Term VIII - IPM - Entrepreneurship - 2022-26-2024 RK

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COURSE NAME: Entrepreneurship


Name Faculty Office Address Email Schedule
Rohit Kumar 312, Sidhu Kanhu Block rohit.k@iimranchi.ac.in Pre-Mid Term


Taking a linear approach to entrepreneurship, the course is designed to take the participants on a
journey from the initial question of asking themselves–as an entrepreneurship-fit-person–till they
become a successful business owner–cashing out the business. The course will give an overview of
the challenges and issues faced by entrepreneurs in the journey. Through a blend of focused
discussions, case discussions, simulations, hand-on-exercises, and listening from horse's mouth, the
participants will gather various knowledge of issues and challenges and different tools and techniques
in navigating over them.


● To understand the entrepreneurial orientation of a person.

● To define the enterprise in terms of identifying and evaluating business opportunities and
building a business model and strategy for the enterprise.
● To understand various sources of funding for financing various stages of entrepreneurship
● To understand the challenges during entrepreneurial growth phases
● To understand various ways to harvest the value generated through the establishment of the
enterprise in the market.


Course Learning Outcome Program Level Trait Assessment Tool(s)


CLO1: Students will be able to
understand the concepts like 3.1.1 Student should be able to Mid Term
Entrepreneurship and the explain the business problem
effectively Mid-Term Project
Entrepreneurial Process

CLO2: Students will be able to

understand different Stages of 3.2.1 Student should be able to
Entrepreneurial Growth and identify different approaches End Term
various challenges in the to solve business problems
different growth phases In-Class Activity

CLO3: Students will be able to 4.1.2 Student should be able to

conceptualize an idea-to- recognize opportunities for End Term Project
Enterprise entrepreneurial plan. social upliftment


Harvard Business Review Entrepreneur’s Handbook: Everything You Need to Launch and Grow
Your New Business. Harvard Business School Publishing. eBook ISBN: 9781633693692

Evaluation Components as per Detail Weightage (%)
Program Manual Rules
Mid-Term Exam 90 mins 25%
Group Activity in the Class+ 10%
Group Assignment++ 10%
Mid-term Project++
120 mins 35%
End-term Exam
Individual Activity in the Class* 10%
In-Class activity
Group Project** 10%
End-Term Project
Total 100%

*INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT DETAILS: To manage a virtual growing enterprise by taking

various decisions. The performance will be evaluated based on the revenue earned based on their
decision as an entrepreneur.
GROUP ASSIGNMENT DETAILS: To work on a task related to opportunity identification and
business model refinement.
GROUP MID-TERM PROJECT DETAILS: To work on an innovative business idea and to give
an elevator pitch on the same.

**GROUP END-TERM PROJECT DETAILS: To submit a social entrepreneurial business idea
in the form of a case: Problem, Idea, Vision and Mission, Business Model, Strategy, Financial
Model, and Future Risks.

SOFTWARE(S) USED (Yes/No) (If yes, please provide details): NO

FIELD TRIPS / WORKSHOPS PLANNED (Yes/No) (If yes, please provide details): NO

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: Please refer to the latest IPM program manual provided to you.
mention session details/case details/other reading material details which has implications to social
impact): NO


Sess Business Topic(s) & Discussion Readings Pre-Read

ion Problem Question
1 What is Topic: Introduction to Article: Article:
entrepreneursh entrepreneurship Gartner, W. B. (1990). Bhide, A. (1994).
ip? Why is it Discussion Questions: What are we talking How Entrepreneurs
important? ● Who is an about when we talk Craft Strategies
That Work, Amar
entrepreneur? about
Bhide, Harvard
● Is starting a business entrepreneurship? Journ Business Review
right for you? al of Business (Product Number:
Venturing, 5(1), 15-28. 94202-PDF-ENG)

