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STD 9 Periodic Test 2 – Time Table and Portion 2023-24 NOVEMBER 2023

Dear Students and Parents of STD 9,

The second periodic test is scheduled from December 18/12/2023 to December 22/12/2023.
Detailed time table and portion is given below for your reference.
Please note portion will be cumulative and include some topics from periodic 1 portion too.

Periodic Test 2 (60 Marks) – Time Table : STD 9

Day Date Subject

Monday 18 Dec Science

Tuesday 19 Dec Marathi/ Sanskrit/ Hindi

Wednesday 20 Dec Math

Thursday 21 Dec English

Friday 22 Dec Social Studies

Portion for the Periodic Test 2 – STD 9

L1 Number System, L2 Polynomials, L3 Cordinate Geometry, L4 Linear Equations in

MATH Two Variables, L5 Introduction to Euclid's Geometry, L6 Lines and Angles, L7 Triangles,
L8 Quadrilaterals, L9 Circles, L10 Heron's Formula

Ch 1- Matter in our surroundings, Ch 2-Is matter around us pure, Ch 5-The

SCIENCE fundamental unit of life, Ch 6-Tissues, Ch 8-Motion, Ch 9-Force and laws of motion,
Ch 10-Gravitation,

History - 1. French revolution, 2. Socialism in Europe and Russian Revolution

Geography - 1. India - Size and Location, 2. Physical features of India, 3. Drainage,
4. Climate, 6. Population
SOCIAL Map work for Geog: *locating and Labeling* - chapter 1 India size and location,
SCIENCE Chapter 2 Physical features of India, Chapter 3 Drainage , Chapter 6 Population,
*Identification* - Chapter 4 Climate.
D.P - 1. What is Democracy, Why Democracy,
Economics - 1. Story of village Palampur, 2. People As a Resource, 3. Poverty

Beehive - The sound of music, The little girl, A truly beautiful mind, My childhood
Poem - Wind, Rain on the roof, The lake Isle of Innisfree, A legend of the Northland
ENGLISH Supplementary reader - The lost child, Iswaran the storyteller, In the kingdom of fools,
The Happy Prince. Grammar - Integrated Grammar
Creative writing - Diary entry, Descriptive paragraph of a person
अ यास म:- १. अप ठतम ्
२. रचना मकं कायम ् - १) प लेखनम ् २) च वणनम ्/अनु छे दलेखनम ् ३) संवादपू त: ४) कथापू त:
३. याकरणम ् – वरस धयः - (द घः, गण
ु ः, व ृ ः, यण ्), अया दसि धः, य जनसि धः- म ् थाने
अनु वारः, कारक वभ तय:, उपपद वभ तय:, श द पा ण, धातु पा ण -पर मैप दन: आ मनेप दन:
च (लकारा: -ल , ल ग,ल ृ , लो ), स या: -१ त: १०० पय तम ् , ययौ - वा, यप ्
४. पाठा:- थम: पाठ: - अ ववेक: परमापदां पदम ्। वतीय: पाठ: - पाथेयम ्। (केवलं १ तः ८ लोकाः)
ृ ीय: पाठ: - वजयतां वदे श: । चतथ
ु : पाठ: - व यया भाि त स गण
ु ा:। ष ठ: पाठ: - तत ् वम ्
अ स। स तम: पाठ: - तरवे नमोऽ तु।

क वता - संतकृपा झाल , यायामाचे मह व, उजाड उघडे माळरानह

पाठ - बेटा मी ऐकतो आहे, जी आय पी रे वे, द या या शोधा मागचे द य, लोकनृ य, सखू आजी,
MARATHI आभाळात या पाऊलवाटा, थूलवाचन - हे नस
याकरण - श दां या जाती, अ यये, समास, वा याचे कार, काळ.
रचना मक लेखन - प लेखन, कथालेखन, अप ठत उतारा ग य व प य

पाठ - तम
ु कब जाओगे, अ त थ (ग य), पाठ - दोहे (प य), पाठ - गीत-अगीत (प य),
पाठ – म ृ त (परू क पठन), पाठ - क लू कु हार क उनाकोट (परू क पठन)
याकरण – उपसग - यय, समास, रचना मक लेखन - अनौपचा रक प , च वणन, अनु छे द लेखन
अप ठत ग यांश तथा प यांश

Kindly note that ..

1. During examination week school will function regularly.

2. Any request related to the late drop off and early pick up during the examination week will not be
entertained by the school.
3. Students are allowed to wear a simple watch during exam period. Use of calculator, smart watch,
mobile or any other gadget is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
4. Students should not share/exchange the writing material during the exam period.
5. Duration of each paper is :
Reading time : 15 mins. Writing time : 2 hrs, 30 mins
Total Duration: 2 hrs and 45 mins.
6. Students are supposed to write answers on the answer sheets provided by the school.
7. Students are supposed to fill in all the details on the first page of the answer sheet meticulously.
8. Students can get study material for the next paper.
9. We expect and are sure that the students will maintain examination decorum while solving papers.

All The Best!!

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