SolarNext Product Data
SolarNext Product Data
SolarNext Product Data
Product Brochure
Single Effect
Hot Water Driven
Absorption Chiller
105 ~ 4571 kW (30 ~ 1300 usRT)
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HWAR-LHH, Hot water driven Absorption absorption chiller eliminates demand charges and high
cost electrical usage.and high cost electrical usage.
Chillers, Provides Heat Recovery water
chilling to CHP System and Heat Application versatility Designed to suit a variety of
applications - From comfort cooling to providing chilled
Recovery Facilities. water for process applications, the HWAR-LHH
absorption chiller offers versatility for almost any job
● No CFC’s ; environmentally safe where hot water is available as the heat source, the
● Quiet, vibration-free operation HWAR-LHH is sure to be the right choice for either new
● High reliability due to few moving parts construction or retrofit applications.
Control Panel & Electrical Data...............20~21 Single-point box electrical connection - Installation
Hot Water Control Valve & Insulation….22~23 costs are further reduced by eliminating field wiring
between machine components. On units shipped as a
Typical Piping & Wiring.................................24 single assembly, all unit-mounted electrical items are
factory-wired to the chiller microprocessor control panel.
Only a single-point electrical connection to the chiller
Model Number Nomenclature from the building’s electrical service is required. Voltage
Coo transformers, mounted in the chiller control panel,
provide secondary, single-phase powers for the HWAR-
Super High Efficiency
LHH control.
Cooling Capacity
Low noise and vibration allows location flexibility -
Hot water driven Single-effect Absorption chiller Low sound and vibration levels are characteristic of
Features/Benefits absorption chillers, primarily due to the fact the only
rotating parts are the refrigerant and solution pumps.
HWAR–LHH Hot water driven Absorption The overall sound level of HWAR-LHH is typically 75dbA.
This allows the machines to be installed near occupies
Chiller provides economical Water chilling spaces or in areas with strict sound requirements. Low
for CHP (Cooling, Heating and Power) vibration levels also make it possible to install the chiller
System. on upper floors without special consideration for
vibration dampening systems.
Heat recovery cooling and Excellent part
load performance
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Standard features allow simple maintenance Superior corrosion protection – Absorption chillers
procedures - Every HWAR-LHH machine has must be protected from the possibility of internal
numerous standard design features that provide for corrosion that is always present when lithium bromide
convenient and simple maintenance. Hinged water box solution is in contact with internal machine surfaces. The
cover on the absorber, and condenser facilitate tube and HWAR-LHH absorption chiller incorporates a highly
water box inspection. All moving parts are easily effective corrosion inhibitor to provide an extra margin of
accessible for inspection or replacement, as required. protection against internal corrosion. Other inhibitors
may require the use of exotic tube materials in certain
Leak-proof hermetic pumps cut maintenance costs heat exchangers since they are less effective and
- HWAR-LHH solution and refrigerant pumps/ motors require frequent maintenance and analysis. The
are leak-proof, completely self-contained, and superior corrosion protection of HWAR-LHH’s inhibitor
hermetically sealed. The hermetic design eliminates allows for the use of standard copper tubes throughout
the need for a separate, complicated, and possibly leak- the machine. This results in long machine life and
prone seal water system while providing leak tightness dependable operation.
and longer machine life. Specially designed bearings
absorb both radial and axial thrusts to ensure correct fit Gravitational dropping refrigerant and solution
at all times. There is no possibility of external distribution system (Evaporator, Absorber,
contamination since the fluid being pumped lubricates Generator) – The refrigerant and solution distribution
and cools the pump and motor assemblies. In addition, system in evaporator, absorber and generator is
both the rotor and the stator are separated by a stainless performed based on gravity and siphon phenomenon.
steel liner that protects the windings from the fluid being This gravitational dropping distribution system adopts
pumped. As an additional safety feature, thermal over- stainless steel tray and allows uniform solution spray
load switches are embedded in the stator to protect and continuous heat transfer. Different from nozzle
against high winding temperatures. The pumps are field spray type of distribution system, this system does not
serviceable. Inspection is recommended after 5 years or need external pumps to spray the solutions with nozzles
20,000 hours of operation, whichever comes first. Pump and prevents nozzles from clogging.
isolation valves are included on HWAR-LHH machines
to make field service easy, if required. Rugged machine construction – Every HWAR-LHH
absorption chiller offers numerous standard features
designed to provide reliable, trouble-free operation. The
Reliable operation(Certification : UL, CE, ISO, PED) machine is fabricated to meet stringent manufacturing
and design requirements and is UL-listed to ensure
HWAR-LHH control system features automatic product safety and machine integrity.
