DLL Mathematics 5 q3 w3

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GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level V

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas MATH

Teaching Dates and Time NOVEMBER 11 - 15, 2019 (WEEK 3) Quarter III

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVES Solves routine and non-routine problems involving percentage using appropriate strategies and tools.

A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of polygons, circles, demonstrates understanding Weekly test
polygons, circles, and solid polygons, circles, and solid and solid figures. of polygons, circles, and solid
figures. figures. figures.

B. Performance Standards is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe polygons, circles, is able to construct and
polygons, circles, and solid figures polygons, circles, and solid figures and solid figures . describe polygons, circles, and
. . solid figures .

C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives visualizes and describes a circle. visualizes and describes a circle. identifies the terms related to a circle. identifies the terms related to
Write the LC code for each a circle.
M5GE-IIId-23.1 M5GE-IIId-23.1 M5GE-IIId-23.2

II. CONTENT Geometry Geometry Geometry Geometry


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages K to 12 Curriculum Guide, LM K to 12 Curriculum Guide, LM K to 12 Curriculum Guide, LM Math Grade 5 pages
Math Grade 5 pages Math Grade 5 pages Lesson Guide in Elementary
Lesson Guide in Elementary Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 6 p. 316-319
Mathematics Grade 6 p. 316-319 Mathematics Grade 6 p. 316-319
Workbook in Mathematics 6 Third Workbook in Mathematics 6 Third
Quarter, Rubio, May Ester M. p. Quarter, Rubio, May Ester M. p.
16-18 16-18
Workbook on Math (Grade 6), Workbook on Math (Grade 6),
Cayanan, Remedios p.140 Cayanan, Remedios p.140

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources strips of cartolina, flash cards
A. Reviewing previous lesson A. Checking of Assignment A. Checking of Assignment Conduct a review on solving routine and non- Conduct a review on solving
or presenting the new lesson B. Review the steps in solving B. Review the steps in solving routine problems involving percentage using routine and non-routine
word problems. word problems. appropriate strategies and tools. problems involving
Ask: What are the steps in Ask: What are the steps in percentage using appropriate
solving a problem? solving a problem? strategies and tools.
In what steps will the following In what steps will the following
questions fall? questions fall?
What is asked? What is asked?
What are the given facts? What are the given facts?
What is the process to be used? What is the process to be used?
What is the number sentence? What is the number sentence?
Show the solution and complete Show the solution and complete
answer. answer.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine and non-routine Create problems involving percentage with Create problems involving
lesson problems involving percentage problems involving percentage reasonable answers. percentage with reasonable
using appropriate strategies and using appropriate strategies and answers.
tools. tools.

C. Presenting examples/instances of How much money do you spend How much money do you spend What is your plan/ dream in the future? How do you What is your plan/ dream in
the new lesson in school every day? Do you save in school every day? Do you save plan to achieve it? the future? How do you plan
some of it for future use? Why some of it for future use? Why did to achieve it?
did you do it? Share your you do it? Share your experience. Ask: Is it important to make plan before doing any
experience. Let the pupils realize Let the pupils realize the activity? Ask: Is it important to make
the importance of being thrifty. importance of being thrifty. Ask: Does making a plan contribute in achieving plan before doing any activity?
one’s goal? Why? Lead the pupils to appreciate Ask: Does making a plan
planning ahead of time in any activity. contribute in achieving one’s
goal? Why? Lead the pupils to
appreciate planning ahead of
time in any activity.

