II I Ece PTSP Ec305es

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Subject Code: (EC305ES)

Regulations : R16 JNTUH
Class :II Year B.Tech ECE I

Department of Electronics and communication Engineering


Ibrahimpatnam -501 510, Hyderabad

The course introduces the basic concepts of probability. It then introduces the concept of
Stochastic Processes. A discussion is made about the temporal and Spectral Characteristic of
Random processes viz the concept of Stationary, Auto and Cross correlation, Concept of Power
Spectrum density. The course also deals the response of Linear Systems for a Random process
input. Finally it covers the concept of Noise and its modeling

1. This gives basic understanding of random signals and processing

2. Utilization of Random signals and systems in Communications and Signal
Processing areas.
3. To known the Spectral and temporal characteristics of Random Process.
4. To Learn the Basic concepts of Noise sources
IV. COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completing this course, the student will be able to

S.No. Description Bloom’s Taxonomy

1. Understand the concepts of Random Process and its Understand(Level2)

2. Understand the response of linear time Invariant Understand(Level2)

system for a Random Processes.
3. Determine the Spectral and temporal characteristics Understand (Level2),
of Random Signals Apply(Level3)
4. Understand the concepts of Noise in Communication Understand (Level2)


Program Outcomes (PO) Level
assessed by

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, Lectures,

science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering Assignments,
PO1 2
specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems Exercises
related to Electronics & Communication and Engineering.
Program Outcomes (PO) Level
assessed by
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research
literature, and analyze complex engineering problems related Hands on
PO2 to Electronics & Communication Engineering and reaching 2 Practice
substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, Sessions
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for
complex engineering problems related to Electronics &
Communication Engineering and design system components or
PO3 3 Exercises
processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
, Projects
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-
Lab sessions,
based knowledge and research methods including design of
PO4 2 Exams
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate Design
techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools Exercises,
PO5 3
including prediction and modeling to complex engineering Oral
activities with an understanding of the limitations. discussions
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the
contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal
PO6 and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant - -
to the Electronics & Communication Engineering professional
engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of
the Electronics & Communication Engineering professional
PO7 engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, - -
and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional
PO8 ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering - -
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an
PO9 individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in 3
multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex
engineering activities with the engineering community and
PO10 with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and - -
write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Program Outcomes (PO) Level
assessed by
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding of the engineering and management
PO11 principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member - -
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the Development
PO12 preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long 2 of Mini
learning in the broadest context of technological change. Projects
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) - : None

Program Specific Outcomes Level
assessed by
Professional Skills: An ability to understand the basic
concepts in Electronics & Communication Engineering and to
apply them to various areas, like Electronics, Lectures
PSO 1 3
Communications, Signal processing, VLSI, Embedded and
systems etc., in the design and implementation of complex Assignmen
systems. ts
Problem-Solving Skills: An ability to solve complex
Electronics and communication Engineering problems, using
PSO 2 3
latest hardware and software tools, along with analytical skills Tutorials
to arrive cost effective and appropriate solutions.
Successful Career and Entrepreneurship: An understanding
of social-awareness & environmental-wisdom along with
PSO 3 ethical responsibility to have a successful career and to sustain 2
passion and zeal for real-world applications using optimal
resources as an Entrepreneur.
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) - : None
Probability & Random Variable: Probability introduced through Sets and Relative Frequency:
Experiments and Sample Spaces, Discrete and Continuous Sample Spaces, Events, Probability
Definitions and Axioms, Joint Probability, Conditional Probability, Total Probability, Bay’s
Theorem, Independent Events, Random Variable- Definition, Conditions for a Function to be a
Random Variable, Discrete, Continuous and Mixed Random Variable, Distribution and Density
functions, Properties, Binomial, Poisson, Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential, Rayleigh, Methods of
defining Conditioning Event, Conditional Distribution, Conditional Density and their Properties.
Operations On Single & Multiple Random Variables – Expectations: Expected Value of a
Random Variable, Function of a Random Variable, Moments about the Origin, Central Moments,
Variance and Skew, Chebychev’s Inequality, Characteristic Function, Moment Generating
Function, Transformations of a Random Variable: Monotonic and Non-monotonic
Transformations of Continuous Random Variable, Transformation of a Discrete Random
Variable. Vector Random Variables, Joint Distribution Function and its Properties, Marginal
Distribution Functions, Conditional Distribution and Density – Point Conditioning, Conditional
Distribution and Density – Interval conditioning, Statistical Independence. Sum of Two Random
Variables, Sum of Several Random Variables, Central Limit Theorem, (Proof not expected).
Unequal Distribution, Equal Distributions. Expected Value of a Function of Random Variables:
Joint Moments about the Origin, Joint Central Moments, Joint Characteristic Functions, Jointly
Gaussian Random Variables: Two Random Variables case, N Random Variable case, Properties,
Transformations of Multiple Random Variables, Linear Transformations of Gaussian Random
Random Processes – Temporal Characteristics: The Random Process Concept, Classification of
Processes, Deterministic and Nondeterministic Processes, Distribution and Density Functions,
concept of Stationarity and Statistical Independence. First-Order Stationary Processes,
SecondOrder and Wide-Sense Stationarity, (N-Order) and Strict-Sense Stationarity, Time
Averages and Ergodicity, Mean-Ergodic Processes, Correlation-Ergodic Processes,
Autocorrelation Function and Its Properties, Cross-Correlation Function and Its Properties,
Covariance Functions, Gaussian Random Processes, Poisson Random Process. Random Signal
Response of Linear Systems: System Response – Convolution, Mean and Mean-squared Value of
System Response, autocorrelation Function of Response, Cross-Correlation Functions of Input and
Random Processes – Spectral Characteristics: The Power Spectrum: Properties, Relationship
between Power Spectrum and Autocorrelation Function, The Cross-Power Density Spectrum,
Properties, Relationship between Cross-Power Spectrum and Cross-Correlation Function. Spectral
Characteristics of System Response: Power Density Spectrum of Response, Cross-Power Density
Spectrums of Input and Output.
Noise Sources & Information Theory: Resistive/Thermal Noise Source, Arbitrary Noise
Sources, Effective Noise Temperature, Noise equivalent bandwidth, Average Noise Figures,
Average Noise Figure of cascaded networks, Narrow Band noise, Quadrature representation of
narrow band noise & its properties. Entropy, Information rate, Source coding: Huffman coding,
Shannon Fano coding, Mutual information, Channel capacity of discrete channel, Shannon-Hartley
law; Trade -off between bandwidth and SNR.
1. Probability, Random Variables & Random Signal Principles - Peyton Z. Peebles, TMH, 4th
Edition, 2001.
2. Principles of Communication systems by Taub and Schilling (TMH), 2008
1. Random Processes for Engineers-Bruce Hajck, Cambridge unipress,2015.
1. Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes – Athanasios Papoulis and S.
Unnikrishna Pillai, PHI, 4th Edition, 2002.
2. Probability, Statistics & Random Processes-K. Murugesan, P. Guruswamy, Anuradha
Agencies, 3rd Edition, 2003.
3. Signals, Systems & Communications - B.P. Lathi, B.S. Publications, 2003.
4. Statistical Theory of Communication – S.P Eugene Xavier, New Age Publications, 2003
3. Study of Noise.
The course will proceed as follows for all sections. Please note that the week and the classes
in each week are relative to each section.
Lecture Date/Week Topic Reference
UNIT-I Probability Peebles
1. Probability introduced through
Sets and Relative frequency ,
2. Experiments and sample spaces,
Week – 1 Discrete and continuous sample
3. Events, probability definitions
and Axioms
4 Events, probability definitions
and Axioms
5. Mathematical model of
6. Week – 2 Probability as relative frequency
7. Joint probability, conditional
8. Total probability, Baye’s
theorem, Independent events
9. Random Variable: definition
10. Conditions for function to be a Peebles
Week – 3 random variable,
11 Discrete random variable
12. Continuous and mixed random
UNIT- II: Operations on one
random variable
13. Distribution and density
14. Week – 4 Properties