2 What are the Topic: Entrepreneurial Textbook Ch. 1: Is Article:

common Traits Starting a Business Bill J. Bonnstetter,
entrepreneurial Discussion Questions: Right for you? “New Research:
traits? What are: The Skills That
● Ideas and drive Article: Make an
● People skills Daniel Isenberg, “Should entrepreneur”.,
● Work styles you be an entrepreneur? HBR. Org, Dec 7,
● Entrepreneurial Take This test”, 2012
background HBR.Org, Feb 12, 2010.
● What makes (Product Number:
entrepreneurs tick? H004BR-PDF-ENG)
3 What is the Topic: Entrepreneurial Article: Article:
entrepreneurial Process Van Der Veen, M., & Nassif, V. M. J.,
process? Discussion Questions: Wakkee, I. (2004). Ghobril, A. N., &
● What are the different Understanding the Silva, N. S. D.
stages in the (2010).
process. Annual Review
entrepreneurial of Progress in Understanding the
process? entrepreneurial

● Which part of the Entrepreneurial process: a dynamic
process is most Research, 2, 2002-2003. approach. BAR-
challenging? Why? Brazilian
Review, 7, 213-226.
4 What do Topic: Roles Article:
entrepreneurs Assignment, Objectives Wasserman, N. (2008).
do? What & Presentation The Founder’s
Dilemmas do Discussion Questions: Dilemmas, Noam
they face? ● What does it mean to Wasserman, Harvard
be the founder? Business Review
● How will you engage (Product Number:
with an early 814087-PDF-ENG)
● What are the investors
looking for? Why
should they invest in
your venture?

5 How to Topic: Problem Article: Textbook Ch. 2:

identify a Identification & Kim, W. C., & (Pg. 23-26)
problem to Shaping an Opportunity Mauborgne, R. (2000).
solve? Discussion Questions: Knowing a winning
business idea when you
● How to shape an
see one, Harvard
opportunity? Business Review
● What is the problem (Product Number:
you are trying to R00510-PDF-ENG)
solve for your
customers or users?

6 How to Topic: Market Textbook Ch. 2: Article:

Evaluate the Evaluation (The case of Cesar, Pg.Donald N. Sull
Market? Discussion Questions: 27-40) (2004). Disciplined
● How many people have Entrepreneurship,
Sloan Management
this problem? Article:
• What the JBTD? Jobs-to-be-Done 2.0: A (Product Number:
● What is the size of the Framework for Customer SMR156-PDF-
market? Discovery ENG)
(Product Number:

7 What is a Topic: Business Model Textbook Ch. 3: Article:

business and Its Implication to Building your business Kavadias, Stelios,
model? Entrepreneurship model & strategy et.al. “The

Discussion Questions: Transformative
● What are the different Thomas R. Eisenmann. Business Model’.
components of a (2014). Business Model Harvard Business
business model? Analysis for Review, April 2016
Entrepreneurs, Harvard
● How will you develop (Product#R1604D)
Business Review
a business model (Product Number:
canvas for your start- 812096-PDF-ENG)
up idea?

8 How to refine Topic: Refining Article:

your business Business Model John Mullins, Randy
model? Discussion Questions: Komisar. (2009). Getting
from Plan A to Plan B
● How to refine your and Beyond--Building a
CVP and Key Better Business Model,
processes? Harvard Business
(Product Number:
9 How to write a Topic: Writing a Textbook Ch. 5: Article:
Business Plan? Business Plan Writing Your Business Sahlman, W. A.
Discussion Questions: Plan (1997). How to
• What are the benefits Write Great
of the business plan? Business Plan,
• How business plans Harvard Business
are changing? Review
• Prototype business
plan format
10 How to make Topic: Making an Mid-term – Elevator Article:
an elevator elevator pitch Pitch (New business How to Make Your
pitch? Discussion Questions: Idea) Case in 30 Seconds
• Which group made or Less by Nick
the most compelling Wreden (Product #:
elevator pitch? Why? C0201E-PDF-
• What are some of the ENG)
do’s and don’t of
making an elevator
11 What kind of Topic: Leadership and Textbook Ch. 11: Video:
leadership is Startup Venture (Role Leadership for a How to Play
needed to run a Play) growing business Entrepreneurship
startup? Discussion Questions: Simulation: The

