call button, me or other
nurses will help you.
Patient : OK. Thank you, nurse.
Nurse David : Now, I need to visit other patients. See you later.
Patient : See you.

EXERCISE Fill in the blank with suitable expressions!

Ns. Rosa : Hi, what’s your name? These will help you:
New Nurse : …………………….…………… a. Nice…
Ns. Rosa : I’m Rosa. I haven’t seen you before.
b. My name’s…
New Nurse : …………………….……………
Ns. Rosa : Where are you from? c. I’m from…
New Nurse : …………………….……………
d. Yes, I’m a new nurse
Ns. Rosa : How long have you been in this
country? here
New Nurse: …………………….……………
e. I’ve been in this country
Ns. Rosa : Nice to meet you.
New Nurse : …………………….…………… for…

Now practice to introduce yourself!
“Hello everyone, my name is [Your Name], I’m currently [your current educational
status, e.g., a first-year student] at [Your School/ University]. I chose to pursue
[Your Major/ Field] because [briefly explain your motivation or interest, e.g., because
“I have a strong passion for helping others and making a positive impact in people's
lives.” or “I’ve always been fascinated or I’m passionate about environmental
sustainability and want to make a positive impact through my studies”]. Thank you
for the opportunity to introduce myself. I’m excited to be part of this
learning experience.”

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 13



Please open the link video bellow!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_
_cJdtvoQ 0SeHl9qpQ

In that videos you will compare the way of the nurse communicate or interact with
her patient, when focusing on the therapeutic and interpersonal aspect or focusing
on the clinical aspect. Share your opinion about that!

Therapeutic communication is a collection of techniques that prioritize the

physical, mental, and emotional well-being of patients.

Script: Introduction to the patient (1) N: Good, that fantastic. My name's

Gretel Fortmann; I'm a second year
Nurse: "Hi, I'm Gretel Fortmann, I'm a nursing student just doing my clinical
second year nursing student here at placement here in the hospital. The
UTS and I'll be running through some Registered Nurse, I'm not sure if you've
role play scenarios in a patient here in meet her yet, Mary Jones she'll be
nursing labs, just to show you some of supervising me today
the situations that you might encounter P: I don't think I've meet her so far
as you go out on clinical practice. In the N: No
scenario I'm about to undertake, I'll be P: No
meeting the patient for the first time and N: Well, I'm sure she'll be coming in and
just going through and taking her blood out today; She's on the ward, so.. Now,
pressure" is there a name you'd prefer me to call
Parient: "Hello, I'm Sue Felix.I'm Gretel's you, or is Ms. Felix fine?
patient today. I've had surgery on my P: Oh, you can call me Sue.
spine and this is a couple days after the N: Oh, Sue, fantastic, well I'll do that
operation" then. Now Sue, I need to take your blood
pressure--is that OK?
N: Good morning Ms.Felix P: Yes, of course.
P: Good morning N: Fantastic, have you had it taken
N: Good morning, how are you today? before?
P: I'm not too bad, thank you P: Yes, yes

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 14


N: Good so you know what to expect N: Oh I'm sure that's much better, in
with the cuff then... I'll just get this any case!
out... How did your sleep last night, There we go... [Finished putting the cuff
Sue? on the patient's arm]
P: Not too badly, still preety N: Is that comfortable for you?
uncomportable P: It is, yes yes
N: Ah, that a shame.. well, let me know N: It's allright. Good, there we go..
if things change and if you'd like me to [Checking the blood pressure] That's all
speak to Mary, the Registered Nurse done there, Thank you
P: So, you're here on practice in the P: Is it normal?
hospital? N: Your blood pressure's well within a
N: I am, yes, that's right. I'm here on my normal limit, so nothing to worry about
clinical placement. With my university, there. There we go.. Now, Sue is there
um throughout the year we come to the anything else I can get for you?
hospital, just to practice some of our P: I don't suppose there'd be a magazine
skills that we're learning skills such as or something like that, that I could have
these. a look at, would there?
P: How long have you been on the ward N: I can definitely check on the ward for
for? you
N: Oh, a couple of days now. Have you P: Thank you
had any people come to visit you yet? N: Sometimes patients leave them
P: Yes, yes my son and his family came behind, or people bring them in, so I'll
to see me see what I can find for you.
N: Oh fantastic! Does he have a big Have you got your button with you?
family? P: Yes, yes it's under the bedclothes here
P: um just one child, hat's my N: Oh fantastic. Well if you've got any
granddaughter yes. questions or if your pain changes, then
N: Oh lovely... and does he have a nice just let me know. You just buzz [the
partner? button] there
P: Oh she's lovely. She's... P: Thank you
N: Oh aren't you lucky?
P: She's like having another daughter,
although she's prefers to think of me as [Filling out the nursing documentation]
a big sister, she says!

Now, listen to the following audio to complete the blank in the text,
then answer the questions!

The Nurse
Nurses are healthcare professionals with a very wide range of duties,
responsibilities, and specialties. Nurses are responsible for the treatment, care
and safety of patients. They are also responsible for maintenance of health and
education for the patient. Nurses provide direct care and monitor symptoms,
response, and progress in patient care.

