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Assignment -1

Subject: UNIX System Programming

1. With a neat diagram explain relationship between kernel and shell relationship in UNIX operating system.

2. Explain the following commands with example:

i) cat ii) man iii) who iv) pwd v) od

3. Differentiate between Internal and External commands in UNIX operating system with example.

4. Explain the different types of files supported in UNIX.

5. Explain with a neat diagram an architecture of UNIX operating system.

6. What is parent child relationship? With the help of neat diagram, explain UNIX file system.

7. Explain any five file related commands

8. Explain if and while control statements in shell scripts with suitable example.

9. File current permissions are rw_r_xr_ _specify chmod expression required to change for the following using
both relative and absolute methods.

i) rwxrwxrwx ii) r_ _r_ _ _ _ _iii) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iv) _ _ _r_ _r_ _ v)_ _ _ _ _ x_w_

10. With a help of an example, explain grep command with all the options.

11. What is the output for the following?

i) ls [ijk]*doc ii) [A-Z}????* iii)*.[!s][!h] iv)*[!0-9]

12. Which command is used for listing of file attributes? Explain the significance of each fields

13. Explain the chmod command to change file permissions using both absolute and relative methods.

14. Explain ls command with all its option.

15. Define wild Cards. Explain the various shell wild cards with suitable example.

Note: Submission date :26/11/2024

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