15. Binomial, Poisson

16. Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential
17. Conditional distribution
18. Methods of defining conditional
events, density, property
19. Week – 5 Operations on random variable:
20. Expected value of a random
21. Function ,moments about the
origin, central moments, variance
and skew
22. Chebychev’s inequality,
characteristic function, moment
Week – 6 generating function,
transformations of a random
23. Monotonic transformations for a
continuous random variable
24. Non monotonic transformations,
transformations of a discrete
random variable
UNIT-III Operations on Peebles
Multiple Random Variables
25. Multiple random variables:
vector random variables
26. Joint distribution function,
properties, marginal distribution
Week – 7 functions, conditional distribution
27. Point conditioning, interval
28. Statistical independence, sum of
two random variables
29. Sum of several random variables
30. Central limit theorem ,unequal
and equal distributions
31. Week – 8 Expected value of a
function of random variables
32. Joint moments, joint central
moments, joint characteristic
33. Jointly Gaussian random
34. Two random variable case, n
Week – 10 random variable case, properties
35. Transformations of multiple
random variables
36. Linear transformations of
Gaussian random variables
UNIT_IVs stochastic processes-
Temporal characteristics.
37. The stochastic process concept,
classification of processes
38. Deterministic and non
Week – 11 deterministic processes
39. Distribution and density Peebles
40. Concept of stationary and
statistical independence
41. First-order stationary process ,
Second order and wide sense
Week – 12 stationary

42. Nth order and strict sense

43. Time average and ergodicity
44. problems
45. Mean ,correlation ergo tic
46. Week – 13 Autocorrelation functions and its
47. Cross correlation and its
properties, linear system response
of mean and mean squared value
48. Gaussian random processes,
Poisson random processes
UNIT _V: stochastic process
spectral characteristics
49. Power spectrum properties
50. Relationship between
Week – 14 autocorrelation function and
power spectrum
51. Cross power density spectrum
52. properties
53. Relationship between cross
power spectrum and cross
correlation function
54. Week – 15 Spectral characteristics of a
55. Power density spectrum response
56. Cross power spectral density of
input and output of a linear
57. Problems
58. Revision
59. Week – 16 Revision
60. Revision
Course Program Outcomes Program
Outcomes Specific
3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O1 O2 O3
CO1 3 3 1 2 1 - - - 3 - - 2 3 2 3
CO2 3 3 3 1 2 - - - 3 - - 1 3 1 3
CO3 1 2 3 1 1 - - - 3 - - 2 3 2 3
CO4 1 1 3 1 1 - - - 3 - - 1 3 1 3
Average 2 2.25 2.5 1.25 1.25 - - - 3 - - 1.5 3 1.5 3
Average 2 2 3 1 1 - - - 3 - - 2 3 2 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) - : None
Probability and Random Variable


1 Define probability? Remember 1
2 Explain probability with axioms? Understand 1
Define conditional probability? Remember 1
4 Define joint probability? Remember 1
5 Define total probability? Remember 1
Define bayes theorem? Remember 1
Explain how probability can be considered as relative Understand 1
7 frequency?
Define a random variable? Remember 1
9 Define a sample space? Remember 1
10 Define multiplication theorem ? Remember 1
1 State and prove bayes theorm Remembering
2 State and prove total probability theorem? 1
3 A man wins in a gambling game if he gets two heads in in Analysis 1
five flips of a biased coin. The probability of getting a
head with the coin is 0.7.
1. Find the probability the man will win. Should he play
this game?
2. What is the probability of winning if he wins by getting
at least four heads in five flips? Should he play this new
4 In the experiment of throwing two fair dice, let A be the 1
event that the first die is odd, B be the event that the
second die is odd, and C is the event that the sum is odd.
Show that events A, B and C are pair wise independent,
but A, B and C are not independent.
5 A certain large city averages three murders per week and Remembering
their occurrences follows a Poisson distribution 2
1. What is the probability that there will be five or more
murders in a given week?
2. On the average, how many weeks a year can this
city expect to have no murders?
3. How many weeks per year (average) can the city
expect the number of murders per week to equal or
exceed the average number per week?
6 A man matches coin flips with a friend. He wins 2 Rs if 1
coins match and loses 2 Rs if they do not match. Sketch a
sample space showing possible outcomes for this
experiment and illustrate how the points map onto the real
line x that defines the values of the random variable
X=”dollars won on a trial”. Show a second mapping for a
random variable Y=”dollars won by the friend on a trial”
7 Explain total probability and conditional probability 2
theorems with properties?
8 Explain total probability theorem and bayes theorem 1