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 2


Three main types of nurses are LPNs, RNs and APNs.

- An LPN (licensed practical nurse) usually has less than 2 years of training.
They perform simple and some complex medical procedures. They work under
other health care professionals to provide patient care.
- An RN (registered nurse) has a university degree in nursing and often is
responsible for supervising the tasks of LPNs. RNs provide direct care, patient
education and make decisions about proper patient care.
- An APN (advanced practice nurse) has a masters or doctoral degree. They
provide direct care, diagnose disease, prescribe medication, work in research
and educate patients and other healthcare professionals. There are many
specialties for APNs.
Nurses play a very important part of direct patient care and maintaining health
in the community. The art of nursing makes dramatic differences in patient
outcomes and disease treatment.

1. What are nurses responsible for?
a. treatment of patients
b. care of patients
c. the safety of patients
d. all of the above
2. Nurses monitor patients symptoms, response and _______ in patient care.
a. maintenance
b. diagnosis
c. progress
d. tasks
3. What does RN stand for?
a. running nurse
b. regular nurse
c. registered nurse
d. ringing nurse
4. What important role do nurses play in the community?
a. making decisions
b. maintaining health and educating the community
c. selling medication
d. diagnosing disease
5. Which nurse has the highest qualifications?
a. APN
b. RN
c. LPN
d. all of the above

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 2



Study the following sentence structure, to help you written your task!
(+) Subject + To be + Complement (+) Subject + Verb I s/es + Object
(–) Subject + To be Not + Complement (–) Subject + Do/ Does Not + Verb I + Object
(?) To be + Subject + Complement? (?) Do/ Does + Subject + Verb I + Object?
Complement: Noun of thing/person, Time signal: always, often, usually, every
Adjective, Adverbial of place/time day, every month, every year, etc.
Auxiliary word: to be (am, is, are) Auxiliary word: do/does
Subject I you, we, they he, she, it Subject I you, we, they he, she, it
To be am are Is Aux. Do does
Example: Example:
I am a nurse ( Noun of person) (+) I (do) go to school every day.
This is a pen (Noun thing) (–) I don’t go to school every day.
Tony is late for class (Adjective) (?) Do I go to school every day?
We are very happy today (Adjective)
They are in the hall ( Adverbial of place) (+) Tom brings his mom to hospital.
Today is Friday (Adverbial of time) (–) Tom does not bring his mom to hospital.
It is five o’clock (Adverbial of time) (?) Does Tom bring his mom to hospital?


The following sentences are Complete the sentences using the correct form of
missing to be am/ is/ are. these verbs (speak; have; drink; open; wash; teach;
Complete & Rewrite each of them like; close; meet; go; have)!
1. Dr. Stuart is very smart. He speaks four
1. Flora a student: languages.
2. The students in class room: 2. I …movie. I often …to the movie with my
3. They nurses: friends
4. The weather in Cisarua cool: 3. In my hometown, the Bank …at 9 o’clock in the
5. Joe and Mary best friend: morning.
6. Our teacher from Bandung: 4. Sue is a teacher. She …English to young
7. I a lecturer: children.
8. The Ventilator machine on: 5. The city museum …at 5 o’clock on Saturday.
9. Nurses an integral part of 6. Your job is interesting. You …a lot people.
the care team: 7. Shanty and I usually … dinner at 7 o’clock.
10. I the winner, Sir? 8. Peter … his hair every day.
9. Rosalyn …four cups a tea a day.
10. An insect …six legs.

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 3



As a student nurse, balancing rigorous academic demands with practical clinical
experiences can be challenging. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial
for both personal well-being and professional effectiveness. Here are some key
strategies to help student nurses stay healthy and energized:
1. Prioritize Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet is essential for sustaining energy
levels and supporting overall health. Focus on incorporating a variety of fruits,
vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals. As a student nurse,
you may have unpredictable schedules, so planning and preparing healthy snacks
and meals in advance can be helpful. Avoid relying on processed foods or excessive
caffeine, as these can lead to energy crashes and affect your concentration.
2. Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is vital for maintaining physical and cognitive
function. Carry a water bottle with you throughout the day and aim to drink at
least 8 glasses of water daily. Staying hydrated helps prevent fatigue and supports
optimal bodily functions, which is particularly important during long shifts or
study sessions.
3. Get Regular Exercise: Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine
can help manage stress, improve mood, and increase overall energy levels. Even
short bouts of exercise, such as a brisk walk or a quick workout session, can be
beneficial. Consider finding a form of exercise you enjoy and schedule it into your
weekly routine to ensure you stay active despite a busy schedule.
4. Manage Stress Effectively: The demands of nursing school can be stressful, so
it’s important to develop effective stress management techniques. Practice
mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or meditation to help alleviate stress.
Additionally, engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy can provide a healthy
outlet for relaxation and help maintain a positive mindset.
5. Ensure Adequate Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep is essential for cognitive
function, emotional stability, and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per
night, and try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Good sleep hygiene
practices, such as creating a restful environment and avoiding screens before
bedtime, can improve sleep quality.
6. Foster Social Connections: Building and maintaining supportive relationships
with peers, mentors, and family members can provide emotional support and a
sense of community. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help or share experiences with
others who understand the demands of nursing school.
7. Practice Self-Care: Make time for self-care activities that help you unwind and
rejuvenate. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or spending time in nature,
self-care is an important aspect of maintaining mental and emotional health.
8. Stay Organized: Effective time management and organization can reduce stress
and create a more balanced lifestyle. Use planners, to-do lists, or digital tools to
keep track of assignments, clinical rotations, and personal commitments.
By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you can better manage the
demands of nursing school while maintaining your health and well-being. A healthy
lifestyle not only enhances your personal quality of life but also positively impacts
your ability to provide compassionate and effective patient care in your future
nursing career.

