Revelation 13
Revelation 13
Revelation 13
“And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and
blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two
months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme
his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.” Revelation
13:5, 6.
1260 YEARS!
‘Power was given him’; during the 1260 years, this wicked power was
allowed to do pretty much do what it wanted to. Satan can never say to God
and the universe that his religion would have worked, but God didn’t give
him a chance to prove it. No, indeed, for 1260 years that religion ruled, and
the effects on the world and on people and nations are written in history
and in the books of heaven with letters of blood!
Then we are told that ALL on earth shall worship him, whose names are
NOT written in the Book of Life. This is very solemn; unless you have
really given your whole heart to Jesus and serve Him only, you WILL end
up worshipping the Beast! There is no other choice, and it is now that we
better decide for the right; the time will come later we will no longer have
the choice.
‘Captivity and sword’; Here is a warning from God; too bad the haughty
popes did not spend much time reading the Bible, they could have been
warned what would happen to them if they kept doing their wicked and
cruel deeds.
‘He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the
sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of
the saints.’
It is also giving us more clues; for centuries, Rome threw the people of God
into prisons, she sent armies with swords to kill them and drove them into
hidden places of the earth; then in 1798, armies were sent against her, and
a military power threw the pope into prison. In the upheavals during the
French Revolution, the Roman priests and leaders were slaughtered by the
people, just as formerly the church had slaughtered God’s children.
The people of God
did read the Bible,
during those 1260
years of cruel
persecution; many
were encouraged by
God’s promise that
the persecuting
power would have
an end. This did give
them patience and
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two
horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” Revelation 13:11-13
Here comes another Beast! But this time it comes out of the ‘earth’. Now if
the ‘seas’ mean areas where there are lots of people, ‘earth’ would mean
where there was not many people. Did a new power arise near the close
of the 1260 years, around 1798, in areas where there was not many
Yes, it certainly did! And where these other beasts arose in the ‘winds’,
that is with war and strife, this power just quietly arose and grew into
power in the late 1700s. It is the United States of America.
‘It had two horns, like a lamb’; These horns were the secret of his power
and glory and represent the principles of civil and religious liberty.
“Republicanism and Protestantism” are also an equivalent expression. It
means that the power of church and state are separate powers; the
church is not able to use the state to enforce her decrees and the state is
not allowed to interfere with the free exercise of conscientious worship. It
is like a lamb, this means it is gentle, not harmful and cruel like the other
Strangely enough, it is these very same two horns, civil and religious
freedom, that keep the wounded head on the leopard-like beast from
healing, and it still isn't healed to this day, not completely. How do they do
this? Well, the concept that every man has a right to freedom, and to be
able to exercise his religious beliefs freely without hassle, was a very new
idea in the world in the late 1700s; but it is just taken for granted now,
because it has spread throughout the world, and this belief in the rightful
freedom of man, prevents the Roman beast from starting to slaughter
heretics again as it would like to.
Instead it has to pretend to go along with the freedom idea, and it yells the
loudest about freedom when its own 'rights' are interfered with. But it really
hates this idea that people should be free to serve God or not serve Him
as they see fit. During the Dark Ages, people accepted the idea that popes
and kings had the 'Divine Right' to force people to do whatever they
wanted to! No one ever thought to question this; but now because of the
two horns of the American Lamb-like Beast, the world sees things
In order to come back into the despotic power she had before in the
middle ages, the Roman power has to play a very different game of
‘Like a DRAGON”; but something happens, this helpful, gentle beast with
its amazing two horns, begins to ‘speak like a dragon’! To ‘speak’ means
to pass laws, this means this power will eventually pass laws ‘like a
Dragon Power’.
“And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and
causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first
beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:12
Did you know that the power that
the Dragon represented, besides
Satan, was Pagan Rome, and
that power, under Constantine,
passed the world’s first
What a lot of funny ideas people have about this ‘mark’ on the hand or
forehead. It is no mystery; the MARK of Rome’s authority is Sunday-
keeping enforced by law. This is the mark of the beast. People get it in
their hand when they agree to obey the power, not because they believe
in it, but just so they can buy and sell and not be persecuted. They get it in
their forehead when they really believe in it, because of all the miracles
Satan is doing to fool them. It isn’t a visible mark.
‘And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name.’
Notice the three groups, those who have the ‘mark’; that means those
who keep Sunday; the protestants; those who have the ‘name of the
beast’; the Roman Catholics; and those who have the ‘number of the
beast’s name; 666’, this represents the pagan religions and the new age
movement, all of which have the number 666 somewhere in their
ceremonies or worship. All three unite to persecute the true Sabbath
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number
of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six
hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:16.
Then here we see the number 666; many people get mixed up and
think that 666 is the ‘mark’ of the beast but it isn’t, it is another clue.
I’ll show you how it works:
In Latin, Roman language, letters are also used for numbers, so a persons
name can often have a number by adding up what the letter/numbers mean.
A documented Roman Catholic source states, "The letters inscribed in the
Pope's miter are these 'VICARIUS FILII DEI', which is the Latin for 'VICAR
OF THE SON OF GOD.' Catholics hold that the church, which is a visible
society, must have a visible head...., as head of the church, was given the
title, 'VICAR OF CHRIST'." Our Sunday Visitor, (Catholic Weekly) "Bureau
of information," Huntington, Ind., April 18, 1915.
When you take the letters that are also numbers in this name
and add them up it comes to 666.
V.... 5, I... 1, C.... 100, A... 0, R... 0, I.... 1, U.....5, S .... 0 = 112
F.... 0, I... 1, L... 50, I... 1, I.... 1 = 53
D.... 500, E.... 0, I..... 1=501
112 + 53 + 501= 666
A ‘vicar’ is someone who take another’s place; vicar of God,
means he takes God’s place. In Greek the word ‘ANTE’ or
ANTI means ‘to take the place of’. So ‘Antichrist’ is not
someone who is against Christ, or a non-Christian power, it
really means someone who claims to ‘take the place of’
Christ; or to stand in His place. That is exactly what the
Roman power claims to do!