Spacecraft areexpected to landin aprescribed recovery zone Understanding 2

9 80% of the time. Over a period of time, six spacecrafts
1. Find the probability that none lands in the
prescribed zone
2. Findtheprobabilitythat at leastonewilllandinthe
prescribed zone
Twocardsaredrawn 1
10 froma52 Cards
1. Giventhefirstcardisaqueen, whatisthe
probabilitythat the second is also a queen?
2. Repeatparta)forthefirstcardaqueenandthe
secondcard a 7
3. What is the probability that both cards will
be a queen?
1 If aboxcontains 75 gooddiodesand 25 defectivediodes
and 12 diodesareselected atrandom,findtheprobability Analyze 1
thatatleastone diode is defective.
2 Aboxwith15transistorscontainsfivedefectiveones.Ifa
random sampleofthreetransistorsisdrawn, whatisthe Analyze 2
3 Acoinistobetosseduntilaheadappearstwiceinarow.
Whatisthe sample space for this experiment? If the coin Apply
is fair, what is the probability that it will be tossed 2
exactly four times?
4 We aregivenaboxcontaining 5000 transistors, 1000 of
whichare manufacturedbycompany Xandtherestby
company Y. 10% ofthe transistors made by company X are Analyze 2
defective and 5% of the transistors madebycompany Yare
defective. Ifarandomlychosentransistoris foundtobe
defective, findthe Probabilitythatitcame.fromcompany X.
5 A batch of 50 items contains 10 defective items. Suppose 10 1
items are selected a random and tested. What is the Analyze
probabilitythatexactly5of the items tested are defective?
Distribution & Density Functions and Operation on One Random Variable –
1 Define probability density function? Remember 2

2 Define probability distribution function? Remember 2

3 Write any two properties of density function? Remember 2
4 Write any two properties of distribution function? Remember 2
5 Define uniform density function? Remember 2
6 Define uniform distribution function? Remember 2
7 Define Gaussian density function? Remember 2
8 Define Gaussian distribution function? Remember 2
9 Define Poisson distribution function Remember 2
10 Define mean and mean square values? Remember 3


1 uniformrandom variable? Analysis 4
Two Gaussian random variables X and Y have a Evaluate 4
correlation coefficient The standard deviation of
2 X is 1.9A linear transformation (coordinate
rotation of ) is known to transform X and Y to
new random variables that are statistically
independent. What is variance of Y?
3 Explain density function with four properties Remember 3
4 State and prove any four properties of UNDERSTAND 2
distribution function?
5 Derive expressions for mean and variance UNDERSTAND 2
for Gaussian variable?
6 Derive expressions for mean and variance UNDERSTAND 2
for Poisson random
7 Derive expressions for mean and variance UNDERSTAND 2
for binomial random
8 Derive expressions for mean and variance UNDERSTAND 2
for exponential random variable?
9 Derive expressions for mean and variance UNDERSTAND 2
for Raleigh random variable?
10 Explain characteristic function and UNDERSTAND 2
moment generating function?



Thecharacteristic functionfora Gaussianrandomvariable

X, havinga mean value of 0, is ΦX (ω) =EXP(-sigma
2 2
/w 2) Apply 3
Find all the moments of X using Φ X (w)
Multiple Random Variables and Operations
1 Define probability density function for two random Remember 2
2 Define probability distribution function for two random Remember 2
3 Give properties of probability density function? Remember 2
Give properties of probability distribution function? Remember 2
If X and Y are orthogonal what is the value of co- Remember 2
6 Define the relation between joint moments and joint Remember 2
central moments for n random variables?
7 Define skew for two random variables? Remember 2

8 Define correlation? Remember 2

9 Define joint central moments for x and y random variables Remember 2

with n=4,k=5?
10 What is the expected value of 2x in the interval -10<x<10? Remember 2

11 Define marginal density function fY(y) function for joint Remember 2

random variable?
12 If x and y are orthogonal what is the value of Rxy? Remember 2

13 Define joint moments about the origin for n=4,k=5? Remember 2

14 If x and y are un-correlated what is relation between co- Remember 2

between x and y and individual expectations?
15 What is the min and max value of co-relation co-efficient? 2

16 Define joint central moments for x and y Remember 2

random variables?
17 Define covariance? Remember 2

18 Define joint characteristic function for x and y Remember 2

random variables?
19 Define the relation between joint moments and joint Remember 2
central moments for two random variables x and y?
20 Define mean square value for two random variables? Remember 2
21 Define Gaussian random variables for two Remember 2
random variables x and y?
22 Define joint Gaussian for n-random variables? Remember 2

23 Define the Jacobin matrix for n-random variables? Remember 2

24 Define the concept of transformation of multiple random Remember 2

25 Write any two properties of joint Gaussian Remember 2
random variables?
26 Define linear transformation of Gaussian random Remember 2
27 Define second order central moments? Remember 2

28 Define first order central moments for two Remember 2

random variables x and y?
29 If co-variance is 0 what it means? Remember 2

30 Define co-relation co-efficient? Remember 2

31 Define third order central moments for two random Remember 2

variables x and y?

1 Stateandexplainprobabilitydensityfunctionfor Remember 2
tworandom variables?
2 Stateandexplain probability distributionfunction for Remember 2
tworandom variables?
3 State any four properties of probability density function? Remember 2

4 State any four properties of probability distribution Remember 2

5 ArandomprocessX(t)=A,whereAisarandomvariable Analysis 5
findthetime average of theprocess.
6 Explain briefly about time average and Ergodicity. Understand 5
7 Explain how random processes are classified with Understand 5
neat sketches.
8 A random process is given as X(t)=At ,where A is an Creating 5
distributed random variable
9 State and prove any four properties of auto correlation Remember 2
10 State and prove any four properties of cross Remember 2
correlation function.

The joint PDF of X and Y is f(X,Y) (x, y) = 5y/4 −1 ≤ x ≤ 1, Analysis 2
x2 ≤ y ≤ 1, 0 otherwise.
1 Find the marginal PDFs fX (x) and fY (y)
The joint probability density function of random Analysis 2
variables X and Y is fX,Y (x, y) = 6(x + y2)/5 0 ≤ x ≤
2 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1,
= 0 otherwise.
Xand Y havejoint Pdf fX,Y (x, y) = -1/15 0 ≤x≤ 5, 0 ≤y Analysis 2
3 ≤ 3, 0 otherwise. Find the PDF of W = max(X, Y)
Stochastic Processes – Temporal Characteristics:

1 Define random process? Remember 2

2 Define ergodicity? Remember 2

Define mean ergodic process? Remember 2
4 Define correlation ergodic process? Remember 2

5 Define first order stationary process? Remember 2

6 Define second order stationary process? Remember 2

Define wide sense stationary random process? Remember 2
Define strict sense stationary random process? Remember 2
Define auto correlation function of a random process? Remember 2
Define cross correlation function of a random process? Remember 2


Explain classification of random process Understand 6

2 Explain wide sense stationary random process? Understand 6

State and prove any four properties of cross Remember 2
3 correlation function.