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 4



When working in English, one of the first things you need to know is the human
body parts. You will need to learn the names of the internal (inside the skin) and
external body parts. You will also need to learn the words for the functions of each
of these body parts. Here are the basics to get you started.

Inside the head is the brain, which is responsible for thinking. The top
of a person's scalp is covered with hair. Beneath the hairline at the
front of the face is the forehead. Underneath the forehead are the eyes
for seeing, the nose for smelling, and the mouth for eating. On the
outside of the mouth are the lips, and on the inside of the mouth are
the teeth for biting and the tongue for tasting. Food is swallowed down
the throat. At the sides of the face are the cheeks and at the sides of the head are
the ears for hearing. At the bottom of a person's face is the chin. The jaw is
located on the inside of the cheeks and chin. The neck is what attaches the head
to the upper body.

At the top and front of the upper body, just below the neck is the collar
bone. On the front side of the upper body is the chest, which in women
includes the breasts. Babies suck on the nipples of their mother's
breasts. Beneath the ribcage are the stomach and the waist. The
navel, more commonly referred to as the belly button, is located here
as well. On the inside of the upper body are the heart for pumping blood and the
lungs for breathing. The rear side of the upper body is called the back, inside
which the spine connects the upper body to the lower body.


The arms are attached to the shoulders. Beneath this area is called the
armpit or underarm. The upper arms have the muscles known as triceps
and biceps. The joint halfway down the arm is called the elbow. Between
the elbow and the next joint, the wrist, is the forearm. Below the wrist is
the hand with four fingers and one thumb. Beside the thumb is the
index finger. Beside the index finger is the middle finger, followed by the
ring finger and the little finger. At the ends of the fingers are fingernails.

Below the waist, on left and right, are the hips. Between the hips are the
reproductive organs, the penis (male) or the vagina (female). At the back of
the lower body are the buttocks for sitting on. They are also commonly
referred to as the rear end or the bum (especially with children). The internal
organs in the lower body include the intestines for digesting food, the bladder for
holding liquid waste, as well as the liver and the kidneys. This area also contains
the woman's uterus, which holds a baby when a woman is pregnant.

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The top of the leg is called the thigh, and the joint in the middle of the
leg is the knee. The front of the lower leg is the shin and the back of the
lower leg is the calf. The ankle connects the foot to the leg. Each foot
has five toes. The smallest toe is often called the little toe while the
large one is called the big toe. At the ends of the toes are toenails.

EXERCISE 1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences!

1. Your tonsils can get swollen when you have a sore _______ (thigh/ toe/ throat)
2. The _______ is a joint that connects the upper arm and the forearm. (elbow/
ankle/ wrist)
3. My Dad's little _______ was lost in the accident. (thumb/ toe/ shoulder)
4. The patient lost so much weight his _______ were sunken in. (calves/ ears/
5. We'll put a cool cloth on your _______ to get your fever down. (forehead/
tongue/ knees)
6. Another word for "belly button" is _______ (nipple/ navel/ uterus)
7. The newborn is getting his _______ changed in the nursery. (buttocks/ nappy/
8. She may never walk again because her _______ was so badly injured. (uterus/
spine/ finger)
9. The _______ on his knee was scraped off when he hit the road. (joint/ gum/
10. Your grandfather will be able to walk better after his _______ surgery. (chin/
wrist/ hip)


Ami : What’s the matter? Cathy : What’s wrong with you?
Betty: I have a headache. Deasy : I got a sore throat
Ami : Owh...that’s too bad. Cathy : Oh...I’m sorry to hear that

Eric : How do you feel today?

Felix : I feel terrible, I have pain on my chest.
Eric : Really! Hopefully you fell better

Look at this health problem. Find good advice for each health problem
Problems Advice
A headache ___ 1. Take some aspirin 8. Don’t lift anything heavy
A toothace ___ 2. Go to bed and rest 9. Brush the teeth regularly
A sore throat ___ 3. Drinks a lot of water 10. See the Dentist
A cough ___ 4. Take some Vit.C 11. Don’t exercise
A backache ___ 5. Put some lotion on it
A fever ___ 6. Give taped water compress
A burn ___ 7. Close the mouth when coughing/ sneezing

