Serkan Hoca İöabt Özgün Deneme
Serkan Hoca İöabt Özgün Deneme
Serkan Hoca İöabt Özgün Deneme
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions 1-5 accordingly.
When it was first published in 1939, John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath ruffled a lot of
feathers. The Grapes of Wrath was banned (1) ----- after its publication in 1939 in Kern
County, California, where a great part of the novel is set. Conservatives read its collectivist
message as a rejection of American individualism. (2) -----, they called Steinbeck a
communist. Business owners and landowners railed against the novel's promotion of
labor unionization, fearful of the effect it would have on the workers under their employ.
The official reason (3) ----- was the coarse language it contained, and the “nudity” scene
at the end of the book. Parents and teachers, therefore, (4) ----- the novel for its foul
language, sexual content, and violence. For folks sensitive to the political, religious, and
social implications of literature, there's a lot not to like about this novel. The book is
frequently banned in schools across the United States, and in 1986, in Graves County,
Kentucky, an adult was arrested (5) ----- possession of a copy.
A) slightly
B) steadily
C) rightly
D) immediately
E) sharply
A) Contrarily
B) On the other hand
C) For instance
D) Nor
E) Furthermore
A) given
B) to give
C) giving
D) to have been given
E) gave
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
A) derided
B) remarked
C) infringed
D) terminated
E) deluded
A) of
B) on
C) for
D) with
E) in
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions 6-8 accordingly.
Teachers of middle grades students need to be knowledgeable of the varied
developmental characteristics of young adolescents so that they can design instruction
and classroom management strategies that address these ongoing changes, and support
and capitalize on these characteristics. Using findings from the brain research, one
strategy teachers can use to hold the attention of young adolescents is to design lessons
that include a full range of sensory motor experiences, including music, smell, touch, and
emotion. Engaging the senses and emotions will increase student attention span and
heighten memory. Another strategy is to build lessons using inquiry or problem-based
learning in which students are encouraged to ask questions that interest them after the
lesson is framed in terms of essential questions or problems to resolve. Using essential
questions to frame the unit, incorporating the senses and emotions to focus the learning,
and then facilitating students in finding multiple ways to solve problems can focus
adolescent learning while building complex neuron connections within the brain. Another
strategy to strengthen connections in the brain is to ask students to write reflectively
every day. This gives time for students to consolidate learning and seek meaning between
various activities. Students should also be encouraged to use peer collaboration and
cooperative learning at this age to take advantage of the great range of academic and
social maturities while developing group problem solving skills. Allowing for student
choice and making lessons relevant to the interests of young adolescents will engage
students in learning while addressing their need to show independence.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
6. Which of the following statements is not one of the strategies that can be used to
design classes according to middle aged learners?
A) Including full wide range of sensory motor experiences.
B) Using inquiry or problem-based learning tasks.
C) Making learners write effectively every day.
D) Using peer collaboration and cooperative learning.
E) Making learners use effective self-evaluation tools.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions 9-11 accordingly.
Neoclassical literature was written between 1660 and 1798. This time period is broken
down into three parts: The Restoration period, the Augustan period, and the Age of
Johnson. Writers of the Neoclassical period tried to imitate the style of the Romans and
Greeks. Thus, the combination of the terms 'neo,' which means 'new,' and 'classical,' as in
the day of the Roman and Greek classics. This was also the era of The Enlightenment,
which emphasized logic and reason. It was preceded by The Renaissance and followed by
the Romantic era. In fact, the Neoclassical period ended in 1798 when Wordsworth
published the Romantic 'Lyrical Ballads'. Understanding the Neoclassical era helps us
better understand its literature. This was a time of comfortableness in England. People
would meet at coffee houses to chat about politics, among other topics, and sometimes
drink a new, warm beverage made of chocolate! It was also the beginning of the British
tradition of drinking afternoon tea. And it was the starting point of the middle class, and
because of that, more people were literate. People were very interested in appearances,
but not necessarily in being genuine. Men and women commonly wore wigs, and being
clever and witty was in vogue. Having good manners and doing the right thing,
particularly in public, was essential. It was a time, too, of British political upheaval as eight
monarchs took the throne. Neoclassical literature is characterized by order, accuracy, and
structure. In direct opposition to Renaissance attitudes, where man was seen as basically
good, the Neoclassical writers portrayed man as inherently flawed. They emphasized
restraint, self-control, and common sense. This was a time when conservatism flourished
in both politics and literature.
