Portofolio UIUX Brigitta Karenza-Dikompresi

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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024


U N I O Brigitta Karenza Anindhita


I / UX

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About Me Experience
Greetings! Project Manager division

PHBD Centre (Program Holistik Bina

I am a Tech enthusiast, who currently studies tourism at Gadjah Mada University. Even though I

am a tourism student, I have a huge interest in digital product development especially in the UI/
July 2021 – December 202
UX and Design. I have learned a lot about managing people, problem-solving skills, and effective
communication. The ability to solve a problem with a creative approach is one of the things that is
Staff of Media Division

needed the most. I believe with my background and Binar academy bootcamp, I could turn the
Himpunan Mahasiswa Pariwisata
problem into opportunity by help the user with the best solution to make their life easier.

February 2021 – December 202

Education Work Experience

Brigitta Karenza Gadjah Mada University (August 2020 –
Product Marketing & Social Media Internship

Member of P3D Team


Indonesian Ecotourism Network (INDECON)


June 2021 - November 2021

Anindhita Bachelor of Tourism

September - December 2023

GPA: 3.8
UI/UX Designer Photographer Internship Programme

Kolese Gonzaga Highschool

Kompas Muda (Kompas.id)

July 2018 - August 2018

Professioonal Tools & Skills

Figma Miro Notion Corel Draw Adobe Photoshop
Google Suite Wix Trello Design Thinking Communication

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Certification of UI/UX Reseach & Design by Binar Academy

I learned about the foundation of Programming, UX Basics, Research Methods, and Deep Processes designing, the Aspects Involved in
Product Development, Perform Basic User Research Processes, and Designing the Interface and Iteration Processes on Products.

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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

UI/UX Design
List of my UI/UX Design Project

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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Parent.co Application
The transition of the learning system from an offline to an online format has been
impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic. This increases the likelihood that kids will
have access to cellphones. Parent.Co exists because parents are going back to
work as office workers and because children are using telephones in a more
unrestrained manner due to the decrease in Covid-19 cases.

The English term parent.co implies "together," whereas parent denotes "parent."
An application for smartphones called Parent.Co lets parents keep an eye on
their kids' mobile usage. For parents to remotely monitor their child's activities,
this is done. Not only can you keep an eye on their smartphone usage, but you
can also manage it.

Find me at: Article and case study: This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual
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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Project Brief:
The application's user interface will be improved, along with the capabilities for
adding kids' devices and downloading the newest pictures from kids' cellphones.
As a result, study is required to determine how users really interact with this
feature. Product team members must be aware of:

Understanding behavior, challenges, unfulfilled demands, user expectations,
and evaluating user behavior in comparison to rivals

Unsupervised remote usability testing
System usability testing

Sample Specification:
30-60 y.
a mother who works and has children under 16 y.o

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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Bi o
Parents who have 14-year-old children are the users. Children who need child services are Jakartan students in the eighth grade of junior
high school. Through the Parent.co app, Mrs. Ratna is able to keep an eye on his son's smartphone usage.

Needs & Expec tation a n Point & Frustaration

P i G oals
T he children are capable of Ex periencing difficulty creating a Easy to register the child's devic
Ratna Mulyuno managing their own play and personal profile with buttons that C an register an account and log in
learning schedules. resemble those for adding devices easily
Age: 47
Occupation: Private sector W hen children are learning online, Confused about the feature of adding Able to restrict what images and
employee there is assistance from other parties a child device v ideos kids can access.
Location: Jakarta Selatan to supervise and instruct them. Ambiguous button and widget
Ed ucation: Bachelor degree arrangement.
Status: Married

The user persona will include an explanation of the "set of stage" step for a simple understanding of the product that has to be designed.

Find me at: Article and case study: This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual
https://dribbble.com/brigittakarenza https://medium.com/me/stories/drafts property of Brigitta Karenza Anindhita 2022-2024. Not for distribution.
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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Point of view How Might We

User Insight How can information in the application become
accessible for users?
Working mothers who have children
Parents understand how critical it is to
under 16 y.o
teach and supervise their children's
smartphone use. However, they
How can the Parent.Co application's button shape and logo
also realize that parents need assistance placement not easily confuse users?
Need in monitoring their children's education
because kids require access to lessons
via smartphones. Furthermore, the
How can the buttons and layout of the Parent.Co app be
majority of parents require assistance
Requires access to educational
from a third party because they lack the improved to enhance the user experience?
resources and teaching support in
order to instruct and supervise kids time and abilities needed to teach the
who use smartphones frequently. subject matter.
How does parent.co help parents monitor and manage their kids'
smartphone use from a distance?
Mothers (parents) who work and have children under 16 years old require the
application be user-friendly and simple to operate overall.