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 6


Situation: A nurse comes to Mr. Jack’s room to take his vital signs
Nurse : Good morning Mr. Jack After the nurse pump the bulb to
Mr. J : Good morning too, nurse inflate the cuff then she puts
Nurse : How are you doing now, Sir? stethoscope over brachialis artery
Mr. J : I am feeling terrible and listens the sound of artery from
Nurse : Terrible! What’s going on with beginning to ending, after she gets
you? the result of B/P, she release the cuff
Mr. J : I have pain on my head then puts it back onto trolley
Nurse : I see, do you have any else Nurse : Well Mr. Jack, I am going to
complaint, Sir? check your temperature now?
Mr. J : And a little stiff on my leg Mr. J : Okay
Nurse : Okay Mr. Jack, let me check Nurse : Could you raise your arm
your blood pressure and your because I’ll put this
temperature first? thermometer on your armpit?
Mr. J : Yes, please Mr. J : Like this nurse?
Nurse : Would you mind lying down Nurse : Yes, thanks (then the nurse
on the bed please? puts it at his armpit) and now
Mr. J : No problem place your left hand on your
Nurse : Can I have your arm, Mr. shoulder for a moment?
Jack? Mr. J : With my pleasure.
Mr. J : Here it is. Nurse : Very good
Nurse : Good… will you roll your After 5 minutes, she takes
sleeve up, please? thermometer back from Mr. Jack’s
Mr. J : Yes armpit.
Nurse : Good, now, I want to put this Nurse : Well Mr. Jack, your blood
cuff around your upper arm pressure is high enough; it’s
then I’ll search your pulse on about 160/90 mmHg and
your inner of lower arm temperature 37.5 0C, pulse 88
Mr. J : Okay bpm, Rr: 20x/m, I will report to
Nurse : Now, I am going to pump this Dr. Frank about your
bulb to inflate the cuff, maybe complaints. I’ll be back in a few
you will have tingling on your minute.
finger for a while but it’s okay. Mr. J : Thank you very much nurse
Mr. J : I see Nurse : You’re welcome

It is now common practice for nurses to communicate with patients as much

as possible when they are doing routine nursing task. If nurses talk, the
patients become involved in their treatment. As a nurse take the patient’s
vital signs, it will be better a nurse says what she/ he is going to do, explains
why she/ he is doing it and give the patient feedback.

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1. Explaining the procedures
 It’s time for me measure your blood pressure
to… count your pulse
 I just want to… check your respiration
 I would like to… measure your temperature
 I am going to… put this cuff (around your upper arm)
insert this (thermometer) into your armpit

2. Instruction and expression during the implementation

 Would you… lie down on the couch
 Would you mind…(verb lie flat on the bed
–ing) roll your sleeve up
 Please,… give me your right/ left hand
 Now, I want you to… slip off your top things (buka baju)
unbutton your shirt (buka kancing baju)

roll yourself into side lying position

take a deep breath, breathe in… breathe out…

to put this (thermometer) into our mouth

3. Nurse Response 4. Patient’s Response

 OK, Fine. That’s it  Yes, please
 Fine/ good  Okay nurse
 All is done/ Finished  No problem

• Pulse rate: jumlah denyutan • Patient’ chart: lembar (penilaian) pasien
• Tension or compressibility: ketegangan • Normal pulse rhythm:
• Beats per minute: denyutan per menit irama denyutan normal
• Expiration-breathing out: hembuskan • Rhythm or regularity:
nafas irama denyutan/ cepat-lambat
• Inspiration-breathing in : tarik nafas

EXERCISE 1. Translate into communicative English!

1. Pak, sekarang saya mau mengukur tekanan darah anda.
2. Silahkan berbaring di tempat tidur itu.
3. Sekarang saya mau masukkan thermometer ini ke ketiak, tolong angkat
tangan ibu.
4. Silahkan buka bajunya, saya ingin mengecek pernafasan anda..tarik nafas
dalam-dalam, lepaskan nafas…tarik nafas…lepaskan…
5. Tolong ulurkan lengan kiri Anda, saya akan menghitung denyut nadi.

Now check the video about “Vital Sign Exam”: https://youtu.be/gUWJ-6nL5-8

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 8




Patients in hospital are usually anxious and fearful. It is important that hospital
and staff put them and their ease by being polite and pleasant. The following drills
teach you polite form in English. Be careful about the way your voice rises and falls
when you say these sentences.

Basic Instruction
 Please…/ …Please!  Would you mind…(V-ing)
 Will you…  I want you to…
 Would you…  I would like you to…
 Could you…  I just want to see you…

Change each command request into polite request using basic instruction!
Come in, Please! (Silahkan
1. Sit down (duduk)
2. Stand up (berdiri)
3. Turn around (berputar)
4. Say “Ah” (katakan “Ah”)
5. Flex your neck (tekukan leher)
6. Bend down (membungkuk)
7. Lay down (berbaring)
8. Look up (lihat ke atas)
9. Raise your arm (angkat tangan)
10. Move your head (gerakan kepala)
COMMAND REQUEST Will you come in, Please!
1. Lift your leg (angkat kaki)
2. Arch your back (bungkukan punggung)
3. Lower your foot (turunkan kaki)
4. Open your mouth (buka mulut)
5. Put out your tongue (keluarkan lidah)
6. Bend your knees (tekuk lutut)
7. Touch your toes (sentuh jari kaki)
8. Wriggle your finger (gerakan jari)
9. Take your shirt off (buka baju)
10. Roll your sleeve up (gulung lengan baju)

COMMAND REQUEST Would you come in, please!