4 State and prove any four properties of auto correlation Remember 2

(a) State and prove the properties of Remember 2
Autocorrelation function.
5 (b) Showthattheprocess X(t)= ACos (w0t+θ) is wide
sense stationery ifit isassumedthat Aandwo
israndomvariable which is uniformly distributed
over interval [0,2π].
(a) State and prove the properties of Cross Remember 2
correlation function.
6 (b) Find the mean and auto correlation function of a
random process X(t)=A , where A is continuous random
variable with uniform distribution over (0,1).
(a) Writetheconditionsfora Remember 2
Widesensestationaryrandom process.
(b) Let two random processes X(t) and Y(t) be defined
7 by X(t) = A Cos(w0t) + B Sin(w0t) and Y(t) = B
Cos(w0t) - A Sin(w0t). Where A and B are random
variables and w0 is constant. Show that X(t) and Y(t)
are jointly wide sense
stationery, assume A and B are uncorrelated zero- mean
Thepower Spectraldensityof X(t) isgivenby Analysis 5
1 Sxx(w)=1/1+w2 forw>0
Find the autocorrelation function
A random process is defined by Y(t)=X(t).cos(wt+ θ) 5
where X(t)=
Asin(wt+θ) is a wide sense stationary random process that
amplitude modulatesacarrierofconstantangularfrequency
wwithaRandom phaseθindependentof X(t) and
uniformlydistributedon(-π ,π).
Show that the process X(t)= A Cos(w0t+θ) is wide Analysis 5
sense stationery if it is assumed that A and w 0 are
3 constants and θ is uniformly distributed random
variable over the interval (0,2π).

Stochastic Processes – Spectral Characteristics:


1 Define wiener khinchinen relations? Remember 2
2 State any two properties of cross-power density spectrum. Remember 2
3 Define cross –spectral density and its examples. Remember 2
4 State any two uses of power spectral density. Remember 2
5 Write any two properties of power spectral density? Remember 2
6 Define Spectral density? Remember 2
7 Write power spectral density of system response? Remember 2
8 Write Crosspowerspectraldensityofinputandoutputof Remember 2
9 Prove that SXY(W) = SYX(-W)? Remember 2
10 Prove that real part of SXY(W is an even function? Remember 2

A random processes X(t)= Asin(wt+θ) , where A , w are Understand 5

constants andθisauniformlydistributedrandom
1 variableontheinterval
(-π ,π) .find average power?
Prove wiener khinchinen relation? Remember 2
Derive the expression for power spectral density ? Remember 2
Derivetheexpressionfor averagepowerofarandomprocess Remember 2
4 x(t)?
Derive the expression for cross average power of a random Remember 2
5 process x(t) and y(t)?
Derive the Relationship b/w power density spectrum Remember 2
6 and auto co- relation function?
Derive the Relationship b/w cross power density spectrum Remember 2
7 and cross co-relation function?


Lettheautocorrelationfunctionofacertainrandom Analysis 7
1 processX(t)be given by
Rn (τ)=(A2/2)(cos(ωτ))Obtainanexpressionforits
powerspectral density Sn(ω ).
2 A wide sense stationary process X(t) has autocorrelation Analysis 7
R X (τ ) =Ae-b|τ | where b > 0. Derive the
power spectral density function
Objective Type Questions
Unit-I: Probability
1. The sample space for the experiment of measurement of the output voltage V from a minimum
of which one +5 and -5V respectively is [ ]
(a) { V: 0 ≤ V ≤ 5 } (b) { V: -∞ ≤ V ≤ ∞ }
(c) { V: 1 ≤ V ≤ 5 } (d) { V: -5 ≤ V ≤ 5 }
2. A∩ [BUC] is expressed as [ ]
(a) (AUB) ∩ C (b) (AUB) ∩ (AUC)
(c) (A∩B) U C (d) (A∩B) U (A∩C)
3. When two dice are throwing, the probability for the sum of the faces of the two dices to be 7
is (a) 1/6 (b) 1/12 (c) 1/9 (d) 1/3 [ ]
4. If A is a subset of B, P (B/A) is [ ]
(a) 1 (b) P(B) (c) P(A ∩ B) (d) P(A U B)
5. Let S1&S2 be the sample spaces of two sub experiments. The considered sample space S is [ ]
(a) S1/S2 (b) S1 * S2 (c) S1 – S2 (d) S1 + S2
6. Let A be any event defined on a sample space then P (A) is [ ]
(a) ≥0 (b) < ∞ (c) > ∞ (d) ≥ 1
7. The conditional probability of event A, given B is expressed as [ ]
(a)P(A∩B)/P(A) (b)P(AUB)/P(A)
(c) P(AUB)/P(A) (d) P(AUB)/P(A)
8. For three events A1, A2 , A3 they are said to be independent allover axis if and only if
they are independent as a triple then P(A1 ∩ A2 ∩ A3 ) is [ ]
(a) P (A1) P(A2 ) (b) P (A1) P(A2 ) P(A3)
(c) P (A2) P(A3) (d) P (A1) P(A3)
9. Two dimensional product space is known as [ ]
(a) Vector (b) Range of sample space
(c) Sample Space (d) Phasor
10. The sample space for the experiment for measuring (in hours) the lifetime of a [ ]
Transistor is S, given by
(a) { r: -1 ≤ r ≤ 100 } (b) { r: 0 ≤ r ≤ - ∞ }
(c) { r: - ∞ ≤ r ≤ ∞ } (d) { r: 0 ≤ r ≤ ∞ }
Fill in the blanks
11. (AUB)c = Ac ∩ Bc is…………
12. If A and B are mutually exclusive events, P (AUB) is ……………
13. Probability of causes is also called …………..
14. Non deterministic experiment is also called ……………..
15. A set containing only one element is called…………..
16. The range of Probability is always ………….
17. For n= 1,2,………N . P(Bn/A) is …………..
18. Let sets A={ 2 < a ≤ 16} B ={ 5 < b ≤ 22} where S={ 2 ≤ S ≤ 24 } If C= A ∩ B , then C is
19. Let A be any event defined on a sample space then P (A) is
20. consider A={1,3,5,12} B={2,6,7,8,9,10,11} c={1,3,4,6,7,8} hence A∩B is
Key: (1) D (2) D (3) A (4) A (5) B (6) A (7) C (8) B (9) B (10) D
(11) De-Morgens law (12) P(A)+P(B) (13)Baye’s theorem
(14) Random experiment (15) singleton (16) 0≤P(A)≤1
(17) P(A/Bn) P(Bn)/P(A/B1) P(B1)+ …… P(A/Bn) P(Bn) (18) {2<c≤24}
(19) ≥0 (20) Zero
Unit-II: Random variables

