2 Alpha Strike

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Date and time: 1st Nov at 7:30pm

Location: 70 Northumberland Drive

List submission deadline: 7pm, 30th October. Lists submitted after this time cannot be used. If players choose to
share a list prior to the deadline cutoff, the last shared list at the time of cutoff must be played.

Player names: Ben v Josh v Tom

Game Type: Override

Players to bring: For Override games, printed cards, with forced withdrawal points marked. For AS games, printed
cards with scale conversion to 1:1 complete and forced withdrawal points marked

Narrative: No narrative applies.

Mission: 6 Quadrant secure

Mission description: The battlefield is divided into 6 equal grid zones. One grid zone at a time, will be capable via
tonnage for 3 consecutive turns. After the 3 turns, the next grid zone will go hot via random activation and the
previous grid zone will go cold. The same grid square may be activated several times or consecutively throughout the

Terrain setup style: Mixed.

Deployment: All players will move onto the board on turn 1 via their respective 16’’ deployment opening.

Objectives to win: The player with the most grid captures will win the mission. The first grid will go hot at the start of
turn 2. A draw results in no players winning and all players returning home in tears.

Round robin benefits: The player that wins the mission may allocate to 1 Round Robin character that was deployed
on this mission and survived with the following SPA: Melee Master

Turn length: 10

Planet: Xeno world

Forced withdraw: No

Alternate munitions: No

Special events: None

Weather conditions: None

Year date: Jihad 3068-3080

Force composition rules:

Do my units need to be era specific (Therefor available to at least any faction for the specific era) on MUL? Yes

Do my units need to be my faction specific on MUL? No

Maximum number of units per player: 5

Point Value / Battle value maximum limit: 5000 BV

Skill values: Gunnery and Piloting skills must be within the 2-5 range

Battlefield intel (Warning, may differ from reality):


TMM Dice:

White = walking. Yellow = sprinting. Red = jumping. Black 6 = standing still.

Colour cube markers:

Red = Piloting check. Purple = Stealth Armor turned on. Blue = ECM turned on (Not powering stealth) Yellow = C3
network capable. Green = Immobilised or shutdown. White = Forced withdraw.

Hulks and destroyed units:

Because we leave destroyed miniatures in play and cover them in smoke for cosmetic purposes, these can interfere
with game mechanics. Hulks and smoke associated, does not in any way impede movement or line of sight. If a hulk
or hulk smoke will interfere with gameplay, the hulk may be removed from the board or ignored.

Partial cover:

Friendly or enemy units do not block line of sight. Partial cover works both ways. If one player deems cover exists,
both units will gain the +1 modifier.

forest edges are marked by the tips/edges of the individual tree hex base outline. With advanced AS:CE rules
detailing +1 modifier per inch of forest up to a maximum line of sight of 3’’. Forests are played as level 2 for line-of-
sight purposes.

Terrain & Buildings:

Painted rocks are scatter terrain and maybe moved through or on, if a unit doesn’t sit on it, just move the painted
rocks. However large painted rocks should be treated as impassible terrain. Buildings are played with only the
ground floor and roof top taken into consideration as levels. Units may move between the two, however it takes a
full turn movement to do so.


Even though Override is in the 1:1 scale. All templates for area of effect weapons, including ECM etc, will be based
on the 2:1 scale.

Probes, scanning & sensors:

All sensors / probes require line of sight to function. In override piloting skill is used, in Alpha Strike skill is used. The
modifiers are Short = +1, Medium = +2, Long = +3, Extreme = +4. Vehicle sensors = 4” Mech sensors = 8” LPRB = 12”
PRB = 16” BH = 24”. ECM/AECM bubbles will intefere with sensors/probes as long as the signal enters the bubble.

Forced Withdrawal:

Alpha Strike: When half a units structure rounded up remains, the unit is placed in forced withdrawal. When in
forced withdrawel, in each end phase, including the end phase in which the unit enters forced withdraw, a 2D6 roll is
made to check if the unit “Rallies”. The target number is 8+. If the unit rallies the unit may act as normal the
following turn. If the unit fails to rally, the unit must move at sprinting speed towards their board edge and may not
fire weapons or take place in mission objectives that turn.