1. Hold your head up (tengadahkan kepala)

2. Take deep breath (tarik napas panjang)

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3. Touch your ankle (sentuh pergelangan

4. Fist your finger (kepalkan jari)
5. Put on your shirt (kenakan baju)
6. Lower down your trouser (turunkan celana)
7. Take your trouser off (lepaskan celana)
8. Keep your mouth open (tetap buka mulut)
9. Keep your eyes hut (tutup mata)
10. Extend your hand (rentangkan tangan)
Would you mind coming in,
please! (V-ing)
1. Take the breath in (tarik nafas dalam)
2. Take your breath out (hembuskan nafas)
3. Shake your head (gerakan kepala)
4. On the knee down (berlutut)
5. Put your body upside down (tengkurap)
6. Slight over/ scoot over (bergeser)
7. Fold your knees (lipat lutut)
8. Hold your breath (tahan nafas)
9. Fold your elbow (lipat siku)
10. Lay onto your tummy (tengkurap)

EXERCISE Choose the correct answer for these items in the list
1. Can you …your mouth … please! a. On the knee
2. Now, will you … your knee, please! down
3. I’m going to check your mouth, would you mind … your
b. Raise arm
tongue …
4. I would like to listen your lungs, please take … and … c. Open – widely
5. I want to take your BP, would you mind … your sleeve …, d. Fold – knee
e. Upside – down
6. A nurse asks Mr. Black to … the body …because she wants to
inject pain killer on his buttock. f. Bend
7. I will … to ask you to forgive my fault. g. Breath in –
8. If you don’t understand what I have said, please… and I will
9. Well Miss, please tell me if you feel pain when I … your … to h. Put – out
your abdomen. i. Put on
10. Everything is okay, now … your dress. j. Rolling – up

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 10



 What is this (instrument) for?
 Would you take a/ an+ (medical instrument) for…
 Can you explain the function of+ (medical instrument)?
 This is used to…/ This (instrument) is use to…
 I’ll introduce you a medical instrument. Its name is … It’s used (for/ to…)
 A/ an … is an instrument that I used for… verb-ing

Medical Instrument used for Measuring Vital Sign

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 11


Example in conversation:
A: What is this wheel chair for? C: What is the thermometer for?
B: This wheel chair is use to bring a D: This is used to measure body
disable patient to walk temperature
Susan: What is this called in English Sarah?
Sarah: Oh... this is called a kidney dish
Susan: What is the kidney dish for?
Sarah: It’s used to place soiled dressing
Amy : Bob, can you tell me what this is?
Bob : I think this is a stethoscope
Amy : Stethoscope? What is this for?
Bob : This used for listening sound of lungs, abdomen or heart

Look at the table, there is a list of the most common medical supplies:
antiseptic liquid used to sterilize (clean) the surface of the skin
bandage a cloth covering that is placed over a wound to prevent
bleeding, swelling and infection
bandage scissors tool used to cut bandages
blood pressure a tool that measures the force of blood flow through a
monitor person's body
dressing protective covering that is placed over a wound
elastic tape a thin roll of stretchy material that is sticky on one side
eye chart a poster of letter, word, and number combinations of
various sizes used to test a person's eyesight
forceps instrument used during operations and medical procedures
(assists the doctor in pulling, holding, and retrieving)
gauze thin, netted material used for dressing wounds
hypodermic needle sharp pointed metal piece that pricks the skin (attached to a
syringe), used for taking blood or administering medicine
IV bag the pouch that contains liquids to be pumped into a
patient's body
medicine cup small plastic measuring cup
microscope equipment that makes small things appear larger than they
oxygen mask equipment that fits over the nose and mouth and supplies
privacy screen an object that is used to separate the doctor and patient
from others in an open room
scales a device that measures a person's weight
syringe a cylinder-shaped piece that attaches to a needle and can be
filled with liquid
table and head-rest paper that is placed on an examining table or head-rest to
paper prevent the spread of germs
test tube glass cylinder that is filled with blood or other liquids and
can be capped and placed in a storage area
Vial a small bottle or container used for storing liquids

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 12


Match the comments with the supplies that are needed:
table and head-rest
1 I can't catch my breath. a

2 Prepare the examining table for the next patient. b thermometer

3 We'll have to get a blood sample. c oxygen mask

4 I need to sterilize the wound. d hypodermic needle

5 We'll have to feed him with liquids. e bandage scissors

6 Let's find out your weight. f scales

7 I need to examine the patient in private. g eye chart

8 Let's check your vision. h antiseptic

9 Let's see if you are running a fever. i IV bag

10 Can you cut this gauze for me? j privacy screen

Find other vocabularies on Medical Instruments with its meanings!

