Caed-2024 - Porj of ST Lines
Caed-2024 - Porj of ST Lines
Caed-2024 - Porj of ST Lines
Draw its projections. vp
x y
a b
A line measures 70 mm is
Perpendicular to the H.P
and Parallel to VP . It’s one
end is 20 mm in front of
the V.P. and 15 mm above
the H.P. Draw the
A line measures 70 mm is
Perpendicular to the V.P and
Parallel to HP. It’s one end is 20 mm (c’)
in front of the V.P. and 15 mm
above the H.P. Draw the
1. Draw XY line and mark VP,HP
2. Mark location of one end point, say A with respect to VP and HP (front view
a’ and top view a)
3. Suppose the line AB is assumed to be inclined to HP at θ and parallel to VP ,
draw a’b1’ passing through a’ at θ to XY line and equal to true length of line
AB. a’b1’ is projected down to get ab1 , the top view parallel to XY line.
4. Now the line AB is assumed to be inclined to VP at ɸ and parallel to HP ,
draw ab2 passing through point a at ɸ to XY line and equal to true length of
line AB. ab2 is projected up to get a’b2’ , the front view parallel to XY line.
5. Draw the horizontal locus lines through b2 and b1’ to get locus of B in top
view and front view respectively.
6. With a’ as center a’b2’ as radius draw an arc to cut the locus of B in front
view to get point b’ . Connect a’b’, the front view of the line AB.
7. Now with a as center ab1 as radius draw an arc to cut the locus of B in top
view to get point b . Connect ab, the top view of the line AB.
Important parameters to be remembered
with Notations used here onwards
1. A line AB 80 mm long has its end A 20 mm above HP and 30 mm in front of VP. It is inclined at 30°to HP and 450 to VP.
Draw the projections of the line and find apparent lengths and apparent inclinations.
b' b1 ' Locus of 'B' IN FV
a' b2 '
VP α=45°
HP Β=55°
FV=57 mm
Answers TV=70 mm
5 5°
69 ,
Locus of 'B' in TV
b b2
2.Assignment: A line AB, 75 mm long, is inclined at 45° to H.P. and
30° to V.P. Its end B is in H.P. and 40 mm in front of t V.P. Draw its
3. A line AB 70 mm long is inclined to HP at 450 and inclined to VP at 300 . Point A is
touching both VP and HP. Draw front and top views of line and determine their lengths.
Also determine the perpendicular distance of end B from both HP and VP.
B is 49.5 mm above HP
and 35 mm infront of VP
α= 55°
Β =45°
4.A line AB measuring 70 mm has its end A 15 mm infront of VP and 20 mm above HP and
the other end B 60 mm in front of VP and 50 mm above HP. Draw the projections of the
line and find the inclinations of the line with the both the reference planes of projection
TL = AB = 70 mm
End A 15 mm in front of VP
and 20 mm above HP
End B 60 mm in front of VP
and 50 mm above HP
8. The mid point
of a line AB is 60
mm above HP
and 50 mm
infront of VP. The
line measures
80mm and is
inclined at 300 to
HP and 450 to VP.
Draw its
9. Line AB 75mm long makes 450 inclination with VP while it’s FV makes 550.
End A is 10 mm above HP and 15 mm in front of VP. If line is in 1st quadrant
draw it’s projections and find it’s inclination with HP.
10. The end A of a line AB is on HP and 25 mm infront of VP. The end B is on VP and 50 mm above HP. The
distance between the end projectors when measured parallel to the line of intersection of HP and VP is 65 mm. Draw
the projections of the line AB and determine its true length and true inclinations with HP and VP
End A of a line AB is on HP and 25 mm infront of VP.
End B is on VP and 50 mm above HP
Distance between the end projectors IS 65mm
11. FV of line AB is 50°inclined to
xy and measures 55 mm long LOCUS OF ‘B’ IN FV
while it’s TV is 60° inclined to xy
line. If end A is 10 mm above HP
and 15 mm in front of VP, draw b2’
it’s projections, find TL,
inclinations of line with HP & VP 10
12. T.V.of a 75 mm long Line TL= 80mm
CD, measures 50 mm. End C Θ= 32°
is in HP and 50 mm in front Ф= 48°
of VP.
End D is 15 mm in front of
VP and it is above HP. Draw LOCUS OF’B’ IN TV
projections of CD and find
angles with HP and VP.
13; A line PQ 85 mm long has its end P 10 mm above HP and 15 mm infront of VP. The top view and front
view of line PQ are 75 mm and 80 mm respectively. Draw its projections. Also determine the true and
apparent inclinations of the line.
True Length = PQ = 85 mm
End P 10 mm above HP and 15 mm infront of VP.
Apparent length in top view = pq= 75 mm IN FV
Apparent length in front view = p’q’ = 80 mm
14. The left view of a line AB 80 mm long, makes an angle of 400 to the XY line. Draw the top
and front views of the line when the length of the left view is 50 mm. Take the point A to be
15 mm above HP and 60mm in front of VP and the point B being nearer to VP.
15. The top view of a 75 mm long line CD measures 50 mm. The mid point of
the line is 60 mm in front of VP and 50 mm above HP. The point D is 40 mm in
front of VP. Draw its projections and find its inclinations with HP and VP.
16. A straight line PQ, 65 mm long, is inclined at 45° to HP and 30° to VP. The
point P is 70 mm from both the reference planes and point Q is nearer to both
the reference planes. Draw the projections.
Drawings drawn of the same size as the objects, are called full-size (1 : 1) drawings.
A scale is defined as the ratio of the linear dimensions of element of the object as
represented in a drawing to the actual dimensions of the same element of the object itself.
Representative fraction: The ratio of the length of the object represented on drawing to
the actual length of the object represented is called the Representative Fraction (i.e. R.F)
When drawings are drawn smaller than the actual size of the objects (as in case of buildings,
bridges, large machines etc.) the scale used is said to be a reducing scale (1 : 5).
Drawings of small machine parts, mathematical instruments, watches etc. are made larger
than their real size. These are said to be drawn on an enlarging scale (5 : 1 ).
1. A room is 5 m X 3 m X 4 m high. An electric lamp is suspended vertically from the
center of the ceiling at a distance of 0.8m from it. Find the distance of the lamp from
anyone of the ground corners and slope angle of the connecting line with the ground.
Answer:4.35 m
Θ = 48°
2. A divider opened at 45° is so placed on the ground such that both the ends are equidistant from VP
and the hinged end is 50 mm above the ground and nearer to VP. If the distance between the ends is
80 mm, draw the projections and determine the true lengths of the legs of the divider. Also
determine the inclinations of each leg with the reference planes.
o2' x1 o2"
o' o"
a1' VP RPP
a' b' a"(b")
x y
o HP
a2 a b
3. Two oranges on a tree are respectively 1.8 meter and 3 meter above the ground,
and 1.2 meter and 2.1 meter from a 0.3 meter thick wall but on the opposite sides of
it. The distance between the ranges measured along the ground and parallel to the
wall is 2.7 meter. Determine the real distance between the oranges. Use a suitable
ANSWER: 4.7 m
4. Three vertical poles
AB,CD and EF are
respectively 2 m, 4 m
and 8 m long. Their ends
B,D and F are on the
ground and form the
comers of an equilateral
triangle of 5 m long
sides. Determine
graphically the distances
between the top ends of
the poles, namely AC,
CE AE, also the
inclination of these with
the ground. Scale 1 : 50.