A) Neoclassical literature focused more on the style of the Romans and Greeks as they
thought more beautiful works of literature cannot be written.
B) Age of Johnson was believed to be the most effective era in terms of literature.
C) Neoclassical literature favored conservative ideas in contrast to Renaissance literature.
D) There was a time of great instability due to political conflicts.
E) People living in Neoclassical era followed fashion closely.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
11.Which of the following statements is not stated clearly in the passage above?
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions 12-14 accordingly.
The definition of multilingualism is a subject of debate in the very same way as the
definition of language fluency. On one end of a sort of linguistic continuum, one may define
multilingualism as complete competence and mastery in another language. The speaker
would presumably have complete knowledge and control over the language so as to sound
native. On the opposite end of the spectrum would be people who know enough phrases
to get around as a tourist using the alternate language. Since 1992, Vivian Cook has argued
that most multilingual speakers fall somewhere between minimal and maximal
definitions. Cook calls these people multi-competent. In addition, there is no consistent
definition of what constitutes a distinct language. For instance, scholars often disagree
whether Scots is a language in its own right or a dialect of English. Furthermore, what is
considered a language can change, often for purely political purposes, such as when
Serbo-Crotian was created as a Standard language on the basis of the Eastern
Herzegovinian dialect to function as umbrella for numerous South slavic dialects, and
after the breakup of Yugoslavia was split into Serbian, Crotian, Bosnian and Montenegran,
or when Ukrainian was dismissed as a Russian dialect by the Russian tsars to discourage
national feelings.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions 15-17 accordingly.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions 18-20 accordingly.
One of the most common and widely used categorizations of the various types of learning
styles is Neil D. Fleming’s VARK model (sometimes VAK) which expanded upon earlier
Neuro-linguistic programming (VARK) models: visual learners; auditory learners;
reading-writing preference learners; kinesthetic learners or tactile learners. Fleming
claimed that visual learners have a preference for seeing (think in pictures; visual aids
that represent ideas using methods other than words, such as graphs, charts, diagrams,
symbols, etc.). Tactile/kinesthetic learners prefer to learn via experience—moving,
touching, and doing (active exploration of the world; science projects; experiments, etc.).
Its use in instruction allows teachers to prepare classes that address each of these areas.
Students can also use the model to identify their preferred learning style and, it is claimed,
maximize their learning by focusing on the mode that benefits them the most.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
21. Predicative adjectives follow verbs, and they are found generally at the end of
sentence. But they may also be used as attributive adjectives as long as the structure allow.
For example, “The girl is beautiful” may be used as “The beautiful girl”. However, there
are also other cases in which predicative adjectives cannot be used as attributive
adjectives and referred as “Predicative only” adjectives.
In which of the following is there a predicative only adjective?
A) I consider the problem difficult.
B) The man on the corner looks handsome.
C) The baby fell asleep while having his breakfast.
D) The question seems really challenging.
E) He is one of the brilliant men of the kingdom.
22. In which of the following is the verb does not express opinion?
A) I never considered John as a clever boy.
B) The jury found the man guilty.
C) She accounts her brother successful.
D) The judge believes that the accused a murderer.
E) The Archbishop crowned the prince a king.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
24. Peaky Blinders is an epic following of a gangster family of Irish Traveller of Romani
origin set in Birmingham, England, in 1919, several months after the end of the First
World War in November 1918. This story centers on the Peaky Blinders gang and their
ambitious and highly cunning boss Tommy Shelby (Murphy).
Which of the following word categories is not seen in the given paragraph?
A) adverb
B) preposition
C) attributive adjective
D) demonstrative pronoun
E) determiner
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
27. Assimilation is the term that refers to the process of interaction of two sounds,
which results in partial change in the articulation features of a phoneme. While
Progressive assimilation can be observed when a sound influences a subsequent sound
as in dog-s /z, Regressive assimilation refers to the assimilation occurring when a sound
influences one which precedes it as in football. T becomes /p/.