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 13



Admission is the act or process of accepting someone into a hospital, clinic, or

other treatment facility as an inpatient. While Admission form/card/ note is part
of a medical record that documents the patient's status (including history and
physical examination findings), reasons why the patient is being admitted for
inpatient care to a hospital or other facility, and the initial instructions for that
patient's care. A nurse needs to ask several questions to fill in the admission form.
Here are three basic question types and their purposes to gather information
1. Open-Ended Questions or Question-word
The answer is "information"
Purpose: To encourage detailed responses and gather comprehensive
information. These questions allow the respondent to express their thoughts,
feelings, and experiences in their own words.
Nurse : "Can you tell me about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing?"
Patient : "I’ve been feeling very fatigued and have had persistent headaches for
the past few weeks."
2. Closed-Ended Questions or Yes/No Question
The answer is "yes or no"
Purpose: To obtain specific information that can be answered with a simple
"yes" or "no," or with a brief, specific response. These questions are useful for
confirming details or when a clear, concise answer is needed.
Nurse : "Do you have any allergies?"
Patient : "Yes."
3. Clarifying Questions or Choice Question
The answer is "in the question"
Purpose: To ensure that the information provided is fully understood and to
clarify any ambiguities. These questions help to confirm details and ensure
that both parties have a mutual understanding.
Nurse : "When you mention that you’re taking medication for hypertension,
are you referring to lisinopril or another drug?"
Patient : "Yes, I’m taking lisinopril."

By using these question types effectively, nurses and healthcare professionals

can gather accurate information, provide appropriate care, and enhance
communication with patients.

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Here are several useful expression/questionnaires that might be asked to the
patient or patient’s family to fill in Admission Form
 Complete Name/ Surname  Age (Date of Birth/ Place of Birth)
- What is your complete name? - Where/ when were you born?
- What’s your surname? - Your date of birth, please?
- How do you spell it?  Occupation
 First Name/ Family Name - What’s your occupation?
- What is your first name? - What’s your father occupation?
- What is your family name?  Address & Telephone No.
 ID No. - Where’s your address?
- May I know your ID number? - Where do you live?
- May I have your ID number? - Your phone number, please?
- May I borrow your ID card?  Next of Kin
 Marital Status - Who’s your nearest relative?
- Are you married? - Who’s your next of kin?
- Are you single? - Is there any contact person in
 Religion emergency case/ situation?
- What’s your religion?
Note: In some states, it’s not appropriate to ask this question. It’s necessary to
follow the custom

Hospital Reg. No. Unit Adm. Date Adm. Time

Complete Name First Name Family Name ID. No.

Age (DOB/POB) Sex Religion Marital Status Occupation

[__] M [__] F [M/ S/ W/ Wr]
Transport Mode [__] WC [__] Walking [__] Stretchers [__] Other
Oriented to Environment [__] Yes [__] No
Permanent Address

ZIP Code Phone No.

Name& Address of Next Kin

ZIP Code. Phone No.

Relationship :
Allergies [__] Food [__] Meds/ Other
Admitting Vital Sign Temp Pulse Respiration B/ P Weight/ Height

Current Medication Last Dose Cardiac Medication Last Dose
1. ............................................. ............................. ................................................... ............................
2. ............................................. ............................. ................................................... ............................
3. ............................................. ..............………… ........................…………………… ............................


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EXERCISE Now, fill the admission form based on the conversation below!
Nurse : Hello, I’m Nurse Saida. I’ll be assisting you with your admission today.
How are you feeling?
Patient : Hi, I’m doing okay, just a bit anxious about the process.
Nurse : I understand. Let’s go through the admission form together. First, can I
please have your full name?
Patient : Sure, it’s Hanna Hanifah .
Nurse : Thank you, Hanna. Can you also provide your date of birth?
Patient : Yes, July 22nd, 1982
Nurse : Great. Next, I’ll need your contact information. What’s your phone
Patient : My phone number is 081320120484.
Nurse : And your current address?
Patient : I live at 456 El Rayya street Apt 7, Dubai.
Nurse : Got it. Now, let’s go over your insurance information. What’s the name
of your insurance provider and your policy number?
Patient : My insurance provider is Prulife, and my policy number is 1982077.
Nurse : Thank you. In case of an emergency, who should we contact? Please
provide their name and phone number.
Patient : You can contact my mother at 08132050654.
Nurse : Noted. Moving on to your medical history, do you have any allergies or
chronic conditions we should be aware of?
Patient : Yes, I’m allergic to shellfish, and I have Chronic Conditions of Gerd .
Nurse : Understood. Have you had any recent surgeries or hospitalizations?
Patient : I had recent hospitalization about seven months ago
Nurse : Thank you for sharing that. Are you currently taking any medications?
If so, could you list them for me?
Patient : Yes, I’m taking Gaviscon and Rolaid twice a day
Nurse : Noted. Do you have any special needs or accommodations we should be
aware of during your stay?
Patient : No, I don’t think so.
Nurse : Great. Now, I’ll need you to review and sign the consent forms for
treatment and the privacy policy. [Hands over the forms] Please read
through these documents and sign where indicated.
Patient : [Reviews and signs the forms]
Nurse : Thank you. Your admission is now complete. I’ll prepare everything for
you and a nurse will come to take you to your room shortly. If you have
any questions or need anything else, just let us know.
Patient : Thank you for your help.
Nurse : You’re welcome! If you need anything during your stay, don’t hesitate to
ask. We’re here to make sure you’re comfortable and well cared for.
Patient : I appreciate that.
Nurse : Of course. We’ll see you soon. Have a good day!


