Clash in The Pacific

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C L A S H I N T H E P A C I F I C!

Three missions mini-campaign, loosely based on historical events during Battle of Midway in 1942.

First Mission is Reconnaissance. If successful, attack will be easier.
Second Mission is Sink the Carrier, with advantageous position for the winner of the first mission, who is now attacking.
Third Mission is Hit’em Back, when winner of the first mission now defends their carrier.


6 to 12; If odd number, one of the players can fly two planes at once.


1x Aichi E13A „Jake“
6x Aichi D3A „Val“
6x Nakajima B5N „Kate“
6x Mitsubishi A6M„Zero“ and/or variations
Airplanes will be distributed to the players according to the Mission rules.


1x Consolidated PBY Catalina
4x Douglas SBD Dauntless
4x Douglas TBD Devastator
6x F4F Wildcat
Airplanes will be distributed to the players according to the Mission rules.

Each team chooses The Captain. He decides about shot down aircraft’s resurrection, resolves disputes with opposing Captain and
does all other duties according to the Mission rules.
Altitude. Restricted reversals. Collision. Resurrection. Leaving the Field. Explosion. Critical Damage. Multiple Damage. Flames. Illegal
There will be 4 levels of altitude. Fighter airplanes climb rate is 2, other airplanes have climb rate of 4.
Altitude rules: Use 4 altitude chits, marked Climb (1), Mini-dive (1), No Altitude Change (2).
Use in the same way as speed markers, but with different consequences, according to further instructions.
Restrictions: Use with two-speed-band Turn cards (NOT with Side slips). In addition, use with Streight card (Mini-dive only). Do not
use with steep maneuver or reversal.
Effect: Climb chit and Mini-dive chit turn planned card into altitude card (steep maneuver). All restrictions for planning altitude cards
remain active, as per Rulebook.
Climb chit gives 1 climb marker and automatically changes speed to Low. Use white speed band.
Mini-dive chit loses 1 climb marker and automatically changes speed to High. Use blue speed band.
No Altitude Change chit keeps the altitude unchanged. Use speed band according to speed marker revealed.
Alternativelly: use normal altitude cards instead of chits. Climb Card replaces Climb chit, Dive Card replaces Mini-dive chit. No need
for No Change chits. Plan altitude cards together with non-resticted maneuvers - put "regular" card on top of altitude card - and
apply effects as explained above after revealing maneuver.
No shooting after 2nd and 3rd cards of reversal sequence. During sustained reversals (second or subsequent), no shooting after card
preceding the Immelman card itself, as it's last card of preceding reversal also. In addition, when shot at during playing the
Imellmann Card itself, take extra A damage.
COLLISION (if “same altitude and peg” situation)
Base over base - nothing.
Base over peg - Collision Deck.
Both pegs overlapped – COLLISION! Each airplane takes card. Damage suffered this way is inflicted to the airplane (including all
special damage).
Pilot waits for thee cards before they can ressurect. Resurrected airplane returns at the spot chosen by enemy Captain, but not more
than 3 rulers from any airplane’s opposition, including CSF tokens (identified or not). Facing is chosen by the pilot. Pilot then plans
two cards, the same as he would start the game.
Clouds: Clouds limit visibility for targets located on the opposite sides if the LOS passes through cloud. Targets that are touching the
cloud with any part its base are concealed. Firing at concealed target is possible only at short range. See also: CSF identification
(Clouds) below.
Airplane immediately takes 1 damage (as per illegal maneuver). If survived, it’s pilot, after seeing damage, must decide
immediately does he return to the field or not. If he decides to return, airplane is considered temporarily out of the field.
If he decides not to return, airplane is considered out of the field for good.
Temporarily out of the field airplane returns to the field during next move’s planning phase (all special damage remaining). Place is
chosen by enemy Captain (not more than 3 rulers from any airplane’s opposition, including ground targets) and facing is chosen by
the returned pilot. Pilot then plans two cards, the same as he was starting the game.
If airplane is out of the field in disadvantage (shot at and/or tailed during previous maneuver), airplane is not allowed to return and
is considered chased of the field.
Back to Base (After Identification only): After Identification was made, any planes of that side may leave the field at Safe Edge
yielding no VP to enemy.

Player immediately takes 2 extra chits from pile which provoked explosion. Damage suffered this way is inflicted to the airplane
(including all special damage).

Combination of Explosion & Engine or Explosion & Pilot (drawn any time, simultaneously or not) kills the airplane.

Explosions: 2 Explosions drawn at any time, simultaneously or not, shoot the plane down.
Engines: 2 Engines drawn at any time, simultaneously or not, shoot the plane down.
Pilots: 2 Pilots drawn at any time, simultaneously or not, shoot the plane down.

FLAME (special damage)

Special damage applies to the airplane in question, fully.
Flame is not automatically extinguished when airplane is out of the field for good or goes back to base or game ends before all fire
tokens are exchanged for damage chits. Airplane has to suffer any fire damage left (and may get killed during process). However, it’s
allowed to plan overdive – to try to extinguish fire.