1. The PDF fx(x) is defined as [ ]

(a) Integral of CDF (b) Derivative of CDF
(c) Equal to CDF (d) Partial derivative of CDF
2. A discreet RV is one having [ ]
(a) Continuous values (b) 1, 2
(c) -∞ to 0 (d) only discreet
3. If X is Poisson RV then the distribution function is given by [ ]

(a) e ∑ bk /k! u(x-k)


(b) e-b ∑ bk u(x-k)

(c) e-b ∑ bk /k!

(d) e ∑ bk /k! u(x-k)


4. According to Bernoulli’s trials, let number of trials N, probability is p, then P (A

occurs exactly K times) is [ ]
(a) (NK) (1-P)N-K (b) PK (1-P)N-K
(c) (NK) PK (d) KN (P)K ( 1-P)N-K
5. If X is a discreet RV denoted by Xi , the CDF Fx (x) is

(a) ∑ P( X i) u(x)

(b) ∑ P( X i) u(x- xi)

(c) ∑ P( X i) u(xi)

(d) ∑ P( X i) u(xi)
6. The distribution function of Gaussian RV is [ ]
(a) F(x/x) (b) F((x+ax)/ x) (c) F((x-ax)/ x) (d) F(x-ax)
7. The uniform probability density function defined by [ ]
(a) ab (b) 1/b-a for a≤x≤b (c) 1/b+a (d) b/a
8. A continuous RV is one having [ ]
(a) Continuous range of value (b) -∞ to
(c) Containing (d) some con
9. A mixed random RV is one having [ ]
(a) Discrete values only (b) - ∞ to 0 only
(c) Both continuous and discrete (d) continuous values only
10. A real RV defined as [ ]
(a) A real function of the elements of Sample space.
(b) A discrete function of the elements
(c) A complex function of the elements
(d) A complex function of the elements of Sample space
Fill in the blanks
11. A discrete random variable can take a.....................number of values within its range
12. A continuous random variable can take any value within its ……………
13. The probability mass function is also called as …………….
14. The value of P(X=-∞) = P(X=∞) is ……………
15. The value of CDF FX (-∞) is …….. And FX(∞) is ……..
16. The PDF satisfy the relation …………..
17. A random variable with a uniform distribution is an example of …………
18. The Gaussian distribution function is defined as …………….
19. The PDF of sum of a large number of RV’s approaches a …………..
20. Probability distribution function FX(x) is ………..
1. B 11. Finite
2. D 12. Domain or range
3. D 13. PDF
4. D 14. Zero
5. B 15. 0 and 1
6. A ∞
16. ∫ f(x) dx = 1
7. B 17. Continuous type
8. A 18. Continuous random variable
9. C 19. Gaussian distribution
10. A 20. P(X≤x)

Unit-III: Operation on One Random variable

1. The normalized third central moment is known as [ ]
(a) Mean (b) Skewness of density function
(c)Standard Deviation (d) Variance of density
2. At ω=0, Фx(ω) is [ ]
(a) ∞ (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) -1

3. The distribution function of one RV X conditioned by a second RV Y with interval { ya ≤ y ≤ yb

} is known as [ ]
(a) Moment generation (b) Point Conditioning
(c) Expectation (d) Interval Conditioning
4. Fx ( x2 / B) – Fx ( x1/ B) is [ ]
(a) P(x1/B < x ≤ x2) (b) P( x2< x ≤ x2/B)
(c) P( x2 /B < X ) (d) P{( x1< x ≤ x2)/B}
If X is a discreet RV denoted by Xi , the CDF Fx (x) is [ ]
∞ ∞
∑ P( X i) u(x) (b) ∑ P( X i) u(x- xi)
i=1 ` i=1

∞ ∞
(c) ∑ P( X i) u(xi) (d) ∑ P( X i) u(xi)
i=1 i=1
6. MGF is given by MX(V) is [ ]
(a) E[ev] (b) E[evX] (c)eVx (d)E(e2x)

7. The PDF of sum of a large number of RV’s approaches a distribution [ ]

(a) Rayleigh (b) Uniform (c) Gaussian (d) Poisson
8. Gaussian R.V's are completely defined through only their
(a) first order moments (b) Second order moments
(c) First order moments & Second order moments (d) Covariance
9. X and Y are said to be statistically independent RV’s when P(X<x, Y<y) is [ ]
(a) P(X<x) (b) P(X>x) P(Y<y)
(c) P(X<x) P(Y>y) (d) P(X<x) P(Y<y)
10. A transformation T is called monotonically decreasing if [ ]
(a) T(X1) > T(X2) for X1<X2 (b) T(X1) = T(X2) for X1<X2
(c) T(X1) < T(X2) for X1<X2 (d) T(X1) >T(X2) for X1<X2
Fill in the blanks
11. The maximum magnitude of a characteristic function is …………
12. The nth central moment μn is ……………..
13. The second central moment is also known as ……………
14. The distribution function of Gaussian RV is …………..
15. If Y = T(X) then FY(y) is ……………….
16. If X is discreet RV for which N possible values xi having probabilities P(xi) of occurrence then
expected value is
17. The uniform probability density function ………….
18. The number (nr) central to the expansion of the binomial (x+y)n ,the numbers (nr) are called
19. If X is a discrete RV, then E [g(X)] is ………………….
20. If y=ax+b, the covariance of x and y is ………………