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The Need for Good Records: Anything that makes reference to a patient,
such as a care plan or diary, can be used as evidence in a law court. Care
plans and diaries are used, for example, when investigating complaints of
medical negligence or professional misconduct

Perlunya Catatan yang Baik: Apa pun yang merujuk pada pasien, seperti
rencana perawatan atau buku harian, dapat digunakan sebagai bukti di
pengadilan. Rencana perawatan dan catatan harian digunakan, misalnya,
ketika menyelidiki keluhan kelalaian medis atau kesalahan profesional

Nursing documentation is a critical aspect of patient care that involves accurately

recording patient information, assessments, and interventions. Proper
documentation ensures continuity of care, supports legal and regulatory
compliance, and facilitates communication among healthcare providers. Here’s an
overview of what effective nursing documentation typically includes and some best

Components of Nursing Documentation

1. Patient Identification:
- Name: Full name of the patient.
- Date of Birth: For accurate identification and record-keeping.
- Medical Record Number: Unique identifier for the patient.
2. Date and Time:
- Documentation Date: When the entry is made.
- Time: Specific time of the entry, often noted in military time.
3. Reason for Admission or Visit:
- Chief Complaint: The main reason for the patient’s visit or admission.
- History of Present Illness: Detailed account of the patient’s current condition
and symptoms.
4. Assessment:
- Vital Signs: Measurements such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate,
and temperature.
- Physical Exam Findings: Observations of the patient’s physical condition,
including any abnormal findings.
- Pain Assessment: Location, intensity, and nature of pain, if applicable.
5. Nursing Diagnoses:
- NANDA-I Diagnoses: Based on the assessment, identify nursing diagnoses (e.g.,
"Risk for infection," "Impaired skin integrity").
6. Interventions:
- Planned Interventions: Actions planned to address nursing diagnoses (e.g.,
administering medications, wound care).
- Performed Interventions: Details of what was actually done, including any
deviations from the plan.

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7. Patient Response:
- Effectiveness of Interventions:How the patient responded to the interventions
(e.g., changes in symptoms, patient feedback).
- Patient Education: Information provided to the patient about their condition or
8. Medications:
- Medication Administered: Name, dose, route, and time of administration.
- Patient Reaction: Any side effects or reactions observed.
9. Follow-Up and Evaluation:
- Next Steps: Plans for ongoing care and any follow-up assessments required.
- Evaluation of Care: Effectiveness of the care provided and any modifications
10. Signature and Credentials:
- Nurse’s Name and Credentials: Full name and professional designation (e.g.,
- Signature: To authenticate the documentation.

Best Practices for Nursing Documentation

1. Accuracy: Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. Avoid errors or
omissions that could affect patient care.
2. Clarity: Use clear, concise language. Avoid jargon or ambiguous terms. Write
legibly if using paper records.
3. Timeliness: Document as soon as possible after performing an intervention or
making an assessment to ensure accuracy.
4. Confidentiality: Maintain patient privacy and adhere to HIPAA or relevant privacy
regulations. Secure all documentation.
5. Completeness: Provide a comprehensive account of patient care, including all
assessments, interventions, and patient responses.
6. Consistency: Use standardized terminology and follow institutional policies and
procedures for documentation.
7. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Be aware that nursing documentation can be
used in legal situations, so it must be truthful, objective, and non-judgmental.
8. Use of Electronic Health Records (EHR): Familiarize yourself with EHR systems
and ensure accurate entry of data into electronic systems, following best
practices for electronic documentation.

Example of a Nursing Documentation Entry

Patient Name : Jane Dewi Date : August 9, 2024
DOB : July 12, 1985 Time : 10:00 AM
MRN : 123456
Reason for Admission: Severe abdominal pain and nausea.
- Vital Signs : BP 120/80 mmHg, HR 88 bpm, RR 18 breaths/min, Temp 98.6°F
- Physical Exam Findings : Abdominal tenderness in the lower right quadrant, no
rebound tenderness noted.
- Pain Assessment : Pain level 7/10 on the pain scale, described as sharp.

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Nursing Diagnoses:
- Acute pain related to abdominal discomfort
- Administered prescribed analgesic (Morphine 4 mg IV) at 10:05 AM.
- Applied warm compress to abdomen as per physician’s order.
Patient Response:
- Pain level decreased to 5/10 within 30 minutes post-medication.
- Patient reports slight relief but continues to experience discomfort.
Patient Education:
- Instructed patient on the importance of reporting any increase in pain or new
symptoms immediately.
- Monitor pain levels and reassess in 1 hour.
- Notify physician of persistent symptoms if no improvement.