Which of the following exemplifies both types of assimilation?
A) The boys like their own car.
B) Postman hasn’t arrived yet.
C) We would like to buy ten bikes.
D) She wants to talk to you, Sir.
E) What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
I saw an ad of a motel by the sea which looks for someone to paper the two-
layered walls.
Which of the following sentences does not have a structural ambiguity?
A) The daughter of our manager and colleague came to visit us.
B) Flying planes can be dangerous.
C) The black cars and bikes should be placed to that corner please.
D) Our Brazilian Arts teacher is a smart guy.
E) Have you seen the funny man?
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
30. While the words canary, cormorant, dove, duck, flamingo, parrot, pelican and robin
are all equally co-hyponyms of the superordinate bird, they are not all considered to be
equally good examples of the category “bird.” According to some researchers, the most
characteristic instance of the category “bird” is robin. The idea of “the characteristic
instance” of a category is known as the ____________.
Based on the given information, which of the following term has been defined
A) Superordinate
B) Prototype
C) Stereotype
D) Synonyms
E) Homophone
31. When a linguistic item is used differently in two different geographical region it is
shown by an imaginary line. When the number of these lines forma bundle like dividing
the area is called as a/an ______________.
A) pidgin
B) creole
C) idiolect
D) dialect boundary
E) isogloss
When some says “I used to regret marrying him, but I don’t regret marrying him now.” the
presupposition ( I married him) remains unchanged.
How is this situation called in pragmatics?
A) Entailment
B) Face Saving Act
C) Constancy Under Negation
D) Indirect Speech Act
E) Inference
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
If I’m not mistaken this is the machine the properties of which Tom described.
Which of the following discourse markers are exemplified in the given sentence?
A) Subordinators
B) Ellipses
C) Hedges
D) Back-channels
E) Anaphoric references
34. A garden-path sentence is a grammatically correct sentence that starts in such a way
that a reader's most likely interpretation will be incorrect; the reader is lured into a parse
that turns out to be a dead end or yields a clearly unintended meaning.
According to the information above which of the following sentences cannot be an
example of garden-path sentence?
A) The boy explained the absolute truth.
B) The old man the boat.
C) The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families.
D) The horse raced past the barn fell.
E) The girl told the story cried.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
35. Prof.Gürkan believes that specific aspects of language ability can be accorded specific
locations in the brain. According to this, the brain activity involved in hearing a word,
understanding it, then saying it, would follow a definite pattern. The word is heard and
comprehended via Wernicke’s area. This signal is then transferred via the arcuate
fasciculus to Broca’s area where preparations are made to generate a spoken version of
the word. A signal is then sent to part of the motor cortex to physically articulate the word.
Which of the following neurolinguistic views on the relation between brain and
language is described in the given paragraph?
A) Holistic approach
B) Dyslexia
C) Aphasia
D) Lateralism
E) Localisation
36. To make fiction out of the observation of social behavior is sometimes regarded as
less worthy than to produce novels that excavate the human mind. And yet the social
gestures, however superficial they appear to be, are indices of a collective soul and merit
the close attention of the novelist and reader alike. The works of Jane Austen concern
themselves almost exclusively with the social surface of a fairly narrow world, and yet she
has never been accused of a lack of profundity. A society in which behavior is codified,
language restricted to impersonal formulas, and the expression of feeling muted, is the
province of the this type, and such fiction may be produced as readily in the 20th century
as in the era of Fanny Burney or Jane Austen. Such novels as Evelyn Waugh’s Handful of
Dust (1934) depend on the exact notation of this type of a closed society, and personal
tragedies are a mere temporary disturbance of collective order.
Which type of novel is exemplified above?
A) Epistolary Novel
B) Picaresque Novel
C) Bildungsroman
D) Novel of manners
E) Realistic Novel
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
37. This type of characters play an important role, often the lead roles in stories. They are
complex, dimensional, and well-developed. The stories are about them; They often change
by going through a life-changing experience as the story unfolds.