D. Discussing new concepts and Reyes family has a monthly Reyes family has a monthly What is your plan/ dream in the future? How do you What is your plan/ dream in
practicing new skills #1 income of P 15 850. They allotted income of P 15 850. They allotted plan to achieve it? the future? How do you plan
40% of for food, 25% for 40% of for food, 25% for to achieve it?
education, 15% for water and education, 15% for water and Ask: Is it important to make plan before doing any
electricity fare, 8% for electricity fare, 8% for activity? Ask: Is it important to make
transportation, 7% for transportation, 7% for Ask: Does making a plan contribute in achieving plan before doing any activity?
miscellaneous expenses and 5% miscellaneous expenses and 5% one’s goal? Why? Why not? Ask: Does making a plan
for savings. How much money is for savings. How much money is Lead the pupils to appreciate planning ahead of contribute in achieving one’s
allotted for their savings? allotted for their savings? time in any activity. goal? Why? Why not?
Lead the pupils to appreciate
Ask: Ask: Guide the pupils in solving the problem. Refer to the planning ahead of time in any
What is asked in the problem? What is asked in the problem? questions. activity.
What are the given facts? What are the given facts? What is asked in the problem?
What is the operation to be used? What is the operation to be used? What are given? Guide the pupils in solving the
What is the operation to be used? problem. Refer to the
What is the number sentence? questions.
What is the answer? Does it make sense? What is asked in the problem?
What are given?
What is the operation to be
What is the number sentence?
What is the answer? Does it
make sense?
E. Discussing new concepts and Ask the pupils to work in groups Ask the pupils to work in groups Guide the pupils in solving the problem. Refer to the Guide the pupils in solving the
practicing new skills #2 in solving the problem. in solving the problem. questions. problem. Refer to the
What is asked in the problem? questions.
What are given? What is asked in the problem?
What is the operation to be used? What are given?
What is the number sentence? What is the operation to be
What is the answer? Does it make sense? used?
What is the number sentence?
What is the answer? Does it
make sense?
F. Developing mastery After the group presented and After the group presented and After the group presented and checked their work, After the group presented and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) checked their work, call on the checked their work, call on the call on the leader to relate what they have done to checked their work, call on the
leader to leader to solve the problem. leader to relate what they
relate what they have done to relate what they have done to have done to solve the
solve the problem. solve the problem. Ask: problem.
How did you find the activity?
Ask: Ask: How were you able to create a problem? Ask:
Which of the two problems is Which of the two problems is How many move of decimal point do we move? How did you find the activity?
easier to solve? easier to solve? How were you able to create a
In which problem did you enjoy In which problem did you enjoy problem?
solving? Why? solving? Why? How many move of decimal
How many operations did you use How many operations did you use point do we move?
to solve problem 1? to solve problem 1?
What operation is it? How did you What operation is it? How did you
solve it? solve it?
What is your number sentence? What is your number sentence?
What is your final answer? What is your final answer?
What about problem number 2? What about problem number 2?
How were you able to solve it? Do How were you able to solve it? Do
you have a number sentence to you have a number sentence to
solve it? solve it?
Did you work in group Did you work in group
cooperatively? cooperatively?
When your group solved the When your group solved the
problem easily, how did you feel? problem easily, how did you feel?
G. Finding practical applications of Say: Let us solve more problems. Say: Let us solve more problems. A. Discuss the presentation under Explore and A. Discuss the presentation
concepts and skills in daily living Ask pupils to do the exercises by Ask pupils to do the exercises by Discover of page __, LM Math Grade 5. under Explore and Discover of
pairs under Get Moving on page pairs under Get Moving on page page __, LM Math Grade 5.
___ 69 of LM Math Grade 5. ___ 69 of LM Math Grade 5. B. Ask pupils to create problems with the
Check the pupils’ answer. Check the pupils’ answer. information given. B. Ask pupils to create
problems with the information
1. P 18 920 – monthly income of Guevarra Family given.
15% - allotted for clothing
20% - allotted for transportation 1. P 18 920 – monthly income
25% - allotted for education of Guevarra Family
4o% - allotted for food 15% - allotted for clothing
20% - allotted for
2. 600 – total number of farm animals transportation
65% - four-legged animals 25% - allotted for education
4o% - allotted for food
Allow pupils to answer exercises A and B under
Keep Moving, pages ____ and LM Math Grade 5. 2. 600 – total number of farm
Check the pupils’ answer. animals
65% - four-legged animals

Allow pupils to answer

exercises A and B under Keep
Moving, pages ____ and LM
Math Grade 5. Check the
pupils’ answer.