During the understanding phase, I attempt to comprehend user needs through current issues and search for solutions using the Point Of View,
customer journey, and How-Might-We.

Find me at: Article and case study: This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual
https://dribbble.com/brigittakarenza https://medium.com/me/stories/drafts property of Brigitta Karenza Anindhita 2022-2024. Not for distribution.
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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Dafta Masu Memili Da a p

Thinkin Thinkin Thinkin Thinkin Thinkin

Apa saja yang dapat Perangkat saya yang Ada fitur apa saja di Bagaimana cara saya Apakah anak
didaftarkan atau
dilakukan pada aplikasi aplikasi ini membatasi mendownload aplikasi
parent.co perangkat anak saya Peletakan menu penggunaan media sesuai dengan
Memikirkan untuk Apakah logo ini button membingungka sosial anak yang sesuai usianya
mendaftar Apa jenis perangkat Tombol untuk lihat dengan umurnya? Berapa lamakah anak
menggunakan email anak saya sosial media, foto dan Button apa yang harus saya menggunakan
atau akun faceboo Bagaimana cara meng- profil yang mana ya? saya klik agar media sosialnya on
Apakah aplikasi ini scan QR-Code Mau coba fitur yang membuka section their daily basis?
mudah untuk Bagaimana cara mana terlebih dahulu media sosial page?
digunakan? memasukan kode OTP?
Task Task Task Task Memastikan memilih
Membuat nama user Memasukan Jenis HP Menscroll scree Memilih button media umur anak untuk

DOING (orang tua

Membuat passwor
dan nomor Hp anak
Melakukan scan QR
Mencoba menekan
button yang ada
sosial untuk membuka
page dan sectionny
Melihat filter
membatasi aplikasi
yang digunakan ana
Mendaftar akun cod Melihat filter
menggunakan Memasukan code OTP penggunaan sosial penggunaan sosial
facebook atau email. yang dikirimkan melalui media untuk media secara detail
SMS atau Whatsapp. memonitoring lama untuk memonitoirng
waktu penggunaan. lama waktu

User emotion User emotions

User emotions
User emotions
User emotions

Penasara Bingung harus memasukan Kesal dan bingung dengan Ribet dengan banyaknya Penasaran berapa waktu

FEEL IN bertanya-tany
code OTP dan antara
memasukan nomor anak
tampilan menu yang ada
dan kesulitan dalam
menemukan button
button dan bingung cara
untuk menentukan lama
anak menggunakan sosial
media dan bagaimana
atau nomor hp sendiri
waktu penggunaan sosial cara kerja limit app anak

media anak

Customer journey
Brigitta Karenza Anindhita

Pain Poin Paint Poin ain

P Poin Pain Poin P ainPoin

bingung memilih Sulit untuk melakukan Tidak mengetahui Sulit untuk menemukan bingung dengan cara

PAI menggunakan email

atau akun faceboo
scan QR-cod
Bingung untuk
fungsi dari button dan
menu yang ad
button dan membuka
page monitoring sosial
kerja fitu
kesulitan dalam melihat
memasukan kode OTP
Bingung dengan media anak aplikasi yang sesuai
terkendala apabila
tidak memiliki akun tampilan menu karena bingung menentukan dengan usia anak
email dan facebook menggunakan layout monitoring section
widget dan icon yang
Mira Kuheba tidak familiar Mira Kuheba

Menam ahkan fitur

b Men am ahkan o tion
d b p Men em an kan
g b g Men em an kan fitur
g b g Pop up & tombol notifikasi
To monitor and manage the images and videos on her kids' cellphones, Mrs. Ratna en aftaran se ara selain Q o e en an layout menu tam ilan limit a time untuk ersetujuan untuk

p d c Rc d d g p pp p

manual en an nomor
d g mem uat utton
b b utama a likasi en an
p d g mem atasi aktu
b w mendapatkan notifikasi
PR V telfon en isian en iriman OT via i et yan mu ah en unaan a likasi ketika anaknya akan
utilizes the Parent.co app.
,p g p g P w dg g d p gg p

username an d whatsa atau email.