Answer: 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. B
7.C 8. C 9. D 10. D
11. 1 ∞
12. ∫ (x- x )n fx(x) dx 13. Variance 14. F ((x-ax)/σx)
fX(x) dx/dy N 17. 1/(b-a) for a≤x≤b
∑ xiP(xi)
i=1 18. Binomial coefficient
20. a x2
19. ∑ g(xi)P(xi)

Unit-IV: Multiple Random variables

1. If y=X1+ X2 +………….. +XN where X1, X2 ,......................XN are statically independent RV’s
fy(y) is
(a) fx1(x1)+ fx2(x2)+………+ fxN(xN) (b) fx1(x1)- fx2(x2)+………+ fxN(xN)
(c) fx1(x1)* fx2(x2)*………*fxN(xN) (d) fx1(x1) - fx2(x2) - ………-
2. The distribution function of one RV X conditioned by a second RV Y with interval { ya ≤ y ≤ yb
} is known as
(a) Moment generation (b) Point Conditioning
(c) Expectation (d) Interval conditioning
3. Given voltage Y=g (V) – V2................The average power Y is
(a) 10 W (b) 15 W (c) 20 W (d) 5 W
4. Fx ( x2 / B) – Fx ( x1/ B) is
(a) P( x1/B < x ≤ x2) (b) P( x1< x ≤ x2/B)
(c) P( x2 /B < X) (d) P{( x1< x ≤ x2)/B}
5. Joint Distribution Function F XY (∞ , ∞) is
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) -1
6. X and Y are said to be statistically independent RV’s when P(X<x, Y<y) is
(a) P(X<x) (b) P(X>x) P(Y<y) (c) P(X<x) P(Y>y) (d) P(X<x) P(Y<y)
7. In an electrical circuit both current and voltage can be...............Variable.
(a) Single (b) triple (c) two (d) none
8. A continuous RV is one having
(a) Continuous range of value (b) -∞ (c) Containing (d) Some

9. If events A and C are mutually exclusive P(AUC / B) is equal to

(a) P(A/B) + P(C) (b) P(B/A) + P(C) (c) P(A) + P(C/B) (d) ) P(A/B) + P(C/B)
10. Let S1 and S2 be the sample space of the sub experiments. If S1 has M elements and S2 has N
elements, then combined sample space S will have
(a) M elements ( b) N elements (c) ∞ (d) MN elements

Answers: 1. C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.D

7.C 8.A 9.D 10.D
Find the expected value of g(X1, X2, X3, X4) = where n where n1, n2, n3 and

n4 are integers ≥ 0 and , (x1, x2, x3, x4) = for 0 < x1 < a; 0 < x2 < b;

= 0 else where

(a) (b) (n + 1)4 (c) (d)

If g(x, y) is some function of two R.V's X and Y the expected value of g(x, y) is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
The (n + K)th order joint moment of two R.V's X and Y is defined as
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
The (n + K)th order joint central moment of the R.V's X and Y is defined as

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Which of the following Relation is correct

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
The joint moments can be found from the joint characteristic function as

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
The joint characteristic function of two r.v's X and Y is given as
φX,Y(w1,w2)=exp Then the means of X and Y are respectively
(a) 0, 0 (b) 0, 1 (c) 1 (d) 0
The joint characteristic function of two R.V's X and Y is defined by X,Y (w1, w2) =

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
9. The expression for joint characteristic function of two r.V's X and Y in integral form is
X,Y (w1, w2) =

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
10. The expression for joint characteristic function Ф X,Y (w1, w2) is recognized as the two
(a) Fourier transform of joint density function
(b) Fourier transform of joint distribute function
(c) Inverse Fourier transform of joint distribute functions
(d) Inverse Fourier transform of joint density function
11. The marginal density function of X is given by fX(x) =

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
12. X and Y are Gaussian r.v's with variances and . Then the R.V's V = X + KY and w
= X - KY are statistically independent for K equal to

(a) (b) (c) (d)

13. X and Y are jointly Gaussian R.Vs with same variance and ρxy = -1. The angle θ of a co-
ordination rotation that generates non r.v's that are statically independent is

(a) (b) (c) (d) π

14. Two R.V's X and Y are said to be jointly Gaussian if their joint density function is of the
form fX,Y (x, y) =




15. Gaussian R.V's are completely defined through only their
(a) first order moments (b) Second order moments
(c) First order moments & Second order moments (d) Covariance
16. X and Y are two independent normal r.v's N(m, σ2) = N(0, 4). Consider V = 2X + 3Y is a
(a) Rayleigh (b) Gaussian (c) poison (d) Binomial
17. If FX(x1, x2 : t1, t2) is referred to as second order joint distribution function then the
corresponding joint density function is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
18. The mean of random process X(t) is the expected value of the R.V X at time t i.e., the
mean m(t) =

(a) (b) (c) (d)

19. The random process X(t) and Y(t) are said to be independent, if fXY (x1, y1 : t1, t1) is
= (a) fX(x1 : t1) (b) fY(y1 : t2) (c) fX(x1 : t1) fY(y1 : t2) (d) 0
20. The interval between two consecutive occurrences of Poisson process is r.v.
(a) Gaussian (b) Poisson (c) expential (d) binomial
21. Which of the following is correct
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
22. Let Z and w be two R.V's expressed as functions of two R.V's X and Y i.e., Z = g(X, Y)
and W = h (X, Y) there the joint pdf of Z and w is given as fZw (Z, W) =

(a) fXY (x, y) (b)

(c) fXY (x, y) ejWX (d) fXY (x, y) . e-jWX
23. The Jacobian of the transformation x = V , y = ? (u - v) is

(a) (b) (c) 1 (d) 2

24. X and Y are R.V's transformed as and y = V. The jacobian of this transformation is

(a) V (b) -V (c) (d)

Answers: 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.A

7. A 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.C
13.C 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.B
19.C 20. 21.D 22.B 23.B 24.C