H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to generalize as Lead the pupils to generalize as Lead the pupils to give the generalization by asking: Lead the pupils to give the
abstractions about the lesson follows: follows: How do create problems involving percentage with generalization by asking:
reasonable answers. How do create problems
The steps in solving routine The steps in solving routine involving percentage with
problems involving percentage problems involving percentage Lead the pupils to give the generalization by asking: reasonable answers.
are: are: How do create problems involving percentage with
 Understand – Know  Understand – Know reasonable answers. Lead the pupils to give the
what is asked, what are what is asked, what are generalization by asking:
given. given. How do create problems
involving percentage with
 Plan – Know the  Plan – Know the
reasonable answers.
operation. Write the operation. Write the
number sentence. number sentence.
 Solve – Write the  Solve – Write the
correct units/ label your correct units/ label your
answer. answer.
 Check and Look back –  Check and Look back –
Review and check your Review and check your
answer. answer.
To solve non-routine problems To solve non-routine problems
involving percentage, keep in involving percentage, keep in
mind: mind:
 Read and analyze the  Read and analyze the
problem carefully. problem carefully.
 Tell what is asked and  Tell what is asked and
what are given. what are given.
 Then, use other  Then, use other
strategies like act out strategies like act out
the problem, the problem,
listing/table method, listing/table method,
guess and test, guess and test,
drawing/ making a drawing/ making a
diagram, using patterns, diagram, using patterns,
working backwards, etc. working backwards, etc.
to solve to solve