microprocessor control center continuously
monitors machine operation, ensuring precise Automatic purge system extends machine life and
control – Each HWAR-LHH absorption chiller includes ensures optimum efficiency and performance – The
a factory mounted and wired microprocessor control purge system of an absorption chiller is critical to
panel that is functionally tested prior to shipment. ensuring efficient operation and long machine life. Even
Continuous monitoring and control of machine operation when machines are vacuum tight or properly inhibited,
are performed automatically. A touch screen type display all absorption chillers generate hydrogen and other non-
on the front of the control panel identifies operational condensable gases in small quantities. Since these
status and fault indication. All control panel components gases are present in sufficient volume to interfere with
and the assembly will meet local codes including UL proper machine operation, they must be removed to
(Underwriters’ Laboratories), and KS where appropriate protect the unit from internal corrosion, lithium bromide
and include a microprocessor CPU (central processing solution crystallization, and/or a reduction in chiller
unit) board, molded case circuit breaker, pump capacity. HWAR-LHH purge system protects the
contactors, ambient compensated 3-phase pump machines from these potential hazards by working
overload protection, control power transformers, and all continuously during machine operation.
other necessary safeties and controls. During operation, non-condensable gas tends to
As part of the start-up sequence, the chiller accumulate in the absorber section, which operates at
microprocessor control panel initiates a self-diagnostic the lowest internal pressure. A slip-stream of lithium
system check to verify that all sensors are in range. bromide solution from the solution pump discharge flows
Other standard features include a remote start/stop through an eductor, creating a suction that draws non-
switch and a key-locked control panel door that protects condensable gas from the absorber. The non-
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condensable gas is then entrained by the solution cannot reenter the machine (even during shutdown).
flowing through the eductor. The eductor discharges These gases must periodically be exhausted (as
the solution and non-condensable gas into a separator required) from the storage tank by a simple procedure
in a purge chamber, where the non-condensable gas are performed while the machine is running. Evacuation can
separated from the solution. The non-condensable gas be performed by a unit-mounted vacuum pump that is
flows to a storage tank, while the solution returns to the connected to the purge evacuation valve.
absorber. The unit-mounted vacuum pump can also be used
As non-condensable gas accumulates in the external during chiller maintenance or service to remove non-
storage tank, they are isolated from the chiller and condensable gas directly from the machine.
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Hot Water
Chilled Water Absorber
Outlet Heat Exchanger
Absorber Heat
Chilled Water
Cooling Water
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Chilled Flow rate m3/h 18.1 24.2 30.2 36.3 45.4 54.4 66.5 81.6 93.7 109
water P. Drop mH2O 4.6 5.2 6.1 6.8 6.7 6.9 4.6 4.9 4.5 4.5
Connection mm 65 80 100 125
Temp. ℃ 31 / 36.5
Cooling Flow rate m3/h 36.6 48.9 61.1 73.3 91.6 110 134 165 189 220
water P. Drop mH2O 4.2 4.2 6.2 6.4 6.2 6.5 8.1 8.8 8.8 8.7
Connection mm 100 125 150
Temp. ℃ 95 / 80
Flow rate ton/h 7.3 9.8 12.2 14.6 18.3 21.9 26.8 32.9 37.8 43.9
Hot Pressure Shell mH2O 2.2 2.8 3.1 4.0 2.0 2.3 4.8 5.4 2.3 2.6
water Drop Control
mH2O 4.0 2.8 4.4 2.4 3.7 2.1 3.2 1.9 2.5 3.4
Connection mm 50 65 80
Control Valve mm 40 50 65 80
Power source - 3Φ, 400, 50Hz
Abs. Pump kW(A) 1.5 (5.4) 1.8 (6.2)
Ref. Pump kW(A) 0.2 (1.1) 0.3(1.4)
Electric Purge Pump kW(A) 0.4 (1.4)
Control Panel kW(A) 0.2 (0.5)
Total Power kW 2.3 2.7
Total Ampere A 8.4 9.5
Length (L) mm 2,095 2,600 2,658 3,678 3,728
Size Width (W) mm 1,112 1,112 1,250
Height (H) mm 2,091 2,473 2,705
Rigging ton 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.7 3.6 3.7 4.6 4.8 5.5 5.8
