Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Main: Complementary:
2.1.4 Explain and justify the point of view of classmates
1.1.3 Recognise independently attitudes or opinions in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Listen to five short extracts and choose 5 qualities each speaker admires in the people described.
Decide which out of 8 qualities that pupils find admirable.
English Download
Teacher’s Book, p13-14
Ask pupils to look at Activity 1. First let pupils work alone and then discuss their answers in pairs.
When ready, ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
Put pupils in pairs, give each pair two phrases from Activity 1 and ask them to put them in sentences.
PRE-LESSON When ready, ask pupils to share their sentences with the class.
If you come across the wrong phrase usage, encourage pupils to self- and peer-correct.
(Student’s book p12 Activity 1)
Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do.
Ask a strong student to explain the meaning of admire, admirable and qualities in his/her own words.
Ask students to read the qualities and explain anything they don't understand.
Students work individually to complete the task then check answers in pairs before checking as a class.
(Student’s book p12 Activity 2)
DEVELOPMENT Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they will hear
five speakers and that they must choose from a list what quality each speaker admires in the people they are
describing. Point out that there are seven statements in all, but they only have to choose five.
Remind students to pay attention to the speakers' words and not to be led astray by the words they hear.
Play the recording and ask students to mark their answers. Then ask students to discuss their answers with a partner
and to justify any answers that are different.
Play the recording again if necessary, and check answers as a class. (Student’s book p12 Activity 3)
Have a class discussion.
Ask pupils which of the listed qualities they find most admirable and why? Are there any other qualities they think
are admirable which are not listed? What qualities do they admire most in their friends? If they could be given any
one quality, what would it be?
By amount of teacher’s support:
Low-proficiency pupils
- pupils complete the tasks(s) with teacher’s guidance
N High-proficiency pupils
- pupils complete the tasks(s) on their own
TEACHER’S _____ out of ______ pupils achieved the learning objectives.
REFLECTION _____ pupils were given remedial treatment.