Question Bank
Question Bank
Question Bank
1. cp 2. rm 3. mv 4. cat 5. wc 6. od 7. printf
11. Explain the significance of dot(.) and double dot(..) with respect to directory? Give the output of
the commands:
1. ls – ld. 2. ls -l
13. Define pathname? List and Explain types of pathnames with examples.
14. With suitable example bring out the differences between absolute and relative pathnames?
15. Explain to become superuser? How to add users to groups, how to delete users from groups, how
to create and delete users from groups.
1. Which command is used for listing of file attributes? Explain the significance of each field in the
3. What are file permissions? Explain the use of chmod to change file permissions using both
absolute and relative pathnames?
5. Current file permission of a regular file “unix” are rw—w---x. Illustrate both relative and absolute
methods required to change permission to the following:
1. – w x r w x r - x 2. r - - - - - - - x 3. – w – r – x – w - 4. – x r w – r - -
6. File current permissions are rw-r-xr--, specify chmod expression required to change for the
following using both relative and absolute methods:
1. r w x r w x r w x 2. r - - r - - - - - 3. - - - - - - - - - 4. - - - r - - r - - 5. - - - - - x – w –
7. Explain the use of chmod command to change file permission using both absolute and relative
9. Define wildcards? Explain various shell wild cards with suitable example.
10. Explain the concept of escaping and quoting with suitable example?
14. with the help of an example, explain grep command with all the options.
15. Briefly explain the basic regular expression (BRE) set with an example?
16. Briefly explain the extended regular expression (ERE) set with an example?