Operation ton 2.3 2.5 2.9 3.1 4.1 4.2 5.2 5.5 6.4 6.8
Clearance, Tube Removal mm 1,900 2,400 3,400
General conditions
1. Available max. working pressure of chilled water/cooling water/hot water : 1.0MPa.
2. Fouling factor 0.000044 m²℃/W for Absorber and Condenser, 0.000018 m²℃/W for Evaporator and Generator.
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Chilled Flow rate m3/h 127 145 163 181 206 227 254 284 318
water P. Drop mH2O 9.9 9.7 10.2 10.2 9.2 9.7 4.4 5.9 5.6
Connection mm 125 150 200
Temp. ℃ 31 / 36.5
Cooling Flow rate m3/h 256 293 330 366 415 458 513 574 641
water P. Drop mH2O 7.1 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.1 6.1 8.2 6.6
Connection mm 200 250 300
Temp. ℃ 95 / 80
Flow rate ton/h 51.2 58.5 65.8 73.1 82.9 91.4 102 115 128
Hot Pressure Shell mH2O 4.1 4.1 3.9 4.1 3.9 4.0 2.7 3.6 3.5
water Drop Control
mH2O 4.6 2.4 3.0 3.7 4.8 2.2 2.8 3.5 4.4
General conditions
1. Available max. working pressure of chilled water/cooling water/hot water : 1.0MPa.
2. Fouling factor 0.000044 m²℃/W for Absorber and Condenser, 0.000018 m²℃/W for Evaporator and Generator.
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Chilled Flow rate m3/h 351 381 454 496 544 590 635 680 786
water P. Drop mH2O 7.4 9.2 7.1 9.1 6.9 8.6 5.2 6.4 9.5
Connection mm 200 250 300
Temp. ℃ 31 / 36.5
Cooling Flow rate m3/h 708 769 916 1001 1099 1191 1282 1374 1588
water P. Drop mH2O 8.6 10.8 8.7 11.0 8.3 10.3 7.1 8.7 10.4
Connection mm 300 350 400
Temp. ℃ 95 / 80
Flow rate ton/h 141 154 183 200 219 238 256 274 317
Hot Pressure Shell mH2O 4.5 5.7 1.8 2.3 3.7 4.7 3.6 4.4 2.5
water Drop Control
mH2O 2.4 2.8 4.0 4.7 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.6
General conditions
1. Available max. working pressure of chilled water/cooling water/hot water : 1.0MPa.
2. Fouling factor 0.000044 m²℃/W for Absorber and Condenser, 0.000018 m²℃/W for Evaporator and Generator.
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HWAR-LHH Unit : mm
L30HH L40HH L50HH L60HH L75HH L90HH L110HH L135HH L155HH L180HH L210HH L240HH L270HH L300HH
L340HH L375HH L420HH L470HH L525HH L580HH L630HH L750HH L820HH L900HH L975HH L1050HH L1125HH L1300HH
B 4,872 5,414 5,912 6,012 6,537 7,037 6,639 7,139 6,749 7,249 6,966 7,466 8,466
D 4,600 5,200 5,700 6,200 6,700 6,200 6,700 6,200 6,700 6,300 6,800 7,800
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unit : mm
Model A B C D
L30HH&L40HH 1,441
L50HH&L60HH 1,941
125 80
L75HH&L90HH 1,941
L110HH&l135HH 2,961
L155HH&L180HH 2,936
L210HH&L240HH 3,956
L270HH&L300HH 940 3,906
L340HH&L375HH 3,906
L420HH 1,110 4,448
L470HH 4,946
L525HH 4,896
L580HH 1,240 250 5,421
L630HH 5,921
L750HH 5,371
L820HH 5,871
L900HH 5,371
L975HH 300 5,871
L1050HH 5,371
L1125HH 2,290 5,871
L1300HH 6,871
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part of the machine to increase efficiency by piping for cooling and lubrication shall not be
pre-heating weak solution on the tube side acceptable. Pump/motor assemblies shall be
with strong solution on the shell side. The designed for a minimum of 5 years (or 20,000
plate heat exchanger is made SUS316L to hours) normal operation between inspections.
prevent corrosion. Plate heat exchanger is
built-up by a plate package of corrugated D. Purge System
channel plates surrounded by front and rear An automatic purge system shall be furnished
cover plate packages. The heat plate makes to provide a continuous purging action
channel passing two kinds of fluid. The whenever the chiller is in operation to assure
corrugated shape formed on heat plate long machine life and efficient performance.
makes fluid turbulence and supports plates Non-condensable gas shall be removed from
against pressure difference between two the absorber by a liquid eductor , which shall
fluids. use flow from solution pump to create a suction.