pp d ilihat hanya en an d g ana mendownload suatu app,

pem uatan ass or
b p w d.
men s roll
g c Mem uat entuk
b b sebelum app tersebut
memin ahkan utton
d b b utton an i et
d w dg dapat didownload anak.

p rofile (settin ) ke g monitorin sosialg

p ojok ata me ia anak menja i

d d

hanya mem uat em at

b p li ka le an stan out
c c b d d

b utton menu utama Brigitta Karenza Anindhita

a a a ian alin
p d b g p g

a ah a likasi.
b w p

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https://dribbble.com/brigittakarenza https://medium.com/me/stories/drafts property of Brigitta Karenza Anindhita 2022-2024. Not for distribution.
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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Urgency vs importance matrix


The emphasis on new features and
At this stage, I gather some UI/UX improvements to ensure that
information from the UT results in our application can compete with
advance and compile it from existing competitors.
various sources.

1. User interface upgrades to

streamline user flow

2. A download button for images

and videos was added.

Competitor analysis

with Fence.ai,
Googlefamily and


UT I organize suggestions provided by potential users and results from competitor analysis into four
categories: (1) additional features; (2) improvements to the application's UI/UX; (3) existing features; and
(4) future features.

According to feedback from potential users on the second UT, (1) improvements to the Parent.co user
Usability Testing (UT)
interface are required, and (2) potential users who are elderly require assistance, such as an introduction
First and second UT result popup, to learn the functions of the icons on Parent.co.

I conducted an ideation process during the definition stage to maximize the features in the parent.co application and offer solutions categorized by
competitor analysis and the outcomes of the first and second Usability Testing to select workable concepts and concentrate on the final solution
as an MVP.

Find me at: Article and case study: This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual
https://dribbble.com/brigittakarenza https://medium.com/me/stories/drafts property of Brigitta Karenza Anindhita 2022-2024. Not for distribution.
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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Sitemap Information Architecture


The overall flow of

features on parent.co
Information Architecture

on the login screen, as

well as the ability to add a
child's device to the
parent.Co application.

Task Flow
Task flow

When you log in, the buttons are

clearer and the logo is smaller. The
ability to add a child's device to the
parent.Because the Co flow
application is simple, users will find
it easier to use.

During the decision-making phase, I develop a sitemap, architectural information, and task flow, that suggests to carefully selected product
concepts from the earlier phase.

Find me at: Article and case study: This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual
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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

wireframes Wireflow

log-in and add devices

The buttons are more visible

during login, and the logo is
reduced in size. The ability to

add a child's device to the

low fidelity on the paper
parent's device.The Co flow
Download photos or videos
application is simple, making
The buttons are less cluttered and it easier for users to use.
the logo is smaller during login. the
capability of connecting a child's
gadget to the parent.The Coflow
application is designed to be user-
friendly and straightforward.

I began the prototype stage by developing a design system, wireframe, wireflow, dan high fidelity mockup. Taskflow was then used to determine the
functions of the mockups.. Link full prototype

Find me at: Article and case study: This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual
https://dribbble.com/brigittakarenza https://medium.com/me/stories/drafts property of Brigitta Karenza Anindhita 2022-2024. Not for distribution.
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Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Why did I choose Green?

Green symbolizes harmony, tranquility and calm, which are the
feelings needed to use children's monitoring and controlling
device applications.

Poppins Light Medium Semibold Bold
Design System dan

Highy fidelity

#444839 #1B9449 #4ADE7E #B3D43B #D9EF82 #F7F7F7


Find me at: Article and case study: This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual
https://dribbble.com/brigittakarenza https://medium.com/me/stories/drafts property of Brigitta Karenza Anindhita 2022-2024. Not for distribution.
Portofolio by: Contact: Career: Expired Date:
Brigitta Karenza Anindhita +62 8123 1050 8832 Product Designer - UI/UX Design 31 // 12 // 2024

Find me at: Article and case study: This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual
https://dribbble.com/brigittakarenza https://medium.com/me/stories/drafts property of Brigitta Karenza Anindhita 2022-2024. Not for distribution.

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