1. Cov (X, Y) {covariance of (X, Y) is}

(a) E(XY) (b) E(XY) - E(X)
(c) E(XY) - E (X) E (Y) (d) E(XY) + E(X)E(Y)
2. If RXY = 0 then X and Y are
(a) independent (b) orthogonal
(c) independent & orthogonal (d) Statistically independent
3. Te collection of all the sample functions is referred to a as
(a) Ensemble (b) Assemble
(c) Average (d) Set
4. If the future value of a sample function cannot be predicted based on its past, values, the
process is referred to as.
(a) Deterministic process (b) non-deterministic process
(c) Independent process (d) Statistical process
5. If the future value of the sample function can be predicted based on its past values, the
process is referred to as
(a) Deterministic process (b) non-deterministic process
(c) Independent process (d) Statistical process
6. If sample of X(t) is a R.V then the cumulative distribution function FX(x1 : t1) is
(a) P(X(t1)) (b) P(X(t1) ≤ 0)
(c) P (X(t1) ≤ x1) (d) P (X(t1) ≥ x1)
7. The random process X(t) and Y(t) are said to be independent, if fXY (x1, y1 : t1, t1) is =
(a) fX(x1 : t1) (b) fY(y1 : t2)
(c) fX(x1 : t1) fY(y1 : t2) (d) 0
8. A random process is defined as X(t) = cos(wot + θ), where θ is a uniform random variable
over (-π, π). The second moment of the process is

(a) 0 (b) (c) (d) 1

9. For the random process X(t) = A coswt where w is a constant and A is a uniform R.V
over (0, 1) the mean square value is

(a) (b) cos wt

(c) (d)
10. A stationary continuous process X(t) with auto-correlation function RXX(τ) is called
autocorrelation-ergodic or ergodic in the autocorrelation if, and only if, for all τ

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
11. A random process is defined as X(T) = A cos(wt + θ), where w and θ are constants and A
is a random variable. Then, X(t) is stationary if
(a) F(A) = 2 (b) F(A) = 0
(c) A is Gaussian with non-zero mean (d) A is Reyleigh with non-zero mean
12. For an ergodic process
(a) mean is necessarily zero (b) mean square value is infinity
(c) all time averages are zero (d) mean square value is independent if sine
13. Two processes X(t) and Y(t) are statistically independent
if (a)
14. Let X(t) is a random process which is wide sense stationery then
E[X(t)] = constant (b) E[X(t) . X[t + τ)] = RXX (τ)
(c) E[X(t)] = constant and E[X(t) . X[t + τ)] = RXX (τ) (d) E[X2(t)] = 0
15. A process stationary to all orders N = 1, 2, ---- &. For Xi = X(ti) where i = 1, 2,-------N is
Strict-sense stationary (b) wide-sense stationary
(c) Strictly stationary (d) independent
16. Time average of a quantity x(t) is defined as A[x (t)] =

(a) (b) (c) (d)

17. Consider a random process X(t) defined as X(t) = A coswt + B sinwt, where w is a
constant and A and B are random variables which of the following its a condition for its
(a) E (A) = 0, E(B) = 0 (b) E (AB) ≠ 0
(c) E(A) ≠ 0; E(B) ≠ 0 (d) A and B should be independent
18. X(t) is a wide source stationary process with E[X(t)] = 2 and RXX(τ) = 2 and RXX(τ) = y +

. Find the mean and variance of .

(a) 2, 20 [10e-0.1 - 9] (b) 1, 10 [10e-0.1 + 9]
(c) 0, 5 [20e-0.1 - 9] (d) 0, 10 [10e-0.1 + 9]
19. X(t) is a random process with mean 3 and autocorrelation R(t1, t2) = . The
covariance of the R.V's Z = X(5) and w = X(8) is

(a) e-0.6 (b) 4 e-0.6 (c) 8 e-0.6 (d)

20. Let X(t) and Y(t) be two random processes with respective auto correlation functions

RXX(τ) and RYY(τ). Then is

(c) (d)
21. X(t) is a Gaussian process with mean = 2 and auto correlation function . Then the
variance of the random variable X(2) is
(a) 21 (b) 25 (c) 4 (d) 1
22. A stationary random process X(t) is periodic with period 2T. Its auto correlation function
Non periodic (b) periodic with period T
(c) Periodic with period 2T (d) periodic with period T/2
23. RXX(τ) =

(a) E[X2 (t)] (b)

(c) (d) E[x(t) . X(t +τ)]

24. Which of the following is correct
(c) (d)
25. If X(t) is ergodic, zero mean and has no periodic component then
(c) mean is 0 (d) constant mean
Answers: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C
7. C 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.D
13.D 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.A
19.B 20.C 21.D 22.C 23.D 24.A
1. The output of a filter is given by Y(t) = X(t + T) = X(t - T). Where X(t) is a WSS process
with power spectrum SXX(w) and T is a constant the power spectrum of Y(t) is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
2. The PSD of a random process whose auto correlation function is is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

3. The PSD of a random process X(t) = A.cos(Bt + Y), where Y is a uniform r.v over (0, 2π)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

4. The auto correlation function of a random process whose PSD is is

5. The power density spectrum or power spectral density of xT (t) = x(t) for - T ∠ t ∠ T.
(a) (b) (c) (d)

= 0 elsewhere is SXX(w)=
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
6. The average power of the above described random process is =

(a) (b) (c) (d) zero

7. Time average of auto correlation function and the power spectral density form pair.
(a) Fourier Transform (b) Laplace Transform
(c) Z-Transform (d) Convolution
8. The rms band-width in terms of PSD is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
9. PSD of a WSS is always
(a) Negative (b) non-negative
(c) Positive (d) can be negative or positive
10. The average power of the periodic random process signal whose auto correlation function

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

11. If and and X(t) and Y(t) are of zero mean, then let
U(t) = X(t) + Y(t). Then SXU (w) is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

12. If Y(t) = X(t) - X(t - a) is a random process and X(t) is a WSS process and a > 0, is a
constant, the PCD of y(t) in terms of the corresponding quantities of X(t) is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
13. A random process is given by Z(t) = A. X(t) + B.Y(t) where 'A' and 'B' are real constants
and X(t) and Y(t) are jointly WSS processes. The power spectrum SZZ(w) is
AB SXY (w) + AB SYX (w) (b) A2 + B2, + AB SXY (w) + AB SYX (w)
(c) A2 SXX(w) + AB SXY (w) + AB SYX (w) + B2 SYY (w) (d) 0
14. A random process is given by Z(t) = A. X(t) + B.Y(t) where 'A' and 'B' are real constants
and X(t) and Y(t) are jointly WSS processes. If X(t) and Y(t) are uncorrelated then SZZ
A2 + B2 (b) A2 SXX (w) + B2 SYY (w)
(c) AB SXY(w) + AB SYX (w) (d) 0
15. PSD is function of frequency
even (b) odd (c) periodic (d) asymmetric
16. For a WSS process, PCD at zero frequency gives
The area under the graph of power spectral density (c) Mean of the process
Area under the graph auto correlation of the process (d) variance of the process
17. The mean square value of WSS process equals
The area under the graph of PSD (c) mean of the process
The area under the graph of auto correlation of process (d) zero