Non-condensable gas shall be stored external
4) Absorber heat exchanger. to the unit and shall be prevented from diffusing
Absorber heat exchanger is newly added in back into the machine when the unit is not
LHH series absorber, so efficiency of LHH operating. Evacuation of the external storage
series is much greater than the previous tank shall be accomplished by the use of a unit-
series. mounted vacuum pump. The vacuum pump
shall be factory mounted on the chiller and
5) Tray and dripper system. wired to the control panel by the chiller
Tray and dripper system for the evaporator, manufacturer.
absorber, and generator shall be of a non-
clogging design, specifically designed for the E. Controls:
intended duty, and shall be fabricated of a 1) General
corrosion-proof material to ensure continuous, The Hot water absorption chiller contains a
high-efficiency operation. microprocessor-based control panel that
Evaporator and absorber of World energy monitors and controls all operations of the
LHH series has double tray and dripper machine. The microprocessor controls
system, chiller capacity is greatly increased system matches the cooling capacity of the
By this system. machine to the cooling load while providing
state of machine protection. The system
6) Material. controls cooling capacity within the set point
Heat exchanger material and minimum wall plus the deadband by sensing the leaving
thickness shall be contingent on the type of chilled water and regulating the hot water
corrosion inhibitor used in the machine. For control valve via a mechanically linked
lithium molybdate systems, the following tube actuator motor.
specifications shall apply to ensure long The control system controls the operation of
machine life and continuous operation: the machine by monitoring all operating
conditions. The microprocessor control
Evaporator…….. copper, Notched floral panel can diagnose a problem and let the
Absorber…….… copper, Floral operator know what the problem is and what
Condenser…..… copper, prime (bare) to check. It promptly positions the hot water
Generator……… copper, Notched floral control valve to maintain leaving chilled
water temperature. It can interface with
* Special tube material like Cupronickel, auxiliary equipment such as pumps and
Titanium can be used as an option, if cooling tower fans. It continually checks all
required. safeties to prevent any unsafe operating
C. Pump/Motors:
Refrigerant and solution pump/motors shall be 2) Safety Control
self-contained, leakproof, hermetic type, with The Control panel monitors all safety
isolation valves, and internal seal water system control inputs and if required shuts down
to minimize air leakage into the machine. the chiller or stops solution pump to protect
Lubrication and cooling shall be accomplished the chiller from possible damage from any
by the fluid being pumped; auxiliary water of the critical conditions. The controller
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Microprocessor-based Unit Controller is factory mounted, Solution Pump Motor Overload/High Temperature Alarm
wired and tested to ensure a protection of the Machine Low Refrigerant Temperature Alarm
and efficient capacity control. The program logic Low Chilled Water Temperature Alarm
Low Cooling Water Temperature Alarm
provides proper Start/Stop of the Machine and also
Low Chilled Water Flow Alarm
enables a communication interface with others.
Component Test and Diagnostic Check Hot Water High Temperature
Touch Screen Interface for Status Display, Set-point Control, Generator Solution High Temperature
and System Configuration High Concentration
Primary and Secondary Status Messages
Individual Start/Stop Schedules for Local Mode Temperature Sensor Faults
Recall of Up to 999 Alarm and Alert Messages with Leaving Chilled Water Temperature
Diagnostic Help Cooling Water Temperature Entering Absorber
Extensive Diagnostic and Service Capabilities Refrigerant Condensate Temperature from Condenser
Advanced Crystallization Protection Refrigerant Evaporating Temperature
Strong Solution Temperature Leaving Generator
Safety Cutouts Entering Hot Water Temperature
Solution Pump Motor Overload/High Temperature
Refrigerant Pump Motor Overload/High Temperature Capacity Control
Low Chilled Water Temperature Cutout Leaving Chilled Water Control
Low Refrigerant Temperature Cutout Running Travel Limit (Control Valve Opening Limit)
Low Cooling Temperature Cutout
Low Chilled Water Flow Cutout Indications