Player takes 1 card. Damage suffered this way is inflicted to the airplane (including all special damage).
M I S S I O N I: R E C O N N A I S S A N C E
You are in command of small reconnaissance patrol, consisting of a flight of fighters (CAP) and a reconnaissance planes. Search the
area and locate enemy carrier strike force (CSF).


Table size: Ideally, 1800mm by 1200mm (6' by 4')

Gaming duration: Game lasts for 90 minutes after set-up. If time elapses before end of the move, the game is finished only when
that move is finished.

Aircraft: Each side will have following aircraft at their disposal, depending on number of players, as follows:
6 players – 2 fighters, 1 recon plane OR 1 fighters 2 recon planes
8 players – 3 fighters 1 recon plane OR 2 fighters, 2 recon planes
10 players – 4 fighters 1 recon plane OR 3 fighters, 2 recon planes
12 players – 4 fighters 2 recon planes OR 3 fighters 3, 3 recon planes OR 2 fighters, 4 recon planes
Captain decides which option will use.
Clouds: each side will have 2 clouds (altitude 2)
Carrier Strike Force (CSF) tokens: Tokens marked CSF and of blank tokens (representing possible locations of the CSF), depending on
number of players, as follows:
6 players – 1 CSF token and 2 blank tokens per side;
8-10 players – 1 CSF token and 3 blank tokens per side;
12 players – 1 CSF token and 4 blank tokens per side.


1. Japanese Captain chooses short table edge as Japanese table edge. It’s considered Safe Edge for Japanese airplanes.
2. USA Captain takes the opposite one as USA edge. It’s considered Safe Edge for Japanese airplanes.
3. Each Captain (starting with USA, and then taking turns) puts clouds anywhere on the table.
4. Each Captain (starting with Japanese, and then taking turns) place their tokens face down and marks it’s site with appropriate
number, starting with 1,, no less than one ruler distance from their table edge.
5. Each Captain (starting with Japanese, and then taking turns) deploys their aircraft along their short table edge.


Advanced Rules. Tailing. Aiming. Disrupting. Firing from Above. Blind Spot for Two-seaters. Fly by Instinct IS NOT used.


Reconing is split into 2 phases: Checking Target (one card) and Messaging (two cards after Checking target). Only after both phases
are finished, token is Identified.
Checking Token: During Checking Token, airplane can’t shoot. Crew is busy trying to find out what ships are below. In addition,
airplane must fly slow (white speed band) with no steep maneuvers or reversals allowed.
CSF token Checked (recon airplanes): Recon airplane Checks the Token by flying next to it on a short range; if any crew member is
wounded airplane identifies the Target only by flying over it.
CSF token Checked (fighters): Fighter airplane Checks the Token by flying over it; if pilot wounded, after flying over the target take A
damage chit: if numbered, Checking Token was successful. If “0” or “Boom” are drawn, Checking Token is unsuccessful. Drawn
damage has no other effect. Return chit to its bag.
CSF token Checked (Clouds): Recon airplane Checks the Token by flying over it; after flying over the Token, take A damage chit: if
numbered, Checking Token was successful. If “0” or “Boom” are drawn, Checking Token is unsuccessful. Drawn damage has no other
effect. Return chit to its bag. Fighters or Wounded crew can’t identify target under clouds.

Messaging: Target is considered positively identified only after airplane sent message to the base. Airplane neither can’t: shoot two
cards (if gunner is also radio-operator), nor can play steep maneuvers and reversals (if pilot is also radio operator), as radio operator
sends the message to the base.
Interrupted Messaging: If any interruption (steep maneuver, shooting etc. as explained above) was made during Messaging,
Messaging sequence is Interrupted and must start again.
Airplane shot down while sending message: If airplane was shot down after Messaging sequence (including immediately after third
card, no Identification was made. In addition, if airplane gets shot down before Identification, enemy may change position of all
remaining Unidentified Tokens, but may not change place of token Sites.


When the Token finally was identified, flip the marker over. The first player to correctly Identify the location of enemy carrier strike
force will have advantage in the next mission. 


- Enemy airplane killed/chased off: 3pts; Out of the field for good: 2pts.
- Enemy airplane resurrected: 1 pt.
- Enemy CGF Identified: 12 pts.
Exception: Any airplane temporarily out of field yields no VP to the enemy.


Full VICTORY: 12+ pts of difference.
Clear VICTORY: 8 – 11;
Minor VICTORY: 4 - 7;
DRAW: 0 - 3 pts of difference.


Aerial victory or Successful mission (shared or full) – as per tournament rules.
Aerial victory is awarded for killing or chasing enemy off the table.
Successful mission is awarded for Identification of enemy CSF token (including blank). However, it’s not awarded after the turn true
CSF Token is Identified in.

Full victory: 3 TP to each player at the winning side; 0 TP for losing side.
Clear victory: 2 TP to each player at the winning side; 0 TP for losing side.
Minor victory: 2 TP to each player at the winning side; 1 TP to each player at the losing side.
Draw: 1 TP to each player of both sides.

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