Which of the following is character type is mentioned above?
A) Stock
B) Round
C) Antagonist
D) Foil
E) Flat
38.Which of the following authors is correctly matched with the literary periods?
A) Geoffrey Chaucer - Old English Period
B) Samuel Beckett - Naturalism
C) Christopher Marlowe – Victorian Era
D) William Blake - Modernism
E) Mark Twain - Realism
39. The novel tells the story of the French Doctor Manette, his 18-year-long imprisonment
in the Bastille in Paris and his release to live in London with his daughter Lucie, whom he
had never met. The story is set against the conditions that led up to the French Revolution
and the Reign of Terror.
Choose the correct option.
A) A Tale of Two Cities -Charles Dickens
B) Treasure Island- Robert L. Stevenson
C) Tess of D’ubbervilles-Thomas Hardy
D) The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde
E) Heart of the Darkness- Joseph Conrad
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
40. Certain major novelists of the 19th century, particularly in France, reacted against
romanticism by eliminating from their work those “softer” qualities—tenderness,
idealism, chivalric passion, and the like—which seemed to them to hide the stark features
of life in a dreamlike haze. Instead, these novelists preferred to portray everything as it is.
In Gustave Flaubert’s works there are such romantic properties—his
novel Salammbô (1862), for instance, is a sumptuous representation of a remote pagan
past—but they are there only to be punctured with irony.
Which of the following literary movement is mentioned above?
A) Naturalism
B) Realism
C) Symbolism
D) Imagism
E) Transcendentalism
41. A ----- is a literary device that is also known as a “play on words.” It involves words
with similar or identical sounds but with different meanings. Their play on words also
relies on a word or phrase having more than one meaning. They are generally intended to
be humorous, but they often have a serious purpose as well in literary works.
For example, the if you were to attend a lecture about managing finances entitled
“Common Cents,”. The play on words is between “cents,” as in coins, and “sense,” as in
awareness. This is also effective as a play on words of the phrase “common sense,” which
is appropriate to the subject of managing finances.
Which of the literary devices is mentioned above?
A) Flash-forward
B) Flashback
C) Paradox
D) Satire
E) Pun
42. Which of the following is wrong in terms of using literary texts in EFL settings?
A) It develops students’ interpretative abilities.
B) It is an ideal resource for integrating the four skills.
C) It raises cross-cultural awareness.
D) It decreases self-enrichment.
E) It encourages students to talk about their opinions and feelings.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
Which of the following options would be appropriate literary forms to use in his
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
45. An EFL student was asked to explain what he gets from the following excerpt from a
literary text, but he was confused and could noy say much.
“The pen is mightier than the sword.”
Which of the following might be the reason why student could not interpret the
A) Lack of cohesive devices
B) Use of metonymy language
C) Non-figurative language
D) Similes and metalanguage
E) Allusions and metalanguage
It is a natural method which teaches language the same way the mother tongue
is acquired. Only the target language is used and the learning is contextualized.
Its emphasis is on speech made and it is more attractive for those who have
needs of real communication in the target language.
It was one of the first methods to introduce the teaching of vocabulary through
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
The theory behind this method is that learning a language means acquiring habits. There
is much practice of dialogues of every situation. New language is first heard and
extensively drilled before being seen in its written form.
Which foreign language methodology is mentioned above?
A) The Direct Method
B) The Audio-Lingual Method
C) The Community Language Learning
D) The Task-based Language Teaching
E) Suggestopedia
I. Authority
II. Infantilization
III. Structured Feedback
IV. Double-Planedness
V. Reflection
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
Ms.Özlem was giving one of his speaking classes. She asked her students to form groups
of five and do the following activity. “Imagine that you survive in a plane crash, there is
nothing left from the plane no tools, no food. What would you do in such a situation?”
51. Ms.Gülem teaches her students a few key words that appear in a reading passage. For
each target word, he follows the steps below:
Pay attention to how the word is pronounced.
Supply the word class of the target words adj., verb, pronoun etc.
Use various techniques to convey the interpretations of the word.