18. X(T) = A cos (wot + θ), where A and wo are constants and θ is a R.V uniformly
distributed over (0, π). The average power of X(t) is

θ (b) (c) (d)
19. A WSS process X(t) has an auto correlation function . The PSD is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

20. The real part and imaginary part of SYX (w) is and _ function of w
odd, odd (b) odd, even (c) even, odd (d) even, even

21. If cross correlation is the cross power spectrum is

SXY (w) =


(c) (d)
22. If X(t) and Y(t) are uncorrelated and of constant means E(X) and E(Y), respectively then
SXY (w) is
E(X) E(Y) (b) 2E(X) E(Y) δ (w)

(c) 2πE(X) E(Y) δ (w) (d)

23. The means of two independent, WSS processes X(t) and Y(t) are 2 and 3 respectively.
Their cross spectral density is
(a) 6 δ (w) (b) 12πδz(w) (c) 5πδ(w) (d) δ(w)
24. The cross spectral density of two random processes X(t) and Y(t) is SXY (w) is

(c) (d)
25. Time average of cross correlation function and the cross spectral density function from
Laplace Transform (b)Z-Transform (c) Fourier Transform (d) Convolution
1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B
7. A 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.D 13.C
14.B 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.A
20.C 21.D 22.C 23.B 24.A
1. A TV receiver has a 4KΩ input resistance and operates in a frequency range of 54-56
MHZ. At an ambient temperature of 270C, the RMS thermal noise voltage at the i/p of the
receiver is
(a) 25μV (b) 19.9μV (c) 14.8μV (d) 22μV
2. The RMS noise voltage across a 2μF capacitor over the entire frequency band when the
capacitor is shunted by a 2KΩ resistor maintained at 3000K is
(a) 0.454μV (b) 4.54μV (c) 45.4μV (d) 0.0454μV
3. When noise is mixed with a sinusoid the amplitude and PSD of the resulting noise
component becomes & of the original respectively
(a) Same as that of original (b) Half, half
(c) Half, one-third (d) half, one-fourth
4. The available noise power per unit bandwidth at the input of an antenna with a noise
temperature of 150K, feeding into a microwave amplifier with Te = 200K is
(a) 483 x 10-23w (b) 4.83 x 10-23w (c) 48.3 x 10-23w (d) 483w
5. Two resistor with resistances R1 and R2 are connected in parallel and have physical
temperatures T1 and T2 respectively. The effective noise temperature TS of an equivalent
resistor with resistance equal to the parallel combination R1 and R2 is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

6. Let n(t) be the narrow band representation of noise where n(t) = nc(t) cos wct - ns(t) sinwc t,
and let P1, P2, P3 are powers of n(t), nc(t) and ns(t) respectively then

(a) P1 = 2P2 = 3P3 (b)

(c) P1 = P2 = P3 (d) 3P1 = 2P2 = P3
7. The equivalent noise temperature of parallel combination of two resistors R1 = R2 = R
operating at noise temperature T1, and T2 respectively is

(a) T1 + T2 (b) (T1 + T2)2 (c) (d) T1. T2

8. In defining the noise bandwidth of a real system, it is required that the noise power N1
passed by ideal filter and noise powder N2 passed by real filter should be related as
(a) N1 = 2N2 (b) N2 = 2N1 (c) N1 + N2 = 1 (d) N1 = N2
9. Two resistor with resistances R1 and R2 are connected in parallel and have physical
temperatures T1 and T2 respectively
If T1 = T2 = T1, what is Ts ?
(a) T (b) (c) (d)
10. Two resistor with resistances R1 and R2 are connected in parallel and have physical
temperatures T1 and T2 respectively
If the resistors are in series, TS =

(a) (b) (c) (d)

11. An amplifier has three stages for which Te1 = 1500K (first stage), Te2 = 3500K and Te3 =
6000K (output stage). Available power gain of the first stage is 10 and overall input
effective noise temperature is 190 0K then the available power gain of second stage and
cascade's noise figure are respectively.
(a) 12, 1.655 (b) 1.655, 12 (c) 14,3.65 (d) 3.65, 14
12. In an amplifier, the first stage in a cascade of 5 stages has T e1 = 750K and G1 = 0.5. Each
succeeding stage has an effective input noise temperature and an available power gain
that are each 1.75 times that of the stage preceding it. The cascade's effective input noise
temperature is
(a) 50.260K (b) 500.260K (c) 400.260K (d) 550.260K
13. The total available output noise power spectral density for a noisy two port network is
(a) ga(f)(T0 + Te) (b)

(c) (d)
14. The noise present at the input of a two port network is 1μw. The noise figure of the
network is 0.5dB and its gain is 1010. The available noise power contributed by two port
(a) 1.22 KW (b) 12.2KW (c) 122KW (d) 1220KW
15. For the above problem the available output noise power is
(a) 12.2 KW (b) 11.2KW (c) 122KW (d) 112 KW
16. If ga(f) is the available gain of the network these the noise figure in terms of (effective
noise temperature) and T0 is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

17. The average noise figure is =

(a) (b) (c) always (d)

1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C
7. C 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.D 12.C
13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.D
19.A 20.B
1. http://higheredbcs.wiley.com/legacy/college/yates/0471272140/quiz_sol/quiz_sol.pdf
2. http://www.egwald.ca/statistics/
3. http://math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/60-XX.html
4. http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/teaching/math144_1994/probability.pdf
1. An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes (ISSN: 1744-2508)
2. Journal of Theoretical Probability (ISSN: 0894-9840)
3. Probability Theory and Related Fields (ISSN: 0178-8051)
4. Theory of Probability and Its Applications (ISSN: 0040-585X)
1. Set theory principles.
2. Examples of random variables, CDF and PDF.
3. Conditional distributions and density functions and properties.
4. Mean, variance, MGF and characteristic functions of Rayleigh random variable.
5. Interval and point conditioning of distribution and density function.
6. Unequal Distribution and Equal Distributions.
7. Linear transformation of Gaussian random variables.
8. Distinguish between random variables and random process.
9. Product Device Response to a random signal.
Average Noise Figures, Average Noise Figure of cascaded Networks

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