• Understanding your Entrepreneurship Startup Game
business? Simulation: The Startup (Video)
• How to pitch to Game
attract talent? Product #: WH0001-
• How to pitch to HTM-ENG
attract Investors?
12 How to hire Topic: Simulation Entrepreneurship Article:
early Gameplay Simulation: The Startup Assembling the
employees? Discussion Questions: Game Startup Team
● Experiencing the Rich Product #: WH0001- (Product #: 812122-
Vs King dilemma HTM-ENG PDF-ENG)
● How to acquire
skilled and early

13 How to raise Topic: Simulation Textbook Ch. 6: Article:

funds for your Gameplay Startup-Stage Entrepreneurship
startup Discussion Questions: Financing Reading: Attracting
venture? • Who are these Angel Talent and Building
Investors and Venture Textbook Ch. 8: Angel Ecosystems
Capitalists? Investment and
• How financing is Venture Capital Product #: 8068-
made through the
Angel Investors and
Venture Capitalists Entrepreneurship
• What is the Simulation: The Startup
implication for Equity Game
Vs Salary Product #: WH0001-
Compensation? HTM-ENG
• What are some of the
14 How to Topic: Simulation Entrepreneurship
negotiate and Debrief Simulation: The Startup
run a start-up? Discussion Questions: Game
• What did you learn in Product #: WH0001-
the startup simulation HTM-ENG
• Who performed better (Debriefing Videos)
and why?

15 How to scale- Topic: Scaling Business Textbook Ch. 10:

up your Model Sustaining
business? Discussion Questions:

● What is the right Entrepreneurial
business model? Will Growth
it scale?
Case: The Goli Vada
● What will be the
Pav — Fast Food of
unexpected glitches in India (B) 9B12M006_P.
the supply chain? Sonia Mehrotra; S
● How to sustain Ramakrishna Velamuri.
entrepreneurial Ivey Publishing

16 What are the Topic: Startup Stage Textbook Ch. 7: Article:

financing Financing Growth Phase The Questions
issues Discussion Questions: Financing Every Entrepreneur
entrepreneurs ● What are different Must Answer
face in the sources of financing Article: Product #: 96603-
growth stage during the growth Beating the Odds When PDF-ENG
of their phase of the venture You Launch a New
businesses? Venture
● What are the By: Clark G. Gilbert;
questions that every Matthew J. Eyring
entrepreneur must Product Number:
answer R1005G-PDF-ENG

17 What is Social Topic: Social Case: Gram Vikas: Article:

Entrepreneursh Entrepreneurship What is the Essence of Dees, J.G. 2001.
ip? Discussion Questions: Social Entrepreneurship? The meaning of
• Discuss the idea of (Product Number: social
social INS268-PDF-ENG) entrepreneurship.
entrepreneurship Unpublished
• Illustrate how social manuscript.
entrepreneurs can Available at:
align their strategic https://centers.fuqu
objectives with a.duke.edu/case/wp
innovative on-the- -
ground practices? content/uploads/site
• Explore how social s/7/2015/03/Article
innovations can be _Dees_MeaningofS
transferred? ocialEntrepreneursh
18 How to start a Topic: Founder’s talk To be shared by the
new venture - Discussion Questions: Guest faculty
Issues and

Challenges? ● What pitfalls to
(Guest avoid? How to avoid
Faculty) the pitfalls?
● What are the rewards
of starting a startup?

19 How to keep Topic: Founder’s talk Textbook Ch. 12 To be shared by the

the Discussion Questions: Keeping the Guest faculty
entrepreneurial ● What are some of the Entrepreneurial Spirit
spirit alive? life lessons? Alive
(Guest ● Dos and Don’ts of
Faculty) starting your own
● How to keep the
entrepreneurial spirit

20 How to create Topic: Social venture End-term project: Case

and run a Idea submitted by each group
social venture? Discussion Questions:
• Which group has the
most compelling
social venture idea?
• If you are an investor,
how much will you
• What are some of the
constrains of running
a social venture? How
can you overcome
Note: Cases, course material, contents, sequence, essential and recommended readings may be changed/modified
depending upon the instructor’s evaluation of the progress, need of the class and course.



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