Provide information on the roots or historical background of the word.
Which of the following types of knowledge does Ms.Gülem not share while teaching the
target words?
A) Etymological information
B) Collocational knowledge
C) Phonetic information
D) Grammatical category
E) Semantic knowledge
52. Ms.Rukiye teaches vocabulary to young learners at a secondary school. She believes
vocabulary is the key to know a language better. Thus, she teaches vocabulary not in
isolation and she gives additional materials to lead her students learn subconsciously
through texts.
According to the information above, which of the following principles is adopted by
Ms.Rukiye to teach vocabulary more effectively?
A) High frequency words should be taught.
B) More real life like vocabulary should be taught in a meaning- focused and
contextualized way.
C) Connections with vocabulary in previous materials should be made via diverse
type of activities.
D) Practicing newly learnt vocabulary is crucial.
E) Contextualization of new vocabulary via extensive materials especially for
incidental learning.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
53. Which of the following may not be false about teaching grammar through
A) For learners with high level of proficiency, the teacher should choose texts
written specifically for language authentic purposes rather than teaching ones.
B) By using a text from a graded reader, the teacher can get learners to be familiar
with the way language is used in real-life contexts.
C) The teacher can show that a most grammatical usage may have identical uses in
similar contexts.
D) The teacher has the opportunity to have learners focus on local aspects of usage
rather than global ones.
E) The teacher can show that the meaning of a sentence in a text may rely on the
sentences in isolation.
54. Mr.Kemal, a teacher trainer now, is sharing his experiences with his fellows in a
seminar on Grammar Teaching in EFL settings.
“In my novice years, used to write the rules on the board and then give much exercise to
my students to consolidate and practice the structural patterns of the language. Drilling
worked, their awareness raised. They could recognize the structures but they were unable
to use them by themselves whatever I did to fix the problem did not work. Then I changed
my strategy and gave them extensive contexts in which they can figure out the structures
by themselves and asked them to give me the rules and produce meaningful utterances. It
worked much better compared to former experience. So guys, your students are smart
just make them discover and reveal their potentials.”
According to information above, which grammar presentation technique is
employed and favored by Mr.Kemal recently.
A) Deductive presentation
B) Situational grammar teaching
C) Inductive presentation
D) Memorisation
E) Teaching grammar through authentic texts
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
Students read a text about future jobs, and in the post-reading stage, the teacher asks
students to talk about their own dream jobs.
Which of the following may not be one of the aims of the teacher in this phase?
A) To help students make the information on their own.
B) To prepare students for the theme in the reading
C) To get students to consolidate the target vocabulary
D) To encourage students to develop speaking skills
E) To check whether students have comprehended the topic
It is a reading method wherein learners are supposed to read the short text
carefully and deeply so as to gain maximum understanding.
For understanding the literal meaning of the text.
Reading material is decided and recommended by the teachers.
There should be much language work after the students read the materials.
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Starting from the smallest linguistic unit like phonemes to the largest one like
complete speech or dialogue.
Sounds, words, grammatical relationship, stress and intonation, pronouns, time
reference, positive-negative statements.
It can be applied while practicing minimal pairs, taking pronunciation tests,
listening for specific details, recognizing cognates and word order pattern.
A) Extensive Listening
B) Reciprocal Listening
C) Bottom-Up Processing
D) Evaluative Listening
E) Top-Down Processing
60. Which of the following may not be a suggestion for foreign language teacher
while teaching speaking?
A) Provide maximum opportunity to students to practice speaking.
B) Try to involve each student in every speaking activity as much as possible.
C) Reduce teacher speaking time in class so as to give more time to students.
D) Correct students' pronunciation mistakes if it breaks communication.
E) Involve speaking activities only in class time.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
"The day I picked my dog up from the pound was one of the happiest days of both of our
lives. I had gone to the pound just a week earlier with the idea that I would just "look" at
a puppy. Of course, you can no more just look at those squiggling little faces so filled with
hope and joy than you can stop the sun from setting in the morning. I knew within minutes
of walking in the door that I would get a puppy… but it wasn't until I saw him that I knew
I had found my puppy."
