Revelation 17

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The Whore &

the Beast
"And there came one of the
seven angels which had the
seven vials, and talked with me,
saying unto me, Come hither; I
will shew unto thee the judgment
of the great whore that sitteth
upon many waters: With whom
the kings of the earth have
committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have
been made drunk with the wine
of her fornication. So he carried
me away in the spirit into the
wilderness: and I saw a woman
sit upon a scarlet coloured
beast, full of names of
blasphemy, having seven heads
and ten horns."
Revelation 17:1-3
In chapter 17, John is shown
something by one of the angels
that had the plagues. The scene
is in the wilderness. This brings
our minds to the 1260 years the
Roman church ruled the world
and the persecuted people of
God were forced into obscurity.
Now as we see this persecuting
power drunken with the blood of
martyrs. She has already
committed fornication with the
kings of the earth and the
people of earth have been
deceived and made drunk by
the wine of her false teachings.
So this indicates the time very
accurately at the end of the
1260 year period of Papal Rule
in the Dark Ages. The timing is
important to rightly interpret the
message this chapter has for us
What does he see? A woman,
which represents a church, and
she is riding on a savage beast,
which represents the world
governments and powers used by
Satan to persecute God's people.
She is called a whore, which is a
woman that goes out with other
men, not her husband, for money.
The True Church is a pure
woman, and she is the bride of
Christ. But this woman, who
claims to belong to Jesus, has
relations with all these kings and
governments and she does it for
money and power. That is why
she is called the Great Whore.
“And the woman was arrayed in purple and
scarlet colour, and decked with gold and
precious stones and pearls, having a
golden cup in her hand full of
abominations…And upon her forehead
was a name written, MYSTERY,
THE EARTH. And I saw the woman
drunken with the blood of the saints, and
with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, and
when I saw her, I wondered with great
admiration.” Revelation 17:4-6
What a clear description of the Roman
church! See her colors: purple and scarlet;
look at her riches and jewels and she has
a golden cup in her hand full of false
doctrines which make people spiritually
drunk when they believe them.
She is a mother church:
this is exactly what the
Roman power claims to
be. The Protestant
churches are her
daughters. And she is
indeed drunken with the
blood of saints and
martyrs for Jesus, as she
has persecuted and killed
them by the millions!
Jesus never wants His
church to use the power of
earthly governments and
courts to make others
obey her wishes.
This also tell us that this scene takes place just
at the end of the 1260 years when she
persecuted God's true people as she is seen
drunken with their blood. As John sees this
scene, he is amazed at the sight!
“And the angel said unto me,
Wherefore didst thou marvel? I
will tell thee the mystery of the
woman, and of the beast that
carrieth her, which hath the
seven heads and ten horns.”
Revelation 17:7

Now the angel proceeds to give

to John a detailed explanation
of the strange scene he is
looking at. This explanation is
very important to us as these
things are happening in our
world, right now before our very
Revelation 17:8 “The beast that thou
sawest was, and is not; and shall
ascend out of the bottomless pit, and
go into perdition: and they that dwell
on the earth shall wonder, whose
names were not written in the book
of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast
that was, and is not, and yet is.”

