Refill Fuel From Can To IBC Tank
Refill Fuel From Can To IBC Tank
Refill Fuel From Can To IBC Tank
Title & Description of Work: Refill fuel from can to IBC tank PTW No.
3 Housekeeping
FETH 4-Nov-24
NSRP Discipline Supervisor/ Planner
MDSL (After Office Hours) NSRP 4-Nov-24
NSRP Discipline Leader/
High Risk
Section Manager
What can go wrong? What can cause it to go What can be done to prevent it If it does go wrong. What
No. (Potential Negative wrong? from going wrong? can be done to minimize Action by
Consequence) (List Causes- (Preventive Actions) the negative
Condition/Action) consequences?
1. Mobilization: Prepare hand tool
2. Work Execution
2.1.1 Stay focused and minimize
2.1 2.1.1 Lack of attention or Task Supervisor
Mistakes in Pouring carelessness 2.1.2 Ensure a firm grip on the can
Stop the work and focus on work Workers
2.1.2 Improper grip on the can.
2.1.3 Rushing the process. before pouring. Task Supervisor
2.1.3 Take your time and avoid Workers
2.2.1 Pouring too quickly or at the 2.2.1 Pour slowly and maintain a
2.2 wrong angle. steady angle.
2.2.2 Leave some space in the
2.2.2 Overfilling the receiving Call JOC at 6700/ 6701 or Task Supervisor
container. receiving container to avoid overfilling. 0237838541 for recuse Workers
2 Demobilization
Permit Approver/DSL
Task Supervisor
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