Mr. Gürkan gives the above text to his students as a sample to observe and work on
for later essay writings. Which of the following essay types best suits the teacher's
model text?
A) Descriptive
B) Argumentative
C) Process
D) Cause-effect
E) Compare and Contrast
62. Which of the following may not be one of the problems with writing tasks in
A) They are mainly accuracy-based.
B) They are designed to practice a certain target structures.
C) There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage.
D) There is no sense of audience.
E) Students are invited to invent their own ideas to express rather than being given.
63. Which of the following statement is not true for teachers while designing
A) We should teach easier things first and then increase the level of difficulty.
B) We should include items which are more frequent in the language than ones that
are only used occasionally by native speakers.
C) The words and structures which have greater scope for use than others should be
D) The expense while gathering the materials for the syllabus design is of crucial
E) The context of what students are linguistically able to talk about should be used.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
64. Which of the following statement is not true for the syllabus types?
A) The primary purpose of a content-based syllabus is to teach subject matter of the
content course or information using the target language. The benefit of a content-
based syllabus is that students feel satisfied with the purpose of learning the
target language, namely acquiring information.
B) The disadvantage of the task-based syllabus is that students often learn to
perform tasks and language learning is less emphasized.
C) The content of a skill-based syllabus is a collection of specific skills in using the
target language. Examples of skills in using the target language may include
reading for the main idea, writing good paragraphs, and listening for the main
D) The content of a situational (topical) syllabus is a collection of imaginary
situations where the language is used.
E) Grammar / Structural Syllabus: The content of a functional syllabus is a collection
of notions/ functions that are performed when the language is used.
It is based on intuitions, and experience of using materials.
It refers to going over the course-book or the materials for a short time and
decide whether it is suitable for the groups of students.
It can be biased by misconceptions about what desirable materials should look
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C) fairy tales
D) poems
E) fables
Scores are interpreted in relation to a mean, media and percentile rank.
The purpose is to place test-takers along a mathematical continuum in rank order.
Scores are reported back to the test-taker in form of numerical scores.
They are administered to large audiences.
The responses are already predetermined.
68. Ms.Sevcan and Ms.Bahar are two scorers in an achievement test. In order to
triangulate the results of the tests they score the same test but sometimes there
are inconsistent scores given for similar answers.
Which of the following might be affected by the situation above?
A) Inter-rater reliability
B) Intra-rater reliability
C) Student-Related Reliability
D) Test Administration Reliability
E) Test Reliability
69. Which of the following is not a technique for teachers dealing with young
A) Moving from known to new, from concrete to abstract.
B) Focusing on things, actions, events which children can see.
C) Revising vocabulary or language needed for activities.
D) Anticipating children to do the activities with no model.
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71. Ms.Elisa believes that caretaker talk is very fruitful to keep her young learners’
affective filter down.
According to the information above which of the following may not be one of the
ways she can adopt while teaching young learners?
A) speak English in class most of the time.
B) keep children’s attention by asking them questions.
C) react positively to what children say even if words are not complete or
perfectly pronounced.
D) repeat phrases said earlier to make them more memorable.
E) treat every error not to cause any communication breakdown.
Dr.Serkan GÜRKAN(All Rights Reserved)
72. Ms. Setenay noticed that one of her students learned that a verb might be used in the
past with simple past –ed an used the word “cut” as “cutted” without noticing that the
word is irregular.'
The child's use of cut as regular verb in this way is a case of
A) overgeneralization
B) practice
C) imitation
D) caregiver speech
E) overextension
• Between 2 and 3 years old, the child begins producing a large number of
utterances which could be classified as multiple-word utterances.
• Word-form variations begin to appear.
• The child has clearly developed some sentence-building capacity by this stage
and can order the forms correctly.
• By the age of two and a half, the child’s vocabulary is expanding rapidly and the
child is initiating more talk.
• By three, the vocabulary has grown to hundreds of words and pronunciation has
become closer to the form of the adult language.
Which of the following stages of first language development do the principles above
A) One-word Stage
B) Telegraphic Speech
C) Two-word Stage
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D) Babbling
E) Holophrastic Stage