Notice the words, this beast 'was', it

was ruling during the 1260 years; but
now, at the time the vision is showing
to John, it is towards the end of the
1260 years. He is told it 'is not'. But
he is told it will come back; it will
ascend out of the bottomless pit!
Now we have heard the expression 'bottomless pit' before
in the prophecies; and what it means is the depths of
wickedness and sin of this world. Every time this
expression is mentioned in prophecy it shows us that here
is some New Demonstration of Satan's power; some
different form of wickedness than he has used before.
We saw the ‘smoke out of the bottomless pit' which was a
dark religion which arose in the deserts; we saw a ‘beast from
the bottomless pit’ arise to kill the two witnesses in the French
Revolution, which was a form of atheism not before known in
Europe; and now we see that this beast, when it comes again
will arise from the bottomless pit. As wicked and cruel as it
was before in the 1260 years, it will be worse and a slightly
different form when it comes again.
“And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven
mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” Revelation 17:9.
It is interesting to note that Rome is often referred to as the city on seven
hills or mountains. But also another meaning can be seen here as in
prophecy a 'mountain' refers to a church or religious power and seven,
means complete or total. So this power sits on, or influences and tries to
control all religious organizations.
“And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not
yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.”
Revelation 17:10 .
These heads, and the seven kings are the same. They represent all the
powers Satan has used to fight against God and His truth and His faithful
people throughout the world history.
5: PAPAL ROME This being the head that was wounded or 'killed to
death' in 1798.
6: 'ONE IS' This is the Lamb-like Beast or USA; with its two horns of civil and
religious liberty. How do we know this for sure? Because Revelation 13:12
tells us it exercises all the power of the leopard-like Beast before it, so we
know the two horned USA beast/head follows the Leopard-like Papal
beast/head. In this prophecy the Papal head is just about to be 'killed to
death‘. It is so close to this time that prophecy states it is already fallen.
In Daniel 8:1, Daniel is
given a vision during
the reign of Belshazzar,
the last king of Babylon.
The vision he is given
sets forth the kingdoms
of Bible prophecy
except that Babylon is
not included. Daniel's
vision leaves out
Babylon as a kingdom
of Bible prophecy even
though Babylon was
still ruling the earth and
Belshazzar was still on
the throne; but it was
about to fall.
It was fallen, though it still reigned!
This is the condition of the papacy in
the 25 years before 1798. Yes it still
had not received the deadly wound,
but prophetically it had fallen.
7: 'ONE IS NOT YET COME' this, as
we will see, is what we are now
hearing about; the 'New World
Order'. This is actually the U.N.
activated and backed up by the
might of the USA, and using as its
'moral authority' the:
“And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the
seven, and goeth into perdition.” Revelation 17:11
We also see that when the Roman power's deadly wound is healed and it
can once again persecute heretics, it was one of the seven and now it
comes again, it shall go into perdition; in other words it will continue until the
end of all things and be destroyed by the brightness of Jesus coming.
“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received
no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the
beast.” Revelation 17:12, 13
It is most interesting that in the plans which the UN has drawn up for
the ‘New World Order’, they have the world divided up into exactly ten
parts. The leaders designated for these ten regions will agree to let this
Beast power rule, as this is the way they can best get the people under
control, by using religious power.
“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them:
for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are
called, and chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 17:14
This is what Armageddon is all about; making 'war with the Lamb'.
How can an earthly power make war with the Lamb? By persecuting His
true followers on earth. Jesus has said that what anyone does to His
children is the same as if they did it to Him.
We see here that God knows all about what these powers are planning to
do and He told His people all about it, long centuries before any of it
happened. So we can know that He is in charge and if we stay obedient to
Jesus, we will be kept safe!”
“And he saith unto me, The
waters which thou sawest,
where the whore sitteth, are
peoples, and multitudes, and
nations, and tongues. And
the ten horns which thou
sawest upon the beast,
these shall hate the whore,
and shall make her desolate
and naked, and shall eat her
flesh, and burn her with fire.
For God hath put in their
hearts to fulfil his will, and to
agree, and give their
kingdom unto the beast, until
the words of God shall be
Revelation 17:15-17
Isn’t this interesting? These ‘horns’ agree to let the whore/beast power
rule, but inside they really hate her and can’t wait until they can destroy
her and rule by themselves. But it is really no mystery; people who don’t
have Jesus in their hearts have no choice but to act like Satan, and he
just wants to destroy and rule everybody and everything.
Notice that the ten horns here
mentioned are NOT the same ten
horns on the terrible beast of Daniel 7;
those were the divided up Roman
Empire and represented the nations of
Europe, three of them were plucked
up. These horns are the same as the
ten toes on the image in Daniel 2.
These horns 'have no kingdom yet’ but
will rule with the Papal beast under the
say-so of the two horned beast
speaking like a dragon.
In other words, we see here again
another three fold union and it is the
same as the Beast, the False
Prophet and the Dragon: the
Papacy, Apostate-Americanized
Protestantism, Spiritualism
represented by the United Nations.
Babylon the Great is made up of
these three parts joined together by
agreement for the one purpose of
destroying God's people and truth
from off the earth and each intending
to eliminate the other two as soon as
“And the woman which thou
sawest is that great city, which
reigneth over the kings of the
earth.” Revelation 17:18
Here is another clear clue as to
what power this is; there is only
one ‘city’ that claims to reign
over the kings of the earth and
that is the Roman Vatican! Also
a 'woman' in prophecy is a
church or religious power. No
other church claims the right to
reign over the kings of earth.
So just what is the destiny of
this three-fold Babylon the

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