Override: When half a units Torso structure rounded up remains, the unit is placed in forced withdrawal. When in
forced withdrawel, in each end phase, including the end phase in which the unit enters forced withdraw, a 2D6 roll is
made to check if the unit “Rallies”. The target number is 8+. If the unit rallies the unit may act as normal the
following turn. If the unit fails to rally, the unit must move at sprinting speed towards their board edge and may not
fire weapons or take place in mission objectives that turn.

Hull down movement:

Is not permitted

Going prone:

Is permitted, however the action takes the entire movement profile of the mech to achieve.

Battlefield Intelligence:

In Override and Alpha Strike games, units with the following Alpha Strike special abilities gain a commulative
battlefield intel score. This score should be recalculated each end phase. The player with the highest score will gain a
+1 to their respective initiative roll. It is the player whos intent is to use these abilities to track them and apply them
during gameplay.

Each point of the MHQ ability = +1

Ground unit with the RCN ability = +2

Aerospace unit on the ground map = +1

Aerospace unit on the ground map with the RCN ability = +2

Ejection / Abbandoning: Only Round Robin charactors or crews who have earned an SPA, may utilize these rules.
The modifers for a succesful eject in AS or override is 8+. The pilot / crew’s miniture shall be placed on the table
random 1 D6x2 scatter and has 1 structure for AS and Override. These units move 1/2 inch for a TMM of 0 and may
not partake In any mission objectives or capping, however, they may act as a spotter or dig in. Aerospace pilots may
only eject in the atmosphere and do not get placed on the gameboard. In AS ejected units receive a damage rating of
0*/0/0/0. In Override 1 damage at short range.

Alternate munitions: Only the following alternate munitions shall be permitted for use and must be declared prior
to game commencement or units will be counted as deployed with only standard ammunition. Units may deploy
with one 1 type of alternate munition, but will always have the option to utilise normal ammunition as well.


- SRM: Inferno, Smoke

- LRM: Semi guided, Smoke
- AC: All as listed in Override core rules reference

Alpha Strike:

- SRM: Inferno, Smoke, Heat seeker, Magnetic pulse, Tandom charge

- LRM: Semi guided, Smoke, Swarm
- AC: All as listed in Alpha Strike : Commanders Edition

Unit specifics:

Fielding units of the same type:

- Duplicated units can only be feilded as a maximum of 2 per game without the gamemasters prior approval
- If a player intends to deploy an aerospace asset, or an artillery unit. The commander must notify other
players of their intent to do so during the list build phase.

Use of aerospace units:

- Aerospace units may be fielded in Alpha Strike games but not in Override games. Advanced aerospace units
will be determined in the mission file if permitted to be fielded
- A maximum of 1 aerospace unit per player maybe fielded unless the scenario dictates otherwise

Use of artillary units:

- Artillary units are valid in both Override and Alpha Strike games. Differences from the rules as written are
the following: When tartgeting an enemy unit via a POI, the centre base of the target must be the POI. A
missed artillary shot will scatter using a scatter dice and a 2D6 distance rule.
- A maximum of 1 artillary capable unit per player maybe fielded unless the scenario dictates otherwise
- At ranges greater than 30’’, a +6 range modifier applies

Use of coolant trucks:

- Coolant trucks may attempt to ‘hook up’ to a heat tracking unit by being in base contact during the end
phase. In order to successfully connect, a PSR equal to the coolant trucks Piloting ability must be made. From
the following turns heat phase, the connected unit shall receive -1 heat. When the two units move outside
base contact, or jumping movement is used, it is counted as a disconnection and a new hookup must be
- The coolant trucks CT/IT ability is sacrificed to fill that space with coolant fluid
Use of Special Pilot Abilities (SPA) gained from mission victories:

- During the list building process, commanders must approach each other and request to field a character who
has earned an SPA if they intend to deploy one. It is expected, but not required, that the opposing
commander shall then in turn field a character within thier own force who has an SPA. The type of SPA
intended to be fielded should not be discussed. As a final conclusion, if either commander wishes the
opposition to not field their character with an SPA, that character cannot be fielded.
- Only one character with an SPA maybe fielded for each side in each battle
- If that character is killed in battle, the SPA is lost

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