Low Cooling Water Flow Cutout (Option) Chiller Operating Status Message
Generator High Temperature Cutout Absorption Cycle State Points
Hot Water High Temperature Cutout Dilution Cycle
Protective Limits Alarm
Strong Solution Leaving High Temperature Generator Alarm Safety Shutdown Message
Hot Water High Temperature Alarm Run Hours
Refrigerant Pump Overload/High Temperature Alarm Control Valve Position
7” color
SIEMENS Controller Touch Screen Display Control Panel
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Start-up Sequence
Start No
Start Chilled
Water Pump
Start Water
Verify Timer
Start Cooling
Water Pump
Start Water
Verify Timer
Start Tower
Refr. Pump No
Timer elapsed
#1 SolutionPump
Solution Pump
Refrigerant Pump
Start202 sec
Start min Start
Refrigerant Pump
Solution Pump #2 Solution
Delay Timer Pump
Machine Running
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Stop Sequence
Start 10min
Refrigerant pump
delay timer
Refrigerant pump
Start 15min
#1 Solution pump
Stop Cooling Delay Timer
Water Pump
Stop Cooling
Tower Fan
#1 Solution Pump
Start 2min
#2 Solution pump
Delay Timer
Start 3min
Chilled Water pump
Stop Delay Timer
#2 Solution Pump
Stop Chilled
Water pump
<Operation Graph>
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Electric Data
400V - 3P- 50Hz
Pump motor size (kW) RLA (A) LRA (A)
HWAR-L30HH ~ HWAR-L60HH 1.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 4.0 1.4 1.1 1.4 12.0 4.2 3.3 4.2
HWAR-L75HH ~ HWAR-L135HH 1.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 4.0 1.4 1.1 1.4 12.0 4.2 3.3 4.2
HWAR-L155HH ~ HWAR-L180HH 1.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 4.8 1.4 1.4 1.4 16.8 4.2 4.2 4.2
HWAR-L210HH ~ HWAR-L240HH 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 4.8 1.4 1.4 1.4 16.8 2.8 4.2 4.2
HWAR-L270HH ~ HWAR-L300HH 2.0 0.4 0.3 0.4 6.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 26.0 2.8 4.2 4.2
HWAR-L340HH ~ HWAR-L375HH 2.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 6.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 26.0 3.0 4.2 4.2
HWAR-L420HH ~ HWAR-L470HH 2.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 7.0 1.5 1.4 1.4 21.0 3.0 4.2 4.2
HWAR-L525HH ~ HWAR-L630HH 3.0 1.5 0.4 0.4 8.0 4.3 1.4 1.4 24.0 17.2 4.2 4.2
HWAR-L750HH 3.0 1.5 1.5 0.4 9.0 4.3 4.0 1.4 36.0 15.1 16.0 4.2
HWAR-L820HH 3.0 1.5 1.5 0.75 9.0 4.3 4.0 2.2 36.0 15.1 16.0 10.6
HWAR-L900HH ~ HWAR-L975HH 3.0 2.0 1.5 0.75 9.0 6.2 4.0 2.2 36.0 27.9 16.0 10.6
HWAR-L1050HH ~ HWAR-L1300HH 4.5 2.2 1.5 0.75 13.3 6.7 4.3 2.2 79.8 30.2 17.2 10.6
LEGEND : SP1 - Solution Pump1, SP2 – Solution Pump2, RP - Refrigerant Pump, VP - Vacuum Pump
RLA - Rated Load Amps, LRA - Locked Rotor Amps
Notes : RLA = Listed RLA x (listed voltage/actual voltage), LRA = Listed LRA x (listed voltage/actual voltage)
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Mixing Diverting
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1) All external equipment out of dotted line(- - -) in the cooling water line.
shall not be prepared and provided by 8) For the maintenance and the inspection of the
Absorption Machine Manufacturer. Machine, the following equipment shall be
2) For pipe connections and diameters, please installed on each chilled water and cooling
refer to the outline and specification data water inlet/outlet lines as well as stop valve.
sheet • Thermometers and pressure gauges at
3) Driving hot water must be maintained as chilled and cooling water inlet/outlet.
design temperature. • Air relief valves shall be installed on each
4) The stop valves at hot water inlet and outlet chilled and cooling water lines and at the
pipe shall be installed. highest points of each piping.
5) The locations of the chilled water pumps, • Drain valves at the lowest position between
cooling water pumps and expansion tanks shall the stop valves of chilled, cooling water and
be determined in consideration of the the Machine water box and the drain valve
hydrostatic head of pumps and the height of shall be piped to the drain ditch.
building. And the Machine shall not be subject 9) It should be better that a sufficient clearance for
to a pressure larger than the designed access to water box of the absorber,
pressure at any water headers. evaporator, condenser, and generator to
6) For cooling water quality control, it is facilitate inspection and cleaning work.
recommended to install cooling water bleed-off
device on the inlet pipe line of cooling tower
and higher than the water sump level of cooling
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