Nurse Saida, RN


 Ensure the statements are factual and recorded in consecutive order,
as they happen. Only record what you, as the nurse, see, hear, or do.
 Do not use jargon, meaningless phrases, or personal opinions (e.g.,
“the patient's vision appears blurred” or “the patient's vision appears
to be improving”). If you want to make a comment about changes in
the patient's vision, check the visual acuity and record it.
 Do not use an abbreviation unless you are sure that it is commonly
understood and in general use. For example, BP and VA are in
general use and would be safe to use on records when commenting on
blood pressure and visual acuity, respectively.
 Do not speculate, make offensive statements, or use humor about the
patient. Patients have the right to see their records!
 If you make an error, cross it out with one clear line through it, and
sign. Do not use sticky labels or correction fluid.
 Write legibly and in clear, short sentences.
 Remember, some information you have been given by the patient may
be confidential. Think carefully and decide whether it is necessary to
record it in writing where anyone may be able to read it; all members
of the eye care team, and also the patient and relatives, have a right
to access nursing records.

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 19



August 7
2 p.m. Admitted at 2 p.m. Suspected fracture leg in a road traffic Saida
accident at 9 a.m. today, Lacerations of face and hands also
present. Fully conciousness
2.15 Clean the wound with H2 O2 and covered by sterile gauze. Mia
I.V.I. Lactate Ringer in progress
Given A.T.S. & Pethidine 50 mgs I.M.I.
2.30 Checked vital sign. T. 38.50C;P.100 bpm;Rr.20x/m; BP.120/90.
Patient pale and feel sweaty. Frightened, reassurance given.
4.00 Took to X-rays for left leg, film(+) fracture at tibia and fibula Santi
Called Dr. Frank. Order: Prepare for operation, take blood
sample, sign fo a consent form.
5.00 Took blood sample for X-match & blood group, CBC, BSR. Dwi
Please ask the parent to send donors to theater at 5 a.m.
5.30 Ms. Jane parents visited and ask a sign consent form (+). They
will send donors to theater. Last vital sign T.36.50C;P.80
bpm;Rr 16x/m;BP 120/70

Family Name First Name Ward Bed

Noor Rasyid Ramadhan Neeta Rosewood 7

EXERCISE: Answer the questions based on ‘Nursing Daily Report” to check your
1. Who is the complete name of the patient?
2. What happen to the patient when she was admitted to hospital?
3. What’s nurse done at 2.30 p.m. and why she’s doing it?
4. What’s Dr. Frank’s ordered to nurse?
5. At what time should the patient’s parent send donors to theater?

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Presentation skills allow nurses to share knowledge and expertise and to

communicate clearly in a range of workplace scenarios.
NOW! present texts related to health education: HEALTHY LIFESTYLES using
proper English communication with appropriate intonation and easy to understand
(You can use written assignments at the 7th meeting)


For non-native speakers giving a presentation in English can be quite a challenge.
It is important to engage the audience through positive body language and a warm
welcome. Your tone of voice and changes in intonation are additional useful tools
so the audience can see a clear and logical structure to follow you effortlessly.
Here are useful expression for presentations in English for effective structure:
Start with a polite welcome and state your name, follow with your job title and/or
the reason you’re qualified to speak on the topic being discussed.
 Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Hello, my name is ... [also describe
what you do/your job title]. First of all, let me thank you all for coming here
today, welcome to my presentation. As you may know, I look forward to
discussing [topic].
 I would like to thank you all for your time
 Let me start by saying a few words about my own background.
 As you can see on the screen, our topic today is......
Presentation structure
 In my presentation I’ll focus on...
 This presentation is structured as follows....
 The subject can be looked at under the following headings.....
 Does everybody have a handout / copy of my report?
 I’ll be handing out copies of the slides at the end of my talk.
 Don’t worry about taking notes, I’ve put all the relevant statistics on a handout
 If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them
 If you don’t mind, I'd like to leave questions until the end of my talk /there will
be time for a Q&A session at the end...
Sequencing phrases
 First of all, I’d like to give you an overview of....
 Next, I’ll focus on.....and then we’ll consider....
 Then I’ll go on to highlight what I see as the main points of....
 Finally, I’d like to address the problem of.....
 I’d just like to finish with the words of a famous scientist/ politician/
 Now let’s go out and create opportunities for...!

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 21



Ardiansyah. (2004). Let’s Speak English, Nurse!. Jakarta: EGC

Djauhari, Imam D. (…). Mastery on English Grammar. Jakarta: -

Grice, Tony. (2009). Everyday English for Nursing, 1st & 2nd ed.. Jakarta: EGC

Murphy, Raymond. (1987). English Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and

practice book for intermediate students. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Nursalam. (2010). English in Nursing-Midwifery Science and Technology. Jakarta:

Salemba Medika

Philips, Deborah. (2001). Longman Complete Course for the Toefl Test. NY: Longman

Pramudya, Leo A. (2011). English for the Professional Nurses, Course Book 1 & 2.
Jakarta: EPN Consultant

Richards, Jack C. (1984). Person to Person. England: Oxford University Press

Rizka, Haira, dkk. (…). English for Nursing: Practical English Conversation for
Professional Nurses. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru Press

Online Source:
www.englishmed.com & www.englishclub.com

and other various sources that can support the development of learning material

This module is arranged by Nita Yuanita, S.Pd.,

M.Si. to facilitate the student nurse in learning
English for Nursing. Follow and contact her via
Direct Message IG @nitsyuanita.

D3 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 22

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