I. Evaluating learning A. Directions: Create a problem using the given A. Directions: Create a
A. Directions: Solve the following A. Directions: Solve the following information. problem using the given
percentage problems. percentage problems. information.
1. 50 – numbers of pupils in Grade 5 – Jose
1. On their family 1. On their family Rizal 1. 50 – numbers of pupils
budget, Mariano family allotted budget, Mariano family allotted 12% - failed in the quarter examination in in Grade 5 – Jose Rizal
45% for the education of their 45% for the education of their Mathematics 12% - failed in the
children. children. quarter examination in
If the family has a If the family has a 2. P 480.00 – weekly allowance of Jed Mathematics
monthly income of P 13, 540.00, monthly income of P 13, 540.00, 7% - savings per week
how much is allotted for the how much is allotted for the 3. 500 – number of people included in the survey 2. P 480.00 – weekly
education of their education of their about the new shampoo product. allowance of Jed
children? children? 12% - nurses 7% - savings per
35% - teachers week
2. If 25% of 80 is 10% of 2. If 25% of 80 is 10% of 15% - policemen 3. 500 – number of people
a number? What is number? a number? What is number? 24% - vendors included in the survey about
14% - government official the new shampoo product.
3. A regular fare of P 3. A regular fare of P 12% - nurses
8.00 is implemented in a public 8.00 is implemented in a public 4. 2000 – number of people asked as to their 35% - teachers
jeepney. Students are given a jeepney. Students are given a favorite ice cream flavor 15% - policemen
12.5% discount. If the 12.5% discount. If the 24% - vendors
jeepney drivers have 12 student jeepney drivers have 12 student 58% - chocolate 14% - government
passengers, how passengers, how 26% - mango official
much discount are given much discount are given 12% - strawberry
to all 12 student passengers? to all 12 student passengers? 4% - avocado 4. 2000 – number of people
asked as to their favorite ice
4. A group of 150 4. A group of 150 5. 300 – number of high school students cream flavor
students are asked as to their students are asked as to their interviewed as to what course to pursue in college
favorite pets. 36% chose cat as favorite pets. 36% chose cat as 32% - education 58% - chocolate
their their 24% - engineering 26% - mango
favorite, 48% chose dog, favorite, 48% chose dog, 15% - nursing 12% - strawberry
12% chose birds and 4% chose 12% chose birds and 4% chose 20% - tourism 4% - avocado
fish. How many students fish. How many students 9% - agriculture
chose birds as their chose birds as their 5. 300 – number of high
favorite pet? favorite pet? school students interviewed as
to what course to pursue in
5. Jenny has a monthly 5. Jenny has a monthly college
allowance of P 4, 800.00. She allowance of P 4, 800.00. She 32% - education
allotted 60% of it for his studies. allotted 60% of it for his studies. 24% - engineering
From this 60%, she From this 60%, she 15% - nursing
allotted 25% of for his books. How allotted 25% of for his books. How 20% - tourism
much is allotted for books? much is allotted for books? 9% - agriculture
J. Additional activities for A. Solve the following problem. A. Solve the following problem. A. Study the story problem given below. A. Study the story problem
application or remediation Complete the problem by creating a question for given below. Complete the
1. Of the 40 members of 1. Of the 40 members of what is asked. Then solve the problem. problem by creating a
Mathematics club, 35% are also Mathematics club, 35% are also question for
member of Science Club. member of Science Club. 1) Kenneth took a 200-item high school what is asked. Then
How many members of the club How many members of the club entrance test. He got 85% of the test correctly. solve the problem.
are also members of Science are also members of Science Question: __
Club? Club? Solution and Answer: 1) Kenneth took a 200-
item high school entrance test.
2) Father harvested 500 kilograms of different He got 85% of the test
2. In a group of 200 teachers, 72% 2. In a group of 200 teachers, 72% kinds of vegetables. 28% of it were correctly.
are right-handed. Of these are right-handed. Of these tomatoes,64% of it were egg plant and the Question: __
numbers 25% are musically numbers 25% are musically rest were squash? Solution and Answer:
inclined. How many teachers are inclined. How many teachers are Question:__
musically inclined? musically inclined? Solution and Answer: 2) Father harvested 500
kilograms of different kinds of
3. There are 580 pupils enrolled 3. There are 580 pupils enrolled B. Create a word problem by completing the data vegetables. 28% of it were
as Grade Six pupils in Labangan as Grade Six pupils in Labangan needed. Fill in the data to complete the tomatoes,64% of it
Elementary School. If 15% of Elementary School. If 15% of problems below. Then solve the problems. were egg plant and the rest
them are members of Pantawid them are members of Pantawid were squash?
Pamilyang Pilipino Program, how Pamilyang Pilipino Program, how 3) There are _____ books in the bookshelves. Question:__
many pupils many pupils ______ of it are literary books? How many Solution and Answer:
are not members of the Pantawid are not members of the Pantawid books were not literary books?
Pamilyang Pilipino Program? Pamilyang Pilipino Program? B. Create a word problem by
4) 150 respondents were asked to what they do completing the data needed.
as a form of exercise. _____ said that they Fill in the data to complete the
enjoy biking, _____ said that they go on problems below. Then
swimming, _____ said that spent walking and solve the problems.
___ likes running. How many chose
swimming as a form of exercise? 3) There are _____ books
in the bookshelves. ______ of
5) Mira asked her 60 classmates as to their it are literary books? How
favorite color. ____ chose red, ____ chose many
blue, ____ chose green, ___ chose yellow and books were not literary
____ chose pink. How many chose books?
blue as their favorite color?
4) 150 respondents were
asked to what they do as a
form of exercise. _____ said
that they
enjoy biking, _____ said
that they go on swimming,
_____ said that spent walking
___ likes running. How
many chose swimming as a
form of exercise?
5) Mira asked her 60
classmates as to their favorite
color. ____ chose red, ____
blue, ____ chose green,
___ chose yellow and ____
chose pink. How many chose
blue as their favorite

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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